cool thank you everyone for coming up this evening there has been adequate notice of this meeting provided by the Board of Education in the December 208th 2023 notice in the Asbury Park Press the co-star setting forth the date time and location of this meeting similar notice has been posted in the Barrow Hall the Bri School website and the fal clerk has been notified this is uh Quigley Mr Becker pres Dr Dam brosio here Mrs mcdevit here Mr Milano here Mrs wath Mr starky here Mr Vitali Mrs Walsh here she's here she here yeah I think Mr wal all right we could all stand for the final Al to the of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible andice for [Music] all if I could get uh motion that the Board of Education approve the minutes from the April 24th 2024 meeting I'd like to make a motion to approve the minutes from the April 24th 2024 meeting a second that motion Mr sty Mr Becker yes Dr dambrosio obain Mrs mcdevit yes Mr Milan abstain Mr starky yes Mrs Walsh [Music] yes all right we have a couple really important presentations this evening they all come in the form of retirements and uh with that I'll let Miss postra speak so we are recognizing um first Mrs Alysa criscolo uh Mrs criscolo has served as a teacher in G for 20 years with most of her time working with students in special education Mrs criscolo is a kind committed professional who cares deeply about her students and she has dedicated her career to helping each student fulfill his or her potential Mrs criscolo is one of the first staffer members to arrive daily she's a very early bird and uh she's prepping each morning for her students individual needs Mrs criscolo is known for her calm demeanor and she has a special gift for cultivating positive relationships with her students there is a level of trust that she establishes that enables her students to feel safe taking academic risks and her high expectations create a learning environment that challenges her students to thrive Mrs criscola will be greatly missed and we appreciate all that she has contributed to our school over the past 20 years we wish Mrs criscolo a wonderful retirement and we hope that your next chapter is full of Happiness congratulations Miss [Applause] and our next retiree is Mr Slater um Mr Slater has served as a technology specialist in Brielle for the past 25 years if you consider how technology has evolved in the past 25 years it's hard to Fathom how much change and Innovation he has led in keeping our students and staff at the Forefront of educational technology being in a small School Mr Slater has had to juggle every facet of technology in the building and the variety of responsibilities that he handles to ensure that every school day runs smoothly is tremendous most of us aren't even aware of all that he does because so much happens behind the scenes but we certainly appreciate how he is able to bring so many pieces together to support our students and staff even with all that he juggles Mr Slater is always willing to lend a hand look at a problem and help resolve technology issues even when all that is necessary is just restart the computer I was joking with that when I saw him before that the thing I will always remember from from Ed is did you try to restart there are many times when I've called into my office and that was the fix uh we miss wish Mr Slater all the best in retirement we know that he will enjoy his time in Vermont but hope he will come back to visit us when he comes to New Jersey congratulations Mr [Music] [Applause] Slater and our last retirement tonight is Mr Savia um Mr Savia is retiring after 25 years in education serving 11 years as the vice principal and director of special services here at bees uh Mr Savia couldn't be with us here tonight but we acknowledge his years as of service to our school and of course we wish him a happy healthy retirement and we will give him his gift upon his return so thank you thank you miss bolstra any comments from anyone thank you for Jessica please sure we do agenda yeah it's an agenda item so we can do right just as long as everybody can hear my name is Jessica is this is this thing on sorry for those at home my name is Jessica wakula start the computer um this will be the third time you heard that joke in a minute so um my name is Jasco wakula and I live in wall but I have served as Mr Slater's technology assistant for the last three years um after 14 years in public education as a teacher building and District administrator I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be a part-time Tech assistant here at breel elementary school however in October of 2021 while Ed was out with covid-19 Chris Carlson interviewed me to be Ed Slater's assistant without introducing us or getting his input first then one day as Ed showed up for work and settled into his office unbeknownst to him 20 minutes later he would meet his new assistant hey who doesn't like a good surprise and what is now our office Ed and I talk a lot about before times of Technology Ed began here in 1999 and has been solely responsible for the knowledge and knowhow to take a school building in District from before times to what is experienced here today I have worked with many educational Professionals in all areas and can assure you Ed Slater is exceptional not only is he incredibly knowledgeable about the nuts and bolts of School Technology his approach and skill for identifying and assessing needs considering short and learn ter long-term challenges liability and Equity among staff and students is unmatched although I also consider myself knowledgeable I couldn't list all the wisdom insight and Hands-On applications of Technology I've learned from him over the last three years years one of the most important lessons he has taught me is don't ever believe someone who swears to have turned their computer off and on again trust us in addition to his professional skills anyone who has ever had the pleasure of having a conversation with Ed knows he is a lover of animals and most especially the Green Mountain State the openness and spirit of Vermont run through his veins and while his retirement will be a great loss to B Elementary our loss is their gain I would also like to congratulate the soon to be approved director of Technology who I here might be a Phillies fan uh Brett Greenfield on his new position as he steps into his new office I'd like him to know that the foundation laid by Ed has been carefully crafted for his continued success and I wish him all the best the time I've spent with EDS Slater in our office has changed me as an educator and as a person I am lucky to be able to call him a friend mentor and any time I have a question because as his wife Carolyn AKA Stella will tell you Ed can fix anything as I like to say good endings make for good beginnings and I would like to extend my sincerest congratulations to Ed Slater on his retirement and gratitude to the board of education for allowing me to service his assistant thank you so [Applause] much that was awesome thanks that's theion of I I didn't prepare anything but truly I feel compelled to speak uh from a professional and personal level that was hammer on the head of the from a personal or familiar level my children have been involved in the school for up to 20 years my oldest is 22 my youngest is still here I don't know if you want to hear me rant and I don't think you do I can only say thank you for helping to raise my children I could never have done it without you thank [Music] you all right uh there is still an opportunity for visitors to speak on any uh permitted to comment on agenda items only at this time we do ask that even if you've been here before that you clearly state your name and where you live and approach the [Music] mic all right there's none Diane any correspondences no no correspondence all right that brings us to committee reports um the first one is District Operations Mr Vitali uh is not here this evening he had a conflict uh but we did have a committee meeting uh just on the uh 8th of May and I was privileged to be there it was also attended by Mrs reath Juliana reath uh Ted uh Mrs Quigley and Miss postra we had uh defined subjects to discuss and make included the media center the playground equipment boiler repair and replacement and budget status all really big ticket complicated things [Music] in so far as the media center the outside concrete and drainage work is now complete with that the architect approved a $50,000 payment towards the $90,000 contract the inside work is next and we are waiting on some rain to see how the draining work Works prior to any inside FL assembly for which we have already have the materials we will need quotes and to engage a contractor for the inside floor we've received a grant of about $10,000 to help offset the cost and hope if the floor construction will not be much more than that Grant the administration is giving some uh thought to arranging the media center and we may need some additional Furniture the hope is to be completed by the beginning of the 2425 school year and so far as the playground equipment the Administration has tentatively selected a design the playground committee's desired design will cost about $260,000 the administration realistically suggests a phase in approach with the initial cost being about $160,000 with Room to Grow of which we have already encumbered $100,000 in the 2324 budget budget we do not yet have either a start or completion date but it is Keen in our minds the boiler repair and replacement we've replaced two boilers in the lower grades and plan to repair two additional boilers in the upper grades the new boilers are included in the current budget and at a cost of $180,000 the boiler repair will require bonds bids excuse me uh the budget status we reviews reviewed a budget status report and the good news is it looks as though we are within Budget on all major line items with two months left in the budget year the administ ation has done well with the planning and implementation projects and educational enhancements within budgetary limits uh there was uh no real further conclusions reached uh the ongoing business uh can included what we just discussed and uh that is his report if you do have any other questions or concerns Mr velli is always available the two boilers that we the two boilers we replaced the other two don't need to be replaced to replace they're not going to be repaired they're being replaced and two are going to be repaired until the next budget season to prepare okay for the 2526 budget year a bandaid until a can be replaced so the work nothing has been replaced yet because we have not yet but it will be over the next several months hopefully before heating season in O September October okay thank you any other questions board members right thank you uh next is representative to Manasquan Mr MWI uh met last night Manasquan School Board uh two big takeaways was uh we approved the hiring and met Dr Matthew Kota he's the current uh hell High School principal he's replacing um Mr good I'm sorry Mr Goodall Mr Goodall which is moving to the superintendent position at Manasquan also last night the CLI program the Center for Learning and Independence were recognized they were uh given Awards there was a a slideshow of them working in the different towns that they work in uh at jobs in addition to kind of what they do on a daily basis so so that was very exciting and uh the children got a lot out of it excited they're so funny and excited Miss W was also there in cheering them on so some of our students that you probably had here were there just really they were so excited to share all the things they've done and do in the community they work with like 25 local businesses on a daily basis they go out into the community and do wonderful things so they were cheering and happy it was really it was really nice yeah and uh everybody that knows Shake Callahan she was there got an award and she was very excited she was telling everyone they're beautiful and how wonderful the place was it was just so cheerful and happy I was like what a nice night I was glad to attend cool she's a good Community Manor all right uh Miss Walsh commun or curriculum in program yeah um I communicated with the administration to see if we could squeeze in a meeting it was a little tight the last time we met met was for the board was April 24th so it was hard to get our group together and we provided such a robust report last meeting and um we're kind of scheduling other trips summer programs and professional development so we'll report back out in a month but I know we just have a lot of going on with njsla so we gave a little break there thank you m Walsh Joe HR uh HR the HR negotiation should have met numerous times with the teachers that many of them are in the audience with their committee uh over the last couple months M pester has been giving us updates on the items in our uh packet tonight on the HR side of things negotiations been going fantastic I think uh they're very you know nice to work with we're I think working well together I just hope we continue that and we'll be meeting tonight so hopefully we're we're not here too too late thank you for sure the Board of Ed appreciates the relationship between itself and the staff uh Mr Waltman is not here was there we did not meet no no and then as well uh Mrs reath is not here this evening does anybody know I did not speak to her we do have some community events coming yeah there's definitely community events happening I don't know there's a new one with the food truck North South I may mention a few of I don't have the food trucks on here but I do have a some things that are coming out okay we'll leave it one of the big ones would be north south if that is not being mentioned it's huge June 1st June 1st and then miss poster we appreciate you uh with your administrative report sure so um as husband mentioned already we are finishing up well we're mired in state testing this week and we'll continue um through next week and makeups extending depending upon students absences the kids have been great our staff has been great it's been really well organized everything's been going smoothly um tomorrow our students will um our upper grade students will have a presentation on cyber security and being safe online um we were also going to bring that presenter back tomorrow evening for our parents but we had a really low RSVP rate so that we are going to cancel or if people did sign up we did notify them that it was canel because I understand you know it's a very busy time of year um so we'll reconsider that for the fall instead maybe that will be a better time um but you're you know Upper Grade children will come home hearing a little bit about what they learned about being safe online uh we also had a water safety assembly this week um just as you know the temperatures get warmer um you know uh this is something that's been done here regularly uh just to remind our students as we get close to that time of you know wanting to go to the beach um you know how to do that safely and um that was also well received um our spring concert is next week so we're looking forward to that that's going to be on May 22nd and uh for our students in grade 6 through eight the student council is um trying something student government is trying something new to bring a couple of food trucks uh between six and8 and have some games and music and all of that set up as a social event for them um as a Mr Becker just mentioned the big north south event is June 1st um I read met briefly with the recreation uh real Recreation a few weeks ago uh we'll be doing a little bit to prep our kids for that around things like sportsmanship and um you know seeing this as a positive Community event um so you know in conjunction with real W everyone is looking forward to that event um another parent program that we have coming up is Hope and healing um you know in light of our our tragedy in February this will be a parent program offered uh really for our entire community on May 29th um Susan tone and Lyn sneer who worked closely with us uh over the past few months will be presenting that evening uh we have also just for everyone's information have extended the invitation um for that evening to the community of wall and brick also in light of their you know similar tragedy so um we hope that we have you know a good good attendance that night and we see that as a way another step toward healing and bringing our community together um we mentioned the media center project um even since the District Operations committee met um I was able to get out into the storage bins and to to take a look at some of that furniture it looks like things are in good shape and Mr AA and I you know had a conversation about the logistics of putting the media center back together Mrs Quigley is working on getting the flooring people in here as quickly as we can um so that will be a really big summer project and you know when you walk into those storage bins and you see all those shelves that have to be put back together and you know um but you know we're confident that we're going to be able to get it done and there was no issues with moisture or anything like that so I think we'll be in good shape with that um and as a followup to the report from District Operations on the playground committee uh we met with Mike Noak from MRC today and like I said we are going to do this in phases um we do have very generous donations from the PTO and the real Education Foundation so we're moving forward with putting the purchase orders in hoping that it'll be four to six weeks to receive most of those pieces um and this will also be a major summer project they will do the demolition you know uh but we want to wait till the equipment is here to do the demolition so they can kind of use the dumpsters and big equipment all at the same time you know we had said can you at least take the um old equipment down you know um but he said let let's wait and see how quickly the purchase orders go through because it might make more sense in terms of efficiency to do the removal of the old one and the putting in of the new equipment at the same time so that is also I hope On Target to be be ready for September we should see a lot of that moving forward uh this summer I think that's all I have very good thank you very much you're welcome any questions board members I'll just note also on the playground committee we're moving forward with the additional fundraising um not events but opportunities for people in the community to um provide funds for the playground as well um so working with the PTO on that uh and we're hoping to have kind of around some of the events that are coming up in the community um have Flyers going out and uh get that underway in addition to what funds we already have and it seems you know me meeting with uh Mr Noak today that the phase in seems all very doable so you know it's kind of nice to know that you know even though it'll be a smaller footprint than what we originally envisioned adding on to it on either side with the additional components that we would like is not going to be disruptive or you know have you have to go back and undo something and redo something um so this seems like a pretty um Not Unusual circumstance that people find themselves in and I think especially with the surfaces and how that works um it seems to be very doable to do it this way so that's great I just want to mention the special person's day I know the elementary school students and the staff you're working really hard to prepare to get everything ready and then invite family members or whoever connected adults in so it's going to be very special day it's on the 29th as well hope and healing so it's a nice program great thank you special person St I know huge but for the right reasons and for the right reasons uh this quigly any HIV reports on uh all right that brings us to the action items on this evening's agenda this is super exciting this part uh all items below are under the recommendation of the superintendent and I asked M Walsh can you put for tonight on curriculum in programs pleas I'd like to make a motion to approve the following items A1 through A7 second Dr de brosio Mr Becker yes Dr dambrosio yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mr Milan yes Mr starky yes Mrs wol yes motion Carri thank you Mr starky being the soul member of The District Operations uh motion that the Board of Ed approves the following items B1 through b B9 second okay Mr Becker yes Dr dambrosio yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mr meano yes Mr starky yes Mrs Walsh yes your carry thank you Dr D Osio policy please I don't think we have don't have any policy maybe instead of that I need glasses sorry right uh Mr under T resources D1 through d10 I'd like to move I'll second that thank you Mr Becker yes Dr D Osio yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mr Milano yes Mr starky yes Mrs Walsh yes motion Carri thank you we are moving along uh we are now at visitors business and visitors are permitted to comment on agenda or non-agenda items at this time again even if you've been here before ask that you clearly state your name and where you live and you approach the microphone all right thank you everyone that's usually a dull part of the meeting anyhow uh that brings us to the the real reason one of the real reasons we're here the payment of the bills and uh again Mr Stark can I ask that you pay the bills motion that the Board of Education authorizes payment of the following May 2024 bills list and that the secretary is authorized to draw warrants of the treasure and the total amount of 1, 1512220 all right I need a second on that wasn't [Music] a W Mr Becker yes Dr de brosio yes Mrs mcdevon yes Mr lwit yes Mr starky yes Mrs Walsh yes will she car awesome excellent uh there is the board secretary certification for all of us um and the fact that there will not be an executive session following this regular Action meeting uh and that uh brings us to the conclusion which means we just need a motion for I'll make a motion to adjourn second okay all in favor [Applause] I thank you again everybody for coming no