like to call our January 17th bergantine city council meeting to flag [Music] salute words of Dr Martin Luther King Heavenly Father keep us we pray in perfect peace help us to walk together pray together and live together until that day when All God's Children black white red brown and yellow will rejoice in one common band of humanity in the reign of our Lord and of our God we pray amen the announ the meeting notices covering this meeting and posts required under the open public meetings act thanks T we have executive session tonight uh yes mayor just a real quick uh Personnel discussion should be real f uh ly can you read the executive session resolution whereas the open public meetings act permits the explosion of the public Mee certain circumstances and where this public body is such circumstances presently exist whereas a govern body wishes discuss matters of personnel minutes will be kept and once the matter involving confidentiality and the above no longer requires that confidentiality then the minutes can be made public now therefore be resolved public be excluded from the spee this resolution [Music] shall joh yeah for for e e for for all right can we have a motion second to return second all in favor I any oppos I seeing none motion passed summarize all right so we need our approval of our January 3D 2024 council meeting in executive session minutes we have a motion and second questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call yes yes yes Sarah yes motion carry at this time we'll open it up for public comment this is public comment on agenda okay uh we'll open up this time for a public comment and this is for agenda items only anybody wishing to be heard state your name and address for the record as the approval of the attic C Municipal Juris something I do believe it's a new requirement I don't know a lot about it but I believe it's requirement it's to make sure that it's consistent streamline information about flation issues I didn't hear part of this as well yes i' see no other public con close the public portion uh we have ordinance number 2024 which is a public hearing adoption and this is an ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a c bank uh we have a motion second all right this time we'll open up the public hearing anybody wishing to be heard please come up state your name and address for the record seeing no public participation we're going to close the public portion any Council comments seeing none from we have roll call yesy yes yes yes ordinance number two of 2024 which is Introduction this is amending chapter 61 of theod both britin salaries and compensation and we have a motion second questions or comments saying none can we have roll call yes yesah yes resolution 202 24-20 and this is um resolution approving the Atlantic multi-jurisdictional program for public information motion second questions or comments s none we have roll call yes yes yes motion car resolution 2024 -21 and this is a resolution of the C city of bergantine County of Atlantic state of New Jersey fixing the rate of interest to be charged of delinquent taxes and setting race perod have motion second second questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call yesy yes yes Sarah yes car estate tax refunds motion questions or comments yes yes resolution 20-23 this is the council meeting dates for 2024 we have a motion second questions comments yes yes yes resolution 2-4 and this is a resolution of the city of Brigantine excepting certain transactions from vendor certification with motion second yes s yes resolution 24-25 and this is a resolution by the city of Brigantine New Jersey authorizing see B benefits Insurance Services in to provide actual services for the Lifeguard pension plan B Jersey not to exceed amount of 10,000 we have a motion second I'll make question yes yes resolution 20-26 this is a resolution by the city of Brigantine New Jersey authorized Park Mobile LC provid parking permit fee software New Jersey motion second question to comments uh just to give people update on this uh normally for our parking permits for the city Lots uh we do a sticker system people have to go down to the beach of the office they stand in line to get a sticker Works um online services and more cashless here in the city uh people will be able to use Park Mobile act which will be very similar to the sticker you'll go to Park Mobile you'll buy your seasonal pass online through Park Mobile your license plate will be registered with there and then as the police go through and they check the plates they'll see that you have a permit so it'll work very much the same way but this will just be more convenient save people the time of needing to stand in line and reach the office to purchase their uh parkings now to other municipalities who use the service say it's actually worked a lot better for them and what theyve found is um their parking compliance has actually gone up because it's made it more conv to get permits to park so uh that's kind of the goal here so we're moving in that direction this will allow us to questions comments we have roll call yes yes yesy yes Sarah yes motion car resolution 22-27 and this is authorizing the appointment of Christopher Walsh as the licensed water operator for the city of Brigantine motion second second questions comments seeing none can we have roll call yes yes yes resolution 20228 this authorized the appointment Willi Lakes as the licensed wastewater operator the city of motion second questions comments see none we have BR yes yes yes yes we have our consent agenda we have our St Thomas rff license number 1044 and promt Sur surf s tournament request have motion second questions or comments I see none all in favor I any opposed seeing none resolution passed right this time we have our Council manager committee discussions mayor I just want to wish you a happy birthday mayor I got nothing else than thank you very much I app our department heads mayor sorry all right so Recreation maano Mike Stinson Frank Burbridge John Johnson Ed Fitzgerald Paul cabala Dennis hany myself Duran Bob galy Jim Joe orbis Betsy dockerty Susan shotland Marley motion second all in favor I I see a non motion pass gol course committee we have um three people who need for two people Steve dubine and Matt joran is going on of Ray we have motion all in favor any oppos team we have Janette Kesler will be our myself Karen Geller Donathan parsky framen Linda McAllister and Jud s all favor any opposed I see none motion pass stay nice and warm stay safe out the roads bust in your house whatever voting members chair and the voting members John during chair Charlie Miller James doring Madison Dickerson Trish cos MERS s Denis hany h p j kler motion pass welcome to first second I'll second that all in favor any opposed I None motion passed happy birthday again everybody happy new year as far as the turning got it right on the head thank you pry all in favor oppos all right seeing none motion pass all in favor any opposed same none motion pass for a couple of appointments M Sarah have councilman Paul we have Kyle bris for the city official Jean Ace alternate Chambers alternate have a motion second all in favor I any opposed I see none motion pass and then just a couple quick updates I got an update um from Senator paa's office today about the kico station uh the D has ordered the owner of the kico station to remove the tanks and mediate grounds um the owner right now is not complying with that so the DP will continue to find them and escalate it through their process they would keep us posted ISS want to let people too um that uh City officials we have a meeting set up with a consult to take a look at what's going on right now with the erosion down on the Cove Beach uh for some reason this Winter's been really really rough storms on that Cove Beach a lot of times the wind ringes out of the Northeast but um direction of the storms this year really been ER there to see what options the city has to protect those homes down there and what can be needs to be done I know Atlantic City went through something few years ago and I know that they had done some construction on their side so we want to get some better option share more information once we uh consultant have some options to put out so we keep everybody and thank you questions I appreciate as I always say this is an incredible all right this time we're GNA open up to public comment anybody wishing to be heard M state your name and address for the record yes John Johnson 36 I'm wondering what is the status and progress being made to replace the so we we did hire a company uh h2m Associates and they have been going through all the records for construction so they determine which properties are in fact placing this is going to be done over uh 10 phases so many many years this is going to take to uh be a completely accomplished we are actively seeking grant money to offset the costs for all of this replacement so you know homes that were built uh I think it was 1987 and on you know should be fine anything prior to that there has been enough [Music] replace Target area so after Sandy a lot of these houses that have rebuilt be spine and of course there may be a couple problem in fact they did place the line somewhere so that'll all be done by this company they're doing a great job getting it all squared away they're going to get hopefully within the next week or two that's again we're gonna be doing this in phases multiple years not yet no not to the individual home suggest that so it would probably be uh cheaper for the individual to have their own plumber come out you know hire somebody to come out give them an estimate if if it's going to be City's contract so it could be going under a driveway have sidewalks we have time we do have time sure that be billions billions of dollars I'd say how the cities approaching it right now were Reed to do this over the next 10 years broke this up 10 phases first two phases once that's done any properties that are unclear the next phase is that um I guess we bid each phase but then a company will go out and do exploratory work on those properties to take a look at pipes see what's actually there once we have identified the pipes that need to be replaced um each phase will go out to bid based on the work that'll set the cost it's unclear right now what the cost will be to the you're successful in getting grant money for this it will offset that cost um one of the things that at least has me concerned is that um the state has not allocated enough money to properly fund this project um one of the things that they are using as part of a determination Factor on the funding is the availability affordable housing so in areas where there's affordable housing they're going to give more funding in areas where they don't have it they're going to give less funding and it might even come down to the communities in which the affordable housing exists so some of the bigger cities that are in the hundreds of millions of dollars to replace this will probably get the buying share of that money because they have higher density of for hous um it's still not clear so we're working our way through that we have our engineer and our grant consultant working onil fund as soon as we had that information we'll be able to s you're a Die Hard happy birthday happy birthday mayor I'm sorry to say it was warm it was like first thing I could grab anyway um happy New Year everybody hope it's a healthy and safe one for do and I guess I have a couple burning questions I understand maybe I need an affirmation the new Str Str ordinance is in effect as we speak so all all all applicants that renew for their their rental licenses have to abide by all the new the new ordinance okay do we have idea who's GNA be my recing the Str strr are show we're going through that process that's the nickname I didn't make it up it was P so you're you're in the process we have uh some staff that's in house right now that's starting the process we're also process is it a singular person or is it going to be aou people be staff Manning something on the week against like crazy hours with Super Bowl and stuff coming up I just these are questions that filter through me to you I think if there's any right now like immediate issues I would still call the police department oh they know that I tell everybody the non-emergency is first line of defense the second one is if it's major 911 right you know yeah and I believe too with the um new program that we have once it's fully up and run it's fully up and runr or some the complaints that people have complaints digitally is that correct yes mayor uh there once this new program sdl is up and running we are getting training on it right now in our multiple departments there will be an option where people could actually download the app and and go write one Mak it as complaint with the app can they download a photo I believe they attach it to the complaint wonderful don't quote me just yet but because I haven't received training on that portion but from what I understand yes you'll be able to attach a photo and send it with the complaint and there'll be a Dropbox where you could choose what the type of complaint is and that will determine the routing of the complaint that's well okay we're getting there we're working on okay thanks guys I appreciate whoops I appreciate all support I know I've been a thorn but hey I'm just here for the neighborhood and the betterment of our community it's not about me never was thanks thank you there no other public comments we'll close the public portion any final Council comments I see none we have a motion to adjourn John show up I think he can volunteer his time now all right Chief I appreciate that if you can get they got big shoes to fill though all right if there's a we have a motion second to adjourn all in favor any oppos see none motion pass meeting closed and thank you for uh joining us