there has been notice of meeting provided by ofeducation january9 Mr Mrs Jones Mrs M Mrs here Mr Mrs W Mr w [Music] some yes yes yes Mr yes bus com AGA so we'll move on to [Music] reports um we did have a committee meeting the other evening was attended by myself subjects pringer chionship team [Music] [Music] mons every meeting we discuss diversity equity and inclusion recently celebrated through and curpan citizens learning that the of Lear also Focus science the [Music] discuss each criteria process looking to this is solid process all for accept process standed alter looking to process more andev students we considered advancing areas outside of academic such as sages element students Atif students through grade and may about should the goal is toway students we discussed enement opportunities with the other districts this discussion started prior simar to element it will also all for exposure our students other dist we discuss we discussed did not receive from the state and we're still seeking from the state allow add State we discussed we update the ntss process withc also asked discuss we didn't that one of school day discuss that have that so that all members ined we also discussed preschool survey survey has been thank know may I say this report is nothing if you really as Community to seek further clarification not that's really important because people children school that will receive resp so that thank you question one you consider moving a separate [Music] we just very early preliminary talk Al about the importance of data and statistics you know and it's really interesting to see you know even in the last 10 years or so like high school students in ROM statistics has really increas significantly so you know I think as we continue to look at the math skills that students need you know certainly recognize where we are in society is real demand have culating those our kids early on certain you know state has gone back and foral times again this a little conversation but you know with computer science as a separate area of standards and always talk about requiring computer science kids graduated high school hasn't quite made it there yet but you see rision some of are separate us just be technology standards right very Bas now May got sure thank you um the Poli committee met virtually on Monday November 13th at 530 join Adra Dr Osio myself join committee joined by board attorney Miss Adams there were three agenda items discuss the first was number on war dos which is our document motion platform for our district policies committee was pleased to see that war dos to process and properly formatted section 0 through 5000 of our policy manual and have a Target at the end of the week completion ofing policies through Section 9000 it was noted that section 0 5000 represent the bulk of our policies and cover our bylaws Administration programs teaching staff members sport staff members and so this is significant Pro um following completion of the remaining policies is quickly another appropriate member of the staff the policy committee will receive training on how to utilize systems policies up to dat future second we cover revisions to policy 2460 special education at the request in October Adam resarch District manisan High School and throughout County as well as the state handle electronic mail when it comes to referral identification valuation classification and the provision of a pre appr public education learn that many of the set districts do not accept email but like us that you currently accept facts the first reading tonight providing update 2460 which will allow parents and real to utilize electronic mail however the state does require Communications to Signature so we'll accept documents that are signed scanned and email the P signed valuation requests sense email shall be effective there's question when did they become effective time that starts and so they'll deep effective is uh as the next regular school day following the email submission uh or facts any time requirement shall be calculated to the extent that an email consent for fact is during Peri of school closure such as third breade email must be submitted to the superintendent principal's office will be deep effed on the next business day that the district is open any time finally the committee continued our discussion on policy 5756 transgender students after the board voted to table the second read advis that policy dur October following that meeting I supp to get feedback from all of our board members on that policy Contin to research and modifications B on feed ATS consider additional feedback that was provided during the October the committee discussed the policy including those possible Provisions further at this time it's decided not to put forth modification of the policy while certain sections are actively being litigated in numerous cour cases across the I want to take a moment to thank board members for their serious review of this policy all of you the research that they independently the feedback they provided me ass sure you that every single board member took this very seriously and their perspectives were appr I do want to remind the board that duty of policy committee and our board attorney and one of the duties of board at large to both policies close to us and our existing policies to ensure both protect in school as well as set the oversight accountability necessar provide the safest and most effective environment for our students doing so involves more than just accepting policy updates from the state or third we're not doing our job Community notu each poliy and adjusting signicant discussion felt that it not to modify the policy notal differ poliy agree that while we especially in terms of the responsibility consum rights confidentiality plans with the numerous nuances of litigations at play we don't want to make a CH understanding is that current policy place makes it clear that the bo affirmative Duty or responsibility to inform parents of the students Ser STS but it also does not prohibit School invol par practical matters related to the status or changes the policy also specifically mentions instances where other polic and legislation such as harassment intimidation ability but there's investigations that require Administration to notify parents details of those situations those might require disclosure confidential information to a parent or even law enforement on a timeline that is faster than but that the student should always be given the opportunity to make disclosure to themselves when possible from the feedback I received the majority of this board feels that parents should be involved in all these matters as appropr but many also show concern in situations where the students home not hospitable students assertions we recognize situations to harm however after discussion with confident that each and every instance where policy 5756 being required will be evaluated by her support staff and herself who have extensive training on a Case by case basis and but they will work in the best interest of the student to provide them with all available resources involve student Family Matters of practicality of confid confidentiality plan as a that is already implicit in this and other policies the committee and the administration feel there are numerous claws this policy as and again legality of many portions of itm perhaps most problematic to the committee is the fact that there is noing regulation the policy is essentially do guidance no practical timelines required professional development standards or other supportive regulations for administration and staff the policy committee will continue to monitor the ongoing location and will R and adopt as we're also committed to discussing and developing and comp regulation to support the administration and staff shows that alwayss Scar and I think that thank you community this last I'll [Music] start missor and backg his parents were very engaged sorry parents engage asking great questions and overall meeting was very [Music] informative from uh our Administration just some quick little reminders man High School open house is on 1th 6:3 this Friday 6 my kid going I thinkt anyway thank from the PTO have their P pick up is on inp room they also that isto is looking supp and then just more generally uh a playground committee has been established for the which is unus we are going to have our first meeting tomorrow afternoon the group will be um developing a preliminary budget conducting A needs assessment and discussing the priorities for the project so we'll continue to update um the community about we' also heard from parents that the lack of the library room continues to be an issue um I know that Mr G has addressed this with a few parents but I think it justes to be a point where parents are to know and Lear and then lastly the real treeing on 3 December and any question check [Applause] your [Music] know thatp Library so yeah that is my that our first graders it was nice to see them all walking over and back I went Li right up the street um you know recognizing that our facility still in care um so we are trying to arrange more those opportunities for our students go to the library know there's also very robust Children's Program you know so we are that's try to work around what is already a very busy um place but they are very welcoming um we hope to continue to kind of strengthen that relationship and take adantage Hospitality there um we think it is important for our students to be in a library setting um and and to really kind of learn their correct behaviors that you know are expected in the library certain changed over the years but you know not really a substitute for that environment you know so we really appreciate their cooperation with us um so you know we will we'll get them on the agenda anytime taking students off site so we to make have that in terms of my administrative report L by the other things that have talked about but just again congratulations to our boys and girls soccer Champion they will be joining us as it shared in December I also want to uh go back and thank everybody who created a great H me today our students um very everybody told me get ready for Halloween it was fantastic and I especially want to thank all the PTO volunteers who AR some really great events back after um it was just great to see so many parents here and and really working you know in partnership with us to make great day um we also had a very active parent teacher conference number of days I know walking around myself it was so great to turn the level of Engagement parents um and you know our students are so fortunate to have you know that level of support so we really appreciate conduc School partnership and it clearly evident you know on those parent teacher conference how um I have the reminder about schol tomorrow night for our e grade parents uh we also see that our food drive is f as we get closer to Thanksgiving so I encourage particip that and do not havee we did have investigations some I can't oh sorry is anyone else wondering why the why we can't turn the fan off it's freeing can't is there a custodian working they tried but they can't get shut it off okay thanks [Music] super3 as6 yes yes yes W yes Mr W yes yes yeses this MCD yes this yes this W yes Mr [Music] w yeses yes Mrs yes wolf yes Mr yes now I like the motion board approves F policy first reading 2416 special education Mr Beer yes Dr yes Mrs Jones yes Mr yes Mrs re yes Mrs W yes Mr yes yes yes Mrs Jones uh yes M this Yes W yes Mr W yes no you and I got a text message [Applause] from okay all right so visitors bus visitors areed to com on agenda and non-agenda items at this time please your name I jennif laste for the T [Music] and I person child and I actually signed off today back um the reason I told her the first place was to the fact that they were just kind of working on and not so dur that time I also Intervention inate which awes so but I guess not have toap way are add um so you know Lincoln is new here in and we've been alongside we're looking at multiple dat points actually Target those specific standards that stud showing so you know our teachers are on the October PD day a good amount of time digging into Benchmark a we do have someone l back in our faculty meeting in December December or January to look more closely um at how students are making progress um while we and I wish I had an explanation for why we did not receive Grant I didn't even get so much as an email so there was no Li criteria that they said real do not no um and you know it's very disappointing I was actually had a county meeting when certain districts started getting notifications so some people got the email that you were awarded it some people were like I didn't get any right so we waited until the next day um I sent an email to through the grant system asking for feedback and they said check back you'll be you'll be notified any day so the only way I found out that we didn't get it was by consistently going back into the system and then just you know a few days later it just said not awarded nothing from no no email no you know at least with the rods we got an explanation that playgrounds were taken off the list so it certainly is disappointing um you know and what we will now have to do is to kind of double down our efforts within the budget that we have right to to Really create groups and and differ differentiate our instruction so that we can help students where those gaps are you know I will say you know I think linol was just introduced this year and this PE is doing a really great job of meeting with the teachers regularly to kind of drill down on those specific needs and and tailor that programming and I know that's what the interventionists are doing as well so you know we'll be taking a second hard look at that progress um certainly good time in January and then continue to tell it in there um you know we do have homework club here you know that's a little bit less formal right and doesn't provide that targeted instruction um but we're hoping that with the tools that we have within school day finding L and L we're going to be able to make [Music] some hi I'm Kelly baldino 108 ly Trail um just followup regarding the policy for special education um so the rationale behind that was that electronic communication or consent or signatures was not um accepted in the sending districts is that accurate yes yeah so our existing policy which a standard policy from estimate that all districts have was specifically part team said electronic mail will not be accepted so that we don't know when that was written but but the idea was that we want Naval parents to be able to no has a TA machine be accept ta so we should probably update that so them to as long as you have a signature and you scan it send it in okay yeah yeah PR I mean here has been great um accepting that previously I was just wondering if it was at the high school level if there was a challenge because all of mine have been electronic so interesting um question about the uh Library and uh any movement on the committee for preschool expansion and the reason I asking about preschool expansion is because there are families within our group that have children with autism who are three and four years old and by the child study team are recommended for a full day program but we do not provide that here um and are being offered an afternoon program um most of the time when a three-year-old is sleeping and trying to develop cognitive ly um so um just wondering what your thoughts are um because my fear is that it turns into litigation and we have to pay an out of District school placement um that's you know upwards of $70,000 plus Transportation if we can consider opening up something in District based on the needs of our students um so we definitely hear what you're saying and it's been on my reard for many reasons um so that's why we had it uh kind of put after the fact onto the agenda was discussed we actually had that survey um a first draft came to us today so we are definitely in that process um there's just a lot to evaluate and Mak sure but it's something we are yeah are you collaborating with another District locally to understand where their steps have stemmed from so that we could follow a similar path well the survey was created based on an experience I had expanding with expanding half day to a full day program okay um um so survey like I said has been drafted has just received it and taking a look at it um you know and of course the community is a little bit different right we want to make sure it's tailored and that's why putting in front of our our committee is certainly very helpful to get feedback before we send it out you know um I know I learned during Co writing surveys is really challenging um but this is one that I have had experience and again some changes right it's not the exact same thing um so we definitely want to put that out there and get a sense of what the needs are I also want to be very careful that we also you know in sending this survey out that we don't over promise on certain things there's so many regulations around spaces for preschool square footage facilities you know all of those things so we also concurrently you know really need to be looking at our facil ities to do an assessment and Analysis of what kind of investment we would need to make to be able to expand our program so we want to be doing those things you know at the same time and then taking all of that information and you know really stepping back and looking at it and thinking about how we can you know move forward in a way that's going to to with tell I just to saw that the funding fore and they granted 30 projects and so like you know again or always looking for money to help us in the situation and they're actually funding it right now so it's like we would hate to miss that Mark of trying to apply for preschool expansion when they're getting it at now so we get like the you know the different components here but we also like you hey there's money now will that money be there next year will it be there Depot so I think that's just kind but you know jie said you know we you and when we're listening to the community to the parents because this is something that we've been discussing for a and um so now um you know we we're taking action we're starting with the survey and we're we're just being very careful with that respects um because it is it's a big project and we want to make sure that we took I appreciate that the last thing is about the library I know um I've been contacted about the Li Library um by various parents I told them that we' ask this question on their behalf um I know Ted isn't here but is there an update on the problem um the solution I know from the last meeting I was at there was um we you know the cost came above what we budgeted for um and if that's still the issue um is that's what we're you know stopped in our tracks because of um money or or is there an additional problem we I think we're just looking for a little bit more information right now we're trying to go through a Services Commission that will perhaps have a lower price I was texting the architect right before the meeting started he supposed to get an answer tonight I managed to reallocate some grant funding and freed up some salaries that would have been used and hopefully it will come within the amount of money that I'm looking to spend the and it's true it came in about five times higher than what we anticipate so right now we're hoping to not have to go out for a rebid which again will probably postpone it another month if that happens we're trying to go through an Education Services Commission that's already gone through that process and hopefully it'll save some time but right now that's unfortunate okay I think parents are also looking for the old school um librarian kind of um instruction um you know books and literacy are so important to us and I think the turn has been for technology um which I totally understand the the balance there um Can someone speak on on the you know the direction of library of where it stands now to where it's going for the rest of the year is the focus on technology is it focus on literacy comprehension what what is the focus think it's balance um you know um Mr D is bringing in books on Hearts he I know he's corresponded with few parents um you know and and is again adjusting to the situation that is taking longer than what we thought um but I do believe there is a balance um you know like said we're trying to get our students to the town library um and and Mr benetto is changing strategies and having them evolved as it goes on and realizes this is going to be longer you know we certainly recognize the importance of books in literacy um you know when I talked to Mr bendetta last week it was also him thinking a little bit outside the box in terms of maybe how to even better utilize classroom libraries and you know trying to use those a little bit differently so you know it is really unfortunate that this is kind of going on longer than we anticipated but we continue to try to talking about it trying to find the best way to meet the kid needs um under these circumstances and you know we will continue to to talk with him about what we can do um to ensure that we keep that balance appropriate thank you hi Valerie B foren um so what is the time frame on the library my son's in first grade so I don't really know much about what the problem is or how long it's been out in commission all I know is his Library time consists of playing video games on his Chromebook which is very disturbing but so what what is the time frame for the library can we create some kind of temporary library with Metro shelves and books and I mean he just did his whole wi wisdom was all about libraries are all around us they come in all sheets and corns um on boats on trucks um so what can we do for the kids especially the first graders that were hassling to practice reading night ACC to um it's it's a huge concern for me you know so you know try to to answer as best I can um you know we are trying to find that balance of moving books around on cards for students um taking them to this Library you know I the ins and outs of what the issues there I know it was water related um that and it's unfortunate that we only had one person come in with a bid to offer to fix it um and you know as was shared that that was an extremely high bit um out way outside of of what the anticipated cost would be according to what was shared with us and so you know we've had to now kind of double back and and think differently we can't get you know a contractor to do the work we can't find anybody that's where we're exploring other options of going through this type of mission I don't I'm not a contractor I any have any idea um you know exactly how long this work would take I don't know if Diane you had that conversation um but we certainly know that there are you know certain things that we're ready to put that Library back together very quickly once this issue with the water I guess under the floor is remediated the flooring is ready to go we just need somebody to do the work um you know if we could have somebody in here tomorrow we would you know so that's what we're working on right now we're hoping that this commission works out for us so they can get the work done and that back libr but I I can't speak specific I just I think the concern here is the fact that and just like she said it is the kids and at the lower level they're coming home and they're doing a lot of computer time and so is there like a makeshift classroom that can be done my high school just had complete Media Center renovation it took an entire year and that was from like start to finish of just ripping it apart for doing it so is there like a classroom that they can do Circle time and Co what we did was we actually had our media specialist going into a classroom and you know it was a smaller classroom one of our specialart classrooms in high school and she brought through her bookcases and she pulled out just like the essentials you know and just like you're saying at that level you know maybe the older kids don't need to this but those kids do and just to have that space so that they aren't doing computer time you know I mean I have a kid in sixth grade maybe it's okay doing the C but not the first grade so is there just a space if it's going to be the rest of this year that there is you know a spot get a trailer put it in the back of the school I come it's the job yes it's just finding of give those kids at least that you know that's the big talk the parents less T time more [Music] read well that space is used for them to gather and there are books on cards there so I know some of that is happening the books are there you know I I'm hearing Nick's messages so I will do my due diligence to follow up um you know and as I shared you know we did have a preliminary discussion about doing it in the actual classrooms rather than bringing the kids someplace else and making better use of the classroom Library so you know we are aware that this is an issue I'm hearing what you're saying I will certainly bring it back um and then you know we will see what the timeline is and hopefully as Consortium is going to be able to address the repair because otherwise we have to go out for another bid try to find a contractor to do the work and we square one so we're really hoping we get some good news um going in this alternate yeah address Miss on the timeline historical timeline so it's on District Operations in 2021 uh what happened was ition there was a water issue the floor had buckled and to the point where it was a safety concern it wasn't like just put a carpet over it it was a big big fun um and then there was compounding factors that had a ground penetrating radar and like what what was causing this and all that stuff turned out it was a water issue from the roof around but it's been a long time so it's not just this year we had we didn't have a library last year so I am concerned that classes now kindergarten first second grade haven't had this experience like no playground and no library is not a great great way to go through elementary school for young years um so so I am totally supportive I like the idea of using those spaces in the classroom have tactile hooks I'm a computer guy but I'm going to say we've got enough tablet time get their hands some some papers perod and stuff like that yeah i' love to see I don't know if there's any rooms that aren't being utilized but just something we got the books and the good thing is you have the material right did because of the supply chain concerns back then you PR purchase pouring and everything like that it's just labor we weren't expecting this to happen either we I think it's over a year since we bought all materials we have the materials it's been the contract we weren't expecting we were expecting more bids we were already expecting how expensive it was in near I don't know if anyone's had any work done contractors basically are doing whatever they want they so busy they can choose what what they're doing that's kind of what's been happening to us as well but I agree we need to be more creative in the meantime um and I think like just being in the different classrooms I have three children here uh a lot of the teachers have really really expensive classroom Library so figuring out a way for that to be better utiliz during that Library time I mean I know it's important for them to move around so if we can get a if not a different face and a different scenario within their classroom but with more folks being involved is what I'm first a yeah take have so we got rolling with that some frequency should this could could there be like a a weekly trick where it's uh approved with a single permission clip in advance or something like that I have to work with the librarian because they have a lot of programming already you know so if I'm saying I have to send you know grades K through two even right 60 kids that's four days a week where I'm ask upam toate every week yeah you know that's part of you know there's preschool and and so children's Library lovely and you know they're so you know they they recognize the plan that we're in I mean like they try to maximize and see how much time they could give us but you know um that that I think is part of I posi respectful of that as so you know try to coordinate more um I hear whatever and forward um John chrisan 624 um so I I don't want to you know bury the issue here of the fact that you know we're waiting on the actual facility to get prepared and brought up to speed and you know if and when that happens I can't wait to see what it finally looks like but we don't have to have a Top ofthe Line Platinum level Library order to give these kids a fantastic Library experience I've been a teacher for 17 years I worked in really nice buildings I've worked in buildings that are on the ver of be condensed with libraries that you know probably hadn't been updated and fixed up and de but the Librarians in there and the media specialists in there made magic happen with basically nothing does it take a little bit of elbow grease yeah it does do you have to get off your keer and swap out the books on the cart maybe run off a couple of dits off of a printer yeah you do um it takes some doing I don't know Mr B at all I I got a very nice it felt boilerplate kind of reply from him uh when I uh uh when my wife and I contacted him about what's going to be happen happening with the library this year uh he wrote we're going to have weekly Story Time sessions with read alouds I don't know that that's happened uh yet this year with my second grader um book club uh guest author visits uh research projects you don't need a topical Line library to do any these are all things that can be done with a book and a teacher so what I'm hearing that my daughter's going to go to library spend 20 minutes playing on a game like Miss bash just mentioned and then the remaining 20 minutes watching a show some type of you know educational cartoon well that makes me upset because you don't have to have all the bells and whistles to provide a cool Library experience for these kids my daughter loves to reading I finds her asleep in her room with the B on her lap on his bedtime and I do feel like she's getting robbed to a degree of that proper experience um and I don't want to be SMG Mr D here because again I don't know them but what I'm seeing in his email versus what's actually happening as per my daughter and some of the other members of the community here is not J and I again like I don't need to you know Hammer this point on until it's dead but it's okay that we don't have a fully functioning media center right now that's fine we can do things good things just a book card and just the kid's imagination and I I don't know what other responsibility the media center specialist the librarian or whatever the title is in this building is um but I do feel that we are now in the second marking period the middle of November very few if any of these things that were listed in this email have actually happened till now and I frankly think it it we're I don't know that this is going to happen in a super timely fashion it doesn't seem like it's going to so I think it's time to really think outside the box here and start you know making some moves on some Alternatives and again it won't cost a do they just take a little bit of el so thank you thank you coming out to our meeting and sharing that um because sometimes we don't know what happens operations of course and I'm getting this second and third hand I'm not in so I I and I I want to stress I don't want to I'm not trying to you know attack Mr B I'm not in there with him I can only go by what my daughter who is you know eight at the end of the day and what you know other members of the community sort of report back to us um I know that his poer his mom was a librarian uh I believe that and I know and I was very happy to hear about that when she replied back to my email too she daughter of a librarian so that made me very happy to he read is huge in our house we are huge re I do it every day it it we're blessed in that sense that we have a daughter who loves her so we want her to read you know she'll get her screen she will we'll figure out a way to get her for screen that'll be easy um but we do want her to have these opportunities and it's very with or without a library got tell you some of the libraries I've seen yes upet really I I've got a 9-year-old we love to read my was a second grade teacher yeah I think well other thing is that you know the important thing is because we don't have a library that communication coming from Mr D like to the parents and also coming from our children because I get I have kindergart second got couple fourth gr and I'm hearing I'm hearing the same thing to you know it's not just like oh like yeah we don't have a li no has Library time we are I think it's been Universal that we're hearing this from our kids right I I trust in what Mr G is saying but when I'm not hearing it back from my kids that's definitely concerning and so we just need to have like reconcile that difference it's I don't want I don't want this to be a referendum on [Applause] mrun I also it's all about what's taking like you said thank thank you for coming sharing that sharing that with us and I know Mrs poster will address okay and okay all right so we're going to move on to the payment of the [Music] bills as for motion the Board of Education authorizes the following November 2022 bills list and that the secretary is authoriz Award of treasure toal amount of 1,592 368,000 and8 Mr Beer yes Amia yes Mrs Jones yes Mrs mcdevit yes Mrs re yes Mrs Walsh yes Mr wal yes and we'll move on to discussion business members no okay and um there will be no not executive session held at the conclusion of regular Action meeting [Music] and I'll make a motion to this meeting [Applause] All In