yes just waiting to make sure we're broadcasting I got to wait a minute we're good all right good evening in compliance with the open public meetings Act of state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting was provided on December 21st 2023 by sending written notice and electronic notice to the carrier news and Breeze posting on the website and the bulletin board the municipal building and filing with the Township Clerk we could have a roll call please councilman kush here councilman cordel here councilman nalis here councilman pedroso president ring here uh going to ask everyone that is able to to stand and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance I've asked uh Sergeant Cooper and officer Dunlop to lead us of the United States of America stands naice all right minutes for approval uh I know the closed sessions are being routed I know the minutes from the February 15th meeting were distributed earlier today not sure if anyone's had time to review them or if we want to carry them I'll move them I'm willing to proceed okay I got a second do I I'll make the second okay all those in favor I I opposed all right Township Council reports um start with uh councilman kers tonight thank you Mr President just a few very brief uh reports back on Saturday the 17th uh I attended the Chinese Lun Lunar New Year uh cultural celebration ation at R and Valley Community College it was really a very nice event a combination of uh not only our community but also uh uh Bernards uh and and and others so it was a a very nice cultural event very well attended uh the rvcc auditorium was essentially full that that afternoon uh the planning board has not met since we last met the zoning board met uh one time I believe uh the last week of February heard an application for Starbucks uh that includes a drive-thru uh Route 22 near near at Morgan Lane uh and the other item I just want to bring to uh to my colleagues attention in the public uh is there is um a pending planning board application in the um burough of Somerville uh for a um a dispensary cannabis dispensary uh at Route 22 in Gaston um I believe one of the gas stations that's on that corner there's an application to uh convert to a dispens and that's my report tonight thank you Council pedroo all right why he's doing that councilman noralis would you like to go yes sir thank you I attended the monthly meeting of the uh Bridgewater R and Alliance uh the major health concerns of the educational Community these days are mental health and drug and alcohol addiction uh there are numerous organizations in Somerset County that are comparing notes and developing programs to address these many issues uh back in July the council took action to confirm a contract to address deficiencies including safety issues at kid Street this work will be underway or is underway uh there will be a cleanup and a redo uh I I take a lot of pride in that because it was many years ago when kid Street was first developed that the that the major corporations in the area including AT&T where I worked uh contributed days of work so uh I dug some holes and put some stuff in it felt good I want to thank Mr papis for the acquisition of new chairs for the uh for the de he has acquired them at no cost uh to the township which was a good thing uh if you drive anywhere in Somerville be aware that the speed limit on all streets is capped at 25 miles an hour exceed that speed limit and expect to receive a ticket I was on Route 22 uh Route 28 today in the uh fur section it said 40 miles an hour and a block later it said 25 so just just be careful I attended a hard hat walkthrough of the two new surgical floors under construction at the RWJ Somerset Hospital these floors will specialize in joint replacement and will open in 2025 it will be a great uh enhancement to a splendid Community Hospital uh earlier I took part in the interviews with Katherine Samad of harmer Harbor consultants for Township planner and darling green of colar engineering as affordable housing planning these ladies are eminently qualified to serve our Township and I expect both to be confirmed through Council action tonight that my report sir thank you thank you councilman pedroso I attended many I attended many of the things that been uh highlighted already the only thing I want to emphasize is I want to um I did attend the Chinese New Year event and it's a fabulous event if uh was at the National Theater this year at the Ron Valley Community College they actually do this event every year and um if you haven't had a chance to go it's really worthwhile it's very well organized so I just want to give a acknowledge the Central Jersey Chinese American Association Alliance um for putting it together together with the Bernards Chinese American Association the Bridgewater Chinese American Association and the Wang Hills Regional Chinese American Association um just beautiful event um very uh very professionally put together and so I just really acknowledge them for their hard work and for uh sharing that you know Wonderful event their culture with all of us so I really enjoyed it that's all I have thank you thank you councilman cill you sharers uh what I'd like to report is I also took part in the interview process for miss sinard and miss green and it'll be a pleasure to welcome them aboard this evening uh and also this past Monday uh I attended a open space uh committee meeting uh to review parcels and discuss the future thank you um I will not repeat many of the things said around planners and stuff just one additional item for myself this past Saturday the Elks um the Somerville Elks located in Bridgewater uh unveiled a portrait that was um commissioned through a gentleman out of hunon County for uh Bridgewater resident Joseph Wing uh who was a decorated World War II veteran um and that portrait has been unveiled and now hangs in the lobby of the Elks next to a uh portrait of his good friend John basalone so um and on behalf of the administration I represented the township and presented the family with a proclamation for that event that's all I have mayor's report um the only thing I have May home lot those communities are all of ideally the chief you know freaking out if I say you know try to coordinate with you know monitoring some of the the uh inters next up is uh item many in the room have been waiting for so am I going first you going first I go first all right sorry first of all good evening to everybody who is uh here joining us for the uh first time a lot of you obviously been here before um if you haven't been back in a while welcome to Bridgewater town Township I want to recognize senator baitman who is uh here former prosecutor Jeff Sorano is here so thank you to both of them uh who have long supported our law enforcement here in Bridgewater for for a very long time in many different ways and so it's great to see them here for uh for our officers and our promotions tonight the Bridgewater Police Department is one of the finest in the state we all know that here uh in this room but it's because of the great leadership that we have uh starting with our chief and going all the way down through all of our commanding officers whether you're a captain you're a lieutenant you're a sergeant everybody who's in a position of authority here in Bridgewater Township Police Department sets the standards for everybody that they're in charge of they're the ones who make sure that our officers are safe their patrols are run well and that sets the example for what we all want to strive for all of our officers whether you're the newest officer on the force or whether you've been here for 20 years it's the standards that our leaders set and the examples that they set that continue to make Bridge order one of the Premier police departments in the state so when we have officers uh that have worked hard and have set that example and have demonstrated their leadership their compassion to our community it's a real honor to have two great officers being promoted uh here tonight and uh for your families thank you so much for having lent them to us and continue to lend them to us uh for their careers we're honored to have these officers here tonight and to see them promoted and uh for the officers uh that are here officer dap and officer Cooper um you know it's a great responsibility that you are both taking you know that already from you've you've seen um but now it's the officers below you that'll be looking up to you for the example and your leadership and your decision-making to keep us safe both within the department and within the entire townships so God bless you both good luck in your new roles thank you for serving our community and congratulations on well deserve promotions so with that I will turn over to the chief thank you mayor I should always go first because he steals my thunder so all right tonight We Gather here to recognize the exceptional achievements and celebrate the promotions of two outstanding individuals within our esteemed police force is a great privilege in admiration that we witnessed the elevation of Aer Russell Dunlap to Sergeant and Sergeant John Cooper to Lieutenant this occasion marks a significant milestone in their careers reflecting their unwavering dedication tireless commitment and Exemplar service to our community officer Dunlop as a sergeant you will take on a new set of responsibilities and have the opportunity to lead and Mentor a team of officers here are some key aspects of your new role leadership you are responsible for leading and managing a team of officers supervision you will oversee the day-to-day operations of your squad ensuring that assignments are completed efficiently and effectively training and development as a sergeant you will play a crucial role in the training and development of your squad Community engagements sergeants often have a significant role in community engagement and building positive relationships with the community and this decision making in your new role you'll be entrusted with making decisions that impact the safety of of all on your squad and also the community remember as a sergeant you will be in a position of influence and Authority it is essential to Le by example act with integrity and prioritize the well-being of your squad and the community I'll go through uh officer dunlap's um bio he earned the following degrees Associates of Arts from Valley Community College Bachelor of Science from Sean Hall University and his master of science from muda college he graduated from the Somerset County Police Academy in 2005 and started his police career the same year with the middle sex burough Police Department he made the wise decision to transfer to the Bridgewater Police Department in August of 2006 he worked for several Patrol squads until starting his detective career in 2017 while as a detective he was our lead detective on all white collar crimes he was also the a BC coordinator for alcohol beverage and control he was a Megan's Law coordinator and was an alternate school resource officer Russ also became a member of the Somerset County dive team in 2011 where he has been involved in several water rescues and recoveries additionally officer Dunlap is a CPR instructor for the Department a field training officer and recently a member of the office of emergency management after serving four years as a detective officer dap was transferred back to patrol in 2022 so he could re re acclimate himself with Patrol to prepare him for his new position as you just heard officer Dunlap is well educated well trained and is ready and able to take on his new role I now invite Russ with his wife Karen his parents Russ Senor and Linda up here to join him in his swearing in as a sergeant un un [Applause] [Applause] all right congratulations Sergeant Dunlop Sergeant Cooper CP as we call him your promotion to the rank Lieutenant is a testament of your exceptional attitude and leadership as a lieutenant your responsibilities and scope of influence will expand here are some key aspects of your new role command and supervision as a lieutenant you will be responsible for overseeing part of the Operations Division along with the patrol squad leadership and guidance you will play a crucial role in leading and guiding your team of officers which involves setting clear expectations providing mentorship and support and promoting a positive and productive work environment policy development and implementation as a lieutenant you will be involved in in the development and implementation of departmental policies and procedures strategic planning in your new role you will have the opportunity to contribute to the strategic planning efforts of the police department community relations lieutenants often serve as a Layon between the police department and the community decision- making and problem solving as a lieutenant you'll be entrusted with making critical decisions that impact the safety and well-being of your personnel and the community as you assume the responsibilities of a police Lieutenant I have full confidence that you will continue to lead with Integrity Inspire those around you and contribute to the safety and well-being of the Bridgewater community and even greater capacities all right I'll go through John's bio Sergeant John Cooper resides in Bridgewater and this is where he and his wife Colleen raised her daughters Laney and Katie he earned his bachelor's degree from Hobart College he graduated from the somerson County Police Academy in 1999 and he joined the Bridgewater Police Department later that year he is a 25-year member of this department during his career he served in the Patrol Division he was selected as a negotiator for the somerson County Crisis negotiation team where he was a lead negotiator in many tense and stressful situations all of them with successful outcomes he served on his team from 2013 to 2023 where he worked and eared his way up to Deputy Commander for this team Sergeant Cooper is a long- serving fire instructor for the Department he's also an instructor of basic Spanish for police officers Sergeant Cooper is fluent in Spanish and we rely on him a lot for that he's received numerous departmental Awards during his career he's earned the medal Valor life-saving award CPR save award and letters of accommodation he also received the New Jersey state PBA Valor award for his exceptional Police Service the 200 Club Valor award and the Knights of Columbus Shield award one of the awards why he got him is because he uh there was a a gentleman as we call him up on Washington Valley Road uh walking with a machete and basically stepping out of traffic and trying to hit the cars he then uh took a baseball bat with smacking windows so John and officer AR had the opportunity to confront this individual idual uh John was able to pepper spray him to stop him from uh contributing or you know causing any more damage and then office Aila tackled him and it was a it was a good night for everybody uh so he did a great job with that uh John was promoted to Sergeant in 2020 where he mentored sever mentored several Patrol squads I now invite Sergeant Cooper his wife Colleen mother Virginia and daughter Katie to come up as he sworn in as a lieutenant [Music] pictures are good guys I'm not kidding un [Applause] [Music] okay here congratulations Lieutenant Cooper um real quick before everyone uh you're welcome to stay for the entire meeting um although for those of you who don't want to but we do have another uh swearing in tonight for a non-p police uh position so I'd ask if you just hold on one second I think we're going to modify the agenda and do that just to keep us out of trouble with Mr Corsini I'm going to make a motion to modify the agenda and move 13A at this time I'll second on motion roll call you can do by voice all right voice all in favor yes I I post all right so uh before we do the swearing in I actually want to make it official and uh this is a resolution for the appointment of down Deputy Township Clerk Juliana quo need a motion I'll make that motion second okay roll call councilman kers yes councilman cill yes councilman nalis yes councilman pedroso yes president ring yes all right with that you're coming down people [Applause] right so before everybody if you want to head out fine but we're going to want pictures with our new officers and the governing body and with Julian governing body so after that take some pictures and we can we'll take a well I guess we can take a quick break right Tim your meeting all right hard to say no off know just do what says never the captain a cheaper tall men Suzanne make sure all Suzanne [Applause] [Music] well are you that was easy yep Julian's waving goodbye I think it looked really good yeah I don't know that's why that never seen a wife is shorter than we have no proclamations right we have we have none no proclamations i' be on the I would look like you hard just can't anything have you been like dying on your runs you run yes I saw you enough oh my God four pieces when you were down there I was like you can't possibly have lost that much weight that quickly but don't EA 1300 calories you can lose a lot of weight quickly your metabolism is to be be good husband so you know sometimes when you're in a good spot you're in a good spot it's all about the spot all about the we didn't really take a break so I don't need a roll no do your thing yep all right uh no proclamations this evening next up presentation from Mr papis yes or your father just sorry Mr President can we just make sure someone reopens the door the the memo uh touches on a a concept that we would like to advance for the council's consideration that would uh allow for next year not this year but allow next year for the um Administration to proposed to the council under certain circumstances the issuance of an estimated sewer bill but uh we would like to uh take some time with you to discuss that over the course of the next several months that's all that I have okay thank you any comments or questions and everyone's reading this now for the first time so perhaps if anyone has questions can follow up with Mr papis offline not looking for any action tonight okay very good then at that point um moving to meeting open to the public uh members of the public wishing to address the council in any matter will be allowed two minutes to speak unless there's unusual circumstances motion to open the meeting public I'll second all those in favor anyone opposed all right motion carries any member of the public wishing to speak you're welcome to come forward at this time motion to close public input got a motion do I have a second I'll second all right all those in favor I I closed public meetings closed all right um public hearing final action ordinances so 11a ordinance amending the code of the township of Bridgewater chapter 147-grain the um Municipal complex shifted from a garritson road address to a common way address it was never updated so unless there's any uh comments I would take a motion to open public hearing I'll make a motion to conduct the public hearing on 11a second all those in favor I opposed all right we are open for any public comment on 11a seeing no no one from the public wishing to address us on this matter uh I'll make a motion to close public hearing uh and uh uh consider 11a for final adoption a second a motion okay we have motion second roll call please councilman kers yes councilman cill yes councilman Nogales yes councilman pedroso yes president ring yes all right 11b Bond ordinance providing an appropriation of $8 million for various Road improvements including but not limited to Acorn Drive Jamestown Road bewick Drive Northern Avenue Candlewick Lane love Road Starview Way Lake View Drive Somerset Avenue birchill Drive and Pine Road including curbing Milling Paving drainage sewer and other miscellaneous improvements and various Road overlays throughout the township of Bridgewater in and by the township of Bridgewater in the county of Somerset New Jersey and authorizing the issuance of $ 7,600,000 bonds or notes of the township for financing part of the appropriation motion to open public hearing I'll make a motion that we have we hold the public hearing on 11b I'll second a motion okay all those in favor I I opposed all right we are now open for any public comment on 11b the bond ordinance seeing nobody from the public interested in addressing us on this matter I will move to close uh the public hearing and move 11b be for final adoption following uh conversation and discussion I second it okay does anyone have any comments on 11b Mr council president yeah I have a go ahead yeah um for all the reasons that I stated at the introduction of this ordinance um I will um I will vote no I'm not going to repeat everything I said uh but nothing has changed since my comments uh that I made during the introduction okay and Mr President yes um just in advance of this meeting I had a a a conversation with our CFO Mr pandos um and I asked him the simple and straightforward question uh are are our finances in such a condition that he is confident that we can absorb the um uh the uh interest responsibility from l last year's action along with the $400,000 which represents 5% from this action that we're about to take his answer was an emphatic yes uh as you know uh it is critically important to take this action as relatively early as possible it allows us uh to jump the line or get in line fastest uh compared to other municipalities that may have similar projects it uh by being uh by taking this action here in uh in March we should be hopefully in good condition to have these roads completed by the time we reach the uh the cold season at toward the end of 2024 uh just as a quick reminder this is step four of five that this governing body the mayor and and the township uh Council committed to uh so I will enthusiastically vote Yes and unless there is some uh unforeseen circumstance some sort of dire economic condition uh I also look forward to Gathering approximately one year from tonight and making it five for five so that we can fulfill our the commitment that we made okay thank you any other comments only comment I have is to thank the council for uh moving this early in the year as we've discussed uh in the past allowing us to do this now gets us an opportunity to make sure we get the roads done in or as close to as uh likely as possible that we'll get the roads done in 2024 that uh they're part of the 2024 Road program as everyone knows if it starts getting too late in the fall season then you have to push it off until the spring uh we've been pretty lucky at getting almost all of our projects uh completed in the year that we fund them I think everyone throughout the town has seen a noticeable Improvement in the roads over the past four years as Michael mentioned this is the fourth of a Five-Year Plan uh at the conclusion of that Five-Year Plan we'll gather together again and we'll think about what the future holds as to how we'll approach roads at that point um you know moving forward but um at this point we'll have by the time the road program is done we'll have completed significant amount of roads I won't be able to say we have hit every Road in town obviously but there's no resident's going to be in a situation where there's not going to be a road that they drive on frequently that we will not have repaved or re improved and uh it improves the quality of life dramatically for many of our residents so thank you to the council for moving this and uh look forward to getting the road projects done this year okay thank you if I may I'd like to thank engineer bur for his leadership in this process and not only this year but in Prior years uh and look forward to uh the the fifth year for next year thank you any other comments if not we'll take a roll call councilman Kush yes councilman cill yesman Nogales yes councilman pedroso no president ring yes all right uh 12a introduction of ordinance I have asked that that be pulled from the agenda for some additional work so we will move into resolutions um we've already completed 13A so 13B is a resol resolution authorizing appropriate Reserve transfers any comments otherwise I'll take a motion I'll make a motion for thir to move 13B second motion okay roll call cman Kush yes cman no codel yes cman Nogales yes cman pedroso yes president ring yes all right 13 C is a resolution for providing for emergency temporary Appropriations for the current fund year in the amount of 9,319 4980 for a total amount budgeted to date of $18 M 6798 4380 this this is an action Allowed by law because uh you need to fund government and budgets don't get passed until sometime in April and May and this is Mount step by Statute and that's what this is yep we do have to pay our bills do have to pay our bills 13 I'm sorry if we just if I could have one one question clarified uh so mayor um this this will essentially allow us to fund into the second quarter um and and we'll we'll essentially solidify spending for roughly the first half of the year as we get into uh our our formal budget consideration that that's correct and obviously nothing here locks in the the budget just based off of last year's budget there's a statutory amount that is automatically it's a percentage that's applied and um that allows us to make sure that we don't have to worry about paying bills through June okay and and just to reiterate what's been stated before uh council president ring and I as the as the budget committee uh are are going to certainly hold ourselves accountable hold the administration accountable for as aggressive a timeline as possible to pass the budget uh I know last year what that meant was um uh some conversations and discussion in March uh some additional consensus built in April uh and then I believe we we took our action whether it was late April or May I don't remember that detail but we certainly anticipate something same or similar for 2024 okay anything else no all right roll call I don't have a I'm sorry second oh we don't okay we have I'll make that motion if it has not been made yet to approve okay I'll second okay councilman kers yes councilman cill yes councilman nalis yes councilman pedroso uh yes president ring yes all right um 13d appointment to the Bridgewater RAR Youth Services Commission pursuant to ordinance 18-24 creating chapter 21 of the municipal code for a three-year term expiring December 31st 2026 that appointment is for Rachel Barrett and Lynn Hurley this C president uh I just like to to point out at the moment we have Rachel and Lyn are here um I don't know if they're unlucky or lucky that I uh you know didn't look all the way through the agenda to know they were on here because I probably would have made them come up during the entire portion earlier and and done the official swearing in although not technically required for uh this appointment but I'd just like to take a moment since they're they're both here um just to publicly comment on what an amazing job both of them do for our Township I'm not sure if there's any Department that touches more Ames in our Township then go through our rec department the amount of programs that they run and the amount of kids and parents that they have to deal with and coaches they have to coordinate and field usage they have to deal with and all the issues that go with running a Rec Department of our size and to coordinate with some of the outside organizations that they do um it's uh really an incredible feat that that they perform in their entire department as well I know there's other folks than than just the two of them but here so I get to to compliment them and amazingly I don't want to jinx this but I don't think in four and a half years that I've been mayor and if we go back to council I don't know that I've ever received a complaint about either one of them in the job that they've done in the township so we've jinxed it now by the way so somebody who's listening is going to immediately send in a complaint but um they they really are an incredible part of the team and uh so I just want to thank them since they're here for the work that they do for all the kids that play sports and uh have to enjoy our enjoy our Fields enjoy our program so thank you both of you for the Department work and for the work that you are have been doing and are going to do on New Services Commission uh to provide programs to support those kids throughout our community so thank you both of you if if I may add uh Lynn also chairs the municipal Alliance uh monthly meetings and has for several years and there's probably few people in the township that are is dedicated to working with our kids and and doing the best for kids in the future so thank you Lynn thank you ladies okay so need a motion I'll that motion Allan made that motion okay is that a second for you I second it okay councilman Kush yesman cill yesman nalis yesman pedroso president ring yes all right unless anyone objects I'm going to take 13 E and F together uh 13e is authorizing the appointment of Katherine Shad PP aicp of Harbor Consultants Inc as Township planner and award of Professional Services contract in an amount not to exceed $60,000 for the period March 8th 2024 to December 31st 2024 to be funded through the planning division Professional Services account 13f is the appointment of Darlene green PP aicp of colar engineering and design as the affordable housing planner an award of Professional Service contract in an amount not to exceed $20,000 for the period of March 8th 2024 to December 31st 2024 to be funded from the COA trust fund Mount Laurel expense account um I think as everyone is aware our planner Scarlet Doyle retired at the end of last year um and after extensive research by the administration and the the heads of our land use boards as well as the council members having an opportunity to interview these folks these are uh two individuals targeted to have the um difficult challenge of replacing Scarlet so and and if Scarlet was here she could take uh some uh relief in the fact that it's taking at least two people to uh replace Scarlet um I just want to say thank you to the council thank you to Jeff fous and tocio vesio our land use chairs for working through this process Mike papis and Chris and everybody who participated um it did take us a little while because we wanted to make sure that we fully vetted all of the candidates um and found the right people for the right role and I'm very confident that uh these folks are going to serve us very well the land use boards I expect will'll appoint um Katherine as their individual planners as well so there'll be consistency amongst all the boards and as the official Township planner and I look forward to working with both of them and thank you to the council for your time reviewing uh meeting with both of them and I believe uh Miss Doyle has also offered to once they're officially in place come in and spend some time with them and updating on files and applications and stuff so okay need a motion I'll make a motion on both okay second it okay cman K yes councilman cill yes coun nalis yes councilman pedroso yes president ring yes 13g authorizing the amendment of resolution 22-11-10 288 naming Christine Madrid Director of Human Services as custodian for the change fund for the Bridgewater Township Health division um health department has some petty cash people come in to pay they able to give them change uh we just need to update who our custodian of record is there unless there's any questions I'll take a motion I'll make that motion councilman Kush yes cman cill yes councilman nalis yes councilman pedroso yes president ring yes all right 13h is approving participation with the state of New Jersey in a safe and secure communities grant program administered by the Office of the Attorney General Department of Law and Public Safety up to the amount of $4,150 this money is used to help fund uh some of the officers in our Traffic Safety uh division within the police department must any comments I'll I'll move 13 H second a motion councilman Kush yesman cill yes hman nalis yesman pedroso president ring yes 13 I notification of application for the 2024 Somerset County de Community Development block grant by the following nonprofits with intended projects within Bridgewater Township Home Sharing The Martin Lutheran King Youth Center Simon and Sarah bbounder Center visions and Pathways and youth Consultation Services this is a an annual process that we are required to acknowledge these Mr President if I could if I could comment briefly on that um I I just want the the public to be aware um I I have volunteered my time I continue to volunteer my time on behalf of Home Sharing um specifically involved with one of their key committees that was an outgrowth candidly of their appearing before us a year ago uh the opportunity to meet uh particularly the executive director learn more about their operation uh in consultation with Mr Corsini there's no reason I can't vote on this resolution but did want to disclose uh that that I I am a volunteer with Home Sharing thank you for your service and thank you for the disclosure uh I'll move 13 I I'll second it councilman kers yes councilman cill yes coun nalis yes councilman pedroso pres ring yes 13j has been pulled by the administration 13k is a Board of contract to pav Rite Inc 40 rale Avenue Bridgewater New Jersey 08807 in the amount not to exceed $30,000 to provide Trail debris removal services due to Hurricane IA storm damage on the middle book trail system through the Somerset County cooperative to be funded from the open space fund account that's pretty much exactly what it sounds like it's why so to get if I can uh we um just determined that we could have this done through a state contract we had we had been trying to get bids and the numbers were uh significantly higher than this and when it was determined to State contract or this cop we uh we wanted to move on it quickly fine I'll move it second councilman Kush yesman Cella yesman aalis yesman pedroso yes president ring yes all right 13l is Award of proprietary contract to Edmond gvtech 301 Tilton Road Northfield New Jersey 08225 in amount not to exceed $3,844 to provide Finance reporting software to be funded from the following accounts finance department Computer Services Police Department software vehicle maintenance software sore utility software and finance department Computer Service this is part of the uh the council may remember you know most folks throughout the state or at least a lot of them use the Edmond's um system for doing our finances um we are one of the only that um use I don't even know what system it's called but it's gfms there you go um now I have a question I'm just looking at this the and I don't know if I don't have a correct resolution the wording on the resolution and the wording on the agenda do not match as far as departments unless I'm misreading it um can we look at that and come back to that later in the agenda I'll move it subject to correction of the heading all right hopefully is a the Minimus yeah the short in ter of the substance of it the you know the the issue here is simply that we need to update as everyone knows this is one of our projects for this year is to get us on the admin software which will make our municipal Finance much easier and much more streamlined and uh otherwise generally better for the town and the taxpayers this is a significant Leap Forward in terms of our software yep understood I just something caught my eye where the two didn't align so sorry I don't know what I say but I think there might be two different versions I say I think my my agenda this my agenda and my thing match l so I'm going to re I was reading apparently an old version so Grace just gave me one okay so I'm going to reread 13l Award of a proprietary contract to Edmonds govtech 301 Tilton Road Northfield New Jersey 08225 in an amount not to exceed $1,844 to provide Finance reporting software to be funded from the following accounts finance department Computer Services streets and Roads software building and ground software sore utility software finance department Computer Services move 13 now I'll second councilman Kush yes councilman cill yes Cales yes councilman pedroso yes president ring yes 13 and is an award of contract to CRS LLC 107 Bluebird Drive one Delta Hillsboro New Jersey 08844 in the amount not to exceed $20,400 to provide temporary Information Technology support and monitoring for the period February 1st 2024 to April 30th 2024 to be funded from the information technology department Professional Services account and this is a company that's done work for us before as Council I think knows there was a um one of the members who was in our it department has left um as we want to make sure there's no Gap in Services while we decide uh whether we're hiring or how we're going to handle that moving forward this provides a three-month uh contract so we can make sure we find somebody to fill the role okay Award of con I'm sorry um motion motion second I'll second councilman kers yes councilman cordill yes manalis yes cman pedroo president ring yes all right 13n is Award of contract to Sean industry in 8 Fernwood Road Floren Park New Jersey 07932 to provide building Automation and numatic control systems for the Bridgewater Township Library in amount not to exceed $33,150 for the period of January 1st 2024 to December 31st 2024 total contract amount of $ 64,65 to be funded from the maintenance uh of Library maintenance contract account this is as I understand it the award of a second year of a two-year contract y i i want to thank the council for considering this uh a number of people have spent uh a lot of time getting this right I want to thank Mr janova uh director of Municipal services and want to thank uh Sarah uh Housman who is our new purchasing agent she's here uh I think most of you have met her uh she's uh really doing an outstanding job and of course Mr pandos our CFO did we swear in Sarah yeah sorry everybody do we have a motion all second councilman kers yes councilman cill yes councilman nalis yes councilman pedroso yes president ring yes all right 130 is authorizing qualified vendors for various open-ended professional engineering planning surveying and consulting services to the township of Bridgewater for 2024 this is an annual occurrence where uh this is not actually awarding any work it's just allowing us to have them on a roster to be able to use uh these individuals have submitted sealed bids uh as a result of a review process or being pre-qualified nothing further to that nil it I'll move that motion 133 no second councilman kers yes councilman Cel yes Cales yes pedo president ring yes 13p authorizing contract of Bridgewater to enter into an emergency contract with shil Construction Incorporated for emergency repairs to the Bridgewater branch of the Somerset County library and an amount not to exceed $ 44,1 15.40 to be funded from maintenance of Library other expenses account and it looks like Mr corini would like to Oh no just uh speaking of our excellent qpa uh kudos to her for her work on this okay thank you the fact that uh you know you need to do repairs and we need your council's approval there's nothing further to add either we approve it or we do it ourselves the council members right that's right $140 worth of work councilman kers I'm not qualified to that work but I am qualified to move 13p I'll second it councilman Kush yes councilman cill yes councilman nalis cman pedroso yes president ring yes all right 13 Q has been pulled by the administration 13 R is authorizing the execution of an agreement with Somerset Hills tennis Association LLC located at 128 vanle Road Somerset New Jersey to provide tennis and pickle ball instruction for both Youth and adult programs for 2024 in an amount not to exceed $443,000 to be paid from the recreation trust fund established specifically for registration fees collected from programs at no cost to the township move 13 R have a motion do we have a second second councilman kers yes cman cordill yesalis yes pedo yes president ring yes all right 13s last but not least uh resolution of the Somerset County Animal Shelter management committee appointments to appoint Joanne um Joanne Flynn as representative and Robert devani as an alternate representative councilman pedroo did you want to comment on or want me to the um animal shelter um chairman had contacted me and said that for Logistics reasons that Miss Flynn was going to take over a secretary and she was an alternate Mr devani who had seniority over her was not interested in being secretary so he consented to making this change and he has to uh change his appointment from a regular member to an alternate member and uh then of course we will appoint Miss Flyn as a regular member move her up to a regular member from the alternate position and she will assume the role of Secretary of the animal shelter okay I'll move it I'll second with a a positive comment about uh Bob De Bob devani who was a neighbor of mine appreciate his selfless uh uh act uh to change the batting order in that way to enable uh leadership on the committee councilman K yes councilman cordella yes councilman nalis yes councilman pedroso yes president ring yes all right um we do have a closed session this evening so be resolved by the the Bridgewater Township Council that this body will now hold a closed meeting to discuss contract negotiations one and if the matters discussed become public record this will be known to the public at that time the public is excluded from said meeting and further notice therefore is dispensed with all in accordance with Section 8 and 4A of the open public meetings act need a motion I'll make that motion second all those in favor I I opposed all right we are now in closed session do we um we do not expect to take action we do not anticipate taking any action other than adjoining the meeting when we come back since we got free chairs maybe we can afford a clock that's right they may have a clock Michael let back go see if there's a clock over there back and it oh it's fine no one's listen here I'm say what the hell door is open all right motion to uh reopen motion to reopen okay and then motion to adjourn all right we'll take the first motion I'll second it all those in favor opposed all right we have reached the according to Mr cilla's clock um 8:55 p.m. uh and Howard you had a motion motion adjourn I'll second all those in favor I we are adjourned good meeting yes thank you the Golden Age continues