um we we'll okay okay all right welcome we're going to get started uh tonight is Tuesday January 2nd 2024 uh this is the uh Board of Education cwell West cwell reorganization meeting the annual reorganization meeting of the cwell West cwell board of education is held in compliance with the open public meeting act in njsa 10 colon 4-6 AKA Sunshine Law notices have been sent to the progress cwell New Jersey Star Ledger Newark New Jersey and tapinto West Essex at least 48 hours in advance of this meeting notices have also been posted at the Board of Education Business Office Harrison School building 104 gr Street West cwell New Jersey and have been sent to the business administrator of burough of calwell and business administrator Township of West cwell for posting the Board of Education meeting will be streamed live all Community questions and comments will be welcome in person at the James call High School cafeteria so we can start with the uh the Pledge of Allegiance we all stand up please to the flag of the United States of America to the it stands na indivisible andice to start the meeting on going to uh announce the results of the most recent election for Board of Education members uh the two candidates uh for combine total for cwell and West cwell for votes uh Marissa laly Jefferson had 1740 votes uh the next uh candidate had John King had 1,283 um votes so at this moment we're going to administer the oath of office to the new new board member uh Marissa landal Jefferson miss Mr laly Jefferson typically the oath is administered by the board of um the board secretary for the um the district or for the board of education but we are allowed certain members including practicing New Jersey attorneys are also allowed to administer that oath so tonight um I welcome Mr Joseph Zaki uh Works uh with uh Miss laly Jefferson and he is going to administer that oath to uh Miss Lindy Jefferson no the cameras I just want to make sure you fixing the camera before I administer I have to say how lucky this board is to gain Mara for service have the great pleasure of working her every single day as the Director in someone who has the work ethic that Ser seriously is the best in town hall her attention to detail second she runs our pool run programs she should be very very um lucky to have her joining this board I know she's been do great thing for the school the students and the residents of these two great get this great honor you want to read prob I Mara Jefferson swear that I will support thetion of the United States and of the state of New Jersy and that I will true faith and Al to the government the United States and this under the authority of the people so help me I'm Jefferson swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of of and that I am not disqualified as a voter purs rs1 disqualify du to eviction of any crime or offed in njs 121 and then I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so I'll be congratulations y okay Mo you want to take a picture first we'll take a as a board then we'll take with you your family come with us too let's do it all together and this um let me just present this to you too oh the keys are my bag in that room okay at this point I'm going to do a a roll call to start the meeting for attendant Mr dimola here miss lindie Jefferson here miss Gro here Miss Mack here miss uh D Martini here we have five members present um zero absences we have a quum annually we pass out this acknowledg called a the code of ethics it's required by law we give to the board members take a second and thank you thank you have a second I thank you thank you thank you okay thank you so at this point in the meeting we're going to uh call for we're going to elect officers the uh for this year president and and and then the president will conduct the election for the vice president so at this point um I'm going to call for a nomination um for the president of the board I would like to nominate Julianne Gro as president for the board I'll second that motion okay um all in favor for the nomination eyes I I all in favor I I I I um all against nay exstension zero okay motion carried there being no further nominations to for board president the nomination was closed on motion by close the nominations a motion please I'll make a motion to close the nomination and a second please I'll second all in favor I I all against nay exensions okay motion carried so at this point we're going to do a roll call vote for uh the nomination for Miss groso for president of the board of education for cwell West cwell Mr uh DM Bola yes Miss lalie Jefferson yes Miss Gro yes Miss Mack yes Miss D Martini yes uh 5 Z motion carried so at this point uh the board secretary is going to relinquish the chair to the newly elected president to call for nomination for vice president okay congratulations thank you thank you thank you everybody I look forward to working with all of you again this year so I really I'm very humbled and I thank all of you um okay so I'm now going to call for nominations for vice president I would like to um nominate Chris danola for vice president great thank you Terry can I have a second please and I'll second thank you Daniel do we have any other nominations this evening okay if not can I have a motion to close nominations for the vice presidency I'll make a motion thank you ter and a second I'll second great okay Brian I'm all in favor for the close of nominations I I all against nay extensions okay motion carried now we'll do the roll call vot we do a roll call Vote Yes yes please so let Brian can you take the role for the nomination of Chris stul as president as vice president of the the Board of Education please so we're going to actually do a uh first I guess a motion to to call the vote oh sorry can I have a motion to call the vote please I'll make a motion thank you Terry and a second I'll second thank you now Brian can you take the role please okay uh Mr uh dimola yes M landi Jefferson yes M Gro yes M Mack yes Miss Martini yes 5 motion carried thank you everybody congratulations great missing so Brian are we ready to go through yes we can we have items 1 through 24 I believe okay so should we should I announce go through all the you can committees can we do that yes you can actually do the committee appointments as well and I have them recorded here but you can announce them as well yes so I'll do all the committee appointments I'll do the delegates for all the um you know the school boards Association the county and then I'll go through the negotiation teams and then we'll do a whole vote for 1 through 24 based on what I read yes that's okay to do that yes please okay great okay so just in the interest of the public who's here tonight um thank you for being here happy New Year we're going to go through the school board appointments okay we're going to start first with the Board of Education committees starting with curriculum and Technology our chairperson this year will be Terry de Martini Greenley Vice chair will be Marissa laly Jefferson the administrator is the assistant superintendent Caitlyn Jones finance and Facilities the new chairperson this year will be Danielle Mack Vice chairperson will be Julianne Gro and the administrator for that committee is Brian McCarthy policy committee the chairperson will be Terry Martini Greenley Vice chair will be marce and doy Jefferson and the administrator is her superintendent Dr Conlin Personnel committee chairperson this year will now be chrisan Bola Vice chair Danielle Mack and the administrator on that committee will be Dr Conlin board delegates to associations the New Jersey School Board Association our delegate will be Miss Greenley the alternate will be Mr damola Essex County School boards Association the delegate will be misss Mack the alternate will be my myself Julianne Gro The Homeschool Association we have it down here as a league but really just the Liaisons to The Homeschool Association since the League's been dissolved our delegate is going to be M Marisa landal Jefferson okay and Marissa we'll go through that afterwards all right and the alternate will be Miss Greenley the James cwell high school scholarship fund the delegate will be myself Julianne Gro the alternate will be Miss Greenley the legislative chairman for all School Board activities will be Mr damola as the delegate and the alternate will be Miss Mack ieq Safety Committee the delegate will be Miss Greenley and the alternate will be Miss Jefferson and Jefferson shared services delegate will be myself the alternate will be Mr D Bola and taking Mr ELO's place will be Miss Mack in the uh case that Mr damell or I cannot attend a shared services meeting um board representatives for all negotiation teams so the Caldwell West calwell Education Association on the negotiating team will be myself and Miss Greenley for the administ administrators Association it'll be Mr damola and Miss Jefferson for the secretary's Association will be Mr dull as the head myself as Vice chair and the cwell West cwell custodians and maintenance Association will be M Mack and Mr damola is that cover 1 through 24 Brian actually it's 1 through 25 I stand corrected okay great great okay so we'll just make a motion for the vote to approve all that yes okay so can I have a motion to approve items 1 through 25 on this evening's agenda please I will make a motion to approve items 1 through 25 on this evening's agenda thank you and can we have a second please second thank you Danielle and Brian can you take the rule when you're ready yes Mr dimola yes Miss lindie Jefferson yes Miss uh Miss Gro yes Miss Mack yes Miss uh de Mar yes 5 motion carried okay so now we are at public comments um before I open to public comment I just have a brief statement to read this evening first of all I want to wish everybody a Happy New Year since our meeting opens differently with the rework so happy New Year to everyone and on behalf of the Board of Education I want to extend a heartfelt Welcome to our new newly elected board member Marica let's give her another round of applause Marissa your unwavering willingness to sacrifice your time and energy towards the betterment of education for our children and the well-being of our community as a whole is truly inspiring I'd like to share a quote by William Butler Gates education is not the filling of a pale but the lighting of a fire as we step into this New Year let us unite now as a newly formed Board of Education to embrace fresh opportunities and overcome whatever challenges we may face as a board and as a community to our students and staff who hopefully are listening and watching tonight it is our hope that this new board will ignite a fire of knowledge and passion and endless possibilities for all of you and may this New Year 2024 be characterized by collaboration growth and positive transformation so again on behalf of the board welcome to the team and here's to a positive road ahead the five of us okay all good thank you one more round so now we're going to open up to public comments I'm just going to read our brief thing so sorry guys um but uh public participation may be governed by the following participant must be recognized by the presiding officer must preface comments by an announcement of their name and address statements are to be limited to three minutes duration participant may speak no more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard all statement shall be directed to the presiding officer Fords use the public comment period of the meeting as an opportunity to listen to citizen concerns but not to debate issues or enter into a question and answer session or a cross-examination between the public and individual members be aware that not all issues brought before the board this evening will be resolved boards May respond to public comment by seeking additional information or by delegating the authority to investigate the issue to the superintendent or his designate the presiding officer May interrupt warrant and or terminate a participants comments if it exceeds the allotted time or is objectively obscene participants may be civil liable for any obscene defamatory or slander statements made during public comment that being said does anyone have anything they'd like to get up to the podium to say this evening yes yes please that's okay so my name is John Walker uh my son goes to the middle school and I have two kids at Jefferson um Jefferson uh doesn't need a lanyard the high school doesn't need a lanyard the middle school is the only one that requires a lanyard if you look at the laneyards that are issued versus my daughter adopted this as a key chain so I apologize in another life I used to be in charge of loading and unloading cargo ships at Port New York this is a OSHA certified I wore this for 5 years at the Docks at Port New York this is two months at the middle school there's very this has been tested to make sure nobody can be hurt or strangled if they get taught you can see it's in great order after 5 years at Port Newark I was on the Science Channel you can watch on Discovery Plus furthermore when these are broken our children have to go to the office and buy a new one there's no record of receipt of where that money is going to my son has come home twice now with new lanyards and no receipts so I just wanted to bring it to the board's attention that only the middle middle school no other school is required for this it's definitely not OSHA certified and you can see trying to get a 12-year-old boy to keep this thing not from breaking is next to Impossible um and also where is the money for the extra lanyards going to and is there an account for it uh no further question thank you thank you Mr Walker thank you Mr W could you send me an email tomorrow thank you very much I appreciate that just so we could connect with some of the questions I can give you direct answers to those questions thank you Dr Conlin can you also advise if the high school uses lanyards I Bel I thought they did but I could stand corrected well I I don't think they use them for their IDs I think the middle school is the one that established that several years ago under Principal Brown I wasn't here yeah that is correct I just want to make sure that that the high school because if we're going to investigate it I'd like it to be both schools that's why I'm asking yeah yeah issue they only um enforced at the middle school got it yeah that's what I'm saying they don't force them to carry the the ID right they're not like this they're not like me who has a terrible habit of having this around all the time okay thank you for coming up and we'll look into it thank you of course anyone else that's good okay okay um good then we are let me just go to the end so that's it if there's nothing else we're going to close public comment and I'm going to ask for a motion for the board to enter executive session at 6:25 uh p.m. this evening I'll make a motion and can I have a second I'll second it Brian can you take the rooll yes all in favor I I I all against nay extensions uh 5 Z motion carried great thank you everyone our next meeting is going to be January 22nd just as a reminder um for people here and listening we're back to two meetings a month so we'll have our working meeting and then our voting meeting so our next meetings in January will be January 22nd and January 29th I believe we're still at the high school right January 22nd and 29th will be at the high school stay tuned the rest of the meetings will most likely be at each Elementary School following that so February will be at elementary March at Elementary April at elementary May at elementary and probably June will be back at the high school we usually end this here at June and we'll make sure we announce month to month so you know where we're going to be a traveling troop near you okay bye everybody Happy New Year