##VIDEO ID:amkLJ9U2pbY## [Music] good afternoon welcome everyone to the U August 8th 20124 school committee workshop I'll start by moving the consent agenda does anybody have questions about any those items did we move it I moved it yeah we do we normally have to second the consent again like to Second V yeah SAR yes yes yes Jessie yes as well all right um so our first substantial item is the discussion and possible vote on the 2024 superintendent evaluation um that'll be follow followed by a preview of next year's evaluation process so which we'll start quite soon actually um so first of all many thanks to Dr G for providing us with the long memo to support the evaluation um thanks to Suzanne for um meeting us through this process and um making sure everybody understood what we were supposed to be doing um and also to Betsy for keeping us on track and pulling everything together um so you have all gotten by email through everybody's individual evaluations and on paper in front of you uh we have get individually we scr were it was all in I miss okay um so there's also um electronically and on paper the tally and electronically on paper um my draft of an aggregate evaluation um where in when they did provide space for comments I tried to just do a very concise uh thing that I thought kind of sat at the center of gravity of the comments that people had written um and for the scores um you know Betsy had tallied everything and I was trying to just take the median score in every case and I realized looking at it just now that in one instance I was inconsistent um and so I would like to propose fixing that so Andy do you mind going slower yeah okay okay so which part should I beat all of it if you don't mind sorry I got stuck at the beginning and I so yeah seven of the members the two who uh who were not just selected um s provided individual evaluations those are all in electronic form they were sent to the school committee and posted on after this publicly um so Betsy pulled together sort of all the scores um in this grid um that that was give it to you electronically and also in front of you um what we then did was just to take the median of of uh of the scores and that was uh what's listed here in the uh in the aggregate evaluation and in addition to those median scores um I also tried to summarize very briefly through the comments that that people had written not necessarily the whole range of comments but what I thought was the center of gravity of the comment for each section um and I made one mistake at least um which was if you if you look on step one the student learning goal to significant progress and then if you look on page three under student learning goal I I checked some progress um really if you look at the the law tally for those two um strictly speaking the median of each of those is some progress um but it seems to make sense given the the spread um to to have that be significant progress so I meant to do significant progress on page three so if folks are okay with that we could change progress to signicant progress Lear on the student learning yeah oh okay got it I mean somehow like because I was looking at the first page and you have significant progress but but you see that there's an inconsistency because under student learning goal on page three I checked some progress when I I I blame the for and not you thank you it's very generous so anyway I proposed that we that this progress just with what we did can I ask a question so with that I mean just let's open the floor to any any comments or questions we have 15 minutes to discuss so for the district Improvement goals that were two and one on page three is significant progress in what is met that you elected to lean not to do significant progress on the front page yeah well that wasn't my choice that was each individual member had to make that decision as well right is how to combine the two um District Improvement goals uh into a single score on page one for district Improvement goals so where is the where is that on the cheat sheet oh I see it right so each individual member already did that for themselves and so I just mindlessly put again but then what is the median of these two like if I'm looking at whatever it is row 10 the median one is significant progress and the median of the other one is met so how are you taking why did you decide significant um because uh the if you look on step one on the tally sheet under District Improvement people already decided for themselves whether they were going to say for that whole overall part that or I got it okay I understood before this exchange now I don't yeah that again so I'm looking at student learning there are four say some progress three saying that I I assumed you were averaging not taking the medium yeah so like I said before for that one for that one like strictly speaking the median is some progress right but given that they were two PPS so for that one and that one only take the average that makes sense to me yeah yeah so um do folks have comments either on the way the the the marks were tallied or on the um the sort of summary comments that are in the aggregate version [Music] um can we take a minute sorry sure okay guess or before reading it is that under section four that we're going to discuss like an hour and a half or something like that is that when the process of doing these evaluations for carollyn and I are new is going to be discussed or presented so we have an idea of the context and structure protocol and you know steps that are taken to get to this um actually so that as soon as we're doing as soon as we're done with approving this you approve it then we'll have a discussion of how the execu process will run oh we at least at the outset we're I would propos to change something right at the beginning we can kind of talk about ter Jesse one thing to think about this until we know otherwise this will read the for next year as well so as we go through this um this should kind of instruct you a little bit about what you'll be asked to do the okay okay so you can ask your questions um I so I your proposed methodology makes sense to me to find consensus by looking for the median and when there's when that median is uh absent to take the average um so I think that that methodology should be the way we proceed the only question I have is that there were a few categories where I thought um I would have preferred to write and not applicable because I I had trouble understanding whether evidence was presented at all towards that that goal um and I didn't know what to do on that one and I still am not totally clear on how the committee should consider that so that's the only I'm raising that as a methodological question first rather than as a specific hold on on have been talk specifics too yeah in Mariah I think actually did a there was one category where you just did give a rating because because the evidence didn't support the the thing the goal and to be clear what you mean is the evidence that's applied to us because you do know more just by interactions and everything that happened course of the year but what you mean is the evidence that was given to us by Dr Giller in general I will say that the evidence we were given did not necessarily always I knew more than what we were given so so I think that's an opportunity for better align higher alignment tighter alignment between evidence and goals there was one I believe and I can't remember now which one it was or anything about it because my brain is not there a focus indicator one the evaluation yeah but oh that was the one was that one said that um everyone was being evaluated and we were only told about senior leadership and principles I believe getting evaluation so I didn't feel like I could read it because there was and I had no idea I know it's something we've talked about in the past but I don't know to that level was everyone being evaluated as they're supposed to I I would love for this for this evaluation I've been um evaluated by this valuation for many years and I would love when there's some so-called absence of information us to be able to use what we know generally it sort of feels like a you know oh I agree I did do that I'm just saying for that one I just have no idea and I was a bad school Committee Member and waited until a week after the due date so I didn't feel like I was in had any like ability to go back and ask because I had screwed up so if I had been on time I might have asked for clarifications since I didn't I just moved on so I think in the future we probably could say know Dr Gill that if there if you don't feel that there's enough evidence to make judgment to ask for that absolutely it was on me I I did everything wrong and so I didn't want to stress anyone out but for very late information this is the most it is it's hard to huh go ahead no that was my statement are is the school committee bound to use this is a statutory requirement that's my understanding I think it is a statutory requirement well the in Glen Coo's Momo that is also in front of you U he does mention that yeah I'm looking for the sent we talked about there yeah we have learned that in some cases School committees and superintendents have cut back or added new elements to the evaluation so I don't I don't think there's a law that requires to do this and this only Oh I thought there was a law that requ not just to do this only but I thought this was the minimum yeah so I don't know I don't know about the cutting back when I read that memo highlight some I felt like the memo it was like the memo was talking about a different process than the although I didn't participate in the process I did try to read through then was talking about one piece of this process which is just that goal setting part which and not at all about the um what do they call the the right so yeah okay so so so sorry sorry I so the answer is yes we are statutorily bound to do this although we're it sounds like we're not limited to only this I don't know you think there's a statute that requires us to at least do all of this yes you don't have to do it every year do it like every other year but you do have to do it every year for like the first three years something so what what statute are you let's it so maybe that's worth looking into if there's if sounds like there's General consensus that this process is at least a little bit cumbersome and maybe not doesn't sort of give the kinds of opportunities that people want my understanding is that this is the MC's um best effort to create a process by which the school committees can fulfill their statutory duty to evaluate superintendent well this comes from it actually comes from is from desie yeah it's not from so so it it was done maybe when Bill lini was here and Rea Stone and they were on the committee that put this thing together State we can we can talk to Rebecca and see why they made such a god a one when you say that this is the way you've been evalua they did with the committee which aspects of it are are exactly the what I was refering specifically to was when you um you suppli some evidence so you you set your own goals you supply some evidence and then your evaluator looks at that evidence and um evaluates you I've received such Grace over the years in terms of somebody knowing me and my practice by walking into the classroom so I would love to just ask all of us that you know if you want more evaluation of superintendent to make an appointment to see him and you know and express yourself and that if you don't feel like you got everything that you need and you're filling this out that you could look you know at all other information you've got from our our every other week meetings I just think it's sort of like the spirit with which this type of evaluation is usually done so I just wanted to inform people that that had been my experience I mean it's com as it is it is an evaluation form and it guides us and the standards are right on right instruction leadership management operations I mean it covers almost every area it's not that's not the part it's like some sort of how they're asking the same question in multiple spots and like you have in in most things these days they automatically average in full data but this is a manual form and so the form itself may not be great but the idea that there's an evaluation and that's something that we attend to every year every other year um and and standards that the state has defined is important for administration teachers have slightly different standards so the form is slightly different for teaching um but it does really give Focus what is what happened before all this is that no one was getting evaluated superintendent were administ administrators were teachers were not principles were not I mean it was just a in some places down for Cline but quot we did for two months but I can't remember yeah I mean the state stepped in and said wait a minute guys you have to do this this all step and the part that was helpful of being somebody who's new to this was that it helps me um fill out the role because there's some parts of the job that I know about and some that I didn't feel like I knew about and so the form helped me sort of understand the parts that I wouldn't have thought of myself to that point I'll just say that I am looking up the um Mass General law or whatever it is and U the standards are embodied in the law so the for and the professional I don't know what this is what yeah it is actually it's well it's adopted from 1995 so I presume it's part of the whole package for yeah so anyway the and the goals also like all the form itself is not required but everything that the form requires is required because the structuring of the standards into Focus indicators that that part is is not required no they have Focus indicators as well it's literally down to that level yes in the law yeah so has everybody by now had a chance to actually look through the Aggregate and and decide whether I mean I um didn't get all the inputs obviously so um there are two places where it mentions um community and family responses as not being um say said it's not not not where it needs to be or needs Improvement is there place moving forward will we be able to look at this information find out why this was written that the needs Improvement reflected a concern two places one was this family engagement and mentioned I think at the at the top um and that was just when I P from the the seventh individual agent that that came in people wrote more details yeah but I'm saying that would be a way that would could be utilized as a way of comparing this coming year to now otherwise how do you make progress or not um to your point JY this is a really nice way to get a bird's ey view I really like that fsy thank you for putting together this Grid it's very helpful to see what's going on overall I just like to uh I think thank you to Andy for putting this together it's not easy seven it's really hard and I truly appreciate it too so thank you very much for that um I just want to comment just to raise up some of the comments on the overall step four uh we did get the Strategic plan this year which I was it's our big goal and that happened and they're working on it so that's really good to us forward um and um budgeting process thank you to Mariah and for subcommittee I think you made huge gains in that area Finance that's Susan think to Susan and her team yes absolutely and um yeah we just find and I all teaching and learning I think is doing a lot of love it been hard work and again it's going to come to fruition as we go forward I move we V to appr the language one change that I asked for what I subject to Andy's change that he asked for I'd like to raise one more one thing before we do that um I thought there was a misunderstanding of one indicator but I could be wrong I just want to ask to discuss it it was the environment indicator standard two a oh yeah I saw your coming they think they so it seems to me from reading the um rubric that this standard was about the physical operation of the building primarily and only secondarily I best about why you say I say that because if you look at the superintendent rubri that Dr Giller support submitted to us supporting material um the Baseline is to establish plans procedures routines and operational systems that address the safety health and emotional and social needs of students through distri such that schools and other building are generally clean attractive welcoming or safe and if you go throughout the four categories there's a real strong emphasis on the safety finess and helpfulness of the buildings themselves not of the content or the curriculum and that's what seems to be meant by environment there the third bullet under proficiency and the third bullet under exemplary suggest learning environment in a broader way but never referring to curriculum which is how we've been presented with so the evidence presented to us around 2A is entirely around curriculum so it seemed to be a to me to be a misunderstanding of this indicator but but I again I could be wrong that was my reading of Tua from the rubric and also from the example evidence document submitted as well I interpreted it both that way and the other way that both things counted sort of the big tent approach to the meaning of the word safe and healthy but even if you take the big tent approach the evidence submitted was strictly around one aspect of it which at best seems to be um not the emphasis of what this indicator is about so so I don't think this indicator was appropriately was appropriately presented to us in this so I don't know what to do with that but I don't think the way we responded to it in your aggregate makes sense to me meaning the meaning the overall rating for that that indicator or the so under right so under rubric it suggests what proficiency would look like so I I tried to consider whether we've seen evidence of that um so what do they say so evidence of proficiency is developed and ex executes effective plans procedures routines and operational systems to address a full range of safety health and emotional and social needs of students throughout the district as evidenced by orderly and student entry dismissal meal class transition really weird indicator transition assemblies and recess that's one and that's superintendent responsibility really school and District buildings that are clean attractive welcoming and safe and three safe and supportive learning environment for all students so we've seen we've seen stuff towards the third I've been in buildings and can think about the extent to which they're clean attractive well can get save but um but I thought I'd rais that point here it makes sense well if it's a focus indicator next year then we can all go in with a different understanding well and also like in lineus as evidence because there's lots of work that's being done on that front thank goodness so that's a and I think there's a Baseline that we expect and the the social emotional stuff is sort of the added piece it's the way I looked at it I I agree with that you know I mean there's Baseline kids should be able to get into school and orderly fashion more or less I don't think they have to be you know lined up and you like I guess I took this rubric really seriously and the Baseline here is PL so I thought well I've never seen any plans so I didn't know what to do with that I I didn't know is that evidence of unsatisfactory or have I just not seen the plans I don't know but I but it wasn't submitted as part of the evidence and I was looking at both the rubric and the example evidence as help for establishing my I guess I I was really looking at the rubric and example evidence a lot with to guide me for my R reach indicator and it said to me that an analysis of safety and plans was a was a key way to determine that that's under the example evidence that would that would have been a school committee method for determining their rating so I haven't done that generally it sounds like there's an opportunity to make sure that the evidence matches the indicator right and so there was opportunity to do that I will second H motion all right are there any further comments questions before we vote is that the end of the discussion after we vote well no we'll then move on to uh how we do things next year okay is there is it appropriate to ask questions of Dr Giller about some of the things his memo um they're not like why don't we vote on the evaluation and have that be part discussion yeah for the next year may maybe something that he would like to see in the next next this year's gos yeah although they are different goals they're not our goals we get to do our own goals yeah no I just have some sense yeah I think for next year's profit that be great so on disuse evaluation right yes Sarah yes um should I abstain because I didn't participate I think it's fine to abstain yeah will you still yes yes Jessie I vot yes Val oh that's right Val is on um Val you would you like to vote she's also doing a board meeting so she doesn't okay you maybe I can ex oh wait okay would you like to some board meeting multiple zooms and phone call jeal bet sorry we have so I guess that's six yes and three obain all right well again thank you to Betsy suan and for getting us through this process um so on to next year um so something that um I think suzan and I and lus had talked about as a possibility for for next year so there there there's been some frustration I think that um now that we kind of understand the process and that there are these like goals that the superintendent sets and focus indicators that he choos forong the F abilities given standards like I think in the past it had been presented by the superintendent at a meeting in in the fall and at that point the SCH committee can could could decline to accept those but in fact it's kind of too late at that point to really have subst input on on what the goals and focus indicator should be um so we were thinking that this year um you know a reasonable schedule might be that we could um we could have a discussion uh with the school committee and Dr gillery at one of our September meetings uh where you know I think Dr G you've come in with sort of proposals for for goals and um uh and focus indicators but then the school committee would have a chance to have some input on that before then we would come back again in October um w really would present his goals again and at that point we can go whether those are okay so what folks think about ping the process at least in that way can you go back to what you were saying about the goals being Dr gillary's goals because um we do need to make sure that we're not overstepping um so can you tell us more about that yes it's my understanding that you know we we have our own goals we have schoool committee goals that's those are our goals uh and then the superintendent has his or her goals they actually present them and so but we can have input you we could say um you know we're hearing a lot about family engagement you know I'd love to have some indicators I think one of the things that might help us is if um both for our own goals and when he does his goals if we stick to what they call smart goals because part of the problem we're having right now is he's given us goals but my God he's missing this we just pause for a minute sure we should be having this so if you just in me you want to look at smart B Glend memorandum sometimes they call them smarty goals because they're now include inclusive inclusion and Equity so you know what the Cur it's right at the corner of L could be there pick up for okay don't be late sorry so we would pause for a second so you could hear that um you know again we were talking about we will have goals and you will have goals with some input we're going to do a little bit of that now more in September but it might be helpful if we really try to focus on what they call smart goals which is specific measurable attainable relevant timely inclusion Equity that's the ID I've also heard t t being time bound as opposed to timely yeah which are different they are um one of the things that I would find helpful um now that we have the Strategic plan is to have a clear link between um what you're putting in less between the Strategic plan and your goals and probably for us too it seems like all of us should be rowing going in the same direction and the direction of the Strategic plan so um I don't think yours were disconnected this year at all lus I just think it would be really nice if we were all explicit about how we're working to support the Strategic plan I think we have it you have metrics for the Strategic plan yeah that's the nice thing bu yeah there's this it's already that's thing it's already smart smartify yeah so what if we were to see the progress towards that middle of the Year rather than waai till the end of the year Well usually as I think Glenn suggested in here you should have a midyear checking checking cor whether you want to add subtract correct you know that's that's the point of a mid year and the professional practice goal is is about you line this right and as opposed to and so that's the nice thing where that's where you can do all that other stuff you're doing um but the other goals to the district itself Glenn says that in here so reading he says oh that the superintend professional has is his yeah right exactly the most flexibility yeah right and lus is doing in space right you've got all kinds of stuff you're to got tons of stuff going yeah doing so far is that find F to have a meeting in September where we're discussing some proposed goals and focus indicators with the understanding this is not really an opportunity for us to push our own agenda it's for it's sort of a way for us to make sure as you're saying that that the superintendent schools are kind of applying with the Strategic plan in an exclusive way I'm presuming this that we're maybe I'm saying this in a different way from exactly what you're saying but we're essentially linest to saying this is what I'm thinking and we're giving any any feedback we might have before it's finalized is that more or less what you're saying and then what about having like a check in I guess mid year in this case if we're going to be adopted in October and the evaluation occurs over the summer then mid year would mean something like March or a nice quiet time of year when is that quiet exactly from vacation well can I ask a tangential question I thank you Betsy for providing us with all of the meeting dates for the year and had to put them in my calendar because I don't use the Google Calendar which was actually kind of helpful had to see so I think there's a 4we period in February where there are no meetings is that no just Finance alone needs twice in February yeah well we have we have February 6 a meeting with legislators on February 10th and a meeting on February 13th and then later that month we have vacation okay so February 13th and then was when was the next one after that the next one is March you're right there is that but there's also other meetings going on so you couldn't have it this you know so February 13th to March 12th there's no meetings there's meetings maybe just school committee I'm sure we'll find other reasons um maybe that maybe there could be my point just being maybe there could be you could look to that third of break period for dedicated meeting if you want that I guess might I wouldn't thinking that we have a dedicated meeting for this it's just a check in so like an agenda it in a regular meeting um and then I also would love to request which I think I've asked you Andy um as far as I know with respect to the Strategic plan there isn't a document there isn't like an accessible there's a slideshow that you can access on the website so I would love to just reiterate the request for something that one could print out and sort of have a 36 page booklet that's been amazing AES fin thank you sorry Andy so what was it you were proposing for goal for goal setting and focus indicator picking we the two kind of discretionary pieces here so you know a discussion in September uh where you know that Beil would already have some proposals and and we would offer feedback from whatever point of view then in October they'd be presented for you know for approval and then it seems like maybe February there'd be a what might be nice just going back to this discussion of the evidence matching the goals is if um we could disc maybe not like that September meeting but just what is the evidence being offered um in support what you plan to collect evidence online is in support of a goal just so we're all knowing I mean it's it'll be interesting that's an interesting conversation and in this case it was a focus indicator that course even saying that the evidence didn't quite match the that's my point I think your whatever sorry the wrong word focus and indicator sorry it's just all of this because I I yes you really you lived and breathed it yeah so right so what the focus indicators are that are going to be under each one and then the or however I don't know however all this works just like whatever the evidence is going to be I know it gets tricky right because there's those are they collected by gold now I can't even remember no the standards are different than the yeah the goals yes okay but whatever but we're supposed to understand it as the standards Focus indicator also support go right if you look on page three of the aggregator valuation you'll see that each learning goal is also associated with one or two Focus indicators right yes so anyways just understanding how that's all going to come together and maybe it might be help us helpful for you line us too to hear like you know we think you're working blah blah blah that we know you're collecting information on would be really compelling and so it would be helping you collect the data that we think is the most supportive good seems like we have consensus on how we run the process next year there any other evaluations I think I I have a question I have um let me just read this again to make sure I understood remember what my this might be just and really basic and kind of dumb but there no D questions um Dr Giller in your goals that this was provided this part of this goal one supervision and evaluation the third bullet um the last sentence says the focal point of my work with principles this year will be in the area of student engagement what does that mean and I don't mean that that doesn't make I'm really interested in like when you say student engagement what does that mean so for you for me and my work with principles was looking at what were the task or what were the students actually doing when they were in classrooms so so what was their um what were the types of things that they were exposed to where they doing complex readings Etc it wasn't necessarily looking at the whole child in terms of are they engaged in this activity or that activity after school so it was really looking at what's happening in the classrooms okay okay so you are working with principales to focus them on that question and and the notion is with that um um so much work happened during the covid years where their attention was diverted to heavy operations for all the obvious reasons and so by right as the expectation is as instruction Chief instru bless Chief instructional leader for the building how then do we back uh with that laser light Focus thank you so it's an inate process and I going bless you sorry thank you maybe if if we could document somehow it would be great if the checken could be tied to the rubric because I thought that rubric was a really helpful document for helping me think through what is an example of evidence a superintendent can provide to a school committee that would help a school committee assess whether a superintendent is successful uh along the along of a particular indicator because sometimes was he me to separate a a superintendent's performance from a deputy superintendent's performance um should I give the superintendent credit uh or dearit for a deputy superintendent's performance but delber was really clear on how to think about how to assess the superintendent himself so I thought that would be a helpful way to to do a a mid year checkin is to present evidence along the lines of that re or the example evidence which was I thought a different cut at the same TR okay see no more hands I we can now move on to the next agenda item which um ising 2025 2026 School calendary 15 minutes all right so let's try to orient you to what's in your packets here and I will in disclosure two things started by talking about her eyes get my eyes examined because I think the amount of screen it's getting to me I mean line is we're getting old let's just accept and then it's like doing this that's the there to 48 it happens it's happening so uh and the second thing is I'm on calendar overload because I've been looking at multiple iterations of this and we'll try to do this in a coherent fashion so please stop and ask questions just be clear we're looking at 252 you're looking at 25 24 25% Andre are we look so we're looking two years ahead or just one so committee asks for us to have two years worth of calendars on the books so I'm a little bit kind but soon in uh the beginning of the year we'll bring the next iteration out to you so that we'll always have it's awesome having two years out is so good like that we're doing next or two years that was great so you have two and I don't know what color you want to call them but two what color this aren't they the same thing no that's why I'm pointing it out to you oh wow they are cinnamon cinnamon we'll go with cinn cnon 24 one so one um that says draft public schools of rly and draft that's um you could call that our current calendar propagated out to the 25 26 school year the one that's the A8 one that's the 8 okay the next calendar says draft additional category oneid yeah public school for blind draft so um and if you just zoom down to the end uh calendar one we're calling that ends on June 18th 2026 and calendar 2 ends on June 23rd 2026 are you with me so far yes so you've added two holidays there two days so and part of this is to have the broader conversation about do we want to consider or what might be the process by which we consider when there's a community request to add a different holidays to the calendar how might we do that so I've mocked up a calendar that has a request in to add two additional uh e days to the calendar e uh Al fitter and um yes so that's uh the mockup there but the second the second e is in both is in both calend no but one is a calendar category two which is just no homework and one's category one which is no school right oh that's a two there yeah it's a messed up I see it's yeah so and we'll clean them up make sure that they're right for they go so part of the the next page that you have should say public schools of Brook line 2020 uh 25 26 is just a page and note that we give to the beu because part of the contractual obligation is that we notify them in a very much in advance of the calendars before they get voted and we've done uh that part as well so uh just their notes uh to the Vu this is when teachers report this the first day of school these are the holidays these would be the um um last day with snow days all those types of things so these are the the cliff notes that we give to the DQ sure it's so quick question so we no longer have to we can't it used to be we could only start after the 1 of September Chang with students it says or well we could negot if we negotiated with with the union we could start for but we'd have to okay but it says with students not just the teachers with the teacher it says the Wednesday before um September 1 oh okay yeah so um so we're in compliance there that used to be a problem yeah so then you see my note or my letter to the community and there are a couple of things that here that correct also but in general what this does is it does a nice tation of saying what the different categories are so category one what does it mean uh to be a category one essentially says that um the absences would be so high that we couldn't run school that day so this is sort of the evolution of what constitutes a category one uh holiday this is what we're currently operating you want to change that you have opportunity to have input on that category two are the uh no homework days and then um category three is is um again just an acknowledgement um of the day for the amount of post within our community that are impacted by so the day three students can ask for like a delay in a due date or something like that um so that's that information and then we have the uh days listed out in so part of what the reason that I'm bringing this forward is because the group did meet with being wanted to add additional the two additional days to the calendar as such and so when I go back and look at as category one days so that's why you see the two calendars mocked up here um and in doing so uh we started looking at what's the impact uh what's the unintended impact of what happens here so when we look at our calendar this year uh for the given the number of category one and Category 2 days that we have it starts restricting what we do instructionally in the building and so our principles have said this year that we just went out was one of the first years where because of the number of standard holidays in category one category twos that we have they've had to start testing students on early release dates and testing students on Friday so those types of things will show up or manifest themselves in other ways um that they'll have unintended consequences on us no most kids I say no most kids you know B rings at 12:40 I'm the rest of the school's gone but yet I'm taking an mcast exam for example I'm going to be distracted I have the potential to be distracted with those types of things so um I've discussed this with uh building leaders um as well as a district leadership team and um there were a wide range of opinions we should get rid of all holidays uh we should uh that feels extreme okay right yeah uh we should get rid although Mariah I actually think districts are moving that way and not in this way like to eliminate from this actually like Good Friday I don't think that people are necessarily doing things all day I'm not sure that they are well so some folks have said that they don't believe that people celebrate the holidays in the way that they traditionally were some districts actually do a half day on Good Friday so that they my least favorite days are half days because it's a waste of one and category two days come in a close second because it's a day but you're not allowed to actually treat it like a day I'd rather we actually held the day as a true holiday and help and reserve for school day as an actual proper full school day that's my here the reason I'm bringing yeah this because again it's so then what's what's next what's the next holiday that we did add the other implication um you know that you know there are some that are doing what Val is saying as well um but then the amount of restrictions to your point that it actually puts on what can happen instructionally in the building you can't give homework the day before you can't give homework the day after now keep in mind that uh the state is looking at adding um the Civics exam as an ncast in another year or so so more testing windows we have our there more days more days all of that just really constricts and confines the calendar what we can actually do um I want my goal is that each one of our 180 days is as effective as it can be so if it means there's it can be homework given there's homework given if it means we can get rid of some of the early dismissal days we get rid of some of the ear or we minimize some of the early dismissal days we do I I'll just um I do I'll sort of second what I question Good Friday um I don't celebrate it my husband did growing up but he grew up in Ireland so I guess I would post Good Friday as a question and maybe all of the closure holidays as a question like is there a way for us to gather some data that would tell us how important does that holiday remain in Brooklyn there may be towns where majority of the school population does spend Good Friday in church but if that's not the case in our town then it may maybe it was relevant when it was first made a holiday but I would I would definitely ask the question whether it continues to make sense in Brooklyn for that one at the risk of offending anybody who who does I mean there's always going to be and so I guess I would add too it's sort of a I would be looking at the if if it's called Low attendance yeah what's the threshold of low attendance right so as an example I looked and again it's we can always find the data that we're seeking and looking for so we have to be mindful of that um but I looked at the two proposed days this year I looked the day before and the day after the day before the day of and then the day after to see what the intendance look like this this year so back in April um uh April 9th attendance R is 94% for that day the holiday or the proposed U day in question the rate that day of the attendance rate was 93.5% the day following was uh 92.8% but again that was also leading up to spring break what day of the week was the night this was uh this was a Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and then the second day in question uh you're talking about the E Yeah so June 14th uh Friday yeah Friday that the tendance rate that day was 95.9 the day of which was the Monday before the last day of school was 91.7 and then the last day of school was 88 uh% but also that data but that data also doesn't reflect there could be people who would have well that's that's a problem right they're having to make that hard choice so do we know the Muslim population of fure we when we had our the uh presentation uh students did do some presentation I'd have to go back and look at the numbers there but I think it would be worth to the point of exploring with our community to see how are these days Days utilized within our community and get an input or so wasn't the wall also request for C category two yeah so we've honored that oh I see this is to convert the two equalities to category got okay were there were there any to category one yes were there recommendations from the principles that Rose to like a majority of the principles um not to add any more to the count not to add but uh but any places where they were their priorities that they help like like cutting a certain day or reducing a vacation or adding holiday according to one priority and not another right not to add to the calendar means not to add holidays to the C right no more oh oh I see I'm sorry no more I misunderstood but are you asking also what was there were there um opinions expressed by principles of some that could be done away with that has yeah that we've had for a while yes soltice what what is is that you can't give homeor before after that's not category three that's just an FYI yeah category two is the homework holidays so one comment let's get rid of all of them I don't think people observe holidays in the ways that they did when this was created we can monitor attendance for a year or two make a decision to revise the current days of low attendance in the calendar are there because the high the absence rates and do indeed impact the entire school school I don't think uh the proposed additions will have that impact so they shouldn't be called days low attendance if we add additional days should we look at half days at same time do we need three half days for conferences looking further out to see the impact some future calendars may be helpful concerned about fewer April and May dates for testing at most we have nine days we should consider the impact of snow days and how it may impact vsy orientations if we add additional uh low attendance days is there an option for eliminating February and April break like consolidating into a March going private school okay concern about going 20 years ago we died to do that I don't hate that idea either I don't hate that idea concern about that idea I loved it I pushed for it really but we couldn't do it because teachers didn't want to do it because their kids were in other school districts where their kids were in school it's like the whole state has to do it or but that's not true lots of private schools had March break and people deal with it that's different your public school teachers have kids in other districts so for them it's a problem um um can we get rid of all the days of flow attendance we want to make sure a days are limited for those is there an option to have students attend school before Labor Day can we negotiate the conference release days that are K5 k6 K5 be best that's a really good point we should talk about that all of them my circle here like I want to know every single early dismissal what's happening that day that those people the six is a really good point that I'd love to talk about I have an opinion about it it would be best to eliminate all low attendance adding two more is not great I don't think we need all the KA release days anymore I agree that whoever wrote that uh proposed days are not really days at this Junction so that's where the leadership team sits um with their thinking on so thank you that's so helpful on the um as a consumer of school district I have i' like Mariah deep experience on this and thought so I'm glad the thing about the K through six came up um because sixth seventh and eighth grade you can request a conference but they are not scheduled conferences as they are in K through five so there is this it there is it doesn't make a ton of sense to have six lump in I think it even starts before sixth grade I've also questioned why there is a there's one of the days where high school has an early release for conferences but there are no conferences so let's see December 3rd okay it says 7 through 12 teacher PD okay thank you it didn't used to specify that I think last year I was like harping on this and specified thank you because during Co when we were you know counting minutes um I think people looked at this stuff really closely I'm also curious well before you move on I just make sure you have up toate information so um sometimes in some of the schools my understanding is you can't request a conference for Middle School at school um teachers ask in the parents that they want to meet with is that true and so I just so that you know I think I think the policy is that in six through eight you can request a conference but just regardless it's been weird I believe the policy is that in 6 through eight parents can request a conference but they are not scheduled like they are 5 to 12 I think it's gone even a step further in some schools that they they don't accept parent requests instead the teachers decide who they're going to well that I'd be that might be an issue that would be of interest to the school subcommittee the policy subcommittee because I believe the the PSB policy is that teachers May request a conference May request thank you parents May request conf if a school is over that say no we won't conference with you um that if if I was in that school I'd have questions what's can you propose here abolish the early release um or I'm not I'm just not sorry I'm just going with um echoing one of the comments that Dr Giller read and that Mariah commented also that lumping in an early release putting sixth grade in with early release for conferences is doesn't make sense because sixth graders don't have those scheduled conf so so you are proposing that there no longer be early release of sixth graders um I'm not sure I'm proposing that because there's probably I'll have Rotten Tomatoes thrown at me by the beu but I'm pointing out that it certainly seems in congruent with practice so and worth discussion remind me again and sixth grade do the kids have one teacher conance okay because that's the way it used oh no they have in sixth grade they move around for all four subjects five subject they different teachers so that's change it's I think you know this probably still ref first back gr when I was in sixth grade it was one teacher I think this conversation might be moving a bit the agenda to we're looking to determine the 202 I have a question that's what we're talking about though is whether we include these dates right this early release I mean I think if it's something we want to take up in the next round of but that's what's in the calendar this is what's in the calendar we're not we're not going to sit here and abolish that like for sixth graders today right something we have to my request would be let's go back and look at the contract and strip these back to as close as we can within the contract to meet the minimum requirements of the contct contract as long as we agree that that is like pedagogically also what we want to do but like what makes me bonkers is this idea that kids wouldn't be in front of teachers on a day that the teachers aren't doing the conferences I just want kids to be in front of teachers who aren't doing conferences or doing PD agree then whatever that is that's sort of my my big thing on it I'd also love to understand looking at November 4th the PD the the sort of all district GD day why is that of Tuesday they're doing for election yeah there isn't an election that year but they're doing it anyway for that day I think it's just because it's a practice standard practice so maybe if there's not an election that day that year it could be Monday November 3rd it should be Monday November 10th so that correct everyone else can have a 4day weekend yep right I mean that's it should be on the 10th that makes sense yes doing better in stay Dr Gill in this discussion are we being are we being asked to approve one or the other of these two options for for that year are give me guidance on if you just give me the general guidance on are we adding more days to the calendar then that can narrow we could certainly category one well the tricky thing about this is we're talking about two years from now not this upcoming year we're not actually so my my I guess my request is maybe what Carolyn is which is maybe like just a of the community would you actually not would you show not show up to school that day if we didn't make these days I don't know if we can do that but like or or to have it be a pilot year where we do remove all these days and see what the impact is I don't know I mean I just what I don't and and if people don't want to do that that's okay the worst category for me is category two I don't want things in category two because it's the worst kind of day which is the day that we cannot do tests we can't do homework we it it affects the day beforehand the day of and the day after but maybe there could be some special dispensation for those kids Who Do U right observe category three which is it's individual to you it's not that everybody doesn't have homework it's that the kids who are observing which is entirely appropriate should get accommodations I don't understand why everyone needs an accommodation for like category two doesn't make sense to me maybe I'm missing something I agree and I agree with what I think Dr gillery was saying in my experience it's it it really kind of undermines the seriousness of school like I hear from you know there's when you have your teenagers saying like there's no homework no it's a no homework day it's a no homework day to no homework like every day seems to be a no homework day I have to it it sort of feels it undermines how seriously um school is taken in in my experience um and generally to answer your question directly Dr gillery I would say I am I would not be in favor of adding additional category ones I would be in favor of looking for eliminating category ones and like ending school already on June 23rd is so late the idea of ending on June 26 um it's really rough like that's just not a good idea wasn't it the 23rd sorry 23rd thank you I think if you're going to do this you some public comment time or something well I presume I really don't like the idea of sort of pulling people or asking people to basically come to us and tell us how how how large your community is and How likely you are to not come to school that day we're just we're pitting what community you get clear that wasn't my suggestion my suggestion I was just asking but I don't see anyone being pitted against each other I'm not holding my religious holiday why are you getting your religious holiday and I'm not getting I just I don't think we should be going there well I think the whole point was originally they days of low attendance so the question isn't is your holiday important it's would you show up to school in such a way that so many kids would be impacted that other kids would all be we're basically losing a whole day teaching the materal don't get the state does you oh is it the 80% threshold or whatever it isort of I don't know what it is what is the state threshold is it 80 and I am sensitive to this idea that there's a whole bunch of kids who like even if it's not 80% even if we would have still have 85% that we don't want a whole bunch of kids to feel othered and but it's not about any it's not saying we're prioritizing Jewish holidays or Christian holidays or or Asian holidays or I'm just looking at the ones on the on the category one right now it's saying we're not we're not prioritizing holidays religious holidays unless there's a true impact on the operations of the school I guess my question is what is that threshold though I mean part of it I think it's not just only low attendance but does it in some way penalize students who want to be out because of that day so even if you have that day we have school on that day students may feel that they are they are targeted or s that because that's not a d come to school because of family religious obligations but that's true for everything in category three as well so should we be adding all of those but what is the obligation of these new holidays that we're looking at and what's the obligation of Good Friday I should know this going to math get that cross the I don't even know what's on gooday see what a good Christian I am right what is Good Friday I even know oh thank you high high high it's the Friday before so can I just chime in before I have to jump I would I will say that I observe that holiday but I still don't think we should have it off um but I'm of the opinion that we should have no relig holidays and that everybody should um have their own accommodations per Category 3 which makes a lot of sense can you s where I'm live b b Steve asked a clarified question yeah because I because I believe in separation of church and state and this is rooted a lot in um a bygone era in my mind and where where there is sort of one majority religion in this country and that's just not the way it is anymore but I I think that we'll go down a rabbit hole of um many many many options for category one and I think that it's a personal choice on whether you observe that holiday or not as a religious or nonreligious person my gut would be with Val on that one if we actually abolished all religious holidays for category one that leaves a single category one holiday that actually affects uh whether we have school and that would even or New Year which seems a little odd for that to be the only and does moon or New Year require people to be someplace during the day could and is it a category one now yes is it was a couple years ago because the day of low attendance there is a and that title day of low attendance is the whole idea is that there's a significant population in Brooklyn who celebrates Lunar New Year who weren't able to stay up late in eat or whatever the night before and the day of and all of that so there the data showed low attendance I think the issue is you can't you have to there's no way to prove it because until you allow people to actually have the choice to go like the students said they were conflicted they felt like they had to go to school and now they don't feel like they have that conflict between home life and um and school life so kids were to go to school after staying up late just there a comment here that category 3 for an it's it's actually it says Sunday but it means Monday and it's absolutely should not be on this list there's absolutely no restriction about home school founding BR so it shouldn't even show up here but that one is just if you have homework accommodations for Category 3 right I'm not saying it's just that it's not about even going to school there's just nothing that you do that like there no reason prevent you from you can do your own so I'm saying it shouldn't even be a h do you have a sense the gall of how it would go over um if we actually abolished all the categor I personally am liking that idea I'm intreat that's not my straw pole B but I I it's it's intriguing I mean we've obviously gotten we've just gone too Christmas well no that's winter break but I do agree with you that but I do agree with you that that's the question as like oh well if we were going to abolish it but if we did away with winter break then it would theoretically be a regular school day would should be more careful comfortable if instead of um religious holidays with said bank holidays right so we could still have some of those days I don't think it says religious holidays it's days of low attendance it's days of low attendance I'm trying to look up what what the state uh threshold is and I don't get I swear during Co we heard it was 80% do you do you how many districts or do do many districts still have no school on Good Friday and do many districts have no school on Lunar New Year but you know luner New Year is not as widely adopted uh I think Good Friday is still one that a number of districts take I was surprised to see that some I know for when I looked at Watertown for example they do a half day on Good Friday in order to have it counted 180 we have to just do some research on collecting them but again it's it's what some districts are doing are shifting to accommodate the demographics or the makeup of their communities and so that's the EV flowing Lexington has new yeah I think Lex is adding it now but there are some districts that are saying you know they've negotiated with their Union Partners to start before one superintendent I was talking about talking with said that they negotiated with their Union to start before September 1 but now with the addition of all these days they're just back to the original getting out late June and whole purpose starting earlier in August was to actually get out soon but with the addition of the days just stretched back out so it's all of those things so it's not and what was your experience in other parts of the country oh um so Texas was uh Christian based uh holidays and when I was in itha New York if I remember it correctly um we actually went to school on the on the Jewish holidays but those staff members and students that were um uh celebrated were able to miss school this such so um New York City has where you on this where you at on this um you know I could I'm intrigued I'm intrigued but I also think it's this I don't know we're just I don't think the community is is ready for it I don't know if we're want to start leaking the idea having some convers I don't want conversations to pet people but I think we should pick our battles this you know and I think the other piece that oh I'm sorry I also am intrigued because it's not just rolling couple of days back it's just going to get hotter that whole final week too yeah that's kind of it there's this whole temperature component to this which is really like we're at the pivot right there we've only just started retrofitting buildings for temperature too so yeah I mean I'm just thinking how the beu is going to be talking about un unreasonable temperatures in the building earlier and earlier as we go forward too so it behooves us to look to consolidate days as much as we possibly can so everything should be on the table may we should kind of leak it to you as a just as a conversation one way to do it is to get the professional development negotiate for the professional development day at the beginning of the school year the end of the school year at a different time that's one thing so that takes away a date um I you know some years some of these holidays you know because of the lunar holidays they fall you different times different you know uh days of the week um I I would not recommend getting rid of the category one I think we I certainly don't I think no none of us want to Simply make a decision and I think it's something that a number of us are intrigued with starting a conversation around with maybe the long-term effect of determining whether it's feasible in a community like book lives but but to respond directly to your question lineup about is adding on the table I think with the current conditions having e makes sense with what we currently have on the calendar so but only if we can up in trct elsewhere I I think taking taking an equitable approach to the major religious holidays is the right one so I would want to include eat as a holiday and also look to contract where we can either by consolidating half days or by and by eliminating holidays that no one or that few people celebrate so that that that would be my personal preference I think we should also remember the teachers when they celebrate these holidays I I think we we need to um both talk to the community and also look at the contract I'm I'm not I haven't looked looked at it in the last couple months but um I'm not sure that some of this isn't written into the contract so I think we need to look there but I agree with what others have said about buildings and climate we need to we need to look at that and and look at um our calendar and to make sure we're not going too far into June when things are really heating up in some of these buildings but I don't think that we can eliminate everything today I think we need to start talking to the community and listening to the community this wasn't a conversation to do that right this was just the beginning of yeah yeah no I I agree but in terms of what we're voting on today I'm going back to what our vote is today and and Lon is that'ss to add the two days are not is that right [Music] yes I we discuss discuss okay would it be helpful for you to do like do you guys just draw a hole if it's not up I guess the last line is whether you feel like You' gotten what you needed out of this conversation well got a lot more yeah um but I do I mean I think the general sense is that it would be concerning going further but again this notion of because we again we you know we look looked at where even like sort of the federal holiday June felt and I had Cathleen we we worked uh this calendar multiple ways to ensure that uh our initial proposal was having us in before then because again this notion of splitting right after that holiday what's what's instruction uh what's meaningful that's happening back coming back either a day or two days after moving um so it's just sort of thinking again what's our purpose you know our purpose is to educate children um and I have a question about November to December I think it happened this year too but I don't have the calendar in front of a school calendar in front of me but it's like November that's proposed here there's three four weeks of the month three weeks have a broken week because of pre early dismissal then there a week of vacation and then the following week in first week of December so one two three four five weeks in a row they rakes in the week yep um why are they clustered so much is that because of conferences the uh those are the you have early yeah the early dis was the 6 the 12th the 20th then vacation week and then the third right afterwards again they seem to be like like the end of the winter semester but it's like five weeks of brokenr which is why we don't want them if we don't need them for sure so and again it's looking at because I went and grabbed my policy manual as well as contract here but the um policy uh is it I I um I page8 here lists that the there will be four early release afternoon schedule for parent teacher conferences twice per year and the fall and in the spring for grades 1 through six Happ again in April in April as well so that's is there something wrong with November is Thanksgiving the third Thursday which [Music] November I was wondering that it looked odd but I thought third Thursday of the month I don't know if it is one other question I have line on this is the question about whether or not especially now that beep is going to full day whether beep or whether prek has an early dismissal or not and what that looks like and then some of the things here have like for example November 26 beep has an earlier dismissal than K8 but now that beep is on a regular schedule they should probably we course correct okay yeah just so like those kinds of um things and then um one note I made here 27 yeah right one note I made here um was that I really really liked that we started adding in the high school graduation people always want to know speaking of that on the on the additional category additional category one holidays that high school graduation day should be June 9th not June 7th there so that's going to move into a Tuesday because um the state caught up with the state caught up with us and so we have to make sure that the students the last day is within 12 days of the last day of school so that's going to shift but that's for both of them anyway right wouldn't that shift for both of them no just uh oh oh I see because you pushed the last day the other thing I was hoping is can we add on parents in K8 are always desperate to know the eth grade graduation and everyone says well it's not set till the last day is that that's true but we also write the last day of school if no weather cancellations on here it would be really great to say the K graduation is going to be this day if no cancellations that's okay they AR all the oh some of them are on Friday on Mondays has that always been the case or was it just this past year but I guess it's Happ last number of years okay do a range but it won't be the specific dat and actually I don't know that they have a waiver to not go to school do so it really say if no weather cancellations just like it says here last day of school there's no waiver for them like there's but this is just graduation not last day of school it's their graduation theoretically they're supposed to come back after graduation I don't know what people do okay so what it sounds like we'll do is we'll pick this conversation up again um we'll make some adjustments here um I don't think there's any but who said we should add a date so if that's helpful right if we're going to add something we need to take something away is I think at minimum the conversation right so I think you have ending of June 26 June 18 18th sorry you know Easter's always on a Sunday so I was wondering about well Christmas is always on the 2th the day yeah but that's sometimes it when Monday through Friday you're saying you don't have but this category one never you're never always actually I would support adding feed which one yeah the both eeds okay sorry but would you say add them even if we don't delete anything else you want to add them no I think we would have to find something to offer so you are minimum you're saying would be I'm saying we we we should also we can't say no adding period because we should also if we're going to continue to have religious H holidays we should have an inclusive approach to the religious holidays so religious holidays days of attendance I wish that we could come up with a definition my request would be can we have a definition of what that means and then run these holidays against it because that will clean up the question in our minds about if we have a reasonable definition and we actually going back to smart goals know how to measure it then the guess work com comes out of this so you're basically saying the community is voting with its feet and what D are what should be off I'm saying that if we agree that there's a definition of day of low attendance whether it's the fraction of the Brooklyn population that is whatever category that this holiday would be supporting I don't know what it is right but if there's a definition we don't have to wonder we just follow the definition Dr Giller two things one I really appreciate the conversation and I appreciate your approach to this and what sounds like is your perspective which is academic rigor and making sure kids are in front of teachers to the full extent possible so thank you and I support you on that perspective if that is your perspective um just going back to the beginning where we talked about low attendance and you had run some numbers I think it was on the second Eve in June I was wondering if that if your numbers included High School seniors who they like stop really early no it would only it only included um the way we take our snapshots only those that were actually in attendance but I'll I'll double check with that with the data team to verify that okay I guess I meant like if you were if you were saying 80 something per of our students attended on June 17th I don't think any seniors I don't know that what I'm saying is I don't know that they were included in the Baseline right and that was certain of my question I'll verify that I just I guess I would just say that um if day of low attendance is essentially the community celebrating a religious holiday resulting in that day of low attendance and if there's a religious community that just doesn't meet that threshold but it still a significant religious community we should make the proactive effort to include that religious community by by by Mark by demarcating out count there it shouldn't just be that that doesn't me population pressure so I I think a proactive approach to being inclusive of those L holidays is warranted so that That's the basis on which I'm my I'm stating my preference so I don't think just the the population threshold is sufficient for calendaring so what is I don't what is what do you think is a significant v i I think if it's a significant religious holiday and we're continuing to have religious holidays on the calendar then they're just going to keep coming so so far it's to handic it is I understand but otherwise you're then um I don't think that's true Andy there's the here well what's the alternative Andy what's the alternative they have no religious holidays there's what's the immediate alternative they look into moving toward having know and in the meantime when there's a proposal to have Islamic holidays in the on the calendar if the general if our general direction is to be evolving of this holidays all together then I don't think that's a guaranteed I don't think that's a guaranteed Direction I think in the meantime there should be I would support a more proactive inclusive calendar and and at the same immediate time look to eliminate or consolidate other days like say Good Friday or reduce of vacation of diagnosis that that would be what I would support I think there's also a reason aspect here and I wasn't part of the E conversations that um but if the if a religious holiday requires one who is observing to dedicate themselves eles to observing during the day and attend a house of worship or worship at home then that is something to talk about but if it's just a if it's a holiday that you like I mean Jesse is an observant Jew and just sat here and said we don't need even on here well my point is just that just because it's a holiday of importance doesn't mean it requires one to miss school in order to observe it so that would be the but there are more days in the school calendar that you would miss as iner J than the days of itself more than 8 to 13 14 so depending on whether they come out on the weekends or not um on that topic by the way the category two Passover one is on the wrong day it's Thursday April 2nd I have the right it says Wednesday April 1st but actually cruel joke it actually starts so it would be Thursday April 2nd which is a Thursday and then again dur kids in schools will feed her next day I did Friday which one is that D in category two the Passover day one is actually Thursday April 2nd it's Thursday and then I'm not sure what it means down on category three pass other dates it repeats the same is on correct and I don't know what the Saturday Sunday flight there that's a Sunday not even Saturday what's the April 1920 how those the people generally think that category 2 is not something we want which is the days where you can't do things for everybody that we should have days that are Category 3 which accommodate the individuals celebrating the holiday but not days where no one has it even though only some people are celebrating the holidays no one can do homework or tests even though some people are celebrating so while these category two w three on this thing it would be moved up to two is that what the students petition for yes so if I recall their argument was that they wanted more time to prepare for they with they but why can't they under category three I'm I'm trying to remember their argument for for category two is that they wanted the well under category two they wouldn't have homework under category three they don't no they wouldn't you can say to your teacher I don't want to have homework you have to ask for the accommodation but but it's but category two is everybody doesn't have homework thank you I like you're thinking we now we've now lost the time that we G from from being on the first agenda item so I suggest we now move on to take block School committe governance there's another corre thank you all right so on the agenda we have a discussion of school committee rales and Norms followed by one on goals and priorities with anyone OBC if we switch the order of that and talk to us about goals and priorities and then goals and norms I think we'll be largely about Communications um and that maybe the context will be set by our discussion of goals and priorities um so there are a couple of documents here there's the one the goals and priorities from last year um we can begin by looking at reminding ourselves of those and figuring out to what extent we fulfilled any of them did we evaluate ourselves well I guess we're about to do that we have not done so in the course of the year um and then um you can figure out whether we want to you know retain any of these goals discard some add any others and if we're thinking about adding others um I drafted a couple of proposed um committee goals for the coming year um and if people are willing to look at those that would be great we begin by looking at last year's goals and seeing whether we did anything on those all right so the number one there would be a community e plan including B can be member Business Schools uh we were supposed to assign a leach School uh we were supposed to have greater visibility at community events we were supposed to devise strategy to community Department I think we did the first we did that met with principales and visited schools I'm not sure about really any of the others I ended up being at a graduation I got and then they to speak I didn't know I was supposed to you don't have to you don't have to speak they called me up oh oh so they said so happy to have Dr here ohz no I just thought it was like they're school committee person yes they say thank you to school Committee Member he for joining and I did and they said and now he's going to come upen had about 35 seconds to think about it walk up the steps and stand in front of the entire H gy come up with they do that every year it [Laughter] was at Lincoln I was asked if I wanted to have out diplomas right so I'm not sure we actually did any of the other components of this community engagement plan in fact we never really had a community Fe formul we talked well we did we did we went to brookly day we did the raining pouring rain off and on pouring R were there yep Suzanne and David and I went toook and there by I don't remember was pushing down yeah yeah was definitely there there's there's another agenda later about whether we want to continue doing that I actually do think we should do more of those and I wonder this is something I'm sort of throwing out there is should school committee goals the problem with some of these is they're not actually tied to any person doing them and I feel like someone actually needs to be in charge of some of these things yes like a specific person okay couldn't agree more that applies also to my post that you on a separate sheet okay um yeah so um we can come back to this one but um there was two support the district strategic plan that's really very nebulous we voted it through attend on yeah yeah and we also and we we voted for a number of us most I've gone to a number of community events whether it's the high school at the high school there was a couple C events yeah I mean I happened to know the teacher that was being honored I think it was for yeah um we also had they had some Community forms talks right right we went to those we met with the uh the Muslim population right we did like the Muslim population and came did Jewish you did that I didn't get there yeah I think the issue is more do we have like a plan you know that that lays the stuff out as opposed to individual members taking it on themselves to you yeah and what there are nine of us if we just two or three of us show up at every event that that's our representation I mean one of us showing up at an event represent true and also in the afterm of October St right there was several numbers really put a lot of time maybe you could say each member does at least three events here but can I just say though sometimes we all have different roles to play I know and I wonder if without burdening Betsy with something else but like when you hear an event we should go to should we just put out a call for can someone go to this and I want to put in a plug again for having cheesy fluorescent vests or something that labels us as our CLI school committee I know you hate them it can be something nicer than that it could be a nice vest it could be a t-shirt we all wear something that is like whatever a name tag a hat I don't care I hated the hats before I'll go with Hats now if that's what people want but something that would um that would be part of that we're not just there in our civilian roles we're there representing the committee well Andy it looks like you've proposed something at a higher level than Community engagement do you see Community engagement as a potential um piece of a governance handbook or do you see Community engagement as a possible those are SLE they're extremely nice that's nice how do we get one can we buy in well I want something because it's you can't read from far away who that is but right if it had school committee on it or something like that yeah that would be great that the only problem with that is you can't wear it June through August right which is why I was trying to do an all weather some things are like kind of fancy like graduations and some well graduation is clear who's up that's right graduation is different it would be for more casual I'm thinking like Brookline day the park Day that's coming up this Sunday those sorts of things where you have a booth and someone says oh who's the school Committee Member and you say it's Suzanne she's in the blue vest no I blue I know I know everyone didn't like fluorescent I that's why I switched to Blue just now Sten to answer your question I was thinking that the governance handb like Communications Norms but not like a community so that could still potentially be a third a separate thing I still Andy would love if you would assign us as Liaisons to schools I think that that would be really valuable to have an individual to each school and this was our plan last year and and it says each member should be as or every member I think we just need to be assigned and then the principal knows to invite us the PTO knows to invite us we start to build that that ongoing relationship I mean my thought might be that we can figure out some of the things we want to happen I'm not sure we need to elevate it as like an actual school committee goal it's sort of an ongoing thing and it's sort of up to all of us to to make it happen and just a large extent it's a lot of these things are happening already just not in a not in a very organized way well we all can't collectively assign ourselves schools in these programs anyway I mean I guess I'm saying I do a lot of the kind of assigning stuff but if there's consensus that people want to do the things that are listed here I'm not sure we need to make it like an explicit goal but we can just just the way we do we through organizations like I kind of make the assignments and people people go out in a for the community events what works really well for me is to have a document we can all write into because if I have to take that step to write to that save that I'm going to do something it's like more work for me and more work for her so if we can just plug our names in and then also it pushes me because I say like oh wait a minute that event movie is there at so I you know I know I have information Shar do you feel like you're in a position to kind of just know about all the events that we might well I do try to look through all the school newsletters for the schools that do them not all of them like he Hy I think only does it once a month so it's a little harder but some of them do them once a week um and I do four with those as well so you would maybe know which one to pay most close attention to if that was yours in school um and there's also big community events like you know about those too you hear about them we used to have a calendar that had I think you've done it again but I don't think we feed you enough stuff like the bef Margaret Meer award that night is a nice night for a couple people to go to like um you when if one of the organizations the invas fund has the scale one or two people go yeah but that's not just the education focused ones but sort of Community steps to success has their event everybody has an event at some point I I I don't like the idea of a school is on because I think people have more or less um free time to show up in person to stuff so I think some schools will really benefit from people who have a lot of availability and some schools won't benefit and I think a shared calendar would help us proportion ourselves um more evenly to the school so I would prefer a shared calendar of all the all the community events plus I would prefer to be able to go to very school events rather than just go to one school's events I agree give it a whir is a different role it is but I didn't feel like yeah it's a different role checking in with the PTO and and administrat I also see it as someone who might go to the school site Council and say hi whereas we might not all want to pop in on a School site Council it's a little bit different I feel like everyone should be willing or it should be open for anyone to want to go to the FR Carnival or whatever yeah or those kinds of things right those could be on the calendar but this idea of a more intimate relationship with you and the principal where or you and the School site councel you and the PTO chairs that's I know you're saying you think is a good thing yeah I do I think that there's a as we think about community and the school committee there's this sort of in how I perceive it is people think of the school committee as a amorphous blob of people who they don't actually know who they are and they're like the school committee 10 years I don't trust the school committee because 10 years ago and like that that's not us right so like or five you know like whatever it is and so what it's hel but that's not all of us right so and so how do we how do we start to humanize and it's easier to do it in a one-on-one relationship and then it makes people feel like you give them your cell phone you're like oh call me whatever you know there's there's that can I ask how the aons have worked out so far with the with the town and school organizations that were assigned a couple months ago like how people managed to get in touch and build start to build relationships there yeah the I had but I find that those liaison those are the kinds of relationships which I think would be nice and we don't have with the schools and that's like with the extended day program I have a great relationship I go to meet with them I whatever like it's more of a personal relationship as one example we sort of have all solutions like could Andy um allow us to sort of self- select a school that we're going to follow but we're not putting it into our goals and we could talk amongst ourselves you know we sort of know who's going to be at Lawrence you know I choose Lincoln you know just to sort of spread it out but we don't have to have it be an official gole but would you be comfortable with that sort of like a you know we all try to make it to one school on both relationship it's on the formalized situation and then we have the plan up sheet for the events I don't know what the benefit is of it not being written now okay I just like I I just don't know I guess I was thinking about um if trying to get more people to be involved in the school committee um and they have day jobs it's harder for them to sign up if we create obstacles so like if if I know that you are kind of the the Lawrence person but I happen to have more free time you know I I check in with you and said you know what I got that b for you you know and but you're talking about going to the meetings you can go to the meetings anyway nothing's stopping you from going the meetings the liaison is just basically saying them hey I'm your school committee leis on if there's anything you need for help let me know it's not like a you have to go to all the events so it can cross a line and we have to be careful because if they need help they should be going to lius or to Susan or to Jody not to us that was my thought every principal actually going to welcome oh well I wasn't necess thinking of principles I was thinking more the PTO or whatever but even the principal hey it's great to you know if there's anything like you know you with the prin with the PTO every month we meet with them as a large group every other month they know they do but that's my kind of my point is they know maybe me and who and Stephen and Val this year but they don't necessarily know all of you that's the whole idea so we are actually getting really good communication with them even through that once every other month it seems like it's open up a new channel your proposal like the P would get to know at most one other school Committee Member yeah which is a good thing in yeah I mean I found I found while running the campaign for school committee that principles I look reached out to did not want to meet and then I found out through back door that one of the reasons they didn't want to meet is because I don't want to meet with candidates they'd rather meet with school for they member so after the campaign was over and I got elected then I wrote another Emil but that was too close to the end of the year to do anything but I would like to go into the schools and meet with school leaders and I would like to be able to get to a site council meeting everyone I found I missed you know it already happened nobody told me I think it'd be good to develop those relationships and I would just add to that that um if we know when they are then we can for your point we can um Sarah we could uh sign up that we're going to go there or just go and then add it to the list so that when we want to measure what have we done at this topic we have a a running list of all the things we've done not because we have to prove it to anybody but just so that we're we're showing how we're GED do you do you can principles always want want us to be there I me you know they eventually will present their school Improvement PL to the school committee but are they necessarily want a school Comm sitting is well I I'm not recommending it do it to everyone but I'm saying to be able to represent the just to be there from school committee at one time during the first half of the year or second half of the Year unless they have some past history where it didn't work well for them we should work on I I don't see a problem that if we're willing to make the time to sit with them L since what they're talking I guess I don't understand Dy when it's a public meeting and we're demonstrating interest in their work like those are public meetings I'm not saying there's anything illegal about our being there it's just would it be welcome and is is formalizing a structure like this necessarily going to you know Le to improved relationships we you know fact is we have a lot of good relationships just because you know we have kids we live in this town we know people right and so do we want to make that a more formal rigid structure then than what we have I'm not sure I I would describe it as formal or rigid like saying like hey so and so i' you know just to let you know if there's anything you need I'm like you're sort of trying to improve our communication and this is one way we're trying I don't know I I think it's worth trying and seeing how it goes we didn't give it a proper try last year can we give it a real try so basically we Define the lead on Ro that you kind you reach out to the principal PTO to parent leader that the school and just build whatever ship with that they want to build yeah and sometimes they reach out they say oh we have the play coming next week can you go and you say sorry I'm at work that day but let me reach out to other school committee members and see who can go like and that way we can put out a call for stuff which is what has happened other time so should we should we should we do that just the way we have enough to leave the website right now like we just add some more of these on one for each school and then well we had we talked about having out of district and special programs as well special programs Meco steps I think that's what I'm the steps well we workot down special programs and I thought it was Meco and steps and maybe some other programs but I could be wrong sure well at minimum we could say Meco well that's me I'm the Meco okay then forget it so just K through be K through 8 912 and out of District okay the out District parents meet I think there's an out of District parent advisory committee there there's a lot of as far as I know not a separ and occasionally very occasionally there are events where out of District parents can get together I don't believe it's a formalized structure got it well then maybe it would be tricky to do out of District even though we would like to be able to reach them there not necessarily the convening yeah the mechanism point you do that um okay and as as for the attendance at events I mean is would this work out this idea of having a kind of like shared calendar and then people just that makes everybody aware what is out there people sign up as they can I just want to say that last year Betsy asked for people to sign up for their sandwiches for the summer workshop and I think I was the only person who signed up for my sandwich last summer last summer last summer I remember that because Betsy was like I ordered what everyone always orders because you're the only one who put in the order and all I want to say is my point is the calendar is no good if Betsy puts it together and nobody fills it in also our email response calendar I got the sense that some people actually consult it and realize when it's so week and not everybody does so so it sounds like um although there was a short discussion about whether what these go whether this should even be on the goals that Community engagement is staying on the goals sounds like okay even if it's not um I would love to talk about and I know if it's a goal or I don't know where it fits in but I would love to see the school committee do more um real sort of robust um community outreach to parents um and caregivers in the form of like just open forums Q&A um office hours I know you tried office hours and that didn't um didn't take hold whether it's theme based whether it's grade based whether it's School based um we could I mean we've done it in the past I think we've done it recently meet at the different schools instead of meeting there I mean hold the school committee meeting as opposed to attending up I don't think time for the next right now but I think we could adop I also remember that last spring I think we reached out to PTO asking to you know if theyd like any of us their copies and you know some of them had some there's an issue went there's no issue we went to several but we did not go to all and we made multiple attempts to participate in and to say we want to come to your events let us know and I think I don't know how much participation this different PTO copies get I don't I don't get the sense there's High turnout and maybe this committee would try it and nothing would happen but um you did it during covid which was obviously a really heated time and there was tons of concern but people came to the zooms um and I think I thought it was productive sure stressful for you and David but I felt like you guys really listened and got to hear um what parents were experiencing on the dayto day that was a special circumstance um but I appreciated that just that opportunity to to engage with you as chair and at that time um it could be Zoom like I think you get people will come on Zoom so I mean I'm just sort of throwing it out there Loosely um we could reach out to what we did last year reach out to every tto and anyone anyone who responds you know we're we'll come and do one of these sessions and it's not just pto's it's CPAC it's met copac it's there's a whole bunch of different groups who come to that there's School site councils so it's it's just not PTO at that meeting okay sorry when you say that what's the that meeting it's the uh it's the what's that called the leadership leaders right right so last year I think it was sort of the communication subg group that did this like both the Outreach and the actual actually going to to these meetings so one question is do we want to sprad that work around or is that something that continues to get delegated to the Communications Group do you that's part of the communications Norm conversation you pick that up again later w't there visits to every school yeah W fall and spring we did visit yeah I didn't get to do any of those but yeah those were good and that's Jesse when you talked about that we so they'll be in the fall you get to go visit every school in the spring you get to go visit after school or are we doing that again I presume I mean I'll set those up yeah there'll be options you know you might not be able to available but you'll be able to pick when schools have made themselves available and if that works for you you'll pick School it is nice to Anders that those are great but and what I'm thinking about is just you know we parents get to say here's what's on my mind here's my experience um probably Zoom would be a good way to do I my experience I've G to like a PTO like you said yeah it's really iffy I think Zoom is so convenient and we have the technology so p run and resume we would guess question maybe that dra okay okay and so for events I mean why not let's give this calendar idea a try and see how it works out if if BET's willing so I'm envisioning a shared Google Calendar where I'll input all the events and then in the descriptions we all just start putting notes in you know to each other about calendar or just dog is it I think the calendar because that'll be lot you know I think Calendar's better I can't figure out then it would like interfere with our schedules all the time so we have to see it well not all of us yeah okay I have that this way will be separate I just forward it to myself and then I added my I think we have a good consensus in what we're doing do do we think this needs to be a goal or just something that we do I would like to make it a goal we need to slightly rewrite the one from last year but do that offline say is it okay to do that offline and circulate it and make sure everybody it incorporates everybody's at um all right so supporting the district's strategic plan that that is way too vague to serve as the goal but um do we want anything like that this year Well if we wanted to interact with with superintendent schools I assuming we would want have that a CLE I I just think it has to be smart though I'm not sure how that's a smart po yeah okay one thing that we could think about I'm not sure we need it but if we want and I think we're going to do this thing I'm saying anyway but basically ensuring that our budget priorities align with whatever this plan is but that's already going to happen so I don't really think we need to personally I would scratch it because yeah it doesn't feel special it feels sort of like the core work like do your job is goal everybody everybody in the district is supposed to be doing exactly all right so next Equity focused professional development we got to this this year I was really excited about this yeah I'm still really excited about it but I still go to this idea that someone needs to actually be in charge of like setting finding this the facilitator the book whatever some of this work I wanted to get at with the um case studies that I proposed and so we're going to try to do that again and we invite you know everybody to attend even know it's just the subcommittee that um you know yeah I thought that was a ter yeah yeah I think it's exciting I'm sorry that the first attempt to schedule that didn't work but I that will do you see this as a function a potential function of the de subcommittee it could be um I think that it depends on whether people so it I guess I have to go a bit little bit larger um this is equity focused and my um and the dij subcommittee is is labeled as such right so um di subcommittee could obviously hear from the um the uh office of educational Equity we also could hear noice of teaching learning and office student services right all of those things fall under Jet right so if you want to keep the subcommittee as a time to hear from those different offices about what they're doing for equity and get you know that information it's kind of different in the way that this is worded where more like a self-study I love the self-study idea but I just wanted this to say that so that everybody knows what we would be doing in when we did this with J we did this as a workshop just just for the school committee so if if this is with de subcommittee I think I guess it could be a deij workshop yeah I like it and also I know that I don't know if it's happening this year but in Prior years there's been books that like all the administrators are reading or all the teachers are reading and I'd love to share in that experience if it was relevant to us and assuming it is but just because they're reading it I assume it's relevant to us so how can we also MH be getting the same education that our educators are getting that really valuable I think so um are we going to look to the our Educators to facilitate that gross or is it something that we can run ourselves name book or the topic I don't know I guess maybe you're volunteering to write this goll in a smart format you'll figure that maybe collabor around okay so we want to keep this as a as a go as a goal rather than just doing it so I understand that this is PD for us yeah right that's how exactly it could be the workshop like yes I think we've done that before during work did and I really like the the work line is the book that we read last year the governance what was it called the governance oh yeah the governance course sorry and um that was a really positive experience so book that we're all still read is definitely helpful yeah building a conversation book that we're all supposed to read is definitely okay um so maybe Sarah can turn this into a smart goal run with it and the last one from last year was to review and update policy May we're suppos to do two entire sections in a systematic way so um so Finance I know has moved along a little bit but that you know we may not be able to get that done right away and I know Steph you have a vision forc but is it a goal to actually sort of do a whole section or is it to sort of identify it's a goal to do sections of the policy manual but I don't know why that would be a school committee go so I was going to suggest that we do this but not as a school committee go just it's something for a policy subcomittee yeah I think we were advised by uh our masc advis to make that we'll take that okay good so we can strike this from the school committee both but and I don't think we were looking even at something like two entire sections look at the important ones first begin um you're going to be in to determine the important ones is that based on what the school department needs or based on what you think or how do you I'm not a policy I'm just curious okay so we we've uh we're gonna y forward um two of the four goals from last year um so if that makes SP for two more then I I do have have a couple of proposed ones if going to look at those that's greaty the first one I mean that's something we talked about um at the last workshop and I think I actually volunteered to write a governance handbook which I haven't done but this would this would be a you know we'll set a deadline we'll make sure that the whole committee is part of the process well the only question I have on it is what's the Strategic goal how it different how does it differ from a all I did hear was copy with what the book said and I don't I'm not sure we would necessarily follow all of these I mean we definitely want the first part like the sonorous Preamble uh the second part is like article one through three of the US Constitution we can do that um description of the governance culture maybe but I think that's maybe the roles in norms and maybe communication Norms as well um and then protocols adopted by the committee maybe we'll see and strategic goals adopted by the committee I'm not sure about that part although we did have the goals we have District goals that we gos yeah but you know whether that's part of a governance handbook governance handbook is supposed to help us R ourselves got it got it so s thank so you're sort of answering because again I wasn't here for that whatever work deed this so the a governance handbook yeah why what and why it's like an internal it's a document that is public but it's mainly for internal use one of its main purposes is actually to um uh to orient incoming members yes so sorry that wasn't ready for in time for for you and Jesse um but it's it's just like I would I would imag imagine it as a very short document like five pages at the most yeah and it would just kind of outline just our basic Norms like our basic procedures like you know what's what's our goal what meeting hasal short it's just a short thing to refer to keep this focused on our mission and how we do things and it would be designed by I mean town meeting is Guided by Statute so this is something that would be school committees yeah right so it sounds like this is outside of are we have four we have four statutory responsibilities but there's a lot more we all need to know and so what does it what does moral imperative me yeah that I didn't get yeah you know again this I listed this the part about like we're it's sort of like related to our Norms about that we're focused on student need and that sort of thing like the moral imperative and I think even that book had really nice paragraphs about moral and think of this as like the preamble to the Constitution right like what it's for why we're doing this at all by that I think it means that we have different opinions but we act together that kind of stuff so I would propose that uh we commit to actually writing one of these and approving it by the end of this calendar year I'm gonna I want to say that if do you want the due date for that to be a complete one because there's no process here where you have a draft and then a like does it that make sense to maybe have a draft ready for December 31st and then a final version by March 31st or something so it sounds like you you're thinking that I would be doing this which probably well you do it committ to doing it um we're thinking it because we just reiterated that you had committed to do if you want to give me more time that's great but I just thought let's let's set well I do think it would be helpful that there's a little bit of a feedback process in there too as long as you're thinking you're going to have my Nur was that like I would get things done quickly enough so that everyone could do feedback and we could iterate before December 31st I think so someone have a copy of the book they me toop the Govern the Govern do you have more of those liners looking yeah it's really good Jesse Yeah be worth reading before Carol to yes oh it doesn't have to be you have can I can I reflect any that under protocols there's some discussion of the protocols for running school commun meetings um yeah that's partly that I get it Robert rules so we don't have apply well we do we do you should we should be part of Rober tools aren't we following it's true I try to follow them yeah historically I mean we we we alligned a few things but mainly we follow them just for I would appreciate some clarification around how we run public comment I think it would be good to have it that's all Robert that there nothing about that the polic yeah we should sort out how we do public comat great I would just like to have however we decide I would like to be appli consist ly and also communicated publicly yeah it is communicated publicly policy it's on the agenda yeah it's on the agenda it's in policy sends an email saying when they register sign up with the yeah and I'm in policy because if you want I know okay so in terms of like governance culture and protocols so I'm thinking that that that subsumes um uh school committee roles and Norms Communications norms and I guess public comment do that just how we run our meetings what other and we're still going to discuss that in a second communication yes okay so that's settled and then the the second proposed goal give me a second to write something down I'll explain why I'm proposing that yeah so I I think that uh it's important for us to have some kind of framework for thinking about a and bias incidents um when we tried in the spring to do it through policy I think there were there's just a lot of things that came up right that make it hard to do through policy it wasn't clear we have we have a bunch of policies you know and it's not clear whether polic and and also writing a policy means kind of answering a lot of questions that we may not be in a position to answer um so I was wondering whether uh we might consider doing something else which is to you know write a sort of more framework document that's meant to help us understand whether we actually need to update any policies or procedures um and the three things that I think we would want to address in a document like this and again it would be short would be just to outline the Norms of conduct that we want to see in our schools and that would um you know cause everybody to feel welcome and supported um to outline through the the STA said the district is taking to hold these norms and make sure that we're not creating and creating our hostile environment and here I'm sort of following the ago's guidance that districts are need to of proactively take steps to uphold the kind of environment and not just wait for stuff to happen and to respond but in terms of the response like I think it is also important that families and Community kind of have some idea of what to expect when and instant occurs and we should have some kind of framework for um for guiding the response and I think inviting something like this you know we want to be working with MC to see what other districts have in place or contemplating and also working with the attorney general so that that's my idea um how about it so how would this be different mean that our policy the PSB policy includes um I believe student conduct or code of conduct um I don't know if it has like expectations but then I I think it's I think the policy is pretty clear with like yeah conduct and responses to conduct in policy um protocols so how and just thinking about the masc less as more how would this be different from what already exists in the public schools gr line and before I try to answer do do other members have sort of ideas just any responses about along these lines of whether something like this is necessary or helpful I'm sorry I will throw out a sort of second related question that has to be asked which is if we put something that's not policy in writing what kind of liability exposure do we have I think that's important to think about um we have a policy I think it's a good idea because I don't think it's necessarily additive I think a framework can integrate all the existing policy and also provide a framework for where we need to revise policy specifically so there's bullying discrimination and hate right those are the elements of what would be in the framework and then on the side there's the reporting element so these are all in different places right now so framework can provide one place that can that can describe all of the elements of how pfp handles the issues of all of the all the bad behaviors that occur in schools describe how it's handled and what the reporting pieces of it are you could also provide um guidance on how communication occurs and then it could also provide guidance on how by communication I mean can provide the the onstop shop to messaging information that comp posters what ever it is but it could I think that extra level of communication that bundles all of this information on on these behaviors would be really useful it's there's it's it's not about um adding policy language that can expose us to liability but better communicating around What policies exist and then figuring out what gaps exist in our policy and rueing back that's what I think is the the next action so who's the audience I think everybody Community it's partly us it's partly staff partly the community it's meant to be a completely public document um on the first bullet it feels really big and I don't see how that bullet necessarily fits that precise document like making all students and Staff feel welcome and supported to me goes beyond just preventing and addressing hate and biases maybe it's too broad I mean I'm I'm kind of building on what the ago is saying about our responsibility to maintain an environment that's free from intimidation and hostility yeah and we could limit it to that and just you know and talk about the proactive steps that that the district takes to uphold that because just like the Norms of to achieve that I would think that we're talking about a whole bunch of a whole bunch of things that goes beyond specific incidents but go to larger sort of issues of ongoing School culture yeah and so that's those are slightly different takes right and maybe are up but I think your point that maybe it's beond it's maybe well just beyond this scope right here yeah lus what are you doing now in terms of this this is the staff so what we were looking to do was um come up with a response protocol to this so we have a couple versions of a draft that we're looking at and interestingly enough another superintendent put out on our for today asking um if districts have a mechanism for actually doing something similar to this because time just I think articulated you have the bullying form you have the harassment phone I think my R I have this conversation we we're looking for something so it's just all of these different places so we're we're going back internally saying does it make sense to have sort of One-Stop shopping um for these uh these various reports and then the other question that was ask and again is one that we see internally if it's bullying it goes to this office if it's harassing it goes to this the staff harassment is a different office yeah uh so it's it's well intended but it's still disperate in terms of where things may go depending on who's impact it is such so even with all of that it seems like there's some incidents that don't get CAU that don't get reported within the current framework or are there are things that you know some may say some some may say it's race based but um they may use bullying language or reported in The Bullying fashion or if it was one incident does it rise to the level of bullying but the person is saying being bullied right so it's it's you know here's the legal definition here's the impact that an individual experiences and so it's it's not simple U but again if we try to draw these very rigid lines it's still going to compartmentalize things too so so I guess part of the motivation here is to be able to talk about these things that doesn't immediately get us caught up in that kind of problem right what was this bullying was it discrimination was it harassment was it race space um is this kind of document best drafted by school committee or is this drafted by staff because this to me feels a little bit like an operational document um and so I just wonder if it's really a school committee responsibility or if it's a staff responsibility why would we duplicate we would want to see but what you're putting no I'm saying we wouldn't we wouldn't do it right really yeah we wouldn't I think we should see what you know lus and the staff have come up with and maybe give some input but I really like this conversation that you talked about school culture because that's our others sort of desire right and I think that we all want to try to figure out what it is that we could do to to help that and so I think that if we separate out what sounds like it might be kind of like the protocol and the response that definitely seems to to be the schools right but is there something that as a school committee we want to be involved in school culture with you know promoting that if there's something is there a separate piece I mean what we do for school culture is provide budgeting budget lines for like Matt div to do his work I mean that's that's what the school commit does we don't I don't we don't say do this program do that program or you have to spend 15 minutes a day you know working on social emotional challenges is shees learning but we do support the people who are doing work yeah that what you said what I like about the three that I think we agree on right now is they're they're about our practice they're very clearly about our practice and they're not to do with the operations of the schools and I think that's important because if something is an operation of the school thing and it's important it should be in the Strategic plan for the next three years so like adding on something else if it's not in the Strategic plan I'm just saying you should and and school culture is in there but as you say it's through channels that exist in the step but what if our budgeting you know like when we were talking about the um superintendent evaluation I was noticing how we were saying like we have an up and running office of educational activity we have two people there we actually have like one person there and an assistant right that's what we funded it for so if we're going to really rely on these different places where we say JS the school culture we're going to need to make sure that the budget follows that you know that we definitely have in our budget priorities document we specifically have a mult it's a multi-year budget priorities which is what we're talking about we have one specifically about oee already it basically says oee and its Concepts need to be developed and then the school committee directs the the administration to essentially fund those appropriately great yeah so that is a priority of our it is already a priority of ours and I think that when we wrote that last year we'll probably update the language in a couple weeks but when we wrote it last year it was still in very early days of Claire's tenure I don't think Christina had started there's so there we might say oh well maybe there's more specific more specificity but yes the budget the sort of budget as an articulation of desires is is through that document yeah and it's it's that part is our the year or two ago we added four or five social workers it was more than that it was the first year of um Co and we added eight just to say the reason I bring that up is to say that we set investment that's right so are we discovering that from what L said there's already work going on in it in the executive groups to create such a document yeah that's what I was going to ask like the work that's being done by staff Now is it going to result in sort of answers to these question I guess I didn't POS questions but sort of are these issues going to be addressed in a publicly available way as a result of what staff are working on now yes so what what we are looking at is um uh race or bias uh protocol so when incidents happen um as such spell that out communicate with the community all those aspects so we're in very like I said very early stages of our drafting of that and looking at what other systems have in place uh as well but if uh if the committee wants to pick this up I'm happy to that if this is going to come out of Staff work anyway then I agree I don't see any reason for us to be be I think place for it to be I mean we don't we not in the in the weeds there the idea here was to not be in the weeds but I can see be hard not to get sucked into the weeds if we have to C this right I I still think there's way there I I could see this is a page a web page that's this the district's approach to addressing hate and bias incidents comprises a set of policies one for bullying one for discrimination one for harassment linked here here and here a reporting mechanism linked here looking for here and an operational protocol manual linked here put together by the administration these elements of our approach reflect our and then we describe what the nature of that approach is that could be the response to this goal that to me seems very substantial putting all these pieces together you not have something online that you can report this yeah it's available but it's not we do we absolutely do I'm saying putting all putting the policy piece the reporting piece and the operational protocol piece together in a single place where that's directed at the community that has messaging for the community saying this together is our approach to how we how we are addressing hate and bias incidents that to me is that that to me is a substantial response I think I guess my my question to lus is the follow me we're a month from school and a war could it break out at any time maybe not tonight maybe tonight maybe tomorrow maybe in a week and and it it's going to be going on most likely and you know 305 306 days hostages are still H so this isn't going away and we have four weeks before school starts and the question is none of us want to repeat the cultural Ripple effects that happened between October 7th at the end of last year when suddenly when college students went home uh the encampment closed so we've got four weeks and we need to extend or structure some kind of message to this school community so that we're not going to change the whole culture overnight there's nothing we going write that's going to f the Swit but we need to set some goal for how we want interactions could be top to do top to bottom you know at every level so that that we don't fall into the same situation we had last year which now we know about we experienced you know October November December Jan 3 we Mar April May nine months of it and it's not going away it's still here right now you know I have a sister and a sister-in-law nephew's on the board Ling on right now so I mean and they're waiting for missiles to fall so and they're fallen so it's going to there's going to be discussions about this first day of school they going to be perhaps faculty making comments there's staff talking about it and we need something out there to be ahead of it we know what's going to happen we can't say oh you know we didn't we didn't have enough time um something might happen and there's going to be you know pain and suffering could end up in the school on day one and so what are we planning to do about it I think this idea I've only seen it right now but this is this is like a step in that direction to somehow organize ourselves that's you know if the district's doing it we'd want to see it tomorrow or the end of the week or what is I guess next week or something because then we're just like two weeks till the end of you know till till school starts again I mean I met with Liza and Matt last week we talked about some things related to this and they said well they want to make sure there one takeaway there are many takeaways one was that they want to make sure that they're support systems in place for students be Muslim Students Israeli students American Jewish students like in case something happens so sure that's important but we don't we want to try not to have incidents happen that's before we worry about how we're going to react to them um it's a it's an inrf face threat right now existentially it's not just like you know a race issue this is a the world Qatar said it you know the world would be a better place without an Israel in it and so no one's saying that than any other country in the world right now but country after country is lining up to say we cannot have Israel in you know on in the world so this is a different kind of threat and the words that the district uses and the tone that the district says is going to have a lot to do with you know what suffering we we may have you know day one so I mean this is a if we can pull this together quickly enough because we know I we met with the policy subcommittee when we met we realized we can't have a policy in place by September and even if we did getting everybody educated and fill around rally around it would be very difficult so whatever we can promote from from you know working together with the district we don't want to work separately to have an approach out there would be very valuable you know and I know and I know and I think the the parent meeting I mean I wasn't able to attend I said High School parents but the parent meeting of 150 parents or something at Tappen Street um that occurred was like when things were at the boiling point and you know the list of items that students wrote about but they wouldn't put in the system so there came out on a parent list that you have and some of the staff thinks that they wouldn't put in a system because they were afraid of Retribution or other issues um you know Marcy Miller's blog post you know sort of explained a lot what she went through I sent that out to everyone these are um these you know all those folks are going to look at beginning of the new year and saying like what are we positioned are we ready and I think this is our moment to be ready to think to talk about and think about we're going to do to be ready so it's great what about having that product instead of as you've listed it here in what about that product be a web page that just gathers all of this the district's assets around just our policy reporting and protocol assets on one web page with some of it it could be TVD if it's not completed yet with some with some Preamble that describes the district's approach towards hate and bance and CS thank that's reactive after it's happened and I think what Jesse is saying is something more proactive doesn't have to be a lot but enough for people to feel comfortable that their concerns will be addressed but I guess is that in your mind is that a policy document is that in my mind is um L this in this opening remarks you know depending on where things are that day you know and that time saying something to staff you know these are things we're going to be probably encountering this year you know we will be supporting everybody or as we have in the past I don't know you know I hear you I I do I'm just thinking about number two is school committee goal and I'm thinking what can the school committee do around an approach to hate and bias incidents and and I like the approach of trying to integrate what exists into one Community facing an accessible web page with with an introductory component that states our the intentions of our approach and I guess I see Dr Gill's um remarks is something separate from what we would put together although I'm not disagreeing with anything you're saying yeah if the resources are out there I'm happy to work on put on page write page if you want to do this on page approach something that well I think the point is people are Savvy out there so we just can't throw together the links it has to be something meaningful that will grab people's attention and when they finish getting to the bottom of the page they they don't have to smile but they have to think oh they hurt us you know you've just encapsulated it I you know when you sense Marc's blos to us I feel so badly that I didn't respond right and the thing is is that I'm afraid that whatever I would propose wouldn't feel like enough you know and so I think that that's maybe what Stephen's asking you is um we acknowledge that whatever we would do would probably not feel like enough so we have to Fig we have to figure out what it is that we can do to make our especially the Educators feel like they're supported maybe that page that Stephen was talking about needs to be focused on attributors maybe we can't solve the problem of 7,000 sets of parents but we could we could help with our Educators smaller group and they have a different stake you know in the system maybe we need to tell them you know in very short terms we love you and we're going to support you and how are we going to do that yeah like how you can expect the district to resp fug to you as staff for example I we can't and and fames as well yeah I'm just saying they're different stakeholders and I think people would understand if it you know that if we found a method that really worked to help um manage stff and be clearly get the families as soon at least Le you know staff that's an important f I would like but we just not do any if we don't do anything that's you know we we can't let that happen yeah I mean this has moved Beyond this being a school committee goal clearly this is not ready to be to become a school committee goal but you know it's TR to discuss what you can do my own not are we do we still have those safe spaces at the high school for kids to to go to inity Infinity spaces I'll check with an but I some reason I I thought those were teased out at the end of the year but I'll I'll ask you I thought they got added back in they they at the end at the end they were back in the last parents would want to know we still continue to have you know students you know can feel comfortable going well needed a s person I think that was one of the reasons that they pulled back after a while um you know right towards the end of the year after a lot of protest there that think they were brought back I heard just offer to write something it might not be a goal but can we say yes to the author well so I make one other suggestion as a possibility because I think it has to be more visual writing it you know yeah people might go to the website how many people do you know go to our websites I agree uh but if lus includes that in his openings teachers if on our first meeting and the first newsletter you know or but the first newsletter and the first newsletter and then you know at our first meeting I don't know whether it's you Andy or someone else on the committee talks about you know this may be a very difficult year you know these are the things that we have set in place there may be other things that we will try know that we value every student who comes to Brooklyn and uh we we certainly won't allow anybody to be discriminated against ET ET whatever you know some some sort of thoughtful opening remarks the the goal now we're discussing is about messaging whereas you wrote something about content like the content you've been talking about something that pulls together stuff that exists but there's also stuff that doesn't get exist right so it sounds like we're we're agreed that we're going to Outsource content to the administration which is already working on it I was just talking about in just I'm putting content in one place and I feel like Jesse is is saying work needs to be done in both areas like your first call I think was loud for messaging that there need to be messages heard but you're also saying that it needs to be actually I'm not totally sure what your stance is on content but I feel like you've been a strong voice for proactive messaging from the school committee since you arrived at the school committee and I've I've heard that I'm just I'm I'm only saying this because I feel like you're initial draft was about a a goal around content creation and now it's it sounds like the school commit talking about a goal around messaging yeah partly because we don't but not all the content is in place right that's in progress process sorry I me to sign that was louder than I to sorry just um Dr Giller what can you elaborate on what it is that you that you're working on or staff is working on so what we are looking at is a bias what we're calling a bi a response to bias or harm incident so in the case you know the the situation that's uh presently in the media how would uh something of that nature how would um um uh an event against uh a group then that impacts a wide birth of our community get reported out this is what we're doing this is making folks aware so it's more of a protocol it doesn't hit all the elements that you have here but that's a it's a small portion of what's being articulated here so it's more uh so it's encapsulating any form of hate or bias well it's discrimination but bullying and not harassing right yes so are you saying so first of all I struggle with kind of like what is bias what is hate do we know it when we see it is that the and I'm not asking you to answer that I'm just saying like that kind of jumps out for me as a just from a po like I think it gets tricky I think it's slippery slope maybe that's just me and when you're talking about children or you're talking about adult like but okay if you guys want to go there go there good luck um and are you but are you saying that the feeling is that when when something happens in a in the Hayes school that there's some kind of Public Announcement about incidents that happened between students no okay so and and that's and that's what you know what what you're saying is is spot on in terms of the level of complexity because there are always staff conflicts they're always student conflicts of some sort but what are those that sort of cross a threshold uh and it's it's sort of this this adage of you know it when you you know it when you see it uh type thing and that's not overly helpful when one says well why this and why not that type of thing as well but I think over time trying it out and so that's the that's what we are are putting forward right now it's just when there's an incident that arises is above um you know two kids have an altercation that's not one that requires a uh a response on this protocol um someone using derogatory or inflammatory language that's targeted um um against a a group of people or individual something that's very Broad and big as such and so that's that's what we're about and part of it would be tools for the um principal to help the principal out Communications would be like um yeah some information for communications and for what to do right yeah how to support them in that regard it's not superintendent reporting this out but it's how D do support that school Community is it isolated um to a grade level is it isolated to a classroom but sort of this consistent pattern that the community can expect that when sad things happen and schools do it all the time um with various incidents that occur um and I think you said race when you were introducing this before but you're looking at not just it's it's um the words that I should have used were bias and hate or the words that so I guess it's hard to pull together this discussion and summarize it I mean so it seems that like the ore like the core of this proposed school committee goal is already being worked on through by staff and I think you know we should just support that work um the question is what if any role the school committee has and Jesse is saying that you know we could certainly say something at the beginning of the year just do that as a school committee we be plugged into what staff's doing so you know part of the pro part of the challenge part of the challenge will be staff works on this let's say till the end the month and then we get to take a look at it let's say and then it's beginning the year already and then we look at it and we say well we might have taken a slightly different approach and then the um staff says well we put all this effort in you know we got this thing finished it's already ready and now you guys need to look at it and then sort of can get complicated so um it would be helpful I guess I mean we don't have to we don't want to take it over but can we be part Partners is it important for us to be partners on on this which is such a sensitive topic mean the protocol itself well just to we don't want to oversee it but just to be plugged into what's developed or a document that's in preparation to share it with school committee so people that are interested in looking at it can see it's not to be shared outside not to go to workl news but just to look at it internally as partners elaborator I'll say I would feel that that it's I would feel like it's overstepping to to do anything more than be apprised of its progress and to know what's the what the content is as it's developing but I do support the idea of the school committee message at the beginning of the school year to set a tone I think that's a lovely idea especially as it was a pretty tense year in public comment last year compared to the other couple years I was on the school I don't know how it ranks for you it depends one thing I've done Jesse before which might scratch this itch that you were having is offer to be a reviewer you're offering right it's not that the school committee is asking it's you're offering as an individual it's something that you have personal interest and expertise in and then they have you have the opportunity to be a beta tester so to speak of the message sure does yeah we have 12 minutes left um I think what's left on the agenda there were the communication and engagement Norms I think that makes that sounds like it'll be folded into the children handbooks so yeah this is also like a version one of what's a document that's up to version four at this there's definitely a newer version that gives you to stepen that was not distributed yeah so maybe we can Steven's one with version four we had discussed a version two after this one and a version share with me the latest version you can see it on the um the email spreadsheet it's linked on the uh the what's response calendar yeah thank you oh response calendar resp so that leaves that three items well but isn't in the response calendar in Betsy school committee folder I'm pretty sure she yeah yeah I put you don't have to find it it's in her folder I just I put Steven draft a link to St okay so that least three things that we we need to discuss one is setting up the communications team for the coming year another is our participation of Brookline day in September and finally a discussion of switching to um a zoom meeting rather Zoom webinar for our subcommittee meetings um so for the communications sche so far it's been Mariah Steven and B was someone else before too Nancy that's yeah so like you know is it is it working is there too much work like what should its role be who should be on it I really like the bimonthly parent leader part of it that seems very valuable um I will say that it feels a little bit unstructured Ed on that and like if I don't send out the email or remind other people to send out the email and I don't think anyone else has to the parent group to ask for agenda items like no one does so that part um feels like I just feel like it feels like it could be a little tighter yeah it's not it happens but it's like um it feels is the problem on our end or all right yeah it's like I'm sending out the email no one else the problem is I feel like I'm having to do that part by myself okay which wouldn't be a universal problem if I felt like we all had jobs that we were doing by ourselves but I don't feel like we all have jobs are doing by ourself and in terms of the communications part like I guess when we get media inquiries they go to the chair yeah I kind of I kind of talk to the journalist if I are you find are you having to do anything writing stuff or talking to no to the media no um yeah Brook line news calls me sometimes yeah but like not we're not like doing we're not organizing things as a grp might be feeling your own stuff from Brook my news yeah so does that does that do we even need like a a group for for that role because well we've talked about using the group in different ways and part of the group developed part of the group devel was to develop Norms that no one has adhered to so to the extent we defense we never really find L them either I think we got we basically agreed to do things and some of them we have done um but I think Andy when this gets rolled into your governance dog it'll actually help us a lot in terms of like making legitimizing the sort of half committed to actions so I think that when we go through that now the issue is just more Equitable div of Labor amongst I I have a conversation at the start of it about how we should handle the executive responsibilities of patients yeah I think but actually one of the things that happened that was kind of nice in the last meeting was and i' been doing this every every time I had been sending out every time we had a meeting I sent out notes afterwards or you sent out we had notes sent out um and every time I the parent leader I sent out minutes yeah you got them in your email and um just sort of like responded to the yeah and um and we also I sort of sent I think I cced you all even on the call for agenda item so you knew it was happening as well and as a result the last meeting I couldn't go and maybe Val couldn't go but I think you went and you went right so it was actually kind of nice that it's not the three of us all the time that we might sort of um convene yeah but there's a different circulation of school committee members although that it should we just not have the grp at all but there might be one person whose job it is to coordinate these sessions with the PTO but that doesn't imply that it's the same group of same group of us who always does that the only thing is you actually need to have it on your calendar like other unless someone's gonna like people need to be there someone needs to commit to so do you do you think it could work in this ad hoc fashion where there's somebody whose job is to coordinate and make sure that like we have the people going I'd much rather have a set of people who essentially are planning to be there and then we have other people rotating in and out like there can always be an extra slot of a person because we can have four people there but also like B was busy I was busy Stephen was busy so we all have busy work schedules and it kind of worked kind of well because there was often times where one of two of us couldn't be there and so that brings extra flexibility is the current makeup the right the right makeup or is there anyone who wants to drop off is there anyone who wants to come on I'm happy to drop off or stay on is there anyone who's Will for this world I think it's it's also important to not have a day that required you to beet we all had a day job and it was yeah well how did that work it worked fine except for like once or twice I think I was traveling once I had a work conflict once you CH like Val has been we I think Val was the one I don't want to speak for Val because she's maybe she's still here I don't know but I think she was the one who had the hardest time joining I think she only joined once on the time she was on yeah so is there anyone else who'd be willing to take this on this is something I would love to do oh okay yeah I would okay Sarah that's great and I'm happy to step I was I was about to say something else okay sorry you raised your hand I um I showed up last time and I um said something wrong like once or twice and so I think that I don't have like all the information I need to have and so what I would love to do is in for a while and then participate okay so do you want to be the three of us a good idea that's fine to unless someone else again I'm happy to step off if anyone I would take over the administrative responsibility just like not talk for the first few meetings okay that could be nice for now either four of you later if you feel comfortable getting on and sure all right I'll do awesome that's that is a hassle so I'm glad because it would just be like oh my God all of a sudden it was Friday this thing and I was like Wednesday and I haden't sent out the email yet and I was panicking and yeah thank you okay yeah thank you it sounds small but it was like irritating executive functioning summaries right and the summar actually and and actually having someone who was there and listening to the meeting to help write the summaries but not necessarily like talking it's it's so hard you know what I mean to break the yeah that be awesome got five minutes left both items are actually bety can take the lead on both of you one is our participation in bookline day and the other is switching over to the dream meeting format um so Brook line day I guess I just wanted to be sure that um we will participate we do have to commit to Staffing the table from 11 to three they don't want unattended table so um if that's the case I will Reserve our table tomorrow can we do that and then can we do the stickers of like iHeart PSB or something like that yeah so there was another thing in there as well so I didn't stay I was I set up and took down but in the limited time I was there we definitely need things like we had nothing so um there's a whole bunch of things here I would like maybe one or two members who could work with me to make some final decisions you know on if I order these nice vests um what would it look like I'm gonna get my way we have money in the school committee these things are I'm happy to front it Betsy whatever it costs I will get this want best ordering this as easy as can be I just need help with like the graphic I order them and people don't like them like what color just PB they're best they're they're Universal Universal yeah it's just like the one you see on the picture Andy it's not like a fancy you don't need toing it's very nice but then we also like someone we need some giveaways B with PSV whatever I love to do I will be so entertained by doing Graphics of the of the vest and the and the and last year I made this I think on the Saturday before so it probably still applies well I feel like it was you could tell 24 hours in advance it could be a little more visually colorful thank you like maybe again not to you know be borrowing Too Much from the city Charter campaign but they just passed out business cards with um QR code on it code too again order but what do we want it to say that's where I need that's you wanted one or two onte I volunteer love this this is entertaining I think we're good then and then so we're set for fly day then I'll send out a signup sheet for folks to sign up for our slots or however you want how long you want to stay um and then the transition to zoom meeting is just following up on requests um that actually did come into the chair but that also have been filtering down from the town um the select board has transitioned from Zoom webinar to zoom meeting and um they suggested that the school committee follow suit um I just talked about you know how we use zoom and my suggestions which are for our subcommittee meetings that are fully remote making those Zoom meeting and what that will allow which is what members of the community have asked for is um that attendees who are on that Zoom meeting will be able to see each other's names um there's a little bit more work at the start of the meeting with the committee members just getting you on and giving you the permissions you need to differentiate yourself so there'll be a little bit of a learning curve for our first few meetings but that should iron itself out can I have one question about that so the people who are attending do they have to put in their names they do but they can put in any name they want um no I'd like them to put in their name well they have to put in something but there's no like you could type in John Smith there's no way for me to know that's but it really wouldn't matter just be a name it wouldn't there'd be no offense to us I mean I could always get rid of a name that was no it's not offense they should be as visible as we are is what I'm trying to say it's a meeting we should know who's there right well the thing is for remote meetings for subcommittees you would everyone would be on their own computer you'd be able to see the attendees the issue has been that the attendees can't see each other that's been the request um they would like the ability to know who else is on there and that's what this switch does um just for um and we would also do that for school Comm meetings that are also fully remote so take like the meeting we did on July 8th meetings that are fully remote where people can't come into the room we would also do those on Zoom meeting allowing members of the public to see each other in the attendee list um school committee meetings have never allowed Zoom participation we've always had people come in person and the remote participation has been through big so there'll be no changes there so um those are mygg for public com public comment could join the zoom but like regular atts watch on TV or on you whatever we run it as a zoom webinar accesses only for people signed up public on Y and we are allowed to have only an inperson meeting right yes um I mean I'm not talking necessarily about the whole school committee but like the subcommittee meetings absolutely we hold them in person but we would still probably as we're doing now we would be streaming them on Zoom I think Helen's asking if the town like the select board made some like do does the does the town require all public meetings to have a hybrid buul I don't think so because the advisory committee didn't do it for their big meeting in early July yeah yeah that being said we typically do you know like as we're doing now yeah I'm asking for a reason because the next uh meeting that we're having with capital subcommittee is at Lincoln School everybody's invited right right uh to do a tour of what we've done there the improvements and stuff see the playground that needs Improvement and then have regular reading there so everybody's welcome to come um but we can do it's fine doesn't yeah was terrible but I know if there was a requirement I bet that would be an exception well I will say if you're going to have a fully inperson meeting you have to have an inperson quum right I you know you can't tell put it on my calendar be there right and Sarah right okay good yeah so we're all set with that one um so I think anyway my suggestions are you know it um answers the request from the community um and I think there there'll be a little learning curve in some of our meetings just to get everyone set but shouldn't be a big deal gr do you agree no [Music] objection good thank you Betsy thank you Betsy any new business being none very there's no need for an executive session that's can I just ask one question about calendaring yes will you be sending everyone the Google Calendar invites for the subcommittees to once they're set well my practice is only to send the Google calendar invite to the subcommittee members for their subcommittees yeah that's what I meant that's what I meant okay so we will be getting Google calendars for our subcommittees sometime on yes I've already started doing some I held on finances I want to talk with you but um yes so if you're on a subcommittee you should be getting those CS sub committee and obviously for the school as well [Music]