okay okay I'd like to you can remain standing while our pray father wonderful guide our steps streng vacation days may we constantly strive to make a meaningful difference in the lives our and in the world around us as we enjoy the days we ask this in your name amen thank you thank you please be yes where body is of the opinion that such perfectly and where body to discuss ofation would be involving confidentiality theity then the minut can be made public now therefore that public be excluded from this meeting this resolution shall take effect immediately motion make that Mo second second all in favor any opposed none motion pass good back about AG thank yeah yes spe I Abol just out be this [Music] she else I e you this for yeah that's sh weird than is that yeah how many people a littleit I un good yes mayor session minutes ago discussion approval ofe question yes approval of yes yes all right up public comment please public comments close public we have resolution 20244 authoriz May I'm happy to have with us tonight we have managementor stro Department coordinator J um they work extremely hard putting this mer operation plan together and then is going to give us summary couple minutes you go through some the highlights this document well over 200 Pages Jersy City legal document is reviewed management every two years the content is based upon approach provided generally speaking this that foring it's up into two Mains and specific operational for an the gu analysis usy and will consideration historical emerging thre natural hazards and from technological failures and he cross action each update such as the one you tonight hasic geography and threat Matrix any this plan goes beyond da the operations of our City emergency response and our emergency to work that CH anticipate all in effort to and reccy each section outlines the roles and responsibilities for each emergeny being document this summer we are going to EOP for each large scale purp this to that resp detail to supports this key function lays the foundation res and our [Music] businesses this plan is to current mation projects and the requirement of those fing for example this plan must meet and maintain specific for theem performance Grant which weed 2023 year simply put this plan play of how to organize sanly and efficiently as possible and this plan helps to make a connection between planning and even with city council yet the next place started and we already to two edits to PL emergency management office for additional from all the Departments businesses help learn about their needs and improving so we can get this back to noral thank you for listening are any questions thanks for all your questions yes yes yes yes now the the report was done last meeting and these are on that that report Ely do the whole investigation all the properties and everything's good to together all the CLS and all thebody thank you 1156 and I'll make that 117 ntion pass now motion second to approve 115 116 117 I'll make yes right next up we have resolution 20248 C 82,791 yes yes yes yes yes Sarah yes resolution 2024 res4 loal yes yes yes yes resolution 22420 resol bu State jersey for the American yes yes yes yes24 chur of 100 Serv with yes yes yes sah [Music] yes City coms bu soltions inst servy this is in the amount of $3,635 second yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yeah Sarah yes har comments yes yes resoltion and Serv and99 you yes yes yes yes resolution 20247 [Music] we def when repair we always have another engine R what you have in front of you is an opportunity to get back to having a low cost I think [Music] one of things Backus weor that mpali this here in the city I think Insurance understanding um uh yes we have an engine that was down for repairs and we actually borrowed this while our other our main Eng being repaired so we've had it in the fir housee for the past we or so when I when I read about knowing where it came from that has been probably maintain with already and the price questions have yes Sarah yes car thank you resol this is resoltion [Music] yes yes yes K yes yes yes next up we have agenda we have Christmas July chamber of Beach and E I'll make yes yes next discuss actually just want to give you public update Su tennis cours Benes that were removed we uh just were to reasons I went and spoke with other municipalities in the area part of that same fund and they Hades that still on their course so and as now are clear to have back on spoken with our Public Works superintendent and thanks anything else sir go to the Bike Room this weekend give out all hundreds of free helmets to the kids there would be a bike rle bike um food free t-shirts lectures on bike safy so everyone listen 9 Beach they could not have and they are doing not project really good marketing PL now [Music] see don't have a whole lot we Fant per weather not a whole lot of problems around the island people out do everybody just keep I think what we're doing weing just commity mayor thanks for everybody coming out we appreciate it as far as um Economic Development anything we do for the ecel cultural arts commission they have their um Arts coming up in September uh but family Funday family Funday is coming up July after July 4th chamber of comerce get involed that also be year so there going to be some new things there so be really enjy back like was um other than that my care thank youate onat to look at the take a look at the G see what can beiss de go back to see how us we working [Music] with um the D has now per process right L and also toop get tax from we sop make people get that us request studies that solution down there we ask um I guess we want to make sure govern happen so we're putting together last make sure do to make sure we get that and it's a partnership partnership between Army um the D and City team order to to fund do this project the with our staff for the short update um currer numberer decied properties this week most shortterm property that either H man have right now currently having issues so across the island most people coming try ours have issued a number of violations against people that are not address that I will tell you this will become matter said there's one issue which discuss Association but it becomes process we have process cess experience process so for us because violations because stand lot by our attorne staff I say City also working on a plan now how handle weend our staff officials we brought on bring land while they were working they have proper people that they ask questions to now that they have a good understanding what's going on we're stting to Dev and paperwork and also best ways that are happen obviously issue everything gu so we'll keep people that about this this week [Music] address to the [Music] record R all right you [Music] for very to ATT on the weekends because this is when the May that was the crer we don't weekend what I said my and then I said just it was speak for me but it was like I guess I guess P our hopes the fact that the r for the weekend craziness to end and here you are I was told when they left that was the police Sy we down little bit just like I more T there a hand people and it comes out like 22,000 in 12 weeks I guess number TW but it's I'm the 12 I just good the neighborhood my family for Bob for you know everybody and sure neighborh anyway and I can tell you right now but bothe were and here's the thing when they these and event is just that it's the event it's not any event when you hold in whether it's a retreat for mons or and commercialized use on presal this strict violation [Music] Mr or operating in violation that this is City up and aart liing that could explode God for TR and we all know the city you concate com SP something will be and S tra and like maybe damage but it's going to happen but with that said I tell you we come this which is so heart what ands people it's just we want I gu just that the week it's not not not a whole lot tell 25 years old limits we got something in one of the prop ra and to my neighbors me I just this is about the neighborhood the our community it's about every thank you hell again Ricardo 164 1648 Street um my family name I I represent the third generation here my children and my grandchildren for with my concern is our rights to the I'm now I really want to I'm with my family the house at one uh it's 16 stre they did the other now we have another family they drinking it out at a terminal that house back to the HS okay they were quiet I didn't make a fun there's still advertising for 18 people that that house can accommodate 18 people it was parking was very difficult is 83,000 we had go up that's all that's being to back and see what is and what you have that had you places where there's no area maybe they go that ways and no areas they're using every single of the now give you little history for those of you that are not old this will in 1970 with the propos that took out all of our hotel they'll come the okay that there our commerci area went away disappear so we have noot the RO Pate the the cers ship the se you name it they alls okay that's one thing which distur the piece of our our existence then came these SRT after Hurricane sanding when hop were destroyed and people wanted to get out now because change you have to elevate the house they don't just Elevate the house one they put a pool in the front yard and guys it's just there's a complication here you have to go back and reinvent the real here these don't building work there is not and this is sh okay I am here this virtual with lineage I've seen it I know what happen I don't but we got to come up with the answer you have nobody in the SCH thing who's going to pleas want to support our our VFW our American you tell me who's going to do that we keep allowing the construction of these types of hones for finance here we we have here this is our us peace okay thank I want any comment I've been you number of times and everybody behind me can say same me there's a problem and it starts at Ding and construction look at those elements thanks leave re your [Music] yeah noise yeah dep so as I did you come here come no so as I the beginning that we I know earlier that's not true and down wee and we are put that and we're doing everything we can there's Miss and make sure that we have resources to do this share when I the 7414 number no one came out document that were 24 my made very clear I need a documentation and when I come back to half an hour later um she even know for what an was and then I got 10 minutes saying we have nothing in our telling us the document C and for me to call sherff well I was call you but I did call another C and did see that my question is did Mr get the citation violations this will become not but I say that question we if there specif services that not receive we are confused we are confused three weeks ago we don't handle this we're told this past week two days ago we don't work on the weekend and as we're fting not down and discussion directly with because play the she off discuss have that conversation directly with him same thing you think that our well two days don't work you said let's try it out they don't and on another violations that process Bally I came here keep issues also I have prce coun and I really don't want to B his with particular we have place prce so I also want to thank I want to thank coun work very closely with me on that particular issue we have a s owner was renting property five weeks prior to legally being able to rent it I didn't find out until I went to section of fire and they informed me well he's not supposed to be rent so that's I took pictures of the LIC city manager got right on it and I don't I was told that they were so he seems to think that this particular seems to think that he can do what he wants want to Su him Su his name because he didn't and he Li in World days they going to loveing even before they went at and make the best of it but I came here and find out this glad you pretty much answer all my question we really when when most of problems began and start and finish also with this particular H I become I've taken this on myself every time there's a new R I go over and TR to come friends and I've made some very nice acquaintances we had some very nice some very B in this last particular were there for two weeks very couple they spent six years in Germany love and to this place in two [Music] weeks so as we became what can I do that coun [Music] K's and man place withing she had called cleaning comp they had she had the um dishwash she f with he manag to one about days before left I Wasing the floor and the and say well disconnect what do I do what do I do so and Al big thing the advertisers so they rent this particular adver no well they have a lipide and her husband Happ to be handicapp he just came down know this something I can't it's not going to get better she defitely what am I going to do with this also my mother mother's coming and I granted this because now I can't think so they got advertised an elevator it's because it's not an elevator people can't get beds what you're three levels it's three levels a raise house living area bedro you need an elevator your handing so I felt really bad I don't know get or not and I also check if I then I give her email I don't want to my C because we have enjoyable prast and I just want to leave it at that and us through that we have so other than that really happy to hear that weekends and night inspections are pretty so what do we do about property that's what we do [Music] I please go and also the office and please buy this property [Music] please thank you really appreciate got from a little lighter time I'd like to thank coun for coming to the britin El representing the city council it's beautiful red and happy to see you representing the legion riters and also appreciate the support good evening I'm here because I think about the false information being spread inaccurate data being culated I'm a professional co-host Who currently have 15 properties on Airbnb 5 six month weight list thanks thanks thanks information being spreaders never consider do the Rue number cated by I would like to respond to the data present first off thank you Andrea for regularly looking at my list on Airbnb as a professional it's important for me to understand true data not so every time we click on the link any properties one on 20th Street the hire the home on Airbnb Airbnb is a tech company and the clips and pars help the a I also PID for data service so thank you to the entire Street I would like to address the estimated numbers he said it 15 properties for a total of 22,000 people ass that means if I did my calculation correctly I have 15 that calculation iost 270 people for a total of 1,89 week and over 26,000 the actual number those significant less that will total for the summer to 13,000 that's a 50% differ fin calculation a 79 minimum won't be numbers in fact the number isn't even accurate the majority of the home use their home for por summer including two of my point is the data presented argument accurate it's inammatory fall important speaking wise about the neighbors and Community has a rippl the home on your block across your street hasn't had one we have we have zero book so far my concern here tonight is resident homeowner taxpayer business plory statements that are made Andrew and neighbors we have much more significant issues to address I love your efforts for you to be greater good of our community if you don't agree with that approach and believe the presence of short-term rentals of an issue that you think it is I challenge you to run for all MCO 305 20th Street um I want to thank Tyra for getting back to me on some the issues that I raised there still some pending issues on 30436 as of today their site s their site still read that that I found surprising because that was brought up one and two home spect fair that should have should have been Tak so that's still out there um the um so far as the residents who own houses that rent on our street 300 I've never seen the owner in the 13 15 years since we've been in the house occupy um the other thing is is that um I'm we've been patient and we know this is the process but um I I just it's we're going in think of this thing you know it's going to get busier and more activity action um not having I know you discussed this speak my point of view not having false false CER specific or somehow the information that we see as legitimate according to all the ordinance that it's not we're not there yet it's a little disappointing again a new Etc but I hope going forward particularly with you know least following the police department that we get kind of response that we would expect particularly for parking because that right now seems to be one of the biggest issues that are looking to resolve even though there an ordinance that's very clear and we just did a count the other day just the day my wife and I went out looked at the back and the front of the two houses across the tree and there's no way they can conform to that standard which I had up years ago I said you know thatti joking sarcastically but the point was that even then back in October I found it hard to understand that that uh approach would work I don't know how you manage Mar but it's better than that so again I appreciate what's been done so far but we have a long you mentioned violation to Li but you can be an example what cons of violation that has mention this it gets to the heart which is [Music] and you're using violations but that doesn't give to this back single mess and this violated in the sensetivity don't think that that serious and I don't know if it's going to improve but what I that which is activity where it doesn't belong that [Music] I about sh with number seven because seven is the minimum that people should have say when they come here she also us event that's the problem these are events he said my family's come for a week stay so just what we have had bringing for decades and this work so until you recognize what the main problem that should lead to a ration people shouldn't be get they going to have events going advertise we get back to I just that so I'd like to see progress in that direction so far I don't see it and as far as having somebody on weekend that should be OB coming to the and still talking about as I said territory not don't seem to be making much thank you violations [Music] viations stre so what we put in place at this is another issue that we're addressing and neighbors doing but also iics than viations I've been is once City process we will take as you said beginning we just sered but we people who are doing the right thing that is not here neighborhood and I respect that we represent away through the process again we have the ab and then we make those Street I guess to address parking issue to address I'll tell you what I was to address the parking issue that I guess the family had people Park elsewhere by us share with us so sh us understandings issues and Rec the house Street out police I know there was no issues called in reported and I know that all of the issues that andrees I issues issues so we're going to continue to address this if there's issues of noise address when it comes to I can you Bo is really tight up on what's being approved one of the things that is important to me I said every attorney Builder and developer both St stes on properties very very importantly not every I don't people cover I get that I don't with it I the state that need space can't just develop every every I that multiple everything they got this they put it in they buil that for so what we and we change have grand but when they build % CH andr offs with laws start this is we start um same thing I want to reate this because number people weekends are important address weekends also that work and that's what we have address think that place other municipalities us because and start conf now we're on top of this continue to address problems issues and we not problem need and at the end dep go we F we change we're going to keep working at this until we get to and that is we and continue want sit down you the issue [Music] back may well while you're on the subject um there seems to be there was a lot of conversation last week this week about parking with the Str strs um so I just want to clear up confusion they're legally parked cars on the street so so when they call the police and they there there a response it's not as easy as wrting you know showing up and writing a car a ticket because they're parked in front of a driveway it's it's and then they can clarify if if I'm wrong but I think it's in reference to there's a sentence in the document in the ordinance that pertains to parking uh there's one sentence in there it's basically a suggestion to the homeowner please tell your your tenants to bring as little cars as possible to try to be a good neighbor and alleviate the congestion um there was issues with sergeant oonew and how he responded well you know he he can't come down there with a fleet of off officers and start telling them that you know they have too many cars based on a suggestion and an ordinance start right in tickets uh it's just not it's not feasible to do and as we talked about now you have to what I do for one strr I do for all of them all 900 of them uh they can't legally just start running tags and start launching an investigation that there's too many cars per residents uh you know Andrea brought the fact uh I F I think the number is 15 just in that area 15 strs just in that area now we're expecting the whole police force to do an investigation on 15 houses and what cars go to what house I'm I I I've been very careful since this started not to make promises that we can't uphold we we have a higher standard in a court than anybody when we start running tags and start questioning people about whose car is who and who owns this car well he's at the beach now I can't I can't verify where that guy is now he's at the beach now I'm I'm starting to we start a full scale investigation on each house it's it it's obviously not humanly practical to to do that and and that's why Mrs grober was frustrated with Sergeant odonahue um because because of that one little sentence in that in ordinance he wasn't going to go down there was there was really no resolution to her issue at that time and it got brought up a lot last week and got brought up a lot this week so I just want expectations to be clear um they're not illegal parked cars they're legally parked cars in the street it's just a frustration for them that it's a lot of cars and there is verbage in that ordinance but ver there's a lot of verbage in a lot of ordinances there's also mention of 90day incarceration I don't know how that got put in there but nobody's getting incarcerated for 90 days so my point is there's sometimes there's verbiage in there that it can't it it like that particular verbiage is a suggestion to a homeowner tell your resident or your tenants to to take as many as little cars as possible to help alleviate the congestion but that doesn't mean we can go down there tow cars or write tickets or or they're legally parked in the street and and that goes through the the nighttime inspections so so maybe you know that's something the inspectors can look into and and talk to the homeowners and and try to figure that part out um and I just wanted to clarify that because I know the question was well we'll call the police this weekend and they'll start counting cars and start doing investigations it's that's not practical that's not what's going to happen so I just want to level expectations is there something we can document you know we'll document I I SED to the city manager I mean there's a a procedure in place for us where if there's something we can document we we print out the cad report and we we have a a file that we forward to fire prevention uh when when we're there because you know again at 2 o'clock in the morning the zoning officials aren't working so if it's some we can document there's a whole policy in place for that and then we'll we'll print out the cad and we and then we forward it to Jack and and give them all the documentation that we have we have motion toour I