uh at this meeting please fill out a card in the back it's got a yellow header on it a speaker card and bring it forward we'll make sure you're heard thank you all for being here and yeah in just about a minute we'll get started thank you good pH on silent hello get started good evening everyone it is 5:00 p.m. March 19th 2024 Tuesday we are here at the city hall council chambers at 100 PK Avenue in Cape Canaveral Florida for our City of Cape Canaveral community Redevelopment agency CRA regular board meeting call this meeting to order thank you all for being here for those of you uh listening in online and again thank Council and staff excuse me this board and and City staff and Department directors for being here as well with that I'd like to ask our vice chair please lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you Vice chair Kellum city clerk please call the role board member Davis here board member Jackson here Vice chairperson Kellum here chairperson Morrison here board member Willis here thank you all for being here now we'll go to the got a couple of presentations in an overview today as we're getting settled in all good stand that's good the first is a uh a thanks and appreciation to the City of Cape Canaveral and the CRA board for assistance in the funding of the Veterans of Foreign Wars VFW Post 10131 new military service wall presented by VFW Post 10131 senior Vice Commander Joe Tick Commander Vice Commander you here today with thank you very much and uh this is uh first item and it's a thanks and appreciation to the City of Cape canaval I said for the service wall and for those of you who haven't had a chance to go by and see it um it's a really really uh nice project and want to thank everyone especially uh Vice chair Kellum and the background provided by our uh community development director Dicky was very helpful uh it just in summary established in 1975 the Veterans of Foreign Wars VFW Post 101 31's primary Charter has been to support military veterans consistently satisfying that purpose VFW Post 10131 has been a consistent staple of the Cape Canaveral Community providing a location for special events supporting local establishments with funds and services and conducting military events throughout the community Vice chair Kellum if you'd like to uh explain the section we're talking about the military service wall take us from there and share a little bit with the public about this um well I I've been a member there at the post for 30 years and um the the wall that uh they redid was in need of some uh sprucing up and um adding uh military chapters to uh the space force along with um the uh other branches and Joe I'm sure will tell you all about that but um I was glad to tell them about the um CRA incentive program and grant money that we giving to businesses and residents to help spruce up their property and they took the ball and ran with it and it looks beautiful and um they're continuing to uh do more improvements but it's it's really nice to see the money at work in a good place for our military veterans so I'm sure Joe will fill you in on all the details well thank you could not go past without recognizing city manager any comments before Commander Joe you want to come forward please thank you um Mr tiit has been instrumental in this project and so many good things with the VFW but I would be remiss if I didn't think mayor proam and crb board co-chair for for uh all she's done in our veterans communities thank you thanks thank you VI Commander welcome thank you thank you very much Mr Mayor members of the board thank you very much for allowing me to come here and speak on behalf of the VFW po1131 uh most of my speech was already talked about so I'm done not really presentation will be brief and uh what I would like is to invite any questions at the very end of this our post came into being it was mentioned in 1975 almost 50 years ago the the primary purpose for our BFW is to support veterans in their needs uh for example if they have trouble with medical issues they come to our they can come to our post and we can provide guidance for them to get that result uh for almost 50 years we've also supported the community and this is this is a very big driving force that we have and just a recent example we've given donations to K Elementary for many many years and we just gave them money for the the PTO we just provided them money once again outside of the community though we've given money to mered Island baseball team we have a there was a request for some funds that we could support and there's not a BFW in mered island so we thought that we could provide that support as well uh the high school local high schools have a robotics team we that kind of a strange what does that have to do with veterans not a thing at all but we want to support the local community and that's one of the other things that we've supported is the robotics to so we continue those that's just a very few uh examples but supporting the community is one thing that we strive for and that's on a continuous basis we have funds to to hand out we constantly think of ideas different ideas to support this great community that we our facility is located on an intersection that is well traveled by neighbors and visitors and as such the image of the BFW is seen by many many people over 25 years ago a uh the original wall was put on the military flaque wall was put on and it looked beautiful back then but over the years it starts interior nine years ago uh one of the members of our post in the previous Commander paid someone a mural on the outside wall and if you've driven by there and seen that it's a beautiful mural in fact there's certain areas that are in there that have the fire department Lo the fire department as well as the sheriff departments that's also in that as well if you've not seen that I invite you to come by and take a look at that but what that mural did is it made that plaque that military flaque wall look even worse because because it was deteriorating so we started a couple years ago we that to post attention we thought we need to get this changed but funding is not readily available so we put it on hold last November we had a a ceremony over at the Veterans Park and many of you were at that ceremony we certainly appreciate you VI afterwards at the BFW we had a lunch and at that luncheon it was brought to our attention that maybe we could use C to get this PL and the rest is history a long time so thank you very much for supporting our BFW uh if I can talk can I just have a couple please yes sir if I could talk about the wall itself the wall is its purpose is to recognize military the military services that are in the United States a lot of people don't they they think of the the Army and the Navy and the Air Force and the Marines but some people forget that the n the uh Coast Guard I think a coast guard what do they have to do with overseas assignments and why are they on a BFW wall I would tell you and you can look into this the Coast Guard deploys over to the Middle East on a regular basis they deploy to Japan they deploy deploy to Korea you think the United States Coast Guard is just along the coast of the US that is not true they are all over the world that's the reason up there as well the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard they the plaes that that are up there today were not up there a couple of months ago and we made the decision to put them in there the National Guard many might think that's a state a state military and it is but the National Guard a lot of people don't realize that the National Guard has two functions they report to the governor and they report to the president of the United States when they deployed overseas they have a dual function and they're very very busy and I can speak to that personally a couple of us in the BFW were in the National Guard and deployed many times and we if you want to some stories stop by and we'll tell you some stories about overseas as the National Guard have two more items one thing has a commemorative coin and what I'd like to do is to present that to you if you don't mind the commander presenting that to you at this at this time we don't hand these coins out very often we're very selective on who we give this to to say all right why while he's talking while he's doing that coin is something that that is that is not handed out not very often and it's a relatively new thing that we have it was completely designed by one of our post members and it's a a very unique Co that's would you mind coming to the podium so we have some folks live streaming the recording welcome if I may re expand on on what he was talking about with the national guarden reservice most people don't know U at any one time during the Iraq and Afghanistan conflict Wars 50% of the forces on ground were National Guard reservists 50% at any one time during all those years so yes National guarden Reser is absolutely are in defense of our country and uh should be recognizable you two more items one thing I'd like to specifically pick on Mickey Cil Mickey Kell and Don Willis those two people have supported our post as long as that many other people have done here before but uh without your support we may have never known about the C FS not have that beautiful wall out there right now so thank you I just want to pick on you and embarrass you in front of your like thank you Joe with that I'd like to also recognize the city staff with Todd and Kyle's here Z and Amy and lastly I like to pick on Mia I've known Mia longer than anybody else the city in fact my wife sitting in the back there she told me not to point her out but I'm going to any she she used to volunteer with Mia for several years in the office and when I whenever I need some help in the city I call Mia with that I open up any questions you might have thank you very much and uh there is no stronger Community partner than the the VFW and from my experience of being here and seeing all that you've done so we want to thank you and this is such a a win for the community to help bring the awareness she thought said forward and eeko thank you for sharing uh Vice chair May for Tim Callum council member Willis uh thank you these funds are available and this is exactly the way I think we intended it being ex reinvested back in the community I can't emphasize without These funds I don't know when that law would done thank you thank you Council any other comments thank you if you'd like to come forward we can Council would you like to come down and get a a photograph and Community C e do excellent Jobe very nice and for anyone who'd like to to see the coin or I'll certainly be leaving one down in the the mayor's office this is beautiful very honored any other final comments board City staff that was very nice thank you again so with that we will go on to the next item uh which is an overview of the city CRA presented by CRA board attorney Sir Anthony gargan thank you comfortable you're comfortable okay what oh just next page okay we can go that way again I like the room and work my audience from the podium just kidding okay so I've been asked to uh give you a little um presentation on cras a couple of months ago we made a brief presentation to the bed board and we went over the bed board's new responsibilities as of The Advisory Board of the CRA and went over a few few other um you know hous in items and went went over you know generally what a CRA is so I took that base presentation and added some slides to it updated it took out a bunch of slides and um give you I'm going to give you this presentation it was just a basic framework regarding community redevelopment you know as I mentioned to the council many times before Community when when when the when the council serves as the CRA board you're wearing a completely different hat and um in essence you are actually a a different entity um a CRA is a special district it's not a municipal Corporation it's a special district it's established by the city and established by the county uh pursuant to the community redevelopment act of 1969 in 2012 the city and the county created this uh CRA agency and um the primary purpose of a CRA um is to and and these and and I'm really really hitting very very high points but I hope that you take from this presentation um some of these highlights because it really put you in the right frame of mind um when you're sitting up here as a CRA board what your function responsibilities are it's completely not completely different but substantially different than when you serve as a city council so the primary purpose of the CRA of course is the prevention and elimination of Slum and blight and the second uh primary purpose is the preservation or enhancement of the tax base the tax base uh that's referred to is the ADV vorum tax pace of um of the CRA area so two primary purposes removal and elimination prevention of Slum and blight again preservation and enhancement of the tax base so the CRA as you know by now has a very specific geographical area it's like being in a uh you know a baseball field I mean you are confined within that playing field um and that's where you play ball um that's where the CRA focuses that's where the CRA spends its money that's where the CRA generates its money it's all in this so-called Yankee Stadium of uh of CRA area so the CRA must perform uh community redevelopment activities and related activities and related activities are generally all those things that lead up uh to um to actual Redevelopment those the planning work the acquisition and disposal of property um it can also include um providing for affordable housing and in addition uh community policing which is a a specific type of um uh Community uh police or policing services that can occur within a CRA area um it's fundamental that every CRA must have a Redevelopment plan that's the written Constitution so to speak for the Redevelopment agency it lays out all your goals and objectives and I'm going to get to why that's so important in a few minutes um the Redevelopment plan and all the actions of the CRA must be consistent with the city's comprehensive plan as well um so community redevelopment defined what I've done is I've taken and it means much more but I've taken the statutory definition in the community redevelopment act of 69 and I parsed it um rather than just show you as the whole complete definition because it I want to break it down because there's a lot of good stuff in the definition that sometimes uh people Overlook so community redevelopment means undertakings activities or projects of of a community redevelopment agency or a city could be a city as well and it's in a community redevelopment area for the elimination and prevention of the development or spread of Slum and blight or the reduction or prevention of crime or for the provision of affordable housing whether for rent or for sale through residents of lower moderate income including the elderly and it may include slum clearance and Redevelopment in the community redevelopment area or Rehabilitation and revitalization of coastal Resort and tourist areas that are deteriorating and economically distressed or the rehabilitation or conservation in in a community redevelopment area and then it goes on or any combination or part thereof and very importantly in accordance with the community redevelopment plan meaning community redevelopment can be all of these things uh provided it's in your community redevelopment plan next slide so once you create this as you know once you create the agency the agency generates monies and those monies um are deposited in a Redevelopment trust fund and those monies are called tax increment financing um short Tiff and what's what what's important about Tiff it's monies that are actually locally generated and controlled so they're locally generated from um from adval taxation taxes within the community red velopment um area now the agency as you know doesn't Levy taxes it gets a share of adval taxes that are generated from real property within the community redevelopment area so how is how was that determined well you have to establish a base year which is the year that the CRA has created in Cape can aril's case it's 2012 and you look and we looked at the dollar valuation of real property within the C area and we froze the value of all of that property in 2012 now the city and the county and um and other taxing authorities they get the property tax value on the Frozen value of of um the valuation in 2012 and that money goes into the the taxing agency's you know General fund for general fund purposes however then this the beautiful thing about um you know CRA any city and county tax revenues from increases in real property value called the Inc the incremental value are depos deposited in the CRA trust fund so that's how that's how the C generates it um it's it's it's monies it's you take that Frozen value that that money continues to go to the city and the counties um you know general fund um but all the valuation that has occurred in the CRA since 2012 uh those those those Ator taxes generally speaking come to the CRA and get deposited in the CRA trust fund and the CRA trust fund they call it a trust funds because it has to be dedicated to the CRA Redevelopment area and those trust funds must be expended by the CRA board on Redevelopment activities authorized by Statute and the CRA plan so that's why it's so important if you want to have certain Redevelopment activities um you want to spend dollars on those Redevelopment activities we need to make sure that the CRA plan um allows for that as well as the statute now once those monies are deposited into the trust fund the CRA board can um expend those funds relatively like immediately they can CRA can save those trust funds for a specific project or uh cras can U Bond um um to maximize the funds that are available um so moving on um there are some conditions on the uh Cape can Aral CRA that was that were imposed by the county in 2018 actually they were negotiated um that was the the year that the county um ATT went went forward and and and requested that each of the Cities the half CR enter into inter local agreements and Cape canaval did in 2018 and what that inter some key points about that interlocal agreement to keep in mind Cape canaval cra sunsets and terminates September 30th 2040 the and you may may not remember this but the County's Tiff contribution is based on the couny or the city's millage rate whichever is lower um keep that in mind um no limitation on debt however the County's portion of the Tiff payments to the CR cannot be pledged as a source of Revenue to pay back any any debt beyond the cra's termination date of September 30th 2040 say CRA Administration Services is capped at 5% of the total Tiff payments that the CRA receives and lastly as you know the cra's has to have an annual audit report on CRA expenditures prepared just to make sure that CRA is expending the mone's its Tiff revenues for proper purposes and then that audit report gets filed with the county on an annual basis so um when you go and you look at the the city C Redevelopment plan that was enacted probably back in 20 2012 um the um there's some general categories to keep in mind and these categories are important to keep in mind when and the CRA is determining how to spend the Tiff revenues that are being deposited in the in the Tiff fund uh first category is business and development assistance and the plan lays out a lot of different examples of possible business and development assistance including but not limited to you know looking for partnership opportunities with the city in the CRA um which this city CRA has done on uh several occas ations for redevelopment projects uh improve improvements and beautification programs like facade sign replacement landscape sprinkler upgrades um incentive funds for economic development uh investigate low interest loan pool with banks that's really hasn't been an issue uh new business rent assistance impact fee assistance job creation bonus program next slide uh the plan also mentions Catalyst projects um in including public parking facilities shared storm water retention property acquisition Town Center project and uh public private Partnerships um plan also talks about public improvements to provide necessary public facilities um including utilities if you recall the CRA made a contribution to the regional lift state station on the east side of US1 near Imperial and that lift station Services um several new hotels as well as um other proposed Redevelopment that's um coming our way um also way finding signage Road improvements Street improvements pedestrian and bicycle mo mobility storm water management those are all authorized type of re Redevelopment activities within the plan lastly I think also talks about planning studies related to Redevelopment initiatives because many times you can't have Redevelopment initiatives unless you put together um appropriate plans to get you where you want to go um there's some soft cost um things that are referenced in the in the in the plan branding and marketing business recruitment special events um th those types of expenditures um you know probably not um the most advisable types of expenses for redevelopment funds um more of the brick and mortar is is is more of the you know traditional um CRA expenditures um there's um some language in the in the plan about entering into into local agreements as you know the CRA and the city have entered into in local agreements on Redevelopment activities uh there's also reference to as I mentioned the community policing innovation of act activities which is community policing um city of Coco actually CRA spends some some of its CRA dollars on community policing within its downtown area that the CRA felt were um appropriate Redevelopment expenses um and then development of short and long-term project schedules which is planning related next slide and that's really a high overview of c and Cape canaro be happy to answer any questions thank you City attorney Council any questions for City attorney after that presentation I have one the example of you know noted advisable types of expenditures have we seen any case law or any issues where cities have we've learned from there's yeah there's one attorney I think off top of my head there's one attorney general opinion that um talks about um you know you um expenditure of CRA funds for like promotional type activities that probably don't fit really cleanly in the you know definition of Redevelopment the recent attorney general or do you know it no it goes back um I lost track of time mayor could be 101 15 years just an idea okay it gives you an idea of why I say those soft costs maybe aren't the the most advisable expenditures especially if you have more priority brick and brick and mortar items to spend the money on thank you okay if there's not anything else we can move on okay appreciate it thank you you're welcome okay now we are at the uh public participation portion of the meeting if anyone wanted to speak at our CRA board meeting here today uh I don't have any cards here and the um right now the the virtual stream is not I think accessible but we might get that resolved hopefully for the next meeting either way if anyone would like to speak please raise your hand seeing none we'll go ahead and close public participation bring it back to the C uh to the board here uh with new business first one is to approve the minutes for the September 20th 2023 board meeting looking for a motion to approve make a motion to approve the minutes second okay board member Willis uh seconded by uh Vice chair Kellum to approve the minutes any further discussion city clerk board member Davis for board member Jackson four Vice chairperson Kellum four chairperson Morrison four board member Willis four and it's pass 5 next and final item a new new business is item number two request community redevelopment agency CRA board direction to the business and economic development bed theed board to provide recommendations on how CRA expenditures should be prioritized for the fiscal year 2425 crra budget and with that city manager please thank you Mr chair uh we are beginning the budget season in Earnest um we have a CIP Workshop coming up here um it's early April John is that right April 4th and because of that we thought this is a good time to queue up the um the bed board's involvement in um as a c Advisory Board is is the board will require um in 2023 the board passed an ordinance that made the business and economic development board and Advisory board on CRA expenditures uh and they're aware of that they've received the same training uh that the City attorney gave tonight uh and and they will be discussing um how in their opinion we should be utilizing CRA funds going not only into this next budget but perhaps with all the other longer term activities planned for the CRA uh Tiff Revenue as we know this the CRA um is growing every year it's it's amazed Us and how well it's done year-over-year and we've got a lot of things planned for it um the CI the cips include CRA cips notably the presidential streets master plan which is a long-term project uh with the El but also the Civic Hub um and the the storm water um work that's to be done um to relieve things in the in the Basin in in presidential streets so with all these things coming coming together I wanted to let the the board and the city council know that we had a a a really great meeting with kimley horn the city engineer and things things are coming together so the the presidential streets oneway plan is is come together come in the uh feasibility study and drainage analysis for the Civic Hub is has come in and they kimy horn is going to be prepared to make a presentation to our City Council next April at the April city council meeting where they're going to synthesize the results of all this that will bring home to to roost what we want to do with this CRA money so the timing is perfect you got the The Business board making recommendations on how we should be spending this money we got the the projects coming together and and synthesizing into okay this now this makes sense for a plan to go forward for the presidential streets the Civic Hub and a recommendation from the bedboard perfect timing from for all of this so uh with that we're just asking if if this board wishes to do that we will set it up for the for the bed board to consider all all of those things in terms of their experience in Redevelopment and and financial knowledge about how to best leverage the monies that we have the projected revenues that we have to accomplish all these very lofty goals that we have for our CRA um and John you did I miss anything or Dave did I miss anything that I need to cover there I see heads that nodding no sir so if it's the board's pleasure um a motion would be appropriate to um ask the the bed board to um provide input and Direction on recommendations on house a expenditure should be prioritized for the fiscal year 2425 CRA budget and Beyond thank you very much so this attachment to demonstrates the the list of projects that or expenditures excuse me and this goes to the CR board to review they will have this yes sir and then uh is it they provide a recommendation and feedback on this attachment too is that a part of it this is the the current adopted budget John y right so mayor oh yes please thank you mayor I would think when I look at What's happen happening here and like Todd says 24 this is the 2425 recommendation and so we're going to have a CIP on April 4th and all the cips will be there for Council uh to review for 2425 so and Dave I think I'll ask you because I I I think where we're going here is so this bedboard is going to look at those cips for 24 25 right I would have to think well they'll have to look at those cips so they'll make recommendations towards those cips you're going to look on on April 4th and then I don't know if there'll be anything in addition to that Dave but um think but that's the stuff that they're gon to have to I think maybe what board chair is asking him why is attachment to here oh well I'm go ahead yeah yeah good evening evening um yes I the reason that attachment 2 was included was just to give the CRA board a a refresher on what was in the CRA budget for this year and you could anticipate a similar uh um budget coming before the CRA bird for final action typically in September so this this is just a refresher of these are some of the things that the board well these are the things that the board funded in the 2324 budget um so you could anticipate similar things coming up this fiscal year um in the upcoming fiscal year the only thing I would say is that the presidential streets master plan could potentially become more of a significant funding uh funded project than opposed to last year this this current year we're in was just I think it was 300,000 and it was more for design and and um um um and just uh kind of the the preliminary steps of the uh implementation of the plan this coming 2425 is going to be where we actually start constructing things so that 300,000 is probably going to become a a larger number moving forward um in the CRA budget so Dave is it fair to say that attachment to is here for background information for the business board to understand what our typical operating expenditures are our typical and current capital outlay plans are and what our current debt Services correct background information yes thank you sir thank you and so and I appreciate you putting this in here because this is sort of a framework that can say hey we're g to looking forward add the column 2425 here's what we're doing today um if you're asking uh for us to consider that I think that's a good idea Council any or board any other questions I have a question or two um excuse me um with the um bedboard I know we had originally talked when we brought them on about going through the plan that was done in 2012 and updating it to reflect the new ideas and new things we want to do wouldn't that need to be done before we pick projects or prioritized project don't we need the plan to be brought up to speed so I mean all possibilities are in the plan because you can't do anything unless it's in the plan yeah that that's certainly you certainly want your expenditures to be consistent with your Redevelopment plan as as Anthony indicated in in his presentation we don't want to be making we don't want to be funding things that are aren't consistent and aren't called for in our comp in our CRA plan so yes the quick quick answer is yes now we are currently the the bedboard is currently working on a number of updates to include the economic development action plan um right now we don't have a specific project to update the CRA plan right um I think it's important as Dave points out there are two separate plans there's a CRA plan which this board has the ability to modify and Implement and the duty to follow through then there's the economic development action plan which which is a separate document um with a with a different goal in mind um it's about acknowledging where we are our strengths and limitations but also what we aspire to be that document that board is working on but I think we need to think of it as separate from the CRA plan for purposes of this agenda item um well I was just you know we have talked about land acquisition and and fixing the blight in the city and by purchasing different properties and redeveloping them um will that be part of the information that the bedboard gets to prioritize the projects I mean I don't they'll be given an entire look at what the CRA board has done what the CRA is currently committed to but also what the council has put out there as as projects because these projects are multi-year and very large and very impactful to the CRA we thought it would this item would be would be a great idea to get their input on how we fund those things and going through not only this next fiscal year cycle but in future fiscal years and I think if you look at it uh mayor that if what Dave's saying is the extensiveness and the scope of a presidential Street let's just say for talking purposes that next year not that this is what it's going to be but let's say that we identify a lot of things and this presidential Street next year is going to cost us $2 million well there may be $2.8 million in the CRA next year and 800,000 of it uh will be The Debt Service we pay to repair the loans whatever we're repaying so that might leave $2 million for predominantly doing the presidential street now that's not saying we're going to do it all in one year but I all I'm saying is is that the presidential Street could dominate the CRA uh um budget and and in future years um I believe as we continue and see how much this stuff cost it could truly dominate the CRA budget it's that's a that's going to be a policy policy decision from the CRA board and the Council on how that'll be funded but yeah you could spend a lot of money in this presal stre well that that's my question you know we all want the presidential streets to be done but is that take priority over buying blighted property fixing that well I mean another option for the board is I mean we're updating the edap the economic development action plan right now I mean that's certainly within this board's prerogative to say hey we want the CRA plan to be updated too because that was done in 20112 so just like the EAP that that CRA plan is getting a little dated yeah and and those those would be the kind of things that would be come out of an an update of the CRA plan is PRI funding priorities and where this board wants to spend those monies thank you yes thank you uh I think it's a good idea to anytime we can lean on our boards to to bring you know a their perspective I like the idea of prioritizing um projects and so yes any other questions board I I think it'd be very helpful for the bed board the CRA Advisory Board to provide us with how they see that prioritization happening um hopefully they can add some additional color to it and and uh come up with some creativity well if if you know the people on that bed board they're they're pretty colorful some of them are yeah so yeah and creative and business folks business-minded folks so I think I think it could be very valuable input board member Davis anything noard member Jackson see none any final comments just the the the form of the motion talking with the city attorney the form of the motion could very well be um request the the bed board um provide input and recommendations on the prioritization of the use of available funds for redevelopment activities because I a comment because I believe what the chairman was trying to draw out regarding this attachment is the attachment is the budget and it's not the intent of the staff to ask the bed board to make a recommendation on the budget what I think what what the staff is requesting is when as the manager indicated prior give give a recommendation on the use of available funds right that um that are available for redevelopment activities how how will those funds prioritized exactly not a recommendation on the budget that sounds better yeah because if you have $2 million an estimated $2 million every year and again I'm just estimating for the next three years in the CRA Vice chair when you asked the question about how the money could be spent if could be dominated by Presidential streets or something else that's where that's where the board will have to say you know what we're going to do a million 1.3 million for presidential streets this year but you know what we want to make sure we have the 50k for gram programs we want to make sure we do this other thing for 200k so you're right like you were saying you'll have to determine how you want to prioritize that $2 million you have yeah exactly y okay so the the recommendation here are we could we just read that or does that we need to maybe hear one more time from you I think I think the a better motion after the city attorney's input is uh request the community to re Redevelopment agency um board I'm sorry you would make as a board you'd make this motion request that the business and economic development board provide Rec recommendations on the prioritize use of available funds for redevelopment activities in the fiscal year 2425 and future so moved you want to motion a motion as stated City attorney the okay I think I'll make a motion to as stated by the city manager I'll second got a motion by board member Willis second by board member Davis any further discussion seeing none city clerk board member Davis four board member Jackson four Vice chair Kellum chair Morrison four board member Willis four okay passes 5 and with that Mr Mayor yes I have one request of the the uh economic director here could we get could I get or the board get a roster of any businesses or private uh citizens in Cape canaval who have uh applied for any grants from the CRA be happy to give that to you thank you yeah and Mr chairman also um I'm in the process of putting together the fiscal year report for the CRA for 2223 and as part of that we look at the this year's um tax increment what the CRA is valued at and just as some background information our our CRA went up by 14% last fiscal year which is great super exciting and it's just going to keep growing and growing and growing so it's very very healthy fund for the city and it should continue to do perform very very well thank you for that update and thank you board member Willis for that request I'd love to see that too be able to distribute it any other final comments reports before we adjourn okay with that meeting adjourned