we're here at Cape Canaveral culture and Leisure Services board meeting June 27th um we'll have a call to order can we have the roll call please yes Angela trock here Mary moscara here Joel Fair here Betsy Ron here and Kathy Parks is not here okay uh next will be public participation is there any member of the public here who would like to address any of the items that do not appear oh wait we don't have y that is oh right I didn't have it right in front of me who would like to address any items um that are uh that do not appear on the agenda or any agenda item that is listed on the agenda for final action by the city council any members of the public is there anyone are we online okay is there anyone online who no no we don't do tway for this meeting great okay so next we'll move to action items um to approve or amend the agenda do I hear a um here a move to uh approve or amend the agenda I would make a motion to approve the agenda as it as it's written a second roll call do we have to Angela trock to approve oh four Mary mcara four Joel Fair four Betsy Rock uh next um a motion to approve the minutes for the May 30th meeting uh do I hear a motion for that I would uh motion to approve the meeting minutes as written Angela trulock four Mary mcara four Joel Fair four and Betsy Ron okay so this evening especially we're here to review the submitted applications for appointment and interview the available applicants for the vacancies uh on the board here um we'll be speaking with Brad per and Virginia Scott are you here tonight wonderful um I guess if you'd like to come forward um Brad Pell and introduce yourself and um tell us a little bit about yourself and why you're interested in serving for the board hey good evening everyone I know everyone's concerned about the rain it's going to end in about 45 minutes no more concern on that uh my name is Brad PLL and I'd like to thank everyone the board and also uh the director and deputy director uh unfortunately I had to miss a meeting or two uh due to work requirements to be clear on the question are you asking two questions what do I believe are my require uh my qualifications to be on the board and why do I want to be on the board is that correct that sounds like they we would love to hear about them great thank you um what I believe my qualifications are I currently run a $60 million North American sales organization uh for a meline Cookie Company I'm fully responsible for profit loss growth and budgeting so I understand how to make money how to get money and how to budget that money I have eight Brokers food Brokers that report to me and I also have one administrative assistant so I understand management of personalities um my company considers me a futurist before they never looked to the Future so you know right now I'm looking at January March April of 2026 of what we need to put out in the marketplace um I've been described as being adaptable I've been described as being self-motivated I guess in sales you have to have that um I'm solution oriented whether I focus on the process and sometimes you have to go around the process to get things done um and I'm also very good at managing relationships and I believe the above attributes I've demonstrated to the city in three different events in the last couple of years the first event I initiated the concern V ing citizens of Cape Canaveral to save the trees around city park the plan was to cut down they call them spe specimen trees I call them Legacy trees because a lot of them are older than we are and we work that with city council other people and we saved the trees the majority of those trees other that boo boo Tree by the splash pad don't know what else to call that tree um about 18 months ago there was an instance of anti- sentiment anti- semitism in Cape Canaveral there was many bags of rabbit food with anti-semitic sayings in these bags thrown on our driveways I brought that up to the city council about we need a proclamation of anti-hate and anti-discrimination the previous procl only dealt with the Rodney King situation however that was revised and redone and it's now hanging in the lobby of City Hall and lastly to demonstrate how to solve a problem go around problems uh I worked with the deputy director of Park and wreck here or Le or cultural Le or Services um to try and get the splash pad open 7 days a week we spent a half a million dollars on the pad and 50% of the days that people are off from work it was closed so with creative wording vetting uh the city did a great job in uh getting that open for seven days now why on the board I'm winding down my professional career okay and I want to do something for the city that I've lived in since 1987 I think I have something to offer to the city so everyone understands I have no skin in the game and what I mean by that I don't play pickle ball or tennis or racket ball or run in the 5K run I have no interest in real estate I don't manage any properties all I want to do is do what I believe and what the board believes is right for the community I do believe the wreck department lack of a better term sorry for that not making that long thank you um I believe they're on the right track I believe the city in the beginning a lot of people were nimes not in my backyard but I believe a lot of the new buildings that have been built um are not in people's backyards but they're an asset to the community it's a better asset to the commun community than building parking garages to get income um hopefully these buildings will break even okay with uh with income that's being generated if not more so we can uh expand um I do know I'm not really sure of the mission statement of the rec department but I do know the rec department is all Encompass of just about everything I mean we have athletic activities special events we have the The Weekly Newsletter we have the state of the city it goes on and on and on that's a lot of responsibility with minimal people operating at that and they do a good job but I believe my vision is we cannot just have physical uh activities for the community we need to have more Cultural Arts brought sorry brought into the Comm there brought into the community because that'll make a much stronger Community the cape Center I believe is a great start for some of the Arts but I think we need to do more for music and more for theater um we need to bring more young people and when I say young people I don't mean teens and twins I'm talking about the young families that are trying to come back into Cape Canaveral and we have to remember with all the SpaceX and the Starship and the star link and blue origin we're GNA get these people back into our community and to make a strong Community we need a lot of diverse community actions um most importantly when we bring young families and can attract young families into our little Community here that'll make our elementary school so much stronger a strong uh to move in to a community that has a strong Recreation Department that has for Community involvement uh that has a local elementary school um all that's going to do is bring in better quality people to buy houses better quality people to pay the exorbitant rents in houses nowadays and most importantly the future of Cape Canaveral is families it's not increasing shortterm vacation rentals that'll be a downfall I believe for like our elementary school um lastly and don't laugh it's kind of a legacy in my mind my mom began the culture Arts Council of cille New Jersey she was the president as a volunteer for for 27 years and her Council was funded by the recreation department they put on shows theater shows in the high school gym they put up uh bands and what they what was Kennedy Park still is Kennedy Park and a funny thing about the bands she hired two three four times this eighth grader John Giovani I'm sure you guys don't know who that is okay but now you know who he is he's John Bon joovy so he came from cille and my mom kind of found him so I guess um that's why I want to be on the board any questions please great salesman did you bring us any medalin you know I I have it I have it on my desk but my spouse said she says you don't want to do that you don't want to give that's right well Brad I am a little familiar with you we had took the yoga on Wednesday but I've seen you at a number of things around town and I do know how committed you are at Council meetings when we had the meeting of the rbody um so I I do know your commitment thank you thank you thank you may I dove tail off of that for a minute a concern I do have at the last Leisure wck meeting there was a comment and I hope I did not hear this but I did that when they play pickle ball in the gymnasium at the C5 Center we don't have dividers so when it's in Clement weather that the children in summer camp can't go in there and that's is that correct the other way around it's the opposite the children go in and they can't play pickle ball okay good good because I know when we did yoga we got kicked out good okay thank you any other questions please I just wanted to say thank you so much for your um all the thought that you put into this and and I really enjoyed listening to all the things that you have set had in your experience and your thoughts of what you'd like to see and just your love for the city if is um really enjoyed and and really appreciate that you'd like to join the the board here well thank you thank you me too Mr prel I I appreciate your thoughtfulness and uh the amount of concern that you carry for uh the city that I love too so thank you very much Mr PLL is my dad okay all right and he got promoted a few years ago okay my name is Brad thank you very much thank you Brad thank you uh did Betsy Betsy did you have anything oh no it was great thank you very much for all you do for the city thank you okay next we'd like to hear from Virginia Scott hi Virginia can you hear me I'm Virginia Scott I'm Jenny to most people who know me um I have been in the City of Cape canaval permanently since the begin the middle of 2020 I bought a place in 2012 I used to live in Orlando Winter Springs and bring my camper over over and camp at Jetty Park and just loved this area and this we went to Texas for a few years and when covid hit we were able to come back we didn't know it was permanent at that time but it ended up being permanent I'm retired now um I am a member of the Florida bar so I'm a lawyer I worked for a law firm in downtown Orlando doing uh trial work um mostly Insurance defense type of things I worked then for Seaman corporation which used to be westing house we um the office was over there by uh UCF across the street from UCF they have a big kind of Campus over there across from the UCF campus and we um were the power generation division so for that job I did you know power plant contracts with a group of people Engineers other lawyers we negotiated with most of the power companies or municipalities to sell you know either a whole power plant where we built it or had you know and and then the other thing was we would sell the large pieces of equipment so I did that well for a number of years and then I ended up working for the division that sells like the transmission and distribution equipment and that was located in um well it's it's out of state but I was working remote at that time but when I was in Florida I worked for the Orlando office so I did that until 2015 um I have been a member of the uh Rec Center I'll call it the rec center I know it's the community center you know since you know I was waiting for it to open um and when I saw that there was an you know a NE you know there was something flashing across the board out there that they wanted you know volunteers so I volunteered and then I saw how many people volunteered for it I was like wow you know but I I love you know I mean everybody says I love cape canava well I do but I think that you guys are doing you know the the people who are getting you know the the last the changes I've seen in the last decade are just you know they're amazing especially you know the the the community center and the Veterans Park so I know that you know getting people involved in the community improves the quality of life in the community and I I enjoy you know the events that that we have like you know Friday Fest you know I I planted a few plants in the in the Veterans Park during that you know um event um I've picked a few weeds but I haven't really been able to do you know as much as I wanted to do but I do go down to the rec center and you know I am a you know I work out down there and I have a concept of what makes this area really nice for people and I'd like to continue that concept which is way too um my concept is probably too involved to explain in this meeting and it's not important but my you know my desire is that we have continued uh growth but in a good positive way and um that we remain kind of the small town that we are and we don't lose that charm because of all the growth that is coming in and um I know you may have some additional questions but I have participated in you know extracurricular activities while I was working um I've been on a few committees or boards mostly in Texas I didn't do any like you know state or federal I wasn't it was mostly like local associations you know I was a casa volunteer and was a foster parent was a foster parent Association so those have been my focus you know my focus has mostly been on children families you know the children Department of Children and Families or um we call there you know some of the acronyms are different in the two states but that's been my focus but I also my my mom is here with us she's 97 so I have that responsibility also but um I you know I have plenty of time to devote to what I understand that this may entail so that's all any any questions no just thank you very much thank you we appreciate it very much we appreciate that the fact that you know you want to give more and volunteer and it's not like people have to do amazing things before in their life we're just so happy that people want to step up and you know be there I was wow look at all these people who applied I it's that's what we said too wow yeah I mean first heck things I've been involved didn't you kind of to try to drag people kicking through the door you know I don't know what they did I don't know what they did or put on that board everybody sees what's happening thank thank you very much J okay um at this point you like me to kind of go into a little summary of how we can go forward um so do Molly uh the this is a special meeting the entire purpose of this special meeting was to give a couple of the people that weren't able to make the last one the opportunity to come um so when I typed up the agenda item for this um I wanted to we were still we still have one outstanding person that has not uh responded here and or there she said she couldn't make this meeting but she didn't express interest formally on whether or not she was still interested in serving on this board or any other ones and that's one of the things that um the clerk's office is very dialed into if for whatever reason you submit an application we will I almost sound like the recording we will retain your application for approximately three years unless you um deliberately and and directly reach out to the clerk's office and say I'm I'm no longer interested or able to serve on the board so um with respect to the two vacancies and then the two alternates that uh this board recommended that the council consider you have a couple options today um the City attorney provided me with Direction on how to best uh keep a a nomination or a recommendation process manageable for something of this size because obviously this is an unprecedent situation so each of you have been provided with a ballot that explains how the City attorney has advised us to go through with this um but if you look at the um the the subject and the recommendation um I put all of it on you so review the applications for appointment interview the available applicants and make recommendations for appointment by the city council as the board deems appropriate if you would like to wait for confirmation that um I I think the list the lady that wasn't able to respond was Lucia po poisi I apologize as she's not here to defend herself on my mispronunciation um but you could either uh move to make recommendations tonight and the instructions for that are on the the ballot forms in front of you or you could uh hold off and make recommendations at the next regular meeting which will be July 25th but it's entirely up to you if you move forward with recommendations tonight um the next steps are for me to complete an agenda item for the July 16th city council agenda for your recommendations to be interviewed um the code indicates that not only does the board have to interview but Council has to interview as well before final recomend or final appointments are made based on your recommendations so it's entirely up to you so for clar for clarification um there was a list of nine applicants at one point um and you said that um we have not heard from Miss uh papichi yeah Lucia her first name is a little easier but uh Miss price and Miss Raymond are no longer um applicants uh Miss price um withdrew her application her husband serves on another board and they didn't want to juggle two schedules for that um I Council former council member Raymond did come to a city council meeting and say that she was still interested in serving I would have to confirm with the city attorney and the clerk's office um and go back and listen to see if she was not withdrawing from this board or she was just she was still interested in joining other boards because at that meeting where she was interviewed no actual formal action was taken so it kind of left all of us in a little bit of a limbo okay I me it it just appears to me that if um there hasn't been anything documented or formal for her to say I'm no longer going to be considered and it seems like you know that we need to have that before we dismiss her recommendation and open it up to two full applicants again and that that can be something that we can request of her to send to the clerk's office right and and clear that up so that we have a clear path forward without any gray areas exactly I I will say for clarity um we have recommended her we sent her to councel I don't think that we would need to send her to council again I think that would be on on Council to figure out um I think what we have is six applicants with four known uh available positions um so we could tonight say of these six that we have because we've already done our our portion with other people um we could say with these six that we have and and the known the four known availabilities we can make a decision a recommendation to council um my my only concern is um that we don't have a full board here here um but that's that's fine that's why we're that's why we're doing this to get to get it so that we can have a full board here um the and and my other my other um thought in the matter is the longer we don't make a recommendation uh the longer we drag the applicants through the process and and we want to we want to expedite if we can I agree with you completely I think yes Mr Ron any thoughts U this is bety yeah I I agree uh Joel that we proceed with the six that we have heard tonight and send that to council and then it's up to them to do what they want to do anyway we're just giving a recommendation and they can sort it all out on their side but at least then possibly we would be able to see people more quickly yep and we've definitely seen that um we can recommend and things things happen so um we we just do our role of recommendation so if we do it that way would we have um as we've already had recommended Angela Raymond then we just have three more that we would make a recommendation for or I think four yeah I would say that um that that recommendation that Angela Raymond's name would be put in again as no I don't think so I think that's so we're but but that's not up to us because we've already done that work and recommended her for the position um what would happen is Council would have to say okay well now we have if if they wanted to go back and include her in that recommendation whatever they decide happened at city council um they could say well now we have five recommendations for four positions and they would have to decide that um because we've already taken the steps with Miss Raymond to say yes we interviewed her we recommended her um as of right now we know we have four open positions and six applicants in front of us that we can recommend forward and that that's what I would say that we should do tonight um and then it becomes Council to decide goes to council to decide hey here's all the recommendations for the whole year that we've had from from the culture and Leisure Services Board how do we want to fill these positions because the other thing is we can recommend that we have five people on the board and two alternates but they have to approve that even too correct and they haven't did they do that at the last meeting no we were waiting to get a full the full shebang before we put it out there and the way um Anthony um and the way Anthony broke it down as far as the he's recommending a ranking system where you just rank one through six and then obviously your two lowest numbers would be your key appointments for the actual vacant seats and then it becomes and this was something I had to get schooled on you don't just have two alternates you have a first alternate and a second Alternate which helps you get direction so if one person calls out we know this is the person I call First if they're unable to make it then this is the person I call second so it gives a little procedural direction for us um well for poor Sam and um so the way he structured it with the ranking system the person with the third least amount would be recommended by you as the first alternate the fourth least amount would be recommended as the second alternate and that's and that's how he's broken it down now they can choose to take that and run in a completely different direction if they they feel the need um I'll be working on the agenda item depending upon which way we go with this uh with the city clerk's office tomorrow so that's uh I think the other thing for us is uh we could go to City to the to the city council meeting also if they wanted Clarity on um why we'd recommend these you know these four out of the six and and someone could say again well we did recommend Miss Raymond previously I don't know if she's still so if if we needed more clarity we that but all of that needs to happen at council meeting because we're just we we have a role here today to take the six that we six um applicants and say hey here is where we would you know rank them and yep and then that they're going to decide um how how many people will be on the board and then maybe take our recommendations for who those people are I think good idea because by that time it'll be clarified whether Angela Raymond wants to continue and if we could preface their discussion of the recommendations of why we have these four and and whether Angela Raymond is still a recommend also will know by then to also say that right well I I would think that do you Molly you would be able to get that information to them as to why why we're submitt four people on their agenda uh and the confusion that we have over Angela Raymond's um you know that we had put forward previously yeah as as as far as the beginning of this meeting the clerk's office had not received anything from Miss Raymond um expressing a a desire for her application to remain active for this board or any other boards um or that she would like to withdraw her application so that will need to be done through the clerk's office and they'll be the ones to um at least give us the confirmation that's required to formally withdraw an application from consideration entirely because I believe she listed two or three other boards on her application so even if she's not considered for this one she may still wish to be considered for another one but we don't have that confirmation in hand yet from her I think that confirmation will be very important because it will finally settle questions okay um so if that is the course we're going to take um I think I think probably to put it in a motion um I would motion that tonight we um take the six applicants that we have and we use the ballot process recommended by uh City uh by the City attorney to um recommend two um board members and two alternate members uh to city council would anyone second the motion I'll second the motion perfect Angela trulock four Mary mascara four Joel Fair four Betsy Ron we will also need to make a motion regarding the alternates or did we just include that in the motion okay we put these two steps together yeah so at this point you would um go ahead and make your one to six tallies um I'll I'll grab those from them for you Samantha will do the math on that and then you'll have your your top four um and based on Anthony's structure those are your four recommendations in order while they're um tallying I just want to thank those that have come out uh as applicants and say two things first it's hard to make these decisions because we have great applicants the second thing is it's easy to make the decision because it's not a matter of uh posturing or or trying to be on a board it's people that want to serve the city and so um whether that's as a as a primary board member an alternate or somebody that we might call later like that's the beauty of all of the applicants is that everyone just wants to see this city grow um a and and serve the city well so it's thank you very much for those that came out today and and came out last uh meeting so appreciate that second your your remarks there certainly do agree with it that's one of the great things about Cape Canaveral that there's so many people that want to come out and help okay okay thank you J careful on the way home and forward the just for the FYI part of it um the two applicants that are recommended um as primary board members will fill out the remaining terms of I guess it would be Mr Holmes and then Mr trit which I didn't have the pleasure I think I think I saw him once um so those terms actually end September 30th start start a new on October 1 so uh if those that do get appointed um decide it's not for them they can change their mind at that time uh or before um or they will be asked to renew and do a second term and then looking into um as uh Mr pral says uh living in the future that's that's where all of us are um October of 2020 five we have two more vacancies coming up because I believe Joel terms out and I believe Kathy terms out so I mean in essence we have enough to fill everybody for the next two two rounds if need be and if everyone's still interested it's I'm not sure um because I have never seen the alternate process in play I don't know how that works so I don't know if those are regular terms as alternates the same as your terms are so um that'll be a learning lesson for all of us in in the process because none of the other boards currently have alternance not to my knowledge and so one of the things that we need to make maybe um in July um I don't know if we decide those things for our board since we're going to be the first board using alternates or if it's something that the city needs to decide for alternates on the board is like when if someone were to roll off midterm does the um does the alternate slot into that position the first alternate first alternate slots in becomes an official board member the second alternate moves first alternate and then you could go back and refill that alternate spot y um and then the the first alternate holds the duration of that um that slot yes so then they would have to be uh come sign on again for a second term okay all right yeah but none of that's written down so like while we say yeah I think that's what and it makes sense um we need it probably written down somewhere and then pass through city council to say yes that is the way that we're going to proceed with alternates um and you would vote new alternates onto the board um because it does change pretty dynamically uh how we've done this board and how we would do other boards that would have alternates because very few people would be voted directly onto the board many of them would be voted into the alternate spot exactly that would slot up when those positions come so it's a lot to think about a lot of changes that we're kind of moving the ball forward you know Le the charge we don't know where we're going but we're moving forward right exactly do we wait for the decision or do we move on to your staff reports I think she's almost she's almost done John do you have anything to report we can kind of move on to staff reports anyway no ma'am um I really don't have much of anything we have rescheduled the um Veterans Memorial Park rededication and that will be jul Thursday July 18th um same bat Time same bat channel uh 10:00 a.m. and uh we're looking forward to a beautiful uh Sunny rainless nice uh nice not soggy grass missed that what happened um that was it was scheduled for the week that they were planting gloom and doom all five days and it was just okay it was easier to reschedule the tent people because they're kind of non-refundable uh then to to roll the dice and of course it it was a beautiful beautiful day it was a beautiful day it was a th000 degrees but it was a beautiful day walk through Patriots Park it's very nice the benches are under the trees nice and shaded it's soft I did see the um bench that doesn't have any seats yet I know it will they when they drilled the holes everything's pre-drilled they were off center so we called them and they said okay will send you so instead of sending us the seats they sent the forms and everything's built around so we had to call them back so the seats should be here tomorrow that's good cuz it is it is nice I want to see some kids using it they they are I haven't seen them yet but the neighborhood we see out there it's really nice oh that's good we're hope we want to see what the uh fallout's going to be from the car wash from Car Wash I know I did look at the Garden well oh that's that's a decision you guys are going to have terrible oh really because of the car wash the car wash is it because of more water that comes out or just build the shade all righty nothing we do can be easy um so uh we have uh you know we were looking for a first second third fourth and we have a clear first we have a tide for second and a tide for third and then there's a fourth um so there's a couple different ways we can do it we could separate the one that's uh that's a clear first and then we can revote based on the rest of them or we could um and this is something Samantha suggested we could take those tied twos and the three and base it on date of application I don't know if that's something you want to consider if anybody has another idea I think Miss Ron you were I I I didn't hear what you said M Bas it on what did you say take the twos and the threes and do what okay so we have um the first uh the the lowest um scored individual who is the first preference has uh total of four and then for the second lowest number we have two individuals that came in with 15 and then we have right after that two more individuals that tied for hold on one second okay so like I I said we have a clear first recommendation with four we have a clear well we have two second recommendations at 15 we have one with 16 and then two at 17 so I can give you this list and you guys can see the circles that I just talked in um and I will help you to the best of my ability without seeing the list if we have two ties at 17 I think we can um we can eliminate two and then we can go with and we can just we could even take the two that are tied for second and do a second ballot real fast that would say who do you want to be the primary and who do you want to be the alternate and that would probably eliminate um the yeah that would probably get us to where we want to be as quickly as possible okay can we do that does everybody agree with that y yes it sounds Betsy did you understand what I was saying uh let me just re rephrase it in case I I misunderstood it uh obviously there's a number one and then then the second person who had the the two people who had 15 we would revote on them and hopefully there would be a clear number two and a clear number three and then the number four person was 17 or whatever that was so that's not a problem correct is that where you were coming up okay that person who had 17 or whatever it was uh would automatically be a force so we're just really positioning number two and number three slot correct so we have a clear uh primary and we have a clear alternate what we have is two in the middle that we have to decide primary and Alternate between cor one would be the primary and the other would be the first alternate correct so um Can can you give us the the breakdown of the numbers on all six people yes give me one second I'm Mak a note here all right so starting alphabetical order you have Carolyn with 7 17 Tina with 15 Brad with four Virginia with 15 Mary Lou with 17 and James with 16 so um so actually we're redoing the 15 and the 16 is is uh the fourth alternate of the two 17s are um not being considered then I think one yeah that would that would give you your your four your four people okay so basically we're just going to revote between Tina and Jin right yes give them the we have papers paper here we can prob put there you go let's just write down primary and then the name uh and again the two that we're voting uh one primary one alternate is uh Miss Tina and Miss Jenny and then um Tina and who Virginia Scott oh yeah okay that's what I thought I didn't so basically you just need to put one name on there and that person would be the primary the other person who the alternate would be the alternate correct okay you there when I when I read this the attorney's recommendation I was filled with hope it sounded good on paper and then the other alternate there the two names right I got it okay you got it all right put your back on you there thank you watch take it again Watch we did it again I know [Laughter] we did it again didn't we would you now like to go to date of application or would you like to try again uh Mr R the it's a tie um and so I would recommend I would motion that uh we move to um separate via date of application just for these two I didn't understand Joel what did you say uh just take whoever applied first and make them the primary and then make the um the this the later application the alternate the other option would be we could revote or that would that that's a one way to resolve it I I I think that's a good ide you know that work okay any I I agree I second the motion I'll second it okay I second motion all right um so let's call the rle Angela trulock four Mary mcara four Joel far four and Betsy Ron all right so the next step um this determined the the course forward so the next step would be to uh for someone to make a motion um nominating the uh the two board member vacancies and then do the Roll Call call um and then a second motion would come after that nominating the two or recommending the two alternates and then we do a roll call and then I will start my agenda item first thing in the morning okay so I'll make a motion to name the two recommendations to city council for the board for the permanent board seats to be graad pel and Tina Freeman I seconded Angela trulock four Mary mcara four Joel Fair four and Betsy Ron four I will motion to recommend as alternates on the board Miss Virginia Scott and Mr James stobby second I would like to just amend that to say that Virginia Scott would be the first alternate and James kby would be the second alternate for clarity that's good I second Angela trock four Mary mcara four Joel Fair four and beny rock John has no further updates I have no further updates um so so no further Updates this meeting is adjourned journ I would I would motion to adjourn oh that's forgot you you want to Second it I'll second it okay roll call no I think we just all in favor I thank you guys