##VIDEO ID:8U_VqlWeo4E## attending this evening is greatly appreciated there has been adequate notice of this meeting provided by the Board of Education in the December 28 2023 notice in the Asbury Park Press the co-star setting forth and the co-star setting forth the time and location of this meeting similar notice has been posted in the barell hall the Briel School website and the burrow cler clerk has been notified Mr Becker pres Dr de Osio Mrs mcdevit Mr milanich here Mrs wath Mr starky Mr Vitaly here Mrs Walsh here Mr Walman here all right if we could all stand the flag pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for uh if I could please get a motion that the Board of Education approved the minutes from the June 26 2024 meeting motion W then Joe second Mr M Mr Becker yes Mr Milan yes Mr Vitali yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr Walman obstain all right no presentations this evening correct correct uh we now come to visitors business at this stage visitors are permitted to comment on agenda items only at this time right there appear to be none Diane no correspondences uh we had one correspondence from Shane salvator Yello dear Briel Board of Ed thank you so much for awarding me with the Belle PTO godf freed old scholarship it will be very helpful for my Auburn tuition that's all our respondents Shane's a great guy his family are really good people uh we wish him all the best at all night good all right we are at committee reports uh beginning with District Operations Mr Vitali please sure we met on the 17th of July and uh this this early evening around 6 o' to today um and we discussed the status at the media center which is really really really um ready to be open subject to putting books on shelves that's that's essentially it so so we took a we took a walk through it we we took a walk through it last month it looks wonderful Stacy's done a wonderful job of you know of of of using this using the space and and and should be should should be should should should be a very very welcome open should be very welcome um the play the playground equipment um we um we essentially know um you know the you know the configuration of the equipment um and it uh it is he is it is it is the the um the playground equipment is here um it it's being it's being assembled with the very last piece is the is the rubber coding on rubber coating on the ground and I think that we you know if we get lucky enough we can anticipated being ready for the start of school so that's been a long time long time um one comment I'm making lot of hours trying to figure out what it is we need what what it is we want what we can do what we can't do what we couldn't afford so so you so on and so forth so very very very much appreciate everybody's input there um now um we we we're gonna have um we um um um we um we we are going to we are going to have some boiler work to do it to to do two two boilers that were included in the 2324 budget and and the cost of two additional boilers that could Beed in the 2526 depending upon depending upon the availability the availability of funds um getting back to getting back to the playground equipment um the the U the overall cost of the playground equipment was about $160,000 maybe a little bit more than that um between the PTO and the bef we got about $40,000 and generous contributions um and our budget our budget is going to subsidize the balance subject subject to subject subject to something stat mention just just a little bit later we looked at the budget status for the end of June which is the close of of our of our school of our school budget year uh and looks like the expenditures came out very very close to what we had budgeted there were some things that need to be transferred but but it's but it's pretty much IM material uh and I I I think we can expect a small Surplus to be able to to be able to add to our capital reserve balance uh in you know to and we can't um um we can't we can't anticipate P to you know um saving to to the roof that we're going to need to replace in three or four or five years so um that that's that's about that right now we're going to continue to to monitor the funds of course um that's it for that's it that's that's that's it for the moment awesome great thank you Mr vital all big things with big dollars attached to them so pretty important stuff thank you again uh next on committee reports representative to manisan Mr uh not much at the July manquin meeting other than it was the first meeting that Mr Goodall the new superintendent uh was in place uh outside of that it was just like probably every school district over the summer ending the one school year and preparing to start the new school year come September that's all ah have thank you I think one of the policies this evening relates to our representation with Manis fund so all good stuff that policy uh I think it was just some verbiage no real structural changes because of our size we get representation on the Manasquan board showes that person and it's a it's a big deal uh Miss Walsh yes curriculum and programs please yes we met um yesterday actually virtually 8:30 in the morning the meeting was attended by Miss KRA and Mrs Pearson from the administration Kurt Becker the president and myself and many items were discussed first the administration reported on a great and productive summer the end of the year half days were filled with a lot of engaging learning for the staff and refining their professional practices some of the learning was on June 17th and the 18th the staff members were looking at the qualities of their assessments and examining them for levels of rigor this will be a huge Focus for the upcoming school year where they'll be looking at the standards they are assessing and building in articulation time for the grade levels to analyze grade level content and their assessments then on June 20th the staff was trained further on Atlas Rubicon their curriculum platform the updates to that their unit lesson planning feature the staff is utilizing that one platform rather than different platforms for writing lesson plans using Atlas provides a streamlined process for the actual lesson planning which is based on The Curriculum maps and then they align their assessments to the standards at each grade level then in the final days of school year the entire staff was trained on zones of regulation on July 3D which I've talked about in the past on July 3rd some of the staff that needed training in Dibbles which is their early literacy Benchmark assessment they were trained and you can see that reflected in the agenda they completed an interactive training with Mrs Prendergast then our OT Tower hey trained some more staff members in CPI which is our Crisis Prevention program on on July 25th a complimentary mental health Workshop was available for teachers to attend who would like to participate it was run but um by the goods Samaritan Center and it was donated to the uh B School District so the people who attended got a lot out of that it's very kind for them that organization to provide that the summer was also very busy with curriculum updates because the New Jersey and jsla standards were released for ELA and math uh there both Ela and math curriculum crosswalks were completed the state actually did push back the math full implementation till next September but they already began the process and are working on that um the ongoing projects we've been talking about and working towards our district goals we're consistently conducting Gap analysis and the standards um at each grade level within our district to see where we can better um work and put our efforts forth we're working towards our professional District professional development goals the new technology director work closely with the administration on a tech audit of all the programs that they no longer need or have overlap within other digital programs and their subscriptions they found at least four programs that really not needed resulting in things that they already have provided in the district so got some savings for thect District so that's great um Stacy worked this summer on the emergency manual and made necessary updates Nancy worked um on the student parent and teacher handbooks updating them the new dean of students I think who's here tonight Stephanie worked on an athletic handbook and setting up the BS Athletics extracurricular programs even organized a coaches meeting Nancy also adjusted and worked on the mtss plan which is multi-tiered systems of support for the district the administration is now looking at their morning meeting time and advisory time and looking to restructure and refresh that program students um will participate in a couple morning meetings sessions led by the teacher and then there will be points and maybe probably for more older grades students will have the ability to have opportunities to do these morning check-ins with their teachers if they need questions answered help um to get a little extra help so that kind of just revive that morning time that we have the district we'll hear more about that in the future the district will also be utilizing the clever app for single sign on on all their devices and um another big thing is parents no longer need to call in absences they will be utilizing the Genesis parent portal to to go log in in the morning or in the night and to record their absences there'll be a drop down menu to select maybe the reason why they're not there that day um so that's going to streamline some office work the summer extended school year program known as y was very successful they utilized a new schedule they structured the program a little differently in grade level bands and they felt that it ran very well and looking forward to improving that moving forward and the kindergarten teachers completed the dial for screening earlier this year in for our incoming kindergarten students in July to better utilize those results in balancing the classes and identifying individual needs so that was a very productive busy summer it was a great meeting and we're really grateful to the administration working together for our students here any questions so we're adding a PM homework um not a PM it depends by grade level yeah okay but it was the morning time right there is morning also yes that we talked about more as it'll depend on level of interest for students as well but we've designated AM and PM okay I can't remember specifically which grade levels but there is a mix of AM and PM Services okay good yes yes right thank you Mrs Walsh I I I've sat on the curriculum for several years I chaired it uh Mrs Walsh is 10 times the person I am team it really is clear when you sit in those meetings sincerely her birth of knowledge uh thank you uh HR uh we did not meet uh I don't have anything I don't believe that mrman do you have anything no uh M the superintendent shared with the board pretty much everything to my knowledge that's on tonight's agenda thank you since we last met your hard work from the past yeah uh policy Mr Walton sure thank you um yes the policy committee met yesterday it was attended by uh myself and Dr D brosio from the board as well as M postra and uh Miss quickley from the uh Administration um we were uh addressing Strauss SM update alert number 233 uh as in some previous updates the majority of the changes there's a number of of policies being revised tonight um Strauss ese is moving away from prior practice of pulling uh definitions and and and from regulations out of the legislation and having them in the policies so for instance like uh 2200 may have previously pulled out some of the uh New Jersey state learning standards and have them in the uh actual policy or regulation itself similar to uh 3160 and 4160 for physical examination and they're moving to more of we will the the the board will follow the guidance from the doe or the Department of Health for those for those types of questions so to try to keep them from getting out of sync uh as the legislation changes uh we are abolishing policy 1646 but we do expect this to be a fluid situation this was a uh an emergency what would we do in the case of an emergency and during covid uh they actually put in uh an executive order that allowed us to be able to have uh emergency hybrid remote meetings uh and still be compliant with the open uh open uh meetings uh however that has expired and we realized though that you know when an emergency happens whether it's a pandemic or if it's a storm uh that we may still need to be able to move to that type of a hybrid structure we certainly have the uh experience with it at this point but there's no there's no statute that allows us to do that so we expect that to change thas SM is still uh trying to figure that out but as of right now that policy needs to be abolished uh on policy 5350 uh where we have um uh this is for student suicide prevention uh all of our staff will uh use a system called Vector for their mandated training and that's one of the systems that we use uh but now that it has to extend to our any staff outside of teaching so lunad Etc U we'll have to have those annual trainings and it's a it's a more formalized requirement to to make sure that anybody that has uh exposure to students in the building uh is trained with the minimums of being able to identify uh a potential suicide uh ideation or or threat to themselves uh on policy 8420 uh security drills all staff and students must be involved whenever practicable um although some situations you know it may not it may not be in the students's best interest or there may be a reason why particular staff member may need to stay with a student and not partic participate in that however the change here is that um if that's the case if the student requires a special accommodation to not participate in a security drill uh that should be captured in the students's 504 IEP ihp Etc so that is that is new um pre previously that was managed somewhat informally so that's something that we will have to make sure that if that's the case and we have a student that needs a special accommodation during one of those drills um that they will be uh accommodated and additionally uh there are very strict requirements Mrs Polster has done a really great job um making sure that our building is safe and that are we're properly trained for for security events um but they're really cracking down on access to the building making sure that doors aren't locked and that there's uh there's remedies or I should say there's uh uh penalties or or I'm sorry grasping at the word but there's there's liability if you wrot a prop open a door or something like that so there's a lot a lot stricter security requirements in that uh finally we talked about we've been wanting to now that we have all of our policies and our agendas fully searchable uh on board docs uh we want to have that more accessible on our web page Brett is going through the process looking overall the update to our student to our school website and when that happens Our intention is to embed our policies and agendas directly uh in them and make them easier to find rather than having to click out to uh the board docs platform and so that's it on all of these policies any questions thank you Sean as usual extremely thorough and very comprehensive so thank you okay uh Mrs reath is not here uh she did not uh present a a report um I'm grasping at different Community things that are going on so if there's any that you guys can think of backyard crawl yeah the backyard crawl dash for the dash to sign up Dash for the younger ones for pre L day I know it's a little unusual but does bpeg have anything that you might be able to add um I just wanted to know about the playground we just couldn't hear I can repeat it during my she's gonna go that there's some really exciting news about that is there any bpeg events no dates you know postra went and worked with us to do dates for next year and'll calendar that goes out to the parents um so they're included in there we have three meeting dat coming here they won interfere with the board's meetings and and everybody else so that settled and uh so we'll have you know as we get closer we'll come up with some presenters that will be beneficial for our parents and at those meetings we'll let you guys know so can advertise for us all right thank you m b i I know that from my perspective and from what the administration has shared me with me the the relationship particularly bringing n on board uh is really strong and you guys are bringing a lot to the table for parents's one them and you know and again you know being Educators ourselves and and working with with Stacy um you know just the stuff that she has done in this past year those are things that we've kind of brought you know to Administration in the past that zone of Regulation you know a wonderful thing would be you know just Genesis in general the stuff that Christ was talking about those are things that you know the thought maybe would happen a couple years ago and she got it going on and now they're in there and you know it's going to make parents lives easier it's going to make the staff's lives easier so you know just keep it thank you thanks for adding that um we now we at Mrs pooler's administrative report sure so you know from the committee reports you can tell it's been a pretty busy summer here um first thing I would like to do first and foremost is uh because she was not able to attend our first meeeting um I would like to welcome Mrs Stephanie panetti who will be serving as our Dena students we had a very competitive applicant pool for this position and you know Stephanie was so impressive uh with her experience her professionalism her enthusiasm um and you know going through a round of interviews that included a presentation um you know she just really um just shined and we really feel like we know she's going to be such a great fit here at Brielle um she has been coming in over the summer and is hit the ground running um and you know it's a very exciting time here you know having two um new people um in some key positions that's going to allow us to continue to move forward as a school and as a district so welcome Stephanie and thank you for bringing your family tonight um you know we're we're so glad that that you're joining our team um we also have been doing a lot of hiring this summer uh Last Summer the hiring for me seemed pretty light uh but this year uh we're hiring six new teachers I guess let me just double count again actually seven um so we have been actively you you know um interviewing people for some tenure track positions but also some leave Replacements six out of those seven positions are filled at this point and again you know I think it speaks to this community and this school that when a position opens up we get a very large applicant pool and so I feel so fortunate I think um you know we've got some great people in place to fill the positions that we have open we also have hired two new contracted service providers a physical therapist and a speech language specialist um so you know we are going to be fully staffed uh once September Comes but you know it's been very busy just with the hiring alone and I'm very excited about the candidates who will be joining us um I also although some of this was shared we've been really working on a lot of updates uh the emergency crisis manual a new student handbook um Stephanie is going to introduce a very well articulated code of conduct um and really some very exciting technology updates that Mr Greenfield is getting ready for us um so that has also been happening uh a lot has been happening facilities wise as well um as we said the media center will be up and running in September and Mr D is going to be pretty busy with those books in the course of the next couple week that is the last piece but it looks lovely um and we're so excited to have that space back uh the playground project the playground equipment is here it's ready for installation what our phase one uh that will actually demolition will begin on Monday uh we are hoping weather permitting that you know we will be ready for the first week of September phase one is to get the equipment in phase two is the surfacing so that is moving along nicely um Mrs ke has also been working with the um custodial staff to um install a new sensory pathway down by the entrance to the preschool uh the PTO uh generously supported that with a grant so that is also coming together this summer um and aside from PD also teachers have been in and out for professional development so that we can continue to work towards our um District goals um you know I also want to remind everybody obviously about Briel day we already see the signs out there and um I know that that is a big Community event that we're all looking forward to and I also want to remind everybody about the bef they are sponsoring a new event on September 14th the backyard bike crawl um they are so such an integral um organization to our school community so I encourage people to you know um take advantage of that I'm sure it's going to be a lot of fun and it sounds like it's going to be a great event uh I also would just like to say that you know I I appreciated um the interest in the level of engagement at our last Board of Ed meeting um after reviewing the feedback and weighing all of our priorities in the school um the decision to keep two sections of fourth grade will remain in place for September that's my report thanks thank you Miss postra uh we appreciate that report Stephanie welcome we appreciate you being here tonight and we're really excited to have you moving forward does is someone going to preschool this year we're excited for you to start your school career kid uh there are no HIV reports right on at uh 7:28 that brings us to a items uh all items below are under under the recommendation of the superintendent Miss Walsh can you move action items motion to read items A1 through a20 second Mr Beer yes Mr switch yes Mr vce Ali yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr Walton yes motion this all right thank you everyone uh District Operations Mr vital please [Music] Mr Becker yes Mr Mich yes Mr Vitali yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr Walman yes thank you uh policy Mr Waltman please sure i' motion that the Board of Education approves the follow following policies and regulations for first reading under C1 second Mr Becker yes Mr MWI yes Mr Vali yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr Walton yes motion pass thank you uh that brings us to d uh Human Resources Mr Mo under Human Resources i' like to move letter D1 through d22 Mr Becker yes Mr M yes Mr Vitali yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr wal yes motion pass all right uh we are now on to visitors business this sometimes can be the most exciting part of meeting you might have to speak I'm holy joking uh all right visitors business visitors are permitted to comment on agenda and non-agenda items at this time we just ask that you approach the microphone so that those viewing at home can hear and you clearly state your name and Street all right there is no visitors business uh I do have something that uh came to me last evening at seven uh it was an email from Mr starky one of our board members who is not here if you don't mind I'll read that poller or parts of it uh dear president Becker and the Bal Board of Education with regret I respectfully submit this email as my official resignation from the B Board of Education on August 14th I am heading to Auburn university to begin my college education my brief tenure as a member of the board has given me deep appreciation for the service that you and my fellow school board members provide to our community I've learned a tremendous amount about the operations of the Briel Elementary School and its faculty and staff and I hope that I have contributed a little towards the success of the board in our school Mr starky goes on to say please give my thanks to other board members and to the administration for their constant support and assistance I hope to continue my own education with the same sense of service that they have all demonstrated to me uh and with that we accept his resignation and uh we'll be looking into remedies for that through uh legal counceling I hold up the policy and uh the policy provides that you have you've gotten notice of the vacancy so you have a posting for the vacancy and then you accept applications you can ask for resumés or letters of Interest and then you can conduct interviews either in public or private whichever the board determines it wants to do um you have to do that within six you have to fill the vacancy within 65 days of today so you might want to schedule something for your next meeting and try to have applications before then uh again it's a board decision whether you do the whole interview in public or whether you have a private interview and then just a discussion as to whoever is being recognized awesome okay that is duy noted the only other thing I'll say is that if you don't do it within 65 days then the county superintend get to and there's a with a policy change just is it the replacement would serve for the remainder of the term or to the reorganization meeting the replacement would serve because it's after July after the third of July would serve to not January of 2026 but January 2027 okay good question the end of the term then that would be it otherwise there might be an unexpired term for good question thank you Mr starky is not here because clearly he is on his way to college I uh just want to thank him for putting himself out there this job is uh it's a unique one uh and it's not easy so uh I want to thank him although brief he was an asset and uh a value to the board uh that is my business so that brings us to the real meet and potatoes payment of the bills Mr vital please [Music] 79561 127 the a bills 24,29 Mr Becker yes Mr lwi yes Mr Vitali yes Mrs W yes Mr Walton yes car right awesome thank you everyone uh there is the normal board secretary certification that is here uh we do have an executive session this evening where no action will be taken and it is for legal matters so I ask if we can get a motion to go into executive session there may be action I apologize I make a motion we go on Executive session all right thank you uh that does not conclude the meeting but that all you thank you everyone