well and and so ironically the New Jersey PCT rules have been around probably for almost two and a half years and they've been trying to push it they pulled it back and they tried to modify it and they did a whole bunch of Outreach which was really disingenuous Outreach because they didn't really change and they didn't listen to any of rules I mean I was at the Chamber of K County Chamber of Commerce meeting where they came down and presented this and when they were speaking they were showing copies of flood maps for our area that weren't even in effect anymore and you know they just had misinformation that they're using to base the regulations on and he didn't even really know you know what we're dealing with down here along the the shore um so they' they've tried to do it but they realize that it's a but I don't see it changing and it's unfortunate this is uh inord with the county though I mean this resolution this resolution the county drafted um you they had all municipality all they're encouraging all municipalities I think uh lower Township I think it was in the you know lower Township addressed this I think at their council meeting last night um you know so you know the count is doing this coordinated effort they're looking for all the municipalities to adopt this resolution and then we're going to submit this as our official feed you know comment on you when the rules officially come out but also they want to do a press conference with all the municipalities and kind of put them together to pass this up as a as a collective group also but Paul just to forgetting the uniqueness of Kate May for a second what this proposal would essentially do is just take a off the shelf Shore town somebody that recently went through the rig role of raising a structure to base flood elevation whatever it is in that town and bringing it up to flood compliance this role go rule goes in effect and they're below the 5 foot of freeboard they just went through that whole process and they're they're immediately out of compliance right I mean well well it it well then that goes into the discussion of substantial Improvement in accumulative 10e Period that's what I mean they'd be subject to that again that first floor so that you know oh wait we have a blowout or something goes on and you're under this new rule so now what what I would probably recommend that we do is we did cumulative substantial Improvement to get the extra CRS points we have sufficient CRS points I'd probably say is if these rules go through we should repeal the cumulative portion so then it's only on a singular event I mean it's it's bad and good I mean the whole part of the cumulative is is to try to get the structures that are In Harm's Way to eventually raise them but if it's to the Draconian effort of the detriment to a larger population it's something that we may want to consider uh having to do just just for the benefit of the the CommunityWide uh setup but yeah it's it would impact and there are impacts and there's not impacts so if you you know so if everybody's familiar with a lot of the housing stock you know where if they have parking underneath the structure and the house is raised up and they're really there two floors of habital spaces above the garage space those house will probably comply with the 5- foot freeboard because that's probably already five or six feet above the freeboard however that change that can change the characteristic of of a community you know you take a community like Kate May Kate May Point West Kate May Stone Harbor even portions of Ocean City where like Ocean City encourages if you drive through Ocean City a lower front part of the house where it's a little bit lower and then they have the garage where it's elevated above in the back so you know it can change the characteristic of a community entirely but there are some communities that you know in the Seal's parts of Avalon Stone Harbor and the Wildwoods that that their housing stock is generally raised up and they have parking underneath on the ground the ground floor that's non-habitable and two stories above and and there's you know and if that's your housing stock you know these rules there's going to be impacts but they're not going to be as character changing to your community whereas Kate May City it this would be character changing if if we have to raise everything 5 feet now do we have some flexibility in in stretching our because we're in a National Historic District and would we be pushing the bounds of what we have I think we possibly can though it would be better if you know you because we have different regulations we have a historic district and even within the historic district we have contributing structures and non-contributing structures and then you have all the structures outside of the historic district obviously if all structures in the city we in the historic district it would be easier it it' have a better impact to to purport the rules that says it would if if I have to raise a house to 5T it's going to disrupt the character in the neighborhood and disrupt our National Historic standards and I think I would have a case to say you you may have to comply with the flood rules but maybe not the five-footer freeboard and and so we would have some flexibility but but it's that's a discussion I think that we're going to have with on that side of it particular in the Village Green neighborhood are huge because now you are incorporating them into a historic district otherwise those homes are you know only maybe about 50 years old but also they're attached dwellings either Twins or quads so that's a whole series of conversations that have to be had and don't forget for Village Green it's it's that 50% value is on the structure so if you have a quad I have four individual owners it's not what one owner does as an improvement of 50% value it's you share that 50% value so you could have one owner on a quad totally renovate their place and get you at say 47% and now the next person wants to do something small and now the whole building may have to be raised 5 feet I quick question so looking at the timeline on all of this the public hearings are going to start what in another week well haven't we're still they haven't because they keep delaying this they haven't ultimately released the rules officially in the New Jersey register they're still we're still waiting to see them come out in a register so that'll set the timeline but we were feeling that that the end of the comment period was going to be sometime in November but but K County and and and the communities in the county this is a strong thing that we were trying to be ready and prepare and proactive and and and really to help get support so remember last meeting we talked about the coastal Coalition and doing the mgppi we're going to share this information with our people in Atlantic County I'm going to share this with the people I work with up in Mammoth in Ocean County and you know and share this information and spread the word so that because it's not just a kme county issue I like well I I I question as to whether or not it's just the New Jersey issue I think the federal uh level of the D I can't believe that they would even allow something like this happen there there there are those that hypothesize that FEMA is in support of this because the Fe the next thing would be you know because if to compound this FEMA is in the process of revising the flood Hazard Maps which are supposed to come out next year so one could surprise that maybe they adjust their modeling and and and and is this is this another way to grab more people for flood insurance for mandatory flood insurance because they're they're hemorrhaging money and they can't afford their program it's not it's crazy it's it's totally unreasonable and I can't imagine a federal agency deciding that we're going to use unreasonableness to grab more FEMA well they I mean I'm not saying that that's not the case I I don't I don't think we're I don't think isall I don't think with the current the current federal Administration is not going to have be supportive of the cost um I can't remember if this portion of it was taken out yet or not but few months back maybe even a year ago there was discussion on even you know roads having to comply that roads would have roads and other public infrastructure would have to comply just to just to follow up on that we have roads that would have been had to be would have to be raised 5T and it's I haven't I gota I mean just just think of what a Road 5 feet higher in the air would it's but there's there's ways to get around that because there's you know you can do design exceptions based on surrounding conditions and and all kinds of things I haven't you got to reread the regulations about three times to and I haven't I've only read them once so I haven't had a chance to really reread the the public infrastructure it's a thous over a thousand Pages what it over yeah just over a thousand yeah but but that's I haven't really I was spending more time on looking at the residential impact you know compared to the public infrastructure impact okay I think as we get closer to these dates we should have a full scale uh um you know well I mean president presentation to the to the community how this could affect them you know most definely anything further city manager no that's all I think I I think I've question for the manager um with with these dates that are in place is there anything I mean we're putting forth this resolution which is a good step but is there anything else that we can be doing every time I mean I would say talk to your our local state legislators but they're they're fully on board with us they're supportive of us you know they're at the mayor's roundtables and you know I I think they they Echo our concerns but their their voices as I said their voices aren't being heard at the state level and that's why I we need to spread this word beyond our state legislative district it we need this needs to be support with much more legislative districts than part of our district part of the frustration with this is this is an administrative agency with rulemaking authority and that's the process that we're in so it's not like Senator Tesa how could you vote for this not he's not voting on it right and that's that's what's so frustrating about this so um you know and unfortunately we need help from this agency to accomplish some important projects in this town so hard and it's not just our local legislators didn't vote for it no state legislator voted for it you know regardless of which party you may have been in or control it's as Chris said this is just rulemaking policy by the DP by the agency C solicitor any updates this evening I this afternoon rather it's not good that far okay uh city city Council any old business okay let's move on to ordinances for introduction all right so for this afternoon we have two ordinances the first is 540-224-5170 540 ordinance 540 sure this is emergency management this is just to confirm and clarify and update the flexibility that is built into the statute um to provide that the OEM coordinator can reside within or without uh City Limits so long as they're in proximity so that the language that's in there is reflected in the statute authorizing this appointment thank you any questions Council no roll call uh some I'm sorry do I have a motion did did I did we get a motion we have a motion okay roll call please council member jger yes council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor Baldwin yes mayor mullik yes all right I'll make the motion do I have a second I'll second um this this ordinance um actually came frankly from a lot of complaints to the mayor's office um this is we have made a request to several individual businesses there'll be blunt ice cream uh facilities the DPW just cannot keep up with the amount of garbage directly in front of specifically takeway uh restaurants and and ice cream parlors Etc um so I get complaints of the smell of the trash it's overflowing trash the trash can is full of sugar and ants and pests and animals which is all true and we've all seen it I can't call Frank at 9:00 p.m. to ask him to change a trash can it's just not a legitimate way of doing business to be blunt if I'm a business owner I would not operate that way I'm a little bit surprised that we couldn't handle this outside of the legislative process however we're going to do it through the legislative process um and H and and have uh uh these establishments just simply for provide for trash and recycling outside of their uh takeaway establishments um takes a little pressure off of our DPW but it certainly does not take away their work they they will still be maintaining the other trash cans on the prominade and on the mall uh I just think it'll provide for a better cleaner environment for everybody I've walked up on the prominade and seen literally trash just flying around because it's overfilling the garbage cans so I think it's a it's a pretty simple solution to uh take care of a a simple but Annoying problem is not a big ask noing housekeeping exactly um with that any questions or comments Council roll call please council member Jagger yes council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor bobwood yes mayor mik yes all right next up we have public portion on resolutions only anyone wishing to speak from the public in regards to resolutions on the agenda this evening please come to the microphone state your name and address this is for Resolutions this evening only Stacy Shan 928 Columbia um I just have a quick question just for clarification 208 the um the non-voting members they have I know we the Council made this non- voting member for people that were residents of Kate May well not residents they had a property in Kate may but were actually the residents were like in Florida so they were at two places so I'm just clarifying that do these people have to own property in K May so they they don't have to they don't have to be anything associated with Kate May because I think before we made it where they they had a property but the residency was in Florida um this I don't believe that this resolution requires that no so a non- voting member can be anybody from anywhere they don't have to be associated with Kate may they don't have to live in Kate May are you on 208 yeah yeah no this this resolution does not require residency um I I know residency but these people or or land ownership or otherwise it does not require that within this resolution no and some so David shuffler he's he's a a city employee so a lot of that is just to give some additional voices technical expertise to the environmental commissioner and you know Angela of course is I I was just asking for clarification I didn't wasn't questioning people on here yeah I was just and I don't know what David's expertise is in environmental the coordination I can speak of that the request came to the city manager's office um and not to get into a full Personnel discussion on it but he expressed an interest on being on the environmental commission he does a lot with the Dune day he does some other environmental projects and to be perfectly honest in order to have a city employee so for me to coordinate a lot of the efforts with sustainable Jersey the Green Team and other issues I think it just made logical sense to have an employee like David on there where that communication can be coordinated more effectively okay the Mike the the members that are being appointed pursuant to this resolution are non voting they're called associate members in the city code now environmental commission is statutory there are voting members pursuant to statute they have to satisfy the requirements under the statute for serving on that board associate members because they don't vote are there to participate Provide support um and they can bring whatever expertise or no expertise and maybe they have an interest because even HPC members don't necessarily have some HPC members don't have to have expertise but they have a demonstrated interest in the subject matter so similarly we have associate members that don't vote that don't don't have to satisfy the voting requirements and those are the ones that are being appointed by that resolution okay I guess everybody's losing my question my question only was do they have to live do they have to live in K May or own property so the answer is no okay so the answer is no the answer is no they don't have to satisfy the statutory requirements okay but I'm not asking about the statutory requirement I'm just asking about this right so the answer is no they don't have to satisfy so that was my question thank you members my next question has to do with 211 and C can I just add to that I apologize to interrupt just for the for the Public's knowledge on those non-voting members it's Charlotte Todd uh who started the I think started the environmental commission many years ago and as you pointed out is simply because she's a non-resident she lives in Florida she cannot be a voting member but we value her input and are happy that she's there Angela judge is uh Captain judge the uh commander of the of the training center Kate May uh the spouse of of Captain judge and and a was on a planning board in her hometown and and the environmental commission and the third person is uh David Sheffer who was just discussed as as a a um staff at the U recreation department at convention hall who just just said said he was very interested in being involved and would love would love to be involved nothing more nothing less and as and as a non-voting member the only reason why I was bringing it up was because I thought when we passes the non- voting membership before we said they had to be a taxpayer but not a resident and that's the only reason why I was asking for clarification Stacy if I could clarify we did change at um probably about three or three years ago when I was on the environmental commission I don't know what the date is on that but it was I was I was on the council when I think we changed it to that my thing reculation of it was that they had to be a taxpayer but just not a resident and that's the only reason why I was asking for clarification okay my next question has to do with 211 um has to do with the civil's right grant for the Amy Church restoration um and I think that you know we all wanted the restoration of the church to reflect the Church of its time so I'm bringing up the question is the are the pews of the church going to go back into the church for part of the restoration not at this time okay so we're restoring the church but not really as a church correct then correct okay my other question has to do with resolution 23 for the payment of bills and I just have a quick question um one of the payment was for 20 around $27,000 to flowbird which seems to be a parking app which I thought we were using it's for the kiosks the kiosk the kios isow bird that was yes thank you yep thank you anyone else wishing to speak on resolutions this evening this afternoon Mr Rous afternoon Jules Rous 1010 New York Avenue um I'm going to com comment again or last couple questions on number 211 um I think it's great I support the uh the restoration of the am church and like to see it um restored to as close to as possible the original intent of that building and um I see the range is 75 to 75,000 to 750,000 what is the intention of Kate May relative to the request that will be made and for what purpose we're still evaluating the final Grant application but this was the first step to have that authorization to submit the Grant and once we have that final application we'll present it to council and before it's submitted so we really we don't have a a definitive plan as to what or how much not for what we're applying for the grant at this point no and you had just indicated when Mrs uh Stacy was speaking that the uh the the pews or benches are not to be part of the program at this time now could I ask why it's just not part of the Adaptive for use for the project that we're anticipating needing them well they're they're they're a historic part of the building uh just because they happen to be movable doesn't mean that they're not an important part of that building and I would like to know why we have not just autoally we've talked about this at multiple Council meetings now um look what's most important about that building is preserving the building and making sure that it's doesn't fall to the ground um one of the first actions we did as a council in 20 thou in 2021 was buy that building to preserve it um the building needs to have some flexibility uh we've heard from multiple people that they want it to be a community center they want it to be a museum they want it to be a theater we can do all of those things and that is the plan um but you can't have inflexibility in your seat seating um and a good theater has to have good seating um so that's simply the case I'm not going to keep going further and further I mean we we're restoring that building as closely and as beautifully as possible to the original 100% um well that's obviously not the case if you're not going to include what the parishioners use to sit on Bill that's your opinion but I disagree with that okay um the have all the grants been approved for the building itself as as it now stands as far as the the grant applications for for funding we've we've received for the current phase we've received a county grant for the restoration that's the only additional Grant which I think we've reported before that we've received the other grants that we've applied for we have not received to the state have they asked for additional information what what I mean that application has been been has been uh in the works for some time yeah and I don't think that we received funding under that round and that's why we have to do a new resolution to apply in a different round of funding for that project okay thank you very much um I just want to say on the am church just quickly it's a beautiful project that you may disagree with the seating of it um but you go outside right now and there's somebody working on it laying the foundation to restore the bell tower um I think that's something that should be celebrated you know it took a lot of effort and and time and commitment to restore something that was burned down um so right now you have local people who are working on rebuilding that there's going to be not only the bell tower put back but the original witch's hat that sat on top of it in um a beautiful copper or I to be honest with you it might be Cedar Shake I think it is Cedar shake to match the cedar Shake roof but in any event I mean I think if you look at the detail that's gone into it already the copper um flashing over the windows the windows being restored the beautiful stained glass windows um every everything's being done as historically accurate as possible the the entire exterior has been totally restored remember on that building actually after the fire it was all asbest shingles all that is now removed and all you have is the original clapboard um so it's being restored back to its original grander which it wasn't it be even before the fire it certainly wasn't original um so yes there is going to be minor change to make sure that it's a functional space to make sure that it can be used for exercise classes to be used um as Museum um U traveling you know uh changing Museum pieces and things like that um but the but that's important for the for the survival of that building there's been a ton of research done on preservation for preservation sake it doesn't work you it has to be a usable space that people can use uh so uh we we have set up a partnership um with Eastland theater um they promise to be great caretakers of the building just like uh Cap May stage has been a wonderful caretaker of the Shackleton theater um next to Rotary Park um just like the tennis club has been a wonderful um partner in regards to their space and the same way with um um the oton and mac and and um the Chamber of Commerce at the Welcome Center um all of those Partnerships have been very successful and I I expect this one to be just as successful so I thank you for the comment and Jules I hear you I we're not all going to agree on every little detail of it but I do hope you see the value of the ultimate goal thank you any any other comment on resolutions this evening okay we'll close public comment all right on to the consent agenda moving on to the consent agenda is there anything Council wishes to remove from the consent agenda this afternoon Council anything to remove yeah I'd like to remove 2107 2024 please okay anything else Council I'm going to be abstaining the June 5th meeting got minutes okay all right anything else that's it all right can we get a motion on the consent agenda do I have a motion on the consent agenda I'll make the motion take taking out uh two 2101 do I have a second I'll second roll call please council member jger yes council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor Balwin yes mayor mullik yes all right back to 2107 2024 resolution authorizing Grant application and execution of a grant agreement with the state of New Jersey Department of Agriculture division of plant industry spotted Lantern fly program for the 2024 to 2026 spotted Lantern fly population reduction chemical control treatment Grant do I have a motion I'll make a motion do I have a second a second questions or comments Council yeah I do have some questions I did speak to um council member Jagger he's on the environmental commission this is something that I don't know if anybody's seen these SP Landing lanter flies I they are just there's so many this year I just feel like there's a you know something that needs to be done um started doing a little bit more research there's a tree called The Tree Of Heaven that is not included on the invasive species is it not it's not yeah so it's definitely invasive I'm thinking we might want to add that to to that um I think we should and or have while we're if I may Deputy Mayor while we were uh examining the damage to the uh Tower I looked next to the condensers outside and it's a weed essentially it does grow into a tree but it grows everywhere and it's in our condensers over there as well I'm actually looking at 395 and 395a three alanthus alysm it says tree of heaven and and okay so that is on there okay CU want idiot okay but it look it up at home if you have this in your property remove it it's it's basically a weed it looks kind of tropical looking but I will caution you just can't go cut it down it because of the type of invasive there's a process you have to do um you actually have to poison the tree it's like and let it die you know I mean my daughter actually did it you know she had about five of them and we scraped the bark in one foot you know like 3inch bands painted it with the the type of poison and let it go and then you had to wait for it to die because if you go and just cut it down unless you dig up all the the entire root system The Roots will just send up shoots even in more Vigor so you really have to unless you remove it entirely you know you really have to work with a uh a tree specialist to make sure that it's removed properly so I just don't want people to go out thinking oh I cut it down and I've gotten rid of the the the problem you've probably just exacerbated the problem and it's going to come back with more Vigor so Mr Dietrich I I would say that if we could at least post something on the city website saying either hire professional or if there is some type of a a step-by-step process a homeowner then I would say put that there too because some people would be we work on that you know engineering CU we actually the city removed there were three of them at the corner at the Welcome Center in Oyster Bay if if you recall there those there were like three big trees there they were actually tree of heaven but Public Works actually dug and pulled the roots out so that we you know before we did all the work there um to make sure that we removed all the roots uh effectively but the flies like that tree is that yes mhm yeah their it's from their Homeland it is um just so you know too it's actually not a moth or a fly at this point it's it's a bug so it looks like a little Beetle it's black with white um dots or it's black and red with white dots depending on the stage of development that it's in but you can look it up online um but right now they're not flying they're not moths they're like little Beetle looking objects um and I actually while we're uh saying something I do want to thank mayor Carol Sabo for pointing out out this uh this uh Grant that's available and and I know West CAP May's taking a lot of action it's going to be an islandwide you know Cooperative to try to take care of this really Mayor West Kate May has a lot more work than we do really if you see the spoted lantern fly stomp it yeah that's they jump right yeah yeah so get it y jump with it all right anything else Council roll call please council member Jagger yes council member Meyer yes council member MCD yes Deputy Mayor Baldwin yes mayor mullik yes all right moving on to the regular agenda we have 214- 07224 resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation of funds for the emergency repair and replacement of city property and Equipment damaged by lightning strike at City Hall do I have a motion I'll make the motion do I have a second a second uh any questions or comments Council roll call council member Jagger yes council member Meyer yes council member MCD yes Deputy Mayor Balwin yes mayor M yes all right 25- 07224 resolution authorizing the city of Kate May to enter into a Cooperative pricing agreement with the Bergen County cooperative pricing system do I have a motion motion do I have a second second I I only have one question was was there a reason that this was this a late edition or it was it was a late edition and it was part of the emergency purchases of computers on Friday when I was out trying to procure 20 computers so that we could have them for Monday morning it uh the pricing we got was under a Cooperative we weren't sure if we were part of the Cooperative or not but just to cover our bases this resolution authorizes us to join the Cooperative so that we could purchase that and other computer equipment any other questions or comments Council roll call council member Jagger yes council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor Balwin yes mayor mullik yes all right back to 26- 07224 a resolution authorizing execution of temporary subc restoration agreement and amendment to settlement agreement with Jersey Central Power and Light Company jcpnl do I have a motion I'll make the motion do I have a second we save the best for last mayor yeah I mean this is really good news um I'll I'll let the city solicitor give us a quick explanation on this resolution so uh this agreement is proposed with jcpnl who we currently have a access agreement and various deed notices associated with the Lots over in the area of St John's and Lafayette which is the Lafayette Street Park I'm not going to Rattle off the lot numbers because it's just going to confuse everybody but the area that we're talking about is the area extending from St John's to probably the second fence there's the dog park an open space a fence and then the area towards uh the Board of Education and that that area is lot 54 and and over on Board of Education the left side I guess I'll call it if you're on Lafayette Street extending to St John's that's the area that I'm talking about and that this agreement is referencing and it's made up of lots that are owned by the city some of them are still owned by jcpnl but subject to our ability our being the city abil ability to purchase that for Z doar at the conclusion of this uh remediation process including the execution and recording of uh deed notices the last of which is the K housing authorities resolution with jcpnl which um is currently finalizing and approval with HUD the parties are working on that which should lead to um these properties being returned to City use we're not at that stage yet but because of the um great progress that everybody was able to make to get to this point there is light at the end of the tunnel of that at of this process because of that jcpnl is proposing um temporary use until we get to that point when these properties are returned to City use so um this is a that's one aspect of it the subl license agreement proposing to return um temporary use to the city of these properties subject to review and approval by JCP because they're on the off chance they may still need it although everybody acknowledges that's unlikely that's built into this agreement so good news is the city will be returned use of these properties subject to certain limitations um for the protection of all parties second thing is um as part of the various agreements with jcpnl they had to rip up Park um amenities uh years back for the restoration and Remediation project and as part of that they could either rebuild those things or uh compensate the city for the loss of those and the city can build what it wants and of course the city elected the second option and the parties um discussed and negotiated what was a fair um uh compensation for restoration of those Park elements and in the city's case in this case it was based on the uh city engineer doing a uh cost estimate and the parties arrived and agreed on the amount of uh $275,600 which will be a payment from jcpnl to the city of Kate May for purposes of restoring uh Park amenities as part of the overall Lafayette Street Park project so that's good news we're restoring temporary access we're confirming a restoration payment there were some um issues regarding delay of this process um because of how long it's taken and the various Hoops that everybody's had to jump through um and this also buttons up that issue as it relates to the city of Kate May and jcpnl and the parties um see the light at the end of the tunnel and and buttons up the remaining issues because of again the progress that everybody has made to get to the point of getting Hut approval and hopefully returning this to park use so that is the the the three main points of this agreement um hopefully in plain language but that's what the agreement reflects that's what the resolution reflects and if Council has any questions I'd be happy to answer them any c uh any questions Council no I I just think it's great work it's we all know uh how long has taken uh to unscramble the bowl of spaghetti involving uh Lafayette Street Park and just to I love giving all the acronyms but every single one of these agencies have had a strong bite of the apple and that's Green Acres blue Acres EPA D HPC shipo jcpnl Kate May Housing Authority K May Board of Education K May County Housing and Earth Urban Development um and which brings us to today which is basically submitting our standard cafra permit for the for the park and uh open space uh board application um so with with this agreement in place we are really in a good place from for the city frankly in perpetuity but also um in regards to going forward with the park which we all know has been a long-term goal of the city but um a wonderful one oh and and we did just make an application to County open space in regards to the nature trails um the nature trails um for those who remember the phasing was phase four uh now I guess it's going to be basically phase two but in any event the nature trails are wonderful it's uh over over 2 miles of uh path it goes through the park for some time then it goes around into the Marshland behind the park uh it's on an elevated platform uh and it connects of course to the park itself and and to the school of course the school will have a strong security gate and things like that and they will control the gate but students will have the opportunity to go into their backyard and really learn about nature um and experience the environment of course as to will the citizens of Cap May and we all know right now with the amount of traffic and things like that it could be hard to find a place to walk other than the beach or the prominade um so this gives another location to really go outside experience nature in a very safe environment as well outside of traffic so um anyway really really the open space application went really well don't have any news to report yet but hopefully we will soon enough and um and and the and the great news about that is with the D approval in place we'll be looking to bid this project relatively quickly um to start this fall so that that would really be exciting exciting stuff um any any other comments or questions Council on resolution 216 roll call council member Jagger yes council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor Balwin yes mayor Molly yes all right okay on to uh new business city solicitor any new business I have something I wanted to just run by Council and and councilwoman B Willam and I uh discussed this last night at our HPC meeting but um one thing that uh had come up as part of an HPC review was the city's standardized design standards and we have some some baseline kind of aesthetic standards in the zoning code that in this recent instance showed that you know there may be some con a conflict between the two and the way that that presented itself was that first of all the standard one of the standards is a minimum roof pitch um requirement for buildings throughout town so this is a requirement that applies throughout the city no matter whe whether you're in or outside of the district and that presented itself to the HPC in this context because we have uh the city will see applications for additions and one of the standards uh for the HPC is that you don't want to have this addition overwhelm the existing structure you want to distinguish it in some way but you also don't want it to become the you know the mega structure and overtake you know what was originally there so the HPC that's a really poor explanation I'm sure an HPC member could do a better way of explaining that but they we have one here um but they they're trying to strike a balance there now in this case they were trying to help an applicant accommodate an expansion but they ran into actually this issue of the roof pitch and being able to accommodate the the additional livable space to provide a better use for the applicant but also not run into conflict with this uh design standard so one of the things that came out of that discussion um and what was the idea that well we we routinely talk about roof pitch and and design in the HPC context we have specialized members with specialized knowledge and one of the things that may the city could consider is loosening up that minimum requirement and deferring you know this type of discussion about whether the roof pitch is appropriate or minimum or maximum whatever it is those those properties that are within the historic district are going to have to go through that discussion anyway they're going to have their design vetted um for streetscape and what it may do for uh applicants within the district is provide more flexibility to make a Creative Design or come up with a creative solution to a problem like that without running into oh but we have this minimum zoning General zoning code regulation about roof pitch so what do we do about that so and it that loosening up that provision would be consistent to I in my view because that's precisely the type of thing that we have the HPC rope way in on you know the design of the roof the pitch of it the view of it from the streetscape so the idea that's the background the idea would just be to say you know this minimum re requirement for roof pitch and and that type of thing that doesn't need to apply in the historic district we'll leave that determination to the historic HPC on a case-by Case basis through their application of their historic U design standards but keep that leave that in place for the rest of town you know so that there is at least a minimum requirement out there for those properties that don't go to the HPC but if you're in the HPC you know there you could be have the opportunity for additional flexibility on that Mr G would it be for both contributing and non-contributing it would be for any it would be for any property that falls within the district yeah all right yeah Chris did they talk about whether or not it would be for the principal roof or a secondary roof because I think that was more the issue that they came up was the issues were more on the secondary secondary roofs not the primary roof so you know maybe that we can do some language where the you know maybe there's not a you know that that that relaxation is more for the second roofs as opposed to primary Ro to additions or you know additions or you know the secondary you know whether it's a porch roof or a shed addition or you know something that's certainly how it presented itself as like an issue to talk about um and you know I can take that back to the HPC too to see I'm sorry the one example you know that was brought up is some of these Bungalows yeah um you know they have a lower roof and then you put an addition on the back back the streetcape totally changes where you see the you see it popping up in the back the roof in the back so if they could be a little bit more creative and come up with something um based on you know the site and the the zoning offic the zoning officer sorry the zoning officer actually had to send two applications to the zoning board because of that where the shed roof in the back they wanted to preserve the window in the back so the shed roof had to be lowered to preserve the Integrity of the existing window window um so that was that that's part of where this started so that was on an existing that was on an existing house so I was going to ask I mean we just talked about addition or um you know an accessory would does anyone Envision that this would be a a second roof pitch just on an expanded primary on an expansion yeah yes okay so it's not necessarily just for an an addition or would you describe that as being an addition that would be an addition okay all right I'm just trying to make sure it's clear sure yeah the original proposal was just to loosen it up for the entire district and leave that determination to the board because they will be reviewing that type of thing anyway um but certainly if if there was some desire interest to limit it to specific cases that that could be something we could play with too but that the logic was they're going to sometimes with the design of a building you're going to have two roof lines anyway so that's why it seemed more simple to to just loosen it up for the district as a whole yeah and Chris could draft something up for our next meeting if everybody's okay with that yeah okay it seemed like something that was sort of somewhat straightforward that you know to bring to council's attention great I I the other thing is I I hesitate to bring this up but there were some uh other uh proposals from the HPC laboratory that found their way to the planning board and I know councilman joerger was there too um I I I'll just update Council on that they they voted basically to table those for some indeterminate future date to to revisit um one of them was I think the HPC ackn knowledge more problematic than the other in terms of the conflict between parking and maybe reducing off street parking opportunities and then the prioritization of the streetscape and you know keeping those areas out of sight so they they went in with full knowledge that that was going to be a little there's going to be some tug-of-war on that issue the other proposal was a little bit more I guess I'll say vanilla um was the idea that we might have some standards in place for the storage of trailers and boats and campers and that type of thing we already have regulations in place for on street parking of those types of things this was brought to my attention by one of our members who has uh significant experience in law enforcement and he indicated that you know uh it's the type of code provision I've seen this myself is the type of code provision you see throughout code books in in in the state of New Jersey and probably more but just to have some sort of guiding principles for hey you know don't store these in the front yard maybe put them somewhere else um or and provide minimum requirements for that so that was where that was coming from and I don't even necessarily didn't necessarily see it as a development regulation it could be fall under the police power I recommended we go ahead and send it to the planning board anyway just to get some feedback get another set of eyes on it I mean it's definitely an issue and it need you know needs to be clarified because from code enforcers perspective you know they've kind of been Loosely interpreting that since it's like a motor vehicle it's got to be parked in a approved driveway space but the problem is even in a driveway space you don't want it to be in the front yard even in a driveway so I think we definitely need to yeah I get some tightening of that language I agree with that 100% but really all were we were looking for was I think we were better off because everybody was saying was we're not sure why where this is coming from who we didn't even know it was HPC so uh the end of the story is is that we're just looking for I think a good representative to come to the planning board and just explain the purpose and we and be clear so this is only for the historic district oh actually one of them no was the enre that's what I want to call so both of those proposals Citywide we were proposals for Citywide initiatives but not not in the sense of this is you know this has to be done it was more and the discussion that led to that being presented was really more of hey this is really working for what we're seeing in the district and it's something that we'd like to see what do you think about a city-wide proposal that was really the context for it but we discussed last night councilman joerger that you know it really would have been optimal to have somebody there to bounce that off and and give that presentation because I I know Mr King um did his best to to as he does to to kind of explain the proposal and everybody's a volunteer and I I get it and but really it would have been nice to have we all agreed it would have been nice to have somebody there to kind of give the background um and and the thought process behind definitely yes so next time next time come on but but I think we do have to I would CAU you know because we have on one track where MRA is always looking for additional parking spaces and you know trying to solve the parking issues of the city to have a a Citywide curtailment of where we Park on our individual properties I think that's got to be a more Global discussion that I think should be fully vetted by the planning board and its impact you know throughout the city not just and I get the hpc's looking at it from a a design perspective an aesthetic standpoint but we have to look at it and I think the planning board would probably want to look at it from a more holistic the impact of parking and how that would impact parking generally within the city and it's obviously all coming here anyhow right and the the logic of sending it there first was it would have to go there anyway and to get that kind of that feedback going first so that we're not ping ponging back forth between the boards I tried to um kind of couple the delivery of that with that explanation but I agree with you I think when it's something like that it's it's better to have somebody in person speaking into the microphone talk about it mayor maybe we had that subc commmittee or subgroup before where we had a representative from each of the boards kind of meet to discuss some of those other topics maybe that's a topic or those are topics maybe that we could pull that subcommittee back together that group together and you that you can have a representative from all the different boards to kind of tackle an issue like parking and and those kinds of issues and and get a consensus out of that group before it's presented fully at the planning board or at one of the other boards or here Council that was the the group that you had from yeah that ad that committee but I mean I think zoning needs to be part of this conversation too I mean wasn't Steve B yep and it was Bill and Steve and um we had like a representative from each of the different is everyone okay with that if we get a representative from each uh board okay got the artificial take a look at it yeah um what is our when's our next master plan review is that coming up anytime soon no I think yeah it's whatever whatever comes out of this has to be you know something we want to consider adding in the future right okay anything else city solicitor that's it thank you city manager I just I didn't get a I just want to take the digital um beach tags I mean generally our beach tag sales have been pretty robust for the year but I you know they continue week by week but one note I did want to note is we're seeing digital beach tags where it's daily and and the the credit card sales increase week by week and you know the issues both with our staff and and the res you visitors it's becoming an an easier uh program so you know I I do see improvement with that program and the numbers that that we see week by week are like they're exponential you know they're like a doubling or a large increase each each week so it's it's working and but I think it's always something we're working on continuously improving it because it is a new program but I just want to let Council know that I think it's moving forward in a positive light that's great Deputy C clerk yes so mark your calendars August 6th the next meeting is a work session and it's at 1:00 instead of 3:00 um that is National Night Out from 5:30 to 8:30 right in front of convention hall so come on out it's going to be a party um but the meeting will be at 1 that day and that's all I have anyone with the grandkids and and kids it really is a fun event if you want to bring them out for that uh Deputy Mayor any anything this evening this afternoon no I have nothing thank you mayor okay council member McDade just very briefly had a conversation with the uh gentleman from the Jitney service um they said things are going great um they are seeing um repeat C customers um they're actually getting to know some of the the people so you know asking them about their dining experience Etc but they're doing about 250 um Plus on some of the certainly from the Friday through Monday um time frame so um and the app is working very well they're getting a lot of positive feedback so just want report uh council member Meyer I have nothing today mayor council member joer nothing new thank you okay I I just want to thank the county for the cross walks that were put in on Madison Avenue they did get the Continental uh Keys you know piano key style crosswalks painted this week and that's great um I want to thank open space for hearing our application today and just a quick um shout out to our lifeguards I received an email um and I'll read it really quickly just a introduction then it says a female lifeguard was placing the warning flag into the sand when she heard a whistle she looked and saw two parents frantically waving and pointing into the water their two kids had been swept past the wave breakes either in a ripped current or just struggling and couldn't get in it was too deep for them you could see they were frantic panicking and starting to go underwater The Lifeguard sprinted as fast as she could at the same time secured the rescue can on herself and went into the water at the same time a male lifeguard from the stand jumped down and did the same thing they swam fast got to the kids brought them back to the beach and reunited them with Mom and Dad um it was he went on after that but just a wonderful example of uh the lifeguards doing their best to protect us and I I do want to mention the four guards that were involved uh and that was one of 19 uh uh um rescues that occurred that day and that was Emma de Mario Lindsay finina cam blevens and Dustin Nan so I I thank them all very much for the service on that one rescue on on the many and and just a reminder of just how important our lifeguards are to our community so we we thank you very much with that please can I yeah I want to expand on what you're what you're talking about yeah sure the beach Safety Committee um just completed three videos on beach safety getting into the water getting you know um which will be uh shown on the movies on the beach and it should be on our website they they've been on social media I think I've seen all three of them but they were really done well they're good yeah yeah very good updating them great great job yeah very cool with that we'll open it up for public comment anyone wishing to speak please come to the microphone state your name and address for the record Stacy Shan 928 Columbia Avenue um this is just a quick comment when the first started they started they were they were running from like 12 mid or noon time to 10:00 at night and they were getting a lot of people going to the beach they were helping with the parking problem at the beach now Jitney only start till 4 so I think we're losing that ability we're only helping out the mall area we're not helping out like the beach traffic that we have at the beaches where we'd be taking people to the beach and bringing them home again so I'm just bringing that up to maybe in the future we look look at going back to maybe noon time to 10:00 at night so that we can help with the traffic flow for people going to the beach thank you anyone else this this afternoon Mr Rous area there Jules Rous 1010 New York Avenue a couple little items um the the mats that are on the beach are they permanently installed no so they come up at the end of the season they can come up at the end of the season um bike safety lights and and helmets and I Know Chief you guys are working at that but it scares the Daylights out of me at night when these bikes and the scooters have no identification at all it's um I don't know what the solution is but it's U the quanas club waiting happen the quanas club has really done a nice job um giving out lights I don't I don't know if you can go to Quan club and get a light but I I know they uh will be at the um at National Night Out giving out free lights a little far away from today that's on August 6th but uh and I know that's not a solution that you're looking for Jules but I we we sharing your I don't know that there is a solution other than the habits of the parents saying to the kids and really Frank quite frankly it's it's the parents are as guilty as the kids sure um it's just it's an issue and I don't know um how you're going to solve it um the um we have another safety issue in my view uh at Delany and uh Fin's restaurant they have parking or I mean they have tables and chairs on their side uh facing the streets we have a 5- foot safety zone that is required to me be open and free for the people walking as pedestrians so they have the access of safety I watched a lady with a stroller not being able to to move uh safely in the sidewalk you put it out on the street uh there's on those those streets do not have the width to accommodate the safety of an individual with a with with a a stroller or um and I I know we have a a a requirement of 5T of safety zone in my view and I've looked at it on several occasions neither one of those facilities have a 5- foot safety zone they have umbrellas and tables and chairs that in that are inside of that 5- foot safety zone and uh you know with the amount of people we having to coming to town a lot of visitors that have never been here before um I think we from a safety standpoint need to uh look at that that restriction and decide how we're going to address it either enforce it or get rid rid of it I think the city has a frankly a liability if they do not enforce it and it because it's been there all all season and uh I point that out um we've had recently two two uh emergency uh notices and what is the what's the procedure for declaring a state of emergency is that is that uh is I I assume there's requirement that follow a specific set of rules coordination with the OEM director and mayor and they it's a declarations declared by through theem director who actually issues the Declaration I believe the OEM coordinator it's generally in my previous experience um you know having gone through disaster training and Command Center operations you there's a prot call um and the the OEM coordinator is generally the person who is tasked as part of the chain of command to determine if if there was an emergency and then the notification process and and to follow whether or not Command Center operations need to be set up based on the type of incident it is ETC so it's it's pretty prescriptive yeah it's very very fun can I just ask you a question you said two states of emergency I was wasn't sure what what you me you talking about the one one on the beach I'm sorry there was one on the beach not too long ago was there one on the beach well we had the what what happened Jules just so just so we remember you know another lightning strike well we closed the beaches when the lightning was but that wasn't a state of emergency that was not a state of emercy just closed the beach they closed the beaches routinely for lightning okay yeah area that's not an oem no that's a lifeguard lifeguard lifeguard directs that and they watch and monitor weather and you know reports and then they'll close the beach at their at their discretion based on the weather reports that they receive okay and and Jules that that is in coordination with our OEM team and chief fasel could probably speak more but basically the OEM team under uh Deputy fire chief e is communicating out with various departments and Reporting back to him so if there's a lightning strike the first person that going to see that is obviously Beach Patrol so Beach Patrol is going to communicate that back to OEM who's going to now push the Nixle alert which is going to alert the entire Community but there's a specific procedure on that and state of emergencies are totally separate I think than what we're talking about here and that really generally goes back to the form of government that that we're in so the OEM Coordinator would be the one that would declare that in consultation with the city manager thank you um and Jules just so I'm clear the second thing you were talking about was the the bomb scare yes okay thank thank you yeah I just want to understand um your the ordinance 541 uh the trash there's there's no mention uh about the beach concessions and because we're seeing more at least I I have witnessed more and more food being delivered to the beach and u a lot most of it is coming out of the hotels and motels going to their customers that are ordering from the beach um are they they don't know the answer to this but are they responsible to take care of the trash that they generate Mr solicitor would you consider um them responsible under this ordinance uh there might be something in their agreements that's speaks to that but they are a takeout it's takeout food so why why why wouldn't it be including them dis ordinance would surely cover them but I agree yeah I'm not I'm not saying they don't I'm I'm saying there might be something even more specific in their agreements but yeah it's it's to go for immediate consumption off premises I I would assume that that to that specifically is to go food so I would assume it would cover them as well I I would too but I think there's may maybe a little clarification that it include the beach concession um well certainly food to the beach served to the beach Mr solic do you think it needs to be more specific no I think we can we can acknowledge that if that's the type of service that is being provided on the beach that that that fits what we're talking about in this language here provide notification yeah I I I I think it's a good activity I'm not draying with the opportunity to call someone and have food delived uh to the beach I think that's great but I think they also should be some responsibility for the cleanup I mean I I've watched our the Public Works guys collect the trash around 6:30 or 7 o'clock at night at the beach entrances and I'll tell you what it would it would take a lot of money to have me go and do that job it is nasty nasty work and I those guys that do that they do a tremendous job and it's a I'm sure it's a thankless job um one other issue and I I I hate to bring up again but can I just I I want to make sure we have an answer to that I I I assume that it's under this but I mean under there's a the city reserves a right to time to time to adopt and promate reasonable rules and regulations applicable to concession area including with without limitation you know operator hours manner of operation and to amend such rules and regulations so I think under that condition right under as suspected on page 11 of these agreements it says concession Operator Operator must Supply a sufficient number of garbage and recycling containers to main so that that's what I mean it's already addressed in there if it weren't this would cover it too but there's something more specific in their agreements anyway okay great good okay um the only other item and I'd like to go back to to um the am church I absolutely agree that that is a very worthwhile project to be a historic restored and available for the community but I I've been a bit disturbed as I've indicated previously that to my knowledge that Grant has not been approved as yet we awarded a million-- dollar contract just recently and I know there's work being done now um since we did we issued the contract for the work to be done without the grant being approved we're now using City funds to pay for that Council has that's true that that you're absolutely correct but we have applied for multiple grants for this phase some were rejected some were accepted and and so we we had exhausted our Grant application for that uh and once we did that we bid it out and went with the lowest Bid And of course went through the whole process up here this is an application for the the uh State Park uh the uh U Park service right National National Park Service so but that's not part of the construction no so what we've bid out is Bid out and and and and and being done that's being done under our money our the taxpayers fund as opposed to a grant money not 100% because because there are uh County open space grants included in in the work that's being done um but you are correct in saying that taxpayer funds are being used to do it yes um this is another Grant application that could perhaps be used on the interior of the church and if we if we get the grant then great if we don't we don't okay I just wanted to make it clear that that we're not using all grant money to restore that building we are using some taxpayers money which hasn't been defined for city council even even the initial phase where we res you know when we secured the outside of the building did the windows and the roof and the siding that was not all grant money that was City funds to do that but it was approved that way and was and so was the second phase approved that way when when a contract forward for the that money the certification of funds stated where the funds for that project were go and it was for you know that that was funded by City funds and County bond funds okay thank you very much yeah and and we you you do recognize we went out to bond for this through the normal bonding process specifically for the am church I understand that and you spoke at that time I mean I just yes I did I don't want you to walk away saying that we didn't say that there wasn't taxpayer funds there are taxpayer funds and and we haven't said that there wouldn't be I mean we we've attempted to get as many grants as possible 100% but uh taxpayer funds are being used to restore the church 100% thank you City's also reserved public use specifically in that lease agreement that it's there's going to be some public use connected with that that lease agreement I wasn't going to raise that issue but where where does the lease uh other than being in in forc there's there's no activity from the tenant that I'm aware of not at this point it's not it's not really does the building doesn't have a building certificate of occupancy to even occupy the building so so until that happens they can't really take possession of the lease to that extent and just and just um uh for the information of those listening um we approved a n a million dollar uh Bond is that right we we approved a $997,000 contract with um with the contractor um and through that $997,000 I believe close to 300,000 of which is being paid for through County open space funds out of that $997,000 contract we have basically the entire building HVAC the tower um the the uh bathrooms basically the entire shell of the building insulation electric drywall Plumbing is all completed so for that $997,000 basically we have a complete building now what Eastland theater does to convert it into a theater or whatever they want to do is is on them financially so that's what they're they're obligated to do that but I my point in saying that Jules is um I think we're getting a really nice building for $997,000 um less the $300,000 from County open space funds thank thank you all any any other public comment okay motion to adjourn thank you everybody have a great evening the time is now 5:01 all right you [Music] think for e --------- e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right good afternoon everybody we have a special meeting of the city council of City of Cape May we are here in the Cap May City Hall Auditorium today is Tuesday July 16th 2024 the time is now 2:32 please join me for the Pledge of Allegiance I to the flag of the United States of America and to the repu for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all under the open public meetings law notice of this meeting was sent to the K May County heral and the Press of Atlantic City and a copy of the agenda was delivered to each member of city council and posted on the Kate May City website and Kate May City Hall bulletin board notice is hereby provided that the Kate May City Council meetings are audio recorded and or video streamed live live video streams are posted on the Kate May City website the city of Kate May is not responsible if audio recording or live video streaming of a meeting is unavailable roll call Deputy Mayor Baldwin here council member McDade here council member Meyer here mayor mullik here council member here city solicitor Gillan Schwarz here city manager Paul Dietrich here and Deputy city manager Justin RS here all right Council we have one resolution and that is resolution 206- 07224 a resolution providing for a meeting not open to the public in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey open public meetings Act njsa 10 col 4-12 discussion on proposed sub license and restoration agreement with jcpnl do I have a motion uh we I'm sorry we have a public portion is anyone here wishing to speak on this seeing none we'll close public portion do I have a motion I'll make the motion do I have a second I'll second roll call please council member Jagger yes council member Meyer yes council member McDade yes Deputy Mayor Baldwin yes mayor mullik yes time is 2:34 are there still cups in in the coffee maker oh yeah they were never used anyway than e e e e e e e for for e e e e e e for e e e e e for for e of St usually they people for spe e for for yeah for per your some bird the m good how are you good everything good yeah no complaints I just got my internet back up you can be a complaint but yeah yeah no thank you right good to see you e see really yeah or okay like I don't know insurance he has a lot of conflict yeah of doing yeah I no because he no mean he probably just would not do the GIF work no mean he probably wouldn't be assigned to our GIF work I like him yes yes ch that was crazy I never seen that en sh all right good afternoon everyone we have a regular meeting of the city council of the City of Cape May we are here in the Cape May City Hall Auditorium today is Tuesday July 16th 2024 the time is 3 p.m. oh I apologize first we have to close our uh closed session uh I apologize do I have a motion to close the closed session I'll make that motion do I have a second I'll second uh Mr solicitor you want to give us a quick update on that uh yeah Council discussed a proposed uh suc and restoration agreement with jcpnl we do anticipate adding that and uh considering formal action tonight we'll we'll discuss that when we get to that point tonight thank you with that I'll again open up our public regular meeting here we are in the Kate May City Hall Auditorium today is Tuesday July 16th 2024 the time is now 3:1 please join me for the Pledge of Allegiance i al to the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation indivisible andice for all thank you under the open public meetings law notice of this meeting was sent to the Kate May County Herald and the Press of Atlantic City and a copy of the agenda was delivered to each member of City Council and posted on the Kate May City website and K May City Hall bulletin board notice is hereby provided that Kate May City Council meetings are AIO recorded and or video stream live live video streams are posted to the Kate May City website the city of Kate May is not responsible if audio recording or live video streaming of a meeting is unavailable roll call Deputy Mayor bobwin here council member McDade here council member Meyer here mayor mullik here council member joer here city solicitor Gill Schwarz here city manager Paul Dietrich here Deputy city manager Justin RS here all right Council I believe we have one addition tonight that is uh resolution 26- 07- 2024 resolution authorizing execution of temporary subl license restoration agreement and amendment to settlement agreement with Jersey Central Power and Light Company jcpnl uh Council I think we should probably add this to the non-consent agenda just for the solicitor to give an explanation is that okay do I have a motion to add this to the nonconsent agenda I make that motion do I have a second second thank you all right council member Jagger yes council member Meyer yes council member MCD yes Deputy Mayor Balwin yes mayor mik yes all right next up we have performance hearings um our consultant I think has been delayed coming down so so I think I'll just go through and uh these are our they're really the three projects that we have um small cities DCA I don't have a presentation for this Brian it's for the next thing um so these are performance hearings that that were required under our um DCA grants that as you get to a certain point within the project to have a hearing just to kind of give a status update of where they are and then if the public had any questions regarding the projects and and the status of that so the first one is the uh 2021 water main project uh this has been a project that's been on the books for a while took a long time because we had to switch some Engineers on the design process it finally kicked off uh right before the 4th of July holiday weekend and then after that weekend they kind of started in Earnest they've made the wet tap into uh the the transmission you know the existing line and they've started down uh that process they're probably at this point about 20% completed of the main everything's moving along fairly well and uh we're happy with their progress with the contractor U the quanas Ada improvements project this one obviously is probably 99% complete we have a little bit of change order work um that we're looking to have them do based on a change order that Council approved I think last month or maybe two months ago um Parks been open you know obviously Camp k May the the kids have been really getting the uh Park an extra workout that that you know making sure everything's good in there and uh you know all the Ada improvements there um just kind of give you a little side snip the the bathrooms not part of this project but just to give the council an update the bathrooms if you haven't stopped down and look at it the sidings almost all complete it's probably complete as of the end of today um they've painted the inside they've started to set some of the mechanical and uh probably by the end of this week they'll probably start hanging some Plumbing fixtures inside the building so we're getting very close we're hoping to have a mid August be able to open that uh bathroom up as well as the prominade bathrooms that's great um and then the Ada Beach match project obviously everybody's familiar with that um we did do a change order to the grant for that so it's not just the Ada mats that you know uh that we put down up on the beach uh we're also purchasing 12 Ada additional Ada beach chairs uh they've been ordered and um they should be arriving here fairly shortly they came oh they they came today Facebook they came today so um you know the the next the last part of that puzzle will be uh we'll be reconstructing the um Mount Vernon um elevated access way and that's a project that Public Works will be taking on as one of their projects for the winter you know during the offseason so you know that but that's part of that um Ada uh small cities Grant project for that so that's kind of I'll say say the performance hearing how we're doing um you know I think they've all been on schedule and and hopefully uh you know the Kanas will probably be able to close out probably in the fall time the water main project probably by the end of the year by the time everything gets done and then the Ada mats probably early spring by the time Public Works is able to finish uh the mount Veron crossover so we're in good good shape to uh you know how we're performing on them and and getting them completed so I guess it probably wouldn't hurt if anybody we should open the this to the public so if anybody has a question regarding any any of those three projects if Council doesn't have any questions no um is um um I'm sorry I forgot his is Mr blow coming or I I I just checked my email I mean he was scheduled to be here I I can only assume that something either he's got delayed in transit or but you know I'm pretty sure I've covered the the program requirements of for what these performance you these is a part of the grant requirements to hold these performance hearings um and you know really it's it's really it's the opportunity to put the information back out to the public to make sure the public a is aware of these projects and if there's any questions about the implementation of the projects that that the public has an opportunity to comment on the um water main project and just to explain it more to the public I believe it's Wells 6 and eight um I could I know it's it's really it's it's it's isolate eight so that we know we have a a separate feed for well if we have to separate we have two lines and I think it's about a half a mile right it's a little bit more Yep yeah it's a pretty long line between the two Wells if you were ever to shut down one well which of course you're always going to have some maintenance performing um this would allow us to bypass that well through another pipeline so it really is like a duplication of uh yes of service um so it's it's definitely an important project one question I did get about was in regards to the new dile plant um and you know is this pro project worthwhile it has no effect on the Dil plant itself it has an effect because it makes it you know we have a duplication of of service in case one well does go down we could still you basically it's a transfer pipe essentially correct um just just to add that and the um Ada Beach mats project I probably maybe not normally part of a per performance uh hearing but I think the performance has been really excellent DPW did a wonderful job getting the mats out uh I saw the 12 wheelchairs today lined up you you look at it you think this is really cool I mean we we we are helping some people that could use some help and it's it's a pretty cool thing uh any member of the public who hasn't gone down to Mount Vernon and taken a look at that uh Beach it's a really cool spot if you ever want to read a book or something go down that and uh really the the uh platform to get to the beach is it reminds you of like the cap M Point State Park it's it's really neat and I think it's kind of a little Hidden Gem that I'll say here in a council meeting but maybe not to the public on Facebook because I think our our local secrets are getting few and far between I think you just upset all the regular people that use that that you've just kind of put it out there that that's a nice quiet spot on the beach it is uh but to to know that even that platform is going to be repaired and really well done by a d d in this same Grant is pretty cool I mean performance- wise I think we've really used that money well and and we actually maximize it so this was something you know the Mount Vernon project wasn't part of the original Grant opportunity when you know was discussing the project with uh Eric superintendent Public Works we we we were looking at you know how many Beach mats we were doing you know we when the prices were coming in we're like hey you know let's you know because we had that on their project list as as as using our Capital funds so we were able to you know take some of our Capital funds that were earmarked for that project and then now able to put them towards another project that we can move forward by utilizing Grant funds for something great job Eric and then um quanas Club Ada I think anybody who's seen it kind of speaks for itself really uh the um the the capability of kids in a wheelchair to be able to use it just just as much as anybody else is really neat but frankly it's it's easier for everybody and safer for everybody so it's it's really been a hit and we're actually looking you know with the uh the Ada Grant we received for the tennis club you know we're looking to extend that you know path up into the tennis club and you know my hope is to eventually connect that up through the physics estate and then up to Washington so you know that you can essentially walk from Madison through quanas Park through the tennis club through physics estate up to Washington on an ADA access and that's one that is a local secret that we don't necessarily want to keep secret eventually and and and really today if you're on a bike on Washington Street coming into town or out of town you really should try to go through Mack through the physic estate and through Kanas get get off of Washington Street as quickly as you can yeah and and and frankly as you said that that Tennis Club will extend that path even further which is great um with that and again I apologize that uh Mark blow isn't here but is there anyone here wishing to speak from the public in regards to uh the water main project Quan's club uh project or Ada Beach mats seeing none will close public comment and move on to updates and old business city manager uh thank you uh just to start off before I go into the issues that happened in our fun excitement that we had last Friday um I'd ask uh superintendent uh Eric Pinsky to come up and you we just wanted to kind of take a time to acknowledge all of our Public Works employees for doing such a great job on all the different projects so just I know Eric wanted to kind of bring some of the people in and just give a general acknowledgement for our Public Works employees you know from top to bottom uh you know we have you know whenever we ask them to do stuff you know they invariably sometimes begrudgingly but they always know and and they get it they go out there and get it done and um you know do the best they can for our our residents and our visitors to give them the best experience and opportunity and um you know we they've done a lot of projects as well as just general maintenance and upkeep of City operation but there's a lot of projects you know that they've taken on and done that that really highlights what they can do so I know Eric wanted to come up and just give a little shout out especially in this heat thank you all for being out there there because it's it's pretty brutal so I appreciate that good afternoon mayor and counsel I would like to thank you guys for having us here today um and recognizing the hard work that the men and women from Public Works do not everybody's here half of them working their side jobs and second jobs you know there's no table like Paul said there's nothing we gripe but we got to be hard a little bit you know so otherwise we get taken advantage of no I'm just joking um so growing up playing sports you know there was no I in team and I just wanted this is my team right here so I'm proud of each and every one of them you know we go we go hard so I appreciate you guys I'm sure mager Council and Paul and Justin and the public all appreciates everybody so than you we're going to add a few more projects since you're doing such a good job but no bring it on can I get couple more people yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah in all seriousness we we really appreciate the hard work and and I I say as mayor to all the people in the city of K May of course I don't know how things work you know until you get in this position you know and I've just been so impressed I mean really on a daily basis I see the hard work and and and like Deputy Mayor said in this heat and and and and Moren um it's uh you look around the town on all the beautification projects and important um other utility projects you know I see you guys at midnight when you know a pipe breaks or something I know this water department as well but uh uh Frank I think of you uh when when in the middle of the night something goes wrong and you get the phone call uh you're always ready and willing and and you made a little joke about griping I I hardly ever hear it to be honest with you I mean little little things here and there would are probably deserved cuz you know working with us but in in all seriousness you all do such a wonderful job and I just say thank you very much can I add to that mayor please I would just like to add real quick that uh you know the paint is fresh you see through town the streets are clean the flowers are beautiful they watered um what was the last thing I was going to say I just think the Ws are C I just think I just think it Kate May looks so beautiful because of you folks and uh and it's very it's noticeable and uh the people appreciate it and that's why they come here so thanks Chief if I can just add I know I talk a lot but um in the police department side of things we we call upon public works a lot I mean probably daily if not three four times a day um starting from my left up here Mr Bosna um I had some worked on here you know a year ago two years ago and you know they were in there doing some detail work and I'm like I said Steve who's going to see it I said it's okay it's all good he's like I see it that's the difference between some things that people do in life you know I mean he worried about him seeing it his hands being upon it and touching it so it's behind a wall the public won't see it I see it and he was worried about the the crookedness of a shelf and he's he got it right and every time I walk in there I'm like what Steve took a little bit more time in his day same thing this way every time I call a of these guys to do something or help us out or make a phone call to Edie something's broke something you know or Rich down there everything like that uh Jack and the boys it's just a good feeling you have that you know and I I probably call upon them more than you do for whatever you need so um like I said the cleaning staff uh making things right and and when we call them in the middle of the night Frank and and Eric and everybody else the same thing like it's a good feeling to have a good crew like that so I can't compliment my staff without complimenting Eric's staff and a great job that they do so as a department head I weigh heavily and and call heavily upon them so I do appreciate everything they do as well so appreciate that thank you thanks Chief I got one more thing I want to say I hate this you guys are just aesome we can talk about you all day but uh the recycling team that you have you know they take care when they put those trash those recycling cans back you see that you know not every trash company gives a heck you know and uh and it shows again that's all thank you yeah thank you all very much we really really appreciate it you you're welcome to stay and and see the rest of this butut thank you thank you guys thank you thank you uh so I guess probably now on to a little less fortunate and good news so um I guess from a an update last week was a busy week we we start the week with one emergency we ended the week with a different emergency so our Emergency Services were really put to task last week and I think like always they Rose to the occasion so you know on Tuesday we had a you know a report of a suspicious package you know the area was cordoned off and closed down for a bit of time and they investigated fortunately nothing was found but you know when you know when I read the the the release and information that we put out there the most important takeaway was that somebody reported it and and that's the most important thing you know you know you'll get some naysayers and like oh look they did all this and it was for nothing it it wasn't for nothing and and I just asked the public if you see something say something that's that's really important to always have you know that out there um because you know those the emergency folks they went out there and did their jobs because they were trained and and they did everything by protocol to make sure that we're all here safe today and I think that you know God forbid the one day that somebody doesn't say something and do something and then God forbid something happens that's what we don't want to happen so I just encourage everybody to you know if you do see something say something and report it because um we take everything seriously and it it all turned out good in this case I move on to Friday um Friday 8:20 a.m. uh it was probably the loudest lightning strike that I've ever witnessed um and um so here's I just got a little bit a couple pictures just to kind of update what happened here at City Hall because we had ended up did have the shut down City Hall so this is a an old Google shot of the antenna that's up in the back and you can see on the very top there's a 20ft high uh VHF intend on top of there that's that's what got struck by lightning and and kind of sent the surge through City Hall um we we talk with some lightning strike people they feel based on the weather reports and and the locations they feel that the strike was possibly out in the center of Ocean Avenue but you know how lightning goes it it has it has like reaches for it and it can strike it out so obviously that's the high you know even though it's like 300 ft away for lightning that's that's just let Arms Reach away and that's the highest thing around in that area so you know whether it was a direct strike or not it it hit our building and that and that's where it came in this is a piece of that um antenna that it that shattered um and you can see when you um so that's that's the top of the antenna today you don't you don't see that 20 foot I think it was 20 feet 22 ft uh antenna on there um and then you can see the shards on the ground of how that antenna there's copper pieces and shards um this was a public works vehicle that was parked right next to the um that's this another piece of The Shard this was the Public Works vehicle that's parked right next to the base of the antenna we had a public works employee in that vehicle at the time of the lightning strike um so he was the closest probably person physically here at City Hall next to it I just want to report fortunately he's he walked away no problems we did make sure that he went to the the doctor make sure he checked out that ticker make sure that it didn't get a little restart button or whatever but um you know this is probably the most fortunate thing that happened on Friday was he didn't have any injury as well as you know any potential damage here at City Hall um so what we followed through is I'm going to go back up so we have several antennas on there um you know the round this round antenna and then there's a square antenna on the other side those are microwave antennas that we do point-to-point network communications so that has a network cable that comes down into um city hall and when it entered City Hall it blew off the the the plate and this was the inside of where one of those Wireless antennas Connect into City Hall this is actually I have the up here on the the Das you know where it blew out and singed everything so that's how it entered the system so you know everybody thinks oh you always have to protect the electrical you know the the the power of the system but actually we were attacked it came in through the networking system um you know we had you know even after the last lightning strike that the city had we had UPS's at most of our computers within the building you can see up on the the auditorium stage that's where we're starting to Stage a lot of the equipment that has been fried you can see there's two apcs up there you know they were closer I think they were in uh the police department because that's where all this networking system comes in through there uh you know it blew those those apcs and obviously the computers behind them but then it it traveled through all of our networking system and it hit a computer and and in many cases it didn't destroy the whole computer it just destroyed the network card in the computer so you know and it went through a lot of our phones so it really went through and uh that's where it it hit there's the panel on the box where you can see it singed here you can see I think that's Chief holding up the box to show you when it was still connected to the wall this is just to give you an example so here's a a coax cable this is up in my office on the third floor and this is where obviously because it didn't have anything attached to the end of the cable it just discharged and and seared the wall but that was running through the coax you know an old coax phone line not a phone line but a TV coax so it was traveling through all of those systems not necessarily through the electrical system so um we've gone through uh obviously we closed City Hall uh Friday uh we did open up back up on Monday full operation um as far as from The public's perspective all of our offices were fully o open and operational we did have sporadic you know we were working different offices had laptops up working on Wi-Fi but but every office was fully functional and operational um and then you know we're just continuing to assess we have Network people on Friday we probably Public Works called in probably eight different uh vendors that came in and looked at our generator electrician HVAC alarm company um security companies so all different trades were in on Friday evaluating the systems and we're still you know evaluating and and coming up with the what the final um our GIF insurance adjuster was out on site and has scheduled to come back out on site again just to start taking inventory of what we are and uh we've already started making emergency purchases on Friday you know I ordered several computers to make sure that they were overnighted delivered so that they were ready to start setting up on Monday morning so that we could continue operations at the government so that's where we stand today um we met as an oem team to come up with a plan moving forward so we were getting prices from several uh lightning arrestor uh companies to create you know there's different arresters that you can kind of that will cover different areas so we're looking at potentially putting an arrestor up there that would cover essentially almost the entire block uh from here from Ocean Lafayette to Franklin to Ocean you know just kind of cover that whole block uh covers a lot of our city buildings and some other uh public and private buildings but it'll it'll kind of give us coverage and protection for there uh we're also having electrical engineer come in and evaluate and give us recommendations on surge protection at at both whole building surge protection on the electrical side but also surging on Communications side um as well so that'll be moving forward um that's why you also see the emergency resolution that dollar Mount is to cover the installation of those things obviously the computers the networking stuff we have to pay for them up front but then we'll be that'll be reimbursed so that that emergency appropriation is not to cover those things that were damaged that emergency emergency appropriation is to look at making sure that we now set up that fund to make sure we can get that done and then uh we'll follow through and and with that course that we discuss with OEM and everything so just two other pieces um the council eaon for OEM and um our new uh coordinator um uh deputy chief uh Mike EK we will have a debrief meeting in two weeks he's collecting information from each of the department heads so that we can just sit and talk and and sort of um Lessons Learned number one which obviously this was not anything that could have been avoided but just making sure that there's um uh a little bit more documentation around all of the the vendors and the systems and who to call and then I did also asked um Mr Dietrich as part of this exercise even though the GIF um will be responsible for a lot of the cost for us to have a sense of really what the impact was financially um so that we are just aware as a council um you know even though they're going to be paying the claim um obviously it's still our insurance at the end of the day yeah so that'll be part of the the summary that would come back to and we'll have that itemized both ways what the insurance cost is but also what additional protection measures this that we're going to do to take for future right they say that lightning never strikes twice in the same spot but and it's important that we spend the money needed to do this that way it never happens again and well but what I'll say is you talked when I talked to the different electrical engineers and contractors nobody warrantees this stuff nobody's going to guarantee that this won't happen again so it could happen again you know the lightning strike that we had today was of a certain magnitude and and had a certain potential energy you know I think that this strike was probably of a larger magnitude than what happened in previous years and doesn't mean the next one might be more or less more or less or worse or come in maybe at a different thing that we haven't thought of so but there's but no company is going to be able to guarantee guarantee us and give us that warranty that hey you're guaranteed for you know that that we're going to cover that cost you still need insurance to cover we need to do is to to give ourselves the best protection so that you know it's really about Contin you know continuing operational government to have that you know the smallest amount of downtime it's recovery Interruption to our service but but I think from a overa you know overall you know Friday was our only day of interruption of service and we were back in business Monday morning 7:30 uh cond I hear from some businesses on Colombia that were impacted by the same strike that's how that yeah I I think I mean I talked to I got fried yeah yeah I think I think you're going to