e e e e testing testing EST that oh wow let sit around that's God love you Charlotte that's what it takes up yeah does he call you a slave driver or what I know good very nice outcome so far that's great yeah you know it's just hey [Music] Mike it look like you're going to the planning board is that it's from what oh do we have a package we don't have a meeting get our oh you have a yeah yeah the good make sure it fits in the environmental side look at all that jeez I've got some Stacks oh my God stacks of paper I have a drawer in council chambers upstairs four drawers they're stuffed with papers and I've only been doing this for three years little more than three years it's like holy ma all that I to yeah there was quite a bit ER for you to do yeah and it looks like we have well beyond the points we're going to need looks there's uh according according to you can't e e e e e e e e e e e e e Mike's on yeah Mike's On We're get started uh stand for the Pledge of Allegiance okay I pledge aliance to the flag of United States of America and to the stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all we have call please uh yes Charlotte here Mike here here that um Mr Jagger I'm here Randy here Kim here Justine here Gretchen no Sarah hope uh Mrs judge and um who am I missing Chris is not here okay thank you all right we have the minutes of April 23d anyone have any changes or Corrections motion to approve so made second who was that Randy Randy Randy second is there a second Charlotte second okay all those in favor uh planning board report had a Sarah hi Sarah we had a planning board meeting and it was very short it was nothing there was no applications to review the main thing on the agenda was to approve the HPC map that was presented to us and there are some issues with conflicting maps and where what should be or should not be in and so the manager and HBC are going to get together to get a better get a map for us and that should be at our next meeting also okay uh and we do have an application from the laam mer to for someone to reveal is Gretchen in town do you know yes okay uh I don't know what it is but that's the app this is it so we'll I'll get it to her so we could have some kind of report I could take it to her can you do that okay um Mike you have anything any comments U no I don't think there's uh anything um that's been happening in the past few weeks past four weeks that I need to report on at this time very good uh some committee reports uh stuff that's been going around um I guess Doom planning report we can talk about first I guess anybody want to take the lead on that well I came up with a flyer idea I don't know if everyone saw that emailed around um have the flyer but as of right now it just has the date time and location um I did put a logo on there which I'm going to change I'm going to switch that out to just Kate May City logo and Justin recommended putting a sustainable New Jersey on our Flyers so that it calls attention to everything that we are doing for Sustainable New Jersey so I have a few copies if anyone hasn't seen these passed around but it just kind of shows what the flyer looks like just super simple yeah but if anyone has any feedback or anything you'd like me to add or subtract just let me know Angela's here now if you want to I did okay hi Angela hello how you doing thank you excuse the interruption every no and I did see the what the what the cost of some of this stuff going around thank you anybody want to comment on that yeah right now I just have the one quote for churches I reached out to other list you guys sent over I've heard back any oh I'm sorry so I just got the one quot from um churches right now I reached out to other groups that Gretchen recommended and then the list I heard backbody yet but I'm still looking obviously for more quotes for sure and I sent you the quotes you guys and there's sh two quotes there's ones with just the grass and the ones also with the golden rod and I have no I I can't relate to this at all I mean is is this okay quote or is it what what do you think any ideas I mean I think it's fair for the amount of space we're doing okay but I'd like to reach out obviously more to get more quotes for sure at least three more so and every time I get a quotee it's along to the whole group so so you're saying the quote is a reasonable one I believe so but I'm gonna get some more quotes though getting okay yeah yeah yeah I'm I'm just GNA keep going on a list you guys sent gret and sent a long list of like 40 different vendors in Jersey South Jersey so anybody else have any comments on the on the on the getting more bids no yes okay I have a question sure is the cost of the dun grass uh does it need to be approved through our budget or is Public Works just going to pay for that separately I think it might be like a Paul question I think it's a Paul question okay so you're asking whose budget it comes out of where are you Paul yeah uh all right we'll just have have to reach out to him and make sure that he gets gets he has to get back to us on who's paying for this Paul dri I don't so you want me to reach out yeah I'm just thinking who should pay for this I mean this is a well there may be grant money that's already um available number one but um if it's protecting the dunes it's got to come out of the Public Works budget I'm sure I mean Paul can find a home for it but I can't remember if it there was a a line item in the budget or not I can confirm that but I would just go to Paul okay he'll remember right away if there's a grant money ask him uh what else is on the agenda the harborfest any report on harborfest S is anything going on on harborfest that you can talk about um we were just trying to come up with a solar brochure I know hope met briefly with Justin to go over what we're going to put into the brochure there are some back and forth Just What details we wanted to cover um so I think I need one more phone call to just secure Also if anyone else here has any ideas of what you want to put when it comes to solar what you want to highlight for Harbor Fest and that's coming up what late June right June 29th and then I'm talking to Casey about more things we can have at our table at our booth to um be more interactive okay Sunday it's um Saturday it I believe the uh Canal Fest catch of Cap May is Sunday the 23rd it's the Nature Center fundraiser and then the following weekend is harber Fest okay we have a meeting before that so okay uh June 29th yeah 29th right yeah okay M meeting's going meeting's going real fast I know I have on my to-do list to contact UM your uh Network for the e-waist table but I haven't had a chance to do it yet so it's on my high my priority list for the next few weeks as we prepare for the event um but I don't really have anything to report because I've been too busy with other items and can just confirmed that you're going to have two tables right M one's going to be um on the Nature Center itself and then one's going to be on yeah what's the road Z called again on the road there Delaware yes so I'm sorry I didn't hear you I just want to confirm we have two tables one on Delaware and one at the Nature Center okay and then we also have a just application we need to have um I guess Grace fill out because I think she' reach out to Nicole who's actually running the event with this guess long Charlotte what's what's your question so I'm wondering um representing the Green Team I'll need a table next to the environmental Commission in the Nature Center or in Delaware for the Nature Center you you guys are going to be in at the Nature Center we're going to split um are the tables okay we'll do one on the Nature Center probably the solar right and then one on Delaware kind of near the entrance hopefully um and do the e-waist like public service announcement and or collection there so where whatever you think yeah well um for the Green Team it's generally a kids craft kind of thing so um we're we're taking care of putting that together um and one of the items will be um planting some sunflowers and we'll be talking about the sun being a star and they'll have an interaction and a craft to do um you should be on the Nature Center site for yeah we yeah that would be good thank you um do we need to fill out a separate application for that yeah yeah I can give you all the applications and then I'll put you in com with Nicole just to make sure there's I mean I would assume there was space in the agent center she's just kind of coordinating where all the tables go so we can talk about thank you do you need the environmental commission to fill out the forms even though we're a city commission yeah you still do okay it's more for contact information things like that so okay yeah I think I think gr could do that right on spot for us there do you think since she's there yeah all right I don't see that as a problem but we'll so we're going to have the two t one table at the Nature Center one table on Delaware and you're going to be close by the other table please yeah thanks all right have another question sorry we have one Banner here it is but we we'll have two tables here's the banner should well we have two tables that's what she's saying yeah but we have two tables so we need to make another Banner even if it's homemade right right who made that be um she was on the commission before I started who was it who had that one made I Heather Heather yeah it was Heather oh I didn't know okay um but we don't have to have it professionally made necessarily we just need something to indicate right who makes this who makes those banners any idea Staples wonder if the printing shop here would have would make the where where's that inkw well or Staples your Staples maybe yeah um I assume we have money in the budget to make one any any ideas of what you want to put on the banner I mean maybe we should just have it be the same thing that could be the uh the template you want to see it another one maybe we could just bring it up to Staples and say make this something like that and just let it rip any updating at there a little and I can bring I can bring it up to Staples and see let them make it oh wow thank you great that Staples would be the best it's quite lovely okay I think that would be be easier than getting involved okay at this point I'll bring it up to them and see what they say anybody else have any comments on the uh harborfest or the Dune plantings okay Charlotte you want you got something you want to say about the Green Team yeah I would love to do that but Randy in the meantime do you want to talk about your article yeah you'll find in I passed out to everyone the second in a series of the impact on human health of uh environmental degradation uh there will be two more monthly ones after this one so there's four four total this is the second one right it's interesting reading it really is it's it's a little scary so but there'll be there'll be two more next month I'll bring the third one and fourth so if anybody didn't get one I have a few more copies s thank you Randy I think Charlotte probably I didn't send her one the first one I don't have that so that would be lovely if you would give her the first one all right I'll I'll see if I can dig up the uh the first one okay thank you not sure all right I have it right here here that's the first thanks MH do you want to back no you can you can okay and you want you want to say something else about Green Team I do thank you very much okay so that um as I was thinking about what you all are doing it's it's quite wonderful actually um and I'm just going to go through a few of the articles that I've found and the first one is something you'll probably see in the star and wave this week and it's from Pat Bowman who's a member of our Garden Club here in Cap May and if you know Pat she she has bees and she's done this her whole life um and um her article said says that she congratulates the owners Chris and Lee of Virginia Avenue and Chris is on our commission and that they are the garden of the month for June she goes on to describe it this way the wildlife Garden of Lee and Chris bursts with abundance of plants carefully selected for bees butterflies and birds Birds over the past 14 years they have managed um their unique quarter at 1163 Virginia Avenue um to to accommodate birds and nesting in their old ash tree and they also have migrating animals um and to fuel these um they have planted um nectar seeds uh gril Bush Sylvia Hawthorne Bayberry and a numerous other plants it was a pleasure to beet them meet visit with them and to learn about these native New Yorkers who have grown such a wonderfully talented special Garden here in the City of Cape May and so as you go through the summer you'll see that Pat will be visiting Gardens that are recommended for a visit and um we also have Gardens that uh New Jersey aabon sites as a beautiful place and can receive their endorsement too so you can look for those signs as well the next Green Greening activity by our commission members um comes to you through the Mac pamphlet that they put out probably monthly and this one says lunch and learn and you can go to the Cape May Lutheran Church right on Pittsburgh Avenue every couple of weeks they'll put on a program this one is Wednesday June the 5th and hope will be the presenter and her presentation will be the Busy Bee has no time for sorrow and what is it the Busy Bee has no time for sorrow and what's interesting about these talks is that you take your own lunch and one of the presenters will talk to you on a specialized topic um and there's no charge Ma has this wonderful opportunity for visitors and for we who live here um certainly donations are accepted but this will be a a tremendous talk by um our own hope gains Charlotte it's the first and third Wednesday of every month all year long all year long wonderful and they're not not always uh nature bound they're you know historic so they have quite a wonderful presentation and the next thing I noticed was in The Herald just this week and it's called pollinator Pizzaz and the whole article is WR written by AR Gretchen so here she is getting the gardens looked at um Center Director of New Jersey autobond Kate May and um she talks about why pollinators and and the types of flowers that are necessary and in particular one little paragraph says you need pollinators Birds bats bees butterflies beetles and other small mammals that pollinate plants that are responsible for bringing us each one of us into the ecosystem and she goes on to tell about the plants that you can plant in your own garden and the research that she's done and also if you noticed the Nature Center was having a wonderful plant sale over the last two weeks so they you know they had a few plants left I don't know after the weekend how many are still there but if you have a chance to get over and take a look you might just find something that would suit your garden um then another article certainly had to do with oh I have to say too that the the Garden Club is having a a fabulous um display this weekend on Saturday it will be June 1st at convention hall from 10: to 4: it's a flower show and it's held every two years um it's phenomenal I mean if you've been to the Philadelphia flower show or the flower show in England you have to know that our own flower show is is just remarkable for the numbers of people that our Garden Club has involved um anyway please try to get there if you possibly can next have to tell you once again that this is called our anjac this comes from our environmental commissions Association and this particular issue was one Autumn 2022 talking about Community solar advising we and Jack members to tell our towns about what community solar can do for you and also the city's master plan which was approved in 2018 and Craig hurles is is a a fine um planner for our planning board and can recommend for all of us and he writes in synopsis form about solar and he says our municipality is committed to tackling climate change and seeks to assure an annual budgetary commitment to invest the installation of solar panels on all municipal buildings and he cites our Green Building resolution he talks about sustainable J Jersey has legitimized renewable energy in Cape May thus the private homeowners can commit and reap the benefits of a Smart Energy choices can be made to coincide with cape May's resiliency element of the master plan citizens are encouraged to plan for challenges of rising sea levels individual homeowners in encourage to add eco-friendly solar collectors on their houses and certainly on All City buildings and lessen the dependency on fossil fuels so that kind of introduces us to community solar and our new city manager wrote a wonderful article explaining Community solar March 20th of this year for the star and wave so that he was getting us interested in the next phase BPU has given a great nod to solar projects and then our mayor each homeowner in the City of Cape May has received a letter from our mayor and our Council people K May City is excited to share information about New Jersey Community solar program and projects available to our residents especially those living in affordable housing communities and residents on fixed in in come and he goes on to explain how that program will work financially for everyone and I thank the city council for taking the time to do this and for the mayor um to express another endorsement for solar here in the City of Cape May it's interesting I've been reading about solar and certainly we know about the traditional types of solar panels that can be used but now they have solar that are not just um that are extended horizontally you can buy solar in terms of tiles so your whole roof looks like a tile roof and I must say they are more more expensive but maybe in somebody's realm they might be just the ticket that they'd like on their homes so that's I'd just like to say that so much is going on and we need to remind the public that they can get involved too and thank you all anybody want to expand on what Charlotte was talking about I have those solar shingles on my roof my entire roof wow they're beautiful and they would certainly meet the aesthetic requirements uh for installation in town I me they look more historic than asphalt shingles was it a shingle like regular look like a shingle putting it on really mhh they're this big yeah and they look like like a shingle MH and the roof is I mean you can have it designed however you so please you can put it only on one side many sides what whatever but we opted to have there be uniformity across the roof and in doing so have 125% energy offset so there's a lot of flexibility with it as well and they they also come in a variety of aesthetic options so they can look like their slate they can look like their clay they could look like they're asphalt can really you remember the manufacturer's name decide there are several actually at this point Tesla is the most well-known um but there are probably three to five reputable manufacturers of them and there's another company now called forward that actually makes a metal looking roof that is all solar so at some point amazing stuff going on amazing stuff and uh at some point it may be worth having some sort of conversation with HPC about how these Technologies can be integrated into Kate May's plan because I know that they don't like that type of technology in the historic district but they they're they should listen they should listen yeah they're no more offensive than an asphalt roof you know in terms of Victorian Integrity so maybe at some point we can do that well I'd like to jump in on that because over the years we have had some discussions and I did some research SE Arch which I'd be happy to share the next time um cities such as Philadelphia which is historic cities such as Charleston South Carolina and many other historic towns throughout the country have had the use of solar on buildings which were historic but not visible from the street and um I think our Eagle stadium in Philadelphia also has some wind and some solar so I think it is worth a discussion um certainly maybe as our elementary school is renovating they would think about hous some solar we have a small turbine there that um was obtained through a grant actually a Walmart Grant years ago and the students are learning to use mathematically from this wind wind turbine so it'd be interesting for them to have some solar projects as well um and I think some renovation is is going to happen if it hasn't already started at our city school so I would encourage the school board to think about that okay okay anybody else have any um anything to say I have a question go ahead um John cuta from the Star and wave reached out regarding the uh like PSA announcements that we ran last year okay and he didn't know if we wanted to do that again or not I need to get back to him no it's it's in our budget each year but I didn't know what everyone what was the what was the what would we put in it do you remember last year we ran um each week an informational quarter page block and it alternated between the water conservation ordinance and the invasive species ordinance so I don't know if we want to do that again but I should probably let him know right away I can tell you that Mr Rula was very impressed to get those articles and helping our Green Team um I mailed them to him a few weeks ago so we'll help with some points so that if it was useful then it should continue to be I would think yeah would hope so yes I don't see any reason why we can't repeat that yeah why wouldn't we okay so just tell them to do the exact same thing yeah it's all current stuff right yeah absolutely okay anybody have a problem with that well do we want to put anything about solar in one of them or something or I have to complicate things but well you can tell them to get started on those those yeah run those two next something down the road okay we want to change the Dune day volunteer announcement is finished we can send that to him and have that run as well okay yeah maybe okay all right sounds good anything anybody have anything else motion to adjourn okie dokie mic's off Mike's off um do you have of the last month's Jama somebody wanted to I I can't find my cop of it for the new Nature Center boo R yeah I know Reach Out St oh okay and I have uh the next two months ready and that that'll be it I'll just do four months I don't know where it is if you find it you can bring me a copy must be at home oh is that it no that's February that was it no that they are not in order number five oh they're not in order okay all right there this is it okay I'll just make an extra C somebody wanted a copy of that one okay I didn't have mine all right all right so this is number one Charlotte Charlotte did yeah all right I have a billion oh I better call rean see what's going on with your mom's car oh yeah nice to see all right justtin see you yeah I'll see you later okay byebye thank you thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for