okay um good evening I'm Berard GRE here at select board the meeting special meeting for Wednesday May 29th 2024 uh any announcements updates from the select board anyone have anything to say about last night's town meeting it was very nicely moderated yeah I would like check the record and see if there were more it seem that way to me I do want to acknowledge a great job yeah defici probably nous be I'm n any other comments public comment scpt sorry thank you for joining us for public comment this is an opportunity for us to hear your perspective on issues in bookline that matter to you each person speaking tonight is limited to three minutes if you don't need to use the entire time you may if you like once 15 minutes is met there is an opportunity at the conclusion of the select Which business for additional comments members of the public sometimes raise questions during public comment we may be able to provide a quick answer to a question but are more likely to work with staff to get a thorough answer and respond over email we'll let you know when your 30 seconds remaining and when your time is up please conclude your remarks at this time right now we have three people online and nobody's uh raised the hand raised to speak in the audience introduce yourself um I'm uh Jeffrey Alis I'm I went through the prop School actually David pran was same year um and I have a daughter who was at ronold and is now a trisco in first grade um and I saw the benefit well maybe I just like because I I I came here to get information on um the local seats which I think I already have and it sounds like 34 million has come in through April and last year it was 38 million so it's we're trailing the 43 million that ended up last year P trailing it by four million um so I got that information but I just wanted to comment I mean I I think World Language we've invested so much um and I know we want to be very conservative on our numbers and never be caught with a surprise um but we've invested including this year in training for teachers as Alison Kerr mentioned in the school committee meeting uh and that training they haven't gotten to use for a full year um if we Value World Language it's and we want to attract the best teachers as brookly historically did um we want it it's hard and then 2020 we have to let go teachers it's going to be hard to convince teachers that this is a great place to come teach World Language if we're like letting them go and it would it would be sad if we let them go and it comes turns out that we actually have we've only forecasted for this year 30 million of receipts was the forecast there are already 34 million and there's two more months to go so that was the third conservative year that we've already finishing the 2022 the Surplus 12.6 2023 13.9 we're already at 34 and we forecasted 30 so the Surplus is more than 4 million and there's two months and I just learned the the vehicle receipts come in heavy Jam to June so it just would be very sad to end this program um and at the end of the day we thought we're doing it for being phisically conservative but we have actually quite a surplus and we do want to be conservative and I know we don't want to budget this way but what if we said let's look at the numbers we already had a two million surplus was in the budget like the one million for language would only take it to one million it's not really it's still adding to Surplus it's not actually I mean the Surplus is still growing and this this there's now been three years of being conservative and it's it's intentional we don't want to have cutbacks in mid year and and throw at a monkey wrench so I think there's um we're projecting 33 million for 2025 we already have 34 million this year for a partial year with two months too the previous year was 43 the previous year was 37 so that 33 million um that's why we're if if if we made a slightly that's it's it's been conserved for three years and it looks like that's it's already less than what we had in 10 months and if there was any is there anything so unique about 2024 that we have is there anything that's actually down and to what extent that we actually need that much conservativism versus um and the last thing is there could be more overrides just to fund a nine-year transition for six and8 which the world language teachers that six and8 and VHS are very much opposed to and why going to do overrides to transition the program or why not save the program especially as we're very conservatives thank you thank you for your thank you are there any other uh we don't see anybody online there are four attendees right now thank you you want to write up your your comments maybe too late butress I well I sent one question already and I could follow up but given the town meeting if anyone could have any comments because there it's a quite a possibility that there is lo and beh more I know we need some Surplus right but if anyone would want to make any comments that I could anyone so it is a little bit more complicated than just adding it back in one million so one of the reasons why program cut is because there is a program rev that show that any elements of it were not as effective as the district would like and teachers were very upset about how spread then they were term of the assign schools some schools had more with offerings others so there's lot of between schools difficult to model and the feedback that had been received by school at that time was that to really run the program well you would need to devote more time to it and also more resources so even if this 1 million were to be expended for saving pring what was what would be saved is something that was already teetering of the edge a lot oful and what the teachers had indicated is that really would to be sign more to thank you D well have back and for we heard com certainly talk so next ironically article 10 the budget there's no this is this is place we those those there are still using theis some money out of the school that was reduction soel but there was also some differen in terms of the advisory committee wanted to approval yes right yes that that to was maintained advisory could not beeded okay so we'll pass that out the floor the moderator that should this is appropriation 69 69a is the Min for school that has the advis add changes and then 69 is the baldwi produce balwi 95 and that's really keep the schools from doing anything yeah um and the moderator will be and we be those it okay follow up AC meting you need to vote trans that follow question of transmitting the following warrant article of the home petition to theine State Legislative delegation of general court for article one Ro petition Fe playground question about that um are we including the vote because if I remember it was overwhelming V in support is that correct any other questions um is there a document that we have I think you I find I just want be sure sign yeah that's yeah and I just wanted to say one more thing um I think it was a very importante out for an action all the races last night help move forward I think it was a major step for comments almost interesting as when you have the cour to do that okay my Mo approval transmitting following War article at position the by State Legislative delegation of the general court article number one home World F playground installation of sub Serv all fav pleas indicate by saying I I hi Paul laen hi davidman hi and that is the end of our agenda unless it's anything else or you want to use this opportunity to say more oh sure yes um not all night Che well um okay so I mean the would it make a difference um I know the well I would like in responding to David's comments so maybe I could ask ask question clarify so what we're talking about here is the fy2 and it's true that you can track the but you have to look at sure where those came from so for example couple years ago we had major substantial building and that's that's a one time it's really very cautious about assuming that the same kind of thing going occur year after year there is fluctuation yeah I um I just point out like the Thomas sour the Pearl report they didn't suggest cutting the language program um that was not a recommendation um anywhere in that report and David correct me if I'm wrong but um and the teachers well the recommendations were have the best teachers train the other teachers uh I know like that used to be I mean so it's a great um I just think it would be such a loss to lose all of these teachers and how are we ever going to get them back um and if if there's room in the budget and there's an override in 2023 where people were funding language 2015 overwhelmingly support passed in 2009 I think the public is really behind it and if I don't know if I don't know if Paul if you would have any comments on no okay thank you guys for your time thank you okay that iare the meeting