s like okay will be a and e e e e e e e folks we apologize we were just coming out of a uh closed session and uh actually we need to close that uh executive session we do have some action on that uh Mr solicitor uh we're coming at a closed session we're going to take some action based on that could you go go over what we have yeah council's not going to take any action tonight on the burrow uh Kate May Point shared services agreement before we start everybody please speak into your microphones I will be reminding everybody all evening okay and if you're having a difficulty hearing please move to the front of the auditorium cuz sometimes the sound goes up rather than out okay one more time we uh council is not going to take any action tonight on the shared services agreement between uh with the burough of Kate May point for court services I anticipate that Council will be adding a resolution regarding the park mobile and park services uh contract and Council will not be taking any action on 72 Beach Avenue okay motion to close uh the executive session make the motion second all in favor I I I okay good evening everyone we are here with the regular meeting of the city council of the city of Kate May New Jersey we are here in the Cap May City Hall Auditorium today is Tuesday March 19th 2024 the time is now 511 please join me for in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you under the open public meetings law notice that this meeting was sent to the C County Herald in the Press of Atlantic City and a copy of the agenda was delivered to each member of city council posted on the city website and the Kate City Hall bulletin board notice is hereby provided that Kate May City Council meetings are audio recorded and video streamed live live video streams are posted to the K May City website the city of K May is not responsible if audio recording or live video streaming of a meeting is unavailable that being said regrettably tonight we are having some live stream camera issues the audio is available we are streaming people should be able to listen from home but they will not be able to see anything besides a black screen unless we utilize the presentation function so if we any presentations the people at home should still be able to see that um we are recording as well so they should be able to hear it unfortunately we need to work on the video aspect of that roll call Deputy Mayor Balwin here council member mcde here council member Meyer here mayor mullik here council member Jagger here City cister G Schwarz here city manager dietr here Deputy city manager rigs here Deputy city clerk Turner here and C o Haney here so Council I believe we have two additions this evening to the regular meeting agenda we've got 12603 2024 a resolution of the city council the city of Kate May authorizing the filing of an application for USDA water and waste grant funding for replacement of various sanitary sewer projects and we have 12703 2024 a resolution awarding competitive contract number 23-14 to Park Mobile LLC in a fair and open manner for parking management system vendor if we have a motion to add to the regular agenda council do I have a motion I'll make that motion I'll second roll call council member yger yes council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor Balwin yes mayor MK yes all right mayor we have a proclamation next yes uh it's and with us this evening we have Gretchen Whitman from the May Nature Center if you want to join me up here gr thank you so much for coming we really appreciate it um at just first on on uh the Kate May Nature Center and Gretchen they've been doing so much for so many years I know um I think Shane was actually weren't you in some of the summer camps at a certain age there I was so yeah so uh and and have done so much for the Youth of the city um and but one thing that they've taken on that's been so important to courses for the monarch butterfly um I'm so I'm proud to be um on the mayor's pledge for the considering today the U Monarch day and that's of course the first day of spring whereas the monarch butterfly is an iconic North American species which multi-generational migration and metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly has captured the imaginations of millions of Americans and Canan adans as we know whereas both the Western and Eastern Monarch populations have seen significant declines with less than 1% of the western Monarch population remaining while the Eastern population has fallen by as much as 90% awas the city of Kate May recognizes the human health ultimately depends on a well-functioning ecosystem and biodiverse regions that can better support food production healthy soil and air quality and can foster healthy connections between humans and Wildlife and whereas cities towns and Counties have a crucial role to play to help save the monarch butterfly and the City of Kate May is striving to become a leader and whereas on the 19th day of March ISAC Mok signed the National Wildlife federations mayor's Monarch pledge and have officially committed to taking meaningful AC action to the protection of the monarch butterfly whereas the city of Kate May has committed to working with sustainable Jersey our Kate May Green Team the New Jersey aabon society and of course the Nature Center of Kate May and whereas every resident of the city of Kate May can make a difference for the Monarch by planting native milked and nectar plants to provide habitat for the Monarch and pollinators in locations where people live work learn and play and worship and now therefore I Zachary mullock mayor of the city of Kate May by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Kate may do hereby Proclaim March 19th 2024 as the mayor's Monarch pledge day in the city of Kate May and encourage all residents to participate in community activities that support and celebrate Monarch conservation thank you very much ketchen thank thank you well thank you thank you for making that effort um we do a monarch Festival every fall this year it's September 29th so mark your calendars for that to come out and uh learn all about the importance of Monarch butterflies how they're connected to Kate May which is globally significant and another little plug is that uh we've been doing this for over 15 years uh Native Plant Sale so if you need the plants come to the Nature Center this year the plant sale is May 4th and we have I've just ordered the most plants I ever have over $16,000 worth of plants we are not a nursery we are a nature center so come buy the plants take them home and make Kate may even more of a an attraction for the monarch butterfly thanks so much thank you oh yeah we got to do a picture real quick okay and uh now if uh our city manager Paul dietr could take it away uh sure really lucky to have two fantastic Awards lately and I know one of which was why you couldn't be at the last coun at the last council meeting uh it was a Kate May Day up in Trenton um so uh we were fortunate to uh you know two different organizations were recognized uh at the uh New Jersey um historic commiss commission and uh you know the first was uh for our um our HPC and um this is just one of the I'm just going to read one statement that the uh lieutenant governor had listed in part of the award and congratulation on this well-deserved recognition in honor of the commitment to preserving architectural Heritage and addressing common challenges faced by historic communities Nationwide the city of Kate May's proactive approach coupled with diverse stakeholder engagement and expert guidance serves as an exemplary model for other historic communities to emulate and I think it just goes to show everything that the HPC has done um over the last especially over the last several years and coming up with the new uh design standards and and really being proactive with the Outreach that they did um really shows and I think it's being recognized uh throughout the state and I know uh Warren Copeland the the chairman of the hbc's here and he has the um the actual uh little presentation that they uh gave the HBC at the state so have Warren come up and please present that and I know War I experienced a little bit of what you do last evening that I think went on till close to 10:00 at night okay after 10:00 at night but in all seriousness it's an example of the volunteerism that we have in the city of Kate May that is so invaluable the fact that you have citizens that are willing to put that much time and effort into it is exactly why we're getting this award so Mr copelan please take it away thank you um and mayor I'd like to present this to you we've read the the proclamation this the interesting part of this is this is the third award this year um we received um from New Jersey for the uh preservation uh award for HBC also we received the award for the standards book which was given to the city so this is the third award and yes there's a lot of work um by the HPC that we're really proud of and it's good to be recognized but it's also important to comment that this can't happen without the support of city council with um the ordinances that have been passed and Grant requests that have been approved um and also the citizens of Kate May to keep the historic preservation uh alive and well in this really wonderful historic City so um this is the award in the Box I would like to present this to you and um wonderful and watch the sharp edges this will be an honor to put in my office really I mean I this I know how much this reflects the hard work that you've done and all of the the commission it's it's awesome so thank you if we could get a picture abut be great thank you cool [Applause] and not to be outdone uh we had the uh Center for Community Arts um and David McKenzie's here is exective director of that to come up and um just kind of maybe talk about what they won the award for but uh they they were also recognized uh for the book uh black voices of Kate May a feeling of community and um you know they really brought the stop out I think they brought a bus load of half of Kate May up that day and I mean when I literally say it was Kate May in uh Trenton that day the room was probably more than half of uh packed with residents and people representing Kate May so it was really great to see the turn for these two great Awards but David could come up and just kind of explain and we just wanted to recognize you know the the other award that was received by you know by great efforts from our residents within the city okay uh thanks much appreciated I'll brag a little bit and say this is our fourth award in the last couple of years all for the work of the history committee um and when I spoke in Trenton um I fibbed a little bit because I went uh on a little bit about how the kind of work we did could be done in any Community which had a group of committed and talented and dedicated volunteers and that was a little bit of a fib because I really think our history committee is special it's the longest standing committee uh at the center of Community Arts and we have some members who were founders of that committee on for more than 25 years uh with an virtually all volunteer on putting the book together and there is you want to hold the book up there's the book thank you Vanna yes indeed uh so thank you and hope gains is one of the authors longtime 25 year member of the committee I don't know how that happened but it's true um I just want to say I'm the only member of the committee here but there are six of us six of us and every single one um is the same we don't have any hierarchy everybody did the same amount of work the same amount of research for the last 25 years and this is Susan tishler who was our editor without her would not have happened great so thank you very much um our award is safely in my office and will be prominently shown in our new offices Franklin Street school thank you AB that's [Applause] great do we have to do we have to do it over again Mark yeah thank you very much David and and everybody that CCA it's just been uh it has been award season in Kate May so thank you with that we'll go to our updates from uh our city manager city manager any updates today uh thank you just a couple uh last uh meeting um there was some discussion based on resolution for the surf camp and putting that out the bid um we've been meeting uh since the last council meeting and gone over we're still fine-tuning stuff but I think we've been able to fine-tune the proposed specifications to address all of the comments the council addressed in there um and specifically the um uh background checks that was that that will not be a problem and I know that that's a primary uh concern another concern I had was making the beach I think we designated or assigned a beach I felt it' be more appropriate that that beach should be flexible to the point of safety and that should have the input on from our beach supervisor and myself to be able to and to be able to move that based on uh safety considerations on conditions of the beach but we did address and look at all those so um we're hoping to have a draft a final draft uh at our next council meeting uh for you to look at and address but I just want to let you know that we did the background checks done do that and I knew that was a you know I was actually on the way back from Trenton we actually were listening to the uh the council meeting so we were able to uh hear your comments and and address it made it a quick drive I'm sure yes we almost beat you home um the second uh a couple meetings ago we had there was some discussion regarding uh the uh Franklin School uh Library project and the budget um I have had several discussions uh with uh the county um people that are overseeing the project both the architect and uh the construction supervisor Burns uh construction management that's overseeing the project um he's they're still tallying some of the numbers because they have numbers coming in but he he told me that he feels comfortable that we'll we'll be well within the $2 million that that the city has appropriated for that uh for the capital cost that that that they're they're haven't exceeded their contract and they're all within their allowances at this point so we should be comfortably within the $2 million that the city has allocated for that project as we get real close to the Final End we'll be able to give a final tally of what that number is but um since we're still kind of working that up I I just want to wait until we get some of the final numbers um from that Mr G not specifically on that matter but on the county at some point in time I think it would be helpful if um you know the county could come and give a update on what programs they will be incorporating into the the library I think that there's sort a lot of information that may have been shared previously and I think an update to the public at you know closer to the opening would be of benefit sure I think and we and we have discussed it obviously the construction's getting closer they're in now installing flooring they're staining the hardwood floors so we're we're moving closer to reing receiving a TCO and then it's going to take the county about a month to to kind of start moving furniture in and then there's going to be like a 2 3 week period where they're going to have to close the current Library start boxing everything up move all the books over move the computers over and and kind of move in uh and and we're we're starting to figure out and you know so we hope by the by the middle of April to be able to have a a good date to be able to start talking with the public on when that will when that grand opening will be um but it it definitely will be before the start of the summer season so um when when we're ready to open up Summer meaning July 4th and and moving into July uh the the new library will be open and ready for for business that's great um and then the other item I wanted to discuss we we added a resolution for the grant uh I think it's a 126 for the USDA since it wasn't I just wanted to give a description of that so that is uh making a Grant application to the USDA uh last year we uh received a grant to do a what's called a preliminary Grant analysis to do the analysis of hey are these streets economically viable in the approach to do it we received a grant from the USDA of $26,000 or $27,000 to do that preliminary engineering study that was been submitted that's been accepted and now the next step is to submit to the USDA to um uh find out the funding package a it's a combination loan uh and Grant uh combination uh they have a short timetable because they're trying to utilize um some funds that have been returned by all the states they go back to Washington and Washington dos them out to the states that need uh extra funding they're trying to get us ahead so uh you know we're working with uh Kevin on a last minute scramble here to try to get this all in so that we can be at the head of the line especially in the state of New Jersey for any application I think they're only looking at two applications in the state of New Jersey in this round and and we're one of them so uh we're trying to get that submitted by the end of this month so that's why we had to add this uh resolution on and that is for uh to cover sewer infrastructure on uh Washington and Sydney uh Washington up to Texas Avenue not the main part of Washington but from down Sydney and then up Washington from Sydney to Texas uh on Ohio Avenue Stockton place and Idaho um and a lot of those streets are also we kind of double dipping where we've gotten some dot grants but we've also uh those are some of the streets where we have lead water pipes on so we're trying to maximize our infrastructure and get as many grants as we can for those infrastructure projects so that that is what that resolution is all about um and now I'd like to turn it up we I did have it on the agenda at the for new business later in the uh agenda regarding uh digital beach tags um but since we do have a resolution on there for your consideration I think it might be appropriate for uh to have that discussion before the resolution just because if the public has any questions regarding that these this presentation could probably answer that those things and I'd ask uh Deputy City man rigs to kind of give you know he's been doing a lot of research on the um the be Mobile Beach tag and how they work and I'd asked him to uh kind of give Council a presentation on what he's found and where we might be able to move forward with that sure well thank you um so I've been working with our collector's office um and Deb is here as well so Deb thanks for coming coming out um so just to talk about the digital beach tags um it would be only used to supplement what we're doing already um you know we have no intention it's the city's position as of right now no intention to get rid of our physical beach tags because you know people use them as collector's items some people you know may not have their phone with them on the beach so we just want to provide basically a supplement to what we're doing already there is technology out there because I know kind of through these discussions um about sharing and kind of what that looks like for the city so basically the technology that is out there right now is for um kind of the same as like StubHub or Ticket Master would be where there's an active barcode scanning system so you can't share that amongst you know 25 people it's basically on your phone at that time so um basically you know if it's uh okay with Council with the resolution we would proceed forward with procuring through the competitive Contracting process um a vendor to kind of work on that and then supplement what we're doing already with the city for are you anticipating this season so yes so it would be for this season um and it would kind of through the thought process try to do it on a trial run with maybe our daily um 3-day weekly tags and then kind of see where that would lead for the following year well excuse me will the beach taggers have some kind of uh equipment device technology so we would kind of work with um Deb's office to make sure that the beach tagger would have the appropriate technology kind of with them um we kind of didn't want to make any you know premature um decisions kind of we wanted to allow Council you know to make sure it was okay to move forward the um first off I know all of us have a real affinity for the u beach badge the beach tag um so I don't think I just want to make it clear to the public right right from the beginning that this is not a replacement you know we will have the beach tag probably for many many years I hope um I also I think it's appropriate to give a little bit of a pitch to the company that we work with and have worked with for uh decades is Jersey Cape who um is a nonprofit organization that uh works with um developmentally challenged and other um uh ailments that some folks have in in um uh employment um so they really are a wonderful group and and frankly given their um their nonprofit status I think Mo I think most beach towns in New Jersey work with them at least in South Jersey and have done an excellent job in fact we are aware of some of the other beach towns that have H gone to uh B digital beach tags I think all of us in our little conversations that we've had were a little hesitant because a we really like working with Jersey Cape and and their group that they have and I think I can St that as a fact um and they were kind of frankly behind in the technology now I there's a separate piece to this where we have to put out a bid so I don't want to um uh overstate we can simply select who we work with it would it would be bid out and um along with you know the lowest bidder other factors can be incorporated but frankly um we really didn't want to take away business away from Jersey Cape uh however as many of you know um we've getting we've each year we're getting more and more requests for a digital Beach tag that can be used on your cell phone but also and maybe even more importantly the use of credit cards which we haven't had at at the beachfront um my understanding is that the this system would allow for credit cards to be used as well is that right that that's correct mayor so they um no matter kind of what vendor you know would would be selected through this competitive process um kind of how our you know parking app would work you know they collect a nominal fee um but they can pay on a credit card and then they have their Beach tag right on their phone and it would basically come up as a QR code like I said of a an active scan so it can't be shared amongst multiple users that was my biggest concern was do we change this and all of a sudden in the middle of the summer realize all these folks are sharing we're so far below on our Beach utility sales you know so the thing that was most concerning to me is we have this has to be Ironclad and I think that's one of the reasons I I personally like the idea of not opening this up to every uh different Beach tag that we have kind of see how it works on say a daily tag or or a three-day tag or what whatever it may be um let me ask you are are is that the extent of your presentation or should we be asking questions how how do you want to handle it Mr rigs U I just wanted to present to uh mayor and counsel the kind of The Facts of of it and if you guys do have any questions you know more than welcome but I've concluded my okay presentation any any questions coun no I I just think once we get through the process and and perhaps have a vendor um I'd like to see the presentation of you know exactly how it works you know just from the technology standpoint um and either we can do that here or just have a chance to sit with you and and go through it I I think that's an excellent idea and I think um once there would be a vendor um I think it's probably appropriate to bring them in and allow them to do a public information campaign so not only do you guys understand but the public can understand kind of how that technology is going to work right we we could also put with within the uh the RP specs that um like a they could have to come in and do a presentation as before they're awarded um you know to the Review Committee so that they could actually show the technology and show how it works yeah I think I think that I think with this kind of thing it it probably wouldn't hurt to maybe we in have that include that into the specifications just so that the Review Committee can be comfortable to report back to uh you know Administration and and C of how it really works yeah I think the important piece to this will be the um sort of the technology security around uh non-transferable so from that aspect just to be able to see how and they're able to demonstrate that um you know so that that would be the most important thing and I do agree that probably um looking at one as an initial roll out whether it's stally or weekly you know kind of a thing or a three-day just pick one do a soft launch y give it you know three three to four weeks see how it goes I mean you know we still have the physical beach tags um you know as um as our primary this is just sort of a you know an introductory mode before we would make a decision as to whether or not we want to go you know all in that would be my Approach absolutely Mr Mayor I have a comment if I may uh I think one of the thoughts that the Review Committee should have is uh based on the cost of the tech and Equipment uh maybe looking into and in the fact this is a trial Maybe looking into only having these uh pieces of equipment at certain beaches maybe not all the beaches maybe not all the beach taggers are you know up are good with technology um maybe we should focus on certain uh busier beaches and if if someone doesn't have cash they can always be directed to the next Beach over I obviously kind of depending on the cost of that equipment and and training I would assume too I mean right and if it's a trial and we're limiting it it makes sense to be selective in which beaches you know we may want to deploy it to especially if we're doing something in a 3 to four week period rather than putting these devices out in the hands of everyone and trying to upt Trin everyone in the middle of the Season you know make some selections and some criteria um and although that can be challenging from directing the public you know I think that we could maybe just make sure that we're doing as much as we can from a PR standpoint saying you know if you're going to be using our mobile Beach Tag app you know go to you know these three or four different beaches I see the city manager uh kind of I think one of the things just to be clear is one of the benefits of doing this is that the the customer can purchase the tag wherever he is in the world right now right on on the app so you're not necessarily purchasing the tag from the beach tagger but they have to scan it so that may be a problem problem to only have a couple beaches that we're scanning I mean I think we got to have at least a good majority of beaches that people can go to to scan their tag so I I mean technology and making sure that this financially makes sense the amount that we but here's the one thing we all know that uh several other municipalities just went in this direction almost full scale um so it's coming so we're g to have to go into it you know at least little by little for the tags but I think ultimately taggers are going to have to scan a digital Beach tag so the the technolog is not in place now it but I mean other municipalities are going in that direction have they had a season yet nobody has I think SE I'll just got introduced it as a concept for this upcoming season but I I'm not aware of any of the other beaches fun to watch them see how they so so that's kind of the intent right is you know a lot of these surrounding municipalities kind of went Full Tilt and said hey this is what we're doing that's not kind of the intent of this it's more or less hey let's see how it goes on that trial run let's see how other municipalities fair with doing a full on you know only only digital thing but certainly you know people love their physical beach tags they use them as you know little keepsakes and you know um certainly not Our intention to get rid of that physical Beach tag um one of the things that are my is my concern is that um based on the cost of this I don't want to have a giant bump in in costs you know I want to keep it incremental as best as possible agreed and be comp competitive right yep all right any other comments on that Council okay uh city solicitor do you have any updates I don't have anything tonight mayor thank thank you okay we're on to ordinances for introduction yes Council we have 529-2020 an ordinance amending sections 482 of the Kate May city code to confirm the fees applicable to tree removal applications uh I'm sorry but Pardon Me Do we have a motion I'll make that motion do I have a second I'll second any uh questions or comments uh this is just clarifying some language of our new ordinance I appreciate our solicitor working with us it's very clear now that's great yeah perfect any any other comments Council okay roll call council member Jagger yes council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor Balwin yes Senator mullik yes and next we have an ordinance for second reading and consideration for adoption it's 528 2024 an ordinance establishing mandatory direct deposit of net pay for employees of the city of Cap May and there is a public hearing this evening mayor is anyone here wishing to speak on ordinance 528 2024 this is on the direct deposit seeing none we can close public comment do I have a motion I'll make a motion do I have a second I'll second any questions or comments Council okay roll call council member Jagger yes council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor bobwin yes mayor mullik yes next Council we have a discussion on the K May paddle Club New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control Club license application Council uh I hate to admit this in public because it is My Little Getaway but I keep my boat at Kate May Marina uh which is in in regards to this discussion so I'm going to refrain from any discussion and Mr sisser has no discussion right and of course I'm going to abstain from the vote correct okay so uh Deputy Mayor if you would take it away sure I'm sorry for not giving you that heads up that's okay um so I know that our uh city clerk sent out uh information to all of us and we were supposed to reply back if there were any concerns but do you want to bring up any concerns in public right now concerns believe the applicants are here as well Deputy Mayor okay and and they to the extent there are any questions from Council or the public uh you know I would invite them to respond as well it's discussion at this point right yeah that's it's not necessarily a concern rather a point of clarification we received a number of schematic drawings and I was trying to determine from these which exactly was being considered for so I can I can go over maybe what would be helpful is I can go over some of the back and forth discussion with the clerk's office and how this ended up before Council tonight because there was some amendments that occurred in response to City uh staff's concerns um so just a starting point Club licenses are not subject to the uh population limitations uh of other licenses so new real new retail licenses and the like are subject to population caps Club licenses are specifically Exempted from that from State Statute and the city code so uh the requirements that they have to meet are the minimum of 60 members in 3 years in operation be a nonprofit organization and then if provided that the municipality grants the the license for that it is limited and it's there's no takeaway and the uh uh service of alcohol is for members and up to a limited number of guests so those are built kind of built-in limitations on the use of the license even if you grant it um in addition just the the limitations that uh this Council and any other municipality can put on you can put on special conditions for licenses and in this case there's already uh the standard outdoor music conditions that are every other licy is subject to so those are included in there and then in addition in response to one of the first things that uh clerk's office and ion City manager's offic has has made sure that zoning officer had an opportunity to review this provide any comments or concerns and in response to that uh the applicant revised their proposed license premise to include their existing operation there's already a patio out there with a pool and a outdoor bar but in this case they're proposing that area that's currently utilized be converted to a licensed area subject to this license and then the interior building that is adjacent to that the there's three floors and two floors would be uh dedicated to office space and storage and they would be licensed the third floor was eliminated as licensed as a licensed area and that's a currently I think an apartment or Penthouse area so the third floor is not included in the licensed area nor is there any proposal to utilize the interior of that building either the first two floors as um as a service area and what they acknowledged and their their Council had provided a proposed condition acknowledging that if there's any modification of that it's not going to that's not going to come uh to be until they go through the process of a site plan application addressing any parking concerns uh conversion of the building and then the second step of that before it can be used as a service area would be coming back to council to adjust that condition so reminder to the public and to council these are renewed and evaluated on an annual basis and those conditions that are attached can be evaluated as part of that process so um in response to the applicant revising their proposed licensed area and I'll say from my perspective I think it's pretty uh common that you would have some area of office space and stores dedicated to that and the applicant acknowledges and proposed as a condition they understand that's not going to be a service area unless the city it's planning board and this Council takes further action and that's built into the resolution it's it was in their council's letter so um with those modifications and those conditions proposed by the applicant those satisfied zonings um zonings review that this was uh would be permitted from a zoning standpoint satisfied my review just from a global scale on the conditions of the liquor license and the standard conditions that the city imposes and I think it addressed the city manager and the city clerk's um initial concerns and made it so that we felt it was ready for Council consideration at this point in addition the applicant has already done the required notification um twice in the paper to give anybody an interest that they could come out and write us a letter send an email come to the meeting um and I I don't think as of the date of writing that resolution that we received any written objections to this no written objections to this point we did um include on the agenda public portion if some person were to come here and make any thoughts known but I've written I've received nothing in writing I just had one other question um is this ever is it envisioned that this could ever be um permitted for private use to be rented out for an event to an outside party maybe the guest you know someone who's a member wanted to use it for a private event or anything there's uh built-in limitations on that when you have a a li Club license premises and um if it's to I think there's a social Affairs permit process if you're not a member and services contemplated so essentially the long and the short of is there's some potential for that but by licensing this premise the applicant is kind of putting themselves in this regulatory scheme where they have to be careful how they're using it and and renting it out out essentially but for members members can have events but if it's outside there might be some need for a social Affairs permit and they'll have to review that with their own counsel okay and the hours of operation I don't have that off the top of my head I know that hours of operation I mean I think it was was it included okay thank you I'll look for it never mind thank you in any event there is uh Council woman McDade there is a limit the like I said the standard conditions about outdoor music and things like see that part thank you and for for people that aren't familiar with the club um I don't know if it's changed much I was a member there um several years ago um and uh everybody drinks there now um you were allowed to bring your own actually the club would give away every day you could have two free beers as part of your membership to the club as long as it was free and it was it was nice but uh anyhow everybody brings liquor in um they they drink while they're there and in fact they everybody's allowed to store liquor um somewhere on the outside premises um and consume it when they when they come to the club now which is all I think totally legitimate so it's it's a private um private club so this is not going to make a whole lot of difference I think is what I'm suggesting yeah based on how it's current currently operating it's just they have their own right mhm the only question I have and I'm sure that this is something that was can you bring it closer I'm sorry yes sorry um the the one thing that I have a concern with and I'm sure it's brought up by the fire marshall but it's outside so I'm not sure is there a maximum occupancy because each member could bring in nine guests so what would determine that so they can already bring in nine guests but is there a maximum occupant the the building would have an occupy load based on from when they had construction there's an occupy load listed um but really this isn't the only place that's really being served is outside so it's that outside pool deck area outside totally outside that will apply whether it's licensed or not that that'll be you know that's a fire Building Safety concern that's what I kind of thought but I wasn't just to clarify that sure for sure okay okay any other questions before we open this I have a question for the yep excuse me I have a question for the applicant and um this is a special license like we said it's a nonprofit as it says here in the first line uh it's a club license a liquor license that is issued by a municipality to a corporation Association or or organization that is nonprofit and operating for benevolent charitable fraternal social religious recreational athletic and similar purposes my question to the applicant is uh what Civic contributions does this nonprofit provide to our community I think that's important to ask because that's why it's it's a it's a unique license do we want to bring the applicant up at this point to to Podium where I can bring seats up front to the table whichever are you comfortable standing okay thank you you can pick up yeah I'm sorry you can pick up the microphone please speak into it State your names for us so we know who everybody is please thank you good evening ladies and gentlemen my name is Eric gold I'm the attorney for the applicant with me to my right is Mr Sean Scarboro uh just by way of background I think Mr Gillan Schwarz gave about the best information that I I can't give it as as well as Chris could give so I'm going to rely on what he said with regard to the background of what we're attempting to do uh Mr Scarboro can probably give more information about the day today but I just wanted to get some clarification from councilman Meyer's question um I'm just a little concerned of what the question was Sir the question was what Civic contributions does the Kate May paddle Club provide to this this community Kate May and out outside hi thank you for the question uh um should we for purposes of the hearing yeah okay Mr scarbo you swear to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth before this board I do thank you go ahead hi uh we're a fraternal organization sort of like the Coast Guard Reserve I'm going to go to that one is we we all know what that is on uh just around the corner from us and uh what we have had an opportunity to do is host events um free of charge Coast Guard Reserve being one of them and some other things over time and we're a fraternal organization uh all our members are either summer residents or year- round residents um of Cape May and um I think what translates through just the residents is they'll often have guests there or we'll have an event there um they're small in nature but that's our connection uh at a Civic level with the community it comes through the members primarily I appreciate that question um I have been to events there but I wanted to hear you say like such as Kate mes and things like that yeah no we it's it's been a great relationship okay any other questions for the applicant no okay okay um yeah just stay close um because we're gonna we're going to open it up to public portion um so is there any public that wishes to comment on uh just the paddle Club application for a new club lure only um Stacy Shan 928 Columbia Avenue um as a public I want to know what are the hours since it was never really answered yeah and I paper I couldn't find it in the paper I couldn't find it either I just said it I think that's a very important question to know what the hours are since we when we give out liquor license there are certain hours and we don't allow you know after 9:00 so it it indicates here it it really just specifically speaks to music from you know before 12 and after 9 but it doesn't list the hours at least I could not find for the operation of the facility just just want to state your name for the record yeah uh my name is Joshua Dickson I'm the general manager uh you swear to tell whole truth I put the truth before this board yes thank you go ahead uh we operate from 10:30 to 8: every day uh we don't start service food service or anything till 12 12 thank you my question or my statement should be that it should be stated somewhere in the license when alcohol can and has to be started and stopped we can allow you know clubs to start early in the morning when we don't allow a lot of our other liquor license to start that early I think that's set by ordinance well it but the ordinance doesn't count does that go towards it should be just stated somewhere so it's not like somebody has to go towards an ordinance to find out what the hours are so has a council made a decision on what the hours are or where are we going with the hours I feel like my question is not getting really getting answered no I well no I understand so you're say they operate 10:30 to 8 um the general manager has just testified that they start they they will not serve liquor before 12:00 p.m. is that correct sir corre okay and I'm presuming you stop at 8 when you close yes and your guess leave at 8:00 correct is that correct okay so that's what he's testified to I don't know if we need to put it in there but we have a record of it if you if you feel that is sufficient M well I just think you know it makes things there's more clarity when it's listed so we have you know a lot of liquor license we say they have to have a door man they have to have this they have to have that and I don't think it's gone beyond uh an ask to say these are the hours for alcohol um gentlemen would you have any issue or any concerns if we we just made revision to this yes uh only because the hours um obviously are limited by New Jersey Law by uh Kate May's ordinances the resolution uh what we're doing tonight respectfully is just granting the um the ability to operate with the club license okay the hours May ultimately uh go deeper into the night for one reason or another so um I would defer to your solicitor but I don't think that needs to be in the resolution itself okay Mr G Schwarz does it need to be in your opinion not necessarily subject to and this is already in the resolution there already subject to the outdoor music conditions and they're subject just like everybody else to the noise ordinance Provisions right so we have typically not put anything like this in our um lure in our um for granting for other that's what I'm trying to look up right now I don't know if I have any of my emails I don't recall for clubs for Club specifically but I don't have it in front of me I'm trying to find one for an example let me ask this another way I mean the anticipate this going past 10 no okay so that that kind of goes to the built-in limitation here they're looking for they're trying to be candid I think with we want to open this place up 10:30 to 8: may go no later than 10: I'm hearing um and liquor service is not going to start any earlier than noon okay I'm satisfied with that is those here we go to follow up on what councilman Jagger said earlier it will be a less intense use of alcohol because T typically when someone has a boo or they're storing alcohol in one place they'll tend to bring more with them and it's current uh certainly a little less expensive if you're bringing in your own versus being served at the club once the license is granted uh we we do believe and we've seen in uh in other clubs that the ability to bring your own tends to cause people to drink a little more the ability to have a regulated bartender or server bringing you alcohol a few things happen one less people are over served which makes it safer for the public safety Health and Welfare and it's a little bit pricey or so less people tend to un buy more we think this will cut down on the uh overall use of alcohol it's a convenience of course for the club good for what we believe to be uh the members and also the as councilman other people within city of Cap May so we think this will be a less intense use than it's currently uh in act being activated now by the club and Council I was able to find a copy of a resolution passed in previous years for the club lenses and nothing um is indicated on any of the other club licenses uh restricting the hours of operation it's all specific to either uh live or outdoor music and that they have to adhere to the rest of the city Co I wouldn't say that that necessarily prevents Council from taking any action and I know that's not what the clerk was suggesting but remember that these are renewed on an annual basis and these conditions can be Revisited for that reason to to if something occurred during the year that needs to be adjusted that's the opportunity to do it too I'm satisfied that they testified to the hours and the conditions under which they will Ser alcohol so okay any additional public comment yes one again just the paddle Club application Mar Notch 11:15 Washington Street is it my understanding this is only outside drinking patio that is correct what happens if they they going to utilize the first floor like will they utilize the first floor because I don't think that you can have if you're going to be having liquor license the people public can't bring liquor in from the outside once you have you're licensed um so are they going to have parties inside where people are bringing their liquor in they've the alcohol can't be sir I'm sorry you need a microphone okay you are they going are they going to have liquor inside or is it all outside patio there there won't be any ability I think you indicated for people to bring their own liquor in right they you can't do that when you have the license now right in inside or or outside well a little I'm I'm sorry ma'am I think you said when they bring the liquor like are you referring to members once you have once you're licensed you cannot bring liquor in to a licensed area so that means your club members know know that they can't now bring a liquor that's correct yes okay that's the B has and it'll all be on outside it won't be inside the building correct okay uh Peter Cole 1075 Michigan Avenue um Zach did you say you were a member I I am yes right um it's called Uh Kate May paddle Club why the paddle what is a paddle Club is it for people to paddle is it young people well young people and old people may want a paddle board so it does have a little bit of a outdoor more than a Boating Club that's why it's called the paddle Club you can paddle board or kayak with a paddle so this club is is open to many young people as well um well there's no age limit old or young I guess 21 You' have to be 21 of course but but not to paddle I mean you've got people going to you're the the part of the city that's on the right as you go in correct the uh yeah the Marine yeah back there Peter yeah so um what I'm really saying is that is this is obviously a open to young and old and probably has been open for some time for those people who live in that in that well it's all membership driven is it correct yeah yes this is not attracting people from from the far end of Kate May to belong to a club that they just like to go and drink in no there's a they have to be a member to to to go into this club well I just think you know the with the children all that running around I mean paddle Club to me is paddling it yeah it's an outdoor think about it okay okay any other public comment before we close this portion okay we're going to close the public portion Council any other comments before voting on resolution no y are we all set okay so we have resolution 1163 2024 resolution authorizing the issuance of an alcoholic beverage control Club license to Kate May paddle Club in New Jersey nonprofit corporation okay can I have a motion we need to make a motion eron yeah I'll make the motion I'll second any discussion okay council member Jagger yes council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor Bodwin yes mayor mullik abstain thank you all very much and everyone has a good summer thank you thank you best of luck thank you all right next Council we have um the public portions of the resolution only listed on the consent agenda and the added resolutions is anyone here wishing to speak on resolutions this evening on any resolutions this evening seeing none we can close uh public comment on resolutions on to the consent agenda city clerk matters listed under the consent agenda are routine in nature and may be enacted by one motion and one vote items will not be read individually unless removed from the consent agenda by any member of council does council wish to remove any item from the consent agenda this evening Council anyone may I please have 122 sure 122 anything else Council no I would like just to make two notes I do believe there is one special meeting minutes that council member Jagger will have to abstain from Yes uh November 14th 2023 okay and there is one small typo on 119 under the treasur certification this is for the award of the Jitney um Transportation uh contract the treasurer certification the number should begin with a four not a three it's the correct account it's there which is the wrong number all right so that being said are we ready for the to vote on the consent agenda everything except 122 yes all right motion do I have a motion I'll make that motion do I have a second I'll second roll call please council member Jagger uh yes except for the November 14th council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor Balwin yes mayor mullik yes okay let's go back back to 12203 2024 resolution regarding the city of Kate May Citywide by annual sidewalk sale do I have a motion so moved do I have a second second any comments I have I have a question or comment um you know there's been times in the past that this has been a rain out weekend has city council ever thought about possibly having a rain date was the next weekend is the next weekend Memorial Day I never yeah is it I should have looked that that on my calendar is there a week between no it wouldn't it couldn't be the 21st really H council member this is really for the most part set by the bid and they okay they come and they for do this as a formality to council Susan wasn't here the following week is Memorial Day and the previous weekend is Mother's Day so it traditionally it's kind of followed it's been the week between the weekend between Mother's Day Memorial Day but I think Mr Meyer I mean that certainly Council would consider if we were approached by the bid so well I was thinking you know even if it was if we authorize a city manager to make that decision for us since it would be a you know well wouldn't the bid um come to um through you uh Deputy Mayor to to request and to council yeah so you know to the businesses you could put it out there to them absolutely and just say if you want to put a rain a great idea I don't want anybody put in their clothes out in the rain just you know because they think they're going to get more business you know I maybe they have to go to a first week in June or something or you could always extend it during the week if they want to extend it yeah think Tuesday Wednesday Thursday if they choose to that would be the potential option that's a good idea they have a rain dat any other questions or comments roll call council member Jagger yes council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor bwin yes mayor mullik yes all right we have a few on the regular agenda we have the added 12603 2024 resolution of the city council of the city of K May authorizing the filing of an application for USDA water and waste grant funding for replacement of various sanitary sewers projects do I have a motion I'll make a motion do I have a second I'll second any questions on this Council and this is uh basically what our city manager already went over roll call council member Jagger yes council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor Balwin yes mayor mullik yes and 12703 2024 resolution awarding competitive contract number 23-14 to Park Mobile LLC in a fair and open manner for parking Management Systems vendor do I have a motion I'll make the motion do I have a second I'll second any questions or comments Council no I just would like to um thank Uh Kevin for his work on this Paul for your work on this and our city solicitor to to get us this contract um for presentation thank you you did a good job too yeah andine and and MTR uh just for everyone's notice this is the uh contract for our parking services you know the park mobile is the mobile app that people can use for parking um I know for a fact that we were the most informed City Council on this um uh issue which is an important one because we're talking about million 1.8 1.8 this year it's going to be plal um put millions of dollars um and there are MTR Municipal taxation Revenue committee and uh councilwoman uh McDade H asked every municipality within the county that has uh Park Mobile which happens to be most of them all of them all of them except Avalon that doesn't charge yet um for their contracts so we could kind of look at what everyone else was doing uh all of City C received that information Kevin did a lot of work on that and uh it made it a lot simpler for us to make this decision this evening um and frankly for the general public to know that we are continuing if we vote Yes on this in a moment that we would be continuing with Park Mobile which um certainly have it its advantages to the consumer who may have already used Park Mobile in the previous Seasons however in regards negotiation we will not consider consider that for the next time around I can tell you so thank you well and also to note that uh the timing of this also and the fact that they are probably the one of the largest vendors in the country was part of the influence in this but yeah it gives us time I think to evaluate what other um vendors come onto the market uh in the ne the course of the next couple of years and not to belabor this but it's important that really we are negotiating not only on behalf of the taxpayers who received this but frankly the parking people um who are paying a fee over and above what the city receives um for example within this contract uh it's 45 cents for anything below uh $2 so if you're park with Park Mobile it's a $2 charge it'll be charged $2 to the city of K May 45 cents as a fee to uh Park Mobile over $266 67 is a 15% charge that goes to Park Mobile uh I can tell you that those numbers are are favorable to the city and the grand scheme of things anything else city council parking meters start April 1st April 1 and signage sign just just since you said parking meter started April 1st a reminder to everyone on the west side of beach Avenue is Park Mobile only as well as um behind uh Washington Street mall where there were the previous kiosk that is now also just park mobile only just to give another shout out where we've done it several other times so please pay attention to the signs we will you will see and and on that you'll probably see a lot of signs to start um we're well aware of sign pollution with those signs will not be there forever but given considering the change we want to make sure people are as aware as they possibly can we don't want people to think that the city tricked them because we're not we we we want to make sure you see it so you may see a sign in nearly every parking spot at least a temporary one just until people get an idea of uh of the change with that anything else Council uh roll call please council member Jagger yes council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor Balman yes mayor MK yes any old Business Council I believe we already discussed the surf school any old business Council okay new business city solicitor nothing tonight mayor thank you uh I know the city manager has some new business so I do before I begin the uh presentation of the budget uh to council I just wanted to give um an update on uh construction it's always a Hot Topic right now seems like wherever Street you turn around you you find you see a construction sign somewhere so um they've the county has obviously started the final Paving push on Beach Avenue um they will be Paving from Broadway to Pittsburgh when they're finally done they'll be Paving in that kind of Direction uh they're kind of skipping around now because they have to do some base repairs and and kind of level things up and move it around but that that will be occurring for over the next probably two and a half weeks two weeks from now um and then then after the pavings done then they'll probably be in for the next week or so painting and striping lines you will see through most of that section a uh obviously one lane in each Direction a dedicated bike lane and then a parking Lane so there will be a dedicated bike lane uh through most of that section between Pittsburgh and Broadway uh in that section um we have also added to the website a construction projects page uh you can find it off of I want to section if you click I want to one of the tabs in there is construction projects we're going to start keeping that up to date as best we can um I will be adding to that section upcoming projects uh like the seaw wall and some other City projects and uh if we have um PDFs of uh presentation material of what some of the projects will look like we'll try to include that so the public can kind of be aware and see some of the upcoming projects as well as the projects that are under construction so I just wanted to kind of give the update uh Lafayette Street is on schedule uh they're probably anticipating Paving uh early May um Congress Street uh we're waiting for the contractor to get in and do final grading and then they'll start the paving uh they're working on Franklin Street and Trenton Avenue and um we'll probably hold off on Paving Washington Street from Ocean to Sydney until the fall uh and then we have some other City projects that that haven't come underway and I'll probably hit on them during my budget presentation all right so we got the budget presentation um so here's our general timeline you know we've been working with uh um the Departments uh since November uh to try to develop the the manager's office and Kevin has has been meeting with every all the different departments to look at everything Uh Kevin has then since then been working with Leon our auditor to craft the budget and you know this kind of what we're going to start to present today and um back and you know we went back and forth with myself Kevin the department heads and trying to streamline and and cut to to kind of craft the budget that we knew that would be appropriate for Council uh to introduce for our residents um after this meeting uh Kevin's going to prepare the budget packages for everyone and then we'll we'll try to set up interviews uh to meet with each council person between now and April 2nd where we look to introduce uh that's the meets the statutory time frame uh the dates were extended this year um as they are almost every year lately because the state wants to delay in giving F telling everybody how much Aid that they don't want to give us in the state aid um so that's why the usually the delay in in where the budget's being introduced and we hope to have a budget adoption uh hearing and meeting on May 7th um obviously we're looking at a 0% tax increase for the fifth year in a row um the the those are the numbers that we're looking at now that those high level numbers for the different uh Utilities in the current fund uh they're probably going to change slightly as as we fine-tune some of the revenues and uh some of the other statutory uh items within the budget that Leon needs to work on but I think we're we're fine tuned in to to definitely be able to to submit to council a 0% tax increase uh this just gives kind of the same numbers but it does show the percent increase so we are looking at it it's uh the budget has grown 99.3% when you look at all the Appropriations uh over last year um current fund how do we get here uh this is kind of goes over uh what we've what we're looking at in the current fund where we where we're growing uh you know our Surplus is over 14 million we're looking to use uh 5.9 million of the Surplus that would have been growing so instead of putting 5.9 million into the Surplus and growing it upwards of 20 million we're obviously using that uh 5.9 million of uh additional funds that we had from last year and rolling it back into the budget uh we're also um dedicating uh almost 1.1 million uh to help pay for future capital projects uh that's one way we're trying to utilize our Surplus so that you know we feel that the Surplus we have is obviously sufficient to uh uh have for that rainy day um but we're starting to instead of continuing to fund that and grow that Surplus uh higher we're going to start utilizing some of that surplus funds and help fund some of our capital projects uh so that we don't have to bond as much for those um we're also uh for a second year in a row um taking some of our historic Bond ordinances and uh rolling all some of that authorized debt into uh capital projects um obviously from the appropriation side uh salaries are some of our largest expenses a little over 9 million uh we have over 118 full-time employees more than 50 seasonal and part-time employees that we bring in uh to help our seasonal Workforce um we are looking to add and and and I put all the staff here as you know even though one you know staff may be appropriated to one of the different utilities I just put them here as as a as an aggregate just so that it was in one location um the the overall budget we are looking at possibly hiring one new firefighter uh a record support employee a public works labor and uh some additional seasonal help for uh Public Works in the water sewer department to uh be able to increase there you know so that would be the increase of personnel uh from 2023 to 2024 that we would look to ask add to the budget um we have a you know when you look at for our operational standpoint $150,000 increase from last year uh on a $7 million operate you know operating expense you know as a percentage that's I think that's maintaining a pretty lean operation to have you know in this you know in this kind of inflationary time that we have everything going up um you know to be able to hold our line on those operating expenses uh I felt was a good way to put the uh budget forward uh water and sewer kind of the same thing um this is you know we're kind of in line with last year not a lot of growth um in the water and sewer it's it's kind of a pretty stable uh operation um the biggest note at the bottom I just just wanted to highlight uh we are well ahead of the state's uh requirements uh for lead uh based uh water service line removal um that's been a priority uh for Council and um that's part of a lot of our capital projects over the last couple years and and this upcoming year uh we have uh three or four roads that have lead service pipes that we're looking to to to conclude and after we conclude those projects uh we feel that we have only 19 Service locations uh left in the city to repair so I think that you know to be able to to address and tackle that problem um where other towns are spending and having to do millions and millions of dollars I think that we're really in good shape as we move forward on that side uh Beach utility um you know we're looking at you know having Revenue up on a lot of things uh and being being able to uh grow the Surplus in the Beach utility uh we have a lot of potential costs and uh future costs you we're anticipating a lot of when we did salary negotiations and so you know with the lifeguards contract and different things we have Beach fills to accommodate so um we also have a large Capital project we're looking to do both the seaw wall expansion on the one end of town but then also on the existing prominade where the city received received a large $6.7 million Grant to do upgrades to that uh so we're going to be doing a lot of work on the beaches Hilty side tourism uh projecting similar revenue from last year um and you know most of their line items are staying fairly close to where we were in previous years how is this affecting our taxes um you know our tax assessor added $ 29.4 million of improvements or added assessments to the uh raw base of the city um however due to the uh Equalization ratio that that equates really only to $18 million of realized um Revenue so it ends up being bringing in another $125,000 in tax revenue for the city uh we're anticipating $358,000 in state aid and um just remember uh that your local purpose tax because we're having a 0% increase you know the local portion of our tax rate will remain the same uh and just as a comparison for a $750,000 assessed home uh if your local your local tax was $2700 last year it's going to remain that and that is just for the local portion does not include the school rate or the county rate or the other rates that are included in there revenues um you know we've had you know one of the advantages why we've been able to continue a uh 0% increases our revenues are really looking up if you if you look at um our interest revenue is up mertile license you know fees collected our parking is up occupancy tax um which you know the parking and the occupany you know that only shows that we see strong growth but it sees strong growth in the community because that means our businesses are doing well uh people are in town spending money employing more people and um it just is it's creates a better economy uh at all levels not just for the city um but it does allow the city to not have to cut services but we can expand services in certain areas to provide a better experience to help bolster these numbers and continue this growth as we move forward uh and then it just kind of shows on the uh Surplus used um how we've tried to utilize that Surplus and still have a have a remaining $14 million surplus remaining even though we're using uh that that amount of surplus each year in that budget capital projects uh as I said we have a lot of capital projects looking forward uh new police station that bond has already been approved um we have the am Church portion of that is currently um out the bid and we already have some grants looking forward for that uh the seaw wall extension uh we have uh in line for a $25 million feema mitigation grants which should cover besides the the city's cost share for that should cover you know that whole project um we just received really good news uh this week where we received our CFA permit from the DP for construction uh which that was one of our major Milestone hurdles to to get and um the last week and a half was very tenuous to uh negotiate with the D to get to get that permit at the final stage so that we could keep the FEMA funding process moving um the desalinization plant um you know we've been working really hard uh the consultant that is working on the design um their grants coordinator has helped us uh coordinate um close to $22.5 million of grant for that project uh we're continue to you know request additional funding but uh we're we're well focused towards having uh a significant portion of the desalinization plant uh funded with grant funding um I've mentioned a lot of the road and utility projects uh we have the Franklin Street uh Street Street esape project in City Hall parking lot as well as uh some repaving and drainage work on clag horn is included in that project uh the engineer says that that project should be completed and ready to go out the bid in June so we're looking to authorize that I think that project's already been authorized by Council to go out the bid um and the engineer is working on the design hopes to have that ready to go out the bid in June um obviously our portion of Beach Avenue from uh Broadway to The Cove uh that will'll be looking we were attempting to get that work done um when the county did their work but the county just went too fast for us and we had some utility work that needed to get in the ground and upgraded in that section uh so we're going to look to have Beach a our section of Beach Avenue as well as a reconfiguration of the the end of beach AV and do a little um uh improvements to that area uh just to make some enhancements in that area um then then as I said Ohio Avenue Stockton Place Washington Idaho are all Rogue reconstruction and water and sewer replacement to increase um that on Ohio Avenue we have uh just around $395,000 in dot grants and as I said this evening we were authorized to submit for the USDA grants uh for that project um hopefully looking to get you know 30% of the cost of the water and sewer repair work uh funded through the USDA Grant uh process um I mentioned the prominade repairs and resiliency upgrade uh you know $6.7 million Grant probably a $10 million project when we uh look when you looked at the prominade assessment that was looking at a total cost of 22 million um so obviously we can't fund it all with a project based on uh the funding that we received from the state but uh we're looking on um putting that Grant proposal and we're hoping to have by the next council meeting a presentation on how we're going to you know scope the different projects out to utilize that that grant funding and then finally I just want to start bringing up this the best the last Capital project that probably nobody wants to hear but um uh the County Tax Board is close to sending out letters our tax assessor told me that she thought she was going to get the letter in December they haven't gotten it yet but we're anticipating it soon that we're going to be required to do a a revaluation um so we're evaluating that but in our capital budget uh in order to do the revaluation we have to update our tax maps that's around a $200,000 uh effort to to digitize the tax maps so we're going to have to really start that process this year so we can stay in line with with that process and that is a um a bondable sty type of project because of the capitalization that it can happen so those are just uh I think it's probably the majority of the capital projects that we're moving forward there's probably some smaller projects that will probably be added into it um I didn't include some of the truck purchases and Equipment vehicle purchases that that public works and uh Beach utility will need but this kind of overall covers a lot of the infrastructure projects that we're having and here I just want to last slide um just to kind of I think I stole the slide from the mayor's presentation from a couple meetings ago um on uh the debt ratio and how that just continues to decrease uh talking with Kevin that number again for 2024 we don't have the final number because we don't know what we're going to be doing but that number will probably continue to decline and drop this for 2024 so um you know overall I think we're in really good shape as we move in and I you know look forward to meeting with each one of you with your budget workbooks and uh kind of showing you the the nitty-gritty the the details of how we came up with that budget um but I think once you really see what the how the O are lining up everybody really sharpened their pencils I couldn't be more prouder of the uh all the department heads that you know there wasn't a lot of big asks um I mean I I'll probably highlight one big ask I know that it was a real focus of mine uh Chief fhaw has uh put in a budget line to increase for $40,000 to uh get accreditation for the and bring accreditation back to the department U I know that's going to be something I'm really pushing for and I'm going to you know really want to keep that in there um but those are you know you know that's probably one of the biggest I'll say single line item increases everything else is just really you know fuel you know everybody knows gas prices are up and you everything you go to the store to buy has increased so to to increase when you look if you go back to even just look we're only increasing the O and and the uh current fund by $150,000 that's a pretty lean and tight budget we did ask for a few employees so it has grown there but I think otherwise you know uh between the department heads and Kevin working with Leon's office to um make sure that we could present a budget at 0% tax increase I think um I think it we're hard press to to to find something better but we'll obviously sit and work with you guys to uh see how we can if we need to F tune a little bit more that's great um any questions or comments Council Paul would you um mind Mr dri sending um that slide deck uh or having incorporated into the packets it would be helpful sure thank you y Mr Dietrich if I could just make one comment I think um some of the Grant I think you meant to say Grant applications in regards to the uh water desell yeah they're they're all T they're they're what we're anticipating we have not received yeah apologize make that clear the grant consultant is is working on you know and a lot of the grants come through the USDA so obviously we haven't made that application but we you know our grants coordinator and staff we've been talking with these uh different organizations uh the other place that we're getting a lot of funding from is the I Bank uh that's kind of the funding arm of the D where they fund Water and Sewer infrastructure projects um and and a lot of that is a combination you know they're going to give us $18 million but then they also provide lowest loans and it's kind of a bundled package together so uh we've been trying our Consultants been really working really hard to maximize those grants and those are the latest discussions that we've had with those uh different things I think we were just awarded um some Congressional directed spending that was identified in the uh federal budget of about 1.7 million so I think that's probably the first one that we we know that once that comes down the line that is in the uh this year's uh FY 24 budget um and obviously last year we received $600,000 uh Grant via the EPA um to fund the design of the plant so um so far not a lot of yeah capital outlay from the city for that project but we're we're looking to get as many grants as we can any other questions or comments Council okay thank you for the presentation I think uh obviously we I know we all appreciate uh meeting with you getting our um budget books and I just Kevin thank you very much um to Leon and and and uh and for putting this together it's really um what else can you say when sir plus is up and um debt ratio is down um the services are up Capital expenditures are up but the taxes are flat so uh I know that comes from a lot of work um and and looking at the budget as a whole so I I appreciate it and uh it can only get better from here through input from the folks at this table so uh thank thank you very much you're welcome okay moving on to the uh city clerk did I say city solicitor I apologize nothing tonight I can't I can't top that so city clerk just a reminder that the blessings of the waters um event is scheduled for Saturday April 6th at 11:00 a.m. at the fisherman's Memorial that's at 10:21 Baltimore Avenue everyone is invited to join us to honor and remember all the fishermen lost at sea and pray for a safe upcoming season wonderful that's it for me mayor okay uh Deputy Mayor just one thing on our consent agenda tonight um I should have highlighted it during the time but our bathrooms were approved and this is something that I've been working on for a long time the bathrooms up at uh right next to convention hall they were approved tonight so hopefully the uh trailer will be moved at some point after that construction is complete thank you I think you should have a party when that happens true gone gone gone yeah council member McDade um I just have one thing um Chief fasal myself uh Justin and Casey rigan met uh this past week with the uh local companies who rent out the golf carts on the island uh during the season and we um asked them last year we had developed a pamphlet um and this year what we asked for was if they would be willing to put onto the uh front windshield a non-sticking clean pulloff uh kind of piece of um a pamp not a pamphlet but signage that will highlight the five key things that we want people who are utilizing these golf carts on the island to remember uh the limitations on driving age child's children and restraints uh in their the CH child seats adhering to the speed limits yielding to pedestrians Etc and they were all very accom dominating so we're getting those made up and we will distribute them to them and they will place them in the golf carts before they drop off a golf cart for rental in the city um I'm going to work with the city clerk and maybe make some of them available uh in the clerk's office so when people are picking up their mertile license if they have a golf cart themselves or if they Avail it to renters on their property that they might be able to put it out so we're just really trying to continue um the promotion of Public Safety around the use of those we you know they have increased um a bit on the island in the last couple of years and so we just really want to continue to make people aware and working with um we'll give a presentation to the um bicycle and pedestrian Safety Committee also on what we're doing so thank you great uh councilman Meer thank you mayor uh as I mentioned in the past that the Boy Scouts had put a uh retirement of gold Glory ceremony at the Kuan Park this last Saturday um it was very moving uh powerful emotional uh the Boy Scouts were very professional very patriotic and it was something we we want to do again with uh and with a little more City uh City sponsorship uh the location will probably change because of the smoke we wanted it at delafayette Street park but because of the construction parking would have been an issue um I just think it was just an amazing event I want to thank the VFW the auxiliary and the public works for cleaning that site putting on the pavers the uh fire department for being president and the fire Bureau for working with us with making sure that everybody was safe um and then also uh just want to congratulate I bet I bet you're going to say something mayor but congratulate the food closet on their event at carne this we weekend as well that's great thank and thank you Mr Meer on helping put that flag retirement together that was really really nice um uh councilman jger uh nothing new tonight thank you mayor thank you um just want to say Happy Spring to everybody um Captain thank you for being here this evening I know it's Deacon fasa's birthday today so happy birthday Chief um and I do want to just highlight to uh one of the things that uh um city manager Dietrich just mentioned with the seaw wall was it was really uh an excellent news for the city to get our our cafra permit from the D um that's uh such a huge important project for the city and protection protecting the town and and just uh give a little bit of credit to so many people who have worked on that I mean really that project started after um uh after Sandy I see Dr maslo here who worked on that project and gave a lot of information um so a lot of people have had some a hand in that and uh it's um I I think the design is beautiful it'd be a nice place for people for recreation um a lot more work to go so don't get too too excited but getting that D approval um you might see news of other towns and things that are going on and the difficulties that people have um to have that approved I want to thank the DP and the state uh for working with the city to do to to get to this um Point again that that that includes the state historic preservation office the historic HPC um the Army Corp of Engineers FEMA and of course the D so there's a lot of people to bring together to get to that point so um it's really really great news for the city uh with that we'll open it up for public comment anyone wish wishing to speak please come to the microphone state your name and address good evening hi Mrs Leo thank you for your dedication and your time my name is Ruth Leo um 237 Kart Lane if I understood Mr dietr right you said claghorn but did you say Kart okay because I have been inundated with water I was promised in the fall that it would be corrected it it is just been a nightmare because it was voted on full Council my son-in-law Dr tenner would have been here tonight he's going through this with me but he had meetings that he had to to go to uh the paperwork got lost then it got found this is going on for me for a number of years the last storm I apologized to Mr dietr I was so upset with him cuz on that he was over on the house across the street and I went to say something to him and he turned back to me and walked away so then when I got really flooded I called you I was really upset with you and you did call me back but that's why I was so upset with you uh the last storm I had water in my walkway I couldn't get out without wearing boots now that's how bad it is where I am now I've made arrangements they're going to have to take up part of my walkway and part of my driveway to correct it all but I can't do it until you do the street so I hope it's move to top of the list because I've been promised for a number of years this is not a new issue you've all heard me be up here before about it so please tell me it can be corrected uh Mrs Leo uh just real quick just for the public because we know you're frankly this Council was really not involved on what happened there and we we we do apologize for it and and we're sorry but we do want to correct it and we have taken two actions that I just want to make sure you know one I think you know this we voted to do the project that's that's happened two um we've funded the project those are the two most important parts okay getting it done I get it is the third that's not what I want to hear I want to when you're going to do it and I think I hope you heard uh the city manager just mention it as a as a future Capital project I wouldn't move to the top I'm all these other projects it's the next project that will be bid the next Capital project that put out the bid will be that project and we and when do you think it'll be done until I the engineer is working on the design he has told us that he's going to have the design done in the early part of June and then we'll bid it out and then you know we'll either make a decision about doing the construction in late summer or whether or not we push it to the fall can I tell you this is what I've been promised before and and the corner there where it rents out to m pointer I have number of years that water gets stagnant there cuz it can't go to either Last Summer the same guest come down he brings a push broom I said why are you doing this he said cuz my wife is afraid of the mosquitoes in this stagnant water now John died three years ago he died in February I had to put my dog down in October I think I maybe told you before I didn't let her walk through it but somehow now whether it's in the grass or what so I'm dealing with stagnant water I don't know how many other people in this town are living and dealing with stagnant water I'm dealing with stagnant water that's why I say it needs to be moved to the front it's serious I mean you can't have stagnant water laying and the house across the street four years they've been working on that house four years I've been dealing with construction I cannot blame Lou or uh Bruce Britain they've been wonderful and trying to keep them moving along and and but you know the laws laws isn't that great as long as you work a little bit the state says you can't you can't make them you can't shut them down you can't anything so I've been dealing with a lot for a number of years and uh this is where I'm from like uh I know clarky her father I know Shane since he's a little boy and Zach and a lot of them and this is where I went to school so I'm asking you that I've been around a long time would you please move it up these other people they're coming in they all making money I don't I'm going to ask them for money I just want to live in my little town I don't even go up town anymore it's so jammed and but the police I I take the police the firemen and Public Works Donuts at least Christmas time and some sometimes another time they're the most unsung heroes in this town and I was glad to hear somebody mentioned about how good they are we have a great town you can't imagine what it was like though yeah and on that I'm going to leave you thank you please thank you Mrs Leo please please Mr dietr yeah as I said it's it'll be the next Capital project that it's the next Capital project that'll be put out the b it needs to be done oh I agree not in the fall it needs to be done because of the rain and the Heat and the stagnant water so whenever you go out and you got to walk and I have no sidewalks and I don't really want any sidewalks but I have no sidewalks I have nowhere to go but to walk in that street but that's even getting busier thank you thank you Mrs Leo thank you anyone else Jules Rouse 1010 New York Avenue as many of you may know the uh in of K May is proposing a a dinner of April 20th it's called an infused dinner party where they're going to serve proposing to serve a three course cannabis infused meal and what I've handed out to you is a flyer that advertises that particular event and I'm very concerned about the fact that we have an ordinance 417 2021 and I'll just read the one paragraph it said is unlawful for any person to smoke or otherwise use or consume marijuana in or on any public open space outdoor dining area Park RightWay Recreation Area prominade or any area of any scheduled public event that's what our ordinance says goes on to say for the enforcement that that's done by the Cap May City police and they're charged with the enforcement of this chapter any violation of this chapter constitutes a breach of the peace the first offense not less than 100 or more than $250 or subsequent offense not less than 500 nor more than $1,000 I have absolutely no idea how many people intend to to attend this but frankly it's it's an illegal in my view it's an illegal event they have no license to deal with cannabis they have no permits that I know of that have been issued this is a VI if they go ahead with it and they're advertising that this this is a violation of the Cap May city ordinance it's also a violation of the city voters residents and taxpayers that disapproved the vote for cannabis and marijuana Iana consumption may be hazardous to the physical mental and emotional health of individuals and there's a lot of other reasons why it shouldn't be permitted they're proposing to prepare and cook and serve in the same areas that all the other food in this restaurant is prepared in that's a potential contamination of some products that really do not belong a joining or being accompany each one another there's going to be sale and consumption of alcohol and marijuana within the same location how are we going to deal with takeout the total disregard for allergies medical limitations and unknown underlying conditions there's no positive benefit to the health and general welfare for the public or the city of K May if nothing is done to uh done the precedent setting may increase the additional food and bever B bever businesses to get involved and become it will become out of control this is the first step that someone is making outside of the law in the City of Cape May dealing with marijuana there's a tremendous negative influence on the youth and indivi individuals and Zach you have three young children I don't think it you you would want to have them exposed to the potential of uh cannabis dinners cannabis and marijuana menu expansion for delivery to the beach you know over the last few years we've seen a continued increase in food service being given to members on the beach and I there's never been any criticism it's worked out very well Public Works deals with that additional trash however I would hate to see a marijuana or a cannabis hamburger delivered to the beach with that kind of activity you you may smile and laugh but it's a serious potential event if we don't do not address the fact this is an illegal activity it has no license I call upon city council to support the police in their effort to to enforce the the city ordinance as well as the the regulations dealing with cannabis this is not a place for it we don't want it and uh I encourage you to uh to address it yourself thank you very much thank you Mr Ral just to be clear and and I know you know this Mr Ral but this is a a private part this has nothing to do with the city necessarily and as a city event I just want to make sure that that's clear to anyone listening or in the room this is a uh event from the in a business in Kate May um it's it's a public event that's being advertised purchase of of I just wanted to make sure it was clear that this is not a City Event oh there's no no question I didn't mean to infer that yeah I you didn't I just want to make sure because it's an obvious popular topic and issue right now that uh this is not a city event and as you quoted this Council took a pretty significant action of of ban the smoking or use of marijuana in public spaces because we feel that way we don't we don't want people uh coming down on their family vacations to have to be you know around that obviously the state of New Jersey has legalized it um my understanding and because I I don't want to say too much more about this as is already being handled but uh my understanding is this has been reported to our Police Department they're fully aware of it uh and uh Health Department I believe which I'm going to ask our solicitor I believe it's in the hands of the health department but I know I got a small update from the police department as well the the Kate May Police Department is aware of it and has under Gan Schwarz please thank you the K May Police Department is aware of the event has undertaken an inquiry and and they're checking with the appropriate authorities um as to you know the happening of this event it's not a city- sponsored event I appreciate Mr roush's reference to the ordinance um that provision is certainly meant to cover public property public events but there's also a very important divided line between public property public events and private property um and but that doesn't mean uh that there aren't other uh issues with this and and the police department is following up with the appropriate Authority thank you very much thank you anyone else wishing to speak please come to the microphone state your name and address uh Joe schy 409 Elmyra quite some time ago uh Elmyra was widened and when that was widened the city deed to 409 almyra two parking spots in the adjacent parking lot and Mr Dietrick and I have talked about this um but year and a half we worked on developing plans to develop the whole site and at that time there was parking well a lot at one has been changed a few times and at that time when we started all this there was parking meters um in the parking lot adjacent it's that um only parking lot that has the the graded I think we're all familiar with that lot um so the issue that I have moving forward because a lot has now moved to park mobile is how can you even really designate the two closest parking spots to 409 almyra and then even moving forward you know at this time the whole we actually have the property for sale do we even want to start a conversation does the city want to buy that or my lot um Not only would we be gaining parking you know more parking for the city because it's adjacent to a lot and I would assume at some point because everything's under construction in the city that at some point you guys will be redeveloping and and probably Paving that lot you the city would also gain the two parking spots that are deed to the 409 almyra just bring it and see if there's any interest in the city council if I could interrupt you Joe Joe has been in contact with the city manager as he said and he's he has spoken to me I said look would you mind coming to a council meeting and bringing that up to all coun so we can all kind of hear your thoughts on that and I appreciate you coming to to do that um I don't think anybody at the table wants to necessarily comment on it at no at this time but I think uh it's I appreciate you saying that in public and bringing it to our attention for our consideration to talk about you know as as we move forward sure sounds good Joe thank you very much I appreciate it did you want manager so I did have discussions uh with Joe and and I did did mention it to the mayor um I I'm starting to was doing some due diligence on trying to look at the price that he's has offered for sale talking with our tax assessor on you know comparable sales and and you know what potential value it is for the city but then also doing a uh a parking layout on the parcel to see how many parking spaces um we might be able to potentially get there to kind of you know Capital you know realize what Revenue we would generate by um so there's a potential for I'm sorry there's a potential potential for more than two is what you oh there's definitely a potential for more than two spaces uh that if if we purchased um uh his property to to expand the parking lot and and add parking spaces I haven't been able to sit down and and engineer it engineer the layout to to kind of come up with an analysis to be able to present the council to see if we wanted to move forward in that well worth exploring yeah the lot itself is 50 by basically 50 by close to 50 by 100 so you'd probably gain 10 spots on the lot plus the two on the parking you know even if nothing really comes from this the main concern is how do we move forward with the two parking spots that are deed and how do you designate them because I'm sort of holding off there's already been plans and approvals to build yet I don't really want to move forward with any building of anything to we really know what's going to happen with those two parking spots because if gets complicated it gets complicated cuz nothing's really designated what spots for the what location well I would say we we we as a council may need a little bit of time for oh you take your time but if there is interest in there and I currently have it for sale I'd be willing to even hold it if there was some said hey we need to talk about this down the road okay would would you help me help Orient me to where exactly 409 without having to pull on my phone Depot Market prawn Depot Market okay Market thank you very much right there not parking lot I'm yeah it just doesn't support it can't the location yeah the food was always delicious thank you thank you thank you thank you Dr maslo okay Scott mow 18 second 182 Avenue I believe all of you would agree that on street parking is one of the biggest issues facing Kate May's future especially affects the quality of life of our residents the most important Safeguard in place to control parking traffic is through our building codes and ordinances without a clear and defined code and ordinances our planning board and our zoning board will be unable to achieve the balances between residential and Commercial properties in intended intended with the formation of our master plan there are two ordinances 412 on outside seating and 525 def finding accessory uses for hotels that leave such a gaping hole to interpretation it will adversely affect our ongoing parking and traffic problems I'm not talking about two spots I'm talking about hundreds none of you wrote These codes but why I'm here today is to ask you to revisit them to determine if they still are in the best interest interest of Kate May what prompted me to come here today was after watching the February 13th planning board meeting and the discussion then ensued uh concerning outdoor seating and it also pertained to the accessory uses of hotels if any of you have time start watching it around the 45 minute Mark uh that's when the discussion started it will explain it better than me of all the pros and cons going on in the planning board it went on for approximately an hour uh it shows the lack of understanding of the interpretation and the intent of these ordinances even Rich King the planning board attorney who I respect his vast knowledge of Municipal law and is far far beyond me could make no sense of this code at approximately 1 hour and 37 minutes he called this Co this uh ordinance totally flawed and I totally agree with him many of the planning board members had little Guidance with this uh ordinance because of the way it was in uh written it wasn't their lack of understanding is so oblique as far as its intent that it needs to be looked that I just want to make a few comments I don't want to go on too long um with some of the problems in the codes and how they will adversely affect ongo ongoing parking when you start classifying a seat as only a seat that's 30 in or a table only being a table 30 in high and 36 in wide you start you start to get developers or applicants saying a seat is not a seat if it's 29 in it is not a table if it's a bench that seats six people it just lays interpretation down to the point that as a board member you can't make a rational decision and as attorney for the board he cannot say to the board member this is not how the code reads the intent for the outdoor seating was initially to allow as many of you know for hallways lobbies veras places or chairs right outside side of a u Condo Association it was not intended to allow outside decks as was testified at this meeting to have an necessory use for a restaurant bar with no requirements providing for on street parking and again we're not talking about one or two where we have as residents fights sometimes with the zoning board to get a particular project through we are talking about hundreds we have a number of commercial properties as I'm walking across the prominade that have these flat surfaces that we'll be asking for the same considerations down the line and also I'm not uh singling out historic uh properties that have separate regulations and have separate considerations that I think that our code should allow uh a different example with accessory uses was a presentational lot of you saw for one property that was asking for a lot of variances in which they were asking for a 5,000 square foot ballroom dancing right next to a restaurant bar now everybody fully knows that this thing is not going to be used for barroom dancing bar ballroom dancing the other rationale being used by applicants and felur it's only for hotel guests I think it's totally unin forceable and we we cannot have you don't want to have code officers going into weddings going into Affairs to find out who's a hotel guest and who's not a hotel guest you got to make an ordinance where it's easy for the people to follow on the board and also easy to enforce you you don't want to be orwellian with these types of audiances excuse me Council it has been five minutes you're good go ahead just yeah two seconds I right okay the reasons behind a code or an ordinance is for you to give guidance and protection to the board's decisions it's guidance to to get him to understand what it's what its intent is and the protections that when they make a decision they don't feel if if they have to go to court they're not going to be backed up these two ordinances fail miserably in both respects I'm imploring you to go as quickly you don't have to rewrite them there but as quick as possible so it's in the works for you to rework the codes uh so an applicant can't do more damage to a neighbor with massive increase of on street parking it's a killer for many of the residents not to be able to park in front of their house or have their guests to park in front of their house when you can set up an ordance to control it thank you thank you Dr maso thanks um can I just make a quick comment on that yeah please please um that Dr masle I I I think you and I had spoken about some of these concerns a while back too and one of the things that this council did not create the this council did not create that outdoor seating ordinance but it but it did amend it in 2022 to make what I thought at the time was an important clarification which was that that section of the code expressly is not a vehicle for increasing seating it's to it's for allocation of existing seating with the understanding that you can have that accessory use but that determination as to whether that seating and if there's an increase was going to be an appropriate determination not for a zoning officer to make just on the fly but for the s for the planning board to make that or the zoning board whatever the case may be so that that I thought at the time was an important clarification to to help Shore that up and Corral that towards you know to let the board make that determination have that be a parking discussion um rather than be some ambiguous uh provision as it was before I'm not saying it's perfect but that was at least one of the measures that I think Council took to try and try and clean things up and again it probably didn't catch everything but Dr maslo Dr Dr maslo sorry better than me just watch the meaning everything every all your intents was just op obliterated at that meaning the intent as far as uh them being allowed to move in it it it it's easier explained if you watch the Mee sure it really is I'll take a look at it but I just wanted to note that too that's in there you have done very well as far as changing things around but this this is an an ordinance now is just so opaque that it's going to be problems for the city that's that's my biggest thank thank you Dr meso I think we all agree the one thing we've we've added some parking but I got to tell you parking is probably one of my lesser favorite topics because I I I always feel like we spin in circles and frankly the the answer is there's not a really easy answer um but I do think one of the easiest answers is preserving what you have and I think obviously that gets to what you're talking about Dr maslo is um making sure that we preserve the parking that we do have today and making sure that's clear within the ordinance so um I don't think anyone would be opposed to taking a look at that and obviously working with the planning board to do so good yeah okay okay and maybe even seek the advice of of uh Mr King absolutely yeah yeah Stacy uh Stacy Shan 928 Columbia Avenue um I came up here and asked a question at the last council meeting about what were the ideas for moving forward with the $6.5 million that you got from the state for the boardwalk and I was told at that meeting that oh we hadn't decided yet but it's going to be a lot of public comment what's going on I was really disappointed to see on the NBC news on March 14th the mayor get on the news making a public statement of what's being done with the money and to me you know when you get up here and ask a question and you're answer is oh we haven't decided yet but almost a little bit less than a week later there's a public comment on the news about what's being done I think it's really disheartening to the public that we're not informed but for the Press you can let these things known nothing that I said the Press hasn't been presented at this Council table multiple times oh so when I asked the question last week about what's being done with the with the money was we don't know but now on the news it was a a 2 and 1/2t walls being put on the boardwalk and the boardwalk's being widen I I I come all the meetings I never heard of a 2 and 1 half foot wall being added to the boardwalk you know south of of convention hall it's within the document that we put forth for the bid and in fact we were never made public that bid was never made public to us and that's why I asked that question at the last meeting what are the projects but a city manager said he's going to make a presentation uh coming up soon I still haven't had an opportunity to share him my ideas yet so there are ideas and and there's there five there what 10 people standing up here I'm sure there's a lot of input that we need to get in to the city manager um and you know what there's nothing wrong with the mayor speaking for himself what what he'd like to see as part of that because I have some ideas when we if if I may real quick when we applied for this application Stacy you asked a lot of questions about us applying for that application then we got it awarded $6.8 million which is huge um and by the way every town got the same notice they all got the same notice hey we're putting together $100 million for the pro for boardwalks but get us your application as soon as possible which is exactly what we did we voted on hiring the engineer that we use the same engineer that is already on the prominade at um working with the Army Corps um the one who just got us a d permit that we've been working on for close to 10 years that he he made a very excellent application which is shown through how much funding we got compared to other municipalities of similar size uh we received $6.8 million based on that application and that application you can read it's it's it's fixing up the prominade it's yes there's resiliency because resiliency was a major part of that Grant you if you wanted to get money and funding for the grant they gave you extra points for resiliency so we took the exact same design that has been presented here multiple times at least a half dozen times no you're wrong the designs were never presented I even asked I'm not wrong about that it's been presented here at least a half dozen times to show folks the seaw wall we're not trying to build a secret seaw wall the seaw wall is designed it's it's it's posted on the city website it's in multiple news articles we've had multiple presentations that show the design you show the the extension of the prominade you have never shown that you wanted to add on a 2 and 1/2 fo foot wall that's not what I just said what I said is we took the that 2 and 1 half foot seaw wall that seating wall from the designed the engineer take took took the exact same one that's going to be on that half of the prominade and he put it on the other half of of the prominade now we have $6.8 million plus a 10% match so we have uh just over just over seven right so so 7 one of my six yeah thank you so we we can't do the entire project okay so a lot of this is going to be repairing the existing uh seaw wall now if you want to get upset about that and you don't like the plan that's fine it's not do the plan is the fact is I came up here at the last council meeting and asked what are your plans to do with the money and it was stated we don't have the plans yet we're going to talk about nothing was made in stone which is fine but then you go on TV and you make a statement this is what we're doing but that's his that's his choice to make that statement as a as a mayor just like if I said I said in the interview whe whether they put it on air or not I have no idea cuz I truly don't even remember but they asked what do you plan on doing with this with the funding I said we're going to do repairs on the prominade and I pointed out the repairs that were on there I said we had a plan in here to do a seating wall that seating wall would be a resiliency aspect now I didn't say when that was being done I didn't say what what phase that was in so you can take a third 30 second clip on NBC if you want to take that and and take that to town fine but what I'm telling you right now at the table is we haven't come up with a full plan yet and we the good thing is you it's amazing that we can get $6.8 million in funding and turn it into a Bad Thing somehow I I truly don't understand no I want open and transparent government that's what I'm looking for open and transparent Governor you're asking for a plan that doesn't exist Stacy it we we don't a plan doesn't exist now you just told me you had all these presid presentations on this plan no I told you what was in the Grant application we have to follow the grant that we applied for okay what is in that Grant repairing and and it goes into a a voluminous amount of detail on all of the issues on the prominade it talks about a seating wall for resiliency and frankly I'm not prepared to give an a presentation on that but what it is is it's simply borrowed from the rest of the design of the prominade what it allows the city to do is protect the city from storm surge without elevating the entire prominade it makes all the sense in the world and at some point in the near future we would like to give a full scale presentation on that but it's like as soon as we you hear that we get the $68 million in funding you you want to pin something on us as if we haven't done something no I was just asking what your plans were that was all my question was at the last meeting so Stacy just I'm sorry Mr dri as a council member I'm meeting this week with Mr Dietrich and the mayor what the mayor has explained and and I you know saw the clip a very small portion of it there was a TW almost $20 million worth of you know uh ask when the application went in it went from everything from widening to repairing to having handicap access a great many things I can speak from myself only and I think councilman Meyer said the same we haven't as a council decided the mayor has his has may have his own opinion and Views I have not sat down and gone through that and I don't know whether or not my fellow council members have or not we all will have views some of them may be unrealistic we have $6.8 million that's all we have and a 10 10% kick in that the city has to do on a $20 million build for do to do everything we want realistically we're not going to get everything we want I can tell you right now what the mayor would like to see he will have a discussion with me and probably every other council member and when we come back and say this is what we will be doing with the $6.8 million but know that we still have other ask and other needs that may have to come further down the road I can tell you emphatically I haven't gone through any of that I haven't made a decision but welcome the ability to do so so just want to make sure we're very clear what Zach is saying is there have been times where that presentation and what was seen on that clip was sometimes isolated it's not in the context of everything else I do know some of the things that were part of that Grant but realistically not all of it's going to be done and I'm not sure we as a council will have have to come up with what we think are the most important things to do now for resiliency access and protection of the beach thank you and I'm I'm just going to move on to my other question is Franklin Street School had a lot of lead extremely a lot over the the legal limit and I just want to make sure uh with Paul that you probably aren't aware of that that make sure testing is done on that before we I am aware of it okay and it's part of the process before they start moving any furniture in they they'll have a lead abatement contractor come in I mean all the lead has been removed but before they start moving any new Furnishings in they will do and they've contractors done white clean down of the entire building and all construction activities major construction activities are done they will have the a lead abatement contractor come in and test it for lead okay you have to make sure too that we didn't have the correct one that you have um a New Jersey licensed one that comes in that they are put that okay of course I know it's of course but we've had hired ones in the past that weren't licens of course um my next question is the water tower I didn't see it on the the budget uh we span over a million dollars on beautification of these Parks which are really nice but the water tower has been denied um the funding to get painted for the last couple years it's over a million dollars I wasn't sure if I saw that in the budget or not and and I said this was a snapshot of you're right and that's why I'm just bring I I am aware of that project I actually councilman Meyer and myself we did a tour of the the town about a month ago and that was one of the stops that we made and and looked at the water tower and just you know he asked about that so that'll be one of the things just as a lot several of the Public Works vehicles um that weren't included in that thing so once we introduce this budget I'll be you know that's the second sit down with Kevin is then we sit down and and we'll develop that Capital Bond um project list that we'll do and you know and we'll evaluate all the different projects that that that need to be funded now my next question doesn't have to be answered tonight but I just in the future if I could just answer ask it now then answer in the future is there a Target that Council and you are looking for for the Surplus budget and you don't have to answer it you know what I'm saying right now it's at 14 million is there a Target of like we want to keep at least 10 million in there is is there a Target that you're looking for to keep in the Surplus that's it thank you and just anyone who has questions and and really wants detailed answers i i p I would ask you to send them to us G if if you really want a correct answer and you want a detailed answer you'll get a better one if you email us and give us time to consider it so that it's not just fire off question after question each council meeting just to I I think there's like a little difference between trying to put people on their toes and maybe even look bad and actually get the correct answer and I just want to make sure that I want people to feel um free to come up here and and have a a a productive conversation but I also want to make sure people get the answer and so truly if you have an answer and frankly some of you may be uncomfortable with public speaking please feel free to call the mayor's office call the city manager's office uh email any one of us individually um because truly we I want to make sure that that's encouraged sorry I'll only be a second do I need to repeat my name and everything please for the record Ruth Leo 237 kport Lane U Mr dietr you said you were making up plans for capart Lane I would appreciate it before any decisions are made since I live there and there's only three houses there well really there's yeah three and two of them are Ryals and I would like to see it before you do it because it affects me greatly I'll make sure you get a copy before I mean I'd like discuss it with you too in case there's something well wouldn't you I wouldn't want to I'll make sure you can get a copy of it but I wouldn't want to delay the bidding of it so that it well it wouldn't take you long I'd show me I'd tell you whether it's going to I don't want you to take the island out I'll tell you real quick I don't want you to take the island out you've discussed about taking off part of it on my end and I'm dealing with enough it's only a two-lane at this point we're not looking to expand or change the current pavement we're going to take the existing current pavement and regrade it so it flows properly so that you don't have a drainage problem that's that's all the intent that's the intent of the project there's no I'm not coming up here again yep no problem thank you you all go home and have a good night thank you Mrs Leo thanks any other uh public comment all right motion to adjourn I'll make that motion thank you everybody have a wonderful evening thank you time is 7:28 for