going uh to open the meeting of May 28th 6 o' um and um will'll entertain a motion to go into executive session and I don't have the words in front of me because I wasn't so I move that we go into executive session pursuant to Master General law section 30A law 21 reason three to discuss Strat with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigation position of the public body in the chair so declares Massachusetts Coalition of police local 2011a so we'll be returning to public session we will be at 7 p.m. tonight yes do I have a second second um we need a roll call but then do we have anybody else here no um all right I guess I don't need a roll call in if they're not here all those in favor I hi that's a all right majority so three I'll just keep notes of that read now all right good evening the select board has adjourned their executive session and come back into public session uh welcome to this part of the meeting you're hearing me speak because uh we recently had an election and we've welcomed our new member Scott triola y rounding so much Applause and sit down please the um of course we we acknowledged and thanked Nathan Brown at our last select board meeting for his for his service to the community so the first item on the agenda for the select board is their reorganization so they will uh organize and then I will turn this meeting over to the select board which is the right thing to do so um I will take any nominations for chair of the select do a chair or slate or we can do a slate I'll take any nominations you interested in clerk is that usually the new guy okay so um I I move that uh I nominate um Travis Snell as chair Barney Arnold as Vice chair and Scott triola as clerk second all right I have a motion that is moved and seconded do I have any discussion well thank you Kate that's nice of you to make that motion I would willingly accept that uh motion and I appreciate the vote of confidence um I've been Vice chair and um would would be honored to be the chair and and I think Barney would do a great job um as Vice chair as well yeah I just have a short um acceptance speech to offer you no just kidding um I am very pleased no we need to do something about our volume hang on barie we can't okay uh you're very distant for some reason our one of our I don't know where our speakers are so it's Zoom output needs it just needs to be louder okay okay thanks Barney so anyway um I'd be happy to serve as the vice chair and um be happy to help H Travis as the chair and work with Scott as the clerk great great thank you they're working on some technical issues now we're really loud in the room but I don't know about the zoom oh still not very loud huh get well that's better that's better all right um all right any more discussion okay so I'll take a roll call vote please Arnold i m al Reed I Snell I triola I great all right it is unanimous and I gladly turn the meeting over to our new chair Travis feel I feel so much lighter all right um and um I may I just offer a quick thanks to Kate Reed our our previous chair who um I think did an outstanding job and Kate I I having worn the Hat myself I know how much is involved in that so I just wanted to thank you publicly for your service thank you Barney great I may reconsider then all right thank you um so why don't we uh begin the meeting um we will start with uh Community input and Community input rules are that we allow uh speakers uh to talk about issues uh they can be on this agenda or any else if you have Community input but we do limit that time to one minute um but at the chair's discretion it can be added to um an additional minute or so um do we have any oh sorry k sorry to interrupt you but would you read the agenda before you get to community input the people that are sure sure so well okay we'll review the agenda at 705 Community input 710 we're going to co a HS bequest acceptance 7:15 a public hearing on uh Grant of location um and then that's I guess a um NSTAR NSTAR thing uh 7:20 appointments and resignations 8:00 p.m. a hand private jet expansion discussion 8:30 shared disservices discussion 8 9:00 green o Barn decommission award and contract 920 annual town meeting and annual Town election review 930 Financial policies and initial discussion and 935 Town administrative report and then the review of the minutes and warrants and finally liazon reports and maybe any final public comments we'll take at the end all right um I see a hand up Debbie Bentley it looks like is that you you're welcome to speak but you got to turn your mic on I think yeah um just to to make life difficult I've actually got comments on a couple of items that you have on the uh agenda but the first one is I I can I I if you talk about the green oarn I would rather I could give input at the green oarn time if you want or I could talk about it now um and uh the other thing is I would like more trans transparency with our boards um to have all meetings hybrid and um to uh be able to get re get uh recordings of meetings because I think that that would allow more transparency and it also allow people to know what they're maybe volunteering for when they um volunteer for committees and I know you have a lot of vacancies this year yes okay I I think um that having an open uh opening to public discussion at the Greeno Barn would make sense so if you want to hang around um in fact that is something that I will try more often is to have discussion along the way because I think it is helpful there are people who sometimes want to provide input on specific issues during a discussion and it can be helpful for the board to get input at that time um thank is there anyone else who would like to speak anyone in the audience no all right um throwing you Ryan throwing you all kinds of curveballs so the as part of the board reorganization uh to make sure my finance team is still willing to listen to me after this meeting we do need to vote to have one of the select board members serve as the um person who approves bills drafts orders payrolls Etc uh this was previously done by Barney and it does need a vote of the board and you do have to physically be there once a week yeah um I if you'd like me to continue I certainly don't mind doing it I it's very easy for me to get up to town hall but um Scott if you'd like to you know get your feet wet by going into town hall every week that's fine too I'm happy to have you continue to do it if uh you so choose sure is there a motion then I move unless somebody else would prefer Arnold um uh be our design for um signing the warrant second okay any further discussion seeing none we'll do a roll call vote Arnold I mod Al I Reed I Snell I triola I okay you now have your signer okay um so seeing unless there's any more Comm commity input seeing none um we're going to move on to the uh CS bequest acceptance Ryan do you want to tell us about that uh yes thank you so the cohs received a gift from Frederick blacker in his estate it's a bequest of $5,195 the cohs um gladly accepted this donation um with many thanks to the family so anything that is donated to the town in in this board in particular needs to be approved by the select board so you would be voting to accept this gift and then of course we would send the family a letter on behalf of the board thanking them for uh this incredible donation I move to accept a request of $512 from the estate of Frederick Arthur blacker to the Carlile Council on Aging and Human Services second any further discussion seeing none we'll do a roll call vote Arnold I Modell I Reed ey Snell I triola I great thank you um we are five minutes ahead don't rest on your laurs Mr well I'm just trying to keep things in line here and I don't know if uh we have a public hearing so I can't start early so maybe uh minutes yeah I'm happy to to uh h i can get out of this and get to my at the end the last pages of our packet were there any further comments on the minutes that didn't so i s in um and I can just that that's why I'm trying to get my thing open hang on at petition appointments oh here it is 12 so um none of my um edits were um had any meaning you know there's like adding an S to something anding a d or something so I would like to move that we accept the minutes of Tuesday May 7th um as amended and I did see that Gretchen acknowledged your comment so they'll make it in anyone else I can tell you what they were okay second from Barney um any discussion on the minutes you're probably going to abstain stay here okay um we'll do a roll call vote Arnold I Modell I Reed ey Snell I and triola abstain all right great 711 all right 711 um well we could start the Town Administrator report if you're willing to do that unless there's something else we can't do the appointments earlier we cannot do the appointments earlier or can we I I didn't know if Joseph and Brian Murphy those appointments sorry Ryan I threw you off there now you got to zip back up to the appointments all right okay I move to appoint Joseph toppel of 81 Greystone L as Constable for the town of Carlile with a turn expiring June 30th 2025 contingent upon the filing of the required bond with the town of Carlile and I also move want to appoint Brian murer Murphy Brian Murphy 534 conquered Street as a member of the land stewardship committee termed to end June 30th 2027 and that's those are the two appointments do I hear a second second okay Modell um any discussion on these Ryan you want you have anything to add on these appointments uh no these are board uh board appointments so uh the letters are in your packet for their recommendation from the various boards and everything is in order yeah I'll just say that uh Brian Murphy is also a board a member of the kcom and it's uh they're trying to do a little bit of a reorg so he would then be on both committees and would be helpful for them great okay any further questions comments um I'd like to take a roll call vote on those two Arnold I model I Reed ey Snell ey triola I all right and you want me to read the resignation yes please okay we've been notified um of the resignation effect of May 16 2024 of David beter from his appointed term of 2023 through 2026 to the environmental sustainability committee and uh we were also notified of the resignation effective May 16th 2024 of Gregory Janes from his position of heavy equipment operator for the Department of Public Works we thank them both for their service yeah U Mr James Mr James was here for here for a day uh just just wasn't a fit just a mutual separation of ways and then um I personally worked with Dave on the police station building police station building renovation committee he was um an excellent member and advocate for sustainability Pro on that project and helped helped get that through both the town election and the uh town meeting so excellent service I hope he comes back and serves Us in another way great well depends on which watch we're using here 714 okay I think so let's tear this up and I'll open it what's hands let me see no not hands come it's a poll the um four utility the utility 7:15 yeah so is the uh representative here from I doubt that we're going to have are they sending some I didn't know if they sometimes online deffy oh okay that's who it is all right great thank you um I move uh to open the public hearing of for the grant of location for eversource Acton Street I second that all in favor call sorry Arnold I model I Reed ey Snell ey TR I okay so we're public session um do we have a discussion about this is there some do we want present I'm sorry I didn't this is evus would like to install 7 feet of conduit on Acton Street and this is to provide uh for new service for the new construction at 775 Acton Street still Meadow Farms okay we have information in our packet about that I saw that were there any comments um my only comment is that we do have a policy about is uh is this going to be in the asphalt in the street or um in the RightWay it's in the RightWay it's going from the pole in in only 7 ft oh okay so it's not in the asphalt no okay cuz we have a policy about posting Bond if they're working in the asphalt making sure that it gets paav correctly Show Edge of payment there yeah no see the edge of the payment then you can see the right way where the pole is okay Mr Town Administrator is there anything else we should know about U no this is a a pretty simple request required by law um M Duffy if you could just State your full name and title for the for the minutes and then um all town all relevant boards committees and departments have been notified and are f with AC Jack and deffy RightWay agent eversource energy okay thank you great thank you all right do I have a motion then or close the public hear need to close the public hearings I move to close the public hearing ask for public input already do we ask thank you for reminding me I'm learning getting up to speed is there any public input anyone from the public want to speak to this issue anyone on Zoom anyone in the audience all right seeing none Kate I move to close the public hearing second I second it okay let's take a roll call vote please Arnold I mod Ali Reed ey Snell ey triola I okay all right I move to approve the petition and plan submitted by instar Electric Company doing business as eversource energy for the purpose of obtaining a grant of location to install approximately 10 plus or minus feed of conduit in Acton Street said work is necessary to upgrade the existing underground electric service to 63 and 75 Acton Street carile second any further discussion seeing none we'll do a roll call vote hearing none arold modelli Reed ey Snell ey triola ey you're gonna get me on every one of these I think seeing is okay seeing is okay well seeing yeah you have to see it you're not going to hear it all right um thank you have a nice night everybody thank you coming okay so that was four number five appointments we did we did yeah oh hand where H there's more there's more two appointments B vacancy discussion yes there's more to appointments you're right right all right Board of Health uh so there's there's three okay you're you're doing great three discussion points here in appointments and um resignations so first the Board of Health uh duly notified the select board that they have a vacancy uh Kathy gallagan who served on the board of health and done a tremendous amount of work has has resigned and created an opening for an elected board so by mgl this position is replaced by a vote of the select board and the remaining members of an elected board so the remaining members of the Board of Health and the select board so they have described a process to you uh you receive that and that information is in your packet the other discussion items here was um to relook at your appointment policy specifically the um IDE of filling vacancies and how you want that done and then there is the draft vacancies for you to review as you will be appointing people into vacancies at your next two meetings so now I know what I've done I don't know if you've had a chance to read through this but as a as a followup to this I did reach out to um Patrick Collins and spoke with him and uh also received Communications from Linda Fantasia um Linda had put forward a schedule ual um she she had said that they have this potential candidate who's very interested and well qualified but they would like to uh post this pursuant to the um the requirements uh and they wanted to that she proposed a schedule and offered to take responsibility for um finding this person I see that Linda looks like is on um Linda do you have anything to add would you like to be a part of this uh good evening everyone no I'm just listening in Just for information if you have any questions let me know okay great um I did invite uh Patrick to be a part of this tonight and to provide any further input he's unfortunately traveling and unable to make the meeting but um you know I think it's a question for us as to you know we have to work with the Board of Health to jointly appoint a new uh a replacement member in interim oneyear term member um so it's really about how best to proceed with that and Linda has kindly offered to you know run that process if we think that that's appropriate or if we want to do that in conjunction with how we would run some of the other processes or talk about how what is the best procedure going forward so I'm looking for any kind of input um that that there might be on this Kate I see you're ready well I guess I I would like to see this be advertised as we advertise any vacancy in town especially since the select board is um involved in this particular um Choice as well um but to make sure that the cast the net is cast um so that we get as many good applicants as as possible and that you know we have now um a database that we're starting to take um shape and um we have a online application form so I just think it would be nice if we could run those run it through that so it becomes part of in fact I you know we'll be talking about our policy and where there are joint if and when there are joint things like this I'd like to have that included in our new policy so this would be like the flagship are you saying to require people to go through this or how would we do this because this would just be all boards even if they're elected boards regardless of if there if there an appointment where somebody steps off of an elected board MH beforehand and we and it has to be then always a dual um appointment I would like it to follow our our process process so that they would fill in that online form okay so would that mean that the select board effectively runs that process because right now I think that and maybe the TA can weigh in on how that process currently Works um that how how is it set up currently just to refresh our memory or my memory so if there are vacancies you're saying yes so it really depends board to board um the the past practice has been to have boards uh bring names forward and to to vet the people for that board and to bring the select board names the discussions you've had in the last in the last year or so about appointments which now seemed like a really long time ago but during goals was to try and make it a more open and transparent process with a with a broad advertising of all open vacancies so that you could create a greater pool of volunteerism within the town um so the idea would be that a vacancy comes to the board the board then advertises is that in the widest possible way those names would then go to the the committee or the board for their recommendation and then it would come back to the select board um having been vetted with with a strong recommendation that was the idea um in practice a lot of the boards and committees come to with with names and trying to fill it really quick because there is a lot of work to do in the volunteerism so um it's it's an idea between the theory and the practice right now and and that was the next part of the discussion is um do you want to commit to this how do you want your policy to work and is there any changes to that process that you might want to consider and if I might add just a little bit on that um you know we went through a process um Aubrey and I worked on it quite a bit last year and then if you all those of you that were on the board will recall we we had you know we designed a whole um process and outlined policy on this and um I I think there's good there's a good foundation there um for trying to um you know make it more systematic and transparent um which was the driving motivation uh to look at it in the first place you know some some folks were feeling like they were kind of left out of the opportunity to serve on a board or committee um so I I think it's it's worthwhile for us to take a look at what we did and see if we want to make any changes to it but I think the basic idea is a really good one and I know we were following I mean we did follow it last fall on several different appointments I I don't know exactly what's been happening since then like the for the appointment we just made tonight was that advertised following the I think what we said what we said at least two weeks we would put the notice out there through our social media Outlets yeah was have we generally been doing that Ryan or have we you know not because of uh sort of the crunch of getting somebody into the job quickly we we have been doing that there there has been push back in some instances on on the time frame um so we're just looking for some more clarity from the from the board and Direction on on how to fill yeah I I guess I think we need to resist that push um it's unfortunate and I understand there's a lot of work but um I know that we've got some new names that we hadn't seen before coming forward and I think once we start building this database and start getting more even if those new people not everybody gets pointed the first time around then we can for the time crunch ones we can go back to that new database that we're going to have because otherwise what used to happen is the names used to go into the ether and we'd lose the you know any opportunity to invite these people to come and and it's I think because if if you reach out to people and give you know and invite them they're more likely to to accept so um I think we really need to work hard to get this established I was actually surprised to hear we don't do that as a matter of course I know on the finance committee um vacancies were advertised and you know you you the goal was to solicit more candidates than than you might be aware of and so I think you know it's not it's not getting any easier to get volunteers on committees and I think advertising and promoting opportunities for volunteerism is important and I you know I'm assuming we're talking about putting something in mosquito on the website we're not talking about a a complicated advertising process um right I don't see for the importance of these positions and the time that the person may be serving and then may be reappointed or reelected it's worth the the one to two weeks that it would take to to advertise it and then we know that we've the the net has been cast um and we we can make the appointments with more confidence yeah I agree so Linda had put forward a timetable um and I just I don't know if first of all if we're if we you want to move forward at this pace or not I think it you know it's an aggressive timetable but it you know they want to fill a vacancy but she had suggested on May 28th which is today so I don't know if I don't think it was posted but V she suggested the vacancy would be posted on town website and town social media then by May 31st notice in the mosquito the select board must give one week's notice of the meeting at which the vacancy will be filled and then kind of June 5th setting a deadline for the applications to the select board and the Board of Health and June 7th a Board of Health meeting applicants would be invited to observe and the the uh Board of Health would consider its recommendation and June 11th The Joint meeting hybrid with the select board and the Board of Health to interview applicants and vote on an appointment so you know it sounds like it's a a joint process and they want to have an opportunity to vet them and obviously we would too so I I think that the pro in my in my view I just walked you through that but the uhu you know the the process sounds reasonable to me it's the timing I just don't know if it's a little tight because I don't know how we have to advertise and the the the dates of the mosquito but I think that you know it should go in the mosquito what once or twice right I don't know is our policy twice no this was just came as you got to answer that into the public record I will um well I don't see anything there for interviewing when is the interviewing going to happen you post I mean again we're we I agree with Kate we should and and I think also Scott what's your name again Scott Scott said it um it'll take me a while all right uh so how do you wouldn't rush well we have to we're starting and I'm actually actually daunted by the if I interpret the list correctly all the open yeah there's a lot of open vacan there's a lot of I got to tell you we got to start like being methodical and and I wait can I just ask a clarifying question on that real quick because it might make us feel better um Ryan does that list in well back a sec we when we discussed this policy one of the things we said was that anyone who was currently serving who term was ending they would be that opening would be U uh advertised as being available uh and if and that person might very well want to continue but they would then submit their uh application to continue on the committee so does the number of vacancies on all of those different committees include people whose terms are ending who might very well want to continue yep and if we remember yes Bernie so the the vacancies are people who um whose terms up who who do want to continue in their position and their boards do want to continue the board discussed this previously saying that it was an opportunity to make sure that there wasn't anyone else interested or capture other volunteer names but most of these positions will be filled by people who are currently so right so that does make that should make us feel better you guys there's not that many any case I think yeah we should we got our process now we should run our process yeah so back to my point which is that we advert but then it's not enough to have them sit in on a meeting there has to be there has to be a interview process right there now it may be that there's only one candidate who raises their hand for the well let's assume that they're multiple but if right we should plan on multiple which means that there should be interviews now I don't know let's do the simpler case first the case where it's a committee under our control yeah we set that up right we decide who's going to interview I guess right M I think that's usually the committee interviews well if it's an existing committee set up typically that committee would do ite it's a brand new committee yeah we would so if the if we're deferring to the committee then I guess we're deferring to the Board of Health to do the interviews since it's their committee right right and I think that this is important we're right now we're you know recently we've had a large you know discussion with the Board of Health that was a big public issue and and I think it's important that we kind of make sure that we're involved and and that that we the select board has input on this decision um and and we work with the Board of Health and so I don't know I think we could jointly figure out a way to interview with them if they're amenable to you know well if that's what we want I'm saying if it was the fcom the fincom would do the interviewing and they would say we interview these two people and like this guy right isn't that what would happen yeah and you you would see the the applicants so you would have a chance to review and but we wouldn't typically you wouldn't be the first in that case you wouldn't be the first uh you could be involved if if someone wanted to be involved they could sit in on that I gu that's the thing it's usually in in the case of fincom we would you would interview with the fincom so and that's an open meeting and and well all the meetings presumably all the meetings are open but I'm just trying to say I but they run the they would run the they would run process and we recommend so and so and we would we could say yes or we could say well I think at the very least we should be represented at their meeting their public meeting where they're interviewing the candidates and be allowed to ask questions of the candidates I think if one is one suggestion I don't know I mean I'm open to whatever I think let me try to say a little different most of the appoint ments are under our purview right and I'm not so that's a process that we're initiating and I'm now questioning whether even that process is clear in other words if it's our committee we agree we're casting a net we're getting interested people but if we're just deferring to that committee to decide who it wants on its committee maybe we shouldn't be even doing that I don't want to hold the Board of Health which is an independently elected body to a different standard I'd like to make one standard I think the standard might be what you say but it's not the standard I'm hearing for our own stuff I'd like to have it like one way if we decide maybe we should decide we should always put a select board person on the interviewing Committee just to be there and ask those questions it doesn't matter if it's Board of Health or incom or the flag raising committee wouldn't the liaison be the person that would well it could be could be I mean that's I mean that's typically Leon could could sit in and then bring any issues or observations back to the select board yeah so I'm not in this policy in front of us seeing I see a lot about creating committees and stuff but I'm not really seeing that we did we nut all that out um we could haven't got into that yeah discussion yet but I guess I mean we're applying the policy to the situation hang on where's that appointments right yeah it's in the appointments thing I mean we voted this policy right correct yeah and then the Board of Health this is a what is a if it were elected it's a three-year term and this is a one-year this is term and then the the election would be for the remaining two years they'll be an election they'll be an election there'll be an election next year no the election would be for full threeyear term but it wouldn't happen until spring of 2025 I was um I was proposing to put uh after one committee powers and duties where it so shows um who has you know the board of assessors the all the you know elected boards and then it says while the select board does not have the authority to appoint members to these committees it's in the best interest of the town as much as possible that these committees be BL I age by the policies and then I thought we should say add if a member of one of these committees steps away from their position before the end of the term a joint appointment will be conducted with the select board in this case the position will be duly advertised and a list of all applicants will be constructed and then I put the rest of the policy needs to be discussed and codified and memorialized here yeah so I mean then you get to the interview but that's where I think it belongs and um I think we could and and I agree that whatever we put here we should do for all the others if you so if you roll down I agree with what you're doing but if you go down to V five I guess in the appointment policies and procedures and and you go down to number you go to the next page you go to number one yeah we we cast a net as Scott said you know for these things ABCDE the select board directs a TA or their designate to public okay select board shall make appointments so it doesn't really even there talk about who interviews or anything like that well in fact this this working group I think award and we need to talk about that and I don't think the staff is thrilled with it and it has to be us and it should probably be a subcommittee and it should also be an open meeting right so let's say it's um historical commission I don't know if that's a good word and and they have a vacancy and we say okay great you got to advertise blah BL blah and by the way we're creating a a subcommittee of interviewing which would be like one of them and one one of us or two of them and one of we decide each time what who appropriately should be on that interview right something seems yeah seems reasonable yeah right so I it sounds like on the policy side we have a little word smithing we have to do to amend the policy we have if we get a consensus of this board tonight we can give guidance to Board of Health as to help we recommend proceeding which in the way I just described it would be they should advertise in the way that we propose and that we should create a little interview committee and we should be on it yeah okay that's very good for me and it has to be done in Open Session I would wonder if um it would be at all helpful I think I would like to hear what um I guess it would be from Lyndon unless there's another there is a member of the planning uh the Board of Health on the call um what is their process when when they I see the time I heard the timeline from uh Travis but what what what actually happens uh in in the process of um looking for considering a candidate for appointment in this situation what do you what do you expect that the Board of Health would do it looks like Linda is on and there's also it looks like alen Lewis is on as a I don't know if he's par I'm sorry he's not on sorry no no there none sorry about that no other representative so yeah yeah I've I've been through this process probably three times maybe four and um you know you have to follow Mass general laws section 41 or chapter 41 section 11 and the only requirement there that it be a joint meeting and that the select board uh give at least one week notice of the they will make the appointment other than that it's pretty open normally when someone Express an interest in the Board of Health um they talk with board members which has already happened and we do like them to come to a meeting so they can really observe what they'll be required to do um the only reason I suggested these time frames were um because they they worked well with our our current meeting schedule Board of Health is meeting June 7 select board are meeting June 11 but um I do understand that you want to get we want to get as many interested people not just for this one time but maybe for future uses so I'm sure the board would have problem with agreeing with what you come up with okay great okay yeah because I I think it be important I I'm just seconding what some other folks have already said but I think it's important that we um do do the publicity and let uh everybody that might be interested have an opportunity to be considered um the other thing I just wanted to say is that I think given that this is normally a position that is elected by the town at a town election um it is a little different than uh and it's and it's it's this you know one year completing one year of a threeyear term um I think it's a little different than than um what we've talked about in our appointment policy and we really while David I understand your desire to you know systematize things I do think in this kind of a situation we can um we can consider doing things a little differently given the particular circumstances so for example um we might not generally um you know have a separate u u have have somebody other than the the committee do any interviewing I think in this case we're we're sort of the Board of Health and the select board are taking the place of the voters and so I think it makes sense for us to um be involved in the interview process for um you know who's going to be a given given this term this onee term but you're you're actually saying exactly what I said bie sorry a I said but B it's also the same thing you would do if it was a appointed position under our purview we would ask that the select board we haven't the policy itself hasn't caught up with what we're saying but yeah if we were to amend the policy based on tonight's discussion we would say that we would like the board would have a representative in the interviewing process so no I I don't agree with that you don't agree are you talking about our regular select board appointed committees yeah you're saying you don't agree with doing it that way for the SEL well maybe I that's the difficulty I think of being on Zoom right not in person I may not be following everything but um my understanding of our policy is that it's what Scott was just describing about the fincom right if there's an opening on the fincom um then the you know we post it follow our policy here for publicizing it and then interested parties are submit their you know fill out their applications and then that would all go to the fincom for them to take a first look at who's interested and they would do their interview process um and then they would discuss who they thought would be good to appoint and they'd make that recommendation to the select board so the and are you suggesting I think we're suggesting amending the policy um so that that wouldn't happen like that anymore so that actually we would be much more Hands-On in the selection of our appointments and that if there was more than one um applicant for a position that one of at least one of the select board would be involved in the um interview process going forward and and the and be more intimately in you know listening to the discussion among the committee members as to why they're picking one person as opposed you know pick to recommend to us as another I think it's really yeah no I I heard the amendment I guess I U I mean what this is the first that I've that I've heard this maybe I've missed something along the way but so here's one thing that that it raises to me then so we're that's going to be adding another another set of more work to members of the select board well so that any time a committee and yes you could say it's the responsibility of the liaison and that would be one way to do it well the liaison could be the representative as Scott suggests but let me say two things one is the policy right now is silent on the interview process so it's not that we're going against policy the policy just is not complete the second thing is you do run the risk of um you know I'll call it sort of inside baseball but you get a committee that has a certain personality and they keep reinforcing that personality by hiring people that they think are like them we are supposed to be kind of agnostic there and I do think it's exactly what you said I mean you raised a good point Barney about the fact that it's we're taking the place of the Carlile voters because we're appointing somebody who normally would be elected but even if it's appointed I think we should treat the same way we are rep we are asked to represent the town of carile in a whole range of decisions the people so I yeah you know I mean I agree with what Kate said I just wanted to clarify that point yeah I think that it sounds like we could have you know our our liaison representative be involved in that in on a regular basis and you know making sure that those questions that may need to be asked or whatever it is to to understand it so that it when it comes to the board someone has been participated in that and can speak to that I think that is that what you're we're all kind of agreeing um can we turn bring it back to this particular appointment because we only have a few more minutes to discuss it but I'd like to to have a help Linda and help the Board of Health and and and try and you know present something that could work for them as well but what do you what do you think relative to our policy or what we would want to see with this appointment this joint appointment we want to have Linda run that process as she has offered to collect resumés or do we want to have is she going to do number one I mean it sounds like what concerns me is they've already picked somebody yeah and I'm saying okay that's great that's candidate number one but have you you know query done all these five things that are in this I think she's she's offering to to put it in she you know put it in the mosquito and and go on the website and so forth but I mean Linda's on we can ask Linda if that was her ention um if you wouldn't mind sharing I mean how you want to run this process so um I don't think the timetable I proposed will now work so we will definitely have to move on into a little later into the summer and depending on the mosquito um schedule take that into account I'd be happy to um you know help with it I I guess my question is is there would the um Board of Health have any problem with using our online form as a way of collecting that information because it's it's already set up and U right I I hate I don't like speaking for the board but I'm I'm sure they they would and I only became aware of this policy this afternoon so [Music] um fun on let's see uh our next meeting is June 7th so you know we can stop working on it at that point Ryan did you have something you wanted to it's probably going to be an annoying point but um Linda is representing the Board of Health so it would be the board of Health's process not Linda's process that just needs to be clear I know the mosquito's on so she she is doing this process for the Board of Health otherwise it' be an appropriate for her to appoint right yeah but is the online thing now that we've got into that is that something basically Aubrey runs is that really a HR function getting those uh it's actually it just comes to Gretchen and then she enacts the policy that that you pass so she just collects and then uh sends to the committee and usually CC's the chair okay the chair in this case being Patrick correct yeah so maybe it makes sense for me to reach out to Patrick and just to to discuss this and see if this type of procedure would be if they'd be amendable to it I think that that might be helpful and then if he's willing to you know have Aubrey or I'm sorry Gretchen collect all the resumés we provide them to the Board of Health and have them review them and as you said we want to have input into them so you know at least in that screening process so you know have some type of representation there that's allowed to speak and ask questions is that kind of to this board is that what we're looking to do um you know without having a joint meeting per seually eventually you have a joint meeting to to vote on it but I'm saying for the preliminary so the thought would be that that Gretchen would collect all the resumés we'd have a a timetable whatever that is two weeks or three weeks it would be appropriately noticed once everything's collected it would go to the Board of Health all resumés and all you know all materials and then from there the Board of Health would do the be really the interviewer for that with a representative of the select board who could also be allowed to speak and ask questions y I think is that a you know so I can talk to the chair of the Board of Health about that and Patrick and see if it's a little bit selfish I mean for us uh because we want to have access to wh to those names because we know only one of them is going to be chosen and we need access to more volunteers too so well sure sure if we get a bunch of resumees it's great will benefit as a town by getting more but you know I I that that seems reasonable so I'll I'll get in touch with Patrick and I'm sure Linda you can report back that as well if you wouldn't mind unless there's anything else to add in this and I the thing is do we think there's any problem with either Linda or Aubrey or who am ever put this thing in the mosquito for Friday and and start the process off I don't we don't sure they might as well start well well but I don't know if the board if if Patrick let me talk to Patrick cuz if the Board of Health needs to meet to agree to that or if he has the authority I don't know if he's they've discussed this yet or if they need to that's his perview not mine yeah okay good fine I I just didn't want to hold them up unnecessarily that's all okay I just know in the past it was something that was just again I'm speaking from The Experience on fincom it was something at the time the Town Administrator just did we never met to craft a posting or it was just posted yeah this is somewhat different because it is an elected um position is yeah if the policy was clear that is exactly what would happen that's yeah okay so what we don't want so in this policy because I think we're transitioning to that it says the Town Administrator and staff will create a working group to help help recommend appointments like we can't do that um the select the select board is has the authority to it's not appropriate for us to do that so the the process should be follow the policy if that's delegated to us then we just follow that policy and it's very transparent right um selecting people not in public or not with that mass advertising is is what I think the board's trying to get away from because that does create that those insular boards yeah well and we heard from citizens like people want transparency we want all these committees and boards and the processes and the discussions and the opportunities to be communicated yeah so what does Happ so you mentioned the finom process before what tends to happen is um the boards individually all good intention like yeah would just do their normal process so they would advertise the way they normally advertise um they may or may not take advantage of all the different ways that we can advertise as a town so that the idea is that there would be a notification of instead of getting the notification and then the name at one point time you would get the notification you would broadly advertise it collect and then get the recommendation and it would H it would actually not be that much slower if everyone just followed it right but we're getting here is the name of the person that fills the vacancy that we just had please have the select board approve it which is is normally fine like 99% of the time but you know maybe there was someone else that wanted to serve on that committee or Etc okay we're five minutes early any well just go back to the let's finish up the other Linda do you feel like you have your um you know what you have well I was gonna I was going to reach out to Patrick out and I will copy Linda on it on my communication will basically be what we just discussed here for my benefit the next step in the in the policy would be what so that's what I was going to say so multiple volunteers interested in one vacancy which is on page whatever two or whatever it's under it's under the fourth page of the policy page we want to we want to change the wording on that okay okay and um I how about I'll commit to we'll draft something up drafting something for their next meeting okay so I will commit to do that and um and then I will o commit to finishing that part about if if there's an un unexpired term um in an elected board what the policy will be and basically it'll say it'll follow the the select board policy of of you know advertising collecting resumés the policy you know well go back to okay right y all right so I I'll work on that I'll bring it back next time good and that with your section 7 C you should also uh hang on what 7 ta convenes a working group that one yes that needs we're not going to con and we haven't done that just to be clear but that needs to go out of the policy because it is an appointment by the nighttime government not the daytime government that's the cre yes all right let me uh select all right all right I will do that was there anything else in this um in the policy in the policy that needed to be looked at well at one point and I don't know Brian if you have an opinion about this now at one point when we were still working on this the question was whether we wanted to designate the you know in here under um what section is it uh it's under the resignations and appointments I guess where it says specifically that the executive assistant is going to coordinate with the assistant Town Administrator and um just to double check that that's the way you want that or the way um we want that um to run and I know last year there was some discussion with um Aubrey as the assistant Town Administrator about how all this was going to work so you might just want to review that okay Barney would you tell me what the section number is again uh it's it's uh 5C on page three underneath um resignations and appointments appoint and at the very bottom of page three it starts off or yeah the bottom of page three appointment of committee members and I number two item two starts off by saying the EA will coordinate with the okay a and again I just remember we had some discussion about whether that was the appropriate um oh I don't see does anybody see any problem with that uh there there isn't just to explain it I know it's fairly bureaucratic but the assistant Town Administrator coordinates with the chairs of all the boards and committees so in theory they would notify her of a vacancy her or him depending on who's in the position the executive assistant works for me in the select board so then uh the ATA would tell the executive assistant to to fulfill the appointment process especially if it was a select board appointment or if we had to discuss it with another board like we're doing tonight so the the reason for the split is we want the chairs to work with the assistant Town Administrator and the select board and myself to work with the executive assistant just so that people don't get confused as to who they're supposed to go to too okay so you're not recommending that we change that no cuz what happens in practice is whoever answers someone tends to be the person that they go to Forever and we're just trying to make that the right person so that the town runs well right okay is that help Barney I I think I heard you say Ryan to leave it the way it is yes yep it's good okay well my it's close enough for government work as I say yes well this is government work do we need to look at the fy2 draft vacancies was there a reason that's on there H just to um to notify you that a lot of these are coming um this discussion has been great to help with that so then you'll get your list your slate of people who are still interested and we'll broadly advertise the vacant positions and hopefully we'll have too many people to fill these slots I doubt it but I'm hoping we do you all said parney yeah sounds good okay um well let's move on the next item on tonight's agenda is the hansam private jet expansion discussion and I believe the environmental sustainability committee um had had uh been invited to attend here and wants to talk to us about this so I yep introduce yourself and um you know we've we've slated third 30 minutes for this discussion so thank you very much sure um so Scott first of all welcome to thank you anyway I want to thank you all for um you know preparing for some time so that we can discuss this issue a little more carefully uh and more thoroughly uh my name is Alana zamaro I live at 398 L Street a lot of you know me as the former member of the recycling committee the compost lady at the school of the transfer station uh was also a member of the ETF uh energy task force and uh currently am a member of the environmental sustainability committee uh which by the way has unanimously endorsed uh this resolution uh but tonight I'm here actually as a member of the League of Women Voters um of conquered Carlile The League uh I work uh at the state League I'm a legislative specialist uh focused on climate change and energy legislation and policy um but this is also uh a serious issue for a lot of local leagues in the state of Massachusetts so that's why I'm here tonight I am very happy to introduce you to Alex Chatfield uh this is going to be a co-presented uh presentation tonight uh Alex lives in chat in l uh he's been there for 27 years he is uh he's large resume but I'll try to net it out um he is a clinical social worker and he works at Minute Man Arc where he is the director of Early Intervention Program The Early Intervention Program he was recently appointed by the Lincoln select board uh to be on the Massachusetts uh massport advisory committee um and he is also a founding member of of the stop private jet uh Jets at hansam and anywhere uh Coalition um so he is probably one of the most knowledgeable people on this whole issue I think our task tonight is to talk about why we presented or are presenting to Carlile a resolution to be signed by this municipality why we want you to join a growing uh Coalition of municipalities that have signed uh onto this res resolution why is it relevant to Massachusetts so uh just want to point out if you can go to the next slide that these are Statewide associations organizations that support this effort and this resolution and you can go to the next slide and by the way there are over 70 local organizations that also support uh moving forward on these this Municipal effort and the resolution um and other aspects of it so I just also want to remind you all of our Carlile Master uh master plan uh we have a section called the environmental stewardship section and uh it talks about why Carlile is invested through the master plan process uh in dealing with climate change impacts and our responsibility as a town to deal with that issue which is not just a town issue it's a global issue um also move to the next slide this is just a quick reference um on this slide I think probably the most relevant part here because we are dealing with a global crisis around climate change is that the only way we're going to be able to get the carbon emissions at the scale and scope required to reduce the global em emissions uh in global emissions and the impact on our ecosystems basically is to work together as communities we have to work at the Town level the federal level and the state level and that's where car comes into this this isn't about just a group of towns that live uh are located close to hansam because emissions do not know borders they go everywhere and that's what we're here to talk about tonight so we hope to impress upon you the reason why carile uh we would love to have carile join this Municipal resolution effort so I thank Alex and then I turn it over to you thank you next slide so we always like to ground these presentation in what's going on with the issue of climate change right now and I wish I had better news to give you about how we're doing but we're not doing well uh and many groups and and uh uh agencies and and organizations are now using phrases like a climate crisis or a climate emergency to uh characterize what's happening and I think after what uh Massachusetts and the New England region endured in 2023 um it does feel like an emergency for many people um especially those who were directly impacted last year by extreme heat and flooding uh which cost the region uh close to a billion dollars in terms of damage um and many communities are still trying to recover from that including uh locally uh lemonster and and Andover which had tens of Millions of dollars next slide so um this is the scary graph that we've been looking at uh for the last couple of decades um and it would be very nice if at the top of the graph we were beginning to see a leveling off uh but we are not and after the pandemic ended um emissions uh continued on this uh same same track um that that that they've been on there was a there was a slight leveling because of of covid but we're on the way up again next and uh the result is that um surface temperatures around the world uh continue to arise to rise really at rates that are now shocking even seasoned climate scientists who have been studying the issue for the last few decades many of the predictions that were made in the 2000s and 2010s um are just accelerating and and coming true faster and worse than anticipated next and of course the one that's really caught people's attention in the past year is uh what is going on with um ocean temperatures and uh uh again literally off the chart compared to what's been recorded um in other years the bright red line is 2023 and of course that affects New England in a variety of ways um uh including um the risk of more severe uh storms because they gather their energy from the heated surface of the ocean uh but also we have one of the richest Fisheries in the world in the Gulf of Maine and the lobsters are heading for Canada and uh already what could be caught uh a generation ago in Massachusetts Waters has largely uh disappeared in terms of that species uh and the same thing is happening in the Gulf of Maine next so uh what are we doing and what is this issue at at massport and the Wii is is uh is sort of General but we're going to get to these slides so first of all uh next slide let's take a look at the scope and scale of this project at at uh hanscum field um and we're always uh very clear in the beginning of these presentations that we are not in any way talking about the Air Force Base nor are we talking about any operations of the Air Force Base they do not fly planes from that base uh military planes come and go uh but they are a research and Technology facility and they interface with Massachusetts industry um but they are uh they they have no connection at all to this project um so uh if you could see a map of the airport um the big uh x uh runways would be directly south of this location and then even further south is the terminal that people are familiar with if they've gone to the airport so this is way over on the far side of the campus um and is largely undeveloped right now the brownish colored building that says existing Navy Hangar is one of the very few structures that are there um the right side of the diagram is the land that is currently owned by the private developers and the left side uh of the Navy hanger the rest of that land is currently owned by massport but they're going to be combined into this new facility which is 2/3 of a mile uh wide and to give you a another sense of the scale that little black dot uh up above shows you the side size of a typical house so this is truly in a a a very very large uh development um there are 17 hangers in the diagram and the square feet uh comes to uh 500,000 Square ft plus a little bit more for additional um Aviation support um also uh what you can see if you look up in the right hand corner up above it says underground fuel storage tanks they're going to be installing four 20,000 gallon tanks for jet fuel and another 5,000g tank for the leaded gasoline that the propeller planes use and the develop the um proponents have told us that in order to replenish the fuel in those tanks there will be one to two tanker trucks per day on average coming down Harwell Road those trucks carry 10,000 gallons of jet fuel at a time so the estimated delivery annually is going to be 5.3 million gallons of jet fuel that will be needed for this new facility and to put that in perspective the rest of the airport is currently getting 11 to 12 million gallons delivered so they are already aware of a of a very large increase in the need for jet fuel and that's why the uh the the fuel Farm is being included in the development next so these are some of the statistics I've already mentioned some of them um but this is going to double the infrastructure for the private uh luxury Jets uh as represented by the square feet in the hangers um it is by far the largest single development in hanscom's history uh it's going to enable a dramatic increase in jet operations which already to to Al 38,000 operations per year now um it is going to add about 15,000 gallons a day of jet fuel deliveries which I just mentioned uh averaging between one and two um and we we're using a comparison here between what the anticipated increase in emissions is going to be Allin once the new hangers are built compared to the uh reductions in emissions um from solar panels around the state so solar panels reduce emissions because if that's the way you're producing electricity you don't have to burn fossil fuel someplace else um and Massachusetts has been a nationwide leader per capita on the in installation of solar panels but even with all of the panels we have now um they're already uh half of that uh uh Savings in carbon emissions is already being negated by the jet operations at hansum so anything we add is going to encroach more and more and more into the benefit that we've been receiving from solar next could we enlarge that again y there's a lot of people coming in and out so no problem that so I'm not going to go through all the math here but essentially if you want to know what the annual metric tons of CO2 e that means um carbon dioxide equivalent emissions are it's a big multiplication Pro problem and the products that uh uh go into it um include the number of flights how long the flights are how many gallons per hour uh the the the plane is using and there is a range for that um and then the rest of it is is is kind of basic chemistry converting from jet fuel that's being uh burned uh to CO2 that's going into the atmosphere and um the last Factor where it says radiate radiative forcing Factor um that what that means is that based on all of the different greenhouse gases that come out of the jet plus the altitude that it is flying at you get a magnifi effect as far as the warming uh because of where the gases are being released in the atmosphere um so the current estimate with with uh today's operations is between 660,000 and 850,000 metric tons of co2e and we have some other charts that are going to uh help put um that in perspective uh as far as what the emissions are coming from uh the surrounding towns so next so we do not actually know how soon or how dramatic uh the increase in operations is going to be massport is currently denying that there will be any increase in operations at all after they double The Hanger space which we find not very credible as far as um that assertion goes um but there will be uh easily room for a 50% uh increase uh based on the fuel based on the hanger space and based on the demand for uh for jet trips um there will be easily room for a 50% increase over the next few years um the the the private jet industry uh in their trade Publications talks about uh a health the 10% year-over-year growth in the industry in terms of the sales of planes and the demand for trips so the idea that um that that this could grow very rapidly is very much in alignment with the with what they put in their own Publications and also with what massport is saying is the projected demand um so even if we just limit the growth uh that's anticipated to only 50% of what's currently happening uh then that would be an additional several hundred, in in additional metric tons next so this is just adding uh adding up the totals from what's existing and what the new project is um and we also want to be very clear our Coalition is not calling for the airport to be shut down we're not calling for a ban on public on private jets period uh we we are simply saying that um what is already happening there is a lot and that at this time in the climate crisis uh it it it's just a terrible terrible idea to to plan for any increases next so um these numbers are kind of hard to get your head around and and for that reason we try to come up with some relatable measures of how polluting private jets are compared to other forms of transportation that the average person uses um so you can look at this statistic which is that one Jet flight can generate between 17 and 22 metric tons of of co2e whereas a typical passenger car driven the normal amount of miles and getting the average fuel efficiency uh of a car is only 5 metric tons for an entire year um so uh when you just compare that to one private jet flight uh you can see how inequitable and extreme the uh burning of fuel is by these planes next the other thing we can compare uh again getting back to the solar analogy um lots of people have seen uh Lincoln subury Regional High School it was one of the first school in the area to do a massive uh solar installation uh it covers the entire parking lot um the offset in terms of uh carbon from that installation per year is 288 metric tons uh compared compare that to the increase in emissions from the handsum project if it gets built it's really staggering next so what Massachusetts has done which I'm sure you're all aware of is uh over a number of years we've passed some uh really Landmark uh climate legislation uh with with the support of um very large majority of of our legislators and uh this one was signed by Governor Baker um and so the the the roadmap Bill really uh has set a Statewide goal to reduce emissions to Net Zero by 2050 um and what was uh uh Innovative about it is that it calls for every sector in the uh economy uh to have declining emission requirements that are uh that are planned and measurable um what I found out uh that I did not know until a year ago is that Aviation was excluded from this uh Bill and there are multiple reasons why but you could have knocked me over with a feather when when uh when that was explained to me um and so what this should say is that every sector besides Aviation is required to have measurable planned uh reductions and Emissions with the goal of getting to Net Zero by 2050 next so the very encouraging thing to see uh and I apologize for the um not including Carlile on this chart uh but this was uh created when we were focusing on the four abing towns um what's been very encouraging to see is that that roadmap bill has really sparked a tremendous amount of uh cooperation and collaboration um from industry from higher education um and especially from cities and towns and uh so these numbers um really reflect uh and the straight lines are are are kind of a fiction but um but the point is that we're trying to get from current emissions uh in in 2022 and 2023 down to zero Net Zero by 2050 um and so this shows the relative starting places for um the different communities um and each of them is really going to chart its own path to get down uh to to to to where they're going to go um but the major things being included of course are things like buildings uh Transportation um the uh energy use in private homes um and many other strategies and I know right now uh Carlile has a planning process where you're planning for um uh resiliency with the municipal vulnerability plan um and I noticed a really nice flyer from Earthwise Community challenge there where all of your households are being encouraged to do you know from easy to more difficult uh to do everything they can can uh to reduce their energy use and take better care of land and all of that um so all of that is really really encouraging um and all of that will not will not succeed uh in terms of the emissions from the region um if facilities like hansum field get to continue to grow and you'll see why that's true go ahead next slide so these red lines are superimposed above of the towns and give you an idea of where private jet emissions at hansum are um operating currently uh we had to use a completely different scale now to to to capture these numbers but currently what you can see is that the current emissions from hansum Jets um are not quite as not quite equal to all four towns combined but but they definitely dwarf any single town or even most most of the pairs of towns and if you now start to extrapolate out you could use a very very conservative uh growth rate of 2% um or the the you know what the aviation industry says is is what's going on with private jets which is 10% or you could split the difference it doesn't really matter uh because what it shows is that our towns can achieve perfection in terms of climate reductions uh and all of those gains will be completely wiped out by what's happening with Aviation can I just ask quickly when you talk about the four town plans is that just the the governmental facilities or is that the total emissions of everything in town many of the towns have are are uh adopting comprehensive climate plans um Lincoln just passed theirs uh at at the recent town meeting so government is included but uh also uh businesses and also priv households uh and um and whatever the Committees and commissions and Boards uh are are are doing in terms of land stewardship and and many other things they're very comprehensive going be the whole town compared to just the admissions yeah exactly it is the whole town right um next so we do talk about uh some of the uh social justice aspects of of what's going on here um not because we think it's terrible that there are people who have wealth or that uh there's no reason whatsoever why any person should ever ride on a private jet um but the fact is over years uh nationally um we have come up with this comprehensive set of subsidies and protections and lack of regulation for this industry that is really quite staggering ing when you see all the statistics so no sales tax on private jets parts or Services um no property tax on private jet facilities if they're on massport land um there are whole manuals for accountants on how to take a private jet put it in an LLC and turn it into just a NeverEnding gravy train of deductions and writeoffs for people that own them um and uh uh so so that in combination with the fact that uh massport is is practically immune from any political oversight in the state um and that the FAA bars any um local airports that take uh re that take grant money from the FAA to maintain facilities once you take that money you are prohibited in any way from regulating flights that come and go you can't discriminate based on the kind of aircraft it is uh and you certainly can't dictate uh what kind of fuel uh any uh aircraft uh uses so because of this sort of combination of 70-year-old structures that we set up in the 1950s massport in 1956 and the FAA in in 1958 we have an entire industry where there is no plan at at any level of government for restraining emissions everything is predicated on the idea that growth is an unmitigated good that it benefits business and the traveling public uh and and these regulatory structures never envisioned that we would be facing a problem like climate change uh because of what's coming out of the Jets so next you will see sometimes the argument that um that Hans gum is vital for the Massachusetts economy and it is true that there are some traditional uh businesses that um either own jets that are parked at Hanscom or use jets for for business trips um but if your vision is that a bunch of guys from a company have to fly off to you know the Midwest to buy some insurance or something that is not the characteristic flight that is that is um happening now um we have documented that well over half the flights uh that originate from hansum go to uh luxury destinations sporting events like the Super Bowl uh ski trips um and even the uh advertisements of the companies that are flying the planes will show you exactly where you can go if you want to charter a flight um so many of the trips are um uh just within the New England region or to the Bahamas or to Aspen etc etc um so people are in many cases uh uh taking a vacation or uh flying to their second or third or fourth home next so I do commend uh our website um where we have uh really done a very in-depth analysis of the draft environmental impact report um we're not going to get into all of the arguments for buing what the developers have said um but if you look at some of these claims such as the project will not generate any new flights um or that it is a net zero project um you just have to scratch the surface a little bit um to understand that when massport uses a phrase like Net Zero they are only referring to buildings and the vehicles that Scurry around the airport they are not talking about what comes out of planes they are not required to report on the emissions from the planes once they take off into the air that just becomes someone else's problem uh and so their language around sustainability and Net Zero uh literally cannot be believed because it is only referring to what is generated from buildings and vehicles on the ground next so we are in a pickle this is a really really tough fight um and I mentioned earlier that uh massport uh which wants to build this project um is not responsive to any kind of local regulation it is not responsive to the state legislature by Design uh the governor has only indirect influence uh because she um uh can uh appoint board of directors members after their six or seven year term expires but really can't do very much in the short term to give them orders um however if there's any public official that can um at least exert moral Authority and sort of soft power over the situation we do believe it is Governor Healey and we do believe that she and her climate team want to do that uh but what they need is evidence of political support and so that is what our Coalition has been building uh over these last months and with a lot of success next so uh as we've already said our ask is for you a as as the select board for Carlile to join our very successful successful Municipal campaign um 10 Towns have already done that and uh they're not just uh in the in the local neighborhood can we go to the last slide um you can see oh you would be joining this uh wonderful ful list of communities that has already signed on and I can tell you that many others are now uh actively giving it their consideration um and so from what I understand in terms of the town's master plan uh Regional collaboration on climate issues is one of the things that the town has adopted to do and I can tell you this is one of the most meaningful and least expensive steps you can take right now uh to address the the climate crisis and uh so thank you for that I know it went a little longer than we planned um but now we would be very happy to answer any questions well to open up for any questions I know I have some questions but I know we have kind of at the end of our time questions very clear my only question was the the resolution that was provided I know Sudbury recently signed it is just what's the origin of that resolution and the wording and I know there's is that standard language that towns are using it is and I think that uh the original drafts were actually created in the four adjacent towns and uh and that the Hope was to develop something that multiple towns could could run with um with without having to reinvent uh the the the wheel um but but my guess is that that would be um uh based on uh the the the work that the select boards did in Lincoln Bedford conquer and Lexington I'm not part of the municipal campaign group but but it's your understanding that that resolution is the same for all as as far as I know yes some some variation in wording essentially the same points the Sudbury one was I think primarily the same I didn't do a word for word comparison um yeah um Barney did you have anything any questions you're on mute or we can't hear you um no thank I I actually went through some of the massport information that ran forwarded to us put up your volume Let's try her volume us my volume's as high as it'll go okay sorry you can't hear it you can hear you now okay thanks anyway uh no I don't have any specific questions I think uh it I I I read as much as I could and looked at the massport report um and I I think this is something that we definitely should adopt okay I actually had a number of questions but I unfortunately would think that we had only slated a half hour for this and it looks like well I think you should get your questions asked and then we can discuss this and vote on it at our next meeting yeah I think that's that's good this is when you need you I got I got the people right I got the people here um so I went through the report as well and it's interesting I I was just curious how you know if it looked like in the tables that they're actually I looked at table 2.1 were projected activity levels and they showed it looked like the activity levels going down and they called them fairy flights and they said because we're going to you know have these flights that come in and now they they call them in from somewhere else they fly in It's A short flight and then they stay and then they pick them up and they go and then they go back and forth and here they'll have the hanger space that they'll reduce the actual number of flight at least that's what the report said so but you're disputing that so I was just curious I mean obviously there's something factually different about what they're there is yeah uh they made this assertion more than a year ago before actually doing any analysis of of data and they've stuck with it uh despite the fact that the analysis they did doesn't actually look at the activity that you just described you got the idea right that that a fairy flight is kind of like calling a cab it's going to be somewhere else or an Uber I should say it's going to be somewhere else it's going to come get you it might it'll be empty when it comes that's a waste uh then you'll make your trip and then it'll do the same thing again in Reverse once it drops you off when they did the analysis that's actually in the de deir they came up with around 3,500 fairy flights per year but they weren't actually looking at all at who was on the planes whether they were empty or had passengers instead they came up with a kind of an algorithm to say that well if the plane came from fewer than 350 miles and was only around the airport for 18 hours or less uh and and then flew off someplace else we'll just call that a fery flight so we anticipated that this would be a really really important argument and and so the Coalition actually commissioned an independent study uh by a very well regged uh Aviation consulting firm and that's available on our website uh and in fact analyzing 18 months worth of very specific flight data they were only able to identify three aircraft that manifest that behavior of taking off from somewhere picking somebody up flying them around and then going back to their home base uh and they estimate that that only accounts for about 177 flights annually and that compared to the and that was based on real flight data uh compared to this algorithm which doesn't even really capture that fairy flight behavior that figure of 3500 is just not plausible at all uh and when questioned in the public presentations that have been done even the person who made the estimate kind of shrugged her shoulders and said well it's the best we could do uh but it is really uh it's they're they're not even really trying very hard to justify that argument at this point okay that's that's helpful I I um I also I guess it's kind of stepping back I mean we have been very supportive of climate goals here we you know this board formed the ESC and we wanted to you know further that but how does I mean i' I read through the report um because you know I read all the literature you put forward here and then I said well I want to get some information I want to see what they have to say about it and you know I read through it and they're talking about all these things they're going to do and it sounded to me kind of like we want to be the airport of the future we're going to have solar panels on the roof we're going to have charging stations we're going to have these underground tanks but we're going to use new kinds of fuel as they become available they're not currently available by FAA standards but they will be at some point possibly and we're going to wire everything for electric Jets so we want to be a future airport and we want to and and when we look at that I or when I did I was thinking gosh Carl we're trying to do the same thing we're trying to wire our infrastructure we're trying to get things ready for the future and this struck me as kind of being out front like Hey we're going to lead in the aviation World nobody else is doing it so why don't we take the lead and how do you respond to that it sounds really good when you first hear it and clearly they are uh uh extremely concerned about the Public Image and and about the response from the environmental Community to this project uh and so talking about buildings that have solar panels on top of them sounds great uh and and talking about sustainable aviation fuel sounds great unless you actually know what sustainable aviation fuel is and howar large the carbon footprint it is it it has even before it gets burned in the plane um so we actually have a lot of information and I know that the hour is is late right now uh the the production of sustainable aviation fuel compared to the entire use of jet fuel in in both the Private Industry and Commercial industry it's less than 1% oh I I get that in order to make enough of it to fill that fuel Farm uh they would have to use um almost all the aable land in the United States uh in order in order to uh produce enough plant material to then put into refining facilities that each cost hundreds of millions of dollars and they would need hundreds of those facilities to create the fuel so the sad reality is the only way to decarbonize the aviation industry is for people to fly a lot less uh there's no quick fix in terms of electric planes or sustainable aviation fuel that is going to come and rescue us before it's too late and uh so so uh this is just the first step in in a process which over time is going to involve figuring out ways to really discourage the amount of flying that's going on now but this is one of the few ways that we can at least keep a lid uh and at least have a prayer of starting to go down if we do these kinds of projects all that's going to happen is we're going to go up and it won't matter how many solar panels are on top of the hangers because it's about the planes right but it it said in the report you can't stop the planes from coming no matter what you do if you don't do this project or you do it you can't deny a plane from landing at handsome and so the the projection show no matter what even if you deny this they're going to be increases in aviation unless there's political pressure like we're talking tonight to say hey we got to reduce this and we we tax it we do other things but I just think outright denying you know is saying we're done with Aviation is I don't I just don't think that's reasonable I said a few minutes ago that's not what we're saying we're saying that this Expansion Project is the wrong project to be doing in the emergency that we're facing it is a subsidy to the very kind of behavior that is leading to vast increases in emissions it's not going to solve the problem but it's going to help prevent it from getting worse it may be the first aviation project in the entire world that gets cancelled due to climate concerns so let's take a stand now that's a different view of the leadership you can take leadership of stopping it or you can take it of like we're going to try and figure you know a way to keep it going um I guess my last thing is is how you had started and this is to to uh Lana you would talked about um this is well actually from the League of Women Voters I just kind of looked up and I know that they have a section and says it ensures um uh we're we're lifts up voices most impacted by climate change and so you had seen this as kind of this is a an equity issue is that I see it as as a climate issue and an equity issue and basically climate in general is an equity issue but it's something we all have to deal with we're all going to be paying for this through the nose one way or another but and I was thinking about that relative to you know they want to take at least this is when I read the report they said we want to take these jets away from like as a relever relief valve from Logan or from other areas and kind of Park them here and and so we take some of that climate burden rather than you know Logan or people around that community and so is that I was trying to think if that's Equitable so I guess one way to respond to that is we're at a point where we don't want to deliberately intentionally increase the amount of emissions in the atmosphere certainly for things that are not essential we have to have cars to drive around or public transportation with regard to carlile's efforts we're trying to reduce emissions through the things that we're doing uh you know every aspect of it um so the thought that we are aiding and abetting uh an extension and expansion of a very one of the most polluting uh forms of transportation out there uh transportation in general is 29% of our emotion emissions loaded here in Massachusetts and the aviation uh piece of that is is about half of it uh and uh we didn't get into the issue of per passenger emissions okay that's huge because it's based on how many people are on a plane so compared with a commercial jet we're not saying stop all all planes eventually there may be true really sustainable Aviation fuels but basically when you get a private jet and you're often hauling one or two people okay it's very different from a major commercial J yet with hundreds of people so the emissions load is is much different for that kind of operation this is really about we're not at a place where we should be thinking that it's okay to increase emissions uh for I'm just going to call it non-essential stuff these people who own the private jets there's been an absolute increase in the ownership of private jets that tracks the number of billionaires in our country and that has grown exponentially in the last 5 to 10 years particularly um so we're heading in the wrong direction if we allow something like this I think one of the things that's most upsetting to me frankly is understanding where massport got this uh authority to operate this way it was established by the legislature in 1956 at that time it was all about business is good we've got to grow business it's a great incentive it's you know an economic boost for for communities there was not a word or con consideration at that time in 1956 I was 10 then uh about climate change things have changed we have a whole Administration now that's focused on every single aspect of the state government has to be focused on reducing emissions every single sector so it it may seem like a frivolous silly thing but we're at a place where we have to do everything we can and it strikes me that reducing emissions from I'm going to once again call non-essential activity they have choices they can fly first class in any jet that they want right commercial flight that they want um I'll just give you a personal an I have a friend uh who's in the business world he was meeting with another friend uh and they decided they wanted to chat he was invited to go for a coffee met the person at hansam and they flew two people in the private jet and the pilot I guess flew over to n Tucket for a cup of coffee that's the kind of thing that happens and you know maybe that's rare but bottom line roughly 50% or more okay okay um yeah so I think I mean in the instance of time and I I think we have to just inject some real politic here so it really doesn't matter and we have zero leverage as to whether rich people buy Jets and fly them and you're right they'll fly where they want there is some I think legitimacy to say if you don't have the hangers available hansum will be less desirable as a place than somewhere else where they can the economics will be more favorable so it won't be here but globally yeah Aviation I mean I've been part of Aviation my entire professional career exploded right I mean people want to fly I flew yesterday I mean people are going to fly so I don't know that that argument really matters any way to us right now I think to me it's about do we have the what leverage do we have as a select board joining other towns as was said to make a statement like we don't like this this is not good I personally personally asked Governor Healey about a month ago when she visited us this issue and she's like and it was oneone no reporters or anything and she said I'm giving it to secretary terer to study like she does not want to she doesn't like it she knows it's a black guy on her environmental record and so she handed it off to secretary terer but why is she then why isn't she just saying no why doesn't she say no because she also lives in the complex political world okay I'm just saying what can we do I side with these guys like all you can do is join and put pressure I mean even and I don't want to make too much of this but you know if you talk to people I was listening in the radio the other day like the universities that are you know is it anti-israel or is it really just hey this isn't right like really when you strip away all the silliness and and there is legitimate anti-Semitism and so forth but when you strip that thing down most people are saying this isn't right we're raising our hand to say this isn't right they have zero leverage on whether Netanyahu goes and invades ra that's a little topic no it's not I'm just saying there's big issues that we won't solve that's true but we can raise our hand and we can say you know what we don't like it this isn't right we could put some more pressure on the people that maybe can make that decision so that's and whether it's 3,000 fairy flights or 30 fairy flights I don't know I don't care it's it's just not right it's hypocritical for us to be beating on chief amandola for getting not getting a hybrid you know Cruiser and then saying it's okay to you know expand so I I agree you know if if if carile for some reason set a goal of of discouraging more people to drive their cars into Carlile and a developer a developer came who had just bought some land and said I want to build a parking garage for 10,000 cars what would you say no that's not in alignment with the goals that our community has set to reduce traffic it's the same problem at hanscum you you build the facilities and you induce demand because you're making it easier and cheaper for people to do a highly polluting activity it doesn't make sense doesn't the town of Bedford have the opportunity before because it's zoned in that area doesn't it can it shut it down in some sense by zoning or absolutely not through zoning there are some Municipal permits that they will need for connections to infr structure and that sort of thing but um no one really believes that the building inspector or somebody in the planning department in Bedford is going to overturn this project because of a technical problem with a with the permit um I didn't know if it needed to have a you know certain variances or Z no no okay so um do you want a motion and and I'm are we discussing this next meeting I guess that's what I'm asking I think we should on it we don't have to voted tonight well i' I'd like to in terms of any resolution we're voting on i' want to make sure we've had a chance to review it make sure the wording is appropriate all that stuff um tactically I'm assuming two weeks doesn't affect the project anytime you're ready um I know and I know there's a a presentation this week um I don't John Glenn Middle School Bedford 6 o' and who Thursday evening whose information is being the lawyers and consultants for the developers and massport will be presenting on the deir okay it's Thursday right yeah Thursday night okay great yep Thursday night 6 o' that should be spirited John Glenn Middle School the last one was you should have heard Senator Barrett's remarks in the pack took the paint off the walls I mean it would be good to just have the language reviewed um okay that's good so well thank you very much for coming I mean really helpful you know and I know we will We Appreciate something on it so thanks than thank you all right guys and your questions shared services okay well we've gone a little bit longer not a good well you know it was a good discussion I thought or good questions well I asked them all grais they needed to be asked and nobody I would really like someone from the other side to speak and rebut and have a true dialogue but we don't have that them and they that they wouldn't do it that's what good government does I mean yes Barney hi um I noticed that um chip Lewis who's one of the relatives you know the I'm sorry bar we can't hear you we it's really low volume as I can go okay there you go there you go um I was just think I'm noticing that um chip Lewis is here who's one of the relatives of the greo family and uh I noticed that we still have the shared services discussion uh before them but I'm wondering if it would make sense to bump up to the Greeno Barn uh part of our agenda since chip is here Barney that's why you're making a great Vice chair that's perfect so if if there's no objection we'll just move on to the Greeno Barn discussion if everyone's yes ready sense to me so Ryan do you want to begin this discussion or there will keep it to two minutes because there are there are guests here that are more interesting than me so the Greeno Barn deconstruction project had had a few goals one was to uh to remove the barn for Public Safety considerations Etc the other was to make the project as sustainable as possible without exceeding the $200,000 budget so we went through two rounds of procurement with this after approval from town meeting for the for the $200,000 budget the first round saw many interested biders there was two categories one that were more on the demolition side than the deconstruction side and the costs were well beyond our budget we had two biders that were on the sustainable side but both had errors in their packets which didn't allow them us to accept their bids so we put the the project back out to bid and we did find um one bidder this time select demo which is a known deconstruction company uh we've met we met with them during the uh pre-process in order to go over to go over some of their their U procedures and tactics Etc and found them to be very credible they have said that they would do the project for $199,700 which is just magically just below uh change 200,000 I I do have a piece of information that will that is new to the board however um and then some caveats on that as I like to do so the the company select demo did did say that they would partner with a relocation company in order to preserve as much of the middle section of the barn as possible and the company that they were going to work with was a previous bidder who who does have a home for this Barn in conquer we cannot consider that as part of our bid package right that is just information that they have said in good faith that they want to do we cannot hold them to that that is not a legally binding agreement but they did say for no additional cost that's how they plan to recycle the center portion of the barn when they bid alternative a they thought it was to guarantee 60% recycling which has a lot more cost to it which is another um another element of our bid that we included so what's before you is uh you can accept the bid from select demo for $199,700 which would include the preservation of the coupa preservation of um the specified amount of of tiling and the um idea that 50% of the barn would be recyclable recycled and that would be quantifiable and verifiable then you can add on the fact that they do want to work with us to make sure that we accomplish all of our goals for that same price so um we could accept alternate a which is 25,000 more but we would not have any more say than we do now over whether or not they would they would actually relocate the barn which is one of our goals so I'm I'm not recommending um that we consider alternate day I think the best course of action would be to partner with this organization hopefully they're using this as a way to uh promote their activities and we'll make it as easy as possible for them so I know that's a lot there's a lot of questions I also know that we have um a greo relative here and the trust family who helped me a lot with this um procurement and this project for the board to U ask questions consider Etc great um does anyone want to come forward and and uh speak ja so thank you uh Jack tro uh 151 conquered street I'm here on behalf of the historical society as well um I guess I have to start by saying I'm a little confused what Ryan said um in terms of alternate a uh versus um the other bid uh you know the clearly alternate a uh specifi the preservation and relocation it is in the bid preservation and relocation so I just want to clarify the point that you made Ryan which is select demo has followed up their bid to say that within their original base option they are now saying they will use their best faith efforts to uh engage in that activity that's specified under alter alternate a for their base bid price that is what I was told today yeah okay but not in writing no and I will just point out that you know I think that may have been in response to some conversations that may have with you know resulted in only a single bid uh being provided but I I you know so I guess I'm not sure where where to start I mean we had I had shared some um uh language from the historical society and we've been supported by the sustainability committee with the goal to um in addition to the base bid preserve and relocate the barn it would be great for the town for the Historical Society I think for the greenow family um if we can accomplish both um uh for that so I guess my first question would be and by the way if that frame doesn't end up in a uh and that's why I thought the following on this previous presentation if the frame doesn't end up in a chipper but it ends up being relocated it is 66 tons of recycled material that we feel strongly not only meets historical goals but meets sustainability goals so you know we are really in support of that so I guess my question would be you know rather than go to too far down the road is there a way you know obviously there's a bid and there's a contract is there a way that that the contract can put a little bit more teeth into the commitment on on the part of the um on the part of the bidder to meet that objective yes if you pay for alternate a but what I'm saying is if the goal is to relocate the barn to any place in the world without any say in it then alternate a would guarantee you that it would not guarantee who that who the business partners with or where it goes so or or does it specify what would happen to it just that it needs to be relocated that's it I understand that but I'm saying under the under the select demo clarification I'll just call it their verbal clarification that they have a partner um that they believe they can work with to relocate uh preserve and relocate the frame in as as I understand it very specific speically to conquer and and that and they are saying they they will now engage in that exercise under the base bid all right so it's one bid so I can talk about it so the information we got from the vendor was that he was of the assumption that the alternate a would tie him to 60% Recycling and then he was sick and out of town when they submitted the bid so he was always under the impression that he would be relocating the barn and working with adius group who is the group that had previously said they would move it to conquered I'm just saying if we if we I can't I have no reason not to believe him but I can't hold him to that contractually nor in the town um but that is what he said he is going to do so we can't there's no way to put something more specific in the contract if you accept alternate day you can so for 25 Grand you can ensure that it goes somewhere the it we're talking about is a center section or something right yeah which is and I think you you've all seen photographs of it it's despite the condition awful condition of the exterior of the building the center section is in quite remarkable condition um is there any I guess is there any like oversight role that the town or some other group like the Historical Society can play to you know engage in this effort so that it happens you know like more than normal I don't know what that means but I just don't it it's I I just so my this is my I'm just going to be as Frank as I can possibly be deconstruction is is not it's a new thing here I know it's not new in the world um within the procurement in Massachusetts on the municipal side is relatively new so we're we're going to have to trust a partner in this once that thing gets start to take down you know that's it you only have one shot at that so there's going to have to be some oversight and trust but to if you're saying is there any way we can guarantee it contractually that they are going to have to abide by the contract which means 50% of that material is going to I don't see how they meet 50% without the centerpiece at least being deconstructed in some way the only way we can ensure that it's going to be relocated contractually is if we accept alternate a which is going to be 25,000 more so go ahead if you say relocated I just want to be clear like they could relocate it to anywhere to a field and then they could tear it down the next day there's no there's no preservation associated with this or is there I'm just curious of the language like how is it will it be preserved with I think it's pretty clearly the intent of alternate a that it will be preserved you can't just relocate it you don't meet the sustainability objective of the additional weight if you take it somewhere else and then destroy it I know that I I don't want to see it destroyed but once it's moved do you have any further right to it can the person just get rid of it you know and and does that defeat what we're trying to do is what I'm just trying to get out what what let's try to say it a different way to what degree do we you us the town or the uh the the um deconstruction company for their 25k have to vet the intent of the recipient well that's why I'm back to Ryan with I mean this is an incredibly complicated RFP or whatever we want to call it from the beginning like I think we thought we were going this way and now we've come completely around to where we are my to my knowledge the best way to have some kind of control is to have some kind of oversight where you know they come in and they say this is what we're going to do and this is where we're going to send it and they're going to re they're going to integrate this frame in this location and if they don't do it then I guess they' violated the contract well you're bringing up two or three different things Jack so I would say I like I like the idea of saying all right they've I'm making this up so it may be wrong but for the 25k they have the responsibility of going fi identifying somebody who says gee I'd like to save this building and I I guess the 25k also covers them actually moving into to that location or no they they have to perform that yes okay so somebody raises their hand says I like the building I'd like to take it we in your oversight uh you know strategy we somebody I don't know who the Wii is but somebody from the town would say gee I want to interview that recipient just to make sure they're serious they've thought it through blah BL blah possibly saying gee I don't think that person's serious in which case you go back to demo company and say you got to go find somebody else I mean that would have to be written in the contract then we do not what they're saying to Ryan is that basically that would be true if you took alternate a and we had to find somebody else but they appear to have Contra contacted you as did the party contact the Historical Society to say it's really our intent to combine with this other bidder within if in other words if we get the contract we will work with the atas group to relocate this bar frame if you if you if we leave it open to working with anybody then you would have to go to Alternative a alternate a as I understand what you're now saying righty yes but just taking a step back throughout this entire process we we as staff have tried to communicate that the state the state law and procurement laws do not allow us to do what Carlile wants us to do which is to control this process all we can do is put out us the best statement of work that we can and people can bid on it and if they say and and can meet the standard of that then we have no control we do not have the ability to RFP this and say you will do it xway all we can say is here's what you need to do and the company can do that however they they want as long as they meet the contractual standard we have complained to the state we have complained to our lawyers we have complained to everyone saying the town really wants to do X and you're only letting us get to this far and we just we just can't so there is going to be some risk no matter what we accept here is is my recommend to the town what is the sour I mean 200,000 was approved at town meeting yes we're talking about another 25,000 where do you propose getting the 25,000 from well it doesn't sound like we need to get the 25,000 but I for alternative today it's 25,000 understand but it sounds like sounds like they they modified or clarified their bid to say that we now are willing there has been discussions after this bid was submitted because there were some real questions raised about this interaction that resulted in one bidder submitting a bid as opposed to two biders submitting a bid and select demo seems to be saying to you and to another party we will do this and relocate and work with you to relocate the frame for the base building price so there's a reason why the state doesn't allow us to consider all that so all we can consider is what the bid was submitted the the extra conversations are not not allowed so what they did or did not speak to I can't consider in in the procurement process all I can consider is the bid that I have before me and how they interpreted the bid this is the only call but you said you don't think they're going qualified bidder that's submitted but but if I heard you correctly Ryan you said that they in air believ they were going to meet their um their 50% Base by relocating the frame so they would basically have to find some other way to find however many tons uh which is 50% does somebody know what 50% of the tonage is I'd have to look so in other words they could I guess conceivably collapse the frame but then they'd have to find some other way to meet their 50% threshold and they don't appear to have an alternative this is this is what I've been trying to convey is they could take that wood the beautiful wood that everybody wants to preserve and they could they could recycle it to say give it to communities in need that don't have wood for for wood shop and then it would be recycled and reused in that way and it would meet the standard however that's not I don't think that's what carians had in mind when they were saying relocate the center of the barn we don't have the ability to do an RFP that says what are you going to do with that wood so we knew this would be a talking point so we did alternate a which is the actual relocation of the barn but we still don't have control over where or how or what it looks like at the end okay but contractually you can write some things in there right yeah that's what I'm question no I'm coming back to what was approved at town meeting article 14 and it specifies the deconstruction and removal of the Greeno Barn Public Safety being a very high priority a June 30th 2024 date not bound to but expressed as the expectation so I'm not sure what what are we discussing is a question of whether or not this is a valid bid that can do the project as defined for this amount no we're very aware that there are sustainability goals and some historical goals for this building and we're doing as as we said when we put out this this ifb we're doing the best we can to meet all the goals within the budget that we have I guess I'm getting back to some nuts and bolts of town meeting and changing scope projects I mean yeah well there are people here who want to weigh in and I'd like to to at least hear some comments I'd appreciate if you do you know limit your time um I I don't know if if one of the members of the greo family who showed up if you'd like to speak I'd be happy to if if so please let me know and can you introduce yourself please I'm chip Lewis uh I'm a first cousin two times removed to the Greeno original owners and uh in 2016 I had the opportunity to come to a family reunion in Carlile and uh see all this firsthand and I last time I was there when I was a kid in the late 40s um but my my point as a person of you know likes history is that and I think the point was made be maybe made before but these barns aren't being made anymore and we have to preserve our past if we don't preserve our past where people aren't going to learn from the past and I think that it's important that that this uh Barn be uh preserved as much as it can be and uh I would just urge um whoever can make the decision to go for uh plan alternate a as for preserving the uh the barn thank you very much for your comment um it looks like they're online um yeah so John tro you have your hand up yeah so one quick question in terms of uh you know what is within the select board's power um and this contract is there a way for the select board to make like a non-binding motion saying that they strongly urge select demo to work with the carile Historical Society to reserve and relocate the barn frame is that something that the select board has the power to do that I assume you have the ability to make any non-binding it's a good idea it's just it doesn't have the legal teeth and I got to just add something to that that the frame that the Koopa which is part of the scope sits on top of the frame and the Koopas is within clearly within the scope so it would be within the society's interest to make sure that it just doesn't fall off the top of the barn and so how does this all come together maybe there is a way to say you know we'll work with the contractor to see how the kopa and the Slate are removed and and the frame if that's what they're promising to do well that's my thinking I mean if select demo is saying apparently that they will preserve and relocate the frame regardless of which bid is chosen which is news to me as of tonight me too um I think having this motion that says the select board urges select demo to work with the carile Historical Society to preserve and relocate the frame and Koopa um is something that should um potentially be considered and I would also add in addition to working with the carile Historical Society maybe that motion should also urge them to work with the carile sustainability committee which I know um has a vested interest in this project as well oh great that way they know they're not just able to talk to Ryan about going over there one day all right um Christina I see you have your hand up I'm pretty tough thanks hi um I just wanted to make clear that um I'm going to use the word scope uh not in a legal term but um the whole concept of uh sustainable de construction and um was part of the original scope and the the original effort um and the original it's not an RFP as an ifp is said it um going out and so this is not something that's being added on now at the end it was uh part of the effort that um staff spent a lot of time on uh putting together uh so it's not a new notion um and also just to clarify I mean just in the way that the um bidder made a clarification now that um U relocation could be part of the uh basic bid can we not even though it may not be legally binding on the state level can we not just get a clarification from the town of carlile's in inwriting um stating that uh it is understood that um if we accept this the basic bid that relocation will um take place for the center section so that we're not just relying on a phone conversation that at least there is something in writing and you know uh that we can somewhat fall back on even if uh there's questions later on of uh different perceptions of memory of that one conversation okay thank thank you so Brian so as the chief procurement officer no we cannot in writing we can only hold them to what was bid so if we want to guarantee the relocation of the barn you would need to accept alternate a which is 25,000 more okay that's we're talking about guarantee what if we accept the base bid can we come back and revisit if we find that it uh they it's not going to be relocated that you know that they changed their mind or whatever U that then we say well then we want then we'll pay the extra 25 for the alternate a since it seems like there's there's been some slip in communication I hate to spend $25,000 if I don't need to spend it and so I'm just wondering if we can accept that base bid with you know with a change order you know later for alternate day no you can accept the base bid or you can accept alternate day but but Ryan let me ask a question and I don't want to I I don't want to let do you want to let other people in on this no you can answer but I do it look like Ben had a question but go ahead do Ben were did you want to say something Ben herder yeah thanks Travis uh I just wanted to uh join the meeting tonight um so I wanted to show the support of the carel historical commission for the additional um uh expense to preserve and relocate Greeno Barn um I can't speak to what's in the contract or the uh the legality of uh what is written there but um we have uh collected responses back from the rest of the commission members and we strongly are in support of the additional expense great so thank you thanks Debbie did you want to say something actually should I have everyone at least in person introduce themselves please in your street Debbie Bentley 128 heel Dr I actually I want to talk about um carbon and and money um and thank Ryan for doing an amazing job and people have asked me if you could do a presentation on how to do this sort of procurement now no of course I would actually very proud of the work that Julie did on this um and I wish that it was easier and different but it's not but I think car actually might make it easier and different for future towns so I think the town could be proud of that as frustrated as with its current project so what I just wanted to remind everybody was that 40% of our carbon emissions actually come from buildings and of that 30% come from building procurement and building buildings it's not the actual energy we use running buildings so preserving and reusing uh buildings as much as we can haul is the best way um what we've got if we if we demolish a building and just at at the moment wood has to you can put wood into the landfill in Massachusetts except in a few occasions um so it has to go to some sort of plant that will chip it make it into or strip it or make it into MDF or at the worst case scenar scenario make it into mulch um which is not really what sustainability I mean yes it's reusing it we're not cutting down new but it's so much better if we can just reuse a building it's so saves so much carbon if we can just reuse an existing building even if it's removed and moved um I had a project a couple years ago we wanted to raise a very very large B not as large as this but very large existing born up and put in New Foundations and it it was about $30,000 which in the building industry is not a lot of money um and the other thing just going back to town meeting um I'm now seeing bids coming back horrendously back up really high again um I'm seeing 15 I hate to say even 20% increase from last year this exactly this time last year and so the we didn't get a bit pre previously that fell into the right bucket of money that we had allocated and now we've got one that re is and one that even with that it's below the 25 20% increases that weing bids so you know I don't know if there was a contingency in in the contract for anything um that they might come because they're doing unfor you know everything when you do any work to an existing building there's unforeseen um I don't know if there is a contingency in this bid or not we don't know yet right but to answer the question when they gave you a cap is it implied that when you see the detail it'll have a contingency inside that cap we are paying them for this service I really wish this guy had not called you up because for me it would have been a no-brainer to do the 25,000 to make sure that this thing got relocated why don't we just now I feel like um we're sort of doing a Gamble and that we might be paying 25,000 for something that was in was included so I feel like I'm on hor what are we trying to do tonight are we trying to bless this or do we need to get more information if the um if the bid had accomplished the relocation and everything I wouldn't have come to I just would have awarded it but I knew that this was within the threshold of of of this conversation so I wanted to have it to understand what you want me to do but sorry so if the bid had been clear you get this for 200 and you get this extra for 25k you would have rewarded what the 200 or the 225 if relocation was under 200 or it was absurdly over I wouldn't have brought it no no I know but it's it's very close right so back to back to Scott's question I mean the town's only authorized 200 the bid came in under 200 so you can go off the 25 we got to find it anyway right you have to come to us to find the 25 right right so why can't we just ask for clarification I mean why are we we don't have enough information to decide that tonight then we know the issues I don't think you guys are bringing up new issues we know the issues I you just need to clarify personally I'm certainly all for the relocation of the structure it's just that I don't want to spend 25,000 for something that I could have gotten for free well and and what the other party if I could just speak has said is that and I think it's the same message they're giving to Ryan is if you take our base bid we will work with this contractor to relocate yeah the barn frame I don't know why we can't put that in the contract I mean it's a bid he's calling you he's giving the verbal commitment because it has to be written down bid well then have then I don't know we have to start the entire process over again expensive for a contract I don't think we can we're talking about the sustainability goals which are important but there's also the public safety goals and what I don't want to see happen is this bid fall apart and the barn needs to come out I mean it need it's a public safety hazard we've been over that and and my concern is making sure that we don't lose the opportunity to get that done for the amount that was approved and then we have to start the whole process over right so I don't want to jeopardize the bid I think we need to figure out how we want to proceed with the with the relocation aspect but I don't want to see the the actual core bid jeopardized especially if things are going up 20% right I don't I don't disagree with you at all so I don't know if it's a you know any time you enter into an agreement with a you just have to trust that you can work with them and it'll they'll do what they say and sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't but um the 25 I'm not sure where the 25 comes from I I I don't think we can use are funding for that given the procurement issues no but I think I think um the um Environ the sustainability committee has some money because we had put 30,000 in for a position that didn't get used I don't know I could be wrong but and that we would have the authority to redistribute those funds to this if if you prioritize this 25,000 we we can find it in this year's budget with contingency funds and environmental sustainability but there are a lot of priorities which is why I wanted to make sure and I don't know I don't know you don't know the other priorities um well least well unspent funds would turn into free cash which turns into future Capital right so you're spending future Capital Toom I'm not clear Christine I'm sorry there's also go ahead hold on one second Christine's on the ESC did you want to weigh in on that at all I'm sorry so yes so um just to clarify um I'm not sure the 30,000 was also um offered to the police um um station renovation committee and I'm not sure sure if um they factored that into their um cost analysis and um so that 30 they might be relying on that 30,000 however um we do um the committee has some discretionary um budget left over from fiscal year um 24 that we're trying to actually figure out how best to to use it um and so now I'm only speaking for myself because I haven't had a chance to discuss this with the entire committee uh but um there might be some funds available from the ESC budget um to cover part of not you know not the whole amount but to help um cover part of the 25,000 at least then you're using funds that were allocated for the same purpose you know um might not and you know what I'm saying I know but I'm still confused on something writing so they bid you had a process they bid and they don't and I saw the packet and they got their licenses and 40 pages of other towns that use them and all that stuff but nowhere is there an actual like this is what it's just a flat press right yeah and so you go back to your statement of work or whatever you put in the bid and they're saying we will meet that for this money yes and Alternate a was also articulated right they didn't submit that yet they did their plan no but did we have a statement of work I don't know if the right words are in municipal procurement but in my world we call it a statement of work so the statement of work for the 200 okay did we we prepare a statement at work for the alternate day yes and they put in the 25k correct okay so if we accept that wherever we find the money regardless of whether they might have done it for less or more they have to meet that right yes and to be clear the statement of work for the 25k I know it's in the packet what is it again what's the language because I didn't see I still feel like there's a vagueness around even if we pay the 25k we really don't know what's going to happen to it do you want me to read this right yeah okay so base option is Preservation of the coupa for Town use estimated weight 750 lbs preservation of 1,350 square fet of slate tiles for Town use estimated weight 5,850 lb so we're slightly over 6,500 lb at this point a minimum end of project rate of reuse Salvage recycling of 50% of the weight of the remaining nonhazardous construction and demolition materials excluding that uh 6500 lb so let's just say it's uh okay then alternate at yeah sorry that's the base base one base two base three so the 6500 PBS and the 50% um and preservation and relocation of the middle section of the barn estimated weight 132,00 lb excluding the weight of the tiles and the coua so as I understand what they're saying to Ryan is that sub three you know which is the base option three requires them to preserve several hundred or at least a 100,000 pounds right and they're now coming back and saying just to clarify the way we're going to meet base three is to preserve and relocate the frame so what I'm saying is why can't we simply say We'll accept the contract on the premise that the base option sub three the 50% threshold is met by their representation that it will be achieved through the relocation uh and preservation of the middle main section of the barn not something else not like the concrete not some other pile but that's the way we meet that they can submit that and we can accept it I can't make them so that's what I think the point that did you add Kate said let's ask them for that just give us that clarification and I think we we can do the they're saying you can do it for you don't have to spend the 25 you just can't contractually hold them to it they can say they're going to do it they can be clear about it but you're saying we can't legally require them to do it they have to be 50% yeah they have to do that but now we're just saying it's a little leap of faith in right well but they're saying hey we'll meet that right by that so why not just get them to send something along it's just not legally binding that's okay I don't know why well because government government government so so let me ask this question John TR has had his hand up sorry well I I want to ask my question first I'm sorry yeah please do you do you go um we'll get to you next Jack it is a leap of faith John um but they do need to they G they made a representation would it make this board feel more secure if we got that as rather than secondhand as a memo from the company so what why don't why don't we ask for that it's not legally B we get it but at least then we have a leg to stand on when we decide to to accept the $200,000 pit I agree we agree y I agree John did you have something to add or question yeah I was just gonna say exactly what Kate said I think that's a great idea to have some kind of a memorandum of understanding um in place uh to make the decision um and it's also my understanding at least that uh maybe the town can't include this in their contract and have it be legally binding but there's nothing to prevent let's say the Historical Society from entering into a contract with select demo if they're chosen um specifying um things I don't want all right so we do need to kind of so I think I I think you hear what we're saying I think we hear what you're saying of like I can do it but I can't make them do it I think we hear that but I I still think I'm comfortable with if we get that extra level of even if it's non-binding confirmation about what they said informally or via email then we're okay with moving ahead with with that bid at least I would be okay moving ahead with that bid it could be that we could say to them it's our understanding that you have um that in order to save the 50 you know the your plan to save the 50% is to relocate the barn is that correct and you know if that that's the case we were accepting this and I understand the limitations on that right and you can well we all understand the limitations I I want to make sure he understands we understand the limitations Ryan Ryan well Ryan's going to be navigating this so do you have enough to go on so we're not going to go back and say we're accepting the additional alternate a okay and and and debie just said something which I think is worth noting which is this is a company that wants to make a reput tion for doing this kind of work they already have a reputation but they don't have a real foothold in Massachusetts I'd like to get something that that puts it out there that this could be the end of their reputation in Massachusetts if they don't act in good faith or the beginning or the beginning of the right not just the end optimistic that's right well they must know the visibility on this well that's the thing I think if we ask them for that commitment then we okay see the wheels turning in there and it's I just think we should be at the state to's asking a question do we need a motion to move ahead or we can just Ryan you're good to go with what Ryan says he's fine with with our discussion he has some guidance got to do it myself unless you have a different no I'm good with that good that's okay all right thank you all for coming and listening and discussing this this was helpful thank you for ing out yeah thank you apprciate we we have two well we have a couple of items left one we have to share it services or the the discussion of the town meeting I think the shared services what table shared services we don't have time yep okay so we'll table shared services annual town meeting is there a specific topic that we were going to discuss or just a recap of that uh yes because it's it's been a public discussion and I don't expect it and I don't I think the town expects a decision tonight but the um the town clerk ballot question passed and so did the firetruck and the police station so I wanted to talk about those three processes with you to um at least see some type of decision- making in the future so the the town clerk position um Peggy won the election so she is now the current town clerk until you make an appointment which there is no there is no set time frame for that so now you have to um engage in an appointment process and I do know I'm getting questions on what's the plan when are you're going to do that so that should be a discussion item soon and something you consider what what are you going to do to uh appoint this position just to interject on that I made the presentation at town meeting for the original vote on that at the town meeting and I was asked that question I think publicly i' said that we would get to it within a reasonable amount of time and someone said well what's that and you know I thought within a couple of with within a month or two or a couple of months would six weeks well everyone thinks differently so it's but I think the intention is we're going to do that right away um move on that relatively quickly is that impacted by I mean the policy discussions we had earlier I would assume if we're going to engage an appointment we again need to go through I think this one's a particularly this is an employee this is going to be an employee right it's an existing the question would be whether I I think but do we again adverti I mean we were just talking about that whole process this is what our discussion right but it's a different let's just ask Ryan there's a level we've had this discussion is where we have search committee and where we just designate you to go hire somebody right yeah yeah where does this one fall this one was a very public uh process and debated and process so I think we need to talk about it okay so you don't no you're not answering that question well I can answer it if you want so I think that the um election was was overwhelmingly in favor of of Peggy although I think David had good support and he would have been a great candidate it was it was pretty clear that the town chose chose Peggy and um unless you had a compelling reason not to appoint Peggy I think that all right so let me translate two really two different questions the going forward the Beyond Peggy some future year Chown administrator the does the town clerk fit the category where we would appoint normally appoint a selection committee to interview interested candidates or does it fall under you know the bucket where you just you and Aubrey whoever Run a search and you find people and you just recommend us this is the person I want uh at least for the near-term a search committee okay near ter me now the other thing you're saying though is effectively we had a search two people put their hat in the ring the public voted that's the best possible search you can have done right which I'm okay with I mean we just say based on that we don't feel the need for an additional search right so I don't because this wasn't a topic and I think it would have interest I don't think you should make the decision tonight but it is something for you to consider right and like you said it could be two four six eight weeks 10 weeks I I think we'll put it on a future agenda coming yeah okay so the police station so the next step for the police station will be um similar to the library which we worked on today is the um appointment of an OPM yeah so it it is understood by me that that would be done by the building committee but I wanted to confirm that yeah yes because they're the ones that are going to need to be to like this guy or gal and who will be working with them the most so I think they definitely should have quite a big stake in it so if that process is not or is to come to the select board is something that you should consider so are you comfortable with them appointing the OPM or are you appointing the OPM and the process around that is something that we need to discuss building committee is the MFC police the police the police guys yeah yeah yeah and then um there is a great deal of of Permitting that needs to finish for the police station project and then it'll go out to bid so we're looking at um appointment of an OPM by the end of say July and then hopefully a bid process in August September with a hopeful construction time of the spring since we have all the funding now and then the uh fir Tru we are putting I'm going to work with the fire chief uh in the next two weeks to put in that placeholder and again that could take as long as as three years um the last thing is the OPM for the um for the fire station since this was a town meeting topic and it will likely be a town meeting topic in the fall um so that means we're hiring three opms currently one for the for the library re renovation project which we went through with the building committee today and I know that's a trustee process but I'm sure you're interested in monitoring it and then the OPM for the police station and then an OPM to help guide you in the fire station so these are that's a lot of work this summer opm's processes and what you feel comfortable with your appointment is something for the board to consider other than that town meeting went pretty well everyone told me it was really boring that makes me happy I know it doesn't make everybody happy but should be boring any other questions from town meeting or follow-ups though Barney did you have something you're not specifically you mean on town meeting or or any yeah I just you're not with us in person so it's sometimes hard to know if you've thanks no nothing in particular I just since you give me the though I'd just like to give a shout out to the staff um at their really outstanding efforts uh on all aspects of town meeting I I you know the extra work in terms of gathering information getting the website expanded substantially and the information that was distributed and the video and the preparation for town meeting itself I know I got a lot of help from staff for um the CPA part of the agenda so anyway I just want to express my thanks I'd like to second on the videos I I thought the videos were excellent and I I I I think the more we can publicize that and get people to watch those in advance I think they're well worth doing I don't know what the the view totals were need to be shorter but us watched them but I think but I think the more we the more we can do to allow people to to digest information remotely at home I think that's part of the process of encouraging people to engage and come to town meeting David did those come out of your committee the VD no those videos those videos were produced by the idea came out probably in some way I would say um I just since we're on that you know on the committee uh we put out some very short little things um and um then signage and other things like that but mostly what we've done is a survey which we're still digesting the results of of but I took a quick look at the survey results and I would say we still have a lot of work to do about length and content so I agree with what's being said here if we can there's probably not a good way in public meeting to get presentations out not in the public meeting because that's the way it's set up but the more background information we can get out there so people are informed either to more get them interested enough to come or if they do come and they've seen the videos they don't ask silly questions in the middle of the meeting they add it so I I think I support it I think they need to be maybe crisper but we'll have more time to work on that David how many surveys have you gotten back um a fair amount I I think a couple hundred a decent number so the the survey Nancy is the survey master and she's working through the things I saw I don't I don't we don't have time tonight to go go into it but we'll we'll definitely be making presentations once we digest the data okay well let's unless there's anything else let's kind of keep rolling here on financial policies did you want to bring those up first or yeah so you have a um saw no decisions but there's a slew of them in there um it's really important that we get these finished uh at least this summer if not in June so um very very briefly the tax recap is the process to close and certify the tax rate so that is a a pretty staff driven process but there's a couple things in there t before you get my understanding is these have all been approved by the finance committee correct and the financial management team they've been edited and approved okay so tailings are um left over checks and what to do with them year-end closing is all the activities we're doing now to close the books uh credit card policy so we only have two in town so it heavily governs the two mine and the superintendent um but it is important to have per our audit Petty cach which we have streamlined quite a bit and there is not much left so is not that binding and then employee reimbursement which I think you're going to have the most comments and questions on the uh dispersements is a relatively rot staff option and then U what says federa which should say Federal project management is we had a single audit of our arpa procedures in money and the one thing that they came up with is that we need a financial Poli policy shockingly so um we're going to pass this hopefully and then we're not going to need it again next year but for one year we'll be very compliant the reason why we needed um a single audit is because of how much arpa money we're adding to our normal Federal Awards once arpa goes away we will not have that anymore well we have had single AIT before with FMA money haven't yeah a big storm or something so we still need it still need the policy but that's um it could be it would be a lot easier if everyone just sent me their feedback I could roll up a edited version to put in a packet and approve so if you have any comments or questions Financial policies we're almost done I've already read them s them your you said you said the employee reimbursement is I'll spend a little more time reading it is this fairly standard though for per other towns or how much of this is car specific the big conversation was should it be you know mileage from from here to wherever they're going or from home to wherever they're going and we decided uh it didn't really we we decided from here because it was much more um Equitable so to speak uh for all the but I mean that was kind of like the biggest discussion we had around that the longest okay okay all right um moving right along I think we can go to the Town Administrator report unless there's something else so the cubicle project is now 18 to 20 June we had to delay it for for a couple reasons uh that we are taking advantage of the holiday juneth is the 19th so they'll be coming in to do that work then so we'll be closed anyway Town Hall will be closed on the 18th and the 20th um Bethany Baro is our new conservation and land use Municipal assistant this is a kcom appointment that already happened so this is now a done deal she'll be joining us in June we're very excited to have her uh to help with some of the kcom issues we also sent out a a DPW offer again that was accepted so we're going to be bringing another heavy equipment operator on willing to mowing weed just uh we didn't get the shared services but um the school in Aubry are doing office hours to make sure that the school has proper human resourcing and this is kind of more soft HR the ability to speak to an HR official so we're continuing to build our strong relationship with the town we have agreed with the school to combine our national natural gas contracts and to go with one vendor so we'll be uh doing that procurement and bringing it to you this fall it should uh save us some money and be more efficient so the town's contracts were not strong enough to get a great rate the schools are so combining them gets everybody a good rate um breaking news on the Westford Street CT this weekend breaking news somebody's axle it um it it created a sinkhole that was and Jim's a pretty big dude and it was up to his thigh so they spent all weekend uh filling it with rip wrap and then gravel to making sure that it was Compact and then they um patched it three times so we thought it was an emergency it's continuing to prove it's an emergency so I am asking that tonight the board support the uh design proposal that's in your packet for $84,700 this would get us a um up to that amount would get us a design solution to bring to kcom for an emergency repair which would last a couple years 84,000 or 8,400 8 4,700 yeah that's chapter 90 chapter 90 would be design bid and construction management we think the total project will be in the 3 to 400,000 range to just redo the whole CT to do a temporary repair of that c temporary repair full so I move to approve the use of chapter 90 to fund the proposed westf Street emergency culbert replacement design contingent on permitting approval from all applicable board second second any discussion you had a question just given it's the location there's it's out of our chapter 90 we can't tap any other I know 225 has a different status yeah yes and it's an emergency I mean we couldn't live without some main artery yeah no it's so the full design and repair will be almost a bridge level and it would take two years to design yeah will the temporary how long will the temporary lasts in theory two to three years in practice it lasts usually much longer but the kcom has to approve it and once they approve we have 30 days to fix it so it's going to be days it's going to be a quick process this what that assumes you have somebody who can so we um are all ready to go with a bid they approve it we we um start construction who's the Wii though me Jim oh n so Niche can oh you guys are doing that's what this proposal is for it's going to get us what we need to go to kcom and then start construction by the town the town would do the construction not nich uh it's probably going to be a combination of a general contractor in the town okay but you say 30 days the resources available to get it done in that time frame after the approvals and everything yes we also don't have a choice okay uh so there's a motion second uh let's have a roll call vote Barney Arnold I mod IED I Snell I triola I okay all right um people are reading this correct we did finalize the FY 21 to 23 dispatch contract so that's exciting we're working on 24 and then uh 2526 and 27 the financial policies we talked about some procurement updates the dog park as you you know has a gap between the uh Grant and the bid so that grant funding uh the McMorrow family has graciously offered to uh donate $20,000 to um help solve this Gap and then um the Recreation Commission will be asking the fincom to support an emergency um excess out of the reserve fund instead of using their 53d which is their revolving fund so that revolving fund would have been used but it's not the best way to do it legally so um that'll become free cash it's kind of a swap did I confuse everyone yeah so do we do though do we need to accept a um the gift the Recreation Commission does they I thought we accepted all gifts ex except ones that are used by others oh okay whatever then why did never mind because you directly control it they're not a they're your own committee without their own authority yeah okay uh Court Corey Auditorium we've finalized um everything except for putting the EC work out to bid so we'll be doing that soon green o we talked about a lot and then um we put out the bid for the road repair program for FY 24 FY 25 that was approved so we should have those by um early or late June to um to award ran What's the timing for the Greeno what's the anticipated timing for that project we should be done by October 1st assuming we get all the Contracting done for the removal of the Greeno barn and relocation and relocation okay some upcoming discussions I want you to be aware of um the online Don naations discussion we've talked about a lot your road maintenance public hearing will be advertised for June 11th and I will not be here I did not do that on purpose actually so uh I just want to remind everybody that June 11th our meeting is uh first of all it's going to be at the school I'm just wondering if that's the best time to do that hearing that people are going to get confused what hearing is it joint school committee okay to start right what's and then it goes to a regular select board meeting yes afterwards to actually to an executive session and then to a why would we doing an executive oh for an update yes without Ryan here yes I'll be here remote virtually he'll be here virtually so I I'm just what's the hearing part I missed that the hearing it's for people to submit or to bring you complaints about their roads it's a data point for the future Road planning and maybe we should do that time when we're here I mean it's going to be hybrid I mean just as it you know is here but I just was wondering if it best time the timetable you want to get this moving and that's I think one of the reasons we put it so soon we don't want to drag it out another it's not for this bid is it I thought it was it's not for this bid it's just for for establishing which roads I mean if it was to go to a different meeting is that going to set us back from anything we have planned I don't think so you were already rolling shirts you got other things that you're piling up so right I would I think that I think the chair and vice chair in the administrator needs yeah okay I'm just look at the agenda and figure out what you can actually do all right but I agree with I agree with um Kate that probably a hearing shouldn't be at some other venue it doesn't make I don't see that one as As Time pressing as some of the other things we could so but would people please put in their um their calendars the six o'cl joint meeting with school committee at the okay I thought it was 5:30 was it 6 o' I could be wrong I believe it's well you'll tell us we I don't know okay just remember it's going to be early on that day and it's going to be at the school 5:30 or 6 bringing food all right a couple agreements coming your way uh Center Park your renewal of the 5-year agreement Regional substance abuse cordinator IMA this is something we've talked about with the Board of Health that look good and the select board and Town Administrator goals so you typically have goal sessions in July and August so there's a small thing on your uh calendar for June 11 to discuss what that's going to look like and what the dates are going to be for staff recognition uh I'd like to thank Sergeant Steven Mack and officer Eric Cucos who assisted in with federal agencies with their investigation to a Carl man who allegedly submitted over 18 million do in paycheck Protection Program fraud this was a joint effort with the uh Federal Authority and um was another example of car's professionalism they don't always work with the locals um they did here because our officers are great and then Sarah she's been doing an excellent job um we just just did reviews with our Building Commissioner and we talked mostly about how great Sarah's been for the office as the town's first sustainability coordinator as well so um lately she's been working on the following the new natural gas contract EV charger pricing climate leader discussions and application for U submission in front of you MVP efforts and more she's also our town hall Garden Champion we do have a town hall Garden at fos farm and she is coordinating all that for us I just put the stakes in today we have the best Garden there everybody says so uh dates uh I've got professional development this week and then I'm going to Fort Bliss if you remember I was supposed to go in March and it got delayed till now and then um we have a slew of meetings this summer for for goals which would be great that is my report Mr chair great it's 10 p.m. and I would suggest unless there is any public comment anyone online who has anything that they want to add or question seeing none I would entertain a motion to adjourn moved second all right roll call vote Arnold IED Snell ey F ey right thank you all 10 o' yeah yeah yeah