good evening everyone it is 6 o'cl pm. and we are at our Cape canaval city council regular meeting here at the city hall council chambers located at 100 PK Avenue Cape Canaveral Florida 32920 it is febru February 20th 2024 and uh I want to thank you all for being here I call this meeting to order council member Willis would you please lead us in the pledge United States stand indivisible andice thank you city clerk please call the Ro council member Davis here council member Jackson here mayor protim Kellum here mayor Morrison here council member Willis here thank you Council mayor PM for all being here this time we will approve the agenda as written or make any amendments council do we have any requests for changes to the agenda I make a motion to approve as written I'll second got a motion by council member Willis second by council member Davis to approve the agenda as written any further discussion on the motion seeing none city clerk council member Davis council member Jackson for mayor protim Kellum for mayor Morrison for council member Willis for wonderful so the first part of our meeting is the presentations and interviews portion first presentation is a proclamation declaring March 2024 as Irish American Heritage Month here in the City of Cape Canaveral I believe we have Mr Keith Reynolds here uh representing the Ancient Order of hi hiber sorry Hibernians eth are you here hey Scott thank you this time I I'll read the proclamation then if you'd like to say a few words after I'm happy to take a photograph as well and with that official proclamation of the City of Cape Canaveral Florida whereas by 1776 nearly 300,000 Irish Nationals had immigrated to the American colonies and played a crucial role in America's war for independence and whereas five signers of the Declaration of Independence were of Irish descent three signers were Irish born and at least 22 presidents of the United States have proudly proclaimed their Irish American Heritage and whereas Irish born commodor John Barry fought the last sea battle of the American Revolution off the coast of Florida and was recognized by the United States Congress in September of 20 2002 as the first flag officer of the United States Navy and whereas the Irish first came to Spanish La Florida in the 1500s first as missionaries and mercenary soldiers and then as planters Traders businessmen doctors and administrators and three of the Spanish governors of La Florida were Irish Military Officers and whereas Father Richard Arthur an Irish born priest from limr Who was appointed Ed Parish priest of St Augustine in 1597 and ecclesiastical judge of La Florida established the first public school in America and opened it to both boys and girls of all Races and whereas Irish Floridians can look back with pride on the legacy of their Irish forebearers who have contributed significantly to American Education business Sports literature science engineering medic Med and the Arts and whereas Irish Americans since America's Inception have provided and continue to provide leadership and service to this nation's political business and religious establishments and whereas it is fitting and proper to celebrate the rich cultural heritage and the many valuable contributions of Irish Americans now therefore I Wes Morris and mayor of the City of Cape canaval bravard County Florida Florida do hereby proclaim the month of March 2024 as Irish American Heritage Month signed and sealed this 20th day of February 2024 thank you I'll come down and join you [Applause] mayor Morrison council state thank you very much for this honor Irish American heritage month is very important to you know the entire Community here especially in Cape Canal um interesting you mentioned Commodore John Barry here in Cape out at jeny Park we actually have a plaque uh Comming Commodore Barry's accomplishments in that Revolutionary War the other side note is invite all of you to come out to our St Patrick's parade on the 16th it's going to be down in melbour but it's still going to be a great time fun time for all to be able to celebrate this thank you very much thank you next is a presentation by Zachary maret Community engagement and Outreach officer for the bravard zoo to provide an update on the progress of the proposed 14 acre aquarium in Conservation Center at Port Canaveral Zachary thank you thank you all right so um as I think everybody knows at this point we have some pretty exciting things going on with rard zoo and so uh we are in the middle of our Legacy campaign and our Legacy campaign is our current hundred million campaign to both continue to support the zoo because the zoo is who we are it's our heart it's our of concept right um but also to build this new Incredible facility right here for canaval um so next hi please um and this new facility will follow just like Bard Zoo the same entrepreneurial independent non Prof business model um and really ensure that we are paying our own way and adding to the community um in every step as long as we can um while providing the same interactive experiences that we've all known to grow or grown to know and love from rard Zoo um and then last but certainly not least first and foremost this facility will increase the reaching capacity of what we do because our Zoo already does some incredible things for the local environment um and we'll talk about those and kind of how that's expanding a little bit here um next slide please um but first kind of where we stand with our current campaign this is aund million campaign that we launched in late 2021 after signing our land agreement with the port we're currently sitting at just under $75 million pledged towards that hundred million campaign this is exponentially larger than anything that we've done um and are so incredibly honored and appreciative of all of the community members that have stepped up and supported this project already but we also know that we still have a ways to go um not only are we still you know working towards that1 million goal but this is a plan that we launch in 2021 and I think we all know what cost $100 million in 2021 um but those prices have not gone down since that day so we know that when this fall Hits when next year hits opening day hits our fundraising doesn't stop we are in campaign mode to continue to grow and build the things that we do um but we are already seeing a result of this campaign on the work that we're doing for our environment next slide please um and we're seeing that in a couple of areas in particular first is our work with seagrass our historic Shores team has started working with seagrass in the last couple of years we have now built our second um seagrass Nursery the first was it's down at the Hub SeaWorld property and that one is up and running we have seagrass growing in those runways now seagrass that we are using not because we think that we're going to replant the entire Indian River Lagoon with that seagrass but because it's allowing us to learn from that seagrass um we know more about the seag grass that goes in grows in the Balkans than we do the seagrass that grows right here in the Indiana riveron and so the research that we're able to put forward using the benefits of this campaign and the growth to everything that we do um is going to play a vital role in the restoration efforts both from the zoo from the county from all of our independent Partners from the city as well um long into the future at the Indian River Lagoon next slide please um our second big project that we've been working with more recently um we' work with oyers for long time working with mangr for a long time but more recently Cass and then certainly manatees when we first launched this plan manatees were not in the plans for the aquarium project but after losing about 2,000 manatees in two years we heard pretty loud and clear from our community that manatees needed to begin the plan and so we're already working to step up our efforts to work with manatees in the past year we've assisted with over 31 rescues 14 transports 24 releases and put in 2,000 hours of our staff time um working with our partner organizations to help manatees in addition to that next slide please we are um soon going to be building our first rehab facility for manatees um again funded by FWC and funded by the efforts of this campaign U which will be at bravard zoo this will be a sort of supportive care or acute care facility to allow us to take pressure off of our partner organizations when they have those Critical Care tanks that are filled um and part of the pun get our feet wet with manity care for what will coming at the new aquarium facility next slide please because this is the Big Shiny object that we're talking about this is what we're excited about right this is what's catching everybody's attention and for good reason we've been sharing this picture for um quite a few years now and when we share it it's met with a lot of excitement but it's also met with a big question and that is which parts the aquarium right because when we look at this we don't see a traditional aquarium within that picture within that rendering and that's because we're not building a tradition aquar think if anybody knows Bard Zoo they know that we do things The Bard Zoo way we don't do things necessarily the traditional way so this is a Bard Zoo aquarium and so although plans shift and alter over time in this original drawing there's no manatees in there and we have changed plans um but the concept Remains the Same and what we are going to be building still maintains This indoor outdoor immersive experience um that you see laid out in the Rend before you next uh slide please um but this is a little bit more of an updated design drawing of what the site plan will look like what you see highlighted in blue is what we have committed to including in our phase one opening plans and so this is what we're moving forward with on construction documents currently um and then the other colors are essentially funding dependent and then also um providing us with some opportunity to add things into the future to keep people coming back to keep people excited about returning but the vast majority included in our current plans um with one big exception the real big exception of what we've kind of the biggest change from these original plans we've shared is that centered grade out area and that is that big water playay area um and this was something that we had included in the original plan we were excited about because it would give something different but what we realized as we progressed with our plans is that that water playay area was really not Mission Central and not fully connected with who we are yes our mission is to help wildlife and people thrive and a chance to play in the active outside helps people thrive certainly um but this area was so big that it really started to overshadow the mission of the rest of the facility and so we're working on rethinking on what that Central Area looks like um but it also helps us reduce our water usage come in line with the water needs um of the site and of the port um but really helps make sure that every aspect of this facility is going to be focused on our mission um and connecting all of our guests whether from P canaval or Melbourne Florida or Melbourne Australia with the local environment and taking those sort of universal lessons home with them on what we can all be doing to take better care of our waterways um next slide please so we'll go through just a couple of kind of updated renderings to show some of the progress that we're making both with the theming and the planning of the specifics for these spaces one of the first experiences that guests will encounter as they come through is going to be our new sea turtle veterinary hospital so we have fantastic sea turtle rehab program at bardu we have successfully rehabed well over 200 sea turtles at this point and that facility will be celebrating its 10th birthday later this year but this new facility will not replace our current sea turtle hospital it will be a second location for us so it will give us more capacity to help Turtles um and just as or probably even more importantly this will be built guest facing because our current hospital was built 20 years after the zoo opened it's behind the scenes guests don't get to see it museums aquariums we've put a lot of money into figuring out how do we make people care enough to change our behaviors to help the environment and what we've learned is that it requires empathy and in order to get people to care enough to change their behaviors we have to create empathy connections and so experiences like the new sea turtle complex where guests will actually be able to come in through the space visit with those Turtles see them in every step from the smallest intake pools where they're kept where they can't because they can't physically navigate a larger space be to watch Veterinary procedures be able to watch them in these larger growout space where they build strength every step of that journey of care is something our guests will need follow along with and that helps make that empathy connection and ensure that our guests are making that connection to the environment so that we can make those Behavior changes to move forward uh next slide please our docs overview one of the most amazing aspects of the site that we have is the fact that we are literally on the banks of the Banana River we are connected to the water we are trying to connect our guests with and trying to get them to really really fall in love with and learn to care about and so being able to build these boardwalks out over the waterways allows us to put science into place and interpretation into place that connects them with what they're seeing directly in front of them so under each of these kiosks we'll be able to follow different themes one facing back towards the shoreline we about mangroves and how mangroves are important for stabilization of our shorelines preventing erosion mitigating hurricane damage but also the role that mangroves play in our fisheries and our economy as far as how our economy relies on Fisheries both recreational and Commercial and learning all of these things while looking at those mangroves directly in front of them next slide please um we've continued design work on our locks area which is our kind of one big traditional aquarium experience where you're inside you're in the dark you're in conditioning and you have that big wall of fish in front of you that some people are going to be looking for when they hear the word aquarium but we'll also be incorporating uh more immersive smaller spaces into that even that large more traditional space like a soft play area for kids where they get to go down into the grass beds and into the seaweed and see a small habitat with seahorses and relate to how the seahorses are living within that field of that field of grass and what it feels like to be that size in grass that porate to the size of the kids again trying to make these connections between our guests and our environment around us next slide please um but we also know that the Indian River Lagoon is not the only body of water that defines us here I think you know the cape the City of Cape canaville knows it very well you space between right you know the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian River but then also we know that the St John's also plays a very large role in our environment and our economy here as well and so a portion of the facility will still be dedicated to the St John and some of the uh inhabitants there including the American riverter uh next slide please and with our River habitat we are creating some really neat um interactive experiences one of which is an actual tunnel that people you know probably slightly shorter than myself and maybe a little bit more Nimble will be able to crawl down within and actually pass through the habitat of the otter starting above water level passing down breaking through that BR water level going all the way down through to give this again immersive experience and we know how playful how curious American river otter are and it's very very likely that those otter if they see an 8-year-old crawling through that tube are going to come over to explore and the connection that that child will make and the memory that that will Forge will then attach itself to the information they learn the things that they learn as far as how they can help the environment around them and those types of memories are the ones that last a lifetime next slide please now I started talking about man ear and we are building manate facility at the zoo but that will be a supportive Care Facility the true um critical care manate reab for for us will be at the aquarium space and this is that space that will have those hydraulic crated floors where we can take the most critically injured or ill manatees lift them to the surface to medicate and treat control the depth of the water they have access to if they're not physically able to surface to breathe on their own but then also give them access via these underwater tunnels next slide please to a Lar more natural looking space next slide please um that will actually be guest spacing just like with our sea turtles because we want guests to connect with not only the work that goes into rehab for these animals but more importantly the animals themselves so that as our guests return especially from Members they're returning they're seeing the progress that these individuals make they're learning to connect with them as living breathing feeling creatures um that have the same Universal needs as we use because when we make that connection that's when we start to make the changes in our life that can protect the world around us next slide please that's the beautiful picture that we're working towards and that's where we are in our progress towards it we could not be happier with the site with the Partnerships that we've created along the way and with the progress that we're making we're still planning on breaking ground this fall with a projected opening in 2027 um and are so thankful for the opportunity to come out and talk to you about thank you so much any questions thank you Mr maret very nice presentation and I know the public I can speak on behalf of several residents were inquiring about this I think um chairperson uh Miss Don Mays had brought this up at a previous econom uh business and economic development board meeting and requested it and you responded very quickly to that call so thank you uh Council any questions this time and would these slides be available for the public yeah we can make them available absolutely yeah I can work through David and get you guys the the renderings and the pictures not a problem very much appreciated thank you you're very welcome thank [Applause] you okay the next is a presentation of Sierra Club Florida's distinguished Osprey award to Zachary ults are very own here at the City of Cape Canaveral Chief resilience manager by Turtle Co Sierra Club group member Bill debus Bill are you here please come forward you welcome thank you uh my name is Bill Deus and I'm the chairperson for the local Turtle coast share Club um our group represents the share club members that live in Bard in IND County sh Club is the organization in the United States and we have a mission uh to help people enjoy explore and protect the environment that's generically what we are um this is the ospry award and the ospry award is presented for Extraordinary effort by government staff person to promote or affect changes in policy or practice to protect or preserve for's environment it's a very distinguished award uh it it's given by the uh Florida of the Sher Club Most states in the United States have a single chapter represent they represent all all the sh club members throughout the State of Florida so it's given once a year uh to a very special person and this year we're giving it to Zachary iol and you all know Zachary here obviously as a chief resilience manager uh graduated technology back in uh 2019 today he's in charge of uh the community and economic development Department's resilience division here in cap pav and some of the uh projects that Zach has helped with include he helped develop the city of cake baval sustainability and resilience program known as cake baval 2063 believe that's when you turn 100 years old uh he's also esta formalized the city's resilience division in 2022 established the city's adopt a mangr program established the city's uh tree program adopt the tree program adopt the rainb program he helped establish he led insulation of the city's first rooftop solar array on the city of cap and Aral Community Center he helped to implement numerous lighting protections throughout the city facilities he helped oversee the city's disaster preparedness recovery activities contributed to installation of public uh electric vehicle charging stations supported the lead multiple Shoreline support supported and led multiple Shoreline plantings uh helped to facilitate the City of Cape bal's acceptance to the Leed for cities coher which helps local cities and governments uh set goals collect dat performance and become more sustainable resilient and improve social Equity he also helps with the Florida race to zero campaign uh he's also work with numerous academic Partners to oversee the installation of seven remote sensor sites that help record realtime weather and climate data to improve the city's preparedness for um weather events he also assisted or is currently with the Veterans Memorial Park smart ruard uh he overa insulation of flood barriers and a help to obtain multiple high profile grants worth more than2 billion dollar so Z and Zach also asked me to conclude this and I think is very important that he said none of none of these efforts would have been possible if not for continuing support for our Forward Thinking City commissioners and the support of my co-workers from each of the city's departments this award is every bit their award and the city's overall award uh nothing that Zach has done would have been possible if not for the entire team's assistance guidance and willingness to innovate Cape canaval is truly unique and is a place where anything is possible so I'm very proud to present Zachary with this award than if y'all want to come forward thank you Tim thank you thank I I just want to say uh thanks again I appreciate it I don't know who to This Day nominated me but whoever it was thank you uh I I really didn't expect it I don't think I'm ever going to stop hearing bird calls down the hallway now like an ospray they have a funny call if you've ever heard one but uh I I do want to impress upon the fact that it truly should be the city's award I really wouldn't be here doing what we do without the City of Cape canaro and I'm very grateful for the city and what they've done for me over the years so it's a a great place to work I truly come I truly love coming in every single day and uh I think we're doing great things here so let's just keep it up keep going thank you yes congratulations Z and thank you for all that you do uh I can tell you with a high level of confidence the public appreciates you very much your attitude resilience within your your uh your own personality and the way that you will respond to anything at any time and uh you are that Steady Hand on the wheel that so many cities do not have and very thankful we've invested and our city manager leadership to work all the way down the line with the council everyone in in a unified way as much as we can so thank you and congratulations Council if there's anything like congratulations again Zack thank you for all you do thank you congratulations so Zach's not going too far because he of course is the next agenda item it's a presentation by Zach uh on the city's new 2024 flood mitigation and adaptation strategy overview Mr iold the floor is yours thank you just gota keep working you know um my parents are here so whatever I say to you just nod and act like you think it's a good idea impressed them thank you um I'm just kidding so the the 2024 flood mitigation an adaptation strategy overview document is something we wanted to just show the council and the public by extension is a new document that we uh made for the public the city's resilience division met with multiple departments to make this city has a lot of publicly available guides for how we do things but we didn't have one that was specific to mitigation of flooding uh and we wanted to get an all-encompassing document that showcases all of our at least most of all of our uh projects that we have going on at this time so I'm going to take you through that document kind of show you where it stems from and where it's going so next please I just wanted to include the's the city's vision statement which was adopt the new one was adopted by Council last year it's much smaller than the previous one uh but I think it reads really well we bolded some of the standout items uh that kind of help guide our program and and tell us to do what we do uh the bottom one is essentially or is uh really important Future Ready essential Civic services and quality of life amenities kind of du tailes into what I'm about to talk about next next please so the city of cap canaval is definitely an upcoming place it's emerging as as a regional socioeconomic Hub at the intersection of South Central and Northern Florida um as we have the space program revitalized with multiple private sector companies coming in and doing space operations National Security assets and things like that and of course we have Port canaval which is now I think Miami just took it back so I think now we the second our just cruise port by Passenger live in the world but I'm sure we'll get it back uh you know and by extension we're developing new Municipal services and infrastructure to be able to handle this growth but also to reduce environmental impacts and create our own resilience as we can being that we are a vulnerable Barrier Island susceptible to things like storm surge erosion heat being that we're in the State of Florida next please and we are vulnerable to flooding as I'm sure most residents are aware it's no secret that the city has drainage issues working on uh all the time this is an example of Filmore Avenue flooding of September 2022 mayor you actually took this photo it's it's a good photo please be careful when go out storm chasing we definitely need you here um next please uh storm surge very big issue this is from Hurricane Nicole uh from November of 2022 uh a lot of what you see here uh did not actually none of it made it past the primary dun line which is great thanks no small part to our annual this is exactly why we do this you can see those small dunets in the beach that had formed on their own naturally out by the water uh not many of those made it past hurricane Nicole but we do believe that their presence helped to mitigate the wave energy from hitting the primary dun line to the west of it which was essentially saving the beach not a lot of cities can say that their Beach was okay after Hurricane Nicole especially up in the Lucian flager counties next please and then of course we have uh flood concerns from the Lagoon side most or all the C thrm water alcohols go towards the Lagoon and when they become inundated it can lose pressure uh or pressure can be increased and not allow water to get out as fast so these are just some of the things we're dealing with as a city we'll continue to deal with as we move into the future next please so in August of 2019 the city council unanimously accepted the city's first ever vulnerability assessment in regards to flooding this was done in conjunction with the East Central Florida Regional finding council um and it really showed this the the staff what we what some of our highest related to storm surge uh 100e flooding 500e flooding um and coastal flooding as well as long-term seal rise from there those recommendations were taken and uh City staff uh built the or wrote the resilient keep canaro action plan in 2021 which was unanimously accepted in June of that year by the city council within it were 56 preparedness targets as we called them grouped together in eight action categories next please those eight action categories are shown here uh all of the preparedness targets within them are essentially targets that the city can strive towards out to a measured date relating to things like energy security resilient economy uh making sure that waste is going to proper places and then then the eighth one the one that we're dealing with today uh storm Readiness and Cil rise this is specific to obviously flood concerns so we took this and basically said hey what are we doing as a city that is making sure the the preparedness targets within this action category are being met so next please and here we have this document brand new so the 2024 flood mitigation avation strategy overview document definitely the longest resident guide we've ever written it's about 50 pages long uh it specifically highlights projects programs and initiatives for combating flood related issues intended as an annually uh updated quick reference guide for residence visitors and council members uh and it is a tool that we can also use for showcasing compliance with State mandated a Grant application Readiness so that we can always say to somebody who uh maybe a grant agency that we want to show uh hey we have this plan this is what we're doing please help send some money our way some of the projects highlighted in this I think there's 15 of them and there's a MTH in the back that shows exactly where they are and labels them accordingly within the document remote sensor site Network that we've deployed across the city most of these have been donated to the city thankfully at no cost which is awesome and the data from these is publicly accessible on the city or other adjacent Partners websites these are constantly monitoring atmospheric data as well as water levels within the Lagoon next please another example is a very exciting project we currently have going on right now if anybody is wondering what the construction is going on at vedor Park besides the Park's overall enhancement is this beautiful uh construction of a what we're calling a smart rain Garden that will increase storm water capacity Off Taylor Avenue uh to the tune of 144,000 gallons as well as be able before it goes into the Lagoon which is great um this rain Garden is also being called smart next please because uh this rain Garden will be able to tell us uh data unlike a lot of other installations of its kind where we can showcase how much water is going into it how many nutrients are being taken out before they go into the Lagoon as well as local atmospheric data via the installation of a new weather station by the library which is also publicly accessible this should be this should be completed by the end of the fiscal year next please of course we highlight the city's annual SE planting in this document shows exactly how many plants we've planted every year since 2005 pleased to say the planting event on Saturday went very well we planted another 17760 SE Beachside in about three hours which is awesome uh these plants of perennial grasses native to the southeast and they do help protect the beach by growing very long root systems that help stabilize the sandunes and also catch wind blown sand deposit it and raise the overall height of the dunes over time next please and of course it also highlights some previous projects that we've done such as the underground storm water Chambers at canaval city park 4,000 linear chambers that can hold 931 th000 gallons of storm water uh we can also put reclaim water here from the water treatment plant once it's been treated instead of putting directly into the Lagoon next please and that is it this document is available right now on the city's website under its flood protection web page you can download as a PDF anybody any question questions always feel free to reach out it will be updated on an annual basis so that way everybody knows what's going on every single year as new projects come in projects go out they get completed there's even conceptual projects in here that looking very long range at um shows how they're funded the rationale behind them and so forth so very comprehensive and that's all I got for you wow thank you Zach very valuable resource for the community and what's the fastest way for a resident or anyone to see the rain data through the city website there's a few different ways yes one of them is through the city's website there are um I believe we've listed every place you can go so there's uh two specific weather stations types two of which one on this building and one at the water treatment plant are owned by the city and that data is publicly accessible through the weather link app uh or somebody can request the data via an Excel spreadsheet that we can that the device can spit out we have sent it to bus owners looking to upgrade their properties for flooding and they they use the data to be able to say hey this is how much we we know we can get so why don't we build to this kind of thing and then the other ones are actually owned uh that came free of charge from the Florida Atlantic University through a network that they've developed across the southeast that literally consist of dozens of weather stations of the same type that data is publicly accessible through their own web website which we've listed on our website great um anybody ever wants to see that data just reach out and I can give you the link directly and it's accessible on the website lad that's thank you very much Council any more questions great job we appreciate it thank [Applause] you okay now coming up last certainly not least our annual audited financial statements and independent Auditors report for the fiscal year ending September 30th 2023 we have a presentation by Mr Michael misano with James Moreno Michael thank you and the floor is yours sir thank you Council um so yeah this is basically just going to be a high level overview of the audit um some of the key areas we wanted to highlight within the city's financial statements um I did want to start by thanking John Deo and his team um the audit process is quite long and gring his team is always ready with all of our requests answered and any questions that come their way they're quick to respond U making the process go about as smoothly as it it possibly can so uh thank you very much to John and his team go to the next slide um so the first slide here is basically uh the gfoa certificate of achievement that was awarded to the city um in order to be awarded this achievement various requirements have to be made uh have to be met uh notable additional items City submit our transm letter expanded supplemental information in the statistical section and you'll find all those items included with the acfr this year um so that's always a good measurement of the city's uh Financial sophistication when they that that certificate next slide um so this slide is basically going to highlight the various audit reports you'll find within the acfr um the first one uh the main audit report on pages 20 to 22 uh you'll see that we did uh issue an unmodified opinion which is the best possible opinion that we can issue essentially signifying a clean audit so um great work to the city there uh the single audit report on pages 108 to 110 um you'll know this the city did have a state single audit this year um in which no issues of non-compliance were noted um next you'll find the internal control and compliance report on pages 111 to 112 U there was noted to be no internal control or compliance matters reported um chapter 10. 550 the audit general report um we did have two other recommendations that were discussed with management and the council um these adjustments are expected to be made in in the Years coming forward so all good there on those recommendations um and then finally the independent accountants examination report on page 116 um we did note that the city is in compliance with all specified investment statutes so across the board all good there um the next slide uh basically going to be the breakdown of the general fund different fund balance categories um basically you're just looking here in total um the city was slightly lower than last year and that's a result of the arpa funds of about 1.5 million that were expended uh during 2023 um and that's actually going to lead into the next slide um so on this slide you'll see uh basically the city's reserves um and the gfoa minimum recommendation um for the reserve amount which is approximately two months or 16.7% um you'll see that the city was at 33.2% which is approximately four months um of reserves and the way that's calculated is is the combination of assigned and unassigned fund balance from the prior table um about 5.4 million um so above the the minimum requirement and it's also worth noting that um if you were to exclude the assigned fund balance so basically just the unassigned undesignated funds the city is closer to about 20 to 22% um which is still above the minimum requirement and for Coastal communities um we see that as a healthy range just for the risk of natural disasters from hurricanes or flooding um the next slide is going to be detailing the Enterprise funds um and here basically what you're looking at for Wastewater and storm water is this just the upward trend of net position so you'll see over the last four years position trending upward um in a positive way for both waste water and swarmm water which is positive and good to see there so all good from that table's perspective um the next slide so this is kind of our catchall slide with some of our other highlights other items that we want to note within the acfr um starting with the CRA so a separate audit is issued for the CRA and there was noted to be no findings and no issues um from that audit um it was noted that Revenue exceeded $2 million for the first time in the C which is nice to see a new a new threshold achieved um and then also there was a 203,000 approximately 203,000 deficit fund balance of the CRA um which is expected to be recovered by Future revenues um from the aqua funds standpoint um about 3.8 million remaining in committed fund balance which we'll see included in the general fund in that table that we showed previously and then finally uh debt um just some areas to highlight here um about 960,000 srf loan draw Downs in the current year um it is worth noting that all of those loan draw Downs are at 0% so 0% interest rates um so essentially free money from that standpoint um next bullet point about 1.8 million in total current year debt principal repayments um split amongst governmental and Wastewater of 1.3 mil 485,000 and then finally worth noting that amongst all the cities debt allegations um interest rates range from 0 to 2.05% so EX low interest rates um we consider all that debt to be good debt and extremely healthy based on the the interest obligation so that covers that on the next slide um any questions related to the no Mike very nice job thank you for the presentation uh Council any questions comments mayor can I make a s yes please make a comment um yeah just an extraordinary job by the finance department and all and also all the staff who supported you know uh day-to-day operations and what have you but um in addition though I want to make a recognition to my Deputy Finance director uh uh Jenny cold iron she'll be headed to Kentucky to assume a finance director position with an organization in Kentucky very very proud of her I I think it she'll be thoroughly missed but we'll bring on we'll bring on a new person and uh you know continue to give the great performance but I will tell you that uh Jenny put her whole heart and soul into this city and um you can see I get a little emotional but I really appreciate people who come in and just really care about what they're doing and that's what she did so we're all better for it thank you thank you we appreciate your time and and yes um thank you also for the one-on ones to to help us understand for anyone who'd like to see the city a Cape Canaveral uh report of compliance audited financials here you have to love that cover a beautiful peacock shout out to all who are involved but uh there's copies here these are available online and uh if you have any questions they're very helpful and and with the responses so you and Zach thank you very much and the entire firm for all your hard work thank you okay so that concludes the uh presentation interviews portion of the meeting we are at right on time I guess 6:45 uh and now we are into the public participation portion of the meeting if I do have a few cards up here um if any of you would like to speak uh please is that ringing when I speak oh sorry um if you'd like to speak please fill out a card provided at the front and provide it here to our sergeant and arms and we'll make sure you have uh time to be heard the uh timer here the right in front of me green light goes on 3 minutes and uh about 30 seconds prior we just ask that you you wrap it up and that's when the yellow light comes on and um if you get to the end and you need uh to to just finish a few sentences that's fine but we do appreciate uh your willingness to come forward and share so tonight uh the uh also folks who are listening at home um if you would like to be heard uh we ask that you please raise your hand uh I will recognize you after those who have who are here with us today have a chance to speak um unmute you and the same rules for three minutes and so for those of you who are listening at home please uh if you intend to speak go ahead and raise your hand and uh we'll make sure uh to unmute you when that time comes here so the first card I have here is Mr John Benton next one is Michelle height Mr Benton yes sir I don't know uh thank you okay I'm green right go yes sir hey Wes why did you why would you sign a trespass order on me for holding a sign that the judge Crawford asked me to bring here because you guys caus the problems none of these other board members signed it they're the only ones left you trespass me man for calling out Kevin man the Deacon in the Presbyterian Church for coming into a code enforcement here hearing lying to you guys in the city and the police department for months that I live in the warehouse and you guys know that I had a cop in a unit next to my warehouse and he was up there as much as me and Kevin's son Kevin man the Deacon in the Presbyterian Church his son was using it the warehouses next door that you can't live in as his residential site where he lived he got arrested for that he's in there testifying I don't have anybody living in the warehouse his son's living in the one next door there's six people in those warehouses the night he testified I brought pictures into the board I spent 60 bucks to come in and prove to you guys who Kevin was I did not know he was a deacon in the church the night he testified against me I didn't know his son was a sex offender and you didn't know that until now and the FBI got involved that I was coming out on a Jew School while I was in that warehouse I called it a private school but when I found out that the mayor and the lawyer and the lawyer that night and everybody is Jewish and I'm coming out on a Jew school because psychologist said John you need to tell somebody so I told J rainwater month later you guys are laughing at me because you think I'm homeless living in the warehouse no I'm in there reliving what happened to my daughter because Howard Sero a lawyer on Merit Island said I can't do anything about it because the statutes and limitations are up I said I said crazy I will do something about it doesn't involve Kevin he shouldn't be in there tell he lied to you guys man for months he's a pedophile gror when his son is using that warehouse he's helping his son break that law and you trespass me you said I was undesirable what about Kevin's son he's desirable you want to keep him here a pedophile his father think about it man he's grooming children here you want to grooming your children you'll find out in 10 years oh something happened you got anything to say you don't have anything to say I'm gonna be over there with with the attorney's name on a sign that says calling cop and this lawyer over here because it's him racist Jews not Pig Jews just racist Jews I'm not racist until you did this to me okay thank you time's up I still got a yellow light there man isn't it slanderous slanderous remarks are not ones that we are trying to have and or facilitating your okay the next one here on the agenda is Miss Michelle height Michelle hello how are you okay so good evening city council members and mayor and thank you for letting me for side Bas tonight recently we have been highlighting the plate ordering our community and requesting your help in restoring our little piece of paradise I'm here today to say to everyone that a lot of actions have taken place since our last C council meeting um starting with I was invited to a meeting with the city manager and the attorney and the staff to the current BDA requirements with ASI and uh since that meeting um the community has seen a significant Improvement in the current issues so uh we're very thankful for the effort that has been made in the following areas uh reducing the nighttime work hours clearing all the debris from behind the fence and so importantly U moving the uh the aggregate pile away from the BRB Area North toward the king U George King Highway so uh even today the president of ASI called me with an update and mentioned that they had bought a new water truck and he believes that that will help with the dust mitigation in our community so um I have continued to provide updates to the community uh that I live in and uh they understand that our requests for um restoring the natural landscape and barriers and fencing uh will be considered in conjunction with uh the new proposed BDA plans and we will work with Dave Dicky for those updates so um basically I'm here to say uh thank you to the city council for listening to our concerns in providing resp and guidelines to move forward um additionally I would like to thank all of the community members that have stopped by Portside Villas and uh reached out to me directly to offer their support and advice and ideas on how to tackle this overwheling issue that we've exp um all the feedback is so appreciated and more importantly um that help has made our community feel supp and uh you know we just we really appreciate that um last city council meeting it was a different story right um so with all that said um we are sincerely hopeful that one day soon our little Paradise will be restored and we're going to remain positive I'm sorry thank you finish when yes thank you Michelle that is very encouraging thank you for the update and continue to help Mr Ray Zaki yes my name is Ray Zaki and I'm a proud resident of Portside Villas and I am here tonight because I was here in November and I was here in December just about on bended knee begging for some help with our problem that Michelle just addressed and uh we to I couldn't have written a better lesson plan I was a I'm a former teacher uh to have U people who are here today who are so engrossed in the environment protecting the environment uh growing the environment defending ourselves against the environment all these special things that are environmentally sane and that we all need to take to seriously to heart and I see that with what Michelle has said and with your actions on our behalf that you are indeed uh supportive of that environment because we have we have let's call it a smudge right now in cap canaval and and you're you're doing to help get rid of that smudge and I I don't want to take take away any of Thunder that that Michelle had but I I really respect what she has done with uh in communication with the council and and the committee to get things done and as a citizen of Cape Canaveral and as a proud U resident of Portside Villas I want to personally express my gratitude to you and encourage you to continue to make sure that this is carried out through through fruition excuse me to fruition so that we can all enjoy a safe clean healthy uh growing environment thank you very much for your time appreciate it yes thank you Mr Zaki we appreciate as the same Zacky that's I'm not Irish so really it's called zi in zavotski thank you Miss Bonnie Cocker hi Bonnie thank you for being here come on forward I have a report that uh as well tonight thank you for me directly related at the end but I'm very happy that you're here this is perfect thank you thanks thanks Morrison and counil my name is Bonnie Haw and I am representative representing the HOA of ATF North Street and I bring two concerns forward this evening uh our first our first concern is seeking appr to trim the SE on the of of to minimum allow Department of Environmental protction we feel that that turning to the and half foot level would not only improve the um the athetic of the of our also make the comp arew and also improve VI of direct view to that end we have Spen with Jason of Florida Department of EnV who is suppor of our reest says that we need no per permit to be able to do this provided that there are no objections by local state or federal AG supp second we are requ the to the of the boardwalk at the end of between the boardwalk and wind jamini trimed also Beed to and minimum level and palm trees that have grown up in the mid of these SE a dog of sees that are onious levels palm trees are obstructing used from down the street inmore and from and we would like to rest view there do you need some more time I don't if another minute Council good please so we would like your help requesting your help and support thank you I had a chance to uh me with Bonnie over a year ago I believe in the photographs and the things and actually take a look at the view and many uh months passed by and followed up and she had uh requested that we discuss this at the council meeting so it's my intentions during the reports tonight if uh we could consider and and talk about the procedures that uh they would need to follow if any at all um do you have any more comments on that I just want to emphasize that I I do intend to Circle back to that tonight if thank you the next one is Miss Tina Freeman hi Tina hi good evening good evening welcome thank you and I just want to say first of all thank you mayor thank you counsel for the service that you do you don't get paid nearly enough for what you have to deal with um but also too um I want to say thank you for finally addressing the pedway we started asking for this we sent letters starting in 2021 um asking for uh the pedway to be marked um because we were getting run over by electric bicycles on the sidewalks and we've noticed since you have done this and addressed this um just recently we've already seen a significant number of bicyclists not riding on the sidewalk um which has been very helpful however we're still having some issues and um stopping and asking the bicyclist um they are telling us that the places where they are renting these electric bicycles are telling them that they can ride on the sidewalks so we're asking if there's some way the city could send letters to um these places A1A bike rentals um Ron John Surf Shop Coco Beach um Surf Shop these places that are renting these electric bicycles if you could send a letter to them and let them know we have a marked pedway for these electric bikes that are you know zooming 30 40 miles an hour and running us down um on the sidewalks so if that could be addressed we'd really appreciate it and secondly if maybe we could have some signage down at the beginning where Cocoa Beach and then um the unincorporated area meets the City of Cape Canaveral if we could have a signage down there I know at one point the bravard County Sheriff's Department they definitely they put an electronic sign down there that lasted for about a month letting um Riders know not to ride on the sidewalk that to use the bike path so if we could address that and then lastly the third issue that came up was the bicyclists were concerned because they thought the Headway is Only One Direction because all the um markings are going from um North to South but there's nothing going south to North so they think it's one way so that led to a lot of confusion so if we could address those couple of things it would be perfect and then um next the other thing I had to bring up was um the um oh well the cutting the sea grapes we'll talk about that um but lastly is um oh the right whale program so K Council K Jackson introduced us to the um Blue World Research Institute and um the woman who in charge of that her name is Julie and she's actually located just off of panita Causeway and so um she is um heading up this program to protect our right whales and um we're we're wanting to do a presentation and things like that so Kay has put us in touch with Zach need another minute can I have one more minute please so k um as councilwoman K Jackson has put us in touch with Zach and then Zach is going to work with us um to put together a workshop for Right Whale spotting and um just informing and educating the citizens here about the right whales and the fact that they need protection we want to educate the recreational voters um and and also the First Responders too um as well because I'm I think that they get some calls too like what is that in the water that big thing we're seeing and so um we just had a recent um sighting of a mama and a cing Down from Jacksonville so they're on their way down they're farther out but we just had some really bad news in that we had a one-year-old once they're once they're one years old they are separated from their mothers and basically our Canaveral National Seashore is their nursery and so the mothers and the Cs we've seen them come down and so this particular one-year-old last year we um spotted and we l it was tagged and everything and it was with its mother last year well this year it was on its own one year old and it was traveling south and somewhere between the port and Satellite Beach it got hit by a recreational vehicle recreational boat and by the time it got to Melbourne Beach it died so that just happened two weekends ago so that was devastating to us so and then regarding the um sea grapes cutting um we'd like to get everybody on the same page as far as the um Sheriff's Department code enforcement and everybody on the same page we've had a couple of instances where Sheriff Stephanies have been called out to Sand Pebbles and the sheriff stephies were told told the landscapers stop what you're doing put down your um tools even though we've been in compliance and um Brian Palmer can tell you we've been in compliance every year for years um as far as the cutting of the sea grapes and so we want to make sure we get the deputies the code enforcement everybody on the same page as far as cutting of the sea grapes to what um length they can be cut and so I have pictures of at least a half a dozen um Condominiums where they are compliant they're cutting them down to 42 to 48 Ines they're all compliant and also to the three agencies that are in charge of the dune's protection and I have their information and their rules also thank you so I can provide copy of that if you want to provide it here to our Sergeant in-arms he'll make sure that we we get it but please do thank you well thank you very much for your time and all your efforts thank you Tina for all of your work on the right well okay thank yes thank you k for introducing us to this program it's gonna be great thank you okay that is all I have for uh physical cards uh unless I missed you if so I ask that you please raise your hand we'll make sure you have a chance to speak and anyone at home who would like just going to double check look sick okay and with that seeing I do see a hand rais yeah Mr arand de Blau please come forward sir thank you I just want to say I've been a right wh Watcher say uh 2011 and she's talking about Julie yes she's very knowledgeable on what's going on and so forth and what has been happening and I know we've lost a couple already this year we're down to less than 340 right whales on the East Coast just want to add that but I appreciate what she said thank you thank you and I remember just talking to you about it and you answered my I said who was I talking to about that the other day it was you thank you Mr Mayor yes sir um I'd like to recognize arand de Blau for another year of perfect attendance at the TP as a citizen Advocate and really appreciate all your work on that thank you very much yes thank you Cape canaval showed up strong thank you both very much appreciate that and uh that sort of coincides with I think some of the public comments were here and on the headways and the improvements um so okay we are now done no more hands I see none go ahead and close public participation uh here and actually I I do want to just check one thing is uh Dr Elena Saul if you would like um because I know time is important to wait to the end or if you wanted three minutes to at least for whatever reason you could speak to I know that thank you okay coming back now to the consent agenda it's 7:11 p.m. Council everyone doing okay City staff doing good city manager consent agenda item uh any of these we' like to pull please let us know uh just want to point out for the public item number one is approving two sets of minutes one for the January 16th 20124 regular meeting and one for the January 2024 special meeting um City ATT just I mean approving both of those minutes at once should that be two separate votes or is that okay to bundle I totally thank you that's great we frequently do thank you for the reminder just the uh accepting the audited financial statements number two the Meen hunt uh $ 58,4 59 for the construction in uh phase Engineering Services and this is for the Center Street Pump Station which is uh related to some flooding issues that's number three number four is to approve the new backhoe in the amount of $85,200 and authorized city manager we have a large backo I think it's being service got um and this is to buy a second as a backup smaller version and number five is to approve and provide possible dates for a workshop meeting oh no I'm sorry excuse me uh four five I rolled over so those four items thank you for letting me uh communicate those to the public pull any Council if not looking for a motion to approve make a motion to approve the consent agenda I'll second I got a motion by council member Willis and a second by council member Davis to approve the consent agenda items one through four City any other discussion Council city clerk council member Davis four council member Jackson four mayor protim Kellum four mayor Morrison four council member Willis four now brings us on to item for action item number five which is to approve and provide possible dates for a city council joint educational Workshop meeting with the Planning and Zoning Board regarding green storm water infrastructure and low impact development codes and program incentives uh Council if it's okay I'd like to ask this ser to our city manager and thank you very much Todd absolutely and Lexi is having a seat here because she'll be add a little able to add more commentary than I will uh essentially when we adopted our resiliency action plan we as Zach said earlier tonight we put in there several preparedness targets that we want to hit uh some of those preparedness targets talk about specifically putting codes in place and the city code um and and Lexi can talk to those specific preparedness targets but there there what we have been doing in our projects is voluntary when it comes to the above and beyond code requirements for example The Green Storm water initiatives um the low impact development like we saw at Veterans Memorial Park we're doing that voluntarily plus we're also pursuing grants to get that done too but we've been leading by examples to get this done these preparedness targets talk about putting codes in place that require private investment to do it as well um and the East Central Florida Regional planning Council combined with Stetson University who worked with staff for many years and very successfully want to help us with this initiative but in order to get there they want to have a joint meeting with the city council and the Planning and Zoning Board together in the same meeting room at the same time because these are the the decision makers right who the Planning and Zoning Board choose on the codes make recommendation city council is the one that would ultimately approve those recommendations to talk about specific in this Workshop specific um Lessons Learned in other cities practices that other cities are currently doing but get get the city council's sentiment in the Planning and Zoning Board sentiment for how does it work in Cape canaval this is kind of a groundbreaking thing bringing in codes that are new to support our very vulnerable nature of of that we we are we recognize in our resiliency action plan but making concrete changes by changing the rulebook to say you really have to build this way in Cape canaval because it's about our long-term um survivability as a city and doing things smartly so this this Workshop is the perhaps with first of a few workshops but kick it off get the city council's and planning zoning board sentiment and how you feel about putting these codes in place and then they'll go away from that and put together a document that says okay based on what we heard these are the codes that would work well in the city Cape canaval many months maybe year or more into this before we see the deliverables but in essence that's what it is Lexi did I cover it fairly okay what can you add to that um that's that covers about everything the only additional context is this is a deliverable that comes out of the um NSF Civic Innovation grant that is being used to fund the Veterans Memorial Park smart rain Garden um project so that's one of the one of the measures of success for that project from the granting agency includes transferability of the project as well as scalability uh and so on a physical plane scalability means can other people do this can they replicate it um and on a kind of a a more policy plane that's you know what can we learn from this in a way that can um inform and guide our decisions in the future uh and so that that's part of that that deliverable for that for that grant that we received from NSF for this project so there is a target date range for Council to pick um three dates um what do that range Lexi yes so initially we had put it the date range of March 11th to the 29th into the um agenda cover however there have been some um scheduling conflicts that have come to light since we put this together and tonight uh so we are asking Council to take a look for three dates between Actually March 25th and April 15th in the evening this could coincide with a regular pnz meeting if we needed to or during what what could be a regularly scheduled pnz meeting as well and kind of the process that will be following is we'll get three dates that work for you all we'll take that back to pnz via email you know with a you know do not reply all attached to it get their availability for those three dates and then pick the date that works best uh and that's just to kind of try and get everybody on the same page we think it's really important to get as many of our board and our council members together to learn about it all at once so that it's a little bit more effective use of everybody's time um and that way you know if there are any questions that can be posed to can be posed all together and addressed by our by our partners and then brought back you know at Future workshop dates so if the council is still inclin mayor um the council could suggest three dates within that range and then staff would take it back to pnz figure out which of those dates work works best and then communicate that date set it all up for that date mayor thank you thank you both let's see and Todd councel when did you say the pnz board meeting is the pnz board meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays Wednesdays of every month so that would be March 27th that would be either March 27th or the second one in that date range would fall on April 10th so we could coincide with that but we're not going to hold to that if need be if two of if we want to choose if availability suits those dates from you all then by all means those can be um considered but it it wouldn't be necessarily wouldn't have to adhere to those if need be we can we can that's why choosing more than one um was kind of our strategy for this council member Willis what would be the uh time commitment likely an hour to an hour and a half uh it would be a little bit more high level very much educational um again kind of going over what other cities and communities have done Lessons Learned uh what exactly it means to implement this type of code so it would be it would be high level um view of it uh so probably an hour or two an hour and a half a typical Workshop length to be safe let's call it two hours to be safe let's call it two hours would that be the only thing on the pnz agenda that night if we if it would be the workshop it would it would replace that meeting yes council member will us um well I if if it was going to replace the pnz meeting you know I was going to suggest doing it on the 28th since they were already going to be here but if that doesn't matter the 27th or of March March 27th March 27th that works for me Wednesday March 27th 2our time slot what time 6 to 8 Le 6 to 8 okay we've moved the strategic planning right M it's a CIP Workshop um yeah it's not in March it's in April yeah I forget the date April 2nd that's my golf day as long as it's not your birthday I quit having those if I could maybe make a recommendation perhaps we can look at March 27th April 10th and April 11th as a backup that way too if the dates are on regularly scheduled um well obviously we'd have to get Quorum from pnz but two of those dates would be during a normal pnz meeting and then we have kind of a uh a curveball if need be if there's a little bit too much that needs to go to pnz during a normal meeting or or if we can't get Quorum for some reason does April 11th work for the council be on vacation that day uh you're March 27th April 10th and April 11th yes but it sounds like council member Kellum won't or mayor protm Kellum won't be available no what about uh the day before April 9th um no I'm hoping to be away that week that week okay yeah that's helpful to know Big Blocks uh so the is the goal to try and determine the date tonight or at least try to get a general idea and then you'll like you explained yeah the goal is to have just three dates that you all are available tonight that we can then take back to pnz for their availability and currently we have consensus on March 27th as one of those options it it's fine with me but that and then we have a March or an April 10th and 11th that I think could or 9th 10th 11th is not a good fit for mayor protim what if we did included the first week of April I okay so you see did you yeah the the so the initial date that we had the initial date range we had looked at was on the agenda cover but we did have to change it just because we had had some um updates to other schedules at that time so we were looking for March 25th to April 15th I just kind of shifted it um but if we'd like to look at the rest of the week of the 15th we can look at that as well that would be the same week as a council meeting so obviously the 16th would be out of the question um it's going to be really hard what I can say is if if we can reasonably space them out I think I'll find one and and figure out a way to make it work on my I can speak for myself but it it would be that first week of April yes what about April 3rd Wednesday the 3 uh yes I think that could work for me um nothing's jumping out is that could that be a good second option yeah I'm I can I can make that entire week open if I need to okay what's next like I think we're good with that one do you need one more March 27 April 3rd and then I know it's the same week as a council meeting um but April 18th 18 1 17th or 18th yeah either one of those days works for me too I'm fine the 18th is not good for me but the 17th could work good that okay 17th is good it'll just be an extra fun week yeah 15th is my anniversary so there's not I'm I'm going be busy yes so the three dates that were thrown out that seem to be um accommodatable for the council are March 27th which is a Wednesday April 3rd which is a Wednesday and April 17th which is a Wednesday we need to hear those anymore everyone hear them no think we're good okay we'll record consensus on those dates thank you mayor thank you Lexi now my wife has heard over Zoom that I haven't forgotten our anniversary on the record okay great thank you both y we are on to the city manager anything else there with that item than uh item number seven oh I'm sorry excuse me uh got my my agenda turned around here uh we are moving to items for discussion if we don't mind I would propose we're 7:30 to take a 10-minute break and we can come back and get into the discussion uh it's 7:26 maybe try to get back by 7:40 and latest if we're all here earlier we can start thank thank you okay we'll get started here in about a minute thank you all yes yeah so okay all right everyone thank you call the meeting back to order it is 7:41 p.m. we are at the items for discussion portion of the meeting and we are at item number six which is discuss criteria for special meetings workshops submitted by council member Davis council member Davis the floor is yours oh oh there it go okay um it just appears that that we're going to be calling a lot more workshops or special meetings so during this time I've found that it it seems that we when we are calling special meetings or workshops it appears that it has to be done like within the next couple days so I want us to determine or discuss what we feel is urgent or not urgent and when we should have the meetings because an Emer if it's an emergency situation it needs to be called immediately or um you know it's extraordinary circumstances so I just want to discuss um the time frame and the meetings be called I don't want to go into all the detail but when um when we call them what's the criteria when are we going to have what time are we going to have them and uh what action we're going to have because what I guess what I'm saying is the meetings that we've been called have been called are being called in a short time in a time frame that gives the council less time to get prepared for the meetings it gives staff less time to get prepared for meetings and we just need um adequate time to you know to be prepared and I believe in calling the meetings um should be considerate to the staff and to the other Council and I'm going to ask that uh all the meetings be called at 4M or after on a special meeting unless it's deemed urgent or you know an emergency um I've stated on the record twice that it is a hardship for me to get here prior to 4m yet the last two workshops or special meetings that we have had have been called prior to 4:00 and I I just feel that that's being inconsiderate due to the hardship unless it is urgent matter um so I would like to discuss when we deem it's appropriate for a special meeting when we deem it's urgent and what's the time frame that we will be calling the meeting and uh I guess that's it thank you very much didn't go all and uh discussion item Council anyone so like when we call a special meeting how soon would you like to have that meeting held if it's not urgent urgent because we've been doing it in the past you know in a few days when there's been conflicts with board meetings been conflicts with people's schedule different things so how urgent or how quick do we think a special meeting meeting needs to be called well I think I called the most recent special meeting oh we've had two well we had the no we had a workshop I think the most recent special meeting we approved the minutes to that one tonight let's use that one as an example yeah we should the word you know consideration I think was used or inconsideration here's what I considered I went to the ordinance and it clearly lays out the criteria that we discussed and need to follow and it says that consider the action items no later than 48 hour 48 hours from the day date that the notice was provided and goes through those procedures I uh followed those procedures um I know that our staff today was a part of helping shape that the ordinance is alive and well and uh if it needs improving I think that that's the place that we need to to work I think this was recommended um by some of our staff members and it was I think unanimously support boed and so um that that's what I used as a guideline to schedule that special meeting um section 257 special and emergency meetings um the as far as the time frame that I think you said you stated twice on the record uh I if you were to ask me it in my head it was 100 PM I remember you saying it and I'm agreeing with you I remember you saying one however I could not I wasn't certain and when I sent the email out what I considered was giving enough option within my request that would allow the most flexibility for all Council knowing your CR or 4M that's very helpful um I don't think I don't know if the ordinance is the place we want to address that but um moving forward I hear you loud and clear on 4M from my from my request and yes hopefully that's helpful on what I went through not a lot of special meetings have been called by Council and since I've served special meeting workshops yeah workshops are a little different I mean the hurdles I had to jump over to get a special meeting were higher than a workshop I had to have a specific action that was needed to be taken that agenda item sort of did my best to follow it and uh yeah the workshops I think that was the most recent meeting we had with I think C CC member Jackson requested that and I can speak to that one if you'd like uh count absolutely um so when I scheduled the the workshop uh mayor Morrison in our January meeting had said move it to our February meeting however it was going to take too much time and staff sent me the the sheet to fill out for that agenda item along with resolution 2022 28 on efficient me meetings that the count prior councils had adopted so I knew clearly it was not going to fit in that in this meeting tonight so I looked at whether I should have a special meeting or Workshop I worked with the city clerk and the city manager I asked them to come and worked with them trying to get them in with their schedules um Zach had several meetings and some of them that he was working on were the BIOS swell which I think is an important project because it's going to hold water when we have flooding issues so the thing with the workshop you don't have to have anyone there and we were coming to a consensus on the reports that we need to look at as a council from the new EV charging stations and so I said it along you know working with uh city manager and the city Clark I'm not going to I'm not I'm not here to argue with any body I'm just here to determine when we're going to do it in the time frame to be considerate of others I was aware that you knew that of a city manager meeting that I'm Excuse me a meeting that I had with the city manager and you chose to do it anyway that's again I'm not accusing I'm not saying anything I just want it understood or where we're coming from or everybody's coming from because it does cause a hardship if they do it before 4:00 it does cause me to have to get off work early and I don't get paid for it if it's an emergency situation I have no issue being here but other than that I would ask that everyone be somewhat considerate and uh you know under the understanding I'm not not here to accuse anybody all I wanted to do was when we're going to they just these meetings seem like they had to be held within you know they were urgent to have when they their discussions that were going on for over a year so in that case I didn't understand the importance of having them so quickly when it could you know when we could have them a little bit later and that it could accommodate everybody so I'm just asking for some consideration in the matter and to move forward with it so you know and I would like to get some clarification from our our Council also on this because I think it's good for me to know as a new council person because in our city Charter Article 2 Section 2.06 B4 um talks about forfeiture of off office and that the office of the council member will become vacant if you fail to attend three consecutive regular meetings of the city council or more than 30% of all the meetings of the city council held annually without being excused by resolution duly adopted by the council and all of us um maybe and I'm not sure about you councilman Willis but all of us work so we're going to have conflicts my busy season is right now and my busy time typically is afternoon evenings so I made it as late as I could but there's there's multiple people here and it was a meeting that I was calling so that's pretty important that I'm there so I would like to know because I know we've had thisa happening you know with Mickey's injury and that sort of thing um um if you were not able to attend let's say I take a tech project during the latter part of the year when it's slow here for visitors um um are you how would we work with that and you know if I wasn't able to attend a workshop or special meeting you know would there is does anyone on Council have a problem with getting a resolution or giving a resolution to the person that wouldn't be able to attend or can they join electronically in another manner than showing up because that that could happen to me so I'd like to understand well uh I think the latter about can you uh participate electronically City attorney if you want to help uh state law on that one cent current state law on that is um you can't attend El one one one and two council members up to two council members given you have five council members um can attend um electronically as long as you have three that are physically present here so in other words you have to to establish the Quorum with physical presence of three council members and then the other um up to the other two council members could attend electronically okay thank you and so and that doesn't count as an absence correct Anthony if you're attending room they would be yeah they would count as attendance um telephonically okay sometimes I mean in my case I'm working so I won't be able to to attend so therefore I'm going to miss I'm going to have to miss several meetings not by choice you know my choice but having to do that because of the time frame in which case you know there is that Charter provision that talks about failure to attend but it does excuse um absences where the council adopts a resolution so a council member could request uh an excused absence um and the excused absence can be approved by resolution so it doesn't count as a mark against you from for attendance purposes well and I'm appreciative to know that as a new council member I had to dig through I dug through and looked for it because that can happen with so many of us that still work that could happen and I want to make I want to be as considerate as I can be but when I'm hosting the meeting I kind I've kind of work around my schedule and so it wasn't intentional however it's good to know that there is an excused absence that by resolution and that you can also join electronically so that we know what our options are and that way we can make since I've been on Council though we've had all night meetings this is the first time that recently that we have had daytime meetings because since I've been on this is the first time that we've started to have daytime meetings Mr mayor council member Willis yes sir I I have no problem with the the urgency time frame of 48 hours all of that that I think if we I know we might be treading into some different territory if we shared a calendar but knowing that someone like uh council member Davis Works to four or council member Jackson might have evening commitments if we sense that is there some way to communicate that there are time issues I mean we going forward knowing that council member Davis works for four or could not get here before 4 then I would just consider that and you know not knowing what everybody else's schedule is I'm pretty much open for anything so you know if we wanted to have a breakfast meeting I'd be happy with that but you know that so you know it really doesn't matter to me but I think um just being considerate of each other's uh commitments um when you when you can know them if there's some vehicle that we can utilize that we know people's schedules or required commitments that they have I think that would be very helpful I don't know if Sunshine Law prevents that no in terms of calendaring um the ordinance actually addresses it as well 2- 57 sub paragraph D does authorize the city clerk to be responsible for maintaining the council's master calendar and it talks about when scheduling Council meetings the clerk May freely propose alternative dates and times deemed appropriate to schedule um talks about special and emergency meetings based on availability of the council members um so um you can communicate through the clerk's office your availability and um if there are conflicts the clerk could um propose some alternative so we just we would just need to make the city clerk aware of any requirements that we each have on our time yeah there's a request that's made I mean the the clerk can check with calendars um can communicate that to the requestor as well um in order to try to come some come up with some time where you all can meet I just think that would probably be the easiest way around this and may I ask the city clerk is that hard on you or is that's the way okay so we all just tell you our availability okay that would work and I would appreciate the consideration of everybody is there is there something in the code or maybe Anthony um when you request the special meeting um is there a way to say council member Kellum is requesting a special meeting topic is whatever what days are you available is that violating Sunshine Law because it's like a top secret thing you don't know who requested it what it's about um is there a way we could maybe put more information in the request or what's your availability for this meeting well I think the code requires that you provide um I think some requested dates and times um so I think you could you could you could put a um you know AR range I guess or an alternative dates and you know that would go to the clerk and then she would then check with all the council members regarding their willingness to want to have the meeting regarding the subject matter that you're requesting or and two check on um alternate dates if there appear to be conflicts and the date is the the issue not so much the request for the meeting and then additionally um you know the code does require does state that the city council when you have meetings when you're actually meeting can council member can request um having a special meeting or a workshop on something and then you all are physically present at which point you can all check your calendars and and try to try to find a date if you're willing to have that meeting that's another option because some not you know the urgency of the meeting you know the council's regular meeting take take into consideration the council's regular meeting schedule so you it might be just more appropriate just to wait until the meet the council meeting to bring up your request for a special meeting if it you know if it's getting close to the regular meeting date rather than follow the procedure that was put in place a couple years ago and you might be able to check your calendars together um but if the meeting can't wait of course and you want to meet before and certainly you have a code provision that provides the process where you can what council members can initiate a request I like the idea I mean I'm just speaking for myself I like the idea if it's not of an urgent nature and has to be heard I like the idea of bringing up the you know the special meeting or workshop at the ne at our council meeting so we can discuss dates that would work out to me for everybody in case you have commitments as well or whatever see it doesn't work out with me because I don't carry that calendar with me it's my pc at home so all of those little Logistics things and truly I mean it's this is a good discussion because I had no idea you come in at 4: or get off at 4 I thought 3:30 I was you'd said later in the afternoon so I apologize for that I did already um but you know urgency it depends on what's said too because we were expecting to bring that back in February tonight and clearly it was too much in information for a council meeting so I was trying to do the right thing yeah I no I appreciate that but I think we need to you know absolutely be you know considerate of everyone but also it's good to know that if something comes up we can work with that per resolution to give you an excused absence and you know that kind of thing I like knowing that mayor yes um I just want to make a clarification in case anybody's confused um I don't know about other city clerks and other cities but we've never maintained calendars for each council member we maintain and we bring this to council every November for your regular city council meeting um schedule and it also includes budget meetings and um CRA meetings and you you all approve those as far as your calendar like you keep at home I don't I don't maintain any of that for you guys so when you going forward when you want to call one if you're not in each other's presence at a count public meeting then you'll have to share um you know what your calendar looks like obviously but I just want to make that little clarification in case anybody was confused this this is the calendar that we're talking about that I maintain or our office maintains once it's approved you know so do that make sense it does thank you City attorney so is it within Sunshine laws for if I wanted to hold a workshop or a special meeting that I call each council person just to ask availability or email just for availability to ensure that I'm not trying to schedule it in in a spot that is not condu it for everyone's attendance the um well to address the Sunshine Law the the council adopted the procedure that's in the code to work through the clerk's office okay so there isn't you know potential to deal have to deal with a sunshine law issue um so I mean the procedure set forth in the code I would recommend that you follow that okay and that's what I had looked up so yeah Mr mayor council member Willis yes we just we just got through that exercise of picking a date for the pnz meeting and that worked fairly well if I could add to that mayor um looking at our screen the there's several methods that can be employed to do this and council member Willis is referring to Method one that's the one we used tonight um and I think council member Davis also said that she prefers to use that method as well um the the more the wrinkle kind I think that council member Davis is bringing bring up is when item two is made um not at a council meeting to consider um Can this weight to be a number one request I think that's what she's saying unless it's such of an urgent nature that it can't um and then what defines urgent in that case is if if I understand council member Davis that's kind of where you're going with your question here yes because as far as the criteria for Urgent or or emergency meetings these you know we didn't know what was this to me didn't qualify for that so we need to understand what is an emergency meeting or an urgent situation it's almost like number one would be preferred if there's not an urgency to it well we have three types of meetings and this code has always been a little merged and if you I have to read it a few times because it talks about two different types The Heading is special and emergency meetings however when you get into it it's sometimes as in section two initiated by a council member can I ask where you're reading so I'm uh the screen right in front of us item number two okay thank you sure thing initiated by a council member a council member May request a special meeting by filing a written notice including the email with the city clerk that's not talking about an emergency meeting and in fact I'm not sure this entire paragraph speaks of emergency and you get down a little bit and I think goes to into the emergency meeting right there yep number four and so we have a pro what we're call an urgent um emergency meetings sort of give us this ability under immediate urgent or extraordinary actions by the council due to exent C circumstances affecting Life Safety property damage in the business Affairs of the city and environment um that process is when we talk about emergencies that's those are the types of things that that we need to meet the criteria to justify and I think that's that that meeting hasn't been requested and I know we keep talking using the word emergency and I just want to be careful we have emergency meeting language and that can be confusing um and it says there that if it's urgent it's an emergency meeting 24 hours is it's called a special meeting I think we you know we don't have to give 24-hour notice there um you have to do it in reasonable a time and so and then it brings them back together and be special and emergency meeting shall be limited to the purpose and scope and so when you read through this sometimes it's talking about one sometimes it's talking about the other I think the head ERS speak for itself I don't I can tell you it's difficult to schedule a meeting in the City of Cape canabal if you're an elected official I can say that with a high level of confidence um I've went through it I've had the majority of my meetings rejected and the one out of if there's been one maybe two mayor ptim how many of you successfully requested and asked a lot a lot yeah if my daughter I miss ing a softball game tonight my daughter's first uh softball game and if it was a batting average I'm I'm I've got a Low batting average and I think that that is where the pain is so I'm excited that we're talking about this conversation but what I'm hearing is making it more difficult yes that one exercise went smooth on that time but I agreed to those four dates open honest transparent a little nervous because I haven't talked to my wife and I know when I get home you know there's a there's a high chance you know she's saying why'd you do that and you know I'll have to figure that out along the way but we all have different circumstances so the flexibility in here is important I love the idea of sharing time blocks and as our city clerk clarified um you know it's not that she's managing our calendars it's more about managing the approved calendar that we do every November and the associated meetings and then when these circumstances whether it be emergency special or Workshop come uh I think it's about following the code and the it's here and one thing that would help is you know like when I sent my requests I said from uh I think I said from three to six or three we had a pnz board meeting that night and it was more about a range for me any time in between I think it was a bigger window when I originally sent it out you know basically 11 to 3 um I don't recall exactly what the time was but maybe there is a a format that would help our city clerk that could also address your issues that we at least know that you know the length of the meeting I don't think our code speaks to that I think that's important to know how how much like council member Willis asked so when I go through hey I need a 90minut block and then once we know that you can say any time between this big seven hour window and wherever it fits obviously where most council members can attend is is best um and I like that idea of blocking out a certain time and sending that as well as the request to the other Council you know we need 90 minutes and this is the the time range um I think that would be helpful as well no no I was finished I think you know the difference between special meetings and emergency meetings and anybody that was here during Co we were on Council we had emergency meetings that had to deal with things right now and um we had a few of them um but the special meeting and I think it spells it out in the code a few different times I just think the block of time um for availability would really help um you know I need 90 minutes to discuss this and these are the times you know between this time and that time I think that would really maybe helps you know getting it coordinated and get everybody here and um it's just a back and forth thing right now like you know you send the request and then you know they so many people said no or this person well did they say no because the block of time was wrong I mean there has to be I think when you do it from our view and you go through the it is it is it's a you it's a it's difficult goad Mr Mayor yes U this maybe this is more a question for the city clerk but we already have 10 Dates reserved thought that if if we all know that no right I've got to keep these open for the potential um then those are dates we should go to first and then try to configure the time because it's my understanding that these reserve dates nothing else gets scheduled for this room correct that's correct so we've we've got 10 other dates that's why we put them on there all right well we need to look at them and consider them if it if it fits the need of the moment so I think if we can Implement a few of these you know the ability to share time blocks or availability you know specifying that the length the block of time that we need need number two looking and checking the reserve dates as a first option knowing there's a good chance we can land it yeah well it wouldn't conflict with anything else I mean any other City function yeah we know the rooms available which is some it's been it was an issue with mine so council member Davis I know this was your item I think those are a few of the takeaways and uh 4M understood never was intentional meeting is going to be best when all five of us can be here I believe that and so did you get to accomplish and your questions answered on how to move forward yes um so we're g to look at the dates that are reserved first if those work correct and if not then we are just um either going to let the city clerk know our availability when a meeting's called or we're going to do it at council at a regular council meeting correct is that how is that what I understand if you're asking me yes no I'm just making sure I I understand it correctly yes okay yes okay okay any other comments city manager yes sir thank you yeah we'll and we'll make it better if we need to I think it was great that City attorney and city manager got kind of got to hear the challenges um and thank you again if there's not anything else we can move on to the next item we're at 8:13 p.m. here item number seven is a discussion on local issues we face in Cape canaro um and this is really an item that sort of intertwines but it's some ideas and I don't want to get ahead of myself uh but just put something general together to start this conversation some of these things were doing in different ways but um the idea was task force committee board residents businesses to Advocate and make recommendations of the city council uh for a pedestrian friendly City these are things that we've talked about and said bikeable walkable um and so the group would take an active approach potentially looking at you know Financial opportunities but hyperfocused inape Canaveral and the reason I put this on uh was because I had a chance to meet with um Dr Lena saw who is here with us tonight and came down to City Hall briefly got to say hello to Todd but Todd our city manager really hasn't heard even in depth and so I like to work through the council with the council and um if she's willing and and able give her an opportunity to come forward I printed some um copies of the presentation that you emailed me five or six and I think I can give one to the city clerk and distribute these but um and then also the agenda of some of the things that we talked about really the first meeting and then the Fallout presentation and my recommendation Dar please come forward sorry uh was that yes uh is that we discuss um we discussed this with the council and so I'm going to you in the effort to make our city better as vague vague as I can be specifically to bikeable walkable um I think it's a good time to listen to some of the ideas and I will distribute I'm providing the agenda you had originally sent to kind of show where the conversation started and then the uh presentation slides as well um but if you want to give an overview sure I think that would be a good starting point so I'm going to pass one down at a time and thank you council members and um I'm a resident of kid Canaveral my work is health promotion wellness and fitness and my um vision for the city of Cate Canaveral is to make it more pedestrian bike friendly with a keen focus on safety you know that's definitely an issue that we have here with the influx of tourists in the area so uh I had you know brought uh this up to that with him very thankful for his time but the benefits of having a more walk friendly Community really is primarily safety we want to focus on having a you know a healthier Community uh Equity as far as making it more safe for people who don't necessarily have cars or Automotive Transportation um the environment just to make the environment friendlier and healthier and more accessible without as many cars and then the economic impact of making our area more sustainable from a walk bike um standpoint is really the direction that a lot of communities and especially as our population ages uh we see more and more people taking great pride in their physical activity and wanting to be more active um the there's an an actual national uh scoring system called a walk score I'm not sure if you've heard of that or not I popped my address in there just to see uh what where we're at as far as a fight and a pedestrian score but really just it helps improve the quality of life the environmental impact is huge property values uh if you have a higher walk score most estimates will say that the price of a home goes up $3,250 so that's a definite positive for the community um helpful for the renters rental income and then the marketability of having a more walk friendly Community but currently uh there's room for approval as you can see on the one of the slides that I have the walk score for my address is 47 it takes a lot of things into consideration the bike score is a little bit higher and you know we had a a resident here give accolades for stamping the the bike path which is great to see just after Wes and I met they were painting the the crosswalks uh in some of the the streets the perpendicular streets to make them more uh visible for the bikers and when cars are coming upon we have a lot of tourists in the area and they may not necessarily be familiar with our uh our streets and our sidewalks and the increase uh of people that are so active if anybody you know I know Wes lives on Ridgewood I had lived on Ridgewood until I bought my home on H Central and every day you go out and you see literally hundreds and hundreds of people using the trail so if we can uh my proposal would be just the creation of a board um of directors of an advisory you know voluntary Advisory Board it would be consisted of um five members initially the president would be the person that would lead and guide the rest of the board strategies um in strategic plan and the vision uh the role of Finance um I have some great ideas I serve on a lot of different boards great ideas as far as having an ongoing continual uh Revenue stream generated to support this whole initiative and uh community and business uh the role of community and business just really to establish the community business Partnerships I've spoken with a lot of businesses in our area and they seem to be very interested ining this this idea of making our community safer and uh more pedestrian friendly and healthier education and Outreach I worked for the school district for a number of years so education is all close to my heart um somebody had mentioned having signage around just to to promote the mission and the vision and the impact to the community really adds to the pride of our community knowing that it's safer for us to go out and and walk and those who come in and our you know plethora of snowb birs that we have in the area and then infrastructure is the last one so the you know exploring working with the state and city officials related to the infrastructure as far as building and making improvements um so some of the areas to explore in one of the slides improvements in the sidewalks along North Atlantic I know A1A is a not owned by the city of Kate Canaveral but having safer crosswalks on A1A North Atlantic I think a safe Bridge crossover this is my my ideal vision of how to really make the area safer with more hotels going in with the aquarium being built I see people walking down A1A and I say a little prayer to God that they'll get across the street because they're literally running across the street without any uh safe passage um up closer to where the home to Suites and and the Hilton is um so having safer expanded uh crosswalk safer safety improvements on Ridgewood crosswalks also um tourism destination having a for the tourists I think is something that's a positive and a draw that we have the opportunity to Market and take advantage of uh definitely having the signage I I'm all in awe of the the banner signs that we have up and down Ridgewood but it promotes a sense of community a sense of active U being more active and again increases the pride and then people will go out and use it if you build anything for pedestrian bite friendly they will come just like the Field of Dreams um I've been in Cape canaval for probably six or seven years to come up before everything had been marked out so clearly and um you know people were not using it were not accessing it so you build it you mark it and you know people have the added benefit of feeling safe they know where they can walk they know where they can cross um and the you know just the difference between the city of Coco Beach where I liveed for 18 years and cap Canaveral is it's a much more pedestrian has a a great opportunity to go further but much more pedestrian friendly area um great going be for educa educational campaigns to promote the city and fitness and yes we still have kids that walk to school so that's always um a positive for Cape Canaveral elementary school and then just great marketing opportunities with the hotel and the cruise industry we have um I believe about five million passengers traveled through our great Community to uh take a cruise and so the the volume of people that are coming here um gives us a great opportunity for impact and reach my future vision would be ongoing expans with neighboring for Canaveral in Coco Beach the unincorporated area in between I'm not that familiar with it but I do walk through it um as I walk up and down Ridgewood almost every morning for a power walk um just to expand and connect for greater safety access and impact um really possibly having a Port Canaveral Trail expansion there's one that is up through the Port Canaveral C Canaveral and it's like a little hidden gy I don't think a lot of people are really that it's there so having some opportunity to expand that definitely connecting with the aquarium I've uh I'm very excited about the potential of growth for our aquarium but making it more pedestrian friendly for and safe for people to get over to the aquarium coming from the hotels I think would be just a win-win for um everybody involved with that expansion and then eventually uh George King Boulevard I think would really connect Port Canaveral with Cape Canaveral one of my favorite uh lines always is the way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing so as a community resident somebody who's de devoted and dedicated her entire career volunteerism leadership in Vol various volunteer roles um this is something that I uh committed to and dedicated I'm seeking um your recommendations for creating an Advisory Board it would be something that I would lead I'd leave with on passion and purpose I have a great ability to get things done well other S I have a lot of experience working uh with boards and being uh you know in charge of boards board president's chair person Etc so I just think we have a great opportunity I don't believe there's any better time than now to go forward to make our community safer and healthier and and to really uh shine with all that we can do so I thank you for your time and I'm open for any questions thank you Dr Saul I just want to uh Echo and this uh presentation um thank you for putting that together that where where I got excited and said I want to bring this to the council is that this it's an opportunity to innovate and to do something new and to create and I know our brains go well we're already doing that yes we are there's always that we're already doing that somewhere but this is different and it took me some time to get my head around it uh it's complimentary and aligned with everything but the opportunity to create a board uh is a bold step there's not been a lot of boards well we don't want to create a board just to have another board what would that board be that's going to provide great recommendations to the city council and what's it that board about pedestrian friendly City you know there's the safe safety side of it we want a pedestrian safe City but the things that she put together and talked about was about the experience of Cape Canaveral too and making it a more positive experience and I sort of you know over the past few weekend started thinking about how lucky we are to have residents like uh Dr Saul who are willing to go out and help recruit and and and and put together task force committee full-blown board as we're saying here today that lives here every single day that wakes up here that experiences our city and as we improve budgets and projects I think one of the biggest hurdles is we don't have we've heard some good ideas we're never can have too many good ideas but the funding opportunities made me perk up too and we've got such a talented team here with our city staff Lexi is here tonight who works with this uh council member Willis sits on our TPO with arand de Blau as a citizen Advocate Dr sa and I spoke about that and I just wanted to uh bring you in start the conversation and really process it for the first time and think as we're heading in you know how cool it would be if we could grow citizen involvement one of the things when I first got into this was I Saw The Advisory Board shrinking and some for good reasons some for for unfortunate and boards are tough and so when we have the opportunity to grow and to to maybe serve different areas um that's something I hope this Council will consider uh time frame uh I think there would be a process to uh to go down the the the board route which our City attorney could speak to um but to get started into working I think we're about to get into our budget and capital Improvement projects I'd first say those big events meetings that we're going to have is um some of the early opportunities to get involved but this Cil I think we could move as fast as we wanted to but I didn't want to come in with a too specific beyond the the idea of we have someone who is willing and able and who I think has a vested interest here to want to help contribute in this way um whether it be funding to make these projects happen and if we just started with one project and said go help us make this happen whether it be a crosswalker here's this oneoff thing um how do we do it I think we should do it and I'd love to hear your ideas or feedback and if you have any questions I think you're here out Council thoughts have you dealt with U fdot I have not but I've worked for the school district and I worked for NASA okay so I have great experience working with government agencies I have great connections also with um within the county with the um trans the transport Transportation I forget what it is T it's late it's my bad time um the TPO is it TPO on TPO um and potentially meeting with them because um when Wes and I met also there other communities that are exploring this uh this opportunity just the the way cap canaval is actually built we do have that challenge of A1A um being different but you know the city of cap canaval has experienced a pedestrian deaths and that all unfortunately raises uh the awareness and the that potential for the Department of Transportation to take steps to uh help the communities and so that's that's where I go from um you know my my the knowledge base of what's happened and then my passion for for this and working with them well Mr Mayor it it appears to me that we have a uh bed board that can work on the economic aspect of it we have a local roads committee that their charge is to make the city more bikable walkable um I know Lexi and I have been working on trying to find all the available funding we even have a large listing of available grants as part of the presidential streets master plan that we're going to that I know Tim is working on it as well Lexi Zach um I've got probably 20 or 30 different agencies through the federal government for Grants here locally I mean I'm not poo pooing anything but we're doing a lot of things and when you're integrally involved with the TPO and F do um bringing another board in are we going to be stepping in all over each other so it's one of the things you know we have to we have to be sure that we're working together and not AC cross purposes now the the local roads committee makes up U individuals from every Department in the city infrastructure maintenance uh Finance uh city council uh resiliency it's every Department the only thing that isn't there is a public participant but we already are working on those things and we're working together for those things so I mean I'm not saying no to anything I'm just maybe I would feel better if you had made an appearance at the local roads committee that would have been nice to hear if if she would if or if she has if she had um I don't think she was made aware but well see that's well we have them every every third month right now but I think that schedule is going to get upgraded well yeah and so that local roads committee uh you who who is the Wii Lexi and Kyle Harris it's there coair there's co-chairs no there's there's at least eight or nine now I think yeah and so what the difference here is that committee needs to continue to function and work and and and make recommendations I think that the city manager created that committee yes and so what I'm doing is coming to the council saying um Le let's talk about having a resident you live in Cape I only think a few of the staff members do but the majority of them are not residents how many Resident boards do we have that's focused on Public Safety pnz is a function of that sure Leisure Services everyone's always thinking and the experience of Cape Canaveral who are the keepers of the vision hopefully us but having a a board that's complimentary is essential you're right we cannot be stepping on each other I don't think think I see um I don't think we should move forward if if we found that that was happening but um I think this might take a little time but my hope is that it's complimentary Lexi I think you wanted to say something did you need I was just going to speak to the legistics of the local roads committee so it is one um member from every department plus council member Willis on it there are public meetings and we do announce them uh they're during normal business hours so during normal operating hours um and so there there are opportunities for public comment and the agenda is typically posted five business days prior to it and we meet every other month uh or as needed so at least every other month but if there's something that's of like more concern or or requires more discussion um we can obviously reach out to the members and and schedule something additional thank you can I yes I don't know if city manager or Anthony would ask this all our other boards we have people come through we have applications we have backgrounds and you know we are they're voted yes or no if we have a just residence board and then representing stuff for the city is there a liability I mean like what is that because do you I don't I don't know if I'm explaining myself right because we we we pick the boards or the people on the boards here we know who they are we have background like that we won't know the residents so what is the diff you know res no we would I know our residents but we don't have we wouldn't go if you're having just a residence we're not going to be doing backgrounds on them we're not going to be oh you're going to make an official board or you're just going to make it I'm maybe I'm misunderstanding I'm not making anything I think we're starting the conversation and the board's the idea we would we' have to follow the procedures we appoint board members and I don't see this board being treated differently than any other board then I misunderstood that it wouldn't be treated the same way as no okay yeah I think following our own code on the the procedures to create a board that's serving a a niche that's that's not just around pedestrian you know safety it's as I was saying the experience and the upside and uh you know when we're safe we're we're enjoying the city more but yeah that's that's good and so I think that the next step that that I'd like to take is um the ne the next meeting in March uh March 20th uh third Tuesday is that we come back with uh some thoughts and ideas on well really just want to know do we want to do a board or do we want to do a task force or committee or do we want to do nothing at all my Hope was that we plant the seed and that between now and the next meeting we could work overcome any questions and discuss creating a dedicated citizen resident Le board um again another requirement with an exception of the bed board they're allowed to come from out of Cape Canaveral but it's hard to find you know there's not there's not a dedicated Health experience pedestrian safety uh 100% resident Le board in Cape Canaveral that was directed by this Council the committee was directed by the city manager with people who the majority of the people on that board do not live in this city and code enforcement board was abolished all that citizens seven of them Planning and Zoning Board seven of them in very you know quasi judicial land use matters very code and and land use related but who's out there for the human being that that lives here every day and can see it I'd say local roads committee happening exercising is something I was excited about and I'm happy our city manager took that initiative to do that but bringing it a step further I think getting our head around this today is a good idea and so if we want to um give it some time I think between now and the next meeting we can maybe get our arms around something council member Jackson or mayor per Tim Kellum um yes I just have a couple questions um you said that you could recruit people to take these these positions Finance community and business um and what would you call this board I would to be determined to be determined we didn't want you know get locked in with a name but I appreciate that that's a good question I mean that is sort of what I'm asking and I'm trying to say Council broaden obviously it's not roads but let's think about do we need another board here are some ideas um um and again we're talking board maybe it's a a committee that the council or whatever the procedure is how do we utilize this mayor PM back to you Sor we do have a beautification board could we do beautification and health for I mean I'm just throwing out ideas but have you served on any of the boards in the city not in the city of K I've served on several boards andri director on with any any board that I've been on I like the idea of the resident resident driven board um for these reasons um I'm open to the idea I think that it we should move forward maybe explore it some more um and maybe add it kind of rework the boards that we have now maybe with and initiate this these Concepts into an already established board maybe um I am interested in all of these things sound wonderful so can I I'm yes I agree I mean I'd love to see all this implemented but I kind of agree with with councilman Willis we need to figure out how much overlapping we have with the boards you know we would have with the boards that we have now and maybe instead of creating a board which I I would encourage you know the citizens maybe just get involved with the boards we have instead of you know doing another board that's overlapping the same as the boards we already have so that's just in consideration something we have to find out will they be overlapping you know or is it repetitive or whatever before I would say get a new board I would say you know be involved in the boards we have now yes I think that's a good starting point is I'm not saying you must get involved with the new boards I'm saying we need to look at our boards and think what's missing and we have an opportunity there's something missing and and I think if anything you have the ability to fill it and to give it the same energy that we saw from steu Smith with Reviving The Business and economic development board that board was created and it went fizzle done and thankfully not only St but we've seen a a a big uh a full board come in with City staff's help and and that board is active in moving forward and it is complimentary but yeah that was the thought you know council member Jackson well I need to be more familiar with the business and economic development board because the meeting that I went to most recently um spoke a lot about the hotels and things like this and where all of the that brings tax revenue into our city which does help us as Citizens I I find it interesting and I think this is very nichy okay and could be broader because of the fact that there's so many things that we drive over the bridge to get to we don't have certain things here in our area for residents and I think residents could give us that feedback on what those things are are um because we're focused on taking care of making sure we've got the cruise industry covered on Hotel nights I I saw the information about rentals well right now the rental income well right now you know we have a full house right now this year as usual but we've Fallen back into our normal rental patterns for vacation rentals and then the hotels are picking up anything less than that so they literally are getting every bit of business that is shorter than the six night minimum you know as mandated in our ordinances but then there are things such as we don't have a grocery store in our town we don't have certain types of businesses um and we're looking at making this more walkable and an area where people come off of that bridge speeding every day it's you know we're working with fot on what's going to happen to that part of the A1A quarter for beautification but I think that this becomes fairly nichy we've got problems down on A1A with people riding bikes on sidewalks ebikes I've seen a golf cart on the sidewalk um and so I get the bikable walkable um but with the focus that we've got up on A1A and of course we need to for safety um and it just brings to mind what is what do citizens want residents what are they wanting and I think in that case if the board was more General had some more General capacities to it that it would be a great place for people to be able to give that feedback because there are things that we are missing in our city that Coco Beach has that um we drive over to merid Island to utilize things of that nature and so if we're really looking at expanding our Economic Development and Catering to Residents we might want to look at what are they wanting you know um although I think a resident driven board is an excellent idea to give uh the residents the the voice that they need and to be able to bring things to us and they can always anything that they come up with we can always engage with staff and the others to accomplish those things so I I like the idea but I would like it my my vision is it'd be a little bit broader than just W walkable bikable MH and and I think so too and what what do the citizens want thank you very much that feedback anything you want to add into that h no and and I just really appreciate the uh the questions and the points what I always approach anything with is a collaborative approach and so um working with the other boards collaborative collaboratively to me would be the ideal approach um it is nichy indeed Miss Jackson uh if you make your community safer and healthier they will walk to a grocery store plopping a grocery store will not necessarily make people be able to to go there and I I will bite to publ on occasion and you know and in that yeah and in that case I and you have to understand I'm a research person I think we need to look at demographics and here's why we've got a older aging population a lot of them do bike and walk and that's great we also also have Decline and enrollment at Cape View Elementary and so um you know our demographic May and we have a lot of veterans that are wounded and people of that nature so I think we need before we go completely headlong into something like that that we need to know what's our demographic because if we're even if we're not spending taxpayers dollars like you've discussed on this we want to make sure that we're meeting their needs absolutely and and you know I was performing a an inquiry or a survey or questioner that would be brief um would also be a positive for Gathering that ground information as to what what people want so that's i al start everything out with a survey like what do you want and then how can we make that happen and for the majority of the people but yeah definitely working collaboratively not taking from the other boards and you know they no doubt have uh their tasks that they're working towards and striving towards and and and indeed this is nichy but I think it's something that's doable in our community I think we have a great opportunity now to do it working side by side with with all entities and if indeed if it's what the community wants I tend to think it might be what the community wants um we get older we want to get more active we want to you know live healthier and live longer and taking into a the points you need Miss Jackson definitely um I love that you're a researcher to as am I so that's great so thank you I I I if there are no other questions thank you um Wes for this opportunity and and I think the council members just for the consideration um if we can get started on the possibility of the what ifs I think it would be great for a win-win for our community I think it'll it'll come together and doing it right it's appreciated uh thank you very much your uh I know your time is valuable to stay here today so thank you again and you know my my comments on and I've said this in the past are City staff professionals experts within their area and some of them wear mini hats are going to be the best to make the recommendations that we need especially when we're talking about dimensions and codes and laws and criteria and all that we we we would be tripping over ourselves without them but you and where all residents up here have to be uh do something that they can do in their communities which is ours we all love Bard and we love our city staff but you're the only one who understands your street like like the way you do and in your city and so that survey and that data that we can get out of those people uh are I think the the pillars to making great decisions so thank you again this will form and shape I know it will and we will be in touch thank you thank you everybody thank you okay again thank you Council uh I will continue to develop that and I think either the next meeting or the following I think we'll we'll be able to to have a little bit more to work with there so thank you again now we are at the report section of the meeting that concludes I do have uh one report but I don't want to go first I want to go through uh Council um I have two two requests and I'll go last Council we are finished reports uh city manager do you want to kick us off with the reports tonight sure I'd be glad to um as a result of the January 24th special meeting regarding Jackson Avenue and Filmore Avenue what I'm planning to do is provide a a full up-to-date status report of where we are and there's been a lot of movement on that I want to provide that when proposing at the March council meeting um so we should have a lot it should be very robust report about where we are and our status at that point um and secondly the uh coffee with the city manager is this Friday at 10 o'clock at manity Sanctuary Park mayor thank you and I'm sure you might have to chime back in and one of those was the Jackson and Filmore so thank you for you answered that I think having um having enough time I think for that one will be important um and my hope is that we are in a position to have most of that resolved by that that time uh I don't like those special meetings either and I think that your work since that meeting's happened with staff I we've all had a chance to talk is uh you're getting through it we've come a long way is there anything that we can do as a council to support you that that maybe we didn't see at that time to I can't think of anything you You' get the council's been tremendously supportive um given more tools than I even would have asked for so no I can't think of anything but uh I'm grateful that the meeting happened because it it brought things to light I think that wouldn't have otherwise been brought to light and it was very helpful and and mayor thank you for for suggesting that meeting thank you for continuing to work through it you know council member Jackson did you want this how you or well I was goingon to ask if their utilities got buried I was just curious if we've gotten that far yet yeah the I was there when they were doing the uh the conduits underground and Dave told me that they're energized today or yesterday was it they're so they've got those the electrical util is done I believe they're still waiting to get the cable or the brid house line put down before they can take the pole and the overhead lines down well that's great progress because that's the hard one of the most difficult things is working through the power company to get those things done so that is good news thank you and the engineering I think today you said the agreement yes uh kimley horn did agree to the proposal task order $7,250 is the price tag for that it was authorized um it was forwarded to them today Dave is that correct yeah what was it it's a proposal task order yeah it's the it's the a contract or if you go yes it's the minutes from item one of the consent agenda uh there were two sets of minutes January 24th minutes there's very specific uh task I think Mia is almost there you're on the 2 yeah you're right there so it item two obtain the engineering report there it is that task 2 A and B that is what was contracted to kimley Horn as a result of that meeting uh they came in at $7,250 for that report which um I Revis I I reviewed this with each council member to make sure we're hitting the mark and every one of you said yep that sounds like exactly what we need to be doing there spent a lot of time on the language of this to get it make sure we got it right so to fulfill item number two obtain an engineering report the an agreement was signed for we didn't know the price 7, 250 $7,250 for kimley horn to provide and fulfill this to A and B yes sir did they give us a time frame on how long that's going to take in the agreement does it talk about time in the agreement and do we can we have a copy of that agreement out to the whole Council please um yes we can distribute that tomorrow to the council um and I've also um um provided some details on the agreement to the homeowners there so they're very aware and plugged into what exactly is going on um no the the the scope of the contract does not have a spe specific date um that the the report is due by um we did we have spoken with them about the um expediency is extremely critical that we are trying to get a final report back to the council at the March meeting um so there is kind of an inherent built-in deadline for them um we discussed when our agendas go out when our agenda items are uh due to the city manager and the city clerk's office so so I would imagine that we would um well I'm not going to I'm not going to I'm not going to give any specific deliverables at this point but they they understand there is a um um some deadlines built in that we're wanting to perform and get some answers back to the council that's great yes I think to overcome any ambiguity it would be good to get an indication from them certainly not you shouldn't bear the pressure to speak what they think they can get it done so that we can set expectations I'd hate for us to be optimistic and we come in March and it's not as far as long um again this isn't this is a very important issue to me and I know we sort of exhaled after that but this issue is up there with A1A safety and flooding and I and I'm thankful for the work that goes to it but I do I would like an update at every council meeting I think moving forward until this is resolved and I think if we get to April um that that's too far and and I'm certainly impatient to that so hopefully they can make it work and again what resources that we can provide as a council to support that I'm on board so thank you any other comments on that one council member Willis uh yeah um just wanted to give the update on the local roads committee we had uh a meeting on uh January 23rd and we discussed the lot striping over in the Civic Hub property bike lane striping roadway striping around the city uh got an update on the presidential streets oneway feasibility study we also uh discussed some funding updates for fdot A1A and we we uh talked about the uh best foot forward compliance event that happened on North Atlantic um to four different days in February uh where Gard County Sheriff's department and uh best foot forward uh came in and made sure that people were adhering to The Pedestrian Crossing restrictions and I think they made four or five stops I don't have the uh the final report in front of me but uh people wouldn't stop when pedestrians were entering the crosswalk so that was that was very beneficial we also found out that a lot of people along North Atlantic and uh are seeing a definite increase in traffic from the port and that roadway is not M designed for that kind of traffic a lot of it is just coming from the port or Jetty Park trying to get to A1A and they think the quickest best way is jump on North Atlantic and get there so we're we're looking at possibly doing a traffic study or getting TPO to help with doing a traffic study and coordinate with the port to see if uh we need to do something about restricting that traffic um also so we had first Monday of February I did the coffee with the cop at Cherry down Park and picked one of the coldest nastiest days of the month um and it was the first time that all the coffee had ever been drunk at one of those things uh we had 30 30 local uh neighborhood members uh show up at Cherry down Park and it was very good they asked a lot of great questions of Commander KCK and uh and uh he made a few jokes but we won't go there so uh but that's all I've got thank you council member Davis yeah um I went to the Space Coast Le of cities there's two things I think uh you were emailed a scholarship form so if you know of anybody that uh would is interested in the scholarship our deadline is March 1st so they can still they can still apply uh second we have we discussed the form six the financial uh form that we we may be required to fill out uh city of Coco is having a meeting on March 18th it's going to be at the Civic Center in Coco Village I believe it starts 6 like 6 to 8 they're going to be discussing the requirements when we do have to fill out the form also um I don't know if attorney googleman will be there or not but his Law Firm has developed a class action suit uh to file so against this form six I think there's as Anthony said there's 25 cities now involved it's $10,000 for the city uh to get involved in that and then what they're trying to do right now is get an injunction for a stay so that you don't have to fill out the form sticks until the decision is made only the people that have been in the cities that have given the $10,000 that are involved in it will be granted the stay Al I thought it was Statewide but it's not so that's something um if you're interested I I I would suggest that all of you go to the meeting on this 18th and it is open to city managers City Clerks all elected officials or whoever so it's going to be very beneficial to what we're going to be required to fill out in these forms and I don't know if Google men will be there about the lawsuit so that's something we this we need to discuss as well if the city is interested in doing something like that and I think we would need Anthony's opinion on that as well so just March 18th Coco Civic Center at six o'clock I think you got an email too about that one thank you the the March 6 thing primarily will be what do you have to fill out what do you have to say what granularity you're going to have to contribute and uh we all know how granular that might be so thank you and I will be on the logo you said the city clerk sent it today our city clerk um I don't know when you sent it me it was a couple days days ago I think okay I know I've seen it and then from you okay and the application was sent out the scholarship application was sent out as well thank you uh council member Jackson well miss Freeman gave part of my report which is with the right whales which is a good thing and we're happy that that's moving forward um for those that were not in attendance we did have have a workshop on EVs and taking a look at the state of the industry as well as what reporting the city council might want to see so that we can make sure that we stay in a profit a profitability or at least covering ourselves mode on that so that was held during February and that's what I have for an update thank you mayor P Tim um yes just a couple things um the local V FW has taken uh advantage of the grant program through our CRA funding which is awesome and they're um redeveloping their U memorial wall on the side of the building it's starting to look really good and I'm glad that we could help them with the funding also I'd like to thank Dave and his his um team and and um Todd and Anthony for really um getting on the Portside Villa uh people that were really suffering there with dust and everything and it was nice to get a thank you from from those people that we are listening and we are doing what we can so I just want to thank you guys for give you a pat on the back instead of yeah but thank you for your work on that and um you know we do care about our residents and we need to take care of these things so that's all I have thank you the uh I think that's me left and uh anyone other I just wanted to TI knock this out uh we heard today from uh Miss Bonnie uh Cocker about the need to remove or excuse me prune the sea grapes I think it would be helpful our city manager and I spoke about this is do you need anything from us uh to help expedite whatever they need I think there there are really two essential issues and I'll be calling on Dave to help answer some of this but there's the work that they are authorized to do with the lowering of the SE grapes in accordance with FD guidelines the other one is the removal of palm trees from city rideway property so if we can separate the two issue for just a moment Dave what have they been told about fdp guidelines and their ability to pursue lowering of sea grapes on their property and on the city RightWay property yeah um thank you Todd and City man um city council this this has been an issue for the last couple years it seems to boil up every once in a while and um last time was in early 2023 uh a matter of fact some folks from Sand Pebbles approach uh staff and we're inquiring which we'd love to see thank you for asking before things happen uh versus um after and So based on that um Brian Palmer and the rest of the city staff put together an FAQ uh it's on the city website and it's referred to as the City of Cape Canaveral Beach management guidelines it's a really helpful uh uh information and it talks about um a number of things not Dune plants to include um uh sea grapes uh seaweed and our Turtle population and so there's just some basic information about what can and can't happen uh related to those three items who to contact who has jurisdiction and all the links and information and contact names and numbers are here in the uh in the fa and so um with respect to the sea grapes because I think that's really what we're talk talking about this evening um yeah there is a uh anything Eastward or cord of What's called the Coastal Construction line and that information where that line is is all uh it's a link on this page so all that information is available to the public anything that occurs Eastward of that line uh DP has jurisdiction and they have they have rules and regulations on what can and can't happen and and who to contact um so I think what I heard is somebody did contact D about this and um so that's great that's that's what we encourage people to do the city doesn't specifically have any regulations or any codes regarding the maintenance of SE grapes um so we rely on DP for their permitting and it may be a situation where D says this is not a permittable uh it's it it doesn't even qualify for a permit go ahead and do it um those are calls that uh D needs to make that is not a city staff uh decision so we encourage people to get with d the the the the role that the city plays is when those activities are wanted to uh when a property owner wants these things to happen on city property um at that point that's when the city and the council would get involved on giving specific authorization to enter city property and um conduct any desired maintenance that that occurs there so we would be involved in in that aspect of it um other da in this case have they been given any permission from the city to enter city property to do that seag grape trimming not not that I'm aware of um there like I mean we've discussed it we've discussed the process but as far as I know there's been no specific um request or permission given is there any hold up is there any reason not to Grant it well no no I mean as long as as long as there's an indication by D that the proposed activities are going to be consistent with their guidelines I I think I mean that would be a call that the council could make at that point um I I do want to point out I don't want to get too far into policy tonight I know we're talking about process and moving forward with things but there there's some good information in here and I and I want to point out too that one of the things that this really this document really stresses is our our Turtle population and it's critical to always keep in mind that there's views both to the beach and there's views from the beach and that's primarily what we're concerned about are the views from the beach landward that's where our hatchlings get in trouble when there's not enough um I'll call it visual buffer um they see the lights we actually one of our Code Enforcement Officers spends a lot of his time walking up and down the beaches looking for violating lights um that could disorient our hatchlings and so when we start and I'm just D has they look at all of these issues when they're issuing a permit or not issuing a permit but that is just something to keep in mind too is we have I mean I I understand property values and I understand the importance of of views but there's other considerations too that we need to keep in mind so it's kind of like a you know it's it's a it's a in it's a totalit it's a you have to look at the issue in totality so um but that's it I think is there something I didn't answer is there a standard that we want to keep our Dunes at for a height for seetal Turtles uh that we the city does not specifically regulate that that would be a question for DP okay so D currently allows it to be trimmed down to three and a half fet as I understand it I'm I'm not I I I wouldn't feel comfortable answering that I mean it sounds like there's been some conversations in the yes she needs to speak at the yep hey Miss Tina if you are gonna speak if you no that's okay just for order and and the folks who might be with from home if you could come to the the microphone uh the podium and speak that way everyone can hear yeah you are correct in that it is a totality and um one of the things regarding the turtle population we cannot cut and trim during nesting SE season so you know from June to November we cannot do any trimming and so that's one of the um things we have to be compliant with another is the lighting and so um to that have to have curtains closed we have to have you don't have curtains you have to have your shutters down we also have lights um outside but they are blackened on the side that faces the beach and then we have to have only low light um on inside the condominium we have to have all the porch lights off so there's all those other things we have to be compliant with but as far as the SE grapes go we can be down to 42 in and it's three different agencies that oversee you know the dunes and I put that in that piece of paper that I turned in and so we've done this for years um well what we're wanting to do is we want to make sure that we um that code enforcement and us on the same page as well as The Bard County Sheriff's Department so they don't get calls and instead perhaps they could go to the city and say is this correct before they go out and say okay everyone drop your tools you have you can't work you know that type of thing so um there's yeah you're right though there is several areas in which we have to be compliant and which we have been doing but 42 Ines is what um they're saying and we don't need a permit um for that and that's why we went and looked at other um Condominiums who are also compliant and we found at least six or seven um that we named um on that document that um are 42 in and some of them are 48 but um the bottom line was 42 yeah we we we the city we generally don't get too involved in this if if they have de permits we have been involved over the few years that where we have HOAs or condo associations have just clearcut and brought the seag grapes all just just a grade and that's that's that's a real problem but we've also had the problem with the um the bra red pepper vines that have come in and been very invasive and covered over the sea grapes and the Sea Oats but it and that came in with a hurricane and it's not indigenous you know to Florida and it just blew with a hurricane so we've been and it's got big thorns we've been battling that as well yeah I yeah we but my point is we have a process um the D has a process and I agree we should all be communicating um so there's no surprises so uh on your side as well as our side so and our our one big question though is the city property as it pertains to the beach boardwalk when you you know because the city maintains that beach boardwalk and put signage up and all that and we're wanting to do both sides of the beach boardwalk not just our side but you know sou the south side which is where Wind Jammer is located and we want to know can we cut down on that South Side as well is that considered property yes um the the city right away for Filmore is it Filmore yes the 50 Foot width of Filmore as it runs East West it continues all the way out to the water line basically so yes so 50 feet from the beach boardwalk no no no uh the RightWay is 50 ft wide Street the right the RightWay itself is 50 feet wide so from the center of the board wall Go 25 each way depending if it's in the center if the boardwalk is in the center but yes yes okay we'd be happy to if you'd like to stop by our office in the next day or two we'd be happy to kind of sit down and talk our way through this okay because that's that's one of the issues we have is we're wanting to do both sides sure and um so we have to 25 ft from the center of the beach board block so mayor I think one of the one of the things perhaps we're struggling with here is that we don't have a procedure for how to answer the question does it need to go to City Council to be authorized to reduce SE Heights on a city RightWay property there's a question um and if so should we just begin to a procedure for that to happen because this sounds like it will be a routine maintenance thing maybe coming up every year or two um and we can create the procedure um and if we do that what I would suggest and I was just talking to the City attorney about is whoever if we were to authorize it that the contractor provide the liability insurance to the city naming the city as you know additionally insured FD guidelines would have to be approved permit or permit exception um so if if there's the appetite for that on the council to do that we can we can improve this one and just understand we just write our procedural guidelines for for the future from that um and I think that's the first thing to get over actually before we talk about the palm trees well to I mean all these condominium associations all up and down here they pretty much maintain the SE grapes in front of their condominium UNS like I said I counted at least seven that are doing it to the 42 inches and I just can't imagine all these condominium associations and their boards wanting to deal with more bureaucracy of layers and layers we've already got three agencies that we're dealing with on the state level that manage the dunes and to add another layer of propy we just want to get everybody on the same page that we're that when we're compliant with the state now miss Freeman I have a question for you since you've been talking to the state because when I know at my property when we cut them down ours were so overgrown we had to cut them in three phases they now are they still yeah they so oneir right when they're considered trees and they're over six feet then you can cut them down one3 your cutting and then you can go down the next cutting down to 42 in and so we've already got ours at six feet okay we're wanting to go down to the 42 in okay and that's where we don't need a permit but you're right though as far as the phases go okay I as far as keeping them at the six feet level um and we've been doing that but we're wanting to go down to the 42 okay thank you so it sounds like as we've heard to move forward with the north side and behind on Filmore they don't really need anything through the city but they need to have clear understanding of where the lines of the city right away begin and end I think that's what's at risk because we don't want to be in a position where you go into the city right away that decision is something that I think you're talking about we've never really considered should we prune the north side because those condos I don't think they're pruning the north side on the city right doing the north side of the beach I'm sorry the South Side the all of our South Side I Know M on Harrison is higher and and provid shading because it's south facing to that that's directly in the line I think as a part of it and then the trees we don't H how do we handle removing trees and pruning on public property typically you as the city manager have the authority however you also can work with your counsil I think when trees start to be removed you're one of the first to speak this is one I I'd like to know yeah tree removal on city property has been a very sensitive topic in recent years so and so but they can proceed on the North side with SE graes when we say north side we're not talking about the north side of the city right away we're talking about the private property we're talking about the south side of the beachwalk and then yeah you got excuse me can I can I just interject because it's about property interest okay all right there are I don't know how many Condominiums up and down the beach each if you look at the Declarations of Covenant of those Condominiums you'll find in all cases because I've reviewed probably every single one of them you know the boundary of the common area goes out to the you know mean high water line right and that was that was moved when bravar County establish the erosion control line but so the right of way is just like your condo property it goes out to the mean high water line as well so you your condo has the ability to do the the routine maintenance of the uh sea grapes within your boundaries of your property right now when you're talking about the right of way the city controls the right of way and would have to authorize any maintenance of the sea grapes within the RightWay south of the RightWay it's my understanding is the wind Wind Jammer correct so that's wind Jammer's property and you know we could not authorize you to go on the south side of the right away on Wind Jammer property to do any work we could do 25 fet of the beach walk on that south side but no if the city if the city authorized the work to be done in the right away right there's going to be a center line of the right of way 25 ft on each side of the center line of the right away wherever that is 25t on Wind Jammer typically well that's Wind Jammer is south of the of the Southern RightWay line I'm just trying to make it clear that it's all about property interests who controls which property you know your Association controls your property the right of way is controlled by the city and then Wind Jammers controls their property right consent would be required from the property owner to do any work within their property including the city right so that that's what needs to be needs to be clear and I think the manager saying um we may not have had have a process or we don't routinely M maintain the beachen um sea grapes yeah and June do you have some historical knowledge on maintaining the sea grapes or Tim because I believe if I'm if my memory serves me we had inmate Crews at one point that were out there cutting that oh yeah that was years ago and yes and um but with respect to Wind Jammer um they maintain the front of their condominium complex facing the beach but it's just that they don't maintain along that board BL and we've done it for them in the past but it depends on who's on the when they allow it as far as the the city's RightWay property Tim what's the history of trimming the sea grapes on that property so in the last eight years when I was with infrastructure maintenance we would tell the uh residents and the condo owners that we wanted it be natural for turtle preservation and things of that nature on the city easement on the city but now right away on private property uh they were allowed to cut a third as you said per year um and until it got to a certain height right so but for the city right away property we normally just let it kind of grow um to be a natural habitat uh for the turtle preservation and and other things so that's that's what I remember uh in the years that I did what was happening with ours was that when we were letting it grow it was doing an overhang and then we had a lot of the homeless population camping out in there so then we were able to cut it down and that cut out the homeless population from camping in there so essentially we have a request Council um that the neighboring property would like the city's permission to reduce the height of the SE grapes in this city right away does the council want to agree to that request yes or no I think that's the simple question correct I think I'll go first uh I use the word hyper local you know what's best for Philmore Avenue you talk about Ultra home rle right when I start talking about what happens on your or Street you know it's different I I speak for to the best one citizen on Harrison Avenue and I I I like mine but it's also totally different view point looking North and so I've had an opportunity to see and I know those Palms over time which we s sort of popped up and so it reaches this disc this decision of hey with the pal or the sea grapes I'm sorry as those grow is it healthy should we maintain them can they get too strangly and lag and become I would not want to see just a you know a a wipe out where I am but if the majority of the residents around that area think that that's a good idea uh for that it you know home rules right Street rules and to me to to maintain and if there's a healthy prune that can happen um and it's just easier to talk about it all and really the trees fall into this too right same thing so those Palms that were not there we were just dealing with this at Veterans Park some cabbage Palm they just pop out and then they become a tree and then we're handcuffed to them and I love Tre but you know successfully relocating Palms I think is has a higher probability of success opposed to a big Live Oak and so and we love our Oaks we're talking about palms I wrestled with it with the city manager and said you know I don't I really want to talk to the council about it I don't want to speak for Filmore um and I know it's it's a Florida beach it's people from all over come here but you know our local residents who live there and who experience that beach entrance more than others um we don't have a process I first would say if it's beneficial for us to prune and to maintain all Beach entrances by all means we should um but I see the benefits of having the protection and the shading and I have also seen the dark downsides of witnessing people strangers in there sleeping at night and walk down there in the middle of the night and it's a go to Harrison Avenue it is a little mini mansion in there and it I mean you've got coverage to get out of the wind in the elements and fortunately thanks to our deputies I haven't seen that in a in a in a long time and it's been maintained seems like within and I will pull up a carrot wood from time to time I'm sorry y'all can throw me in jail but when a little carrot wood pops up on the edge that city property you know it's like I pulled a weed and so those things there like what happens if I let that Carwood go and now we get this big invasive species just popping up or what do we do with these specific palm trees here I I think the I think what's I see happening is it we're developing a procedure tonight that the question should come to council if a particular condo board wants to clear or not clear reduce the height of sea grapes and or any other vegetation and this Council I think can make that decision tonight to Grant it or not both the sea grape lowering and or removal of how many pal trees four five palm trees and they're like more than six feet high and they're all located in the city right away so that that's a question mayor you could just pull your Council and see how they feel about it might consensus make a decision so re relocate um that that could be a condition I I would be you know that's first priority but the next Beach entrance might want them um thoughts relocating is probably going to be very difficult the root ball is not that bad on a have getting in there two of them the equipment yeah because what are you going to do you're going to come from the beach side or through the property M you can't come through the beach side we just planted whole bunch of SE there I I'd also like the council to remember too that we have a a process for a private property owner to re to remove trees and there is a mitigation bank that can be paid into um there's also replanting that can be done so so there's a number of things that the council can consider when you would be saying okay well yes we'd like to you can remove X number of trees but there's there's going to be a cost for that the same way we just because it's on public property versus private property um you know that might be something too to throw into the mix and think about and okay thank you council member Willis council member Davis I know it can be good council member Jackson well I'm just trying to remember back what we've been told you know on trimming because I understand that people want to have a view I do but I'm someone that likes trees and we have properties up and down the beach that haven't taken trees out they're not doing that and I'm trying to remember because I did look at the Coastal Construction line I found it interesting that one property it went right over the middle of the property um and you're not supposed to do anything on the Eastern side of that so you know allowing the SE grapes to be trimmed down is something that many complexes do um but allowing palm trees to be removed I don't know what D's rules are on that well we yeah our own city code we could follow our own code to remove our own trees on public property right but then how many complexes will want that on every beachwalk like city manager said so if that's going to be the case we have two things to consider is that may need to be done in more than one Beach Walk and we need to take a look at that and doing that and also um you know as far as that's concerned when you start with that then the ones that are dead center in the middle of someone's view in the middle of a complex that D has said you cannot remove this those people are going to remove that as well so I think it gets a little sticky however if it's city property and that's what council wants to do then yeah if we could take inventory of city property Palms on the on East I mean just the Ridgewood stretch just the the right away yeah I didn't mean to interject no that's fine I so you know I'm going back and forth with it knowing what we went through at my property to get it low enough and the finding that went on from the state and the things that we were told not to do and I understand on the city you know right away and the boardwalks that that'll make it neater and that kind of thing but you know then how far out of bounds are we going from what DP wants from the state because they're being stopped if it's in front of someone's condo like this so I don't know yeah it's tough and currently too we are maintaining those palm trees because the city because they are on city property um since the city doesn't trim those palm trees they do the ones up and down Ridgewood but they don't trim those we have been trimming those palm trees um just because it's very helpful with the you know the roaches the paletto bugs you know things like that and so we do keep we have we're paying ourselves to keep those palm trees trimmed along with the ones on our proper so um Dave brought up a point that one of the options is um mitigation um the tree Bank provision and city code says removal of a tree and L of replacement per inch of dbh is $50 so if you had a um 10-inch tree that'd be $500 for that tree in the mitigation bank and that mitigation Bank can be used to plant elsewhere in the city that's a tool can be used to plant another indigenous plant that shorter growth height yes to beautify the the entrances to the beach to replace the vegetation and I think we're talking about zero trees to five you know we might all agree that nothing looks prettier than you know two coconut palms one on each side right it's or or those aren't even good Florida friendly you know sea Coastal uh things but from the picture right it's you can you can see it on Washington that's where we see that right you got the big coconut palms and uh Tyler has one and I can't name them all but hey that's me Beauties in the eye of the beholder I think those are pretty and and nice but you know if it goes into four to five right and what happens when the sixth pops up this year and the seventh so we do have to have I think some sort of responsibility to maintain and what got my attention was they went from zero to five and now they're being great neighbors and pruning and keeping keeping them in and so at a minimum I think between now and and you know they can move on the sea grapes as far as the right away onethird would be the most that we could do right on the secrets I need to just visualize that and and from you know where that line would be and understand a little bit more on the the consequences of that as far as the trees go starting with one or two and trying to mitigate and thin it out for them you know if they could pick a couple that might be a good approach opposed to this All or Nothing um at least open it up M did we see a picture of the pal tree she held it are the yeah so she's got the same exact view sometimes people plant trees too on city property that's this is my mother would do that 1975 open how yes exactly on the North side see how it's and these would these look like well that's a problem because those SE will be in the exact same situation if you look Tre all open trees take these out with these would the sea grapes or the trees provide the bigger impact two I'm just trying to prioritize it seems like the sea grapes does do you'all want to pass this down down there they need it down there yeah and and then I know we're we're at 9:36 um this has been an issue they've been patient and so I'm trying to figure out the best path thank you so if if we can set uh I just take Filmore Avenue my request to council is that we look to address what I heard sort of our 20 Beach entrances just a quick back of the napkin understanding of what we're working with and then if we zoom in on Filmore and what would that look like from the ground View and we think each one is going to be unique um our our history has shown that we we are happy with it being natural um but we have in some cases in some locations done some trimming historically so if if the city wants to establish the um a principle of we leave the right ways natural however we can consider a request for um a condo board to fund the reduction removal or whatever on a case-by Case basis some may want to some may not want to and like you said the the orientation of your building can make a big difference there's some rways that there's just no interest of doing anything on but you get somebody like Wind Jammer or Sand Pebbles and like yeah we've got our whole view here is now limited to this because of this case-by case basis may be the way to consider it so Filmore is were the first case I think we've seen and I W I will say this I had another uh constituent that is complaining of the exact same thing on the north side of ocean Oaks um there is a lot that is a vacant lot right by our beach access or ocean Oaks beach access and a public beach access in Harbor Heights yes it is full of Brazilian pepper trees and the people on the north side of that comedo complex that are on the side as well just like this are complaining of the very same thing because that it's grown completely over where they can't see the beach or the the ocean so and that would be the first entrance that's the Harbor Heights entrance that comes in through the Ridgewood end and then I would go well it doesn't come in through the Ridgewood end that's C AAC it's up off at off of Atlantic but ocean Oaks is is in the cuest sac and then you have a that public it used to be public walkway and then it went between ocean Oaks and ocean Woods well on the north side of that if you follow it around it's now ocean Woods then you have a cuack and Harbor Heights and all of that after Ocean Oaks is a lot that's overgrown and then we voted on that yep and the Brazilian Red Pepper just grows so quickly and it's so inv it's just covering the sea and so I think we have more of that that we need to check out than just sea turtle season starts when June June okay um I know that you want it done I think that the idea would be to not let that date come to to have Clarity uh and I don't want to push up against it because you have to have time but I think between now and there this opened a lot of different questions for us us we know that we have Filmore Avenue but I can see that today as we speak Palms are popping up on city property how are we going to address that or any type of key like I said I've pulled little carrotwood sucklings you got neighbors trimming uh city property ultimately you're the manager but when you when you got trees thinning it out getting Case by case basis is is I think the approach we could start with Filmore that's a great place and the nice thing to keep in mind is that sea grapes do grow back you know it's not a forever decision to have them trimmed um and as you say palm trees grow every day in the city right away so mayor we could you could ask your Council to entertain a motion which could be to authorize the reduction of the sea grapes on that Filmore Avenue uh ride of way and a certain number of trees and you could also put in the U mitigation $50 ddh per for every tree removed those are your are your options that you could make a motion on tonight okay Council what do you think I'm happy if I'm okay with um I'm just looking I'm okay with the the sea grapes I'm just undecided about the palm trees but I think that if we go through the proper process that's I have a question the the sea grapes that are there in this picture are they six foot high on on your side on your side on our side yes so you wouldn't you would want to reduce them down to 42 Ines right what what happens with this back here well that's the city Side so the most and our side the city side is over the six foot threshold to your point which means the most we could reduce is one3 so so that's what I said I want to see what 1/3 the estimated height 12 foot from the ground I have no clue but I know if 6 foot is 72 in 72 in a third of that would be 24 taking that off it would be 48 in 48 Ines would be the height yes not 42 48 is a third of a six foot tree can we just start with the sea but you're right yeah SE grapes start with them do both sides and then see what the view looks like without all that are you willing to see one take onethird of the SE grapes at Filmore Avenue only yeah as a test case but I want I think we need to be careful that we stay on off of wind Jammer's property line without I was going to say both are the rways but and then and then on the North side and not on this house that's going to provide that's going to open that up yeah I mean I know there we haven't got to the trees yet but that's going to open because that to me is big now the tops of the Palms that's why her angle you know go ahead sorry well these are I mean these Palms are really trimmed I'm thinking when these get reduced and this gets reduced it's going to open it up a lot it'll well right oh got you but I'm just saying if we started with that and then took a look at it and then maybe you know went one tree at a time or something that's what I would be in our our trimming is scheduled for April um okay because of you know we want to have everything done by before Turtle season and um but it still provides a lot of density when when you do trim them it gets more dense down below so it provides a lot of you know density and coverage and we've had sea turtles nest in there and then you know trying to trying to dig their way out I mean we found them on the beach walk and things like that because they do come in to those sea Gres but um it is very dense it's good protection for them because it does get so dense I'm what I'm hearing from mayor proem is the idea that council could consider a motion to only address the sea grapes this year and maybe after Turtle season we come back and look at the Oak the palm tree question separately yeah it sounds like let's do sea grips first are we okay with the one-third trimming of the sea it's following state code and all applicable laws and okay yeah no one oppose we have consensus and we'll just great we just want to make sure we add to that that the contractor provide us with um the insurance certificate with city named is also insured and it's only limited to the city RightWay property not into the neighboring condo okay right we can do that we we ask all of all of our contractors have to have license insurance and as far as the the trees go uh you know I don't want to say next year I think our city Arbor is Tim and got a lot of knowledgeable people he going out there and we should agree at least today you hear are we okay with city manager preventing new Palms in that specific area from from coming up because to stop the bleeding if you will with the palms for for that area is you there's five today today I think on a Case by case basis if you got some short ones popping up that might be an opportunity to to try and relocate or cut them if you can get to them but I would say in the between now and the next meeting if if our Arbors could go out and just talk about the health of those and if there is one or two that we can thin out and take it from five to three that I would be open to that yeah we can ask the city arborus to do a report on the health of the trees but I don't think he's going to be willing to weigh in on certain trees should or shouldn't be removed if they're all healthy he's going to say they should all stay yeah if he gave a health score which he does I think one to 10 yeah yeah just if they're all tens you're exactly right but if it's 10 8 n s six yeah number six should probably exactly we've got some woodpeckers out there that enjoy those some of those palm trees they're putting quite a few holes in them and also to just to mention the beach boardwalk the center of Filmore it's more towards our property and the north side so I guess we have to figure we'll have to look to see what the center of Filmore is and then 25 ft from that Center of Filmore over yeah that that's I mean I keep wanting to go back to and I don't want to make this honorous for the HOAs or the condo associations but there it may be advantageous to have a a very simple application yeah that we have the we being the city has an opportunity to get out there and first of all see what's being proposed to be taken kind of do some pre pre-t trimming investigation okay I found eight foot high um you know so just and there needs to be I would like to see some coordination between the the contractor and our arborist okay so at least there's some how about a recommended some sort of recommendation application at the city manager level not coming back to the council to understanding that the council's consensus is to authorize yes the cagr reduction and that gives the contractor some sort of scope of work or framework based on our AR I love that I think that's and then this creates now a procedure for us to handle this on a Case by case basis in the future does that sound okay and then there's that's the same page I think you were looking for getting us on the same page Dave Dicky his his Department's Community Economic Development the treat code is under that department so he'll come up with a form understanding that this one will be approved for the reduction and then we'll also get a report on the condition and the health of the palm trees to city council for the next council meeting yes to rank the health of all the trees all the trees that are in the city right of way in Filmore Avenue be end yes April is the date that you're okay some ail so our next meeting is March but between now and then there's nothing I think in your way if we can get to it hopefully that helps thank you yeah yes his name is not just not just this one but all of them is we it would really be nice to be able to like put Co corners on City RightWay where is the city RightWay in relation to the uh the crossover and and and the private property lines I mean I think that's that's got to be part of this so we'll we'll get that figured out thank you David David Dicky community development director his cards out there and and thank thank you so much counil that really help pictures Council that was all I had and yes I think think uh Filmore Jackson Avenue we'll talk about that the next meeting if there's not anything else we're tend till one quick one quick thing council member Willis um talking about the beach at the se's planning we had uh individuals coming from the short-term rentals across the dunes rather than going to the crossover they just came straight out of the short-term rent was walking across the dunes to the beach and pass a stay off the you know it's against the law to be on the dunes so they walked right beside that sign I wonder if we shouldn't have those signs facing the properties on the property line so as they're coming out they know you're not supposed to be doing this I think the when you're on the beach you know you don't want to have too many signs but it is a huge Educational Opportunity now we have it hold on do not you're talking about we have them west or east facing yes but they're but they're near the Dune line and also that dun Line's moved we I think need to well if if we had signs facing west near the property line I understand now thank you okay because i' I've seen people just come out and just walk straight out to the beach over the dunes creating new paths I think the city manager has the ability to promulgate and use signs if you're looking for uh support to protect our dunes through more signage yes as long as it doesn't get tacking Andy well I mean the ones that are out there now are not obtrusive so I think anything's similar but just every so often I would like to see more well I mean just facing where the where the Public's coming I think if you can pinpoint some spots for the city manager Madison Avenue I'll take you to the path so council member Willis it sounds like we need to go have a lunch and go look at some crossovers okay I'm free tomorrow tomorrow won't work for me but any other day let's do that okay that's great okay anything City attorney final word anything how do you say good night in Italian Bon bonot meeting ajour thank you