bed meeting of 2023 there has been adequate notice of this meeting provided by the Board of Education in the Janu 9th 2023 and January 12th 2023 notice in the asbery Park Press and the co-star setting forth the date time and location of this meeting similar notice has been posted in the Burl Hall the Bri School website and the Burl clerk has been notified BR Mr Becker Dr de brosia here Mrs Jones here Mrs mcdevit here Mr Milano here Mrs re here Mr vital here Mrs W here Mr Walman here and a very stand [Music] for to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all and if someone can make a motion for the approval of minutes I make a motion for the approval of minutes [Music] second Dr jio yes Mrs Jones yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mr Milan yes Mrs Reed yes Mr V yes Mrs wolsh yes Mr wal yes and now we're going to move on to presentations uh NC boy soccer 2023 championship team coach uh Pete [Applause] [Music] Dad one take we on the air oh we're on the air yeah good evening everybody thanks for coming out tonight for this nice celebration for both the boys and the girls um before I start talking about the boys I just want to congratulate the girls on backtack that's an incredible feat to do and um it's a very tough League to play in and you girls just showed so much character and so much drive and I'm very proud of the eighth grader showing in the leadership that they did for some of those younger girls and of course coach cardamone working hard with the girls every day at practice fantastic job please give them a round of [Applause] [Music] applause so um I think I'm about 16 years into this which is unbelievable to to think about but every year it's such an enjoyment to be around the kids to be someone who is uh supporting some sort of leadership guiding them through just not soccer but their academics making sure that their day is positive day checking in with them from time to time um I've had many many boys over the years in different sports soccer one of the most enjoyable we have the boys that we had this year as a collective group were Sensational always on time always respectful always kind to one another other people and if they weren't I was there to make sure that was happening but I had a special group of kids that that came up when they were sixth graders three years ago there was there was a just a a block of them and they all came at the same time and some years you know we have a a large group of boys and you just can't keep everyone and then there's those years where you have just enough so you bring them all on board and um I had a real good group of sixth graders that have been with me for the last three seasons you know and I listen a lot of these boys and girls they come into these programs and and they could play they could play soccer they're trained very well they they practice hard they're practicing two hours every other night so sometimes just the roll of the dice you know you get a group that's just very good to play they play with each other well and I just have to facilitate it you know sometimes the the mark of good coaches is just recognizing that you have these good players and you just put them in the right spots and let them take care of each other and I watch them when as sixth graders we we had heartbreak as seventh graders um and then as eighth graders you know they ran the table again um this group of boys again the sixth graders who are now eighth graders now they went basically 30 and0 for three seasons had the one overtime loss in the last few minutes of overtime and this year they didn't Trail in any game at all like any of the games and they did it respectfully they knew when the score was you know unattainable for the other team they understood to come off the field and get some of those other boys in there so you know very proud of the fact that They Carried themselves that way so um without any further Ado we're going to go ahead and announce the names and Miss bler right here is going to have the certificates because I'm getting old and I can't remember everybody off the top of my head so um Parker basman are you here tonight Parker no Parker basman Parker if you're out there in YouTube land congratulations put this right over here okay Zack Blackman seventh grader Zack Blackman fantastic job Zach wonder I'm just gonna give you a highi like this hey hey hey hey hey good job and you're gonna stay here so we have a picture all right Ryan Caputo is he here tonight Ryan Caputo is not here tonight he is doing his homework I know Ryan Caputo is doing his homework I kid Chris Cohen Chris unfortunately went down Chris unfortunately went down in a uh yeah I'm gon go like this in a he had a foot a foot problem the whole year he really couldn't play it it broke his heart but he was there every day coming to the practices coming to the games and supporting the team so uh we missed him this year but he was a a big part of our team over the years Um Zack keran is not here tonight he is practicing wrestling yes so he said but Zack ker was fantastic never played soccer before and we taught him how to just shadow people and he was just a nightmare for them no no I know this one so this is uh John John benedetto my boy John my youngest had to caught him as a sixth grader wasn't quite ready yet but he he hooked on with us he did a fantastic job uh I'd be a Miss remiss if I didn't have a shout out to my son Peter who's a senior he just finished uh Squan soccer over there thanks for coming Peter uh will Dinger will Dinger here's Parker thank you will very much will started out as our goalie and he was useful outside in the field too hey look at this Parker Bassman is here Parker had a great basketball game today Parker Parker hey Parker he was fantastic for the for the three years I had him and then when some of my big guys went down he stepped up fantastic job just a fantastic job sixth grader Patrick Healey you're right when this sixth grader walked onto the field I thought uh what am I going to do this guy and he just did nothing but score gigantic goals hard to hard to keep fastest kid on the field wow what a player he is thanks Patrick James Kea he just goes by Kea with us we only called him Kea and he came with us for last year for seventh grade and he had a fantastic job you want to say something no okay was coming in for something Travis Levy Travis I had since kindergarten he was in my kindergarten class and believe it or not he was this big and um what what a warrior this guy is he's goingon to do some Sensational stuff in in in high school uh had the broken nose we didn't do it it was some someplace else it happen and he fought tooth and nail to get back into the game and thanks Mrs Levy for letting him play appreciate that we needed him uh Renzo lucarelli Renzo Renzo Renzo such a fantastic play he had a lot of flare out there he did such a great job Renzo thank you so much for everything another one of those eighth graders Robbie lucarelli Robbie the quiet the quiet brother but he he was fantastic uh another great taco player for us good leaders this guy so I had him in the kindergarten too we threw him threw him in goal because we wanted to see what will could do out um and he maybe he made one of the greatest saves I've ever seen I mean I've I've been coaching a long time Outside Inside Soccer he stopped that kid no over there in Heights oh my gosh changed our whole season Charlie Mahoney after the season I told Charlie he had a month of free whatever he wanted to do and the month's over so get your work done let's go is Sean here Shan McCarthy Shan Shan McCarthy come on up Sean's another one of those Rogue athletes who we just caught a brad on he's B anybody who's bigger and stronger looking than me you're coming on the team Seb McDougall McDougle Seb first of all Seb is having a great wrestling season right now over at Belmar so congratulations on that my friend um you're doing he's doing a fantastic job all over the place but we're gonna we're gonna bring him in right Seb get in the line Rhino Ryan olssen Ryan's another throwback from the kindergarten days what a fantastic little player he is lives across the from Tommy Johnson so he gets all that from him pety PCO I sorry Mom I have to call him Peter on the field but we all know he's pety here great job Peter is Wyatt here Wyatt here Wyatt there you are behind the computer come on up Wyatt again when some of the boys went down Wyatt was back there holding everything together so great job Wyatt thank you very much for those three years and Jack [Applause] Walter Jack Walter is gonna be another Sensational soccer player at the high school level and what a great leader I I can't thank you enough for everything you did Buddy and that's it thank you very much everybody yeah let's get a picture oh and the trophy Jack would you grab the trophy thank you all [Music] right my wife ladies and gentlemen B guys in the back guys front we're going to be right over here everybody on [Music] this first and look there and another one another one that one over there all right boys conratulations [Music] [Music] now we can have Miss Cardon come up [Applause] [Music] and all right once again uh thank you so much for having us here tonight um what was so special about this season was uh yes the girls won right the MC championship for the second year in a row but um what made it extra special was that we did get a chance to share this experience with the boys team so um it's so nice that we got to do everything together um the girls had an incredible season uh they finished the regular season with an overall record of 9 and one we had an unfortunate loss to St Catherine's early on in the season but we did learn um a very good lesson um through that game and we definitely made adjustments accordingly throughout the season which helped us finish the season um regular season scoring 47 goals and maintaining four shutouts so um very high scoring in a lot of these games um the girls took care of it out on the field and because of that we sealed that top seed spot going into the playoffs so in the American Division we were that top seed which is very difficult to do because as Mr D said we are definitely in the more competitive division the American Division we then faced Avon in the semifinal game uh the second place team in the uh National division um the girls came out right as a force to be reckoned with so we did did have home field advantage uh the girls went on to score seven goals in yes only UH 60 minutes so um it was a very high-scoring game the girls played phenomenal and we then Advanced to the finals where we were going to host St Dominic's for the third time now for those of you that play sports you know trying to beat a team three times seeing them right is almost an impossible feat but the girls were ready and they said up to this challenge so when we did face them at home right in the final game we started the um with the lead uh so it was Charlotte liel that was able to score the first goal of the championship game giving us the one nothing lead unfortunately St Dominic's answered back and tied the game at 1-1 at halftime we had our halftime kind of pep talk where we knew you know what we needed to do and honestly it came down to heart and I have to say this team um lays it all out on the field so the the amount of heart and determination that they play with each and every game and even practice with is inspirational um it's something that as a coach you know you only can dream of and they gave it to me every single time we stepped out onto the field which was incredible so about 15 minutes into the second half we scored uh Cassidy Eastman scored the second goal of the game giving the Blazers the lead which thank God because I don't know and parents Stand By Me on this I don't know if we could have handled right another game that went into penalty kicks um the last three games when we were in the Championships went to penalty kicks and there's nothing more nerve-wracking than having to go you know have the championship game come down to penalty kick so um we sealed the win with that 2-1 uh final score to win the championship and ultimately go back to back which like I said all is really really hard to do so girls I can't thank you enough for such an incredible inspiring and memorable Journey um my eighth graders you were our team captains and you let us not only on the field but off so the amount of leadership you showed right I and thank you enough for every everything that you've done especially for our younger players parents Administration board thank you always for your unwavering support it means so much to us and the team and girls um I wish you the best of luck in everything that you do so make sure you're setting your goals not only in soccer but in life and you will definitely go places so without further Ado please come up when your name is called and once again again congratulations eighth grader Cassidy Eastman come on up right and Cassidy doesn't know this but she scored her 50th career goal in our semifinal game against Avance so well done that's a hard thing to do sixth grader Kate Herbert come [Applause] on Bren Holly are you here eighth grader and sweeper Aaron Imon Aaron did a wonderful job of maintaining our formation in the back and huge goal kicks for us each and every game lla jadus are you here thank you sixth grader Molly [Applause] Kemba eighth grader Avery [Music] coblin Avery um was in the Midfield uh she started at top and then when we adjusted our formation she would ultimately kind of go wherever I asked her or wherever we needed her so whether it was attacking the goal or getting back on defense chasing down Defenders with those long legs um she was all over the field right thank you Avery uh eighth grader Charlotte liel I don't think Bren McDade Bella Pomano the girls are very busy they're involved in so many other things eighth grader Ang goalie Matalin [Applause] [Music] Pula congratulations uh meline is probably the top goalie and probably was last year as well in the entire league I've never seen so many incredible saves um and when she comes off her line she goes with it with everything she's got and I would surely not like to be on the other end of that so she last year I think was the reason that we ultimately won that championship game as well those saves in net um the way that these girls played I'm pretty sure they could be ESPN worthy of some of those highlights so well done Kira [Applause] [Music] Shalo Sky [Applause] Smith Abby [Applause] Ty Samantha Sammy wall [Applause] and last Ella [Applause] woodro and once again here at [Applause] [Music] the a trophy [Music] yeah thank you thank [Music] you for we have one more presentation this evening now this is where I wish it was like so our final presentation this evening um is [Music] in so our final presentation this evening is in recognition of Mrs madali Jones who has been our board president um for this past term or two three um you know um she has been such a great asset uh to our school and to our district and so I would just like to read a little bit of something and then see if any of the other board members would like to chime in um mandali Jones has served on the Bri Board of education for 14 school years and her dedication to the well-being and success of the students of real has always been her top priority and her commitment to working collaboratively with all stakeholders has resulted in very positive outcomes for Belle Elementary School while I have only been here a short time and in that time Mrs Jones has demonstrated a keen ability to really listen to all perspectives and she has served as a cohesive force in analyzing complex issues and building consensus Mrs Jones conducts research pertinent to school issues and operations stays informed of Department of Education updates and developments across the state that impact the education of our students she is diligent in her efforts to remain informed and to make sound decisions I have greatly appreciated working with Mrs Jones over these past six months and I know that everyone here will miss her steady leadership and kind heart thank you Mrs Jones for serving the community with the highest level of integrity and dedication we wish you very well in your future endeavors and I hope you will remain with us at least on the playground committee so I just want to recognize uh malali and just a very heartfelt thank you for all you've done this was reversed about six months [Music] ago does anybody else want to say yeah I'd like to say a few things sure want come to [Music] that I raised my hand like was in class so I've known Mall's family since since my my oldest son who's now in eth grade started and our boys have we together I knew her her husband through Sports and stuff but I really got to know her when I joined the board five years ago and um what an amazing person in general but what a hard worker um her her service to the board this is a lot of work and and she she puts in even more work than than I think anybody has over these past five years as as the president of the board um is really where I think she shined um um I you know I don't I don't pay compliments easily I I think that she's really from my point of view epitomized a leader somebody who I I haven't agreed with her on everything but you would never know that because she's always even if she doesn't agree with you always willing to listen uh try to see things from someone else's perspective and always always always her decisions and her her choices were always keeping in mind what would be the best things that she felt were for the kids so I would follow her anywhere and um I'm really going to miss her especially these days where it seems like in this society it's become where if you don't agree with somebody you have to hate each other and you have to be screaming and yelling and and you can't be friends or or anything like that you know we need more medall Jones in the world and I think it would be a better [Applause] place you have I'm staring at this no from the from the plan dist flow in my hand thank you so much I'll definitely uh tack on to that and and Dave's not kidding um we all give many many hours each month madali gives days days each month um to this to this board and to this town um I am really really going to miss that leadership um midali when I first joined was running policy and you know we get these policies and they're very sometimes difficult to understand but Al had just the wealth of experience to to really explain things to a newcomer like myself and um as president it was always available for me to bounce those things off and and say m does this make any sense and one of the reasons she's so good at it is that um she's able to have tough conversations there's nothing that you can't bring up with her um and you may not agree like David said but you at least know where she stands and the values that she has and the love that she has for this board and for the school and for Brielle so thank you mall it's been awesome serving with you thank you so [Music] much I could say one or maybe two things so so I mean you have to say two because I've known you for but you know from you know I try to be as objective as possible um your educational background experience helped many situations that we've been involved with especially especially especially over the last um three three years you you you you approach issues and it seems as though you've already been through them you know I I I I don't I don't really know if I can explain it you know any better than that it seemed as though you've already experienced it so you kind of knew you were going you know and seeing so many different presidential Styles over over over over the last year number years yours yours is very calming yet very authoritative in a wonderful way in a wonderful way um I I EO Dave Dave and sh's you know opinion to the sentiment I I would follow you anywhere I am truly gonna miss you I'm truly miss you and since been on the board said how many years [Laughter] liketh thank you to the newest member here I have to say did you think of my paper cuz I wrote the word m i you're so calm I it's so reassuring and refreshing um we spent many late nights right out of the gate when I joined and you really helped me on those late nights in the super search stay calm and focused on the goals um I just really appreciate it you made this year so lovely and I feelit that I only got to be with you for the one year I would try to get you to go again but I'm glad for you to take your time to be with your family because this is a lot of time thank you for everything thank you thank you and I have to add I've known malali for a long time we are next dooro neighbors and uh I couldn't have gone into this role without talking to her first and of course uh she served as an inspiration for me uh a working mother a three kids and knowing that she did this and did it so well inspired me to give it a try as well and uh truly don't know how we could have gotten through the last few years especially the superintendent search is was a lot of time and again we put in the some time but she put in a whole lot more and uh I will miss you so much in this capacity I will see you but I will missed you in this capacity very much thank you for everything that you did thank you I don't I don't want to I don't want to add on too much but these past because I'm new too and everybody has said this beautifully but I really do looked up to you and considered you such a mentor in this very early stage I'm learning a lot I'm not in the field of Education been an excellent Mentor in my pity thank you and thank you for dressing up to you're you're welcome no problem I would also like to thank malali uh it's been fantastic you bring a lot you know from an education perspective being in the classroom being an administrator uh you know a parent Community leader you've just done a lot uh thank you for allowing me to serve as your vice president for the last two years I'm definitely going to miss you and uh also knowing you a long time before this through the cup Scouts in town yeah so thank you thank you I'm going to miss you too [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks thank you very much everyone thank you for the kind words and I am going to miss working with everyone too now um I wrote a little something I have my president's report but I did write a little something on some thoughts that I wanted to share with everyone so I was going to wait until the committee reports were done but maybe I'll just say it now if that's if that's okay with the ba board secretary [Music] [Music] so so I I thought about you know what uh words what should I say um for you know my final meeting and you think about there's so many things that you could talk about especially when you've been on the board as long as some of us have here um we we've experienced so much um we've dealt with so many issues and so there's so many things that we could write about but um I kept coming back to um seed um it's interesting because Miss cardo mentioned that too um so um so this is I wrote it down because otherwise I'll start to rain go into other things so all right um can everyone hear me back there okay because we got the fancy microphones just in case okay all right thank you okay this translates into those that plant good seed will harvest good fruit my father would say that to me all the time this has become the Mantra that I have tried to live by My Life by whether it's my personal life marriage kids my work and my service initially when I joined the board years ago I did so as a writing writing campaign and one of my re reasons um one of my major reasons was to keep a pulse on the education that my kids would receive it was not long before the seeds I had planted were not just for my three but for all of brielle's children the role that I had embarked on the one you elected me to do would require me to consider every child that lives in Belle whether they attended Belle Elementary School were placed at a district or attend the high school because they are all our responsibility throughout my years here I have watched children Excel and I have watched children struggle as board members we do not manage the day today operations but we have the authority to ensure that our policies contain rules and procedures that will bring into existence a learning Sanctuary where all children will thrive a seed will remain dormant or inactive until conditions are right for germination sunlight supports the germination process by warming the so the soil you didn't know you were getting a science lesson here tonight right so I ask the board members to plant good seed in every decision that you make and be the sunlight that warms the soil we have the opportunity to create an environment that will allow success to take root in each of our unique Learners you will experience a harvest of good fruit and um I I would like to thank I would like to thank the parents and community of Brielle for electing me to serve on the board uh Board of Education I thank Mrs postra and her administrative team and I wish you many years of success and it has to been a pleasure working um with you it's been six months but it feels like a year right we've been together on the phone and you know everything so meeting each other and all of that um thank you to Diane um our ba and board secretary um I bother Diane all the time and she helps to keep me organized and on task and um and and I appreciate that Dian oh and congratulations to Diane because Diane just completed her one year um um mentorship and so now she has her standard um ba and so congratulations you're an inspiration you're an inspiration Diane um and I would like to thank our amazing teachers who go above and beyond we have amazing teachers here in Brielle um and that's why I can never be on the negotiating team because I would probably give them everything that they wanted because I love the teachers so that's why Joe takes care of it because you know all right so um and also I'd like to thank Sher Adams our board attorney for all of her counsel and I learned so much from you and uh again on the phone all the time you know we're always you know um thank you for taking my cause late at night I appreciate that um and also the support staff secretaries again always so helpful when when you're a board member and you're in this role there is a lot of communication and the secretaries are great um they've always been very helpful to me AIDS um I have to say the AIDS here my kids were and before care and after care and those AIDS they were like second mothers to my children when I had to work and so I really appreciate everything that they do I'm thankful for the people um behind the main office that you never see um they're the part of the child study team um I I thank them for for everything that they've done um and also the custodial staff I'm always so grateful and thankful for them because this place looks like a palace they do an amazing job and we are never without when we come um to one of our meetings or anything um so I thank I thank them as well um and I hope I didn't forget anyone in the Learning Community because I'm very grateful for everything that they've done here in Brielle um and um I'd like to uh thank all the board members um I've been very fortunate all the years that I've served um I've learned so much from um each board member um I feel like I've been with this board the longest maybe it's those late night executive sessions that we've had in the past few years it feels like you know I'm with you guys all the time um but I thank all of you and it's been um a pleasure to serve alongside of individuals who sacrificed so much of their time to make Bri L men um the best school for our kids in the entire learning community and lastly um and I don't want to get emotional um I I have to thank um our Vice President Joe Milano um you know he's been like my Board of Ed husband um I you know we and it's funny because we're very different but and and we would have conversations and we didn't always agree and I could tell when we didn't agree because Joe would say all right thank you very much for your click you know but he would but you know I would yeah you would text me you would text me you know and then yeah you would thank you you would always thank me you know and um but you know we we communicated there was always respect and that's so important there was always respect when we talk to each other we would listen to each other and um and he was always very supportive you know there were a few months during the summer where he needed to fit fill in for me and he did um and I'm very grateful for that I I I'm very grateful for that um so thank you thank you all right thank you very much [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everyone all right so um we will now continue with visitors business visitors are per uh permitted to comment on agenda items only at this time please state your name and address oh wait did I miss something oh yeah that's that's been on the [Music] agenda come up do you need the microphone decided to reti asuc it was call Labor of Love selfless of our school as the Pres ofation was just leer she was a of inspiration hering Comm toer Environ learning andow has Mar hearts and forunate to know ch Tri stood par resilience kindness and the boy left departure pres ment guide the shoes she Lees behind are not just B they filled with of Journey that touch as we navigate theth forward car with us Lessons Learned and the spirit life Nar passion comp this she passes on it's not just civil leadership it's a beacon that reminds us Contin the journey she started and the commitment to [Applause] [Music] shaping yeah yeah thank you so much for those kind words and I I want a copy of that PR that that's beautiful I want that thank you thank you thank you thank um any any other um any other visitors business no okay um thank you so much for those kinds would you like to introduce the new board members now before we go to oh sure sure okay oh okay I'm did I SK okay okay and so um we had our we had our um Board elections and so um we had two incumbents um Sean Walman and um Ted Vali and um so thank you for continuing his service thank you y your bookins thank you for and so we have a newly assigned uh board member and uh his name is Liam starky uh and he's in the audience hello Liam welcome welcome and um welcome to the Brio Board of Education and um I wish you a lot a lot of U luck um it's it's a lot of work um but I'm sure you're going to be just fine so welcome welcome to the board [Applause] [Music] of okay all right and so we're going to um we're going Liam did you want to say anything I I think you can say something now if you if you would like yeah you can stand up uh a senior high school graduated from 2020 long uh so pretty young feel I have a lot to learn from all you it's great to be [Music] [Applause] [Music] here awesome and um yes Liam you're going to be the youngest you're GNA be the young that you know I do have to you know mention that that um one of the youngest the youngest board member um but okay so the old ones leaving and see the new ones coming in see what's happening here but good luck to you young man good luck to you all right um so we're g to move on to oh correspondence no correspond um committee reports District Operations Ted sure I met a couple weeks ago um the report says 84 minutes but I think it's 84 minutes and 33 seconds I I we discuss uh the playground equipment there was an issue with the neighbor fence status of the media center floors and the status of the a Mrs poster discussed the fact that she had met with certain stakeholders stakeholders and staff and was able to get feedback from them and some of the some of the comments some some of the comments included the need for for POS possible possible um phys physical physical physical barriers around the the the area that's playr playground equipment POS POS possible expansion of the of the of the of the of the entire area um a storytelling bench which I thought was very interesting very I'd love to hear a story there too and um more space between the individual pieces which which which makes sense there's no reason that that is so Cor uh and then the type of um ground cover mul sheater you know some some people some some people some people some people brought brought up some brought up some kind of synthetic substance whatever but whatever the case is it probably need some Ro right um Manan just went went through this process and they spent about $300,000 on I think that's right I think that's right we're we're looking at we're looking at we're looking at a at at at a you know a combin a combination of pieces and and obviously the number you know the you know the number and or combination of those pieces is is going to drive the cost of this we're anticipating a cost any anywhere between $150 and $250,000 I think that's how Okay um the neighbor fence I think we got some feedback from the town just quickly is that correct and and the town um the town confirmed the fact that the neighbor put up a fence on school property so we wrote a letter to the um neighbor asking the neighbor to take the fence St that is that accurate that's that's that's actually two things I got it's pretty good um the the the media media media media s we have we have a revised bid for 87,000 actually saw 875 here some there um but but it's but still came still still came in still came in a little bit higher with work Mike Mike Mike m Mike m Who's the who was the architect of record he was um you know nice enough to come by and give us his time he he walked us through the process um and the one knowing knowing that everyone is anxious to get the project done um he he he had indicated that we're going to have a waiting period and and and the whole issue with the waiting period is um we have to we have to make sure that all the moisture is is is is gone and the and the the initial area the initial area under the floor that contain the moisture wait to make sure it's dry before it put the floor back on so so that's going to he said that could that could that could take several weeks depending upon what the conditions are outside so you know we're hope we're we're we're anticipating anticipating a completion date prior to the start of school to be September next year that's that's what we're hoping for right and briefly we discuss the status of the order the order is complete we're waiting for holar to come to issue the final report once they issue the final report we can determine where we want to place to the place the reserve Place reserves to get us the most benefit going forward that's that's that's the EXT any questions any questions for Tad or or comments uh so this this fence is the one that last year we had a couple they wanted us to put in a fence and they they put up their own fence but it wasn't on their property it's unfortunate [Music] okay anyone else comments thank youting was a good thank you minutes all right so we're gonna move on to representative to Manis Squan Joe uh B is always very well represented in Manasquan for sports and academics uh the last meeting it was brought to my attention the field hockey team uh won their division the last time that had occurred was in 2005 Belle had nine girls on this team that were on the first team that when we started it at the elementary level those nine girls playing at that level so excellent you maybe starting it you know young here kind of assisted them you know with their championship this I'm um outside of that no further report so I'm going to add to your report Jill because I was actually on a zoom meeting um with um Manis San's engineering teacher Miss Edwards and um the Esports team and so they have this Esports team it's it's just growing and growing and so um and I think last year that or maybe two years ago they were championships they were the champions and um and they compete against different high schools throughout New Jersey and then there was like this major uh uh tournament in um Stockton in Atlantic City U my son does the Esports um but how impressive the students created this video um and applied for this Grant and so Manasquan got the grant they got $30,000 $30,000 and so what they're doing what they've already started doing is renovating um their Esports uh room and so they have like top-of-the-line computer systems and all of that so um on their their next meeting in January they're going to show and they created the vid this the video is fantastic it it looked like a video game I mean they did an amazing job so um and this is with Intel um is the one that has been working with them and so they're going to have uh they've invited the esport team and they'll you know they're going to have a they're going to show the video and all of that um in their January meeting but um so good next week oh okay so meeting yeah so um big big things happening with that one other question M postra or Miss Adams did something change with the sending District representation um it depends on the the population so it changes periodically but is madis San's board going to be increasing not that I'm aware of it's I don't think it's going to go beyond what it already is it's 12 right we received we received a letter I saw some of those letters but the way I was looking at it it looked like two spots may be added I hadn't I hadn't received anything to that effect yet but uh that uh right now it's it's if you have 10% of the population at the high school then you get a seat but because some of the other districts don't ever have it they have rotated um different years but generally you always have a seat here in Bri and then other districts that have lesser percentages of students switch but I don't I'm not aware of anybody else adding seats but it looked like the three districts would get a seat and then the remain in four districts would share rotating one or two spots within NE I unless I read it wrong it's not have to go to a referendum but maybe find out more next week it it's legislative so unless maybe they modified it but I'm not aware of it so I'll check into it yeah and the letter that Diane and I received um or I think Stacey was the one that got the letter it was just stating that because of our number of kids that we had a seat have a seat that's that's that's I didn't see that do they have um representation from other boards for their superintendent search have they discussed that they have not really they have not discussed that at all probably only the ones who have a person on the board unless they're going to have some other AD hog kind of committee participation any other questions for Joe okay next next meeting next meeting could you could you could you tell us uh the total enrollment and and and the Ral students and all I I just like I just like I just like to compare I believe manage fund's total enrollments 940 something kids 950 kids roughly and we have 2 20ish is a little less it will be in the attachments the exact numbers attach I I'll find I'll get that in a minut all right so we're gonna move on curriculum and programs Mr Becker's not here uh Human Resources Joe uh the only thing I want to bring to the board's attention is under we spoke about it in committee back in I of October uh D6 which is the bottom of eight and the top of page nine these changes were due to uh minimum wage changing from January 1st 20124 so uh the increases were basically related for that do we know what the other sending districts break down there substitute we were somewhat similar we did we had I don't have it on compared that we were come January we don't know they're going to be changing much sure but in line with minimum wage and yeah and bu certificated like you have to have a teaching certificate to earn at $140 yeah there differentation I like that that was important to people yeah uh Joe for sorry right now it's 125 so that's where we made it we still kept the $25 difference yeah I'm sorry no um there I just couldn't tell is there anything that's uh uh for D2 are we putting anybody forward tonight as are we putting anybody forward as a replacement for D2 in this not yet not yet any other questions all right so uh we'll move on to policy sure thank you midali um policy committee met on December 7th at 4M M Mrs Polster and Miss Quigley joined from the administration and Mrs Walsh and Mr Waltman joined from the committee uh there were two main agenda items discussed the first was a bit of a celebration that board doc has completed the initial load of all of our policies uh and they can be found on the board DOC website uh it's been 16 plus months or so in the making so that's that's really great um soon this will be embedded on our website and while all the policies have now been loaded uh we are aware that a number of them are not up to date there was a period of time when policies were being updated but a digital copy was not being stored so uh we have a plan uh put forward by Mrs pster on how to address this basically uh there'll be a training that U Miss Quigley and myself will attend on December 18th I think maybe Mrs Walsh as well um following that M bolster will divide the work amongst the appropriate staff to go back to our 2019 board agendas which is about the time where this started to occur and we'll look at all the policies that we approve for each meeting um and working backwards from today we'll be able to identify the latest versions and we do pass a lot of policies but we just need the the most recent version of each one of those so we think this is uh anticipated to run smoothly second um we did uh discuss 12 policy and six regulation updates that were provided by Strauss smme uh policy and regulation 16421 uh it covers how the CH how the staff um can use sick leave this was a a new law that that went into uh that was passed the summer and went into effect and we already approved this as a board there's just been some formatting changes to be consistent and so we're putting those back through uh similarly policies 3161 and 4161 are being updated to capture both how the staff are to record these absences uh because some of the sck Le categories have changed but there's also new qac requirements um for analysis on the absence data that the administration is responsible to news each year uh policy and regulation 2419 our school threat assessment teams we also passed that in August we had to have that in place by September there's no material change to what we're putting forward tonight uh but the formatting and verbiage of both is slightly modified um so we need to put that through again policy and regulation 5111 have been revised to reflect uh 18a 38-3 and they talk about the policy for eligibility eligibility of residents and non-residents um so the policy has basically been shortened the regulation has been extended to cover what was pulled out of the policy we're not making any material changes to what this means for Brielle um basically it covers things what happens with if a student's moving into the district uh what happens if their house isn't ready we already have those timelines that's at eight weeks and similarly if we have a 18-year-old who's going to manisan high school and their parents leave Belle um as long as that happens by uh February first so we're not changing anything it's just the the policies are being reformatted uh we're also introducing policy and regulations 3212 and 4212 which are suggested policies from Strauss Esme uh remind staff will reduce expectations of privacy when on school grounds uh and this includes District owned devices and other property um we are not including the section that pertains to prohibiting students to recording staff or other students without permission as we understand this is a greater concern concern in larger districts and high schools and our cell phone policies of putting cell phones away in home room is is working well um so that's not an issue for for bees at this time finally uh Strauss smma has Consolidated numerous Food Services policies into the new policy 8500 and while we don't participate in the national school lunch program at prel we did want to codify how we provide reduced or no cost meals to our qualifying students um which this policy provides so that's it for this month thank you all any questions any questions or comments okay all right thank you Sean and move on to community relations Sarah we did not this past month um although there's time going on in school I I know report will probably cover specifically wanted to just mention the playground committee which to um to meet and be in communication with that great update about Ming with a game time representative and moving forward with um proposals uh and so that is coming along very well we are which is one of our board goals I know um to get that playground in place and so that is progressing I'm sure you'll have more on it and more detail but um yeah that's it okay um total Madan enrollment 1,450 okay High School enrollment 948 their Elementary which we have nothing to do with is 502 okay okay uh maybe missley if you could provide just a board with what we have going there so I just have a very brief brief report um Joe and I met with uh with Stacy on November 27th um I wanted to meet with u Miss polstra to sort of tie up wrap up Loose Ends um there were so many things that we're working on and then it just seems like something else will comes up you know um so um and I asked Joe to be there um so we basically um we went over uh the media center and this was in November and then but you know like a couple weeks later there's progress you know so I was happy to hear that this evening uh we will be approving the water mitigation project so um we're moving along with the media center and um and I want to let the parents know that uh we've gotten emails and parents have come to the meetings about these issues and we do hear you we hear you and um we're trying our best to get these projects done the other one um like Sarah just mentioned the playground um we have a committee now the committee has already met and I think um Miss poer will be talking about that um and she's been doing a lot of work um she's really been making phone calls and doing all of this so we're moving along with that um and then there is the prek expansion um we've been talking about that for the past couple of years um there appears to be um some need uh for that um and we're not sure how great a need right now we have a halfday program and so but we've gotten some parents on asking us about that so I you know we've been talking about it we've been working on it and we've um Miss foler developed the administration developed a survey which that was going to be our first step um and when we met Joe and I and Stacy were talking about it and different committees have been discussing this and um this is going to take this it's a little complex um there are a lot of um due to state regulations and requirements one of the things that Mrs postra has recommended and I agree with her on this is we're going to have to have some kind of a building like facility analysis and because we want to make sure because of all those regulations that we have the right place for the children that we are set up properly and we have everything that they will need so this um I ask uh the community and the parents to be a little patient with us because it will this is going to take um some more research and some time but it's not impossible and we are working towards it the other thing is busting busing for sports that's come up um and we've also again brought this to committee um this we continue to discuss this years ago we had this when we had budget cuts we removed it um and the the issue with the busing is the lack of bus drivers and um and that's that still continues but I think that um committee could come up with some creative ways to make this happen and this is busing for sports not the other busing and um and so as a parent of an athlete um and driving him to and from parents don't mind the driving but sometimes there could be liability when we have um a van full of kids right so that's something that um and and it's also buing for for a team it really helps to bring that team together and it's part of the experience and I think our kids are missing out on that so um something to think about um for the board to continue to to have this discussion um and then tonight on the agenda we have board goals um we have four goals um and we've been talking about them one is uh devise and execute a plan to fund the construction of a new playground that's already in the works um the other goal is with this goal it second goal we had it last year but it's carried over because uh change in administration so we need to continue with this goal and is basically to review and revise job descriptions for administration administrative support staff to ensure they are current um and of course our superintendent's taking a lead on that and um and we're going to support her efforts uh third goal is reviewing the bylaws and policy and thank goodness those things are uploaded I mean it's been so much work um so uh Shan good work with that um getting that done I know you've been really pushing for that so you may be able to check that one off soon and then our fourth one is the board will make a good faith effort to settle the teachers contract for 24 through 26 right okay and and Joe's work already started working on that um so that's it that's my report um any questions okay sorry on the pre if we have a preschool do do they do we need to provide transportation and does that grade fall into the requirements for any types of Transportation the preschool if there was a full day preschool only if it's if it's required in an IEP which is already this scenario yeah that's current whether that already exists the reason I asked is are any of the um sending districts also looking at providing full day or do they offer full day preschool this one has three classes this one does you just bring up the the building potential you know my mom was a head start teacher I know what those classrooms need to look like and and that is a big big investment I'm just wondering if we've looked at shared services with other other sending districts as an option we we haven't done that yet and so um I mean we just started talking about this and so those are the type of things that you know we discussed with Miss pulse ra and so committee will have to um start to brainstorm and and really take a look at this very carefully looking at regulations and what's required because it's a lot more than you're just having them come in and and setting up a room and Joe and I you know Stacy took us on a tour and we were looking throughout the building to see possible locations and it it it could possibly mean that there might be some structural changes that will need to take place to house a full day um pre properly bathroom yeah and I also think you know with the other ma two major projects that we have going on right now I would want to be careful about taking on a third until we kind of you know put the playground and get the library you know the media center up and running again um and then at that point you know do this preliminary work that we need to do in terms of a facilities assessment and really looking at all the requirements you know but you need a 700 foot room there's you know requirements for bathrooms there's you know so it would we want to do it the right way and you know um ensure that we have everything we're supposed to have um should we go in that direction of expansion which I I know everybody would love to do uh but I just want to make sure that our plan is is set that we have the the funding and and the you know um the resources in place to be able to support it for the long term and that our facilities meet all you know all the requirements that the state um has in place for preschool um so we'll just move on right to your administrative report okay so for my administrative report um again I want to congratulate Ted and Sean for um being on the board again Ted you've been a longstanding member and you know Sean I know you know we're happy so happy to have you for your second term as well and Liam you know welcome uh we look forward to our reorganization meeting in January uh where you know everyone will take the oath and and we will begin as a new board in January so congratulations to everyone on that uh there has been a lot going on in school over the last month or so um we are having an author tomorrow for our K through three students her name is Mary Beth Paradise she wrote A B book called Beach Santa that is being sold locally uh so she will be coming in to meet meet with each of our grade levels tomorrow to talk about her process and and what inspires her to write and um so we're really looking forward uh to that uh the PTO has been very busy and I'm very grateful for all their great programming um we are of and running with our second round of enrichment offerings had a very successful book fair um they hosted a pancake breakfast here um on Saturday along with The Giving Tree um so really the PTO has really uh been such a great part of our school for the last month uh we have spirit week coming up next week which is kind of a nice way to settle into the holiday break uh we know our kids are getting very excited uh for the break and so um you know each day um next week we'll have a different theme which we're looking forward to um I wanted to also make people aware that bag's next meeting is January 9th and they have invited Amy foresight who is a local pediatric occupational therapist to do to a presentation on zones of Regulation and co-regulation uh with your child so you know we invite the community to come and and listen to her expertise um and I want to thank our bpeg um leaders for for making that available to our sta um to our community um and um just to follow up uh to be some clarity with playground since uh The District Operations committee I have been in touch with a few people one person in particular um who actually um did the Manos Squam playground um he is in after I met with him to share with him our priorities The District Operations committee had given us a a tentative budget so he right now is putting together designs and plans for the playground he hopes to have those um drawing to me before December Break um and so then I will as soon as I get those we will get a date on the calendar in January uh for the playground committee to come back together and take a look at some of the ideas based on the input so things are moving along um I'm so happy that we have a contractor ready to start the media center work um so things are really progressing and you know looking forward to the next few months and I hope everybody has a really lovely December break thank you any questions okay so we're going to move oh hi reports they are in your folders um I believe we had three two two investigations this month um so um one was founded and one was not can I ask question the uh doe report as well is that part of the oh that is that oh yes thank you that is um on the agenda tonight also is our uh the school self assessment for determining grades for HIV uh this is based on last year 2223 so um our guidance counselors and and Mr Sabia who is the district anti-bullying Co coordinator um you know have to go through several categories and give ourselves certain scores based on certain actions that we take um a passing or meeting all the requirements um gets you a score of 40 um we our team scored ourselves as a 57 um meeting all the requirements exceeding in a few areas um as we look at it as a team moving forward it helps us identify things that we can continue to enhance around school climate and things like that so it was I think a really uh thorough look at you know how we're doing in this area um and like I said you know certainly we're meeting all the requirements um with some opportunities to continue to improve um and then this score will be posted on our website and submitted and certified for the state just just a question last year we had a 77 out of 78 and now we have 57 out of 78 I can't speak to the year prior to that um but I wanted when the team came together to look at last year uh we you know we really looked at the evidence that we felt was required to justify exceeding um and I think what we have here is um an authentic reflection of 2223 but I really can't speak to the year before I'm sorry thank thank you if we don't have any other questions for Stacy the district goals do you want me to do District goals too okay um yeah in conjunction also on the agenda tonight board goals um District goals are also on the agenda and these um I have put forth in front of the board of things that we're working on um here at the school level um and you know the first goal is really for us to analyze and assess um the implementation of our Ela and math programming uh we do have new standards um in both Ela and math and we also adopted Whitten wisdom as the ELA program last year so it's really important that we're looking at like our testing data at the implementation of wit and wisdom of use of other tools that we have like linkit and I cell and really look for places where we can continue to enhance our curriculum um and you know support our students achievements so that's an area of focus this year um that we are working on at the district level secondly we are really starting to look at and starting to research some programming with respect to student social emotional development um including things like character education executive functioning uh zones regulation some of our teachers have just been introduced to some training there uh we would like to do A needs assessment and using our data and you know multiple sources of feedback to really try to develop ways to support our students you know not only academically but in their social emotional well-being and their ability to get along with others and to develop some of those other skills that we know are so important to their success and then lastly our third goal is a little bit more more um day-to-day operations I guess you could say uh we're really um looking at opportunities to expand the use of certain online platforms and programs that we may already have so for instance we use um Genesis for our student information system um you know linkit is relatively new here as a student assessment and and progress tracking uh platform along we're using it uh component of it called Intervention manager for our inrs process so there are certain platforms that we're using uh where we feel like we really want to take a hard look to see if we're getting the most bang for our buck out of each of them and are there certain components we're already paying for that we could use with greater efficiency um you know and so we're really looking for those Pockets trying to get rid of of paper in certain places where we can um and you know move forward so that we can you know be more productive and more efficient with the platforms that we have so that's the third goal questions all right okay so we're gonna so we'll move on to action items all items below are upon the recommendation of the superintendent um Julie you want to do curriculum and programs um sure I set forth the motion that agenda uh A1 through A6 for a second second yes Mrs Jones yes Mrs MC yes Mr mil yes Mrs yes Mr vital yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr wal yes but I need to abstain for A4 [Music] all right and so uh thank you we'll move on to District Operations T sure um the dist District Operations I like to move items B1 through B5 please second Dr yes Mrs Jones yes Mrs de yes Mr milanich yes I just want to bring attention that there's no July meeting kind of going a little later in June and possibly a little earlier in August that's a change that's yes Mrs Reed yes Mr vital yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr yes and Sean policy yeah I'd like to motion that the board approves uh the policies under C1 for first reading and the one policy under C2 2460 special education for a second reading second yes Mrs Jones yes Mrs MC yes Mr M yes Mrs reath yes Mr vital yes Mrs wolf yes Mr Wolf yes okay and Human Resources jum to make a motion to move under Human Resources D1 through D second [Laughter] yes you know I'm wondering do I have to abstain from D6 the increase in the hourly rates you don't have she substitute she's already okay was oh okay okay that was yes yes yes yes yes yes W [Music] yes okay and at this time we have visitors business visitors are permitted to comment on agenda and non-agenda items at this time please state your name and address [Music] yes thank help draw some so let's just say that our town Little League Baseball Championship was game being held and had a kid team at some point dur championship game reported by sever the parents on your child's team if the opposing team as it plays out in your child see losing getting could the B come into play think just one crazy sents this information allegations willing to bet most parents put this situation like at least have the allegation to [Music] surely commission the of game with the little Le commission comforable not other reason concern of all children what about the team that there was no wrong doing I think they having Evac me that's all checked out great there's no CL no as was air wind but if the B found to be violation rules and regulations oversiz and heav should the wom really be okay back to perhap kind of see where I'm going as I'm sure you most of you already know the recent the recent School Board election November 7 there were a multitude of Voters reped receiv unsolicited text warning of the election specifically requesting the support of a particular candidate as a matter of Interest almost all of those who approved unsolicited text documented receiving them at the very same moment in time additionally almost all of these voters do not recall to the consent and receive the text the end result was of this text campaign resulted in several voter complaints with the FCC and the division of Consumer Affairs of the Attorney General's office so what does this all mean obviously I'm not aware it's a good porer in digital media now digital identity fraud you have some experience in the field so here's my interpretation some of legalities around sending these text texting for the purposes of promotion generally falls under the umbrella Tel marketing is thus governed by the New Jersey telemarketing act under that law sending un unsolicited robotex is Del as a sub of that generally need to some sort of PRI consent to receive such messages and senders are required to identify themselves with the right in ble being decided by pain of 15 votes definitely makes me wonder what if but forget that for a moment all the a A4 mention information concern with number of Voters from this town I would ask the bo if you're comfortable sping individual without having having attorney consider evidence possibly for for inqu sur there is no MTH wronging involved we think that winning candidate and his campign team would have no problem sharing detail details around this Che the bottom line is this everything checks up fine at least the can feel good about the integ election results I don't see that how that would be possible this matter is looked into and assessed official manner ahead of that and so perhaps a good jurisdiction for the board and perhaps may you know where I've been what I've been looking into I just think that this is it's not about anything more than the Integrity of the election and legalities around that so I just wanted to say this this evening that there are many voters in this town who shared information with me T there's major concern about the actions taken around this such a slim margin no disrespect to any of the candidates does make you I appreciate thank you Mr B thank you can I ask um Miss Adams um what is the procedure with if there's ongoing investigations that have CC the basic Ally the Board of Elections gives us the results of the election and and we unless we're told otherwise by a court by the Board of Elections or someone else um we seat those candidates at the next reorganization we don't have any specific investigative authority over an election per se you know we need would need to be directed by an agency with that jurisdiction or the courts and that's you said I'm sorry the what was the body the Board of Elections as a county yeah the County Board of Elections gives us the results if there's a question about the process that is may be held may be uh considered by another agency but it's not an internal board type matter so I fig that might be the answer so I mean you know Attorney General's office not Pro office so you would need to be I guess need to be requested of you to perform this because the board of election says that you know it's kind of on you got see there seems to be an ed Circle nobody's got the to who's got the jurisdiction this still answer and it's it's nothing more than just there would be no ability for the board to do an investigation in terms of a process of campaigning um the if there's a challenge to practices then whatever is alleged to being violated there are agencies that review whether there's a violation it's not the board the board is told the results and if the if something happens or a decision is made that changes the result of an election then we're advised of that and we comply with that but it's not in front of the M County superior court and they sent me to the m County prosecutor office sent me to the Attorney General of the Department of Consumer Affairs I think that's kind of where it is there were enough you know filings on behalf of Voters for various reasons so I that's kind of the angle that I take trying to find who does have kind of jurisdiction rights and at least perform an inquiry around it so and I I respect the fact that you guys don't have those power you know by speech if you will was kind of trying to get you guys about the Integrity of the election somebody up so yeah that's to do so just something to think about [Music] people thank you Mr B for um Coming Out and sharing that I'm sure that wasn't an easy thing to do um rep thank you any questions payment of bills um so we're gonna move on to the payment of bills Ted sure to make a motion that the Board of Education authorizes authorizes payment was following December 2023 bills list and that the secretary is authorized to Warrant of the treasurer in total amount of 1,228 14920 I'll second that Dr deia yes Mrs Jones yes Mrs mcdev yes Mr M yes Mrs we yes Mr Vitali yes this wal Mr wal yes and is there any discussion of old business the board members we are going to miss you oh thank you miss you thank you and thank you again for the kind um and there is no executive session this evening and if someone can make a motion there was one item that was in the co-star I believe incorrect um about participation in our meetings okay so um there was um and the co-star is stated that um it stated that uh Liam starky would um it was reported that uh you would attend he would attend the meetings via Zoom so there were a lot of questions about that um I mean I I got questions uh from community members about that um because um especially our newer community members weren't familiar with the zoom meetings so a little history with that um prior to um covid we always had our meetings in person and then uh during covid we had to uh change revise the policy in order for us to be able to have zoom meetings and and that's what we did um after the build when after Co the buildings are reopened and so we we again revised the policy and so we do not allow Zoom meetings we went back to in-person meetings the only time that we allow uh communication uh participation uh via uh internet via Zoom or um Telephone is if we have if we don't have a quorum and that is the only time where we will allow uh that type of participation but the way it stands now and I believe that's policy 0162 I think 0162 I think you're right yes is it um uh yes um attending board meetings I think it's called Uh that's where it states that so as of now that's how um that's where we stand but we don't do Zoom meetings it has to be in person unless there's a a lack of a qu any questions on that all right so um then we can someone can make a motion to adjourn meeting I think you should do nobody will I'm okay so I like to make a motion uh to adjourn don't anybody say something don't sit here all night my last and final board I will second it because it is your wish [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] than everyone [Music] there it yeah it doesn't go