to order hey everybody good evening welcome welcome welcome this is a big crew this evening so so glad you're all here thank you Mr G I think I saw you around here so Mr G thank you for welcoming us to Lincoln School it's great to be here thank you thank you so good evening every everyone and welcome to the Caldwell West calwell Board of Education public conference meeting today Monday March 18th 2024 today the board met an executive session at 6:00 p.m. here in the wonderful Lincoln Elementary School faculty room at 18 Crane Street in Caldwell New Jersey the purpose of that meeting was to discuss Personnel litigation miscellaneous and old business matters that meeting has been advertised and is in compliance with the open public meeting Act and njsa 10 4-6 also known as the Sunshine Law the matters discussed will be made public when confidentiality is no longer required and formal action pursuant to said discussion shall take place only at a meeting to which the public has been invited today the public conference meeting is taking place at 7:05 p.m. here in the multi-purpose room at Lincoln Elementary School 18 St Crane Street in cwell New Jersey the Board of Education meeting is being streamed live however all Community questions and comments will be welcomed here in person the calwell West calwell Board of Education public conference meeting is also in compliant with the open public meetings act and njsa 10 call 4-6 also known as the Sunshine Law notices have been sent to the progress in calwell New Jersey The Star Ledger in Newark New Jersey and tap into West Essex notices have also been posted at the Board of Education business office at the Harrison School building in Grey Street West Caldwell and have been delivered to the clerks of the burrow of Caldwell and West Caldwell for posting Brian can you please take the role yes student representative Madeline Alberta Miss D Martini here miss lindal Jefferson here M Mack here Mr dimola here M Gro here your five voting members present we have a quum trific can we all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance there is I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all Brian are there any Communications for the board this evening there were none okay great so we're going to hand it over to Dr Conlin for the superintendent report thank you board president uh I'd like to invite Lila Shu from the house of respect and Jacob pit did I get it right Jacob hu hu House of citizenship could you guys come to the microphone [Music] please just want to let you know Jacob and I practice his last name for like two minutes before and I stillw sorry Jacob hello I'm Lila Shu from the house of respect and I'm Jacob from the house of citizenship thank you Bor and Dr Conlin for having us we are going to tell you a little about a little about What's happen what's been going on at gcms we recently had an event that allowed students that are part of project UniFi to connect with their house leaders we all went to the auxiliary gym and paired with each student paired each student with a house leader to make teams to play table tennis we then rotated around the room and occasionally switched Partners to give the kids a chance to connect with as many hous leaders as possible this was an excellent opportunity for both students and house leaders to get to get to know each other in a stressfree fun environment there was an after school there was an after school volleyball tournament house competition on Friday March 1st it was well attended and it was the house of respect who walked away with the win they are now they are now close behind the house of Integrity for the lead another event that's coming up is our annual make a difference day during which different presenters come in and discuss a variety of topics this day is one of the ways that gcms honors Jim Brown a man who was recognized the importance of helping those around you make a difference day is a way for students con to connect with the community and their peers as well well Friday was gcms day of giving gcms collected donations for the service projects the students will be making on make a difference day we will be providing essential assist assistance to those who are facing difficult times gcms collected items for Mount Pleasant Animal Shelter St John's St John's soup kitchen and Wounded Warrior our annual bake Wars have just started this is when the house leaders of each house set up a bake sale after school the fundraisers go to the student activi fund which can help this help score this year and next year students can bake food or even just buy food from the store to sell like cupcakes cookies and more the house of responsibility started us off and the house of respect will be up next from my experiences as a house leader this year I have learned that being a leader doesn't mean being perfect but it means you have to take charge and be an example for those around you also as a house leader this year I've learned how to lead my peers by example in front of others that might not know me as well thank you great job good job I could ask Mr delin to come and join me at the podium good evening everyone I'm going to quickly turn things over to our coaches I know many people have places they need to be uh but tonight we have the honor of honoring two of our sports teams from the winter who have had some great success uh our swim team our girl swim team uh as well as our wrestling team I'm going to turn things over though to coach trino and Coach gugan Russell they'll share a little bit more about the highlights thank you thank you very much Bor for having us here tonight my name is Steve trino I'm the head coach of the swim team for 25 years and uh Miss kugan has been with me for just about all that time she a lot younger though but she has been with me for most of the time uh we had a tremendous season this year uh and it's not doesn't even reflect in our record it reflects in the effort of the girls that you see here what's funny is that there's 11 girls here we only have 14 on the team three are missing tonight but in the semi-finals this year this is all we had we only had 11 girls to come to the meet against Madison and every single one of the girls that showed up that night had to score had to do something that made it so that we can get there and we got there at the very tail end of that meet and we won in the last event 8684 for the semifinals we were so happy that night we were like elated that we're going to make it to the finals we actually are going to the championship and it was not something we talked about all year long because the way the PowerPoint structure goes in our division we were swim swimming a lot of large teams this year the colombias milburn's uh other schools that are much larger than than we are and so whenever we swam against teams our size we do very well our Rivals West essics we beat them up pretty well but our girls were kind of slowly jumping up the PowerPoint rankings and they kept going up and up and all of a sudden we found ourselves number one at the end and so we put ourselves in a great position they put themselves in a great position to be in the finals and we came to the finals in the same thing we still had the flu bug we still had some injuries but some girls came through for us that night and and really uh came out of injury came out of the flu me and Martinez especially she was like she came she well I'll bring my bathing suit tonight but I'm not sure I can swim don't tell the coach you're bringing your bathing suit not a good idea because the coach is going to make you swim and and she did amazingly and she was one of the strong points in our final relay once again all we needed was second and third in the final relay they put themselves in that position and our our two Club swimmers our two seniors who who uh have been with us all four years and this is a very unique group as I'm sure wrestling is too but these are covid girls they came the first year and all of the seniors the seniors that we have here came to us and swam virtual meets what they swam against no one they're they're freshman here we went to the community center and we swam our meat against ghosts in the lanes and then I called up the coach that night and we exchang times and we talked to each other and hey we won so and I text out told all the girls we won the meet so but they've been through a lot and I they were in a championship meet once before and they lost by two points but what a way to send off our seniors are um Ella lepis Carolyn Murray two of two of our captains along with Abby fleger here and Grace Kinski our four captains but Ella and Caroline anchored the last Reay and we came in second and third and again our 11 12 girls W 8684 to win a state championship and all of the girls here from uh if I can read their names is that okay um Lena Harry ninth grade just stand up as I say your name please Lily Phillips 9th grade Sophia matis 11th grade Abby flegler senior Grace Kinski senior Ella lepis senior Captain Mia Martina senior Madison McGinley senior Caroline Mur senior Aila okama senior pan Quinn senior and Nela Tui is not here tonight but senior and and Emma Brit excuse me and also Miss Elena condelli is not here too um all these seniors I'm going to retire now and I'll be moving on no I'm kidding um we're uh we're very very proud of all of them um very proud of the work that coach kugan does with me I couldn't do it by myself and I'll never forget this season I really won't I've been through 25 years and I I watched these girls just take right was in front of them and went right after it and I was so so proud of everything we had our dinner a few weeks ago they gave great speeches and they finished off their year and they're a very classy bunch and I love every single one of them thank you so much for H everyone stand up give a round of applause come on Leia don't be embarrassed be proud come on proud of you no we're going to do pictures at the end we're going to go to wrestling and then we're gonna okay okay we're going to turn things over then to uh coach Sean Romano [Applause] good evening congratulations coach Rino coach kugan Russell and girls uh thank you Dr Conlin members of the Board of Education uh president Mrs Gro jchs athletic ad uh Administration Mr delin Mrs schwitzer Mr Salsbury as well as athletic director Dan Rano for his commitment and support every day takes a village and I think we have one of the best villages you can find it was also really special to see our Board of President along for the ride with us this year your face was there every single night we had a match you supported this team and these kids and it'll never and it never went unnoticed it is really special when you have that when you have that kind of support for that I am forever grateful to the other members of the board that always showed up in attendance thank you as well it really proves how great this community is our coaching staff uh I couldn't I could not be more blessed to have the support of the most committed and hardworking coaches in our sport Dave Pepe Nick zyus Steve Martell LJ Castellano myself and the kids are lucky to have each of you in their lives now to the most important our kids this sport is grueling and it is tough it is long it is unlike any other to commit to it takes a certain individual to commit to it like you all have done takes a champion you are not just committed November through March you are committed 12 months of the year you earned everything you you accomplished and your bond was unbreakable 23 and2 nor2 group 2 state champions co- American Conference champions second in the county third in the region and 21st ranked team in New Jersey one last thank you is to our parents you are just as committed as your boys are all the rides snack stands Duss tournaments beef Stakes countless other events thank you for all that you do for your boys we are not here today without your support and your sacrifice I want to close with a misconception that many may make and that is championships are won during the season that is false championships this Championship was won last spring summer and fall this Championship Was Won by endless hours of work put in by these boys when no one was watching this Championship Was Won by their parents driving them all over the tri-state area to find competition next year's championship has already started right now thank you for us thank you for having us here tonight and we look forward to being back here again next year thank you so much up stand up let's go okay before we pause for pictures I just want to read a quick statement really directed at the kids uh on behalf of the board so as we stand here today applauding your victories I'd like to reflect on the words of a great coach and we have pretty great ones in our midst but Vince Lombardi who once said the price of success is hard work dedication to the job at hand and the determination that whether we win or lose we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand you all embody this Spirit of dedication and determination you have trained tirelessly pushed your limits displayed unwavering commitment to each of your sports and tonight we honor not just your victories but also the countless hours of practice the sacrifices made and the resilience shown in the face of challenges your triumphs serve as a testament to the power of teamw perseverance and the unwaver to our hearts let us also recognize the invaluable guidance of your coach es the unwavering encouragement of your families and the enthusiastic cheers of your supporters five of which are sitting at this table tonight in your victories we find inspiration you have as Chiefs once again raised the bar for excellence and have set a shining example for all of us tonight so as we celebrate your achievements let us also celebrate the spirit of determination and perseverance that defines our Caldwell West Caldwell Community your victories are not just yours alone but a Triumph for all of us thank you for inspiring us once a chief always a chief one more okay so now so we don't bore you and we love our our auditor she's going to do a presentation we're going to do pictures and then you can all go home because you've sacrificed enough okay so maybe we'll do the um we'll do our e e e e e e e e e e e e We Ready Lucian okay we're gonna move on so here we go um Dr Conlin anything else the auditor that concludes my report okay when are we gonna is is Brian are you gonna introduce the auditor yes Kathy oh here so Kathy Matel is from nasia so Kathy's um one of our Auditors and she's going to give her report of the district's Finance State yeah think hello is it on is it on Lucian is it on Lucian is that on no good evening I love to follow children That's so exciting and don't ever apologize I absolutely come to different meetings and I enjoy all the accolades of what the kids have accomplished so tonight I did not do a PowerPoint presentation I've been asked that a lot lately and I said no um what the public receives is one report that the doe um requires and then I just put together a few little Snippets for the board so that you're familiar with what's in those 170 five pages of information so with that um the report is for June 30th of 23 it seems like such a long time ago um so if you look at the balances at June of 23 compared to June of 22 you'll see that there was an increase of a little over $2 million during the year and then when you look at that all the committed funds all the restricted funds are where you can deposit into those Reserves if you have money left over at the end of the year but other than that incumbrances or open purchase orders they can't be changed and then what you appropriated in your subsequent year budget cannot be changed so we're looking at the unassign that's the flexibility that you have at the end of June so during the pandemic the state reduced that or increased that amount from 2% to 4% and then in this year it went back down to 2% so that's why you're seeing a decrease there been working working with Brian for a few years and um as the auditor as an independent person we talk and I said I just want to make sure you have this you have that and we actually teach each other a little bit about the district's finances so I just want to say that working for him with him for the first time um he really is good to talk to we're always on the same page and I think communication is one of the most key instruments in understanding The District's finances so I just put a little caveat in here that there have been a lot of new requirements in The Last 5 Years in June of 22 the district was required to imple gby 87 which has to do with uh the lease payments and also this year in June of 23 the district was required to implement Implement subscription based Information Technology agreements they're similar in nature and they're spelled out in the footnotes so if anyone has any specific questions you can see that and then we always like to look at what happened over the year why did you end up with the $2 million increase and that's because interest rates were up last year so a lot of the local resources were attributable to interest the excess state revenue and again I took the numbers from the Acer and I adjusted them for the on behalf payments that the state makes um for TPA of pension and contributory insurance Etc and that's required to be posted as a revenue and expenditure so we back those out so that you can see what the true accessor deficit is and there are no deficits so it's just a purview and um found this year going through the forward with the budgets that a lot of districts have been um you know I say here that at the end of the year you have $7 million unexpended but you had incumbrances and I see something running together there the encumbrances were 3,767 at the end of June and so those were purchase orders that were not liquidated at June they roll into your next year's budget and then they are liquidated so 3.2 million of the budget was truly unexpended and again it was last year where you had an adjustment to put those into Capital reserves so and maintenance reserves or any of the reserves and so this year going forward being near that 2% there's not going to be a whole lot of um room unless there's some savings achieved in spending or revenues come in above that and then the other point I wanted to make is that um I think that's all I wanted to say about that unless anybody has a question and then on the next page I just show you what the district has been budgeting in subsequent budgets so you can see in 2223 1.7 was used for in Surplus from the original budget and then the prior year extraordinary Aid and um non-public Transportation Aid that's added to that 2% is budgeted because every District that I've been to has said that the costs of transportation and extraordinary Aid have um for special education have escalated and so again we had that communication with Brian we're on the same page making sure that we're both looking at it and making sure that the district is whole at the end of the year so again I think I explained that the 568 was the reported excess for the year and there's also $936,000 at the end of the year that was added to the 2% that's a calculation in the management report which is a small gray report that we provide to the district and um it's required by the department of Ed so the way it's calculated is in this report excess Surplus calculation and then beyond that just the activity in the capital reserve maintenance reserve and emergency Reserve accounts interest was earned in those accounts there were un when there's unexpended balances and anything that was appropriated from those reserves if it's not expended Ed in full it goes it's returned to the source and again the district was able to deposit $2 million in capital reserve at the end of June each year you're withdrawing money from the budget so you see 1.4 was withdrawn from Capital 418 for maintenance reserve and then the board passed a resolution to withdraw from funds from maintenance Reserve during the year so you end up with 8.5 million and capital reserve at the end of the year and again from my own purview having seen this in many districts over the years that money is set aside because each year you're limited to a 2% spending cap there are some exceptions to that but it's very difficult to absorb operating expenditures Capital expenditures so it's very important to have those funds set aside so that if something comes up that was not anticipated you have place to go it's very important I've seen it happen and then in the capital projects fund it's referred to as fun30 you have a $251,000 balance in your esip project that was authorized in 2018 no money left in The Debt Service fund and that's the way it's supposed to be money in Money out um you'll see in the Food Service fund and again I think it's 100% resumption of normal activities after the pandemic so you will see that operating revenue is up federal and state subsidies are down operating expenses changed a bit and then that adjustment that you see there is just uh disposal of capital assets net of the depreciation at that point in time so the net increase in operation uh fund balance or net position was 17889 and the change in the capital assets was -22 operating was up 40,000 so we also included a comment in the management report saying that the district exceeded 3mon average expenditure by 173,000 every District did who was receiving federal funds again made sure we had the communications uh from the Department of Agriculture spelling out what you could do what you couldn't do and late in the year they said you do not need to have an audit recommendation as long as the district has a plan in place to utilize those funds that and I made sure that the district has the um what you can spend it on and what you can't spend it on and we've had that communication so we feel confident that that will be liquidated in a short period of time they didn't really specify but as long as you have a plan in place the district will be fine and then the last bit uh the continuing ed ation program again I show you what the change in revenues were and the change in expenses net increase was 81,000 to net position and then in the long-term liabilities we talk about these every year they're not really something that you see or make decisions on every day so um these are the long-term liabilities that will be paid out over an extended period of time the balance of the bonds are 6,465 when they're sold there's annual payments principal and interest they go through The Debt Service fund unadvertised Bond issuance premiums associated with those bonds are amortised over the life of those bonds so when the final Bond maturity happens the premiums associated with that um expire also part of gby 87 leases was the reclassifying capital leases as finan purchases payable and so you will find them in the the um Acer in the I section of the report I think it's I4 changes depending on how many different liabilities you have that pension liability again that's out of your control it's dictated by the PS pension system and again we only report the PS portion because the state paced the tpaf portion on behalf of the district and then um you still have employees who are in the Essex County pension system and so that again is a long-term liability associated with that and compensated absences you don't see a big change there in terms of people earning more days and being paid out when they leave the district so you ended up with 74,000 anybody have a question questions you don't have if I did my job that's great but I want to give you the opportunity and then the management suggestion is just over the last three or four years these covid grants the ARP funds the Esser funds um we are required to do a federal single audit but it's not as I don't know what word to use intense as a desk review or if they came in for the department or the division came in for monitoring so we've heard from County meetings County Bas and everyone else saying make sure you use the right account numbers make sure you have upto-date board policies so we put that in every single one of our audits so those funds need to be completely expended by June 30th of 24 meaning committed right open incumbrance sorry the September 30th 24 we have to spend it we know yes and so that that will go away maybe something new will pop up that affects all our school district dists and then again when there's transition in a school district you'll typically find that something might go off the rails nothing went off the rails in Caldwell West Caldwell there are no audit recommendations and I think the business office and superintendent's office gets a little feel of it too we can be intrusive at times there's a lot of things we need to look at we don't look at everything the primary focus is financial that the financials are stated accurately and then after that the next um step is complying with certain doe regulations and then the third step is if you have a federal state single audit and you that's if you expend over 750,000 so typically on the state side you will have a state single audit but um I really can't even remember prior to covid Grants whether the district had a federal single audit but we'll keep you apprised but we have never found anything that didn't comply with the procedures that were required to do so great job great thank you thank you thank you Brian too thank you Brian thank you to office everybody's so Cooperative really appreciate it great that's great thank you okay okay you thank you okay on President's report yeah finish up so before we just move on and preview the agenda I do really just want to thank Brian and his the business office for all their hard work we have no recommendations from the auditor obviously raved about Brian and we Rave about him too he does a wonderful job so Brian thank you and thank you to the business office as well thank you very much thank you Brian um I just want to mention before I preview that this Saturday March 23rd is the music marathon at James calwell high school so please um go and support our kids it's from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. so if you've never been to the music marathon they kind of have the groups performing all day long um the jchs orchestra and band will be there the chamber orchestra krio the dance club eighth grade flutes the Jazz Band um the jchs concert course women of note treble trouble um retro men some of these groups I've never seen but they sound so fun and um really we're going to also highlight there's going to be a sneak preview of you're a good man Charlie Brown the Grover Cleveland Middle School Musical they'll be performing to give us a little sneak peek so please come out support the kids they'll be snacks to buy um it's kind of a rotating day so whenever you go in someone's always going to be performing and it's really really great and if you missed Chicago you missed an amazing incredible production by the James Caldwell High School drama Department it was phenomenal so um congratulations to the cast and crew of Chicago as well awesome and we're going to be inviting your the cast of your good man Charlie Brown to come in April to preview their show which is I believe the weekend of May 17th I think I'm right okay all right so let's just go on Brian um we're not doing any minutes tonight all everything next week right correct so I'm just going to Breeze through the agenda for tonight for for just to get us out of here a little a little just 10 yeah right just 10 y um just we have one thing we're voting on tonight which is under finance and Facilities when I get to that Danielle will do it that's going to be on the tax levy um the board's going to pass the resolution so that the initial budget can go before to the county okay um in interest of time since we're a nice quiet group we're going to put all the public comments at the end of the meeting so anything on or off the agenda okay so we don't have to do that a million times so next week obviously we have um some things in curriculum and Technology Terry will be giving the report for the curriculum and Technology um there's a bunch of field trips going on um different out of District placements we have Personnel stuff uh leaves of absence new staff um extra curricul extracurriculars the FBLA um trip just going through a bunch of things so then finance and facility like I said Danielle was going to read the resolution for the tax levy and we're going to pass that tonight so Danielle whenever you're ready upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools a motion to approve item H the tentative budget 2024 2025 under financing facility on this evening's agenda do you want to read the whole thing or like the whole resolution or yeah so H so here you can look at it right here thank you so I would just do it be resolve resolve that the Calo West cwell Board of Education in the county of Essex approves the submission of the tentative 2024 2025 School District budget to the Essex County Superintendent of Schools this budget meets the requirements for providing the New Jersey student learning standards and consists of Appropriations as follows taxing Authority whereas the district has a taxing authority of 1.8% over the prior year which totals $99,100 therefore be it resolved that the calwell West calwell Board of Education proposed 2024 2025 tax levy is 51,000 51 million 98472 which is a 1.8% rise over the prior year travel and related expense reimbursement 2022 2024 2025 whereas School District policy 6471 School District travel and njac 6A 23A d7.3 provides that the Board of Education s shall establish in the annual school budget a maximum expenditure amount that may be allotted for such travel and expense reimbursement for the 2024 2025 school year and whereas the maximum expenditure amount allotted for travel and expense reimbursement for the 2023 24 school year was 40,000 and now therefore be it resolved that the Caldwell West calwell Board of Education hereby establishes the school district travel maximum for the 2024 2025 school year not to exceed $40,000 and be it further resolved that the public hearing on the proposed budget be held on May 6th 2024 at 700 p.m. in the James Caldwell High School cafeteria 265 Westville Avenue West CW well in New Jersey thank you Danielle so just for public knowledge anyone who doesn't know Board of educations are capped at a 2% tax Le Levy this board has charged the administration to come under the 2% Levy to um encumber savings obviously to the taxpayers also to slim down um the size of the district that we feel has become overinflated the exact listing out of all that will be at the May 6 um budget hearing that Brian will present so you'll see exactly where those cuts were made um but we'd like to ensure everybody that no Cuts were made that would harm students or staff in the district okay so um Brian if you'll please do we have to make a motion to have a second okay so do I have a second to this I'll second okay and then Brian whenever you're ready to take the role okay thank you m Ste Martini yes M laly Jefferson yes Miss Mack yes Mr dimola yes M Gro yes 5 motion carried um and then just moving forward we have some facilities some usage of the facilities um the wrestling club Boy Scouts calwell University already Believe It or Not Looking for next year which is crazy um can't believe that and then we have some policies as well that are being updated um so now we're going to move to public comments again just because we're a small team group we're going to do public comments tonight on items both on and off the agenda so anyone is welcome to come up public participation shall be governed by the following the participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface comments by an announcement of their name and address statements are to be limited to three minutes duration participant may speak no more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard all statement shall be directed to the presiding officer Fords use the public comment period of the meeting as an opportunity to listen to Citi concerns but not to debate issues or enter into a question and answer session or a cross-examination between the public and individual members be aware that not all issues brought before the board will be resolved this evening boards May respond to the public comment by seeking additional information or by delegating the authority to investigate the issue to the superintendent or his designate the presiding officer May interrupt warrn and or terminate a participant's comments if they exceed the allotted time or are object objectively obscene participants may be civil iable for any obscene defamatory or slanderous comments made during public comment would anyone like to come up this evening [Music] please and Mar Liz har 149 Ravine I you Mar for hawthor uh Gregory cour n place okay so this is off the agenda item so I won't be asking any crazy questions let's let's put the mic up can hear you I want them off the agenda wait where am I looking I'm looking at you guys yeah yes okay so this is off the agenda uh we're we are here on behalf of the jchs scholarship fund committee um the jchs scholarship fund was established in 1963 which means we're now in the 61st year of the committee yay yay um and the committee has fundraised over half a million dollars in scholarships um of value of $1,500 to each qualifying um graduating senior so each year we award six to seven scholarships from our committee and fundraising efforts each of these scholarships are based on financial need and we are the only Committee in District where all fundraising efforts go directly back to the students uh we wanted to highlight a few upcoming events that we hope the community will support to continue in our mission to encourage improve and Advance higher education in the calwell west calwell area through financial assistance thereby assisting jchs graduates to attend colleges or other institutions of higher education um the first one is the annual scholarship rocks event which is going to be at ringside Pub on Friday April 19th at 800m the Milwaukee will be performing original music mixed with classic covers as well as 8s hits ations are accepted at the door um and then if you're not too tired from partying that night the next day is the annual shredded event um that will take place on Saturday April 20th um in the gcms parking lot from 10:00 a.m. to 1: p.m. uh we will be partnering with the Caldwell environmental commission once again and the town of calwell is graciously paying for the truck um so feel free to shred your unwanted documents in a safe environment and again monetary donations um are appreciated also this year's scholarship night is Tuesday June 11th and the committee is having uh a funraising event at Chipotle so feel free to feed your kids and maybe not kids or whoever um uh that night at Chipotle to help in you know um fundraising for the um for the committee um we also wanted to mention that the scholarship fund also manages close to 20 scholarships some were created in memory of a student some were created in memory of staff member and some were established in memory of a loved one from the community for some of these scholarships the selection committee will choose the recipients others are determined by family members or by other organizations um in closing tonight we wanted to highlight the Bella pagata Memorial Scholarship this scholarship was created in memory of Bella an amazing second grade student from Washington School who lost her battle with acute myoid leukemia in November 2021 Bella was a beautiful smart loving child that inspired everyone with her bravery strength and love of Life Bella had many creative interests and aspired to be a chef this award honors the light and love Bella brought to our community by helping a senior further their education in the field of culinary arts Food Service management or Hospitality management the recipient should embody the values of integrity and respect and show persistence and grit when met with a challenge so thank you so much for allowing us to um speak tonight thank you so much Liz and you know what just remind me like in April we'll make sure we call out like that big weekend and we promote it at the at the April board meetings too okay we'll definitely do that go ahead miam I just wanted to add that um we have I know there's a lot of information and dates that we just set out but we don't want to be forgotten around here so um we have our Facebook page updated we have a new Instagram page which is jchs scholarship fund um please take a look at it we're always looking forward to including new members in our meetings it's a really wonderful group of people every single dollar that we raise goes to scholarships that's it period um it's wonderful so please come to the ringside it'll be a great night anyway with the Milwaukee and hopefully you know Eileen's pretzel jar will be stuffed with as much cash as she can carry out um but it's really important that we get the community together this is the one thing where everyone can stand together um to send our seniors off with as many scholarships as we can possibly give out yes yes and I just want to say before you guys leave I just want to thank Mary Ellen and Greg and Liz um you know it's really hard like the scholarship committee it goes like under the radar and Mary Ellen and Liz and Greg but Greg has been involved but he's really stepped up in the past like two years becoming yes becoming the the co-president and really working and Mar Ellen and Liz are new members and the impact that they have both made on the scholarship committee is far beyond measure it's it's invaluable so just thank you all for everything that you do and we're going to pump it out get everybody to scholarship Rock send us an email if you want to join the crew we'll we'll find you comment on anything yes we're we're usually on Wednesdays we used to be on Mondays but the board meetings kind of put it so now we're on Wednesdays we're in the high school in the library anyone is welcome the meetings are usually about 1 hour so we're real short and sweet but it's really it's a great really great Feelgood organization so thank you all for coming thank you anybody else want to come up tonight oh maybe we could get the teachers at scholarship Rock yes I feel like I should I feel like I should put glasses on or something I'm still Mar Allan Mian for ha Road make it official I had been trying to come in person to ask this um I just hadn't been able to before tonight the um personnal changes this year and the agenda that has changed that there are no names on anything is that an offra request or whatever it is or what brought about the change of that you really shouldn't have any names in the agenda it should just be the ID numbers there really should be no reference to anyone even ex if like if we're hiring a specific person their names on there but if there's leaves of absence or other things it's only IDs okay CU in the past it was and then I had missed the meeting when um a bit of the referendum was was spoken about for the Fieldhouse if there was I know there was one sort of a um bid out to is there any information on the timeline on that or so it's very interesting that we were just talking about it right before we came in here so um we're still working on it you know um we told the public that if we went for a referendum it would be no impact to the taxpayers and that's the commitment that the board is making so we are just working trying to work it out um we have moved forward we are the architect is making plans we are going to spend our next executive session next Monday really diing into numbers and projects and attaching dollar amounts and really seeing if it's something we can really do it's something we really want to do but you know in the essence of the financial times you know we are not going to put an unwarranted tax burden on the community so we're trying to make it work it's something we really believe in and we want to do but we're still trying to figure it out so the timeline would still be possibly December but we might push to next march Actually March 20125 um we still in that window we still can have the bond the last payments are next year 2025 on the old Bond so we would still have time if we went out in December or March to still go out and do that um so that's we're we're going to keep you updated just right now we we just really have to dig into it okay great that's very exciting thank yeah yeah thanks Mar thank you yep anybody else okay so next week the 25th we're back here at Lincoln School the Lincoln School kids are going to highlight how awesome they are and all the awesome things going on at link school and um yeah and that that should do it okay so um can I have a motion it is to enter into executive session at 7:58 p.m. I'll make a motion and can we have second I'll second Brian can you take the role all in favor I all against nay any exensions motion he's okay he wants to go in did you obain I no I'm good all right motion carry okay thank you so much everybody thank you thank you