like to call this meeting to order this is the buav Vista Township regular meeting March 25th 20124 we'll start with a roll call Mr krenzer absent Mr Berard here Mrs Tesa here Mr Williams here mayor reri here on June 9th 2024 notice of this meeting was mailed to the Daily Journal the press and duy posted in the main lobby of the municipal complex all requirements of the open public meetings act have been met in compliance with the Sunshine Law like to ask everyone to stand to salute the flag John will you lead us sure I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all [Music] uh just for clarification on the announcement it was January 9th 2024 I'm sorry that's okay June's coming fast enough approval of the minutes we have the workshop meeting for March 11th 2024 need a motion in a second motion second roll call Renard yes Testa yes Williams yes reri yes announcements presentations and discussions uh we have two this evening um mayor I'd like to invite you down um in front of everybody we have two uh presentations one from myself and then one that you will provide [Music] um so on behalf of myself as the fund commissioner that's one of the hats that I wear as well as Township Clerk and Township administrator uh bisa Township for third year in a row has won an award through our Statewide joint Insurance Fund this year is for the 2023 loss control award uh which is for overall positive results for workman's compensation and all lines of coverage meaning for three years in a row we have not had one workman's comp uh claim uh against the township or any workers that were injured so this is a very prestigious award I'm proud with it uh we work very hard for all of our safety training uh this not only includes the township but this includes our EMS and all of our fire department so on behalf of myself I'd like present this to the township for that award this is a I mean this is a collective win guys this is is really three years in a row of of just kind of day-to-day with safety being Paramount uh and that's a big deal for this top this both Public Works fire and EMS so uh hats off to everybody I mean really at the end of the day this is is the bottom line obviously the safer we are cheaper we are to ensure and that Cascades you know down to the taxpayers so congratulations guys three years in a row very big deal thank you thank all righty next uh I'm going to invite up Shay your time to shine so for the three or four people collectively that don't already know this is Shay Arts uh big deal last few was it two weeks ago three weeks ago month has it been almost about three weeks ago ago state champion bua wrestler first in the history of the program right okay uh so this has been like a pretty pretty big deal I I had a question written down that I wanted to ask you earlier in the day and I wrote it down so I don't forget what was going through your head going into the final match I'm going to put you on the spot there's only about 10 people that watch this so don't be super nervous honestly just don't lose okay we didn't have a me so kind like all a little bit of pressure okay so just going into it whatever you can don't lose especially for the wrestler before okay so you had a little bit of a track record previous okay awesome so in addition to wrestling Phenom track star cheerleader H honor rooll congratulations on behalf of myself Township committee VI miss the township as a whole congratulations keep doing what you're doing you're you're late years ahead of many of your peers so put your blinders on and just kind of stay on that trajectory and keep kicking butt all right we got you a little Keepsake put this somewhere special I'm going to get a picture of you with you if you don't mind minut head lot [Laughter] so we're just we're just starting out as a wrestling family my uh my son Wyatt is five William is eight this is our first year we're kind of already hooked on it so I definitely see where the dedication comes from it is infectious kind of once you get the fundamentals under your belt it's it's addictive so congratulations best of luck to you moving forward all right give it UPS she comes from a real wrestling family from what I understand WR and number six that'll bring us right into the mayor's report mayor all right uh a few quick updates for you guys tonight I spoke to superintendent capucho earlier today uh just wanted to give you a few quick updates as they relate to the board the school board as a whole uh the middle school and the high school facilitated their first ever challenge days in the school district uh from what I was told these are powerful days that support emotional learning for students and staff and strength strengthen the connections between students and staff I'm told this event was a success uh and and something they want to continue with moving forward the athletic complex at the high school is nearing completion the gym at Mill andaz is nearing completion as well prior to final inspections uh clear safety patrol visited the senior center last week and helped with a craft event at spent time engaging with our local senior residents I'm very glad to hear that our Township youth is spending time with our local seniors so I might tip my hat to them uh I want to thank uh both Township staff and our volunteers for we had two concurrent rabes clinics one in Richland one in Collings Lakes both were extremely well attended uh this event is successful every year do you have a rough count kind of where we were collecting between and the highest we have ever been since I've been here for 10 years and that was 225 that one day or in total um in total between the two two clinics normally we range about uh Buck 30 Buck 40 so 225 total easy awesome remarkable yep so I thank everybody that takes advantage of this free service um please continue this is always a very successful event uh I want to give quick mention to our Easter breakfast uh an Easter egg hunt uh this was kind of a a somewhat new inaugural event for us that took place the other day uh we now just are at peace with the fact that when we do these Easter events it's from a a rain standpoint from a cold standpoint uh it's so hit or miss so we set this event up this year to kind of be both an indoor or an outdoor uh it was raining cats and dogs so it did become an indoor event um really wasn't sure what to expect when I left my house on the way to the Martin Luther King Center uh with the weather the way it was the event completely exceeded expectations I mean you literally couldn't walk in the community center it was floor to ceiling wall to wall uh this event was both an Easter egg hunt and a breakfast and and could not have been any better attended so I think we we kind of found our format for this event and um we sure did it was I mean we we literally like once once we started calling up tables I mean the line the breakfast line was kind of w wrapped down the block so I want to thank everybody that made this event happen uh was a lot to set up it was a lot to break down a lot to clean up but it was extremely well attended so that was that for the Easter egg hunt um and that's pretty much all I have at the moment for my report tonight so thank you guys thank you mayor ordinances for introduction first reading there are none ordinances for public hearing second reading there are two we will take them separately starting with 14222 which is authorizing the sale of Township phone land need a motion and a second to open to the public on 142 2024 motion to open to the public second all in favor I motion to close motion to close second all in favor I I and I need a motion in a second to adopt 142 2024 motion to adopt second roll call Renard yes Tesa yes Williams yes reri yes ordinance 143 2024 is ordinance to establish a cap bank for calendar year 2024 uh motion and a second on 143 2024 to open to the public motion second all in favor I a motion to close motion to close second and a motion in a second to adopt 14322 24 motion to adopt second roll call Renard yes Tesa yes Williams yes reri yes public comment on current agenda items only in order for the committee to conduct the business of the Township in the most productive manner possible meeting attendees will be given two minutes all inclusive to comment on any agenda items without comment or question from the committee but only on the items specified on the agenda listed for the current meeting please step up to the microphone phone at the appropriate time and state your name and address for the record 68-20 is authorizing the payment of bills in the amount of 2,362 18665 of that the school board tax for two months is1 m870 n92 resolution 7224 is authorizing the acceptance of letter of resignation of Brian Johnson for the director of Public Works the consent agenda includes item of business which are not controversial and do not require individual discussion a motion approving the consent agenda is moved seconded and voted upon as one item by the township committee if any discussion is requested on a consent agenda item it is removed from the consent agenda to the regular agenda 69-20 is authorizing the issuance of Street opening permits to South Jersey gas 70-24 is authorizing the public land sale or award public land sale on kees Mill Road to John pepeton 71-4 is supporting New Jersey Senate Bill s 2930 and New Jersey assembly bill a445 for Oprah reform need a motion in a second to open to the public for agenda items only motion to open to the public for agenda items second all in favor hi I motion to close I'm sorry that's okay uh motion to close motion to close second all in favor I I need a motion and a second to pay the bills motion to pay the bills second roll call Renard yes Tesa yes Williams yes reri yes a motion and a second to adopt resolution 7224 motion to adopt 7224 second roll call Renard yes Tesa yes Williams yes reri yes and a motion in a second to adopt consent agenda resolutions 69 through 71 motion to adopt 69 through 71 second roll call Renard yes Tesa yes Williams yes reri yes item 12 our administrator's report uh thank you mayor um as this week comes up um next week actually begins April and April begins Earth month for buav Vista Township uh we have our Public Works drop off which will be open every Saturday for uh the month of April starting April 6th April 13th April 20th April 27th and then back to our regular monthly uh drop off which will be May 4th those hours will be 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon located at our public works yard at 4:30 Union Road if you have any questions regarding drop off or what you can drop off please contact our public works department at 856 697 2100 extension 5 um I think this is a great program it's actually uh paid through for a clean Community grant that we receive annually um from the from the state of New Jersey so this is I think a great service that we offer to each of our residents to be able to get ready for cleaning out April which turns right into our yard sale for May um we are accepting applications for yard sale spots which will be at Michael Debbie Park uh the yard sale is scheduled for May 11th with a rain date for May 18th they are $10 spots our yard sale is from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. um so if you're interested after you clean everything out for April from your house and want to sell it in May um please feel free to contact our special events office here again 856-6911 100 extension2 for um and we can get you set up with that so um other than that um also want to say our our mentoring Mother's Day um breakfast will be held at the MLK Center uh we have a great cook uh those hours it starts at 10:00 a.m. so if you're looking for something to do for Mother's Day it is a great little program uh that's done in the morning on that Saturday out at the MLK Center again that is May 4th um starting at 10 a.m. that's all I have so I will we'll piggy back on that real quick uh we started this this is our our third year doing it this way correct yep uh so really five Saturdays in a row coming up basement yards attics uh garages all that stuff to little by little slowly Purge uh guys we make it so insanely easy to do it the right way uh that drop off center will take trash oil Electronics batteries uh I mean really just about anything um there's no excuse to ever put it on the side of the road in the woods own an abandoned property um so please take advantage of this this is something that we normally do once a month it's now five Saturdays in a row uh for for Earth month in April so uh please put it on your calendar and little by little chip away at the junk and and what is left put it in the good pile and bring your Treasures to the yard sale in May thank you we're going to jump over to committee reports and start with Deputy Mayor Ellen Testa thank you I just want to say about how wonderful our Easter uh breakfast was it was remarkable Quenton Mendon just does an outstanding job at everything he touches someone else was there early in the morning so modest we'll never take respect probably made about 45 pounds of scrambled eggs was a collective effort but Quenton leads it up and just does a remarkable job he is there for hours and days getting everything prepared for this and doesn't stop until the last thing is done um there were so many people who showed up it was remarkable we ended up having to put out more tables and chairs than we ever expected twice yeah it it was insane and the kids and the adults that came with them had a great time and the food that Quinton prepares is absolutely delicious and everybody just had a great time the rain just didn't let up I mean it was unbelievable but everybody didn't care that the weather was so bad they just had a remarkable time they enjoyed the food and they enjoyed the Easter Bunny remains unknown we almost lost to a heat stroke yes but it was great and the fact that we did it indoors I think was the greatest idea ever so rain or shine it went on and we'll be doing it this way in the future and uh like I said we can't thank Quinton enough he's always there for us and everything that we do he's there doing the food and it's his birthday today so happy birthday Quinton and uh that's it and we look forward to all the things that we'll be doing in the future it's our busy season coming up yeah it is our busy season coming up we'll be having all of our uh concerts before you know it yep so please come on out and that's it thank you Deputy Mayor committee man Renard do you have anything tonight uh nothing much I just like to uh remind everybody to take advantage of the programs that the uh the township has for you uh the garage sale or yard sale tremendous I look forward to it every year and uh and I look forward to the concerts and those are two events that you should really Avail yourself of because uh a lot of townships don't have them and uh a lot of people come from other townships just for the concerts sure do they do and uh I think this will be a good year for the concerts uh and I hope to see a lot of people there that's about it thank you Kurt commit man Williams yes I attended the um couple weeks ago the municipal officials uh meeting uh of of municipalities uh land for Atlanta County and uh committeeman Renard and I uh both attended that and then uh on this past Friday I attended the uh Le of municipalities meeting uh where they described all the uh functions of the county clerk's office and uh Mary you were there also and then um also I would like to add that uh Saturday was a tremendous day for for us for starting this uh U Easter egg hunt in uh in um at the King Center uh we were uh very concerned whether we were going to have enough uh attendance but it was like phenomenal I thought there was going to be about 15 people there and there was about 215 people and we also had some uh giveaway from the uh Municipal drug Alliance and the environmental commission so we did that and then handed out markers and uh a coloring uh Pages for the bags and uh yeah that was uh tremendous and as alen said uh Quinton did an outstanding job he was like he's he was very organized and he had everything Rowan and uh and Lisa and the and the staff took care of the uh eggs and and the Easter Bunny it it was a free breakfast and you had about 10 stations you had scrambled eggs bacon sausage turkey sausage biscuits pancakes multiple juices yogurts I mean it it really was Easter cookies fresh fruit so I mean it really was it was like a nicer breakfast than you would get staying at a hotel uh for a free event so again I I can't thank them enough for the work that went into that event specifically to to director McLendon and a couple of the residents thanked us for for having this oh yeah this year so was nice awesome and it was good for people didn't didn't have anything to do because the rain was so horrendous that yeah that they the only thing we got great turnout and that's it thank you John we're going to jump over to item 14 public comment the committee welcomes participation of interested organizations and individuals during regular caucus workshop and special meetings however in order to conduct the business of the Township in the most productive manner possible attendees will be given four minutes all inclusive including all dialogue questions and responses responses from both the speaker and the committee for the designated public portion of the meeting there may be no transference of a speaker's time to other attendees so please step up to the microphone at the appropriate time and state your name and address for the record we need a motion in a second to open to the public motion is open to the public second all in favor [Music] I can you flip the microphone around thank you good evening uh my name is Dorothy Monera and I'm here on behalf of my mom Rita schaer uh who lives on Maine Avenue in Richland I was here I think a few months back along with my brother and I just wanted to see um I also sent sent an email this morning to Lisa Tilton and um several others with New Jersey D and the Pinelands commission to find out if anything has been done or there's any movement with regard to Mr Zulan D who is residing um on the property adjacent to my mom I know there were some um violations or summons issued to him um so the township issued two summons uh to court we had one cour date um in which the individual requested to have an attorney present so it was postponed until today um I sat in court for over two hours waiting for the individual to appear he did not appear um so the judge issued a notice um to appear failure to appear warning uh that will be going back out to Mr Adair to appear in court um the D the D as well as the pin lands visited the property the pine lands has issued a notice a violation um against the property owner um and requested that he vacate the property and restore the property back to its original condition um I'm aware that that individual is still proceeding uh with improvements to the property without any permits or approvals um and in defiance of Township Andor D regulations they are aware of that as well um but at this point we're just going through the course of the legal action to be able to hopefully Rectify this situation okay and I would just like to have it on the record that um I don't know if you've been having Communications with State Police or anyone else but as I mentioned in my email Mr Adair has represented himself as a sovereign citizen um that is an extremist group that is anti-government um I can tell you that when he got that notice it was like you know he he's not paying any attention to it he continues to gather stuff up and improvements I would not call improvements to the property at all modifications no it's a wck it's trash it it's it's trashy it's having an effect on the value of my mother's property not to mention there are a lot of activity in and out of there he has bought an additional bus so there are two buses there now um he's got them positioned in the property basically I believe he is fortifying his position and that might seem a little far-fetched to you all but I see it every day my brother is living on the property and I'm just letting you know that this is something that will likely turn into some type of a situation at some point in time so I believe the proper law enforcement officials should be informed about the activity that's going on there there have been individuals there at night I'm not really sure what his deal is but it's not normal um have you contacted the state police no I have not they well they've been there numerous times my brother has contacted them for for various things that have occurred so um I think we just collectively need to continue to just document document document I've I've been in contact with Senator Mor 's office about this I've also been in contact with Sheriff Joe ad Don Hugh about this as well um to just kind of make this universally known I mean there are probably collectively now seven or eight agencies involved with this I understand that and it's been going on since before Thanksgiving start inter we're just we're still kind of in like the paperwork phase obviously this guy has no interest in responding to anything you know administrative paperwork wise um I'm going to I guess defer this to to to to Matt um at what step W with any of these whether it's Board of Health whether it's D pin lands the township the sheriff's department the state police at what point does this kind of be with with and I don't know if how great of detail we can go into that become more actionable well the the criminal proceedings eventually are going to be uh handled uh regardless of of uh the failure to appear it can't really uh pre-determine the outcome but but the Defiance at some point will be met with appropriate response from the appropriate agencies and and those law enforcement um folks that are responding to that they need to be aware of this because this is not just your general run-of-the-mill person but I mean are you contacting the state police as you continue to be fearful being next to the property at any time that he is doing something cuz you would be that immediate response to it he's called numerous times you know but I don't I don't think they're aware of of everything that's going on there okay I think to Lisa's point I think it means more coming from you than it does as as the neighbor okay absolutely I suggestion please that whenever you see something going on you must notify the state police oh they have been they my brother has called them numerous time they've been out there many times they've been out there many also called the Sheriff's Department in Atlanta County as well now so that this way they are also aware of what is going on you know you you've got to make them aware of each and every thing that happens anytime excuse me anytime that I the state police came out they always tell me it's a civil matter I got to take it up with do well you you can sign a summons against him directly on your own through Court through anything above and beyond what we can enforce if you feel fearful if he's harassing you um if he's you know encroaching in on your property those are things we cannot as a municipality enforce so type of guy that I really don't want to push his button okay but at the same time uh I keep an eye on him because he's 100t away from our Windows like 11 or 12 Windows of the whole house he's right there in our face he set his whole thing up like that and it is a compound he surrounds himself with a fence that he's surrounded himself with buses when they come out of their drawer to play the kids they're in the end with your sheep the pigs the chickens it's it's it's a terrible environment it's terrible the children are very well behaved but they do everything the dad tells them which is the problem yeah have you have you tried the sheriff's department as well no just the state police and we had a major thing the other night and they came out and they were really it took them way too long to get to the door and what it was is a strange car pulled in nobody was there all day at their camper a strange car pulled in went all the way around the back I've never seen the car person got out of nobody I've ever recognized they went into the they went to the camper they stood there for a minute and then opened the door they went in there they turned lights on they were in there for 5 minutes they turned the lights out but they never came out and I didn't know maybe if the kids were in there sometimes the children are there right so I called the state police there are seven six or seven state police came out it took them they lit the whole yard up the guy never came out they they surrounded the place they couldn't get in because there's Gates that they have to go through and they have to go into a pen where there are sheep and so finally when they got to there they did get in there they went to the door and he had to bang on the door before the guy opened the door and it was zeana D but it didn't look like that to me it was a car different outfit zeana D is missing an arm okay this his left arm and this person had two arms at anytime EV there wears anything long sleeve but they're always cut off and when we talked in the beginning that's like he likes to wear it he don't like to have a sleeve cut in one knot or have it dangling that he's a very serious problem I understand um really I don't know what man in this room could handle him as long as I right I I I get the idea but I I also at this point would call the Atlanta County sheriff and make them aware of the situation okay thank you all appreciate it thank you guys I'm really sorry you have to live through this we're trying to just kind of get through this as expeditiously as possible kind of going through you know the iterations that we required to go through jul if I could just um ask one or thing for the sorry Julie I just need you on microphone sor Newtonville um just one followup Lisa if uh he did not show up for Zoom court today and then gets issued what happens next um he'll be issued a notice for another court date one has not yet been determined um if he does not appear at that one we've already put a request in for a bench warrant to be issued as well as a cease and assist um the judge at this point did not request a bench warrant we did request one for today she did not provide that she just issued um a failure to appear so um I will be waiting another court date and then pushing again for if he does not show up a bench work to be issued okay so that is an action that just only you can take since you filed correct okay that's correct thank but I I did request that for today I requested a bench warrant and a cease and assist because I know I've heard things where sometimes if somebody doesn't show up then they can just keep putting it off and putting it off right at some point it's going to turn in sorry to turn into a bench warrant by the judge for him to be picked up probably by the Sheriff's Office things are returning more to normal during the co situation the extensions were very freely great but it still is all via Zoom correct correct okay is it open to the public um just curious I can't say yes only because they monitor who comes in and out um for defendants and you get pushed into rooms and there's only enough room for individuals who are required to appear in court but I would suggest contacting hamton court and asking if there's a way to just publicly view you're not going to be able to participate or speak understand that but you would have to contact them but there's only so much room and then they kick you to different rooms so okay well that's why we'll keep asking you that's okay call you can keep I know I'm sorry and I was in court this morning when you called I sat there for over two hours okay thank you you're welcome thanks Julie good evening I'm Charles Allen gilch 7:37 Main Avenue um I live there with my mother um the first thing I'd like to say is this whole situation would really be bad if I didn't live there with her and she'd lived there by herself at 86 years old the man would have been in the house and probably been living there by now that's just the type of person would dealing with um yesterday just yesterday alone and I'm going to get off this whole thing he what 44 tires and put them on the property in a thing I don't know if you ever heard of this but his plans are to build the Earth Ship um Earth Ship like really this is It's a serious matter it gets me going I you know I don't know what to do I do have just a couple pictures on a whole different note like good pictures if you just want to look at them yeah I have did you drop off pictures today there's nothing like that these are the land that is protected and wetlands and the P lands protected this is what you're protected for some pictures that I have here that I think you all appreciate and it's nice that they have this in you just Township that you can actually witness that there thank you thank you thank you thank you the Earth Ship that he talks about is literally something that you may with recycled tires and other materials generally I think when people construct them they're in the desert not in a wet area I don't think he going to have much but I'll ask for a motion in a second to close to the public motion to close second all in favor I I um there is no executive session this evening mayor uh item 16 we have a motion in a second to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor all thank you