##VIDEO ID:96kwQiaYGGY## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e pledges allegiance to the flag and then we'll go United States of America the nation God indivisible andice for all good morning and welcome um today we're meeting this is our usual time for a meeting and um we are going to go through the uh voluminous extensive uh greenan Peterson uh report they are putting together um as part of the uh application for not the implementation but the um uh it's for a Federal grant it's like a $200,000 Grant and they have to have certain things as I realized I don't know how many of you went through it but um certain things T's to cross and eyes to dot in terms of having this thing be appropriate to be considered for the grant if that Grant comes through then the implementation Grant can then be uh applied for which would be to do the projects that they're outlining so I'm I'm saying this for you guys too so uh and so we've got a lot to go through and I think that's our primary intent today in terms of I don't think we can get on any other topics we got to have this done by September 24th is that correct no September um yeah couple me right yeah so I think I read something he just emailed uh David just emailed us uh yesterday or uh and gave us the minutes for the last meeting we had Terry I was just wondering why you don't create minutes like that I'm just teasing no I'm just GNA close your and so um so if you do speak um turn your mic on and then uh or just leave them on and then we're free to do it um um so we could we can start by I made some notes as I went through it um but Terry you um okay see if I can get this um why don't we just while doing this go ahead and have the gentle our guests here um if in a nutshell they can uh give us a reason why they're here yes just uh some pointers yeah we can save you some time most likely we will probably be discussing it but it would be good for if you're here to just give us your reason why you're here um you want to get to the mic grab the mic and I mean you're welcome to State okay that's good I have anything to actually contribute to what okay yeah all right that's good um you're here representing West Kate M use your turn on your mic Friday at the county and they suggested if you want to attend there was just that you guys are doing a bike path thing and I was reminded this on Friday so and then Jo George said that anybody can come yep that's great so I just figured I um being being from Jersey City this bike thing has been um done it's been it's been going on for many years in the inner cities they've been pushing bikes especially Jersey City New York City so I have some I have some experience in um a lot of streets being converted and a little difficulties and things like that so it's challenging but it's rewarding so it's a good thing that you guys are doing this very good thank you well it's great to have an advocate for bike because a lot of people just say no the bike shouldn't be here you know and it's yeah and sure hi uh John Fusco um I live in West Kate May and uh full-time resident uh and yeah same thing I was at the environmental Commission meeting last week in West capap May I'm also a biker I biked here myself and uh same thing interested want to support however I can but just kind of want to learn today and see how I can contribute or anything all right thank you thanks for coming yeah thank you I'm not pulling this why don't we just did you um I everybody went through um I'm assuming every went through what nuts they have at this point I'm just going to have to um because Dave's not um Paul's not here the police chief was here but they left us um all right well I'm just going to pull up the I was hoping to PDF it and make some changes but I don't know how we want to go through there do is it the easiest thing possibly to go through the minutes their minutes and rather than this lengthy lengthy I think we can have a general discussion about how they approached it and their and their primary um their their three areas of um concentration and and decide if they were appropriate or not or or make comments on those um for instance I know that um their number one spot is the bank decer Lafayette intersection right it's that whole area am Myra and well no Myra is number two okay and then number three was um let see if I can remember that one um is that Perry yeah I should have made better notes I well very important okay yeah I think um I went through the thing and I just made some notes I don't uh Hillary put her input in here as well um I'm not going to do the PDF thing but I think if anybody else has notes that we can talk about uh is trying to go through this thing quickly um um if you want to if we can start going down you have your laptop in front of me I do too um just going through your everybody go through their notes that they have and we can comment on that um could I make just a general comment o overall yeah yeah um and again I I scanned through it I didn't read it word for word but I picked up a lot from the from the last meeting um the emphasis seems to be very on the physical aspects of the roads the bike paths um Etc and I didn't in my opinion I didn't see enough emphasis on um speed calming and lowering the speed limit and have safety as a by word with Kate May so that we are known as the safety city um so things I'm thinking about are um you know lowering speed limits um having signs on the two main entrances of Cape May about we are a safety City and you know enjoy our town Drive slowly drive safely um you know thing things like that in in in my in my opinion our problem time is June to October uh when the visitors come in and you know they're they are all four which they probably do with a lot of their client educate the educate the kids well I I I don't think the school kids uh necessarily are the problem uh yeah you're involved and you you want to give them some uh training on on being safe but in my my opinion it's it's the crowds of people that are here and then particularly bicyclists and uh automobiles go going too fast um Etc and I I just didn't see enough emphasis on that aspect this is my personal opinion uh of of the report what the city can do to make it make it safer other than adding bike Lanes changing intersections crosswalks Etc I would just like to see more emphasis on the overall theme that Kate May is a safety safety conscious City and with whether it be a banner or a sign as as people enter Cape May that this is this is this is the way we we want to do business and enter entertain our guests that now you have my two cents yeah I think they address a lot of that just across the board this what we're trying to do today is in going through that report see where we're seeing things missing or Corrections right um and because we have to get back in two weeks our final they gave us their draft now we have to add our information to to their draft um and then they'll at the next meeting that's when it will be finalized and then the grant uh then from that point they'll submit the information or the next thing is to request the grant for implementation so they need this part so so maybe the best thing I mean to me where the grand money is going is the infrastructure projects and and if we just go through the ones that they have proposed there were multiple comments and I didn't read their minutes I didn't see their minutes that they sent out but yeah there were multiple comments about the projects that they chose and whether or not they were a good bang for the the buck particularly I'm speaking about the seashore Road um but anyway if we go through these and have a discussion on whether or not we feel these are the projects because those the ones they think can get grants right right so I think a couple of them we all agree on but some of them I don't know if we agree on and you know they may agree on it and I'm not sure exactly how they came up with some of them somebody outside the meeting may have put a bug in their ear I don't know yeah I know one thing just on aside is that there was no mention of the traffic circle well if you if you look at yeah yeah they don't have it on here but they do look at uh is more specific that's what they don't necessarily want that Capital project is already paid for what we had know I had requested is that we you know since we already have the main bike lane coming from the West capap May Bridge Central Park it would go around the roundabout we would need to have Grant down to the lifeguard station Grant right striped with bike Lanes it's because that's the extension of the bike and we had talked about that now on Page in the beginning of this they actually have that as designated red but it's not a project if you will um so I mean from an organ I would say the best thing for us to do is go through what they said on infrastructure project we may comment say hey we don't think this is a great bang for the buck a million and a half dollars but sidewalks on Seashore Road for example yeah uh we may have other projects that we think have been brought up that are better suited and will affect more people and will'll get more bang for the buck that that's what my Approach would be yes I and I would agree with that and the thing that I spent a lot of hours looking at this thing a lot of hours for me anyway maybe three four five hours and I I get it that putting together a Grant application like this is probably pretty demanding and I don't have the expertise to really evaluate what they're saying but what George is saying is let's keep it simple let's look at the infrastructure projects and see if and and and again I agree with the seashore Road thing uh sidewalks spending a million dollars on sidewalks is not going to make that road much safer now there's a stretch of it would make sense like from um where your son's office is from from the flar at Simpson Road down to the West capap M burrow that extends the sidewalk from the West Cape May bar but beyond that there's not a lot of people that live there the the the bike lanes are perfectly fine for me at least nice and wide they're wide yes uh I mean the issue there is can we get the speed limit down yes and it's also that doesn't cost us anything it's also a transition once you get right past Simpsons and that one where parking that's I think that's of main concentration I think can we all agree that the sidewalk on Seashore from sson into the bridge is not really a project that's worthwhile right right to succinctly put that right you you want to turn it on if you ever gone down to a uh where Mar where Maryland meets Virginia they've got similar bridges that they were talking about this I heard about a year ago um it may Whispers but a possible bike bridge over the canal I just didn't know where it would be whether it would be on Bayshore shun bike or even adjacent the existing Bridge so who knows what they down the road thinking of a total connection that's huge yeah of course um yeah yeah it's huge of course we're we're trying to and that's not us though I'm just saying where the the thinking is down the road yeah so I mean what Terry just said we're we're going for the lwh hanging fruit here right now because this money doesn't go far no and and so um but we have to as I understand it from this from their write up and and the discussion from the last meeting we had with them we have to mention these projects even if we're not going to implement them right away in this grant in this Grant application because we can't stick them in after the fact but the grant applications are going to be specific to the project so there'll be six different applications it's not one big application we're going to massively redo our all of infrastructure it's one project at a time right so to me it's like you have a pool of money that we could apply for which ones are going to most likely be successful versus which one had the most impact you know what on where people live uh how they use the the the roadways that's why the one for C I don't think works I mean I that's why I said we should go through all these and then maybe there's other ones that we didn't didn't put like I noticed that they when we asked them last time they did add Stevens that already had uh seag grve but Stevens is basically an extension of right seag grve and they added that which is great we're happy about that yeah yeah all right well I do have I have the minutes um I printed them out um sorry I didn't get them out for anybody else um I can look at it I can hand this to somebody but this is in a nutshell of pretty much that report that they went through it's much easier to read um so I can pull it out and we can discuss uh and say yay or n is is that okay and then we can can add to it so the first thing is um the hotpots can we all agree is that bank Bank Street Decor Street and Lafayette is one hot spot the second project is Ocean Street almyra lii Avenue Landis Avenue from six on the North End of Columbia Avenue I what's the Columbia Avenue did anybody that a little Street in Westgate may it doesn't go to Columbia col no it goes to 6on Stewart it okay so forget about need a map North End yeah there is no Columbia Avenue there right so that gets kned out don't you this shows it really well too um so it's just to Landis Avenue Stewart Lane right what is what is about this six Avenue I'll take my that's the end of the that's the Terminus okay so if you if you make the right on Landis and the left on Stewart you dead end at six okay so that that's the termin is okay so that's the end 6th Avenue yes third project which is is interesting because we haven't talked about it a lot is the third project is Washington Street for motion Street to Sydney Avenue um yeah yeah you can certainly raise your hand come to that really hasn't that's been um downgraded uh from various people not to concentrate on Washington Street but I feel that we should so for a million and a half dollars you're getting crosswalks and what else they're going to rear they're going to remark the they're going to remark the U what do you call it the the parking spots that's I just read what it was right right right I I thought roads that we didn't really want bicycles on we should put shs on the point is people are going to ride their bikes on there so you're thinking that unless we direct them to go down Michigan and over that way Indiana and that way you're avoiding the traffic contributing to the problem okay and that's the most expensive project and I I I don't understand why it's so much money to do that well are we suggesting signs on Washington Street at various places you know dangerous uh bicycle R how are people going to know not not not to ride their bike down Washington Street Route signs what routing signs I'm sorry my guess is most people who ride their bikes down Washington Street don't look at the map I don't think we can tell people that they can't ride their bike on there we can tell them it's dangerous can't I don't think we can stay no bicycles allowed I don't think it's dangerous you don't think it's dangerous what riding a bike down Washington Street what's the danger is is a lot of people hug the bike the uh the park cars they hug them they're not visible you know if you're a true biker and you want things to move and knowing what you're talking about New York City you know well they have Lanes they'll they'll have designated Lanes but all the statistics that we've learned um is that you need to be visible and when you're hugging the side you're you've got that RIS so the most safe thing is to be in the middle of the road visible and we're at 20 miles per hour um but anyway I've de down on that I continue to get beat down on that so we can move on um I I I mean let's finish that because I mean there the two parallel streets are lot Lafayette and Washington both of them are projects on here both of them are roads we don't want to encourage people to go down it seems like it's it's it's counterproductive and I agree with the comments I I I I I thought that the project was to get PE more people to use their bikes safely and pedestrians safely if I say I'm goingon to go Ocean Street to to washingt to Sydney Street on Washington I spend a million and a half dollars how does that help with the project goals they they basically I'm reading and so what we're going to fix the trees so put up signs so trucks don't hit trees there those signs are already up there but this is I'm reading it this is this is what they say in their report and then the same thing with Lafayette you know if we could ban people off Lafayette we would we don't want to encourage them to go on and what do they want to do for that one um let's see I think that they they said they were going to coordinate with the county to make that that's an INF uh no that's a um not a non-infrastructure uh improvement improvement yeah maybe signning but it's one of the projects yes well not the primary project though right well they don't go into detail because they have to consult with the county okay all right so um so should we suggest that eliminating the third project at Washington Street I don't want to I I hate to do it I hate to say that because I don't live in Kate may I live in West Kate may but I'm part of the team I I rely on everybody else to make it I mean I know the area obviously really well but is it a hot spot is it a hot what why is it is it accomplishing the goals set out by this group that's all how's that correct and the answer is no have we looked at the statistics of uh incidents on Washington Street and Lafayette Street over the last 10 years well I've requested for the last year and we haven't gotten it yet um the other thing is all this reports is up to 2021 all their statistics are up to two through 2021 right right which is not indicative of what's happened in the last three years with Co and more bikes on the road yeah so we're just kind of handcuffed on that with Statistics you know I I I think that I think the statistics can only get you so far in AG in the analysis of this project we all know sitting here where the dangerous roads are the statistics might not bear that out right yeah and and we've told them that many every meeting every meeting should um so should we go ahead and eliminate that third project as a hot spot it's not a hot spot I don't know how's how we just recomend we recommend that the hot spots be well can we just ask them why that's on there I don't ever remember in the eight meetings or whatever I've been to that specific one time we talked because I remember the the tree thing was stuck in my mind so but I never the one comment we had was hey can we run the traffic one way on on Washington that was a discussion but that's the only time that that was brought up as a discussion point and now it's on the hot that now it's on one of the top six projects right George I think the reason that it is a hot spot is a lot of trucks hit trees coming into town uh especially the past two years and so there's been a lot of police reports the trucks out so good point been going can we can we ban trucks can we ban trucks on Washington that would solve the problem completely they have to come down Lafayette except if they're making a delivery at Washington in yeah there you go they can they make that turn at um up towards the end where you have to do the jigy can they make that turn that's a good question I think they could they have to swing wide by Sydney yeah the name of that street is Sydney Sydney yeah that's Sydney so the turn you mean the right turn off a Lafayette and then to make the left you have to and the left turn off onto Washington is is it Washington's two lanes going the same direction there yeah they should be able to make that should be able to do that but that wouldn't that solve the tree problem sure and that makes it a lot safer for people crossing the street no trucks and keeps Washington the pretty street that it is and the reason all of it was is Lafayette was under construction all year so all for the last two years and they've all been going down Washington Street coming down Broadway All Right Bingo so let's so but just a comment on the the trees on Washington are still they're still an issue I mean you got the one picture so that needs to be remediated irrespective and I think the recommendation is a good one but I think the trees still need to be stay on within the town what we do in West K May is we actually go around and we technically it's the homeowner's responsibility to trim the tree but if we feel it's it's a it's a safety or a u a public health safy we go and do it even if it's in the easement on the other the street side of the sidewalk it's still theirs okay yes um we have a comment from the um yes Steve Bodner um I live on Pennsylvania Avenue and I look I think the best way to get around Kate May is on a bike um or walking so I really commend it the work that that the committee is doing um and appreciate that so one um one of the um ideas you're talking about is to try to get traffic obviously off of off of Washington Street and living on Pennsylvania there's a lot of bike traffic I think it's a great road to bike on in Kate May because it it it is wide um in addition you're talking about the safety as far as not just the ability to have roads to roads to to cycle on but also I think we need to address and I think what you are addressing is safety and crossing streets as well um question I have when we're talking about potential hotspots is on my where Michigan Pennsylvania goes into Michigan and then Michigan and Virginia come together right on Madison that's an area that in particular if we're looking to get traffic on on Pennsylvania to cross to get it away from Washington Street we would be moving more traffic down in that direction towards Pennsylvania which I think would be would be tremendous if we're able to do that my concern is just the safety and crossing over Madison I'm just wondering if there's if if that has been identified as a potential Hots spot for for crossing over I know the police department they they conduct enforcement patrols there to U temper speed but if you know how the um if you're familiar with the roads and how they come together um the the safe rout to school does address that and it's just the lines they've got Sher in there the Pennsylvania Avenue should be lined it just hasn't happened yet um just recently and we did bring it up that intersection we did bring it up to the city and the city did work with the county to get um the ramps and there's a new crosswalk there right on Madison and where Michigan comes out there's a new crosswalk right there it is and I played tennis and it was one of the things of me routing to get back that has vastly improved not perfect but just putting that crosswalk in there has helped because then you can just jig over to Columbia Avenue they still need to put sherrow Etc on Madison correct for the safe routs to school yes a lot of this stuff hasn't been done but it is it is uh so so I I you just for a second Steve sure yes so you're coming in late in the game here right and we've had extensive conversations regarding all the things that you're mentioning right so not to not to kind of Cut You Down but we don't we've got limited time yeah I I understand I just wanted I'm only mentioning it because I believe it it is an area that even though I know they have addressed it to uh addressed it it's better but it's still it's still candidly it's it's a dangerous intersection part of it because of how it is it's just a such a wide um area where Michigan Virginia and Madison come together in in crossing over there I'm just wondering if there's if there isn't something else that can be done really to kind of um address some of the traffic flow in that uh within that that triangle right there I think what I found unfortunately is that um the the plans that that uh these different entities County and whatever they do it they don't really think outside the box what I see so right now we're just making baby steps on working within their system and I think we're slowly doing that um yeah we've got uh proposals that we've made to this uh Engineering Group um about crosswalks involving intersections like that uh that particular intersection near Columbia Michigan Madison Virginia um there the streets don't line up for safe passage the same thing happens at Perry and Congress people coming out of the mall and so we've got those areas which we're thinking about making boxes in there uh to to you know that those kinds of things so yeah that hasn't escaped our notice thank you okay um then uh systemic project recommendations um discuss the segment Corridor analysis for Lane departure and drowsy and distracted emphasis uh that seems to be a big thing but I think we can kind of skip over that um installing 6-in Edge lines on enhancing parking spots markings as low cost systemic counter measures on these segments uh this is all analysis um then we skip down [Music] to the sidewalk gaps um which I have that here on the map so so are we all in agreement and I'll just write this in here too when we put this together that between uh Simpsons and and the bridge that is at the bottom of our list how do we word that that's pretty well stated yeah I think the impact cost effect yeah impact per resident per usage I mean you're talking a significant amount of money but I would modify it I wouldn't say eliminate it I would say that the the the concern is stimpson to Central right that Carter there whether it's it's putting sidewalks in and eliminating uh parking there which probably would make sense uh and then that that stretch would be a good because that would extend from West Cape May Barrow out to the little the flest in the law office down at the corner and beyond that is just residential residential yeah and that's to keep it on that side of the road the right side of the road coming in to make it consistent all the way and it's already fine on the other side it's already the other side of the street is fine but it's that one little area um and I think I'm sure there's going to be a lot of negative feedback from those residents about they all have driveways they do yes right that's all I can tell you is this a dangerous spot because bicyclist have to pop out into the street see I think that's a hot spot I I agree with you oh it definitely is we have we have we have talked about that in the meeting we have but I don't see it on so if they're going to if if we're going to kind of push Washington Street aside shall we replace it with this hot spot if they want to have well actually it technically already is on their project list it's just we're saying we're saying we don't want another entire mile of of sidewalks up to the bridge right we're just saying we just want this 500 yard stretch done not from stimpson out to the bridge that and we don't want both sides of and they have the project that they have on here is both sides of the street sidewalks it's already has a nice shoulder bike lane I I don't understand it's a rural area I I live I live on New England Road out there now in biking in and out of town all all the time right and it is completely safe from New England Road yeah up until you get closer to duckies therea that's what and then all of a sudden it turns into I mean I mean they they could consider putting a light a left turn light there on Central which might make sense I mean there's a way to do it and you just run it just run it during the season blinking red or or something and and you add the firehouses right there so it would be good to have a a light there blinking um so anyway back to these three hotpots can we eliminate Washington Street and put this in instead well it's not putting instead because it's already on there yeah just move it up it's it's but it's a hot three hot spots and that was Bank Street blah blah blah uh Ocean Street and Washington Street we want to take Washington Street off as a hot spot I'm not sure we take it off as a Hotpot because it's still a dangerous road but just their recommendation for million dollars or whatever million and half dollars for million and a half dollars to me is not a cost effective way of using uh grant money okay I think Washington Street is still going to be an issue but I don't think purpose Grant I I think it's another discussion it's not at the top of the list what we're talking about is is bikers are unsafe for that little stretch I ride it all the time it's all of a sudden there there's drivers are unsafe Walkers are unsafe and yes and and the the percentage of automobile operators that are aware of the 4ot passing Rule and how to handle that are slim to none right is slim to none right I mean be you know look I mean I almost like well that's a county and that's County it's going to happen you know right now I I just like some sort of quick fix just a couple of arrows and the Sher that's putting them out in the street can I add one thing I all right so okay and one thing about the U about the seashore Road you might be forgetting that the first steps are putting curbs in but the second steps is Right adjacent the curs lot of bike Lanes they'll be painted green and that's the whole goal is to connect lower with the island it's just disconnect a very very busy roll of bikes many children up and down it's amazing how and safe and it's pretty good but as you get closer it gets a little tighter but it's a busy road but uh the curves I mean there must be a a reason why they want to have curves there cuz when you put those lines up it keeps it cleaner too that bike lane I'm not sure what their intent was cuz sometimes they put those bike Lanes adjac in the curb or in the middle depend on how they design them those green stripes with bikes they eventually paint them green yes and that's the whole well and that's where I think for a quick fix right now but that's a whole County thing that we can't I'm going to ask one more time can we eliminate for the three hot spots that they have listed that we move Washington Street to another less prioritized list these hotpots are the ones that we really are interested in getting addressed can we add that area can you say the three hotspots that they have in that list again please uh Bank Street deor so everybody agrees on that one y yes okay uh second project is Ocean Street almyra lii Avenue Landis do everybody agree on that one yes yes okay and then the third is Washington Street from Ocean Street to Sydney and we all agree that it's not a hot spot it's not conc it's a hot it's a concern but it's a concern it's a maybe we're I I I keep thinking maybe I missed something that they put it there because we never really Dis Let's I don't understand how it got there yeah at this point we just need to give them the I give them a clar yeah say we're going to say why we're here right we need a clarification put but I think we're here to discuss this grant correct but there's other there's other objectives for this committee Beyond this grant um or no it's pretty much it's all about this one and the same but it isn't though because if we're we're all acknowledging that Washington Street is an issue but we're not going to ackn we're not going to put it into this grant then we should we no no it it'll just be a low priority mean which means it won't be funded most likely well there's a lot of stuff or look for other Solutions well that's where I'm getting at though if there other we should put it in the so-called parking lot for other discussion outside of this immediate Grant because I go back to what Jim said at the onset of the meeting I love the idea of a safe Cap May umbrella you know signage policy uh um reinforcement but it it's probably not for it's not for this grant but I don't think we should lose addressed in the ground yes it is oh I didn't I didn't know that I didn't see it oh yeah I thought it was just how much detail there is okay and the other thing that I think there's some richness here that we don't want to lose that's all I'm suggesting needless to say that the city of Kate May because of its tightness has it an inherent safety issue because of the narrow streets all the parking that but this is a cape Island Grant and so I I only think it's fair to adjust the seashore Road thing anyway because that's dangerous I've been on it too many times we're talking about fromon to the to the to Central correct right that's a hot spot Hot Spot yes can we decide it's a hot spot yeah can we everybody in agreement it's the hottest spot and we can uh and we can decide and we can put it as number three on the list yes right okay uh we're going to do that would move on absolutely move on do we need a a motion and a vote I'll I'll entertain a motion I second who's in favor all in favor I I okay okay okay all right um the bik gaps they talk about the bik gaps um which is pretty much on the map here um second P map we talked about they are going to change B road is really St Street they they've added it on here that's actually one of the projects here we go change it yeah it's all it's already on there here we go okay it's actually fourth Stevens seag Grove gr right so those for our West Kate May residents who want to go to the point to the beach hopefully we'll be able to fix those roads so that's it's more user friendly yes so so we can just comment to them to double check to make sure that they have it's on that map well it's on it's it's on it's that one but it's not on yeah I don't know where they're pulling this from but all right um oh well here we go um okay our proposals are listed in here okay the gaps okay I'm sorry going back uh to the gaps Broadway from Central Avenue to Seashore Road at The Border West Kate May and lower Township Broadway from Central that's a gap yeah that's what we've been talking about it's been yeah so they have that as the project so we basically need to say we'd like to pair that down to being very specifically from stimpson to Central not from the bridge to Central right we don't feel that the this extension of Seashore road is bang for the buck again M say go Central toall yeah it there's actually well through duckies because duckies is at Central and then it's the fire hall yeah so to the bar Hall they have an exit that goes between them and the firehouse there and we should be incl the fire change Central to fire yeah yeah yes there is no sidewalk in front of duckies that's just uh yeah that's a little weird but I know that they did that because they didn't want um cars they didn't they put in those two three four little posts there brilliant because they didn't want cars to go into that lane and it works right and people they can't go by you're not ever supposed to do that anyway you're never supposed to make uh take a right through the shoulder yeah that's that's L and we need to do that at uh Leeming also it's the same thing they they're on sidewalk yeah right but we'll hit that on on that other project okay uh Park and they do it at Stimson Lane if you're making a leftand turn going out of town on stemson everybody's coming out coming around your right hand side okay Park Boulevard from West Cape May from West Perry Street to Grant Street this is another Gap they're saying and that's the one that you're really working on okay and it says that that you're working uh projecting uh yeah we're putting sidewalks from Central and Broadway down to the to um leing okay that's that's a project we have a grant for we're just trying to work out exactly how it's going to go so that's basically just Central and Park you're saying it's it's yeah Central and Park yes yeah okay and we're trying to extend it in front of the shops there too okay well I think this comment is is this comment is um really about this would be the where the traffic circle would be the um Park Avenue from West Perry to Grant Street so that area is where the circle is proposed Circle yeah so I that goes back to what we talked about earlier once the the roundabout is in the bike path from wherever crosses the bridge you go down the path technically makes the left at Central down park around the roundabout it needs we need to have something that extends the ability to ride your bike down Grant to the beach right and I think that's and and it's on it's actually in this report somewhere that's the Gap that's that's the Gap and then we just need and and we agree with that we agree with that strongly agree with that so anybody that lives or is coming from out of town can actually get to the beach that way yeah and then we had the other beach one we could talk talk about in a second right West Perry Street from Park Boulevard to Broadway what are they talking about that's that's a gap oh that's in front of the gar the uh the garage in front of CVS the garage the problem talking about that they're talking well there's no the I'll tell you what the solution is the solution is you come out West con you come out Congress to West Congress and because it's for people that want to go out Sunset Boulevard when they do the Sunset Boulevard project if you and I talked to the mayor uh mayor mullik about this we actually went out and looked at it it's would be almost impossible to to put a bike lane or something on Perry from Park to Broadway so you you need to send people out of town through either Grant or Congress and then you cross into West CAP main into the foul track you can make the right on first and then you're right on Sunset and there's going to be a bike path right there the it's it's a boardwalk bike path that goes all the way to the Nature Center and then extends all the way out to the lighthouse separate from the roadway we just that's all going to be on the left side it'll be on the left side so that's your connection it's a it's a two-way bike path yeah it's 10 ft wide so it's it's the same thing like Washington we're trying to Route people that's plastic we're trying to Route people off that section just like in Washington Street we're trying to Route them off of so the solution would be Congress I would go Congress it makes sense you're coming out of town you write out Congress they just have to cost Broadway so I I guess that's where we would ask and then again it's a county thing is to make sure there's really good lines and crosswalks particularly at that intersection yes on Broadway because right now what people do is they come the wrong way on Myrtle yeah and then you come down Myrtle and then you dead end at Broadway at Doc Mike and you're not allowed to make a left turn but people do it anyway and which is not sayfe you should make a right turn and go down Second Street all the way out but yeah people live here know that okay so we'll bring that I know we're sure for time and I noce U you mentioned again it's a it's a multiple jurisdiction you know Cape Island and I I know I'm not sure if you talked about this but we have something so fortunate we have this abandoned rail Rail train that goes from canning House Road directly to the magnesite plant and it crosses only two roads it crosses Bayshore and Broadway and there's no way that you guys can look into that to create that a bike path um we've had discussions about this I mean what to resist I that's it's like it's sitting there waiting to it's screaming if you money you would say all right I want that path where the railroad tracks is where they're running the rails rail Evolution Rail and I want the path out to you be hero You' be on National Geographic simp magazine if you pull this off would that be the greatest thing ever it's amazing ride your bike you never have to go I mean Ro you have it here Ra's there E's there it's like but at this point for know quicker fix oh yeah is what we're doing you can still do it down the road yeah Jack my life to get that done what that that's that would be a great thing okay uh Elmyra Street this is just talking about gaps am my street from West Kate May um and the border at the creek on almyra going towards West Cape May to Lafayette Street I uh they talk about a gap on that that area between Venice and Lafayette well they're working on that now I was hoping Paul would be here to yeah they're putting a sidewalk in they're going to finish the other side of the street I know that's going to be very creative around this I don't know how they're going around the poles but whatever I was hoping for a report on that but I think um that's that big hot spot again talking about Washington Street and routing people off these dangerous areas is that that that routing as the Gap is concerned is is that we put them over on Bank yes right now you know right isn't but isn't that part of the the the one of the primary projects going from six Stewart Lis lei Elmyra in the town so that is all part of that particular project right which is already as one of the primary hotspots well well this is the gaps this is what oh they're just talking specific yeah but I think we HIIT it in that project um but I guess my my point is just for the wording here that they have it listed is that um that that D um direct off on to Bank then it wouldn't be a hot then it would not be uh a gap correct yes is everybody in agreement to that well yeah and and the other thing is is that then that gets handled by the bank Lafayette de that's where you end up yeah that's good right yeah that's good to mention yes okay um proposed projects configuring Lanes by Acme on Ocean Street um I brought this up a couple of these I brought it up yeah and they're still considering it and I won't even go into detail with this but but you know to keep it listed because right where the bike shop is that's really bad where people are crossing that's the worst bike spot it's worst spotted in town to to me the the arrows are wrong if you're coming from the beach they have uh the straight through and the left hand turn together and then the right hand turn they need to make that right hand turn and straight through and make the other one just a leftand turn so but that's it also needs a sidewalk on the one side of the street because that solves the problem you just you don't go on the bike side you go on the other side which is safe exactly the other thing was you know I'm I'm not giving up on Contra L just recommendation on if it's possible it's just we're just tting things well on hu Street um is a contra Lane because that's a a big uh a lot of people go the wrong way on that area if it's possible to get a contra Lane in there I think that that would be good um oneway bike lane from mall to beach okay that's my oh okay that's Jackson Street and that was brought up years ago um uh but but again that's a safer way to to go if they could just do um actually just put some shares in there I guess I don't think that a lane would would work but again these are just small things to add to the list right just a a question um on Hughes street they're suggesting a reverse Lane bicyc Contra Lane how does that work for yeah how does just parking on both sides of the street well you know one one side you can really tweak Lanes you know uh a uh A Car Lane can be 8 to 11 ft it's tight but but the whole thing is that's a slow cars are going slow there anyway they're not racing through there it's not a Third Street really no but but bikers are always going it's the same thing thing on on Myrtle mytle Myrtle yeah but again we're just throwing it out there just throwing but there's enough room for a contra bike lane plus car automobiles oh and parking on parking on both sides of this it just depends regulation I I've seen areas where they'll tweak tweak those bik bike Lanes down to 3 feet yeah but Contra Lane you need even more I'm just saying if you have B you know well you don't always have to have that buffer like Beach Avenue has that buffer with the stripe stuff i' I'm just saying I've seen it done I'm just throwing it out there yeah you know I think it it's okay to put it on the uh on the wish list um okay uh anybody AG disagree okay this we already discussed bicycle pedestrian Crossing on Columbia Avenue on Madison that's you know that's already crosswalks on Perry Street a Congress Street that's by the mall correct yes that has somewhat been addressed yes I mentioned it earlier so that's I think it could be done better but they did they did some quick the same intersection as the Michigan Virginia Madison it's off skew all skew so you need to go across and then cross over to the Congress that's very busy and the problem is the parking lot the parking spots at the Victorian Motel right that's the problem good point again just putting on crosswalks to parking lots don't work crosswalks on Benton Avenue it's Su and Howard Street okay that's just by um that's only one that's only one the rambles there right they just need better crosswalks there right and I think some a lot of that stuff is on the bike walk report anyway it is yeah which they to their credit they they referenced um quite a bit right yeah right since we were they did look at beating them up yeah they did look at Master plans bike walk they looked at uh um a whole bunch of things which is great okay um proposed projects that we've crosswalks at the end of Broad Street at bank I think that's been done Perry Street cross walks at Carpenter Street I keep getting confused where Perry Street isry it's it's Carpenters on the other side of the mall right that's what we were just talking side of the mall crosswalks on Jackson Perry Street at Broad Street that that area has been addressed that's the county deal they already have the cross swing brick fake brick thing so we'll just still keep it on bicycle Lanes on Beach Avenue that's been done um Na okay they discussed uh uh input on problem location receive from the focus group meeting in the National night uh um oh that's they're talking about this thing which we are addressing I'm going to skip through that uh six hot oh okay so now the project team recommendations and that's GPI right mhm these are now they're talking about the hotpots again Lafayette Street bank decar then ocean almyra Lei and it's not Columbia Avenue uh Washington Street we're you you know what we're eliminating go ahead leing used to be called Columbia Avenue so that's probably why it's in there okay all right but but it's not it's actually right to six right old okay there you go there's some trivia for you leing was Columbia Washington Street Ocean Street on my map to Sydney okay now now we're adding another hot spot so then now we're talking about six hot spots here um Washington Street Ocean Street to Sydney Avenue we're back to we're back to there six projects again right um we got rid of the Washington one right right we're getting rid of that Ocean Street short okay that's just Washington Street Lighthouse Avenue we've talked about about that correct Lighthouse to is that the one uh seag grve and it's Stevens and it says East Lake Drive to Sunset but we need Stevens in here and they actually have it it's written in their Pro your their plan here so okay SE gr they've already address things there at se and Lighthouse right they put a table speed table I mean I'm thinking that when we go back with a report rather than go through this big Report with all the different sections that we're just going to add to these minutes because it's all included uhuh in the report y okay it's a little bit easier simple this okay um Seashore and Broadway we've already discussed we're shrinking the scope of that to um to sson to duckies right to Firehouse Firehouse firehouse that's even better Firehouse uh Lafayette Street County Road County coordination required so a lot of that's we're just kind of because what's going to happen is once we get the grant money for the next thing then then there's we're going to be gathering again and they're going to be coming up proposals and then we're going to be tweaking it just like we're doing it now correct right correct um map uh can I add one say something I wasn't sure if you guys mentioned it but there is supposedly an easement from St John's behind the grammar school the old baseball field that wraps around to Madison and they talked about that being a another extension of getting people off the street yeah and the explanation was that um it's not a road it'll be a path a path and so that's why it's not in this report but it's it's the Ean exist I heard that what what I don't understand is I thought the original plan there was a road back there there never a road but there was a no the the plan is that there there was going to be a road back there because was bike path but it's two different grants that they're going after the first grant does not include bike pads on it a walking trail and then the second Grant will have the money because one of them has to do with the uh the gas company that suit against them they're paying the one section but the other will be done but wasn't but wasn't there a partial um paved Road like behind the dog park and everything the proposal there was never like in other words we had talked about there was a parking lot back there not not the big one in the front no no there's one along so there never was a paral road that went I don't think so okay so somewhere in and there we still want to note that correct yeah and they noted it in the in the plan I I remember reading it I can't tell you exactly where now but I did read it oh you did read it yeah I talked to line Baldin and she said the reason that it's not the bike path isn't on there now it's because it's one grant that goes to that okay and then when that's done then they yeah it might it might be in the minutes of the of the meeting but it's certainly been recorded yeah mhm um um what else here I guess um we can keep going through all of this um but now I'm thinking maybe we should just jump back to people's comments um yeah I think we've done a pretty good job U distilling this yeah there there's one thing on here that that I've talked about a lot of different times in conjunction with hey we don't want people on Lafayette we don't want people on Washington let's make sure people have good alternative routes we talked about Michigan Indiana on that side um on getting people off Broadway once you hit Leeming or you actually you hit Central one of the things we keep trying to talk about is that the people on the west side of West Cape May all ride down Pacific Avenue and we like to move the traffic from the the Depot on the Pacific cross Sunset down first but we need our little Bridge across the creek I don't see that anywhere on there no and that is actually an infrastructure project that would alleviate an enormous amount of bike traffic Off Broadway right and and it's just to me it's almost a no-brainer that we should do that because then anybody that's coming down Broadway can get off Broadway get in anybody that's coming from all these houses on the west side of uh West Cape May in instead of having to get on the Broadway um they go right across that little pedestrian um at bicycle bridge is this across Sunset the bridge no the bridge would be across the creek parall West West Grant so if you look at your if you look at your your map there is you'll see First Avenue yeah First Avenue dead ends at at West Grant which is that's still West Cape May we own the lot it's actually it's actually a paper Street at the corner there it's it's one house in from the corner it's directly across from First Street in Cape May got it and Mr Dietrich said that if we can get the approvals he'll give us a landing spot okay first so I like to see that as one of the projects yeah I mean I it's just it to me that would be getting everybody off Broadway yeah that that solves um yeah okay so first street is the last Street obviously and then it's Second Street so it's First Street just going all the way across the bridge is just going to go all the way across the First Street first to First basically it's first to First and and if we when we had talked about how do you get out of Senator Kate May and get out down onto the sunset path if you're on Congress if you're if you're coming down Beach you can just go to first and go across that bridge and you're literally right at the start of the bike path when you hit sunset how many feet is that area George between first and first that lot there it's a standard sized lot uh the bridge span it would depend on what the wetlands are you might have to run curb to curb so that's maybe 80 fet it's probably more like 35 40 is it all Marshland or is it uh it's a creek the whole that whole section is the Wetland there's a that's Cape Island Creek that's what makes Cape Bain Island it goes right here now George there's a large section of that Creek that's underground first it comes up Broadway right and it comes back out easier just put a big tube down there and C it over and put I think we're talking MoneyWise you can fabricate the bridge offsite bring it on a trailer and drop it in with a crane also you need is put the Footers in rather than putting a tunnel if you want to build a beautiful stone bridge that's going to last for 500 years that's cool but we could do this I I actually looked all the stuff up takes about a week takes about a week to make the bridge how how many feet um that's what I was wondering I'd say 50 ft 50 ft of for a bridge to connect yes okay but I I haven't done the now I mean it's a we have a full-size lot Cape May if you cross they have about a half of a lot and then on the right for probably the first four or five Lots there's no houses because it's it's all wet so it would be a nice little Park on both sides nice very nice great idea so we add that so we I'd like to see that one be on our project list cuz that's one we're going to need money for you've been talking about it and now I understand what you're talking about finally yeah and that actually helps the people coming from the center of Cape May to get out to the lighthouse yeah come down Congress uh or Grant M and you you end up Beach dve you're you're literally right at you you make the right on first or you can go down Beach Drive first it all connects it you don't have to go on Broadway you don't have to go on Perry You're it's so to me it's a no change some signage and you could yeah exactly bike route to to uh the lighthouse boom how about Bob's idea from a couple of meetings ago about the bike path going out off of uh um Central Avenue out to out we talked that that we have in last meeting um I talked to the lower people it's mostly in lower yeah and we're supposed to set up a meeting with r towns about that because she told me just to submit a a request but I need lower to make the and they seem to think that they said no and I said well that maybe not actually Michel ay is all for it I know he is but he said he said that they that we still need something from Kate May because they have the right right away around around the water treat PL that's where the problem so we're going to get together with her so that's all that's almost kind of an aside project and I saw her okay that that's so that's we're not including that good she is mention do we have that mentioned in this report no I didn't see it we'll have a chat is this report part of the also the boardwalk you talking about George is the same thing the on Sunset Boulevard is this the same project no no separate yeah no this is more bik path thing this is and and that's the um electric companies proper right and the issue right now is they're going to put those giant metal poles up like they just did all the way up Bridge Park which they they're wooden now all the way out to the canal wow so when they do that project we want to tie have it all set up so we can as soon as they're done we can tie in the path cuz it all be cleared you still want it listed listed how far out is that we project they work so slowly it's at least two years let's give it a name what's it these people that's called the the Atlantic sea electric right away okay acce they're doing something I was just out at Garrett and and they are they've got bulldozers going in there it's it's maybe this yeah they're doing something well around around the big building there yeah no I was up at Garrett and if you look you know parallel to the where the little um train things are going to on the train line just going what is that North of it that Ean I guess that's that that's the E and they're they're bulldozing okay so they're starting yeah George you might look out start doesn't it start at that um at Venice yes at Venice I mean that's where it's it's origin that's where they're working right now as we speak oh no I'm talking about up at Garrett yeah I know what you're talking about up Garrett yeah well but Garrett just north of that so Jack to address you could you could possibly get like a covered bridge and almost be a covered bridge as well that bike and that'd be like Kate May's first covered B that'd be some place an old historical one that want to tear down of you on it J no not me oh you put your but I'll be interesting to see if they're starting that now front of the um the Kate May um Public Works there's nothing that's still messy and everything well they they just did a little they just ran a pipe there so they just dug that up no but I'm still yeah okay so let's put it in there let's keep uh let's keep F we got 15 minutes what I think because I've got to get out of here in a half hour less than a half hour um I would like to Hillary went and made comments um and she couldn't be here today but I just and we probably is a repeat but I just want to go through this go through your comments um anybody that's written anything up um she agrees total approve of uh project empasis on Lafayette Bank decator approve um talking about speed humps and bumps that is listed in there somewhere it is listed that's on page 20 and the considerations on SE groven and Stevens that is listed um carving out out walking shoulders if sidewalks are deemed too Urban for rur Ral area that's mentioned on page 23 in the report she's done a really good job here I don't see the need to include the sidewalk on Seashore blah blah we we've already agreed to that um rental industry there's cause for overcrowding of cars this forces Walkers out into the street which is unsafe created Solutions I don't know if this is well we're still talking about around Broad and Central um which we discussed Washington Street um um she mentions removing parking that's never going to happen um uh endorsement of project imp Implement islandwide signage and way finding um she'd hoped to see endorsement of a project to implement Implement islandwide signage and wayfaring plus mapping additions for the cell phones the cell phones was not mentioned um the QR codee that's the QR code correct so we want to add that that's not mentioned yes and that would be a systemic uh okay um okay that's about it for her uh was there anything specific um Jeff that you wanted to bring up that we haven't discussed well I mean some of this is pyun but for instance in one of the maps I think was uh one of the figures 4-5 they mention County Road 622 which is Pittsburgh and and Texas why do they have to call it that I don't know um because they don't live here because they don't live here right so you're just asking for a clarification yeah I thought their Maps could have been a lot better in general okay so but then they but you look at one map and you don't see anything that that orients you and then I four or five pages later in the report then all of a sudden they have it in detail so I had to cross off some of my complaints okay um they had a a a speed limit range of 25 to 35 um on page 20 I don't know if you have that there yeah that's incorrect yeah and so that was incorrect um oh um in the appendix um our bike Committee Member listing is incorrect right right I know I noted that too okay got it that's that's pretty much it um one thing that was mentioned was speed cushions that was a new one to me it's just the traffic mitigation thing so you could put speed bumps you can speed tables or that a generic yeah it's actually on page 28 but they probably going to be put down and taken up it's cushions I just had never heard that term before yeah um that's what it looked like to me cuz they mentioned that in somewhere that I read that you know we need these speed bumps in the summer but we don't need them in the winter Sunset Bullards has three in their plan that's tables which is awesome yeah it's great and we want to put them on Stevens too and yeah if we redo that and on six which is another route they out of town do you have them going year round or just in the uh the tables are permanent they are permanent okay yeah it's just like the ones they have in the point Y you know the other thing they and here's another map comment um they don't Define their color coding in these Maps you have to guess you have to guess green means they've got green yellow uh whatever be preed with caution and so that yeah they have it on this one that that one but on in the in their in their report that they sent us um Mo most of the color color schemes I mean if they want to be accurate they're just not delineated that's all I mean for me I'm looking what does this mean what does that mean and that's all um One new thing I wanted to which we didn't talk about was um does everybody know where page street is yep yep they've made that years ago they made it one way it's a little Lane it's it's kind of parallel to over by paig and pearl I think we need to get rid of that get rid of the street no get rid of the it's ridiculous because then not enough for two cars to go how many cars a day go down it not many five it's mostly pedestrians there are some smaller streets aren't there I mean Pearl is one way right next to difficult for bikers again and if we do something with hu Street then I guess at the time we'll just when we start talking about if we ever get to the possibility of a contra Lane on Hughes then we can tie in with Page Street any run um yeah correction on speed limits I saw that uh Bob did you have any thing to comment too um so there was some about cartooning there was cartooning in there what did you say cartooning if there was I I I blew by it um I don't know I'm kind of jumping through this kind but yeah no I think we've done I think we've got it I and now it's a matter of writing it out yeah and what Freedom you have in writing it up yeah I might have to well I'll see send it out and let us approve it I might have to sit down with somebody and and uh I'll be happy egg me on because I have to go to Florida next week again and so yeah um I did write up the minutes but my minutes basically said c gpi's minutes beautiful yeah that's an efficient use of your time well I mean they were so DN thorough was amazing right um which we didn't get to what yesterday but um can we um make a motion to approve those minutes yes uh do I hear a motion okay okay um I I all in favor I I okay great um I don't know if we forgot anything else but Steve would you consider being a member he's running for elction yes do you have secretarial skills yeah come come we we're the second Wednesday of the of the month at 9:30 and um you see what we do now and you know and and you get a chance to uh to to influence what's what's happening yeah yeah no so thanks for coming and let us know yeah we we lost some members and and so it's good to have a little bit more diverse input and we welcome yours yeah okay we have a motion to adjourn um we we have a motion to adjourn motion second second all in favor I e e e e