e e e e test test would what type of tree I was just wondering after I hung up with you why think that's a great idea get them off the curb I always said years ago that they should you accept we got sound AC can Beed we're good guys thank you for your patience so yes you're officially streaming now thank you I apologize all right are we good we'll resume our discussions sure I'll just uh follow up on the idea of uniform tree all 20 being replaced and in light of the fact that the red maple is a relatively larger tree and I think the distance between the curb and the and the and the sidewalk is probably not more than two feet it's a it's a it doesn't really deserve a large tree format there in again this is just from my Aesthetics from what I can see the you know so replacing it with um what the the list of approved trees this American horn beam apparently is a small smaller tree which doesn't have the same root structure again this is just my I'm Googling this stuff so I really don't know but again I'll just conclude by saying the preference would be all not only just for uniformity but to avoid the longer term implications of lifting up sidewalks I remember conversation last week or the last meeting here where now very mature trees are you're tackling the process of making a safe sidewalk yes and a maintain the life of the tree so that's kind of where the general thought from our side is from I'll thank you for consider I'll open up for further discussion anybody have any comments I I do are you acceptable with the whole with 10 trees being removed and not the the whole 22 I'm I I'm just representing the HOA and and working with the city I my preference I can tell you my preference would be 20 I now if it's not acceptable to you guys then that's what we'll take back to the membership and let them know my comment I have one is that I agree with you that there's not enough space especially as these trees grow big and tall and wide so I think there would be good even like a maybe a some kind of a little I don't know what the name is but like a like a pine like a small kind of little Pine almost resembling like a bush type thing that would complement the tree but not be so large I again I was looking at this list from the city and this American horn beam jumped off as a well the horn beam is maybe a good application it's more columnar in growth it doesn't have the spread in the canopy as as the red maple does my only thing is I'm not exactly sure how Hardy they are in the high table high water table area right they they may do fine I'm not familiar with that aspect of them but they definitely are more cumer so they won't be impeding on the structures as much George can I ask you also you seem to know a about this species of tree um high wind area also and I mean the entire area is a high wind area but they are even more so shouldn't I wouldn't suspect they would be an issue they're very tight growing their Branch structure is not wides spreading they don't normally have you know limb breakage and things like that if that's what you're referring to or uprooting well hopefully not but they do they do have a deeper root system they do yes okay I uh I don't don't think we should wave the fee for the removal of the trees I mean they're live trees yeah they are they're healthy right now they're healthy trees exactly okay so I had a well one other point I don't know whether it's feasible or not or even if it's financially worthwhile but could they be replaced somewhere like say in Kate May Avenue I don't think they could be dug out they're not I think I think when they remove them when they remove the trees that rather than cut them off and grind a stump down and then put the new tree and adjacent to it I think it'd be easier to try to dig out you know cut the roots but dig out the tree and pull it out of the ground I think they're small enough that that could be done uh so you could plant the new trees in the same or same hole what is is that possible Ron I would have to look at the at the trees I mean if it's 2ot wide and it's a 6 in uh base right more than likely the roots go underneath the sidewalk already so I don't know what I would have to look at it and dig down alongside the sidewalk to see if the roots are going underneath of or not but if you start pulling on them and the side Roots underneath there it'll pop the sidewalk pop the sidewalk but if they dug the if they dug down on each side of the tree to sever those outgoing roots and then lifted try to lift the Tree haul the tree out not if you got a 6 in tree and you got a twoot wide thing you're not going to get a bucket alongside right cever the roots I have a question just so you know I'm the Council of the aison I don't vote here so sometimes I like to play Devil's Advocate um what is the justification for not charging them the $75 per tree is there a reason for that we're trying to be I would say trying to be a little bit more cognizant of the cost to the homeowners association to charge $75 for 20 trees or charge $75 for no trees that's an alternative keep keep them the same not take any trees out say no uh or charge nothing if they agree to take out 10 trees and plant 10 hornbeam or whatever uh in their in this in their spots to be more economically fair to their homeowners association well I think there should be more discussion because there's one person that thinks they should pay and one person thinks that they shouldn't I think somebody else should chime in with an we have to take a vote well I'm not sure that we can arbitrarily just say we're not going to charge these people and then we're going to charge the next person and I think that opens up a problem area and again I I I I don't think I don't think it we have that right or that that's not really our decision to to do that another thing is this is not an individual home homeowner this is a homeowners association so a pool of money is there spread among for Association it's not like the indidual with excessive cost I guess my if I may chime in on the conversation uh I'm looking at a form that says tree removal request now I can see the idea of charging you want to make it prohibitive to remove a tree right in fact the price is going up I believe that yes on the 19th of this month it's going to be a $75 application fee which is non-refundable whether you're applying for one tree to be removed or 20 trees to be removed if we give 20 trees to be removed then it's $75 a tree after that so for at least one of those trees it'll be what 150 bucks and all the rest it be just 75 and and I I respect the concept you don't want to make it easy to remove trees but this is a replacement so I think that's the distinction in my mind for to answer your comment I appreciate that so can I ask one question also um because it was I was a little confused on this this is public RightWay correct yes which means only maner can remove and replant these trees correct the who removes the snow I mean God forbid we don't the heavy snowfalls that we get here in K may but who comes in and removes snow from and maintains the streets it's a uh when the HOA was approved and commissioned if you will three years ago the city took ownership of the street who did the city city okay this was answer our last meeting with Paul and um we understood the fact that this is actually considered public RightWay this is not because it's a homeowners association it's not actually all P private property that so these are cityes right these City trees which would mean that that maner is the only one that can remove and replace correct which would mean it would be a cost to the shade Tre commission what there there in lies where the $25 $75 would compensate for the cost of removing them gr and that's fine because that's a cost we would have assumed anyway if we had used a a private contractor so it's cost of replacement would include the removal and installation the tree so that was something the HOA was willing to consider for the 20 trees so therefore with that being said the $75 fee does not seem excessive at all the what okay so what we have on the table then we have on the table then what $75 a tree for 20 trees or you well 20 or we only $75 a tree for 10 trees is it 10 I I can only speak from from my perspective perspective and and certainly the HOA would want to weigh in on this in general but I suspect everyone would want to replace the trees completely all of them correct and if that means $75 a tree to compens yeah that's that's a fair trade in my opinion I I don't see a problem with the $75 a tree in fact it might be undercharged I don't know how much you charge a move a tree thousands more than that at whose cost is it the replanting the uh do we have a bank of trees that they're going to get pulled from or who who pays for the new tree the well technically technically consider they City trees the city would have to put the trees but but I think we're getting on I think we're getting on topic here he's saying he's going to replace all the trees at his cost correct all 23 his so the removal would be done by manir right but they would be able to hire their own private contractor to be able to I think you guys have to install it right the new I don't think so no would make sense for you to install it right I mean if you're going to be on site I don't install trees oh I see okay so that cost then would be on the homeowners association for not just only the cost of the tree but the planting of the tree would yes okay so so what was that so the way I'm understanding this maner would remove the trees but the replanting would be at the expense of the homeowners association meaning the purchase of the tree and the planting of the tree and with the understanding that that tree planted on city property becomes the city's responsibility after that for maintenance if needed and removal if necessary F further on down to line is that acceptable to everyone are we charging $75 a free or what we didn't vote on that yet but it seems like we've sort of disc now would be somebody make somebody make proposal that we can vote on I have a question before we make a motion I have a question before we do that we spoke of the hornbeam do we want more variety than just one tree yeah one type of tree one just one type of tree for all those trees no a variety I I think you should look at many different types of trees to go in I think you're also being a purpose because now he's saying he doesn't want to be he wants all the trees to be uniform in that whole complex the all what he wants all the trees to be uniformed in that whole complex that was the original design the landscape yeah yeah I understand that I I I disagree with that but you're the Home Owners Association but I I don't think it should all be the same I think you're going to run into I I lived in a city that had near a city that had Elm trees and these are 50 60 year old Elm trees and in the 50s and the 40s or 50s and 60s when the Dutch elm disease came they lost every tree every tree in the city and it looked look like a Barren Wasteland I mean I I get I get your concern there but there's no say well title War coming over bu take away all the trees then what you going to do then you can't predict the future I mean that's my opinion so you look okay yes I think speaking for for you I'd also have to believe part of the reason for that is you don't want bickering from neighbor to neighbor of who gets which tree and I prefer that tree an interesting you know yeah interesting way one of those things phrase it yeah right okay then again if you only approve the 10 trees you will maintain some variety right that's true he but that doesn't solve the problem I know I'm just well as I said any any tree you plant in that wide of a street lawn I mean it's it's not eight or 10 15 feet like they have in some parts of lower Township you could plant a giant Redwood in there and not affect the sidewalk uh if you live along enough to see the giant Redwood but but we don't have that luxury uh so any tree you plant in that limited area between the curb and the sidewalk I.E the street lawn is buying buying far in the fullness of time going to affect the sidewalker yeah so understood we not be around to see it but then you know the successive homeowners might might curse uh us but uh um okay what what's the suggestion is there a motion under table I'll make a motion to remove all 20 trees with the understanding of replanting at the cost of the homeowners association and applying the $75 per tree all 20 trees and we remove the trees well I don't think there's a choice in that there is no choice we we we remove the correct okay at the ocean on the floor is we allow removal we remove all 20 trees in the development with the understanding at $75 a tree yes with the understanding the homeowners association will buy and plant 20 trees in that spot in those spots yeah from your approved and and and I suggest something on you know vary to the thing you can even put a bald cypress in there you know uh uh uh large that bald Cyprus which is an ever not quite an evergreen it loses its needles in the fall but it you know it's a different type of green right or I I I could also suggest a Sweet Bay Magnolia they tend to do well where there's a high water table and even if you just did a horn beam a sweet babe and Alternate it like that um it would actually provide some interest and it it still would look more cohesive even though you're just using two different species it might be better right with those two I I I have no problem with these suggestions at all and you know I M we'll take it for a vote oh is there a second pardon is there second Jim makes the motion second second okay 75 bucks a tree got it we remove the trees yep you buy and replace the trees in a suitable combination of three to 20 trees that are there gotcha all right you're going to take this we'll vote on it and I think we'll probably approve it but you take it back to the Home Owners Association get back to us next month or the month thereafter on how this goes down perfect okay and if they don't like it then we we start over right I assume that he's going to get a copy like written now proposal of exactly what we want a copy of the proposal and so that way also from here on out that he understands or HOA understands that they are City trees that we are responsible well I can yeah go ahead I think I think I think we should have it on writing and actually for th that way it's a documentation that way we don't lose it 20 years down the road please so you want to if I could just a brief memo from the board here yes uh that just outlines the terms and also some of the recommendations of the species that that you guys think would be appropriate and then that'll be a comprehensive okay I'll write a memo and you you and I will talk after the meeting okay with the type of trees we approve yeah and and Alex will'll send you we do we have your address uh it is in the application here isn't it maybe hang not hang on H me look my email address is somewhere hanging around SP I got yeah in my email address is in the uh on the application form people will address it to you right that's fine okay you want us to email it to you pardon you want us to email it to you yeah just email me a a brief memo uh of what what think we have I don't think we have the email it's only uh form the application you have the shade tree removal application commissioner J here it is Jack g g don't don't say it out loud Jack TRG right no j j Jack TRG gmail.com J not that's that's fine fine don't say it out loud so you don't want to have give his address to the public we have we have that information that last IGN that last com all right well email it or or I would prefer sending you a letter that's fine whatever you prefer and if I can I borrow a pen and I'll give you my address thank you confidentially okay so Jay um we had the motion we have a second we got do we have a second we have a second we'll vote on this you can vote while he's writing you know yeah we can vote on it now why doing that he can't hear you we can vote on it right now while he's writing okay we can vote on this right now while he's writing is dress out all those in favor of the motion signify by saying I I and the oppose and the extensions thank you thank you thank you for your patience working with us all right thank you Jack needed all right um aror day this the the uh the uh school has come back with a proposal uh for aror day that some members of the commission come and read story books to three preschool classes I don't think that fulfills the idea of Arbor Day celebration I'm open for suggestions that any members might have uh about doing an Arbor Day celebration including contacting West Cape May Jack or uh uh the gentleman over in westcap May to find out what they're doing and see if we can't piggyback on their uh on their uh celebration they might be doing this is an order to fill our contractual requirements for Tree City USA for next year but reading stories to pre School classes is not my idea of a an Arbor Day celebration um great I don't know that much about preschool kids but they have the attention span of a net uh and I've done that before after school it's very difficult yes it is actually a good idea but what you supplement it with to make it a true Arbor Day celebration is you bring seedlings tree seedlings with you and then you pass them out to all the children and you tell them to go home and plant the seedlings in their yards so that's that's how you you know get the message out read a good book to and then you pass out tree seedlings and you have them go plant something in their backyard and to encourage it for Arbor dat so that that would be my recommendation um to to get a hold of some seedlings um you might be too late to get them from the but that would be the what is past experience what has uh I don't what have they done in years past we've planted a tree we've planted a tree we had the whole Auditorium filled with the whole school CL all all K through six classes uh and we made a presentation uh a Tre City USA presentation from the podium uh We've uh had another uh thing out back where we actually planted a tree in the back of the school so we've done things like that that's a little bit more commemorative of our day celebation than reading reading books and passing out seedlings I don't know whether we're going to be able to come up with seedlings between now in April 26 22nd through has com yeah in the past we've given a book to the library from us for the school and I thought that was pretty good idea you have to come up with an acceptable book can I comment also in the past we've had Auditorium with all of the elementary school attending and they did programs up on the stage where they sang songs and uh participated in little you know kind of reading poems all kinds of things just honoring and recycling programs yeah had recycling program that's right exactly so they did quite a quite a bit of things so they proposed to uh April 22nd through Monday 22nd through Friday April 26 a grow green spirit week uh they don't they're not interesting in planting a tree but suggested that members of the shade tree commission come to school on Friday the 26 and read read a story to the four four pre preschool classes so we need four people that would like to come and read a read a story book I'll be willing to go on the 26th uh on Friday and read a story well I'd be more than happy to do that I've certainly done that enough but I'd rather go to uh my opinion is I would rather go to a little bit older of students go to what a little older maybe third grade fourth grade second maybe we could spread it out preschool grade somebody do a third grade somebody do fifth grade and that way you cover the entire building well I mean a you know section of I think it might be good to use the different I think all of all good suggestions I think the physical aspect of actually planting a tree is a beautiful thing to do also well we don't have to we don't have to do it we don't have to do it in conjunction with the school uh we can go and have our own planting at Harbor View Park uh at Kanas park at you know wherever else we want to plant a tree with an open invitation pardon with an open invitation that's yeah people are invited to attend a planting of a certain type of a tree uh uh in Cap May Avenue you know near the near the zeroscape garden something like that put a tree in there um Jay I have a question are they saying they don't want a tree planted is the school is the school saying they're they would not want to have a tree planted they don't want one they don't want another take care that's don't forget there's been change personally in the past of plant planted probably 10 to 12 Trees and they last about a month and a half and the kids rip them down swing around them and and I know the last one we planted there didn't make it but well the last two or three trees been planted in the back up against the up against the woods and those seem to be doing relatively well because the kids they go back there and the the nature trail is eventually going to put in back of the school goes right near that where that area is so so what do you uh I'll check with I'll I'll check with West Cap May and find out what what they're up to and if we can piggy back with them fine uh and I'll have uh our secretary get in touch with everybody say this is what we're going to do uh unless you want to come up with something better today I like your suggestion I think that's a good thing that would that would involve not only the school but citizens also which uh I'm sure they would agree that with in Kate May to be able to you know be informed and enjoy so that's my thoughts too I think that's a better idea I've noticed in the past when we've had the tree planting at the elementary school yes most most of the time it turns into a I don't know what word I want to use it's like nobody's paying attention they're all running around they're having a good time it really not it's not really a program it's an adventure and there's nothing wrong with that except for the fact that we're celebrating aror day ARB day [Laughter] right all right does anybody have any other suggestions I just have a question not so much not a question not so much of a suggestion so what would it take to coordinate the planting of a tree be it at Cap May Avenue or wherever the what is to to pick a location to pick a tree to pick a date George coming up with a tree George gets the I get the tree we'll get Ron we'll get get Ron to uh bring his shovel and we'll plant a tree uh you know wherever we want wherever you want it well let's so we'd have to coordinate this that's what I'm think so yeah who would coordinate this are you so maybe I have a question for this Jim are you talking about coordinating with the school so there would be no I'm just talking coordinating among ourselves and somehow getting word out to the public that have to do that it would have to be like to attend yeah I have a question could we try is it is there a possibility we can get that hybrid uh chestnut tree again and go for round two see if you can get these things I have to check I have to check with Bud to find out whether uh whether we still in contact with the chestnut tree the ones we planted the great Fan Fair on Cap May Avenue which lasted a year to two year and a half to two years and they they died in their place we planted two magnolia trees in there as commemorative trees and they're doing quite well those trees Magnolia do terrific and Kate may they really do they Thrive but those are commemorative trees that we I like the idea of that chestnut tree though I mean but maybe a different location for the chestnut tree that just may not have been the best spot so maybe we should still look and see if those are available the chestnut tree hybrid I mean if you want I don't know who the contact person is to find that out yeah because Mark P yeah it was Mark it was Mark P it was Mark who had was Mark P that that contact Chestnut organiz but do you know where he obtained those I don't from where the the chestnut Foundation chestnut tree Foundation is still in existence and doing well I understand I mean I could look into that see we could gain that but I don't think we can get a I don't think we can get a a bunch of chestnut trees to plant between now and April 22nd well I can give them a call I mean if I can find the the information I'll be happy to let me check let me check with let me check with West Gate may find out what they're doing maybe we can piggy back on something like that uh and this will be on the day April 26th I'm just looking it up now this it'll be on Arbor Day whatever we choose to do uh well be probably on I don't know what their what their schedule is beyond because they've got to do something too their Tre City USA so they're required to do something for Arbor Day uh I know so maybe we can help them with that with their efforts and and and piggy back on it or or maybe they'll have a suggestion we can do with K May and they can help us so let me check with them and find out what's going on and I'll inform Connie yeah yeah keep keep the commission a breast of what's going on so that way we're not making decision at the next meeting yes all right well we will be making a decision but at least we will have some kind of understanding Jay I have one more thing um would it be possible to plant this Tree near the school so some kids that were picked by their teachers or something could follow us over there and watch it or something that I I think there's some spots I think there's some spots outside the fence along Lafayette Street that need a tree and that would be sort of a combination of and school the area along Lafayette Street in front of the school running almost all the length of the the park you know the vacant La ners there um those trees were put in by the homeowners across the street several years ago so uh I mean that way the tree but that that's on City it's on City properties between the fence and the sidewalk because there's no street lawn there you know the sidewalk is right up against the curb but that's City trees we we maintain uh but we there's I think there's a few spots in there we could we could put it tree if we wanted to that way the kids wouldn't be wouldn't be on their no wouldn't be on their area they wouldn't be on there would to do whatever they've done to the just uh keep in mind on Lafayette Street park there that is access road for fire emergency helicopter landing site so no we we no I'm I don't know where you're saying that but some spots are opened up so that way the apparatuses can get in that park there so don't you know make sure you guys take that in consideration please this would be on the street on the street side yes on the street side of the fence it wouldn't be back in where emergency land what I'm saying though on the street side itself some spots are wide open so the apparatuses can get in there safely oh okay so that's why that's why there's a big gap there the trees that they have there are not very tall you're right I'm saying that's the roads going in quick thought too that we have the Society Historical Society the old right behind city hall right and we planted you remember many years ago in 2012 we planted a space tree right there I think and that was two and A2 ft tall when we got it it's over 12 it's over 12 feet now uh and it's doing doing very very well but as George suggested a magolia tree I think would be really historically beautiful now next to the old uh M Canon whatever his name is m Canon next to your old what the house the name of the house it's a Colonial House Colonial House yes you seen that so that's just a suggestion yeah that's another place we could plant another tree back toward the right over parking lot you know back back further uh we could plant a tree in there right yeah I'm sure the Colonial House would would would approve of a a tree com going into that area well that's a city property isn't that that is city property I know that we should all right yeah Frank you had a question on a tree on West Perry Street anym I mean I I are we still on the old business here or we jumping around I mean did we talk about the sidewalk and we talk about Franklin Street free removals are we in the new business now are we on Old business still I think we're into new business okay I just want to make sure I'm following the map you're correct um yes West Perry and it's not Congress it's it's a half of it's not Congress Street the address it's West West Perry Street 470 West right near right across from the Key West taco place right correct yeah that tree that tree has been that way since I've been in town and that's been 30 something out we also pruned the tree the other day we reduced it by almost 50% I was going to yeah and I'm glad thank you Ron that you got out there that quickly to do that I was kind of surprised that it was like the next day yeah but the the only thing I could say was with sycamores like Jay just mentioned we don't tend to have as much of a falling over uh um even if they're hollowed we have that one tree on Ocean Street for the the past 20 plus years I mean you could walk your pet dog right through it at the base but we keep the crown reduced you know to to mitigate any potential risk so I think that's another thing we have to do is keep keep at the crown reductions so do you think that tree on what because that's in your District right it's already been taken care of the what it's already been taken care of the one on West Perry Ron already went out and reduced the crown he just said taken pieces off of that tree for a couple of years and the tree is still thriving I don't think it's in any worse shape now than it was 10 years ago you know because I've got a couple of trees on New York Avenue they got the same you could practically push your way through the the sycamore tree we've reduced about 50% of the Wile so so let's put it let's just put a watch on that tree you know as you go by uh take a look at it make sure it's not deteriorating any further yeah all right 624 Broad Street there was a application in for removal of a tree uh and approved to remove one dead tree at with no uh fee required because it was a dead tree at 623 or 624 Broad Street driving by the other day both trees were removed this was an 18inch tree uh and uh um Carol confirmed Carol sick confirmed it took a measurement of the tree and took some pictures today uh I propos writing a letter to the owner asking them to come to the meeting and provide the rationale to the shry commissioner why that healthy tree uh 18inch tree was or actually probably a 16inch tree at 4 and A2 ft up was removed uh and failing that within a reasonable amount of time two or three weeks we asked the uh code enforcement official they issue a summons to appear in Municipal Court uh and estimate the cost of the tree based on $27 a basil inch it's a 16in truck diameter half of that is radius so that's 8 8 in squared * 3.14 times $27 an inch basil inch and that would be the fee for the tree and is that a private res and in court there would be 100 probably most likely a [Music] $100 code violation and a 33 $3 Court fee and I put that in a letter to the owner within 3 weeks said was and as of the 19th of this month the new ordinance is coming in effect okay next down from 6 Ines do we have authority over down to three Ines when they come in for an application for a tree removal is a $75 fee for the tree removal just the application and if the tree is allowed to be removed if it's a dead tree and allowed to be removed there would be no fee involved okay if it's a dead tree but it would be another 75 the tree is involved if like this application came in it' be a 75 now it would be $7 fee plus $75 for each tree to be if it's allowed to be removed so 10 trees you really or 20 trees it would be 20 times 75 bucks in addition to the $75 application that's the diff and also the changes to the ordinance or changes to the uh uh applications now we don't give up trees that are in the footprint of the house new house the driveway or the out buildings we just that was just the loss of the trees now they required to replant like for like every tree that's been to be taken down with this 6 feet uh of the new construction or something new construction uh they have to replant that number of trees on the lot somewhere if the lot is too small to do that they provide the shade tree commission with money to purchase the tree to plant someplace else that's the differences in the ordinance from from 6 in down to 3 in now we will have authority over as of the 19th Jay did we ever specify how much money they would have to pay if they can't replant trees what what do they give to the tree bank they give they they would provide uh a a fee of it's inch and a half to 2 in tree okay you know to the whatever that costs okay if they can only plant three of the six trees that were taken out then they have to give they have to give the ship tree money uh to plant to purchase and plant other trees this would push this would get our our tree planting thing a little bit of a boost right uh for the for the uh particularly the areas in East Cape May that they approved several years ago the floor area ratio changes to allow them to put more house on a smaller lot which adversely affects the mature growth that's in this area uh and uh this is what's happening we're losing a lot of a lot of mature trees because the houses are getting bigger in that area right as these Ranch houses or Branch houses or on story Cottages are built up and a three and a half story Mansion is put in its place so I have a question regarding the Jay a question regarding the application $75 fee yes now you broke it down to regardless of the number of trees on one property the application goes in it would just $75 fee but how does the language read in the now voted on and approved ordinance I'm pretty sure it still reads that we were going to charge $75 per tree that's if the tree is allowed to be taken down the $75 application fee is not refundable Jay that's not what I'm saying the 75 just forget about the removal fee the $75 application fee right the way I'm pretty sure it passed through council is it reads if you have two trees three four whatever the multiple of trees is it's $75 application fee per tree no I read it that way no I don't think so refundable I think no it's non-refundable I'm saying but it's per tree you're making it per property no it's per application application so so they so the the homeowner wants to apply for five trees to be taken down on his property $175 and and that's not refundable we say no you can't no you can't take any down no you can't take any down he doesn't get any money back but if we say you can take three of those trees down three times 75 then after that they take those strictly I'm just strictly unless sing application Fe unless the unless of course the tree is d d dead dead dead okay all right okay oh uh the U three assessment or the sidewalk assessment uh please continue your efforts to walk around and look at sidewalks uh please in your districts and come up with a list let's try to do it by the next well I have a situation right on my question too go ahead on my street actually on the opposite side of the street it's a beautiful elm tree um it's in front of a condo association it's at 208 Windsor Avenue the sidewalk is a slate sidewalk that's been broken apart what do we do do we formulate a letter and send it to that Condo Association I don't know who the contact person is but how do we proceed once we once we see an issue like this I mean the the tree there are a couple of people that work with slate this this slate is almost gone there there's just a few small broken SL yeah they'll they'll break take one large piece of State break it up a little bit and bring it bring it together and Le again no I understand and they're going to have to ramp without too much of a but yeah I understand that but my question is how do we proceed to inform the I don't say we I don't think the Shad responsibilities to do that when we come in with recommendations on sidewalks we'll write up the whole list and I suggest we're going to give it to the city manager and he can do what he wants with it I mean the last time we did this it was the Public Works supervisor that came in and wrote letters all over town and we had like a 45 or 50 uh sidewalk 5050 applications that that year uh I I suggest we don't kick that can of worms over too far uh uh when there's some really bad sidewalks as you found in your walks when people put uh cones in front to to alert people of the sidewalk is bad that's a serious situation uh for health and safety so so Jay I just have an observation I started in my area looking at sidewalks and trees and I noticed how the street lawn varies from maybe a foot and a half to maybe 4T yes all right and I started thinking is it really the job of the shade tree tree commission to be checking out sidewalks I mean isn't that something that um the city code enforcement should be looking at that don't we look at trees and well the only in so far is the tree adversely affects the sidewalk you know there are sidewalks that are crumbling in K May and nothing to do with trees yeah I just think for opening a can of worms that's what I just said yeah we were asked to do it though last meeting everybody said yeah that's what we'll do so you know let's I think want make sure so try to try to look at your lafette street is try to look at your districts and come up with a list uh next I just have one more comment um concerning our new ordinances and the tpz the tree protection Zone that we are requesting yes for anybody building my brother's building a house in West Kate and I just brought a picture of how those trees are protected according to their ordinance I mean it looks like yeah that's a solid Berry our ordinance says post and rail so you can see that there's nothing thrown over the top I impressed I thought they were there this is the back this is a Fort Apache approach in West K May where you have solid sheets of plywood uh you know you and you can't see behind them you yeah yeah I was just impressed we we asked to be a post and rail type of thing or 2x4s in rails you know around the tree at a suitable distance the the the uh the distance is usually one foot one foot per inch diameter of the tree 10 a 10 in diameter tree it should be out 10 ft around the tree that'll cover it nearly nearly to the drip edge just a comment all right that's all I have does anybody else have anything I have a couple items pardon I have a couple items what's that saying all right uh thanks guys uh I was talking with the city manager I don't know if he wants to participate in this conversation at this time but uh it was suggested by fur one of our last uh our members uh he made a recommendation of removing these trees that are between the Acme the back of the Acme and the Frank Street School some of them were just weeds and uh we were thinking about you know getting your approval to remove these trees and possibly replace it and spread it out to make it look a little bit nicer yeah it's I look oh it's been done it's G Shane I already car Carol already addressed that three of the two or three of the trees two or three of the trees have been removed one the one tree with the ivy has not right the one closest I already talked to Paul about so now that we all know what's going on including myself that's what was done and uh do we plan on putting new trees in there yeah we're going to wait until the library project is I mean I think they're done done but I'd rather wait for them a couple more little about another couple more weeks and then we'll work out plant some more trees along there get that Ivy out of that other tree clean that tree up so it could be healthy and not get strangled by becoming an Ivy Tree um and uh dress that that whole grass strip up back there yes is uh Ron the best new plantings would be late summer actually spring would be better but depend on when they have the school if you're doing construction you don't want to PE planting in so time frame you're not going to be able to get them in in this spring so that would mean I we might be able to PL them in the next couple weeks it's it's good I mean I think I believe the Spring's better because in the spring yet so we're still winter well well that's so that's really what I'm getting you believe that the time frame yeah I think in the next 30 days that we'll be able to okay ask Public Works to and if not then it would have to get pushed off until the fall planting season I guess right right well you don't want to do it in July and August but I mean you have April May first half of June so it's okay there's considerable amount of time did you want to talk about the Franklin Street School yes uh the architect at the Franklin Street School contacted us and wanted us to retrim the tree in the front there uh uh Ron has been there twice already triming it right yes so um I gave Ron the phone number to the uh architect and uh and he would like to have one of the shade tree Commissioners there with him to understand what exactly he's looking for uh would you want to and to make and to make sure it's not detrimental to the tree he wants to have done uh he sent a photo and the photo was taken last summer and we've already trimmed a tree twice between last summer and now so it's two things have been done to it yeah I'm not sure what he's looking for yeah me now wasn't there what about the they wanted to do a cutout for a sitting area uh yeah I'm I'm actually dead against that whole sitting area just because of my it's a that's still in the design phase so I don't think we need to well I still want to elaborate on it because um as we all know it could damage the roots but uh I think and as a as a bigger picture this uh brick cut uh sitting area does not fit histor Kate may I think uh two beautiful benches will serve the purpose and fit this town more appropriately um and then uh what about the trees behind the uh the uh the old uh what do you call Sac what do you call it the parish house for the uh the school the church the city owns are going to take some trees out behind there too I think that's already been done if it was if it was to be done I think already happened behind the church the church that the city owns that Eastland theater comes I don't think there's any Parish house next to it which is now houses the radio station I don't think there's any trees behind it I don't think there's any trees back there right now yeah there's well not behind there that I know there's Street trees Street trees yeah I don't know about behind I don't recall any I don't think there's any Street trees on that side of the street there are two Street trees that are going to be removed for the driveway of the new parking lot where the CCA building is currently but about the new parking house behind that's that's where the uh where the parish house is right there's going there's two Street trees in front of the parish house that are going to be removed for the apron of the new parking lot that's going in location okay that sounds good yeah yeah and then the last thing five trees on and one the last thing I want to bring up which is uh something that is kind of unique that was brought to my attention um this commission is one of the only boards and commissions that doesn't have a vice chair so I'd like to I'd like to you know entertain an idea to have a vice chair uh for this commission if ever we need to cover Jay's position or even help Jay run the meetings I'm sorry it doesn't have a what a vice chairperson oh so I'd like to put that on the agenda for next meeting if that's okay with anybody they put it on the agenda we'll put it on agenda for next meeting yeah I'll entertain motions for people to for nominations and whatnot yeah yeah you're getting ready to get rid of me is that what you're talking no I just uh sometimes it's nice to have your uh your neighbors uh you know tap your shoulder every once in a while if I can't make a meeting I would ask somebody like Carol or George or somebody who's been here some of the longest to run the meeting uh you know that's but if you Vice chair would be would be good yeah if you if nobody has a problem with that besides that I have nothing else okay we'll put that on the agenda for the next meeting all right I will uh I think that's about all the damage we can do today uh I'll entertain a motion to adjourn you have another public portion pardon oh I like to open up the meeting to the public I normally don't do that because usually by the time this part of the meeting the public has come and gone uh all right I'll entertain a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion I can make that motion one second second M Carol thank you very much for coming I got some letters to write I've been I mean you know you well I'm actually Jay wasn't on sh then left for a while and I joined and then he came back years later so he's probably about more years George yes yes sir oh my goodness n before you go before you go I want you look I'm going to write the letter I'm going to write the letter for uh the homeowners association so I just want to make sure I got everything