##VIDEO ID:Dx3iyWHxQRY## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right good afternoon everybody we are here for a special meeting of the city council the City of Cape May we are here in the Cape May City Hall Auditorium today is Tuesday August 6th 2024 the time is now 12:02 please join me for the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you under the open public meetings law notice of this meeting was sent to the C County Herald and the of Atlantic City and a copy of the agenda was delivered to each member of city council posted on the city website and City Hall bulletin board notice is hereby provided that City Council meetings are audio recorded or video streamed live live video streams are posted to the K May City website city of K May is not responsible if audio recording or live video streaming of a meeting is unavailable roll call Deputy Mayor Balwin here council member McDade here council member Meer is absent mayor mullik here council member Jagger here C solicitor Gillan Schwarz here city manager Dietrich here Deputy manager rigs here and Deputy clerk Turner here okay we have one resolution for the special meeting it's uh 21708 2024 a resolution providing for a meeting not open to the public in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey open public meetings Act njsa 10 col 4-12 this is to discuss the K May ma lease the K May stage lease the 702 Beach Avenue lease and the tax assessor position do I have a motion a motion do I have a second I'll second roll call council member Jagger yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor Baldwin yes mayor mullik yes public portion mayor is anyone here wishing to speak on this uh going into Clos session seeing no one no one we can close public comment and go into close session the time is now 12:04 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay all right good afternoon everyone sorry we're coming out of a closed session there uh first we'll have to uh close that out do I have a motion to close our uh executive session I'll make that motion do I have a second I'll second for the record the time is 1:10 um city solicitor do we have any updates on that uh session I don't think Council anticipates taking any formal action tonight close session item okay with that we will open up our work session meeting we are here in the Cape May City Hall Auditorium it is when today is uh Tuesday August 6 2024 the time is now 1:10 please join me for the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible withy and jusice for all thank you under the open public meetings law notice of this meeting was sent to the K County Herald and the Press of Atlantic City and a copy of the agenda was delivered to each member of city council and posted on the city website and City Hall bulletin board notice is hereby provided that City Council meetings are audio recorded and or video stream live live video streams are posted to the K City website the city of K is not responsible audio recording or live video streaming of a meeting is unavailable roll call Deputy Mayor Balwin here council member McDade here council member Meyer here mayor mullik here council member Jagger here City cister Gillan Schwarz here city manager Dietrich here Deputy manager rigs here Deputy clerk Turner here any additions or deletions Council Council any additions or deletions I think we have one yeah mayor if if if could um after further review of resolution 28824 we'd ask that that be pulled uh we need to do a little I need to do a little more research on that request and uh before we process it okay so we'll bring it back when it's more fur thoroughly reviewed do we need a motion to delete that yes I'll make that motion do I have a second I'll second any questions or comments on that Council roll call council member Jagger yes council member Meyer yes council member mck Dade yes depy mayor Balwin yes mayor mullik yes any other additions deletions Council anything else Council no on to the consent agenda uh or no I'm not even close to the consent Employee of the Month mayor soon enough soon enough yeah okay I'm sorry uh on to the uh employee of the month I was not trying to skip anybody thank you I'm going to uh so our employee of the month this this month is uh desire Matthews she's in the uh tourism and Recreation Department so I'm going to ask her to come up here so she gets to stand up here why I I talk about her um so desire has been a great addition to the city and uh like myself she's one of the newer members of the city she was hired back in January of 23 and um quickly proved herself um in in the civic affairs and Recreation time and became full-time in April um and then just after one year she was promoted to a event and Recreation coordinator and and really where she excels is she's our director down at Camp Cape May so if you're ever down at Camp k May she's the one that makes that thing uh hum and go uh you know she's managing upwards of a hundred children and 10 other counselors so it's a lot to keep moving and you know Des has just jumped in and pushed it really forward and and it really makes a great event if you've never been able to stop down there when all the kids are out there it's a running screaming Fest and you know you know if she ever gets married I don't know if she's going to want to have kids after having a de with all these kids it's kind of like being a teacher but she gets to see all these kids probably at their best and she is a great down there she's um very reliable and hard working working and as you can see from her smile you know it that's what's almost great you it seems like every time I have an employee of the month you know it the staff is just so great they're always really positive and outgoing and desirey just really fits into that and I think we're really lucky to have her as part of our Kate May City team so I'm I'm just really glad to say that she's our employee of the month for this year so congratulations I'm just say [Laughter] very nice desire just personally it's always um I've dropped my three kids off to you so I know I know you're a saint and uh in all seriousness you always have a smile always are positive and such a good representative of the city of Kate May so we thank you very much thank you yeah with that we will move on to the performance hearings um Mr Blau if you would come join us sure thank you mayor thank you very much and thank you for helping us pay for such important projects well it's a pleasure to work for the city I'm GNA pass to Chris uh a handout that I'll be going over I'm and a handout to this gentleman here what I'm going to be covering today uh again I'm Mark blower I'm a grant writer I've been fortunate enough to work for the city since 2008 I've worked on many projects that relate to the Community Development block grant program which is grant money from the state that originates with the US Department of Hud and each year the state has a competition where we can apply for a piece of a larger pie of money typically $400,000 at a time the last four years we've applied in each of the last four years we won prior to that I worked on projects for ADA compliance at the prominade East Li Lane Carpenters Lane Rotary Park The Villages others which I no doubt have forgotten due to my age um we the most most recent four projects are either completed not quite started or underway the on my notes Here the 2021 project is the work that's ongoing now which is a redundant 12inch water transmission Main that that activity is going on at canning House Lane area through South state that work uh is underway it's largely completed but it will not be completed I think in its entirety until probably September at which time we will uh draw the $400,000 grant that we have available to the city uh the purpose of that Grant is to provide redundancy in terms of your main transmission capacity we cannot afford to lose a a transmission main on a hot day in August and suddenly have much of the city without water so we're building redundancy into the system before problems occur you get ahead of it the 22 project which is not on this list is already completed that is the kuas park ADA compliance project that project originated from Council I recall speaking to the mayor at times about um that being a good project he convinced me it was a good project we applied we won that project's done anybody who's been to kuas park saw the improvements we made the 23 project is largely completed that was the beach matat project where we purchased Beach mats to improve access for people with mobility issues uh the beach mats make it a lot simpler for somebody with a disability to traversed the our beach and the uh those were been purchased and I believe that they in in use now we've already gotten reimbursement for all but 107,000 um $107,500 eight we have Beach wheelchairs that we were also purchasing through this Grant and some materials to improve one of our existing Ada ramps that exist that that needs reconstruction that when those invoices come in as well we will draw that money if there is in fact money at that point uh the council Paul our engineer ourselves will all talk about how to find a way to spend it if you have another $20,000 of the end buy board buy more Beach wheelchairs or buy more materials for ramp repair but we'll spend all the money y the last project I have um that is not quite off the ground is our 2024 project it's so new that we don't have a project number I'm going to pass again to Chris the announcement we got from the commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs back in May and I'll pass this around to this gentleman again this is the announcement letter that we got in May of this year for ADA compliance improvements phase one at the capade tennis center we identified through a report I think it was the Cornell report of a variety of deficiencies in terms of uh Ada accessibility we submitted a phase one application last year in December and that project was approved in may we got a partial amount there's nothing to say we can't go for more work as a phase two or phase three the intention was not to solve all the problems at the tennis center with one Grant going back to uh Carpenters Lane some years ago that was three grants consecutive grants we kept going back to improve one bit at a time that that area naturally broke up into block of course uh so we took one block on at a time uh and basically starting at this end and then working our way down to Congress Hall so that project we're expecting any time to get the grant agreement hopefully August at which point uh Paul our engineer engineer design Associates Council will all talk about what improvements we're going to make on F first phase since it is understood that the facility might might be historically significant will need to coordinate closely with the HPC get their blessing on a plan then go to New Jersey Department of Community Affairs historic preservation that typically is a fairly simple approval once we have the HPC on board with a plan but that project is going to go into the planning phase and you could expect that work would be proceeding in 2025 most likely in the offseason meaning The Logical time to do this work is not in August or July but September October November so uh that's a project that would be for next year so those are the four projects we've been working on most recently one's not underway yet one is completed uh kuas Park the beach mat project is ongoing with the with the beach Wheelchairs and other things we're getting and the uh water transmission main project which is not obviously visible to people on most public streets that work is ongoing too so the purpose of this hearing is to ask the public what do you think about these projects and have give us suggestions for future projects many of these projects originated with discussions with Council they just didn't it wasn't a case where the grant writer the engineer just came up with it we talk a lot about what we have what we can do the one big caveat is that whatever we do must primarily benefit people of low moderate income the city as a whole is no longer viewed as primarily low watered income the last project we got through that door was the Water Project more typically we have to pick our shots carefully we've been picking ADA compliance because by definition handicapped disabled persons are by definition low income regardless of their actual income as a group it's a group that we can do we can call 100% low moderate income in a similar way senior citizens as a group are viewed as 100% low moderate income so if you want to do a senior center or renovate a senior center that's eligible um so again this is your opportunity to tell us what you think on the record about the project we've been undertaking to make an errand task simpler tell you tell us who you are and where you live so we can put your information down in our records these the transcript will go to the state after this hearing that I'll pre present that to them saying we had a performance hearing so again I'm Mark blow I'll be had to answer any questions uh too difficult if any questions too difficult defer to Paul on engineering Parts but um here's your opportunity thank you thank you Mark very much um I just add two two quick ones the 12 wheelchairs have arrived and and and are uh being used just just maybe two weeks ago I think it so the wheelchairs are here those are the beach Wheelchairs and the uh the uh ramp that Mark mentioned is Mount Vernon um if anyone knows where that is it's basically our kind of our last Beach all the way down uh closest to The Cove um great little Lookout spot um but the ramp itself is in poor condition um and uh certainly not very good for wheelchairs to say the least so uh that will be a winter project as part of this fund which which we're excited about as well so very very good stuff I'll work with our CFO Kevin to get the invoice for the beach wheelchairs perfect and uh we can draw the money for the materials as soon as we purchase them we don't have to necessarily have them put into use but uh the name of the game with the state to get more money is spend the money you have right get it spend it move on to something else so we've been demonstrating that and we have good credibility with the state that's why we won the last four years again opportunity for questions comments I have I have a question if I may uh Mark do you ever pursue federal grants well in an odd way the let's for example this money is federal money but it passes through the state okay so the we have all the federal rules uh that apply to Federal projects even though the money is coming from the state department Community Affairs uh I commonly also work on projects like the USDA water and waste program for water and sewer um that's typically a loan program sometimes grants and the reason why the Department of Community Affairs program is so popular even though it's a small size it's 100% Grant and your matches 10 to 15% maximum so that makes it very attractive so if you're dealing with um the last time I did a USDA project was uh one of the projects for Middle Township for a sewer extension uh to grassy sound and a substantial Grant but also a substantial loan and uh consequently uh the the DCA program is tend to be more popular grants are just typically more popular than loans but I do work at the USDA program uh I don't work on do projects those are the province of Engineers I don't work on road projects uh I'll I'll consider anything uh in terms of um other applications um I did a lot of the recreation projects the last year for the uh local Recreation Improvement grant program um that was a fairly easy program applied for six got six uh but they're limited about $70,000 I think you've applied for that as well they're not complicated you can do them yourself I do them because other people are busy with their own jobs of being administrators and clerks and so forth that's why I step in and help with that but I'll consider almost anything well my my next question you might not be able to answer I'm all for Mo you know helping people with mobility issues senior citizens and and that and like how do we get a ramp at the post office I sent you that time there's a mirror image of that post office that's right it's a cookie cutter building if you go to Ellenville New York in the Catskills they built these post office during the 30s and 40s under the rusell administration and they look darn near the same and they have a ramp and I sent you the photos that time I remember um you know it's it sounds a little silly but write your Congressman they're the ones that get them the move yeah thank you okay anyone from the public with any questions or comments Ros oh one moment here we can pass this around if you don't want to come up just please state your name and address sure than you here Ros Johnson 826 Lafayette Street um do you have anything to do with helping this city um get on board with affordable housing no okay uh some years back we had a home rehab grant for 200,000 we managed to get one home completed and that was rather difficult we had a very few applicants for the home rehab program and when I say home rehab program what I was able to offer was a 50% forgivable loan that converts to a grant in six years and the balance was a deferred loan that you pay back without interest only when you choose to transfer ownership and I'm running that kind of program for the last 30 years in Middle Township it's extremely popular however the big sticking point when we had the program in Cape May is that if you're in the flood Hazard Zone you must have flood insurance and most of the cities in the flood Hazard Zone and people were not willing to get flood insurance and unless you have a mortgage you're not forced to have flood insurance a lot of people had who were income eligible had paid off homes and they could say quite reasonably it's never flooded here but FEMA says that you're in the flood zone and a big problem was trying to convince people that to take to get the money you had to have flood insurance and I had many people walk away and we returned money at that time because we had so few applicants people just didn't want to get involved um in Middle Township I'm been I'm spending 200,000 a year year after year after year uh I don't work it's outside my skill set I don't work on creating rental housing okay I don't um I don't I'm not in new construction for housing there are Consultants who do affordable housing it's a bit of a specialty and I don't get involved with that but I do get involved a lot with home rebuil and RZ we have hired those folks okay as a separate topic but yeah and um possibly maybe it's that they don't want to get a um flood insurance is that they can't afford to get flood insurance I agree because it's very expensive MH I agree unfortunately if I could wave that rule right I would and it's again it sounds silly WR your Congressman because they're the ones that made that rule that I have to enforce right and uh you know not some you know when I'm dealing in Dell Haven with again 90% flood plane I have to tell people again again again you had that flood insurance and or otherwise I can't help you and I I could get I could get the the city or the Township in big trouble if I ignored that okay but okay and thank you for what you have done it's oh it's a joy to work here the things you've accomplished thank you anybody else yes sir hi I'm Jay Newman I'm at 104 First Avenue I just wanted to reinforce the need for improvements to that Mount Vernon uh ramp it's probably could use about another foot of width if it's possible uh we do have some disabled folks that have children that live back in that neighborhood that use the beach all the time so uh having improvements that would be really really really good for the folks that need as a matter of fact you can't even get two people to walk walk by each other it's that narrow uh the beach mats are wonderful if we could have them down on beach 29 same location uh to go a little bit deeper towards the beach or maybe connect with uh the next Beach up which is quite a ways but if we're looking it to to ire some money and get another block grant those mats are wonderful for myself I may look young but uh uh I've got a bad back and I'm in my first retirement so my wife and I used those mats the other day and it was it was really really good to be able to walk on the beach without having to worry about some of the some of the difficulty of Walking In The Sand so really really nice job I only have one question uh are there strings attached to this grant money uh or is it basically you have to do what you what you applied to do and you have to show that it got done uh number one you have to do what you said you're going to do now if bids came in very high for example you can cut back the project uh of late the DC has been very accommodating where some communities the bids came in high in this inflationary environment and I asked for extra money I got it um that was here to before unheard of but it's happening now um do what you say you're going to do spend the money quickly follow the rules what I say the rules historic preservation clearance pay prevailing rate uh I think uh in for the probably for this round that we just got funded I'm going to probably see a new rink in the grant agreement which is build America by America Act it's now applicable uh so that it means that when we when we go to bid we're going to have a clause that says the contractor is going to the bidder is going to confirm that they're going to comply with a build America by America or Pro provide the appropriate waivers I mean certain things are only made in Germany you can't get them anywhere else think certain Electronics um but generally it's there's like there's no like continuing obligation your obligation ends with completion and close out and the name of the game for getting more money is retaining your credibility and doing what you say you're going to do and spend the money quickly Congress doesn't like anything less than people taking time spending the money they want to see the projects spent closed out they don't want you to have a a war chest of money built up because the the federal government just likes to close out fiscal years and that flows right down to the state level where they press us and so when we apply again and thinking forward the the grand agreements will probably come out for this award within a month they're going to open up a new round of funding think December think November do you want you should all think about with yourself and Paul and Vince said engineering design do we want to go for more work at the tennis center do you want to go for more Beach wheelchairs do you want to go for more mats or something else or some combination but this is probably the time to start thinking what the next project is the easy answer is get more for the ten Tennis Center we called it phase one with the application leaving the door open to further phases so I hope I hopefully I answer your question thank you anyone else okay we can public comment um mark thank you very much I mean these are huge projects for the city and and really wonderful upgrades so uh we didn't really talk too much about the water transmission line but that um is not something anyone will ever see but is really important uh the work's going on right now it's it's about a half mile of pipe maybe a little more even um going between the two Wells uh again not necessarily the most interesting project but extremely important for the future of the city it allows us to shut down one pump at a time to work on those pumps um previously we would have had to have shut down two pumps at once which is huge is a huge problem really so now we can fix Wells separately um which is such an important well it's it's always a joy to work here I'm very proud to work for the city and whenever I know from friends from Pennsylvania and New York state are coming to Cape May County say you got to get down to you get East L lane or you got to get to Rie park or you got to get to quanis park or you've got to get to the prominade to see my projects thank you Mr blow really appreciate it uh with that we can move on to updates old business city manager thank you um first just because I Know Chief Asha is running around crazy for tonight's festivities um I'd asked him to come just to stop in over this past couple weeks we've had Emergency Services have been stepping up to the plate on so many fronts you know police and fire and um there was just a couple of activities I just wanted him to kind of brief the city council on some of the activities that he's had to tackle over the last couple weeks thank you manager I appreciate that pardon my appearance my sweat it's been a busy morning um we're setting up for National if everybody's going to come tonight 5:30 to 8:30 K May finest evening in the city um in my opinion anyway 5:30 to 9:30 um 8:30 pardon me uh convention hall uh we're setting up bounce houses and everything up there um for everyone's free to everyone to come so hi Dennis how are you um the manager asked me to kind of go over a couple little things that went on um you know we put things on Facebook and kind of give you a real quick blurp of what happens and you know people see police cars running around the town and fire trucks running around um some explanation sometimes is needed not to scare anyone but make sure everybody's a breast of what what this city is capable of through the power and the um allegiance of the city council because they help us do what we do every day so um earlier in in the month we had um a subject that came out of Blackwood um drove his vehicle down here um it was an attempted homicide uh up in Blackwood where he tried to kill his father driving over with a vehicle so somehow people navigate the CATE May because it's so pretty but they drove all the way down here down the parkway um uh a very diligent officer patrolman pinski um noticed a vehicle coming through town at a high rate of speed um window was smashed out uh unfortunately the father's hat was still on the the vehicle where he had been struck um big policy for me in this city is not to pursue we don't want to get the Pursuits in this city if we at all cost so he knew the wherewithal of monitor the vehicle follow the vehicle in town try to uh navigate ahead to the officers that there's a vehicle coming into town at a high rate of speed uh he did that very successfully I feel that that action there in it in it of itself along with the other officers were there which I'll mention here um probably Sav lives on a very busy afternoon um many people were in town mayor count mayor was right on the beach front there um Justin and I were in in a meeting Deputy city manager were in a meeting right down the block I didn't know what was going on so I saw it anyway he ended up at the beach front um bailing out of the vehicle um into the dunes uh anybody's familiar with the boardwalk our current Dunes are pretty high and and and decent foliage the one thing that was a benefit to us quickly um patrolman presy radio that ahead Captain bobic Lieutenant Maza and the staff sergeant Christian um patrolman denim Aiden Hoffman Colt Gibson again patrolman pinski SLO Rutherford SLO one Rutherford um quickly navigated to the area we cordoned off the Dune area that we thought he was in um we threw the Drone up which was again purchased by Wawa in the city of Kate May um we use that drone every day almost every day something's going up or we're watching something navigated to the beach trying to find him um he kind of got past the dunes onto the beach front made a quick decision to notify the lifeguards and notify on the beach Tiggers didn't want to cause a hysteria and close the beach that quickly but we were close as soon as he moved uh I got to give some credit to the lifeguards that were working that stand right there at that beach um they had the information quickly it was given out over the radio system um cam Levens uh Dustin againin uh Georgio steel Ed Eddie fuchi and Lieutenant Wyatt were quick to um notice someone that didn't look like the rest of them wearing all black sitting on the beach digging in the sand uh the Drone was able to get over and give us eyes on that uh subject um and quickly allow us to get to him and make that arrest uh he did have a knife on him uh he was burying the knife and the father's hat in the dirt um officers made a very successful arrest there with the assistant of everyone there I had Kate May Fire Department the deputy chief e was there his staff was there helping us out so you know a lot of things going on in Kate May that people are like why is all this happening but um that was one of the events that happened I give credit to patrol pinski for being very mindful and the rest of the staff that was working that day um along with that so I think that action probably saved lives cuz if he had whipped through town the way he was driving I think we would have more of a problem so he made it to the beach front from the parkway so that's too far for my liking um we can't control everything but we do um later on the week uh I was on the fun with the manager a lot this week a lot of things I didn't put on Facebook Kate M Elementary had a uh roofing company there there was an incident that happened out of state at in Virginia uh one of the roofers there had um assaulted a young woman uh that uh that triggered um the Kate May County prosecut Office ice Federal Marshals fugitive task force and New New Jersey State Police teams unit which I give high regard to and Applause to for notifying us quickly that that subject was in our town um they asked for our assistance assistance again uh with police officers and our drone um this technology that we have with the Drone is moving us forward into giving us eyes ahead of moving people into locations and basically making a a smooth transition to make an arrest um so I credit those uh those people that I mentioned for coming into town um pretty much no one knew it happened cuz we were so Swift and smooth about doing and I'm I'm very proud of the way that happened because in a busy summer season we don't need all that chaos going on so they were mindful the state police units the task force were mindful of you know poiz conversation the city manager pardon me our conversation was make it smooth make it quick make it you know make it safe and that's when I called him to notify him that's what he said and that's what happened um our officers again U Sergeant Cole and his Squad Danny Martinez all the officers working that day again Lieutenant Maza and Captain Bic and Lieutenant walker uh were there quickly had two command two command posts running at the same time um so busy again Kate May Fire Department was at the ready if we needed them as well so we work very well with those uh those agencies so very proud of that and you know as you see by the monthly U that you that you get um in your in your pit packet there we have we've been busy um Lieutenant Maza who's in charge of the Patrol Division I'm very proud that he's you know kind of uh he's highly respected in the Patrol Division so they kind of look after he you know I'm on him he's on them to get the numbers up so when people ask why were there so many parking tickets and whatever I don't look at the parking tickets per se I look at the eight DWIs that they they they manag to gather uh and they're already on track for August with three DWIs already for August U moving for I'm not proud of the D DUIs I'm proud of the arrest for the DUIs and and and the careful monitoring of that um and then you know the amount of summons is 300 plus summons is um given uh a lot of those were lsv a lot of those were um bike stops as well so we've been um you know with Moren and myself Mr Jagger with the bike safety and and the lsvs um we've also partnered up at lower Township because they're seeing an influx of of lsvs goes over into lower Township so we're trying to closely work with them and get that uh squared away and kind of control that um so we're doing our best there but lastly I just want to talk about the lightning strike if you haven't already if I missed that I apologize but I give thanks again to the manager office both uh Deputy city manager Rigs and uh manager Dietrich um different than my last set of uh go around with this lightning strike um it was very comfortable working not comfortable but knowing that they had my back when I was up against the wall with the city hall being affected and I feel kind of at fault for the tower but it is what it is um it's something that God created and we just had to fix um but I will say that the day of happening the day of an incident everybody kind of moved into a general order Aaron and and and Brian Turner there they kind of navigated everyone out of the building they worked with that um safely and made sure that everyone's out of the building we're working on better uh procedures to do so we'll have that in place very soon um but I will say that the recovery and the insurance part of this was made easier by the assistance of the manager Office that was very attentive I don't say that because they're sitting in a room I would tell you if they weren't um and like I said we're we're making changes uh we've got good people in place to put better grounding on this building and the tower going to cost a little bit of money but something probably should have been done last time lightning doesn't strike twice in the spam spot that's incorrect cuz it does um I do have a lot I you know a busy day so if there's any questions I can answer them um again I want to thank Council for always having our back and support and uh your your First Responders in this town are one of the finest also your Department of Public Works I'm calling them all the time I give them Applause but they're out there pulling generators and different things to make tonight very very good so we have good weather the bubble is going to hold and uh we're going to go from there Chief just by chance you said I was walking the beach front there you always are and I was and I was actually I was getting some trash out of the dunes that he went ran through yep and um I didn't see him um but I did see when all the police officers started coming around I first saw saw sergeant chrisinger and said what's going on and he obviously I didn't want to get in in his way or anything but he said we're looking for somebody and the quickness um of the ACT that I witnessed firsthand I just want to report were excellent that drone was up in the air um I don't know you want to say what the capabilities of that drone is but um it's it was such an important tool that was up in the air within five minutes yeah um and as anyone can imagine on a busy day trying to look for one person and I know the description that I got was terrible than we were looking for from from somebody so uh that didn't really help but you it took some time but you know everyone stuck around and and made sure that they caught the person and it wasn't easy because I was there watching and I I was really shocked that you actually found the person so yeah he bled into the into the crowd he was reported to have a blue shirt khaki pants and long hair nothing of the he had none of those black all black short hair curly hair beard picture wasn't the same but I will give Applause to the Patrol Division that was out there quickly like I was in a meeting and I listen I can I can tell their voices when there something not right I said that to them I'm like something's not right anyway Sergeant chrisinger set up you know command post had a perimeter before I even stepped out of convention hall and that's that's the Applause I give to them because with the beach that that's busy and the beach front shutting down the beach front in the middle of uh August is not good anyone who witnessed that would have to be impressed with the protocols and everything that went into place so I I congratulate you on that thank you very much any questions I could just J in you know being down there firsthand Chief excellent job you know we're in the meeting he he is listening to the radio for his patrolman and you know monitoring the situation and just his attentiveness to get out there and you know when we look down there and all the hatches are up in the back and he's in the the Whiteboard we said um some something's going on but Chief really great job and just witnessing it firsthand just thanks we practiced on a little ones you know I mean I I do I'm actually honored to be a part of this group with this unified command that we have with or chief act or chief Chief couter and deputy chief um eek and chief chief Harry back you know when things are going wrong missing people missing kids we have a lot of that that's not even on the list here that we had two or three of those last month and we had a missing adult mail um just Saturday evening that we found in Ocean City drone was up all night looking for him on the beach so um we we definitely work well together and I definitely you know there may be a time I come here report things didn't go so well but I'm very proud that this this City's First Responders and OEM our OEM team is is first first uh First Rate Frank mclusky deputy chief act and myself I'll Pat my own self on the back for that one but again but again like I said uh connecting with Aaron and Brian and the rest of the team here in Department of Public Works Top Notch so thank you Chief thanks Chief and that's I just wanted to have him come in I know he's got busy and I also gives him a little time to Spotlight National Night outs tonight so everybody come out for that but um just a lot of activity going on and and just the the things that the Patrol Division you know everything top to bottom they're very professional and providing an excellent service for the city and keeping us and our residents and visitors safe um is real important so I I just wanted him to come highlight some of the activities that he had so thanks Chief uh first um next I had was uh cant the executive director of CR Grant came down to present uh our plaque for being uh rooted the second best beach in Kate May County um seems like we also had an award uh USA Today if you didn't see rated us the fourth best beach in the Northeast area so seems like no matter which kind of poll you're seeing out there nj.com you know all the different polls we're in the you know if we're not the first one we're in the top uh rated beaches you know but you so not just countywide Statewide but you know regionally you know it just goes to show the team that we have here working in Kate May City to to to do what they can our residents and our business Comm you know it's a team effort so it's not just the city it's all our business owners our residents that really make it what it is and it's just great to see that we're getting the some of that recognition so we'll get this hung up somewhere here and you know find all of our best of beaches and we'll probably have to have a best of beaches uh wall pretty soon as we move forward uh the next thing Chief kind of did touch on it on the the lightning status I just wanted to give uh Council a little bit on what we're how we're moving forward uh so on the claim side for the GIF claims we're approaching about 200,000 maybe going to be just over $200,000 uh claim uh for damage what really put us up high was the uh solar system on the roof here it got affected so we're going to have you know that was a $125,000 uh portion of the claim that really is what bolstered and push that number up High um we've been you know between Chief as all myself you know we've really reached out to some professionals to help give us some guidance uh so we actually already had the the guy come out on the the tower to reground that Tower and going to be doing some implementation and and this is work now I'm moving for this is work that we're going to do as Pro protective measures for both the tower and City Hall um moving forward so we're going to spend around $51,500 to do protective work they already started doing that work we're going to have a company come in uh put lightning rods and ground wire it'll kind of Rim the roof and then they'll have connections that go down to the ground and there again there'll be a ring around the ground grounding it into the ground properly grounding into all of the utility connections that come into the building all of our electrical systems they're going to double ground both the the network cables that kind of or the antenna wires that go from the tower into the building and just make sure everything is properly grounded and um secure so I I think after we spend that additional $51,000 you know no as Chief said you know lightning is probably going to strike in this area a third time but you know I think we'll be much better protected uh within the city uh City Hall uh for that next event um so that's kind of the status where we we go uh we should be uh submitting all of our final claims uh later this month and that should be a um I think the GIF is going to be reviewing the claims possibly at their September meeting and uh processing and getting that back to us so we can reversed uh the next um sure everybody uh has gotten their tax bills by now unless they were in that slow spot where the US Postal Service maybe didn't deliver their uh but the tax bills and I'm sure everybody was pleasantly surprised to see that their tax bill went down so the overall tax bill went down the rate was down by uh 017 you know so it's about 1.7 of a cent reduction in the overall tax you that's not just a city tax where we you know didn't increase but you know between school tax county tax and everything um the overall tax rate was down in the city so I think everybody was had a happy August mail delivery uh to see that there is a you know obviously the the tax due is is delayed you know it's not finally due on 11th so there is an extension based on that um I believe it's towards the end of the month and it is posted I think it was noted on your bill as well as it is posted on the website as far as when the extended due date for your tax bills and one more set of good news um received a confirmation uh from the uh office of um historic preservation office in the state that the uh the July 31st New Jersey historic register placed uh our nomination for the uh district for the um ethnic Heritage black uh nomination was accepted so that is now officially on the New Jersey register of places and last week it was submitted to the National Park Service to be included in the uh National register so we hope to hear back um but typically if once the State kind of has approved it and moved it along it it usually gets approved at the national level so I'm sure within a couple months definitely by the end of the year we'll receive word uh that that that nomination and that petition will be accepted by the National Park Service and uh that's all I I think I have for this evening thank you okay thank you city manager city solicitor I just have a brief update um our Welcome Center leas we Mr Schwarz our Welcome Center lease with NJ Transit um is up in 2025 at the end end of April and through our discussions with NJ Transit in connection with the resolution of the seashore lines litigation we made some good contacts up there and in advance well in advance of that date I wanted to get in touch with them to coordinate um an extension of that lease and so I received a positive indication today via email from my contact at NJ Transit and they're advancing it to the uh the legal team there and hope to have a proposal to the city for an extension of that lease um in the in the coming weeks um and well in advance of that April 2025 end date so that's a brief update I don't have anything concrete yet but I expect that we'll have a further update in the coming weeks what's the length of the lease the the current lease started in the 80s and extended for 40 years so that takes us you know and I the discussion with them was I think the relationship has been successful and the city has made substantial improvements to that area including the parking lot the recent signage that went up so um the longer the better was the the idea um but they have their own kind of framework for how they issue leases and they have their own limitations I think it's 20 and maybe 20 20 25 years so I expect the proposal from them to come back something like that um but we'll once it comes in I I will certainly share that with Council and we'll we'll be reviewing that thank you just quick question as a followup on that the Revolutionary rail that's totally separate or is that in conjunction with that that's separate they have their own leas for the for the rail uh area the lines actually is what they they have uh a lease on which is separate and apart from what we have and then they have the in internal part of uh the Welcome Center a small portion of it pursuant to a separate lease with the city that we we executed this year so the just to be clear the proposed extension of that that lease would cover the resolved area which just excludes that that small closet 200 or so feet of line outside and it it would reserve the city's ability to lease you know excess portions in the interior okay and we have we have a an option to extend that lease provided we secure our own lease for the the entire property the entire okay thank you great anything else Mr sler that's it okay uh on to ordinances for introduction 542 yes we have 54222 an ordinance establishing metered parking hours at the city hall parking lot and confirming grace period for parking in relation to official business do I have a motion I'll make the motion do I have a second a second questions or comments Council I know a couple of you uh asked me some questions I just I have a comment if I may sure I'm I'm not going to vote in favor of this um like many of you in the audience I don't know if you drove here but a lot of us that's table did not drive here because we often can't get parking spots in the in the parking lot and um my opinion is that I don't want people loitering in the parking lot especially at night coming from bars or restaurants I think um I I I just don't want people in the parking lot I think it's not good for them to be around the city of vehicles um I know K May's a safe town but in other towns you know that where people have access to parking lots people vandalize City Vehicles you know um and I think until we increase the amount of parking in the park lot and get uh cameras up that's when I'll be comfortable with pursuing this personally so um just to comment couldn't that occur now because they could park there for free what do you mean that well if they come into the parking lot now that having the parking meters doesn't negate the fact that they could park there and that's a good that's a good point because in this ordinance it says that people will be allowed to park for free for a half hour for City business mhm now uh that means a police officer has to be out there every half hour checking on vehicles okay and I think that's not practical at all and um again I just and if there was an emergency in city of K may you need to call in police or fire I want them to be able to park somewhere you know in an emergency at night in the middle of the day whatever it is and and frankly I hate parking in the parking lot because I feel like I'm taking someone's an employee spot who's might be out on lunch or or doing some kind of Duty for the city I I don't want to make them have to mean they work here you know quick question for you councilman Meyer um and I did speak to the manager about this um trying to you know work through this you know this ordinance and I'm thinking is there a way to roll it out maybe on just a weekend that's what I part at this point so yeah and then you know doing it for the weekend because we do have meetings here um and also the start and end time because now we're starting prior to our regular meter starting there are no meter maids you know or meter you know people that are out there that are um doing anything this starts at 7:30 and ends at 10:30 at night starts at 7:30 in the morning so I you know I'm not sure how that will actually roll out um and making sure that people leave on if we do it over a weekend making sure that people leave on Sunday night and they're not staying um overnight overnight exactly so Monday morning when you have city employees coming in then it wouldn't be an issue so I I don't know it's a tough issue can I uh just to add a little context I think um I got a couple emails complaining about parking tickets that um members of the public received for parking in the Municipal lot and to be honest with you I totally agreed with their complaints they were upset that they got a parking ticket in the municipal lot um while um it was not it was a function I I'll just say that the function was for the Colonial House which is a city-owned property um you could argue whether it's City function or not I that wasn't really the concern for me I I just felt for a taxpayer getting a parking ticket while in the municipal lot um so I'm just I'm just adding some context to this I also think it's kind of ridiculous to have a big empty parking lot on a Saturday night when everyone's looking for parking um Shane your concern I totally agree with and you have to have spaces available for an emergency and OEM operation um so I think one everyone knows here that this fall we're going to be bidding out the uh repaving of the parking lot um of course that includes the street to the side here between the firehouse in the library that's it's got some big dirt openings and I know it's a bit of a mess but we're almost there um it's just after Labor Day we're going to be ready to go um but as part of that we the the design that has yet to be shown I believe is but has approximately eight more parking spaces in the municipal lot everybody knows how important this is going to be especially for the library now um it it's it's becoming more difficult to find parking on a on a regular day so we are trying to address a problem and I'm I'm glad that we're having this conversation because I don't even know exactly what the solution is and I don't have a strong opinion I do feel that a an empty parking lot when the town is packed is kind of ridiculous um I I think but as Shane pointed out the importance of making sure you know the red curbs are very well defined for our Firehouse that if you may come in and see only five of those spaces taken up it'll kind of say why do why are there so many fire parking spaces is for the event of emergency if a need a lot of people need to come in so I think we should have that conversation but I do think um and then nobody wants to be in the position of adding um Park mobile or parking meters to our Municipal lot however we're getting people um staying overnight on a Saturday or a Sunday and then they're there on Monday morning and they're not being moved around so the idea and I'm not saying it's a perfect one but the idea is make people pay and then they will move their car on their own so kind of it's self enforcement frankly um the idea is not and I just want to be clear about this to charge taxpayers trying to come in and pay their taxes or come in to pay a permit that's not what we're trying to do we're trying to get people to move along and and that's really when you see sorry that's what when you have paid parking in areas and that's why you see a lot of downtown business district areas that have metered parking is is to create that turnover and you know they come in and they stay they don't stay for long periods of time because you want the turnover whether they're going into the library or they're going in to shoot you know hey maybe the Acme lot's full and they just want to run over to the Acme or they're going over to the Harriet tub Museum or you know they're doing something not necessarily Municipal you know in the city hall getting a permit but that charging and having a metered space is to promote turnover and and stuff like that and obviously to three hours like we do in some of the I mean limited to 3 hours it doesn't you know allow for overnight that could be stipulated no overnight parking if we felt that that was important I've also seen I've pulled in myself and people who are not here on City business knowing that they can park there pull in in park and then they're walking into town yes and have been out there a couple of times where people who were trying to come in to do City business are sitting in the middle of the lot saying I can't park I've actually gone into the police and said this this car this registration just pulled in they're not in here they walked over you know and went you know and and just said could you go out there if you don't want to ticket them at least put a note because there are people in the parking lot now and we have had you know so over the last two months we have asked Chief to increase Patrol so that's why you know those people that were doing an event at the colon house you know and that's where we're going to set to a better coordination the the you know Harry at the clonial house should have probably notified us so that hey you're having an event so that we can notify police and say hey these people are having a event just like you know when the church was having vacation bible school or services on Sunday they communicated with us we let Chief know we had a special placard for the church and they and their prisoners put something out on their cars and say hey during vacation bible school you know don't ticket us why you know why they're in the you know using the lot after we've city employees have left so I think there's ways around is just figuring those little nuances out yeah so I don't have a good answer for this I I know it's a difficult problem but I think I'd mentioned to you earlier Paul and um thinking about it more I'm actually more concerned about when we get to December 31st because between then in April 1st anybody can legitimately park anywhere in that parking lot uh and that's that's what they're going to believe because the meters are turned off and we as you know employees of the city are going to have a difficult time finding parking spaces because I can tell you that people living over here are going to park can you can you point to is that you're saying that within the ordinance a you're pointing to the fact that it says April 1st to December 31 right so yeah so December 31 to April 1 and and you may have you may have an answer to um come up with that maybe something changes entirely or signs restricted but we're right back to the same problem um again the real problem is city employees um especially and and people wanting to come to a council meeting um a crowded council meeting they're going to have a hard time parking out here because people can legitimately Park their cars and they can park it for overnight and for as long as they want yeah I one of so if find a way to fix that right to three hours and no overnight parking I mean you know and if they're in the lot overnight then I mean wouldn't that be it yeah there is a three-hour limit proposed in this or okay all right I'm sorry I don't know about I don't think anybody can park over but we don't we don't want people paying that are coming to a council meeting and often in the winter time that is after but we just like for regular like for for this afternoon's meeting Chief knows to distribute you know our C you know they they work with our calendar just like they don't you know when we have an environmental Commission meeting in the day Environ commission members park in our lot but so just so so parking enforcement is not out there during our known scheduled meetings so on T on Tuesday at 700 p.m. people are here in the winter time correct it's they're not going to come out they're not going to come out in tickets because we have because they'll last for the meeting to re go back into session so they can come back for public comment about the tickets right which I would as well yes so and but we have to do that now because right now the park the lot is signed as permit parking only so unless you can legitimately show that you had official business at the city so there's already coordination with parking enforcement on you know when we have meetings and and those kinds of things that we don't go out and force that so it's really just allowing that and we and I've SE I mean I've walked out there and you know I saw a family getting back in their car with a stack of library books in a lot I mean they were fortunate they could have gotten the parking ticket because they weren't in City Hall doing City business they were over at the library but you know they were in our lot where they could have gotten a parking ticket as as the rules sit today no I don't like that I mean does council not agree with that I mean people need to park somewhere for the library and and we've and that's one of the reason why we open up St John you know so you when you we've told the people at the library hey when when they ask hey where do I park for the library we're pointing them to St John so you know besides the the the parking on the front of of St lawn we kind of open up Lafayette Street Park in the grass area so there's plenty of parking in a short one block Mr diet Library the the the portion of the lot on Washington Street in front of you know next to the uh M the museum the firefighter museum that is not rest restricted to Firefighters on a believe that is yeah it does is restrict is both sides of it yes the smaller the smaller lot is is that whole lot that whole lot it has a sign as you would approach in that saying fire fire fire that whole lot and then the whole side on the firehouse side is that correct or am I wrong no no that that when both sides as you would pull in is open to Municipal permit parking so it's just the lot just the side just the side lot that is needed for fire fire Personnel I think the first thing personally just to throw out there is making sure OEM and fire police are well marked and have as much as they need after that though I just think it is a little crazy to have an open parking lot on a Friday or a Saturday night or even even even in the evening before 10:30 or something the weekend I I understand Mr Meyer's concerns in regards to staying overnight late night type events we don't necessarily want somebody coming back from a bar at 2 a.m. um but someone just simply going to dinner uh or a walk on the mall I mean you you all see sturdy Savings Bank is is is packed um they don't they don't mind that that frankly is my understanding um I mean then limiting it to no overnight parking I mean if we had concerns about time frame might be a way to address that um still get the utilization but not be concerned about people being in a lot that we don't want them there and we don't want them there in the morning yeah what about just Sunday overnight because we do have we there are issues where you know people are parking overnight yeah but but if there's no overnight parking during the week then that way I mean that that's the concern any day the week coun I have I have a question yeah go the effective date of this ordinance would be October 1st so we're missing the whole summer anyway it's not going to be officially enacted until after summer right so my thing is why are we rushing to do this in August now okay can I why can't we do this after we get the parking lot re uh resurface redesign okay can I make a Sugg we're getting cameras in this pack right now we're awarding uh you know security cameras I just think uh the carriage is in front of the horse right now that's all can I make a suggestion um a let's hear from the public now and just get some of their thoughts but B uh I'd like to ask for two volunteers from Council to work through this to bring it back to the table so I guess a I'd be making a a request for a motion to table B asked for two volunteers to work through some of these you know also based on public comment and and then bring it back to the table so um Deputy Mayor Baldwin and I will volunteer to work together yeah you okay I'm okay with that I mean my mind can be changed is what I'm saying well that's good enough yeah AB all right C can I have a and we will go to public comment can I have a motion to the table I'll make make the motion do I have a second we have Motion in a second any questions or comments Council roll call council member Yer yes council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes depy mayor Balwin yes mayor mullik yes and thank you for volunteering for that with that we will open it up for public comment on this ordinance please still state your name and address for the record Stacy Shan 928 Columbia Avenue um I just want to remind C Council when the firehouse was under construction we had a lot of the contractors parking there and what we had was a lot of the employees could find parking this is going to be the same thing the employees are going to go out for lunch break come back and somebody's going to park there because a150 an hour is a lot cheaper than I think they're charging $5 an hour in the acne parking lot and when you say three three hour minimum they're just going to go in and redo it for another 3 hours so the idea of a municipal parking lot is to allow for employee parking you're not going to have employee parking cuz anybody that moves for an employee they're going to come back they're not going to have a spot to park at which was happening when we had construction at the firehouse and what are they going to do come back I couldn't find a spot to park okay say park in the Acme and then as a you're going to have to pay for their parking in the Acme parking lot you're not going to be getting that much during the week for as many employees that you have parking in that lot basically takes up almost that whole lot so what going to have a couple spots that are going to be available for the public and that should be for people that are coming in to do City business they can pull in and pull out and then next person can come in and out I don't see that there's a benefit for the amount of money that you're going to get for the fact that you're going to take parking away for the employees in in the city I I think I think money is not should not be the um it should only be a deterrent essentially for people who may be coming and going let me I want to know your opinion what what about after 5:00 p.m. well as a a person that's on a couple boards right again we're going to be coming in and not be able to find parking because people are going to park for $150 an hour versus $5 an an hour okay and you're a volunteer and I'm a volunteer so then where am I going to park it's not like oh I just parked down the street no because there there is no parking down the street to park I mean I already bring I already ride my bike to the zoning board meeting I Rod my bike here why because I knew I wasn't going to be able to find a spot out there and I ride my bike right so I mean it's and then to say oh they can put a sign in their car it doesn't matter if they can put a sign in their car because there's not going to be a spot for them to park in to put the sign up Stacy what is your thought about weekends I'm just curious I mean weekends you know I see where you're coming from in weekends um again I know a lot of churches Park in there for the services so now you're going to be having them pay for parking in there which they're all probably the people that are coming to the churches are all taxpayers so you know what's the reason for that and then also most likely in the winter time the Acme is free anyway on the so so you're going to have people pay for the ca Park line which then might be a deterrent since it would be paying but I mean the effort that's going to go into having to enforce this because like you said it starts at 7:30 in the morning no you know they're they're not us see even 10:30 at night now you're gone half hour over what our other meters are then people are going to say Oh I thought it was done at 10:00 because every other meter is done at 10:00 oh I didn't think they start till 10: because all the other meters didn't start till 10: yeah but I I mean I can see where it's being utilized Maybe by other businesses in the area but are we looking to help these businesses with parking is that one of the reasons I don't understand I mean I understand there's a couple spots there um for weekends but I don't always see an a totally empty parking lot on the weekends but and then how do you get people out on Monday morning for the employees to come in I know okay thank you think about anyone else from the public on this ordinance uh Mr manager do you know if there's already an sop for police on fire if they need to be called in where to park such as along the alleyway or anything like that I don't know if they have an sop just curious it might be something that I mean CU should be thought about you know cuz a I mean the only I mean Patrol Division reports over at West capap May for police right so you know half of the I mean the normal force goes over West K May anyway so they wouldn't be reporting necessarily here it's only the the summer officers that report here okay anyone else wishing uh to speak from the public question one second this is just thank you Dennis CR 806 I just had a quick informational question has anybody researched or is aware of the relationship of the accommodation that the restaurant and the B&B which is abiding this lot uh that they would be assuming that's their parking lot continuous discussions with them about making sure their um people that stay at there know that this is not a parking lot for them so it's a routine conversation we have to have with them that's say you've had that conversation it's a routine conversation with them yeah yeah okay but I that would exacerbate I think what should be discussed I'm not I'm not trying to promote this but you see an open parking lot on a Saturday night a lot of people are trying to go to that restaurant if the tax payers are making two bucks an hour whatever it's a125 I think in this um why not is my question so I I and and there are answers to that question too there so don't get me wrong but I'm I'm saying you know why not work with our neighbors on something like that I also conversation I had with the city manager last night I asked him for his permission to ask employees of their opinion of it because I'm sure they have an opinion yeah good all right well I appreciate the um conversation I appreciate um who who do we have working on it uh Deputy Mayor bul and I are going to work on it and what we can do is try and CEST all of these different scenarios and this may wind up being a very narrow window when we would be applying this um and that may just be a test case to see how it goes but you know and um and it might be after some of the things that councilman Meyer mentioned about when the repaving would occur Etc but it might be an opportunity for us to evaluate and figure out okay in this narrow window of time making sure that we understand the implications both the positive and the negative but we can start I know you'll do this but just to State the obvious I think you should certainly work with the fire chief police chief obviously the city manager you have to um but I would also look at the plan um that Vince Orlando has approved yeah yeah and and see if there's anything you know now that we should change to that well mayor mullik what I was going to mention is I am uh the Council aison on OEM so it we have a meeting coming up I'm going to talk with Chief e and um you know Mr Rigs and and Mr Dietrich are on there along with Chief and have these conversations around making sure that oem's covered uh and understanding what their you know their process would be from a procedural standpoint also so I just uh finally add which has nothing to do necessarily with this ordinance but I do think the importance of being able to put 8 to 10 parking spaces next to the am church for the use of the library is becoming very evident to me uh we need look we have a lot of handicap and elderly folks who aren't handicapped but have a tough time getting to the library we need close parking so uh we're going to have to come up with a solution to that I think one of them is the demolition of the uh old CCA building next to the am Church which HPC unanimously approved and I think hopefully we can move forward with u bigger topic I know but I just mentioned that because look parking is going to be extremely important for the library um with that we can move on to the consent agenda um I tried to do that about half an hour ago but one more thing before the consent agenda we do have the public portion on the resolutions listed on the consent agenda if anybody has a public comment on the resolutions only please come to the microphone state your name and address Stacy Shan 928 Columbia Avenue um I just have a quick question about resolution 219 at authorizing a bid for hardware supply and building material supply um I guess my question is this like I see a lot of city employees in you know swains going in and out for screws and everything is this going to affect that uh relationship and the quickness that we can get things where if they're going to have to go up to like a Lowe's or a Home Dep it's to allow us to continue to do that so we're now because of our purchases we're last year we were coming up in exceeding the bid threshold that we can that we need to do this so in order for us to continue that relationship to to be able to go to swains or somewhere close we we need to do this bid okay because to me know if they had to keep going up to like Lowe's or Home Depot that's a lot of time wasted for projects where they that's why we're doing this and we'll be working with swains to help them with the process okay thank you good question thank you anyone anyone else Mr Rous could we have Jules R 1010 New York Avenue uh could we have an explanation about that the two ordinances dealing with the cameras resolutions the resolutions 221 um and 2 222 21 to 22 yeah the one resolution is to award the bid based to award a contract based on a negotiated price after we had un were unsuccessful on a second time bidding the project from this year's Capital or last year's Capital funds to uh install security cameras at City Hall Public Works and Convention Hall how many cameras is that Paul I don't recall the number Mr Roush I did ask this is phase one uh I believe there's a second phase and that's what the second resolution is for so I would say at least a half a dozen at each location it also included at City Hall some uh security measures for Access Control at the building Mr rash I did ask for a presentation on this or uh resolution uh from the police department the timing was not good in regards to the uh National Night Out being tonight um however uh the chief did say he'd be in for a presentation on this resolution at the next meeting and then this the second resolution is to go out to bid for phase two which would include and when you read the specif ifications um it includes uh Beach Avenue the Washington Street Mall Kanas park lifeguard headquarters uh and the two Bridges don't don't misunderstand my my question I'm really in favor of the cameras I think they're a great great U not only deterrent but been so many examples of the success that the cameras have in finding out whoever did whatever um what about concerned about the maintenance is that going to be a separate contract yes or or I don't even know if it would be a contract it probably wouldn't be up above the bid threshold so it just would be normal procurement process with the vendor and what about the cameras that are currently in existence are they are they being they functional the the current so the current cameras at City Hall will be tied in into this new system I believe the cameras at manager just you know some of those conversations I think could be held in private personally but I just you can answer his question to what you think is important I believe Public Works in in convention hall I believe they're being replaced with new cameras I I think I hope you understand some of the yeah I I I can can I also assume that there's going to be the ability to to save the information that these cameras have the current cameras and future cameras have a recording ability yes okay thank you I have want to comment there's a there's a under the bills there's a uh I don't have the number right in front of me there's a there's a bill for uh SEO uh and is that is that for that fly bridge boat that's out there that is and what what is the stat St us of that boat now uh we're in the we're doing multiple processes in parallel we're trying to work with the owner to have him remove it we're working with the state police and having it deemed an abandoned boat so that we can get control of the boat but there's a statutory time period that we're waiting for that uh we're also working with our insurance and possibly submitting a claim for that because it was to prevent a Environmental spill into the harbor so we're working on multiple fronts on that but several of them have statutory requirements that we'll be hopefully be able to take action before the end of the month because it it it's what I think they call an attractive nuisance I I'm I like to go and have a sandwich and look out over that water and I've seen the kids uh you know circling and looking at that thing and you know it would be uh something that would be of interest to anyone and Mr Rous we had one on Sunset slh Beach that became a big fire because of of exactly what you're saying so let me just real quick I'm not trying to Pat everybody on the back but the the volunteer um Harbor Masters really did a nice job uh they saw that it was sinking which it was and it was ready to SN um and immediately contacted the city manager and SEO the Coast Guard and towed it in not only did they tow it in and one of the reasons it's more expensive is all the fuel was pumped out of it and all of those things we all know from experience how much it would have cost had it sank and also had that oil Spilled Out it would have been much much more um I think the goal here is get it out of there as quickly as possible so I I know you're saying that and we agree but also we want this bill to ultimately be sent to the owner of the boat we'll see how successful we are on that we can't make any guarantees but we thought it would be negligent to just allow that boat to just sink into the harbor thank you thank you any other public comment on resolutions today seeing none we'll close public comment council do I have a motion on the consent agenda I'll make that motion do I have a second I'll second and and just for the record of course two 18 has been deleted from this uh consent agenda ready for roll call roll call please council member Jagger yes council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor Balwin yes mayor mullik yes any new business city solicitor uh nothing tonight mayor thank you uh city manager just would want to update uh Council um we're getting getting ready to resurface Washington Street in the fall as part of the two yeah this year's Paving project and I was asked to look at whether or not we could increase the number of parking spaces if we moved the parking from one side you know between Madison and ocean from the side that it currently is on and move it to the other side when I did the evaluation we could pick up about maybe 10 to 12 spaces however there's several locations that create functional issues the first functional issue is the nursing spots out in front of uh senior housing the next functional issue is the parking for the post office would then be across the street and then everybody wanted to visit you know we're creating a lot of pedestrian Crossing conflicts across the street and then at but the Washington in and the funeral home you know having that parking inside of them is going to you know mess up kind of not that not that how the valet works at the Washington is perfect but it it would it would kind of help it to the extent that it would then be a loading area not in the middle of the street so you could almost consider that a potential positive where they wouldn't be in the lane of travel as they try to move their valet though I think their valet is pretty robust in trying to get the cars off the street as quick as possible though it does create some delays occasionally um I'm not sure with all that whether or not finding 10 spaces is you know that's that is a lot of spaces but those conflicts are pretty hefty complex and I don't you know so I just was bringing it back to council just to you know we if we're going to do it we kind of have to make a decision more about public notification before we would actually do it than than anything um I'm not GNA make an opinion on that I think it's it's a tough one um but I will say I think one of the questions that should be really looked at is everyone for everyone's information what we're talking about is when you're coming into town you see when you're coming into town on Washington of course the parking is on your right side okay you get to Madison Avenue right the traffic light you cross Madison and now the park is on your left so it switches and we all know that kind of maneuvering that you have to do the yellow line essentially moves almost One cart lane over once you cross Madison one one thing I would just throw out there for conversation is maybe Madison is not the time to do that cart crossover because it's such a heavily trafficked and quick area that's all that's all I would add to it and and looking at it there may be another location that hey you want to slow people down anyway you know have a have a but I will say if if we move it to any other location besides Madison the geometric loss of spaces that we would lose because of the the transition that we would have to design to to to transition over a Lane of traffic because you'd have to do that transition in both directions any potential gain would be lost in that transition so sight sight line trans well no because in order you can't I can't just move traffic over and and have them do that little lane shift you know in Madison Avenue they kind of do the lane shift through the intersection so there is some that transition and that distance is built in the intersection I'm not going to comment on how it meets or doesn't meet the the standards but because it's been there historically for probably as long as anybody can remember but so if I moved it mid block whether it's north or south of Madison it would it would make it I would have to do a proper lane transition which everybody can see when you see the different Lane transitions at at different locations on highways that you travel around in it would take me three four car lengths parking spaces to create a transition so you would be neg I would I would I would probably lose eight parking spaces eight to 10 parking spaces to create a transition if it wasn't done at Madison Avenue so any gain of 10 parking spaces so say I didn't do it at Madison and I moved it North or South I'm going to lose 10 parking spaces in doing it so it it wouldn't and moving it in anywhere besides Madison would negate any benefit of the parking well the other area that currently the flow is in front of the of the physic estate the trolleys go there and especially when they have events and large events that's the drop off point so now You' be dropping them off on the other side of the street and them having to get back down so which would mean the trolleys would be going further out and coming back and I wasn't and I wasn't looking and I did not look at examining changing it I I was not looking at Madison to Ocean I was looking at Madison to Ocean I did not look at you know what would be the change of parking if I moved it from Madison to Sydney and moved it over to the other side I did not do that analysis I looked at it only in the other other side I know the the fact is I think one of our toughest intersections is Washington and Madison um so all I'm saying regardless of flip-flopping the parking I think when the lines are drawn maybe they are the best they can be right now but I'd like us to really look at it is maybe it can ease a little bit more and you lose one parking spot or something but um we all know that transition when you have the green light can be a bit it's a little difficult if you don't know the territory and okay anyway then anyone else but you you'll be just be changing the problem to the other side of the road and you're going to potentially and you're losing functionality if you're not and then here's the other thing you know the people that are used to the way it is they're going to have to we train them how to our street I just think if you did a poll on this entire we're talking about 10 spots about a half a mile stretch if we did a poll of all the people that lived on there mhm I live on there uh I think that most people would not be in favor of this I I just think people don't like change well and I think the functionality that you would be losing I mean in front of Victorian Towers in front of the library I mean we are all creatures of habit right the post office post office yes I'm sorry um We're All Creatures of habit so I think people are just used to and and you know if you could make the transition a little bit smoother fine but I don't see flip-flopping and I don't I don't it's not I I could I can see it if we were were to change dimensions of the road such as widening it or something like that that Mak that was an option that that' be and I'm pretty much staying you know neutral on this um because you know yes there are a lot of parking spots that can be you know um realized if we do change it um but you know again it's I would abstain no matter what and you guys would run oh aren't you lucky no no it's right it it wouldn't matter one way or the other for me um honestly but uh you some people you know favor parking on one side versus the other but you know let's look at it realistically and you know but you know you do you have the post office which I think is the most challenging so but I'd ask um Mr Dietrich whatever it is I would assume it sounds like keeping the parking the way it is but if there's any way to ease that I can I can look at I can look at doing that when we do the final striping for that and then the final thing I know is listed on the agenda for driveway striping just wanted to briefly comment if you're okay with So currently we have a process where if somebody wants to request the permit to park in front of their driveway we do an analysis to make sure the driveway is wide enough to accommodate a car and then you can get a a driveway parking permit for your own to park in front of your own driveway we have some instances where the driveway is not wide enough so they don't get the parking permit but they want to have the line they want to have paint on the the road so that people don't park in their driveway but we don't have a way to process to charge them for that I just want to make sure Council was okay that if we could move forward with amending that ordinance to create that line item that if they're denied or or if they want to ask to paint that because we have a painting charge in the driveway permit cost to to for the public work and paint it but but we can apply that painting for somebody that doesn't have the right proper width of driveway for a parking permit but we can still paint their driveway even though they can't park in it so that other people don't park in their driveways just to kind of enumerate where the parking is so it's really a process so that we can follow and and charge the person under the ordinance okay all right so we'll work on that ordinance update okay city clerk none tonight mayor okay council members Deputy Mayor nothing today okay uh council member uh McDade yeah just very briefly um I we all received a communication from um Deputy manager rigs on um Triad posting for the affordable housing low-income housing which is great to finally see that those are being opened up um and I did just ask whether or not that he could reach out to Triad and figure out if there's a way to enable someone to apply who doesn't have an email address I went through the online myself and it really does currently limit so we want to be as inclusive and as possible so figuring out how they could either call or get access to a paper application if necessary so that we're not um um you know that everyone has access to be able to the um apply for that housing so that's great council member Meyer I have nothing today mayor council M member jger I had nothing tonight Mr Mayor okay I have nothing so I just uh welcome everyone to the uh 5:30 starts the um the uh police uh National National Night Out and is always fun so if you have a chance go check it out with that we'll open it up for public comment anyone wishing to speak please come to the microphone state your name and address Stacy Shan 928 Columbia Avenue um I just have a quick question in the water bill there was a a letter attached and I thought it was just uh my neighbor you know approached me thought it was in our area that there was a lot of flooding claims in the area but when I realized it that everybody got that letter so it wasn't like my neighbor thought oh it's just our area you know and so I I guess I'm bringing that up to the reason why it was included I I did that one to raise awareness for flooding generally in the city City but also to Spur that conversation with the people that would be and most of the people that have called have been outside the flood Hazard area so they're like hey we're not in a flood zone and you know why are we getting this letter so it was it was was allowing me to reach some of those people and talk to them about the the regulations that that were just put on the register this I think last week or this week uh and I did the presentation at the last coun or two Council meetings ago or last Council about the the real and jpa rules and the implications of those regulations coming out where if they're promulgated and effectuated that all properties within the city will now be in a flood zone and have to be impacted by the flood Hazard rule so it was more to Spur that discussion and and have that right have that ability my my neighbor like should we call them I said well yes the issue what we have in our neighborhood is we have Clay so when the when it rains it doesn't go anywhere right I said what you think he's going to do I mean it was basically well for those people there are remedies like if people have poor drainage in their yard and because it is Clay there are remedies that you can do and a lot of that is I call Deep soil um ation um and essentially you got to poke holes through that clay layer and get down to the Sandy layer and fill that with sand and then your your backyards will drain better than holding that clay layer so there and actually I worked with a a resident it doesn't help too that our neighbors out back their drains all point to our yard which is lower then my second conversation is to put you know down spouts into a French drain so that we get the storm water in the ground and not flowing across the top of the surface there's different thing is though they did that to my other neighbor on the other side with the new housing and the problem is because it's Clay it didn't go down far enough so now we just have a retention Basin of water that's collecting mosquitoes cuz it Doesn't drain and it just sits there so um but thank you for your explanation my other one has to do with your comment on painting driveways can we get a set standard on how far from the driveway it gets painted because I know on Columbia Avenue it's like 3 feet on one side 3 feet on the other side and you're almost losing a whole parking spot because where these people painted their own driveway uh lines at where you know a car could be parking but they made it so that's it's driveway and that's the problem with people painting their own driveways so you know only the city or the county should be painting the roadways so right we do have a standardize you do have a standardize on what how far from the thing okay that was my other um my next question people to walk also has pertain uh with you also has to do with the back and you were on vacation but back on um I think it was was May 7th uh there was a the am Church applications with shipo they were incomplete has that have those applications been completed yes and uh shipo was waiting to make their final determination the last thing they were waiting for was a window detail and that was submitted last week and they've acknowledged they've received that and it also I think it was they're waiting on detailed drawings of the steeple too no we re they received those months ago they already received them yes okay that's what my other question was thank you yep you're welcome Jules Rous 1010 New York Avenue um Paul I know I'm I'm assuming you just received this notice as well about yes the flood Hazard increase is is Kate May going to stay on our own course or are we going to be joining with some of the other communities to to present a a case where we can maybe get some little different treatment because as as you know from the map it is it is devastating to the to not only to Kate may but to many other communities I think was it last meeting or we did pass a resolution objecting to the rules and we'll be submitting that as our formal uh in in in partnership with the county yeah the county the county created a model resolution the city adopted that at our last meeting and now that the now that the official comment period is open we will submit that as our official comments to those rules is there going to be any effort to join in with any of the other particularly the county the communities in the county the county is is going around to all the municipalities and ask them for their support yes they've G gone to all the meetings and things like that and and they've and they've gotten resolutions of support I think from all but two even woodb at doesn't have any flood Hazard zones uh adopted the the resolution so the county may also be looking at um the need for more formal action and so we're working we're working with we're working closely with the County Administrator office on I would encourage Kate May to become much more aggressive in in the in opposing this impact that we're going to have obviously it's not going to affect any body in this room but it is going to affect their their Generations behind them we I think I think it would affect everybody in this room well it's going to affect everybody in K County and me and we also have the way the public can get involved uh we have put on social media and I think it's on our website uh there's a a handout letter with a QR code that you can scan that will create an automated email to a distribution list that includes the governor's office the commissioner office and several state legislators just talking about he how this these rules are not appropriate the concerning thing is you know the notice that I received about the the public uh information and the hearings this thing is being accelerated from from what I can see uh by D and it's not that that that's a concern it's not being accelerated okay I mean I have we have concerns about the the the rules yes but it's not being accelerated all right I cuz because these rules have been in promulgation for about a year and a half the the problem Mr Rous is the rules are a thousand pages long and nobody reads it except I think except Paul just once and all and all serious though Mr rash I do want you to know that we are well represented by Paul I mean he's being called by oh I'm not questioning that yeah I know you're not I I'm questioning the severity of the of regulations crazy and um we are going to have a presentation from Paul and um uh Peter LX coming up sometime I may have them him come over um to go over it in more detail so that everyone has a better understanding of it but I mean the ramifications would be very very tough on on our County and the point that I've made multiple times is if this was affecting North Jersey like it is South Jersey this wouldn't be happening there's no way these major metropolitan areas along the coastline which there are many in North Jersey and Jersey City and Elizabeth you know many of those communities that are right along the ocean Andor the river right right there um that are affected by flooding just as much as we are um so I think a point that really needs to be made by South Jersey is if this is truly about sea level rise and and things like that it's not only happening in South Jersey so why is the law only affecting South Jersey I know there's an answer to that but I don't like the answer to me is not a fair one um so but but but but we also have an advantage so the the one thing that some of our residents feel is a disadvantage being in the historic district I realize that but also being because our entire city limits are within a National Historic Landmark there may be Provisions if I talk with Council and they feel comfortable with me exercising to because historic structures are exempt from the flood Hazard rules now now there's interpretations of flood Hazard structures flood Hazard districts and national landmark status that I may be asking to you know to take a broader brush with but but you know this may be one case where being a historic structure or being within our historic designated District within the city limits may be a benefit that you may not be regulated by these impending regulations but the there's the ramifications of this change go well beyond I uh the ability to get a morgage as an example you're going to have lenders look at it and they're basically going to uh Redline certain areas same thing with with uh with homeowners insurance or tenants insurance or liability insurance all those things come into play in a very very big way that are frankly almost beyond what um it's going to what you can do going to require people who are outside the flood zone now to get flood insurance well not not yet not directly not well to be honest to be honest appreciate any you yeah and I'm just going to pick on maren right now morine lives in Village Green outside of the flat Hazard Zone her mortgage company could come go to her today and require her to carry flood insurance you know it's up it's it's up to the mortgage company to decide you know even if you're I mean it's mandatory if you're in the flood Hazard Zone to carry flood insurance mandatory but if you're outside the flood Hazard Zone your mortgage company could still require you to carry an appropriate Hazard insurance that they feel deemed necessary and you know require somebody inside outside of the flood Hazard area to to to carry appropriate flood insurance so I mean they can already do that but but I do agree that this is probably one step of in a path think do to auto insurance I mean this thing is a great deal more than um just a couple of pages and I'd like to follow what Mr Meyer had suggested earlier this year that we have a a uh a town hall meeting and this in my view would be the subject that would be appropriate for the citizens to understand how how important this particular subject is and maybe we can generate a ground swell of of individuals that would would exert them their opinion on the state um I think I think it's something that we ought to be wor thinking about I'm not you know just towards your comment about them accelerating the Pace I I was surprised I just read the RP today on the um in the Harold and what they mentioned in here was that the uh neighbors that want didn't didn't want a guy to build rebuild a beachfront home that was damaged um sued the DP because the D said they could rebuild the home on the beach this is in Manokin Ocean County and uh took them to court and they actually the U the D1 and the people will be rebuilding the home on the beach in Ocean County now I if if we're serious about changing this and preventing that from happening that just seems to be pretty much in conflict with what their strategy is right now the other any other comment that I'll make is we've been fortunate to have a lot of Grants one of the basic approvals or credits that we get is the status of the city being historic I'm also concerned once this legislation if it would go through the applications for Grants when they look at the maps and they see what increase in flood areas there are that that may impact the consideration for Grants so it's just it's just another another idea or reason why it becomes important to to uh pursue this well the worst part Mr Ral is that it's not legislation it's executive order and um and I think Mr diet had a good suggest I mean one Mr D had a good suggestion a lot of people you know secondary homeowners need to go up to their politicians up north and and plead their case you know I went to West Cape May's meeting because they had Mr LX explain the situation to all of us and the other thing that affects the city is that has to do with infrastructure too so we're not just raising houses up we're raising roads and everything else right well I think that any kind of a public forum needs to make sure that we are including a secondary homeowners because it is the only way to make sure that people understand the implications and to put the pressure on not only for residents who live in New Jersey but if they're living in Pennsylvania or New York or anywhere talking to their local politicians to say listen this is this is a a de which is a you know a national uh agency that's looking to effectuate this in New Jersey so I mean I think we need to make sure that we're getting the word out to not only people who live here full-time but people who own property in the city can't agree more uh one of just a couple little things I was approached uh um last weekend by a owner of a beach front home and and they were told that the Arches are going to be continued West to the cove and I said I've never heard it it's never been mentioned in any of the public meetings and I'm a bit concerned that that that that rumor is U Maybe started or turned around uh is there any any accurate accuracy to that comment the only thing and and we've said it multiple times at multiple meetings the only thing that was presented to us the last time at at a city council meeting was between um Primal the arcade there where it ends and uh and lifeguard headquarters so that was the only proposal that we had on the table that's the only funding that we know of from the fund for Kate May uh the city is not going to build arches at taxpayers expenses so I unless somebody else came up with some money I was asked if I would ask Council today you got the answer and I said I'd be happy to do that but I I think that you know the point that was made before and you have to believe that nothing like that would happen no matter who's paying for it until Council approv proves it so you everybody's going to have a chance to discuss this if they come to us with the with a proposal and uh I know people I tell people that and they say I don't know I keep hearing I'm telling you it will come to city council uh one other thing I I need to preface it by saying I I think the ramble at the Sha font is a is a very nice program I've never U opposed it but I would like to make a comment or read a statement that you know it's been reported that the uh the alcohol beverage commission visited the shaant and uh at rambl I noted several violations that that's not true Mr R I'm not going to comment on this because it's my establishment but that statement is inaccurate okay um and who reported that I I I don't you just said it was reported well the the only the only other statement that that I'd like to make is it was said that there's going to be two k May police officers in attendance at rambl night and my question is is the taxpayer paying for those police officers no or is that I I'll comment because there's I just want to clear this I want nothing to do with it because I I don't operate the shaant my my family does but we want to make sure it's done as professionally as as possible and make sure it's done I understand that as the mayor there's going to be extra attention on me um so my brother asked this the chief of police what do we need to do what what what what should we do to make this best and hired police officers at his expense so no no no taxpayer but I will say if you go out in front of a lot of the local bars well I was going to make that statement you will see you will see police officers there and they should be they should well yeah but they they should be paying for it as well we've had we've had one bar on Beach Avenue that historically has been an issue and they've had a lot of violations and I know there are police officers there and they that business should pay for those police officers so I'm not I'm not being critic I don't I don't necessarily totally disagree with you I I do think police officers have to be in known areas I mean and that and that's in every town we know you know police officers know where certain activities occur and I think that happens in in every Community I I think you could really dial in and look at who should be paying for what and I I understand it believe me I'm not totally disagreeing with that but are you going to tell the police not to go to the locations that are known no obviously if there's a police call for for some irregularity that that's a police call but to have police um stationed yeah well and I don't think it's a we do we do require bouncers as as and I don't know what the technical term on that is it might be bouncers within within any establishments um liquor license so I I think to your point Mr Rous uh we should be making sure that those establishments are providing what they're telling us they provide that's the only point that I'd like to make the the issue other issue is this year we have seen a marked change in the numbers of people coming to Kate may there's and a huge increase in the amount of entertainment at night and uh any of us who live near the beach knows that that is an huge increase this year thank you very much I agree with that Mr Ral um I think if anyone reports a noise violation it should be checked up from our code enforcement and made sure that no noise violations are occurring I I mean I encourage anyone who feels like there is an issue uh and that someone's breaking the noise VI having a noise violation should report it I I make a positive comment I've been very pleased I've made a i' I've made a complaint and I've been very pleased with the reaction of the police department good and what they have done in um trying to cure the problem thank you Mr Rous thank you anyone else today this afternoon seeing none go ahead Dennis I don't know can you sorry could myself I'm Dennis Crowley I live on lafette Street 806 this discussion I wasn't going to comment about anything but this discussion you folks had a little while ago about the parking in the Washington Street traffic and so forth uh since 2000 the um the city has issued three Master plans and each of those Master plans have said that there there should be one-way traffic on Washington and Lafayette and uh recommend commended each time that the uh Council review and uh discover the good and bad aspects of that of that suggestion there's a lot of benefit to be had for that there's a lot of work to be done before you ever did it but uh the discussion you had struck me as rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic yeah you're talking about a little thing a little piece of a very big problem and that how how people come into town and how they come out of town and where they Park uh if one if those streets were made one way you'd have a lot of parking spaces freed up and maybe bike lanes and you'd have a bike lane and you'd have traffic calming aspect of a oneway street M and you'd also you'd also solve the problem up at Texas Avenue where everybody seems to converge from Washington Lafayette and and Texas to get out of town at 3:00 in the afternoon because they took their daily beach CH tags and they're going back to their accommodations and lower Township so maybe it's time to do that I'm suggesting that that we all go back to the master plan reread what it said about it if it said it three times in 23 years it's incumbent on the city to actually take that seriously so uh my suggestion would be let's do that and uh that's my my suggestion it's a it's a heavy lift it's going to cause a lot of problems but it's going to solve a lot of problems so my suggestion to you folks is maybe let's try and do that well uh I would hand that right to Mike joerger uh in all seriousness with the um bicycle and pedestrian engineer that's going through things now I I just want to say this I know that's like a pretty controversial topic so uh you're just bringing it up now it's been in the master plan I know um I think it is something that could be absolutely looked at but I just want to say very clearly to the public right now that that would be a look at and and a very public conversation that isn't going to happen by October by the way I mean we would still continue with Paving the street you may have to change some lines around at sure you're going to have to deal with the county to I'm not I'm not saying do it by October I'm saying it it's been important enough to get into the master plan mhm for 23 years let's take a seasoned look at this thing sooner or later to see whether actually it does work okay and and how much it would cost the city to make that change I'm not saying do it now I'm saying let's start doing it now thank you Dennis thank you Dennis and just quickly before we close I on Washington Street Mr Notch uh go go ahead I would just say that uh Washington Street will be nothing like Lafayette Street in regards to construction it's a Mill and Pa it's not a uh utilities and infrastructure you saw how quickly the mill and paave process actually took place on Lafayette Street uh I think the estimate is basically less than a week for the actual Paving of Washington just just FYI days three days Mary Notch 11:15 Washington Street Mr Crowley I don't know how long you've been here about the Washington Street one way out and one way in uh we lived through this they actually did it one time and living where we are down by the physic State you could sit on your front porch and you could hear them gearing up at Madison Avenue and by the time they hit down in our neighborhood they were going 40 50 miles an hour on the way out of town it did not work and I am very much against this uh but they tried it it didn't work and we've been there 54 years and I do not want to see that changed and and the rain lives on Washington Street also but it's really from Madison Avenue out of town the traffic it was horrendous and it was two lanes so you're not picking up parking spaces on Washington Street because they had two lanes going out from Madison Avenue and it was really dangerous you could not get in down to your driveways Mrs Notch what year was that I'd like to do some research newspapers I don't remember exactly when I and the problem was too at that time when they did it they did not notify the the U residents ahead of time we were on vacation and we came home and we were going in the wrong traffic wow we I promise you we won't do that it was bad your your comments are are well received did anyone else this evening or afternoon Mo okay all right all right moot motion to ajour I'll make that motion time is now 3:10 enjoy your uh afternoon in evening everyone thank you they did drop them off but I have shirt oh really sorry oh absolutely yeah I just lost my dog in December feel like I just lost question oh yeah