hi good evening everyone and welcome to the Caldwell West Caldwell Board of Education public conference meeting taking place today Monday May 20th 20124 the board met an executive session at 6:00 p.m. in the Wilson Elementary School faculty Lounge the purpose of that meeting was to discuss Personnel litigation miscellaneous and old business matters this meeting has been advertised and is in compliance with the open public meeting act and njsa 10 4-6 also known as the Sunshine Law the matters discuss will be made public when confidentiality is no longer required and formal action pursuant to said discussion shall take place only at a meeting to which the public has been invited the public conference meeting is taking place tonight at 7:02 p.m. here in the multipurpose room at Wilson School the Board of Education meeting is being streamed live but all Community questions and comments will be welcomed here in person the calwell West calwell Board of Education public conference meeting is also in compliant with the open public meetings act and njs 10 col 4-6 also know own as the Sunshine Law notices have been sent to the progress cwell New Jersey The Star Ledger New York New Jersey and tap into West Essex notices have also been posted at the Board of Education business office in the Harrison School building Grace Street West calwell New Jersey and have been delivered to the clerks of the burrow of Caldwell and Township of West Caldwell for posting Brian can you please take the role yes student representative meline Alberta Miss D Martini here miss lindie Jefferson here Miss Mack here Mr dimola here miss Gro here you have five voting members present we have a quorum okay now I'd like to welcome up Nikki baraso Juliana baraso and Valentina baraso to come on up want to stand right here and face the flag they are going to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance okay so whenever you're ready IED alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice yay and we have something special for you guys you want to come take your picture with the board real quick okay thank that's for you e okay thank you beautiful girls Brian are there any Communications for the board this evening there were none okay so we'll turn it over for the superintendent report um this week I just want to remind everyone that on May 28th Mr Lincoln will be here with a bunch of additional students to celebrate all the great things about Wilson school so please join us next Tuesday fantastic um okay so this is not a voting meeting so we're just going to kind of preview the agenda and welcome up for public comments um I think what I'm going to do is just do public comments at the end since we're just a small group tonight um so nothing for the president's report next week we'll approve the minutes um we'll skip ahead we have curriculum and Technology we will have a committee um report next week Miss Greenley will give us that under that you'll see um some field trips our new um Extended agreement with Essex County College dual enrollment program which is exciting um community- based instruction um some special services out of District placements um we have uh some Personnel updates as well um the reappointments of staff let's see seeing what else is on here for us to look at home instruction amended appointments to that the continuing education School the classes are on there esy um some summer work secretarial summer work finance and Facilities we have some approvals going on here some contracts some purchases we also have service agreements for um doctor offices for athletic teams for the team phys and the doctor's office in town agreement with them um we have our RFP we're going to approve right Brian with masio correct correct yep so mashos is going to be our food service vendor again for next year so we'll approve that trying to see what else some supplies yeah as I'm going through board members please feel free to stop me we have some purchases of vehicles you'll notice we're going to be purchasing a dump truck and some dump truck equipment for some vehicles on the um buildings and grounds Fleet that are in need of updating as well as a wheelchair bus um since we have now I think it's three students that um require wheelchair access and transportation some kindergarten and first grade test textbooks the paving of the Harrison school parking lot um which won't be done until the Harrison School field is completed okay so that'll be done afterwards um usage of facility by Little League um baseball and Boy Scouts and then just some policy updates um which we can get a little like preview from the policy committee next week as well and um we'll give a finance and Facilities update we had a finance and Facilities meeting today Danielle and I at 5 o' so we'll give updates by that as well we the board will have an update to the referendum presented to us in executive session next Tuesday and then we will be transparent and then once we have a chance to look at it we'll share that with the public then in June either way on how the referendums looking will be able to provide an update at the board meeting in June and I think that'll about Do It um for the the agenda so let's move to public comment let me just read my little Spiel here so public participation shall be governed by the following the participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface comments by an announcement of their name and address statements are to be limited lied to 3 minutes duration participant may speak no more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on the topic have been heard all statements shall be directed to the presiding officer boards use the public comment period of the meeting as an opportunity to listen to Citizen concerns but not to debate issues or enter into a question and answer session or a cross-examination between the public and individual members be aware that not all issues brought before the board this evening will be resolved boards May respond to public comment by seeking additional information or by delegating the authority to investigate the issue to the superintendent or his designate the presiding officer May interrupt Warn and or terminate a participants's comments if they exceed the allotted time or are are objectively obscene I can't talk tonight participants may be civil liable for any obscene defamatory or slanderous statements made during public comment that being said does anyone want to come address the board on anything on the agenda or off the agenda this evening come on hi Maline Brown hi uh 13 Burk andine Road um here just um more on behalf of the Quad was quadw Education Foundation tonight to let everybody know that we had our annual 5K this weekend it was our biggest one yet um like a 50% increase in participation a huge increase in gross revenue and we wanted to thank the board we saw many of you there participating some people um volunteering to step up next year and since Terry's name was mentioned she can't back down now so she's in charge next year and has a very very hard act to follow we wanted to thank the board the teachers the administration the staff everybody for the support um the buildings and grounds crew at the high school was phenomenal they were there 5:30 a.m. putting up signs taking down signs moving things and it was just a wonderful event a great Community event we had a lot of students so the teachers really hyped it up this year a lot of student turnout and it was fantastic um and I have to say that Lincoln school did win the participation trophy for the highest percentage Washington was kicking it right at the end there so we'll see next year what what happens but so thank you and thank you to everybody who participated mine do you know ballpark how much you guys raised around um it looks like gross is right around $46,000 so that goes to a lot of teacher gr so so thank you that's awesome thank you thank you so much yeah I know a bunch of us were there some of us were Danielle's the champion she's won two years in a row I was sucking wind but Brian ran his wife ran um Terry was there cheering me on she was like come on Julie I tried I was sprinting these little legs were trying but but we had a great time it is such an amazing event and I I just have to thank the Education Foundation I mean what you guys do for the teachers you're really just such a community partner and we just really thank you cuz all that money money gets funnel back to our kids our teachers who needed the most and it's a big support to the board like in in a time where we are struggling to manage our budgets right we're looking at districts all around us having State monitors come in um not being able to support like raising taxes left and right we have a healthy budget and we're very proud of that as a board we're fiscally responsible but we are also vowed to protecting our teachers and giving back to our students and making sure that they don't suffer as we try to fiscally put the r on and keep our our district afloat so the Education Foundation like raising money like that and being able to support our teachers is amazing so we thank you guys so much thank you [Music] yeah um and then I'd also like to just acknowledge that this past weekend if you missed it was the Grover Cleveland musical uh musical you're a good man Charlie Brown and it was fantastic if you didn't get a chance to see it you would have missed the beautiful Auditorium that the Board of Education just renovated it was comfortable it was beautiful having lived through that Auditorium where the seats were falling apart and I mean it was horrible I mean it's actually gorgeous we you'll see um we're looking to go out to update the sound system in there we have a little extra money earmarked for that so that it's really a nice space for the kids and then possibly also another space that we can use as a revenue Source right the way we rent out the high school we can rent out the middle school once it's up to code and and functioning well but the students and the director did wonderful job and spoiler alert since he let it go today I'm going to tell you he let it go today that next year they will be doing Frozen so I really hope next year our faculty and our schools will really pump it out because it was adorable like for little ones there was a cute little ones in the audience and they really loved it and next year will be frozen so the auditorium should be like really up Tod date and it should be a great great event and um so we're really proud of our students they did fantastic and that's all all I have anybody else have anything yeah Liz come on up yep hi Liz har 149 Ravine so in regards to the auditorium for at gcms so you mentioned that sound is going to be worked is that what you right Dr pin Sound and Lighting Sound and Lighting okay so I was going to ask about the lighting because Sound and Lighting everything's going to be upgraded it's just a question of what we decide to do and like the curtain the curtains are new okay that are going to move like clothes or no did yes okay awesome and is there is there the potential to create space for the kids to have like a backstage no no because physically the building the brick is the back the the wall that you see on the back is the wall to the outside so there's really no additional space the wall on the back of the stage the wall in the back of the stage is actually the back wall there's really no room he you can you can just KN just just kidding just kidding okay thank you so much you're welcome anyone else okay so next week we're back here Wilson School we're excited to be here Mr Lincoln will be here the kids will be here it should be really wonderful and that will be a voting meeting Okay and like I said not at Tuesday's meeting so the meeting is Tuesday the 28th because we're closed from Memorial Day happy Memorial Day weekend to everybody and and then in June we will provide an update to the public about the referend that's for sure either way depending on what's presented to us on Tuesday evening okay so to TBD on that um so that being said um I'd like to make a motion for us to end public at 7:15 p.m. and enter executive session I'll make a motion and can I have a second I second it okay Brian you want to take the rooll yes all in favor I I I all against uh no any extensions motion carried great thank you so much everybody have a wonderful 3day weekend I'm biting my tongue all every time n just that one time you said it I always Chris