e e e e e e e e e testing testing e e e e e e e e turn on your phones please turn on your phone your mic turn on your mics in compliance with the open public meeting act 1975 adequate notice that his meeting has been uh announced I call the meeting to order please rise for the pledge I pledge Alle to the FL flag of the United States of America to the for play Phillies are playing well Carol would you please call the sure uh Jay here uh Shane Shane is excused he hurt his leg oh okay um I'm here Carol SE here Barb here George W here George a here Jim here Frank here and Ron was Ron to be here this is Michelle Michelle is here in place yes wounded Michelle you got barbar right okay minutes for the uh April 9th meeting I can't vote on it I wasn't here I take a moment to read the the minutes for the that was nice that um Connie sent them out in advance of the meeting yes thank you Connie thank you well done where is he I do think Mr Ator did speak to the children I read to them yes you read to them yes for I'll entertain a motion as long as everybody's have a chance to looko over the the minutes from the May uh April U meeting I I have one correction I would like made um Jim has one I have a correction I would like made one corre yeah go ahead so in the paragraph where reads Commission of Van Pelt stated that he felt being proactive would be the best approach actually just the opposite yeah I was going to say I stated that um I feel that city employees on the payroll should be the proactive ones we should be the reactive ones um so well what we're doing what we're doing what we do is just go and see if there's any sidewalk tree issues and we submit that to to Justin to the the deputy city manager and they take it from there uh so we're really not we're directly involved in it because it's our respons our resp responsibility they shade tree commission's responsibility for their District so we should be going out and looking at tree routs and uh and and and tree problems I understand your hesitancy your concern on this but uh somebody's got to do it and rather than have public works and whatnot do it and whatnot we can do it the reason why I feel the way I do is because the homeowner is still on the hook for 50% of yes whatever the cost would be if it was one 100% covered by the city then I'd have no problem with this but for me to be proactive to go out and say that somebody has a problem with their sidewalk well push comes to shove the alternative is somebody falls on that sidewalk to that's why it should be city employees with some liability that can take that responsibility on well the homeowner is going to get sued and the shade Trad so be it so the homeowner should have put in a request for a sidewalk replacement then and apply for the 50-50 program yeah but there's in in some some Cas with people live here that's one that's one attitude they'll probably do it but a lot of is a rental properties and they're not down they're not going to look at it and they're not going to pay you know go money unless they get a unless they get a nasty we don't need to get too far and too deep into the woods with this I just would like that corrected though that in my state yeah my statement was actually reactive not proactive that's all just leave it at that why don't you move it Jim with the uh Corrections okay uh you want to say the volunteer you said make a motion that correction please the city uh public work should do it you make the correction okay we have the correction all right well as it stands right now the shade Comm commission is still doing it still responsible for looking at sidewalks and turning in a list yeah to the deputy city manager or to the city manager all right okay anybody else want to discuss that further nope good I'll move for the minutes to be accepted with the changes that uh Mr Vel I have a second second second by Carol all those in favor I I okay abstain one abstention any against all right all right does um I noticed that there was some talk about um and I we have a representative from code Code Enforcement here right Bill Bill Miller thank you for coming we appreciate it today uh does everybody have an ID card ID card no ID card from the city a little bit of picture on it I have mine from 20 years ago let me say yes oh man okay and I had had a there was a coule several months ago we took additional pictures up stairs but then something happened to the machine and nothing was done on that I like could you Connie look at look into uh whether that ID machine is operational yes also calling cards for a while there we had a blank calling card said Kate May City shade tree commission with a blank on it you can fill your name out on the thing and your phone number if you wish to give the people when you're out and about uh can we get some blank cards for the uh for the people I'm out of them I I had some from previous uh uh uh printings and whatnot and it was handy to give out to people on occasion you don't have to give out your number to people if you don't want to but they should know who the commissioner is for their District if um if my memory serves me correct we we did bring that up at the last meeting and uh I saw that in I think the deputy city manager was going to look at it because correct I think the city manager had some concerns over format and what an i an ID should not be similar to the city it should be it should be a a blank Kate May City shade Tre commission a blank space and then Connie's number on the thing for the for the contact J and that's not what he's talking about the the photo ID he's not talking about the card that oh yeah that's what I'm talking talking about the photo we should everybody should have a photo ID that's what George is addressing not the card that but but I think Connie should check with the city manager's office so they're going down the same path okay I pulled out this one because it's the only one I have but I don't know that we need all this information on here like what's on there mine has birth date and eye color hair color and all that it's like there's just as much information as on a driver's license I don't think we need to have all that you know well I think I think you're you have a you have identification card right when you go out but you got all the information on it correct so the people police right did this yeah it's different yeah I think that the only format that they have is with that information on photo photo name and position of what we do pretty much all you really need yeah exactly shade tree commission commissioner velt whatever and a photo yeah and that's what you really need ID machine we had is broke but I think Justin's looking into maybe using a company where we just you know send the picture and they print outte okay City employ right there people empy here for years all that you my idea is so old that I hardly recognize me any okay Connie would you please check on that and just see if what the status of that is we have some people here who have no ideas and some that have very old ideas all right um Deputy manager Deputy manager okay I think we should open the uh open the floor for nominations for a vice chairman be I would like to um nominate George Tor have a second I'll second second any the other nominations okay uh all those in favor of having George ior signify and the opposed congratulations layer of thanks this what I needed if I don't show up double my salary now a heavy taask that you're a long time you deserve it well thanks thank you I'll um I'll you know certainly be happy to do that and I pass these down please do my we got approval passed it 2023 for Tre City USA that makes 42 years we've been three City USA we got the new flag up we got the stickers to go on the flag one at the uh uh entrance coming into town on Lafayette Street I guess that sign is still up or is that down I I'm not sure I'll look for it yeah that that may have to wait one of those may have to wait until they finish up that intersection there supposed to sign it but the other one on on West Perry Street right by the bank right by the uh Perry Street parking lot uh can go up Jay don't forget the proclamation and we had a nice TR Proclamation from the city uh on Arbor Day recognizing Arbor Day 2024 uh uh I'm going to give this to uh uh ketta to put in our files and we had a nice uh who you did the the uh what do you call press release that was sent out I think I don't think anybody picked it up yet right in connection with Arbor Day I have a picture here of the books that I purchased for the Kate May City Elementary School library and then inside what I put inside the book and also the press release okay if you want to look at that you will give a copy of that the cony so we have a record of of that and that was a nice what kind of magnolia tree George a Sweet Bay Sweet Bay Magnolia is right in front of the Nature Center I planted that tree just a you know saying something I I planted that tree did because we volunteered through the Kanas to do work there and they' asked me once I heard that that was the tree that was donated from us said I'd be happy to do it so I planted plant root showing top of the root ball showing barely just barely that's just a little above also before we leave the topic about the proclamation I think it would be a very nice idea to frame that and to put it somewhere here in City Hall maybe like in the hallway there so other people can see that okay all right that's a good idea car it's a nice honor to have yes yes it is also um I think our participation in aror and all these activities help and are part of our membership in Tree City USA yes so it's a good thing we're doing yes doing you're required to have an AR day number one you have to have a u uh $2 per resident have a budget $2 we go much more than that we have a higher budget and lower residence so that really go and then you have to do an AR Proclamation you have to have some sort of event uh and whatnot and uh uh and then go from there so we we qualify for that I thought at one time they required continuing education credits but I I can't find anything on that now so we don't doesn't require any continuing education credits the shade tree Commission State shade tree commission may require some continuing education credits uh that's the the October meeting we go to the meeting this year will be in Atlantic City over by the the Parris I think over the bay uh so that's going to be a little bit easier to get to this year so absolutely pardon yeah because that driving up to Cherry Hill I get lost every time I go up there I've been going there for years and I still get lost going up today um we got a nice excuse me a nice um recognition from the mayor um about the um trees that were planted in front of um the post office yes and he thanked the commission for keeping the city green and beautiful and all that saw that yeah he did a nice then then he then he calls me on the phone and he wants to know what kind of trees are I don't know what kind of trees they are but now we know I'll call them up and tell them do you want to see this London Plane trees and does anybody want to see what the post was that's George's phone but hurry up still stays up there yeah you got to tap this um yeah changes yes I saw that oh you did yeah bar mik Jay I have a question about um you know the New Jersey shade tree had those workshops about the ordinance and we were supposed to get like credits for attending but I don't know how you get them I mean they sent us an email but Oh I thought you New Jersey sh tree the CE I I don't know I do think I I do think there are still some type of continuing education cred you can no she's you're talking about the webinar we went the webinar that we did for the three move you'll be able to see the other pictures just slide back and forth down I know I'm with the okay that goes to the state I'm always doing something wrong the state then will take time I think we're supposed to get some sort of certificate oh so we don't have to do anything with it George okay make sure we got grind that stump at 12:07 Washington Street yes or did you do it Ronnie did he's doing it as I speak pardon there Ron's doing it as I speak man's doing it as we speak okay so Ron did it okay yeah I I talk when I talked to the mayor today I asked him when this is this is going to be done because we've had at least three tree strikes by semi-trailers uh so far that I'm aware of resulting in One Tree being taken down a couple that are a little on the iffy side uh and uh when hopefully the uh uh traffic patterns will go back to normal when does when is that do I have no idea but it's taking awful long time in a couple of weeks and they still may be doing work at the end of Lafayette Street on the on the Eastern end until they get that finished but uh hopefully that'll be uh uh doing work all over the place yeah that and that and complicating further is the movie that's in town uh re-rooting traffic all over the place so um changes to the ordinance uh there was some mention in the last meeting that there was some changes to the ordinance that the city manager would like anybody know anything about that I know Shane was Shane was was going to follow up on follow up and he was going to bring several things several thingsin I don't want to make this so complicated that it's difficult for us to follow much less the homeowner to follow so I want to keep this as simple as possible uh to avoid like over complication you know we can we can ordinance this to death uh and I don't want to do that I think it's sufficient let's keep it the way we have it now uh and uh and that any change it has to be uh will go from there we don't under our ordinance that I know of have a three strike and you rule out uh somebody violates the ordinance three times and we pull this rice bowl I don't want to uh to jeopardize anybody's anybody's right to do business and make a living in Kate may I don't think that's that's happened in West Cap May yet and I don't think it's anything that we should put on our application I may change that if we get a couple of Rogues doing business in Kate May on a on a consistent basis causing a lot of problems uh but uh so far the people that have been doing construction and whatnot have been putting up either just putting up solid barriers uh not post and rail as we suggested but they've been putting up solid plywood barriers around the tree word any construction any project that's going to get start started and anything on you go do a go SE on a on a forms if there's trees involved in the project put down it's very important you put down in the comment section comment section that reports that you get on a goce that trees must be projected before construction starts it's important that you say before construction starts what do we do about sidewalks when we're we're dealing with Street trees I mean I was just up on New York Avenue yesterday and there's a lot of new sidewalks being done we should be I don't know there's no way to build a barrier around the street tree no no no so that's yeah no there's nothing we can do with that this is damage the street trees by because that street tree is looking for water so it's going to go under sidewalks and into the yard so when they start doing construction in the yard you're going to damage some of the so you have to watch for diebacks yeah you know in a year or two or three there's a lot of that Jim and I were were speaking prior to the meeting that it's our understanding at least that the ordinance was changed and I I don't know if those changes were necessitated a council vote but just the discussion that Jim and I had was when is the ordinance uh when does it take effect when does it enforce took effect in 19th of last month Yeah March days when they passed it but so made to it if there if changes were made to it if there changes are made to it they have to go and be voted on by city council and then they get a x number of days beyond that before usually 30 days before they go into and that would move the right the ordinance reading going back again then a vote am I right about that city manager am I am I wrong about that already approved okay so then do we assume that that um ordinance is in effect there you go thank you there you go now we are talking about the revised ordinance is now fully okay very good excellent the one that was passed last month the and then it' be 30 days later was the 19th last month it should have come into effect right that's what I've been well Shane had mentioned that there there was a couple proposed changes that's only reason we brought it up okay is anybody tree removal application update to that anybody have a copy of that what change made to that tree removal application we already have so much I know I have I don't think I have a copy of no I thought I think Shane discussed that he was going to bring at this this meeting but he's not here what Shane was I think the the discussion was that Shane was going to bring one this meeting but he's unable to be here so yeah all right we'll ask him to bring it to the next to the next one okay hey Jay can we get a list of all the approved uh tree contractors sure just so that we know when we walk around and see someone working on a property whether or not they've you can you can call in you can call in to uh conetta and Connie and she have a list Connie do you not of the uh approved tree contractor approved uh tree surgeons I don't know that I necessarily have a list but I can get one from the clerk's office I know it's the same people that are that I have been cited except for the one that we discussed not liced Fred Freddy but everyone else that anyone has called about I have checked and they do have licenses but if you want a list I will see if you have any if you have any questions on on some tree contractor working you don't have to confront the people you can call into the office and find out whether this guy's whether this guy has the uh appropriate license to work in Kate May Insurance workman's comp uh New Jersey license uh and approval the work in the city all right yeah I don't want to get involved to have you get involved in any confrontation with people but but but if it comes back so this guy's not licensed to work in Kate May goes to code enforcement call code enforcement right away I don't mind Che pardon I don't mind going Che either all right yeah we did [Music] one we did the one make sure yeah we did the one they were taking a tree down in on what was it uh Ohio Idaho Avenue or Ohio Avenue or something like that remember they had to it's tree is still there but we I don't I don't know whether those people had a license to do it or not but uh we put a stop that you and the police were there put a stop work on them problem is on some of this stuff they'll do it on a weekend thank you code enforcement's not working weekends but uh we do I work weekends the shade tree never sleeps oh really I work week oh do we end summer Saturday and Sunday oh really okay end the Su oh yeah all right okay let's go tonight all right I think U anybody have anything else yes Justin called me just before the meeting I don't know whose District it is on Lafayette Street that would be me that's you where on Lafayette I'm I think coming into town I couldn't drive all the way up there yeah that would be me um he got a call about people planting trees along Ong the right of way I don't know yes I don't know if you're aware of that or not but um here's is it the County Planning tree I don't know that's what I'm that's why I'm asking you know I don't know what it's I said we it wasn't anything on our list for our you know spring tree planting that we're doing for the city so it's not anything on our list is this in the area where the most recent repay I don't know I'm not sure where exactly it's where it exactly is is the county planting any trees on Lafayette Street I don't think so yeah I think was asking Washington yeah okay yeah unless I'm mistaken the reason I'm bringing this up also is because we we're running into an issue I mean so people are planting trees in the in the public right of way which we really should have approval as to what is being planted normally on something like that I send a letter to him said well that's what I'm going to thank you for planting a such and such a tree you understand becomes a city tree for maintenance and removal right but my point is as appreciative as we are that they would be willing to plant those trees know we need to know the species we just had two pear trees planted we're trying to that's another thing I want to bring up but I texted the address to myself so I wouldn't forget um it is uh 1123 Indiana Avenue planted two of the uh flowering pear trees um a lot of municipalities are starting to ban the use of pear trees altogether because they hybridize they form Groves clusters in the you know in Wetland areas in in natural areas and now you have these Groves that are choking out native trees so a lot of um a lot of municipalities are Banning them in West Cape May I just found out uh from Matt Notch yesterday they've already passed um an well I don't know if it's whether it's an ordinance or what it is but what they're doing is if anyone has a pear tree that they want to take down they're not even charging them a fee to take them down they're more than happy to get rid of them we have pear trees that are dying back that we that were used as Street trees there's a lot of dieback on them um and we had two planted it on Patterson Avenue we haven't heard back from those homeowners yet um where they were supposed to be planting black gum but my question is what does the commission feel about these trees that are planted in the public right of way that we don't we would not be planting that species do we say we want them removed and put something else in their place we're willing to remove them and put something else there for the homeowners or what do we do in that instance can I start with the question um probably best address the poll sure I can answer okay thank you uh the um the city has an adopted list of Street trees has that we have we have a we have a list of Street trees so if if somebody if somebody plants a tree that's not on that list that's just the same if they if they had an a plane board approval and HPC approval and they didn't follow the plans that's non-compliant they have to remove them and replace them with an appropriate tree okay M I know a lot of people do landcap sorry to give you guys more work but that's it's it's a VI it's a violation it's an ordinance violation just just you know if they you know any other code violation okay but my question also is what do we do about people that plant trees on public right away are they allowed to do that that's not without not without our permission that's what I'm saying shouldn't they have to go through the shade tree commission first because it is public right away so we would not have approved those tree species what I'm saying now they uh let me clarify something though the tree planting list that we have I don't know when that was last updated so those trees may still be on that list cuz at one time those were supposed to be the you know one time what one time that was supposed to be the you know Urban landscape tree that may be something the commission would want to look at we have to look at actually the list still references it's West Cape ma list oh okay yeah so you know that that would probably be an appropriate thing to do would be look at the look at the list and then what is the process right now a homeowner wants to plant trees out of the curb uh city right away and who do they appeal to First how do they get perion to contact the sh it goes through US unless unless they've had an application to the planning orone board that has a requirement for them to plan a tree and then it's through that process okay we have to we have to approve the type of trade it's going in right so it may not come to us first isest planting of a tree but we'll approve the type of tree but then that goes back to that coordin there between zoning HPC can get into there planning iect which was the Genesis of the new ordinance I suspect most homeowners aren't aware that they need City approval yeah these may be new owners I don't know you know yeah so property something well most anybody I can't say anybody a licensed person coming from a arur uh coming in and plant a tree would do so without letting the city know that they're doing it uh if they're going to B buy a bag and ball tree and dig a hole in the street Laine and do it themselves you know we'd have to just be vilant and realize that's happening I have given many permissions over the past several years to plant a street tree based on the type of tree they wanted to plant in front of their own house okay and I give them a letter saying you you understand that that becomes city property for eventual removal and or maintenance you know that that tree becomes city property so I've done that on many occasions did the placement of the tree at a curb one the placement of a tree at a curbline can be an issue also with interference of utility call before you dig it really should call before they dig because all sorts of stuff from anything from from water uh sprinkler lines to in east cape to buried electrical lines uh and and gas lines you know so and Sewer lines generally the sewer lines run you know straight in and and the water lines run straight in but the electric lines run parallel at the sidewalk in some cases so so Jay I'm going to go with what you're talking about with the sprinkler systems we're running into that now at the address is when we're trying to plant we're trying to plant these trees um yesterday there's sprinkler systems in the public rideway I mean that that's another thing that should not be I mean I understand they want those you know the grass out there or whatever is there to stay green but they can have them on the lawn and project water outward rather than having the system in the tree line because when we go to dig that on a Case by case basis as you cut up uh you know and break the line by planting the tree in the public space putting a note on the door say we broke your water line well yeah but there there should be something that you know landscapers should know that that would be in that would be in the Construction office any any uh sprinkler system or any water lines put in they'd have to get a a a permit from the uh the code no you don't you're going to put a sprinkler in your lawn you don't have to have a permit from no but if it goes in the public no okay bring that up what if it goes in the public right away your sprinkler I think it should I mean if it I think that's because it's responsility a reques homeowner to main the area right people do yeah I mean it happens a lot with spraying water but yeah excuse me who does the homeowner call if they want to know if they have permission to do any of this like PL I call them up now who do they call to get they call us and want to want to plant a tree in a public public space a county okay it was brings me another Face Paul in the 1800 block of Maryland Avenue way out you know across across Pittsburgh okay that area over there and the last row of houses there's a op that open space there's an open space area there which I think is protected Wetlands okay uh do we own do we own any space to the north that we could plant trees and I have a couple pardon you don't think what there's there's some private Lots there that are still there couple private yeah but it cuts it back from the cuts it back from the curb up that's so we shouldn't be planting any trees in there I've had a couple of requests from somebody in that area that wanted some trees planted I looked over there it looked like a jungle now you know I saids you don't need a you need a landscaper to come in and cut some of this overgrowth back rather than plant new trees in but I said I'd ask so all right all right does anybody have anything else well yeah of course um on Jackson Street there's a a house at 24 Jackson Street we had planted a crepe myrtle there um their whoever I I'm assuming the homeowner or their Garden Lawn Company or whatever trimmed the tree we just discussed at the last meeting that isign of Virginia side or Carol side no the other side the other side so it's across the street from the Virginia um but we discussed it the last meeting that it should only be work should only be done by public works or Ron maners right so we're going to have to draft a letter to whoever the owner of 24 Jackson Street is and tell them to you know cease and assist with with pruning that tree because a tree doesn't you know tree doesn't is not supposed to look like like a lollipop like a shrub on a stick it's supposed to grow as a tree 24 Jackson yeah and following up with last month's meeting we did send a letter I believe right Connie to um 20 P 20 P I was about to bring that 24 24 Jackson oh yes I saw that okay yeah we also have 20 20 Patterson we haven't heard back from those homeowners we haven't heard back from them have we okay how do where did we go from here that's that that's that they they uh 20 Patterson Avenue they they um so they also yes yes that's correct in my letter I don't know whether did you tell them did you tell them yes I said I said remember when they were here and I know you guys this works well I know it was dis there were two species that we that we named and we they finally agreed with the black um tupo okay yeah because they planted this they planted on Mount Vernon Avenue not on patters they planted on Mount Vernon Avenue in the Y they planted two Bradford peirs my letter to them s to replacing the two uh maple trees two double trunk maple trees with Bradford per is not living up to the uh yeah the the idea of of the thing so either I only or 15 years yeah are you going to you're going to follow up on that follow okay yeah I don't care whether they I don't care whether they take the Bradford Pear out and plant two other trees in there or plant two additional trees in on Patterson Avenue there's space between that little ornamental fence that's there in the sidewalk plenty of space there to put a couple of bigger trees so all right try to get to call me and we'll work it out just got get contct I guess he just didn't want and we sure St sure spent a lot of time contacting cont having their mayor contract our mayor back when this was going on so all right that it so well I just was going to say we we're just doing our spring planting now um Matt Notch began yesterday um let me think 20 28 I believe we 28 good job so um J and hopefully now the thing of it is these trees are now being planted they're in full leaf they're going to need water so that's where we're going to probably have to come to public works at one time we had a program where Public Works did go around and water the trees in West Cape May they use those Gator bags around the trees problem with those is unless you fill those bags religiously you're only creating more of a problem you're creating a barrier for any rain that we do get and you're creating you know heat right so I don't know if we want to go the way with Gator bags or just actual going out with the water truck and watering them twice a week or whatever for the first season Frank where are these trees going well we're going to have where are they being planted we'll have all the addresses we can get to the addresses there all around the uh the Frank there's a supply of not the not the round Gator bags at the at the at the foot of the tree they got the bigger ones you know that go up there's a a supply of those in that little uh Workshop just to the north of the gas filling station there's a little shop there there's a outside bin it's full of those bags if you want to use some of those but I don't again we don't I don't recommend those bags any we don't use those bags anymore let's look at the locations first and I come up with the possible suggestion with my superintendent to put on our schedule possibly I can't guarantee nothing I don't know what our time frame is or accessible to waterers right now so let's you know give me that list right away so I can talk to him see what he wants to do okay I mean some of these are going to be going in front of people's homes that we would that have requested them so I'm hoping they would do the watering at those residences but I'm talking about like we did a a a lot of planting to replace the trees that were taken down by the post office right I don't have a water truck I don't have just going to ask I don't have a tanker trailer you know I don't have it I don't we don't have one so what like where where the flowers are planted like say by I have little I have a little golf cart that holds probably about 10 gallons of water and goes to certain areas of waters and then he goes up to a hydrant fills up with a hydrant goes another spot okay well George can we send weathers to the homeowners that had trees planted there we can sure we can if they're yeah in front of homes spendid idea yeah the that that's as long as you have the addresses yeah we have the addresses but um but some of those houses aren't living in full time either some of the houses are where they are not lived in fulltime so I don't know if they have a sprinkler system you know that would work but um you know that's that's one case where a sprinkler system comes in handy is not a a problem but the only other thing is as as I said with the discussion on these uh Bradford pear trees do we want to ban them in this municipality should we think about that for discussion at next month's meeting look into it each doing our own you know research on it and uh because they are becoming a a major problem in well a lot of areas that they haven't seemed to colonize in the natural areas here yet but with so many different cultivars they're going to cross pollinate and yeah Bill oh sure as well okay origin okay oh good oh perfect yeah that that should work and I had heard that Kate May Point had cut down a lot of Bradford pairs that were in that Circle in the Park yeah yeah so I mean it would seem well in that it would be good if West Kate May is trying to get rid of them yeah K May point is trying to get rid of them maybe we should seriously I also I also think at that conference was up in Cherry Hill the U the state shade tree people spoke extensively about Brad shade tree Federation and I'll I'll go I'll find my uh my books on that and I give M to I remember the days back when Atlantic Electric encouraged bradford pears to be planted and we went took them up on that we planted a lot of Bradford PA under wires because they don't get real high but in the fullness of time you know 15 16 17 years a lot of these Brad pairs are starting to take care of themselves because the branches are falling off uh they're looking bad and they split and we wind up taking them down uh so if you just give it enough time eventually they'll take care themselves well but I mean this this would be to prevent additional ones being planted is is the thing so I mean we can talk about that at the next meeting decide on that and then proceed like you said so well what do you want to do about 24 Jackson Give me the name and well I don't know the name that's what we'd have to find out I guess through Conor so basically 24 Jackson was they should not be trimming the the street tree what kind of tree was it was a it's a crepe mytle it's not a street yeah the street tree George can we make a motion at this meeting now regarding the Bradford par and have it added to the invasive species list why can't we do that right now as long as yeah I'm I'm willing to make a motion for that to do what to ban planting of bradford pears within the city good idea this is private as well as we won we don't do it as a shade Tre commission we stopped doing that many several years ago but so we will go into effect now and we're talking to people we said we ask you encourage them not to plant prri they look pretty first eight or nine years and the city yeah we need to get spreading of so if put it on the invasive tree list yeah it might stop really prevent it from growing into somebody else's property so a for tree it's not it's really not going to do what have some but not your better ising the acceptable tree list okay well we can do that you know not to put it you know well yeah I I think I think though what Jim suggest should we make a motion that make sure we get that done make a motion make a motion that uh that uh the shade Tre commission does not recommend nor will we approve planning of Bradford par and add it to the and to the list and revise our list yeah and we have to revise the list definitely somebody make that motion that you wanted to do yeah I mean Paul answered the question for us uh very specifically and i' have to agree with what he said you know to so that would be obviously uh much more restrictive if we put it on the invasive species list but with that description it's really not an invasive species that that actually makes sense what he described so I guess the best we can do is what we're saying right now that we as the shade tree commission will not accept it as a appropriate tree appropriate tree okay as a what tree some appropriate appropriate do I have a second on that second second here all those in favor I I any opposed any extensions all right all right that's it that's all I I'll entertain a motion to adjourn I'll make that motion then who made a motion me George I'll second second by Carol with an E all those in favor thank you very much thank you good meeting good meeting today did you get your our budget