e good evening in compliance with the open public meetings Act of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting was provided on December 21st 2023 by sending written notice and electronic notice to The Courier News and the breeze posting on the website and the board in the municipal building and filing with the Township Clerk if we could have roll call please councilman kers here councilman cill councilman nalis here councilman pedroso president ring here those of you that are able please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance led by councilman noralis Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God all right we have minutes from the March 7th meeting that were circulated any comments on them otherwise I'd entertain a second I'll take I'll second okay all those in favor I I opposed all right there's also closed session meetings from March 7th circulating for review and approval we'll move on to Town Council report starting with councilman noralis happy everyone knows it AR with cerates and winds times are coming SC to the for thank you councilman councilman kersch thank you Mr President I'm going to focus tonight on land use uh boards uh the zoning board met on March 12th a continuation of the Starbucks application which is Route 22 East uh at Morgan Lane uh the um uh I and the item that's under under most discussion uh during that hearing is is um approval of a drive-thru um the planning board met on March 19th a couple of nights ago uh and heard a uh courtesy review of the uh Bridgewater ritton Regional High School Fieldhouse and some upgrades and improvements that are going on over there including a long awaited and much needed uh permanent bathroom uh structure as uh compared to the portapotty that I guess have been used for Generations uh there was also an administrat action taken an extension given to AR Bridgewater 2 uh that's a preliminary and major site plan with some bulk variances then there was quite an interesting case uh Dr Bradley McAdam uh who operates a chiropractic uh practice on 202 206 he received um uh uh he he he appeared before the board the planning board in 1999 uh and appeared before us a couple of nights ago uh seeking an amendment on a particular term a particular uh item that was in that 1999 approval and um it related to uh uh use use of use of uh certain square footage on the property and parking uh implications our parking to make a long story short the our parking uh uh standards have changed over time uh the uh stipulation was removed uh but it was not removed before uh substantial conversation to truly understand what the intention was of the planning board in 1999 um certainly not wanting to to take lightly that actions uh that occur before our land use boards are intended to to to to stay with the land and so any uh request for Relief at a later time we certainly uh you know dove into that case uh uh with a you know considerable um uh detail uh to make sure that we were still upholding the intention from 1999 but certainly providing uh the flexibility that was being uh being sought in 2024 uh and that is uh the extent of my report other than to state that I think Mr papis is going to give us uh a preview of the event coming up on April 11th is that correct yes sir okay thank you that's my report all right thank you I do have a couple items um earlier this week I was able to attend a portion of a meeting that took place with our now retired Township planner Scarlet Doyle as well as our our new planners as well as some key Township uh staff kind of a um I could better ter I'll say a a knowledge dump of scarlet having served in that capacity for a large number of years um shared a lot of different thoughts and comments on different projects and different things going on and why certain things were done certain ways to to really help give our new planners a historical perspective as to how we got to where we are today um which was very nice to see and I think is an important part of the transition and greatly appreciate Scarlet uh donating her time to make that happen um it's also my understanding that there are a limited number of applications still being accepted for the Bridgewater Township Police Department Citizens Academy um which starts on Thursday April 4th this is a great opportunity for residents of the township to get a better understanding of what goes on in the police department uh the things our police officers have to do the different types of decisions they have to make and and the parameters in which they can operate in um believe it's no cost correct Chief it's no cost program uh however you do need to submit an application no later than um Friday March 29th and that can be done through the Bridgewater pd.com website um one other item wanted to share Somerset County has recently shared some communication um regarding lithium batteries being disposed of in recycling trucks uh and actually resulted in a fire in a recycling truck here in Bridgewater where they had to dump the entire contents of the recycling truck in the parking lot at the Patriot stadium in order to extinguish the fire and um you know you hear more and more about lithium batteries and it's just a reminder that we have to think about not only how we charge them and when and where we charge them uh but how we dispose of them when they're no longer uh valid um lithium batteries should never be thrown in uh into the garbage or into recycling they need to be disposed of appropriately um through hazardous waste or other means um and then lastly uh the mayor was not able to be here this evening but did want me to share with everyone that um I guess we could say the check is in the mail um we've talked in the past uh how we were waiting final approval for um a large uh grant for upgrades to Camp Cromwell uh through uh that was um we were assisted by um Congressman Kane's office in obtaining this we were just waiting on Final budgets and in various uh roadblocks at the federal government level uh all of those have been completed and it's my understanding as I said the checks in the mail uh that's a $4 million check coming to the township of Bridgewater that will go a long way in helping to restore Camp Cromwell and open it up for the public um in the near future we'll talk further about what the Visions are and trying to engage some residents as to what will be done at Camp Cromwell but we're very appreciative of uh Congressman kan's assistance with that and happy to know that that check is finally coming so that's my report thank you with that anything from the mayor's office yes sir thank you uh councilman kersch mentioned that that uh on April the 11th at 700 p.m. in this room there will be a public input workshop on the master plan the uh members of the Council planning board Zoning Board of adjustment and key staff have been working literally from last summer on a regular basis reviewing the existing master plan and uh making proposed revisions um Scarlett Doyle who's been mentioned earlier retired as our Township planner last December and uh she started this process U I had the opportunity last summer to go through it Page by page with her and then the mayor did and then the mayor felt it was very important that there would be a representative group from the council the zoning board the planning board to U review and to have input on uh proposed draft changes that has been concluded and uh we're pleased to announce that again Thursday April the 11th there will be a public input Workshop it'll be a bit a unique uh approach to obtaining citizen input uh we'll U um we'll let you wait until then to uh learn the specific process uh but that will be the next step um I guess it was back in November or December there was an online questionnaire that was made available to anyone in the public that wanted to provide input uh offer comments and pose questions uh that concluded last I think it was December the 17th uh we will hold this uh this Workshop uh there will be U the opportunity a few days thereafter for those that cannot attend the workshop on the 11th to again have access to that portal to provide their input uh then a final draft will be created presented to the planning board who will then hold an official public hearing at least one official public hearing um and uh so we're we're hoping that probably by late spring early summer that process will will be concluded again depending upon the number of members of the public participate and the the points and the questions that are raised so that's all I have thank you thank you all right we have no Proclamation no presentations so next up would be the meeting open to the public uh members of the public wishing to address the Council on any matter will be allowed two minutes to speak unless they unusual circumstances um this would be the chance to address the Council on any of the items on tonight's agenda or any other item I will entertain a motion to open public I'll make the motion open to the public all those in favor I I opposed motion carries meeting is open to the public if anyone like to come forward I'll second all those in favor I I all right meeting is closed to the public we are now on to resolutions 12a is a resolution authorizing appropriate um appropriation Reserve transfers just transferring money from one budget account to another unless the Administration has anything further to say on it I would entertain a motion I'll second councilman Kush I yes councilman Galis yes president ring yes all right 12b is a resolution providing for emergency temporary appro Appropriations for the sore fund of 2,844 for a total of 6,273 272 998 and this is just Why We await our final budget um councilman noralis is our in-house uh expert in Source do you have anything further I I'll second but just uh you know reiterate that it is certainly our priority to get through both what I'll call our main budget and our sewer utility budget work uh as diligently as possible so that we can move from transition uh or temporary budget to uh permanent it's our certainly Our intention it was our our practice last year and we uh will certainly do our diligence to get there as quickly as possible this year let the record reflect that councilman pedroo has arrived and with that we will also take a roll call um councilman kers yes councilman nalis councilman pedroso I'm going to abstain abstain um president ring yes all right 12C is a resolution authorizing and directing the planning board of the township of Bridgewater to undertake a preliminary investigation of block 411 lot 39 and block 408 lot 67 pursuant to the New Jersey local Redevelopment and Housing law njsa 4A colon 12 A-1 etc for classification as an area in need of Redevelopment and directing the Township's Redevelopment planner to prepare a study investigating whether block 411 lot 39 also known as 555 Route 22 and block 408 lot 67 located on the northwest corner of Route 22 and Country Club Road constitutes an area in need of Redevelopment um just before I turn it over Mr papis for the public uh not aware we're talking about the former ethicon site so with that Mr pampus I'll turn it over to you for some comments thank you um the site in question is almost 82 Acres it's a large parcel of of land in a very strategic location uh I will tell you that over the last several years since I've been fortunate to be part of this team uh since the uh ethon operation ceased or suspended their operation there I uh and we received numerous contacts from uh real estate professionals developers with an interest in this property and every instance the interest was for highdensity residential development or Mega warehouses and um this uh proposal before the council is just that is to uh send this um concept to the planning board uh with the assistance of Mr Sullivan our Redevelopment planner to assess whether the conditions of this site warrant the and meet the statutory requirements um it is a uh a deep analysis that he will undertake a detailed report that he will present to the planning board that will then review it uh I believe have P an opportunity for public input and then they will make a recommendation back to the governing body it is a tool that many municipalities use throughout the state and with the uh economic conditions that we find ourselves uh facilities facilities such as this which is um from what I'm told from others is a um facility that lacks the U current standards for uh pharmaceutical industry as it what had as it once had standing in that regard um uh there you know need to be uh other options that the governing body should consider and the process that that will be undertaken if this is something that the council ultimately would believe is in the best interest of the community would would put the the township the council the mayor in a much more uh in a much stronger position in determining what future uses uh would end up on that property versus the traditional zoning approach and um again this is a first step in a very detailed process significant public input will be U afforded the public that are interested both at the planning board at this council's level and um we uh we appreciate the council's consideration of this proposal go ahead M councilman norgal thank you any comments from this side of the day no I I mean I'm I'll I'll make a very brief comment and then then it's yes yeah the answer is I guess yes uh thank you uh and then and then Mr President I think you may want to walk the public through kind what they can expect moving move moving ahead but just to reiterate that you know this is a very important tool in our toolbox um to be able to have maximum control and Maximum Impact in in put excuse me uh on on on what happens there and that means uh our planning board those of us on this de the administration and very importantly the public uh in in in understanding what may go there what is appropriate um and having a true say in that um by going down this pathway we hold much greater control uh than than if we would simply just you know allow development to occur following our master plan thank you thank you councilman pedosa did you have any comments yeah briefly I briefly quote Mike it was pretty brief it was very brief I'm try to be as no I'll try to be as brief as you um I I first of all I I support uh the resolution so I um the property certainly seems to fit the check boxes and I guess we'll let the planning board go through the the homework and make sure that it does but it on for my initial just oversight it seems that the property does fit the check boxes to be a property in need of Redevelopment I do think concurring with what's been said that there benefits to the township that come with that designation um and um so I think uh that's prudent to go about in this way um just want to make a note that I'm also not also I'm not making this decision in a complete void we I did take a tour at the property site um I am under the impression that um the current owner or future owner does have some some desire to um work with the township and donate some some land to the township um and from what I saw what their intended uses um all those things are things I'm taking into consideration and I I think that um I'm anticipating that that that all that's going to follow through with the way it's been presented so I just want to put that on notice that that's my expectation um and then last thing I want to say is that um it's a very large property as you said it's 82 Acres uh it's in a important part of Bridgewater I do I do want to emphasize the importance of having public input I'm sure that I'm sure we will um and uh perhaps I'm saying what doesn't need to be said but I just I feel it's important I no matter what we do with this property um it's very important that we make an effort to um um disclose any advanced meetings uh disclose that we what we intend to do and have and certainly encourage public participation so um anyway that's all I have to say thank you thank you I think you know just very briefly to Echo some of the comments made um you look at the piece of property and obviously it's not going to sit as a vacant dormant piece of property someone wants to do something with that property um we can allow them to go through land use boards and try to seek stuff or through uh an area of a need Redevelopment it gives us more leverage to I'll say negotiate with um and to put certain controls in place in exchange um um such as you know we we make find someone that's a good fit but we put a parameter in there that any future sale has to come back before this govering body for approval you know it's one thing to negotiate with somebody and put something uh in place and six months later they turn around and sell it and somebody wants to do something different with it so I think the area of re an area in red U area in need of Redevelopment gives us a great opportunity to work through that so I absolutely support this and anyone interested in making a motion motion on 12 okay do we have a second I'll second roll call councilman Kush yes councilman nales yes councilman pedroo yes president tring yes all right before we move on just for the benefit of the public because I know we did have some discussion about public input that kind of stuff um and this is not something we do regularly so um when this was on the agenda I did uh ask Mr corini's office to help just summarize what the process would be moving forward for the public so we we kind of just tonight completed step one which is the council adopting a resolution authorizing the planning board to undertake a preliminary investigation uh so step two would be the planning board actually doing that investigation which will also include a public hearing on notice a notice of a public hearing around that and then adopting a recom uh resolution recommending or not recommending a Redevelopment area so after they hold a public hearing with notice they make a decision that would come back in step three to the council who then has to make a determination whether or not to accept that report uh step four would be the counil authorizes the preparation of a Redevelopment plan which we can also delegate to the planning board um there's actually in step five we have a choice as to whether the council prepares the Redevelopment plan and refers it to the planning board for consistency or the planning board prepares it and submits it to the council but the last step in this process would be the council to adopt by ordinance a Redevelopment plan after introduction of an ordinance any ordinance that's introduced requires a public hearing so there are you know multiple public hearings in this opportunity multiple meetings for uh public input this will not be a something that you know we resolve at our next council meeting uh just so the public is aware of the process so were you were you finish with that statement or may I may I kind of add to it um and say in the interest of additional transparency and um um availability um I I am this year the member uh of of uh of council that's on the planning board uh and I maintain uh willingness to speak with any member of the public uh uh be contacted through my publicly available uh email address I also have a widely circulated and available phone number um so so I am certainly willing to um you know be a a a um Community Lea on so to speak thank you people want to know what's going on if I know it they'll know it okay we appreciate that thank you moving on 12d is a resolution uh to change change of Bridgewater Township's petty cash custodian to William Pand CFO and changing the location to the finance department at 100 commonsway Bridgewater New Jersey 08807 pretty straightforward I think unless there's any questions I'd entertain a motion motion second I'll second okay roll call councilman kers yes counc manalis yes pedroso yes president TR yes 12E is Award of contract to active disposal Inc 10 pimus Lane Bridgewater New Jersey 08807 for dumpster rental and disposable of municipal waste at various Township locations for a total amount not to exceed $ 48,51 for the period of March 22nd 2024 to March 21st 2025 to be funded through the street and Roads Refuge uh collection account um pretty straightforward need to get our garbage collected uh that went out to bid and that was the lowest bid by by a long shot by five one one5 the price of the next lowest bid we actually more than oneth the other lower bid didn't understand didn't understand what we looking for you saw that okay yeah I mean yeah 48,000 to 227,000 Y understand the project okay if there's no conversation I'll make a motion at 12E second a motion okay roll call councilman kers yes councilman aalis yes councilman pedroso yes president ring yes uh 12f Award of contract to Verizon connect 505 North Point Parkway Alpharetta Georgia 3022 in the amount not to exceed $344 6820 annually for the purchase of GPS tracking software for all Township owned and leased vehicles to be funded through the vehicle maintenance account of Motor Vehicles account pretty straightforward we've done this historically we're switching to another vendor and adding some additional units um so unless there's any discussion I'll take a motion I just might add comment besides uh adding Vehicles the actual total cost is less than the existing uh okay let me ask you a question do we need to change any of the GPS tracking Hardware uh no the The Well of the portable units that we give to the snow contractor right yes so that no no the the existing wait no than that let me let me let me try to clarify the the devices that are in the vehicles presently will be removed by the new vendor no cost and we just have to return the devices to the existing vendor and as councilman ring said there will be additional portable devices that would be uh part of this contract for use by our contracted uh snowplow but I think but that's all included in this cost yes so the piece that is installed in the vehic is that a permanent screwed in bolted in yes yes yes other than the Portables that are I understand okay I'll move 12f but they are they're going to remove the current ones and install their devices that's all included in this cost correct okay I heard a motion for 12f do we have a second I'll second roll call K yesalis yes pedo yes president ring yes all right 12g Award of contract to air systems maintenance Inc 718 Jefferson Avenue kennworth New Jersey for HVAC quarterly maintenance um I just want to make I'm reading here correct sorry uh L maintenance services to various Township locations in the amount of $144,900 for quarterly preventative maintenance and if needed not to exceed $220,000 for emergency repairs for a total amount not to exceed $34,900 for the period of March 22nd 2024 to February 28 2025 to be funded through the building grounds maintenance of building account I uh I want to thank Mr papis and Sarah our qualified person uh for I put them through Grievous questions because I misinterpreted this document originally I thought this was a quarterly payment for I thought the 14,9 was a quarterly amount as opposed to an annual amount for quarterly maintenance so I gladly move 12g okay I'll second it councilman Kush yes Calis yes councilman pedroso yes president ring yes 12h is authorizing the sale between the township of Bridgewater and a qualified buyer for the purchase of affordable housing unit located at block 16406 lot 1108 also known as 1108 pinor Drive in Bridgewater New Jersey 08807 as the council will recall a number of months ago uh we came before you to request your support in um purchasing this unit uh it is affordable housing uh condominium uh we did Doo was subject of a Sheriff sale and it was purchased for um I think it was $49,000 uh we um had to remove uh extensive personal belongings that were in the in the unit uh I personally visited it when we first took title and uh there was a lot to be removed that had been left there by the previous uh owner um the uh the uh individual that is uh going to purchase it if this is approved went through our administrative agent uh they had to income qualify uh to meet the requirements of the affordable housing program and uh the proposed sale U will realize about a $40,000 profit and that would go back to the affordable housing trust fund Mr Pap is just a question um because in the resolution there's commentary about and I also recall discussion of um some repairs that were needed um so am I to understand that the repairs that we were we we were considering making instead other than removing the the contents we are selling it essentially as is and in exchange for that the indiv the the price has been lowered a bit and now the buyer is taking responsibly for making the necessary repairs that's correct the council had authorized up to $20,000 to be used to make renovations if needed uh fortunately we did not have to undertake that there was a very minor plumbing repair that had to be made some uh sheetrocking and spackling um and and removal of uh items as I said and and Carpeting and uh that is correct this is being sold as is because I know there was concern that the that the plumbing situation was potentially severe it's turned out to be less severe and just you know to to to for the Public's knowledge the amount of the repair and the the accommodation that's being made to the to the buyer is uh 8,345 correct the uh the purchase the the price that we would be authorized under this program to sell the property was 9834 that had been in existence at the time even when it was purchased and there is in a sense a credit of approximately $8,000 that that is being provided which is significantly less than if we undertook the repairs that originally were envisioned this is a really good deal for the township we recovered a unit to prevent it from being sold on the market we keep it as affordable and we take a few dollars and put it back in the fund so 12h I'll move it a question I'm I presume I know the answer but the buyer is the actual home owner who will be living in the unit has to be yes it has to be yes right and is it does it um I know it's uh afford in the affordable housing rules so it will it me will it keep its status yes is there a limit for how long or is it in perpetuity they're generally 30 years I don't know when this uh deed restriction expires uh but um I I I don't know the answer that I certainly can get that for you yeah it' be interesting to know if that if that clock somehow resets because of this sale no no does not okay I can certainly get you what the when the D restriction expires and and but it it remains as part of the list of designated units the reality is we own it we don't want to hold it so whether it resets or not we want to move this off of our books so the Deep restrictions on all of our units are avilable so we have a motion do we have a second I'll make the second okay roll call councilman Kush yes councilman nalis yes councilman pedroso yes president ring yes all right unless anyone objects I'm going to take 12 i j and k together authorizing release of 12i authorizing release of the performance guarantee in the amount of $968 acceptance of the site improvements for the New Jersey American Water Company block 601 lot 107 Route 202 206 uh which is just North of the Northerly end of skyhill road 12j is authorizing change order number one final change order decreasing the contract price from 1,1 10378 40 to 94 9 94,5 5937 a decrease of 14.8% or 100 62226 3 authorizing acceptance of the project release of the performance bond acceptance of the maintenance Bond and final payment to Topline Construction Corporation 22 fth Street Somerville New Jersey 08876 for the 20203 uh section 4 roadway Improvement project which includes the base bid for the entire lengths of Arnold Place Birch Drive Magnolia Drive everen Drive Don cour Sky Hill Terrace and Timberline Drive funded through the 2023 Capital fund uh and 12K authorizes a change order number one final change order also decreasing the contract price from $585,500 5,000 yeah $584,000 $24 a decrease of. 28% or $1,627 authorizing acceptance of the project release release of the performance bond acceptance of the maintenance Bond and final payment to Earthworks Inc 13 Mell Court farming New Jersey 07727 for the Bridgewater stream Bank stabilization and restoration project USDA nrcs emergency Watershed Protection Program funded through the steam Bank ordinance move consent on 12 i j and k I'll second i j and koll call councilman Kush yes councilman nalis yes councilman pedroso yes president ring yes all right um 12l is a resolution advising the Somerset County commissioners of Municipal participation in the update to the Somerset County multi-jurisdictional hazardous mitigation plan this is a document the county is required to do through the office of emergency management and we have to designate by resolution who will be representing the township I know councilman noralis has offered to do that and I believe there's also some representatives from the administration um and and the categories in which the representatives are chosen are so told to us so unless anyone has any further comments I'd entertain a motion I'll move 12 L I'll second it councilman Kush yes councilman nalis yes councilman pedroso yes president TR yes all right 12m a resolution providing for emergency temporary appro Appropriations for current fund from 8,679 18438 to a total of8 18, 69227 47 um I'm going to borrow some of councilman nor gal's words from our earlier discussion on the HVAC contract I think uh he and I tag teamed the administration on this situation um but um the the the very long story short here is we have two issues going on both involving postage machines um we have to update our postage machines by the end of January uh to meet new postal regulations however while we're planning to do that later this year one of the postage machines has broke and has become uh unreliable so rather than continue to pump money into it we're looking to replace them now is that it yes absolutely if I can just add one other uh comment to this the types of postage meters that we're going to uh have will allow us to track the postage for each department or division up until now it it it did not have the Technology Incorporated into it we thought it would be important to do that so we can understand who's spending money on postage thank you let me ask you a question Mr Pap is uh typically with the budget when one particular line item has a slight you know exceeds a slight amount often the administration will find other line it line items in the budget because there are hundreds of them where where you can shift funds and not have to ask for additional increases can that is that an option uh in this particular case it was not uh because the particular line item that the purchasing agent and the CFO thought did not have sufficient funds initially and frankly it was a it was an error when the uh temporary original temporary budget was put forth it was not funded for that particular item right but there's no other line item in the budget the issue was understood back in January and for whatever reason in incorporating it into the temporary budget it didn't get there so there's a necessity here because the US postal system has changed the rules uh and as of June so we're we're trying to get ahead of the game uh in replacing a machine that's failing anyway with the more current one which is required for the future that's not isue them my issue is not the postal machine and my issue is not the 12,426 the the $18.67 N million is is the quarterly budget we approved based upon the state guideline numbers correct correct and that's for a quarter right the the original amount that was approved in the at the reorganization meeting was the 26% 26% so that already gives the administration a cushion of an additional say 4% for the year from last year right so my concern is that um I I would prefer to keep that number the way it is and and I I I just can't imagine why the administration can't come and request us to adjust the line item in the budget and find that $2,000 somewhere else and keep that $18.67 n Million number the same I I don't have an issue with the postal machine being repaired but it's it's only $122,000 but the budget is the quarterly budget is 18.7 million and so to not be able to find $112,000 somewhere else to shift it over to this line item is really what I'm questioning I I understand what I tried to explain is that when the uh CFO originally presented the temporary budget he failed to include a line item where he and the qpa felt uh was appropriate to draw money from this was going to be an expense that they were intending to um put forth in June or July uh but because the postage meter um was not functioning properly it had to be accelerated I I understand your point completely and uh that's the best response that I can provide to you I understand correctly what you're saying is we can't transfer it to a line item because the line item was never put in the temporary budget so we have to do it this way to add the line item to the budget right but we could but we could take them the funds from a different line item nothing prevents us from doing that okay I understand I understand and I I agree with you Philipe but technically that would be violating the rules in terms of putting this particular this is a very specific expense putting it in the wrong place uh and um just right yeah you have to put it in the line it's got some money that's not the issue again I'm I'm not sure if I'm making myself clear that's not the issue the issue is that the funds in the $8.7 million budget there are hundreds of line item line item uh listed in there and nothing prevents the governing the government from adjusting those items and and taking money from perhaps one that's excessively funded and moving it over to this new created line item nothing prevents us from doing that it's an accounting issue we do it all the time we move we move uh monies from one account to the other all the time it's part of our regular course of business and nothing prevents that from happening here that's all I'm saying this line does not exist today know that I know that but we can create it and get the funds from a different line item the CFO is saying the only way to create it is to increase the budget to add it as a line item put it in the to put it in uh by a temporary budget I I will tell you that um councilman nalis and I how many phone calls the last couple days over this issue Verizon has been very happy that we were so so Mr I'll move 12m this is okay we I I'll second it but but I just just want to make have a clarification before our vote um so Mr papis had this machine and it's one of two correct had this machine not broken down we would have been um having this discussion as part of our of our permanent budget uh uh consideration likely would have made this purchase sometime what in the back half of 24 that be done by before June 30th okay but it would have been a line item put in the budget and included in the regular budget entially buying something a couple of months early and accounting for it in the budget which we would have had to do anyway correct okay and and they were able to repair it but there's no guarantee how long the repairs will last on the existing one why keep spending money to repair something that we have to replace in June right keep keep keep the bubble gum and and I and I understand councilman ped Roo's Point completely and if I didn't if we didn't have to come here for this we would not have come here for this I I can assure you of that and I completely understand I completely I put him through trust me I completely understand your point though I do I I made the second okay roll call before I vote make so you're saying that legally you can't do what I was what I'm suggesting that you should do I believe that you can't transfer monies this time of the year I think transfers can only happen after November 1st well Mr gini is that is that correct with Mr Mr papus I see I understood it was you can't transfer it because the line item is in the budget does not exist that's the problem we can't add the line item through a transfer correct that's not that we can't do a trans we well you can't do a transfer until after November 1st of every year if you you recall at the end of the year you have yes I really encourage those that are concerned with this and you're your attorney Mr gcia I'm asking you for advice and legally can what's your question the question is is can can uh can the funds that are being sought here be transferred from a different line line item in the budget it would depend I would need more okay we do have a motion we do have a second so we will do a roll call councilman K yes Council manalis yes pedroo if I knew that we had that the law prevented us from um prevented us from doing what I suggested I I would obviously have to vote in favor but since I not really getting enough feedback to be confident that's the case I'm going to vote no I do want to make a make a note that I do support councilman Pedro so you that we are doing a roll call that is not allow I'm allowed to give my opinion no you're not councilman for joso under Robert's Rules you are not allowed to just ify your vote comments we do it all the time well we do it all the time I'm sorry please move on clerk president tring yes all right we've come to the conclusion of our agenda with the exception of resolution uh 13 item 13 which is a closed session be it resolved by the township Bridgewater Township Council that this body will now hold a closed meeting to discuss contract negotiations on Source system yard waste municipal court and an area in need of Redevelopment block 411 lot 39 also known as 555e 22 one and if the matters discussed become public record they will be known to the public at that time the public is excluded from said meeting and further notice therefore is dispensed with all in accordance with Section 8 and 4A of the open public meetings act motion I'll make that motion second I'll second okay all those in favor I I opposed have a good night folks no nobody sorry exactly okay e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e five all right soon as the door is open okay we have completed uh our closed session um we need a motion to reopen public session motion to reopen I'll second it all those in favor I oppos motion carries councilman nalis would you like to make any further motions do we have a second okay I'll second it I'll second okay all those in favor I we are adjured thank you lady and gentlemen so you you talk to Jenny yes so I just need a minut we