e e e e e e testing testing e e e e e e everybody and Bud Allegiance Pledge alance to the of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible withy and justice for all roll call okay hope here Charlotte here Mike Jones Randy here Kim here Barber here Gretchen here is there anybody I missed oh my Mr Jagger here okay um Chris is not here Justine I don't think she's going to make it Sarah Angela and that's it okay uh we have the minutes of May 28 2024 for approval anybody care to make that motion so moved there a second second all those in favor I I uh uh next we have a l report on the planning board Gretchen made an excellent analysis of it for the board uh we did approve the applications by la mer uh they are actually they're they're tearing down a complete wing of their building and replacing it in kind with 51 units and they're also adding a meeting you know an event center to be utilized on a seasonal basis uh Gretchen's report I'm going to read it in here U although we re although we commend the use of many native plant species in the landscape plan we recommending in finding native alternatives to the to the 408 lopi muscari and 83 the Las Burma cuper ice plant Del Sperma we suggest the development of a more detailed recycling plan that addresses demolition waste as uh well as more detail on the post construction handling of recyclables generated by the event center and we request the development of an outdoor lighting plan that incorporates dark sky approved lighting sources this was read into the record and so now this is they agreed to do all of this uh which is what they usually do they read it into the report so thank you Gretchen for that uh next up on the agenda is uh Mike you have any anything you want to say no okay nothing okay why don't we go ahead you can start and say what you want to have on the on the community solar go ahead and what was your name again uh Jenny Schneider thanks Jennifer nice to meet you all and I'm sorry if there's any miscommunication um please talk into the mic take it with you sure oh I didn't realize it was mobile I apologize is this okay sure okay great so again apologies for any miscommunication um Justin rigs asked communicated that I guess there was questions when you last met about Community solar I had a few weeks or months ago uh presented with the Green Team by introduction of Jim rutala we are a community Solar Company based in Asbury Park so we've worked with dozens of municipalities on Community Education and Outreach for Community solar and in partnership with Jim ralis so I brought um a few copies of the letter I actually watched your last environmental commission meeting on YouTube and I saw that this was actually read allowed um which was wonderful but we helped facilitate this mailing um from the mayor and city council letting residents know about the opportunity to subscribe to community solar projects um and this Outreach in education uh qualifies for up to 25 points as a so sustainable Jersey action um so we are helping the city and especally the green team of course earn up at the minimum 15 points for the municipally supported Community solar action as an Outreach Ambassador uh as the sustainable Jersey calls it and I recently presented about a month or so ago with and Jack as well about Community solar and the different types of Outreach that municipalities have done so I applaud um Kate May for following those footsteps of other municipalities and letting your residents know about this opportunity and I also brought uh about a 100 or so Flyers that you could give out at harborfest this weekend should any residents be interested and have questions to learn more there's the Cap May City invite code listed on here as well as a QR code where folks can go to sign up and this brings folks uh the higher discount percentage 25% um when they sign up in partnership with the city but I also brought about 50 copies of Statewide information for projects that are eligible for residents throughout the state not just those residing in Cape May um in case any visitors at Harbor Fest would also like to learn more and yeah sure I encourage you to um whoever may be sharing this information to take photos and share it with the green team so that it can be included as part of the municipally supported Community solar action so that's a bit of why I'm here and why I was invited to be here but I know you already had a background on community solar so I know you have a lot to get to in your agenda so I'm really here to answer any questions you may have or I can start from the beginning where is the solar array actually the solar array that residents in K may can subscribe to is located in milville New Jersey oh on a warehouse rooftop so what we do is we rent the we become a tenant on a large Warehouse rooftop that's already existing or a storage rooftop and we build the solar farm on that existing rooftop and then we're allowed to interconnect the project to Atlantic City Electric power grid and then we can sell discounted Community solar credits to those who can't go solar on their own home or maybe don't even own their home so for example I'm a renter in an apartment building and I can subscribe to one of our local community solar projects in Mammoth County where I live um so it's especially great for folks in the historic district who might not be able to put traditional solar panels on the roof but I did listen to your last meeting and heard the great Technologies on the solar shingles that are becoming more popular which is great so this is a great option for those who either can't put solar on their own homes or can't afford to so they can have a portion of the savings associated with the project and this is a New Jersey Board of Public Utilities uh approved and regulated program so all projects including the milville project that Kate May residents can currently subscribe to um are Board of Public Utilities regulated so it's guaranteed to be a savings and there will be more projects throughout at lanic City Electric territory um in the coming year for residents to enroll to but this is the first project that's available for Cap May residents did you did you say you wanted to present an present something I brought uh a full presentation just in case folks didn't have a background on community solar wanted to learn more about all we do including our Workforce Development programs but I understand I'm not on the agenda and you have a lot to go over so I could always um share that as an additional resource or or come back another time should residents have questions why don't we just ask questions because I think we got a lot we want to talk about understandable is is much of that included in the Flyers that you brought yes that has a a great overview on on how the program works and the opportunity for residents but really the the action for sustainable Jersey which I also printed a copy of um it it has a great outline as well and Kate May should through your efforts get the minimum 15o level um but should you be interested in going up to the 25 Point action um that's where we can partner together with our Workforce programs for any residents that might be interested in learning about careers in the Solar industry and how to actually install um solar projects on rooftop so that's a popular program we have and we've actually been recognized by both the state and federal government with an equitable Workforce Development award from the Department of energy so we're really proud of that and would be happy to partner further with the city if interested what building in mville are you are you on top um I don't have all of our projects memorized off the top of my head but I do know we have a project in Egg Harbor Township on Delila Road uh but that one is not currently eligible for Kate May residents because this gets a little into the details but under the first two years of the bpu's pilot program you could only be eligible for projects in towns where you bordered uh by m sharing Municipal Borders or by County borders so the milville project we had was eligible for folks in that county and Surround bordering counties uh but the Egg Harbor Township project was only eligible for residents of Egg Harbor Township and bordering municipalities like Atlantic City for example so in the all projects moving forward the Board of Public Utilities adopted permanent program rules this past August and residents will be able to subscribe to projects throughout Atlantic City Electric territory so it'll increase the the availability for even more residents who are in interested to benefit am I reading this correctly that if one exceeds the income uh listed that they're ineligible to participate no sorry so by the state program rules 51% of each Project's capacity is set aside reserved for those that qualify as low to moderate income however it's open to folks for of all incomes it's just that 51% of the project is set aside where you have to qualify so the information that was shared there um was for this current project and those were the state income levels but um since that was put out the state has since updated it to be um County Income Limits for all projects moving forward so come the new year with new projects this uh I'll share this this is a handout of what the self attestation of income will like I printed a few copies so it'll be just slightly lower for Cape May County as opposed to the Statewide average as it currently is but then 49% of subscribing residents can be at any income correct so um how do you evaluate the economics what so I decide I don't want to put panels on my house but I would want to do this generally you know as somebody who goes into this program um what's the premium or the discount B uh you know compared to Straight Atlantic City Electric do you is there a number that you know is true or so what's locked in is the uh what's on the Cape May flyer is a 25% savings so it's 25% of the solar Community solar farm that's assigned to your household so we take a look at at the what your household approximately uses in the prior calendar year the average household uses about 7500 kilowatt annually so let's say the Smith household uses about 7500 kilowatts annually um we allocate that amount of the production the solar project will make in a year to your household and then it's a 25% um savings on that amount so it's guaranteed to be a savings it's different than third party energy and that it doesn't fluctuate uh the cents per kilowatt it's guaranteed to be a savings of course the greatest savings is still having your own solar where you can offset yes 100% or even more of your usage uh but this is a great alternative for a smaller savings but a savings nonetheless for those who who can't go solar or choose not to for various reasons so even if production is not quite what you expect I mean I have a business which is all solar and you know you have your you have your months where it just doesn't produce very much and other months where the meter spins like crazy um if you have bad a bad year it doesn't affect the the pricing then correct even if the solar project um produce absolutely zero power you would pay the same as you normally would to Atlantic City Electric sounds impressive that would be a bizarre scenario and I'd be concerned if the sun has gone yeah no so if using that number that's 75,000 Watts so it would be your savings would be the equivalent of like 50 using 50,000 months I'm doing Simple Math because that's all I can do I 7500 right I think a better comparison be let's say um my Atlantic City Electric uh Supply charges $100 M and let's say then um sorry I was trying to think through your numbers but I'll just go with the 100 okay numbers let's say it's the 25% discount then you would only owe a net $75 and you would save $25 should you not been on the community solar project so current um currently that's the savings for this milville project but I also shared my information so I I feel bad I know you have a lot to get to but I'm happy to answer any followup questions and we also shared a lot of information as a further resource on that was posted to the city's website um and my colleague Gina viasus is listed as a contact should folks residents have individual questions on signing up even if they want to call her with for help with signing up she is bilingual in English and Spanish um so she can even help residents who may predominantly only speak Spanish anybody else have any more questions sounds great you've been spear heading we have your we have your information so if we have some stuff that you want to want to bring you back we certainly can sounds great okay thank you thank you nice to meet you all before we get started Dave Dave is from the direct Department Dave you got anything you want to say because we didn't give you chance to speak yet last week no okay you're all right okay in the mic though please yeah no I'm okay all right uh next up is the uh harborfest you want to take the lead on that um well sorry that I've missed the last couple of meetings um before before we get started I I got another Banner made so there's going to be I don't know where the other one is who has the other one was that Jennifer was that it was brought here during the last I don't know where it is I mean this is this is I this was made do you have any of the Banners at your house just the one that was from the the dark sky like this it's like this who took it home this whole family the mystery of the missing we watched the meeting from last night yeah one of it was here last week last oh I wasn't here sure did you take it with you no okay I I brought it so that it could be used well I'm glad that worked out though that we well anyway I had I had it made it's uh but the invoice up to have it paid we'll see how far that goes U and then we have whatever information she had on the uh the community solar I brought something go ahead thank you this is solar shingle oh nice can be displayed at the table about wow that's amazing that's on your roof it's on the roof my goodness so now people can actually feel it see it know what it looks like not be afraid of it what is it made of glass do you have really do you have a photo of your house to put next to it uh that's a great idea a great idea so I won't be at that boost Sarah and Hope but I'm happy to send one over so printed can you no you don't have to do it now but sometime before then can you Bas give us a basic how it works um yeah I learned how silicon works but not how Glass Works um so the uh photo voltaic capacity is just layered into the glass and then the shingles are just installed you know just like other shingles staggered and then on the back side oh I have a couple of easel that maybe you know we put next to each other is that is that heavy it's heavy but it is shatter proof so it would be great if we could display it I mean yeah as unfortunately I'm going to be in San Diego this weekend so a my grandson of a nice really sorry he's three so I got to go see him you got to go see can relate it's such an amazingly Simple Technology solar um so I know we're going to need help on we're having the two booths do we do we have somewhat an idea who's going to be Manning them do we have an idea about that so far we know hope and I if anyone else is available to me the two of us and then I have a volunteer high school student helping me out at the e-waist table but obviously just does this come in different colors um not at the moment uh there are different um like faux Styles though so there are ones that are made to look like clay or slate but that is the one that is supposed to approximate I guarantee people have not seen that that's amazing guarantee they haven't seen I love that's nice pretty cool um maybe we should take it to an HPC meeting at some point too what a good idea okay so again haror Fest I guess we had the two the two booths right so I just so there there's what's happening in the street which is by the city and then what's happening on the Nature Center property which um the Nature Center has control of that what's happening on our property is similar to what ocean Fest was like the last few years it's a environmental it's like I keep on saying it's a festival within a festival um so we have 10 um exhibitors which are environmental or Civic type of organizations and then we have seven artists that are ocean themed artists so there's a lot going on in our property as well as the beer garden and the music um so I I do see that Nature Center being kind of the Hub of activity and then going out in both directions our vendors along the street facing the harbor um the last I heard the city had like 70 vendors out in the street so it's turning into a pretty big thing um if you are coming to set up if you have tables that would really help I can give you chairs at the Nature Center um but tables are going to be in short supply um now the environmental commission and the green team at the Nature Center is that one or two tables two tables side by side okay okay um that's all I needed to know really and just you will come in and um setup starts between at 8:00 so 8:00 to 9:30 and by 9:30 you want to get your cars off site and you can park exhibitors can park on um Pennsylvania Avenue so right the street right behind the Nature Center you'll be able to park there um but you're probably in competition with all of the vendors on the street also parking back there so um so this is we have Camp be on the street um I don't believe so I think this will be at the uh solar table so we're we're inside the Nature Center on the Nature Center property and what's going to be on the street the ew collection Booth it's on the street okay oh okay so we only need one table and an easel well I can get to easel I might be able to get to a table I don't know well that's right I have a card table I mean we'll talk about it later but we might be able to do table um eel you'll be under a tent too we have our big tents that we use for summer camp and that's where all the exhibitors are going under the tents um I don't know if you needed solar because you'll be in the shade so could be a challenge but the good thing is where you're located you can look up to our building and see our solar panels that we have on the back of the Welcome Center um we have Camp until noon on Friday so if you wanted to bring out anything over ahead of time it would have to be in the afternoon um probably best after 2:30 because we have to move all the picnic tables that are under the tents over to the Beer Garden so nothing can go under the tents by exhibitors until two say 2:30ish on Friday otherwise you have to do it Saturday morning is there some place we could store that panel between now and then or good question yeah I can put it in our classroom inside okay okay okay that's all I know y Paul you want to say anything I see see you're here um I did have um if you could I have some flow brochure pamphlets if I could drop off to you guys to hand out it that' be great um for which for which exhibit now which which one we talking about just wherever you have information going out I'm not just to get information about do you have them around today or yeah I'll get them I'm printing them now okay all right because I'm printing them out for what are they about right flood just Flood information oh just flood warnings I mean it's this part of the same newsletter that all the residents get in with their tax bills but it's just good to pass out Flood information put on both tables yeah no problem that's fine no just really just if you guys needed anything or I mean I think everything's moving along have you seen one of those before I have I've seen them in the past I don't know how effective they are but they are it there it's a very interesting and neat technology that's moving forward and you know I think that they need to be out probably for a little bit longer to really see the test of time with them but but it is they're neat I think that's fascinating anyway uh anybody else have anything on Fest have you seen uh one of these uh banners in this room was this Banner anybody pick up a environmental commission Banner that that shouldn't have I have not no I mean the clerk's office I would check with the clerk's office or Karen maybe even Karen would have seen it Karen I mean I have to go see Karen right now so I can ask that her if she saw but yeah was here last meeting and somehow between we had another one made up and so we were going to have two one for each each one on the street and now we don't know where the other one is I can ask rounds yep all right thanks Paul thanks uh so we're good on Harbor Fest uh dun day anybody have any want to say about dun day oer I have that flyer that I made for the event I just wasn't sure if we want to move forward with that and then just get that printed or the different places we put that for publicizing anybody have any problem with that fly it's a nice flyer iere yeah we made a few suggestions and then yeah I wasn't here last time okay where where did we publicize things like that were were were they made or uh where do we publicize them usually like our events can you send it to David can you send it to the city you can send it to the Nature Center we'll put it on social media and post it I mean we usually sometimes run ads in the star and wave and there's so many like if it's a community event there's so many different Community calendars that you can get out there with the Chamber of Commerce the the city the Discover Cap May you know the County Chamber just get it out there to their calendars I'll give you the uh Garden Club um address also oh great thank you since the star and wave is running our other ads alternating weeks but I told told the John cza there that we would be subbing one out for this dun Day flyer later in the summer okay so is that the invasive species one and the water conservation like we did last printed yeah there it is so um what date do you think we should switch one of them to be about dun day I'll let him know six one half do the other we can just do mid September d September right sometime in mid-september yeah September couple weeks before I would wait till September okay don't you think yeah right now they that's yeah September maybe early September so there's a month to so it's the week after Monarch Fest so um should be it's just a good place to get the word out to hundreds of people that attend Monarch Fest and maybe get them to commit somehow like a sign up sheet well that's a good idea is there any kind of incentive you know at Dune day com I don't I don't know I would miss the meeting so you get a sticker or a t-shirt or I you know come to Dune day is there any way I mean so I mean could you do like an Evite with it so that you know a free it's a free event but then at least you capture on I me anything like that is it work so are is this the environmental commission hosting this yeah um I mean we can do through the Nature Center we have Eventbrite where people can sign up but you can do free events not many people when they're free events not a lot of people do sign up but whatever it it is one way to do it and maybe that is something like at Monarch Fest you just have a small Booth or something and get people to commit is that also um when's uh Columbus Day is that the mon the Monday or is it the next Monday that the schools will be out I think it's the next one next one well one of the things about Dune is we want people to come and plant dun grass so that it's it's obviously to come and and you know participate but there's a lot of plants to put in and what we want is for that's what I'm saying about the Garden Club we have the Garden Club do that so not only do you want people to come down you want them to bring trowels and knee knee pads and and help actually put the dun grass in so it's a little bit of both I think you know get if the Flyer's done we we get it out there because I also o know like uh The Troop leader of the Boy Scouts you know they're probably setting up their calendar for the fall already so I can email that that to him and the Garden Club could put it on their calendar every Everybody Get It On Their fall calendars um should do Kate make car as well you could send it now I suppose you could send it now to the contacts at the high school key Club um National Honor Society they all have to do community service so you just get it out there cuz once school starts like September they've like it's hard you want to get it to them now they're setting their calendars now Sarah um the kuas club has always been really helpful right if you're you can go to one of their meetings and enlist their help oh thank you you also have the October Fest which would be a lot of people I'm not for be able to get a table Yeah that would be great I know through through the chamber but okay I've only been here two years and I've never both for years one to it was incredible how many people show up so yeah it's ridiculous yeah that be really good yeah and then we are saying we want people to bring their own you said trials and things yeah if they have them usually somebody has a tri cuz you yeah okay it's not on the flyer right now so I'll have to add something like that in there okay um I think I know where the banner is if you know that could you look and see if you find the CCA banner I got to find it though because I think I brought it to them to show what it was so I now I got to run it down all right hopefully they didn't they didn't get rid of it okay I think I know where it is I'll get it I'll get it trying to think I was about ready to make a phone call to what's that the same color embarrassing people all right don't worry okay no it isn't uh anybody we done on those the dark sky we talk about that at all we done with that one um we haven't really sted but I think Dave so we are we fine with the November 8th date I think that's what we wanted to come from yes so if no November 8th will be the best for convention hall was space because we have all the weddings going on so that' be the one day we can do definitely there you have the community room plus the hall I'm sorry the um the little space yeah yeah not the actual Hall inside so because we will be set for a wedding so we can't do it inside the hall but everywhere else we can use a me the convention yeah yeah so I have it on the counter there so we had the spot held um I just want to confirm with everybody here and then also I was able to get in touch with two two local groups one was I think one one of people that gret and recommended another was another local astronomy group um they're willing to do it for sure but they're also they take donations too um they're saying just for travel time and tolls it might be like $200 per group so you're talking around 400 bucks so if you want to have them come they're bring the telescopes and guest speakers and so yeah great so that's a Friday is that is that right it is a Friday yeah I think I mean that's that good for everybody else yeah I think so it's great okay okay you want to talk about that U article uh very briefly uh I I'll continue to bring uh the occasionally to this committee as the if I feel that they're relevant to our our mission here um the uh November 28th uh 2023 article very briefly um brought attention to a um a problem among organizations that are involved in climate change and its impact on health namely there was a the there it's called that the um Conference of parties for biodiversity and a separate one a conference of parties for climate change these two large organizations one met in Turkey the other one in Dubai and they don't share their information that's just so this this article is bringing out the urgency first of all of climate change as it applies to human health but also that that like most large organizations it's Rife with um with in inefficiencies uh a as a response to this article they did make a recommend ation to the United Nations uh Health commission that they unify and combine the uh information and the data among the various International agencies involved in this uh in this field the other article that I would touch on very briefly uh was the initial article by Jama about the climate change series it uh mentioned that the summer of 2023 was the hottest in recorded history in the northern hemisphere that's saying something that's really a significant statement um in this the initial article uh they mentioned that the effects of climate change on people's health and Health Care infrastructure will likely be greater than those from the covid pandemic and over time require monetary Investments of similar magnitude as those in managed HIV and AIDS they conclude that this new series on climate change will inform readers about the associations between climate change and health and it is intended to stimulate improved knowledge and understanding of the health effects of climate change to help Foster commun commitment to timely action to prevent adverse health events from climate change so I'll continue to bring in articles as I see I brought one in today on uh infectious disease uh some of these organisms that we're seeing now we're seeing in places that they didn't used to exist uh and it's it's happening throughout the world the the number of pathogens and the type of pathogens is changing rapidly uh throughout the globe and this article brings that to attention so I'll continue to bring an article occasionally as it pertains to uh our mission here uh in the environmental commission thank you Charlotte you want you're up sure thank you um recently I have become aware that we have um an outline for new strategies with um an energy master plan by the state of New Jersey and there was was a quick review in one of our Publications locally and pretty much um their opinion was that this new plan um has some problems in terms of um being able to afford the cost so in terms of the history I need to talk to you about master plan that we had in 2019 because that's the historical one and this is what your commission wrote about that master plan in 2019 as the City of Cape May promotes promotes itself as a more carbon neutral Champion the city's action master plan creates positive responses with federal state and Municipal land use laws so the main goal was to try to have um renewable energy sources um in various ways throughout the future and it was cited that the municipal land use law in 1975 promoted renewable energy sources also said on page four inherently beneficial means um to try to value our community with solar or photo volic energy or wind structures have green buildings that are environmentally environmentally sustainable and that energy touches the lives of every New Jersey resident every day in the City of Cape May the priorities that we progressively protect have been given positive recognition by the sustainable Jersey program a program which seeks to engage public participation in all green initiatives Cape May City achieved high regard silver certification award four times 2011 2012 2014 and 2017 highlighting these achievements come from the efforts of dedicated citizens business owners the green team members the environmental commission and city council as responsible stakeholders the City of Cape May remains committed to adhering the city's Green Building resolution 1305 2011 eligible improvements offer both environmental and economic benefits by stimulating job creation positive leadership and growing the Cape May green economy as important trending up and down the Eastern United States is the resolve by many SE cities to use renewable energy for heating cooling electricity and transportation as they see the escalation of traditional energy costs these cities are prime examples they also are cities that are on the national register of historic places they would be Burlington Vermont Conquer New Hampshire Boston Massachusetts Philadelphia Pennsylvania Alexandria Virginia Hillsboro North Carolina Ina Columbia South Carolina and St Petersburg this city in particular has Pro proposed an ordinance to require solar panels on all new homes and any roof repairs energy Independence and tax savings and so this report that we wrote goes on and on you guys I don't think you want me to read the rest of it but it was important in 2019 and it is important today so with all of that history I'd just like to say that we need to have the opportunity to go forward with all of these wonderful ideas for using solar as much as possible and that there will be um a BPU meeting sometime toward the end of this month and at that meeting they will be looking for any kind of responses from we the public um to reinforce what they're trying to say I think the biggest problem that newspaper articles are trying to site is that whatever has been proposed with this new energy master plan costs too much the bottom line dollar now on the docket for the agenda Thursday June 27th at 10 :00 the state of New Jersey BPU will be discussing that particular item as one of their agenda items so I wanted to bring this all to you this is very meeting could take a few hours of your time I wanted to break it down in just little pieces um and that's as much as I'm going to cover today we can continue with the topic at another time anybody else have anything they want to talk about I'm trying to run down this uh this [Laughter] Banner okay so I guess we're good adjourn motion to adour some oh oh excuse me um oh never mind just that the star and wave did publish both of these recently one in one issue and one in the next good so we have water conservation on June 19th that was covered and we had invasive species on June 12th I I have a question too um Mike you might be able toe help understand this when we do our reviews and we make a recommendation and it goes back to the planning board and then the developer agrees to the conditions what's the followup because person it's like anything else that they've of of that application if the engineer finds out that or somebody says that they didn't do anything as far as that application including the comments then the than the City Construction Department their or their I don't know their their arm that goes and and follows up on on stuff like this then it's in their hands doesn't say you have to do this so if we notice bring to bring it to the bring it to the attention of the construction department or or there who would actually who would be there Mike what do you think well I personally I would probably uh you mean in enforcing that piece of it what what whatever application uh I'm not exactly certain engineer I don't know I I kind of would do that because he's also the city manager all right I would contact but but are Craig hurles that's what I'm talking yeah I I I think going to Craig Hur is because he's Craig is our engineer and he believe me he reads he read he reads everything you put in there verbatim into the record but he also does a site visit when properties are complete Ed Craig goes out and makes sure everything that he defined as being a requirement is done so I would suggest if if you if you go buy something that you've already approved and and they're not doing what we said they should be doing just bring it back to me and I'll get it to Craig and then Craig will follow up on that okay that's the only thing I can tell you it's good to know he may not be able to monitor how the um demolition debris is handled I'm not sure no there's a couple of cases of the Landscaping where it was my understanding they agreed to make the changes to use native plants and they didn't they just are not there so they didn't do what they said they agreed to do can you just can you email me that can you that and I'll just forward it to Craig and then we'll see where it goes yeah yeah and he's got you know he has an ability to get that corrected that could be an expensive mistake but they um we always get an enthusiastic um response from the applicants and in this case they they were very they were fine that they're not a couple of the projects that I know that I reviewed made that recommendation there's hydrangeas there you know they're not the native plants the one that you know across from Riggins by Wawa they agreed I spent time with him driving around showing him the shrubs he might have put in like one or two ink berries but everything else are the non-native plants that were on the original design um I I saw loose drife in there of all things our comments your comments our environmental commission comments are part of the record I mean it's part of the approval but I'm yeah see I don't but I'm not sure Mike I don't recall ever before it being a part of what they had to the comments were read and reviewed but I think with the laam mer uh was the first time that they that that Craig and everybody said this must be done as part of the plan the resolution as it's approved is always conditioned upon all of those all of those things approvals it's all part of it I mean I can't tell you that it's written it's read and it's there and so I guess what PR will do is if we make a comment to him and say they didn't do this he'll have to go back into the resolution to see make sure that what was look at look at what we had written because that's it's that's the way that's the way I understand it happens okay give it give it to you man I'll send it to Craig this it happens it's it's a problem because enforcement is always a problem yeah all right and I can't this just doesn't it's just yeah unfortunately it's like anything that gets done in the city enforcement's always an issue all right who remembers what they said two years ago all right or whatever or a year ago but uh some of the email okay I'll get it to can I renew my motion to adjourn okay I I renew my motion to inure all of in favor we're all good all right please turn your mics off e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e