[Music] okay we'd like to get started uh thank you everyone for coming there has been adequate notice of this meeting provided by the Board of Education in the December or possibly yeah December 20 28 2023 notice in the Asbury Park Press and the co-star setting forth the date time and location of this meeting similar notice has been posted in the barl hall the Briel SCH website and the burrow clerk has been notified Mr Becker present Dr Dan brosia here Mrs mcdevit here Mr Milano here Mrs wath here Mr starky here Mr Vitali Mrs Walsh here Mr Waltman here if we could stand for the flag solution to the flag of the United States of America rep stands Nation indivisible liy justice for [Music] all get a motion to approve the minutes of the uh January 24 2024 meeting I make a motion and I will second it Mr Becker yes Dr D brosio yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mr banit yes Mrs wath yes Mr sty yes Mr Vitali abstain I wasn't here Mrs Walsh yes Mr Walman yes all right I believe uh Miss pster we have a presentation we do um Mrs peon and I tonight would like to spend a little bit of time giving you an update on our district goals that were set um I believe back in October or so we're about halfway through the time that we set them and yeah sure um you know we just wanted to provide you with a little bit some snapshots of evidence uh to demonstrate that we're making progress towards the goal that we set um back the beginning or near the beginning of the school year so so I'm going to allow Miss Pearson to talk about the first two since they're a little bit more curriculum and program related and then I will talk about our third goal uh since that's a little bit more Global and and operational in terms of res so if we look at our goals overall our first was to look closely at our Ela and math programs we know that there are new state standards in those areas and we also wanted to really do um a little bit more of an in-depth assessment with with how our students are doing and take some additional steps to um see how well they are doing with meeting braing level proficiency uh we are looking this year into uh ways to enhance our social emotional development of our students character education executive functioning really taking a look at um the program that we already have in place and some of the things that we're doing and then considering ways that we can continue to meet our students needs in these areas and lastly um being new and coming into the district taking a look at our technology tools that you know affect how we are even doing some of our day-to-day business um so that we can increase our efficiency and enhance our organization so I'm gonna let Miss Pearson um give you some details about what we're doing with Ela now thank you um so it's been a really exciting busy year um as most of you know um whether you're a parent or a board member you know that we've had um lots of rigorous ideas um we came in looking really close at our El Ela and math and in the beginning of the year with the analysis of our New Jersey state um results we've talked about that and some of our goals as to helping our teachers look at what to do with those results where to apply the standards appropriately um and look really delving into what they can do to change their instruction to meet the needs of each of their children in their classrooms so that was what we started the year off with very very first thing in the beginning on August and September and then to our October PD um we started we continued with the administration of our link it benchmarks EXL and Dibbles Dibbles is given in um K through five and that is an assessment in Reading EXL is given in the area of ela and math and Link is also given in the area of ela and mathl and Link at R K8 we did hold off with our kindergartens and first graders and didn't assess them until the mid year benchmarks um in linked inl just to give them a chance to get used to you know the new routine of school using computers and all of those pieces so that has been very valuable data for our teachers to drive instruction in their classroom um and also allow us to look at where we need to Target our small group instruction with our students if they needed more than just what was given the high quality instruction within the classroom tier one did they near tier two or maybe even tier two three more intensive intervention in specific areas and any of those students that do um qualify for the type of instruction or progress monitored by our interventionists usually they are within an action plan that parents are involved with as well so it's been um a new Endeavor not new but an updated Endeavor for our school district but it's been you know very um well received with our community parents and our teachers because this really has allowed us to track progress of our students more effectively um that that goes right along with intervention and also kind of solidifying and put making some updates to our intervention and referral services and making sure that we had a case manager that was overseeing all of those plans and making sure that we had the connection with the parents uh coming in to understand what their students were doing and how they were progressing we've um given our staff members ongoing professional development and Link it Dibbles and iel using our October professional development days using um days within our school calendar and getting some sub coverage when we had link um we've had link it come in a couple times to help our teachers along the ways when the different benchmarks come in what you do with this new updated data because we have such important information it's a lot for the teachers to take in and know what to do with so we're trying to get as much support with that as possible and we are a year to W wisdom which is our Ela curriculum in grades p through five it's actually the third year for grade four because I believe they piloted it um a lot of really excellent feedback from our teachers um to observe some of these rich discussions that these even kindergarteners are having with literature and text um and identifying um different things within what they're reading is really truly remarkable um what they can get these little ones to do at a very young age and get them writing even um sooner than before so that kind of sums up our El math and moving on to social emotional learning um that was another one of our district initiatives so our counselors Kate and Kate Caldwell and Beth O'Reilly um have started off the Year by pushing in on a regular basis to our classes in K through five whether it's during The Home Room warning meeting period or during the a regular period throughout the uh the week we are ling everything to our five Cel competencies self- awareness responsibility um all of those pieces so all of the lessons and everything that we do related to social emotional learning does link back to those five competencies um we had initial training of our counselors our pre teacher our occupational therapist our speech therapist on zones of regulation in October that is something that we would like to push out a little bit more globally to the rest of um K through 4 next year so we are got our pilot groups going we have some of our um therapists using that individually with students and some of our counseling groups so we're trying it out we do know that it's an excellent program um and that we hope to make that available to all of our students next year and up to grade four we had some summer training in the area of metacognition for our counselors and teachers um that had signed up that kind of started performance of culture and I came in um very well received we were looking to continue that again next year too um in I think it was October there was um I made ANL presentation to the bpeg um committee about what we are doing with the district initiatives inal and what seal kind of is and what it's not and how it can just be very easily integrated into the day um with our students we have we are Contin looking at our code of conduct um and we are making sure that we are incorporating restorative practices um when we are imploring the code of conduct and discipline and certainly with any of our hi remediation and making sure that it's meaningful and it's not just giving you know telling students what they did wrong but what can we learn from that and how can we do better next time so that has been very helpful for some of our students or some of the kids that just continually make the same mistakes like how can we help them not make those same choices again how can make a better choice um our executive functioning groups um have been ongoing with oh that's something our OT and speech therapists do on a regular basis as well as our counselors but we have stared this year starting to do some co-reading co- teing co- treating um Cod groups and they have been really great because it allows the students and it allows our staff members to collaborate together and learn from each other as they're as they're working um and then again as like I said earlier with our irns process we have expanded our lens to just not be academic but to be a little bit more looking closely at social emotional behaviors looking closely at um at any kind of you know any kind of issues that might not be that might make academics look a little different but it might be because there's something else going on so we are trying to expand our lens with our whole staff um in that way so and then lastly you know we have some really great um you know technology Tools in this District that as we continue to de into what they can do for us you know we can find better ways to communicate to collaborate uh to kind of just make things flow a little bit more smoothly so here's some examples of some things that we've started to do with the technology tools that we already have uh we have asop for staff attendance we have started to use that um gotten rid of all the paper forms for um teacher absences and things like that that is all electronic right now uh we have increased the scheduling module capacity in Genesis that's our student information system so we have more fully built out um how we're using Genesis to ensure that uh we are you know more closely tracking where everybody is and and all of those types of things around scheduling um we're we've increased the use of Frontline for staff evaluation to include some other components that were not in there uh previously that we're required to have as a part of NJ achiev some things were on paper we've shifted some of those things over to front line so it's all one place uh and we've certainly uh increased the use of the Google Drive for a lot of our district processes uh things like our HIV investigations meeting agendas PLC notes our grade level teachers are meeting weekly um at regularly scheduled times and they submit notes to Administration from those meetings based on topics we give them or things that they're working on we can review those notes get back to them very quickly um all our field trip and professional development requests are all now being done electronically so we're using Google um in a much broader way and we continue to think about how that can improve our organization and efficiency um Nancy has created a great uh Google Classroom all around curriculum and instruction topics so when things are due articles we might want teachers to read um you know uh how we're going to do certain things like you know your linkage training here's the schedule so we're doing all of that through Google classroom with our teachers and very exciting just this week we are transitioning to online registration for kindergarten I want to thank Mr Slater over there he had a big hand in helping us with that and Mrs Kennedy um and new students all of our registration will now be online instead of on paper form so um you know there there is some some Growing Pains along the way and everybody has been really open uh to starting to make some of these changes but I think what it's also going to allow us to do is decide you know which of these tools is most beneficial are there some that we might want to expand the use of some you know others as we expand some of these there might be some that we're purchasing that we no longer need um so it's allowing us to really kind of dig in and see how we can work most efficiently with one another so like I said we just wanted to share some examples of things that we're doing to work toward the district goals uh that we set and the bottom we look forward to the rest of the year so thank you very [Music] much thank you Miss P thank you Miss Pearson that was awesome uh any board questions anybody yeah we're going learn more about um discuss code of conduct and restorative practices restorative we're going to learn more about what that is and what's being taught so we we have not fully redone our code of conduct yet that is a work in progress and I guess when we're talking about restorative practices it more is along the lines a little bit of what Miss Pearson was saying it's a little bit of you know many times it's just a discussion of you know think back about what you did what choice could you have made differently right and then for us to even as a followup to that conversation do a check-in with that kid and say you know have you you know how has this week been going you know so while we there are still some things in place like lunch detention and regular detention right I think we also want to seize on some of these things as you know um point points of reflection time to learn have a discussion about what took place and how moving forward you know maybe as a as a kid I could do something differently so I don't find myself in the same situation okay is the intention to reduce discipline for for actions as as part of that or is it as part of the process and then there would be escalations to different discipline yeah and I think like ultimately right we don't want to be giving detention detention detention detention right but rather if you can have those conversations with kids and check in with them and just say you know how are things going um you know or have you found yourself in a similar situation over the last few weeks where you had to stop and think about what you do whatever right we hope that that that student when they get to that next next situation will maybe pause and think and not find themselves being hit with another detention or making that same mistake so ultimately yes we always always want to reduce you know disciplinary infractions and hope that you know using some other interventions besides just the negative consequence you know can help kids make better decisions thank you thanks uh at this point we are at uh visitors business and visitors are permitted to comment on agenda items only at this time we just ask that even if you've been here before before you clearly state your name and [Music] address does not seem to be any Miss Quigley are there any correspondences this one no okay uh that brings us to committee reports uh Mr Vitali District Operations thank thanks we met yester we met yesterday late afternoon meeting less than an hour uh we we talked about the results of the audit through a representative of of the audit firm uh and a a very very quick summary of that is we ended up the way budgets are supposed to end up pretty pretty much even pretty much even so so so what we what we brought in on the revenue side we actually spent on the expenditure side and and I think it was a small deficit around $20,000 so on a budget of almost 20 million 20,000 is not bad um and and the good news the good news is we did not have any recommendations Mrs quickly congratulations yeah the microphones are for the for the people at home it is okay so yeah [Music] so we discussed the order which we have to approve tonight and the uh the results of the order was the budget was actually you know came it came to a small deficit up around around $20,000 and I just made a statement that budget of about [Music] million pretty and um the order part of the auditor's job is is is is to report on on any kind of internal control deficiencies and uh we we did we did um we did not have any recommendations for improvement which is a wonderful reflection on business office um we also talk about the media center and we we ultimately do have a Time table here um we are just we're in the early stages of the of the of the of the of the work there and the time table the timetable is for completion sake mid mid uh may actually uh we also talked about we also talked about the playground equipment and we are waiting on a proposal from from our vendor and and and and we still we're still researching if if we if we if we can pay for some of the if we can pay for part of the playground equipment from from from from one from one of our surpluses we should we should have an answer we should have an answer on that but you know I would think about the next committee meeting and the next committee meeting is pretty much pretty much solely going to be focused on the preliminary budget okay for the 2024 2025 and we keep you up to date as to how it [Music] progresses that's that's about that's awesome good information uh representative this Mr M i attended the meeting in the beginning of February uh prel is month every month prel is represented very very well academically in clubs Athletics it's just uh it's amazing how all eight Towns come together for one high school and just to hear on the elementary school side I'm not a voting member there but it's very similar to what we do we had a presentation on their uh board goals and objectives and you know just weeks ago of what they're doing on you know Elementary in addition to high school so it's just on a k to8 level we run very you know identically if not very similarly and on the high school level it's just a whole you know different thing but how we have Representatives on the Key Club uh you know on all the sports they're excelling they're getting Awards month in and month out it's just a a very positive environment to go see month in and month out thank you thank you Mr uh curriculum and programs M Walsh yes we didn't have the opportunity to meet um we had such a robust meeting about um last month and when I talked to Miss busher she said she was going to present with Miss Pearson so they were going to go over many of the topics that connected to the board goals that they're working on under this category so so we will have another formal meeting this month and update you on that thank you thank you HR uh Human Resources we met with um Miss Paula just before the board meeting on the topics that are on the agenda tonight thank you and Mr Walman uh we did not have a uh former policy meeting uh this month there was no pressing alerts from Strauss smme um we are making steady progress on staff review of our our policies for the website we're now down to less than 40 uh to be uh completed um we also are going to evaluate in the next meeting uh the use of facilities uh for organizations such as as chess um that are not nonprofits or I guess four profits um and then we're also so working on verbiage for our two policies uh pertaining to the situation where uh students need to potentially pay tuition because of construction uh overruns in in the in the district so I'm sorry for no formal report we did not we did not not officially meet fine thank you Mr Walton and then uh M reath Community relation yeah I just have a a couple of updates um from the PTO um we had a successful inaugural Bingo night family bingo night um it was a really fun evening and uh we look forward to keeping that hopefully as an event for future uh school years um the PTO is hosting the sweetheart dance Friday night the 23rd um which they are all very excited about uh from from the bef casino night was rescheduled for February the 29th at 6: p.m. um and of course they're looking forward to that being well attended and raising lots of great money for the school there has been continued progression uh with the playground as was mentioned and I'm sure miss psra will have more information about um the most recent committee meeting and and where they are headed with that um and then lastly uh for the bpeg they also had a meeting that was rescheduled um so it will be on March 7th um and uh it is about zones of Regulation Amy fory who is a pediatric OT with OT time and Briel will be presenting um and zones of Regulation was actually just brought up in the presentation so that's something that we're starting look at here and hope to roll out even further so uh the bpeg is encouraging parents and staff who would like to come and learn more about zones of Regulation to come to the March 7th meeting um especially since you know with the last meeting being cancelled it's been a little bit of time so hopefully lots of people will be able to come out for that March 7th meeting that's about it right thank you m re you're welcome three of those things very important to the community the PTO the uh bef and the bpeg so there things that you're not involved in you strongly encourage you to uh get involved in them they're all awesome organizations all right thank you board uh administrative report sure same for me pretty short report tonight I think part of it was we had a later meeting in January and we've also had break in there so um days have been flying by um we have finished up our midyear benchmarks and you know we're starting to look at data as Miss Pearson shared um on January 31st we had a really great music assembly here for our students in grades three through eight um so that was enjoyed by everyone we celebrated the 99th day of school on the Friday before break because the snow day kind of threw us off and I didn't think starting back on the first day with the hundredth day of school would be a way for us to kind of get back into the routine so um you know PTO also you know came a lot of parents volunteered did little celebrations with our students before break uh walking around and getting in some classrooms Upon Our return it sounds like many families took some wonderful trips and had a really great break so now we are settling back into our our learning routines um and you know everybody's been really settling in nicely um very glad that we're making progress with both the media center and our playground projects uh so we look forward to continuing to work on those um and that's it for me awesome any questions from the board we got have 120th day [Music] cele thank uh all right we're on t uh HIV reports not we're on to action items all the action items are on recommendation of the superintendent uh M Walsh you move sure I'd like to make a motion to move items on the agenda from A1 through A8 second Mr Becker yes Dr dambrosio yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mr Milano yes Mrs wath um abstain I think okay yes Mr sty yes Mr Vitali yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr Waltman yes motion [Music] car District Operations said please course like under District Operations like we move items B1 and B2 please second okay I'll second speak up please Mr Becker yes Dr D brosia yes Mrs MCD yes Mr Milano yes Mrs wath yes Mr starky yes Mr Vitali Mrs Walsh yes Mr Walton yes motion Carri thank you uh we really don't have anything poliy so C is just there's nothing to present there uh Joe Mr Human Resources under Human Resources like to move D1 and D2 second okay de Osio Mr Becker yes Dr D Osio yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mr Milano yes Mrs reath yes Mr starky yes Mr Vitali yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr Walman yes motion Carri thank you again we have uh arrived at the visitors business visitors are permitted to comment on agenda and non-agenda items at this time again we just ask even if you've been here before that you clearly state your name and your street it is to wave out and we do not have the number of students to qualify yes just a few comments I just wanted to thank you guys for that presentation because I think that our current Administration is awesome um few other words but um and it just shows how Forward Thinking also for Ming these Le are so thank you for that um my daughter is within the intervention process and I had great experience with Miss Pearson and the team so I want the board to know that it is appreciated and you guys have pretty bad person over here is really pulling her we so I wanted you guys to know that um the use of tools is awesome I think the technology is great the ASA the front line my question to the board is what is your role in this and where were we five years ago if things were paper if teacher evaluations weren't process AB absences were on paper right so what is your role so that we're at ni stage and we're back in lines here what what is the role of the board they made such great progress to move forward what is your board that I mean it it's a constant battle Miss bino to move forward whether it's in a school environment or outside and and that's our role it it's three-part to to facilitate these meetings to make sure the budget gets passed paid and as you all know to oversee the administration in a way to ensure that uh we're utilizing them to the fullest of their extent uh and I also think some of the tools here are newer you know so you know that is something that you know they they weren't being used here before um and things that have come in you know just because things were done on paper doesn't necessarily mean they weren't being done it's just that now as they have brought new Tools in you know we've been able to come in and look at different ways to expand their use um so the board has been really supportive um you know in actually making the purchase right building these tools into the budget because some of these are not cheap every year and I think it's incumbent upon us to make sure with their financial support they're the ones who you know open the purse strings and say here here are these tools you know I think it's incumbent upon us to figure out how to make the most of that investment with their support and and as a board we also one of our huge goals was hiring a new superintendent so that was certainly something that we uh considered as well and so we want that's one of the ways that we can influ us moving forward uh and and not backwards yeah that we have we haven't had before so I appreciate that I just want to say thank you for being so I think it's always a good thing to be acknowledge particularly the administration for what's being done right because you get a lot of things thrown at you so uh thank you for acknowledging that it's a big deal she's been a lot of B first year baptized in fire really thank you Miss and I think the St supports they're working very hard I say that all the time that there is a team of teachers here being somebody new's coming in they have really embraced the change they have worked so so so hard have been open to everything that we have been adding to their plates um and it is just such a wonderful wonderful staff and great Community Support here too it's you know it's a really it's a lovely place um and you know it's a pleasure to work you know in a place where people you know um are open are willing to change and want to move forward thank you back there um so okay so on Friday February 9th I receiv received text message from friend asking I noticed increas police presence at the school she told me she had heard that a student threatened to bring a b to school a message like this is scary on any day but the car I was Terri the reason email was coming from the superintendent have consistently discouraged us away from so my husband and I made the decision to call School directly this is where you go to for accurate information get my husband was told what we were heing was 100% And that the police presence were cing us we were still feeling pretty uneasy we made the decision to contact the LV we were told that in fact there was a reported of threat to the school but after investigation it had been deemed that that threat was not credible so again in school there is one there respons um we have been fing many calls from erand regarding this this is a rumor everything here is fine I'm in a room full parents so I'm sure we're all aware of what a live mission is Right children Lying by Omission is the deliberate Act of leaving out important details to the TR dispute or misrepresented what ask made to the school now rumor I don't believe that is in fact notice from this post confirmed this hours later we receive an allegation of potentially alarming Behavior at the school we have worked with the police to investigate this to the fullest extent this email went out at 36 P.M despite having the information I believe despite taking multiple calls from parents throughout the day a decision was made to wait until after dismissal to communicate any information parents with an upcoming week off from school no why why is there even an increased police presence without communicating with us before especially with this clim why is there with police and you're waiting until after the fact to communicate anything not looking for all of the details I'm looking any threat any allegation whatever words you want to use big however small credible I believe I have a right to know about this and I believe I have right to know about in real time that I make decision I school I don't want to feel like I'm being like I don't want to feel like water information is being watered down deliberately being kept from us until it is a convenient time to do so I understand wants to gossip don't want rumors there's misinformation but I don't know where you expect us to get information if you refuse to provide it you are fueling very gossip that you want us to stay away from my so here is my specific question regarding the matter when did you learn about the allegation and why did you wait until after school to inform us because all I had which is Broad information very F language um it kind of seems like the school was involved in an investigation the police were involved in an investigation and maybe there was no intent to tell parents um but then a lot of parents started calling and like oh news is out um and so waited until you know we're about to lock the doors for school for 10 days to make a statement statement um so that you could avoid talking us about it and I'm disappointed it was that's I to thank you it takes a lot to come and speak at these meetings it usually revolves around the Safety and Security of your child when you come here here my four kids have come here it means everything to me and and you're no different so thank you for coming we appreciate that you know uh the when and the why your two specific questions we can get you those answers right now it's not the time for that uh so I I do have your information I will follow up with you uh it's they're valid questions but you would be surprised at time frame that we were informed of information and coincidences like for instance that day all the crossing boards had all the only alternative to crossing guards are the police department that was a huge portion of the large police presence just crossing guards but uh for sure we will get you your answers anything else all right thank you uh now it is time to do one of those thoseo critical things which is pay the bills Mr VI oh I'm sorry um but you're GNA give her the answer I guess this is something that all parents so again go back toing that information toal but what about everybody else that just listen to and everybody else you know looking for everybody individually reach out to multure board you know should be something that's put out there is actually a communication chain and and we're the last step of that the board you're you're always welcome to come and speak here but truly the the chain starts with the teacher in the classroom and if there's no answer than the administration so if there are further questions about it the admin Administration is open all the time for any issue uh is it fair to say that yeah and and look I I'm not going to give you an off-the-cuff answer right here yeah you know my there were many complex factors that went into that situation Safety and Security of our kids is absolutely first and foremost the most important thing and if there was a situation where students were unsafe they would not be here I also am Bound in my position to honor and and protect student confidentiality so I also have to be very cognizant of what information I am able to share about what is happening and what information that I am unable to share so that I do not break confidentiality for students so sometimes that's a really narrow tight rope to walk and I will say that on Friday there was a kind of Confluence of timing and circumstances that that explains why the communication went out while it was I was not trying to hide anything I was not trying to be disingenuous right circumstances were unfolding in real time and my first priority was to make sure that everything was safe and okay here and I knew that I had other things to take care of here for our students first and that's why the communication did not immediately get out and I understand that that's frustrating for parents sometimes but I've got to prioritize our kids first and that's what that was that's what was required that day if if it is required for me to send out another communication like that that explains that I am happy to do so I think just following up with that is reception that you can't tell us everything you have to tell us you know I understand I appreciate how much the safy of my children like how important that is um but I can't be in the dark while you're investigating something that safy so there's a way I believe maybe I'm wrong this is something work on um that you can protect confidentiality while stilling parents enough so that I'm also a part of the decision like I made a decision that they pick my children up early that's how I put in the dark um and you know that's my own personal choice but I think it's not all or nothing there's probably middle there's probably bright and I think it can be done hour we can respond okay thank you thank you yes answerit no it's actually drill then it was the crossing guards out then it's this so I don't know where the like I don't know why the secretaries would Li and where that Direction came from but that is a lie it was a drill and the police weren't there doing drills morning so that makes parents we not it thank you Miss Gil Martin we don't want anybody to get the impression that we're spreading lies to protect information that we don't want to get out there so so dly know that we appreciate that yes sir5 the short yard um I also came here because of obviously that initial email that went out the only thing I can say is that I would appreciated some type of followup even even as late as you know Tuesday when we were back in school there really was no closure was kind of like that one email unless I miss something was there another email was it just that one it should have been some typ of closure to make us understand that it was you know a false alarm a misunderstanding at least we can sleep better at night sending our kids to school Mr Randazzo thank you closure is everything we appreciate that Miss gilmar takes a lot but I think transparency is something a lot parents been [Music] adely so I think that's con be not thank you anyone else all right uh T back to paying the bills very good motion that the Board of Education authorizing came to the following January 2024 bill smth and that the secretary is authoriz on warrants of the treasure and a total amount of 1, 15654 15749 Just note it should be February bills sorry feary Bill Mr Becker yes Dr de Osio yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mr MWI yes Mrs we yes Mr starky yes Mr Vitali yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr Waltman yes thank you everyone uh we have the board's SEC secretary certification uh there is no discussion of all business and I do not believe we have an executive session this evening we still have discussion uh I think that's weird that it's old yeah it's weird they have discuss they added discussion of old business into the agenda really we're supposed to have the board discussion there's opportunity for board discussion supposed to don't have to have any we can take it off that prior it in case there things you want to Prior totally I just just one topic I'm sorry Kurt if I could just no don't apologize please no one apologize I think Courtney brought up something actually pretty important and with all respect to confidentiality um the community has been through a lot in this in this last month um and the administration and the staff have been through a lot in this last month and so I am very much in favor of any type of to whatever extent possible open communication Town Hall whatever you want to call it I think if you really want to get to closure those are the types of things that communities do to have those conversations but the community has to also understand we don't just say things like confidentiality for for the for the fun of it right like those are true issues and true legal issues that we do have to deal with so I don't know that you'll ever get that complete closure that you're looking for but talking about things in the open is is what we're here to do so I think we should we should do those things thank you Mr Walton uh there is no executive session this evening scheduled uh which brings us to adjournment can I get a motion to adjourn make a motion thanks very much everyone we appreciate your second thank you thank you so