e e all right this time I'd like to make a motion and second to return from executive session I'll make that motion all in favor I I any opposed I seeing none motion passed first of all I'd like to uh personally thank everybody for their patience tonight but uh our executive session does pertain to something that we're going to take action on tonight so it was important I'll turn it over to our attorney for summary pretty good summary right there mayor you received the litigation update and I expect that you will take action this evening on that thank you all right we need approval of our April 17 2024 council meeting me executive session minutes motion second questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call yes yes yes yes yes mayor s yes approval payroll requisition list and operating expenses we have a motion second make that motion questions or comments seeing none can we have you yes yesy yes yes yes yes yes at this time we'll open it up for public comment this is public comment on agenda items only if you're wishing to be heard please state your name and address for the rec yes Mrs Phils and H Phils 30827 solution conning offsh resolution that's part of the fight here is the I have a suggestion the County Board of Commissioners is meeting next tues supp do too much unless they get push all right next up we have ordinance number eight of 2024 this is a public hearing and adoption uh this is in uh an ordinance amending chapter 241 of the municipal code of the city of Brigantine to allow for non-motorized scooters and inline skates in the skateboard park a motion second all right at this time we'll open it up for public hearing anybody wishing to be heard on this uh issue please come up state your name and address for the record seeing no public participation we'll close the public portion any Council comments i' seen none can we have brov yes yes yes yes yes yes may yes next up we have ordinance number nine of 2024 which is an introduction and this is establishing one hour parking on the section of Brigantine Avenue we have a motion and second make that motion questions or comments I see none can we have roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes mayor Sarah yes we have resolution 202478 and this is a resolution adopting a cash management plan and authorizing the treasurer to utilize this plan as a guide in depositing and investing the funds of the city of brigan te have a motion and second questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call yes yes yes yes Kan yesen yes mayor Sarah yes resolution 20247 and this is a resolution by the city of Brigantine New Jersey authorizing purchase City camera surveillance system for the prominant under the contract 177 f- 00244 from ridless power and this is the amount of $1,580 2 from motion second uh for the city of brine we are upgrading all of our cam systems here in the city one of the things we want to do is make sure we out on the prominade that we put a surveillance cameras uh one for the safety of the island and too I've seen this in another of um another Shore municipalities uh especially for our uh second homeowners who aren't here a lot of times they like to look at the ocean and see what's happening especially during storm events so this will give uh people the ability to log into those cameras and see what's happening here on the island so we thought it was a great addition and wanted to move that forward there's no other Council comments can we have roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes mayor s yes resolution 2024 d880 this is a resolution by the city of Brig New Jersey authorizing leasing of copers through the city municipal buildings uh under State contract 24 fod 52427 from outch Business Systems Incorporated this is the amount of $477 per month motion second questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes may Sarah yes resolution 20241 and this is a resolution amending the city of Brigantine 20124 year Municipal budget by the insertion of a special item of Revenue and appropriation from the Wawa foundation for lifes saving equipment in the fire department this is the amount of $1,000 motion second questions or comments done can we have roll call you yes yes yes yes say thank you to Wawa and I vote Yes Sarah yes resolution 2024-25 19067 a motion second questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call you yes yes yes yes yes resolution 20248 this is a resolution amending the city of Brigantine 2024 year Municipal budget by the insertion of the special item of Revenue appropriation of Bulletproof partnership Grant this is the amount of $3,885 motion second I'll make that motion second questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call yes yesy yes yes yes yes mayor s yes resolution 2024 d84 and this is a resolution amending the city of Brigantine 2024 year Municipal budget by the the insertion of special item of Revenue and appropriation from the county of Atlantic nutritional office on eing Grant this grant is in the amount of uh 54,4 5240 a motion second questions or comments see none we have roll call yes yes yes yes yes may Sarah yes resolution 20 24-85 this is a real estate tax refund we have motion second questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call you yes yesy yes yes yes yes may yes resolution a resolution unequivocally opposing offshore wind projects encouraging encouraging all municipalities to join the opposition and supporting the Atlantic County Executive Board of Commissioners to utilize its various Powers including legal action to protect the future of atlet County have a motion second thank you thank you for all your support so I know uh Mrs Phillips earlier you asked how we would uh publicize this get this out um I guess first of all through some of my friendships with other elected officials I did let them know we were doing this I've had a conversation with our County Executive Dennis levenson um I don't like to surprise people had good conversation with him let him know that we were putting this forward and that we would be asking all of the municipalities in Atlanta County to support he and the um County Commissioners in taking further action uh for this issue this is one of the biggest issues to ever face not just Atlanta County the state of New Jersey um I think that we've ever seen and you can see if you look at the resolution I think this is one of the largest longest resolutions that we've ever passed um I'm going to read because I think it's important I have a letter that I will be sharing with every elected official in Atlanta County I'm going to read it into the record because I think it's important one for everyone here uh to know what's going on but also for everyone at home who's listening um I know that there's a lot of uh we'll call them social media sites out there that like to create a little chaos for us you know and they like to clip some of these meetings hopefully they'll use this opportunity to do some good for our community to share this important issue because it's important for everyone um also Mrs Phillips I'll be providing a copy of this letter uh to the to the media to the Press along with a copy of the resolution along with the outstanding economic impact study that def Brig Beach did it is very very well done um I've read it a couple of times and the research and data that backs it up is very professionally done so very proud of that uh so we'll be sharing this out with everyone I already have a number of municipalities that have given me commitments to pass this there are municipalities we still need to work on especially out in the western part of the county unfortunately the further you get away from the shore a lot of people see this as um kind of a short issue as I talked with some of the elected officials out there you know they said one of the things we to see is like you know how does this impact our communities what's the economics behind it so we're going to share that information I've asked a number of elected officials if it' be okay if I came out to either speak with their governing bodies in public session to speak with their governing bodies or if I could come to some of their different organizational meetings to speak with people of their community and I think that's important to make sure that we get this out people have to understand that this is much bigger than just a short issue that impacts a few towns uh if you guys will indulge me for a little bit I have a letter that I'd like to read but I think it's important for this and as I said I will share this letter with Comm as well all right so it says Dear Atlanta County elected officials the future of Atlanta County in South Jersey is at Great risk with the planned offshore wind projects just eight miles from our shore as property values decrease taxes will increase Electric bills will more than double and our local economy May Fail due to the negative impacts of offshore wind projects and the industrialization of our oceans it is time for decisive action to save our Atlantic County and our way of life that cherishes our pristine beaches strong economy as well as our stable tax base therefore I'm asking every municipality in the county to pass a resolution in opposition to Offshore wind and to encourage our County Executive and County Commissioners to utilize their various Powers including legal action to protect the future of Atlanta County some people believe these offshore wind projects are inevitable and that there's nothing we can do to stop them I remember when the people thought the same thing about North Jersey casino saying they too were in inevitable thank God for the courage and commit of one of Atlanta County's assemblymen who had the strength and willpower to stand up and do what was right for the people of our area today you are being asked to have the same courage and to stand up and fight for the people of Atlantic County if we do nothing and our oceans and our local economies are destroyed you will one one day need to face your children and your grandchildren and explain to them how you let this happen the Murphy and Biden administrations are moving forward with massive offshore wind projects without knowing and or properly disclosing the long-term and potentially irreversible damage these projects will have on taxes property values the price of electricity our local economy and the ocean environment my position on the environmental impacts is very well known so I would like to focus this letter on the economic impacts with the number which a number of elected officials have asked me to expand on little bit of background offshore wind projects are planned for most of the East Coast will span span from Maine to Florida the offshore wind project impacts as presented by the ocean wind industry the state and federal government do not properly demonstrate the true impacts to our area the information they provide only focuses on the impact of individual projects and does not properly explain the impact of all the projects put together once they are complete fully operational South Jersey will have some of the largest ocean wind projects in the world and the information that is being provided is based on the impacts of much smaller individual projects and does not represent a true comparison increase taxes and loss of property value Atlanta county is estimated to lose 9.4 million annually in tax revenue from short towns uh which will lose ratables resulting in tax increases for most municipalities and the county based on the impact of an industrialized ocean view from beach homes in Atlantic City Brigantine Longport Margie and ventner the total property values could be reduced on average by 133% resulting in a $2.2 billion loss in residential real estate values the lost in property value will cause the Atlantic County government to lose an estimated 9.4 million annually in taxes for their General budget as the short Town's property values drop the mainland communities will be forced to pay a larger share of the County's taxes we saw a similar situation with the pilot for those of you who don't know what the pilot is that's the payment blle of taxes that was created for the Atlantic City casinos when the casinos were taken out of Atlantic City's rateable base taxpayers in the county were forced to pay millions more imagine how much more the county taxpayers will pay when they need to help cover the 9.4 million in losses from the shore towns increased cost of electricity New Jersey rate Council director Brian Litman warns that rap payers simply cannot afford drastically higher electric bills according to the New Jersey rate Council utility bills in the state could increase dramatically because of offshore wind but the exact amount is unclear given the lack of transparency surrounding these projects It is believed that the oce projects will double or even triple the cost of electricity for all rate pairs in the state right now the Murphy Administration is moving forward with a plan to allow the ocean wind companies to renegotiate their contracts which will give them the ability to charge even more for the energy they produce with the current state of the US economy and major price increases for groceries fuel housing and the general cost of living that most people are already struggling to deal with I can't imagine how any median or lowincome family will be able to afford electricity once these oceanwind projects are constructed job loss and harm to our economy hundreds of ocean wind turbines the size of the Empire State Building located just a few miles off of Atlantic City will destroy our Casino industry ocean winter Vines will be constructed between 8 and 12 miles off Atlantic City according to the construction oper operation plan for one of these projects the turbines will be visible for about 40 miles and will dramatically change the Seascape of the shore communities they further state that the only way not to see the massive turbines is to turn your back on them to contrast this the ocean wind projects plan for North Jersey are about 40 miles out the ocean which will dramatically minimize the impact on their Shore communities and local economies the majority of the state's population and largest voter base is in Jersey so the governor is never going to put those Communities In Harm's Way it's very unfortunate that the same consideration and Care was not extended to the people of South Jersey for decades many North Jersey many North Jersey politicians have been trying to find a way to take our casinos Senator Chris Brown fought a courageous battle to stop North Jersey G and protect our jobs in the South Jersey South Jersey economy but that battle is far from over people come to South Jersey beaches to spend a little time with family and friends and most of all they want to enjoy our beautiful ocean views constructing hundreds of massive wind turbines just a few miles off the coast will do nothing more than turn our beautiful Shore communities into an industrialized Wasteland killing our tourism industry and providing the leverage these North Jersey politicians need to take our casinos once and for all losing our Casino industry would result in thousands of job losses cross the county impacting every local business that supplies supports and relies on the casino and tourism that they generate promise of jobs there is no guarantee that American workers will get the majority of jobs promis by the ocean wind industry according to an ABC News Report when the ocean wind industry started Ed in England they made all kinds of grand promises about the many high paying jobs that would be created as a result of these projects these jobs never happened once these ocean wind projects were approved there is no guarantee that the jobs created will go to American workers many elected officials are concerned that if they take a strong stand in opposition to these offshore wind projects that they will hope hurt our local Building Trades union members I can understand and respect that concern a number of our building trained members are traveling more and more hours each day in order to find work and provide and provide for their families some members are leaving their homes on Monday morning and not returning till Friday night because the work is so far away from their homes so I can understand why the promise of work in South Jersey from the ocean wind developers is so attractive to them we as elected officials have to do a better job of creating work here in Atlanta County we are all required by law to pay prevailing wage and we should do a better job making sure our South Jersey Building Trade union members get a fair shot at the construction work that we all generate in our towns there is a lot of work that is Created from all of the municipalities even if you look at the Expansion Project of ACI to that is a huge project and that project out there is all so I think that's something that we need to start to look at and look at um our Building Trades members as our partners not our enemies in this situation because at the end of the day the number one thing they want to do is provide for their families and as elected officials we have the ability to make that happen now is the time to take action there are too many unanswered questions about how these ocean wind projects will impact the environment the economy and the price of electricity the people of South Jersey deserve better respectfully Vince Sarah mayor City bre I really want to say I appreciate everybody's support being out here tonight there are so many good people better involved in this project helping us stand up not just for Brigantine but stand up for the entire State and honestly without all of you and many good people involved would be in the position we are today so thank you and I will tell you this fight is far from over and the tide is starting to turn in our favor now is the time to take that action open it up if there's any Council comments I'll reserve my comments to my V all right if there's I just want to say thanks for everything you're doing Vince thank you for all the support from everybody out there you don't realize or I think you do uh realize how important you are to the battle and we continue fight this battle to do whatever we can until it's finally stopped thank you yeah mayor uh yeah there's a plethora of reasons that you enumerated quite nicely there I really appreciate that we all do great majority of us I'll say um we'll fight this thing tooth and nail to the very very end uh this is a a bunch of nothing but a bunch of globalists and all their agents that we really have to deal with firsthand so uh the good fight will go on and uh we will fight to the very very end there's no further Council comments can we have roll call you yes yes attention build V my additional comments are that pointed out this is probably the longest resolution I need certain my Council being lengthy does not mean that it is persuasive at the very start of this undertaking particular Council first voters join the litigation taxpayers money I pointed out that there was a real question in my mind about standing which is to say legally who can bring and who can pursue certain types of legal PLS well apparently that that was a valid issue and still is has been ultim resol against to this point but the bigger point for me has always been that despite the use of a apocalyptic language in our resolution presentations and the willingness to attribute any possible speculative impacts bad impacts only to windmills data and the reasoning I'm K yes rean double yes s yes all right we have resolution 2024 d87 and this is uh a resolution authorizing agreement with rocket power freestyle Academy for summer skateboard program from motion second questions or comments seeing none from we have roll call yes yes yes triple yes yes yes mayor SAR yes all right resolution 2024 d88 and this is a Road opening permit refund motion second questions or comments seeing none we have roll call yes yese yes yes mayor SAR yes resolution 2024 189 this is a resolution granting a revokable license at 4205 Atlantic britin Boulevard to utilize a portion of the 20 foot paper alley behind the property and motion second questions or comments this is the strip behind the house Boulevard to we are there's a there's a property that is for sale wanted to get this on the record just help clear their title but at the next meeting we'll be presen to vacate en just it was just a timing issue for the property sale their buyers okay with inter is getting rable license yes all right if there's no other uh questions or comments can we have roll call you yes yes yes Kan yes yes mayor Sarah yes resolution 20249 this is resolution authorizing the extension of the shared service agreement uh with the township of Long Beach for Legal Services an additional uh for an additional payment this is in the amount of $20,000 motion second move questions or comments see none we have roll call you yes yes yesy no yesen gota say I find it very disappointing when we have the most catastrophic event that could happen to our shore and when I think back to 2007 to 2012 when four casinos closes in this area the Hilton Trump Plaza showbo clarage thousands of jobs are lost thousands of people left the area not just the shores Atlanta County because we W it was it was bad and a lot of us remember that right here and just uh just find it very very dis that we don't get the support and especially from locals here and uh hopefully that'll change it sometime when things will turn other than that yes mayor Sarah yes resolution 20249 this is a farmers market refund then motion second questions or comments seeing none can we have rof you yesi yes Amy yes yes P yes yes may SAR yes all right next up we have our consent agenda and this is a Elks Bingo license number9 motion second questions or comments we have broll off yes yes yes yes yes mayor s yes next up we have our Council manager committee discussions tiger turn over to our deputy mayor when April 22nd I attended the um Recreation Commission meeting uh just a couple quick things the summer session online registration will begin on June 17th there are tons of uh Sports Camps Beach fitness camps Camp Brigantine everything will be in that folder that'll come out on the 17th right now the C has 30 people away on their trip to Scotland having wonderful the tennis pickle ball courts will uh be open Saturday May 25th on weekends only until Saturday June 27 22nd down there all the time on May 14th this a special day down there they will be dedicating the Bingo and multi-purpose room in the honor of memory of filamina Arena as recently um Phil loved play bingo I believe there up until we also they're working on family fund day p as long as I can remember family fund day has been held out here on Jun Street uh they are probably going to move it down to CER area on2 Street they are working very closely between um the CER and chamber of commer uh last week we had a golf course committee meeting had some updates uh please keep your eyes out in the times and on the for website for information on a youth golf clinics there it will be offering seven week sessions um I know I've had questions about it so please either contact the course at that that we going to have them also advertised in the um c summer session back car path on back nine will be paved in the fall the bench Pro Memorial bench program through John doring uh they've done a great job among the seaw wall and now they're extending the the memorial benches to the do course is for tea boxes and various places around the island uh all right Farmers Market May 25th is coming quickly they are they have sold out all their vendor spots summer summer session at the market I've been talking to tiger and Ed Stinson on on several cross crosswalks around the island so please be patient of Chief C I want to thank you your man again for the great program that they they presented at the C I heard from one of the the our senior presidents this morning that since she attended that session she did have her compter taken over she did something incorrectly she was so thankful that we had had that that program she called the the Department a couple of the officers came down she was thrilled they handled everything for her so uh please thank Captain Ward and Lieutenant Glasser again for you know that that was my goal to at least catch one of our senior citizens get get them to catch some of these scammers it was great um also Chief I have something that I'm going to ask the police department to work with us with as the weather is getting nicer we're seeing more and more kids riding their ebikes and scooters we all see them zipping around the island around corners and in and out of traffic state law I believe requires helmets all Riders um to under the age of 17 to wear helmets when R uh riding motorized vehicles bikes and scooters I'd like to ask our Police Department to help us to require helmets on the island and keep a check on that before we have a tragic accident I know City had a very very severe accident two weeks ago and I I just wanted to prevent it here maybe we can get some information after the school I'll talk to you and your officers and see what we can do maybe a program at the school or at Le some flyers to go home to make sure the parents realize that their kids have to wear helmets um and and and to let them know that be cracking down okay and I believe that's it [Music] that's a good thing sat oh I'm sorry not Dem matter what your I would stand Farm Island want to start off just uh the uh C the summer the free summer concert series begins on May 9th every two weeks go down to 42nd Street bring a chair bring a blank blanket concience will start at 7:00 weather permitting so Thursday May 9th 7 p.m. Jack melt just start kicks things off and then at least the first four after that two weeks and get remaining schedule there's a total of eight concerts for the summer thank you Ken I see that yeah okay yes that first one's with hovan Park hey look just create your own concert if you go down if you go CR just you know whatever pant whatever works and when you're done there you can go to hman park so um thank you Ken thank you that's important correction obviously um regarding everything that Vince spoke about what uh Paul just alluded to you detailed everything very nice mayor really appreciate that I know everybody in this room appreciates that and thank you for coming out in numbers and strength there strength and numbers obviously right it's an old saying but it Bears true so um some of the things I just uh the uh the numerous reasons that Finch detailed I mean you know our marine life the fishing industry uh our tourism how it's going to be affected our property values the jobs that are going to be lost and Mike alluded to this earlier uh with when the casinos when we had that that depression in that in our that small depression in our area back in around 2008 or so we lost more there's more jobs lost in the casinos with the casinos closing down and more residents that just left the island our population was around 14,000 or maybe a little bit over 14,000 back then and since then we've been hovering like around 9,000 dipping below it here and there uh so about a third of our population got lost he really don't have to look any further than our schools the you know the the Lost student enrollment that we have number of us coached out there and we would have uh there was eight senior teams in soccer at the 26 Street field there was like 10 junior teams and uh they the the league actually went the funk it was the PE teams and um that's when we speak about certain things as side to that some like Tom RI which obob he done with baseball and bringing it back I mean that's a great thing but back to these wind bills and the harm that they will cause it is absolutely abominable what is going on here uh Vince sent something out I'm sure he'll touch on it there was a whale Virginia just very recently that uh that watched up about six days ago there was a humpback whale that washed up off the coast of Massachusetts and Marblehead Beach so uh this this is a this is a big problem with the lack of research and trying to just Ram this thing right on down our throats like just sticking in our face we G to put up with it right that's for sure thank you I'll just close in one last note uh acua uh with our trash recycling pickup starting June 28th with thereabouts in that week they'll be picking up every week for trash and recycling and you can also go online to uh check your yard was pick up days and want to get on that list it's very handy to get an email text reminder I find it very useful get we all get busy now and then and get to put our trash out but you get a little text it's uh it's nice it's to give me all you have to do is go online and sign up that's what we got thank you very much two things first I want to say h congratulations to to newest firefighters and their families got a couple good ones there uh and we will be having Week full range of Beach and back to council with thoughts initi that I'm sure discussed of the and efforts I don't know that's a realistic expectation I do want to talk about windmills I am upset with the environmental impact yes the econom Imp I know that's ago study at that time only had window not just anal this impact not only affect I don't know where everybody is with listening out there mind up do this thing is get pushed through so fast blazing speed through the not in our favor what you to do going to absolutely devastating everybody might think we're being over you going to think that 10 years you're not sure do your and get the [Applause] reals thanks again for everybody coming out tonight really really appreciate support and hearing what you have to say on all the issues not besides the windmills everything else that we've dealt with that's what it's all about so thank you okay talk about the cultureal Arts commission they had the uh Madam butterfly play there recently well attended great afternoon more events coming up the economic development committee's still working on things me talking about things it's good to see some of the newer local arriving that have for example Sandy Jack teal tail reopen we had there last week or two weeks ago Coastal Soul was and here they have full stock and they're looking good so things are looking good around the island right now Chamber of Commerce they're doing a phenomenal job you don't realize how much they communicate and we meet long meetings and trying to always think of new ways to promote new business support business in that are already working in business and so I just want to thank the Chamber of Commerce also and of course their Facebook Facebook pages Brig te Chamber of Commerce look it up there's a lot of good stuff that movies on the beach a lot of good things that are really excited about the farmers it's hard to believe summer and Tom bichi the job he's doing with the baseball and soci softball Association is just phenomenal if you get a chance you want to go down and see some good baseball down to 26 Street 10 year old team 12 year old team I mean it's fabulous girls and boys and the Babe routine down there they're just doing an excellent job as well so there's a lot of good stuff going on one thing really haven't hit on the job that Congressman ban Washington DC can't thank him enough because that is where it's gonna ultimately end up down there so Contin support for V Drew fighting our fight and everything else we're doing and Mrs Phillips mentioned earlier about commissioner meeting next Tuesday uh all I have to say is uh let's be respectful of the job they're doing and somewhere along the line don't like the job they're doing and somebody else to do the job so U let's be respectful uh other than that any troubles need to communicate one event my number's on the front page ofes give me call time all right all right thank you when we first started this battle against the ocean projects Bri was all by itself that's say one of quotes I want to share with you and it's actually from Harry Hurley and it's something he learned from his father but it's something that um has always given me encouragement through this whole thing he said his dad taught him one person with the truth is a majority and it's true we started off by ourselves it's funny because um we first started to talk about this I kid you not people thought it was crazy people were calling me Don keyote like all right here's Don keyot chasing his windmills again and I'm like this is a big deal I went to Congress V Drew and I'm like look you're gonna think I'm crazy everybody else does you got a problem with these woms he's like tell me about it I explained it to him and I remember he shook my hand he looked me in the eyes and he goes I believe you and I'm going to help you and he did he kept his word I'm G tell you that we wouldn't be where we are in the fight today if he hadn't helped to bring this to national attention and honestly it was him Senator Palestina I'm gonna tell you as a small town mayor I I don't know if too many people cared what I had to say but when those guys got involved and they started talking people started to listen so what went from an issue here in Brigantine became a national issue with people fighting these projects up and down the East Coast you so I'm really grateful for that so I want to thank both of them for their support and um to give just a quick update on the south end uh Co beach erosion um we're working with the D the Army Corps the um Atlanta County Office of Emergency Management they have been out here multiple times now to look at the site to meet with uh our government officials here in britin we're working very closely with Congressman vanw Senator Vince Palestina and our County Executive Dennis levenson uh we're looking at what we can do shortterm what we can do longterm to protect that area um what they've kind of told us all these meetings is it is very very complicated and they want to make sure that what they come up with is going to be a viable solution and this is why we got experts involved and when it comes to you know dealing with problems of this magnitude you need to have good Partnerships uh with all of these different state federal and County agencies and that is something that we have here team as good as we are we're only as good as the relationships Partnerships we have and we very grateful for a lot of these departments and a lot of the work that's done really is bipartisan you know and sometimes people get frustrated and they will give some of these agencies and departments a bad name I will tell I know firsthand while we may disagree on some issues whenever we really need help there's good people in all of those agencies who help us they they I've never seen the Army Corps and D mobilize so fast you know to come down here usually we ask to come down and takes months down here with weeks that's huge some of the Departments are like you know what we're gonna send it Advan team down the next day that is huge um we're still working on right now uh Expediting the permit process for those homeowners down there that want to build bulkheads we're going to do everything we can locally I know DDP is looking into what they could do on the state level and one of our biggest concerns we're we're probably five to six months out from Hurricane Season we cannot leave those homes unprotected and if you've ever gone through like C for the D to get a bit permit could be eight to 12 months in 8 to 12 months these homeowners could have a major problem and I like I said I I think the DP now they've come down and looked at it I I do believe that they understand the situation I believe with every sense of my being that if there's anything they can do to help they're going to do it and we're going to continue that as soon as we have some more updated information we're going to share that out publicly but like I said we wanted to make sure we got the right people and the right experts involved in order to help us navigate this challenge so again I thank everybody for their support patience because I can tell you when the waves are crashing into your backyard it's scary but a lot of those homeowners have been very patient understanding with us as we work through the process you know that's how we make all this work you know it's just good on our community all right at this time I'd like to open it up to public comment anybody wishing to be heard state your name and address for the record Mat venan 10724 Street U just address a few things delro I want you to let know that our legal counsil reach out to you we have established standing uh we have multiple co-plaintiffs who haven't been announced yet because we're protecting their business um Deputy Mayor I have a question for you about the crosswalks I'm very concerned walk our dogs all time really upset since the paving I think danger it was dangerous when we had to kind of hop into the middle of the street briers don't stop but new the plates please commission this it's really hard to walk so uh and I thank you all for all your comments and all your dedication our team everything that's happened it's just fantastic just to put it concept that you have literally December 22 we had a meeting and what we were up against all the research all the educate ourselves get Mayor a little upset I heard you were in DC can't be running for president yet office first so we'll have to talk2 say thank you for stand up administra I have not met single Bri te may go down history this fight my name is Jamie Styer you don't want my address because I drove up from Kate may just to hear this resolution and I am so proud of most of pretty much all of you I just wanna and I want to um shout out to defend Brigantine because these people work tirelessly every single day and you guys are right on it you are so well schooled and every single one of you so well spoken and it's so nice to see that you know the issue so well and I hope that we can take these resolutions K County made their resolution I would like to see county by county we get resolutions passed in every s every single County so thank you for setting an example thank you def BR Team um you guys are amazing so great night thank you we've actually had a couple requests from other counties who are requesting our resolution as well hi my name is Sher Lilian Feld and I came from morgate municipality here got resoltion and I have a quote for you this is an Albert Einstein quote and it's the world will not be destroyed by those who do evil but by those who watch them without doing anything so I'm a big believer speak up because you don't want to be sitting in that rocking chair I should have spoken up I should have done something I I take action when I see action done on that um regarding Marg I haven't really seen them take action and I went to Commissioners few months ago we asked them about joining the law and got a know and I was wondering if you had any insight whether at this point they're going to make I am going to their commission meeting tomorrow any advice or Insight on how I can help get Margate with this fight our assembly woman Claire Swift um actually she lives at Margate and she requested a copy of this she had let me know that Margate is very interested in joining our okay well I'll be sure to mention it tomorrow at the commission as well standing up there's no other public comment thank you for your patience and I know this is sort of a little bit an analogy Andrea Sullivan 2000 Ocean Avenue and thank you for all the hard work with the wind turine light and so forth and so on and with that I just want to spin off that a little bit just as the wind turbine industrialization is going to impact our properties in gretina along the coastline I have to tell you this the short-term rental industry and it is an industry is going to have a profound effect as well no one I know and I and now my my phone's humming my text messages are coming in emails people are greeting me when I come in here that their their hair is on fire things are happening they don't like what they're seeing all right now I know we're at the two-day rental minimum and I know we're trying to see it I know that we have the all the proper control measures in place with governing activities and behaviors at the short-term rentals but my question is when will we have someone appointed to oversee that office and be the enforcer or as I we call the STS are and I know we're we're we're hung up in some kind of legal entanglement you can't discuss but I just was sitting down doing some math because some of my neighbors were like with in you know 20s stre if you've driven by that the Corner House there which was 1904 West Brigantine AV was raised it's now a level block and there's two spec houses proposed for that property like you probably would know so now now everybody's like worried they're coming if you want more information about I be happy to share yeah yes yeah but I'm just saying that this is this is what some of the impetus is for the concerns that driving me to the mic right now we have four we're on 20 Street alone in the 300 block two and the 400 block two this is old news but with the mathematic breakdown I sent you all the same letter that I'm talking to the stats from if we have 18 people per night every one of them takes 18 people per night times two night minimum that's 36 per unit 76 72 for the pair and 72 for the pair it translates to 100 something per it turns out to three at the end of the seven days times 12 week Summer Rental period we're talking 3,24 tenants that could rotate in on a two-day basis and we have no parking in the 400 block so we have 3,24 renters with vehicles where do they go and even if we and so my I guess my my drive is please reconsider the two days start thinking about seven day if we impose in 7 Day a lot of all this governance in the ordinance to control and curtail behaviors will be eliminated by virtue of the 7-Day minimum now your talk 3,000 will be reduced to like 800 in the course of the 12 weeks so some food for thought and I guess those are my two points I sent you all my my it's it's a like a three-page Litany of a bunch of concerns that my neighbors have been you know and I shared to you I sent to you this afternoon and I sent to park in thec but I sent to Mike's email box so you'll probably get it thank you hi my name is Maryann Ford I live at 719 Ocean Avenue and I'd like to start by saying thank you to this group and um I have been educated on these wind turbines I don't like to call them windmills because that indicates Don keot I think we have to get into the habit of calling them wind turbines so that's my I just like to say thank you there's something that I'd like to get clarified and I've heard a lot of comment one way or the other the parking at the municipal lots that we're going to um do it through an app which I think is great I'm all for automation I think that's a great idea my concern is the seasonal I I buy them I live right at 38th in Ocean so I always buy at least one but when you buy a seasonal pass I'm a afraid that there's a rule and I'm hoping that I'm misinterpreting it that says that I have to leave my car has to leave that parking lot at six o'clock am I right or am I wrong there s Management or chief so the the paid parking portion ends at six o'clock so if you pulled in there at 601 you can have your car there however there is any ordinance that you you're not supposed to between the hours of I think it was uh what like 10 o'clock at night 6 in the morning you're not supposed to have your car parked there for more than two hours so but if you're if you're there all day at the beach and you have your car park there and you want to leave it there till eight o'clock at night because it's right across the street it's a good spot that's fine it's not six o'clock is where the enforcement of the paid portion ends okay so typically at our corner and I don't know if this is true at others a lot of the people in the neighborhood Buy and when the weekend comes they Park in the municipal parking lot for the weekend leave their car there overnight and then give their guests their parking spot whether it be in their driveway or in front of their home we have designated spots in front of our hes so am I not going to be able to do that any longer to leave my car in the parking lot so I will tell you that uh that part of the ordinance has not changed but I will ask the police chief and have his his uh members control that area and keep an eye on the municipal lot so make sure you you are not allowed to leave a car park there for the weekend especially overnight you're not allowed to do that and that has not changed that's been in effect now people have been doing it I was just gonna say it's the reality should be doing okay I think that's a bad idea bad idea to not allow people to park in those parking spaces I think it alleviates a lot of the problems of people that actually live here not not people that are coming for the day and I encourage people to come for the day but at the end of the day we're the ones the taxpayers that are that live there are the ones that I think that we should be looking out for and that's who I'd like to look out for and I know you do the same that part of the ordinance hasn't changed at all that's that's the same as it ever was okay so is let me ask you this is so whatever You' been doing the park there because over night but that hasn't changed okay i' say probably the best thing because really when it comes to enforcement of laws that is not our decision but maybe that's a conversation that the city manager and the police chief should have about how we best handle that okay because we can't give you advice on what you can and cannot follow okay but I will tell you that that part of the ordinance has not changed it's only the fee structure and how we do it and part of it it is for convenience but part of it is most municipalities are moving away from cash so that's why we're moving that direction and I think that's a great idea and that also gives people the ability that if there is a spot available and they're coming for the day that they can they don't have to have a they can buy a day pass and thenk and it helps too and we found this from other towns because there was a issue where there a lot of people were just parking illegally and our cops were writing tickets and when we talk to other short towns who had this when you had the ability of the convenience of buying the date pass on the site it's versus going down most people were more compliant to buy the pass so that's what we look at as well oh that's good I I live right at that corner and I can tell you it's a very very busy Corner in the summertime it's the entrance to the beach for all emergency vehicles um it's the last way to get out of town on a direct route from Ocean Avenue out to Brigantine Boulevard so the other thing that I'd like to ask and I did come to uh one of these meetings several years ago and I asked and Karen now that you're in charge of crosswalks yes I nominate thought I heard you I nominate Karen for crosswalk I second that motion all right motion pass okay so I'm hereby putting in an official request for a crosswalk and I know you're going to shake your head when I say this and a stop sign or some sort of way of slowing down the traffic at the corner of 38th and ocean when people travel Southbound on Ocean Avenue and they make that turn onto 38th Street they are on two wheels literally on two wheels there's tons of kids that live in the area it's a big problem and it's something that I'm not a traffic person I don't know how to address it other than a crosswalk a stop sign but I know everybody wants a crosswalk and a stop sign at their corner but because of all the vehicles that are there that are addition to just normal traffic where you know coming and going I think it's something that should be considered my last Point Vince I talked to you about this before and I actually talked to um Andy Simpson about this his last summer he was here he gave me a ride up 38th Street beach on the truck uh the food truck festival and he said to me my God Maran I forgot how long this beach is this beach is horrible it's so long and I said tell me about it I have to walk it every week he said we have to get those Beach paths further down into the beach because the way it is right now it doesn't work he was running a shuttle service that day for um older people I myself okay yeah um but I stuck my thumb out he gave me a ride um back up the beach but and I've talked to Public Works and they told me that it wasn't in the budget and so I'm coming to you officially to make that request because on 38 Street beach we deal with a lot more than every other Beach on the island because that is the access our sand gets chewed up it's a nightmare your five minutes is up okay I'd like a path down the back of the volleyball courts on that side I can I can attest to that walk you're talking about my son lifeguarded he was on that stand for I don't know a couple years I think two or three and that's a Hy forgot his lunch a couple times I tell better start remembering your lunch there bud because I'm done doing that it's it's easily resolved but thank you say something on the crosswalks chief isn't every corner technically other than a corner where there's a traffic light isn't it assumed that it's a crosswalk whether it's painted or not yeah yeah there's a thing in the statutes that says there's an imaginary line that connects you know two sidewalks in that you know box formation it's technically considered a crosswalk you know I think she's talking about painted physic uh if we're on this the crosswalks have been brought up a couple times uh I worked with John and crosswalk signs the Breakaway pylon style um I think it's gonna help a lot with slowing down traffic like as you come like the for example the Avers district is a is a tricky one because there's a there's a curve there uh so there'll be pylons soon very soon where it's in the middle of the street and it's it's it's been proven it's more of a physical obstruction in the middle of the roadway just automatically causes slow down because it'll be the State sign a state law to stop people in the cross but it's it's actual pile am so as you're coming into that adversus area be and it's it's a pretty cost effective simple way to try to get people to slow down in that yes C8 Street two Qui questions conc rental what St two several months ago you aued shortterm any people to fill the supervisory person code it's almost Mother's Day and quiet now sure they will not so whatat what tool do we have to enforce the or so as for the litigation it's ongoing best I can give you right now because it is a matter of litigation we're not going to comment it on publicly uh for the um position that you're referring to uh as we've said before there was a Personnel issue we had to restart the process uh we're moving forward that process we have conducted interviews we are down to our final couple of candidates and our city manager making a decision hopefully very soon I read the judge's opinion of St said in his verdict was trial will occur in February 2025 now a long way away and expensive way and I'm just wonder there must be some indication she must have is it's going to continue settlement or they just G to give up so Mrs FES as I said this is a matter of ongoing litigation we will not come public but if they continue into February of next year how is that going to affect as I said Mr matter of litigation it's ongoing we cannot publicly com that it's a very if there no other public we'll close the public portion any final Council comments i' just like to say since we won't see it till after Mother's Day happy Mother's Day to everyone out there I'd like to follow that up too Mike can out happy Mother's St out there I know everybody likes him best all right can we have a uh motion and second to adjourn all in favor any oppos seeing none thank you for coming out watch your Council team of work thank you --------- e for Che e e all right good evening everybody I would like to bring our May 1st Brigantine city council meeting to order please rise for the flag salute please remain standing while our Deputy Mayor Karen H leads us in prayer Heavenly Father we offer our prayers for our brave firefighters protect them from harm as they dedicate their lives to saving others grant them Health in body and spirit bless their efforts and commitment to our community Comfort them in their stressful moments at work and Grant them all the blessings they deserve in your name we pray am all right and can you read the open public meetings act announcement this notices covering this meeting have been sent posted as required under open thank you chap close join uh tonight we're going to be swearing in two new firefighter back firefighter Dean delandro and Ryan train consisted of 36 recruits uh britin two Brie 25 City [Music] and Academy trained fundamentals of fire suppression Emergency Operations on completion delandro and saler are now certified to firefighter one firefighter two Asmat awareness operations and Incident Management level two I'd like to start by inviting firefighter ENT SL uh I'll invite uh Dean's family up front to join us for e little background on Dean while being pinned uh Dean was born and raised he attended local schools and graduated from Atlantic City High School Dean then went on to graduate from University of Delaware with a degree of Bachelor of Science in nursing he has been a lifeguard from britin Beach Patrol and later worked at the University of Pennsylvania as an oncology bone M transplant de volunteers as a coach for recently established Brigantine Community B and works at Primal surf shop as a surf instructor he's G to be a great addition to fish he uh our next firefighter that we'll be swearing in tonight is Ryan here Ryan Brian was uh born and raised in brigantina well while growing up he played Youth Sports including baseball football and hockey attending local schools and graduating from Holy Spirit High School on graduation Ryan went on to attend Rowan College cing he competed in the 2015 Junior College World Series in Dallas Texas Ryan has also worked as a lifegard beach and recently for the Water and Sewer Department Ryan comes from a legacy firefighting family his great uncle retired Atlantic City Fire Department battalion chief Bob saler and his father has recently retired Brigantine fir farming C Chris he's joined today by his wife Joelle and Son Luca parents Chris and Karen sister Gabrielle brother Shane his grandfather former mayor Brigantine and re i' like to invite Chris Larry up to son that's a tradition in the fire service of son become the member that they I'd like to thank you all for being here and turn first of all I'd like to welcome Ryan and Dean officially uh to the fire department as you know we have one of the most outstanding fire departments in the country and a lot of it has to do with the training that they do the dedication that they put but also the character that each one of them brings to the city and I would tell you I and I say this all the time and I stole this my city Master about a decade ago one of the things that stood out to when our public is at their worst our fire department is at its best when our lives are on the line those that make difference we are very grateful I can tell you there are so many lives they have saved and life can put so I'm proud of all that you do I'd like to welcome the guys to this department I know they're going to do a great job and I would say um to just go off the beach Patrol to be an incredible training for so many of our firers I look out a lot of guys that I serve and I know that the fire department and the beach Patrol have had a great relationship where they trained and work together and that professionalism that is demonstrating carries through the beach Patrol into the fire department throughout this entire very very proud each every thank this time I'd like to have a motion second just take 5 minute recess I know uh firefighters their families like to come take pictures and stuff all in favor I any oppos all right seeing none five minute recess e e e e sure there you go Deo and are you ready at this time can we have a motion in second resume the meeting second all in favor I any oppos seeing none motion passed resume meeting up next i' would like to call Janette Fran up for the mayor's Wellness award you set it up I didn't know you tell me whatever Janette was that's what we're doing having us today service but do um I am here today to present to our mayor the award from the New Jersey healthare quality Institute I'm read a little bit to you um and this award is an award that designates the city of Brigantine as a 2023 healthy Town that's for all the work that we've done in 2023 we submitted on behalf of team so that we could be considered to be one of the healthy town designates and all we done we were uh just a little bit um information about the the things that we data that we submitted we submitted our fitness classes at the C we submitted the record attendance that we have at our pickle ball and Tennis programs through CD the support that we have for baseball football basketball the hockey programs Yoga Yoga on the beach in the summer quality monitor on of the Green Team support for the various walks 5 that we have heal that provides food for the locals and provides food to F bankian church we also submitted that it was the 10y year anniversary of our wonderful Farmers Market where we bring healthy food to our community that otherwise would not be here in our community and the health and wellness assessment that the Green Team spent 18 months on getting a a feel for the the pulse of how our community felt about the overall health care and what we do to make better here in Brigantine um because of that everyone who leaves their Footprints here on the beach has a has a a healthy Town Des so mayor here you go e for the big all guy uh I know that I've received the uh healthy Town award the mayor's award but really all of the credit for this goes to Janette entire green team they worked so hard for our city and I will tell you that our green team is probably one of the most active committees within the city have done so many things to make BR Team a better place I think for me they recognize me as is the mayor so really we should recognize her and everyone who's a part of that green team because they are the heart and soul of this city and uh without them I don't know where we'd be so thank you for everything that you did tiger executive session T yes we do have an executive session litigation and can you read the executive session resolution whereas the open public meetings act commits exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances whereas the governing body wishes to discuss litigation minutes will be kept and once the matter involving confidentiality of the above requires that conf resolution shall take effect a motion second all in favor any opposed all right seeing none motion passed uh I anticipate this probably be maybe a little bit of a lengthy exective session maybe about 20 minutes so we will be there for e e for e for for e for e for e for that's