[Music] okay good evening we're going to start our session good evening again East Side High School Community my name is Gloria Vega and I am the proud principal of East Side higho SCH it is a pleasure to welcome you all thank you thank you it is a pleasure to welcome you all to our swing space information session I am thrilled to see so many of you tonight demonstrating the loyalty to our school and the education of our students as we embark on this journey today together I want to take a moment to emphasize the importance of community e Side High School previously known as W Wilson High School has always been more than just a building it is a viin hub where students teachers parents and community members come together to create a nurturing and dynamic learning environment tonight's session is des designed to provide you with detailed information about temporary swing space Arrangement which will enable us to continue delivering high quality education while our main campus under go essential Renovations we understand that change can be challenging but I am confident that with your support and understanding we can turn this transition into an opportunity for growth and Improvement our team has worked tirelessly to ensure that the swing space will meet the needs of our students and staff we have taken into account every detail to make this move as seamless as possible we are committed to maintaining the standards of excellence that you have come to expect expect from Eastside High School this evening you will hear from various members who will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the Swing space plan we will also address any questions or concern you may have as your input is invaluable in making this transition successful this evening you will hear in closing I want to thank every one of you for your continued support and dedication to eite high school together we will navigate this period and change and emerge stronger and more united than ever before your trust and collaboration is essential and I am confident with your Collective effort we will continue to provide an outstanding educational experience for all our students thank you thank you for being here tonight and thank you for being a loyal part of wood Wilson Eastside High School Community with no further Ado allow me to introduce our eai high school jotc for the presentation of color please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Mar love flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice AR thank you thank you [Applause] let us welcome now please all of us our board vice president Nelson good evening can we give our students another round of applause again good evening everyone thank you principal Vega for your continued leadership it's a pleasure to see all of you here tonight at our first of many Community involvement sessions regarding the construction of the brand new esad H while today we will be going over information about the swing SL speak we will also be providing you all with an opportunity to sign up to be a part of the committee first I would like to extend a thank you to our great superintendent katr MCC our honorable mayor Victor carar council president Angel quentes and all of his fellow council members my fellow par n board East Side High staff students and community members for their continuous support and dedication to our school district I also want to recognize the parents and Guardians for their active involvement and support which is crucial to our Student Success tonight I am excited for for you all to hear about the future of e as well as the temporary s sa land this new school provid students with state-ofthe-art facilities as resources they deserve the new East High will feature modern classs advanced Science and Technology labs and expensive sport facilities creating an environment that Pro promotes both academic excellence and physical wellbeing we believe this new high school will be a Cornerstone for our community fostering a sense of Pride and and unity among students staff and residental life I look forward to seeing the positive impact this new school will have in our district and Community for years to come I would like to introduce someone who has been instrumental in making this Vision a reality at this time please join me in welcoming our honorable mayor Victor car hello hello good afternoon greetings to everybody e side students parents and the East Side family one of my main priorities as the mayor of our city is to ensure our children are getting a 21st century education inside spaces that are Equitable to their peers in the suburbs is that no Camden child is Left Behind I want the students of today to have the same access and opportunity that I had growing up and our superintendent had gr up and so many of those my colleagues had growing up and graduating out of the Cy School dist that is why I'm excited as we prepare for what will be generational investment into our school system and in our students an investment that's going to be more than $15 million in state funding to build a brand new East Side High School yeah [Applause] the Reconstruction is being supported by the funding from the New Jersey schools Development Authority and was included in the 2023 State fiscal year budget approved by Governor Bill Murphy I was proud to stand shoulder the shoulder from Congressman D nor Senator nson Perez assemblyman Bill Spar assemblyman Bill Moen city council PR East Side East Side where on Angel and all the council members who stood with us and our great superintendent Katrina mome School of ab board members and our cam strong team to deliver the news that a new high school is on the way and it will be fully funded this is an exciting project for the students and fames from can and will be the second new High School built in this city in less than five years when complete students will have a moded space we're talking about a media center a special education life skills classroom a new Auditorium cafeteria gymnasium as well as several trade Labs including construction Medical Arts cosmetology welding performing arts and More in short this will be a game changing development for our city for our community for East Side generational change for our community as you can imagine a major part of this project involves Community engagement input sessions to ensure that the new school is going to align with the needs and aspirations of the community that's going to take all of us communica everybody being on the same page to get to the success we want to have for our students in this building everybody has to be involved East Side alumni East Side parents East Side Community everybody is going to be involved with this process and so when it's all said and done we know it's our we're committed to working with our residents our students families to make East Side High School the best learning environment for everybody while the new East Side High School is being constructed let's all work together to make a smooth and successful transition to the renovated Cramer school we would like to truly thank the entire Eide Community for your contributions advocacy and the city's most priceless asset are you thank you all your voices are being heard you have a hand at creating what's going to happen a bright new future for East Side Community for East Side High School School a community that I'll tell you deserves all of this deserves every brick that's going to be built here for your families your kids and the community so thank you all this process I'm so proud to be a part of with so many people that are stakeholders that are involved with this so thank you all for getting this going we're going to see this through appreciate [Applause] let's give another round of applause for our [Applause] mayor at this time I would like to introduce someone else who is very special uh to our addition I would like to call up our superintendent please join me and welcome super intended Katrina M to share more details about the new high school swing space and exciting plans we have of St let's keep it going while she comes up [Applause] please thank you so much let's give our Advisory Board AC president a round of applause thank you so much I know the house has already been addressed but I want to say thank you so much to our mayor for being here to our council president for being here all Advisory board members would you please stand that way everyone knows who you are we're so grateful for our MERS are here take things but they were here and they were present I'd also like to thank uh the principal of e High School Miss Vega for the wonderful job that she's done welcoming all today I'd like to also thank my team and the central office staff members who are here members of my executive leadership team would you please stand at this time and be acknowledge because they've been working hard thank you so much and also last but not least this person and I'm doing this up front so we can get right into sharing the excellent and positive news that we have to share today but I want to thank this individual who is someone who is often behind the scenes and unsung hero doesn't like to be in the front but would you please stand at our communication as the mayor said is so very important and U we want to continue to do a better job at continuously improving our communication so again welcome to the east side Kai Community thank you all for taking this time to meet with me and our team this evening as we go over just a few announcements and it won't be a long presentation because we want you to be able to uh interact and be able to um share your questions using the QR code so as we go through the presentation if you have any questions please use the QR code that is on your table but we want to take uh the time to go over a few announcements regarding the construction and temporary everyone say temporary temporary before I use you everyone say temporary temporary all right the temporary swing space at least High School want to talk to you about that a little bit more so I want to start by saying that while we sent out Community notifications and made announcements at our board meetings regarding the construction of a brand new East Side High School and the arrangements for where rising or current students will attend during this process I do want to take the opportunity to meet with you all tonight in real time to address any immediate questions you may have next slide before I before I move forward I'll quickly go over the agenda I know that D Nelson Has addressed the room I have already the rest of the room but I want you as students to know and with all of our students please say our students from East Side High School if you are a student who attends East Side High School please stand and I'm looking at you right here if you're a student to attend e High School to attend e High School [Applause] you are the reason we are here today you are the reason um that those individuals of the mayor spoke up stood advocated and made sure that there was a new e high on the way for you so we want to just acknowledge you before we begin to have our discussion so given our limited time this evening I want to emphasize the value of your time although there may not be an opportunity for all all questions to be answered during this meeting again please note that the last slide includes a QR code through which you can submit your questions that code is also on your tables if I'm not mistaken we have also compiled a list of frequently asked questions that you can access on our website under the East Side High construction tab again we have a website tab dedicated to updating the community students and families and staff members on the progress made toward the new East Side High next slide so I'm going to start off excuse me by sharing a little bit of information regarding the determination behind East Side High School so as many of you know the district initially announced that e high would be renovated using $49 million in ARP funds that was our big announcement however subsequent to that announcement the SDA conducted a site visit of the building in December 2022 and determined that the anticipated cost to renovate and repair this building including updating the educational programming to ensure the building needs educational accy standards would be closer to $90 million just for um renovation and based on initial estimates from theba the cost of the new construction would be in the 105 to $15 million range as such it was deemed more cost effective not to mention more Equitable to build a new East Side High School but regardless of the option Chosen and due to the extensive Renovations that would be needed the students would need to locate to a temporary or Swim space location until either the renovations were complete or a new building constructed next slide so as the mayor alluded to um in sharing some of the amazing we're excited can I just say that I know I have a lot here to but we are truly excited because of the wonderful new opportunities that are going to evolve because we will have a new building that is designed to meet the needs of the future of our students and so a new East Side High School will offer expanded opportunities for Career and Technical education focused curriculum with the inclusion of several Cutting Edge Career and Technical education spaces and they are listed right behind me and these this information is also on our district website because it's been presented at several board meetings our vision is to provide students with practical skills and handson experiences that prepare them for success in the workforce and Beyond to support this initiative the new new school will be equipped with stateof the art facilities and resources that are tailored to Career Technical education programs this includes specialized classrooms workshops and Labs dedicated to Fields such as technology engineering Healthcare and more our students will have the opportunity to engage in real world projects and gain valuable experience in their chosen career path Additionally the new East High School has already begun foring Partnerships with local businesses Industries and Community organizations to enhance the CTE curriculum even further through internships apprenticeships and mentorship programs students will have a chance to apply their skills in professional settings and build networks within their chosen fields and I'm going to slow down here and take a moment to acknowledge Mr Jose V who you can hear over my left uh my left shoulder who is providing translation so I'm going to slow down so the seems that I'm speaking too slowly is because I'm trying to remind myself that we want everyone to understand so thank you to Mr Ros our team and individual have the translation device L morning so on this next slide I just wanted to make sure we update everyone on the different phases of the construction process so we are currently in phase two everyone say phase two I know it's and that is why we you but I know it's everyone say two I am not in she's not de but the new nursy school's development has made D Architects as the contracted architect of the project this is the same firm who designed the Canon ey campus SDA D and the district convened a new East Side High School working which needs every 3 weeks to discuss the design of the building the district has convened the following subcommittees to assist in envisioning the space and GR requirements for the new facility they are instruction and programming student supports facilities and operations athletic programming stakeholder engagement and Communications historical artifacts and swing space and transition next slide so if you take a look at this timeline you'll see the project schedule for the new East Side High please note this timeline is very high level and is based on feedback from the SBA or schools Development Authority who is managing the construction process we will go into more detail in a few other slides to here some very ke points just in case you can't see the slides behind me in the summer of 2024 this summer the district will move out of our current location our current home which we value the East Side High School in Fall of 2024 demolition will begin in February 2024 through September 2025 the design phase of the new building will begin from December 2026 at beginning in December 2026 construction begins February 2029 is when there should be substantial completion of a new East Side High School in the spring and summer of 2029 the district will be able to occupy the new East Side High which means we'll be able to get peace we'll be able to move in and do all of those things that we are excited to do to get ready for our new stay in that new facility and then September 2029 we're anticipating the new East Side High will open for students again that's a very high level um timel mind and if any changes occur as we move forward we will continue to keep the board the public and everyone here um updated as to those um adjustments that's why tonight is so very important in addition to the slides and I only have a couple more to share on the access screen space but in addition to that we want to make sure that everyone knows we invite your partnership we invite your input and if you move over to my right end we will have more discussion about this you'll see individuals who are seated at the table right in front of the big EHS on the bleachers they are going to help us sign individuals up for committees so if you want to be a part of the new Side High if you want to be a part of the body input of giving her input and that's your students all the way through um alumni parents community members we want you to be a part we welcome you we are looking forward to the partnership that it will take in order to make the vision become a reality the next couple of slides will focus in on the same stage so I talked about temporary I said you know let's make sure we focus on the word temporary because that's exactly what this will be but it is important that our temporary space feels like a temporary home it's not just going to be a temporary building that our young people and our staff members are working in but we want to together make it into a temporary home so starting in September 2024 East Side High School staff and students will be relocated to the framework school which is located at 2800 mle Street in Canon New Jersey and we share this information so this is not news for most of you but we want to make sure that everyone is aware of the direction that we're going in this is decision was made with careful consideration and in close collaboration with the Candon County Improvement Authority I think we had a couple members of The Authority here Jim Le if you're still here from the C County hey Mr there you are right over there have the C County Improvement Authority has been a great partner um because they're helping us to make sure that we have eyes on the project in addition to what SBA is providing so this new construction is just at for that we want to make sure that we have developed our own checks and balances in place and ccia is a critical part of helping us to make sure that everything runs as it should so that ccia the school Development Authority will work together to make sure that Kramer is equipped and ready to serve as a welcoming and supportive environment for our staff and students during this transition period so the choice of of Kramer as the t space why Cramer it's both strategic and it's also Forward Thinking rather than investing in a temporary leasing of an external facility a solution that offers no longterm benefits to our district we have chosen to allocate those funds towards renovating a property that we already own this approach not only provides a temporary home for East Side High that minimizes disruption for our students and staff but it also revitalizes a building that holds potential for significant future contributions to our community so once the new East Side High School is fill and we move out of ker into the new e high school as a district we want to be a good neighbor we want to make sure that what we're leaving in the community is something that is going to be valued to the community and then there can be input as to what that building will become uh next slide so the prer location just for anyone in here who may not be aware uh there is a map behind me and again I'll go down on this when deciding on the location for the new East Side High School swing space we prioritize considerations of transportation and distance if you take a look at the slide you will see the distance between East Side High and school driving is5 miles and walking next slide space planning for Premier school so if you take a look at this slide you will see the space planning uh it's important that we were able to think about what collaboration is input from the leadership team here at East Side High School central office staff our facility staff our Engineers ccia sea and everyone working together to ensure that the space requirements are going to meet our needs so we have worked closely again with principal Vega and the East Side High admen team to assign rooms throughout prer school we conducted several walkthroughs to ensure we didn't miss anything and here is what we have uh come up with the ground floor will will hold music band health and PE a health office and a temporary kitchen the first floor will hold will house CTE and special areas the second floor will house Ela and social studies and the third floor will house mathematics and science additionally we will be adding an Annex with four classrooms on the sides of the building to be installed during the 20 24 25 school year as well as a cafeteria and kitchen anex also to be installed in the 2024 2025 school year you will get a closer look at the space in other spots sore Academy which is extremely important um and an important part of the East Side High Community will be moved to another location during the temporary stay at CR because we are just not able to house all of the students inclusive of sad so we are working diligently and the uh the team under teaching and learning under Dr Walker's leadership is working on a plan for sure and where it will be and we will R out the details of that plan at a later time the self contained special education students who are currently here at East Side will be moved to the Canon High campus that's a minimum number of students but we want to make sure that every student has what need for their educational advancement for the next 5 years next slide active Renovations at krer school so turning our attention to this slide here's a high Lev overview of the plan Renovations and updates for CR this work is currently underway and will be completed in time for student and staff tours of the building prior to the start of the school year and um as you can see on this slide there's exterior and interior Renovations that it's important for me to know I am very much aware and we all are aware that K school was closed a few years back when there were schools that were closed in the district um due to budgetary and other reasons we have a wonderful opportunity because the schools Development Authority will be reimbursing the district for the changes and the um regulations that are made in framew school so that is not money that we have access to in the past in order to be able to renovate PR but now because there's a new East Side High not only will this community get a new high school but now the prer school will be able to be renovated and the school's Development Authority will pay for it so it's not a burden to the district it's not a burden to our financial offers but it is a wi investment um in order to make sure that that building will continue to um be positive for the community so just a few of the exterior uh Renovations new main mantion doors exterior and interior with Windows above grof repairs and coating to ensure the roof is seal repointing the bricks on the exterior to eliminate leaking Gutter and down spout repairs removal of PR playgrounds inspecting and upgraded lighting Landscaping installation of modular for use as kitchen and cafeteria I'm where the med can't see it installation of modulars to use as classrooms installation and access card readers and a phones at front at Aon at the front entrance to ensure safety for the interior renovation of the teachers loung repairs to sealing GRS and replacement of ceiling Towes in various locations that's classrooms restrooms offices renovation of classrooms for cosmetology classroom installation of sinks and workstations removal of bathrooms and old pre classrooms and conversion to washrooms for art classes bathroom upgrades and repairs repairing of walls and ceilings with water damage evaluating and repairing and installing Smart Boards as needed evaluation and repair of agback equipment as needed replacement of lighting installation of additional security cameras moving PA systems from East Side High to Cramer floor repairs deep cleaning of the Interior deep deep deep deep cleaning of the interior and so these are just the high level changes that are being made at Cramer and the work has already started the work has started a few months back if you ride by crer school you'll see trucks outside you'll see vendors come come in to work on agback to work on Roofing I'm saying all this today that we care so deeply about our young people we care so deeply about our staff members we care so deeply about the East Side High community and I'm not saying that just to say it but we're doing it we're showing it through the action through taking time to partner and make sure that everything is in place will everything be perfect on day one absolutely not but we are Shing for Perfection each and every day and a lot of this work has already started and we look forward to the journey ahead I cannot it enough and if you don't remember anything else I say enough know that this city the school district this school Community loves the students and the staff members of East Side High School and we are not only saying but we are showing it through our effort and our passion collectively collectively working together so that as our students goong and see us working together they'll know how to do this when it's time for them their lifetimes hopefully they won't have to build a new high school here but they will know how to move a project forward together because they seen us modeling for them so we're looking forward to uh those Renovations last couple of times on the next slide you get to see a few pictures of the interior of PR School and you'll see from these photos that the facilities team has done an excellent job let's see our facilities team they have non and they are so proud they are so proud of what they are doing um they are doing an excellent job of maintaining the building and they have been doing so even over the years while the building has been closed although Renovations are currently on your way to bring the school up to standards it will be a suitable and love space for staff and if you take a look at the pictures you'll see the painting has already started uh there you see the Scaffolding in place they worked on bringing this building to a wonderful place so that our young people will be pleased and will'll be um excited about where they are will learning for the next 5 years and on the next slide here are some additional photos of the building's exterior if you look at the photo in the upper left and the one on the right you'll see the parking lot spaces identified earlier for the cafeteria kitchen Annex and the four classroom andex unit which leads me to the next slide Athletics we are proud and if you take a little around this St right now we are proud of the athletic proudest of East High School the reputation let's give our Athletic program our Athletic program from the past and for the present we are so proud and we want you to know that there will be continuity plans for athletics and extra curricular activities there won't be any Interruption we may have to adjust the course and work with partners and share gymnasium at existing schools in our district but there will be no disruption and we have um our community has done a great job and ensuring that we are planning for that so all Cent East Side School sports and extracurricular activities will carry over to the new swing space the Athletics baces behind the building will continue to be used throughout Demolition and the new construction plans are being put in place to ensure continuity of services and accessibility for athletic teams during construction we are exploring alter to spaces for the auditorium and the gymnasium to ensure continuity in sport programming and the Performing parts and the final slide I want to to share with you when it comes to summer school and Credit Recovery while we will not be utilizing the current East Side High School building during the summer it's important to note that we are that we are still moving forward with scheduled services such as our summer and credit recovery programs East Side High students will still be a able to take advantage of the summer program activities by participating at HD Wilson additionally our credit recovery program will transition to our Dudley School building so there won't be an interruption students who need to still um catch up on their credits to make sure they stay on track of graduation will be able to do so and our students um who have highs who would like to participate in our second year program will be to do so with transportation to HP RS in this sum and on the last slide this concludes my presentation and again as I mentioned earlier while we are limited in this evening's information session we have this QR code available for any questions that you may have um and I want to thank you for uh this time I thank you for your attentiveness and there are a few more pieces to our program tonight the information session but again thank you all for being here together we can do this it is better to do it together and we remember that we are putting stons first and during them and every decision that we made so thank you very much give it up again for our Superintendent at this time we have a special presentation by our e Side High School Char e r e y s r e give me that need that we need P what one 2 [Applause] Tigers check this out about do this get ready ready ready check this [Music] out girl [Music] Che out [Music] now like like like like a [Music] for any questions please scan the QR code on the table or up here so all questions will be responded to through the QR codes June 22nd which is also on your tables there will be a Community block part the last goodbye tour for East Side High from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. the second one for all alumni that would like to join East Side High graduation June 25th at 5 p.m. at this time we will have remarks from our East High to Eastside High School students uh excuse me if I pronounce your name wrong we LLY Ortiz Ro how you say it what's the name Ro Rand Rand Ortiz and kayn moon please come up at this time let's give them a round of applause hello everyone my name is or I'm senior my years here I have develop in every High School is a space for a person to grow learn set goals and to work on now who they are my experiences at e me to find my passion my creative nature and to think outside the honestly those to trans to different some that everything however there will be more to build e Side High School to school that we wanted the school that we deserve now that I look back e was a perfect B for me to grow because here at East Side you're encouraged to be raised out and we expected to show up and show out every day and you learn to strengthen your weaknesses during my year I wasn't exed a model student in fact I was the I doubted myself in my abity work I doubted whether I was capable to since I was always compared to my that me to act out but as soon I came toiz I had the potential to be just as great as them maybe they can better I told myself I would be better I life I wanted to change and improve as school and as a person I wanted to make this change because e High School taught me about the value of personal growth and how hard work and dedication can change the direction of your life I started working towards becoming a better student by taking my time to complete my work correctly and double checking answers before turning it in after my year I was asked to participate in East High School AP government ontic class I realiz but my hard work was p and I was accomplishing my goals even though it took me 3 years to see it for myself I can finally say I'm [Applause] now I'm not only this student but I'm also a student athlete I'm the host of vir scho shows and all known for my hard work commandment and education and all I to say is thank you to e thank you e for all the encouragement and advice that I use every day thank you for helping me realize my potential and thank you for welcoming into the layer and making me a tiger I'm excited to see us leave space because they have given me so much growth but as a graduate of 2024 I'm excited for the new ler and the future TI us the new e will provide an environment that BL with students with new technology improve facilities and new opportunities will welcome sorry the new school will welcome the 21st century to the city [Applause] of evening my is [Applause] I I to have most time school being my first year I would like to give CR to everybody that helped me do this school year and help me I am today I won't say that it was a perfect Journey but it was one that I remember for a lifetime the first day into the building I was a little scared I didn't really know anyone and it was a new environment for me uh after the first week or so I realized it wasn't how I expected it to be the T are always there to help you when you need it help them out get you things in school but they also help me give you things in the real world I want to give a shout out to my AP Government my AP Government teacher Mr father and my honor teacher Mr M not only do they help me become a better student and reach the goals of life that I wanted but they help me strive to keep going for what I wanted to be become a better person the people on this the staff the staff student their students best interest in mind the Eng footb players show support that the community and school has leas Tigers I never felt left out wasn't part of the community this is why each side deserves help uphold this community the same POs to this whole thing is it takes the village to ride for free the child a proper that that means an entire community of people must provide and interact positive with children for those children to experience and grow and safe and healthy environment I will also love to give an acclamation to head coach Brown for giving di football also teaching me and others in order for this continuous for this to Contin side have the pr to better support the c c oh I'm sorry the to better support the individual buildings in these BS that being said I like to think c c district and SCH and for amazing and I can't wait to see that what theand new has in in the future we give another round of applause to our students not easy to come up here and speak the crowd and he did an excellent job at this time I would like to bring up one of our own East East Side High School alum Miss Aria Brown [Music] first of all when I walk into that house it's going to be a party this it's a celebration that's what I think it's to be everyone is so funny and I'm looking for some excitement when I walked into the building I started walking up the trails on the outside of the I entered into the Lami and the first person I saw was Jose Delgado I don't know if he's still here when I saw Jose Delgado I said oh I remember this hallway chering Class of 1989 w m High School let me tell you something a home to this will forever be our home home is within us it's not a building it's within us our memories will never ever ever go away I've been here practicing 11 12 in morning time we aren supposed to when we were high school students those memories will never ever ever go away hert P was my principal I don't know if you remember my cheerlead coach CIA some of you might know her as well but I have a friend who works with me every day and who was a mentor to me and that's him I wish she was here today as but I want to say to all of the East Side High W wall Lum if you're in the building please stand please [Applause] stand is here is never but all be here we're going to sign up we're going to make sure that when they erect the new East Side High that we're getting everything that we deserve we deserve a new school we deserve it we deserve it for our K just like said I got nothing to love nothing but love 30 years in the Kansas City School District I'm the senior director of the Kansas School nutrition program and guess what it's about resources benefits we talking about funding we're talking about opportunities we're talking about the future of our community we're talking about the future students and leaders that are here today and will be here tomorrow it doesn't matter what school building that we are in we will forever bleed orange and we will forever B tigers and tiger take this time right now to listen sign up scan ask questions if you don't ask a question you will not get the answer don't be on the sideline talking about what to come or what should happen or what shouldn't happen be a part of the decisions I was here when Canon high school was erected I was here as part of the planning team I am here as part of the planning team for East Side High and I will be here with the is around so everybody get on your feet stand up in the back celebrate because today is a new day and tomorrow will be even better God bless you guys have a good [Applause] night let's give Miss Aria Brown another round of applause [Applause] so before I bring up this next speaker uh I just want to say that this really is an inclusive process and I know there's some things that may take place that may not be to everyone's liking um I also appreciate on behalf of the board the input that comes from Community um and we take time you know to meet to hear different things so please understand that nothing goes unheard even if it's not the outcomes that you may want to see so I don't want to underscore that so thank you thank you to everybody that shares and again everybody's comments will be heard I know there are people that want to speak that want to share some things um and at this time um you have to utilize the QR code so everyone will be responding to so at this time I would like to bring up another special individual our council president who is also the alumni of Eastside High School angel let's give him a round of applause I was hoping that the DJ would play a sasai and that could dance um what do you think you know maybe after this event we c um let me um you know just listening to our superintendent went over the plan um and listening to our mayor uh who represents us all um his his commitment to see this from the beginning to the end uh speak volume but to listen to the students given their testimonies um I thank you you know and I think when it comes to the quality of Education or when the superintendent um she stated we put our first and to hear our students say that either the most definitely the teachers you know have to touch them in a way that they have become better uh people so I just want to say thank you for believing in your teachers for believing in this school for believeing and what's to come so um let's give it up again to students testimonies always remember this day always remember this day so um you know I I I um what happened in Kevin high school and there were a lot of students a lot of parents and and and stakeholders who were afraid of the unknown the fear of the unknown and and you know think not just because of the $105 million that going to take place here in campas City particularly here in this s but as as as president stated we need your input we need your input to to as we continue this journey in the next couple years there might be things in in the first 6 month but yet you know a few years from now there will be a contingency plan if you if you get involved it is so critical to get involved the community as a whole to get involved in fact ala Brown was stated so ELR one day I'll dance with her um that you know she was there for and she would be there for w TR and I'm glad that we do have e side I'm glad we have alites that graduated from E side you know and there'll be more and we'll participate and we'll attend um these commits and my frog right guys can you please raise your hand there you go I want everyone to say yes to a particular committee please this is just the beginning and and and we need your import if you want to sign up for Community engagement committee that's something we called sign up please go to back there and let them know that I'm interested to take the part to get involved particularly the community to let the community know what's happening all the development you know step byep step all the process you know that's going to take place here at East Side also the historical artifacts um I'm sure it's a lot of treasures a lot of um monuments a lot of photos a lot of trophies um going back to 1930 I believe so there's also the student engagement committee students even when you graduate this June or next year um students y committee get involved we need your input and and your so your values have to take have to be taken seriously we need your input I graduated from here back in 1980 I have funed memories you know and so it is so urgent the word urg urgency urg that you get involved as well you know I those that graduated and of course the Athletics committee let me tell you I the rest team and I was the captain of the ten um that's a good committee so let me closing is that if we want to talk about the quality education for our students it begins now it begins back there when you sign up to say I want to be part of History I want to take ownership this is my school this is my community this is my city C City so please please do not you know walk away sign up sign up and then they'll get back to you let you know when the meeting is going to take place and we want to hear from every one of you [Applause] yes you can yes I'll see you so thank you everyone please can call sign for commit I'm going to sign for thank you God bless give another [Applause] round that's this time we would like to bring back to the mic our home superintendent cther m [Music] [Applause] CLS thank you thank you so much for being here again thank you to all our distinguished guests our advisory members our community members our students our staff we are looking forward to being able to continue to work our discussions and to work together um with the process that has been outlined so well by our council president so please sign up students sign up staff members sign up parents Al community members sign up we want to work with you thank you have a wonderful safe evening I hope you've enjoyed the food thank you to this awesome team um led by our pres our president our principal Miss V for welc welcoming us today thank you thank you thank you we appreciate each and every one of you