and I'd like to call today June 25th 2024 um this is a hybrid meeting so it's both in person and on Zoom um I first would uh since it is a hybrid meeting i' do a roll call vote to see who's here um we'll do that alphabetically Arnold I yeah Odell is is not here Reed here Snell here Rola here four members present um just quickly I'd like to go through the agenda and then move to community input but the the agenda tonight we're going to have Community input we're going to talk about ratifying the dispatch contract then a vote to set this special town meeting at 7:10 7:15 there'll be a public hearing on a petition from NStar for an underground service um at 7:30 there'll be a road maintenance public comment hearing um that will be an opportunity for anyone here who wants to talk about the road maintenance you can make comments at that point in time um then at 8:30 we'll talk about the end of year transfers uh 845 Financial policies including employment reimbursement and credit card policy 855 appointments and resignations including a discussion of the interim town clerk 9:15 proposed modifications to the DBW policy transfer station policy um then 9:35 a TA report warrant and liaison reports and then we'll have a further Community input at the end of our session so I'd like to start with Community input the way we do this is we um call you you can um you have to state your name and your address um and we'll we offer two minutes of comment time um so you please keep your comments succinct and within the two-minute time frame um and I'll start with people in the room I I think Mr AG you have been waiting the longest so if you'd like to um I just want to make sure that everyone can hear I think you're welcome to sit there or or the microphone the microphone is right here but I I would ask that um when you talk let's just make sure that people on Zoom can hear you just a question so you can actually understand what I'm saying with my s s JY he yes right all right please introduce yourself in your street address please okay uh Mr chairman members of the select board my name is Robert egri 8 Wildwood rrive you received my letter from last week in which I asked you to correct a certain divisive and unconstitutional Town regulation here I wish to emphasize a couple of especially troubling aspects of the town's present policy specifically by which the first religious Society is acting as the Orbiter whether a private sign on the town's Commons is appropriate or not I have nothing against the first religious Society but they are a private religious organization that should not be in the position to allow or disallow anything that I you or anybody anybody else in car allow personally wish to display on the public Commons this is a clear violation of the First Amendment and should be corrected immediately moreover for car's private signs on public property regulation having the select board or town manager Eng in the approval procedure of private signs is a process of discrimination by which you have been violating the establishment the free speech and the free exercise Clauses of the US of the US Constitution's First Amendment as the US Supreme Court wrote in Kennedy versus Bremerton School District numeral 21 in June 27 2022 the Constitution neither mandates nor tolerates that kind of discrimination last year in a similar case of shle versus city of Boston the US Supreme Court also unanimously held that Boston violated the US Constitution's first amendment I asked that this board to end this divisive policy and ongoing constitutional violations by repealing said regulation thank you for your attention thank you for your comments are there other people in the room who'd like to speak um go ahead forward please introduce yourself morning C de South Street um I'm here as a member of the Democratic town Committee just to bring a letter that apparently they're going to put in the mosquito regarding uh handum private jet expansion and they led me to believe you were going to vote on this tonight but I guess you're not so here's the letter anyway okay thank you very much okay sure please come forward and introduce yourself thank you uh my name is Mike Bush I'm from 280 L Street in town it's a pleasure to meet those of you who haven't met before I know Barney from M Street um so I uh I just wanted to offer a few thoughts um I wanted to Second uh the concerns that Robert egri raised in his letter which uh he had shared with me before the select board um I I do have equivalent concerns about the the unconstitutionality of the regulation um in particular to the Constitution's First Amendment um I also have some more psychological concerns about that use of public property which ultimately is rather inflammatory because even if certain signs or messaging seem Pleasant or nice to some people though almost inevitably seem unpleasant or undesirable to others and though people of course um are free to put signs of messaging on their own private property um using public property to leave such things on there that's where it starts getting inflammatory not constitutional as they re articulated in that letter so I would urge the board to end that you know ongoing issue with unconstitutional regulation in the town I don't know if this is helpful at all but I created just a very simple motion uh to repeal it while still allowing people to fully exercise their constitutional rights on Town property in person if this is of any interest I'm happy to share this if this is any help sure if you'd like to submit it to the we take all information comes in welcome a free whe so perfect thank you thanks right okay thank you sure are there any other people in the audience who want to speak on anything this is an open session for for communication to the board you can also always write letters um emails um we get those in consistently and online I see there people online um is are there anything for a public comment online before we get started with the rest of our schedule this evening okay seeing none or hearing none um they're going to move on and I think as a board we will um we will review these comments tonight and um we'll consider we'll consider reviewing the policy in the future so desired but we'll we'll look into that we know we had gone over that policy previously um okay so at 7:05 um let's talk about the dispatch contract uh for the M Massachusetts Coalition of police Union Local 2011a okay that's me right that's you want to give us the update yes so the town of Carlile and the dispatch Union mascot 201 which is confusing so this is the the dispatch Communications Department not the police they have the same Union they tentatively agreed to the town with an agreement that we've been honoring from uh FY 21 to 23 however we never formalized it in a contract so we had a a tenative agreement that was legally binding and then we we paid it last year we were unable to negotiate an agreement so we've been out of agreement um for all of fy2 24 and um the union reorganized itself we came came back together myself in the union to discuss how we could get back into contract and the results of that were two one-year agreements so fy2 24 and fy2 so the FY 24 agreement was to pay including retro back to July 1st 2023 a 3% Cola which matches um almost all Town employees and the townwide cola that was approved for that budget so that was an agreement for fy2 24 for fy2 the agreement was a 2.25% Cola which was the townwide cola during the budget process the acceptance of juneth as a as a holiday as a paid holiday for the dispatch which is part of our Personnel policies as well which all other employees have and then adding to what they call Super holidays which is public employees who have to work on holidays that are deemed of of significance so the two that were added to the schedule this year which matches the Police contract was July 4th and Memorial Day so in order to move these contracts along and to get agreement on 24 which is about to close and 25 which is about to start the select board entertained these in executive session and then ratified the contract and so did the communications Union so we have what's called Labor piece and we're looking to publicly vote those contracts and get the details of those contracts to the public so that we can execute them so it would be two moas one for memorandum of agreement one for fy2 24 one for fy2 and then amending the 21 to 23 agreement to get us through July 1st 2025 and then we'll start negotiating the next three-year contract in the fall sure I lost a lot of people but these details are publicly available I'd be happy to answer any questions it was in our packet everyone had a chance to see Scott did you have any questions on this or comments you're good uh nope no comments or questions I thought it was in keeping with everything that we had talked about so yes they were very agreeable and I think we were too so okay you want to make a motion sure um I moved to ratify the contract agreements for FY 24 and fy2 between the town of carile and the Massachusetts Coalition of police Union Local 2011a parenthesis dispatch and further to authorize the Town Administrator to sign the contract and make minor administrative changes and consultation with Town Council second any further discussion hearing none uh we're gonna do a roll call vote Arnold I Reed I Snell I triola I so it's four zero and then one from David Modell a non vote exion all right uh moving on to the special town meeting we discussed a date for the special town meeting and I think we have vetted that through the we started with the moderator we went to the school made sure the school was available are there any other constituencies that or people of interest that need Town Council but they'll be there okay good uh so this is to accommodate bylaw potential bylaw changes that are being discussed by the planning board uh this gives them maximum time to have their public hearings take public input and make sure the Public's properly informed so if this was in early October given the windows for bylaw regulation changes there would be very limited public debate so this expands it which is why it's it's a later date maybe always should be but and it's after election so yeah yeah that might be a thing well let me let me U make the motion then we can have discussion I move to schedule the special fall town meeting for Tuesday November 12th 2024 beginning at 7 p.m. second okay thank you I'll wait for somebody else here to do it all right so any discussion okay well my question was actually for Barney and CPC and thinking about doing another round funding because now you have and what other things that we might entertain in terms of because we try not to do budgetary things but CPC is a little separate separate from because it's not ta it's not attached to tax raising taxes okay I just are you asking yeah i' like to know what are are there things in the works that you think are going to be coming I mean I would be speaking very at hoc but the planning board is discussing accessory apartment bylaw and other zoning bylaws that that might be of importance and of strong public opinion and the select board included in their goals other bylaw changes that paw that you would need to you need to get going on if you're going to get it done even for November yeah yeah we have to set our goals first yeah yeah I was in the draft so and the um uh the planning board biolog you're talking about does that include the NBTA communities won be ready until spring won be until spring all right okay so Scott unless you had any comments or questions all right we'll take a roll call vote Arnold I Reed I sell I Rola I unanimous all right so it's just about 7:15 one person names tend to be spammers so just checking all right usually don't see this part yeah all right well um shall we open it anyway sure let's because we have to actually I want to open the grant of location hearing pursuant to Mass General laws chapter 148 section 13 regarding the petition submitted by NSTAR Electric Company doing business as ever Source energy to install orus 6 ft of electrical conduit in South Street second second thank you maybe okay is there anyone from NSTAR that's on the line that would wanted to discuss this well well this was information was in package all the information is in our package is six feet of conduit that goes from the street in board away from the street uh it's very much like what we just did two weeks was it two weeks ago or four weeks ago uh it's not going to disturb much and it's for new construction there they need to get there utility s right so um I see no problem with this and this would have the same criteria of know repaving and restoring I I don't think it bits into the pavement it doesn't it should not no because it's going from the pole away is already okay it's not going across yeah if there were anything like that then i' you know wanting them to PO on and you know yeah this is for 508 South Street yeah okay all right um this is ask if anys or anybody else y I will ask is there anyone who wants to speak on this issue is there anyone online who would like to speak to this okay seeing none I'm going to uh make a motion to close the you can't move oh I can't move I move to close the public hearing second okay actually did we vote to open it yes yes okay well I made the motion I just don't remember voting okay so we're going to vote to close the public hearing so uh let's take a roll call vote Arnold I Reed ey Snell I triola I now we have closed the public hearing so I move to approve the petition and plan submitted by anstar Electric Company doing business as ever Source energy for the purpose of obtaining a granted location to install approximately six plus or minus feet of conduit South Street said work is necessary to upgrade the existing underground electric surface to 508 South Street par second okay um is there any further comment or questions from anyone on the board seeing none I'll take a roll call vote Arnold I Reed I Snell I triola I all right ta please notify them you'll take care of that but they passed yes okay thanks got reg all right super all right um well that was much faster we're ahead of schedule but people may be here for the road hearing and they I'm going to wait till 7:30 so maybe we can um jump to something else that's a um about the TA report ta ta report can you actually that's Aubrey she yeah she's on yeah there she is Aubrey would you mind doing the the TA report now until 7:30 sure yeah yeah no problem all right so hold on I've got a a baby with me right now let's see okay all right so um for this one um just some updates uh for Town Hall we have finished the cubicle project on the second floor it looks fantastic uh once we get some of the uh cabinets digitized it'll be even cleaner up there so it looks really great um another update is uh we have volunteer training um for uh this summer and a August 6 I'm going offer two times this time because uh last year we found that some folks had an easier time at night where While others would have had an easier time in day time so um we will offer both and it'll be kind of like last year um but also making sure the chairs have some more information um so this is for new volunteers and for newly appointed chairs um and so uh we had a great um outcome last year so we're hoping for the same this one more information will be coming out shortly um for June 27th to 28th we would like to have the flags be at half mass in honor of Robert coning who was formerly the fire chief and and was um you know one of most honored czen back in 2002 so that is request that we have that I have a motion in here um for human resources um can you hear me sorry hear you just fine okay uh for human resources uh Gretchen continues to hold the temporary town clerk position um and we uh should have an appointment tonight which we could talk about if you'd like or we can wait until that agenda item we wait the agenda item all right and then we are still collect rums for the electrical and Facilities technician position um we're still working on the DPW positions uh Trish mcen is leaving as the public health nurse she's been fantastic it's a six-hour week position so we're collecting resumés for that position um and we're also will be um posting for a new dispatcher uh in very shortly at by the end of this week uh we also have the Indian flag raising request and Proclamation for you that's in the should be in the packet um and so this year it would be Sunday August 4th at 4 pm so I have a motion for that um um just like last year um we have two remaining final Financial policies to be uh approved so that's also in your packet uh the town hall Hall Garden continues to hold strong even since this report I have heard that the plants are doing very well um they're waiting right now this week a lot more so it looks fantastic and uh staff has really really enjoyed being able to do that um so uh the road repair repair program um Ryan can say a little more but that was um that bid opening happened today so we should have more updates on that short shortly um and then some upcoming discussion points I am putting a memo together um for Town Hall hours we do need to kind of get that moving forward staff have been asking me about that so that'll be a good um decision to make in the um near future um and just to give some other folks and you know for Scott and those we've had some memos and you know surveyed uh the public and staff on what they would like um and uh and so now it's just a matter of making a decision what that looks like um and then also there's the friends of Center Park agreement that will be slated for the next um board meeting and then staff recognition I'd really like to thank Gretchen gallamore and Alana Lynch for really working hard for to make sure the town clerk's office um kept running that was a lot of work um when there's already so much going on um and uh it's it's been really great and also just how great um staff has been for the last few weeks when it's been such a shocking and difficult time but everybody really um got together and they've been helping each other as needed so that was really um a nice thing to come out of that um and then just the upcoming um dates um Brian's on vacation next week um and then the upcoming select board meetings in July so that's what I have okay we have some motions Rel to this yeah and after the Motions I'd just like to add a couple things I wasn't here and thanks to Aubrey for putting this together but I do have a couple updates for the board and the public after the Motions after the Motions I move to authorize the Town Administrator to order the Carlile Flags lower to half staff from June 27th to 28th in honor of car second fire chief Robert Bing second okay is there any discussion all right seeing none I'll take a roll call vote Arnold I Reed I Snell I Rola I okay I move that the select board vote to approve the request from the India Association of Greater Boston iagb to use the town comment on Sunday August 4th at 4M for a brief ceremony and to raise the flags of India and the us to celebrate the seven the E Independence Day of India second okay I'd like to actually comment on that because um I just want to make sure that at least I have my information correct and that it's helpful to the public to understand so we have a flag policy our flag policy in Carlile was reviewed by the select board and approved by the select board several months ago and we determined that only the American flag and Military flags and P Flags I believe and the town of carile if it has an official flag flag may fly on the town flag poles in this case they are instructed to bring their own flag pole and they can raise a flag on their own um and they're getting a permit to do so and that's what this effectively is my understanding this this is at the on the town common it's being held on the town common the town common is in common with the first religious Society is that correct how does I just want to go over that quickly to to make sure we understand how that works many decades in discussions before I came here is my understanding of um the ownership of the town commant is unknown so it is decidedly split between the town and the first religious Society so to be clear in all functions on that particular piece of land the town approves and they ask F FRS to support that approval in order to make sure that that that land is being respected right but whereas the center the rotary is Town owned and that has nothing to do with the first religious Society they have no ownership or anything or claim on that or anything just the comment just the comment okay so we're talking about for this permit is just the town common so we would have to as you said we'd have to get acknowledgement or permission from the first religious Society for that yeah which they've already done that okay so that was my kind of comments and questions to Scott do you have anything to add or anyone else no thank you for those questions though Travis okay I don't normally open these up to uh discussion because we have comments at the beginning of our hearing and at the end um I see there's a a person in the audience who does want to speak if I open it up to one I'm going to have to open up to everyone and we have a busy agenda tonight so I'm sorry a question um well even if I open up the questions I'm G to have to uh open it up for everyone and I I just don't want to have a that tonight but I think it is important to have these discussions about this and so we um we have a policy we're gonna vote on this let's take a roll call vote Arnold I re I Snell I triola I okay I moves at the select board vote to Proclaim August 15 2024 as India day and encourage all residents of the town of Carlile to join the select board in raising the flags of India and the United States at the Comon taking place on Sunday August 4th 2021 second okay raising the flags we've had somebody from the select board every year I know I did the first one I think I I can certainly I can certainly attend this year okay you can okay perfect great excellent okay so there's a motion do you have a second okay any further discussion seeing none we'll take a roll call vote Arnold I read I Snell Iola I okay all right so I know we have a minute so I'll be brief no you can you can run a minute over so um Aubrey forgot one person in this so Aubrey was also in charge while I was gone um to help manage the situation uh left in the wake of the the tragic loss of of Peggy Wang so the the staff had a lot of difficulty with this we we did the best we could to manage manage the situation however everyone was extremely flexible resilient and um got done the work that needed to get done so um Peggy would definitely have wanted us to continue on and to make sure the town Hall was running correctly and I feel the staff did that so I'd also like to recognize Aubrey during that time and the town and then all the Town volunteers that have come in to help sit at the desk to um to make sure that nothing was missed and to make sure that uh the staff felt supported while while that closure happened and and we worked to to move on unfortunately in government we we have to keep going even when we um when we Face something very difficult so I appreciate all the efforts all all the people in the town who stopped by all the well wishes and um certainly was thinking while I was gone of of the staff the town Peggy and her family for business as Peggy would say let's keep going um just wanted to talk briefly about the official flag as you mentioned so this is in the works we are sewing like Betsy Ross the Carlile flag um it will be presented at the state house which makes it official and then we'll display it here so it essentially is just a basic flag with the seal but it is it is the official flag Scott Evans is heavily involved as are many other volunteers in town so when that becomes available I will invite the select board because we'll be going to the state house with um with our our local delegation for procurement just to add a little bit of extra to that since I've been back the um we do have the bids for the road repair program they came in well under bid which is something I never get to say wow so either we overestimated we're making ourselves look good or uh the costs were actually estimated correctly I do believe it was the latter so you'll see the results of this in the road repair program but we basically gained another half year to a year in our plan excellent and we'll be able to award that this week for the westf street Culvert that's coming in uh next week as well which will allow us I'm sorry in two weeks by the nth to uh repair the Culvert so more work was done just so everybody knows we had to borrow a plate from chelsford they were nice enough to let us borrow a plate and then we we put it in the ground and sealed it over so that that it was safe and then uh we have now rented one that is bigger and that's why the bump is a little bit larger there but it's needed for stability so as soon as that's authorized we have to go to the Conservation Commission get a 30-day waiver and then install the temporary CT uh the good news is the design and the cost of the culbert are lower than we estimated I never get to say these things so that's fun um but we'll see when the bids come in with the actual prices and then hopefully we can have that done by first week or second week in August uh depending on depending on how things go so those are a couple important updates also the police station will be coming to you uh we will be reviewing a procurement for an OPM to help guide through that process currently the police station is with the zoning board of appeals and the historical commission for for some final permitting I am asking the select board to pay close attention into those those proceedings um with summer months and hours it's important that that the the town and boards come together to have couple additional meetings to make sure we don't get well into the fall with the approval of the police station so I I think it's doable just giving you a heads up that those conversations are coming uh we need the final permitting so that when we bid the contractors don't add cost to their bid knowing that they have to go through maybe some potential changes so if we can lock up all of the design then we'll get an exact price and hopefully not go back to the the taxpayers for more money and that is it thank you again to Aubrey for handling the report it was nice to have her do it all right I'd like to move on then to the road maintenance public comment hearing um and just to start with some background that we started this process actually uh a year ago we heard in December um we we received the initial report that was done by Consultants about the entirety of the road system in Carlile so we have cataloged all of the roads in Carlile and um it's really what the select board has wanted to do and really Ryan has been instrumental in doing this is coming up with a a process and a plan for public comment on the roadways in carile because to date I think it's been somewhat ad Haw and people just you know fixing them as needed and we felt that this was better to have a plan in place where where we have um the public provide input and then we can obviously there's a political process in that like I want my road done first or whatever that may be but but that at least gives us input as to how the public is thinking about it and we ultimately will decide a plan for the roadway improvements there has been some budgetary things that have come out of this um in that we are going to have to spend more if we want to maintain the roadway system in the condition that it's current in we're going to have to spend more out of our budget than we currently are spending because it has been deteriorating over time and just so we're going to have to evaluate that and decide as a board um and so we obviously encourage all public input in helping make that decision so with that um Ryan did you want us to start with just public comments or do you want to give any type of presentation first and what would be best I think it would be helpful for just a couple minutes and I do mean a couple minutes yeah so I would like to take you through what has been done what is projected to be done and what the financial impact is of that and then I have about 30 responses from the public and then I know that there's some people here so I would suggest people here and then I can go through my drier but still important document so the report that our chair just mentioned is the pavement management plan so the high high level summary of This is Carlile roads are about a C+ C+ being pretty common in New England I just drove in El Paso those roads are great but they don't have any snow right so their their Road last 20 years ours last five 10 uh so the pavement management plan identified and uh quantify the quality of road so our roads range from somewhere in the 40s out of 100 scale to somewhere in the mid 90s the mid 90s being the ones that were just recently repaired and are in the best shape so the average in Carlile is in the mid 70s um and that's what this pavement management plan does this is online and available it also offers a a couple year Paving plan that we followed pretty closely I've also attached a rating to all of the roads comments that came in so the board can see that and I want the uh public to know that those ratings come from this pavement management plan which is designed by engineers and not me and not Jim and not someone from the public so in terms of what we are currently what I was talking about earlier we procured uh the 24 25 plan two years which I think helped lower some of the costs and commit a vendor to to our process so the segments of Road in the two-year plan include I should share this I'm sorry to the people online Second sorry all right here we go everyone can see it now so westf Road uh this is an emergency culbert replacement we don't have a lot of control over and then uh the paving projects include this is a a Mill and fill so a strip down and then a filling in of all of the damaged areas and then a cover a cover and coat so that includes Church Street curve Street Proctor Street Prospect Street uh River and school and then a minor a minor bit of crack ceiling which is preventative maintenance which prevents us from having to Mill and fill all roads um ear for longer and then the 25 maintenance plan includes a lot more crack ceiling Plus Baldwin pattern Roger Sterns both segments West and Woodbridge okay so um at least 2024 which is 2024 but fy2 has been improved and now we are likely to start that project in August so what does that mean that means how do we fund it which is important so over here on the left you have current funding so this is essentially what we have in the bank this is State dollars 825,000 in FY 25 so after July 1 we will get another 252,000 that's our normal allotment and then the state passed something called the fair share act which will give us another 154,000 there was a rural road program that was passed by the state that's included in this July 1 total so the total assets available without touching any other dollars this is just State funding is is 1.2 million so if you take the the plan I just outlined again I'm moving really fast and and can answer any questions the covert uh Al so this this also includes the engineering for the Emergency CT so the the repair will be about $100,000 for that Culvert a lot lower than we thought as I mentioned but we'll have to repair it again in the future because it's only a temporary fix and then the fy2 paving we're estimating at about 375 per year for the next two years for a total use through FY 26 of the approved plan of 850 which if you add what we know which is we'll get some chapter 90 money from the state leaves us a a balance of around 632,000 so if you project that over 10 years so all this does is it takes the balance of the previous year as what we know for revenue or is what is likely for Revenue projects a cost and then us a total you'll see out in the 30 31 32 and definitely 34 the negative start to pile up which means if we were to keep our roads at C+ roads um it would take a $500,000 investment and we would still not have enough money to cover being C+ do assume the revenue of the 250 is constant that would likely go up can't assume it hasn't gone up in the last decade so we're we're not it will go up in the next so um a lot of the state advocacy we have says that uh there's a $200 million Bond bill that's the state approves for we've been asking for 300 to 350 which would do what you're saying which is double that 250 to 500 and allow people to keep around a C+ Road U whether they do that or not or whether inflation oh outpaces this is is highly likely so what this tells me is to keep the roads the way we are now we need to start putting Capital money into the capital plan in order to keep up with just the roads we have that remind the repairs we need so um not the best story but we do have the ability to fund the next three to five years um pretty comfortably won't make everybody happy but there'll be a a capital plan in place so I also have I also have all the not the non inperson comments so we can jump to iners and then I have a lot of data for the the non- in in person and then the in person I can add data to it if you want so we can go anywhere great well I think we will open it up to the public if anyone wants to speak so I'd again ask you to come forward the microphone should pick you up but just address the board to give us your name and your street address and then you know if you would limit your comment to one or two minutes I mean be too long generally um and then we'll go online but why don't I start in the room here and then I'll move online so is there anyone who wants to speak please feel free if you have a comment go ahead oh that was the last one you for you you want me to move up move up just it'll be easier for the people on the zoom to hear you hi I'm Mike Owens I live on peasant Hill Lane 132 I forwarded to Ryan an email yesterday with an update you're you're not in some you were in some with an update so I'm gonna be briefer today than than what's in that but feeling if you have questions I'm happy go much details and just some notes to keep me on tracks so I don't Babble on uh first I'd like to thank the select board Ryan I don't know if Jim Hall's on the line but to get our input feedback and grievances is is just great thank you thanks for that so let me I'm gon to quickly cover two issues um well again which I forward to them but have go detail so the first issue was relevant to the dozen or so of us that live on the dead end stre Street on Fant Hill Lane um but the most important one to me specific one the second one I'll I'll cover second but let me start with some good news in the late summer of 2021 we found out that our road was finally going to get paid the state had funded the road um we were told and work began shortly there after with DPW coming in in the fall digging up about dozen 15 Boulders that started protruding the old road as it as it eroded away and then in the spring of that year out side contractor came in laid down the own at the buzzword right um the base coat which is called the asphalt something or other the asphalt binder Basco um and we were told that it was decided that um they were going to split the cost across two fiscal years will be back in August to put the top coat down that never happened um to laying down the top coat now how some short-term issues with that is part of the road specifically around the circle was thinly Gray ated for drainage in anticipation of the top coat finishing up that's you can see that all of a sudden that's going to need the recurring backing up a bit the reason we were very happy to get this for for many years after every snowstorm DPW would come out reatch what they just patched the previous storm and they tell us this is the worst Road in car so we were happy for F this other stuff you can see in the circle that pretty soon that area is going to need some repatching because it's just too darn thin but moving on to my specific issue I am U my house is right on the circle you see at that street and it's very close to the circle and the circle is is sloped and the land around the circle is sloped and all the runoff comes right at my house the builder of the house uh put a a little patch solution and basically dug a v ditch down the oh let me also back up my house is built into a 45 degre slope I have a 19t ceiling in the basement to give you perspective of the slope and the house is very close to the road and the slope begins at my front door so so the the little Gully he built and put some rocks in over time nature the silt from the runoff that's completely clogged and things have now moved into my driveway and water finds the path of least resistance I dig a little thing here it goes there I've had to higher landscape because now the slope holding up my house gets these little micro erosions as the water comes I was supposed to I was had commitments from DPW from uh Gary Davis at the time um and even even uh the the uh Timothy GD had scored me an email saying you had talked to Gary and hey he's gonna go fix that when they fix the road so I was told in the spring don't worry everything we told you we're gonna do we're gonna do and we do the top coat so we got no top coat and I'm still fighting this Del okay Mr Owens thank you that's helpful for us I know these this is what we want it's the public to tell us roads are not in good shape and why and so only last question is there any followup I should expect or that's a good question I don't know how out of this um I think we're going to come up with a plan we're going to ultimately have which roads get done but as to your specific thing I can't I can't assure you I don't know if we haven't set our plan yet as to what and what I don't know if you can find out the fact that there's no top coat does that mean the base coat's going to need servicing much sooner does it pay me out or pay me a lot more later great thank you all right um are there any others in the room who want to make a comment I'll move on line then after there none seeing none um is that Mr Yip Andrew Yip yes hello I'm Andrew yep um I've been we've lived in Carlile since 2009 um we're currently at oh sorry yeah we're currently I was getting to that sorry we're currently at Barry Corner Road 10 5 Barry Corner Road um we moved there in 2017 um and the section of road that leads to our house we're we're the last house on Barry Corner Road that section's been deteriorating every year that we've been in there um sort of every winter when it goes through the freeze thaw cycle it gets worse also at this point the plows are tending to rip up additional chunks of it uh that's not I'm not faulting the plows for that I think it's just a nature of the amount of um sort of potholes that are in it at this point um I had sent some comments and a photo to Ryan uh last night um so I'll try not to rehash that too much but I did go out and uh measure it with a laser level as well to try and get a sense of some of the variance and it's as bad as sort of five and a half inches in that worst section and our our car with the least ground clearance only has about five inches of clearance so I really have to kind of thread a path through there with that car to avoid scraping it um you know I know it's a dead end it only goes to our house but it it's worse than any through Street I've driven on in Carlile and you know I would imagine if it were through Street it would be extremely high priority because it's kind of not it's you know kind of impass getting impassible for some cars um I also I think Gary Davis I believe was the previous um head of DPW I had talked to him about it I think he' indicated that yeah he thought it was in need of hot topping I think was his term I'm not sure if that's the same as Mill and Phil but I think he'd indicated that yeah he thought it was in need of that soon um you know it also needs those DPW has come out and Patch those potholes a few times and kind of just needed to redo them every spring so there's an ongoing cost with it being the way it is um yeah and so it's just you can see it's that section that curves and then ends that I'm referring to that you've got up on the screen um so yeah I just wanted to advocate for that section the rest of Barry Corner Road is in is in better condition it just happens to be this section that's wearing poorly and you know I'm afraid that we'll get sort of Forgotten forever as going to a single house you know I know it doesn't serve as many houses as others but it is a it is Town Road and so I do hope it you know can get into the queue for repair sooner than later maybe as part of some nearby streets being worked on great thank you for your comments again thank you so uh we'll continue on sorry just quickly um this is the rating scale that you saw before so 0 to 55 is is the worst in town with 93 to 100 being do nothing roads um very corner is 54 just to put it in context so it is one of the poorest roads rated was that yeah we can you take a moment and put up the MTH of car that you have the all the different Ares that I thought that might be helpful for some to see we as part of this report there was a map of car that highlights each Road in Carlile with different colors and so you can see red being the most severe and um I'll get to it in a second sorry that's okay I just think it would be helpful because there's a lot of people from the public who are interested in this at rightfully so we're looking for all right Ryan put you on the spot here it's actually really worth reading the boort there's a lot of information in it and I learned a lot about more about Paving than you ever thought you he's actually flipping through the entire repor here so we'll speed read it thought it was in the front but it is not this is it right here right there okay so I don't know if online or they can they see it online and you can see the little part of very corer there I we can't see it online currently thank you putting it up we're putting it up so this this is a map obviously of carile and this is what the engineers did they surveyed each Road in carile they went through and they raided every road um Ryan do you want to give any more detail on that or um the the report rep indicated that the the main roads in Carlile are in decent shape I'm using nonprofessional language here and the local roads or the roads that are are feeding the the communities are in the worst shape which is pretty common in New England I'm not justifying it but the the attention goes to the highly traveled roads when you have limited resources and the local roads are many of them you'll see here in red which are the the worst conditioned roads ni well you can see a number of them are dead ends where there're low low traffic roads and so um so that so I think that what we're trying to do is is come up with a plan to prioritize how the town wants to spend its money as far as fixing roads and which order those get fixed so obviously this is a highly political process but you know we get input and this is what we're doing so um I think we could move on to the next but that that's a helpful diagram and yet please if you're in the public please take a look at the report because it's helpful information um I see Meredith Del like we can't hear you're gonna have to unmute and if you would introduce yourself and your street address please yeah hi everyone uh Mery 394 East Riding Drive appreciate the opportunity to to speak today um I'd like to propose support for road bance at the corner of East Riding drive and where it meets up with Brook Street um sort of at the the entry of East Riding Drive um and kind of on the corners there there's there's two pretty deep recesses um on each side of the road that are pretty consistently filled with water um and you know even after we're seeing periods of extended dry weather we are still seeing water there um during the wetest of Seasons water uh tends to stretch all across the road there right where um you're entering in from Brook Street um and sort of with the the freezing and thawing cycle over the past uh winter that we had it seemed like these um ditches kind of uh deteriorated even further so you know if you're uh a driver that's not super familiar with the area um you may not be aware of how deep these holes are um may just look like a shallow puddle um especially if you're you know it hasn't rained recently um but we see that cars myself even yesterday uh bottomed out in this area um and it can also pose a danger to pedestrians too um as they're sort of forced into the middle of the road to avoid water on both sides um the oncoming traffic both on Brook Street and EAS riding um as it's coming around the curves tends to come in pretty quickly and so pedestrians don't always have uh you know sufficient time to kind of get out of the way as they're also dodging the water so the impact is significant ific both to drivers and pedestrians so um putting in my my support for um some additional maintenance kind of right there at the corner um of those uh of Easter ring um in Brook Street thank you thank just so you know if you're not in the room um Our Town Administrator is taking copious notes on each of these so so we you're you're being recorded and and the letters that came in will go through the emails too or talk about some of those but um all right next Christina hi oopsie hi um thanks I oh Christina chos Hemlock Hill uh Road um I actually would uh like to um suggest the Elizabeth Ridge Road um coming off of L Street on the way to the transfer station um seems like no matter how slowly I make that turn my recycling goes flying all over the car and I think that um addressing uh that especially the the lower section uh of um Elizabeth Ridge Road could be beneficial for a big majority of the Town um going to the transfer station so I'm sure I'm not the only person who has issue with uh flying flying waste trying to get to the trans transfer station so thanks okay thank you um is that Eric Bale all right oh hi it's actually Kathy Bas talking yeah hi Kathy can you Hi how are you I have uh a a few questions I don't think I'm muted am I no we can hear you just want to know your street address please uh 105 nol Farm Road okay and uh the report that had the streets graded by color where can that be found so if you go to the Town Administrator page yes on the left navigation you'll see reports and all of the long-term strategic reports are there including the road M plan oh okay great uh soab so I can't email it to no no I I can navigate websites uh for the N Farm uh Road neighborhood I I can see at least that Garnet Rock which is severely in need of Maintenance was graded in red which it definitely needs the entire neighborhood is in pretty rough shape I wouldn't have asked for any repaving until the um development on Birch Lane was completed which it now is do we ever um ask for additional funding for repaving when a developer is done with their developments because the trucks going in and out I feel had uh a delerious effect on the paving in the neighbor neighborhood the count Minister can ask that too but I think the planning board puts conditions on the uh and approvals on their plans and that they are requiring those contractors to fix any damages is that your understanding too they should be yeah that that should be occurring and I believe it is on the planning board I don't know if the follow through has been um and so if there are cases of that you should please reach out to the planning board or we can I mean I don't know how you would like pin a particular degradation of the road surface to the trucks necessarily I just feel like it wouldn't have made sense to repave before all the trucks going in and out um and one thing in addition at the end of suffk Lane in the culdesac there is a hole it's been patched a couple of times already but the hole is deep enough that my husband could put his leg in like to the top of his thigh um like a pretty severe it's a pretty severe hole um I feel like there's maybe some uh underground water or something that's washing it away but I feel like the neighborhood needs some looking at overall I there's not been any you know significant repaving since we moved in in 19 1993 so no no yeah it's a dead end is part of the whole neighborhood but um okay it's as a public yeah we come in it's the First Street on the right so the First Street on the right yeah okay okay anything else um I think that's it I want to know where the report was want to report the whole and yes to maybe get some funds from the developer to possibly Aid in the repaving of the neighborhood given the wear and tear on the roads from the trucks going back and forth now the development is complete so that's my my B all right thanks thanks Kathy Kathy can you see the the birds I view here with the Opus trees car is very beautiful by the way lot of trees do you know where the pothole is so the culde saacs up here and noral noral Farms down here you tell me it's it's it's in the culdesac I want to say at the um like s o'clock position in the public area of the culdesac so right here um I don't know if I can I see you can't see your cursor oh shadow of all right s o'clock let the call SEC thank you yeah so okay thank you very much um online I I don't see if there are any other hands doesn't look like any other hands are raised um but this is helpful why don't we can we go into we we received written comments too I think 30 plus we did I heard about some of them people me I can't when I send my comments where should my comments take all communication you want to passeng I will walk you through some and um you saw I could bring you to the roads and show you where they in context I do want to show you ask if you were sharing that I will one second lot of tools here the you're doing a good job actually navigating multiple way here there we go yeah okay um Can people online see that image online there anyone or is Scott still on yeah he is yes okay thank you all right so this is carile the people can't see my hand M so I'm going to try and verbally navigate the green is the paving program for this summer 2024 the green the green the very bright green lines lines okay the um blue is 2025 Paving and then the uh complaints as of Monday we had a lot today and we've had more tonight are dotted uh that I'm discussing here so we will continue to try and map out people's complaints uh the DPW has five times more complaints than I do so we're Gathering that data um at it was manually taken or verbally taken and we're going to start logging it to make sure that we can see these so you can see the trouble spot areas but one thing just looking quickly at the data you can see is most of it is local roads yeah so that confirms that confirms the report and what we saw tell us what the significance of the colors of the dots are different years so I'll get to that from last year or this year I've been Gathering data for a while oh right so I will jump to I'm just going to go through some of these and and stop me if you want to or we can go to the map or we can we can do whatever you want so one of the comments that we got and some of these are multiple comments I've just tried to make it more succinct is to paint lines on major roads to improve driver safety so the DPW does is on a plan now to alternate years painting white lines and then yellow lines so last year we did white uh yellow this year we're going to do some white lines any new roads are are automatically included in that for both white and in yellow the reason we do that is to save money and cost and um make sure we're being efficient with it so so the board and the public knows we have about $110,000 a year to do painting and we spend every to do as much painting as recent okay we did it in the fall last fall and we'll do it again late summer and that that'll be the alternating yellow white yellow white so um white lines are significantly less expensive than yellow something I learned don't know why probably only first of all they're usually Dash so there's less paint and they're not double like the solid double yellow light so I'm imagining just so the um there was a complaint that made sunken catch Basin on conquer Street by butrick Pond couple complaints about this and anything in bold and dark is something that Jim and I discussed this week so this is as current as we can get the DPW will fix this one by the end of August 2024 it is a significant fix and has been a problem for for as long as Jim can remember so when I mean problem I don't mean we knew it was a hole we just just stared at it it's something that's been patched or attempted to be fixed and it hasn't held much of the cold patching and patching work that's done in in New England doesn't it's it's it's a common problem um it doesn't mean we're not trying to get better at it but it is a cost benefit analysis so a lot of the times it's patched just to keep it good for the summer and then in the winter it gets destroyed again next comment was address potholes and damage on Nathan Lane between the catch basins and Virginia Farm this is uh same thing I drove myself we've had a few complaints in this area so Nathan Lane is a PCI that's the score rating of 68 which is deficient um not as bad as as it could be but definitely one of the one of the worst roads in town it is not on any longterm plan right now toet road is on the consultant plan for 2027 it is not on the two-year plan toet road is a 42 on the PCI scale the sinking storm sewer drain Basin on East Riding I think we just heard a comment about that it sounded familiar to me this will be again fixed by the end of August so why not why not July we are a little short staffed in July and focused on raising the basins for all the paving projects that we have that's going to be the primary focus of non routine maintenance to include roadside Mowing and other stuff that we have to do in July so a lot of the the road repair will be in August including the paving and are you sure the that's that's the Basin they're talking about is the one at the at the corner of um East riding and Brook East riding and Brook because there's another Basin that doesn't drain and there's always water uh across the street in front I think it's 165 Friday okay good to know thank you I've sent your picture sure you have okay uh Woodridge Road a few a few comments on Wood Ridge so they storm drain this is scheduled for Paving in 2025 and all of the storm drains unless they're emergency will be repaired to include the cover right before the paving so this is for cost efficiency for um just for for maximum efficiency so it'll be part of the 2025 any road we pave we address the culverts and the drains on it unless there are emergencies and they need to be fixed they they wait until the the paving projects starts so we do that about a month before the start just to make sure that it's dead on with the paving the Woodridge Road is a 65 on the PCI scale and it is scheduled for Paving next year as I just mentioned 2025 is that a collector Road sorry no it is not uh Bal well baldman yeah it does go all the way around but I was thinking the end Baldwin continues straight and I don't know if it becomes Stern street but there's it's a it ends Wood Wood Bridge goes around that I think right it's it's in the and I'm the reason I'm asking is that I think if I'm in the right area on the map the the there's a culde saac at the end of that road which may be Stern Street which is you know I've walked my dog is in really rough shape Stern stre it's right there see you Sterns but I don't know if Sterns because that's wood rdge but I don't know if that's Baldwin then it just keeps going straight Bal okay so at Baldwin that that last called the sack there area after the at the bottom of the page that so that that's a particular optioning sorry I don't mean to take us no no but yeah yeah okay I know what you're talking about now assuming that this is jumping around with me you have a couple um hands too I don't you want to deal with that um why don't you get through your list there and then we'll take the at Le on this page I'll speed up a little bit and then we yeah yeah then we'll take some more questions Baldwin Road which you just mentioned is a 43 so it is one of the very worst roads in town and it is on the 2025 Paving plant along with Woodridge when we do Paving projects we tend to to pattern them together in order to save money B is what I call collector road yeah you know it does it connects to School Street all Stern Street and then see if could get around all right couple interesting things from East Street East Street was a section of it was paved in 2023 as you remember the section from blazed Del to Rutland which is a 77 on the PCI is not on any Paving plan but it has been requested for repair the covert at 778 East Street is a significant culbert that has the same complexity as Western Road so we we do not have the ability in house to fix that and it is in our one to twoyear plan to come up with so we had Westford and Westford Road and we had uh this covert assessed by our Engineers to try and get a grant and Westford went before we could even start the Engineering Process we do not expect the same for for East Street but we do need to design it and it's it's going to be pretty expensive so this is going to be a capital plan item not a chapter 90 item in um in all in what we can see okay also around town Carlile has these I'm guessing were once beautiful Granite post with cable guard rails and many of them are in concrete yeah dis disrepair what did I say Granite they were not Gran that would be very nice uh Granite post this is a townwide problem and we don't this is something that we have to discuss as select board finance committee um it would be very very expensive to fix all these they're all in pretty much the same state of disrepair what are we going to do with them and how do we want to address that is a is a horizontal construction problem a long-term capital problem and I assume it's a safety issue no I mean because it otherwise why would we have put them to begin with is usually on Cur where there's a you know big drop off they were original guard rails we have more standardized guard rails that are compliant with I me and I know my street has um like wood you know like telephone Poes because they're all roted out now so and okay yeah so that that is something that we need to look at y down the line all right and then the northbound lane of conquer Street at but Pond this is where there's also a cover problem it's a PCI 73 which is in the preventative maintenance category and it's it's not on any long-term Paving plan and I will send this to the board and this will be part of capital planning as well great can we you want to keep going or should we take sure that was the end of 23 right yeah that was from last year Eric and Kathy bills I see if you have a a quick question or a quick comment we're GNA try and keep on track here oh okay it was just you mentioned something about painting uh lines on the roads and I was wondering if there was any plan to paint a white line around the cobblestones in the rotary to indicate that you really aren't supposed to drive on the cobblestones I think that was the original intent unless you absolutely had to it's a good point because I think what happens also is that people send to enter the um the rotary a bit when especially from l Road they don't uh stop soon enough and so some people have to almost swerve off into the coues result too so okay we we serve it your pleasure like to paint it thank you for that comment um is there any there I thought Andrew yep yeah thank you I just had a quick followup after managing to download and skim the report um since it was mentioned I I saw that the paving plan goes out through 2030 and and without Barry corner on there and I see the heal is on there for 2026 which is heal is off of I mean I just I just don't see how you know my road is ever going to get prioritized with that rubric and I think I would just advocate for trying to consider tackling some of these the worst sections of these deadend roads when Paving is happening nearby because I would assume that's more cost effective I mean we're talking about literally 10 feet of road that is the offending section and you know I would just yeah again wishing that perhaps that could be part of the healed project in 2026 thank you okay so one point of clarity the approved plans for Paving are for 2024 and 2025 the consultant report does go out to 2030 but that's not approved that's just recommended from the consultant in order to meet our financing plan this data is meant to help us create a 5-year Paving plan and eventually a 10-year Paving plan so we're Gathering data post 2025 Paving for the longer term plan so it's not you can't say it's not on the plan yet but so far it hasn't been recommended until until you recommended it thank you for clar phone y okay any other questions here in the audience okay seeing none go keep going Ryan this is good we're moving through it all right curb Street um good news for so curve street is on the 2024 plan it was an alternate because we weren't sure if it would fit into the financing plan and as I said everything came in including curb Street under under what we anticipated so we'll also address The Colbert near Hutchins Road uh the curb Street section we're Paving is a PCI 52 as part of this year's Paving plan okay so it's not all Cur street because part of Cur Street was just recently done correct uh pagee Brook Road which we heard about tonight is um PCI 63 and it is not on any current current on the two-year Paving plan well it just got paid but they didn't fix those that corner when you get it K the um we heard about this night intersection of East ring in Brook Street and um this one so a note that I didn't say during the thing is it might need engineering support for the fix so that is something we can do under chapter 90 again you you saw the pot of money so um everything is worth doing but we can't do everything okay uh we've talked already about this clump of Roads Nathan Lane Monroe Hill and Virginia Farm Lane so here are the PCI scores Nathan is 68 Monroe is 66 Virginia Farm Lane is a 74 and there are I've visited this myself there are significant significant po hole issues on this road and um it's not on any current Paving plants so the two-year plan or the consultant plan currently River Road couple complaints about River to Noble Farm um stating this is dangerous for bikers and Walkers and for um for cars so it's a PCI 57 and it will be paved this year I like saying that because it's good news heeled Road especially at the intersection of Acton street so this is a PVE and repair this is a 51 and it's on the Consulting plan for 2026 as Mr Yip already mentioned okay we talked about no we didn't talk about this so another problem from Paving that can result is runoff and other drainage issues when you're when you're Paving roads and addressing it so on 183 this or from 183 not at 183 so down from 183 we have cascading water that over tops the BM there uh the catch Basin need to be adjusted the residents there would like to add signs that say it's a steep curve it's a big curve and then um this particular section is a 47 which is pretty low on the PCI scale it's not currently on any Paving planet and it might need some engineering support to um to make sure that we're addressing the drainage correctly okay Proctor Road there is a reverse Fork which I know the select boards discussed before that we're addressing in the 2024 Paving plan there was a comment from the community to close that road and instead of Paving it and use that money elsewhere we would need direction from the board on that uh we also aren't sure the the liability from closing the road if uh road is the one that goes into chord is oh that sides of the triangle are bad but I've driven on that but the sidelines are also bad because it's you know that was designed for wagons and horses who didn't make 90° turns and could hear the clip clop coming up the street personally I'm all four Clos in that fork making it a T intersection we had a comment um to fix potholes better I'm summarizing that in know yeah yeah you know I don't mean it anyway except the way I said it and we we are always looking for training opportunities we we do have some newer staff so we're we're going to invest in how to properly address potholes to make sure the the patches that we're talking about which are moderately successful are being done the best way possible that's a commitment of Jim and mine cross street to um just a request here to address the road edges which can be bad on some of these roads and the drain at Cross in 225 the we did repair this Basin cover in 2023 so we'll look at it again this summer to make make sure it's functioning properly this road has a PCI of 71 and it's not on any any Paving plans that we have currently we heard from Barry Corner tonight again not on any Paving plan and it's a PC PCI 54 we already talked about okay some general comments uh we need better pothole management for for bikers and bikes we had a couple of those um heeled Road asked that all utilities be put underground for uh tree maintenance and and electricity purposes uh some tree management is required on on heeled Road that's a comment we received and then um we already talked about this one Judy Farm water and ice from the storm drain there couple requests for Road mowing that's going to begin on July 8th it's a two-e process and it'll address most concerns in town for Sight lines and others that's a always a battle between the growth season and um and safety so July is about the right time for it to not grow back for the for the winter months and then a couple just general comments feasant Hill Lane which we heard from tonight would like their top coat we're looking into that seeing what happened with that it does look like the top coat was never done so I can confirm that and then the guard rails again few areas in town where these are down and broken and we need some type of long-term fix so I'll send this to the board or anybody that wants it but some key links in here the gis you've seen me using tonight is available on the homepage of the website you can type in any address in carile it'll bring you to a roadside view also see the roads and we'll be uploading the layer that was built for this road management plan so you'll be able to see the colors of those roads in a layer of Road management inside the gis itself eventually we'll have the paving plans up here as another layer so you can see what's coming so The Five-Year Plan would show up on the map if you click the right button and then the 20 24 and 25 Road M plan is what's been approved and then the overall Road mment plan is the database for all of these discussions couple of questions um you mentioned Tree Management how does that fit into this roadway like is that a separate thing the DPW when they address roads they also look at the trees or is it done by the utility companies so it's a combination so there's a few variables we we can't cut um we can't cut stuff outside of our easeman or anything that endangers Public Safety so some of it is residents to manage very small piece of it the utilities is our primary budget Source they do a lot of Tree Management in town but not necessarily when or where we want it so we have to Advocate there Jim does a good job Jim's the tree warden in town so he has that responsibility and then we have a very small DPW budget for tree maintenance but we do not have the expertise in house to do tree maintenance so we have to contract that up and is that tree maintenance mostly emergency tree maintenance when it comes down you rem moving we have enough to address something that that needs to be addressed immediately we don't have enough for for long-term preventative maintenance and it's not an excuse but car is a particularly difficult type of community to do tree maintenance because of the number of trees it's very expensive here and it's also very beautiful because of that you also mentioned signs there was a comment about putting up signs there a curve you know on I think it was Indian Farm Hill um and did do we have a have we established this yet we talked about the Safety Committee being U installed to do signage and to to be the the kind of board that really oversees what types of signs will be you know there's just a need for it is that in in process or what has the sign follow we just we haven't had the volunteerism that we'd hope for for that but we have a lot of people for it who seem to be interested in road maintenance and safety it's really exciting so if everybody wants to volunteer we can work on here tonight you're interested please recomendations road maintenance we need people Pathways walkways it's a good way to Lobby yeah right you get to have your fingers in a lot of things so as you can see we get a lot of comments like we would' like a sign here we would like you to paint this and the the select board has the time but not always the expertise or vice versa to address each one of these issues so the this committee is supposed to be something to vet these issues and bring recommendations to the select board so very important board I actually do think it's interesting work and we're looking for volunteers okay we are close but we have 8:30 is our timing for uh here so the idea behind this give it a [Music] minute 511 511 what code yeah what is the code is it in the [Music] that's F you know that the town hall L your okay all right so um where do we go from here so I've talked to the the finance [Music] who's [Music] there long-term capital planning so one of the holes in our Capital plan is horizontal construction so covers guard rails roads so roads is just this Paving part of Roads is one piece but also preventative maintenance line painting all the things that go into it so the DPW has enough in their budget to address emergency issues they don't they don't have enough in their direct budget to to do the type of Maintenance that would allow the long-term prevention of these problems and then of course we have the backlog as has been discussed tonight so the ability to address all of these issues nor would you want to do it all at once because then you're creating a 10year problem where you have to address it again in 10 years yes so where are we going with this um with the limited resources we have and the idea that for most communities the focus is on those roads that are heavily traveled that you can fix for the greatest amount of people there there is a parody problem in town in terms of the smaller local roads so how much to invest in the capital plan and where is a discussion that the I think belongs at the capital planning in the finance committee how much can we afford longterm and how much extra we're going to add to the plan in order to to address some of these problems and then we'll need input from the select board and the finance commit on where where to invest that so Jim and I are always going to give you the biggest bang for your buck so we're the Consultants um but we know that that's very very corner right like it's it's true it's it's a dead end it's difficult to get to in terms of Paving it would be cheap if you could pick it up in in some plan uh cheaper not cheaper but when and how to do that because it's not the only 52 in town there's probably a couple dozen that aren here today part of the problem also is it's not the entirety of very Corner Lane it's only that little end piece um so there there's lots of parts of town where it's not the whole thing it's just like this section here how do you envision the process and moving forward as far as a process to establish that plan it should start with a base recommendation which we've got so the Consultants have given you a recommendation we will give you a recommendation on top of that what we've gathered for but then it has to be an annual discussion of of what else what do you add to it and I think sessions like this at least put roads on plans for people so they have some hope for three four years two years um yeah otherwise you're just you know when is my road going to be addressed and um it has to be fit into the compensation of Building Maintenance and new buildings and then vehicles and other and other Capital so most people experience their government through their Road it is the primary complaint we get but we also know that we can't make the roads all 99 100 in town so it's a policy question how much right so we talked about it before the last time we we initially talked about the roads and we decided necess voted on but we at least had a discussion that we aren't funding enough right now to kind of maintain the roads as the condition that they're in currently we historically so we're going to need to spend more money you would woulded to that beginning um so if the finance committee gets on board and we are able to you know raise an additional amount what we think is reasonable to maintain at a certain level that we think is appropriate for carile then it's just becomes an exercise of which roads first and is that what you're looking you're G to present a recommendation to us an annual plan and then have us vote on or you talk about it and then vote on it or what what do you think or maybe I should ask the board yeah like what what do we think it's appropriate unless you have already have a a thought about that our current directive is to create a Five-Year Plan yeah but this data and the input you're getting is going to have to adjust that plan mannually and then you're going to have to find a filtering mechanism for you know it's a good thing once a road knows that if they complain a lot like they might get on the thing you'll get a lot of input but then you're going to get a lot of input so yeah I it seems to me still we should have some you know obviously we have this now these numbers which is a more objective criteria but I think we also have to P obviously there's some prioritization so obviously the through roads collector roads and then local roads in that order get prioritized and then of the of the local roads it you know we have to decide whether are we going to do the best ones first or the worst ones first or you know some sort combination or some combination because I think there might be a lot of frustration among people if they if they're on the worst if they see the better ones getting attend attended to before theirs but they're getting attended to because they they're less expensive at the steps uh to do at the level that they're at and they will then last for a longer time than to go for the really bad ones because that's going to be like almost a re you know hold so maybe you know like we could do at least some commitment to one 140 you know level 40 a year local road so that at least some of those really really bad ones start to get addressed I think the red ones uh it seems to me that would be helpful but I think it would be helpful to understand the economics of that because you suggested one but it may be I mean it's like how much dollar amount can we spend and then what that's right and that's what I'm saying you get a lot more length of a level 60 Road fixing it than it's because it's might just we top it 40 might be you have to really totally you know totally dig it up and start all over again so it's a much more expensive proposition but it seems to me that we still need to balance that because of the frustration that would you know so that yeah try to mitigate some of that frustration Brian when do you need a decision from the board like how do you timing wise so we've got 25 in place is that right so it's really for next year for the following you're talking fiscal 25 or both both so Ro plan is uh calendar year 24 and 25 but it runs into fiscal 24 25 26 but that doesn't matter the so there is additional money for Paving but if you want to do you could spend it all this year but then you won't have enough to do the 500 plan for the for the next year so if you want adjustments annually or you want to address roads you you could um but I imagine the board would want a more holistic View plan so I think the the capital planning should be done in the fall and then the board should again review that data and stuff they've seen and then decide if they want to adjust next year and the year forward and funding levels as we compare it to other priorities but in the fall you're also going to have the fire station discussion the police station will be coming online and then just a quick review of Highland the bog house um Community the community building right so all the other discussions that are going yes as you said you know this is the connector for everything the roadway so and it's the thing that you get the most falls on potentially so I mean this is important and I I like this I mean I think it's good to have the public input and you know as long as we have a fair kind of process in place it it sounds to me though that we have state money for Paving which can only be used for p it cannot be used for the public state or the fire station so if we have excess funds of that this year what's the point of holding on to it until next year if we have a plan I mean I can see you don't want to furter it away and spend it willly nearly but as long as you're moving forward on your plan why're not accelerate your plan so this summer we've procured it and it's set yeah but that's a reasonable question for next summer but the the answer is we always want a l in reserve in case you have a Westford Street c yeah top of Street which is also yeah um but it doesn't mean that you want to afford it all so you're not fixing problems yeah yeah yeah that's which is what we've had in the past okay well then let our next year's plan's yeah let's plan to unless I mean is that kind of the sentiment of the board that we'd rather you know do a little bit more from a planning standpoint to do additional I guess I want to see the numbers on the whole thing but yeah you know but not for it but but have a [Music] reserve yeah it's gonna come down in the numbers so let's just so this is why I showed you the yes yes just quickly we always I know we're running over for our finance committee here yeah so but this is finance related this is why this is why this number is why if you commit to 500,000 a year and this very conservative numbers here the state should increase funding at some point but it's not guaranteed then you will be in a $1.2 million deficit in up wide 34 to- your Paving plan which means you're going to eat into Capital means you need to generate more food cast which going to squeeze your operating budget and drive up the cost for your buildings that's why you wouldn't spend it all in one year but that also doesn't get anything done so I I feel like the Middle Road is stronger road that I guess that's what I'm nating it would all of it I would I would see what we could get a leg up you know well it looks like he's doing that the 782 and 53 you're spending a little bit more yes but to keep that level up you're going to have you're gonna have to get more funding or agitate politically at this state level yeah this is why I keep saying to you uh local Aid great other state initiatives great chapter 90 for carile is the number one driver of reducing taxes because the dollar for dollar we get on chapter 90 feeds down into not using operating dollars and not using Capital dollars for roads which means you can use it for other items so if I was advocating for anything and I do for the town it is for chapter 90 and Road money you the other thing we could be advocating is for municipal buildings assistance at the state also just as good then you can take that money and put it in the votes all right we are a little beyond our time sorry about that um we wanted to talk about the end of the year transfers which is a joint meeting with finance committee um in so if you wanted to come forward that' be great or bring up another chair thank everybody attended meeting just lack of better word you want to open your meeting I I'd like to call the meeting to order for the finings committee if we can take a roll call please of those on the phone mman here uh deia is here we haven't heard Victor Victor we can't hear you said see here here thank you for coming thank you thank you so on till break the 31st on the first next Tuesday fall on Thursday there you go so I think Kelly you were going to review the year transfers yes yes so this is the the lovely time of year where everything starts to wrap up U budget wise so fy2 24 is coming to a close um so with that we've seen some changes in need amongst departments um some many these I think have been communicated throughout the year as changes were made so much of this shouldn't be too much of a surprise um so the way this is structured is any increases to a budget line are positive numbers any decreases to a budget line or negative numbers so those negatives fun the positives so this column Net Zero um kind of a summary of what's in here one of the go over the heavier changes first so in the DPW you're going to see a positive 30 and A3 coming out of the transfer station that really is just a a fuel change so historically they had budgeted $330,000 in the transfer station budget for unleaded in diesel fuel and a another portion right at the DPW budget it was kind of used the DPW first when that runs out Shi to the transfer station so instead of doing that we've float it all consistently through the DPW and that's how it's budgeted for an fy2 um so makes reporting simpler and it kind of follows the methodology of what's what's changing for next year um The Vocational School this was the additional student that moved to carile so this is the addition most of the semester cost um to add at that one student um insurances do the increase for additions to whether it was a new hired coming on to the plan um unexpected changes in and those that joined um inspection services that was part of our reorganization plan so you'll see between the treasurers line the inspection services line the accounting line um thinking there was one more sustainability sustainability thank you um that was kind of the reorganization of the finance team the land use team bringing Sarah on as the sustainability and land use coordinator out of the building department um that changed the the wage need in all those buckets um so that accounts for all that change uh police department we had an unexpected large buyout um at the end of this fiscal year so that'll cover a significant portion of that uh planning that was some additional hours for Julie's position um again accounting partially was due to the reorganization but also um we did a cut off audit so mjl requires that we do a collector cut off audit if the collector position changes um so that covered the audit is part of the Town accountant line so that increase to cover that cost um and anything anything else that's negative that I didn't specifically mention isn't anticipated to come in under to help cover these overages we we all add all that up comes out to zero it does I I checked it and you checked it three times because need to be sure I didn't unless there any other questions I said question if I can ask on the insurance um that isn't due to any kind of an increase of the premium s right it's just all the changes that went on with people coming on and I believe so yes okay thanks next jur it's both yeah it's both yeah that's basically for me do you guys have any questions there anyone on line I'm good okay great I mooved at the select board vote pursuant to master the Law chapter 44 section 33b to approve year end transfers between various line items of the fiscal year 2024 budget as detailed in the memo from the town accountant dated June 25th 2024 second any further discussion we do notice that Scott is no longer with us so okay we still have a we do have a core okay um seeing none take a roll call or actually we don't need to take a roll call we can do it anyway Arnold ey Snell ey okay and then does fincom also vote Yes yeah of course I don't have the the fancy writing she [Laughter] has I guess you have it oh thank you can I read it so smart yeah really very just because I'm looking at a laptop I got in my um so I move that this that the select board I move that the finance committee vote pursuant to mgl chapter 44 section 33b to approve yearend transfers between various line items of the fiscal year 2024 budget is detailed in Memo from the town accountant dated June 25th 2024 can I have a motion to approve second and roll call please I I Linsky ey unanimously thank [Music] you Kelly what it bring the one Kelly brought the new one Kelly I can book it tomor you don't need a reserve fund transfer that's it that's your last action than you unless it's a huge problem the next three days exactly um so I guess we will move to a Jour the finance committee meeting do I have did I have somebody I'm second you second could I have a roll call on the phone please for adjournment well doesn't it just go in order yeah go ahead go in order starts with Mark Lei Le I I Linsky ey Lynn we gotta have a party for you so you can't escape okay thank you thanks I'm gonna call you and we'll arrange something so okay all right I'll be there thanks again pleasure thank you take care thank you hang for policy all right well we're back on sched do um we'll move into Financial policies employment reimbursement and credit card policy I'm going to go ahead uh and move to approve the employee expense reimbursement policy and procedures and the credit card purchase policy as presented in packet second okay so let's have a discussion on that is there anything that you wanted to bring to our attention deid from what's in the back no the primary discussion that the the fin team had and then the fincom had was um employee reimbursement so the the questions of um costs for for reimbursement for meals at at conferences and like what's fair how to calculate mileage and all those recommendations are are so what do I mean by calculate this is how detailed we got should mileage count from home of record to where you're going and back or should it count from from work to the place you're going and back in a survey of other towns and best practices it's done both ways so it was really just what what worked for Carlile I actually don't remember what we sett on we picked up from work uh to the U value yeah and that and any difference if you went directly from home uh the mileage would still be calculated from town hall to the thing and you would have to you the difference if I interrupt so on that on the second page it says page 64 really the second page of the second policy in part A under business mileage I think it incorporates at least the print out I have Incorporated to says travel must be listed from the town offices not from person's home but then the next sentence ISS if they're traveling from their home to an outside business location only the mileage incurred more than their normal commute is reimbursable I think we Str that oh no I think that's exactly what we meant you wanted it to only be beyond what the normal commute was or just take it from the town office to where they were going so but but we didn't require them to come to the town office to do that so they will only get they would only get what's outside outside of their normal I understand that right so you're deducting you're saying if you normally commute to work you have to deduct that in whatever travel you which seems reasonable there yeah so if you lived in Boston and you normally come to work yeah and but your a meeting is in you know the Hines conven Center you would actually make out like a bandit because no actually you would Tred enough right just get from your home home you wouldn't get well no you live in Boston went hin it's less in your community for reimburse that's true and that's what I think I was thinking we we identify the work place of work to location and sometimes youd make out sometimes you wouldn't that was the Simplicity of what we opted for instead of having do that that double calculation yeah um that was is that why you think we didn't have this that other that's I think that sentence may have needed to come out because it it is doing that you know calculation of your normal commute and then you'd only get anything beyond that but like your example if you're going two miles down the road your normal commute is 10 you would get any reimbursement for that I'm fine either way I just yeah you're saying the third sentence if the person is traveling from home that's the one you would delete yeah if we're opting to only do from place of work to the location they're traveling to I thought that sentence was trying to say you're not required to come to work before you go but we'll only reimburse you for that mileage that's what that I think that was what we were trying to say you know what I'm saying that's we talked about that that's yeah I can interject we were talking about this that was the premise that it's from the work to the location that's the B P but if you were to leave from home you're not going to get the mile from home to that location right so you might make out better actually because it might be further from the loc so if you did live in Boston and you're going Hinds that's interesting has a different interpretation than I thought yeah yeah what was your intent what did you want it to do make it clear yeah what we had discussed I mean exactly what you said and I think you were there too right Ryan do you remember we said from the place of work to wherever you're going to that's what you get reimbursed for even if you're not even if you're leaving from your house it's from your place of work yeah that's the starting point because because we talked about just being a just easier to measure because otherwise think about it yeah it's just it's just a pain in the neck to you know so where do you live where do you live yeah you have makes sense to go from subtract that from and that was the intent when finance committee discussed it anyway that was what we had recommended whatever so you would take this sentence out then this said only the mileage incurred more than their normal commutant of town office is reimbursable but we're not saying that saying they're going to get the reim for the distance from town hall to the regardless of where they started you want to do well the thing is actually that well that's for instance if you lived in well tber let's say and you're going to hin um and you were going to go from two exper here first you don't get right no I understand that we subtract that part so that that sentence is for when you're going further than from work it's not for when you're going closer than from work right right so I I'm not sure you need to take it out but it I guess the way I read it if a person is traveling from their home to an outside business location only the mileage incurred more than their normal commute to the town office is reimbursable that's saying if I go from here to New Jersey you know I would have to net out my my normal daily commute before putting in for reimbursement so it's shrinking my reimbursement by what I would normally commute in that day not necessarily that I didn't go to the office first and then go right um I don't know I read that differently I think if we're saying town office or place of work to wherever the location is I think we should take that okay depends on what you're want to how you want to measure it if you yeah if you I seen like like Brian said I've seen it a lot of different ways um but yeah netting off your commute essentially is saying I go to work every day I shouldn't get reimbursed for my normal daily Drive correct even if I'm going somewhere else U but it does make it more complex but that's what you wanted it to no we didn't want to we settled on just distance from place okay so why don't we um make let me amend the uh as uh to approve the employee expense reimbursement policy as amended tonight by striking that sentence outside yeah okay she so do you need to yeah um I will second that Amendment okay any further discussion that settle with the credit card purchase was much more simple well first of all there's only two yeah well that was is there anything else ask find you to bring up this is all what you wanted numerous conversations I know when do you want this one effective July you can do it now or July one we close up to July one you clear going to change warrant mid warrant never mind so what's the date says may 2024 the reason I'm asking is if people are submitting their vouches now and there's a new policy then we just we'd have to change it all no no no let's let's do it next July July 1 yeah okay all right are we voting on both of these policies together well I had made the I originally made the together I just had a quick question about the credit card policy okay just I just wanted to see if I understand it correctly that so what it's saying is that only the superintendent and the Town Administrator are going to have a credit card a town credit card but it looks like a staff member May uh fill out a form to use the credit card and that has to be approved by either the superintendent or the TA and that that can happen did I understand that correctly okay two card holders if they want if an employee needs to borrow the credit card for a purchase there would be like it's essentially a sign out cheap yeah that shows that they have the budget to be able to absorb whatever they're going to charge they have approv to charge up to a certain amount for a specific purpose and that the card be returned okay great if you travel and you have employees that go to a conference or something how is it usually done do they just reimburse with they use their own private card and reimburse it depends combination of both could be on the town credit card could be on a personal credit card okay so you made the motion you had it amended with to take a striking the line out and it's going to be effective July 1st 2024 there okay so we'll do a roll call vote Arnold i r great thank you always change you know if we find that we mistake about this mileage thing least yeah you know thanks Kelly all right here comes the big we're right on time all right sort of all right interim town you want to start with the interim Town Clark or discussion ready for both yeah let's yeah let's start okay the board will remember uh is Aubrey here Aubrey here she's gonna not jump on her I'm just getting some water sure so um as you know uh Gretchen and I uh have done a search for an interm town clerk we had some interviews um our top candidate is James Mullen he was the Milton town clerk for decades um since then he has um helped in many towns um since about I think when he retired in 2012 I believe um so he is well equipped to to come in and help as needed um he's uh one of his strengths is elections which is perfect timing um and we also reached out to for references and only got uh sell reviews so uh I do I would like to ask the select board for um approval to um pay $65 an hour is his request um to work for us it'll be 3 days a week 6 hours each day so that's 18 hours a week so we still would be budget neutral um for that time it would be until December um to carry us through the elections so I am asking for the board um for that approval um in order to appoint him can we get some context yeah if you remember the board delegated this to to us we delegated it to Au gret and they did a great job in the search so in the in the search process they found that um it it would be unlikely to hire someone permanently prior to this election just because of previous commitments to other towns or Etc so pushing this past the election was extremely important if that's the case then we need someone who's very strong in elections which you heard Au say that they beted that very strongly so this is if not the best one of the best U inter room Town cler clerks we can get to make sure that this election runs well which is one of our primary concerns uh this pay is significantly higher than than what this is authorized um for for the town cler position as as was stated in the elected official part of the warrant and it's done every year with the finance committee we think that's warranted um we thought we thought 60 was a stretch for us to pay the candidate asked for 65 so we were going to bring 60 to you without without asking you but 65 is is a little bit higher so we wanted to make sure that you were comfortable with that before we paid it um Au did a great job calculating this and working with the staff so this is budget neutral but we are we are paying a premium to have one of the best interims come in and help us in this time I think we ended up doing the same thing when we had the interim PA yeah I think we did yeah had to pay more anticipated okay and and what is the length of this probably said I was getting water is it a set kind of timing or is that sorry s you asked that again it was hard to hear sorry just the timing of the appointment here the interim the interim would be from if we approved it tonight it would start would start uh this I let's see I would it would be Monday the 8th and and go through when until until the end of November beginning December so will be going through the both the elections and the special town meeting okay but one of the concerns that was Ryan mentioned that that the interim it's hard to to get a new town clerk because of the election because so sure so what it was is that um if we had done an interim in in a kind of an interim basis where it's was just carrying us through the summer that would have negated any candidates that wouldn't have wanted to leave leave just before the elections from whever town they're coming from so by also so there is that issue with interviewing during the elections but um but that would also allow you know a top candidate to finish the elections whenever Town they're in and you know finalize anything finalize anything if they have any special Town meetings as well so that when they do start um in Carlile that they have finished in their Town appropriately as well if that makesense we think it's enough time you do okay all right um Aubrey just quick question I noticed in looking at the um I guess his letter of interest that he lives in Foxboro oh yeah and that's a really long commute if you look at other towns he's worked in since then it's lancast and everything it seems that he's fine with that commute you know he came in person to the interview so he's well aware of what that would look like so okay big podcast guy he's listening a lot of well it's also part time it's not like he's coming every day three days three days obious he's done this half a dozen times so we're very confident he knows what he's getting into and he trains other people and helps as well so that would be very helpful just one more feather in the cap to Peggy he did sayate that he he's normally walking into worse situations so this the situation despite its emergency nature because of what happened like he feels pretty good that he can step right in and and just manage the ship rather than fix it good great um so you need a motion for us to um approve the pay for James Mullen or no uh just to a point there a motion to support the appointment of the interim of the interim unless you feel like you delegated that and I can hire if you want to vote to appoint I think we should vote I think it's important very okay so move that we um appoint James Mullen as the interim town clerk secondry any subject toos we don't have any they do a background check or not we will get all right yeah I don't know that really where's necessary because you know it's like either we delegate or we don't and then suddenly I that's good though we're we're involved in the process we're just giving him support that they're well we could give him a sense of the committee without going a vote so you don't want to Second it yeah I guess I don't I well um you know it's like we need to fish or cut bait either we delegate or we don't delegate I think we delegated this and he's bringing us a recommendation he's coming back only because of the salary if you want to you know do a vote about you know authorizing $65 an hour that's a different maybe different story but I think it's it's up to Ryan to make the appointment I agree with that okay well well you've at least got the sentiment that I'll tell you I support the interim so that's your appointment so okay all right we got a really good really good candidate um Aubrey and Gretchen did a great job finding us a candidate while I was gone um the region really supported us as I stated before the volunteers really helped step in and um I can't emphasize enough how much this added to gret andate while she's been serving as the temporary town clerk um I won't say she didn't complain at all but she can very little um she's she's done a great job and then of course arb's taking on some of her responsibilities to so team effort and um yeah shows our our resilience and our redundancy which is good great good all right let's move on to the another big job that uh we have did we start with those couple of resignations yeah I'll this one we're notifying the board of a couple resignations we received effective uh July 1 it should be 2024 chrisan seinor um has uh resigned his position as a public safety dispatcher and special police officer which is the title for a part-time officer so he got another position he served in the town for more than a decade he's um one of the best Dispatchers in the area then great job for us he U was hoping for it was at one point would he be able to join the police force Etc he he found what is his passion as a as a full-time position so we're very very sad to leave him but very excited for for his future um doing what he wants to do so thank you to Christian he will serve through through the 1 of July which helps us with holiday scheduling so again it sounds prority but it was nice of him to extend his time through the holiday so we didn't have to force people to work etc so that was that was good and professional with them also effective uh June 18th 2024 chip doing um has resigned from his associate member position on the historical commission so the two notifications all right for Community appointments um there's a lot of data in the summary sheets I I can walk through each sheet with you or you can move the whole slate or some combination of but what this the essentially the summary sheets are doing is what the board asked for which is very specific what is the current membership what is the membership going to be so anyone in old is is new uh with their new terms listed in the incumbents or the people that were already serving are listed with asteris and it's done for every committee that has an appointment great can I'm happy to do one motion all the way through but I'd like kind of go through each one and then maybe do an entire motion just to see if there's anything any kind of questions that come up yeah I I one question all right sure want do you mind going through Ryan quickly okay so the the ad commission yeah yeah I'll just state it if there's any questions or concerns then I'll move on sure so there's a lot of data behind it yeah we we need to find some new people because we still have vacancies and know you're going to scroll a long way here there were a lot of shoots um let me all of yes okay the affordable housing trust okay oh yes I want to point out that uh there are three vacancies one of which is the select board member I'm just going to leave that there well until we get to the Lea on we'll have that discussion in the next meeting yeah okay but uh it's other than the select board rep the Slate there's no approval for this the rest of the group right no approval needed well because we have a bunch of vacancies and nobody we have nobody new to fill any slots yes nothing new there's nothing okay so nothing needs to be voted on here okay do it looks like she has a motion on each one but we can do a general well that's no longer really a thing and Scott's not here but we're going to handle it through the board Scot and me and Sean so yep yeah we voted to have that go through the board so that could be taken off yeah okay there's nothing on the board of registers uh the town clerk is a member of the board of registers so this will have to be rectified and there is a vacancy for um any partment any party or unenrolled so this is a yeah this one does have U politics attached to it um but you can't have more than two of one party as I Rec call so um it would have to either be a Republican or um a unenrolled don't have to check one would no there's two Democrats and one Republican it says there can be no more than two members in each major political party that's right that's what I well we we don't have more than two more than two I understand but town clerk won't count anymore because in this instance for right now because they're not a resident ah because they're not a resident so so but that still means that we're looking for either an un enrolled or republican because we have two no it could be democrat or republican or unenrolled oh sorry because Ann is I was looking at the top notot box sorry okay all right veterans celebrations and Veterans so there's a lot of vacancies here and there is um an appoint a couple appointments that need to have which can be handled in the Slate unless there's any questions no both of those have served before well why well so my question was why in the Slate are HID and Christopher's they still they don't want to they don't want to continue well then that should be vacancies doesn't it say that no it says Heidi and Christopher so in the 2025 it says they're vacant so moves from 24 to 25 see the second box the 25 okay I'm looking at the I'm looking at the old one so I didn't have to look through all the chat and I didn't realize that that got changed okay gotcha all right was there significance on the yellow on all that well they're vacant they she changed it to vacant vac oh I see yeah we got three people on the cemetery committee that's good so bar yeah yeah great they're not dying to get in go to your room this is a really really important fix type committee so we're looking for a Tom Bala type yeah not saying that okay so these are new appointments oh yeah well that's well and that okay so the question I had was do we re do we appoint these or do there the boards appoint their representatives yeah but we have I think we have to we have ratify appoint yeah okay all right so I actually don't want to speak out a term but I think you can deny their recommendation but then they have to bring another recommendation and they can bring the same one so it could be a whole thing let not to say we did but um I think so you can't put someone on I think I need to be do I need to I need to be nominated by the select board to represent the select board yes I I nominate Barney our to be representative of the select board to the CPC okay but not everybody's here to do that can we can we wait on that till the next meeting for this one and we really need her to continue for continu uh for continuity at the right I'm just asking is it a problem to have it start next no we're meeting tomorrow night and we're not going to meet again before July 9th well something happens that I don't know about okay and you know what that'll also allow um okay so we'll do that when we do the all the liaison that's right it'll also allow the um planning board and the rec I think Barney may be but I don't think everyone's here on select board I it's fair other and it'll allow the rec common planning board to vote who they want they want the same two people but they need to make that vote so okay so you so we'll hold that out holding what I was just going to hold you out but you want to hold the well they can't we we don't have if you look at the FY 25 slate the planning board needs to vote to reappoint um Addie and the reccon needs to vote to reappoint Courtney okay so the others are good if you want to go make yeah but you can still do the whole slate since there's no names in there if you vote the whole slate we'll remove the ones you can't do right okay okay all right right okay con they've got one VY they are now full assuming no look at 25 um Kate oh Sor full yeah okay yeah I'm sorry look at there okay good assuming no [Music] questions you can see with my scrolling here's one of these is backed up crack is the is the one that I had a um uh suggestion about which is if you so Mark lamir was listed on the current as a current member representing the trails committee and uh in his letter of interest to continue on the trails committee which is Page 172 he indicat that he wants to be on the trails committee as well as on crack I know I know I know it's not F but maybe I don't know maybe that's vacant though maybe that's vacant though because the trail committee hasn't formally voted him so he can again I mean this is play but he can want that but the the the crack has to say yes well he's he can't put himself on it if he's a from a different committee represented from the trails committee he can tell the trails committee he wants to do it and they can yeah which they haven't done I'm assuming okay all right so that's fine we assume it'll go through but we don't want to assum yeah okay okay moving on not gonna say it again so there's no Giggles who thought of that acronym by the way that's terrible we can call it C rack you know we don't coun two two pages say 24 into can't show the whole slate yeah I got it and Helen young got added as an associate yeah okay good that's good andb is gone any questions on we haven't had anything contested no yeah yeah cultural Council set we on ESC or cult Cil is good yeah oh loose is an associate and they have one vacant I'm surprised they don't take one of the associates up well Allan specifically asked only to be an associate okay okay um right no I I read it in his yeah in his in his letter of interest and um did you all see the note from Eric I mean from um Glenn Glen Reed yeah yeah so oh here it is okay oh yeah and then there's those two conditional um applicants yeah let's talk about that at the end yeah yeah because they appli to a lot of different committees as well you know EC is good yeah except the spell environmental enval finance committee yay they still have you guys haven't anybody yet any questions on finance committee no keep on looking sorry we are running a little long for you Tom historical commission historical commission oh oh Planet board representative yes okay that's uh currently Sarah Smith so I'm assuming and I thought she well I thought they voted her again but maybe not CU she's chair of planning board now so I don't know we'll see okay land stewards so there's no motion needed no there's no one there land stewards yeah that's yeah okay no problem MFC so do we want to take care of that one as well as yeah um next um on time yeah okay why is that well I'm the appointed leader actually I'm on it already I've already been elected so I can't change because I'm R it for another term we I'm a member I'm a member I'm not a liaison I'm a member you're a member I know that hasn't changed because I was elected for that term my term's not up is it well you were appointed for that term appointed for the ter for one more year so that's fine so we could go ahead and improve this yeah I think so yeah because it's not specifically a representative of the select board right yeah I I will be the representative if you want me to but we can talk about that yeah we we would have to change the charter and we should probably deal deal with that to decide whether we really needed that continuing okay you know now that there's the possibility of the umbrella Department that'll be a whole another discussion Kate yes that all right Recreation okay they're going fine they're good God bless Scott both School commune wck that's that's too big a sign yeah it is and okay and he's reup yeah okay super volunteer Safety Committee thanks Glenn anyone else we needed some people tonight for the roadways interested well maybe they went home and filled out an application I'll work on that see if I can get there would be work here so I think it would be a good yeah we got lots of stuff that we have to look at you get to choose but are do we want to go ahead and appoint him yeah I'd like to start okay so leave that him and I just meet okay then we got Trails Trails yeah good Transportation action committee is Christine Le oh she's going to car associate and she went to down to associate yeah and Karen's going off okay okay so you got quite a few vacancies there may well do we need as many on there again that we is a subject for another day but we could look at that Charter when it was started and we were we needed a lot of people I'm wondering if it needs that many people on the committee I don't think it does so we could yeah it's probably because there was a lot of work in the beginning yeah probably yeah it's getting ready to kind of roll right up right so yeah okay no change in the youth commission couple vacancies Okay C full board one they can associate yep those people have all been on that for years yeah years well I mean that's good news and the bad news but anyway and then what are they going to do for U administrative help going do so uh good question we are uh Julie stepped up and she's taken that on oh with the idea that she would analyze it and then give us recommendations for what's needed moving forward so she'll be doing it for a little bit and then her and I will talk about what we need to do to properly sta that board okay me one yeah but still there's a lot of writing and oh I know it it's litigious too it has to be you exacting for what they do yeah I wonder okay yes we should we should I'll take a motion okay and I think we want to though um so says move to appoint all the FY 25 public body slates is presented uh accept the um Community preservation committee correct that's the one we want to hold and the and the um Housing Trust okay because there were no there were no new members for the Housing Trust on there either well I think it the two that needed refs appointed from our board are the two that we're holding out oh I see I see okay gotcha okay so um I move that we appoint all of the fy2 public body slates as presented uh with the exception of the uh U carile affordable housing trust and the um Community preservation committee second any discussion done it take a roll call vote Arnold I read I and I want to say um thank you to Gretchen for all the works she did putting this together she had sent us a spreadsheet which we all kind of crashed was not very kind but with everything else going on she went back and did all this and put it all together it's Monumental task and I want to thank you very much I agree very I agree too I that and the way ended up was very very help with all the supporting Mater it was it was big but uh really helpful yeah really worthwhile fortunately I've gotten the wrong one up there my screen all right do we okay before we you mentioned two topics on that but I don't think we need to go into that no let's let's take up couple the couple that want to go together yeah no no we'll talk about that later yeah okay great so thank you Mr bada sorry to keep you waiting problem so we'll move on now we're going to discuss the uh proposed ifications to the DPW policy on Transportation use by local private haulers correct ince yourself I'm Tom bat 77 Nathan Lane chair of the transportation action committee um a year ago you folks adopted the original Local hall regulation and that was a new thing and at the time we set in motion basically that uh in January of each year the local hollas would report the stickers for the prior year and so we went ahead to try and do that this year and our assumption that they actually had done Tractive stickers turned out to be false in the case to local callers so they could not do that because their many of their clients did not have stickers so Jim and I met and we talked about it and we said okay this is new we're going forward uh what we really care about from this point forward is that they have stickers for 2020 for 2024 so basically we're proposing two changes here based on our experience this year um of to one of the haulers did take the requirement seriously which has been you know there for decades two did not for the the other two haulers 70% of their clients did not have a sticker costing the town about $22,000 in Lost Revenue probably for the last 20 years um so anyway um once it's became visible to us um a lot of credit to Jim Jim took the bat by the horns and basically notified these two haulers on a Thursday that next Tuesday um they would not be allowed on the transfer station unless this was cleared up Bret and sold 50 stickers that weekend in two days and uh they did I will say they did respond very quickly to that reality uh got the stickers and for the most part there's a few lurking things right now but you know at this stage pretty much every sticker that needs to be bought has been by um looking at that um there was a lot of time Wasted by both Gretchen and Jim and me on this process and so the change here is T to do two things to make it very simple for Gretchen and Jim going forward to get the information they need or a check or basically not allow access it also beneficial to the local hollers because they don't have total control over all of their clients and they may have half a dozen clients you know I'll get a sticker but I didn't do it today I'll do it next week and we don't want to be involved in that process so basically the idea here is that by January 31 everybody's supposed to have a sticker and so they have to inform their clients early January get a sticker um by February 15 they need to report to the DPW the list of clients with the sticker numbers uh they have a choice if they don't have five stickers they can pay five times the then standard fee because we don't really care if they have a sticker we care we get the revenue in fact these C these clients really don't want a sticker they're not buying now they Haven B for years so basically the idea is February 15 is clearly done towns received all's Revenue either stickers or the callers bought the sticker and then we're done we'll probably give them two we race on that and come March one there'll be no if that has not been satisfied they will not granted access until it is so it's very simple for everybody beneficial to them because if they have a couple inent clients who won't give stickers they have the option of paying 30 405 you know what the number fee is and deal with it so that's the two changes and then because we're doing a 2024 regulation just as a house matter we took out the provision for the for the trans transition period in 23 which is no longer applicable and Jim is aware of this he actually took the Bild by the horns that already has already notified the hollers this is this is what they have to do and actually given them a spreadsheet format they have to fill it out with because it was it's nightmare this year we got these non-alphabetical lists and hand written I mean just total total death okay so we'd like to trans voted this at our last meeting we like let's prove it effective July one possible any comments questions I I I know I was surprised my holl asked me for my sticker number and you asked me for the 23 and not for the 24 so I since they were both car here's the 23 but you had one I had one for both years didn't by the way here's next year yeah open up to the public too any questions you need to make the transfer station as Revenue neutral as possible yeah okay good I don't see any questions so um have motion yes on so is there anybody is there a household in town that either doesn't use a a local huler or yes there 120 there's one one commercial company wind waste Innovation you this who takes it out ofbody well those would not they would not it you also buy a sticker sorry do you also buy a sticker no no see but I still you know like today I went even though I have a hauler I I just didn't want to leave my compost in the garage had some extras you know from the weekend and some Tuesday I you know have my sticker I go take my compost so great yeah all right you want to make a motion I move to approve the updated DPW policy for transort station use by local private haulers as presented uh this evening okay any discussion seeing none roll call Vote arold die read I just want to give you folks two quick updates I things we talked about last time um un for that seems to have taken effect the solid waste for February March April and May is back to normal looks like this year we'll see another 60 80 ton decrease over last year and uh it just says we have to keep an ey on enforcement if something goes ey there we got going to deal with that the bad news is this okay you're asking what is this chart which has carile colored yellow and everybody else green and and blue uh yellow means you do not have black Earth curbside pickup green means that you just got it within the last three or four months and blue means that you've had it for longer than that um all of our neighbors now have cide pickup um going beyond that many do um we're now one of a few folks who do not I've had extensive convor black rth about this and why why that's the case um it has to do with a population density we have a large amount of land and a small amount of people um our efforts to sign people up were were in my mind of failure we basically are now at 37 we started at 32 that 32 is since in C which goes back to co so since 2019 um you know we've had we had 32 signups up until sustainability day picked up five since then despite three full days at the transfer station sustainability day at the table a full pretty nice ad a quarter page ad in a mosquito and a letter of the Eder so I did uh the town most similar to us is Littleton Littleton started recruiting also back at coin um they attained about 70 pre-registers this year and now have 50 clients Littleton has twice our population we currently have 37 pre-registers which would probably translate to 25 clients and by the way the service does not start at 50 pre-registers it starts at 50 clients um now I I did speak with the CEO of Black Earth they really are unhappy with this hold and uh my sense is they will do what they can to begin service here unless they they not lose money but they'll they'll they'll do it if they can break even or or en Vision they'll break even in a year or so they show me a chart of the actual 37 signups unfortunately it's randomly placed throughout the enti Carl because they asked some stripping you got all these roots all around us could we not you know extend some of those in the carel economically and they actually took a detailed look at that and they said you we really can't can't see that just yet um we're going to run we're going to try and do a full page um insert in a mailer somewhere so we don't to pay for the whole mailing but get a ma sheet in there as our next step here but uh basically it's going to be real tough to get to the pre-registers I think we'll eventually do it in another year or so but it's not going to be what we're we're hoping for the bigger problem though is if you look at here you notice this is Lexington and walam they have thousands of customers and even conquer has three or 400 you know beyond population thing and what it has to do with is a lot of towns are taking this more seriously than car and csac believes we have to take a very serious look at that to give you an example Lexington and walam and ltown are paying for for the full boore curbside pickup for 2,000 clients each as a program 2,000 resids each and and DP is helping with that I got jul green coming in the week to talk about that and see see what what funds are aable to us how much are we paying for Black Earth to come and pick up with the transfer station it's about um $250 a ton which equates to about $50 a residence and the crib side we're selling right now is 180 residence you know I used to have them side but then it came to the transfer station it and they killed my curb side cuz didn't have enough yes drivers at that point and I did the calculation and it doesn't pay me to that's right that's right now the numbers are important because I did get a quote for them if everyone in car had it if we had ,800 customers it's $65 a year so it goes down by two birds if that happens and what's happening in these other these other like lection while they're seeing you have 2,000 clients $65 a year you're talking $150,000 a year or something like that and so they're decid they need to do it um tack is we're not going to solve this tonight we're going to come up with a bunch of options but we really need to take a much more Shar look at that because we're falling behind this is a yellow we deserve well but it's another reason to increase the transfer station sticker fee because as I said calculation doesn't pay for me so if you and if you get enough so that well for for for examp for example even these towns are not going to solve the problem Littleton getting 57 customers that's going to deal with you know 5% of their customers maybe 10% of their customer you're still not going to get at the real multi hundreds of tons which we need to get to um my sense is that the only way that happens is uh either the state Mand mandates or we mandate a few towns have now mandated it and for example just rough numbers um if caral mandated it and put a bin in all 1,00 households 135k less 25k in tipping fees you're about 110k $50 increases thicker fee covers that so that's a rough number okay I'm not saying we want to mandated but um maybe we do you know down the road we have to look back the other option is to do something where you provide it free to to folks and again you could find it with SI whatever so it's not required but it's it's uh it's greate um Hamilton actually has a very interesting situation they didn't use Black Earth they actually mandated the wrong thing they mandated that you have the green bin okay or whatever bin they have everybody has a green bin or they won't pick up their trash hasn't reduced the tonage of the trash for station one ton because people just put the empty green bins at the end of the driveway which which is silly but so what you'd have to do is you if you're mandated you have to actually just like other recyclables you cannot dispose of them at at the transfer station but T is work on of this but this is from our perspective you know bad news basically that we going to deal with that well thank you upd all right that's great yeah thanks good work okay moving right along okay down yet the TA report we went the TA we missed the banner in some another thing oh the banner for there was the was Sub sub the oper oh was toy but what we didn't have in here was the July 9th draft agenda right I noticed that too but we can guess okay [Music] no no the only thing with the banner you know what would be helpful is to have what's going to be on the banner you you have on their form you know but they never have to write what it is at least the form there didn't it just said we want to put up a banner but it does have no idea what the banner is going to say I don't know if that's if any if anyone on the board cares about that I don't I didn't know if that you don't care well assuming that our administrator is I was just wondering if it's one of the fields that you put into your your form you know having it I just thought like you do when you're putting something up at The Rotary or tell what say it's not critical it's just com yeah good thing com um okay was there anything else I thought the road maintenance was excellent excellent very helpful like a good hearing but now I think we have to work on our path for how we're going to use all this data get it you know process yeah Comm input yeah you want to get out of here then okay Community input anyone in the community online online anyone this is your chance yeah one last bit of love any questions comments all right okay I move we adjourn Arnold I you SN I all righted thank you