e e e e e e e e e e e e e e and I usually yeah say whatever you want testing testing testing testing one two three takes longer than you want [Music] but what tting e e e e e e please in compliance with the open public meeting ja in 1975 adequate notices meeting has been provided uh i' like to call the meeting to order please rise for a pledge pledge the United States of America the stand IND Justice for All Play Ball burn okay uh you call the call the rooll please sure oh I got the sheet all right all right okay Jay here uh Shane here uh George a a Carol York uh Carol sik excused Carol sik got an excused right she's excused uh Barb here George W here Jim present Frank here uh I don't see Ron maner no no he's absent Shane is Shane Meers sure too I got Shane Shane was number two all right take a look at the minutes from the May meeting I'll entertain a motion to after you finish reading any changes any corrections any additions you looking for a motion Mr CH you in a moment or two make sure everybody had a chance to read the minutes for all right I'll hand a motion to approve I'll make a motion Jay have a second second second by Barber all those in favor signify by saying I any opposed any extensions all right passed all right uh we got a lot of stuff to cover today Shane you want to talk [Music] about I just wanted uh let the uh treat Tre commission uh be aware that I have asked the uh City to uh spend some money on some of the major sidewalk issues that we have throughout our town um and uh I know Dre would like to keep continue to keep the 50-50 Ru moving forward um but uh I think there's some serious issues out there um and I think by the city uh spending the money on some of these major issues it spreads the cost you know so son has to pay for a major issue uh it promotes the SE excuse me it promotes safety and also ensures that the trees are maintained and uh and uh and the sidewalks are are fixed correctly that way the tree is not uh harmed just wanted to bring that up what's your time t for this do you want to speak on this come up and talkon have I asked I asked him to bring this up in the beginning of the meeting I have to leave early no the yes I guy from so in speaking with uh councilman Meer and uh mayor mullik uh we put in for if you probably saw last council meeting uh the council introduced a uh a new Bond ordinance within that Bond ordinance um not only do we have road projects and all the other different projects but we have a sidewalk specific project and that we're going to gear towards um sidewalk walk issues that we have in areas with tree problems but also you know I'll say in our downtown area just generally where we have a lot of uneven sidewalk is to address those uh issues both Tre you know ones that are associated with trees but then it'll be a city project and you know probably in the5 to $600,000 project range so that'll be able to do a lot of sidewalk repairs and stuff like that throughout the city so that's that's the anticipation I brought up to Shane when we we talk to him about it um we can continue to 50/50 at right now we can continue to 50/50 program but that's only with trees involved damaging the sidewalk City tree involving damage that's way that's way it sits now if the sidewalk is damaged homeowner by construction equipment or just old age jry is not involved in that and there's no 50/50 on that okay now now um the 50/50 program allows the shade Tre commission to get involved in this that we can counsel or talk to the concrete person on ways to Arc hump over use wire mesh and whatnot in order to protect the structural roots of the tree as opposed to just cutting them loose you know just cutting them that way we're involved in it we can we the sidewalk project will be you take specific measures to preserve Street trees okay that's part of the what the project will be okay and then how are these locations come upon is it's something that we would submit or this something code enforcement would initiate or I'm going to work with code enforcement and just our one of our project Engineers to develop a scope in a Target area and and my anticipation is this will be a routine thing so you mean we might hit one area a little heavier okay but obviously with $500,000 of capital work we can go quite a way so um I mean the key is we're not going to be able to do that isolated spot one house over on Maryland that's by itself and isolated that I'm going to say that I'm going to refer back to to the 5050 to the 50/50 program but if I can go down Columbia Avenue for three block and hit a bunch of them that are in bit rough shape that's what that's what we're going to do with the capital a capital program is to to do blocks at a time we have and this is just going to be with concrete sidewalks like no no concrete slate okay brick you know and go through and reset to Res reset whatever we need to do so it'll involve because the concrete contractor is the same one you know because what we'll do is for the Slate will pour a concrete subbase and then they'll set the SL usually they a lot of times they'll set the Slate wet um Shane you guys are still developing this aren't you well we we're we're funding it through the capital project now that funding doesn't become available until August um it'll take several months for our consultant to go out survey the areas and start doing that so so we'll continue on 50-50 program for trees for sidebox damage or or if if you start getting some like if you if if you go out and your district and you start noticing hey if I'm looking at a certain block and then you look down the street this way and look down the street this way and you see three or four other properties that have uneven sidewalk and it's over a block or two then send me an email and we'll put it on the list that way but it you know that's I mean it's not going to be hard to go out and find uh work so I think so so if if you have if you have some priority locations feel free to uh funnel those out and we'll we'll start doing it can I ask a question Paul um so the capital money will only address areas where tree roots have damaged the STW or even outside of the even outs yeah this is not I mean I think a lot of the sidewalk issues are attributable to Street trees but not all the case I mean a lot of the areas that for a lot of the older slate that's just uneven because of how the old slate was set you know on a sand base and and it just gets you know unsettled so this will be to address those areas as much as yeah so it's not just a street tree issue and the These funds have been approved already or well Council has introduced them they have to adopt them right okay so it's still not in place yet it's still not in yeah like I said it won't be by the time the the bond gets approved and then there's a 45 day stopple period the funds aren't available to award to a design consultant until late August okay and the range will be somewhere between 5 to 600,000 that's my anticipation plus or minus okay 50-50 still stays in place J right but none of this money is appropriated for the use of the 5050 program that's this is yes totally when I when I walk up to somebody's property as the capital project I'm not asking them for 50% um in most cases I'm not just going to do one house at one location I'm going to be doing a block a half a block understood three blocks or maybe four driveways that are in the same block on opposite side more concerned with the higher traffic areas for traffic I mean um that's where we're going to start our priori so it's going to be starting you know in where the more okay more bnbs more those two districts I think pretty much wind up between both Georges right Georg have most so I mean that's yeah obviously obviously we want to get to everywhere but if we're going to start the concentration in I say not down but in the high higher pedestrian traffic areas that's what I was just going to mention like Columbia Avenue which is very well traveled from the mall all the way up to the water tower and I do know several blocks there where the Slate is horrific and dangerous so that's going to be part of the new plan I think wonderful that's what we're looking at they really do a long time coming and the hope is to make this a continuous you know this hopefully isn't going to be a one-time shot I'll be you know trying to incorporate this kind of a project uh in future is not a city employee this is somebody hired outside of uh well I'm I'm the city engineer but I don't have enough time to to do that and consultant will be hired H consultant how's that going to go we have a couple project Engineers that we put on retainer at the beginning of the year and you know we'll work with them to uh come up with the project that's part of the five to $600,000 budget that plays yes yes yeah there you can probably figure 15% will come off of that number very nice sounds good thank you yep thank you thank you it's wonderful news Shane good job and the other thing look looking forward as well we're going to have Washington Street done right when is Washington Street going to be done well Washington we're going to uh pave Washington Street when is that going to happen this is going to be in the fall but that doesn't really have any sidewalk work along side of it but I think look moving forward when we do road work we should probably consider sidewalks as part of those Project A lot of times we do I mean Washington I think the intent of Paving Washington was we had Lafayette Street done so we were trying to I think get the whole stretch of Washington done to kind of have the two main drags in and out of the city kind of all freshened up with new asphalt but but I do agree in most times of the different you know if you look at when we did work on Congress Street Franklin Trenton you know those are the other projects we did this year we did the INF structure new curbs and sidewalks were needed and Paving so yeah typically we would cool during repaving typically curbs also get replaced right yes as needed I mean there may be as we know you know a lot of the existing curbs especially and also the newer ones pulling the old ones almost like pulling a Muller I mean they go down very deep sometimes and um is it would there be any impact on tree roots or is that considered when they're doing it's considered it is MH okay thanks Paul thank you thank you thank you I'll be back well done because I have a little bit of stuff okay well done okay we have a proposal on here from uh Matt Notch to water the 30 the 30 trees that have been planted here recently uh once a week until September 21st for 4,800 bucks uh and uh a city um uh Public Works and referred it back to us and uh then again this in this Capital Improvement money Paul in this Capital Improvement money is there any money in there that we can get Public Works a a Carboy or a water tank or something uh with the vehicle to haul it to go and water of these trees I mean we can go ahead now and look at this $4,800 which is a kind of an extraordinary expense but these trees need water uh we're in the middle of a drought right now and these trees just 28 or 29 trees we put in are not going to survive unless they get water once a week like starting now so it's it's it's that and some sort of a vehicle to uh to uh uh take it now we're going to be planting trees hopefully at least once or twice a year uh and so this the water tank like this would be used on the you know summer yes yes yeah yeah yeah generally we try to Y gener we tried to plant the fall but the timing this year worked out that we had to take we can get the tree and when Matt not could get them in the ground so uh but there something that can keep in mind uh because I don't have to do this every year but if we have Public Works had a adequate vehicle or a vehicle with a water tank on it uh you know to to plant it this would also be used for the flower gardens the city has all over the place so this could be used for that too and just to clarify we typically do do uh a fall planting or a very early spring this just this was supposed to have started in February and things got pushed around and rescheduled and shuffled and ended up being put in when they were put in and um unfortunately when that happens we tend to go right into a drought by mid June down here so it's it's not the first time but it's the first time in quite a number of years that we've planted this late in the season so that's not typical and George you consulted with Matt on this list yes he's actually coming in oh so you were just being we're on your agenda item so Frank Public Works is not going to pay for this this right I can't speak on uh the budget right now I don't know what the supervisor is going to have done on that I don't know I can't answer that so we have to determine whether we're going to we're going to hire Matt to to do this uh at once a week until September 21st What alternative do we have that that's it the trees we wasted all the money on the trees yeah well Matt is here so I wanted to just ask him a couple questions I think but you have to come over if you don't mind just so if no perfect timing it's called economy of time and you have to turn that on press the button till that turns green there you go so my question is when I spoke with you um and I believe it was also in the email it said one or two times per week of the watering did I M misquote that amount I would suggest at least once a week um so your proposal is for this would cover once a week watering or twice once a week watering for six say 16 weeks yeah I just wanted to make sure it was only one we started last week yeah yeah okay can I interject with a quick question why did we not incorporate those bags the drip bags I don't know exactly what they're called um that's well we we've talked about that before and there's there's PS yeah they can work at times but you have to religiously keep those bags filled and if not you're just creating a heat barrier around so how often would the bag typically need to be filled once a week so he'd still be visiting once a week regardless yeah we we did that last year with all the tree plantings in the burough of West Kate May and they work pretty well but but with it you know you're filling the bag up once a week exactly and it percolates slower through the holes so that's like the theory but when I watered the trees last week we took our time and it takes time like to do it right with the hose because you got to do a slow drip part it just runs off we also when we planted the trees for Kate may this year we try to make a burm around each tree you know just building the soil up so my neighbor haded noticed it and complimentary I would probably just mulch the trees in my visits because I have a bunch of mulch in my house we did that in West Kate May so as I'm watering I'm just going to probably put some mulch down because that'll help hold moisture in there for a few days for sure okay my my main question for the bags was just as a cost-saving measure but it really wouldn't be because you'd still be visiting the site once a week regardless okay and and gner the days when they would take the bag that would go all the way up to trunk and fill that bag now the bag sits down at the uh at the base at the base of the tree to avoid keeping the uh trunk wet three or four feet up the tree with the old bags right and you don't create that heat barel you don't create the moisture uh against the tree track so are we in agreement that uh we'll go ahead and authorize Matt to we spend the 4,800 bucks and authorized mat to to do the uh the watering of the trees where is the 4,800 coming from from our budget some from our budget what save the Tre roughly what percentage of our budget is that what percentage Yeah what roughly what percentage of our budget does anybody know the budget number right now I don't I honestly you got the budget in the in the thing we got money left I haven't built for the planting yet either no FYI well just to put my opinion in to it if we're going to pay that much money out for trees and for planting to just have them sit there and wither and die and die what's the point exactly there is a decent amount of money in the budget I you know I didn't look my mistake there but but then we also pay for Tre you need a motion Mr chairman could be lost yeah now looking I think that's so moved that's doable I have a second the other Carol second it all those in favor I I any opposed all right you're authorized then to go ahead and do it start doing it thank you the sooner the better yep once a week okay Les now the monsoon is going to come for yeah and I'm I mean if there's a week where it's raining all week I'm not watering if there's G in the middle of summer hasn't rained for a week I might be in there two days a week I just had to work up an estimate minimum once a week right there may be one a week that I skip I'm going to be honest with you if it's raining every day why my water but we're in summer it doesn't rain for two weeks I'm going to be in there probably twice a week okay so I think it'll average out and I'll keep track of the numbers all right yeah what do you anticipate for your first watering last week we started oh you already started oh yeah it's dry okay thank thank you thank you Matt thanks man okay Mr Cowley there we go Spicer Creek right Spicer Creek so what did the board say well we had our meeting EXC turn that on press the green button there you go we had our HOA meeting on Memorial weekend and the The Proposal that was uh shared with you guys and and we appreciate all your responses was approved so we would like to schedule the removal which I believe the city's responsible for we remove you're going to pay us 75 bucks a tree right and times 23 is well right now there's only 18 but that's okay 1820 no no what happened to the other two they were never there well then I miscounted okay then 18 trees will'll go ahead and schedule maner to begin remov of these trees after Memorial after Labor Day weekend whatever the recommended time frame is I assume sometime in the fall so it can have a chance to root and do its thing before and you understand that they don't have any machine or any equipment to pluck the tree out of the ground that's been in there for X number of years and planting that hole they'll cut off the tree dig down to where the the stump is basically removed or down below ground level and the new tree would go into the left or the right okay I I I will leave it to the experts uh you understand that that has to be that way because there's nobody I know of that has uh the equipment to pluck a you know a tree like that out the ground I I'll leave that to the Pros so they'll cut grind and then you the new the new trees when they go in you'll dig a hole to the left of the right okay and you're going to give us a list of the type of trees you put in I suggested I think at the time you don't use all the same kind of tree and no maple trees which are in there now right right right so I I would say yeah we did discuss two different tree species as and being more aesthetically pleasing and it wouldn't give a monoculture perhaps like a Sweet Bay Magnolia and then a horn beam a Sweet Bay then a horn beam you know and Alternate it that way if that's what you like but you more than welcome to choose three tree species would even be better if you like fine well the the the next step for us would be what to to re to schedule something with the city I mean what's the next process probably probably uh uh will get an or issue order to maner uh okay to remove the trees remove eight remove 18 trees okay uh in the Spicer Creek can you have someone go and red band or red tag the trees sure abut put a band around it's my understanding that our landscaper who does a lot of our work in our community is familiar with your city landscaper and I they may have even chatted about this project so well I'd like to I'd like to let those guys coordinate that together okay all right way everyone's on the same page from the beginning of the process okay we'll authorize we after this meeting we'll authorize man to go ahead and Spicer Creek and uh remove 18 uh uh that's what I yeah trees 18 we have to refresh uh at least refresh my memory and I don't have any files with me the trees that will be then put in place are we going to provide those or the home assistance heard the letter of March 12th it would be hoa's responsibility to source and plant okay uh the city is only responsible for the removal removal okay at at the $75 per right that's in your District yes being that we were on the subject of watering um homeowners association do you have some type of a crew that might be able to um look into watering the trees once they open oh my gosh I I I can assure you we'll be all over it because you know number one we're going to be in investing a lot of money right in this process so um we've had discussions about that that the idea would be planning in the fall will give us some time uh to hopefully get the the tree established uh and many of the locations are are already part of the irrigation of some of the homes okay I'm I can't tell you how many but a proportion that are I suspect there's a proportion that will need some attention to detail and we'll we'll factor that into our ongoing call okay thank you I guess that's all okay good I'm glad thank you for coming to us and thank you for working with us on this just let us know the types of trees you're going to put in there certainly certainly thanks again it all sounds wonderful great thank you best of Lu would you would you please notify ranir that we got approval for start removal after Labor Day all right thanks thank you thank you all right okay going now what else we got um hey yes on up thought you escaped now it's good to see you again it's been a long time good good to see you I just did I just did turn my phone down it's all good um anyway my name is Nels Johnson I'm with the New Jersey Board of Tree Experts commission I'm a a compliance officer I handle uh Kate May County Salem County Atlantic County and all the as far as I can go um my main goal is uh licensing right uh and to explain that as Matt well knows uh each tree company private tree company has to be uh have an ltco which is a licensed Tree Care operator or a licensed Tree Care expert U with with the business and that entails 32 hours of ceu credits uh every two years uh whether it be chainsaw uh safety climbing uh sa first aid Tree Care pesticides um and my goal my main focus is to go out and make sure uh all the companies are compliant with regards I'll give you an example Matt miners tree Barber which was my ex- company for 23 years helmets eyewear ear protection uh when cutting Big Trees chaps safety chaps harnesses uh you know chocks for uh do you go into insurance and yes um yeah I can do notice of violation for about 10 different things you know more inside inside then outside you do both inside and outside yeah well I can go down the list uh one is business and Licensing if the company I can look up number one from a license plate reader to see if you know who they are first uh then I go into my database see if they're licensed um and there's trust me there's quite a number of unlicensed tree companies that don't want to conform you know it's that overreach of government but the the board of Tree Experts commission is an autonomous organization backed by the D um and we do have not that we have used it law enforcement capability that's the last thing you want to do um so sh so so business and energy I feel like standing so like to give to give an example if I go out and and I know they don't have a license I go and I just I take I will send in a notice of violation to the office who'll send it register return receipt saying you need to get license or there's a fine there's the fines range could be 500,000 depends on what the the the issue is uh the big one for for me with licensing is um for licensed companies uh personal protection um and you know helmets all the safety gear um you know uh harnesses uh and there's another one safety if if I go by and see a company doesn't have Street cones out doesn't have wheel chocks um you know parking a that happens a lot parking a giant truck on the main thoroughfare where you can't even see to get out of a area so um and then there standards uh I can violate for uh pruning or bad pruning uh you know topping it depends uh uh even City licenses obviously you have to have a a permit to take a tree down or remove or in the city of w West Kate May burrow and Kate May to remove a tree so not not to come in and trim a tree no and there's nothing in Nei West Cape May orance that I know of or Cape May orance prevent topping of a tree other than you should know that it's not good for the tree right well and that said um you know what's the stand 25 20% I mean you know if someone goes below that now remember sometimes the homeowners will say I don't care but if if I go by and I see a sign I see him I can violate him for that because the tree is a is a compromise it could die I'll give you an example I was up in Egg Harbor last week and they use spikes to trim a tree you know they spiked the tree yeah and so uh but it's there's there's there's a a lot of companies are unlicensed that's what we're going there's only five inspectors in the state of New Jersey covering over a thousand so our inspectors our our our uh uh Commissioners go out in their districts and they see somebody with a no numbers on the truck yeah uh they should call code enforcement or call no call call me I think everybody has or i' I've had more cards I've given my cards out it's easier just to text me or call me look I don't want don't don't want to get into a situation where people you know taking a picture of somebody I do enough of that trust me they go what are you doing yeah uh so we should call you if we got if we got any suspicion yes absolutely that somebody's operating in K without a license yeah without the numbers all the all the trucks all the vehicles on a site both should have the license they should have an LT a license number or and same for ads like I I kind of look at the shopie and see there's people they have to have the ltco number uh yeah they usually put them in there yeah on the shoie yeah they I go Facebook I Chuck Facebook a lot and there's I find because I'm trying to find companies and it's really like a needle and a Hast there was a instance about a month ago two months ago where some some uh company came in and flooded the area with Flyers that's captains pardon oh captains or uh uh no no Fred's Freddy's Fred's Fred's now now that's that's okay given you're not really you're not supposed to put him in the mailbox but he I wrote him I did write him up cuz I got the flyer in my house he have his licensed Tree Care operator but he is licensed in the state of New yes he certainly and he's got he licensed to operate in Kate May no no you you still have a separate license for that do cost anything does it Connie I think it's just it's does it Nels where do where does your responsibilities starter end and our code enforcement guys starting and now do you guys coordinate activities uh you know when you you swoop into here you call these guys and say I'm in town today no because I live in live outside town so it's it's more like um if code enforcement sees somebody that's they think are doing something wrong it's not a big deal for me to drive you know 10 miles five miles to see one are they licensed and a lot of times I'll stop talk to them hand them literature electrical line power lines stuff like that just talk to them about safety and then be on my way you know and just let them know I'm there so uh but what what I'm trying to to do is I have a a bunch of companies that help me up in Egg Harbor uh you know Salem County because that's it's an hour hour and a half drive and and I am driving around trust me it's beautiful country up there it's amazing uh so and it's really it's not they're not easy to find and you you can go on to yellow book or Facebook but rarely do these companies have their address and their work address where their trucks are stationed but it's more like use your judgment I it's not it's not a big deal for me that's what I'm paid to do is okay so you got need yeah I'll give you the big thing is a lot of times I can be there in five minutes yeah now with with that being code enforcement if he he can if he sees like say I can't get there and I'm somewhere if you take a picture of the license plate and a couple of pictures and get them to me like of the truck uh you know because your code enforcement so you have the you know you're like that's thought my concern was you guys yeah we we'll hook up after this but but I'm trying to get to these municipalities that are that have good tree regulations um to to say hey here I am let's clean this up Matt knows I mean and and the other the other aspect of it is having to go and do 16 hours of credits every year and pay it's only $200 every two years but you got to carry workman's comp you got to carry liability some of these companies don't so everyone's doing it the right way and a lot of them aren't doing it the right way at all but I I can also if you write somebody up for not having a permit I can write them up as well I have that capability okay but this started in 2017 and it took 15 years to enact uh that's when it started to oversee because so many people were getting injured or killed sucked into chippers arms you know really really yeah yeah I mean I I just did a a safety chaina safety for uh the Department of Public Works in Atlantic City it was quite informative and these guys they they understood what how dangerous it is it was kind of eye opening to see how well they received it at the uh no at the October tree Federation meetings they have do they have classes in there they get certificates and what not for some of the for the cus I you know I don't know they probably do if as long as you you you go and you check it out most most of the time they will give you the cus right for for that because there's a lot of shows like Atlantic City and um you know there's a lot yeah so I I would I I would always check to make sure because you don't want to sit there for three hours and get a couple of credits and find out they're no good right yeah so um any other questions thank you Nels your your violation summonses are backed by D did I understand that backed by D yeah the uh with the other aspect of that is you know we work with the the person that that gets a violation I I to give you an example I won't name the name but there's a a young guy that works at a Kate May or at a lower Township Orma he's he's got right now $5,000 worth of fines and I keep trying to get him to just arm arons no but keep an eye out for him yes he works a lot in keep May point well yeah and I'm going to hit Kate May point up too because yeah um but they uh you know I'm trying to work with them and say you wear all the safety here you're really good I mean you're missing some equipment but you know we'll work with you on the F just get get license but and sooner or later you're going to get you get um a lean put on you then a u a notice to to appear in court now the court thing does take time you know Anacapa so that that's not weying exp I explain to people that working with the advantages of working with a licensed uh and registered Tree Care person uh that that protects the homeowner from liability uh if somebody one of the employees of this company gets hurt on the job uh you know he it falls on the homeowner that hired him really yeah and yesterday I ran into captains they they send they have advertisement in shop I'm sorry in in that shoppr flyer MH and they listen they have really good equipment they have cones they have safety stuff and yesterday came up guy didn't have a harness on in the bucket so I wrote him up now now he's not going to get fined if he remediates it and writes back I will have and I gave him a picture of the uh of the harness and the fall arrestor that you have to have because you know and I tried to tell them the story of a local tree company eight 10 years ago the guy got they fetched up about 50 fet in the air and got thrown out of the bucket laying on a pile of logs and took them a couple years to learn how to you know walk and talk and eat again so that that bucket's just not the safest thing you know yeah so but we're you know there the next phase and it's probably a few years away will be strengthening is to go after violators that they're working on this in the New Jersey state senate it takes time as you well know uh to ask shut shut people down but I don't foresee that for a few years because that's that's another mechanism right and and there there a complaint from some of the good guys saying you guys how much teeth do you really have working hard and paying the fees and taking all the courses and buying all the equipment and everything else to be undercut by somebody who yeah yeah so any other questions all right and I'll get with with him okay yes license is that what you're getting at not really three strikes three violations no no there trust me people have multiple violations um they have multiple violations and alls it takes for the violation if I write somebody up like give you an example captains they get a form from the office after I email it to them and I send pictures in and they say he gets the violation and all he has to say is I will have a guy wear the harness and the and and you're done if you don't respond that's five $500 okay so that's that's how it works there's no strike three yeah we don't our ordinance does not call for three strikes uh three violations in your out like West capap maage does yeah uh we op to not to I we we op not to put that in there like that yeah so um anyway any help I can get from the tree from you know shade tree um I mean even if you you're not sure it's not a big deal unless and usually I'm around it it's don't feel I'm not sure if I should call you right uh or you can call me and say hey this is I may know who they are and I could tell you right over the phone yeah they're licensed or not okay so um and yeah any help and then we said I'm going to make sure I talk to West Kate May and up the road working my way up to the other so take your cell phone cameras with you when you go out on these things and be able to take take yeah take your cameras with you when you go out and be able to take pictures of these vehicles and whatnot yeah and then that that's quick if I see it I can just go yeah they're fine you know I mean but then again I may see that picture it may not have protective gear on or you know it doesn't take and and just to close I I know you have a lot lot going on here the in 23 years I had one guy get hurt in 23 years I mean you know we get stitches or you get nicked up but I was on a job in West Cap May and I everyone was wearing helmets and the one guy wasn't I said put your helmet on he put his helmet on he went it was under a little tree the bucket operator was 50 ft in the air he came out of the tree and he had thrown a 3-in caliber about 8T long 3inch caliber hit him hit him in the head cut his head knocked him out oh wow now I had to have him you know you have transported but it didn't get hurt that bad but you know that that could have gone through his neck right that's how fast and how how much velocity right so that you know I'm proud to say in all those years really nobody got hurt on on my watch but but but it's good to see like Matt the topnotch miners uh tree Barber all the other companies like now they know I'm here and they look nobody wants to wear stuff it gets hot but you know now I don't have to worry about these guys just work me up the up the coast okay if anybody in the shry commission wants to wear a military helmet I have supplies I'm not surprised thank you thank you thank you so much very informative um let's see we're going anything else on here 1102 I think that's why a card oh I we got we got you have a supply small supply of calling cards yes uh you should be able to give those out you can put your you can put as you give these out you can put your number on the cards if you wish uh if not have the calls being sent half calls for action and whatnot being sent into conetta into the secretary uh uh but when you run out of those you know contact her for more ID cards anything more on ID cards for everybody what I said they're working on it working on it okay yeah my my ID cards I still had a lot of hair so a couple things for you thank you sir uh so this is part of the plan that we're doing at frankman Street no oh my goodness so we're resurfacing the uh C parking lot relocate one tree and possibly remove two smaller ones so in order to add I think we're adding we're adding eight new spots here at City Hall which if you came to meeting today eight new spots would be very helpful for parking at City Hall uh so there's the larger tree you can kind of see it in red that's kind of on behind the Historical Museum it's a maple tree um Good siiz Tree I'm looking to call for that to be tree spade and moved across the parking lot to the green area up closer to uh the old school library in that new landscaped area that'll be created there there are two smaller trees I think one's a maple that's been topped but it's kind of half growing out and then there's a smaller tree to the right of it talking right by the right by the uh Manan 's house right no I'm talking I'm talking about behind City Hall here yeah by the by the Acme where are the trees the two that are going to be removed are behind behind that kind of like on the rear of Acme where the if you see where the that earlier this year we had three trees the three dead trees that we removed there's two there's two smaller trees to the right of that closer to the library back of the library right you remove the Dead I removed three church right against the shopping center right and there's and there's two more there that we're going to have to remove as part of this project we going to start this ball uh this will most likely be in the fall um so what we'll do is we're going to try to move the one tree across the lot and then in that landscape area we'll we'll plant a new tree so we'll have a new tree there um and then we'll find another tree somewhere not going to interfere with the memorial tree which is right between the parking lot and the and the new youing about the the the memorial that was that that that tree was you're talking about the pin oak that's there yeah that that tree was uh was dedicated to the former it's I'm talking about the area that's on the plan that I've given you and these trees that are marked out in green they're going to remain the ones in green yeah the only one I'm moving is that the one in red that one Maple that's kind of in the back that'll get moved across the drive a the two smaller ones obviously adjacent to like the three that we removed earlier this year we're going to be removing them we'll replant one tree in that grass area that's kind of behind the Historic Museum that the H the Old Colonial house and then we'll find another spot to plant and just so I can get my reference here what is this other green area this that that would be a newly created landscaped area in other words you can kind of see like underneath that the red where the red curb is now so it's kind of that's where the drive vial is now so essentially we're moving that drive vial that's there now moving it closer to the Colonial House in order to put the row of parking you know like where the police Park where the police we're going to extend that parking down to add the additional spaces okay um so that's one project so I wanted to kind of update the shake Tree on you know since it involves moving trees and removing some trees so at this point there's going to be a net loss of one but I wanted to give you an update on uh the Franklin Street project and and unfortunately I don't have enough copies for everybody because I literally just got this 15 minutes before walking into this meeting um and but I know there there's a lot of concerns I know he walked the street right with George so um wanted the happy to show you we will be planting two three four we'll be planting five new trees on the street I think we'll be removing one so the the where the CCA house is today there's two trees out in there if you've noticed one has been recently hit during the construction of that one has got hit it's been over um and that's that's gone that Tre and that's which was good because because of where the driveway is I the original plan that you probably saw had the driveway towards the opposite side of the am Church would have required both of those trees to remove but I flip-flop the design with uh the help of the property owner uh next door and so we're going to be able to save and not have to replace that that existing tree the larger the larger one the larger one I mean it's not it's not a beautiful tree but it's a it's a tree nonetheless and so we're going to to save that Tre we got an X number of years invested in that tree now so y so and then the other tree that's I'll say down in front of the Macedonia uh church will remain and then obviously the trees down in front of the the firehouse Museum will remain but are are there any existing now since that one is gone in front of CCA there's only one remaining there is there an additional one that you are have to remove we're going to no not that one well because the the one that got hit yeah well that had to be removed that was the only other one that was okay going to have to be removed but it kind of that's what I thought somebody helped us yeah inadvertently not on purpose um but so there's a total of uh five proposed new trees on that I just want to report that back to because I know that was when when you guys saw that initial draft plan there was a little bit of a difference of there were no trees so at the end of the day Paul it will be a net gain then so if you look at this in that project we'll have a net gain of 4 trees that will be planning as part of both projects the species of trees has been already decided uh so there the the landscape architect is proposing uh she told me she wrote it down on here so I just got to find it genko baloba they're fine that's they're all going to be the same well I asked her I mean the ones on the the Macedonia Church and the the library side because the trees on the other side are underneath power lines I asked her to to maybe look at a different species that that maybe wasn't as tall growing because because of the power lines so so that was I asked her to kind of you know so on the The Three Trees I'll say on the stury savings am Church side I've asked her to relook at that to pick a species that that will not get the height that would get very vertical right and we'll get into those power lines and I'd rather even if I'd rather get a smaller no Bradford Parish yeah well they're not on the list why would I even why would you even have to talk about that yeah oh I think there is oh there is a Bradford pair on the well it's existing it's an existing and we were probably going to take that out and swap it out that would be fine I did I wasn't even counting that because it's not a so as most of them are so those are the two updates I wanted to give right thank you wasn't there a seating area in front of the school that was going to be so that that that we couldn't do so what we're going to do is on the sidewalk area that's that exists that's going up to the library we're going to put benches along that sidewalk area that's going up there there's not going to be a newly created okay sidewalk area not going to affect that large mature tree it's and we had also talked about when you and I walked that about another Tree on the grounds of the Franklin Street school that's not going to be in the the landscape plant it's not at this point um I mean there's oh you're talking about in front of the school on the on the school lawn itself I have to we're doing some Street trees out there but not up in the lawn at this point we may but okay at this point we're just going to put the street trees out okay and those will be the goo on that side yes yeah that's a that's a good choice for Tre yeah and so that's what I had thank you hey thank you thank you and speaking of Bradford parishes at 20 Patterson the uh owner came in and said that he was going to he's acceded to our request to put in put in Tupelo trees at 20 Patterson tree and either replace the uh two Bradford pairs he put in or put the uh uh Tupelo trees on the Patterson Avenue side they I went by there again today no they're still not there's not not in two weeks now uh and uh the uh wow Bradford pairs are still there I another letter resp yeah they're still they're still not in well he's up that's probably being held up by the supplier or whatnot or a landscaper but so I'd say give it a couple more weeks uh because he's still got plenty of time to plant trees in there for the for the fall so uh but did you say now decided the no I don't know what he's going to do I don't care whether he removes the rat repair bradford pears are on his property I don't not something not something that we would recommend anymore Bradford pairs uh for one reason or another uh but uh we're you know we're not going to tell people to take and we shatri is not going to tell them to take trees down on private property uh that's really going to be up to him uh he also put in a couple of trees uh landscape ivi or Leland cypress trees to hide the electrical outlet thing on the side which is a mistake I can see I'm around the pool it makes a good screen but he's going to wind up with problems in the fullness of time uh planting those trees too close to the house but you know that's that's his situation but no I don't care I I suggested in a note that he plants the trees between the ornamental fence and the sidewalk you know on his property uh on Patterson so we'll see see what happens you've done a good job on that Jay pardon really paid attention that oh letters letters to be signed by the shry commission I suggest that the only two people authorize to send letters on our stationary to to in violation or suggestions or Warnings or whatever it would be myself and my Deputy Commissioner George uh you can write a letter suggested letter and send it to us it we'll you know then we'll use it and come off under our and our U Authority our signatures me and then in my absence you okay now that brings us to uh Jackson Street right okay is there a there's a you said that there was a letter uh on Jackson Street about is it 26 Jackson Street 26 or 24 24 I thought it was 24 24 Jackson Street has still had Christmas lights no that's that's two different issues the Christmas lights were in front of the Virginia hotel which is 25 Jackson they're G they were removed okay and there's nothing you could do about the way the severe pruning that was done at this point but this is 24 Jackson Street there's no Christmas lights it was that they trimmed that street tree and should we send a note to him I think Connie did did you not I have it I was called to straighten out the address that's the address 24 okay you want me to take a look at the letter oh you going to have to open it we also have a situation and I don't I thought I brought this up before but we didn't really address that I think they were called but I don't think they were sent a formal letter if I recall correctly there's a property at the corner of it's not my district it's uh Madison Avenue and I think new New York maybe Maryland they're yeah but they're um yeah right okay well but the point I and thank you for that but the thing I want to get to we just sign it sure okay the thing I want to get to with that is those trees are so severely chopped they're actually crab apple I don't know if we should take them out I don't believe we planted those and put three different trees in there than if that's something we want to think about whose district is that anyway Jay is covering that right now with the absence Madison and New York Madison and New York no Madison Maryland Madison and Maryland that's fine I got everything south of Cape May the south side of Cape May so discussing that property at the corner where their crab apple trees were pruned by the landscaper and they're just about 3 and 1/2 ft tall at this point with a little thing on top I'm very familiar with it I walk past it all the time yeah yeah so my question is do you think we that's something we should look into I don't think we planted them there but since it's City rway should we replace those trees in the fall or George what's the likelihood that those trees will live they'll survive but I just can't imagine what the what the what they're going Branch structure is going to be like I mean they're not going to Branch any further up than that they're they're like little balls yeah they're they're like so should we not replace them I would say replace them if anything because those are not going to be so you're talking about the corner of Madison and Kate May Avenue no not Kate May Avenue it's Madison and Mar and Maryland and Maryland okay yeah because the the trees on Maryland have not been trimmed the street trees they're fine so these trees have been damaged by the homeowner adjacent to this this area land landscap what's what happens when some when a is there any uh is there any code against people ter these trees I've deal with I've been here see people triming trees remind I know think that's your trying to take care of the trees when they're growing that Home Street trees can only be touched by Public Works like we just C just educate him about that right this particular one the tree was chopped pretty good yeah so I made a point to talk to the person say are you aware they they apparently have only owned the property like two years okay had all the all their trees done trimmed up and the landscaper did as well but Shane Shane I think your question is can a violation be issued well that's what I would suggest in the fall and maybe out of courtesy we could send them a letter saying the trees were damaged the city is replacing them right cuz without setting precedent and having some type of a penalty this will just continue I mean you know word gets around people talk that don't worry about it there'll be nothing to pay anyhow so just you know deal with the uh slap on the wrist and we move on so you know if if we're not setting any kind of a precedent when issues like this take place what is the purpose especially when they kill the tree I mean it's it's the same as chopping it down in my in my perspective you know they should have to pay a fine for killing a a street tree MH you know or at least pay for it to be replaced I think the issue was with that is you know I love trees but I'm notable of trees keep somebody from cutting down a tree but that was brought to my attention I mean I just kind ofis what to do as far as fighting somebody sum with you I've written one in three years I try not to I try to get people to comply I'm not opposed to doing that especially if somebody's not comp but with that situation once tree that's only Tes one real good trees are one of those things but if they trim them again next year or we have to do something and definitely be an option just not something try to do okay so I I would warning is already on file and then the next action would be different do things again if I thought they were kill a tree yeah I mean technically the trees are not dead they're just not no longer a tree jimy you walk by that a bush I do how how how bad does it look just uh pretty pretty much what George explained it's a tree that looks look like it'll probably survived but I'm assuming of my own knowledge so Matt maybe you can fill me in so when I walk past these trees that I see that our um the main trunk goes up it gets to a point where all of a sudden it tapers down from let's say a 10 inch diameter down to a little 3 4 in diameter all at one spot is that what had happened at one time was it was topped like that because I've seen trees like that around and it it amazes me when I look at it I say what could cause that other than maybe a situation like this Jim would you be supportive of removing those damaged trees and replacing I think we should all take a look at that if that's the direction you want to go yeah I mean if you want that's I would maybe entertain that at the next meeting what's that uh what's that address again going to be the northeast corner of um Madison and Maryland and maryland1 has green trim on the house um that's about the best I can describe it it's nicely maintain property I'm not you know that's not any of my so we so we'll look we'll look at it and then take some action and then entertain that next meeting right yeah I'd like to get everybody's opinion on it obviously and and again George keep in mind it's it's not my district it's my neighborhood that I walk through because it's right down the street those are cherry trees I thought they were crab apple but I'm not no I think they're Cher they didn't Bloom this year well they don't have any branches all right they're like P pleas now at the last meeting we discussed the different type of tree species and we do have the list of what is suggested here City of Cape May's tree list we need to update and expand some suggestions and eliminate some others um several of us spoke a little bit about it and I think the way we have to go is come up with a small subcommittee like we did for uh the redoing of the ordinance like there's beautiful trees listed on here I couldn't begin to imagine where you'd find them you know I've just have never dealt with any that any of the trees like Pig nut Hickory and you know just a mockernut hickory and Shagbark Hickory beautiful trees but I don't know where the heck you'd get them more more importantly with your knowledge is there anything that you're opposed to that you see on this list um if I saw the purple leaf Plum which I don't I would be opposed to that one too and also the uh Japanese tree lilac they has those yeah I can check and see but they're not typical what but anyway um right now what's on here I don't really have objections to but we have in the past when the state came through under cool cities Grant that's about what 17 18 years ago they planted a bunch of species that were supposed to do really well in a Seaside environment one of which was the Japanese tree lilac there's to my knowledge three of them left and they're really struggling I mean they're just both most of those were planted East uh in areas east of Madison Avenue is there any economic concerns the species of trees and they planted them in well some of these that are rare are going to came down and they dug a hole they dug a hole put the tree in and they sunk other than that uh and uh you know they had planted a lot of trees in a lot of money and uh and uh they sunk into the hole because it was so wet when they when they planted them so and also they cut on on on Pittsburgh Avenue they cut a couple those are buried electrical cables they cut a couple electric lines which was done in the winter time when they put the trees in and of course the people didn't find out until they came down found out that their refrigerators were defrosted and various other things like this and other areas that had what do you call it Subterranean plastic pipes in for irrigation in the street lawn which is really not supposed to be done but people put those in when they put the irrigation system in our laun we broke a bunch of those and we got blamed for it of course for the shade tree commission it was actually the state that came in with their big augers and no call before you dig uh type of thing and put all those trees and we thank them for the trees because they said there's not a whole lot of them left no no so be careful we had no say we had no say in the species either that was another problem there was no say in the species we had a beg to put some of the trees in in the Mount Vernon area uh and whatnot to get a couple of trees in some areas other than the one the ones that they wanted to city that the state wanted to put them in so all right but well I'm I'm saying don't you think we need to come up with like a little subcommittee to discuss these tree species because we have to for example we just planted a number of species that aren't even they're not on here I no some and yet they're disc native species and they're native species and they do well well would you be on the sub commmittee yeah would you head up that subcommittee sure and uh Jim I'm not the most knowledgeable guy when it comes to way be most find out about it yeah yeah okay I mean yeah I'd be happy to help okay and Sh I'd like to do it to J okay okay two georgees and Jim I'll learn a lot from George yeah and then Shane will sit in on all right that's a great idea okay well you sat on yeah K May point is making sound yeah yeah yeah yeah because they they made a run at it several years ago and they attended one or two meetings here I don't know whether you scared them off uh or whatnot they came back said no we don't want to have a sh3 I heard they're having a I heard they're going to have ordinance now okay make point I heard that from Wayne okay yeah forward if you could forward that list that'll be a big help thanks George can I ask you a question um you're looking to shorten this list is that what you um not necessarily shorten it I mean actually add to it I'm just yeah because I'm the the trees that I would be a in objection to I don't see even listed on here the tree that Paul had mentioned uh for the city projecto yeah that's not on here correct no that's not on here okay no well we're saying if people come in we we're having some residents plant their own trees in City ride of way which which with with with approval you know but we've we've had them plant trees there was a tree at a renovated house on Hugh Street last year they put in a purple leaf Plum which I certainly would not that's not on the list I would certainly not approve those either and then the uh we just had a person on I think it's Massachusetts I forget they planted two Bradford Pear in the city ride of way and that's we discussed this last time and I said what do we do in that case should we ask them to remove those trees or how do we proceed with that I mean I'm sure they did it thinking they were doing a good thing but you know we're trying to eliminate the Bradford pair to begin with and um you know and this way we'd had a list to say hey plant this instead you know are these trees yeah yes and even private property too because sometimes we I don't think that's part of our ordinance what's that if people remove trees from their private property they have to get a if it's 3 in or more right measured 4 and 1/2 ft above in diameter measured 4 and 1/2 ft above ground they need a permit right no but we're talking about to replace those trees we don't have that as part of our ordinance to replace them yes they need to replace yeah we yes we do if if there's if there's a uh construction project and and X number of trees are removed because it's in the footprint of the construction project they must replace tree for tree I mean we don't charge them to replace those trees because it's in the it's in the in the hole the driveway or the garage but they've got to replace the trees on the property if there's no room to replace the trees they replace the ones they can and they have to pay us the value of the tree that we can use to purchase trees to plant somewhere else that's in the ordinance but is that what they use their tree list for yes okay the right to the tree Bank yes okay all right so you guys are going to take a look and just see what what you have to add to this which the trees that are available yeah all right coming up this Thursday at 1:00 is the book Brigade yeah we're going to move the books from the library on Ocean Street to the new library here on Franklin in 1982 I was involved in that as a member of the Vintage homes Association Chamber of Commerce midlantic Center for the Arts ladies Red Hat Society school kids wedding uh ad here to M at the uh uh the church right next to City Hall and we moved the trees we move the books from the basement of City Hall where the library was to the telephone switch building on Ocean Street it was quite an event and I remember being in front of the uh uh the church here and uh Methodist Church when the wedding party came out the whole the whole bridal party the W the bride the groom the bridal party and the guests got involved into the line were hand books back and forth and it's we did it for about 2 and 1 half 3 hours start to get a little cold thank God it started to mist up and Rain a little bit and we were able to uh uh we got a lot of the books involved with then the kuas club in the city uh Public Works I think then finish the rest of the move so this is going to be more of a symbolic thing uh coming up at 1:00 I suggest we meet here in the parking lot of if those of us who can make it meet here in the parking lot of City Hall and get in line someplace to uh to pass some books back and forth It's a good little city organization I think the shade tree should be involved in that so come this Thursday at one o'clock if you can okay tell your friends and family bring F friends and family members too bring what friends and family members oh bring F friends and family members okay and yes they have they done it that they're going to do it uh while school's still in session because they're going to have the elementary school students come and get in line then too all right um the only other business that we have that I know of is uh this application for the tree wait wait Jay before you move on to that Jay yes I'm pretty sure Matt Notch is here to speak in the absence of the homeowner of 1102 Lafayette yes all right come on up press the button Jim Jim that's your District right yes the I pull up their you know their address off top of your head 1102 1102 1102 whatk sorry I just had it up here uh I think believe it's Marty and Val Carlin correct 11:02 Lafayette Street this corner of uh skinger Street and Lafayette Street Jay you're familiar with that property you visited the property with me Jay the old you were there spoke I forget the old name of that house the corner of skinger Street in laf the Primrose or something Primrose oh there were some Majestic trees there a lot of trees have come down during construction I guess all approved um my family lives a few houses away um so they're very familiar with the project and uh so they really nice people that have the property now but and I I think they're trying to preserve what's left uh but unfortunately the contractors they have there have damaged some of the trees pretty significantly and I don't know if there's an ordinance or even a way of holding other contractors liable of damage in trees on property is specifically for tree work enfor beod enforcement so and I I thought I mean West K may we have uh requirements before any construction demolition anything where trees have to be protected with some type of barricade that's newly that's new to us now so that was not requiring that now but it was a month ago maybe a couple months ago yeah March I think it was because this is recent damage about a month ago and I was informed through a concerned neighbor I'll just leave it at that and they were really upset about what was happening because they grew up a few houses away and they sent pictures of the contractor with loader driving through four 75y old locust trees uh ripping up an old walkway historic walkway and damaging Roots significantly in all four trees the one tree to the point that I recommend it be removed not that I want it removed but now the tree is hazardous and maybe they need to get a formal assessment by like Mickey reagins our board certified tree expert but there's such significant root damage in the proximity of house the trees potentially hazardous and um there was old damage from construction years ago that the tree healed but they went through there with a loader and they damaged not only that tree but the other three trees no no no this is right really close to Lafayette Street there would be like the northwest corner of that house um there's four there's four large locust trees each tree is about this wide and they had a walkway that went through these trees I'm sure trees were little at the time when they put the walk walk in but now the trees are mature and they went and ripped out that sidewalk um not very cleanly they just took equipment in there ripped it out they could have there when you say a loader I'm I'm assuming you're talking about like a bobcat size a large Bobcat on tracks lar with I don't know probably with a bucket on it I'm assuming because they just went through there's direct damage on the trunks of tree where they bang so even if we had in this situation a tree protection Zone set up they would never been in there with equipment they would have to go in there and remove this by hand by hand correct none of that damage would happened exactly okay um so now we're past that point so we have to deal with the situation at hand and they're disappointed and the contractor his defense he was a little annoyed because it wasn't part of the contract supposedly and the homeowner came down to see all things going on and asked for them to finish RI them sidewalk because they had stopped before that point because I think they knew they'd get into trees so I think he was ticked off jumped on ma she is went there and started going at it okay so I have some photos that I had taken um and I'm hoping that there won't be further damage because this request was put in right in my response I did say that I took photos of the existing damage to the roots to the trunk um so let's hope that this not further damage because I denied the request at this point in time right um one of the reasons also why I denied the request was because there are four trees in a group and the request was put in very vaguely you know with the with the request of was it this tree that tree was it all four trees was it one there was no specification as to what tree we were talking about so I guess you would have a little more knowledge in which specific tree they're talking about it was it was actually the removal request was my suggestion to them because of the amount of root damage on that one Tree closest to the house They Se severed all the buttress structural roots on the back side of that tree and now that trees compromise to fall right into the the sothe we're looking at the trees so um when you say closest to the house so there's two that are obviously further away to the East and the other two that are to the west of that grouping are the two closest but now what are we talking north or south of those two trees like the southeast so they're like come they're form like a square okay be it would be the Tree closest to the physic State close closest to Washington Street J okay this this this is the property that we visited together right that is correct yep and they brought in uh their uh and uh to speak about history of that Jay as you know um we were very generous to them and we agreed that four of five trees were have come down and that fifth tree did come down MH um we didn't follow up it was sort of on the border of a neighboring property it wasn't the uh best tree to deal with it was completely overtaken with Ivy there was a lot of dead limbs on it already um but we sort of let that go now did they have knowledge that that tree came down I don't know um but it's another reason in my uh denial at this point is that I'd really like to have the homeowner come we would like to speak to them um why did they allow this damage to happen to these perfectly matured trees um and again you know be a little more specific in your request the request was not specific at all so um I don't know if one of the homeowners the husband or wife or whoever or if you're just going to speak for them but then we would need to get more clarity as to what they're looking I'm definitely not speaking for them I'm going try to fill you in on some of the details because they asked me for my opinion and an estimate on doing the work which I gave them and uh it's unfortunate you know I think they're honestly unaware of the amount of damage done on the trees yeah I see a lot of exposed roots I have the pictures here um they're just left with a in a they're in a bad position now leaving that tree um they want they're not putting the walkway back in there as far as my understanding is okay I think there there is still some conc at this at this time there still concrete to be removed also she was trying to get here at the meeting I she's got some medical problems she uh she called me yesterday so I do have a photo of what was the damage at that time uh I'd have to go find the date um May 14th um and I see damage to the main trunk uh even at at a height of about maybe 5 to six feet up so that even got hit at that point and then a lot of the exposed roots and some of them you can see actually cut um I'm assuming that's the tree because that would be this tree that is now in that group of four the one that is closest to the home on the street side closest to physic State as you put it right okay and that's the one tree the other three trees they're not asking for removal no no there's not that much significant damage in those trees that would probably validate removing them by any means they'll probably have some dieback they'll probably need some burning in a couple years but but the one close to the house I'm concerned that it could potentially fall over in the decide their house um you know feel free to I mean if you you know if if you require them to have like Mickey or a board certified tree expert do a formal evaluation on them he'll probably Rec recommend removal but I can't speak for that person but maybe insist that they do that and um and and require that they re repl they are I mean at least C her she they are re they're proposing to do a really nice landscape from when she was telling me a lot of trees and pretty landscape and and I don't honestly don't know if they will but they say they are so I just told her I would come here and oh it's nice of you tell you what I knew appreciate it yeah and you gave a lot of information I was I believe me I was ear I was ticked off cuz I pulled up and I pulled all the contractors stopped the job and I had the GC there the Mason there it's a beautiful group of trees it really is the other P guy was there and uh the Mason guy kind of had at it with me he didn't like how I was talking to him and all I was calling him on what he did he's like I did that was there a problem with it I'm like yeah there's a problem with what you're doing and uh right and I explained to them they're not allowed to do that around trees and they're supposed to be a protection Zone around trees and GC was unaware of that so I don't know maybe suggestion suggesting anybody's doing building in Kate May that they're notifi that they have to put protection zones around trees prior of doing this work we did that in West K May that's all the contractors the best that we've could and they all know now and and if they're in violation they'll get fine and they'll they'll put a stop work later on so maybe we should put the code on the application please review the code before yeah pursuing any work because you're responsible is it too late in the ball game to have them put some type of protection Zone around it at this is done that's got to be happening for but just to make sure that no more damage is done well I mean you to go across the board do with all the building sites should we ask should we ask that arbore resources Arbor Care Resources Mickey come in I guess that would be more up to you Jay because that's a budgetary thing right because there is uh we're not I don't think we should be just a minute Jay I don't think we should be required to to fund that no I think that should fall back onto the homeowners oh oh so to to put that on the homeowner okay all right you have have arborist on paper in New Jersey you have to be a licensed Tree Care expert to be a legal consultant so I can say whatever I want here yeah we understand that right if if you have a licensed Tree Care expert and Mickey says that tree's got to come down you're going to be sort of like we have to let them take understood but they also have to make that effort too I think you know he may say oh well let's cut it back and do some root pruning and manage it over a few years and see what happens you may say that I don't know right right hey and that would be the homeowner's responsibility to follow up their decision so we'd have to draft a letter and send that to the homeowner that's how else would we inform them that's the only way I can see right right yeah right um and I'll also inform them that they need to be much more specific in their request of what tree we actually talking about right okay write me up a proposal a letter write me up a proposal letter that I can absolutely yeah as we said earlier I can't sign it but I would write it up and then you guys would review it and one of the two of you would sign it okay but well in that letter we want to suggest that we uh that they hire a certified tree expert uh to you know look at the Damage Done to the tree uh and determine if uh if if the the tree is VI Still Remains viable Mickey Riggins does all our Assessments in West Kate May well he he's under he W like a retainer to us we call him when we need him on something like this but the homeowner can hire anybody that they want as long as they as long as they tree expert as long as there a certified tree well that's what the letter would have to address you'd have to have that specified in the letter yeah certified Tre that's what K Point's doing right now they're requiring that K Point's doing exactly that right now they're requiring that a licensed Tre tree her expert because they're not specific evaluate the tree removal request right okay you know so we do that in in in westc may we actually pay Mickey for each one right we absorb that in the the we wind up doing that too but only only if there's a dispute I mean we'll take your word we'll take we'll take Miner's word and stuff like this and then every once in a while they'll the homeowner will hire a certified tree expert to come in and say no it's got rot in it it has to it has to come down and so we kind of once that is said by a certif factory expert we get the approval to taking tree now in my heart of hearts I believe I I believe that the tree could probably remain for another 20 or 30 years but you know it could fall over tomorrow you know so all right I don't the last thing I all can say I'd encourage you I'd encourage the shet Tre zoning whoever's going to like enforcement on the the the protection of the critical root zone of these trees I mean it's it's not rocket science put barricade x amount distance these trees prior all it's all in the new ordinance we just have to start enforcing it but it's in the new ordin and is that something or that's that's your that that's protecting the tree roots I have to I have myty man for me about the even here Jay just a minute I want to I was going to bring this up up actually too I rode my bike down um Hugh Street I don't know whose District that is the either but that house that you know they're doing a complete renovation with they were supposed to not damage any trees and stuff but there is no protective barrier around any tree that I saw and there's all equipment in the back of that property it's the block right below Franklin it's like three houses down from Frankl very large home that's only yeah right Eric's right they hadn't used it in years but anyway but I don't see any protective barriers around those trees either if I recall correctly so who addresses that here we are we're in the middle of the project call code enforcement codee enforcement yeah yeah okay and I don't know whose district is that H H Street probably no it's not probably I cut I cut off on there but I well we can make that call too I have one on schol that I have to do that she left and I'll pass there on the way home and Jefferson oh that's happening there too oh see will that you ride did you ride your bike into here we'll take a bike ride together through there okay can I bring up one point before we adjourn J yes can I just it's a food for thought it won't take a lot of time we it's my understanding that there used to be a tree inventory list uh maintained by the city and that that list does not exist anymore that's correct I've got the list we did an inventory about five years ago okay I've got a spreadsheet with all the trees in my district I don't know whether I have it for all of the district Citywide no I it might be it might have all the districts in it well let's I think we you want it oh yes because I I think we'll need a document like that to evaluate you know net gain net loss and just the entire strategy going forward of how we handle m trees being planted trees out of the tree bank and then keep that list up to date Y in a secure location Connie should definitely have that list Connie should have that in our list or files you know I think that's important that's um I and also I think that list would also tell us which trees are more successful in town as well you know what I'm saying so we're one last thing with this tree removal permit you said you will'll discuss this next month I think that's we we should look at talk about the August me okay you mean July July oh July rather yeah unless you're canceling it no no yeah let's hold the uh the uh application to the tree removal from that discussion until next month I think we've done enough damage today okay uh okay so I'm not going to we won't do we still should we still we should still yeah I think we should still write up the letter sure why not yeah yeah yeah yeah you can inform them today but they'll be tell them they'll be receiving a letter we we appreciate that thank you go ahead me up something and give me a call and we'll uh okay okay I think uh and we'll put this uh tree removal permit uh on next month's agenda okay all right all right that's all I have I don't think I can make a motion anymore can I yeah you not can I yeah you okay I'll make a motion to adjourn second that all those in favor thank you very much for coming appreciate it okay