e e e testing e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e mic's on yeah it sounds great all right you ready ma in attendance okay let's Mike is not here Chris isim here Sarah here Char is here right charlot yes I hear you I hear you too C Angela not here okay all right great so now we need pledge pledge of allegiance un States have the minutes from February 27th for approval anyone like to make a motion I move second I move fantastic all right all in favor I I would like say my um last name is not spelled correctly mine too actually thank you okay um so first up is Mike Jones planning board report I don't believe he sent me any anything and he is also not here however Merill did just deliver this letter from the lower Township Construction office from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection perhaps now would be a good time to look at it who was this originally sent to enviral commission huh okay turn speakers on please they are no I just looked at Hope and mind and they weren't we're good I'm on okay so this says this letter is to provide you with legal notification that an application for a cafra individual permit has been submitted to the njde division of land use regulation for the development of the enclosed plan a portion of an existing structure at an existing Marina will be converted to a restaurant bar with expansion of an existing wood deck the complete permit application package can be reviewed at the municipal clerk's office um 30-day public comment period or public hearing will be held on the application in the future individuals may request a public hearing on the application within 15 calendar days um so this is for H&H Snug Harbor Marina it is in lower Township so it's not directly related to the scope of our commission however perhaps we would like to make comments on it presume that's why it was presented to us does that map show where it is is that the Harbor View forew I'm not sure it is okay I don't know let's see Red Roof across the bay yes that would be the Harbor View I just didn't know H&H schnug Marina I've never heard of H&H is where the Crab Shack is yeah that was a Crab Shack and it was a fish market for a while okay that's a tiny little building uh well here's the plan I think the legal requirements your neighbor they need to contact to notify the municipalities the neighbor do you want to see that hope yeah just so you might um talk to Mike about it or yeah perhaps they're planning has other things just for today but he'll be back in town okay and Justine we do have visitors that maybe we should take care of first it's not on the agenda sure okay is there something that is relevant to the dis this discussion no I was say we can wait till the end the discussion it would help if you would take a microphone at some point so do we can wait till the end I'm sure for the public portion yeah great okay um so an update from councilman jger on Council ISS issues including the Dark Skies resolution uh and an update on the proposed new police station is on the agenda however he is not in attendance um perhaps our city manager might have something to add on that thank you um yeah at the last meeting we did adopt a uh Dark Skies resolution uh just to um dark sky week which is really next week so um uh we'll do a little social media blast about that resolution and just put it out there but uh it was a I saw it was a sample resolution you guys had passed around and so we kind of took it and had count had city council adopt that resolution um and the police building it's you know that project is moving forward uh we submitted the uh project to uh shipo the state historic preservation office for their review and is just moving through the process are there any plans for a a public event uh um if do you know of any private clubs or maybe the astronomy club or even the city is uh planning anything just to note dark sky week no we just you know made the the resolution as part of our formal adoption we made the star and wave this week it yeah there's a lot of publicity about it but there's no particular event that we know of like we all go down to the beach and look up together um as a part of the dark sky week was there any um plan to incorporate the school system no I perhaps we could there was I mean unless you guys were playing on something I I literally I saw that you guys were passing that issue you know that that around and I thought it would be an you know since we were having so much discussion regarding the Nordin for dark sky lighting that you know we might as well acknowledge um you know the the dark sky week as every other Town might be that was all but no there's no planned events for it no okay I think it would be too bad it's so so short a time period I think it would be great if we could do something yeah with the schools that would be a good idea yeah I I think the the school kids would get quite a kick out of it and then take that message home to their parents as well exactly school doesn't meet during dark hours no but if you have an event and you but it's I think it's too late to do that because there'd be all kinds of planning and permissions and and whatnot but if you could have an event where I mean I'm being a little flip but really let's just go outside and look up you know yeah they can learn about it in school and then practice at home exactly yeah but however it is during their spring break true fabulous yeah yeah um but we can ask for involvement next year yeah I think we should look ahead to that all right this year of course it co coincides with the eclipse so people are going to be out anyway but we'll see oh yeah that's interesting that's the original dark sky yeah the eclipse exactly okay um and then in in terms of updates is can you deliver us any information on the proposed new police station what do you I mean we do have if you look on our City website we I have added a construction project page um so if you want to you know it gives a little blurb about it and it does show a picture an elevation view of the proposed police station but you know as far as impact with you guys are really at this point there isn't any okay and so for councilman jger yeah I'm not sure what he his what he was thinking about as far as an update I know he's out of town at this week um um we might to find out that building to be and if solar will be included we we are anticipating uh solar on the roof the roof is it has a little extra height height than the maned roof U to accommodate solar on for the building building and other energy uh efficiency measures such as like normal building codes yeah just normal I don't think yeah I mean that's standard building code items nothing nothing more advanced at this point okay Charlotte did you catch that yes um okay um Paul while while you're up here will you uh talk to us also about the Dune vegetation information and the site that was forwarded it's also on the agenda for today it was in an email that was sent around to the commission is that the email that included the link to the 100 page document yes which my computer even just refused to even think about opening I mean I mean that's the Doom management plan that that we worked on you know I discussed it at the last right commission meeting are there highlights or some way that we could get a an executive summary or some kind of version of that that isn't 100 pages I can see if I can pull some stuff out of that an executive summary would be great not only for us but for the public too a lot of um residents do have questions about what's going on so like a one page bulleted list I think would be not a problem okay not just yeah yeah no problem I get something [Music] okay okay um hope do you want to discuss the document um excuse me I think um I did email everyone copies Charlotte asked me to draft um I I think but what possibly looks like it might be a brochure some flyer of some sort on uh mostly on um solar energy but on on other forms you know eventually discussing other forms of energy to combat climate change and so I did I I did I condensed it down to it on and emailed it to everyone so uh and asked you just to take a look and find my own copies of it there it is it does need a conclusion um and obviously it's open to to uh Corrections and suggestions and everything but that was the draft um that I did basically condensing it down from the document that Charlotte sent um I just Justine i' just like to add that um our city manager kindly introduced and reminded everybody in town about Community solar projects which are available to local residents if solar doesn't somehow um orientation individually that you know residents can become a part of this whole concept um through Community solar and and I believe at the last council meeting um and certainly I'll I'll let our manager speak for himself but it sounds as if they're going to continue to notify the residents and visitors um of this particular program and I'm wondering how that notification will go out is it through the city newsletter or is there another vehicle thank you yeah so the um there there's going to be two sets of Outreach first we're working we did put some started to put some information on our website regarding the community community solar process um we're working with that vendor to um they're going to be Distributing or mailing a letter to each resident um about the how to participate in the community solar uh we're going to be working with them on that draft uh to maybe include a statement along with their letter on City letterhead so that they can you know so that when you open it up you don't think it's a um scam kind of a Outreach and then once we know that that letter is going to go out we'll we'll do some Outreach on social media to just to let residents know that the flyer is coming and to expect it and not to toss it in the trash thinking it's spam is there a timeline no I mean the only timeline is it's it it's kind of a first come first surf so as you know they have different projects throughout the state that has a certain allocation and then as people submit um it takes up that allocation uh so obviously the sooner you look at it and do it the more likely you are that you'll be enrolled in the program uh there is set aside money for people of um that meet the low to moderate income levels you know so there is some additional incentive plus I think they get an additional discount on the rate uh for those for that energy usage so some of the points in here that that and the document that charlot sent me and that I documented that I uh edited down are already being uh worked on implementing ordinances expand solar energy and uh making it easier and more affordable is that what you're talking about I'm not I don't know if we're adopting ordinances but it's a program that's that's eligible to not just City residents but really any Resident in the state of New Jersey already yes oh yeah if you go to our website you can start the process right from our website okay when will those letters be I we're still working with the vendor to to know I don't have a a timeline but hopefully over the next month Charlotte did Charlotte did you get a chance to look at what I did I I I do see that I I suppose that um the information is pretty dense and um I was wondering if there is somehow um some of this could be in in the form of instead of the density of the written word uh for the convenience of our targeted audience that some of it be um in terms of graphics that's what I I I don't know how the commission feels about that but um certainly we've been successful in notifying the public um through the newspaper ads and so forth with some beautiful graphics and I wonder um if that could happen with these pieces of documented information well I can I can't do the graphics part I'd be happy to work with somebody to do something out I'll do the friend of mine used to say words and music I'll do the words they can do the music Charlotte was that a very polite way of asking me to use canva to design a a yeah I can assist that too I know that's been on your plate realiz to be a brand new mom again and it it might not fit into your personal schedule but um well Sarah just volunteered to help me so we can do that um to have it ready to go for distribution for the summer shall I shall I meet with you and do the words part sure all right let's talk later and we'll make a date perfect okay okay thank you so much all right you know I was thinking and and I wanted to share this with with the group that only recently off of Pittsburgh Avenue did we have a cluster of new homes and had we had you know some kind of adamant insistence maybe those homes would have had to have had solar as well as yards that feed the wildlife do you know what I'm saying that was you're talking about the ones that on the uh on on as we come around um what is now the entrance to Kate May what entrance it's an entrance you can get into K may like we don't have that opportunity very often for that sort of number of homes that are very similar in in terms of so we we need to keep our eyes and ears open if if that happens again what was it eight years ago that those applications were first submitted was it really I think oh they were at least more than that even um and now we have a much more uh direct relation reltionship with planning so if we should be made aware of any sort of application that is submitted yes you know thank you well we do get the applications having to do with Landscaping with Landscaping yeah yeah and I mean other ones that even do not have Landscaping elements in them too so last month we looked at the renovations at the what used to be the Montreal and some of the suggestions were landscape based and some of them were regarding um electric vehicle charging stations and materials used in parking lot so so you're looking for an environmental um guidelines guideline for planning board having to do with global warming beyond the scope of just Landscaping yeah but Gretchen usually gets the Landscaping plans does she not she did last month she was away and so Mike sent it to me good and then I had noticed some elements of the application outside of the Landscaping that were kind of within the scope of the environmental commission to comment on and I spoke to Mike and said hey can can we include these and he said absolutely the commission should be commenting on more than just more than just Landscaping yeah so hopefully that's the direction that we can move going forward right because in the HBC guidelines it includes information on lighting does it also include information on the leg uh Landscaping vegetation I don't I'm not sure HPC does Landscaping at all I don't believe they do but if they are discussing lighting that that is conceivably something that we also could make comments particularly given the new awareness campaign relating to light pollution exactly could be worthwhile Charlotte does that cover the range of what you were hoping to see I I I would be very very grateful to think that we're extending Beyond landscaping and our input there this would be terrific thank you but just remember that input doesn't have to be if it's not in the ordinance you know the the planning board is really has limited ability to require it just you know so you may want to work with the planning board on or you know looking at suggested ordinance revisions if that's really your goal and focus all right um so next up on the agenda is Charlotte to share information pertaining to the development of solar powered technology from engineer Maria TS yes and the reason that I want to mention it it certainly does picky back with our topic but more than that um March is is um women women's History Month as well and when I came across this article about um Maria TS um I was astonished to think that somebody um in the engine in realm in the 1930s was thinking about um uses for solar power and Maria tels became known during that period um as the sun queen as she worked her way um as a scientist um moving from um Bo pest hungry where she um obtained her doctorate and came to the United States in 1937 started to work for westing house and then MIT and um what she did was she uh introduced the first um solar powered house he created it um so that everyone could see that indeed um electricity from the Sun would um help the US government develop some solar powered homes as homes that could be healthy and havean F and um as an engineer during the war the World War II she took solar and she helped the United States in terms of and actually other countries as well developed a solar powered water distillation machine in 1942 and her invention helped our soldiers get um turn the seawat into drinking water so there's an awful lot of history and we could go back to the beginning of solar as well but I just happened to see this article about her and I thought this is um an opportune time for us to remember that solar is certainly not new and I'm sure that many of our um species of humans have somehow used solar through the through the eons um anyway there she is um Sun Queen and good time to mention her name if we haven't already learned about well I'm inspired pretty cool um well application for a solar still throughout the world is is very evident for pable water yeah yeah if only we could turn sea water into drinking water on a fun went to Wawa yesterday but the coffee machines were out and they weren't able to make any food in house because of the sewer lines that they're working on so they turned the water off um so they weren't able to sell any products yesterday if we had sea water into drinking water we would have had that well it's concerning when they talk about portable water and sewer lines in the same sentence exactly yeah that's scary at Point um H it seems as if uh M tels should be a name that kids are educated I've never heard of her from beginning with the likes of other scientists of note um put her up with Tesla Tesla one of the things that I was hoping to discuss today that wasn't or that isn't on the agenda is instead of oceanfest because um Gretchen indicated that it's not happening this year is as a commission what we would like to do instead and um maybe taking a taking Charlotte's lead perhaps there's something we could do related to solar um I just it was a great way for us as a commission to be in the public and make the town aware of our work and not just like what we were working on on immediately but also past ordinances and so replacing it with another initiative or event uh isn't an opportunity we shouldn't let go of I think we also have it in our budget when do that happened just it happened the first week of June we of June so it's a time to start planning for something I don't know if anyone has it called Harbor Fest this year yeah so har Fest is apparently being rebooted so there will not be ocean Fest and harborfest I do not know when it will be I just know that there will not be ocean Fest in the first week of June all right sure well I love the idea and I'm certain that in planning for Nature Center um classes with children through the years that there have been topics you know solar so that there have been experiments that they conducted handson um perhaps we can talk to Gretchen about what she remembers about those particular um classes for children and the appropriateness of the ages and so forth but there are wonderful wonderful guides for us in terms of dealing with experiments with children so thank you very much Justine that's a an absolute wonderful idea we'll see it seems like we could incorporate I know you want to speak something incorporate something into harborfest I don't know that we could run our own Festival right no that we should with those funds and the energy that we put into planning something like do something something well I'm say I'm suggesting that possibly we do something within that Harbor Fest concept but make it a big deal okay you hi yeah so I'm Casey rigan I'm the director of civic affairs Recreation tourism and marketing for the city of Kate May and I'm in charge of harborfest amazing so um the um the intention of bringing it back is because was such a fan favorite in the past and I know that's why the Nature Center then started oceanfest to kind of make up for it but um I am a a big fan of bayfest in summers point and that was the inspiration for harborfest and so I started bringing it up to everyone to see if we could bring it back and and it's happening so June 29th from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. is when it's set for and the rain date is June 30th so just this last week or two we did put out the flyer so it's official it's marketing um the marketing is out there um and I would be Beyond thrilled if you would participate in some way um it's kind of between the city the Nature Center and the Chamber that's putting it all together we're all working together so the city is responsible for the vendors that are there for informational purposes or businesses crafts the music and then the chambers helping with the food vendors and the Nature Center is going to do on their property their programs and the kids programs and and the things that they do as well as a beer garden um so we can provide whatever you need if you need table chairs tent space we'd be happy to work with you our department um so that would be awesome if that's something that the commission would be interested in working with us that would be great wonderful yeah perfect meeting to come to that's not what I was here to talk about but okay um it's going to require some serious and fast discussion on our part that's not a whole lot of time is there well we a few months we have time yeah it's end of June and yeah and I would say at least just my opinion from your perspective as to what initiative you could bring I think um and we can help too if there's any pamphlets or flyers or anything that we could print for you guys and provide for you guys then this way you guys can have that and be more of an informational booth um I I don't know if what what did you do for Harbor or for ocean Fest we did a a mix of informational um stations and then interactive stations where okay we had kids and F families together making chemical free Garden sprays or um planting seeds doing like a guessing game which is an invasive species which is a native species yeah um but then at least half of the station was pamplets information on ordinances of the past that people don't know exist yeah and I do know that Gretchen does have programs lined up could you remind the commission that um we won an anj a and that our mayor was awarded um an outstanding um citation as well could you kind of just let them know about that um yeah right so Charlotte is correct the state uh like Association of New Jersey for environmental commissions did award us two recognitions for what we put together at the ocean Festival oh awes awesome okay fantastic yeah and I mean obviously I know it's it is just a few months away um if there's anything we can try and help him do I do know that Gretchen does have programs lined up or or she's planning on programs and I know she's a part of the commission so I don't know if maybe that's something if you all spoke with her and maybe worked together I I don't know but I do know that they do plan on having programs on their um on the Nature Center lot as well okay we can do it okay all right you're in I wasn't implying that we couldn't do it I'm just saying we have to do it fast oh that's awesome so two months is not a lot of time yeah you roll the solar issue into that well that's what I'm suggesting that we do something on solar energy yeah and I I was the one who built the website page for Community solar so I have some idea of what's going on um with that company and I know we are so waiting the ball's kind of in their Court of of the flyer and when we're getting that information um but I certainly have contacts and I don't know if we can just kind of work together I can give you the contact information and maybe they can provide some information for harborfest for you guys that's great can you email the the information that we might need yep okay do you want me to just can I just put you as a contact and I'll email you yeah for sure thank you yeah and any information you would like included in the minutes why don't you email that to me too sure my contact okay and I will here to work any table because I can do one thing is talk I don't know about helping yeah all right well this is great um so what else you to discuss because now we're we're in the public portion I'm going to I'm going to bring David over so this is our Recreation director who works with me in the department um so it um I want to say maybe it was last it may have been last Earth Day mayor mullik did come to me and was hoping that we could do something like what they do in Kate mate Point called dun day so we did do some research and I wanted to bring David along because um we did speak with he did speak with Kate M point and it does very much involve their environmental commission too as well as the DP and so if you're open to it I just was going to see if David could share what he spoke to K May point about with all of you and then kind of go from there about if the city would be interested in doing something if that's okay with you guys yeah so basically it's their yearly event um where they go and they'll plant everything on the Dune so it's it's either going to be grass plugs bushes trees everything native obviously with permission with d everything that's native um so it's the thing you to do all year um I'm sorry every year so we're hoping to kind of do it here on our end also obviously with permission D and um those things we've done that in the past but now we're waiting for D um to if I understand this correctly we're waiting for D to decide some of the issues that have to do with Dune planting in Kate May because we've done that you don't you don't need we don't need the city doesn't need permission to plant grass oh okay yeah that's the other plantings that no that we need what we're getting permission for is if we want to remove invasive species off of the Dune that that's well that's the main discussion of what we may or may not need a permit from we've done dun grass planting a lot I mean for not every single year I know but for sever we've done that as well okay so but this would be a coordinated public event I've spoken to the mayor about it too and I just pulled out my notes yeah from it and it was saying it's like a fall planting event October I think so that leaves time yeah for us to do it this year we start planning now um did when does Kate May Point have there in October also yeah because there's no water needed you can just kind of put in there there's obviously going to be loss throughout the winter and fall with the plannings but in that time of year I don't we bad water or anything because of the temperature and then all the brable to get so little maintenance okay well the core is going to be taking half our beach the front prominade from I guess Madison to uh poverty isn't that the project the large large large project take well they it's going to be a large construction project the if you're if you're talking about the seaw wall expansion that that seaw wall is not going to take any of the beach the seaw wall is on top of the existing Stone r vment that's already there but they have an extensive yes but not but but it's not going to go outward into not outward onto the length remember seeing an extensive planting design yeah but it doesn't show it's not taking any of the beach it's just extending it all the way to Poverty is that correct the prom just going to extend down yeah if we plant if we extensively planted in that area now it would likely be disrupted during con the con construction phase correct if we planted dune grass in that not necessarily because the work is all going to be done from the beach Avenue side it's not going to be done from the beach okay so I did walk the promod on um and it seems everything down towards that end is pretty good right now I'm thinking more closer to convention hall to probably life Guard headquarters that's the spot where it needs the most attention that's where we looked remember last year and in found that it had been yeah that's where the big EMP spots are by public works yeah yep that's where it needs the most attention what is the situation with poison ivy in that area I know in the well that that's part of the discussion we're having with the DP regarding the removal of the invasive species as part of the Dune management plan because I mean d a dune day sounds fantastic but how do we recruit volunteers if well you don't asking them to you don't want volunteers to be doing poison yeah it's it's yeah I get that because we try we do um a beach clean up for Earth Day so it's not necessarily a guarantee of getting volunteers um we do try and at least from our department we do try and get involved some of the employees involved for the different things um but there might be some interest even if we also reach out too I know um The Garden Club might have some interest I know there's different groups that might Garden Club has done but done Dune planning um in previous years yeah yeah so I feel like it might be a little bit more we just might have to outreach a little bit um we can ask the Kanas Coast Guard if there's poison ivy so and before the the actual program itself we'll do a like a inspection inspection pre because what happens is we actually lay down the plugs in the bushes and trees and Etc prior to it so when you walk the people out there they basically go there to put everything in themselves and then for like little little kids we'll do seeds but everything be already pre-planned so we're not just throw them m to the dunes and walk everything it's all good and live so that's not we're trying to do but um we'll leave it out there to inspect so is that something where you go and inspect way earlier yeah yeah yep like we could do that before we start marketing and planning okay the Dune day is more the community as of it just yes in the past we have recruited um through the count some community service workers um the um prisoner release program yeah that's not available anymore it's not available anymore okay yeah um but this sounds like you guys are pretty organized really yeah en Vision more to be just a community V anything El so I I think I I can't speak for the mayor I think that was also more the intention of just another Community event and trying to preserve the beautiful city that we have and the Beautiful beaches that we have so yeah on the back end preparing and planning that can absolutely be done with us and with you guys together and then more of the Forefront is for just the beautification it have you selected a date this this is our first stop we just came here to see yeah well the first stop was David went and spoke with Kate May um point and then we with their environmental commission also so actually talk with them I got all their ideas who they worked what they've done we actually walked a PR together and kind of got her ideas of what she thought would be a good spot so and I love if we got that far to have some from you guys come on out and'll take a look out together and see what you think would be a good spot to that needs the most work it's the most safe and those things too were you seeing them kind of happening in the same week so we could kind of Market them in tandem or very close together I haven't seen any other one but I haven't done much research but I haven't seen any other one other than Kate May point but we can look and see I mean with like Kate May Kate May point if we one yeah I know they has I believe they one in Avalon maybe St Harbor too okay yeah so it's kind of like a yeah but it would be nice to kind of make it especially a South Jersey Shore thing that would be awesome and yearly I think be great year because we can just keep growing because we're I'm thinking more realistically you're probably three blocks long you don't want to take up the whole thing one just the whole thing at once is going to be really tough to do so every year we focus on one section great minus poison ivy [Laughter] though well I'll talk to the Garden it's when it's appropriate I'll talk to the Garden Club as well so yeah include me in yeah and I'll send um so Merl I can send you our notes on this too if you wanted to add that for the minutes um and then I guess from here we can just see if I mean we can talk about it too but we can kind of establish a date and maybe come back to you guys and see if that date what your thoughts are on that date and kind of work together that way way I I can be leaon okay great so CH okay I've done some beach plannings wonderful awesome um and i' been de facto canva person for this commission no background in design oh my goodness I can take that on honestly cuz yeah my background is marketing and a lot of graphic design so I love that so maybe we can help um publicize yeah the D day as well yeah we can too so we can absolutely work together on that okay yeah awesome wonderful all right well thank you guys for letting us talk about it and bring it to you too so I know it's something that would be it's it's Unique and I think it would be special for the city so absolutely yeah it would probably also um be an extra like point in that um sustainable Jersey silver certification I don't know what the exact categories are Charlotte maybe you do yeah the the green team is due to meet again in April um I'm remembering that it's either let's see here I think it's either the third it's on my other calendar I believe it's the 16th of April that we will have another Zoom meeting yeah that's it and um before that I think that if any of us have any information to help with um obtaining um a good score for our city um we should have that material um available so that it can be added so I'm I'm not quite sure what's going to happen next but I'll know more okay April we can also inquire with Kate May point about their date and see if they would at this point this year want to kind of Be In Cahoots so and then that way it'll establish a date for us at this point before April and then we can kind of go from there so um David can follow up with them and then we can let you guys know okay that's great and then um perhaps Charlotte that can be in included in the application I'm sorry that sentence just broke up perhaps then this year's June day could be included in the application even though it is a forthcoming event the phone cooperating right now it's it's okay no it's okay um anything okay are you envisioning like a large I don't know Dune day large homegrown effort meaning like volunteers and you'll be providing the plant materials yes we and USDA involvement no okay well cu the plant center right up the road here Route 9 has been involved before they they seem to have locally grown American Beach Grass Panic contacts to get Beach Grass that's not a problem okay I'm just thinking are you going to do any invasive species removal you think not at this time we don't have permission okay that's the D approval you were working on that's funny it's that they they're kind of you would think they would jump on that and say yeah okay let's let's get this done but talking about bureaucracy yeah um sir did you have anything you wanted to add or just listening in yeah just know at this moment things are the phone is I don't know what's going on with the reception but the last few minutes have been kind of feudal for me here I'm sorry um but but I appreciate everyone's input and effort and that's really all I can say possibly the city manag companies are star have a problem people so I would look into the city has that covered don't Paul I live in North Kate May been there 33 years uh they had the hurricane down in Florida about a year and a half ago uh I promptly got a letter that I'll being cancelled I never put a polic never put a claim in I had the same problem maybe 15 years ago so I was suggest you talk to your insurance carrier before you do anything you probably already did that but anyway just a suggestion I wasn't planning on talking today I just but I I just went through it so I figured I'd give you a heads up if it becomes a city uh regulation or anything like that then that's I Paul is that true that it would be covered in in any discussions of regulations wouldn't it insurance issues but I doubt that we're going to develop a regulation requiring solar panels yeah right but if I mean if I'm sorry let me put another way if it became anything official or any any kind of policy that would be part of the discussion insurance issues yeah well when I hear either people either getting canceled or they're just jacking the insurance up so high that they just dro the Poli that's happening with flood insurance as well flood flood insurance is I'm talking about homeowners I know yeah yeah I'm talking about homeowners flood insurance is now being cancelled oh really oh yeah or raised up so that yeah well the flood flood insurance is a federal program I don't I haven't heard anything about that that but uh I I'm put let me put another way homeowners insurance because of flood threats um well are any other comments no um meet meeting adjourned okay okay thank you I love these tips thank you thank you thank you so much can we talk about a FL go me I wonder what he wanted to just observing oh I'm not going anywhere okay I think he was just here to watch he's just a member of the public he lives in came here to listen to something well he's gone now I do I I have to be honest with you I mean I me unless you're doing it we're out I have no idea what Charlotte wanted me to do she asked me to draft it down and I did what the purpose of it was or anything like that I just they've done like they before so I edited it down and then I will I got it down and obviously if we make it into BR store it'll be Downer unless um but I I had no idea why I have no idea um so we would want to do a solar thing for of the plants so you somebody plant something that's too small yeah something too large and goes kills it off the certain plants not good enough light I've done mostly did too much dun so yeah yeah is totally tell me who you okay sure probably do team a team Le the best thing is last name is s SE and there was I don't if you ever heard of this group you want to basically do the same format