e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e surely to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay all right uh thank you everyone for being here uh we are starting the March 25th K May beach safety committee meeting and we're just going to go uh quickly through roll call Steve Stager uh here thank you Christine dado here lorine Baldwin here uh Harry backck here thank you um okay uh Michael E thank you uh Tom medvecky has given us an update but he is not able to make it this evening nor is Eric or Roy sunstrom Katie rafter here and William Curts thank you and then we have participating this evening is George Sawyer mark Blasio Paul Dietrich and I apologize Janette dick act Engineers thank you okay steeve you want to get started okay yeah sure I guess we'll start with your presentation or uh or an update on what the studies found or what the demonstration project was going to be okay okay um well first I just would uh say thank you uh we're um they there still gathering information right now um the main reason why I wanted to have uh Janetta here and unfortunately uh Wendy is uh the other part of the the co- team um with Taylor engineering uh what conference I forget just turn on the mic I'm sorry um she's actually gone a day early I'm going tomorrow to Washington DC to the American Society of Beach and Shore preservation it's a it's a national as did I get that right as BPA it's a national um conference um we actually get to uh visit Corey Booker's office on Wednesday and speak to him about flood resiliency or his staff flood resiliency and Shoreline restoration and Beach nourishment and all those issues that are critical to um to South Jersey and to which there's funding um coming down the pike and uh and seek that legislative support So Wendy's down there doing that so she was not able to be here tonight this evening um so really the main reason why I wanted to be here today was so that you could have the opportunity to speak directly with the consultant on some of the issues we've been back and forth with the Army Corps of Engineers the D Coastal Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Gathering the data um I'm sorry I meant we've I have to keep remembering so with the audio everybody complains that it's the audio system that is bad and it's not the audio system it's all user error um so you know if if you kind of don't hear your voice reverberating in the back of the room that means there's a chance that the people in the public on YouTube won't hear your voice also so um Erin our clerk She always reminded us at city council meeting so I have to be cognizant and remember to get a little closer to the mic so that the uh uh everybody can hear obviously we don't have any public in here here today but um just so that it's clear on on that so really was today was just so that you know so that the the consultant team can really hear some input from from you guys on what you see the concerns are and you know just to hear it from from you um as opposed to just having the anal doal of hearing it from me from you from history so uh that's part of it but but we've we've just now started to get I'll say some of the data in uh so the design team really hasn't had a chance to pull that information out and move it forward uh and talking with the Bureau of Coastal Engineering you know I guess maybe it was four or five years ago they did have this kind of you know Army Corps did meet with the city and they kind of told me some of the things that they came out of it um so I'm going to I'll share that with uh the design team as they start to call through the data and and I'll see where the two line up on on what they kind of saw some of our short-term ways that we could uh improve the uh Beach but um yeah the committee is aware of the scope of work and the task okay yep y yeah we shared them your entire proposal uh as part of the this process right after the award so Paul I I missed the last couple of meetings so you just like uh download us on what the the demonstration project is well it's not going to be a demonstration project per se and maybe I'll let Janetta describe it it's going to be more looking at all the data and then coming up with Alternatives that we could look at examining as far as what might be able to do or what what might be like what what what would be the best thing to analyze to have a desired outcome and so that's really why Janetta and Wendy need that input from part of this group is what is your desired outcome to have on the beach you know that's part of the the discussion because that'll help when they start looking at all their you know brief analysis of all the data is okay what would I have to what design would I have to try to model to create that desire outcome so is that what's meant by that I guess the first bullet on the agenda demonstrate Beach replenishment demonstration well I think that's that was how you you put on there it's you know the study is really to to do an an analys Alternatives analysis of what would be the the various types of Alternatives that would be there I mean I would and if anybody did not get a copy or not copy but an email of the proposal I can definitely resend that out to everybody but I believe it was distributed for the committee so that they had the the act and Tailor's proposal there's a little bit of a little bit of permit history out there not a whole lot of permit history there seems to be it's we we've struggled with with shaking it Loose from the Army Corps of Engineers and from DP um and then Stockton university has done um at least three Beach profiles that we're aware of historically so we're shaking loose the the historical data where where Wendy um so it's Taylor engineering who really has the Coastal Engineering experience and act Engineers who has survey and environmental permitting um experience and so we're shaking loose that data compiling it into um you know a database where we can at least attempt to see Trends and and the beach profiles and then we'll present that information in draft form and then we'll seek to um get some more input from you know the from the city and then the final deliverable is a um is a report that will summarize and and propose hopefully some Alternatives or some suggestions or recommendations on what um if anything can be done and we're hopeful but you know what if anything can be done to improve that beach profile our understanding is it's it's dangerous that it's a it's a pretty sharp drop off um unlike other um you know profiles up and down the Jersey the Jersey Shore and that um and that maybe there's something that can be done about that um and I'm not sure what that is yet but but that's where we are in that process of that stage task one of the data data collection and analyses we're a little bit behind schedule I'll be very honest with you we're a little bit behind schedule because we hit these walls with the Regulatory Agencies and um and I don't know that they're reluctant no to release the data they just wanted I think what they came down to was they didn't want to release the data to the consultant they wanted to release the data to the city and then the city could share the data to the consultant so it was they were wrangling between a little bit of red tape red tape red tape what do you what do you anticipate the time with the pushback and just just asking not to yeah so the the original proposal um said that we would complete task one I believe within four months I think that's right we're probably a month month and a half behind um I mean obviously we're going to do everything we can to make up that schedule um but I would think that you know I don't know what the original the original due date was um the draft report was due five months from notice to proceed um which was just before like was it December or January it was pretty much yeah maybe like right around the beginning of the year so I guess the original schedule was we would have a draft report in May we're probably more looking and Wendy's not texting me yet you know with the exclamation marks but um I would say we're probably looking more like July maybe couple months June or July okay I mean obviously we'll we'll do the best we can so again something that you said kind of prompted um something what I with what I've heard in the past um the data that you have from Stockton you said it only goes back 3 years but that's three locations three locations okay three profiles gotcha three profiles okay yeah they have they have they have years they have years years of data little B but but they only surveyed like three Street locations on the beach okay okay I'm just making sure that you have okay the years of data not just I thought it was three three no no there's years and years of data and what's really nice is that um Brad Smith is our director of GIS and geospatial and Brad used to work for Stockton and and so when you talk about Beach profile he's like oh is that such and such street and so he like he it's weird he REM it's a little strange but he remembers them so it it is it's a little it's you know it's like if you're a golfer you remember every hole you know I'm an NCAA fan I remember every game last night because he was the guy bobbing out in the water with the survey stick exactly a thousand yards out intervie Janette are you saying Engineers are weird he's not I would I would agree with that he's not an engineer he's a he's not actually an engineer he's a GIS guy like he's a techy guy they're weird they're definitely weird you know I just have a maybe a silly question but not silly to me do the East Coast Army Corps talk to the West Coast Army Corps it's a great question because I've seen the result on the west coast same situation it's costly but it works and I told these guys when we were out in Oceanside and they had the same problem right uh where they had to change the shape of the Jetties and how they function they keep the sand where the sand belongs and not take it away and move it someplace else now the only difference I could see a beach is a beach they have much well I know you're saying I'm saying well no because a beach isn't a beach because you have so many things of what's the angle of what's the relationship of the shoreline to the angle of the waves to the prevailing wind to the grain size of the sand to the depth from the high tide line to the Natural low tide and the low low tide so you to say that every beach every Beach is the same there there are there are a lot but the engineers look at all of those but I understand it but my situation the only thing and I was doing comparison was California West Coast much larger waves much harder on the sand base I don't know about the direction whatever I that's I'm not an engineer but I have seen the positive results the only difference that I can see was that when you go out like our jetti when you go out the inlet it's 25 ft 30 feet for another for an eighth of a mile and on the west coast when you go on 8 of Mile it goes to 300 feet MH that's the only major difference I can see hence my question do does the East Coast talk to the West Coast maybe the West Coast could give them some insight on how to resolve this problem because it is one Federal agency agency I would think it is I mean I'm just uh it it's going to be expensive I can tell you that I mean I understand that because I saw what they what they've done out there but I mean when you have something sitting right in front of you even though it's three M 3,000 miles away it's the same situation I and I that was my so so the Army Corps of Engineers is divided up into districts we are within South Jersey and Delaware are in the Philadelphia District so we are under review under and they have their own engineering division North Jersey and New York is under the New York District so it's you know it's it's it's divided up into districts um we are finding on other projects s like um dredge material on the marsh plane on Shoreline resiliency projects we we are my personal experience is the Philadelphia district is a little behind the curve I got to tell you um things that they're doing in Louisiana and Mississippi you know and other coastal towns and Coastal and this is really more Wetland restoration than it is you know Beach nourishment or Beach replenishment but it's a it's a different they should be talking um they're working on developing standardized you know templates and um for those type of things whether they're doing that for Beach replenishment or not I'm not sure um but we could certainly look at that we could certainly um like do a little bit of a of a literature review we could scratch the surface on a literature review and see you know what um you know what they're doing on other you know other shorelines um you know but but you're right it's it's a different it's why the offshore wind love it here is because it's so shallow you know three miles 15 miles off it's got that shallow you know base and that's why it's why you see offshore wind here and you don't really see it off the coast of California as much but um but we'll we'll take a look at it it's a great suggestion yep yep thank you well Mora so with what Yogi's referring uh I think where I would look at it is you know we're not we can't exist in a vacuum so whatever Wildwood is doing or Stone Harbor or anywhere North nor is going to affect us or I don't even know South but do we look at that in terms of a system of New Jersey beaches we're not currently looking under at that under this scope um but you're right like we hate to look at anything in a microscope and one little snapshot you know like when I dredge my boat slip if the guy next door doesn't dredge then you know his sediment just you know jumps into mind um so it's kind of a bigger picture um I I can I say I'm not sure but but I've written it down um you know and we'll can I say that I mean it's no it's question that it's a good it's a valid point you know like if if we're doing something really proactive and Wildwood's not um you know does that adversely impact us and and I don't I don't know the answer to that not yet okay anybody got any other questions so your your concerns are are the beach profile the safety the injuries is that is that right that's basically the focus of this group is to look at that but you know obviously with Sound Engineering practices in mind that are going to affect you know Beach replenishment obviously that's necessary right because if you don't have Beach replenishment you're going to have major flooding in other areas of the town do do you guys keep Anna do you keep records on you know rescues and injuries and things like that do you know which which beach is worse than others we have an idea yeah I mean Harry could probably comment more on that but it's it's pretty much everywhere and um just being down there yeah certain beaches are more prone to injury than others sure um but it could it's all over the place really okay and and the data is kept Harry are you there yes okay do you want to talk a little bit about the data and maybe forward that information to act yeah I I I think you know I mean I was obviously was gone for quite a few years but I've been collecting data since we started Beach replenishment um as as detailed as location wave heights time of day high tide low tide mid tide uh I've kept all that information I'd be happy to share it or sit down and have a conversation with them um include the fire department on that because I know they collected their data as well and that that could give them a pretty good Insight on what we've been dealing with as far as injuries have the numbers and how they've increased over time in initially and then as they decreased recently due to higher training and more uh education to not only our lifeguards but to the public I think it would be helpful I mean it can't hurt yeah absolutely you might be able to start seeing Trends with beaches and sure sure mhm it would be interesting to know those how those significant rescue or injuries how they worked in timing with the beach replenishment was it immediately after was it right before I don't know that that tells us a whole lot but it it might yeah so my understanding then you're going to have because you're proposal was broken up into like two phases yes the first phase you're you're anticipating like in July or or you no I think the second phase is is July I think the first phase you know now that we've shook loose some of the data okay um and permits and information then I would hopeful that we can you know compile that you know in the next couple of months and then do mean then what the plan is to have a meeting um and to you know present these and a draft report and then finalize it um yeah I mean you know it's it's to our benefit for this not to drag out any longer than it you know than we need to right so by July you're saying that we'll have that draft report draft report report like summary recommendations pretty much Wendy you're you're listening does that does July sound um you know reasonable to you she's texting me questions and answers so yeah you know she hasn't said no so I I don't see why not I mean we're not I mean we're behind but we're not like crazy behind okay I'm sorry I'm just trying to be as transparent yeah that's that's important yeah that's the way I rooll yeah Mark will tell you um I think we'd rather have it done properly and you know consistent I got a a yes with an exclamation mark so you know there you go so that I got confirmation from she who's compiling most of the data so we'll plan on the next you know coming back and have a scheduled meeting in July good yeah at that point we could you know we could do a better presentation we'll have we'll have real real information real data to present you know maybe some graphs and things okay yeah thank you of course does anybody have any other questions or comments I don't really have anything but uh thanks for thank you for coming down and explaining everything to us uh we're um pretty excited that we're GNA have something by July which should be kind of cool which outlines everything that we've been kind of trying to work for over the past couple years so that's great glad to hear it thank you thanks guys great thanks for being here thank you thank you yeah this is done thank you okay so next we have uh Beach safety educating the public uh Tom had a last minute thing at work so he did give an update um he was saying that the usla changed their Grant overview and requirements which puts a snag on us submitting for a grant um and we can only submit one year and I believe we've already done that for this year so he is going to resubmit in the fall when he has more comprehensive he can do it more comprehensively we have a better opportunity uh to to to get the grant um and they're just looking for materials that can be reused shared among Beach patrols and we'll have the highest impact um so we will get an update on him with him next when he's when he is back but that's where we are with uh Beach safety and educating the public uh we are still working on Tom and two of his uh colleagues getting out into the schools for the spring uh to to educate again okay any questions or thoughts no I don't have any other comment on that um going to move on to I guess any kind of open house updates of any kind you want me to yes okay so when we left here um at our last meeting we were talking about having the open house on June the 23rd uhhuh I then remember I told you I was going to text Casey make sure that there's nothing going on while the desatnik foundation is doing the paddle around the cape so so we're going to get rid of that date it looks like it's going to be the following following week so it'll be on the 30th 30th of June okay the only thing that's going on that same day is harborfest rain date but it's only really an hour overlap it's harborfest I mean this is only few hour of an event it's not like right Harbor Fest right exactly so um I think we're safe on the 30th if everyone we can't do it we could you know July that would be that's too busy of a time yeah it's too late yeah and Har are you're good on that uh for the 30th yeah the 30th works great great no races or anything perfect okay all right um any thoughts or comments there isn't there a subcommittee for that there are sub yes so we uh there is a subcommittee for it um we have uh sorry Steve I are you leaving that yeah I'm on it yeah okay um so I think we're going to do what we did we talked about the signs you know uh Deputy Mayor Baldwin has uh we will try to secure coffee and uh refreshments and things along those lines I think this year you know last year we were able to do the beach demonstration uh with the beach Patrol and I think that we're going to focus on that a little bit more so um I think now that people are kind of expecting it we'll definitely have more people there and this is something that we can put out there um you know to again for the beach Patrol but we also want to make sure that uh the fire uh department and the police department are being appreciated and recognized you know it's it's it's volunteer services that's what we'd like toes across the board okay um and so what we will ask is for next time that we have come back with a little bit more of a concrete plan and how we'll execute in the next next uh month or so yeah we'll be closer that time that'd be fine excellent up a sub Comm a subcommittee meeting then okay yeah maybe before the next April's meeting maybe we'll uh we'll get together before then and we'll kind of come up with a plan yeah that's good so that's what we'll do does anyone have any comments questions about the open house so now we are good for June 30th um and then that brings us to George Sawyer not is that Saturday Sunday Sunday okay I thought we changed we did we Chang which is better yeah um so we George was kind enough to put together a marketing proposal uh for for us would you like to riew that at all George sure yeah so good to see everybody um so yeah I put together the proposal um it's pretty much the same thing we did last year um so I kind of divide it into two different activities um Activity one is the social media so we would start that may 1 um and again the same strategy as last year putting out the um you know Beach safety tips education anytime the beach is closed due to weather you know we'll throw throw that information out um to get a little detailed it would include three to five regular social media posts per week um and three to five story posts per week so that's kind of the social media component of it um activity two is just keeping the brochures updated so of course last year you know was most of the work in making the brochure um this year would just be any necessary updates that need to be made and just coordinate with Casey um and the other partners on Distributing the brochures so you know that's pretty much the the meat of it um I did include a $50 increase on the social media component of it and for that that is if you guys are still planning to hire the videographer that $50 increase would cover me coordinating um with the videographer so I'm not sure if that's still in your plans um and if so that would include me even finding you know reaching out to the videographer now and and coordinating with that so you know that's up to you guys if you want to move forward with that but uh yeah that's pretty much it um you guys have any questions yeah I'd say I remember last Mee we talked about it I would say definitely move forward with talking to who you want to do do the videography that's something we definitely want to do to update because the stuff that we have now is very dated right okay yeah yeah George in order to do this what do you need from us besides the just just the go ahead okay just the go ahead basically yeah what is the cost George so it's uh 6 $650 per month from May through September for the social media and then just a flat fee of $200 just to update the brochures and to coordinate the um now in all your social media can you keep plugging that U open house date and everything oh yeah that all go in there okay that would definitely yeah and any other events that the beach Patrol has I know last year we publicized their um I think it wasn't the beach Patrol but the beach Patrol association their uh their swim so you know we threw stuff in like that and and other City events were kind of thrown in there with with making sure like a beach safety component I know we did the um the captain kid treasure hunt it was like a hot day so we're like throughout like oh make sure you drink water stuff like that you know so anything related to the beach and then we'll we'll connect it to a uh you know a beach safety component with that so do you also work on like National night or national is called National Night Out out do is that what you're working on as well yeah we can definitely include yeah well only because again we're going back to what we're trying to show our appreciation to the services um so maybe that's something that we throw in there because not throw in there but we give a balance okay cool do we do we even want to have maybe a table for National Night Out I think so do we know when it is this year it's usually the first first weekend or yeah I think that would be great August yeah just a thought as you're mentioning it it's a great idea okay okay Harry any thoughts there on National Night Out possibly having a us having a table uh for what we're doing I think it'd be great I think it just we put a table up every year from the beach Patrol and we just put them right together yeah okay yeah all right so we'll work on that find out what the date is okay great y so basically what I'll do is if I have to go ahead we'll start May 1 just you know with that social media strategy and then that'll continue through sep member 30th um and then you know right away probably tomorrow next week I'll I'll reach out to the videographer get his information I'll pass that on to you and we'll coordinate that going forward definitely um and then I'll be working with uh Casey um on how many you know working with how many brochures she has left the beach taggers I'm sure they still have some left from last year um and we'll see if the city is the Order anymore as well so thank you very much okay than good any questions for George do we need to vote on that tonight do we vote on that as as the for the approval uh no Harry that's in your budget right yes M yeah it comes out of the beach Patrol budget okay great okay thank you thank you thanks George um anything else that were anyone like to comment or add to that no I don't um GL I don't have anything on my an unless anybody else's [Music] anything Lorraine I'll just make a quick comment if I could on that yeah I'll just say my appreciation to what George did last year with anytime we needed emergency post made it was a Flawless and it helped tremendously between myself the fire department the police department getting the word out on closed beaches or dangerous conditions I think that in itself is worth every penny that we pay George mhm it was very effective y that's wonderful realize how many how many thunderstorms come through in the summer until until you're posting every time there's lightning on the beach so how many followers are on the on the page now what was that how many followers are on the page now I believe the face off to look it up um I don't know off the top of my head but I do remember the the reach that we got both social Med or Facebook and Instagram got last year was about 51,000 different individual either Facebook or Instagram accounts that reached that's pretty healthy um of course Casey's always helping out sharing it to the city's page which has a lot of followers as well okay okay thank you I guess uh nobody has anything else we make a motion to rejo yeah once our next meeting oh that's yes before oh yeah sorry okay so we're meeting on Mondays um again we're looking at dates uh next meeting would be there's five Mondays in April so I would April 22nd is that reasonable yeah you think we need to meet in April or because our crunch is going to be after this report is finished as well as the open house M unless there's anything that we need for Education because um Harry you're going in uh into the schools for the education component right correct do we need to do anything in reference to that um in preparation I think that's uh something that we can do on the side with Tom and and myself as far as setting up the the guards that he's taken in there and scheduling the dates and times okay so maybe we provide a uh update for April the only thing is for May um the first or the fourth Monday of May is Memorial Day weekend I believe yeah it's not going to work so it I could try to do the 20th would that better 20th of May yeah 20th of May I think we have yeah I think that's a good idea so I will check with a April we're going to we're going to provide an update for April okay um and then we'll schedule the next meeting for May 20th and I will check with Aaron on that to make sure that the space is free okay probably an HPC meeting but we would just have to be out of here yeah that's fine okay yeah six okay all right so I will get on that and then we'll get an update out to everybody and uh yes we should be good there okay wonderful uh yeah I guess I'll make that motion to rejo I'll make the motion okay second I'll second second sorry you can do it yeah you're good Harry you're good I'm good yes okay we will see you uh down here when you get here sounds good thanks everybody see you guys bye thank you