con I would like to welcome everybody to our May 15th Brigantine city council meeting you please rise with flag salute remain standing while our Deputy Mayor Karen bu leads us in prayer Heavenly Father we are praying for our local police officers and ask you to protect them every day watch over them from above and guide them in their decision making as they perform their duties please hold them firmly in your caring hands and keep them from danger so that they can protect us from those who would seek to harm us give them the strength to carry on when tragedy strikes give them the courage to face the dangers that are so present in this world watch over their own families too as they also need the comfort and prayers of the community for these things we pray in your name thank you please be seated all right Lynn can you read the open public meetings act announcement this is to advise the meeting notices covering this meeting have been sent posted as required under the open public meetings Chief Jo me up front for for school basketball unsolicited teach it's just he made it very easy on he's gonna pin George with his badge for e part e speak um next up we have an opening for Sergeant John lons it's John Lions tonight's get Sergeant got hired 2011 us fto off is sit he lives here with his uh wife Lindsay here in Brigantine and e that's next up John KN tired in 04 20 years in sergeant buau John the amount of hours Generations they're here so that unites e John uh he costs the taxpayers a little bit of money we get him in there uh next up Captain Steve Warden getting promoted to Captain uh these guys have already been kind of doing this position for a little while and then uh you know we do the ceremony when background music never heard anybody so we uh Steve was hired in in 07 uh he's on 17 years uh worked his way up to now Captain um he's uh he's in charge of a lot of different programs he was in the detective Bureau for five years it's our best program charge of all the training make sure the officers go to all the mandatory training any supplementary training supervisory training all different training he coordinates State guelin Char the any task we give Steve he does it he on it say's here with his wife and kids and bring EV up unit States that's for uh first of all one of the things I want to say is how proud I am of our entire police department guys are outand so many people team they feel safe and so proud to H he speaks very highly you everywhere you all of our offic of the biggest that this time I'd like to have a motion second to take a 10 minute recess in case you know for any of the families who want to take pictures make that motion second all in favor I I any opposed I seeing none motion pass 10- minute recess s e said nicer job some turn puras bre we think that e e for he okay e e e e e l e it's shocking for joh Dennis let Dennis just devoted fans left that's good to see all right we have a motion second to resume the meeting second all in favor seeing none motion pass tiger any executive sessions tonight no mayor all right we need our approval of our May 1st 2024 council meeting in executive session minute we have motion second questions or comments see none we have roll call yes mat yes hany yes yes Kan yesen yes may Sarah yes Carri need approval of our payroll requisition list and op operating expenses and motion second questions or comments see none can we have Ro yes yes hany yes yes Kane yesan yes Sarah yes motion Carri at this time we'll open up public comment this is public comment on agenda items only seeing no public comment we're going to close the public portion all right next up we have ordinance number 10 2024 this is an introduction and this is an ordinance vacating the 20 foot paper Street along Atlantic Brigantine Boulevard between boot Island and block 3401 Lots 1-4 motion second so Mo questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call you yesi yesy yesy yes Kane yes Reen yesera yes MO resolution 2024 d93 this is uh a resolution amending the city of Brigantine 2023 this back of year okay that's what I was making sure all right um City Brigantine 2023 year Municipal budget by the insertion of the special item of Revenue and Appropriations from the county of Atlantic and state of New Jersey for the 2020 24 click or ticket program this is in the amount of $2,800 in motion second questions or comments seeing none WB brov yes yesy yes yes yes yes Sarah yes motion Carri resolution 22494 this is a resolution by the city of Brigantine New Jersey authorizing uh the purchase of 2023 Ford F250 uh super CAD uh under State contract 23 Fleet 34922 from uh neelon Ford this is the amount of 62863 40 a motion second questions or comments see none we have Roa you yes yesy yes yes yes rean yesera yes motion Carri resolution 202495 this is a resolution for approval to submit a municipal Aid Grant application ma 2025 britin uh two and execute Grant agreement with Jersey Department of Transportation we have a motion second so this grant is uh for the installation of crosswalks at the yacht club and the gr Club so so this will help get some funding all right if there's no questions or comments can we have roll call you yes yesy yes yes yes yesah yes motion Carri resolution 20249 this is a resolution authorizing the contract of D and Engineering for the Reconstruction of the beachfront parking lots at Brigantine Avenue and Rosevelt Boulevard in conjunction with 16th and 17 Street 26th 27th Street South and 34th and 35th Streets South and this is the amount of $9,000 uh we have a motion to second I'll make that motion questions or comments see none we have roll call yes yesy yes yes Kane yesan yes marera yes motion car resolution 20249 is a real estate tax refund motion second questions or comments see none we have roll call yes yesy yes dely yes Kane yesen yesara yes motion Carri next up we have our consent agenda this is BFW raffle license numbers uh 1060 and 1061 South Jersey Council sorry South Jersey cancer fund Raffa license number 1062 1063 Elks raffle license numbers 1064 1065 St Thomas Catholic Church raffle licenses number 1066 and 1067 South Jersey Cancer Walk request amateur ham radio request BFW Memorial Day Parade request Lieutenant uh sorry Lieutenant Bill O'Brien Bike Rodeo request have motion second questions or comments say n we have roll call you yes L yesy yes yes Sarah yes H next up we have our Council manager uh committee discussions turn it over to our city manager just got an exciting update for us I do yes sir um congratulations to the police department uh so I am happy to report um after doing interviews for the code enforcement supervisor position we have made a selection and hired actually two individuals one as our full-time code enforcement supervisor and we did hire a part-time who was one of the candidates that also applied for the full-time position as our code enforcement inspector so our our full-time code enforcement supervisor is Steven Daario he is a retired state trooper has a bachelor's degree from Stockton College he has extensive experience uh working as a zoning official housing inspector rental officer code enforcement in uh for six years in commercial Township and he also has experience as a housing officer conducting investigations on illegal housing with the milville Housing Authority was there for a few years as well Steve is a was that was a phenomenal overall pick from everybody on the board as as the the right person for the job with his mannerisms with his enforcement background we thought would be very very strong for what we're going to be he's already started they started working yesterday and they're exciting to have the code enforcement inspector which is a part-time position uh we hired uh William Brooks Bill Brooks he's a retired fire inspector from the New Jersey Division of fire safety uh prior to that he is retired Battalion Chief from the Atlantic City fire dep Department uh and he was the assistant in the fire prevention office for the final five years of his career and he was a fire inspector he holds a Fire official license and he too has a bachelor's degree from Stockon University these two individuals U bring a lot to the table and in different areas which is phenomenal combined it's it's going to be an amazing unit uh our fire Fisher Jack Murray is very excited to have him on board Stephen with his housing experience and code enforcement experience and Bill with his fire prevention Fire official fire inspector experience together it's going to be a phenomenal team like I said they started yesterday they've already been around looking at some of our Pro properties and already formulating plans to address them which I was to hear on day two where they very pleased with it so I'm sure you all will be pleased I'm sure the resid SAG I really want to thank you for your efforts in this Jack our chief um I think it's important to make sure that we have highly qualified people position' done an excellent job making sure have the best candidates to give the best service to our community and I agree with the background in both these individuals have be able to had an opp all right we'll turn it over uh our department heads excuse me came out to again than John thank you so much is that a song Start the Fire John I just want to thank you too for organizing that put that together and there's a lot of great groups that came out to help no defend Brigantine Beach was out there helping we'll turn it over inspectors I know when we first started working on this short-term rent uh mess that we have Vince was saying it might take a long time but I want to get it right as taken us a long time I think we got it right so thank you very much for all the work you've done on it um I also want to congratulate the new newly promoted officers and their families thank them for all their service to our community um tiger we talk we just approved the two crosswalks the the Grant application are we still working on the one on Bel yes so the two that we are putting in for Grants they are very expensive because we want to do they need to be lit we want to do signals for flashing lights because both on a high travel Road on curves right so uh that's why they were separated I have met with John doring and Ed sson and we've discussed other crosswalks around the island that we want to have repainted and uh in addition to the one at Roosevelt because we have had quite a few people request it because of the school crossing over Roosevelt one side to the other so yes that is all John has been you know working on getting in touch with contractors and getting prices to do all that yes that will be a part of our list not part of this grant but separate project great okay thank you I just want to make sure we had a green team meeting last week uh the community garden is already picking spinach and lettuce and radishes they delived bags of produce fresh produce over the seniors they were thrilled to get it farmers market update the vendors are all booked the parking lot should be paid in time for next week's Market um also the new software I understand that um they've started using for the vendors making their payments has really worked very very well and I want to thank Al Stanley and our CFO for working on that Ryan and tiger thank you gol course has been very busy in spite of the weather the greens have been arated the Airways are filling in nicely um quite a few trees have been recently torn down or cut down they were mostly mostly dead or dying uh hopefully we can replace a few of them here and there um just I'm I'm not sure if uh everyone realizes that the Brigantine Lakes is the home to the Atlantic City High School Vikings golf team it's always great to see the young people out there playing yesterday they had a match at at their home course at Brigantine it's always great to see them out there learning to play and to respect our our course yesterday the Bingo room and the the community center was dedicated uh to the late great filamina Arena the room was packed with Phil's family and friends H to honor her 106 years of life was really really a nice event very touching and uh I just want to wish everybody Happy Memorial day next week and good weather May second or third whatever the case might be uh he's just congratulating our new officer George hes I wish the best so Captain Steve Ward lieutenant John KN and Sergeant John Lions wish him the best in duties as well as safe travels overse Mother's Day was this past weekend actually make EV early Mother's Day event but uh fireworks ironed out um mothers out there had a great Mother's Day uh Sunday God bless them all World Day weekend is coming up in a little bit our event Saturday or Sunday Sunday Sunday right okay those Brave service persons who lost their lives performance of defending their country bless their souls also filamina that was a wonderful event for filamina arena what a gal amazing uh and there were so many nice comments that were said afterwards uh the one that kind of they were all wonderful comments the one that that really uh one that I remember I guess the best the one that like really kind of caught my attention was uh the Young G the young lady that uh that said she kind of got DED up banged up maybe she had some you know might be uh she was a little down filina said hey you gotta keep your chin up you know always think of something good to keep your chin up so so someone uh who had so many liked experiences and saw so much I mean she was born like 1917 I know World War I I think was wind it down Spanish Spanish my goodness so God bless her it's nice seeing Tony hus thank you very much and let go the Bingo room starting or continuing City Beach committee had a meeting past week and and particular I want to thank departmental reps sending order of to joh as always tremendously formative uh we discussed a number of topics including of course still evolving situation down in the Southend none of us have answers because nature it's a subject that's been well thought out in their plans in place to deal with the kind of experience and finally um Dennis next time we be we Memorial Day which means that we will have had our first I think official holiday test in season of road diet which on a huge stand um but I ask hundreds of thousands many listeners we have around if you're in town takes you another six seconds to get one end town the other it's not the end of the world uh Road design can work and will work I'll judge for you thank you mayor thank everyone coming out here and spending the night with us here Saturday was just an absolute great Dayan I know was ding's first uh Beach cleanup and shredding event as clean communities director said right a fabulous job so uh and something else that we did after after that was we had an honorary street name for next up the Chamber of Commerce is working harder than ever Market Chamber coming up have family fun weekend that we're really want to thank the chamber for everything they do the economic development committee just it's so wonderful to see them open there and I heard this past Saturday some of the business I know Coastal Soul had a good weekend um and it's like a summer day so uh I recommend you checking out all of the business the job he's doing with baseball league it's just phenomenal team coming in with BR Team baseball players our 12y old team they just want exciting game last night at the bottom of the fifth they scored two runs be abse three to one and the 13y old baby with kids are just going on they're fabulous they they uh beat uh ventner last night five to four and held on for that win so you get a chance to see some good baseball uh around the island hit either one of the parts if you see the crowds go ahead and check stop by it's real good that I'm help I mention the cult okay so we have the uh Italian cooking presentation on July 20th is coming up that's going to be a good one and September 7th is the show so a lot of things going on thanks very we have our uh Memorial Day Services coming up it's uh Sunday May 26 uh we're meeting at City Hall at 10:30 there'll be a braid down beer the services will start at about 11 a.m. veterans Tri it's always a great event a couple to support our veterans always proud to see the large crowds we have our honor resp you update on the ocean wind had an opportunity to go out and uh at the commissioner meeting and speak with Commissioners about our resolution and talking with them about the importance of this issue and really just asking for their help one of the things that's really important is that Commissioners have um access and they're all over the community they need one of the things that um a lot of people that need advocated for is that the Commissioners need to educate themselves on the issue to start to talk to people community so people understand how this is going to impact a lot of the information that's out there right now about these ocean projects is incorrect you know people think that they're green somehow going to save land they're not if you really get into the details these companies write thousands of pages if you really get into the details of those documents they'll tell you it's not what everybody thinks is so the had an opportunity to speak with those Commissioners both publicly and privately uh the Commissioners are going to do all they can to help us now we are trying to push the county into joining ination as well uh same things happening up in Ocean County mayor manini of Long Beach Township it's doing the same thing that we're doing here to get the municipalities up there to pass a resolution to support the county to engage KY county is already engaged our commissioners have now formed a subcommittee they want to one review our resolution and then also start to look at what are the options for legal action for the county they're going to report back to their board they're actually meeting tonight uh their subcommittee meets tonight and um my understanding is that the Commissioners on that subcommittee are uh Rich days John grizley June Burns and Andrew Park so they're going to look at what we have and they're going to start to make resolutions and they're going to start to make recommendations on how the county should address forward um have standing offers at a number of municipalities to come out and speak with their governing body as well speak with different organizations that they're associated with number of municipalities have already vered to me that they're going to pass the resolution and a number ofs they're not sure what to think about these but they'd like me to come out and speak at their uh public meetings so people from the community hear what's going on as well as their government bodies so we're going to try to share this information one things I told people is you got to make up your mind for yourself do some research look into if you think they're good tell us what's good about them but if they're not good then you need to join in this fight can't just sit on the sidelines that's why I said if if you believe in support them that's fine but you gotta give me a good reason why you do I've spent years studying this I've had countless meetings with the windmill organizations themselves as companies and one of the things I want everyone to really start to pay attention to all of the information in support or in defense of these ocean wind companies it's all third party they will never respond they will never answer questions they've been invited by myself Congressman van Drew and a number of uh other organizations to come speak tell the truth they won't they've told me Point Blank anything we had to say is in our federal documents and we're not going to say anything beyond that because we don't want to be held responsible and I think that's very s if you can't stand in the L defend what it is you're doing then you probably we shouldn't be doing uh to move on to our Cove Beach ero the city has had several meetings with the Army Corps and New Jersey Department Environmental Protection uh both agencies are working now to help us with our long-term Solutions down there uh great Partnerships with both groups uh the Army Corps anything with the federal government you have to do a study and then the study has to justify the spending you think the city moves slow try moving the federal government they're trying to make sure that we have not only the with proper studies but access to the proper funding sources to try to take the burden of these costs off the taxpayers bring team it's something we're very very grateful for uh the D is also looking at what they can do to expedite the process for the bulkheading they're looking at two options bulkheading might be the best option for some of the homeowners if your backyard's a little bigger they think that like gaban walls might be enough the problem with that is you have to put it on your property might six to eight feet of your property so that might not be something that those homeowners want to do but these are some of the ideas that are kicked around right now uh we should have more information very soon for the homeowners down there about the expedited process what it is they need to do uh we will send that out I have an email uh list right now for a lot of the homeowners who have asked for direct emails we'll also send a hard copy letter as we did the beginning to make sure that if there's any homeowners that live right along the Waterfront there that if they're not getting emails that they get um they get that letter and we'll send it to wherever their tax bills goes we'll send it there they're get in the tax bill they get this letter and then uh we'll we'll try to do everything we can to help people through that process but I really want to say how outstanding both the Army Corps and the D event I know a lot of elect officials normally speak highly especially with d I'm gonna tell you they have been over backwards I've never seen them so engaged and so helpful and Greatful for that so we'll keep everybody posted we should have more information soon at this time I'd like to open it up for public comment anybody wishing to be heard please state your name and address for the r Tom Morgan 117 North reference to the uh vacating Street City ever look into selling that piece of did I don't know why we could I think this half go to the state why couldn't you sell it and somebody put a a boat ramp there there's no water access oh there's no water access that's what I was wondering I thought I thought it was water access no there's no water access It's Paper Street and then yeah that thanks yep good evening and um Andrea Sullivan 2000 Ocean Avenue thank you thank you just I can't tell you how how thrilled I am to know thank tiger for making sure we've got what we call in the neighborhood in srsr that's now won the job and going full steam ahead could I get like is there any going to be a contact number4 that or just we just got to call the zoning office you'll have information about that so I would continue to call the police department obviously andemergency unless it's an emergency correct and the fire prevention off everybody all right in reference to the C the crosswalk I I know I spoke to car and you at the meeting last week after something talking about like walking across the pedestrians long oceanana because it's a little bit scary and hairy and I was you know in filing around here in like Lille townships you'll see those flashing pedestrian where you can press the button and they start to flash and then that it makes it they you know the motorists they have to stop for the crosswalk where they're supposed to anyway but you know and I think some of them are solar powered so it might be something to look into that's what if if you heard we were we just I heard that but I wasn't sure if it was Elric we're putting two of them on was it hardwire or is that is it Sol I'm just trying to think it might be cheaper solar they're very they're extremely expensive they're solar John okay cool all right I I sent all of you um well I'll back up a little bit back in February I I submitted a petition from the 20 Street residents on behalf of all of us we were trying to lobby for a one-way traffic flow because of all the craziness I sent all of you today pictures show you some congestion where I personally drive an F450 dual turbo diesel and I got stuck about third way down the block like this for throughout July weekend and if you know what it's like to back up that that diesel into Ocean Avenue I don't have any beepers it's just rear cameras I had at one point when I got close to the corner I had to stop throw my flashers on get out and stop traffic so I could back my rig back into Ocean Avenue so the traffic ahead of me there's like six cars where they going to go back into bring Avenue so I felt so I finally I got through the intersection back into the 400 block where the house is so everybody could clear out and then I went down the 26th Street went by the bll field because I know there was no I could get through that way anyways just that was just I'm lobbying for our street for sure because you had the petitions and all the signatures except for a couple obvious signatures that are missing and I did some driving around thinking we have 8th Street I think 10th Street 11th Street 12th Street 13th Street and Grand now where Jersey count and Earnest is so they're like different one way so I I thought by looking at we have really we have between 40th and 8th we have 32 streets 12 of them are no parking on one side so if we made them one way all the Edens going east all the odds going west we could open up parking on both sides it would be easier for emergency vehicles it'll be easier for traffic flow and you could develop you could get 12 more streets with parking on both sides and especially safer around the ball field because the kids don't have to go looking you know Whiplash in both waves traffic will come one way this way traffic come one way that way I guess I'm from Philly because I know like so much easier when you have one way traffic especially when the streets are narrow and personally all those streets mostly between 8th and 40th you can't get two vehicles through there one has to tuck into a driveway or pull into a an opening where there's no cars but on a on a jamed up week again and 20 street is jammed like every day all summer long it's impossible to get through so I'm just going to give this again as part of the record from my five minutes of bloviating here and I but I did email all of you so I just want you to consider this suggestion my pitch for one-way traffic flow to and from between Brigantine Avenue and Ocean Avenue and again thank you again for coming to the strr praising this rescue I'm so happy to have somebody that's going to be enforcing all this stuff because honestly I get a lot of phone calls a lot text messages even Sunday I had somebody sent me a little La us I can't bring this stuff up I'm just going to tell them to Now call these Force points thank you is due [Music] to and that some pushing you and those organizations I don't think the county would once too long ago you mentioned the need for pushing the county for the county needed pushing and it was done in the matter I think that was effective and without it I think still have that attitude of done deal we're not going so thanks for doing the pushing that was necessary and the other question concerns our state representatives what are they going to obviously they're out numbered however I think they can be doing some more so are we going to do a little pushing in that area as well working on something I don't want to say too much but there's a piece of legislation that I'm working at bipartisan support to get introduced on the state level that may help us right so we're we're getting help uh on the state level as well okay so keep this in and I some of us will continue to go to those County meetings because I they did do they were effective pressure on right pressure on that's right thank you and Mrs Phillips uh you've spoken very well at County meetings too thank you for all the and I think been great thank well I appreciate that thank you very much Mr Phillips I'd like to thank you as well for all you do whether or not we have to it's encouraging to see what the commission's doing now the County Commissioners in but I have a good feeling with or without their support come January 20th next year uh we're going to be in different position than if there no other public com it my attention that all my neighbors received a mailed letter confirming that critin water system something in newy that I did not receive a letter this oversight is concerning especially considering two young children and a husband compromised IM system I understand that my landlord may receive this letter but it makes no sense that she does not reside at 212th my family I believe it it's my right to be promptly informed if there are any issues with our water source my address is registered with the city at I kindly request that you ensure these critical letters are addressed both my children and I have deep connection Community School where I attended from kindergarten I have a profound love for R I'm advocating for the eliminer and PTI spr on children playing onass for2 hours due to spraying that occurred on GRE claims ofy process grass that our kids play true greens pesticide ingredients including delight theate dilogs and Thor effect pzi are associated with child autoimmune disorders neurotoxicity and developmental issues moreover Recent research youly links like the state exposure in childhood to liver inflammation and all evidence linking also Regulatory Agencies like the EPA have downl danger siding with the pesticide industry the environmental working group highlights black theate as used herbicide of the country we all use it my research like you said if I find something a passionate about Dr Claire Jervis from University of Wisconsin Department of Family Medicine underscores the height and risk for children exposed to vulnerability enviral childhood disorders we all know such as autism and ADHD triggering products contain alarming percentages of some of these are banned urg children Delight in exploring Nature's wond Alternatives I'm committed to supporting this crucial change any spray not agreed and we should all agree that we should only spray during extended send these photos to I'm really this stuff and I'm the one that Telles off the research so this photo was taken by one of my best friends any other F comments um Michelle have you spoke the super there's no public comment close the public portion all right are there any final Council comments I see none can we have a motion and second to adjourn all in favor I any oppos I see none motion passed like to thank everybody for coming out watching your Council team work