coming out this evening there has been adequate notice of this meeting provided by the Board of Education in the December 2023 notice in the Asbury Park Press the co-star send forth the date time and location of this meeting similar notice has been posted in the burrow Hall the Briel School website and the burrow clerk has been notified roll call Mr Becker present Dr Dan brosia here Mrs McD here Mr MWI here Mrs wath here Mr starky here Mr Vitali Mrs Walsh Mr Waltman here we could all Stand United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation go indivisible with liy and justice for all can we get uh a motion to approve the minutes from uh the December 13th and January 3rd meetings make that motion second okay Mr wman Dr Mr Becker yes Dr de Osio yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mr Milano yes Mrs yes Mr starky yes Mr Walman yes she abstain from December 13th just from December 13th yeah I couldn't remember if I was here either so I hope I was yes I was uh miss pollster any presentations for this evening any formal presentations awesome all right that brings us to item number five visitors business at at this time visitors are permitted to comment on agenda items only at this time and we ask that even if you've been here before that you please state your name and [Music] address okay Diane any correspondences uh yes we did receive a letter from a Community member regarding the election we'll move on to community reports uh Julie District Operations uh The District Operations committee did not meet this month Joe Manasquan uh Manasquan reorganized uh day after we did January 4th I was sworn in in addition with the other new members to manisan manisan had two presentations or recognized uh their fishing club uh students in addition to to their uh Esports Belle had represented you know children on both uh the club and on the Esports Esports received a $30,000 uh Grant and I think it was the only one in the nation to receive that amount of money with that they bought equipment and computers basically a whole redid a whole classroom or as a uh to compete on the esport level that's all I have for what is what is ort am I electronic uh video games it's the whole well yeah it's unnecessarily video games so I mean I guess you can call it that there's uh say Champions and play each Champion there's a video um we watched I believe a three and a half minute uh clip or a trailer for the video I think the video that they actually have is 12 or 13 minutes minutes on the Mana Squad website that Esports sent basically a crew in to film I forget where the crew came from they they weren't New Jersey based I believe they flew in from another state it pretty high-tech thing and uh it's amazing if anybody has a chance please go on the website and look at it if you haven't seen it already awesome uh Miss Walsh is not here but she just said she's pulling and if we just want to and then she has her committee rep do you mind going on the policy then sure sure um I'm sorry I have to read off my phone yes the policy committee uh met virtually on January 11th at 4M uh the meeting was attended by Mrs PSTA and Miss Quigley of the administration uh Dr D Ambrosio Mrs balsh and myself from the committee um there was no Strauss SME alert to discuss but the committee did Cover four agenda items uh first for old business the Committee reported out on the board docs training uh that was provided to m quickly on December 18th uh the training was provided to fully review how we utilize spard docs how we actually start working with it um as our policy management system and the training lasted an hour and a half uh it was attended by also attended by Mrs Walsh and myself I thought it was very thorough uh following the training uh Miss Quigley loaded all the policies that are up per second reading this evening into the draft policy book um so we are actively Now using this and have our our our policies going into this as we review them um we were then able to review the progress during our meeting and following their approval tonight they will then be put into active uh policy to supersede the previous versions uh additionally uh Mrs postra updated the committee on the progress being made to identify and to correct missing and revised policies that we have since elapse in 2019 uh and the front office has created an expansive spreadsheet based on the board agenda since 2019 to list out all the policies uh which were supposed to been updated uh and now we're working through that sheet to find any discrepancies and make sure that we have what we've passed actually reflected on our our policy site uh next Mrs postra brought three new business agenda items to the committee the first was to review policy 7510 which pertains to the permitted usage of the school our current policy does not allow uh commercial use of the building which is why we have had to pause offering chess as an extracurricular activity there are many parents um myself included that enjoyed this program and have asked for it to be reinstated but we want to be thoughtful and consistent in how we permit this type of usage of our building uh so we looked at similar policies of 7510 for Manasquan and other sending districts and we found that some of them do allow this type of programs but with specific restrictions uh Mrs Polster is reaching out to those districts to understand how they work and how they handle some of our concerns second uh we visited our policy discussion pertaining to student tuition for cases like policy 5111 that require that the board have tuition rates set for those instances limited instances such as when a family is building a home that will serve as their primary residence in the town but they experience delays as discussed earlier we have asked Miss Adams to draft verbiage to policy 6150 uh and 5111 to set a rate and procedure for annual board approval of that rate hopefully this will be ready for the first reading in February finally uh we reviewed our attendance policy and Mrs pollster provided a review of our current attendance data there was potentially some concerns pertaining to the process of verifying student sick days as an excused versus unexcused absence but based on Mrs Poster's review of the data uh we do not see that reason to make any modifications at this time uh for tonight I'll be putting a number of policies forward for second reading uh which we approved uh back in December thank you awesome thank you Sean uh Kristen Human Resources no or curriculum I'm sorry I apologize curriculum like my day has gone I've not been able to print just one of those days so take your time here I am but I did we did meet yesterday which was awesome for the first time our curriculum committee all right so yesterday we met at 4:00 virtually the meeting was attended by Mrs HRA from the administration and Mrs Pearson and leam starky and myself from the committee there are a few items on the agenda discussed the uh the administration is working alongside the Math teachers they're working on the criteria for the math math placement process they're looking at multiple measures from the various assessments they give in the district they're looking at the rising fifth sixth and seventh graders and each specific criteria they are working on a flowchart that will help explain in more detail the m measures um so there'll be more to come from that from our Fallout meetings um all right let's see they also are continuing to examine the criteria for the reach program and all the qualifying factors kindergarten through one re will continue to receive the all-inclusive pushing enrichment program with the the development of individualized portfolios then the coat test will be administer grades 2 and six so that's an ongoing process and its best practice to always evaluate your programs and criteria each year to make sure it's matching up and you know they're doing a great job with that so more to come the staff has also had link it training the program the company came in and they were working with the staff and the administration to teach them and show them how to take that data because it's a relatively new tool to the district how to look at what you get from all that data because sometimes you get so much and how to really dig back into the data look for patterns and that they can look at those results to address curricular or instructional or programs they're also looking to tailor the students individual needs they have a very good um new facet of link it called the intervention manager so they're working to develop that and come up with an even more systematic approach um they just finished the midyear benchmarks so they have their Linkin assessment Exel and all their D Dibbles data um the scheduling committee is also working and continuing to develop options that's a very huge undertaking when you're looking at a school districtwide schedule so they're taking all of considerations a meeting with staff and multiple stakeholders to see what's the best use of the students time and the staff that they have to optimize all learning um for for the best options for all the students um the state as we know in the fall released updated New Jersey learning standards which is a huge undertaking for both math and language arts actually K12 which impacts us here K through 8 um so again The District administration is working with um staff on developing a plan to revise and update the curriculum because it has to be pushed out by September 2024 with all the new standards in alignment so a lot of that work will take place over the summer with the staff that various grade levels um lastly the fun stuff the committee discussed the co-curricular activities the bands and chorus concert had a lovely um show concert right before the day and it was a huge success Miss Craig was also um she participated with the Fine Arts by putting out um artwork throughout the school for people to enjoy so that was a wonderful Community event the musical is underway and we'll be taking placement March basketball and cheerleading are winding down the win for the winter and winter enrichment is in full swing from the P so thank you thank you Kristen what's the musical this year High School I was trying to think of it when I Wasing it up that'll be cool thank you uh Julie do you have anything um I do have a few things we didn't meet as a committee however I do have uh some things to share from some of our uh Community organizations uh from the PTO um just to follow up on some past events there candy can my yard was very successful parents and kids really enjoyed themselves um they recently had a Snowball Dance that uh was for the sixth through eth grade there were over a 100 students in attendance and money was raised through that upcoming tomorrow night is the first family bingo night at 6:00 pm I happen to be chairing that event and um we have 143 people signed up for it so um we're really looking forward to a fun free family event um just to you know continue to come together as a community and they have the uh daughter and father or friend dance um coming up February 23rd uh the bef is hosting casino night next Thursday the 1st of February from 6:00 to 10 at the Spring Lake Banner um the B Education Foundation raises money that is uh put towards um really great things that uh we get to use at the school like um enhancements to uh computers and technology and such so um if you can I believe the tickets are on sale throughout this week from the bpeg um Unfortunately they had to have their last meeting cancelled due to some weather concerns um and the meeting is rescheduled for March 7th they will have Amy foresight who is a pediatric OT at OT time and Brielle she will be presenting on zones of Regulation and co-regulation um which is uh important because this is something that will be um implemented here in the school in the future so any parents or staff that would like to come and learn more about uh zones of Regulation are welcome to come to the meeting and lastly um the playground Committee just met this afternoon um and uh they met with a representative from MRC who came with proposals and plans um got great feedback from the committee and uh now they're on to the next next step of reviewing and considering options and obviously looking at budget so I'm sure you'll have more to speak about that but those are just some of our uh community events taking place and I just got off the phone Mr Spiker a few minutes ago because of the uh bingo night tomorrow all games we wanted to clarify are on Friday if they were scheduled for tomorrow for BTY basketball B basketball so he's like mind people for the community I guess he's getting a lot of messages today so he called me yeah because I can message him myself I'm like are you sure so thank you we're excited he's it's great that we have so many things going on but I know it makes the scheduling a little crazy because everything's indoors right now but yeah thank you Julie awesome uh Miss POA administrative report for this evening sure so so many of you have hit on so many of the things that were in my report tonight so I don't want to uh be redundant um um but I just want to hit the things that maybe did not come up uh we had also had our geography be uh last month our top finishers were Ryan Caputo and Chase C and they will be going to compete um in a a more regional tournament on February 8 at Spring Lake height so congratulations to them students did a wonderful job as a social studies teacher I was very impressed uh with their knowledge um like I said basketball season and our cheerleading season is winding down we've got some playoffs coming up but both the boys and the girls have had a really great season um we are in the middle of our midyear benchmarks and really looking closely at our student progress to to Target instruction adjust pacing um and really ensure that our students are on target continue to be at grade level proficiency uh yes the playground committee did meet this afternoon I think we're making some good strides with uh moving forward with that committee look forward to talking to District Operations and starting to tie those pieces together um the MRC has done a lot of work locally so uh we feel pretty confident um and they are in um a co-op as well so that that is also advantageous for us trying to move this uh project forward pretty quickly and the other great meeting that we had this week was the preconstruction meeting uh with Northeast Roofing maintenance who's going to be doing our media center project uh we brought together um you know Mike mman our architect the lead contractor uh one or two subcontractors Diane and me and we just really started to make sure that things are in place they know that we are anxious to start quickly um and so you know we've been exchanging the type of paperwork that we need to really get moving um and hope that we are getting that underway very soon it's a little weather dependent um probably wouldn't have worked out to get started during that real freeze anyway um but it looks like now we're you know things should really be taking on off as a result of that first meeting so we're we're very anxious to get that started as well that's all I have thanks M postra uh HIV reports they are attached everybody's all right that brings us to the action item portion of this evening's agenda uh Miss Walsh can you move a curriculum and programs sure I would like to make a motion that the board approves the following oh I'm reading the wrong thing oh no true Community Committee Member right A through 1 through a through 44 second where's A2 and A3 it's um oh on the other page okay Mr Becker yes Dr de brosio yes Mrs mcev yes Mr Milan yes Mrs wath yes Mr starky yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr Waltman yes motion passed Julie can you move District operation sure I would like to make a motion that the Board of Education uh do I need to read the resolution no no that's in here okay that we move the following items B1 through B3 second okay question yes how many Pian do we have excuse me how many Pian for B2 not sure sorry minimum of one I three you have three okay Mr Becker yeah yes Dr G brosio yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mr Milan yes Mrs reath yes Mr starky yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr Walman yes Sean policy yes I'd like motion that the Board of Education approves fing following policies and regulations for a second reading in C1 second Mr Becker yes Dr Di brosio yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mr Milano yes Mrs reath yes Mr starky yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr Waltman yes all right that brings us to HR Joe like to move make a motion to move items D1 for D6 second okay Mr Becker yes Dr de Osio yes Mrs Jones oh shoot sorry about that I apologize it Mrs mcdevit yes Mr milance Swit yes Mrs reath yes Mr starky yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr Walton yes all right thank you very much at this point uh of tonight's meeting we're at visitors business visitors are permitted to comment on agenda and non-agenda items at this time we just ask that you state your full name and the street you live on even if you've been here before yes we're good all right there doesn't indicate to be any visitors business uh that brings us to to the oo payment of the bills I'm sorry there's no discussion on the agenda on the agenda items uh we can add it in there there isn't one is there for board member discussion board member discussion what is the board member discussion was always used to be no I think it was just switched to Old business old business just just a question um and M poer tell me if I can't ask it because it deals with HIV not asking about any of the cases but about the remedial action that one of these remedial actions ask what that means there's a term on air I think we better executive so so we can just we're going we're having one so we can just add it on here for student all right we'll take note of that all right anybody else comments thank you uh that brings us to the payment of the bills Mr starky being part of a District Operations could you pay this evening's bills yep motion that the Board of Education authorizes payment of the following January 2024 bills list and that the secretary authoriz Rises to draw warrants of the treasurer in a total amount of 2,128 6492 I'll second that thank you thank you Mr Becker yes Dr D brosia yes Mrs mcdavitt yes Mr Milan yes Mrs Reed yes Mr starky yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr W yes perfect thank you at this point of the evening uh we are moving into an executive session I'd like to get a motion for that for a legal matter where there will no be no action taken I'd like to make a motion to go into executive session I'll second it you we doing that here you can do yes yeah hi just point out that there's no action so the only business after would be to adjourn the meeting yeah that's effectively ends the meeting we will adjourn immediately after just thanks again for everybody for coming out tonight thank you