sure we're going to call this meeting to order this is the bunavista township regular meeting May 28 2024 start with a roll call Mr krenzer here Mr Renard here Mrs Testa here Mr Williams here mayor rer here on January 9th 2024 notice of this meeting was mailed to the Daily Journal the press and duy posted in the main lobby of the municipal complex all requirements of the open public meetings act have been met in compliance with the Sunshine Law I'd like to ask everyone to rise to salute the flag John lead us I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all for me yeah so guys if we can all keep standing please I appreciate it got a couple people in the crowd here we'll wait for them to stand up um I'd like to take a moment of silence um for the passing of Gordon Lee Payne retired Navy 1974 to 1976 and past um Department Commander state of New Jersey Disabled American Veterans uh lee was a big part of our community and uh for those that you uh knew him he was a a great individual um and always giving back to the community and always helping and never asking for anything so he passed on uh on uh Saturday morning suddenly so moment of silence please thank you [Music] number five is approval of the minutes for the workshop meeting May 13 2024 need a motion and a second motion second roll call krener yes Renard yes Tesa yes I think were you here for that one oh no I was not here at that meeting I'll put you for abstain Williams yes and rer yes number six announcements presentations and discussions um this evening for our regular meeting I have listed um a potential for 2024 Municipal Road program that I wanted to bring up to the governing body for a quick discussion um after speaking with our Township engineer and speaking with our auditor um it's it's possibly time for us to be able to um identify roads for our Municipal Road program um I was able to also identify and work out some potential funding um for this that would not require us to go out for bonding um to the purpose of debt to the open market um we have some significant Capital that we actually have cash on hand that we would be able to borrow from ourselves and pay back to ourselves at zero interest um so if we were to do that um I can't give specifics as far as dollar amounts um because we would have potential bidding to happen but the areas we are looking for improvement would be Country Club which would include the area from Route 40 to Lorraine Avenue at the recommendation of the township engineer um we also have um uh Cumberland Road which would need some striping that would be required as well as some potential guide rails and a small portion on the do side which would not be part of this Municipal Road program but for a do Grant this year um to apply for would also be for Post Road from sicking Bridge coming off a scking bridge in order to do improvements at that area um it would require some significant drainage um improvements to occur occur as well as raising of the road um even though it's a small portion on Post Road the significant amount of drainage that would be needed would basically take up a full phase uh several 100,000s in that area to be able to improve that section um of Post Road so it'll go from the bridge to where um so it would actually be sicking it's it's roughly about 300 ft if that um of a portion of Post Road but in order to do the Improvement the road would have to be raised drainage would have to be put in underneath the road is actually technically underwater even though you don't visibly see water um right below it is to the black top so in order to do the Improvement where it doesn't blow out the asphalt in order to do it we would have to raise the road and put some drainage in that area um so that would be under the do portion not under this Municipal Road program but um based upon some Engineers review and estimates at a minimum we would be looking somewhere between 600 and $750,000 um again that amount would be barred from our Capital we would be looking to roughly pay it back over a 10-year period And I will have more defined numbers depending on the total amount we opt to borrow um but at a minimum if we borrow 600,000 and pay it back within 10 years it's roughly 75 cents of a tax rate per on that first initial year would be raised we could pay back roughly about $448,000 per year and that would be interest free because we don't pay ourselves some interest so nor would we have to put down a down payment because we're not going out to an open market or pay lowers or pay low well we would have to pay Bond counsel to do the bond so we would still have to technically do a bond ordinance but we wouldn't be putting that bond out to open market um we would still have to do a bond ordinance for the capital Improvement um and then we would come up with a payment plan that would be raised in the budget each year um if we came up with that plan and say we opted for 20 25 to pay back 50,000 but we wanted to pay back 75,000 the year after we can adjust our payments as long as we make a minimum amount over the first three years for what the law requires when you borrow against yourself so um the auditor was very confident to indicate that um at this point with our budget uh we've been doing extremely well and that we would be able to front that coming out of our Capital great for that period of time um in order for me to proceed I wanted to just bring it up for full discussion to get um governing body um consensus I don't need a vote or anything but at least a consensus if you would like to for me and the engineer to move forward with Bond counsel um and our auditor to come up with some more finite numbers so that way we know roughly what we're going to borrow um if we happen to borrow and I'll throw out a number say 750,000 we go out to bid for all these projects and we only need 600,000 we can cancel the balance and the only amount that we would actually owe back is the total amount after we bid everything out so it's a fluctuating we might go out for a little bit more knowing that we can cancel uh the balance so that way we don't have to continue to do Bond ordinances so um once I get some final numbers it might be up in the 750 knowing that we might cancel okay so I think some of these roads haven't been touched in 20 or 30 years and I think we've been fortunate to get as far as we have on some of this infrastructure um so I think that this again is kind of Golden Gate Bridge methodology where we kind of are back to the beginning of where we started and I some of these roadways 20 or 25 years ago yeah and and 10 years is a conservative um payback plan we can be more aggressive we can you know make it seven years we can make it eight years um like I said as long as we have that minimum depending on the total amount that we borrow within the first 3 years that we pay back after that we could pretty much set our schedule um so we could be aggressive or we can relax a year if we need to relax a year so um and that would help us in the budget as well once that money is raised it's raised because that'll be a a Debt Service per se but paying back to our Capital cash I'm glad to hear it because some of them more it's over 25 years so dot is funding the Post Road Project it sounds um that would be our application for this year um it would be in line probably probably hopefully before we have to do old Landis um I'll talk to the engineer but we have to make the application for them to approve it once they approve it we'll get a dollar amount and then he'll be able to identify how much in that first phase we might or might not be able to do so it's it's all going to be up to how much the do ask for and then we're doing inside bonding for Country Club and Cumberland uh Country Club and Carin that is correct yep so if committee would like for me to proceed with that um it'll probably take about a month or so pleas um and then once we're ready I'll have a bond ordinance on we'll have to do an introduction a hearing um and then we'll work out the uh bid specifications to go out I think as long as we get some numbers on this I'm good with it but you know we obviously want to see numbers before anything so good with me fine by me I think it's great John Kurt yeah yes okay okay I will move forward thank you very much um number seven mayor's report uh a few things I want to share with you guys tonight uh one our community yard sale big thank you to everybody uh took place May 11th we had over 50 vendors participate uh second year uh second year of very positive turnout so I think this is something we're going to continue with uh so thank you one and all that were were part of that event um continuing on the the the footing of gratitude uh big thank you to all of our fire departments that came out yesterday uh veterans residents that were all part of yesterday's Memorial Day service thank you to John armado who delivered our Kino uh we had over 60 attendees for this event the biggest we've had in several years so uh there's no reason why the entire front of this building shouldn't be filled if there if we do 100 events a year uh this should Far and Away exceed from an attendance stand Point anything we do uh these men and women locally and abroad that have served uh this region and our nation uh deserve an an hour of everyone's time in in the front of this building every Memorial Day so thank you to one and all that were part of that event yesterday uh quick reminder summer concerts start in two weeks June 19th uh and we're going to be starting off with Lonnie Young Blood um every Wednesday night from 7:00 to 9: with dinner starting at 600 Michael Debbie Park so please make note the fun gets underway June 19th uh and then lastly due to uh extremely low vendor participation we are going to cancel our food truck event that was to take place in June that's on the township Facebook already we'll continue to communicate that but uh please join us for our car show July 6th at Michael Debbie Park from 9:00 to 2 uh but the food truck event we are going to forego this year and that's all I have tonight for my report thank you thank you mayor ordinances for introduction first reading there are none ordinances for public hearing second reading there are none public comment on current agenda items only in order for the committee to conduct the business of the Township in the most productive manner possible meeting attendees will be given two minutes all inclusive to comment on any agenda items without comment or question from the committee but only on items specified on the agenda listed for the current meeting please step up to the microphone at the appropriate time and state your name and address for the record 9624 is authorizing the pay payment of bills in the amount of 2, 85,3 7166 of that the Atlanta County tax is 858,507 2017 and the school board tax for the month is $935,000 96 consent agenda includes items of business which are not controversial and do not require individual discussion a motion approving the consent agenda is moved seconded and voted upon as one item by the township Comm committee if any discussion is requested on a consent agenda item it is removed from the consent agenda to the regular agenda 9724 is authorizing the issuance of Street opening permits to South Jersey Gas 998-2457 and distribution licenses for the licensing term of 2024 to 2025 we need a motion in a second to open to the public for agenda items only motion to open to the public second all in favor I all right motion to close motion to close second second all in favor I I uh motion and a second to pay the bills motion to pay the bills second roll call krenzer yes Renard yes Tesa yes Williams yes rer yes uh motion and a second to adopt consent agenda resolutions 97 through 100 motion to adopt 97 through 100-4 second roll call krenzer yes Renard yes Tesa yes Williams yes reri yes item 13 Township administrators report what do you have for us Lisa um I really do not have much I think I um you covered pretty much everything uh you mentioned the car show the summer concerts um the blood drive is available to register already for October I don't have the date off the top of my head but we do have our blood drive um that will be happening here in October so go on our website uh the flyer is on there as well as for the sign up for the sponsor code for that so please feel free to go on our website for that but I think other than that we're pretty pretty solid thank you thank thank you thank you Lisa uh item 14 committee reports we're going to start with Deputy Mayor Ellen Testo well I'd like to mention that yesterday our Memorial Day service was outstanding um and it is always a solemn event and uh we should always remember that this is really for those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and they should be honored and I agree with the mayor that I would love to see more people even though we did have a larger crowd yesterday it could always stand to be larger because of the respect these people should be shown so I wanted to say that and um very sorry about the um food truck festival as Lisa had told me a lot of people had uh conflicts with the schedule and that's why they had it back out and uh it's really sh because I thought last year's Festival was wonderful and I thought it was successful so it's a shame that uh this year has had to be cancelled very disappointed but I am looking forward to the car show to the concerts and to their great success and to the National Night Out um I've had some people uh email me complaining that we don't do a Fourth of July anymore and how disappointed and this has been going on now for a long time but every other surround and Community does have something and but nobody does the National Night Out like buav Vista Township and I want to get that across to the public you know we have unbelievable fireworks we have um displays uh the uh State Police do a show that they do nowhere else if I'm correct fire companies and the fire companies so I wish the people that were disappointed that we don't do Fourth of July anymore would show up for National Night Out cuz they will definitely not be disappointed and that's my report and I'm going to piggy back on on the deputy mayor's comments I we we made that decision three or four years ago um to not compete with with a dozen other municipalities and do fireworks you know at the same time on the same night to spread it out so at least if you have a family and you want to see fireworks more than once during the course of the Season you know Fourth of July weekend you can go anywhere else locally and see them and then see them for a second time in August at our National Night Out event so um that's the format that we committed to I I think from a turnout standpoint it's been a great event the last several years we've done it so that's the formula we're going to stick with but uh I just I wanted to piggy back on that I'm glad you did because you have no idea when people get into it uh concerning the 4th of July they really are very emphatic and they're very emotional about it and don't want to see that this is an alternative and actually some in my opinion something better at another time yeah so I'm glad you said something thank you uh commit Manar and krenzer yeah thank you mayor just uh a couple things uh Public Works definitely busy um you know grass does not stop growing so they continue to to mow a lot uh fill in potholes all kinds of Park in Township Property Maintenance Michael W park playground upgrades um cutting roadside grass roadside cutbacks with a boom arm keeping everything out of the road and we got a couple new guys on our team and girls on our team and there's been a lot of training going on both on equipment and in the office uh everything is going great and they're they're doing wonderful getting um you know uh in the town uh getting to know the town the areas and having a great time with the team from what I understand so everything's good there and sprinkler sprinkler repairs so you know um rain is uh has been a little bit non-existent here and there so we're uh we're trying to get some uh some sprinkler repairs done which is good um also you know last year we had about 300 cars for the car show so I'm hoping to to beat that record um this year if you have any questions reach out to Lisa myself you know we we've all been working very hard on this show um getting trophies Awards um getting you know it out to all the local clubs and everything you know new cars old cars whatever you have bring it out if it's cool so we want to see it so 10 bucks a car you can uh sign up the day of and or you can you can send in um any of the registration to uh special events here so that's all I have mayor thank you committee man Kurt rard what do you have tonight okay I just have two two comments to make uh regarding two holidays the Memorial Day holiday even though it was a a decent turnout it was nothing like it should have been I mean the weather was the the rain evidently we had rain all around us but we didn't have any rain for the ceremony I I thought there was going to be a lot more people but then again I think that every year this is this is a pretty important holiday it is you know this isn't a fun holiday this is meming people that died for us you know I and I just feel bad that it's not as big as it used to be Memorial Day used to be a tremendous holiday you know and Piggyback in on that I'm one of those people that feel even though I know why used do it I miss July 4th being on July 4th and I and I know about the National Night Out and everything but I still I still kind of like have my heart on July 4th and I know the reasons why but I'm I'm just a traditionalist I guess I feel like I mean fireworks made the July 4th event and we we can't afford to do them twice and really just for us for our our national night to stand out I mean we we definitely we bolster it with fireworks so uh we try to put all our eggs in that one basket that night but but uh but yeah I mean this is something every every fall we go back to the drawing board as we look ahead with special events and we really do kind of take the feedback whether it's start times whether it's days of the week that these events take place we really do factor and turn out the feedback that we get from the public so you know this is nothing that we do is ever etched in stone um so let's let's see how this year does let's see what feedback we get and we'll end up back at the drawing board as we're coming up with next year's Playbook John what do you have for us tonight um I wanted to mention the uh Memorial Day uh celebration too also where we uh paid homage to uh Gordon Lee Payne with the disabled American veterans did a uh presentation the letter they they uh they read which he uh he had done and I thought that was very nice that we did that and it Gordon was uh much appre appreciated in this Township and he was a a good good friend of the township and also to everybody everybody in here everybody here remembers him and um I also attended the uh Municipal officials uh meeting earlier in the month and there we uh got information on the uh seniors for the uh uh buar that people could uh join him and uh I gave the uh calendar to uh leis and I believe she was going to put that on the website um also I attended the uh Watershed ambassador's uh presentation for the environmental commission which was on that at Penny poot stream on Saturday May 18th um she um Kirsten she looked for a lot of uh insects and things in the uh in the stream and it was uh the weather wasn't real great but yeah we we we pulled it off and then the kids were able to look at them under the microscope right yeah they were allowed to they had to actually uh bottled samples of the uh of the different insects yeah in the what what should be there what shouldn't okay exactly that's what she did and let's see that's about all I have thanks thank you John item 15 public comment uh mayor if I can before that um I just want to do um just a little expansive on the playground upgrades that we are actually doing throughout the parks um so one of the the main playground updates that we're doing is at Michael Debbie Park and that was completely through Recreation Grant through the state of New Jersey um that included brand new bleachers um to get rid of the older aluminum bleachers that were four tiers high that would require modification to be done with them um we will be able to um put them up for sale to be able to recoup some of that money back for some of the older bleachers um but we will have brand new bleachers not only in Michael Debbie Park but throughout all of our Parks um also at wildor hindes at Quigley Park um so any place as well as at the Aldo um football field so any places in which we had bleachers uh we will be replacing those as well um we also did some playground mulch and some playground borders as well to go with the swings and um the uh slide set that is there at Michael Debbie Park and all that is made possible through a recreation Grant um that we applied for a couple years ago um we're hoping for some future um uh as well grants to happen so we can update the Michael Debbie Park um hockey Court as well that is in need of some repairs as well as some upgrades with maybe a new playing surface um I haven't heard anything on that Grant but um you know please know that I am aggressive in trying to get some grants to be able to offset any expenditures or debt that the township has occurred previously um and try to get a lot of these needed improvements for the community done through grants um we need all the ammunition we can get to fight the video game Monster to get these kids out of the house what's crazy is there's there's all kinds of different you know funds and grants and things like that out there in the state or in the the actual town or County and unless you're looking for them and know exactly what what to do and how to apply for them I mean it takes time so goes to you so thank you for for doing that I mean we we all have some wild ideas that we throw at you and a lot of times you make them happy and no cost to taxpayers or the township so thank you well I appreciate that they're they're not easy to apply for there are a lot of restrictions and stipulations and um a lot of them require pages of commentary and and reasons to go with it um so you know they're the things that I like to do is the township administrator those type of things so um it's great to get back into the groove of of some of that um spash pad Splash Pad could happen you never know we've been throwing at that that at you for a little while now so the water issu the ground the water um one of the other modifications that we also did for some of the events coming into this year and that was also off of some feedback and and things that we received was to do our first ever um Halloween trunk r Treat which will happen also at Michael Debbie Park which will also include a haunted walk um throughout the park so um we're kind of excited to start planning for that we've uh sent out hundreds of applications to all of our businesses um all the businesses that participate with our calendar as well to see um it's free for any business to sign up uh we are not charging anything this is um all of our Halloween events have always been free um and sponsored by special events through donations so any business can come they can you know display a trunk and provide any type of um Candy to the kids or what we also call sensory toys for um if it's any type of program that doesn't give out any type of candy we look for any type of sensory toys or anything of that nature um to hand out as well and then they can promote their business that evening so um we're trying to get the word out as well we will accept donations that was part of it we'll be more than happy to accept any monetary donations for any businesses that are not able to participate but would like to help offset some of the costs and decorations but all that will be funded through special events as well so we have some great things that are happening some modifications of events um so we we will see how our haunted walk and Trunk or Treat goes this year so as we venture into our extremely busy season yes but thank you very much mayor sorry I didn't mean to deviate I just wanted to update everybody on that uh 15 public comment the committee welcomes participation of interested organizations and individuals during regular caucus workshop and special meetings however in order to conduct the business of the Township in the most productive manner possible attendees will be given four minutes all inclusive including all dialogue questions and responses from both the speaker and the committee for the designated public portion of the meeting there may be no transference of a speaker's time to other attendees so please step up to the microphone at the appropriate time and state your name and address for the record we need a motion in a second to open to the public motion to open to the public second all in favor all we are open how you do tonight Charles Allen guils at 7:37 Bain now I'm sure you know this is about zead when I first came here in November and brought this to your attention I thought that I was bringing this to your attention to maybe slow this down and not have this get created as where it's gotten to and by everything that I know that he has done that he's supposedly not allowed to do has angered me and my mother and it's gotten to the point where I got out of hand and I even believe he got out of hand between just between personally between me and him we wrot it down and I talked to him and my real concern is first of all the land that he's own and we've lived there 44 years he's we've always were told that nobody can do nothing with that land and I know he went there on his own without doing anything the land but I feel as though everything that is really bothering me that that I see that is in my face is everything that he's not allowed to do by the code book of univa Township with the buses right on my property line the pigs the chickens the Ducks is right on the property line everything that I have talked about about what he has there is everything is within 50 ft of our property line we have 1 Point 17 Acres he has 8.29 Acres but everything that he has that we've told you about is all within 50 ft of our property line that is really what is totally destroyed my life it's it's too much uh along with not picking on the man because he's not exactly like I am but we're all different I understand that um I just think that there there there could have been something more done uh when I talk to him you know I I don't know if he tells me the truth or not but he's nobody he tells me nobody has told him he has to remove everything off of that land now I received a letter I believe you've seen a letter at Leisa uh from Pine commissioner he's supposed to be you know write him a letter and giving him ex what he's going to do is plan and all he does the opposite all right uh but I'm I don't want to pick on him anymore uh because God knows I may have to live there with him the rest of my life I don't I don't see anything happening uh the code enforcement officer I didn't realize it at the time when I came in November but I guess uh Rick was retiring at that time and then so you were in transition I I guess between here you know between him and then somebody knew and now I realize you you merged with hamton okay so but uh that's that's the whole point U if it was if it was any if it was any one of you and this was right next to your house like you know Point Blank you would you would have to stop it and do something and I think all the code the code enforcement book everything I read everything he's done that is bothering me is is in that book that he shouldn't be doing this is like this is really all we talk about every single week I really do appreciate we we've brought him to court multiple times he's failed to appear multiple times he now has active bench warrants or failure to appear uh neither of our local policing agencies um have taken it upon themselves to act on those bench warrants that's as far as we can go right uh basically gotten this 98% of where it needs to be and that there really isn't the willingness to knock on his door and act on the warrants we we have done everything in our absolute power to to be able to you know serve him the appropriate paperwork legally to send him any any paperwork to discuss you know internally to discuss with all of our our um zoning officers and and anybody I mean we feel for you and I think your sister continues to bring pictures I we get emails weekly from from your family updating us giving us updates and Lisa does a good job the on that mostly involved right do everything no no and and I think Lisa you've been communicating back to her and giving her updates on what's going on and how how things are proceeding you know both at the township and and county level yeah the last response I had was her email she sent during the day I wasn't able to respond during the day but I responded at 10:30 at night by the time I had a chance to kind of sit back on my couch and read through my emails and responded at 10:30 at night to her um you know I I just I'm stuck I don't know how much more to do um you know I appreciate the mayor leaning very heavily on our law enforcement agencies um to try to continue and further this to get him picked up once he gets picked up then that will you know force him to show up the court if he gets picked up and doesn't show up the court the next time it'll probably be held until Court um you know but there's something I don't understand if there's anything I would say is please call the police and say pick him up I just said that that's the mayor said that's this The Next Step that has to occur and we've done the township has done everything to get to that juncture and now it's it's on to the next level as Lisa said in order to gain compliance okay the first thing we need to do is actually get him in front of a judge to hear these matters and and then uh lead to what you're talking about which is want to play that game I've talked to him a little bit in the last four days he has had at this point he's had three active warrants for the last two weeks okay now you you've told me over and over when I've been here about calling State Police the last time I called them wasn't this past Fray it was the Friday before that I called them at 6:07 they never came out 9:30 I went to bed they never came out they're tired of it they're sick and tired of it they're they're not coming out unless there's something dead on serious I think everything that I've ever called about is serious but they're not taking Ser that's in Ence kind of the same response that we got as it related to the warrants of of you know from a resource standpoint and from a a priority standpoint you know you in essence kind of why why go there and pick him up because you know he'll be out in an hour you know and what that accomplish type thing just because it's you know you know with with bale you know it would be their guess was that you know he could bond out you know with with with you know 10% and and would be back home in an hour and a half cuz they're not they're not picking you up on WS CU When I called that night the the the whoever I talked to when I called the state police I don't call 911 I just call know directly um he was he was very ignorant to me first of all but I told him that he had warrants and it didn't matter and then last week when Mr D called the police on me when they came out they came to me and talked to me and I told the officer that he had warrants and nothing was done at at that point either which I don't even understand that um but anyway the Board of Health allows him to transport his sewer to the campground but he's transporting it in a trailer on our our roads around here with no registration and a vehicle with no registration and he drives the truck not his wife with no driver's license I spoke to them and I suggest I told in the situation their answer to to me was well at least we know where he's dumping it well that's fine for the Board of Health but that's not fine for I believe any of us here anybody in the township any one of us could be going down the road that that could whatever could happen I mean you we know it's a lot of if land and buts but still I don't see I don't understand it uh it's uh and some of you guys I know I look at your bioses like you know you're in the outdoors of Sportsman U this guy's destroying I know it might be only a little tiny piece to all of you but it's it was like it wasn't my little tiny piece but it was right next to my little tiny house in my acre well it makes it impossible for us to to do anything else anywhere else because obviously it's you know everything reverts back to this you know why are you allowing this to happen it kind of forces your hand in in the entire rest of BBT because if we can't act here with the state police the sheriff's department the Board of Health d uh you know Child Services uh Pine lands you know 15 agencies are involved we can't force action any any kind of significant action then then what what needs to be done at this point I mean this is so over and above that's why I'm asking what do we we are contacting these agencies weekly like hey what's the update what's going on you know things bill and I both are calling State Police are calling the sheriff's department looking for updates you know hey this guy so upset the last time when they didn't come out the next time they came out when he when Mr dere called them on me I was I got I I was UNC contr control I was controlling myself for the first 15 minutes and after a while I just lost it and I was at the Verge where I was going to be the one wind up getting locked up because I'm trying to express myself and I start doing this and you can't do that you know and they tell you to calm down and all and then I have I got to just walk away from it uh I'm not calling no more I told Mr D that right now I'm only concerned about where is affecting me because of how close you are which he can't move because he he doesn't have a survey he don't know really where his property line in and it's only the the area that he moved in on is the area that I cut all the time so so he had a nice lawn all when he showed up there that's why he's right there instead of moving back in but I just felt like all the all the code violations that I see that are affecting me I don't understand why it wasn't written up for any of them like because if there would be a list of them there livestock how many there are how close they are the pigs the fence the amount of chickens we're up to we're at 50 chickens well he was written up for all that I mean he he was served paperwork on all that stuff these are the warrants that he's not showing take him back to court appearances that he doesn't show up for the the township is not agreeing to allow these things to happen the township is taking action as as Lisa has said and if you recount it on each and every area of this and as the mayor said involving every enforcement agency uh that there is and and you're your ident it is a frustrating process when someone's evading uh the courts um there's an ultimate outcome uh and we have to keep pursuing it and as as the mayor and and the administrator said it's something we deal with on a on a routine it's something we talk about and and update each other about on a regular basis I'm glad to hear that cuz I really was hoping that you this is like this is all we all we've discussed every 36 hours for the last 120 days so I I don't want you to think that this is is Fallen by the wayside I feel that way I don't see nothing both us and you are literally just at the mercy of time the the way that this has to play out it's got to be like the initial appearance and then the initial failure to appear and then the subsequent failure to appear and it's just unfortunately is like these two 3 we intervals of court date failure to appear and then you know the rhetoric goes up a little bit more but we're probably still 8 to 10 iterations from this being significant enough you know for again for for possibly them to knock on his door for possibly for them to lock him up for possibly for him to be home in an hour and then we're kind of again back to I would suggest for future issues like this here was something that doesn't allow to get to this well the problem is and to address what the mayor's saying is I do we understand that we really do and we appreciate your concern the the courts which we don't have control over that they have been fundamentally altered in the last five to seven years um they were intentionally altered the when the mayor's talking about bonding out that entire process was revamped um 10 eight or 10 years ago and the oper of municipal courts and the ability to hold people so to speak pending Trials of this Nature has been eliminated years ago you didn't do something like you weren't defiant because you didn't want to go to County Jail behind a right code violation nobody but now it's become much more difficult from an enfor enforcement uh standpoint the the courts uh got more backlog during Co I know it's an old excuse a lot of them went to uh audio video appearances not even bringing people into court um so it's not that our hands are tied they're they're just our efforts are slowed and and it does affect it has a real world effect um these decisions that are made at the state level and unfortunately we and you are sharing the outcome of some of those decisions and again I think the first thing I said to Lisa tonight when when when we got caught up was what's the status and and we're we're we're looking for as the mayor said the next the next shoe to drop to take it to the next to the next step but but it is it is frustratingly slow and and it has become more so over the most recent years and there's there's nothing we can do physically all of our moves are administrative and at this point this guy has been you know completely on phase by anything administrative and we have to listen to what our solicitors just because he knows the legalities of the situation right and he's 100% correct the courts move in Reverse at this point it's as slow as slow can be and it makes it even more frustrating to get anything done because it seems like it never does get there no when I notice like something goes down or I know he's like is like he a warrant or that it seems like when he gets that he goes the total opposite way instead of like stop he like he does you this weekend he has his tractor delivered with a brush hog attachment a bucket attachment and a augur attachment all delivered their on the property he did sell one of the buses the yellow bus that he got rid of he sold that um but he sold that 11:30 at night started it up and had it run for 45 minutes after midnight and I called the state police that night and when they got out they didn't see the bus pulled away they didn't see the bus 12:30 at midnight on the highway uh but they don't go looking for it they didn't pass it on their way to the place but that's really all I appreciate everything you doing I understand it's it's a long process but I just got to let you know I don't want to just not come and tell you I want you to realize that it's that I didn't forget about it and it's still bothering us realize none of us have forgotten about it either but due to the legal system there's only so much that can be done and it's done in a timely fashion whether right we think it's right or not right oh I I thought when I came here before he even got here we'd stop him before he even got started so yeah I'm like you know well last time he got way way farther than I ever expected oh absolutely last time you were here or your sister was here we actually went out and drove by you know and sat there looking at it trying to figure some things out if we had it our way our Public Works and us would be out there with our our back ho and stuff moving it out I mean that's just we're like why told 150 years back you know if back in in time I says I would have stood there with a shotgun and you would have never ever set up there oh even though it's your land you would have had to get back there like you would have had to get back there and then and then do your thing I wouldn't care but be you're right there that's an issue but sir please I'm sorry this is happening I can only imagine what you and your family are going through it's not but but we're you know you're part of our community we feel it we understand what's going on and every day we're working on it so please understand that we appreciate your patience thank you sir you're fine you're fine no worries anybody else for public comment jie Scott M hour Drive Cumberland Cur run um I see you have on the agenda about cumin road which I've been crying for quite a while to get this done uh I travel the road quite often and I my neighbors do and they've been complaining because there's no lines on the road people coming this way and we're coming that way I've been run he almost took my paint the other night off my car that's how close he was to my car and I pulled over as far as I could but I'm on the grass because I can't see there's no white line there so I'm up on the grass and was impossible to try to get to keep the car on control you know what I mean this has happened numerous times to me and some of my neighbors they don't there's no line in the middle they don't know where they belong and it's very very dangerous I mean we've been trying to get this done for quite a while I've been there 16 years and I've been trying to get this just done because it it's scary it really is scary because when they come that close to you I mean you where you going to go You' got over here but you when you do get to there you can't there's no weight line so you're up on top of the grass for the uh you know the golf course and it's yeah everyone driving the roads watching the golfers play not paying attention well no this is even at night time you can't even see the lines they're so faded okay yeah and of course there's a couple potholes near Oak Road and that that road gets a lot of traffic I sat there one day watching from Oak Road to Route 40 how many cars cut through both ways so it does get a lot of traffic they think it's a farm rout but it's really not it's a cut through and um it's it's really dangerous and like I had told Lisa this down here by the golf course there's a stream yes okay uh I'm coming this way one night and it was almost dark and this guy's coming there he got too close to me I went to pull over I happen to see that thing that quick I almost went in that Pond there it really needs a guard rail around that pond it's very very dangerous because at night time you can't see that that's there and if you're happen to come somebody coming down there and the guy coming this way it gets too close to her they get over this way they're going to go in there and that's a that's really quite deep there and I think it really needs something I don't know if it's their responsibility or your responsibility I don't know but I would like to see something kind of guard rail around that let people know that that's there you you know what I mean is that something we could act on or is that a request we would make to the county um no it's our road and that's going to be part of the road program that on there that's what I was assuming it was right yeah something that would give you protection if to go over there you know you're not going to go in that water and I know because this happened to me in Pennsylvania and then a deer ran out in front of me and I pulled over get and I went right in the ditch cuz there's no no railing there nothing to tell me that the ditch was there okay nothing guard rail or nothing I right in there I had to have a tow TR come and get me out because that's how deep I went in there so this kind of scares me this this little Pond over there do you have Lisa I know um obviously the Post Road thing is a little more involved as is a country club um but this if the pieces were to fall in the place you have like a best guess is this something that we could conceivably have done in like the next 60 to 90 days uh we would have to still bond that would all be part of the bond um we do have a preliminary quote but it was higher than anticipated so we would have to bid that out to restripe from restriping in the guide rail yes okay do we know how many linear feet of guard rail we're talking about um uh not the guard rail no um the road and itself both ways I think was like 1,000 for the paint yeah like 1,800 something okay for for linear feet for the actual Paving there's not a ton of guard rail there no you know it's it's enough but it's no it probably is probably about five slots probably about five slots each side they're in 10 ft sections probably so yeah probably not even that much okay without the lines on that road it's espe it's dangerous I mean really really dangerous people don't realize because you drive on it we drive on it all the time right you know and I mean people younger than me have been complaining about it also so it's not just because of me doing it you know there's a lot of people complaining about that road I said well I'm working on it try to get something done to it that's the road I used to take my tractor to the gas station yeah well there was there's only one one little one field there that the guy comes over there the rest all houses so it's just a one field so it's really not a p Ro because my friend Liv she lives over that way I mean she lives over on Route rout 40 and she goes over Oak Road all time she goes to shop right so she says I know a lot of cars travel that back and forth I said yeah instead of going all the way down to Lincoln they go that way you know so without the lines on there yeah it's really scary and these weight lines and yes it does and other little sparkly things you put down the middle of the road somebody reflectors I don't think can see because they're that of their Dreaming or whatever they're doing tiid yeah well everybody's on their phones these days everybody's on their phones these days not paying attention so they can't see the line because the line's so faded I told before give me a pay I pick the line myself I don't care I mean I didn't know that was I didn't know that was an option we could have this project knocked out in a few days that's right I don't mind one bit I got the time you got the pain I got time you got that right thank you for you know you you have our word we're on it it's on The Hit List you know I'll sleep better tonight good my neighbors glad to hear it thank you so much have a great night thank you thank you all right I'm going to ask for a motion in a second to close to the public motion second all in favor all right item 16 uh we do not have an executive session this evening a motion and a second to adjourn motion to adjourn I just want to mention one thing good uh the uh mentoring men's barbecue is on Saturday June 8th from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the MLK Center at 661 Jackson Road Newtonville and um Quinton wanted to invite as many fathers and men as he could for okay thanks John a motion and a second to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor I I thank you guys that