ready one minute close the doors there you go all right thank you everyone for coming this evening uh there has been adequate notice of this meeting provided by the Board of Education in the December 28 2023 notice in the asber Park Press the co-star setting forth date the time the date time and location of this meeting meeting similar notice has been posted in the burrow Hall the Brio School website and the bur clerk has been notified roll call Mr Becker present Dr Dan brosio Mrs mcdevit here Mr milans Mrs weath here Mr starky here Mr Vitali Mrs Walsh here Mr Walman here awesome if we could stand for the I pledge Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible liy justice for all if I could get a motion please to approve the minutes of the uh April 10th 2024 meeting I'll make a motion to approve the those minutes second CHR Walsh Mr Becker yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mrs we yes Mr starky yes Mr Vitali abstain Mrs Walsh yes Mr Walman abstain all right we have for your pleasure uh the 2024 school year budget presentation by Miss Quigley Quigley [Music] I'm I think so yeah [Music] thank you okay good evening and Welcome to our budget presentation we'll start out with our revenues our anticipated revenues for the 2425 school year as you can see the local tax levy takes up pretty much all of it the 89% the state aid is at 7% our federal aid which is all our Title One title two title funds is 1% and our unassigned Surplus is 3% our tax levy increase over last year's tax levy is $ 22,33 our tax levy last year was 14, 616,000 $690 and it is exactly [Applause] 2% oops to get some detail on where our revenues are our local tax levy as you can see the state aid number went up I did decrease the appropriation of excess and unassigned surplus in the event that I needed for another year last year we took a sizable amount and I really didn't want to do that again so we cut back on that the tuition and interest we had a nice increase in our bank interest as well as I will anticipate some more preschool students parent paid so so that is our total operating budget plus the federal grants and other funds brings us to our total revenue of 16, 750,000 excuse me 795 overall it's only an increase of 10,000 due to the fact that I decreased our anticipated our appropriation of excess Surplus by $426,500 now our Appropriations as you can see majority is our regular Ed tuition our special ed vocational tuition next up is our instructional salaries our resource special education employee benefits health and dental and transportation Building Maintenance utility salary Surplus Sur supplies that encumbers all of our Appropriations in a little more detail we have our regular Ed and special ed tuition our regular education instruction is going up our employee benefits both health and dental health is anticipated at 7 and a half% increase Dental at three the special education instruction resource otpt that has an increase that's most of our instructional salaries within our staff the building maintenance again now that also encumbers our excuse me encompasses our utilities which we anticipate to go up electric gas our maintenance salaries and supplies Administration Central Services Tech Transportation transportation is through mesc and that is anticipated to go up 5.81% which is the CPI the M moesc contract only goes up via CPI every year and that's the amount that they're allowed to increase other expenses are Tech purchases supplies textbooks the total is only 14 milon 68880 because this is only a specific number of Appropriations that had more of the higher increases so to highlight our special ed tuition and related Services has increased that is mostly our out of District tuition the m moesc transportation costs as I stated were 5.1% increase our health care and dental increase was 7 and a half% and 3% respectively our regular red tuition for madisan increased by $675 per student and that is just our gened tuition of 20,25 the special ed any lldd resource placements that tuition went up 1,300 per student at a cost of 31 $ 31,1 156 the CLI program which is the Center for Learning Independence went up $413 to a little over $100,000 at 103 291 and our adjustment for the 2223 school year from manisan is $222,800 to be included in our 2425 school budget now due to the value of the township going up almost 11% our tax rate School tax rate actually decreased from last year so the burrow average for an assessed home is 1,145 $89 that shows an decrease of $585 71 for the year for their taxes now it's the School portion of their taxes for a house that has a lesser assess value of$ 785,000 that has a decrease of a little over $400 for the year this budget accomplishes its fiscally responsible to meet the Board of Education goal it maintains our current programs it supports our extracurricular academic athletic programs and more important it meets the state mandate and is at the 2% cap sure so in terms of how this it supports some of our professional development initiatives um you know this allows us to have common prep time still for our teachers for one period a day so they can meet um in small groups to collaborate and uh learn from one another um the budget also in professional development supports our membership in professional organizations um that allow our teachers to continue their training and vdo Consulting in particular uh provide services that allows us to collaborate with our sending districts which is really valuable to us um the professional development budget in this uh upcoming year uh we're working on consultation with experts in specific fields and and obviously it supports attendance at professional conferences so as we outline our professional learning goals for next year there are funds so that we can reach out to people to train our teachers for certain areas um as well as ongoing training for SE techn ology tools um so link it is relatively new here in b as ISL and our curriculum platform the won Atlas so we plan to continue investing and training our teachers with those and then in terms of State mandated trainings we use gcn and that is a pretty coste effective method for our staff members to be able to complete their trainings that they're required to complete each [Music] year in terms of Safety and Security we will continue our C sharing agreement for having uh a real police officer here at school um this budget also allows us to maintain our security cameras and the related systems to that camera system and other relevant you know safety measures as outlined by the njpe so uh we feel like you know we are in a very good place to continue the Safety and Security initiatives um that we are not only required to have but um um go above and beyond toide here at our school thank you awesome questions any questions board members Ted no I don't have a question but I do have to say this document is extremely important and you need to bring it home because it's guaranteed to cure insomnia oh come on I'm only talking about the numbers for than not not the educational uh no thank you Diane very well presented um my only comment is that looked like the biggest increases other than our our local maintenance were from employee benefits and from the special education and that looks to be I was just doing it like about 133% increase the two of them combined and the state aid actually increased by about 15% this year one of our because we get security Aid we get special ed Aid and we get Transportation Aid our state aid for security doubled okay I was it went from let's say 36 to like 71 72,000 so that was a nice increase didn't we also have to budget a little bit of extraordinary a something that we don't normally do yes I had to budget for more of extraordinary Aid than I did last year but the amount that I budgeted was still less than what we received so if we do receive more it would be a bonus that that contributes to the change though because that contributed to the less of the draw down from the unassigned the shance point shance point that contributed to the increase in state state aid yes yes just just to finish the thought though so we expect the health and dental to continue on that that rate of increase and so the state aid it seems like a onetime bum right so it's a good picture this year but in the long term we won't expect those to to we don't expect the state to continue to inre increase the Aid at that r at that 15% no no it's usually all budget a little bit more even even money or maybe a little bit more because I can't guarantee what they're going to do every year when all the baas get together and we discuss it's a lot of them are getting a big decrease by millions so for us to increase by a little bit I'll take it any other questions or concerns board yeah uh oh on on the budget does the uh public have any budgetary questions all right right thank you Mr quig thank you Mr Becker thank you thank you thank you at this point uh we come to visitors business visitors are permitted to comment on agenda items only at this time we just ask that even if you've been here before you clearly state your name and address and that you approach the microphone for the uh viewers at home there appears to be none Diane are there any correspondences none all right which brings us to committee reports uh District Operations Mr [Music] Vitali thank you uh Mr Milan is not here today he asked me to speak on his awesome thank you a double report for me um so and I just left the manisan board ofed so I didn't get to see their budget presentation they had not gone to that part yet but tonight they're doing the same thing so I'm sure Joe will report on that I know we got some correspond um some we talked about the tuition rate so things about what's happening there that impacts us he really wanted to highlight Mrs wath our very own teacher of the month at Manasquan last month at the board meeting was recognized that was very exciting students nominee thank you all which makes it nice it's not parent nominated it's student nominated so it's nice to watch you just watched a slew of that happen today at the board meeting and they did all their teacher of the year was lovely um another big happening in Manasquan that impacts us is they hired their superintendent so that um Mr Goodall is the Final Cut and he is now the Manasquan superintendent so now that leaves the vacancy of the VP of manisan high school and they're currently um interviewing and working to fill that position as we speak principal for the for the principal of the high school so the high school principal Mr godal moved to be the superintendent so very excited for that they go for a foral search they did they did from outside and within he probably could speak more about how many people they interviewed but I think it was a long length it was at least about six months similar to ours and multiple nights and interviews so yeah we're very excited to have him continue on and you know yeah he's passionate from what I have learned about professional development so so am I and from what we hear from this board it sounds seems like a line what we're working on so Joe will report back more next time all right thank you Miss Walsh that par leaves us into your curriculum and programs take a deep breath um the school has been very busy so we have we met yesterday um as a committee virtually um at 4:15 the the meeting was attended by Mrs psra Mrs Pearson from the administration Dr Dave um Dam brosio Liam starky board member and of course May there were so many items discussed I didn't count them all this time but I'm going to go for it so the first item was the ongoing planning preparation and training for um njsla testing coming up very shortly we got the email that the njsla testing will be for grades three through five and begin the week of May 13th grades five and eight will take the science test on May 20th and May 21st all makeups will run throughout the month of May coat testing for grades two and five started this week on Monday April 22nd this is one of the measures used to identify reach students the teachers have also been working with Mrs Pearson on the middle school math placement they created a flowchart um that was emailed out to middle school parents they're also reviewing all the multiple data points that are used for that placement process the teachers also work closely with the administration to create and refine rubrics and placement tests the next thing we discussed for the many lovely field trips we're hearing about and signing permission slips for um Mrs pearon has actually worked with the grade levels to ensure some kind of content connection to their uh field trip and also designing them at each level to be progressively bigger or further away um just as the kids get older something to look forward to this week the PTO I'm sorry I'm stealing some of the Town stuff but this is what was reported the PTO it's connected to the curriculum is hosting fun Earth Day Celebrations all through the week with meaningful activities each day uh the fun week will conclude with Arbor Day with an annual bike and walk to school event the school's also planting a tree in honor of Arbor Day and continually celebrating how we can protect the environment another really exciting thing I learned about that's coming up at B is this 30-year anniversary of a buried um time capsule the class of 1994 so if we know any graduates let us know um that's I've been asking certain people some alumni Mrs mon uh Monica I think her name was a former math teacher okay here we go firstand students worked with students 30 years ago to BU a time capsule I think outside of like Mrs limo's classroom oh wow so the current student government is working on this really special day June 6 where they um they think that's the day they're going to working on all the details they're going to dig up the Time Capsule and see what fun things happened 30 years ago they are working with graduates like I said so if anyone knows anyone let us know another huge exciting thing that I was made aware of is that Mammoth county is really pumped up about celebrating their 250 year anniversary the county is having multiple celebrations all over county fairs all sorts of things so Elliot cologne a former board member uh met with Administration and they're looking out how can we celebrate here what what events can we hold at bees so they have a lot of ideas and plans in the works forel day will have some kind of feature um to kick it off in honoring this Milestone and I think BS is working with some local historians to connect to our local history okay so then this is was wonderful to hear that the administration is gave an update on how they're planning a week of Hope and healing beginning June 10th our community is still working through the grief process from the loss of one of our students in January this week of Hope and healing will be for grades 6 through 8 and they will have V various events led by mental health professionals as well as a day for like example yoga for the students so Mrs bolra and Mrs Pearson are working with um certain Professionals in our community that specialize in grief in children Lyn Schnider from the common greet Center and Susan tone a former actual counselor from manawan high school um so has she spent her whole career working with students through grief there will be lot more details coming about this but it's in the beginning plan stage and we'll hear a lot more about it it's coming up June 10th um another positive thing I heard about from my own family and from the um Administration is that the students participated K8 in a very high energy assembly led by lead University the students were over the-top excited about this assembly and they really had a positive impact they got a lot of great feedback and I said I know for my own children lot of great messages then on May 16th this is important for us to get out especially some of our organizations that the students will be learning about cyber safety that day a state police officer um that specializes in this will be hosting an educational program for the need to be safe while utilizing technology then there will be actually an evening connection where the program will extend to the parents so we can learn about the newest and latest updates from the professionals and see what we can do to keep our children safe um sending districts are invited and if you check the weekly email there are the Flyers are coming out on they started last Friday um then we discussed this was a big one a lot of the hard work that's going here in our programs and curriculum we discussed the future professional development plans that align to our board goals next year there will be lots of training specifically they said they're working with a professional from Monclair State University from their special education program and she's going to come in and work with the staff and there's experience they know this presenter personally from working in other districts so they're happy that she'll be coming in and getting explicit training on writing IEPs writing goals and actually working with progress monitoring on the goals and more detail to follow um I'm sure I'll be reporting on that and in addition we're going to be working with Rubicon Atlas our curriculum software program and they're being they're going to begin to train the teachers on lesson planning this feature will be adopted next year this will um have direct training on how to link the curriculum and the standards directly to the lesson planner and their assessments that was a board goal to reduce use the redundancy in all the online programs that we have and platforms so we can streamline things for the staff and save money this will allow for lesson planning to be on one place connected to the curriculum like we heard in the presentation there will be further training on iel this training will be working on more detailed features and tools to help the teachers identify students strengths and weaknesses then allow them to group for targeted instruction as well enriched enriching instruction the the administration works really wants to work with the teachers to dig deep into these tools to improve the individualized instruction another really positive thing that's coming out of our PD for next year is Annie foresight will be presenting to the staff the whole District staff on the zones of self-regulation the goal is to um of this is to provide common training language and tools for the staff to work with the students on regulating their emotions Mrs Pearson is working closely with the staff on becoming she called it I love this the CEO of their own brains and developing metacognitive strategies to help the students with conflict resolution problem solving and classroom learning all the training will be ongoing and the staff really here the administration reported they've really expressed their eagerness to want to learn how to reach and connect all of their students in their classroom so it's amazing to hear so they will continue this uh to bring in research based me methods on how to best do all of these things in their classrooms finally Mrs Pearson so working hard with all ascending districts including myself I'm providing these enrichment opportunities um today was one of the very first ones here at Bal they had an academic Bowl some sampling of things that happened last uh week was a wood shop so you might not know about them because they're specific grade levels we try to spread them through through eight um manisan will be hosting a dance academy experience there was a newsroom experience so it's great all sending districts kids are getting to work together and meet each other and have different enriching experiences outside of the classroom so I just want to say thank you um as to the administration both Miss p and Miss Pearson and all the staff I'm really working on all these initiatives for our students does anybody have any questions they're working hard there a lot going on thank you thank you thank you for the thr awesome okay my hand was hurting after those no now okay thank you Miss Walsh that was spectacular uh does anybody have an HR for Mr marilan switch he didn't I I did not realize he wouldn't be here um we we did meet but I'm Ill prepared for a full report problem can I just acknowledge there's a retirement on the board agenda for HR so I just feel like that is amazingly something that you know someone who's dedicated many years here Mr um Saia so that's something we'll be approving tonight yes yeah we'll definitely not that all right thank you uh that brings us to Mr Waltman policy yes um policy committee met very briefly on the 18th at 4M it was virtual uh it was uh M Dr Ambrosio and myself from from the committee as well as uh Mrs postra and Miss Quigley from the administration um the only there were no updates from Strauss smme that we needed into action we do have the second reading of the policies that are listed for tonight um the only update is that thanks to some diligent work in the the office all of our policies on board docs have been vetted and are up to date and we are ready to embed uh the board Doc's website uh inside of our own website which is a major Milestone there are a couple regulations that we're we're finalizing but uh tremendous amount of effort thank you Miss Quigley for for spearheading that um it'll be nice to have all of our policies up to date we have been using it now uh for all the policies that you see tonight uh to go to go through and as we get revisions so big project reaching completion and that is all I have thank you Mr Walman y uh and Miss reath community relations yes um a lot was presented um already but uh just some upcoming and current uh community Community happenings um Briel R has a lot of programs that are underway right now there are uh some signups um available on community pass um including the infamous famous North versus South games coming up um in June um and also the PTO has a couple of events coming up in the spring um one is give back night at reef and Barrel which is going to be tomorrow so um a percentage of uh the revenue generated is going back to the PTO so if you don't feel like cooking please support the PTO and head over to re and Barrel with your family um at the PTO also has a new um Spirit Weare website they're using a a new supplier um and that sale is going on you can purchase um through the year with that and it's kind of cool because um it's not just like the five available items like it's been in the past there's um a tremendous amount of options so take a look if you haven't done that yet um and also uh the Missoula traveling theater is headed here um the week of May 6 so those are just some things that the PTO is um doing here to enrich the lives of our students that's it right thank you thank you everyone for your reports sir uh very much appreciate it uh that now brings us to the administrative report sure so there's a lot that people have already shared so I will not you know be redundant with things we've already heard but obviously there's there's a lot happening in Spring and this is a very busy Place uh at this time of year uh a couple of other things in addition to what has already been shared is we had our second annual pickle bowl tournament that was a fundraiser for the boosters we had a really nice turnout was a whole lot of fun um Renzo lucarelli and Dean Flynn actually won they were really very well prepared and um but it was just a really nice evening way to bring people together um and our teachers did awesome we had a lot of them step up to participate as well uh I want to thank Mr Becker and Mr Savia for being very good sports uh in celebration of the readathon um our grade three through five students who read at least 200 minutes had their names put in a drawing and if their names were pulled they got to participate in a sliming of Mr Becker and Mr Savia I'm not signing up for that anytime soon especially after seeing it in person but you know they were great Sports and the kids you know we had our K through five students in here it was really fun and I appreciate their willingness to do that um you know we've already talked about the academic bow today that was a big success and Earth week this week we've got something happening every day um spring enrichment has launched and I also want to thank the PTO for supporting that program um and you know also sharing that you know we are getting ready for njsla testing that will be coming up soon um I did want to acknowledge U Mr savia's resignation for the purpose of retirement is on on this evening's agenda as well um you know and after spending so many years here at BS bees I'm sure he's looking forward to the next chapter uh you'll also see I just want to provide an explanation too for um the two new positions that are on the agenda this evening uh one of the board goals earlier as we got started was to do an examination of our administrative structure and the two new positions that have been created um are um new positions that realign some of the central Administration roles um so we will be replacing the supervisor of curriculum instruction and the vice principal director of special education positions with these two new positions um so I thank the board for their collaboration in designing these two new positions and I'm looking forward to beginning this the transition to our new structure I think that's all I have any questions question thank you miss postra any HIV reports none awesome all right we are at the portion of the meeting uh that contains action items the first being curriculum and programs Miss Walsh could you present them this evening sure I'd like can make a motion of the board move following items A1 through A3 second Mr Becker yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mrs we yes Mr starky yes Mr Vitali yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr Waltman yes motion pass all right uh Ted District Operations Mr Vitali of course of course District operation like to move action items B1 11 a second thank you re Mr Becker yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mrs re yes Mr starky yes Mr Vitali yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr Waltman yes yes motion passed and policy Mr Waltman if you could present that please sure like the motion that the Board of Education approves all the policies listed under C1 for a second reading second that thank you m Mr Becker yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mrs we yes Mr starky yes Mr Vitali yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr Waltman yes motion passed and then Sarah if you don't mind could you do HR please no problem I'd like to make a motion to move forward items D1 through D6 second re Mr Becker yes Mrs deit yes Mrs weath yes Mr starky yes Mr Vitali yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr Waltman yes motion passed thank you everyone uh at this point we are at visitors business visitors are permitted to comment on agenda and non agenda items at this time again we just ask that you please clearly state your name and address and approach the microphone for those at home hi Kelly baldino 108 leny Trail just questions I don't know I came in late if there's an update on the um playground as well as the library I'm sorry if I missed that and then last time my third question and last question is I know last time we talked a couple months ago about prek possibly becoming full day and you guys were going to send out letters and do an assessment internally just wondering what the status is so Media Center project is underway you can see things are roped off we have had workers here pretty much daily um we have actually have a construction meeting with the uh contractor on Friday in terms of playground um I have asked the um person who we are interested in working with to give us a phase in plan based on the cost um I am waiting for that knowing what the board has committed and what we know that the PTO has committed um you know we are waiting to hear if there's any other willing uh generous donations coming in uh but I think you know I would like to see you know what that would look like so I had a conversation um with the vendor and he is supposed to be getting me that phas in plan um we I don't know if not interupt but I'm also uh working with the PTO on um the vertical raise option um I we haven't gotten concrete next steps from them yet on how we can uh access or use um their organization to facilitate that instead of um creating separate accounts um but I'm working on it with um Caitlyn as well so hopefully updates soon and then the last the prek full day prek you know I think as I recall I thought we shared this publicly um you know in order for prek to go full day you know there are a lot of requirements in terms of facilities and space and um you know at this point with these two major projects that we have going right now um we have agreed to kind of put GRE K full day on hold until we saw where we ended up with the completion of these two projects you know knowing certain things like there has to be a bathroom you have to have 700 square feet there's a lot of requirements for prek space and you know in order for us to think about having a full day three-year-old program three full day four-year-old program we we have to think about our space and if we take space away from a different part of the building who is that putting out so um my understanding was that we were going to put that on hold until we finish these big two projects and then come back and revisit um so that's where we have left any questions or concerns otherwise anyone all right now uh all right we are come to the Oho important payment of the bills Mr vit sorry Mr Becker um to make a motion that the Board of Education authorizes payment of the following April 2024 bills list and that the secretary is authorized to draw warrants of the treasurer in the total amount of 2, 11,964 191 a second okay M mcdevit Mr Becker yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mrs we yes Mr starky yes Mr Vitali yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr Walton yes motion passed thank you uh as we move by the board secretary certification and the fact that there is no executive session uh that brings us to adjournment I could get a motion for adjournment motion Mr wall second Mrs yes all in favor thank you everyone for coming this [Music] evening I don't