[Music] all right uh hello everyone welcome to the uh June 20th 2024 meeting of the Brooklyn school committee um this one should be very brief we just have two agenda items the second is a consent agenda and the first is to review a draft mou regarding the use of Newberry to house Pierce Middle School during the instruction um Dr Giller do you want to sketch in some background and then we'll see if anybody wants to to move uh consideration sure thing so thank you so before you you should have um a version of theou that uh both school and town has uh worked on for I think the better part of a year now uh in hammering out and meeting out the school's needs um along with the town needs for the shared utilization of the Newberry site during Pierce construction so what you have before you is something both Deputy superintendent given and principal Yol uh can live with um and we've added there was a one port of language um I think in number one that we have um that we took a look at to give some expanded access to um to the schools or to the building uh School leadership if needed after year one of looking at the at the process here and I see Dr given has joined us so Susan are you in a spot where you can take the mic uh as well and talk about the work of the um Mo MOA just very briefly so that then um the committee can ask any clarifying questions that may be needed there but I think in totality this is both something that the school the school staff as well as the town staff can live with uh for this agreement good evening can you hear me yes great um good to be here so it's good to have you yeah yes yeah welcome thank you it's been a bit of a journey um but yeah we've been working on this for a year and um it began with uh Matt and uh the the previous operations team um meeting up with um the townside attorneys and um other folks from uh chaz's office um and we've been going uh back and forth uh trying to get this document in a in a condition where we both understand it and um feel comfortable um that we'll be able to operate our school as a middle school while at the same time the town is able to use use the lower level for um the building um and Technology departments for the town so uh in short um a couple of the uh items that we kind of went back and forth on was um the time frame in which we would be using it so originally the document had us in there from 7 or 7:30 in the morning till 300 or 3:30 in the afternoon and now reads from 7: until 7 as that is uh more customary for middle schools to be open so that you can have after school programming um and uh and so that change was made um it also in the original document um referenced only staff and students using that and we added caregivers and parents so that uh it would be clear that uh you know again um we weren't trying to exclude anyone from our schools but in fact um schools are often um uh have visitors um and or or parents and others that uh join us during the school day so those were a couple of the big items the technology department was using some uh space on the middle floor or the uh the first floor as it's referred to for um storing some technology um some of that space has has been given to us to be able to have our art and music program um along with some storage for the art Department um in that space and so we've kind of come to an agreement on that there'll be a shed in the um uh outdoor area for PE that was a concern of ours um originally uh the town didn't want us to uh have any building structure outside and so that was a bit of a sticking point so now that we can have a shed for our PE program um I think that solved that that concern of ours and then the parking lot area um half of it will be used for a recreation kind of a PE area where we'll have basketball courts and Fork Court um painted into the into the uh Hardscape there and then the other side will be for staff parking there's enough spaces there for all staff and um some visitor parking um and then the only other thing I think noteworthy is that drop off will will not be in the parking lot it will go by the front of this uh the building where students will then disembark um uh kind of kind of roadside as they move in so I think those were the highlights um as uh Dr Giller stated uh were I I think all in agreement all all parties that were involved in in these conversations um are kind of an agreement and feel good about this umou and hope that you um are supportive of of theou so we can move forward right thank you lus and Susan would anyone like to move it so that we can have a discussion and ask questions Helen thank you any second I'll second I'll second it um okay I'm not sure who spoke first uh I think it might have been Carolyn so Carolyn will second um thanks so does anyone have any questions about this suzan yeah thank you Andy a special thank you to Susan and Helen I don't know if you're a part of this and Jamie I I it sounds like it was a lot going back and forth and I really appreciate it and I don't want to throw a monkey wrench in at all however I get I'm a little stuck on this one phrase in number one that says there will be no after school programming allowed in the building except except that I understand that but I just it um I don't know that there needs to be that kind of exceptions I mean if we have it 7 AM to 7 PM what she I just would hope that Jamie doesn't have to ask for every Club every uh project the kids are working on that they have to stay together afterwards I I hope the intent is not that all kids will be gone by 3:30 uh that you know they we use it like we use any school which is that it's available that students can work together on a project they can visit teachers if they need to um I just I I just don't even know why that one line is in there um so anyway that's my that's my only hangup is that Susan do you are you yeah so um originally it didn't have the accept part so we added that and and as I said before uh the original document had us there from like 7 until 3:30 so we extended that so that was kind of the compromise language um to make it clear that this is a middle school and we're operating of a full complement of Middle School programming there which includes after school activities um some evening events where parents attend um and and so that was uh discussed in depth um throughout the our process but it's it's not as necessarily clean as we would like it but um but this is the language that uh everyone felt comfortable with so the one thing that Jamie mentioned to me because I read that and I was concerned about it also and uh and she said that she thought what they were referring to was not having an extended day program like we do at all the other schools that it was more of a you know that being a um uh you know every day you know till 6:30 type of U uh program also remember that they probably will not be doing any plays there it'll probably be at one or the other schools that they'll try and work together with them to to do plays and things like that so this is going to be a you know a work in progress I think I think that my sense is that you know once we get this done we'll see if there's a problem we'll you know lonus will get together with Chaz and Susan and figure out what we do about it and how to make it right I don't think the town is trying to keep us out uh of the the out of the school you know they understand we need to use it and that we need to run it like a school it seems to me that um with a re this needs a reasonable amount of Goodwill on both sides to run smoothly um if you know the language as it's written could be exploited by someone of ill will but let's hope it doesn't come to that because you know it says seven to seven for staff it doesn't really say anything about students um and you know I I like Suzanne you know I worry if we're going to have to come to a written agreement for every um you know every time for any purpose a student needs to stay late to work on homework or get tutoring or something like that that um but you know I do think our staff don't seem worried I think it would you know be worth maybe adding um to that where it says in different parts what I didn't like about the way it's written is that things are attended to in a kind of uh uh disjointed way so later on in the document you'll see where we talk about caregivers but up in that section it says staff and students so it doesn't flow as well as we'd like and and maybe even on that section where it say staff and students maybe maybe we can just ask them for a friendly amendment to include up in that section um care parents and caregivers as well so that it's students staff uh parents and caregivers in that section you're referring to Andy so we do have another meeting on the 26th Susan do you think it would be appropriate to go back and and just try to tighten up the language in the way that you've um you've suggested and have it come back to us in six days I I I I'm more than happy to reach out to Chaz about that I don't think that there would be a problem because it's um it is what we talked about and so I think cleaning up the language so that there isn't confusion would be um would be a good idea at this point so I I'm happy to take it back and make a few uh friendly amendments they had added one section also that wasn't in the original one um about uh not using the loading dock the loading dock would be for the exclusive use of the building department it's on page two number two the last item so that was added since our last conversation so again I don't think that they would be um or they would be um uh open to some friendly amendments since since they put a friendly amendment in that to clarify as well all right um anyone else have comments or questions well just a question why would what would we be using the loading dock for it's a more difficult to get into the building than the parking from the parking lot I'm it was I'm not sure why they added that but I I believe the loading dock Helen is at the lower level where the building department is I believe it's right there next to the trash compactor so we we're not we're kind of agreeing not to use that lower parking lot so I think this was just to re-emphasize that um that we would not be using that um you know the loading dock that all of our deliveries would be made to the front door and we're okay with that I I don't think uh it will be problematic um that was my sense just because it's harder to get it up from there with the elevator and all that this way you go right into the building but right and and I don't think we will have anything that's so significant that we need to be hauling in once we get in situated and settled with furniture and such EX move in correct except the move in right after the move in you know you have paper and pens and pencils and such um and food and food and food but I I don't think we would be bringing it in that way anyways and where the parking lot is on the same our parking lot is on on the same grade as the front door and there's a walkway to it it it you know I don't know why we wouldn't use that anyways and the the visitors parking where the person would come up and deliver food and stuff is is right there in close proximity to the walkway so I don't see that as an issue that it's just not something we had the loading dock was not something that we had talked about specifically and it was added um as I went back and forth through the documents as I uh last reviewed them with the town and this this final document that was sent forward so like I said I don't think I I um my experience has not been one of uh difficulty with the town um in in terms of offering some of these suggestions um I would like to have it clean all the way through so that you know when you read one section it connects directly and cleanly with another so um I'm happy to reach out to Chaz with with a few of these um friendly amendments and see if we can't just get that um taken care of before the next meeting okay um Suzanne and then Carolyn and then eventually I'll ask if anybody wants to make a motion to postpone and until the next meeting when is the next meeting again just Wednesday the 26th of July no of June six days from now oh okay yeah yeah I just you know I want to keep it friendly not unfriendly but I have to say I think that I feel like the tone of theou is unfriendly towards the schools they there's a lot of you won't do this you won't do that you can't use the loading dock we may need the loading dock I mean I I'm not sure who wrote this and why there is there's all these you can't you can't when it should be together we will you know figure out if we need the loading dock we'll ask to we should be able to use the loading dock that I don't quite understand uh why it's written the way it's written um I I mean I appreciate the hard work you've done on it and um it just it doesn't feel particularly friendly to me and I'm just surprised I would think we're all working together on this let just my two cents thanks Carolyn um where it where does eating have what is the meal situation and eating it it's challenging there because we don't have um you know any large indoor spaces so students in general will be eating have to eat in the classroom we don't have a CA ceria there is one small area where it's kind of labeled if you look in the documents as a snack bar but it's it's rather small and it certainly wouldn't fit you know uh the Middle School in it we don't have an indoor space where the entire Middle School can gather I'm not confident sorry Susan to jump in but it's relevant I'm not fully confident that the document we're looking at has everything only because I don't see as Mariah mentioned in an email anything that says grade eight and I don't see anything that says snack bar not that it matters tremendously because you're answering my question anyway but no the the the reference to snack bar is there's schematics that go along with this I'm assuming they were sent along so there's the document itself and then there I'm looking at the floor plans it should be and I see three pages yep and and so the area I'm referring to is on this middle floor which is I think it's labeled first floor maybe first floor yeah if you look over on the left hand side which is close to the parking lot there's a there's an area there's no kitchen in there it was just previously the snack bar area when it was Newberry College so I'm referring to it as the snack bar okay I don't see anything that says snack bar but it doesn't matter tremendously yeah so but there isn't that and there's not an indoor gym and we don't we don't have any of those kind of core uh facilities in in the building I understand yeah and where is eighth grade while we're here they're there at the school I know but I don't see that labeled I think we don't need to worry about all the details I know that Jamie adof has gone over this y I was just curious uh quite a bit this is Mariah this is a document that's going into theou and it includes stuff for sixth and seventh grade but doesn't include 8th grade like to me if it were just a document we were referencing sure but since this is like into some sort of binding document it would be good if it had all the all the dots whatever the eyes dotted and te's crossed I think some of the lack of eyes dotted and te's crossed because I was took the lead on this and I have I've been out and um so I'll I'll own that this is the first time seeing those schematics um was when I looked at them today and I reviewed the two documents so some of this is just uh my absence that's created this and so I'm feeling well enough that I'm I'm happy to um try to uh pull this back together and make it uh a little more succinct for you so Susan the the whole first floor page two of the floor plans is for school use is that correct yeah the first and the I think they call it lower first and second I believe okay thank you yes at this point would anyone like to make a motion to postpone this question until our next meeting I think you can just determine that we will post yeah is that necessary Andy yes it is necessary I can't do that by myself okay I'll make the motion some needs to move it someone needs to second the motion to postpone and then we need to take a vote I see Carolyn again so she seconds um let's vote Sarah yes Suzanne yes Carolyn yes Helen yes B yes Stephen yes Mariah yes and I vote Yes as well so um we will take this up again in six days time hopefully with Susan having had the chance to uh to work some more with uh with Town staff um all right so we move on to the consent agenda I will move that um and do I have a second for it I'll second thank you Helen so that consists of the minutes for June 6th student trip to the Netherlands uh waterproofing repair uh contract for contract Amendment rather for the BHS tunnel um um improvements to the Newberry parking lot to install a basketball court and a budget transfer of $120,000 from the Driscoll Construction project account to the school maintenance electricity account um Carolyn is see question oh sorry we haven't had a second no we have that one so Carn go ahead um thank you where when we're looking at the uh Google map that was included of the parking where is the basketball court like what part of parking area I believe it's area C on that on that diagram and does anybody know how much of area C like how many parking spots will be be taken up by the basketball court well we have that whole area A and B so for parking so I'm and not not a Helen that's Town parking that uh we I think I'm sorry B and C I meant B andc I'm I'm pointing BNC but and so it shows a six a total of 65 parking spots but then we're also voting to approve um a basketball court in there or the funding for it so I'm just curious how much how many parking spots how much of that area whichever it is where is the where is the basketball court it's on this um so if I'm standing on I think it's Fisher F the part of the parking area that's closest to the road is for parking and the other side so there I believe there's like a walkway like an island that goes down the middle yeah far side of the island is where the play area will be on the closer uh on the side closest to Fisher a is where the parking will be and I'm going to say this but I I you can't hold me to it so I probably shouldn't I believe that there was 35 or 40 slots that would be part of the parking area it shows Susan 35 in area C which is the closer to Fisher a okay then there's a Ian area B and that says 30 spaces so I'm curious how many parking spaces will be lost to the basketball cour probably about half I would imagine 30 you think all 30 I don't the whole the whole thing is going to be play area then believe so okay I can double check with Aaron um but the last oh Karen maybe you know Karen yes sorry I've been trying to get to speak so the the basketball court is closest to fiser a and it will be that whole top section will be set for play area and two basketball hoops the lower area will be parking for staff as well as the end closest to fiser Hill Park will be parking for staff 35 spaces y total thank you very much so that's great and I have no problem approving the basketball court but I would suggest and request um especially now that we've delayed voting on theou um until a later date that this MTH um exhibit B that needs to be corrected to reflect the basketball or the whatever playtop and the actual number of parking spaces sounds good we can pull that off thank you yep any further discuss vote on consent agenda except that except that we do need to get this signed the in order for the contractor to start get you know being able to what I just said I that exhibit is attached to theou consent agenda so it doesn't affect what we're doing right now yeah Helen I said I'm happy to approve the basketball court but I think that exhibit should be I got it I got it I if we vote Yes on the basketball court we should probably yeah thank you any further discussion on the consent agenda if not let's vote Suzanne yes Helen yes Carolyn yes Dara yes B yes Steph Yes Mariah yeah and I vote Yes as well um and this concludes our school committee meeting we will move seamlessly into our Capital subcommittee meeting now officially starting Capital now is thank you thank you Andy and maybe you can uh promote Carol yes and I'm gonna bring Sarah in and Carol and I think Cassandra's gonna be showing some uh documents as well I'm bring her in okay and we're gonna leave poor Carla out there but hope you're okay um are you going to be okay with Quorum if I have to leave at five which I do for a negotiation um yeah because we're going to hopefully be done very quick soon after that when we don't need to vote anything I need to look at my I just pulled it up just the minutes um Sarah is here Mariah so we do have a leave okay thank you thank you Betsy um and of course now I'm looking for I I had my I have a quick request sorry Helen while you're looking new person would um people who aren't would people mind just introducing themselves and telling saying who what their role is because I don't know everybody I'm sorry thank you oh that's okay that's okay no I should have thought about that I just assumed you knew who everybody was but okay um I'm just new and I'm Carolyn so hi Sarah Cassandra and Karen who I've never met okay and you're on the school committee the newest member and on the capital sub committ Sarah you want to introduce yourself or which Sarah me Sarah Sarah M you're gonna be Sarah M and Sarah G okay so I'm Sarah mtter and I'm on the school committee okay and Suzanne and Sarah's on the capital subcommittee yeah I'm Suzanne fale I am on uh the school committee I am not on Capital as a voting member and Andy uh I'm Andy Lou also on the school committee but not on Capital everybody knows Betsy so I'm not going to have her do that um Stephen hi everyone I'm stepen arberg I'm not on the subcommittee but I am on the school committee okay and uh Susan given given Deputy superintendent for administration Finance Mariah ran OA member of the capital subcommittee here Ken Karen King I am the interim director of operations for the school department Carol we can't hear you Carol Carol Carol chair of the AC capital subcommittee thank you Sarah G Sarah Gooding a deputy director of public buildings and Cassandra Cassandra ginus I'm Dr given's executive assistant great thank you okay so we've done that now um we have approval of the May 8th uh Capital subcommittee minute meeting minutes do I have a motion I'll move it okay Carolyn Sarah you gonna second it okay we'll do a roll call uh Carolyn Carolyn are you gonna vote sorry sorry my son was just yes yes thank you okay Sarah yes uh Mariah I didn't read salstein okay and the chair votes yes okay so next thing we're going to is the update on the fy2 summer mini CIP projects and Sarah I think you sent something out I think Cassandra is going to drive on this one and uh we're going to start off uh in opposite order if that's all right with you um just because the documents set up uh with some of our relocation projects first and then we get into the cips so Sandra please sh send me a copy of that I didn't get it you weren't on the email that it went out in uh Carol that would have been my error sorry about that I'll send it now I did put it on our website but I should have sent it to you so I'll do that now so um Karen King is going to review with you um the Clark Road relocation the Pierce relocation um and the old Lincoln uh prep and then Sarah is going to get into our um summer projects um and so I'll turn the mic over to Karen to walk us through the first three uh topics hello uh so starting with clock Road um as you know the clock uh leases up at the end of July so we've been packing and getting ready for our move the first group of moves that will happen is the beep uh classrooms as well as their support staff and the administrative staff and then uh the el el group that is also here with us at Clark Road they will be moving on Monday and Tuesday uh to various locations uh Driscoll Ridley Lynch Center and Heath ha School sorry uh so those will be happening on Monday and Tuesday of next week and we you know have an additional day if we need it but I think the Monday and Tuesday will be enough um as far as the Pierce relocation um teachers have been uh packing they're just about done some waited till the last minute but we won't talk about that um so they uh they're scheduled to move on the 26th uh uh K to 5 26 of June sorry it's a three it's a 7-Day move hopefully it'll take shorter so we can do some cleanout they're uh they're moving to Old Lincoln uh K to 5 and then grade 6 to8 will move to um Newbery Fisher Hill uh we uh have movers coming in to to do most of that work uh we also have a library mover that will relocate the library to both locations as well as some of the Furnishings Within the library to be reused at other locations um we uh well you also have several reuse recyclers who will be coming in following the move to take um things uh that aren't being reused uh at Old Lincoln or Newberry furnit Furnishings mostly but they'll also take older projection equipment and desks and uh whiteboards that we're not going to reuse things like that so we have several at least three recycle reuse uh uh groups that are coming in and I think they'll take a healthy portion of what we're leaving behind including some kitchen equipment so that's that's good news um the old Lincoln prep has been ongoing uh we're just about ready we've distributed as much Furniture as we can we'll be bringing some furniture over there from Pierce to uh to load up all Clash Lings as requested by the teachers um and then um so that will happen starting next week the um we're also prepping the Newbury School uh Newbury location fiser Hill as we're calling it um for grades 6 to 8 uh we're we're Distributing Furniture move down the um yeah thank you or move it up whatever yeah thank so we're also uh Distributing furniture at the uh Newbury uh viser Hill location uh we'll be finishing that up tomorrow we have general cleaning happening at both locations there's been some heavy duty cleaning at both locations that have been done um but we're doing some last minute uh cleaning at both locations to make the rooms ready and then uh as the teachers move in we'll start you know transferring Furniture Etc around the the building and setting up offices because there's a number of pieces that will have to be assembled on site um quite a bit of work went into both uh Lincoln and Newbury most of it um um at Mo a lot of it at Newbury including the elevator uh that had to be brought up to code as well as some uh rewiring for Network Etc any questions I probably went too fast sorry um yeah go ahead Carolyn um were were um things that are not being moved from Pierce um made available to for example the teen center the senior center we've contacted a number of local um groups and um I know that uh Jamie reached out to a few um I don't know I believe she reached out to teen center I know we're giving a number of things to St Mary's as well as another um Parochial School in Milton reached out to us so yes we have reached out to a number of groups um as well as other school districts um as well so we put it up on a bunch of of different um boards to to offer yes and do we have the cost of the moves like the movers uh there was a an estimate made but we never know the the true cost until we're all done because it you know in the best of of planning you you think it's you know five to seven days and it ends up being more or you know less hopefully um so we have you know off the top of your head what the estimate so we we have a uh an a PO in place for the Pierce relocation at about 880,000 uh for the move out of and into two locations and then about $133,000 for the library relocation because it is to two locations so 93 total yes I believe that's a number and are teachers going along and doing some of their setup now or they'll just do their normal set up they'll be allowed uh into the buildings after August 8th if they'd like to come back and start um you know unpacking and setting up but we'd like to leave the buildings yeah um with right yeah until until August so that we don't have people coming in all summer long so we can get some of the other work done and sorry just one more thing quickly will teachers be compensated for that time that sounds like it's sort of extra time they've they were compensated at a a certain number of hours for packing and unpacking um I don't know that number I don't know if you know Susan is a bit sick it's in the contract but I don't know the number off the top of my head but there is an hourly rate um specifically for packing and unpacking that's in the teachers uh contract and and Jamie has been tracking all of that for for the teachers and sorry Susan will that be FY I guess some will be fy2 24 and some will be fy2 encumbered we have um money set aside in the relocation budget for the pier okay yeah thank you thanks okay why don't we move on unless there's any other questions I didn't sorry go ahead do you want me to speak quickly to SU programs before you move in Sarah yeah might as well you're on that uh right yeah so there's a number of summer programs going on um at various buildings uh there's some extended school year programs there is a project Discovery um you can see all the the buildings there's also a beat program at Lynch and putterham most of the all of the summit programs will be completed uh August 16th to get allow the schools to be able to uh clean up and get ready for the new school year but every all the maps have been distributed and all the materials to um support those programs are are being distributed as well as uh Recreation is getting ready for for all of their programs at various schools any questions about that okay yeah that's and we do Just for information for people we try and move around to different buildings um you know depending on the air quality in the buildings but we try and move around so that U when we need to do deep cleaning on one building it becomes empty for that summer or if we're doing work significant work in there like at Lincoln um that's not on the summer uh program list just so you know okay um I think this is Sarah hi everyone Sarah G sorry Sarah Gooding public buildings um so we're starting to get into the schools that we're doing summer work now that school is out uh Baker we have planned to replace flooring in seven classrooms um to paint eight classrooms and then we're refinishing a staircase in the back of the school that is rotting so all of that will be done in the time frame between July 1st and August 15th and that was all funded by this um upcoming CIP we are adding Shades into all of the Southern facing classrooms as well and that is something that we were able to fund with repair maintenance on this fiscal year um so that work will all be done in the next six weeks great um now moving on to Baldwin uh a lot of the work work from that has been done in the last nine months on the rollover from the fiscal year 24 CIP is basically complete we have done a walkth through of the site with the preservation commission and we received a report from them on Tuesday that outlined some of the suggestions that they had for work to be done on site um so we are taking that report and we're going to look into what is feasible um there is some more funding coming in fy2 and we will take the report and that funding and see what can be done we are planning on moving two Clark Road into the first floor in the middle of July so that they can uh the schools can get out of the lease there and we are on schedule to do that um and we are on schedule to have the electrical service upgrade completed uh eversource will be issued a permit as soon as we finish the work that we need to do on site in order to get the connection ready at the building so hopefully that will be done did I hear you correct Sarah you got ever source to come out no not yet gonna get excited that would have been fast they will be issued a permit within the next week or so and hopefully they will schedule the connection of the service before August that's our Target woo great good work thank you um Cassandra could you scroll great thank you um so we were doing a lot of work at new Lincoln this summer we are finishing the library rehab and we will be doing um the Middle School wing of the second floor we'll be doing all of the flooring the painting um upgrading any whiteboards and bulletin boards that have aged out and we are uh refinishing two bathrooms near the auditorium on the first floor um the following fiscal year next summer we will finish the rest of the work that has to be done in the school so the rest of the second floor and the bathrooms will be completed in addition to the cafeteria um and we are working on also finishing all of the splits that need to be installed on the second floor so right now at New Link in the first floor and the third floor have been done the second floor we have an electrical engineer coming in to look at the power to the building just to make sure that the load isn't going to over what go over what is that capacity right now for power um and so if we cannot get the splits done on the second floor this summer we will be putting temporary AC into the second floor so that there will be a stop gap before everything is completed next summer um Sarah can you just pause a second on that it says funding TBD how are you paying for this so that is in the CIP it's the funding we just don't have a dollar amount at this point because we are waiting for the study from the electrical engineer I didn't see it in um the CIP that got approved a town meeting is it not listed in that CIP it's listed under so there's different categories Carol it's in the CIP part that says I think it's hbac systems or something like that that says Town School do you see that it well there's no hbac under Lincoln so are you telling me this is in the the the the general category Town school buildings yes yes so we have a capital improve Improvement account that is not necessarily tied to the specific school buildings it's tied to doing HVAC work I see well I guess maybe moving forward Sarah um you and Charlie can um give us it would be nice to have comprehensive so we could look at a building and know where the money is coming from various funding sources for all the work that's happening at a build at a building that would have been moving moving forward that's good to know so it's not TBD the funding source it's coming from that it's coming from the category that you just mentioned yes all right so I guess that needs to be noted Carol just so that you're aware Charlie has been doing over the years has been working on these Mini Splits uh getting them into buildings and then getting reimbursed from ever Source right and I'm aware it's almost like a revolving account more than an actual expense what whatever it is it would be nice to be able to have a snapshot in one place like this list is showing you all the work that's happening at a building regardless of the funding source just to show you so all right way the other way to look at that would be to just have this particular item in all the buildings so we know how much we've done and how much is still left to do well I I think this is nice to see it per building personally but whatever all right uh Sarah you have a question are those whiteboards or are they smart boards that are listed for Lincoln oh so at Lincoln they're whiteboards with mounted projection that's great so we don't ever put in a Smartboard anymore that has that Hardware it's always projection at this point thank you Karen is there anything you want to add to that so most of almost all of the classrooms in in Brookline have mount projection whether it's an ultra short throw or a Smartboard um the ultra short throws have touch capability uh pen capability much like the smartboards we've just gone with a new technology with the newer buildings but all all classrooms do have mounted projection at this point okay but um that when we have the projection when we're replacing it we only go with [Music] projection no all shes replacing is the the white boards themselves the projection is already there we're just putting in a new you know better surfaced whiteboard great and one thing I'll note is that a change that we made this year was to pull Furniture fixture and Equipment into one category so that's why you see here inhouse and FFN FFN uh there was $200,000 approved for it um 75,000 for um cafeteria tables at the high school and then these replacement um items that were hanging out in schools separately we pulled them all up under FFN so we'd have one place for them because it didn't really seem like they were Capital as much as they were FF so that's uh a change for this year so that's the funding we we listed over to the right with the exception of the TBD which we should will properly document but um that's that was kind of our vision for how to present this today is there's a lot of work that's done it's not all done through CIP there's a lot of work that is done um to support the work at um in CIP Andor for the building projects and it was our uh attempt here to try to convey the complexity of uh some of the work that goes on uh to support these projects so we'll make that on the h see but in in the other areas we did try to highlight um uh the various ways that uh some of this work is is funded I think that's great Susan and thank you but just one question we were told the cafeteria tables were 125,000 are you only doing part of it this year I'm sorry my bad no 125 oh okay thank you y okay uh Sarah do you want to continue sure are we on the haze yes I think so so at Haz we are working on um it's not a complete upgrade to the electric service it is an additional panel um it after working with an engineer we were told we did not need to do a complete service upgrade which is good because that saved some money um and then um we're doing an installation of heat pumps um on the interior rooms of the courtyard so that will be done over the summer um we're doing some work on the renaming so there will be a new sign on the front of the school the gym mats will be replaced the um and I think the gym scoreboard will also be replaced that work we're doing before June 30th um on some repair and maintenance funds and some painting in addition to that and then the gym floor will also be refinished um at Hayes okay can I ask a question Helen yeah sure sorry um thanks Sarah on the panel for hayze that's great news and I remember I think it was estimated at like 250,000 do you know how much it will be now that it doesn't need to be the full panel so I don't have the offset of cost right in front of me but I can find out what the difference differences that' be great to know because it would be wonderful if it's a nice savings thanks sure okay um so then at the high school we are replacing the cafeteria tables out of FF and E and we are doing some initial work to investigate some waterproofing that's being done in the tunnel at the high school this is part of the high school building project and it's some work that needs to be done that you can't really see from the outside but in the basement tunnel area of the building underneath the archway that goes into the quad nearest to the schlunt gym there's some water damage um on the ceiling and some waterproofing that needs to be done outside of the tunnel so this summer we will be going in and doing some initial investigation work and moving some of the typing that's on the ceiling there um and relocating it so that next summer this work can happen um we're coordinating with the high school and with Hal so that he is aware of any programming changes that will have to happen next summer um but that is part of the the budget from the building project for the high school um at Lauren school we are replacing the flooring in 10 classrooms and we have replaced all of the stair treads in the stairways I believe this work is almost done as of today but if not it will be done by the end of next week and um we also were able to paint the stairways there too so that that's a good upgrade they had a lot of rotting in the staircases there so for safety purposes this will be um good for the new school year at um the rle school we did some work in the multi-purpose room uh we fixed the curtains we'll be updating the soundboard and the control panel and repairing the lighting um rle school is due next summer to get um a upgrade to painting and flooring in most of the school so we are planning for that for next summer and we also were able to add some motorized window shades in the cafeteria to help with the high temperatures in that space and that we were able to do this fiscal year off of r&m which should be done by next week excellent thank you um and then ongoing at the Driscoll school is the completion of the geothermal wells in the playground space um and then the final commissioning once the wells are all done out of the drisol school project okay are there any other questions about the summer in CIP I think um at our next meeting maybe we'll get the yearend finals for the CIP for this year and and for you know repair and maintenance what we've you know what has been done and because that'll be in August I think by then we should have most of that and uh my my goal for that meeting would be also to do an update on where we are with all the different projects that you just laid out um one thought and I think our next meeting is help me Betsy August we don't have it scheduled yet but you did ask me to look for August dates so that I'll be polling the members to set that up right we might want to meet like at Lincoln School and see what has been done there or at Baker it could be either one there's I think the most significant amount of work at the two I think Lincoln would be interesting because you can see how we took a 30-year-old building and used money wisely to upgrade and refurbish it so that it has another 30 years uh to last um I think that would be an interesting uh place for all of us to to meet at uh on uh on that me at that meeting if people are in agreement good I see nodding heads Carolyn yeah sorry just super quick um being new as a member to this although I've attended many times I'm attending sort of more more so today I really appreciate all this um staff this is a big list and um we have some great school buildings and we're very lucky and I really appreciate um and and I'm sure you would love to do 50 times this amount um but these things really make a difference um and and so thank you for taking all this on and explaining it so clear yeah no I I I what Carolyn says I mean our staff are amazing and what they're able to do and make happen is is truly um it it's it's wonderful so thank you I agree um and if people are in agreement we will meet at uh at Lincoln we won't have a meeting in September because of the fact that the staff that you're seeing here will be very busy in September and we don't want to take them away from the stuff they have to do uh that's why I try and schedule meeting for August and then in in October we can find out what happened over the summer Helen don't we have to meet in September to vote the CIP or are we gonna do that in August I don't think it'll be ready Susan help me it's due it's due the very beginning of September yeah we have to get it to Melissa by the 15th of September yeah by the 15th then we have to do it in August yeah well I I was going to say I feel like we met um in August recently and then we did a sort of a ratification meeting in September of it not a full meeting but we did vot it so they could go ahead to full school committee okay well thank you for the heads up on that one I uh somehow I was thinking October was okay but um I I think the difference this year is that two years wor of our CIP was approved this year so maybe that um was two years approved I thought it wasn't in the end it was no it was we gave oh okay um nonetheless I feel like we still want to review the list and make sure that the list is hasn't changed at all right and all that just sort of ratify plus we need to add six year on the other end and we I'm also have been working with Sasha to add more of the needs for the Food Service uh facility so we'll have that to update as well well why don't we have a preview at least in August because we if we have to have it by September 15 I think August is a good time to have a preview of where we we think we're going yeah absolutely and then um uh if we have to call a short meeting to approve it we can do that in in September i' I just like to leave people alone in September it's really a busy month so um I I'll also talk well Susan you can talk to Melissa and see what her plan is what her schedule is we'll do okay Helen I've got to go to my other meeting go ahead I think we're uh the update on the peer School move up we did already the update on two Clark the summer mini CIP is there any old or new business oh my God we did this in 45 oh Carolyn come on okay go for it Carolyn sorry um and this is kind of like just a really this is sort of unspecific and it's maybe for I'm just throwing out there um that some of us might have seen that two Clark Road my Mones is now on the market not surprisingly um so so I don't know I feel like there's a whole conversation there around sort of we actually just so you're aware have the right of first refusal I'm not sure they actually came to us did they Karen no no they or Susan um we did have but my understanding is they're trying to get you know the the valuation they've put up at the the highest and best use probably a 20 story building or something that will bring in a lot of money money is there a price I haven't heard it yet the other piece about that when we talked about it just so your well this is probably for executive session now that I'm thinking about it because we're talking uh strategy strategy yeah and and again it's sort of non-specific other than just you know file under easier said than done but well maybe what we'll do in dream world I think there's sort of like a big conversation right about like all of the proper all of the assets the town has jurisdiction over and the schools have jurisdiction over and the moving pieces and the needs and um and sort of a longterm well we tried to get uh some money from the advisory committee for a long-term uh master plan and that was that's a that's a different exercise Helen than what it's the same one no it's very it's very different exercise and I can I can talk you through we'll talk offline about that okay um anyway I think what I can do uh about this is at our next meeting we can have an executive session uh put in and uh if you want to discuss it we can or we don't have to all right what we'll post as next executive session to discuss strategy okay um anything else all right going once going twice I think we're I just want to add my third thanks to Sarah and Karen and Cassandra because this was very useful and thank you and I will point out it's all women you know yep it's true and they are amazing women they work so well together it is truly amazing thank you all right thank you all talk to you bye bye