e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e yes sir microphone's on microphone's on in accordance with the open public meeting Act of 1975 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided and advertised please stand for the pledge of allegiance to of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible all all right well first of all as you can see Jay's not here he had uh something to take care of in Delaware so he's excused from this meeting Carol would you call Ro please sure uh Jay's excuse Shane here uh I'm here Carol sick here Barb here George W here oh it says you exended oh the meetings oh I'm sorry it's okay uh George a is here Jim yes here Ron yep Frank Frank Frank Frank okay okay all right let's take a minute to review the minutes from last meeting yep we do [Music] motion we're going to have to follow up on the 624 Broad Street I'm not familiar with if Jay has found anything does any do you know anything I don't know if he found out but that was my area we approved one tree do you know what kind of trees they were pardon me what kind of tree was it it was cut I don't know okay but the there were two and the larger one was cut down and we decided that was healthy okay so Jay wrote a letter and said he wanted a good reason why they cut it down MH and if he didn't get that by April 2nd he's going to take further action but I don't he wrote the letter I don't know what okay okay I'll have to follow up with him or at least at the next meeting we'll have to find out what what transpired with that anyone have any changes or Corrections would someone like to make a motion to approve the minutes I'll make a motion second Jim seconded Jim second all in favor I I all right now one abion one yes all right do we have any guests in the audience today not familiar with who you are city manager okay introduce okay well nice to meet you Paul will be in moment I I see him out there he's waiting in the wings okay as far as well you're the intern right yeah we met her at the last meeting yes sorry we met you twice last meeting I think yes I know that's right and I still forgot your name Michelle okay welcome that was funny all right old business Arbor Day I arranged to have a tree planted at the Nature Center we decided on that last meeting that a tree should be planted there so um a Sweet Bay Magnolia is going to be planted there um it actually should be delivered deled on Thursday of this week um from Cape Shore Gardens and uh it should do well in that area because it's right across from the bay and it's a native species so it it uh should have a good chance of being successful there I'm not sure um if anything else is going on with the school I haven't heard anything else back about the readings I don't know did you do something with that before Carol yeah we did um we did a couple things one year we went in and Jay spoke to the auditorium and talked all about the Shay Tre and the importance of trees and how you take care of them the next year we went in and we had a big assembly um we presented a book okay that I got from Gretchen at the her idea okay at the Nature Center and again Jay talked and the whole school was out on the lawn in the back okay um I don't remember ever reading okay um I don't remember that okay uh but you did mention a book at the last meeting this uh I think I did yeah are you going to go forward with that have you been in nobody we really didn't decide I know no kind of people just pushed it over so well we have the tree should we do a book too what do we think about that present it to the school library again MH yeah it's a good idea and I don't know about reading I said I'd be willing to go in and read to an older group of students but I don't know any contact person as as of yet as of now there's no books chosen we still have to choose the book right I went to Gretchen excuse me I went to Gretchen at the Nature Center and asked her and she suggested one I think the year before that I I picked one okay but we did it a couple years M and this is appropriate for what grade level well K to six I I you know could be K to four and whatever as long as it cut a few great you know cut a few grades yeah well I think we should go through with that again I mean I would I would say that's a good idea M you know if you want to would you want to take that upon yourself to speak with Gretchen or whatever find sure okay thank you okay um and we have a a date and time for these readings I don't have any dates or times for readings not yet no okay and I don't know who if anybody else is willing to go in and read I said I would I would go Char you would too okay I would do it more on a class the only problem would be a conflict if there is one I mean I would but I just need no date and time that's all well I'll have to get in touch with the with the school I guess the principal and see what's a what's a good time and I don't know if we need we were over we did things with the school before I was there for a planting I remember the one time and we didn't need clearances or anything so I don't think that's going to be an issue I I can give you excuse me I can give you the contact to the school administrator after the meeting okay good all right thank you thanks I thought you knew the guy all right the 60-day sidewalk tree assessment um did anyone come up with any issues in their District I guess that's what we're I have a list talking about this okay I got a list of nine trees that look terrible from your district from my area okay so I don't know what we're supposed to do with them though I know I guess we're just I think it would be best if they're all Street trees in my opinion I think the entire body of us should look at these trees I don't think it should be fall on to one person I stated my opposition to it right from the beginning saying that um I think we should be more reactive than proactive I think the proactive end should be more from Paid city employees um you know you're going out and you're assessing somebody's sidewalk um well that's that's the problem too which really isn't I don't feel with in our description of our duties here right um I don't want to be looked at as a rat so to say of neighbors and if they put in for the request then we're reactive to it we go there we assess it and we see whether or not it's tree roots that are raising the sidewalk slabs and we make a decision from there but for us to be proactive I feel that that's uh paid city employees should be doing that okay should we give our list I agree with Jim should we give our list then to a paid city employees what what does the list consist of are we talking about sidewalks or trees I talk about sidewalks uprooted by I would give the list to the city manager and that's what I thought the discussion was really initially was not as much a tree assessment but assessment of the side side correct we being lifted up by so for us to stay Anonymous saying if we do see something just hand it off to the city manager and then we're out of it from I I would recommend it for that for the sidewalks yeah yeah but you know just thought that's what we initially that was the context of what we were doing we W looking at trees or just I just don't want to on record that I'm the one to brought it forth to say that well such and such address has a tripping issue on their sidewalk and therefore I believe that it should be addressed I think it I think I don't think that's in my to do that potentially you want to put me on a payroll that's a different story I'm not on a payroll to do that but you know then like you were saying that it also coincides with the tree itself you know it's a sidewalk in in such bad repair and you know is Will fixing that sidewalk cause damage to the tree and what condition is the tree already you know so I think it it does all go together but if you know if we force someone to to fix a sidewalk we might be hurting ourselves with the tree you know well we we have the we have the program in place to work on sidewalks collaboratively right you know with with the residents I I if I remember Carl kind of this was your idea and I thought your idea was you wanted to ensure that that people you know didn't get hurt and I think that's you know that's a good goal how we get there is another Point yeah I didn't really want us to get into a legal thing yeah I just that's my point I I think this you know again to be proactive in something like this this should really be somebody who is in a more official capacity I know technically we're considered official capacity but we're not on a city payroll we're not um no we can't I I believe we have paid employees who can do this that's my opinion on it we should probably let somebody be aware that it's a tripping Hazard or whatever and the city can take care of right negotiating the repair I we can't do that yeah if you can if you like I did like Shane's suggestion of um anonymously bringing it to the city manager and then from there let his Department his office handle it with then we're out of it and our name is not mentioned MH that that works fine just as long as they look I have no problem with that doesn't get buried somewhere that that's fine so I mean I would say from a city perspective it's probably that's preferred you know you guys are volunteers let the paid employees take a look at whatever the issue is and if there's a solution you know we'll certainly take a look at it you know so Paul's also the city engineer so it kind of makes makes it a little easier on on both ends so a somewhat related issue which came into a meeting months ago um I had suggested as the street sweeper goes by because it happens to be an issue in front of my house my neighbor's house um overhanging limbs where they cannot get close enough to the curb but it all it doesn't only obstruct a street sweeper that's emergency vehicles that's delivery trucks you know so my suggestion was there is no reason why I believe that that employee who's operating that machine has the perfect opportunity to just chart down well there's an overhang hanging limb here that does not allow me to pass next to the curve line I have to and we do have a listt going on right now but the problem is a lot of these trees when we start hack cutting down some of these branches then it's really going to look not clean for City keep M some of these branches that as your as a residents here as you're saying some of these trees are so big that once I take down that Branch it's taking half a tree down right I understand that I mean that's why a lot of times sweeper does go out and around because once again I can't get that sweeper but where practical than those are the ones you remove not practical you don't but that's what we're trying to do right now I mean we are taking steps to that position right now slow going I didn't know if there was any action taken on that okay so there's an existing list already going we have we just started recently within the last six seven months of that list G one yeah so perf I mean so if anyone on the commission you know does see something or what not I I think they can bring it to you know Public Works attention and they would address it accordingly to make sure that it's um you know not an isore either making sure that everything works together that's that's what we're trying to play with right now it's like all right if we take this one down here it's we're doing more damage and we need to sure so it's yeah a lot of times it's not even a limb it's just the way the tree trunk grew reaching for sunlight um and it actually just has curvature towards the street obviously there's no other choice than to remove a tree in that case do we want to start removing trees no right so but again you can assess this on an individual basis sometimes it's practical where it's just one limb needs to be removed it's not a problem the ones where you can't you can't it you know yeah but it can be assessed and at least I'm hearing now that there is some type of a program going with this St we just like I said we just recently started that within six months ago that was probably after I had made the suggestion going back that's probably what happened that seems about the timeline all right it's slowly going we're just trying to get out there now to cut back and best we can with the Manpower we have got it okay fair enough so then this would be a three-step process the commissioner would identify X number potential um sidewalk issues in their District give it to City manager's office City manager's office then would assess and hand it off to public works when and if necessary correct yep I think that's fair if that works for the commission no it works okay George that sounds good to me long as it works works okay that's that's taken care of thank you all right new business does anybody have anything that they'd like to bring up I do cuz I do too but go ahead um you're you're presiding over the meeting do does the commission want to uh make a nomination for for vice chair of the commission or do we not need it per se why don't we wait till Jay gets okay that's fine back into town I appreciate you filling in I don't think 30 days will kill us and uh the other thing is uh something that you know something I think you know we don't want to be rats like you were saying but something that I feel very strongly like that I'm okay with being a rat is the trees that are trimmed by Street trees that are trimmed by Property Owners improperly you know I have a a tree in my street where the limbs only go about 6 in up and the rest is just completely chopped off it looks like it's dead and you know I can't I can't imagine somebody else from some other part of town would been one to trim that tree the likelihood that the person who Trimm that tree is the person whose house is right behind it and uh that's something that I I feel very strongly about going after these people MH you know getting them to pay for replacing that tree Shane we actually were talking about that this yeah before before the meeting and I think we all came to the conclusion that the only people that are or the only only entity that's allowed to touch a street tree is Ron organization yeah and public works and and Public Works yes you could take my job away well we don't have the solic here um regarding your point if the person is not caught in the act can we still hold them liable oh I see well I I iight I I I meant to give him a call today I just had a busy day so I'm a little behind on all this but [Music] uh I would say I would I would say my opinion is let them prove that it wasn't them question better addressed to the solicitor and next time we can yeah I can do that that to him okay there's some functions in government that you you don't go into to win a popularity contest right of course and and I don't look at gym as much as being a rat but doing what you volunteered to do which was if somebody's doing something wrong and they're doing it consciously right but that's a little different than the sidewalk issue sidewalk issue is a proactive stance that we'd be taking that's that's a lot different we could we're this is going to be reactive but this is also reactive yes and that that's what we're here for so I'm going to start my list you know as as a as a non city council person as a non Lea onto you folks just as a citizen it makes me angry you know yeah I'd like to take a look at that tree that you mentioned actually I I'll show you I'll show you after the media got a photo of it um this is the same thing where we were discussing before we had an incident uh that took place over the weekend one of the large sycamore trees on Washington Street was cut down yes and what was that a Char 1207 Washington that is correct truck I cut it down did you see you cut it down we had emergency action we had emergency truck hit a tree took it down we had open up the roadway it's the US Foods truck that was back on March 25th oh okay and all right oh so this was official cutdown yes oh okay so when I heard about it I was stopping up and it somebody said oh there's a branch down in the street so I drive around the corner and I see Frank and his crew with the lights and the road all closed off well the tree was on top of the tractor trailer wow I had Frank send an email to we copied Shane and Jay the day you know at the time of the incident so both Jay and Shane were notified same day because I knew that I knew that that would be a Hot Topic it that's where I'm confused because I spoke to Jay about it when I saw it and uh I I made sure I made sure that okay you know I I apologize I probably should have sent it also to the district person that whose District it was so I that's that would apologize spoke to Ron about you know we did approve uh you know for it to be pruned and trimmed going back he did do that that was addressed so we just assumed because of the timing of it that oh oh I no yeah this is and they just went and cut the tree down and and and so with the further follow up I had the police do a little more questioning because the police officer didn't quite question to find out well cuz when you saw where the truck was and if we could I'll I'll I'll make sure that Connie distributes the pictures to the full board just so you can see it the the truck was literally in the shoulder and so my first question was well why was the truck driving in the shoulder lane um but what happened was at that time the ambulance was coming down the street so you can imagine big truck big ambulance so he slid over a little to give the ambulance passing what he should have done was pulled over and stopped I think what he did was slid over and kept going not realizing he was probably watching the the ambulance more than the tree and but he took accidents happened accident happen so it so it wasn't it wasn't a malicious y bad driver or malicious event where they took the tree down I think it was just really understand while it was an accident um the tree that would be just um west of that there's one large limb that was trimmed off that tree would that have been done at the same time or you took that down yes we took that down when we pruned that tree it was it was a large dead Branch so while I was there we just went ahead and so the tractor trailer actually knocked that tree down or apart he um I'll show you video pictures out okay if you like I was trying to and just so you all know that's the way that Sycamore Grows Where you know people will argue that it's secretary Hollow okay that's that's pretty typical of how they grow yeah it had that huge split in the trunk that's correct they said it was literally blocking roadway on top of the truck and that right where that truck was it was a b intersection because yeah now will you guys follow up with stump removal that is still being in the process right now U reason why we just left a little high than normal was one I was trying to get the road open up cuz we already had the road shut down for 3 hours we're just trying to get out of the way and we are waiting for the contractor to come out this some grind okay at least we have an answer right there we go good it was a bit of a mystery up until now yeah I I should I should have filled you guys in I'm sorry that's also my fault he called me he called me right after I happened so I was uh baffled I was like what sure but um I'll make sure Connie passes that okay pictures around okay yes would have been you're right but we also just had a discussion too about the pruning of trees which you mentioned and I just asked Ron had he if he pruned any of the trees that are in front of the Virginia hotel now I know that there's not a lot of space there because of the street and all but those trees are really there's still public Street trees and I'm not sure that they should be pruned by anybody else other than something wased absolutely not public works or Miners and right now I mean they have them decorated for Christmas it looks beautiful but those lights are so entwined onto those branches which is not healthy for the tree during the growing season so that should be and I don't know how we get in contact with any oh boy well we should we should we should we should notify public work I mean uh notify code enforcement and have them contact them and have it have themove or whoever can remove removing it yeah but they really pruned them extensively like very much so this time on his way to AC me really yeah yeah shouldn't have been well we should you know once we see that we should write a letter to them saying you know this is your you know because who knows if the if the manager of of the hotel even knows yeah what the rules are yeah yeah we should I mean I want this do we agree on that they both saw should we um compose a letter to the owner of the Virginia Hotel saying these are public Street trees they should be pruned by yes those that are okay so we'll have Connie write a letter to that effect okay um the only problem with that is is you're getting way after the fact I know the only thing I can go by is West Gate May that's had the same ordinance you have now has had it for a long time if anybody notices anything they contact code enforcement and code enforcement goes after they go right to the code enforcement goes in Westgate May goes right to the homeowner who cut your tree okay you know either you did it or you know right you're the homeowner you know you know who did it mhm and they ruthlessly take them right to court I mean it's yeah not a you should have known you do that in three4 of the trees and can't make it be cut but you should have known right yeah no I agree the word gets around real quick once somebody once somebody has to pay a fine yeah I know yeah little Tate me Shane can I ask you what was our earlier discussion um when we were going over the ordinance changes and while we were talking also about having a code enforcement um code enforcement supposed to be here as part of the the ordinance um um based on our discussion last meeting where the the ordinance was not well written it was kind of confusing I had a city uh solicitor Shore up the language a little bit so we had to reintroduce the uh the amendments to the ordinance so it's not officially in in in it's not officially law yet um uh I'm sorry I got lost I lost my track uh what were you saying again code enforcement oh code enforcement so yeah yeah eventually we're going to have to have code enforcement come here you know once that ordinances becomes uh you mean come to the meetings well that's what it says in Ord Shane can you just give the highlights of what what you suggest to get tightened up because I think it's a good idea there areas there that well it was a language about uh the $75 application fee and then $75 for every tree removed after that right and uh and Jim brought it up because we were we had the applicant who wanted to remove all those trees and we were going to say no you're going to pay for every tree being removed so spicers Creek yeah so yeah I talked to the list and he agreed that uh it was kind of confusing the way it was written so he short it up for us I'm good so I'll I'll make sure I'll talk to the city manager and have code enforcement here at the next meeting okay that's good good because you know I think it's important for us not just from our solicitor but to understand what the repercussions of you know what the process and what the repercussions are when someone violates these things and um and I'm sure there's a lot of other violations that kind of parallel to what we're trying to do here too that they can also explain right help us understand as well right yeah that's a good idea I think Ron's explanation of West Kate May was appropriate in that you can have all the ordinances in the world but if they're not enforced it's a they mean nothing yeah very and that's we're trying you that's what we're trying to become become more like them and that's part of what my discussion for a little bit later is going to be about too excellent all right any other new business yes sir anybody have issues in their districts no all right Council report okay there it is told you about how we reintroduced the ordinance um and as part of that ordinance I think we need to add more to our application right here so I have some uh homework for all of you uh I noticed that the West Kate May application what I'm handing you is a Kate May application for tree removal and West Kate Mays uh I've noticed that West Kate May has added some some new language or at least in the red you'll notice that they they're referring to some of their uh ordinance thank you and I would just like for you folks to jot down look look at the differences between the two applications drop down some recommendations of what we should add to ours and um and we we'll move on from there you know I think uh once we have some of our ideas at the next meeting maybe we can have a a a subcommittee discuss this and then present to the whole uh shade tree commission two meetings from now about any any changes we want to officially make with this thear this is the new one and this is the old one this is a the front page is currently the Kate May Shade Tree application the second page is West Kate Mays as you can see West Kate May has some more they ask for more things and as as you can see as well there's some language written and red really relevant um which I don't remember seeing when I was last looked at the application so I think that to to have the license of the person that's doing the job because landscapers are not legally allowed to trim trees right over a certain size and over certain height so so just take a look at that and uh see what we can come up with good ahead um Shane I I just went through three sessions of those webinars on ordinances okay and a lot of this is in there about looking at the truck where the tree people are and see if it has a license number on it right and also and they also brought up the fact that in some of these applications they talked about you have to put a sketch in what you're talking that's here that's and I like that that is it's not in red it's down it it says include a diagram of the trees's location and clearly marked with ribbons below the red and blue print that's that's my biggest want yeah okay okay and other minor stuff I think we should have the city city uh logo on the front page is and also I think that some of this stuff that's and I I don't know how factual it is but my opinion is some of the things that in this application should also be mirrored in the ordinance so that way if you don't have all the boxes checked you're not getting through you know what I'm saying yeah so that way that way it covers our our our side you know and and it's written out for anybody else to understand in the code also one of the new things that the westcap may just implemented was the application has to be filled out by the homeowner which I didn't I thought that was kind of redundant till they explained it to me was the homeowners the ones that's responsible for replacing the tree so without having a homeowner signature on the application m then that negates them having the responsibility to replace the tree so now the the each application's got to be filled out by the homeowner and signed by the homeowner so that way they're responsible for the replacement that they're supposed to be doing I like that y well let me ask you this question because this happened we ran into a situation like this last year the homeowner applied to take down several trees I gave permission I checked the property I gave permission for for um the arbor VES to be removed or whatever and there were three mature trees on the property that were supposed to be preserved the contractor came clearcut everything every tree was gone the homeowner said oh I didn't know anything about it because you know the contractor came when I wasn't here the contractor said well we thought we want he wanted everything done what I had suggested at the time and I don't know if westc May does this or not but these should be signed by both the homeowner and the contractor so that they both are on the same page with what's actually going to be done and a copy should be returned to the office from both I'm think you're absolutely right because there is a a penalty great idea if the contractor violates our ordinance that uh so many times that they lose the right to do the work and keep many so that doesn't make a lot of sense okay because there's a lot of but both the responsibility W West Kate May has that also three times in a 5e period if then you're but do they require both filled out by the homeowner and the the contractor they don't require it by the contractor uh if it's a New Jersey licensed contractor and he puts his license on there I and I don't see any reason why a New Jersey contractor wouldn't I want to app I want to copy the application before I go do the work so I can read what it says on the application what is approved and what's not approved right and I think that's the way it should always that's what I'm saying I think and I think I know it's going to be you know some extra filing work but I think it's good for us to have that that it would be returned to the shade tree office so that we have that in in writing and also I talked to Connie about updating our our application and she had some recommendations too just right off the bat you know which I thought was really cool good Shane can I ask is there anything of significance on page P two because you afforded us to one page it does say page one of two well what uh page two continues with see the second half of the page where it says tree tree type height diameter reason for removal uh size and type uh no but I'm saying on on the bottom of this page which you gave us it say second what I'm trying to explain is this is copied on the back page so if had had multiple trees okay I I figured I'd save paper because I don't have a two-sided printer upstairs okay that's your arbit day contribution you saved paper yeah oh there you go so I I figured you know we'll I'll take your recommendations we'll come up with a subcommittee maybe like a handful of us and you know come up with a template and then we'll present it to the next meeting and uh if we need to tweak it we can if we like it okay we'll approve it that sounds good how do we form that subcommittee or should we wait until we'll wait till after we hear recommendations I think we'll get a feel of who's most passionate about it okay all right the DPW report I guess we're done with Council report right yes sir okay the DPW report who know the only thing I have is 1207 washingon Street that's still being worked on um other than that it's just that's all okay nothing major we have to work on submitting our um tree replac how we do our tree replacement to the D and I think that they sign off on that Wayne hoffen was supposed to come from the West Cap May tree commission today and and speak about that um it's a seven-page report and you have to fill it out and um you have to be in compliance with the tree replacement according to the D I don't have that paperwork so I don't know exactly what all that entails but I didn't know if anybody else was familiar with that or new George it just shows that the city has a comprehensive tree replacement plan well that's our so that should be in our ordinance now right I need to learn more about that I need to call Wayne find out May 1 I think it's supposed to be but I don't know who you get approval from or who you submit it to well I'm not sure either I guess the the I guess the um the cha tree program that they had for three consecutive weeks that was all about um municipalities creating a an ordinance to satisfy this requirement okay it didn't say who gets it and right but we have one right we have one but we have to submit it to but I don't know who we submitted to that's what we have to find out yeah so what I can do is is follow back up with everyone um and get some more info I guess after the meeting with what you're talking about and we figure out who we have to submit it with okay okay all right sounds good and just so you all know I'm not I don't think I'm going to be able to make it but tonight if you you feel an extra you know giddy West Gate May is having their shade tree commission meeting at 6 PM okay wants to go okay it might be nice just to see how they do things over there anyway they don't have their they don't have a camera system set up yet so you know in the future we'll be able to watch it from our own home but right it's always second Tuesday at 6 just like ours okay okay where do they meet chain right in uh burrow hall right behind the fire station in westate May the other other situation that I we did um I did bring it up at the last meeting and Jay said let's hold off and make sure it's those type of trees that you're talking about we have that I don't know if how many of you recall but the owners of 20 patteron Street came in last year and wanted to take down two large maple trees they were badly pruned repeatedly over the years so at first we said no because they were you know they were established trees we did give permission with the stipulation that two trees would be replaced and they agreed to replace with black gum or Tupelo trees what they did was they planted two Bradford Pear that are about 2 and 1 half to 3 feet tall I don't know if we can hold them I mean we have it in writing what they agreed to but I don't know with with our ordinance now being passed would we be able to hold them to that that they have to plant those type of trees that they agree upon do you know well if it was agreed upon here we have when was it agreed upon last year yeah well we already have the evidence that they agreed upon it it's it's in recording so they're still required to do because they they agreed to it yeah and the trees that they planted are not you know what would what we would recommend and certainly not the size like even this it says at least 2 in in diameter they're nowhere near that so should we have Connie write a letter that's what I would suggest what what's the address 20 patters 20 Patterson Street yeah okay yeah yeah you remember that they they they that was an involved application yes yes I do remember you do remember that well we we should definitely have uh we should probably have code enforcement go out there okay if I recall they had a they brought an arborist to you might I was just going to say you might as well just stay can you give me the address again and I'll follow up with it's 20 Patterson Street and the trees were located they actually brought there an arborist or yeah and he was gave gave you a list testimony talked about provided testimony wasn't sworn in but no do do you know about when uh this was I want to say July I would look it for the July minutes Justin okay somewhere around July August somewh around there it was during the summer yeah 124 124 P 19 1924 when we discussed the meeting 1924 that's this year a lot of meetings oh we've discussed it this year yes but I mean the actual when they all came in that was last year when the homeowner came in24 he wanted to put the we keep discussing he wanted wanted to put the Bradford PA and it was turned down well oh really well they put them that's what they have there so they planted them on the side of the house I don't really care we don't have a clause that says they have to go right back where they were for some reason that I guess they don't want trees in the front of the house fine but they agreed to plant you know this other species of tree and then they put Bradford pairing which are small they were there that was the project where they just ran over the uh construction barriers mhm so it's the wrong type of species on that address and it's the wrong size I mean they're really small but um but that was not the species that's not what they agreed upon when we gave them permission to take down the uh the mature trees and that's just so I have the address 20 Patterson Street yes okay all right I'll pass it on the code enforcement okay do you need me to stay do you want me to stay here I can I might as well right go for it I'll beet make sure your mic's on watch out you'll get an envelope pretty soon George while we're on that um if you look at the West Cape May submitt sheet that we have here in red which would be the second uh red line down um so that's mentioning about replacement trees right is that significant or is it sounds from what you described almost sounds like the size of tree that they planted no it's not it's even smaller than that two oh much smaller yeah okay 2in caliper is is a nice sized tree that's usually what we use when we plant new trees along with our so this language sounds pretty good then yes adop Something official and I I would just make a suggestion uh going back to what you said about that property where they cut down um trees that were not approved uh it's not required by us but we all have the ability today with photos very simple and um maybe if there are multiple trees and only you know so many were permitted uh might even make sense to take either a short video or pictures of the trees and let the homeowner know that right I have documentation of photo on my phone yeah um we can store so many pictures it's so easy in today's world so you know right just to take a few photos I don't think is a big deal yeah which I've been doing take photos yeah yeah and as you see the issues you know in real time feel free you can send them in you know like we were discussed before you can either send it in the poll myself or if you want send it directly to code enforcement and let them go out and do their thing and investigate sounds good yeah yeah we don't have to wait either if you see something a violation you can just take it upon yourself and be random you know you can do that anybody can do that in this town right and and I think it's probably from a code enforcement perspective better that you do it in livetime because you know then they can react to kind of what's going on in real time hey this is being taken down this seems to be a huge issue it wasn't approved you know let them you know they might be in the neighborhood and they can swing by but they're not going to be able to know that if kind of that the is there either right that goes for you know if you ever feel uncomfortable too you can always just give me a call you know I I sometimes say that I'm the walking complaint department you know people will call me about something their neighbors doing and uh they don't want to get involved because they're neighbors you know I I've always taken up the the charge to to you know to take the extra steps for them to keep them an anonymous so I'm always willing to take a phone call for whatever it is you know you know Shane in that light it it might and with the the enhancement of the the the commission with the new legislation you know it might be advisable you can get some BR business cards or some type of identification thing that you can put on your because a couple times I've done it and the the the the homeowner is uh lesson Charly asked what am I doing here uh Justin is that who does the uh IDs around here so so uh currently working on getting apparently at the end of I guess last year the ID card machine kind of got wonky so I'm working on getting a new one going um I will talk with Paul in terms of how he wants you know volunteers and different yeah boards to be identified cuz you know as a city employee you know your ID is going to probably look a little different than if you're you know a firefighter or you're you know in the police department so I just have to get with Paul and and talk about exactly you know how a volunteers identification would want to look I found my one of my original badges 2004 was my phot would you be able to take a picture and email it to me that way I kind of have a template that's I found it in Pennsylvania but I I know where it is so I'll take a picture when I go back up yeah that would be great all right yeah Justin yeah I we have badges you got with our pictures did do would you mind sending me a picture of one and then that way I kind of have uh you have one now George if you're remember we weren't told you were going to get photo IDs and as you just stated the machine had broken down at that time and since then I guess it's never been replaced never been repaired so there was a new one um and kind of me coming on board somehow it's ended up in my office so I guess I'm I'm the one that's running with it so we're we're kind of we were both told the same in Georgia told that right yeah and it just that was a long time ago that's a long time ago so working on getting the software and getting everything kind of you know rolling out with it we want to make sure that our full-time employees would have that that ID first and then kind of work the way through through the various you know volunteers that that are uh you know with the city so if you want this send me you know the version of what we have or if you have it with you I can take a picture of it what's your email it's j rigs RI G GS at capay city.com okay and then that way you know I kind of have a template on what it looked like and if we want to tweak it or whatnot we can it's a good idea make sure we're all on the same page yeah um hey George we were supposed to get new parking stickers for 2024 I haven't gotten any either um but I don't know I don't know whether Connie was going to do it or Jay was going to make arrangements to get I don't know who that comes through I don't know if it would be so the I'll I'll follow up with the clerk's office and see what was issued last year and get in touch with Connie to make sure that you guys would have the appropriate items thank you thanks would you let Connie know when they're available so that way they can get those parking things as soon as possible yep because meters are on obviously a little there is an expiration date on that from 202 yes it should only have the year that that you're in so you know I think it's up at the top kind of where you would you know hang it up at so yeah it's only for City business correct in my car right and it and it it probably you know it may say certain hours you know that it limits to or it may you know have certain areas that it's limited to so I'll get with the clerk's office and just make sure that I can send you a picture of my permit if you want if sure might as well and then I can then you can see what we was issued in the past yep absolutely supposed to be for business related purposes only yes correct it should be for City official businesses right City official business right are we talking about the one that's the large parking permit that you put in your your on your W the little hang tag I have it in my car right now so it probably says 2023 or 2024 that are for for parking in the in the parking lot that are on my rearview mirror right that's that's what we're talking about I okay because I have another permit that says you know if I have to go look at something I can put it in my uh window to show that I'm a chry commission person so are we talking about the one where if you were at the parking meter pass is that just to make sure we're all on the same page that's the one I that's the large one I have the large one and which one are you referring to the small the other ones are the ones are small that have a date on them each year that's what I'm talking about hook yep a little yep that's from the clerk's office yep I don't have talking me no I didn't get one this year either that yeah so I'll if I'll just see what was issued previously and I'll get with the clerk's office the large one I have it doesn't or anything you're not official guess on my my they know parking sure I'm to there yep I'll I'll talk with the clerk's office and see what was issu one have one in my car right now not pair I know we didn't discuss pair all right anyone else have anything um again I I mentioned in the past I'm sorry I was busy today and I was thinking about getting it done on it get it done I want everybody to have a copy of the ordinance inside their folder as a quick reference while we're here so we don't have to try to remember off the top of our head well done okay so that's what I promise well the changes that you're making need to be voted on again by Council or no no no okay they they already were right after the last meeting good all right well then I'll entertain a motion to adjourn so move second all right all those in favor I I you got the G thank you J yeah who gets the uh Justin do you turn the things off sidewalks that I saw sure that were buckled up I'm going west Perry I'm going to walk down and give that the code enforcement and I'll let them where where is your uh where's your office do you know where Paul's old office was no no upstairs he up hang a right so I'm around the corner okay up these stairs up those steps okay and around the corner okay so we can go because I can just I've got my ID in the card I can just bring it in and show it to you yeah oh the one that you have on the oh then you don't need mine yeah you just need one sure perfect I'm going to I'm going to walk this down could enforcement okay and I'll let them yeah I think it's good SP but are they supposed to go a lot of follow up they supposed to go to code enforcement now well I don't I thought they're going to do it we're not right right but I didn't I didn't think we had agreed on what the next step was they're going to check it out right I have to check we have to check it out so I have to rely on Code Enforcement to see if there's that issue out there gotcha okay okay thank you nice to see you oh have a good night Ron I guess eventually I don't want to get those trees from you know but are those big evergreen trees don't they just leave them alone or you have to eventually as the trees get bigger it start to separate the leaves start to separate from weight sticking out so far on weight so you'll lose your visibility and that they tend to blow over the bigger they get and The Wider they get the more CH they have they're all close together they're pretty close they should hold each other they blow over pretty close together I mean you're fortunate where you're yeah I [Music] know oh my goodness how are you Ken good how about you good [Applause] me e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for