we're going to call the meeting to order this is the buav Vista Township regular meeting February 26 2024 we'll start with a roll call Mr krenzer here Mr rard here Mrs Testa here Mr Williams here mayor reri here on January 9th 2024 notice of this meeting was mailed to the Daily Journal and the press and duy posted at the main lobby of the medicial confence all requirements of the open public meetings act have been met in compliance with the Sunshine Law I'd like to ask everyone to stand for the salute to the flag Kurt will you lead us I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for approval of minutes we have the workshop meeting February 12th 2024 and the executive meeting February 12th 2024 um eligible voters will be krenzer Renard and Williams uh need a motion in a second motion second roll call krenzer yes Renard yes Williams yes announcements presentations and discussions there are none number six mayor's report all right uh a few things we want to plug tonight upcoming events across town we have our veterans indoor barbecue which will be Saturday March 9th at 1 p.m. at the Dr Martin Luther King Community Center we are inviting All Veterans for an afternoon of food and fellowship please RSVP by March 1st uh calling our community center at 609 704 7262 our Easter event uh Easter Bunny and breakfast will be Saturday March 23rd at 11:00 a.m. again at the Martin Luther King Community Center free breakfast Easter egg hunt pictures with the Easter Bunny this is a a new format uh we always have issues each year with the weather uh it's almost like clockwork never we what we want it to be so this is uh going to give us more flexibility this being an indoor event to kind of maximize the day uh quick reminder Public Works are monthly drop off for all bulk items will be Saturday at the municipal Garage on Union Road from 8 to 12 uh please take advantage that would be you know pretty much everything from household trash yard waste paint motor oil your electronics so please take advantage this Saturday from 8:00 to noon at Public Works our free com summer concert series uh a set many of our bands are now scheduled uh we have that in the most recent mailer that should be on its way out it's out in the next day or two if not already uh several um several new acts uh new addition Lonnie young blood is back as well the Legacy band concerts will start June 19th and run every Wednesday from 7:00 to 9: the concession stand opens at 6 please save the date uh and lastly our American red Closs Cross blood drive will be Wednesday April 3rd here at Town Hall from 2:00 to 7:00 pre-registration is required at uh red cross blood.org a free t-shirt will be given for while supplies last for this event so please put that on your calendar uh always a worthy cause April 3rd from 2: to 7:00 at Town Hall they have to register first what was that do they have to register first yes they have to be pre-registered on red redcrossblood.org and that's April 3rd and that is all I have for my report tonight thank you thank you mayor ordinances for introduction first reading we have ordinance 14122 authorizing acceptance of land donation for Block 2810 Lot 10 uh we need a motion and a second to open to the public on 139 2024 it's just for introduction I'm sorry that's okay um so we we we need a motion in a second right just to introduce to introduce motion second all in favor I I um I need a roll call vote on that sorry mayor if I I might have typed vote on that for you sorry kenzer yes Renard yes Tesa yes Williams yes reri yes the public hearing for ordinance 141 d224 will be held on Monday March 11 2024 at 7 p.m. all right so we're done with 139 2024 no we haven't gotten there yet okay we just did one we just did an introduction okay I meant for this evening I'm doing that now okay ordinances for public hearing second reading there are two ordinances we will take them separately starting at ordinance 139 2024 authorizing the sale of Township owned land oh I'm on the wrong I'm on eight that's why I'm on eight that's why is that okay I thought maybe I put it on there wrong for you I apologize I jumped ahead I was going to take the blame for you all right so we need a motion a second to open to the public uh on 139 2024 motion to open to the public second all in favor I I and a motion to close motion to close second and we need a motion to adopt 139 2024 motion to adopt 139 2024 ell second you got roll call krenzer yes Renard yes Tesa yes Williams yes Jerry yes uh ordinance 140-220 which is authorizing the acceptance of land donation for Block 2307 Lot 12 a motion and a second to open to the public on 140 2024 motion to open second second motion to close motion to close second all in favor I I and we need a motion to adopt 140 2024 motion to adopt second second roll call uh krenzer yes Renard yes Tesa yes Williams yes reri yes number nine public comment on current agenda items only in order for the committee to conduct the business of the Township in the most productive manner possible attendees will be given two minutes allinclusive to comment on any agenda items without comment or question from the committee but only on item specified on the agenda listed for the current meeting please step up to the microphone at the appropriate time and state your name and address for the record resolution 5724 is authorizing the payment of bills in the amount of 1,392 25339 of that the Atlanta County tax is $858 858,507 2017 consent agenda includes item of business which are not controversial and do not require individual discussion a motion approving the consent agenda is moved seconded and voted upon as one item by the township committee if any discussion is requested on the consent agenda item it is removed from the consent agenda to the regular agenda resolution 58-24 is authorizing the 2024 summer concert series and expenditures 59-24 is authorizing the mayor to execute a contract for the 2024 mosquito control agreement 60-24 is authorized in the township engineer and the Township Clerk to proceed with land use applications on Township property located on Lincoln Avenue n61 d24 is author authorizing the mayor to execute a shared service agreement with the town of hamton we need a motion in a second to open to the public for agenda items only motion to open to the public second all in favor I motion to close motion to close second all in favor I we need a motion and a second to adopt resolution 5724 to pay the bills motion to pay the bills second roll call krenzer yes Renard yes Tesa yes Williams yes rer yes and we need a motion and a second to adopt consent agenda resolutions 58 through 61 motion to adopt 582 24 through 6124 second roll call krenzer yes Renard yes Testa yes Williams yes reri yes item 12 Township administator report I just have um our rabies clinic is this Saturday our free rabies clinic for all dogs and cats uh we will be at the Richland Volunteer Fire Company on Main Avenue this Saturday from 10: to 2: um inclusive for those 4 hours so please stop out if you need inoculation for your dogs or cats uh we also will be taking um the applications and payments for licenses as well our next rabies clinic after that will be March 16th out at the Collins Lakes Volunteer Fire Company same hours 10 to2 with the same uh restrictions uh if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to our clerk's office at 856 69721 100 um extension Zer or 10 um if you have any questions regarding it otherwise we will see you there that's all I have perfect that's always an interesting day it's fun go home take a shower play with a lot of animals all righty uh item 13 committee reports we're going to start with Deputy Mayor Tesa I really don't have much to say this time if anything at all committee man krenzer yeah thank you mayor just uh a couple things uh Public Works update we have Building Inspections this week the boys are working on um building repairs uh filling and patching potholes we seem to have quite a few of those throughout BBT please report them um they can report them through our website or call into uh Public Works correct for that and uh roadside cutbacks trying to get everything ready for spring and summer with our boom arm and prepping for drop off this coming weekend so they're they're busy this week running around uh we have several new homes being built in BVT I know that we' had a lot of applications and different things happening in in interest of of uh you know possible residents building new homes in our in our community so I just uh wanted to say thank you and you know any any questions or anything please reach out to us and I look forward to meeting you uh also just a reminder and Lisa had touched base on this but we'll touch base on it again um she touched on a previous meeting but some offices have moved here so when you come in things are are shifted our uh tax collector has been shift shed tax assessor tax assessor has been shifted and uh and that so any questions just ask anybody here in uh in town hall and then uh I can't wait till spring so today was a good uh a good vision of what we have coming so that's all I have mayor thank you thank you committee man rard I uh don't really have anything to report okay perfect commit man Williams yeah I tended the uh Municipal officials uh meeting and at um at the this meeting we endorsed the uh the state uh rent control from uh that assemblyman Hutchinson uh mentioned our me meeting prior to this last meeting and that's pending legislation correct right okay and I also tend the uh League of municipalities uh um meeting and at that we had a presentation on the local Road Safety plan and I just wanted to note that uh Quinton McLendon our MLK Center Director was our uh representative from bu Buist Township and he's on the uh Atlanta County steering committee also uh attended the uh MLK Advisory board on Thursday and uh the uh director mentioned the 5440 shuttle it's uh scheduled stops and its impact of new drivers um also you you had mentioned uh earlier on March 9th is the Veterans uh indoor barbecue and expect uh 50 between 50 and 60 veterans to attend that uh also we have the March 23rd uh breakfast uh for the uh Easter Bunny and that's our first time we're uh actually doing this at the MLK Center also I wanted to uh give a thanks to uh Public's works and thanks for uh patching the potholes from the uh Church the second entrance on the Our Lady Lake's church and also there was one on kushman Avenue they took care of perfect I appreciate that and that's it thank you John you just reminded me of something else and uh and that but we're still um with the county in review on the uh section of Rogue uh Union and land so that kind of just triggered my uh my memory on that so uh it is under County review um as for an update I know that they're working and looking at a couple different things and options whether it be a rumble strips whether it be I don't I don't think the light prom rump going go but um rumble strips keep eye out Lis in Union the stop signs with the flashers on the actual the signs themselves I mean we've gone through different scenarios as far as trying to get that as a uh a better safer intersection for our town so that's been an ongoing thing for the past six months we uh we had more dialogue with our County Commissioners kind of uh the the day of the last highspeed collision at that intersection which was about two weeks ago um I I don't know why mentally just people black out when they go through that intersection they're not like these little bumps at a four-way that you would expect like where there's this miscommunication there are these you know 50 60 MPH collisions with you know every airbag deployed uh people just completely have amnesia that there's a stop as they approach that Nexus um so we already have the signs we already have the lights at the intersection we already have the stop ahead signs to that we're now going to add rumble strips as well um like a quarter mile in advance of the intersection itself that the county promised promised us so uh more to come on that but all eyes are on Lis and at the moment uh and that should wrap it up for committee reports we're going to jump over to item 14 uh thank you mayor and committee uh number 14 public comment the committee welcomes participation of interested organizations and individuals during regular caucus workshop and special meetings however in order to conduct the business of the Township in the most productive manner possible meeting attendees will be given four minutes all inclusive including all dialogue questions and responses from from both the speaker and the committee for the designated public portion of the meeting there may be no transference of a speaker's time to other attendees so please step up to the microphone at the appropriate time and state your name and address for the record we need a motion and a second open to the public motion to open to the public all in favor I I anybody tonight no motion to close second all in favor i i i item 15 uh there is no executive session for this evening item 16 I will ask for a motion and a second to adjourn motion to adjourn thank you everyone all in favor thank you guys [Music]