I'd like to call this meeting to order this is the bunavista township regular meeting June 24th 2024 we'll start with a roll call Mr krenzer here Mr Renard here Mrs Testa here Mr Williams here mayor reri here on January 9th 2024 notice of this meeting was mailed to the Daily Journal the press and duly posted in the main lobby of the municipal complex all requirements of the open public meetings act have been met in compliance with the Sunshine Law I'd like to ask everyone to stand and salute the flag Kurt will you lead us I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all approval of minutes we have the regular meeting May 28th 2024 uh Motion in a second motion second roll call krenzer yes Renard yes Tesa yes Williams yes reri yes announcements presentations discussions there are none mayor's report uh a few quick things to share tonight uh summer concerts are underway we are starting off with great attendance Lonnie young blood was out last Wednesday uh Park was completely full despite the weather it was almost 100° when we got underway uh this Wednesday is Duck and Cover so we uh we music starts at 7:00 the concession stand opens at 6 so I look forward to seeing everybody this coming Wednesday at Michael Debbie Park uh car show please save the date July 6th again Michael Debbie Park from 900 to2 uh $10 per car with on-site registration I know that's 100% driven by the the weather the day of I just want to get that time and date on everyone's calendar uh music bounce house for the kids plenty of food uh several vendors to purchase items from so please save the date July 6th Michael Debbie Park from 9:00 to 2 for our car show uh another date to save National Night Out August 6th from 5:00 to 9: Michael Debbie Park uh again this is an event that we continue to add and enhance each year um again the event was going to end with fireworks we're saving our our our firework display for National Night Out uh demonstrations from New Jersey State Police First Responders fire and EMS so please save that date August 6 from 5:00 to 9:00 Michael Debbie Park and uh a quick shout out to our public works department uh several upgrades throughout the township uh between last meeting and this uh new bleachers in our Parks uh repairs to the majority of our picnic benches uh fresh paint all throughout the park some old buildings are being demoed we're kind of little by little uh really focusing our efforts on Michael Debbie park that's our main really congregation area in the municipality so we're we're doubling down on the park to try to make it as uh you know aesthetic Ally you know and functional as possible so big shout out to public works and that is all I have for the report tonight this is our our busy time of year concerts um really for like the next seven eight weeks in a row so we we have at least one thing going you know every week for for the next two or three months so please come out and join us these are free family you know family oriented events I I realize the cost of everything is through the roof right now so uh please come join us you know what what is the cost of a a meal right now with a hamburger hot dog chips and a soda less than $5 so you it's like a you know pre preo family entertainment pricing so please uh please come join us at any or all of these events thank you guys thank you mayor ordinances for introduction first reading we will take them individually starting with 144-20 24 it's authorizing the street vacation of River Street uh Motion in a second on 144 4 24 2024 motion second roll call krenzer yes Renard yes Tesa yes Williams yes reri yes this ordinance will be heard at a public hearing on July 22nd 2024 ordinance 145-12 is amending chapter 115 development regulations and chapter 248 for storm waterer management uh Motion in a second on 145 2020 4 mot motion second roll call krenzer yes Renard yes Testa yes Williams yes reri yes this ordinance will have a public hearing and be heard on July 22nd 2024 7 p.m. ordinances for public hearing second reading there are none public comment on current agenda items only in order for the committee to conduct the business of the Township in the most productive manner possible meeting attendees will be given to 2 minutes all inclusive to comment on any agenda items without comment or question from the committee but only on items specified on the agenda listed for the current meeting please step up to the microphone at the appropriate time and state your name and address for the record resolution 10-24 authorizing the payment of bills in the amount of 1,340 21 of that the school board monthly tax is $935,000 56 10224 is authorizing summary action with Superior Court seeking seeking injunctive or other relief consent agenda includes item of business which are not controversial do not require individual discussion a motion approving the consent agenda is moved seconded and voted upon as one item by the township committee if any discussion is requested on a consent agenda item it is removed from the consent agenda to the regular agenda 10324 is approving budget amendment chapter 159 for the 2024 local Recreation Improvement Grant 10424 is granting the renewal of plenary retail consumption for licensing term 2024 to 2025 105-24 is authorizing issuance of a roadway solicitation permit to the east vent Volunteer Fire Company 10624 is refunding application fees for the food truck festival 10724 is award quote to Lis and Ford and Corp for new 2024 Ford F1 series 4x2 10824 is authorizing the sale of surplus property on gov deals and 10924 is authorizing a change fund for the 2024 car show we need a motion in a second to open to the public for agenda items only motion to open to the public second all in favor I motion to close motion to close second all in favor I I need a motion and a second on resolutions uh excuse me resolution 10124 to pay the bills motion to pay the bills second roll call krenzer yes Renard yes Tesa yes Williams yes reri yes uh Motion in a second to adopt resolution 10224 motion to adopt second roll call krenzer yes Renard yes Testa yes Williams yes reri yes and lastly we need a motion in a second to adopt consent agenda resolutions 103 through 109 motion to adopt 10324 through 10924 second roll call krenzer yes Renard yes Tesa yes Williams yes reri yes item 12 our Township administrators report what do you have tonight Lisa uh thank you mayor I just wanted to piggyback on the uh thank you to our public works department um they definitely over the past month have been absolutely busy crazy um with the bleachers that they replaced um they also did playground upgrades at Michael Debbie Park uh we received the playsafe rubber mulch as well as rubber borders uh they built brand new um areas for swing sets and for the slides that are out there to make them safe and friendly for kids um we also had some upgrades to the concession stand as well that were debuted for the summer concerts got rid of some of the old tables um put in some stainless steel um food proof um safe tables so uh just small little upgrades thank you to the recreation grant that we previously had was 57,000 this grant uh that we just did a chapter 159 for the 2024 is for 65,000 uh that will go towards rebuilding the Michael Debbie Park uh hockey court with the new um tile safe um resurfacing as well as redoing the boards um for that so um I'm so glad that we were awarded that we were roughly right up in the top nine of Elena County municipalities to receive the most amount for money uh regarding that Grant so um definitely put a lot of work into that one to for a small town like us we usually get a little bit less um but to be in the top nine of all of our Atlanta Cy town so perfect uh that was great to receive that amount of money and that's my report and kind of sticking with that Lisa you know a lot of people don't understand how these grants work you actually have to go out and actually find these grants you know no one is really telling you hey apply for this one or apply for this one so kudos to you I know it's hard going out there researching for this and then not only that but filling out all the applications and following up for it with it you know constantly to make sure we're on it so thank you Lisa and your team thank you and these grants usually fall into two categories the ones that were too small for and the ones that were too big for him absolutely just a right amount so um that is my report thank you L thank you mayor uh we're going to jump over to item 13 committee reports uh we'll start with Deputy Mayor Ellen Tesa what do you have for us tonight well I was not able to make the first concert but I do want to say that Michael Debbie Park here in buav Vista Township is a true treasure for all of our residents um it is a very impressive Park um that can be used by every age imaginable and it's just a fantastic place we hold all our events there and you couldn't ask for a better Park um I don't know if another Park in in our entire South Jersey area really that is as nice as Michael Debbie um and our department takes such great care of it that it's incredible also I want to again mentioned the car show we had great success with with it last year and I hope everybody comes out cuz it was really a wonderful uh event and as far as Night Out goes another exceptional event it's really incredible because the state police come and do such an unbelievable job with all their uh with the horses and the dogs the helicopters it it it really is so it is a great family night out and people who have been disappointed in the fact that we don't do the uh fireworks for 4th of July really should put that to bed and enjoy our night out and the fireworks cuz they are stupendous they really are and that's about all I have thank you Ellen uh we're going to jump over to Aaron krenzer all right thank you mayor we got a couple uh couple things here uh Public Works update we have the team out uh cleaning storm drains I know it hasn't been raining but gives us the opportunity to get out there and make sure everything is working correctly um Park in Township Property Maintenance uh placement of new bleachers and Parks they're power washing Town Town Hall sidewalks they're working on the baseball field maintenance right now filling potholes painting the picnic tables that have been repaired at Michael W Park and cutting and weed whack uh the PW yard so if you guys drive by our PW yard looks phenomenal so everything's organized there's nothing around that we don't use if there is we sell it pretty quick so very excited about that I'm all about selling stuff so in case people didn't understand um it's hot so please check on your neighbors your friends your family drink plenty of water you know we just want through a very hot extent I feel for our farmers and everybody else that that can't take the heat that well it's it's unbearable out there and um just one last thing um just be on the lookout for tractors and farm equipment on the road I say this every year there's a lot of movement of of big machinery on our roads just be careful take your time have some patience and uh and that but that's all I have mayor thank you thank SAR Kurt what do you have tonight uh uh just want to reiterate the thing about Michael Debbie Park the concerts even though it's uh hot during the day the concerts are at 7 o' and by then the the peak temperatures are usually down and it and lately it's been mighty comfortable in the park at 7 8:00 at night uh there's no bugs to speak of I don't know if we're just going through knock on don't say that so with the cool temperatures and no bugs and the good food it's a no it's a no-brainer to show up at these these uh this event that's about it thank you Kurt John what do you have tonight yeah I just uh wanted to uh let everybody know uh Kurt and I attended the uh un Regional High School uh graduation there was approximately uh 139 graduates uh I think it's getting getting on larger uh two years ago was like 123 so it's picking up a little bit and uh they also had uh 5.5 million uh in uh offered uh in scholarships and I just wanted to comment that the football field was in excellent condition and most of the proof improvements Township wide are are completed now there's just a few left and um I also wanted to mention the concert that I thought Lonnie young blood was a good kickoff for our concerts this year and then we got Duck and Cover coming up this this week and um it it's it seems like uh I just wanted to comment Lisa on on the uh preparing the getting the tables and everything it looks a lot better and it's a lot more functional streamlined yeah yeah absolutely it was a great surprise we that one sh sorry I kept that hidden from everybody until you saw it new stainless tables streamlined but that's all I have thank you John item 14 public comment the committee welcomes participation of interested organizations and individuals during regular caucus workshop and special meetings however in order to conduct a business of the township and the most productive manner possible attendees will be given four minutes all inclusive including all dialogue questions responses from both the speaker and the committee for the designated public portion of the meeting there may be no transference of a speaker's time to other attendees so please step up at the microphone at the appropriate time and state your name and address for the record need a motion in a second to open to the public motion to open to the public second all in favor I apprach pass uh yeah sure by the way this is Mayor Vince Sarah of Brigantine thank you the floor is yours mayor thank minutes go ahead hang on you got them can you flip the switch on the mic how's that you got me now good good all right perfect uh for those of you who don't know me my name is uh Vin sah from Brigantine what's coming around it was a letter uh that I had sent to every elected official in L County as well as a resolution uh that brings he and 7 other municipalities has passed an economic study that was done by Def Team Beach on the impact of the ocean W projects uh for some of you this might be the first opportunity that you're hearing about ocean wind projects but uh basically we're asking every municipality in the county to pass a resolution opposing offshore wind projects and supporting our County Executive and the Board of Commissioners to utilize its various Powers including legal action to protect the future of Atlantic County one of the most important things that all of you can do on this is to make sure that you educate yourself on the issue now is the time to get answers once these projects are built we're stuck with um one of the things we can all agree on is uh protecting the environment and reducing our reliancy on fossil fuels but I'm going to tell you that these ocean wind projects they don't achieve that goal according to Bow which is the Bureau of ocean Energy Management in 2021 they put out a public statement that says that these ocean wind projects have little to no impact on global warming or climate change so if these projects aren't saving the planet I don't understand why we're doing it why the governor and why the president is pushing this down our throats it makes absolutely no sense most of the information that's being given by the developers by the state and the federal government is very misleading uh the information is about much smaller projects and it does not demonstrate the collective impacts of all of the projects put together uh most people don't know that um the Biden Administration is putting these windmills all the way from Main to flor uh they're building and New Jersey has some of the largest and closest uh win turbines in the world these are going to be roughly the size of the Empire States Building and I want to put this in a little bit of perspective for you guys would any of you sit here and V to completely clearcut a national forest to put up windmills I'm going to tell you none of you would do that the ocean it's our national forest we can't allow that ocean to be destroyed in 2019 so Rowan University did a study onice in 2019 public approval of these ocean wind projects was Statewide was somewhere around 80% as people start to learn the truth about these projects how bad they are for the environment how unreliable they are for energy and how they're going to double or triple people's electric bill that support for thieves now has fallen down to about 40% so as the truth gets out in a lot of these companies they just BL blatantly lie and mislead people on these projects so I've been going around town to town trying to educate people on these issues nobody would support having oil rigs in the ocean and I'm going to tell you if people were putting oil rigs out there every single municipality would be up in arms there's a lot of similarities between these projectss and Port oil rigs out there according to B and the environmental impact studies that they've done on these projects these o these wind turbines are full of thousands of gallons of oil the oil leaks and it's going to end up on our beaches here in South Jersey the windmill projects are about 8 to 12 miles out some of the closest in the world if you go up to North Jersey where the majority of the voting Bas is in New Jersey there 40 mil out and that number is very interesting if you look at the construction and operation plan for the Atlantic Shores projects one of the things they talk about is these ocean wind projects they're visible for up to 40 miles so if you're 40 miles away you're going to see them they're going to dramatically change the Seascape of the ocean forever and the only way not to see them is to turn your back on them and look the other way I kid you not this is in the information I can sit here and I could endlessly go on about all the Imp acts to whales and dolphins I'm not going to do that I'm not going to bore you with this but I'm going to tell you I've been a surfer my entire life I was a lifeguard I'm of the burgentine beach Patrol for 19 years I spent most of my life even to this day in the ocean we've never seen anything like this there's more than a 100 whales that have washed up in the area there's all kinds of dolphins that are washing up in this area and when you look at the information when they do the studies they're very tricky with the words they say that there's no evidence that directly connects it to the ocean wind projects to the the surveying that's going on out there there's a reason for that they don't have the ability to test for the damage that's being done to them I've had conversations with people who actually go out and do the testing and they said you're never going to find any information in any direction if this was any other industry in the world the burden of proof would be placed on that company to prove that they weren't killing whales and dolins and and the federal government knows that this is issue they've issued what's called Class A and Class B takes this is the ability to hurt harm and kill whales and dolphins so if they weren't killing whales and dolphins why would the federal government have to give them the ability to do so it's just a lie in 2018 the Murphy Administration joined a lawsuit seeking an injunction against similar surveying activities by offshore wind energy companies and to quote from the Murphy Administration this is over the the harm or potential harm to marine mammals which would have negative impacts on New Jersey and its citizens why in 2018 was it a problem but now it's not a problem because it's politically beneficial for Murphy to do this one of the biggest problems is decommission plan these things they say at best they're good about 25 years I give probably 15 to 20 the ocean's a destructive force Murphy was asked point blank in 25 years when these projects are done what's the decommission plan how do we cleared this out of the ocean he's quote and I'm going to quote him he said he's not concerned with taking them out of the ocean he's only concerning with building it's going to be all of us sitting in this room it's going to be all of us across the county that are responsible to clean up this mess when he's gone Now's the Time to make sure that we get action there's something called infrasound are you guys familiar with infrasound so these are these wind turbines are about the size of the Empire States Building they're mechanical as they turn they make noise this infr um has been known to cause not only issues for marine mamals they're highly sensitive to sound they're going to have issues migrating and traveling back and forth we're not sure what impact that's going to have on people living at the shore for some people who have these wi turbines some of the farmers have done subsidies where they put them on their properties they've actually had to move away from their properties because the infrasound that comes off these messes up their central nervous system this is something for me that's very important because not only they going to to destroy the thing I love they could potentially destroy our homes and we can't have this happen uh you guys know siment bloming us all right so you ever stand in the ocean you know when you stand in waves go back and forth the sand kicks up well the ocean has a lot of energy these ocean wind uh turbines when they're in the ocean as the energy moves back and forth it kicks up all of the sediment off the bottom causing huge ocean clums in order to solve this they're going to line the ocean bottom with 8 ft of rock they're going to kill everything that's on that ocean floor I don't know if you've ever tried to build a dock and go through the D process the D won't let you build a dock wider than 8 ft cuz the Shadow from your dock will potentially kill or kill future shellfish that are in that area but they're going to allow these companies to line the ocean floor with 8 ft of rock and kill everything out there all of that land out there is protect by state law the state government just changed the law so all the oyster and clam beds and scallop beds out there they just changed the law to give them the ability to dredge blast and pile Drive in all of that protected land killing what's out there and it's ridiculous the hypocrisy that goes on so we're trying to make sure that we bring attention to some of these issues um the Atlantic cold pool this is one of the most sustainable Fisheries in the world exists right out there when they build this Ruckers University and Harvard University says that the negative impacts from this could potentially destroy the Atlantic coold pool forever forever destroying our commercial fishing industry in this area so they talk about a lot of the jobs that they're going to create they're also going to destroy a lot of jobs that already exist ABC News did a study to this some of these companies when went went into England made some of the same promises all these high paying B jobs the jobs never happen they never can there's no guarantee that these jobs are going to come to American workers and that becomes one of the biggest problems out here locally here's some of the issues you're going to have there's going to be tax implications for this um when the county comes up with its uh tax payments they do the equalized value so you look at all the towns they come up with the equalized value Atlanta county is estimated to lose 9.4 million in tax revenue from the shore towns you take the five Shore towns together when you destroy those ocean views and those high paying properties you're looking at roughly about a 133% loss they anticipated to be somewhere between 30 and 40% that's a loss of $2.2 billion in RADS this is very similar to the pilot do you remember when the payment L of taxes came up for the casinos when the casinos taxes went down everyone else's taxes in the county went up this is going to be a similar situation that is going to impact all of the taxpayers out here there's going to be damage to the casino industry when you're putting this 8 to 12 miles off people come down for those Casino views for those oceans when they're looking at an industrialized ocean they're not coming back what happens when you kill the tourism industry down here now remember up north they put them 40 miles out it's going to have very little impact to their sh Shore communities down here they're 8 to 12 miles out it's going to have major impacts to our shore communities one of the biggest issues too is the New Jersey rake Council New Jersey rate Council says that they have no idea what impact this is going to have on our electric bills it could potentially double or triple our electric bills and they don't know what that is when Governor Whitman was in office she passed a law that says any third-party energy industry that comes in has to pay all of the upgrade cost to the infrastructure to handle the energy Murphy did a way with that so when these ocean wind companies come in and they start producing energy into the grid it is going to be all of the rate payers who have to pay for the upgrade it's not them it's going to make the energy very very expensive so one of the things I wanted to do is go out to ask you guys to take a look at this resolution I'm going to tell you it's a long resolution the reason that it's long is it's backed up with studies facts and data I put everything in there for you so all you have to do is read it if you are willing and you would want to support this I would ask that you put this up for a vote to support this so our County Executive and our County Commissioners can take action very similar to what uh Kate May County is doing right now if you have any questions I can definitely answer those questions for you and I appreciate your time here tonight thank you mayor well mayor thank you mayor just real real quick to touch base with you you know I'm I'm a voter my whole life and I've I've made a career out of uh out of boating and and um being in the brain industry and and I'm on several different packs against all these these windmills and and that so it's uh it's refreshing to to have you come here with your enthusiasm and your passion and explain to everybody in buun Vista Township exactly what's going on because it's uh it could be very bad and you know not only that but you're looking at the cost of seafood of anything else like that going up because they're going to have different um barriers around these where there's no boating you know you can't get close to it so you know our fisherman are going to have to go different ways out and even further out so you know it's it continues just to be a negative downfall right on through so I I do appreciate it thank you very much for coming out and I will I'll add to that as well um and and you touched on this I I think that there is such a huge disturbance when when these projects start and there's such a huge disturbance when these projects end that that that 15 20 25 year whatever the magic number is you know you end up with you know probably you know net net when all like and that's the problem is is looking at the the totality of this because it it gets very very macular and it's hard to put it into perspective but when you look at this in totality between the initial disturbance the final disturbance and and all the in between uh and you you've seen dribs and drabs of this with these first generation wind farms that now they're decommissioning or or the turbine portion uh this this was a big thing I work for Waste Management and this was like an industry letter that came out several years ago about the these fiberglass turbines that they couldn't find a home for and they ended up just there was a an entity in North Carolina that allowed them to start digging these Mass Graves to plant these turbines that you know will take a thousand years they're all composite they don't break down and and that somehow is the Lesser you know evil to to do all of this um it it's definitely illogical this isn't something that you can approach approach with any degree of common sense because if you kind of break this down in in smaller bites um the the the literature on this the the glossy marketing all that at at at 10,000 ft looks great but when you get into the micro aspects of this it's totally illogical I mean it's no different than like the the Tesla ideology these things look great in the showrooms no one looks at the lithium mines in the Congo where the metals are being pulled out of and we're literally cing to the center of Earth and we're we're using 8-year-old children with shovels and buckets you know to mine this material um people are so consumed with the finish product that nobody looks at the inputs along the way so and that's the hardest thing and we we say say this about just just about politics in general is that someone will sit on their phone at night and research a $7 pair of flip-flops for 45 minutes but will not take 30 seconds when they go in a voting booth to literally just blow down a column to learn even a minute worth of who they're voting for and that to me I think is more of a mindset thing and that to me I think is a state of the times um that that's scary that you that that you would as trivial as that you know flip through 40 or 50 reviews but not even ask like hey let's get to know even like the the smallest detail about our County ticket that's going to be representing us and and I don't know how we I think that is is is the core of this and I think that funnels up to your issue you know on on a greater perspective but I I don't know how we reverse that I don't know if this is covid driven if this is social media driven but it it's scary to me how far down a rabbit hole somebody will go for for just total Nuance stuff and and things that are super impactful super important just do not want to be bothered and and and I've said this all the time I mean I think this is less of an issue in Atlanta County Cumberland county is like hugely complicit on this when you go down delsy drive it's just it's vote col like don't even get to know anything about the candidates we're not even going to put their names on a sign just literally go in there and do this Duty for us just rip through column a rip through column B and that to me is is is scary as a parent with young kids that are are entering this this this you know so I I I I do not envy the task you have ahead of you you you have our support holistically um I think that there's no aspect of this that makes sense in any way shape or form and is there any any logic as to why they they need to be so close to the shores in South Jersey but so far out is this do they at least try to hit this with science that the the the wind is different up north that these things can be further out they they tried to talk about the science but it comes down to two things one I told you anybody who's run Statewide they're voting pay populations up north the other big thing is it has to do with cost with electricity distance equals resistance further out in the ocean the bigger the cables are the more expensive it is so by moving them closer in it makes it cheaper for these companies and that's the major problem you know a lot of people think with the orad project that that's done it is not no uh what they did is they're actually just kind of on hold they still hold the landing these is Murphy in the fourth round solicitation he allowed all of the companies to rebid their contracts so they can charge the rate payers more money so they can make more of a profit it's all about money and nothing has to do with us it's not about clean energy no and the Fisheries I've already noticed how many they've never seen so many empty scallop shells in in history it's already affecting them greatly absolutely and and I I think all this kind of just again funnels up to just common sense just taking time to educate yourself and and I think some people do but I think a lot of people do not um I I saw this firsthand uh I I was in Asia for grad school about 11 years ago uh Hong Kong Shanghai hoochi Min and you see pharmaceutical plants at the the end of a river and then Fisheries Downstream and you see these 24-in discharge pipes and there's a salmon farm a mile and a half down the water and you're like how is that permitted you know and again I get back to the Tesla ideology I mean for every one Tesla owner there's still you know an owner 1957 Chevy in Cuba with you know 900,000 Mi on it pouring lead in the fuel tank when they fill it up you know like that that air doesn't move um so yeah I I think this is just really more just kind of a fundamental piece of people just taking the hour out of their day to flip through literature like this and be even you know not a subject matter expert but just marginally informed and people just do not want to take that time out of their schedule so anything you need from us please continue to stay in touch with you guys thank you for coming make you have digal cop okay that would be wonderful absolutely perfect thank you mayor thank you thank you very much for your time pull that um my name is darthy Monera and I'm not going to talk about what I usually talk about but I just wanted to comment on the mayor's presentation um just kind of a a side note and an analogy but that's on a much larger scale involving a lot of political and economic pressure but I would just remind you all that even in this local community there are a lot of environmental important environmental aspects resources um various species so it would be nice if even on the small scale here in buav Vista Township as BR Team you have in danger of typing clovers Le turns nesting birds and in in britin situation you're trying to find a common ground between the population of people and your natural resources on the beach and I I know this doesn't have to do with the wind turbines but also here with the situation that we've all been discussing on um Main Avenue with the Watershed there are a lot of really important environmental resources there that are being impacted and so yes we're looking at um you know the wind turbines on a large scale which I am I your information was very passionate I appreciate it and I appreciate you know what you're bringing up and fighting for because it is difficult when you're dealing with these very large companies they have a lot of power but back again to this little piece that we're looking out here if you don't start at a local level in supporting this by our Township members then things will go away even locally and the water sheds become effective even here so again um I just urge you guys to really care you know about the resources that are here in this community as well thank you thank you direct thank you jul Acres Newtonville uh I would like to um thank the UN Township Public Works who I'm assuming was responsible for picking up a bunch of trash on the railroad track so I'm assuming they did it it was gone uh but I did have a question um what is happening with the railroad tracks through and I mean it's not just here inista but what is where they done a bit of trimming it looks like they've got a whole lot of Railway ties that they're setting up and then I'm going to seg way into something else but what's the um do you know what's going on with that yes yes so um Conrail is actually taking part in all the tracks coming up through our area and then going right on down through Kate May um one of it actually the trimming that's happening is because I guess one of their cars um happened to have a tree slightly catch on fire from some of the overgrown as their trains were coming through um so one of the things they're doing is going in and just trimming them back so that way there's um no barriers between the drains and any trees or branches or brush or anything in that area um and they're going back through and they're are updating some of the boards in the area I know Jackson Road we put in multiple requests for them to repair the crossing at Jackson Road but uh they are changing out the boards and putting in more of that fiberglass um type Crossing I know Richland has like that rubber Crossing um but Main Avenue part of it is that fiberglass Crossing um so they are doing some repairs they're housed on our property in Richland at the moment to take their trains back and forth to do some of the repairs okay so they repair replacing a lot of the ties I've seen PES and ties all the way through our warship down that way so I guess that brings up um I was curious because I don't see very many trains going by since BC's Point closed and that had all the coal being taken to it um there's not very many trains to go by my house were down here Richland so I was curious if they're anticipating a lot more traffic I I know about the S Express and I know that part of it but there's very little train traffic so have been they haven't indicated anything more of traffic other than what they were I know they had some trains that were coming through with some cargo um but not much I I don't know if they have future plans other than the upgrade so okay well that was that was what I wanted to bring up next is um um I work with the great Egg Harbor River Council and several of our communities down in Upper Township coron City have a big issue with tr trains backing up on the tracks so much so in Corbin City where it makes it difficult for people to even get through because of the uh the railroad crossings we don't really have that issue up here however we have quite a few railroad crossings over the rivers so our River Council sent resolutions suggestions to each municipality to see about um the the uh us do Department of Transportation after there were some of the big train accidents uh the one out in Ohio they proposed new rules that every Emergency Management Area First Responders would be able to get real time up toate information about what was being carried in those trains if there was an accident at this time that does not have to be done you know my understanding is that does not have to be done so we have our volunteer volunteer fire companies the chances of us having an issue here and maybe that wouldn't happen but if it did happen and that's why I was asking are we going to be having more increased train traffic um you know could be something very important to University Township uh the uper Township exuse me really has to deal with a lot of train traffic down their way and that's been an issue and it was an issue where a train actually did leak something right into the TP OFA River so that's why our Upper Township representative got into this so I would encourage you I can send it to you again I think it was back in February it was sent sent to Mayor virer to Lisa uh to see about a resolution to help support the US do in pushing this proposal that train companies would need to comply with having their Hazmat specs up to date that's one of the issues in Ohio they didn't know what was in those cars First Responders are responding they didn't know right away so can this happen I mean it's happened in Paul's Boro a little close to the home so it's something that I think we should be aware of it's not that difficult to do when I'm to stop but can I send you the resolution again absolutely okay and please consider that Julie Thank you Lisa is that something that you can um you can talk to Conrail about just to see if they're going to increase any train traffic down our way um it took me about a month to get a hold of them for a five minute conversation but I will try and they are very tough to get a hold of they're very hard and they they it takes about a month to get a hold of someone yes and they don't like to really dige too much no they don't a lot of times so I don't understand the proprietary aspect of that when it concerns you know other and and my best um chance to get a hold of them is um they notified us that they were going to be doing um railroad track upgrades on wayth and they wanted to detour close wayth at the railroad track border that is a huge interconnecting between Hamilton Township and buav Vista and we were only told that they were doing it but weren't told that they were going to be doing it that was my chance to reach out to them and I got very minimal information from them but I will try again okay no I appreciate that and I'll send you this resu yeah absolutely thanks thank thank you good evening Sheriff oronu L County Sheriff's Office greetings to council mayor and deputy mayor uh I came up tonight to give you a little insight you're here at the Western end of the County so I want to both explain to you what the sheriff's department has done in 6 months what our plans are in the future and where we're heading Direction first and foremost I want to say the men and women of Le County Sheriff's Office are amazing they work tirelessly since I've taken office to increase what we're supposed to do Law and Order and Public Safety we first took office we had 7,000 that's thousand fugitive warrants in this County that means people who didn't show up for criminal cases to include child support and it's a deadly that number would have probably been another several thousand but they stopped issuing child support warrants so I'm going to touch on child support warrants out of that 7,000 450 of them or child support warrants there may be some criticism about arresting people for child support warrants when they owe $3 $40,000 but I don't hear the victims the children who aren't receiving that money complaining and I don't hear the victims who aren't getting paid and every taxpayer in this county is a victim because we have to to pay that bill that these people aren't paying so I have absolutely no reservations in saying I will arrest you I will seek you out and I will find you to execute any warrant we have in this County to include child support warrant we also have been charged with the fugitives who committed some heinous crimes and have not appeared in court that's our job to arrest them we're doing that we now have approximately 5,200 active Wars that's from 7,000 we're working on it daily we've increased our staff to a night shift which hasn't been for I don't know how many years but we have a fugative warrant team at at night which is assist Atlantic City and other municipalities in their warrant arrests and their other programs we are in a crisis situation in my opinion in the criminal element in this County bu Vista is not safe because they're coming this way it's one light one street one Bridge one neighborhood away from you on every direction if we don't act as communities and we don't support our law enforcement agencies in this County you'll see the result and I remember prior to me being elected you had already seen those results so what I'll say to you is this we're doing our job we need you to help us to our job we need the community to help us and support us and we need every Council in this County to help us and support us we recently Revisited the county court system that's the county court system that 10 municipalities belong to that system is neglected you have a private security agency that cannot effectuate an arrest cannot detain people and cannot protect the staff or the judges properly in that building they're not up to- dat in training I know because I'm a trained I train people who have these licenses it's a two-day course and they'll tell you that all of them are police officers of prior police officers but I can tell you that the Attorney General guidelines are pretty strict and these guidelines require updated training constantly who's training them nobody the only professional agencies that that is prepared to take this County Municipal Court to ensure that our County Municipal judges are safe our staff and our people as the Atlanta County Sheriff's Office it's what we do best now I'll say this to you I visited the county clerk today and I heard a story that's very common the Common Plea is we call for the police but they're so tight up in Hamilton town here that it takes hours for them to respond not their fault they have 113 square miles they have an arduous task of taking care of their own municipality so it's placed on a priority that priority is met we had a theft in the building that was unresolved for hours we also had a judge recently threatened from the County Municipal Court nobody could respond nobody could had the ability in there to do it the Sheriff's Office picked it up is that presently our responsibility no it's not but I have a moral obligation to protect every citizen in this County but whatever means we have to especially the people who delegate who judge and who are prudent jurists of every complaint we have absolutely we have to I say to this Council I've asked you for help I'll ask no more I'll ask you tonight to support our Endeavor to support us as we support you we are training our people to do traffic at this point to come out to this Western end of this County or people let really didn't it's not their fault they didn't have the training but I'm not sending somebody out here who's unprepared I'll send you a fully prepared people to handle and help and to assist and augment the state Poli as you know they have limited resources too if we don't fight this blight together throughout this County we'll fail in our mission we failed in the oath of offices that we've all taken and we will fail truly we have places in this County that are in dire strengths Atlantic City is hugely in trouble take a walk or drive through you don't have to go that far go to other areas look around you'll see what's going on here Stevie Wonder can see what's going on here and I'm telling you folks it's serious if I sound a little Cross or serious I am because I don't sleep at night thinking about what's going on here and I will say this on the bright side at five hours a meal I could bring all 29 of my grandkids for under 150 bucks and you should it's a great opportunity listen I'm a public person I move among people that's what I do and I hear the people's complaints and I hear what our citizens have gone through the response that they need we're we're ready to give you but we also need you to support us that's your choice regardless of whether you do what I think you should do or request you to do that's on you but I'll say we'll be here to support you we're coming to the Western end we're coming prepare we actually lost one of our Canan dogs to illness so we're sending two more to the cadem in I believe it's uh November Mar maybe three and a trainer so we're going to be be prepared to do this job but it takes time and it takes energy and it takes enthusiasm and it takes support and that's what we're asking for and while we're at it I'm going to give a plug to our mayor from BR te because I believe in that Clause I'm a sure kid and I've seen the devastation in my entire life and I've been on this planet for almost 70 years I've never seen so much of our sea life wash up on the shores horrific these are things we're all required to pay attention to we have to be diligent and having had the pleasure and the honor of sitting on Council and a har attach I know how important this is I'm asking you for your support folks who going to make this endeavor with or without who supports us we are confident that we have the lowest bidding amount to save money and we want make this system work it's all I have to say I'm open to any questions or comments you have I just uh I I thank you as always I mean I I've reiterated this you know really to to anybody that will listen I mean you guys are the real deal I don't envy the task that you guys have ahead I mean what what you walked into is completely Indescribable I mean the words don't exist and uh I just think from a resource standpoint I mean you guys are just you know really how many irons can you have in the fire simultaneously u i mean and you see I have you know I spent 5 years working in the casinos I still have a a ton of friends and family that still work in the casinos uh I mean that's really that that's the engine that powers this County and and the fact that there is no priority to continue to to find a way to keep the city safe and to maintain it um I mean you we we used a joke about this when I worked at Resorts I mean you have a family coming in from the Midwest if you're local you kind you get it you you've heard of Atlantic City you hear of of but if you're coming in and that's your your first exposure to Atlantic City and you're doing a three-day 4 day 5-day family vacation where the portugus share was for Resorts you know and and you you go down North Carolina Avenue and to have the burgundy Motel across the street and that's like you know on a Thursday Friday you know Mom Dad you know Timmy and Sally are coming down North Carolina Avenue in in the station wagon and you're not even through the valet yet and and you've got a crime unit you know chalking out a body across the street from the burgundy hotel and that's your like the preempt to your family vacation like and that's not to say that that doesn't happen in Vegas and that's not to say that that doesn't happen in other towns but they've done a much better job of getting it out of the main drag like that they have allowed that literally to to encroach the shadows of your your your main you know economic engine and there's no common sense element to to to want to I mean how many times when these casinos were so flush could you get into you know the the the replanning of these neighborhoods to push that stuff further away and they've just allowed it to all of your treatment you know all of your riff WTH is literally in the shadows of these you know main you know hubs of economy so uh I I don't envy the TX that you guys have to try to get that to a point where it's manageable you know mayor we we work very closely with the l City Police Department I have confidence in their Chief they're trying to beef up their Police Department you know the sheriff's office is to support and augment all agencies and all 23 municipalities here that's what we intend to do and I would say that they're doing an amazing job with the limited resources they have but you said it best it's the economic engine of this County if it fails remember what happened 208 and contined for about 11 years we had the highest foreclosure rate in the county in the country think about that that was just the tip of it not to mention everything else in well that's CL went unchecked and we are at that point we're at that Tipping Point societal chaos in this country if you look at the way things are if we don't support our police our men and women out here to do this job daily uh it's history repeating itself when the legion of Rome could no longer protect Rome so fell Rome thank you thanks Sheriff thank you sheriff and anyone has the knowledge and the enthusiasm to get this job done it's you it's I love what I do and I love our people all of our people that's why I'm here thank you thank you thanks sh thank you thank you I'll ask for a motion of the second to close to the public motion to close second second John all in favor I I item 15 uh executive session we have resolution 110-2 or 2024 authorizing committee to go into executive session uh whereas we have two items scheduled for discussion this evening that to include any pending or anticipated litigation or any contract negotiations with the public body or any matters within attorney client privilege to include our local 676 Union contract and any attorne attorney legal updates I estimated 20 minutes for executive session and uh there is to be no action to be taken after we need a motion in a second to enter executive session motion second roll call krenzer yes Renard yes Testa yes Williams yes rer yes per um before we enter the executive session I just want to say one thing about the mayor's uh plan they've had the uh turb wind turbines down in uh Atlantic City and the Marina District for probably 253 years and that should just show you that that's that it's a bad idea to be putting putting the turbines in the water from a maintenance standpoint and also from an environmental standpoint it's just it's just not a good thing to do y agreed so thank you thank Youk thank you