I'd like to welcome everybody to our let make sure five o' like to welcome every because I know all I would like to welcome everybody to our Brigantine city council meeting please rise flag salute standing for our Deputy Mayor Karen bu needs us in prayer Heavenly Father we turn our hearts to you help us to live peaceful and quiet lives let our leaders advocate for peace and unity instead of chaos May the words that come from their mouths be words that heal our nation by your grace help us to live in ways pleasing to you and helpful to those around us in your name we pray standing have a tough one again um This Moment of Silence from Sally sui passed on Monday Sally was very involved in so many activities of Brigantine and was best known for being a secretary at our community school for many years Sally is survived by her husband Bob retired Brigantine firefighter her mother Sally schaer her son Steve and Jacqueline Keith and Kyle and Kristen and she has also survived by her granddaughters Elena and Cecilia and her brother Brian schaer his wife Alison and their two children a viewing for Sally will be held at Keith Blen both Friday evening 68 and then at the St Thomas on Saturday morning from 9:30 to 10:50 followed by a m at 10 o00 can you read the open public meetings AC C exec yes mayor we have an executive session with two topics personnel and can you read the executive session resolution circumstances this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist and as the governing body discuss matters of litigation the be now resolve public meeting resolution shall take effect IM all in favor I any opposed all seeing none motion pass back for e for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for e e e e e e e e e e e e e right e e e e e e e e e sh for e all right we have a motion in second turn from executive I'll make that motion second all right favor I I any oppos i' see none motion pass meeting been resumed George give us yes the council discussed two pieces of litigation and one may have approval of our April 3D 20124 council meeting minutes motion second questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call yesy yes yes yes Sarah obain motion car approval of our payroll requisition list and operating expenses a motion second questions or comments see none can we have roll call Y yes yes yes yes yes at this time we'll open it up for public comment this is public comment on agenda items only please come up state your name and address for the record yes Mrs no that the Surplus do you know next year because to have we used to think six Milli s now it's over so my question is is this uring delate the uh first of all the fund balance is created by having additional revenues been atice the amount of fund balance that you increased by R using no number is number you're looking are we going to make back we probably back you have different revenues that are one state a so leave $68,000 the have aggressive Capital PL coming up no too much BS B offset at the way you're looking at we keep budgeting more not no I year would be the end so it's just something to consider thank we have ordinance number seven of 202 this is public hearing and adoption this is to amend various sections of the code of city bergantine concerning The Possession on consumption of alcoholic beverages have a motion second I'll make that motion at this time we'll open it up for the public hearing anybody wishing to be heard this issue please come up seeing no public participation for Clos public portion is there any uh Council comments see none we have roll call yes yes yes yes yes ordinance number eight of 2024 this is Introduction and this is ordinance amending chapter 241 of the city of Brigantine uh to allow for non-motorized scooters and inline skates uh in the skateboard park we have a motion second I'll make that motion second questions or comments just as long as we Chang the word Township City we did say Township yeah sorry questions we have roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes we have resolution 202468 and this is concurring with Board of school estimates motion second I'll make that motion second I just give people a brief update um this year's school budget is another tax decrease most Property Owners see somewhere between a billion savings this is the 11th straight year of no tax increases for the district I think this is really impressive because over the last seven years the state of New Jersey has cut um$ 1.5 billion doar from State funding from our school so they have lost that funding and still managed to keep School budgets under control superintendent school board have done an outstanding job of keeping expends under control while Ming a high level of services that families deserve uh one of the things the school is continuing with is they are continuing to reduce staff through nutrition they have five staff members retiring this year the district is only replacing uh three of those staff uh three of those staff members one of the things the school is working as a school population draft they have contined to staff members through nutrition they're keeping that um that policy going and forward the school has a lot of great initiatives I think one of the most impressive things is the test scores are going up our school is doing very very well now state test they're recognized by the state of New Jersey as a high performing District they were also recognized for the um National Department of Education for the excellent activities that are going on in the school superintendent has had a number of school officials and super attendants from all over the country coming here to Brian te to look at our programs to see the things that we're doing here so Brig te schools become model for excellence in the country so we very proud work is there any questions or comments from counc all have roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes resolution 2024 d53 this is the 2024 Municipal budget public hearing and adoption we have a motion second yes so tonight is the public hearing state exam this year one Revenue that we anticipated for even incre to 222 there's a couple changes that beos after hearing done not affect the tax ch expensive it's the same tax rate increase we had before budget is to be show you how Frugal you are you're spending you could spend 117,000 tight approval budgets for years that's one of the reasons stay stable one offset go up one of the reasons that it went up was so even though it looks like we did well count that as so all in all it's extremely good wiin State approve all right this time up to budget please come up state name and address no public participation any coun thank you Al first year in with the budget first budget for the city manager Leon always fabulous and the fact 23 towns in Atlanta County that we constantly come in year after year after year no tax increase or a minimal tax increase and we tax rate is lower than it was 10 years ago just says it all so thank you appreciate thank you to the department heads also we're doing an excellent job standing budget and working so hard we appreciate it all Le thank you uh that concise assessment there Albert thank you as well the word I could at the same time see something needs to be addressed we address it we don't go money I just think this is a very sound very conservative budget as it is year after year and coming next year we've got a lot of work being done a lot of infrastru work lot of capital being done and still one of the lowest in the count I've been reading municipalities that are settling approving budget 4.5 and thanks for alls professional inflation having a major impact most budgets and some IP alties are having a hard time staying under the State caps LS um according to the Consumer Price Index inflation Rose by 3.5% last year and I think that's hurting not just Municipal budgets but I think it's hurting everyone's bugets you know money doesn't go as far as most uh we're doing a great job keeping expenses under control our employees salaries are down this year so we're trying to hold the line we can um we're making major Investments back City uh we have more than 26 million planed capit improvements for the next years faest into our water and sewer systems State mes that's you know a big challenge that a lot of municipalities actually every municipality the state of New Jersey is facing right now I know Mike touched on in 10 years the tax rate our local tax ratees I don't know if's any municipality state in New Jersey say that I think that goes through the hard work city manager our department heads and our employees you know we spend what we need to spend when it matters but everybody does a great job holding that mind thank you if there's no other comments have roll call yes yes yes resolution 20269 this is amending the municipal budget motion second that amend coup Chang couple Chang any questions or comments from Council see none can we have roll call you yes yes yes want to say one more thing it's so good here we are adopting this budget tonight and not for not one person to get up basically in the public conv yes all right now resolution 22-7 this is adoption of the municipal budget motion second I'll make that motion questions comments see none we have roll call resolv by by the council members of the city of Bri county of that the budget here before set forth is hereby adopted shall constitute appropriation for the purposes stated the sums there 28.70 for municipal purposes and 16762 for school purposes in type one school districts to be raised by taxation just check any questions comments see done can we have roll call you yes yes yes yes yes yes so we have resolution 2024 d71 and this is rejection of bids for the Reconstruction of Beach fromont parking lots uh bids came in much higher than anticipated so it was a recommendation of our I guess Engineers to reject bids bid motion second questions or comments seeing none we have roll call you yes the yes yes yes Sarah yes resolution 2024 72 and this is a resolution by the city of Brigantine New Jersey authorizing purchasing uh City camera surveillance systems for the municipal buildings under State contract 17 f244 from Blum USA Incorporated this is the amount of $3,296 99 motion second question comments n yes yes yes yes yes s yes resolution 22 73 and this is resolution of the city council the city of britin authorizing entry into contract directing Services associated with a special event known as the Brigantine Triathlon to be held in August of 2020 motion second questions comments we have roll call yes yes yes yes resolution 2274 this is resolution by the city ofe authoring change authorizing change quarter number city of Bri and West Bay construction for reconstruction various storm sanitary sewers this is the amount uh 9,163 69 and this is for additional materials needed for the job motion second questions or comments yes yes s yes resolution 20275 this is adding additional change fund for the municipal have motion second questions comments yes yes yes yes resolution 20476 this is authorizing The Lending of beach badges to Community Presbyterian Church we have a motion second questions yeah we do this every year there's missionaries that come to britin I think the numbers about 25 each badges give it to them they use them when they're here they get back done and I think it's uh very much in line with the charitable stuff that we all right so we had a motion second there's no further comments we have roile you yes yes yes yes yesah yes car so we have resolution this is a leate Edition apolog apologize resolution 2024 77 and this is a resolution for authorization for auction of surplus property for the city of BR we have a motion second I'll make that second questions or comments seeing none can we have roll call you yes yes yes yes yes yes we have our consent agenda uh we have the Brigantine beach volleyball Association tournament camps and be request and the Brigantine Elks walk out on drugs request a motion second questions or comments so we have roll call yes yes yes yes all right this time we have our Council manager committee discussions no weekend is the Cherry Blossom Festival I see some of the cherry blossoms especially over here next to the library are starting to open up hopefully they will be in full Mo by Saturday we need a little bit of sunshine between now and then um available on Facebook is a digital map of all the trees on the island for people to go around ride your bike drive your car um there is a te being held at the BFW which has been sold out uh they're also offering photo time in the sidey yard here at the library Family Family Photos by the trees and also there's Story Time games and crafts being held at the library so hopefully it's going to be a nice day and everybody will come out and enjoy the the nice Spring weather Farmers Market needs volunteers they need set up people break down people and and it's not for the entire day Saturday help set up you can break down they need a safety coordinator they need greeters and customer services so please see me or anybody from the Green Team if you need to get involved that's it thank you mayor this past uh Saturday was our annual baseball and softball parade a uh great turnout plenty of boys and girls there just involved the way uh Tomi has we' spoke about this quite often rightfully so John Tom has done is an amazing one just revitalizing our whole baseball and softball program join many children in when we kind of just dropped off he really uh kind of defied reality with that and just got more kids to come out and get involved because he's made the program wonderful that's so uh we had some dignitaries there it was a great it was a nice day walked up the Avenue and best of luck to uh to boys and girls of Summer just to say that uh time we turn around best of ways there's another business opening up it seems and uh it's just really nice Testament to the city to see that our town is just more than just evolved over time phadia points and that peoplee anded that's Club all the volunteers [Music] VES congratulations funny we were talking you know not so nice night but we appreciate your support and everything Economic Development Committee start had another town Things Are good economically speaking of growth as you know real estate Cultural Arts commission this Sunday you have never seen an opera in your life this Sunday is the time to see one at The Cove at two o'clock Madam butterfly it's an excellent uh story written by Vini about a US Naval person and young Japanese girl uh so if you're not doing any you don't have any plans Sunday afternoon two o'clock at the co and it's upstairs so it's there's only been a few things upstairs so and it's going to be a great afternoon I invite everybody out there so other than that have any troubles you know where to find me my numberers on the front page of the Brigantine times and I'm always available so thank I to like uh take a minute to recognize Tom he's done an outstanding job as our baseball and softball commissioner and if you look since he's taking over the league he's almost doubled the program and I think that's really impressive they have a lot of kids there because of all of the excitement that's going on with baseball and softball the school actually started a team as well so it's good to see that growing uh we had our superintendent throwing out the first pitch I know one of the catchers down there was fire chief's daughter that was very impressive she did a great job uh and again really um impressed with all the parents and coaches and volunteers uh it's literally like a small army but it's great to see so many kids uh so excited in playing baseball uh Tom did a real good job with his uh Sandlot uh games get kids together on Thursdays give kids something to do in the summer as well as the fall ball tournaments going on and I think that's probably one of the most important things that kids need is to be involved in something they need good adults good mentors in life I know that our sof our baseball program really does that for them here team so we are thankful for that all of us are very happy to participate in the open day ceremonies this weekend yeah we did announce there that we're going to be making uh some major improvements to the fields the repairing and replacing the fences uh repairing and replacing the Nets that run along the fences that keep the balls from going out uh and also two're going to be uh upgrading preparing the lights down there over to LED lights uh I think it's time to make investment in there programs grow our kids deserve it counil very proud to see that happen so I'd like to thank Tom for all his work John for helping us getting that together and Dennis for all your work so it's been a good program definitely much I want to make an Appo I need to make uh three reappointments tonight to britin School Board uh so be uh reappointing Frank cook Dave Baron and Leanne dun so make that want to give an update on the Cove beach erosion uh we sent out an update to the uh homeowners uh basically originally the Army Corps vent years had told us that uh an immediate short-term solution that they would support would be uh basically putting sandbags out there uh Army core came down and did an onsite I guess visit to the location and determined that sandbags would no longer be a viable option uh one of the things they were concerned I guess with the pounding waves there that the sandbags wouldn't last more than a couple days they were concerned that the sandbags would then because it would take thousands of sandbags would then float out into the inlet causing navigation issues so they had now told us that it's no longer an option uh we're trying to look into other options we have had the Army Corps here uh we've had the D come down and take a look at it as well D will be coming back we also have a Landon County involved now the um County uh OEM office Emergency Management is going to be coming out to take a look at it as well to see what resources they can give us towards an need short-term solution uh we're trying to work now with the D I guess the Army Corps says they want us to work close with the DP on what they think would be appropriate there trying to get a response from them they've come down to look at it they're going back to talk with their people they're coming back down so they will hopefully be able to give us um better Direction on what we need to do but just so everybody knows we are doing everything in our power one to get a shortterm solution and two to move towards a long-term solution down there uh we have Congressman van Drew involved Senator Vince Palestina involved and our County Executive Dennis Levon and so we are hitting this from every level of government our team here here at Brigantine has worked very very hard uh to try to get answers and we send out uh Communications to the homeowners on a regular basis to make sure that they know what's going on as well as involving media this is starting to get National Media or I say National but Statewide media attention now so we're gonna uh keep pushing this forward and work together with our partners at the Army core and NJ DP to find a solution I will tell you in um all of our conversations with Congressman vandrew staff with the congressman and with the Army Corps and the D I know that everybody's working in good faith to find a good solution for this we are also looking at what we can do here at the city and at the state level to expedite the process for bads I know a number of the homeowners there are looking to put in vads um so we're looking to see what we can do to expedite it here and on the state level I know the state wants to review and make sure that that is the appropriate way to address it and this is why we need uh State and and federal guidance we want to make sure that whatever decisions are made here in Brigantine fall in line because this does fall under the regulations of the be that this Falls in line with um what it is that they want us to do down there a couple other municipalities and similar situations have just gone ahead and done what they wanted to do which ended up in major litigation we don't want things to get tied up in litigation D is the regulating body over this want to make sure that our approaches are in line with what they want to see down there so we're uh we're working on this and we're going to continue to push this forward I can tell you though that um a number of shore municipalities are dealing with erosion issues this winter the storms have been very very bad Atlantic City has got a lot of major issues with this if you look at the um you know pictures and stories that are out there as long as some of the other South Jersey towns I haven't talked with too many the north Jersey guys but this has been a been a hard year Atlantic City up for another Beach replenishment we're on like a six to eight-year cycle they're on a threeyear cycle uh they're up for a beach replenishment uh they were told my understanding is they were told by the state of New Jersey that most likely that replenishment won't happen till August very much in line with when our replenishment was done um so we'll keep everybody posted on that and as soon as we have more information we're hoping to have more information soon but I will tell you I've never seen the Army corol in DP move so fast on an is I've never seen it happen and I can tell you it's because we have good support at all levels um requesting that they come down here plus I know our city manager has built a very good relationship with the DP so we thank you for that I wanted to give an update on our um ocean wind litigation uh December 8th uh Long Beach Township I'm not going to name all the towns but basically 8 minutes municipalities including bner and uh Longport had filed litigation uh concerning uh the Atlantic Shores winterm bid project saying that it violates the New Jersey Department of Environmental protection's Coastal regulations and I can tell you that all of us involved in this are very disappointed that the judge dismissed the case stating that neither homeowners nor municipalities have standing in the case um the court uh filing stated that the installation would be one of the largest densest and closest offshore wind farms in the world and identifies the severe impacts to our local economies including fishing and tourism property values the environment and marine life the D coal regulations prohibit development that threatens the scenic views and environment of the state of New Jersey this case was filed because the Mayors and local officials believe the D is too biased to make a fair and in partial decision because of the intense pressure from Governor Phil Murphy and his administration personally I have a very hard time understanding how homeowners municipalities have no standing in this case when these ocean wind projects will have major negative impacts the ocean environment our local economies the values of people's homes and will dramatically increase the cost of electricity paid by everybody in New Jersey while I have tremendous respect for our legal system I also understand the politics that are going on behind the scenes with the Murphy Administration doing everything in its power to force these ocean wind projects down people's throat without any regard to the long-term and potentially irreversible damage that they will cause I'm urging city council and every other municip excuse me city council and every other municipality in the state of New Jersey to fight these oceanwind projects with everything they have before it's too late and I'm going to tell you now the future of New Jersey depends on the action that all of us are willing to take and I want to give you a good example in North Jersey where they're putting these wind turbines they're 40 miles out in South Jersey they're eight that's wrong the energy that's coming from these fourth round and last round solicitations is going to New York City it's not coming to New Jersey when they held public hearings for some of these other projects that are up in North Jersey off of LBI the public hearing was held in New York City that's this is politics that it's worse these projects will have minimal to no impact on global warming they will not reduce the cost of electricity and they're an inconsistent energy source this is nothing more than a money grab and I'm be honest with everybody um this is Murphy's Legacy he's using this as a path to the White House he's climbing on our backs and we're going to be stuck cleaning up the mess when he's gone every minicipal New Jersey needs to stand up and fight this all right at this time we're going to open up the meeting to public comments anybody wishing to be heard uh please come up State the name and address for the record yes John Johnson John Johnson 36 Tokyo Beach Drive uh the comment is to city manager city council department heads and Chiefs excellent job at keeping the budget no increase taxes to us that's good job but my comment is I that old 7eleven all the time and I see no progress so I'm Wonder what happened with San Tui did they have a building permit middle of April and nothing started just makes me think it must be going uh they they did get delayed um my understanding is they still intend to move forward uh there a little more delay they were hoping to be open by uh Memorial Day weekend that's obviously not going to happen I had the same concerns as you um I had somebody reach out to the owner who knows the owner personally the owner said they're worse in Del issues that has all been resolved they still at this point intend to move forward I'm not sure where they are with the permit process but I know they're in the process of of getting all their paperwork in good evening Andrea suvin 2000 Ocean Avenue and spin off of John I drove by there too because I'm a cant 2 cheese fan there's a whole pile of of construction Rubble outside and all this wind stuff's kicking around and it's not a dumpster so I don't know if someone can swing by there and take a look it's on it's on the U The Cove side of the building they had it covered a couple days ago that covers no longer on yeah it was like everywhere it was like will Milly because I was down the you know good deal water anyway I guess my burning question still is do we have an st strr Zar yet uh we as I said before there was a Personnel issue we've reposted the position and that's where we're at in the process any clue is when we're going to have somebody so to this so right now it's not that no one's running it we we we are looking for this this position's been posted as soon as we go through that process we'll be looking to hire somebody on that but behind the scenes everything's still moving forward because I could just share with you what's shared with me from other people are concerned they don't come to meetings but they beat my ear and they send me emails we're we're right on the the curb of the summer and we don't have they don't know who to turn to what I mean they reach out to me and of course I'm the squeaking wheel and and it's like they don't know who what when where or how and then we're gonna get into the summer and then they can just I'm just repeating what I'm they're telling me then will be well I'm not up to speed I'm new to the job I gotta get my feet wet I gotta get acclimated then the next thing you know the Summer's over so if I can it sounds like you really don't have any what we not me well there's it's it's a shared concern we're all the same page Shar concern but I know that forward as fast as we can there's certain things that we can't control but I feel that you kind of add live to make it seem like we're not doing anything and I can tell you we're working very very hard our and I will stand up for our um our city employees who are very much engaged in this if there's an immediate issue I know our police will respond to that there's other issues uh there are other city employees that will address it as we've done in the past and I think the biggest thing is communication so if people have specific issues then it's great that they report it to you but those specific issues should be reported to the city and I would ask since we've uh put our new uh ordinances in place have there been any specific issues or problems in your neighborhood I guess concern is I guess it's just a generic concern across the board um we have still have the revolving two day minimum so forth and so on we're still so I want to come back and ask though since we put this in place have there been specific issues in your neighborhood I'll give a specific Chief Caso is aware of a specific instance I've had but it's not like related to the transient turnover but I guess the question is I guess somebody brought up the insurance aspect of it and I guess that was kind of what I'm talking about when you're getting who's make sure that these strs that function mostly Andrew you still haven't answered my question what have there been on my street on your street I can't speak for it it sounds what if there's an issue yes there has been I'm getting a shik ahead yes all right so if there's a specific issue has it been recorded so I would say this yes all right so and if it's been reported is the city addressing it is there are they working towards so I would say this tagger so whoever if you can speak with a need it seems like something's been reported find out what that issue is get the update make sure that that is addressed that's listen this is how we're going to handle it because I know you want to come in and do the speculation and I respect that but I'm going to tell you we're doing everything in our power if there's a specific issue and it's not being addressed properly let us know we're going to address we're moving this forward we're doing everything in our power we have the uh sdl system was up in live we're rolling everything out we're doing this and I will tell you that I I can't say that things have been 100% perfect but I can tell you that that the the homeowners that are dealing like these SDR owners have really changed a lot of what they're doing many of them have gone out and hired professional managers to run their properties we have seen major changes on the island and I'm gonna say I don't know that it's perfect but it's a lot better than it was and a lot of the issues we had weren't just during the summer but w the offse and it's been very quiet so I think that's a good sign and I agree with you we need to move this forward we were hoping to have somebody in place it didn't work out there was a situation beyond our control we had to address address it we've addressed the situation we've reposted the position we're going to hire somebody as soon as we can but we also want to make sure that we have somebody qualified in that position and that is the most important thing because at the end of the day you want somebody who's going to do the job and do it right and that is what we are offer and we'll keep you updated as best as we can and I will tell you if there are specific emergent issues anything emergent call the police if there's code violations then um call our Code Enforcement office and um make sure that our city manager is aware of that we're going to make sure that those issues are handled appropriately here Sarah I do commend all the stuff that we've been wrestling with for the last year all these the new ordinance in place governing SS I'm I'm thrilled with it the only thing is like now the question is how's it being enforced and who's enforcing it and I and honestly the the scuttlebut is they really hate calling the police and like beating you know the non-emergency number and send the police out oh here we go again another complaint from y y ya 20th Street and so forth and so on I guess they just want to make sure that there's a a protocol that they just follow a certain steps to get there without annoying the police and we we've done it because that's what we have to do chief chief is it an annoyance when people call about issues or complaints going on in their community no but you would encourage if somebody has an issue it's it's not a problem it's not a burden no and it's it's not just 20th Street I mean people call all the time neighbor neighbor disputes over reasons absolutely it's not a burden yeah I could just say as just as resing like you really hate to burden someone who's really but it's not a burden if there's an issue and there's a problem please call and understand in order for someone to lose their license there has to be a violation if the public doesn't notify us of what's going on how do we take action oh believe me you can trust me to notify I can't speak for everybody else they notify me but sometimes I feel like then they want me to notify them and it becomes chain of command kind of loses its punch I understand you see and it comes like it ends up in my lap and I end up being the one complaining on their behalf it's like oh here goes Andrea again but it's it's not it's just if I have a beef they hear from me perfect and I just kind of funnel stuff your way so I just want to make sure we have you know the steps that they have to take so I can send them the information as to who they call when they can call and so forth well I'd say right now if there's an emergent issue you would call the police if there's a Code Enforcement issue call our code enforcement officer our Code Enforcement office we're going to address it if if you feel or anyone in the community feels that things aren't being addressed fast enough please let our city manager know he will make sure that I along with Council know we'll make sure that things continue to move forward oh yeah well you can rest assured you'll always will hear from me if there's apprciate okay thank you thank you so much yes Mrs PHS counil list to get the 37 page work was done by I I know I received them I can't speak on behalf Council coun I I understand that sent everybody I just can't speak on their behalf but I know I that yesterday's meeting of the C was rather disappointing very disappointed there were several of us there from De people from other places who came to speak about opposition to these turbines and the I would say the prevalent response of the resolutions don't do any good and I wish you had been there to give just now it also includes a summary and it makes it EAS it's devastating and as the Board of Commissioners they seem to be um well it was that they were opposed to our opposition but they didn't see to feel that they could do anything and I I was really amazed and I made my opinions firmly but Nic available and talks but that's strange to me that they are sitting back and after doing that one resolution on war they have done nothing and um don't know what you you can do anymore we certainly appreciate what you've done what the city's done inip role but very disappointed the members of that board who just seem so complacent and I'm interested and they've gotten that report too and that's devastating as to the effect it can have on the SCH not just the postal Community so well can say is whatever you can do your voice is strong and effect that we seemed to have last night we all spoke they should have just sat there and it was uh really because they represent me they represent all of us and they might just as well not have been there so I don't know what you can do but light a fire under under them somehow and seem to make it maybe we made some impression but they didn't vote to do anything which is what I had asked each board member as an individual and as to educate themselves and find out what the effects of this will be and vote on it and do something but don't just sit there and say oh gee resolutions don't matter so they did love and they wer earning their pay yesterday can do because we consider you leader there's no leadership ony un thank for listening and thank you Mrs Phillips that's we appreciate well people are doing it but certainly they represent the whole County and I just don't think they have full awareness of how devastating these could be disappointing it is disappointing and they need to hear from you guys because you're the elected officials over here maybe you can make some impression on so that's all I can say keep it up but uh she did a fantastic job this was Suzanne more yes research on that was tremendous and the charts and everything and people just don't so many people just don't know what's going on and they they don't really consider the consequences of this one thing I might I might suggest jelli is running for governor no doubt about that and I don't know whether he's made his position clear he's made it public uh he's against him I talked to him again this weekend he told me he said Vince if I get elected governor I'm stopping those things so he told me a point blank this week well I wish he'd make that public to he has said it publicly well I haven't read it any place I heard it I would like to hear it so we need some Champion up in newth Jersey of Statewide because um all I can say is delay things which is what we have that lawsuit now against the public utilities okay and Mr philps thank you for all the work that you've done with I know you attended a lot of meetings and they youve advocated very well on behalf Brigantine and the South T community so thank you appreciate it all right if there's no other public comment close the public portion there any final Council comments yeah mayor I just wanted to say Phil's comments and then also uh your comment during our Council discussion uh here here t know if you're quite done I was going to give you DET but uh nice and tight at the same time just one other thing I wanted to say when I spoke about the parade I know it's your John our three uh supervisors or managers I should say in front of us uh Public Works Police Department fire department the job they do just uh every event that we have but particularly the baseball one that's the one always stands out to me with all the kids organizing at the department so and then you know set everything Police Department way besides the kids just keeping everything great your job like I said do it extremely well so doring chief chief one thing I want to add to this Phillips I don't want to say too much yet but I'm going to tell you um there's a lot going on behind the scenes and uh this ocean wind fight ground swell is about to kick up at the so understand there's a lot happening we fight this there's a lot of people behind the scenes there is a plan in place and we're g start executing it very soon I think so thank you I'm not going to share it yet because I will tell you that uh just so you know the ocean wind industry they actually have people assigned to us they monitor our meetings they monitor our Communications they actually have trolls that troll me on Facebook and it's funny because they comment they try to put a lot of information out there that's I don't want say not factual but it's not really correct and appropriate and uh it's very interesting so it's been fun so I don't want to say too much now because I know they're listening all right so at this time I'd like to make a motion to adjourn all in favor I any opposed seeing none motion passed meeting is over thank you very much for coming out watching your Council team at work