we have a roll call please Angela trulock here Kathy Parks here Mary moscara here and bety Ron here uh do we have any members of the public that would like to speak before we get started on our meeting okay um we need to approve or amend the agenda does anybody have anything on that I move to approve the agenda I'll second that on and we need to approve the minutes for the last meeting on the 27th of June I move to approve the minutes um for the June 27th meeting second it vote please all in favor I um we're supposed to look at the update on the sculpture program Molly's set this out here all right um I'm not going to go through the whole summary because you've had a little bit of time to um go over it um but for those in the audience um I think everybody that's here yeah everybody that's here did get a copy of the packet um this is something that uh several members of city council have have talked about in the past particularly council member Kellum she really um she really enjoyed the idea of having a sculpture program and we've talked about it for a very very long time um and that goes back to when she actually sat on this board and we patterned it after the sculpture exhibition program that is over in Lakeland which has gone on for quite some time uh the very successful they get sculpture submissions from people all over the world um all levels of ability all levels of experience um and we patterned ours very close to theirs uh with the little knowledge in the back of our head that well we aren't Lakeland we don't have 25 years of this under our belt nobody I mean Beyond launching Rockets they don't know who we are so you know we we do take kind of a little more humble approach when it comes to things like this because we know we're small and we know we're just getting started so our honorarium offered a little bit more than the um than the one over in Lakeland and I've printed off their most recent call for art they do very very similar I think theirs is an 18th month installation ours is 24 months um the first time that we went through the call process we got a lot of submissions we had one that was perfect in theme but not in design and that was the original selection made by this board the library staff came over and voiced their thoughts on it they were afraid it was going to be a climbing hazard so with that we put out the call again and it resulted in the sculpture that was just recently removed that sculpture specifically was a very good fit um it wasn't uh inviting towards kids to climb on it it it weathered fairly well sometimes we'd have to turn the faces back when the wind blew them but other than that it was it did exactly what we wanted it to do we didn't have to do any maintenance on it we didn't have to uh save it from vandalism we didn't have to repair it we didn't have to do anything so in that sense that installation was successful um fast forward you know two years and we put out another call we had a submission from an artist that um had submitted previously that was not um what I would consider eligible because of the location it looked very much like kind of a mall kiosk where you have you know the you are here and then it lists all the different stores so it was something to that effect um with print on it and poetry it was very pretty but unfortunately with the location you would have had to stand in the bushes to read it so that really doesn't do anything for this particular location um the reason that the location uh for the first installation was so dialed in for those that you may remember there used to be a fountain a decorative fountain in that part it was a closed circuit system it evaporated um people would come take water out of it um people would have to remember to go put water back into it after many repairs from um the motors being burnt up and stuff like that same if you have a little water feature at your house if it goes dry and that pump sucks air same with the swimming pool you'll burn out your motor so it was a lot of Maintenance and at the end of the day we don't know because at the time uh the library didn't have any cameras in that area it either collapsed under its own weight or it was vandalized to the point of no return it was in a pile on the ground one day when the librarian showed up so that was why that location was selected specifically um at the time that uh we implemented that the city manager the current city manager was actually unaware that I had already had this plan developed since 2016 so one of the things that was included in a lot of those original conversations was what has just kind of came to fruition which is the Redevelopment of Veterans Memorial Park um the idea for Veterans Memorial Park though instead of just being okay give us a sculpture something that's appropriate for all ages something that's safe something that can withstand the weather what would be installed in Veterans Memorial Park would be something specific that relates to patriotism veterans um military history something like that so instead of a big broad you know submit whatever that a kid can't get hurt on that won't rust and we're almost getting things that that don't really not only do they not fit the space but some of the things that have been thrown at us are they they don't even fit the city for that matter so um I think in my opinion uh we need to go back to the drawing board we need to take a hard look at at whether or not we want to do the sculpture program how we want to execute it um the reason that we liked the one from Lakeland so much is that it kept fresh art coming in every two years uh we don't have to purchase it we don't have to maintain it um and they can take it back they get a little bit of exposure they get people that see it and want to buy it and then they can make money more money off of it and where we just pay for basically the transportation and a very short loan so um it's on this board to let staff know which direction you guys think we should go with this go back to the drawing board and come back with suggestions um but I'm not going to put out another call for art without this board telling me to to go ahead and try it again um I just wanted to clarify so as much as the last one was in front of the library this one would be in Veterans Park um is that what you're saying what we're trying the the space we're trying to fill right now is the one in front of the library and we're just not getting any any any traction on it so what so the the the part that you were talking about veterans did you want it to tie into Veterans Park even though it's in front of the library because it's a close proximity or before we try to get something more specific for the library I'd like to flesh out the program a little bit better so that we can kind of up the um I don't want to don't want to use the term quality and terms of art but just kind of up the diversity of the people that are actually submitting to us so when you when you put out the call for it did you send or include with that or attach that this is you know the the venue that it's going to be placed in and here's a you know here's a picture of how that's you know or the specs from the last one so people would know you know that you wouldn't have somebody submitting like the one where you got to stand in the bushes to see it the problem is that nobody reads it what that no one reads it all the way through okay that seems to be our problem because we're very detailed as far as where it has to go um there's opportunities for them to come out and visit the site with us to visit the site independently to call and ask questions and we don't get a whole lot of cooperation on that end of it I have question I was curious to know how is the um call to action disseminated and to who is it disseminated I know we've got a lot of great um art colleges you know here in Florida with um Flagler College and you know the Ringling um College of Art and of course you know Savannah College of Art and Design and they do have sculpture programs and things like that so I was just curious how the call to action was disseminated into who um we first put out a press release that goes out to every major uh press agency that is in the central Florida area we also submit this particular um series of calls through sculpture digest we do have contacts for calls for art um with the division of uh cultural resources with the state that gets posted on the state's website uh it goes out to uh the bravard cultural Alliance it goes out to all artists that have submitted things in the past and it also gets published to um our social media accounts and because we've focused on Florida based artists we haven't gone as far as Savannah oh okay great I mean I was just wondering if there perhaps we could add you know these schools these colleges you know to the list so it goes directly to um the the universities and colleges um because I I would imagine it would be a great feather in their cap you know for a student to have their worked and displayed and then have some of that money go towards their you know tuition um you know but my other suggestion is is since Lakeland does it 18 months if we did it 18 months and maybe instead of having you know one chosen if we had it tiered where we had you know a gold silver and bronze I don't know I've got the Olympics on my mind but if we had it teered like that that maybe perhaps then we would have one right after the other and we could go you know 36 months or longer with having three different ones and not having to do it every two years um and that's actually the plan if you looked at the um the previous cips because we've actually pulled it out of the CIP budget um or the CIP plan that's where uh Mr Green had originally had me put it um the original plan was to have five and have them cycle so that way there was fresh art going in every other year here every other year there every other year and into that up to five different locations so we started with one because our hand was forced it was either put in a new fountain that we maintained or leave it empty or try this program that we created on basically a trial basis so we tried to start with one location that's why I wanted to bring it back to this board to say okay well the one location is not giving us the reach that we want it doesn't incentivize things for more people because there also is kind of a little bit of um once you have the multiple locations especially if they're cycling at even two or three at the same time you can build it into a full jured exhibition and there's a little element of competition there that a lot of people even you know whether they're into sports or into art do enjoy that competitive sense right thanks for that history I mean five locations that's a lot um you know to deal with and if I mean one location would be great but I was just thinking if we could spread that one location out over a longer period and have you know three to where we wouldn't have to go back every two years to ask for submissions the next person would be you know up next um to put theirs you know outside the library but just suggestion okay thanks have you have you reached out to Lakeland and would they share um all of their artists that they've used or as a contact list I haven't reached out to them in a couple years because we weren't at that level yet but if this board wants me to continue this then that would definitely be one of the approaches that we took cuz I'm sure they have quite a quite a distribution list that you might be able to drw from even people that they did not pick that or maybe they' picked in the past but not currently or how much how many uh venues do they do in Lakeland just I believe um let me look at the paperwork that you were provided the Lakeland one I think they do 11 oh at one time MH and they don't stagger theirs theirs are are done everything's all at once so for a week or so each you know each cycle they're installing then they're having their Jed come out they have their events and stuff that are associated with it and then 18 months later they do it all over again I'm just thinking even you might get somebody who'd be like oh well that's not far I could just take my piece and move it across the state and and and one of the the things that we would need to retool is that um for the past calls it could not have been displayed somewhere else in Florida oh yeah I definitely would allow that un unique work yeah because that might help to entice people to I mean nobody here probably has been you know let's say to Lakeland to see it um I I don't know if that would be a negative even if if it I'm just thinking you've got a good pool of people that they have probably that you could ask if you could tap them I mean it's just another well everything they do is public records so they don't have a choice in whether they give it to me or not true I personally miss the sculpture in front of the library I love it was a very good fit I I loved it there and it would just hurt if the program ended I I really would like to see it continue because I just loved it there I think as long as it's not something that you know is coming down and saying we have to cut it because of the budget or something then I think it's worth continuing to to purs to see if there's some other way I I like the college idea a lot and I would probably extend it to anywhere in all colleges in Florida especially art type things um I have a dear friend who's I could ask her she's on the art board in um Broward County she works for Broward County in their art area and and um I I don't think they do this I think they're more into purchasing art and stuff but she might have a lot of um she has a she also taught art down there that way so she might have aot I'll I'll ask her that would be helpful yeah that was the other reason behind staggering the installations is so that it didn't hit one budget year harder at the same time like every single you know every two years all of a sudden you had to come off of $110,000 for sculptures when you can keep it under that by staggering the installations so that was another idea behind that that design I would hope that we would continue the program and you can take it back and see if what other options you could do with it so we could continue it because it seems like that would be something that would really bring something more even to Cape Canaveral even to expand to the number of places eventually over time you know that seeing a sculpture in special places around Cape Canaveral would be I think really cool um well especially then you could kind of somewhat tie it in with the cape Center to say you know that's also go see these sculptures that you know pictures of them or whatever and people might then you know go and look at those items realizing what his I mean I'm sure that a lot of people are like well where did that where did that sculpture go didn't we buy that you know they may not have known or I could see like once the Civic Hub is there they have sculpture there at the Civic Hub you know that this is a Cape Canaveral thing at the in the special places where Cape Canaveral folks gather there's a sculpture there like our murals love our murals want to see more and more of them but the same thing with the sculpture I mean if we could just continue with the Arts so do we have a motion to send me back to the drawing board to come up with some a revised program or some revised program ideas and and bring it back to this board yes I'll make a motion I make a motion that we ask the the city to bring it back and come up with some ideas in order to continue the program I'll second all in favor all right so I will have some some ideas and some examples for you when we come back in July August September September is the next meeting okay Al righty next up this is a fun one little Free Library program so we really didn't have too many many issues with the little Free Library program itself um the little free Pantry program has actually encountered more issues than the libraries but at the end of the day um about a year ago I received a phone call from the city of Sanford and they uh the the gentleman was interested in um starting a little Free Library program in some of their um underserved neighborhoods they were going to do it on city property that was their plan just like all of ours are on city property but he had an issue because their code prohibited donation boxes and I'm like oh I've heard of that before but I don't think we have that here well I was wrong so I dug into our code and I think um most people are familiar with the clothing donation boxes that tend to be in like a Public's parking lot there used to be a big one over by the mall um those are what I believe the council at the time had in mind when they said that they didn't want to allow donation boxes on and they were very specific in their code in saying um no yeah there we go it shall be unlawful to deposit store keep maintain or permit to be deposited store SW kept or maintained a donation bin on any lot parcel or tract of land in any zoning District so that means nothing um that doesn't exempt city property a lot of times when codes are written um it'll say you know this can only this can only happen in this type of zoning or this can only happen in recreational areas uh this banss it outright so instead of just ripping them all out um we've removed the ones that were originally installed that were wood because most of them rotted out we have replaced the ones that we could with um composite plastic so they're a little well a lot more resilient to the elements we do have a lot of uh positive engagement with them but they are not Problem free when the new principal came into the school the previous administration both our previous administration and the school's previous administration had agreed upon that there was no documentation that we could find and so when the new principal came in Not only was she fresh set of eyes looking at you know this property but she also was uh walking into a school year where there were new laws in place by the state regarding what books were permissible on school property so because they could not control what books got put in there and because the the uh little Free Library was not attracting the clientele or sorry the little free Pantry was not attracting the clientele that um it was intended for being placed on school property the school board asked us to remove those two low those two boxes um there is definitely a need for a little free Pantry program to a certain degree here but I'm not sure if it's something that we wish to um modify and if we if we want to keep either of them we're going to have to make a recommendation for Council uh with the help of the City attorney to update the code to allow for that well I guess um I have lived in a couple different cities um more in the northern area and we've had both and my experience is that um even in in the areas where it's bad weather snowing and all of that kind of thing um and some of them are placed on private property and some are placed on you know public property and I I kind of agree the biggest problems I have seen are the ones where there is food involved the pantry ones and as much as you might have guidelines people would not follow those as far as don't put in expired food don't put in you know um so that I believe is more problematic and you really need to have a volunteer that really is diligent about maintaining that and looking at that um which might be a diff might be the difficulty as far as the library boxes um we I I have never seen that those were a problem up north uh where I was living a couple different cities it seemed as if every time I would go by or look at them uh the you know the contents had changed and sometimes they were stuffed full of stuff and um sometimes you know it was more tending towards adult or children or whatever uh I never saw those being vandalized I guess the vandals more preferred the food which they could then throw around or whatever um so yes you still need some people to oversee those to make sure that you know they're not ending up on the ground or whatever and I know you said that you had volunteers that do maintain you know kind of the steward stewards of that so I I think at least the the library one should continue the food one there are other places that people who need food can go for food in in in the area um L and there's a lot of those and and we have the capacity to do different things like food drives and stuff like that to help support um you have the Christ Lutheran across the street that has a food bank open a couple days a week they're always accepting donations you have St Vincent dep Paul down the road they always take donations and they take donations for everything not just food um because they also help people with their water bills and whatnot um so there's a big one is I don't and I don't know if you know this one it's I think it's called lies of the field yes I remember they used to be very that's huge to as well so um I think that if people if you know if the city finds people who are in need there's many places I think they can direct them for that um probably that can do better job to get them the kind of nutritional food that they need um now granted there's no reason people can't go to the library it's also free thing to do but um it seems like that those they're popular I don't know about here I guess you'd have to ask the stewards that keep track of it if if they really are popular I I said I just have experience where I had lived up north they always seemed to be very popular have to ask the board um with our aunit um condo complex we have a little library in our clubhouse that we're always going through and calling because it gets so full of books and we take our books either to the manate manate sanctuary park or we take them over here to pulk because the um especially the snowbirds that come in they go through there and they take you know quite a few books from Cape Winds from Cape Canaveral Towers um those places where they get a lot of turnover and um so we're regularly putting books in because we're noticing they're going out as quickly as we can put them in so I I think the little Free Library is great but I agree that there is a lot of places I mean the seaf fair Ministry you know they do food as well and um the churches so um but and but we we have neighbors too who put together a Public's bag and put it on the corner you know with canned food and box food and all that but I know like at the dog park we were allowing people to put in you know dog food um especially you know people their pets pass and they bring the dog food but the problem was you know sometimes the food was um open and then we had the squirrels and everybody having a buffet and the food was all over the place so we ended up having to stop that at the dog park so just a little FYI that's a good very good information about the snowbirds I guess I hadn't thought about that because as much as they can go get a library card they may not know it or they may not want to do that but um yeah that's that's a good way to to like you said kind of put your books out there and have them continue to be I mean there's and then sometimes they look down upon taking a lot of books back you know from the at the library which they will do for their sales but their sales are so huge they have so many books yeah so um they don't want everybody's leftovers either you in um the information that you had here you said that there were some problematic issues I was wondering if with the newer boxes that you mentioned is mold still an issue not really and if we do spot it because sometimes you know when people clear out their box of whatever from wherever it probably comes with com with the stuff they put with the stuff but at least with the um the recycled plastic ones or they call it composite those ones we can just bleach out and it's it's not an issue it doesn't rot them out they're a little bit more resilient um can't save the plexiglass but so far um all of the uh specific library boxes that I've replaced look like they did the day they came out of the box so and it seems the other thing where people put in hate literature things you can't help that I guess it's nice to know that I didn't realize there were stewards that go around and I guess they can clear it out of inappropriate literature that's stashed in there but and the city's limited on on certain things um one of the the your previous board members for this um board was a an attorney and he reminded us that um obviously when it comes to First Amendment we can say time time place and manner but we cannot dictate content so um when it when we first started noticing um well the first complaint we got about a bookmark that a person did not agree with the messaging on uh started reaching out to our stewards and asking them if this is something that they're finding or if they're noticing any other type of vandalism because it was first brought to our attention because the organization or the person representing the organization putting materials inside the books also was putting stickers which yay stickers are vandalism so I can do something about that um and then our stewards as volunteers for the city can remove things that are in bad condition or shouldn't be in there um but beyond that there's not a whole lot we can do to regulate content which is obviously the school's issue with the the one that was on their premises so but I would be more than happy to um speak with the city attorney and come back uh another question that has come up um in multiple conversations is uh liability obviously there's not much liability associated with a book but there is liability if somebody gets sick eating food so there's there there's good and bad it's it's what what do they say you know no good deed goes unpunished so you try to put something out there to to help improve someone's life and then there's a law or an attorney or something bad behind there that you know makes it either you know not able for us to continue it or we'll have to amend it to the point where it doesn't maybe serve the people that that really need it so the things that you're that we're to look at tonight is to um consider about amending the code so it fits to allow the the small uh the little library and also to um see about proposed changes for both the the free little library and the food or just or to decide whether to even keep the food I think a little bit of both yeah yeah the the libraries you know are incredibly manageable um the the first day I realized that there was a a problem with the the pantries um was when I was actually just uh a cultural programs manager in Leisure Services and I went to we empty the libraries out and everything uh whenever a Storm's on its way store the stuff tack the door shut so I mean if it goes it's going to go but we'll just replace it but we take everything out so that doesn't become debris and um I was restocking after one of the storms and someone had generously donated sliced watermelon and left it on top of the thing so it was cooking in the sun and it was full of ants and I was uh in my personal car cuz I was on my way home uh which I don't typically carry trash bags and gloves so I had to call poor Tim who is now our capital projects director and beg him to come fetch that for me with all of the proper PP equipment because it was just it was hard to tell it was watermelon because of all of the ants so yeah Miss misuse is something that we we deal with regularly so what whatever the board would like me to research whatever you guys want me to come back with um with information um I can I can well I guess I'd like to make a motion then that that we do move forward with keeping the library program and and uh POS and not the pantry program and having the uh city manager look to see or the City attorney see how easily it would be to uh change the code or make an amendment to the code to just include that specific program that might be the easiest way for them to amend the the code and and honestly our pantry program can just be reimagined and instead of just having um like open donation boxes perhaps it's something that we turn into something we do in conjunction with other City events whether it's a bring us a canned good or a bag of canned goods and we give you a free beer at Friday Fest on well I I mean I think that there's a lot of things we could do differently yes but I think as far as this program probably best to let that one go keep and try to move forward with the library one and then yeah look at other ways to help serving you know the community that need hungry community members I'm no I I think we can put it into one just saying continuing to move forward with only the library program not the pantry program and have them City attorney look at how to um to amend the code to allow that to occur okay he may have some other questions or concerns once he looks into it that might change the thoughts I don't know I right and that brings us to reports you want to go John sure uh the last couple of weeks we've just been doing a lot of catchup here and there we've had uh some big things come through fruition the biggest one being the uh rededication of Veterans Memorial Park I don't know how many people actually made it there for it but I'll let Molly speak more about that but there was a lot of uh walkthroughs the last week and a half or so and wanted to make sure everything went off without a glitch and that it was as nice as we had envisioned it be and I think we we came pretty close um but um been going around Molly alluded to vandalism that we deal with the regular basis it's just something we know as part of our Lives had a lot of irrigation uh that gets torn up because it's so close to the surface and the guys just go around town repairing that replacing it uh good at Washington Avenue was bad for uh people going by and just knocking the heads off of the um what am I thinking of spr the sprinkler heads yes thank you uh yes so um and we'll be probably coming back to revisit that Park o benck park with you folks in the near future but just those type of things that was the big thing we've been concentrating on was making sure that Veterans Park came off the way it was supposed to and that's about it for me right now um can I ask you one thing John because everybody asked me ma' um what about the lights over at Nancy it's not the lights per se we have had uh two or three separate electrical companies come out and take a look at it and we are in the process now we're being put back on the schedule um for them to come back we've had FPL come out we've had electrical contractors come out and the problem is somewhere between FPL has assured us we're getting good clean power from them to the building so the problem is somewhere from the building out to the tennis courts and the pickle ball courts and that's what we're I I don't want to say I don't want to be I'm afraid we're going to have to open the Transformer going into the building up because we've looked at everything else and inspected it we've had electricians go through it except for that and that's a likely spot to be causing the kind of problems I got a lot of it's I I was I was an electrician when I started out in my life and back in that time I'm 65 now so I worked back then in the 70s when this building came along and electricians refer to it as dirty power dirty electric now because we didn't have the codes back then that we do now and uh put it together exactly just made it work and and I've I've brought it up with this board before a lot of the issues that we deal with over at Nancy Hansen whether it be the constant weird depression on court 5 or the lighting issue um it's just aging infrastructure and you just reach the point where things need to be taken out looked at really closely brought up to code um we have issues with the roof there we have issues with the electricity and um I got real nervous the other day when I walked in uh bright and early in the morning uh the 19th was our very special Parks and Recreation Professionals Day so I ran around to um all my facilities and brought goodies for my staff and as I was walking in I heard a horrible noise coming from the AC unit and I just kind of closed my eyes and I'm like oh God here we go again um because last year we were out of AC for two weeks over there which um there's not a those windows don't open so there's no not a good place to be there there's no flow through on that one um and luckily uh we found out it was a decapitated lizard a large decapitated large it was his head we were here bang around so so while I was very not happy to um pay the uh service visit on that one I was grateful that all we had to do was pay for the service visit um so uh aging infrastructure is something that I think every city has to deal with eventually I think that we're down here we're pretty fortunate my hometown um in Ohio they're they're pulling up roads and finding stuff that's you know 120 years old that they really have to fix at that point so um I think we're in a good position that as long as we you know try to stay on top as much as we can we can get a lot of lifespan out of our stuff but for some properties that have kind of they're they're used a lot it it might be time to to start putting those things in our cips going forward in future years to to to avoid interruptions in Revenue especially Nancy Hansen because that is a a revenue source so um beyond that uh we had our first poetry night last night which was very successful um we had 15 people in attendance and I believe five um local artists poets come up and speak so that's uh a one-of-a-kind thing that that the the city's kind of checked a box on so we'll be doing that monthly um that program uh was put together with the help of a student intern so we're going to get as much out of her as we can and we're now that uh Veterans Park is done um we made sure to kind of check a box at Veterans Park that was always a challenge for events and activities there is there wasn't a power source so if you um have looked we kind of have that little event green and behind that wall is a power source so one of the things that we'd kind of like to to see if we can bring to that space is like a little like a small jam session in nice weather not maybe the dead of Summer but maybe that's something that we can get get together um have some local musicians get together and just make music and um that idea was brought to us uh well I worked in Coco Village for a long time and every Friday morning there was a group of older gentlemen that all played guitar that would get together and they hosted a little Jam Jazz session that was so it for something that was never formally organized by any one organization or any one person it was the most well attended little event that Village had once upon a time they played right there in the Gazebo and I've been approached by a couple people from our different veterans organizations that asked hey like if we just put a jam session together do we have to rent the park no no but we'll just uh just let us know when it's happening so that we can you know make all the arrangements and make sure that everything's set up for you so we're hoping that um once she's got the um the Poetry thing kind of well underway that we can look at at maybe starting a jam session in one of our Parks or over at veterans or something like that just to get people to come out and engage in the Arts in a in a casual format that'd be great but that's that's all I have for the moment Madam chair I did forget one thing and we've mentioned it U several months we've finally got the lights over in San Piper Park that we B we got those installed Ian and Brian got got them in they did the cement forms and poured the blocks the bases for them got the lights in so they're all working now and it looks really nice in there and we're moving forward with plans for renovation um so par parks and wck is it's busy there's a lot of stuff going on a lot of moving parts so Mary gell never stops Shameless Park reference I have a a question um I guess maybe Molly you might be able to answer it where are we with um our recommendations before the city council for the vacancies so I have clarified for the City attorney everything all the all the questions that he had and I provided him a link so that he could watch your conversation uh leading up to the selections that you made at the last meeting and we are good to go for uh presenting the recommendations from the last meeting at the council meeting on August 20th our very first recommendation they will have to they will have to sort through that yes at the next meeting it should be coming up uh August 20th yeah my question y you're you're on the schedule thank you thank you anything second