e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone we have a regular meeting of the city council the City of Cape May we are here in the Cape May City Hall Auditorium today is Tuesday May 21st 2024 the time is now 4 5 p.m. please join me for the Pledge of Allegiance i al to the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you under the open public meetings law notice of this meeting was sent to the Kate May County Herald and the Press of Atlantic City and a copy of the agenda was delivered to each member of city council posted on the K May City website and K May City Hall bulletin board notice is hereby provided that K May City Council meetings are audio recorded and video stream live live video streams are posted to the K May City website the city of K May is is not responsible if audio recording or live video streaming of a meeting is unavailable roll call council member BN Deputy Mayor bwin apologies here council member McDade here council member Meyer Ming here oh here good all right council member Meer is here mayor mullik here council member Jagger here city manager Dietrich here city solicitor Gillan Schwarz here and Deputy city manager rigs here all right Council any additions or deletions tonight uh actually yes um and I'm not sure if deletions the best term but um just to bring it up 16205 the uh award for the surf School instruction um vendor uh I'd like to table that to for further review would it be best to delete that or or table at this time we can be table Ted tabled okay so I I'll make the motion that we table that at this point tabled indefinitely mayor uh yes well go ahead Mr solicitor because it's a procurement we should have okay some sort of action either rejection or acceptance at some point but we can table it for this meeting we have time to do that ultimately table it with with the uh with the understanding that most likely will be at the next meeting I second for the sake of discussions okay any questions or comments Council no no okay roll call oh anything anything else that we're deleting I'm sorry or adding no okay roll call council member Jagger yes council member Meyer yes council member MCD yes jeffanie mayor bobwin yes mayor mullik yes okay and then updates updates city manager thank you I have have quite a few this evening so sit back and relax for a little bit um uh first I just want to say you know we have some construction projects coming to completion and really I just want to say a big thank you and to all the residents and visitors of our city for their patience over the last seems like a long two years of construction everywhere um but I think over the last you know week I think all the paving has gotten done um they're still doing some line striping on Beach and Lafayette Street I think they finished up the city streets Congress Franklin and Trenton today but I think overall all the three different contractors were able to get their work done before the week before Memorial Day so uh and I just want to really thank all the residents for their patience because some of the neighborhoods had a lot of tiring time and uh but I think now we'll enjoy it just we one word of caution now we have some nice new paved streets they're nice and smooth and flat and doesn't give cause to a you know we still have a 20 mph Citywide speed limit uh Chief ashall and his his group will be out um checking on those newly paved streets to make sure that people are still abiding by his speed but uh I think it I think it was a job well done by all the contractors to get it finally done Paul if I could I don't want to interrupt you obviously it was a lot of work and uh I think all of council Echoes the thank you to the public for your patience because we know especially for some of you were who are really in a um an area that was affected uh one of is in the front row here uh it was uh it was a long time coming uh but to add to it especially the it wasn't just a and pave in most of these locations you're talking about replacing all the utilities water uh sewer curb sidewalks yeah and and even you know for any for flood mitigation you have uh co co um storm water drains that are being replaced so really uh a tremendous amount of work on it in fact just to point out Paul and I know obviously but um all throughout the winter months we did all that work underground and then they pave in like a matter of 3 days you know but it just shows you how much work is going on underground and this the cement work and Curbing and sidewalks and but I also want to thank you Paul because that it's it takes someone to um you know kind of quarterback all of those different moving parts and uh in all seriousness I don't think we would have gotten done before Memorial day without your hard work on this so I appreciate it thank you can I add something to that mayor please I want to give a special kudos to you Mr Mayor because I remember about five six years ago you and I were at the Board of Education meeting talking about the bump in and I said run with that and what a success and what a great idea that was because it it's not just personal to you it's personal to the community and it's safety is number one and that the right hand turn onto St John Street is Fant so you know you you that was a big part that you had in this project as well thank you thank you Mr Meer thank you um I interrupted so no worries so so on the construction note uh there are two road projects that will be happening between after Memorial Day weekend and the end of June uh there'll be small delays probably two or three days each but I just want to let the public know that so on Elmyra Street uh probably towards the mid to late June uh they'll be closing down Elm Street to to make some well-needed drainage improvements to connect the end drainage to help reduce some of the minor flooding that we get at that intersection that's probably one of the worst intersection Street areas that we have for minor flooding so we're going to try to get that done uh before the summer season and then the county has to go back onto Texas Avenue in front of the Wawa and close down for about 2 or 3 days to uh repair a hole in one of their drainage pipes that they found if you recall before we did the big change over the the city kind of had to repair our water main well PCH over over top of it it was essentially the the County Drainage was over top of the city's water main they both kind of collapsed on each other so now the county has to come back in and and fix their section um so that'll be about and that'll probably start next week for about two to three days so and and and Paul I've been asked about that patch um I know it's not the final patch so on which street on Texas there Texas so so yeah they'll come in and do a repaving of of a portion of that section once the county finishes up that that section next week Paul oh sorry um on Paving uh you know issues on beach the one by the Montreal is that being so that's being addressed so after they paved uh the construction activity um put a crack in a joint at for the water main connection service to the uh Montreal all uh it was a special order part because of what pipe it was there uh we the city just received the part this morning they will be out at 4:00 in the morning to do that repair uh and from all indications we're hoping to have that repair completed before lunchtime knock on wood um and then the county will come in and repave that patch on Thursday morning okay the only reason I mention it is because I know that driving down Beach Avenue um because of the piling you know the the markers around it people were parked almost up to that and you could not get you you could not so people were trying to get into oncoming traffic um if they just blocked those couple of spots to make sure by tomorrow should I mean it just it was really PE it was a little halfhazard and there wasn't a lot of traffic on beach at the time but if they could just block off two or three spots there so that people could get there and get back and and be in the same Lane would be helpful think it'll be fixed by tomorrow okay thanks you're welcome uh two other construction projects um if you've been out to Kanas Park you'll notice that we have the area cordoned off and we started construction on the the bathrooms at quanis Park and if you've been up on the prominade next to convention hall they've started the bathrooms up on uh uh the prominade so uh that those that work will continue uh until completion the other thank you and patience is uh we had one of our first feature film movies filmed in uh the city and uh there was a a little anticipation and worry at the beginning before they came but I think after they got in and did the filming I think overall we had very few uh complaints and concerns from from residents we had a couple commercial uh you know the businesses that had some concerns that were right adjacent to some of the filming but I think by most far I I think everybody enjoyed it I think there was a lot more people in town to kind of take in the sights of the cars and the the action so I think that was a good learning curve uh for the city I know uh Justin's going to be working with um Casey uh there's some certifications for the state is putting out for kind of becoming a certified film location so we're going to you know use this experience to uh take that forward um we did find out the the film crew they spent around $250,000 and that was just the film company in town on the different things that they had to spend on uh the city uh received around $90,000 for the Manpower and effort and work that that we uh accommodated for the film and that doesn't include I'll say the individual spending of all the the crew the cast The you know that that they spent individually within town so I think overall I think it was a good success for the city and yes we hope to have a uh film presentation up at either convention hall or outside on the beach when the movie is released uh you know stay tuned we'll we'll be uh looking toh preview that movie um uh when it does come out um regarding resolution oh 163 0524 the establishing passenger Transportation the bus permit fees um just wanted to comment on that uh the the the current ordinance that we have on the books for that process uh establishes that the fees are set by resolution by uh city council um the the ordinance that's in effect needs to be revised uh you know several probably at least 10 more probably more than 10 years ago maybe close to 15 uh Administration and the mayor I think changed the process of how that bus permitting fee process happened and the code was never updated fees have not been updated probably since then and uh so this is a a first step to implement that we're in the process this is going to go move back to an online permitting system as opposed to uh being a also a paper permit system postco uh through the Chamber of Commerce uh but by the end of the summer I hope to have a a draft ordinance for Council to look to just to reflect how we currently use or how that system currently functions and operates and then I did have a request so currently the fee schedule uh the last line has a $60 fee for the um special transportation and it talks about 16 passengers or more I would ask if if that could be amended to say nine or more passengers uh to really be able to capture I'll say the the small mini buses that come into town that was the purpose of that is to I'll say to catch those mini buses that come into town uh and Traverse our city so if that could be a request to amend that resolution in that fee schedule please may ask a question sure who receives those fees uh those fees I mean up until today those fees are were you the whole process was administered and by the Chamber of City Chamber of Commerce and all fees collected and costs incurred were um to them uh my understanding was the the Chamber of Commerce approached the city and saying hey we're doing everything for the permitting process they you know at that point you know they kind of were coordinating the permitting they welcomed the buses at the Welcome Center and kind of coordinated everything and at the time the clerk's office really wasn't as involved um so City you know allowed them to kind of keep the fees and administer the program uh postco um or during covid the Chamber of Commerce kind of let the online version lapse and kind of did it administratively uh when I came on in January had some discussions with Chamber of Commerce and mac and the there was the real need to have the online permitting process brought back um had some round T discussions with all the three of us and kind of I felt it was best operated where because Mac handles about 70% of the bus traffic into the city that they would and they have a very robust online uh permit process through all of their tours and everything so uh you know we're looking at they will kind of manage the online system they will out of the fee they will take a processing you know they'll take their cost out of that and then the remaining fees will go over to the Chamber of Commerce so that they can continue the good work that they do by being a good Steward of welcoming people to uh the city and kind of making sure they get to the right place where they whether they need lodging restaurants retail and and kind of Point them in that right direction and keep them moving so um there's really not a lot of involvement this the city does as part of that per process um so we're kind of I anticipate the ordinance coming back in that to reflect how it's being operated today uh how do we uh uh make sure that these mini buses are processed is that something we do with the license PL reader is that something right now it's you know that's probably have to be involved you know that's going to be a thing that we're going to have to look at and and figure out because I don't even think under the current process or even the process preco that was kind of the I'll say the wild west and so that's going to have to be in some involvement whether it's code enforcement police and and making sure that um you know we're going to be looking for uh the bus permit placard in the window of the buses and you know we we'll look for enforcement uh one thing we will probably do is do public Outreach with the different hotels wedding venues when they come to the city to to get a uh a wedding permit whether it's on the beach or something like that you know just to kind of publicize hey this is what needs to be um this is when you need a permit when you're driving a bus transportation bus into the city also oh I'm sorry Mr Meer um also the um AC Jitney does a lot of these for private so that would be someone a group we should reach out to and obviously and let them know that this is now going to be a requirement we have that relationship but they but they I see them often times doing private events they're probably a lineon share of a lot of the private events I I think uh a concern that some uh residents may have whether it's in the City of Cape May or on the island as a whole is that where where's the maximum uh amount of buses that are allowed in the K May and where do residents expect them to be parked right now if when you if you look at what the chamber Commerce is there's the five parking spots at the Welcome Center um there is a provision for overflow I I think on Pittsburgh Avenue I believe there's a provision for the police chief to permit additional you know based on seasonality and and what's going on uh to allow overflow buses uh to park on pburg Avenue that's what the the rules established now have it's very uncom I just wanted to put out there and then yeah and then part of the fee structure is also you know a lot of some hotels have accommodations to be able to park at the um at the various hotels and that's where the differing fee structure whether or not you're going to use the Welcome Center lot or a city street or use you know if you're parking at a hotel we still want to track it but you know that's a different fee that was well established different separations thank you that's all I have for right now thank you thank you Mr Dietrich and again thank you for all your hard work on all that no problem uh Mr solicitor I don't have anything tonight mayor thank you okay on to ordinances for introduction yes we have ordinance 532-2020 ordinance providing for the implementation of state requirements for lead based pain inspections for certain residential rental dwelling units okay do do I have a motion I'll make a motion just to bring this up for discussion do I have a second I'll second so we've received um a lot of comments on this um specifically from Realtors and uh Mr Dietrich or Mr solicitor whoever would like to jump in first sure have a little discussion and then uh right go back to council here I know this was briefly discussed at the last council meeting I wasn't uh present but um the intent was to include the the short-term rentals and the long-term rentals uh short-term rentals are obviously aren't required under the uh the state statute uh from an administrative process as well as a um just looking at a health and safety you know looking at it trying to remove lead from this throughout the city whether it's paint or in the pipes you know a health and safety standpoint you know administratively we looked at you know trying to do it we did look at removing the fees from the uh short-term rentals just to show that hey you know this was not a an attempt just to grab fees and additional set of fees from our short-term rental properties um but it was really more of a concern of a health and safety and administrative process uh I I know several Council people have fielded concerns I feeled some concerns from some local Property Owners you know uh you know rental property owners as well as Realtors I know uh Chris has also received similar uh requests so I think it I think it probably is prudent at this point if we could remove the short-term rental portion of the ordinance and but move forward with the long-term rental provision that's you required under the statute so we can move this program forward um maybe the the council would be interested in maybe we set up a small subcommittee to further review you know the issue of short-term rentals and just review with the the realer community on how we're going to implement the program um just to kind of give a little education and um you know then introducing it will allow the city to to move forward with how we're going to administer the program you know we've discussed internally how we're going to administer it obviously changing and removing the short-term rentals changes some of the flexibility that we have in it but I feel confident um with our staff that we'll we'll be able to administer the program as necessary under the state regulations but but the first step is we need a enabling ordinance to do so can I ask a question then um to the solicitor um and just to be clear to everyone at the table and in the audience if uh this is first reading so or introduction rather um would we introduce an an amended ordinance in regards to meeting the state minimum and I just want to be clear to the folks in the audience and and and everyone up here uh what Mr Dietrich just described was what we what we have to do the bare minimum by state law which I think would make sense to pass this evening just to make sure we're in compliance that goe I I would counter that by saying that if we're going to introduce this now and we're going to involve the the real estate Community or anybody else you know private uh renters uh would we have to uh amend this to have to why would we why would we introduce this now if we're going to have to to amend it later and it's not going to be I would say I would to to that councilman Meyer I would say that the the amendment to make this conform to the bare minimum under the statute is a pretty simple one okay um and I could go over that what that would look like and it would be amending a line in a number um in the exceptions list and before we go there if I could just say one because because to M to uh councilman Meyer's comment um I do think formulating a subcommittee on this makes a lot of sense to address any of the other concerns um I I heard from several different realtors Who had who had um concerns and I said look we'd love to have you comment on those on a subcommittee so um but going back to the process of this uh why don't you I think it's appropriate to ask you for the amendment that you would suggest and then we discuss that as a that Fair Mr Myer let me just follow have some comment and if before that if I could just address Mr Myer's comments I think it would I think if we have the subcommittee and further discuss it I don't think we would come back quickly with an amendment discussing short term or to amend what we would potentially introduce tonight and subse subsequently adopt I think we would probably because the short-term rentals probably wouldn't want to be inspected until the off seon when you know we wouldn't want to interrupt their busier part of the season anyway so if we're going to discuss but it wouldn't mean that we would have to effectuate it right away we could come back with a recommendation but make it effective October 1st so I I you know I'm sort of jumping in here I don't want to see this just go away I'm going to say that right now um on the record yeah I want if we're going to put together a subgroup I want them to start the work and come back with a recommendation in a timely fashion the date in which we execute on it I think can be determined not interfere but there are there are considerations here that go beyond you know one side um and I want those explored and discussed um and made known publicly you know the balance between the concerns that was legislated at the state and we've we took a different approach I support that approach for my own reasons which I won't get into but I do think that it warrants a discussion with a subgroup with representation from all sides but that I'd like for that to come back sooner rather than lat right but but the implementation I think I was trying to address that with M that that it would move you know not necessarily right away right that's that's understood I think that the city should make uh a statement or at least I'll make the statement on on my own behalf and I think I have a good feeling of where we are uh our discussions which is the best for the community you know we're trying to make this as most affordable and compliant with the state and streamlined MH and I think when it comes to having the subcommittee there's more than just this subcommittee talking about uh lead paint we're talking about the entire process of the fire inspection how can we how can we improve ourselves the inspection and and streamline this entire process to make it best for the business community and and and uh most affordable for us because we want to keep this in house we want to keep it affordable and uh we want to we want control basically is that Fair statement on on that point yes uh councilman Meyer that just to avoid any confusion that following our discussion at the last meeting as I understood it and as everybody should understand this did not come from the five of you it came from the state imposing this obligation on every municipality and then each town has to figure out how they're going to implement it either through an outside agency or from within some towns are charging $450 to $650 for these inspections and one of the things that one of the reasons this recommendation to implement it through the fire prevention Bureau was to approach it with efficiency in mind and also the cost in mind so that we could do it in house do it with our own inspectors with the certification and also avoid coming back multiple times for multiple inspections you can you can kill two birds with one stone essentially so there was a lot of positives of implementing it this way having said that um we are under sort of a gun so to speak to get these inspections started just on this the minimums required under the statute so for that reason I would recommend that Council proceed with at the very least the minimums and we can consider um you know other options and just to be clear there's State mandated minimums I mean so right and and with that I can propose an amendment a very simple amendment to this ordinance um in section c of the proposed language under two you go one two and there' be a new three and it would say is a single family and two family seasonal rental dwelling units is a single family or two family seasonal rental dwelling units that are rented for less than six months duration each year by tenants that do not have consecutive lease renewals and then there would be an or at the end of that because all of these exceptions are or that parrots the language from the statute so and that candidly and this excluded that the city was going to go a step further for for other reasons um but that um would restore essentially that uh exemption and with that we'd be doing the minimum required under the law now there is another thing that you can be aware of but I don't I didn't hear a lot of objections about this part but it is important to note is the frequency of in inspections there's a three-year requirement under the statute but a certificate that is only good for two years and from my reading of the frequently asked questions session that the DCA conducted even they were sort of scratching their heads at that and I think it's setting people up for failure and I think they sort of are scratching their heads at that for that reason so what this does is it tracks an inspection period two years with a 2-year certificate um I don't see anything legally wrong with that I think it's putting people in a better position to stay in compliance um and it's a modest change to the state process and it just keeps for organizational purposes I think that's a better outcome so that would be preserved and I didn't hear any objections about that because I think it makes a lot of sense but I have a weird question I think it's kind of basic once you're approved aren't you into clear forever so there's there's a lead free certificate and then there's a lead safe certificate and one of the the just to highlight the differences in the inspection process say the city like many others but there's different levels of inspection the city is a visual assessment territory which my understanding from speaking with our Fire official who has the certification they go in and observe whether there's chipped paint if they observe it there's an abatement notice they have to sand and paint and they go back in nine times out of 10 I think is that's going to be the outcome on on things like this so it's not a complete shut down the building everything has to to be shut down for it's it's kind of a a low impact um inspection in most cases now there're there's always going to be outliers but in most cases that's that's the assessment that's the outcome that's the abatement um was my our understanding from speaking with the Fire official and I've I'm also certified so I've taken the the test um the uh to get the the lead free certification it either had to have been like a gut rehab project so if you can show construction permits that you're you know if your house is a pre 78 house and you were down to the studs and you rebuil it you can get a leadfree certification obviously you know and that's usually or you can if you have it going tested you could go actively go in have your house tested to verify to see if you have lead paint and then that would be another way to uh to kind of get that lead free Sur and then yes then you would never have to get another inspection and then under our ordinance we were only charging we were anticipating only charging for the inspection not for I'll say the registration and renewal so if you had that Reg you know you know you're provide us that one certification you're done forever um kind of a thing Mr Dietrich just be because there's probably people listening who don't know can you hit on that 1978 number and why that matters I mean so 1978's the kind of the year that they figure that all of the lead based paint was kind of out of the market and not readily available to be able to paint your house so you know that's kind of where they chose that date to figure houses built after that we using non-leed paint um in their homes the differen is in terms of process for houses built after 1978 are are not required I mean can you go through yeah any any any home built there's built after 1978 obviously would not have to uh even be inspected be registered or anything like that so that's you so it is a small subset uh you know I I mean I forget I don't have the numbers here but you know we were trying to do that rough number calculation but it's about 30 to 40% maybe 150 right so it's you we're not we're not talking about a a large portion and that's of the not of our whole housing stock but that's of the rental housing stock so it's not a high number of properties even though you know you think Kate May's you know historic a lot of old homes but a lot of them aren't in that time frame couple of quick things yes because I was the one that kind of took the lead on this um and when we went into our meeting we were looking at how this can be implemented within the city of Kate May Fire Prevention came back and uh we really wanted to make sure that it was done inhouse um that was our biggest thing we wanted to make sure that it was visual not the dust swipe um to not over regulate a lot of what you know what is um uh you know kind of what the state has we wanted to try to do the minimum um so talking to um our uh city manager at the time we had an understanding that we couldn't do certain things as far as the software city manager has assured us that we can do this we can make sure that we do it inhouse I'm very comfortable with um approving this ordinance or introducing the ordinance uh eliminating because we were originally you know told that we had to do both in conjunction but eliminating um the short term and then only doing the visuals so I mean and when I say it was going to make it administratively much easier and simpler so sure there there's going to be some leg work and we're going to have to change it so you know that you know that's why we started that that was one of the reasons why we looked at doing it ENC Compass but I'm sure you whatever ever Council puts forth as as an ordinance we'll figure it out and we'll make it work I just have one question is there a requirement that a um either an brokerage or an owner notify the city if they make a decision to change from shortterm to long term well that's that's part of that was part of our administrative conundrum process and and that'll be part of you know that's one reason why we wanted fire prevention to be involved in that because they're in both of those housing stocks and and and they're seeing which one flows to the other we also can cross reference through the mertile process and no I'm just asking is there currently a process that requires a property owner to notify us if they go from being a short-term rental and making a decision during the winter months house is vacant that they want to go to under the statute yes okay um if they're going to if they're going to have a change over in tency to create establish a long-term tenant they do they have the obligation to notify the city M right of that change over and that conversion okay so they really should I for their own sake yeah thank you okay so uh it sounds like we have uh um consensus on passing the minimum um I'm going to ask the solicitor for suggestion um because I'd like anyone who has a person that they think should be on this subcommittee which should be a quick process uh as as has been stated probably implementing this after this season but uh we should be able to get people together quickly um should we vote on the amended ordinance first uh Mr solicitor or put together a subcommittee I would deal if I could just recommend as rather than having a subcommittee have a task force that's fine yeah you the language I think is important in you know how how we can imp it is a task force yeah we could we could potentially you know formulate a task force resolution for the next meeting and deal with the ordinance today and that might give everybody some time to is everyone okay with that yeah okay fine does do we have to formalize a task force can we create a liaison to create that for us and do an adog it's fine to do an adog yeah I mean I think each of us has their ideas on who they think might best be you know a representative um you know to have an objective view um I'm just saying I I just don't have I'd rather just streamline this this is my point I understand and it it may be it may be a one meeting task force too so we're talk we we're already talking about it in public so yeah I'm all in favor okay so is your suggestion to vote on this first vote on the amendment and then the you know we if council's in favor of you know establishing a uh you know limited task force for the purposes of evaluating the other portions of this ordinance that haven't been adopted tonight um that can be a separate motion do I have a motion to amend I'll make the motion a second and the the language that I went over earlier m is that correct yes okay motion to amend second and roll call council member Yer yes council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor Balwin yes mayor mullik yes do I have a motion on the amended ordinance I'll make a motion do I have a second I'll second roll call council member Jagger yes council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor bobwin yes mayor mik yes and just going back to the task force um I think we do want to have people meet on that quicker while while the issue is at hand um I was contacted by two folks who were concerned and basically said well join the task force uh and that was former mayor uh Ed mahany and uh planning board um uh chairperson uh bill bazer so I would appreciate if we if everyone would be comfortable with them serving on the task force if that's okay absolutely and frankly would take nominations for anyone at this point or or later whatever whatever works for everybody um I'd like to nominate Steve Bodner Steve Bodner okay no objection anyone now or later Mr Meer I'm I'm free okay I think it's more open and cl yeah is is there a council person that well um deputy mayor has been been involved yeah that's fine and I'll I have somebody in mind but I'll get back to you about that you don't want to tell them they're on it before you tell [Laughter] them okay so uh we have uh several members and and again any council member if you have a suggestion please let me let me know and we'll put them on the task force this is not a closed thing um should we should we vote on that the formulation of the task force yeah you can do a voice vote on that okay do I have just for purposes of the minutes do I have a motion to for formulate a task force in regards to the lad uh ordinance so moved do I have a second I'll second and I guess we'll State for the record um again that's former mayor Ed mahaney uh planning board chairperson uh Bill bazer uh Steve Bodner and uh anyone else that recommended and a player to be named later say again and a player to be named later sure and now I I think we obviously should had have um Deputy Mayor right and that'll and that'll make F I mean yeah and and and and city manager yep that works yeah yeah yeah fire inspector fire inspector definitely Mark bar well staff will yeah staff staff yeah okay it's fluid yeah all right so we have a motion and a second uh roll call please council member Jagger yes council member Meyer yes yes council member mcde yes Deputy Mayor bin yes mayor M yes thank you everybody okay all right moving on to 533-2240 code sections 7-13 regarding prohibited parking and 7-23 regarding loading zones do I have a motion I'll make a motion do I have a second I'll second um can I comment on before just please um so there's two uh Street sections you know two different section one's a uh parking prohibited on Conger Street and the other is a loading zone on Jackson Street both of those are existing striped in today and I think both of them have been that way for many years when I've been out and about doing other business I interactions I noticed that they were when I checked they weren't codified in the the book so I just felt it was appropriate to at the start of the season to kind of get them on the books uh for the start of the Season sounds reasonable to me any other questions or comments Council good work yep roll call council member Jagger yes council member Meer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor bin yes mayor mullik yes all right we have the public portion on the resolutions only anyone wishing to speak please come to the microphone state your name and address for the record this is on resolutions Stacy Shan 928 Columbia Avenue my question is on um resolution 163 the establishing of Passenger transport bus permit fees and I I think Mr Meyer brought that up I just want to clarification so you're raising the fees on these B bus permits but the city's not going to be collecting any of that money right because it's going to go to the physic estate and the Chamber Okay so so we're raising a fee but we're not going to be getting any of it correct okay any other comments on um resolutions this evening seeing none we can close public comment on resolutions right moving on to the consent agenda um is there anything minutes aside I'll address those in a moment um is there anything Council would like to remove from the consent agenda obviously 16205 I don't believe we took action on yet so we'll remove surf camp anything else Council no sounds like nothing okay um regarding the minutes uh there's a lot of them we're mostly all caught up Dennis is very happy to see um there are a number of abstentions if you're okay I will list them and then we'll incorporate those into the minutes if if you're on board all right so mayor mullik will abstain from the September 19th 23 special meeting minutes Deputy Mayor Baldwin will abstain from the April 16th 2024 special meeting minutes council member Jagger will abstain from the November 14th 2023 Clos meeting minutes council member Meyer will uh abstain from the September 5th 23 special meeting the September 5th 23 Clos meeting the September 19th 23 special meeting the September 19th Clos meeting the January 16th 2024 regular meeting the April 2 24 special meeting and the April 2nd work session meeting everybody agree we're good okay okay that being said and with that it's fair to just vote Yes yes yeah we'll we'll denote those for the minutes that you all will abstain from those individual ones so we can go ahead and adopt the consent agenda minus 16205 2024 do I have a motion I'll make the motion do I have a second I'll second roll call council member Jagger yes council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor bobwin yes mayor mullik yes all right going back to 16205 2024 resolution authorizing competitive contract number 24-5 to Ego Ventures group in a fair and open manner for surf School instruction concessionaire vendor do I a motion to table I'll make a motion to table do I have a second I'll second roll call council member yger yes council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor Balwin yes mayor mullik yes and on to Old business any old Business Council um Yes actually I I do have something here um to kind of bring everybody up this speed um this I something I talked about uh starting last November which was the 2022 um audit by Ford Scott on our our business practices and books Etc and uh I have re you know responded to um or reported on this one time in the past um I met with the CFO back in November to identify um you know previously uh uh key issues from the previous administration that should be addressed in this Administration um and the CFO and I identified 17 items um and at the December meeting um all of the items that were identified were addressed except for a few pain points I guess we want to called them there were some more difficult um issues to address so um having received the more recent update from the CFO um I'm pleased to report that U most of those pain points have been eliminated um what they did is uh further one of the issues which was payroll liability accounting they in initiated a new payroll platform and it addressed the important payroll liability tracking procedures um the other thing they did was develop new purchasing procedures um to be sure that all expenditures uh are encumbered prior to purchases being made to ensure sufficient funds are available for those purchases and the last item um the new qpa we have uh also addressed the issue of um our vendors that must fill out political contribution disclosure forms if they are paid more than $17,500 a year so that has been put in place um everything on the list has been completed except for number one um number one is uh was We were supposed to contract for gasb Actuarial analysis to the Lifeguard pension fund um the reason that hasn't been done is because the state is actually doing an a complete audit of the entire lifeguard pension fund so um our CFO will be waiting until the state completes that audit their audit um and they'll be making recommendations to us and then we will it makes sense to hire the Actuarial analysis at that time so good news is um we should do pretty well in the next next audit that's coming up I guess in late summer whatever it's not a long update but I know that took a lot of time and effort Mike so thank you very much I mean that's uh that's great so thank you uh okay any uh new business city solicitor I'm sorry did anyone else have old business just wanted to mention that no that's okay that the Jitney brochures have been printed um they're getting distributed this week and have confirmed um with Casey and her team that the signs that we purchased last year for the bus wraps will be on there uh this coming weekend so they will be identified as Kate May shuttles um and not um you know the the company that we contract with so I think that's great very good any any other old Business Council new business city solicitor I don't have anything tonight mayor I hope everybody has a nice memorial day week thank you uh city manager uh thank you I have uh three things uh first I put it your um Das uh at the quanis um Park bathroom project uh there's I put a proposed change order for $ 29,8 12 um and it's mainly for two items electrical service and a uh a sewer force a pump station for the to pump the sewer out to the Sewer ban um when we were developing this project the the site engineer had said when the contractor was doing the park Improvement said you know that they had coordinated utility service at the building well they didn't uh so when the bids went out these two items weren't able to be incorporated into it uh so we need to run an electrical service uh to the building and then uh it you know the the pipe is there uh for the pump station but the actual installation and of the pump is not there so um I just just wanted to get a verbal kind of a if I can get a motion vote this evening on this and we'll formalize this with a resolution at the next meeting but in order to keep the contractor moving I wanted to you know I just you know we just I just got this last night and I wasn't able to really get it on the agenda formally but I at least wanted to present it to the council and um I know you haven't had a lot of time but those two items are reasonable in in looking at previous projects that that I've done in the past and um it's necessary you know we can't obviously operate the bathroom without electric and somewhere for the bathroom to go so you're asking for a verbal approval verbal approval uh and the amount again Mr uh it was uh 29,8 $612 and that's summation on this sheet and if you on the on the reverse side it does have uh it's a 12% of the project costs okay correct force it uphill correct seems reasonable to me yeah it has to be done done we don't want to delay the bathroom project really have another okay Choice uh should we have a formal motion approving this I I'll make that motion do I have a second I'll second R uh any questions or comments Council and then we would just have a formal resolution on the next agenda doing you for the formal resolution roll call please council member Jager yes council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor Balwin yes mayor mullik yes thank you um in your packet um and it's on the agenda I wanted to discuss uh regarding that permit for private recreation in a public space similar to a facilities of use permit um and this would be an ordinance and this would cover you know the different variety of people that already kind of you know have teach surfing Yoga Star watching whatever the different activities and different people go out and charge or have different events whether they charge or not um but we don't know necessarily the contact name of all those people uh insurance and indemnification um and and those different things so this ordinance would establish kind of the rules and for that to really just to provide the contact information um and get their different uh insurance and hold harmless and indemnification stuff so that we have that on file and a I'll say a modest uh application fee for not for pro a different application fee for not for profits compared to for-profit businesses okay didn't didn't we at one point um approve either an application or something very similar to this it's ringing kind of true to me I I think that was for event you did the special events ordinance which this is I would characterize this as the little brother or sister to that ordinance it's like it's okay this is for those types of smaller groups and Gatherings where people may be charging a fee where it's going to leave no Trace at the end of it and it's also not going to require us to shut down a street or uh use substantially consumed city services and those types of things special event would like uh 5K or something like that shutting down streets sure and but and really the only city involvement would potentially be besides registering it would be potentially um the captain of beach Patrol chief of beach Patrol you know reviewing to make sure the conditions are safe sure you know to to operate the activity but as Chris said you know it's not involving Fire EMS or any of the other City Services Public Works and those kinds of things and if it did you you could point to the next section do the next one right okay this and this is lower impact type uses limited duration um and it would not unlike other towns they have forms you can fill out I didn't actually see a lot of ordinances but what this does is it provides the rules of the road for how the city expects those uses to function and ultimately they have to yield to instructions of City officials and the city's uses are always going to Prevail but um you know if there's areas of the beach at times a day when it's not really impeding other people's use to that and people want to have a class Insurance indemnification um it just provides a streamlined process for that and recognizing that maybe those are lower impact uses and and can continue are we looking for this to be on next month's okay yes okay and obviously if you have any questions you'll reach out to me and we'll or Chris and we'll try to address them uh the next thing I had is um now that the budget has been adopted we'd like to move forward with some of the capital projects to start that process moving forward uh so the the first page is kind of a summary of the general Capital uh water sewer and Beach Capital as well as if you if you recall um on that left column in the middle box is a uh in the municipal budget we had a line item for capital projects you know so that it wouldn't impact you know future bonding so that's those are the projects there um the following sheets and just the general capital projects was a total of uh 9 million 970,000 um looking at a the 1.1 million out of the municipal budget that was budgeted for we did kind of just give you there's some future General capital projects that you know you we we tried to peel off some of the projects that we know we're not starting this year you know and they may be a future year uh in the water and sewer we're looking at 1.8 uh million obviously we're looking at a future water sewer Capital project uh 2 million for and we just put a placeholder just and this really you know we are will we will be evaluating the water tower refurbishment repainting necessary but we don't anticipate that being in the next six-month time frame and then looking at the beach Capital 1.4 million including both the uh matching portion of the prominade uh Grant match as well as some other miscellaneous equipment improvements uh that that would be Associated for the beach Capital fund um the other sheets behind it kind of give a little more detailed breakdown uh for those projects um this morning myself uh Deputy manager Rigs and uh uh CFO uh Mr Haney met with Leon to uh kind of go over all of these projects impact to you know the budget and stuff like this um you know to to cut to the chase that we have we have upwards of $50 million of potential bonding capacity before it would even affect the budget um so it's kind of you know how the budget's been established and and how bonds will be dropping off uh you know a large large amount of bond will be dropping off in 2025 another set of bonds dropping off in 2031 so you know how they've developed the budget and and the the annual debt repayment for all the different bonds and and how it all works out we we average about five 5.6 million I think that was the capital number per year that we're looking at and and it kind of if we keep at that steady Pace you know it doesn't really have the impact from a year-to-year basis on the capital budget so all of these capital projects fit obviously within the the the needs uh this is obviously our short-term needs as far as the projects that we anticipate moving mov forward in the short term um and that's you know what I would anticipate and and request from Council is I've present this list to you today uh you know Bond Council will be working on a proposed ordinance for introduction at the next meeting uh at the sub you know and then typically you know the public hearing and potential final adoption would be two meetings after that so the the the meeting in between the bond introduction and the public hearing uh meeting uh that would be the June 18th meeting I would ask in and scheduling on the agenda to have uh the different project Engineers come in and discuss in detail and have project plans or draft concept plans for the various projects that we're ready to advance and move forward so that we can kind of make a presentation to both Council and to the public um and prior to the uh introduction as I've talked uh I've developed that construction projects page on the website that kind of outlines uh different projects uh we will have a a summary uh on the website prior to the the the introduction as well as you know plans and uh some potentially cost estimates so that the you know the public is aware of what these future projects intend and and have some some detail obviously not all projects are going to have a lot of specificity um but you know to the ones that we have and ready to present you know they'll be out there but at least there'll be a description of each project and that and that's kind of the you know kind of the you know three the next three meetings so to speak of of laying out the approval process for the capital Bond projects can I ask a quick question um CME and the desalination plan yes exactly where does that stand currently cuz that's not part of um so CME we've uh we' allowed them to proceed forward with the pimary design we if you recall the city received uh $600,000 Grant uh from the EPA which was directed through the Congressional directive spending um so they've been authorized to move forward with the design uh we did meet with the design team I think it's about two weeks ago now um and they kind of outlined uh from a um Grant perspective of what we see as anticipated grants uh so if we're looking at you know they have some you know the estimates because it's still preliminary the estimates have been varying between 42 to just around $40 million um I think that that that number as they get through the design will probably come down slightly uh we're anticipating in having uh grants you know because a lot of the funding sources we received 1.75 million in Congressional directed spending this fiscal year uh we've you know had preliminary discussions with both um the ibank which is the state revolving fund for infrastructure as well as the USDA they both couple it's a grant loan process where they give you a a loan and then they forgive upwards of 20 to 30% of that loan um so when you consider that as a grant we're looking at having potential grants for $8 to $22 Million worth of the project so you know we're anticipating bonding or needing uh $20 million worth of uh funding uh from the K City perspective we're about 70% of that flow so looking at you know 70% of that cost we did have some plinary discussions with uh Leon and um you know it's kind of the numbers don't look that bad you know so you know $20 million over the 25 to you know your life cycle you're running about a million dollars worth of annualized costs so 70% of that is around 700,000 um we have about 40 500 users in the system so you know it puts it down to maybe $120 I didn't run that quick math but you know $120 $125 per year per customer so it's not an astronomical you know you know number but you know it's it's a manageable number to get a new water treatment facility I mean we're still looking to get more grants but we'll know more I think towards the end of this year as as it moves forward to fine-tune those numbers you know those numbers are very broad brushed macro numbers macro numbers at this point so um but it's something that we're moving forward and it's for good quality Quality Water good I mean good quality water that that we need yes okay can I ask something can I ask you a question uh Mr manager um people are super psyched about these Beach walkways there are people dancing on the beach that haven't been on the in over a year and uh can you talk about where that funding came from uh that and that was actually going to be what I was going to close with perect this evening so um yes the the Ada mats are rolling down the beach uh I think we are probably the first community that I know of on you know in New Jersey that has has a beach mat that runs parallel to the ocean obviously everybody's been adding the beach mats to to get onto the beach but I think we're probably the first ones that did that I mean I can't take full credit to this you know I think Zach is probably going to you know I forget who brought it up the idea but um you know we that was one of the DCA grants that that the city applied for uh it's an ADA small cities Grant uh we received 400,00 000 uh from the state obviously we we have a match in that uh a part of that because of the funding we're we're doing the Ada mats we're buying an additional 12 Ada beach chairs and uh we also will be redecking in the fall the Mount Vernon um beach access platform uh as part of that $400,000 Grant um but that was all mostly funded through Ada Grant and we are anticipating uh as the start of summer we uh the first Beach concert is uh this Friday at 6:30 so we will be hope kind of doing a ribbon cutting at convention hall uh this Friday to kind of officially open up the uh the beach mats um signs will be going up this uh week bikes are not permitted on the new beach mats it is just not wide enough it's not safe enough to have bikes and pedestrians on that uh obviously if you're in a wheelchair handicapped accessible type of you know scooter kind of things I think that's acceptable but you know skateboards bicycles it's really not safe to have both users on there it's just not wide enough but in regards to that I just um I think we should put signs up sooner than later but uh should we I think and I think we really put that under the existing prominade ordinance but uh really it's a question for Chris about um I think is are we looking at a new ordinance in regards to that um one of the differences I see obviously is um the prominade you know you can have bikes till 10:00 a.m. right okay um that's not what we're looking for on this so I just technically should we be looking at a different ordinance for that for maybe the next meeting yeah it's I'm having trouble seeing something on our C current ordinance that would cover Beach mats as a new thing so um right and and we can clear that up with a um an amendment pretty quickly by the next meeting okay does a city manager have the authority to have executive Authority yes yeah in in the meantime time safety right he just indicated it's not safe to have those things out there and it's it's for the reason we did it was Ada access right cool but I enforceable I think it I mean I think it's been you know just seeing some of the comments on Facebook seeing you know talking to some of the people as you've been out there and and interacting talking to some of our employees that have interacted with the public I think everybody's excited to be out there um and it does give uh you know somebody that does have some disabilities to enjoy a little bit more of our beach than just coming straight out and seeing it they get to to enjoy that plus I think it'll allow users in the morning where the bikes are a little heavy on the prominade it'll give somebody that wants to walk a little more leisurely to not have to dodge the bikes and give them a little place of uh respit exactly but I'm looking forward to it so 6:30 this Friday uh before the uh Beach concert this kick off the summer concert series that's great okay uh thank you city manager uh city clerk any updates yes just a few mayor um as council member McDade mentioned the free shuttle is service is beginning this weekend uh Friday through Monday from 400 p.m. to 10: p.m. following this weekend the shuttles will run on the weekends only um until June 9th and then beginning June 14th it'll be 7 days a week through the season through Labor Day so you can get the Jitney Surfer app and if you have any questions reach out to convention hall um as manager Dietrich mentioned we do have for Memorial Day weekend we have our kind of kickoff to Summer free concert featuring am gold this Friday the 24th um from 6:30 to 8: at the convention hall Beach um following that on Monday of course we have various Memorial Day ceremonies about town um the first one being Monday May 27th at 11:00 a.m. at soldiers and sailor Park in conjunction with the American Legion and the VFW and the Coast Guard uh immediately following that at approximately around noon uh the tracon Kate May and flotilla 82 the auxiliary will launch the uh Flower Boat from the gurnie street beach as well and then after that ceremony is completed the flower boat's going to be moved down to the cove for to be displayed if anybody wants to take pictures or take a look at that so please come on out to those uh those events on Memorial Day that's it mayor okay mayor I forgot one last thing I apologize um so Beach tag wanted me to give an update to council and the public on preseason sales so from January 1st to uh April 30th uh revenue is up 124,00 I can't read the the rest of the numbers but but it's about that and uh the tag count is up over 4,000 from that same period of time so so um we're looking to start a robust season I think so if that's if that's where we're starting from yeah so yeah we just have to have weather to cooperate but preseason sales are looking very robust okay uh Deputy Mayor any updates you'll bring up the kiosks right oh do you want to bring up the kiosks good city man go ahead that's so oh oh you did so there's been a lot of discussion regarding parking uh the city was listening the whole time and uh you know we we worked diligently Public Works Eric over Public Works scalled and scraped and we found somebody to uh that actually could coordinate with our Park Mobile enforcement because that was something that was real critical um but we're uh looking to install three kiosks tomorrow so they'll be operational before the weekend one will be on the carpenter one will be on Rotary Park to kind of handle the ly Mansion side and one will be at Jackson Street parking lot so so um you know that will be an availability to pay with a credit card at those locations and then it'll sync your uh license plate into the enforcement app and you know parking enforcement will be able to check it that way that was so one of the big benefits of this kiosk was it worked directly with Park Mobile so that really it work Park Mobile Works directly with the police so they so it really is a nice cohesion and and did a lot of work and and arm twisting to get them delivered so that we could install them this week so great um I know it's been a frustration for some learning curve for others but uh you know we did look and try to find a a reasonable alternative cost-wise for the city to uh Implement a non phone app solution and I just like to imagine like that that was a fast five weeks I think and the whole time that it took was just getting it the preparation was done ahead of time so that was done very quickly yeah we yeah yeah we jumped on it and you know we heard quickly we didn't wait till the last minute and go to Walmart and pick these up at of off the shelf thank you for your work on that thank you uh Deputy Mayor anything else okay uh council member Meyer uh yes uh this also coordinates with Deputy Mayor and I we are part of this group task force with uh Justin uh to you know reenact this book Brigade that we have in the city of Kate May and uh and also promote the grand opening ceremony uh we have this book Brigade June 13th 20124 1 p.m it's going to be along the same book route uh join us when we pass books from Ocean Street to Franklin Street to celebrate the grand opening of the County's librar the County Library's newest branch in Kate M City uh the ribbon cutting will be at 3:00 at the school for any information uh please call Rachel erle at 609 827 4118 uh so I've been uh stuffing envelopes yesterday and sending out emails any nonprofit I can think of uh if I haven't thought of you just please contact us um our letter which was with the help by the way of uh my assistant at the library they're my uh the the ones that proof for you in all my work that's cool it says the city of K May invites you to the or you and your organization's membership to participate in the city's second book Brigade on May 20 on May 22nd 1982 the city moved the books from the former Library which is in the base was in the basement of the city hall to the current location on Ocean Street the books were moved by a human chain of volunteers like an oldfashioned book I'm sorry fire Bucket Brigade the city is reenacting this uh book Brigade on June 13th 202 before around 1 p.m. uh thankfully the county worked with us to push a date back so that these the kids from the uh schools who getting out at 1:05 p.m. to also participate with their F uh parents so you know please join us as representatives of your organization as well as the community uh please share this information and post flyers on your bulletin boards and around the town uh this event will be one for the history books absolutely cool the history books exactly I love it all right uh council member McDade uh nothing at this time mayor council member Jer nothing thank you mayor okay I just again I I just have some thank yous and and really again um thank the citizens of Kate May for their patience with the roads and thank the county for their partnership um the county did a really wonderful job working with the city um we had a lot of work up prior to them starting but also during the process um minor changes that came up any issues that came up with residents on the road uh broken pipes and things like that the county never they I don't think they really ever told us no maybe a couple little things but uh they really worked with us and and I just want to say a special thank you to Bob church but uh of course the U administrator um Kevin Lair and of course all of the uh County Commissioners who support orted all of these projects it's a lot of k money and Kate May in fact um I was up for a County open space meeting they had the commissioner meeting uh beforehand and uh just to report the amount of times that Kate May City came up as uh as things that they needed to approve within their budget I kind of felt bad about having to make our next presentation uh but I I do want to thank them very much I want to thank the Department of Public Works who have been hard at work you all know how much rain we've had lately uh we've had a ton of rain yet they're out there working getting it done the city really is looking uh very nice The Pavilion I went by today uh they are doing some real beautiful Craftsman work at the Pavilion the uh they were starting the flooring inside of the Pavilion today they're using like a beautiful mahogany it it people are going to be really really thrilled um and then again I want to thank the recreation department and uh Casey rigan and Convention Hall they did so much work with that film um so they put so much time and effort that without them I don't think it would have been as smooth as it ended up being and and of course the police department uh Chief CH uh Chief FW is not here this evening but uh his staff just did a one his whole department did a really wonderful job some of them working until 3:00 in the morning uh so they did a great job there and uh again I just want to thank um the department of Pok Works getting ready for Memorial Day I saw them putting the flags out today on Beach Avenue they look beautiful and I I know they're been working on the soldiers and sailor park for Memorial Day Monday for our event um which I of course invite everyone to attend and and really it is a beautiful ceremony and the flower booat ceremony right after is is really a beautiful event so with that we'll open it up for public comment anyone wishing to speak please come to the microphone state your name and address for the record thank you Chris good afternoon Chris bizer to 28 Windsor Avenue uh I have a couple things I'll try to keep it quick um first of all you guys have thanked everybody enough but I want to thank again everybody that helped to get the roads done in time it's obviously a huge task um on that note I do have one minor question that was addressed before and I hope it's going to be addressed again and that is the stop sign in front of kings and at cers on Jackson and Perry it was addressed that that was going to be Revisited because it's still there so that that striping bless you is a special inlay overlay as part of the crosswalk so that's going to be scheduled in the upcoming week so that that that revision is still forthcoming will that stop sign remain in the same spot the stop sign in front of cers I believe moves up towards into the intersection more to to create it the the other the the stop on lafette will remain the same okay that answers my question thank you uh the second thing I have I was here several months ago and said I'd be back so now I'm back where do we stand with workingclass housing and the discussions with the Housing Authority I think I reported maybe two meetings ago go I forget we established a uh affordable housing subcommittee we've met the the we're now trying to coordinate a meeting between that housing subcommittee and K housing to work to revise our fair share plan to incorporate that project into it and incorporated into you know allowing a well worth while project go move forward but also meet the affordable housing requirements for the city okay and we feel confident that we'll be able to come up with a mutually beneficial project but ultimately we'll provide good affordable housing opportunities in the city okay good because I I know that's going to require or at least they're requesting some financial assistance on the cities and so I was happy to hear you earlier when you stated that we have room for up to $50 million in bonding which obviously there's other things that are needed but the point is the city has the ability and that's not even addressing the co the existing co- funds and the continuing co- fees that come in every year uh to substantiate some sort of bonding to help them so that you answered my question thank you um the last Point obviously I do want to speak about about the lead based paint um I was the one that contacted every member of council last time to get it addressed and pulled off of the agenda uh I was also one of the many that contacted you this time and going forward there's a couple things um first of all I guess I'm a little disappointed that it takes a member of the public to insert common sense into something sometimes um with all due respect all the members sitting at the table city manager Deputy city manager U you guys have a long you guys have a long list of of accolades and and very intelligent backgrounds in a lot of fields however with government too many times government tries to be a jack of all trades ends up being a master of none um there's no way way that all five of you including city manager Deputy city manager can have all the answers to everything and any time that government tries to legislate I think from a a business standpoint and a personal standpoint less legislation and involvement in personal life and private private enjoyment is better for everybody involved and that being said you know there are times where you guys have to step in and legislate things and I think it only makes common sense that anytime you try to introduce an ordinance to a city that involves a sector albeit restaurants really real estate healthc care tourism whatever it may be that you know it's okay to ask for help it's okay to reach out to that specific Community because there's two different ways of of implementing ordinances and and statutes and there's the black and white legal interpretation and how it gets implemented and then there's the Practical matter also that and a lot of questions that get raised that somebody that isn't involved in that industry may not think to ask um you know I I asked several questions of some of the council members um when I made phone calls regarding the Imp implementation of it I know it's a visual inspection but I I think you know even the visual inspection and the implementation of this ordinance comes up as arbitrary and capricious there's no set guidelines as to okay well it's a chip paint inspection well is that chip paint one inch is it three inches is it two windows is it is it a a floorboard um and those are things that I think could be worked out I have a little more concern also after listening tonight um and with all due respect to Mr Gillan Schwarz I'm not an attorney although I've played one on TV before um but I have spoken to uh other attorneys and I think the reason why you have not seen any other municipality Institute this towards short-term rentals or what they call seasonal rentals in under 180 days is because after speaking to attorneys the way the state legislation is written and specifically written it doesn't allow the municipality to add short-term rentals and that that's the the opinion I've gotten from attorneys and I think going forward whether you're with the task force or not I think you might get some more communication on that from somebody other than me um going forward on it so I appreciate you guys taking that off the agenda this time um and again just in general I just think going forward anytime that the city has something that they want to implement and and this was I'm sorry go back to what Mr dri said um this was not something that was brought up by the city it was brought up by the state that's correct the city took it upon themselves to take it a step further this council did do that so this wasn't forced upon them this the council took a state legislation and they decied Ed to add more things to it so I do think that comes down to council but going forward anytime there's something that needs to be added to the uh to the code book that affects an industry I would hope that going forward Council would think to at least reach out to somebody in that given industry so that they can ask questions or give guidance or uh state things that may not be thought about by anybody at the table because again you guys can't be experts in everything you you guys are experts in a lot of stuff and you guys do great work but it's just it's physically impossible to know every question and every Outlook and you know it's I I government sometimes seems to legislate first and figure it out later and that's when you run into a lot of problems it looks great on paper it sounds great let's enact it let's move forward with it and then four or five months later the practicality of it doesn't work so I just hope to try to avoid that in the future that's all thanks thank you anyone else Mr Rous Jules Rous 10 in um New York Avenue um today I watched a an electric bike at down the prominade somewhere between 25 and 30 mil an hour uh I know the bikes are not permitted after 10:00 um don't know how it's going to be um how it's going to be handled but if we don't put a put a stop to it we're going to have some serious accidents those things uh are are a menace on a small area with uh the increase of the increase of people we have coming to the prominade I I know it's a it's a an issue for the police department but I would encourage the council to um be a little more aggressive in in asking the police to be aggressive on it um and Mr dri want and you know we've talked about the bonds I I would hope as we add increased amounts of bonds that with each one of of them we include with in that the actual cost per year to make that payment of principle and interest so that we can as a community look and see if it's a 25-year bond this is going to be the amount of money that that bond is going to cost us um and I think that's that's an important issue the the other thing that that and I don't know uh Mr strally you may have gotten this publication um it was it was in the heral I don't know whether you've seen this I'm going to give it to to Aaron and she would just copy it it's a it was a news release from d on the upcoming new coastal zone regulations it's uh it's something that we're going to need to be very very Co cognizant of and um and I I hate to think but um I think it's going to have an impact on on Grand applications if we are not current with this thinking moving forward thank you very much thank you Mr Ral and just to uh reiterate what you just said e electric anything is not prohibited on the prominade I just say that publicly electric scooters electric bicycles are not permitted on the prominade it's an Enforcement issue of course at any time yeah yeah have to P you have to yep I don't we don't need to prolong it but I wonder whether and I hate think another another license but uh we have so many people coming in from out of town with their bicycles I don't know how we would license them but maybe at some point if it's a real issue we need to license the electric bikes if that can be done or whether it's a PR prohibited by the state I think it I think it's a state issue and and but it is an issue I how fast can these bicycles go before they're basically a moped etc etc etc I always say that uh it took a 100 years to make you know uh Vehicle Laws you know it takes what 10 years and there's nothing on the books for electric bikes you know it's a shame and if it was up to me if someone's rying up a bike an electric bike on a prominade I wish we had the authority to just confiscate it and say listen pick it up at City Hall you'll learn your letter lesson for next time because it's the same local people that are doing it the the same employees of Kate may not the city of K May of course uh Stacy Shan 928 Columbia Avenue I just have a couple clarifying questions one pertaining to the ordinance about the loading zone and no parking Zone um I'll start with the no parking Zone on Congress Street I went down Congress Street I couldn't find the no parking Zone I was wondering if that's where it was in the very beginning no it's it's directly across from it's the at the T intersection where Congress place is and Congress Street so it's it's across the street where the where the fire hydron is yes and that stretch okay I see okay that that's that thank you and then my other question has to do with the loading zone and is that the one next to Delany no that's the one that's down across you know I'll say across the street from the medad batter okay so across the street from it's down on that section okay there's so many loading I was sure it's the one down in that section cuz I noticed the one next to Delany is a loading zone it's on the opposite side and I wonder if we should maybe move it to and I only knew this because I was looking for it move it to the other side because you have people eating there and that would you know move it away from the public that was just my thought only because I was going down the street today um my second one has to do with which I talked to you earlier and I just wanted to bring it out for public aare aess That by The Rusty Nail now that parking in front of there where there's um I think when they got the permit to have that additional parking and put that Island in there that it was going to be parking and now I noticed that there was a bike lane running through the parking of where those cars are going to be there that's where the it's the County's Road you know even though our plane board may have had that as a condition that they they can't really control the county and that but we've had some discussions with the county and uh hopefully we'll have some discussions after the project is approved and uh been inspected to work with the county and see if we can find some Alternatives in that area Okay so and we're going to anticipate before the weekend is to remove the the park mobile signs along there so there's no confusion that that as it's striped today you can't currently parkle on that section yeah and we had that discussion I just wanted to bring it out for public awareness that you cannot park now on that island side correct um my second uh question has to do with the am Church um I know there's talk about having an addition put on as of now there's no been no permits issued for that addition correct I've seen no proposed plans there's no permits or applications okay that and that would come before Council as a resolution if there was a a building that was going to be built is that correct um not sure if that would need I don't know if that would need Council approval or not the the concept of that was incorporated into the lease and there is a permitting process Incorporated with that in which Mr Gan Schwarz thank you sorry the lease incorporates the the concept of an addition but contemp Ates that it would follow the same tract as a city project which would be you know going through the HPC and any other applicable permitting that would be um applicable to that but Council reviewed the concept of a um an addition and deferred it to the appropriate you know bodies to review that okay so we would never see a resolution coming forth through Council to approve the addition not necessarily so no no no because they already they already they already reviewed that concept like are you're going to do an addition they already they already said they could do the addition provided that it it goes through the the same processes that the city would go through to do that that's all just one clarification um then my other question has to do with the AC electric and I know Mr Myer has been on this the sidewalk and I still see no plans moving forward with a sidewalk around the L City Electric what's the status on that I think between myself and the mayor we've probably had a half a dozen meetings in both in person and electronic back and forth with Lan Electric in trying to make sure that they get the proper Landscaping that the residents in that area deserve for having that facility there and I I think our last meeting last week was pretty productive uh so we're anticipating before the the spring planting season is done that they will do the planting of landscape material along Venice and the corner at Venice and Elmyra and then come back in the fall and do some maybe more planting on Elmyra on the I'll say the West Side north side of uh the substation and then in the fall they would complete the uh road work and sidewalk work so just so I understand what you're saying you're saying that then a sidewalk will probably in the fall correct okay uh my last question just just they had to get D approval for that which took some time unfortunately I I just want to be clear that they were ready to do that this spring but they had the wa for D approval they just got it now then they also now they have timing restrictions with the osprey nest so they can't do the constru that construction work so that construction work has to wait till the spring I mean the fall till the fall okay and then my last I guess I don't know Public Announcement is that um the next council meeting will be on a Wednesday at 3M and I think the public should be made aware of that so that they can let that go forward I actually did mean to say that so thank you yeah it's because of the primary election being on Tuesday so the next meeting is June 5th at 3 p.m. and then it'll be 3 p p.m through the rest of the summer until um Labor Day thank you thank you Ross Ross Johnson um 826 Lafayette Street um I too want to thank Council um for completing the roads they look beautiful um I think we all are going to enjoy them and also Mr Dietrich your announcement about the kiosks I mean I I think that shows that you listen to the people and I know there are only a few of them but it doesn't matter it's you listened um what I'd like to ask though I'd like to ask Council to consider um a 2024 town hall meeting as we did in 2023 I thought it met the objective of um informing the public about the projects that have been completed and the projects in the future and it also uh let the residents have a forum for questions about these projects um I don't know what the library public space looks like but um I don't know if it could ever be held in the library so people could know it's too small it's it's probably too small but June 13th you you can see for yourself yeah I know I'm excited about that anyway so yes I I'm asking for another town hall meeting at 2024 town hall meeting to be considered we will do that we will do that again thanks set your schedules no but we will do I think we would probably make it out of a council meeting just to have that but that's fine any other public comment this evening Dennis start the clock now after years of begging I guess I can thank you for the road thank you oh good yeah yeah but in all seriousness uh Dennis we we do appreciate your patience Raz is on Lafayette Street we we know yeah thank you appreciate it and actually you specifically the uh early on in the project the electric company I think hit your cut my cut my sh I got a I got a call at I think 8:00 in the in the evening that uh the project is started and the first house they did was Dennis Crowley's and they broke his electric uh service l just got off the phone with you I looked out the window Paul was in the hole already with duct tape fixing the electric no way no but but thank you yeah thank you I just had a few questions because I'm a little confused by that discussion you had about the the U the lead based uh inspections and if you could clarify a couple things for me I'd appreciate it is is the ordinance that you've introduced that's required by the state yeah yes and whether we adopt it or not we have there's requirements in the in the statute that have to be effectuated and and do does the statute allow for exceptions yes it does so exceptions we have are the ones that the state would as amended tonight it mimes the statute with the exception of the seasonal rentals no the seasonal it's we modified the ordinance tonight to just parot the language and in the statute which includes an exception for single family and two family rental dwellings for less than 6 months in duration okay so they they would have been picked up under the 1978 exemption anyway if if a building is built during or after 1978 regardless of how long it's rented for not going to apply right so and then the discussion you were having you would say there's about 30% of the housing stock that's that that is pre 78 that that the estimate is a very rough estimate just based on some the entire yeah I get that and wait and I don't think it's just pre 78 I thought that was pre uh uh after 78 and and long-term rental I thought that's what that estimate I I I so um our fire inspector did some comparison of various spreadsheets and he ident ified about 465 rental properties long-term and shortterm that were um built before 1978 so we're still trying to identify the exact number of properties that are only long-term rentals built n built before 1978 we're estimating it's around 150 it's about 30% of like all the rental properties that we have so we're looking around 150 it's not just the houses after 78 it's the houses at uh before 78 pre 78 PR 78 pre longer than six months longterm yeah and all long-term rentals so the the section of the market which would be seasonal rentals would be about what 30% 20% no if you had 450 total roughly and 30 or 40% are long of that you're you're talking maybe 300 plus would your short term okay so built before 1978 AV so correct me if I'm wrong here but doesn't that language you pass tonight means that that section of the residential housing stock is not going to be subjected to lead paint inspection yes correct correct that's the that's the state exception language is so the city's policy is that that section of the rental market doesn't need to be led inspected that's the state's exception that the city is incorporated into the ordinance and that's what we're going to discuss in because it looks to me like you're you're you're carving down a small group of properties which are which may well have lead based pain in it that you're not going to be inspecting by policy that's exactly right that's why we're going to have a task force to discuss the issue and to the point that uh Mr bizer raised earlier about preemption that statute was was as I read it designed for the protection of people that might be living in those buildings not the people that might be inconvenienced by another inspection so that's correct so the concept that the city might provide greater protection for those individuals I think serves the purposes of the statute not conflicts with it but I understand that those arguments are out there but that's that's the counterargument um now whether the city considers doing that in the future will be to be that's TBD that's that's going to be the discussion of that task force that we discussed earlier tonight we're just going forward with the stat and when the task force comes to that Junction in the road they're going to be he giving heavy weight to the health and safety of the people who occupy those residential rental units that is the intention um and you know I think that we're asking them to take a look at it um for the short-term Market as you're as you're s suggesting I think we all have our own personal views on where the cut off should be um but we're asking this group to take a look at it and see whether or not they are that we as a group make they make a recommendation that makes us feel comfortable that we're not compromising in some way that's my personal compromising the safety and health of the people who yes temporarily live in those I'm not here to can I just add one thing Dennis and because every individual person said the exact same thing to me which was and of course this is discussing it separately with different council members um a health and safety number one but number two the goal of this should not be any more bureaucracy than is necessary everyone said the same concern they don't want to see this be more bureaucratic issues for the renter so how do we do that I mean that that's the question okay and three we don't want to be to be a money maker this is we want if there's a if there's a actual cost then we just want to hit the minimum cost with this is not a new fee that we want to stick on people this is about health and safety so I just want to be clear to everybody that's listening everyone on Council said that exact same thing to me that yes health and safety number one but after that we want to do this with minimal bureaucratic uh inconvenience to the landlord and with minimal fee again not looking at this as a fee generation issue this is strictly a health and safety issue but at the bottom line we want to make sure that there isn't some proforma exemption for anybody that's affected by this law and I think that's been the healthy debate that we've seen already so far and I hope we'll continue on the task force they'll make their recommendations to council and and we'll see okay yep very good thank you thank you all right uh Stacy Shan 928 Columbia Avenue um we we're bringing up this lead base paint and we talking about rental units I was really shocked to find out that the hotels and motels were not included but yet every other step of the way we've been trying to make them the same when they pay the 1% for now they're paying all both paying the 3% but yet when it comes to lead inspection we're only saying the possibly the short-term rentals will be effective but not motels and hotels which I think affect the public for safety as the same if I could just they answer with that in talking with our housing um our fire Bureau inspector Mark they're already covered under the Housing bureau um so it's part of another inspection that he already does with it so to answer the question they they do take that into effect okay any other comments this evening seeing none motion to adjourn so moved thank you very much have a great evening everyone the time is 650 all right