##VIDEO ID:3Dw2s5adIro## e e e good evening and welcome to the Bridgewater Township planning board special meeting for Tuesday August 13 2024 adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings Act njsa 10 4-6 on August 9th 2024 proper notice was sent to The Courier News and the Star Ledger and filed with the cler at the township of Bridgewater and posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building Please be aware of the planning board policy for public hearings no new applications will be heard after 9:30 p.m. and no new testimony will be taken after 10: p.m. hearing assistance is available upon request accommodation will be made for individuals with the disability pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act or Ada provided the individual with the disability provides 48 Hours advance notice to the planning department secretary before the public meeting however if the IND idual should require special equipment or services such as a Cart transcriber 7 Days advance notice excluding weekends and holidays may be necessary would we all please rise to salute the flag flag the United States of America to the rep it stands Nation indivisible with lice Miss probes have a roll call please here here will here thank you Miss probes at this time any members of the public that wish to address the board on any land use matter other than the well there are no applications this evening please feel fre to come up forward at this time good evening Kathy Franco 766 weac Road um I came tonight because I was a little confused about the public notice being made public um I went on the website and saw that it was put there and it was there by Monday and I noticed that but when I looked at the properties of the um document that was posted the document was created on 812 at 9:55 a.m. so that's less than 48 hours from this meeting that the document that was posted was created in addition I did go to the carer news and I could not find any posting for this meeting so I just don't know whether or not appropriate notice has actually been given to the public thank you Mr chairman yes please um the public notice was handled under the 48 hour special meeting notice um it was sent to The Courier and Star Ledger um to the editors as an FYI which is the procedure for 48 hours session Sunshine La it was created the day I sent it to the newsp paper it just may not have been posted to the website U I don't know what state stamp or time stamp that has on I'm not familiar my document wasn't timestamped so it was sent to the curry news the day was created just not uploaded to the website at that time uh Yes actually I changed the agenda agenda to reflect the date that I sent it which was August 9th and I have a copy of the email that I sent to The Courier and the Star Ledger on the name okay thank you Miss probes for putting that on the record that should clarify any questions or concerns with the date and the notice there any other comments ATT correct and call 4-6 board attorney Mr clasen if you feel any clarifications required further than that I I think it's the record is clear and with the with the uh dat stamped emails that's sufficient to establish that proper notice was given thank you okay we'll be moving on this evening to item number seven that is resolutions we have two resolutions this evening as you recall uh the last time this board met uh we did approve an amended Master housing plan element and fair share plan at the regular planning board meeting that was August 6 2024 we do have a resolution here uh from town Bridgewater recommending to the township Council that block commonly known as 349 Lot 2 136 Foothill Road should be designated in area of need of Redevelopment uh I'm I'm sorry these are out of order we are discussing the amended master plan and the resolution I'm looking at here is a resolution of the planning board of the township Bridgewater to the housing plan element fair share plan of the township master plan decided on August 6 2024 and adopted this evening August 13 2024 are there any comments or questions or changes to the record with that could I have a motion to adopt this resolution that's Mr banga and that's Mr chowri I have a roll call please chairman vesio yes Mr papis yes Mr M yes Mr banga yes M tardo yes Mr Chow yes Mr Atkins yes thank you Miss bres and the second and last resolution again uh that meeting on August 6th the planning board met and decided on approving uh the um the bo the action that was taken by the board to send uh approval over to the council uh for uh regarding design designation block 349 Lot 2 that's 136 foill Road Municipal yard way site as an area in need of Redevelopment and there's a resolution uh dated August 6 2024 to be adopted here this evening August 13 2024 any comments changes for the record hearing none could have a motion to adopt resolution I'll make the motion that's Mr Atkins could I have a second please I'll second that's Mr mura and I'll take a roll call please besso yes Mr yes Mr mcor yes Mr Bango yes yes Mr chav Mr Atkins yes thank you miss probest moving along there are no other items for attention this evening however I would like to discuss the calendar in light of this evening's discussion and conversation regarding these resolutions what is on the calendar for the 820 date so can we make the notice without further notice that the meeting for the August 20th date will be canceled okay that's to be canceled without further notice any other questions or comments any general comments hearing none want to make a a comment on um just the the amount of paper uh that we continue to generate as part of our our planning board meetings and and even the zoning board uh I would like to see if it's possible from the administration um that we receive tablets um if it's within the budget and for the planning board to receive electronic copies moving forward um I think tablets have come down in price substantially doesn't have to be iPads so I would like to make that comment and see if we can have that as a discussion topic maybe not tonight but as part of the planning board thank thank you Mr Banger for that comment I I I I think it's uh it's a very um interesting comment it's something that I think should be discussed potentially between uh the planning board as well as the zoning board uh for anybody that has comments questions or concerns regarding the type of administration that's involved to type those things out uh but uh Miss prop would you have any input um regarding that um that's an initiative that we have spoken about internally um Department um we do not currently receive copies of so some of it is is easy to facilitate but some of it it's going require some a lot of backend work so it's probably discuss maybe a lot of the back the a lot of detail that has to go into planning something that the equipment as well to facilitate Mr inv Mr chairman if I can uh there there would besides Logistics there's budgetary considerations um there is um considerable uh amount of coordination U there's ordinances that would have to be amended to require applicants to submit in a certain manner so fortunately it's not as simple as is just getting the electronic devices so it's something that's been discussed um there's no funding for that for this year um and it could be something talked about for the future perhaps next year but wouldn't be something that would be quick so just being candid Mr papas would there be a an infrastructure required in order to receive electronic documents I I don't know the answer to that there probably is and um and I and I it's a a rather you know multifaceted initiative and um so it's one that we've talked about but um again just being candid it's nothing that we can talk about it in September October but unless we have a sense of what the cost would be and what the infrastructure requirements what ordinances would have to be adopted um it's something that would probably take many many months to understand the um all of the the pieces that would have to be put in place so I would think that you know if we're just trying to reduce the amount of papers like we could still have the paper copies of what we do get but the things that we put together we can have we most of the other words I've dealt with I send out the co the packet electronically and then duplicate for only those people that want you would still receive the packet the application packet but letters from the professionals those documents internal reviews all around the the other thing to consider is most of what we receive is a submission by the applicant and the township does not bear expense for those um submissions the the what we do um reproduce are reports of professionals our own professionals um there may be other documents but for the most part it's um it's the applicant submissions so I'm not I'm not minimizing the concern about paper but but um just wanted to make sure we all understood that and just to follow up on that that's where Mr papis was mentioning about the logistics and the or potential ordinance change right now our checklist for submissions doesn't include that they would have to submit them electronically so if we went over to of this process it would have to be a full shift where we'd have to require them rather than require them to produce 12 or 15 or 24 sets whatever it is in the checklist of the copies for the board and for everybody for the professionals we're going to have to amend that by ordinance that checklist by ordinance to basically say there has to be an electronic submission it has to be in this format and it has to be by this date so it's not something even though it seems like it's something that can happen like immediately it's something we have to do procedurally you know to make the applicants also follow that so um I don't think it's impossible I think even if there wasn't the the iPads or things like that we've been having discussions about making sure that we go to that anyway so we have a backup of all the documents electronically and an organized fashion anyway so there's possibilities here right no and I appreciate the the candidness Mr papus um you know I'd be happy to to work on kind of what what does that plan actually look like if if we you need to do some costing and and what are the ordinance changes if we haven't done that research already we have not so I'm happy to some of my time thank you thank you very much thank you Mr BR thank you mrman okay we did have our open public meeting session however I do acknowledge there is a a member of public here in the room are there any comments or questions hearing none could I have a motion to adjourn this meeting that's Mr chowri would you like to make that motion okay Mr Atkins is that a second second all in favor I thank you very much Mr clus I promised you a record I think 18 minutes might be the record I'm not sure your micr