all right call the meeting to order please rise for the flag slope I pledge aliance toag the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with li the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meeting of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the cedar gr board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be advertised by having the date time and place thereof posted on bulletin boards in the district published Andor transmitted to the Verona Cedar Grove times and the star Legend newspapers tap into online news filed with the Township Clerk and posted on the district website I have a roll call please Mr Grande here Mr marzulo here Mr Pac here Mrs Keegan here Mrs Dora here evening everybody um okay at this time I open the meeting for public comment for uh agenda agenda items only I see that nobody has signed up um have a motion to close that portion all in favor all all right we moving on to um we do have some presentations tonight but we're going to do our student representative representative Miss jaboni how are you to this evening good I'm very good um there's not much given that the school year is coming to a close but everyone's very excited about all the ceremonies like the induction ceremonies and the award ceremony coming up um we also have elections for the next year's executive board for student council it was supposed to be tomorrow but the date got moved but that's we have a very promising group so we're excited about that um we're also in the midst of planning a senior Sunset which is going to be really fun because we had a senior sunrise in September so now we're going to kind of bring it to a close in June and then obviously everyone's really excited about prom so that's a big student thing that everyone's talking about and decision day already happened right following a lot of pictures on social media which really exciting yes and where are you going I'm going to Notre Dame so very nice I'm very happy it it took me a while to make the decision but I'm I'm really happy with it that's awesome well congratulations thank you thank you so much yes lots of luck you're free to stay and enjoy or free to go home we will not be offended thank you very much tough thank you so much have a great night you too okay um all right we're gonna we'll come back to uh any committee reports on our end so we're going to jump to we have a couple board presentations today um I'm excited to hear the North End and South End go presentation so who would like to go first all right so we're I'm going to get up and move it is yes good evening so we're going to walk you through our goals uh Northend South then share the same goals for the year and um I won't read this them verbatim to you but our first goal was focus on mathematics and increasing our student Proficiency in math by 5% as measured by multiple standardized measures of assessment and then that same goal for ELA but um increasing by 3% again as measured by multiple standardized assessments and then our third goal was to develop and Implement opportunities during each trimester to engage students and families in activities that Foster academic success so we thought we'd first talk a little bit about those multiple measures of Assessments that we identified um that we're going to look at and so they're listed there uh our linkit benchmarks in grades 1 through 4 would be um a part of that as well as star in grades K through two our Dr assessments and grades K4 um keep in mind kindergarten does their dras in the spring um njsla of course our standardized Assessments in grades three and four and then of course classroom assessments and performance is also a part of that indicator and of course um at this point we're um finishing those endof the year assessments Link at data and whatnot njsla has um we finished at North End we're you're finished at South End and we just finished those things but so now now they're finalizing their star their linkit and the dras they're working on those things now and then once those are completed then we'll take a look at that data to determine um those achievement and growth points and see where see where we are so what have we done to support Ela and Mathematics throughout the year so one of the things that we did uh across both schools was we implemented what we're referring to as win which stands for what I need and looking at targeting specific needs so by looking at our multiple data sources from the beginning of the year even the middle of the year year and so on we've looked at um what are the strengths and patterns of weakness that we need to identify and then of course our students I mean our I'm sorry our grade levels meet in during their collaboration time and then identify targeted small group instruction that they would be focusing on during that time and since wind was relatively new this year for us there were things that had to be worked out but I think that we've kind of found a good spot and and have looking to tweak it for the coming school year so then we're also looking at if if children are not being successful as it relates to the classroom instruction and or those small groups then what other kinds of supports can we put into place and of course the multi-tiered system of supports whether that is a referral to the inrs committee for intervention and referral services or if they're um eligible for ELA or math intervention as well as our Pathways after school tutoring and the high impact tutoring Grant those students that were eligible for that as well and then also one of the other things that we were using is um in grades three and four Edge elastic in in order to um prepare students for proficiency that's a a web- based program that um helps students work towards identifying how children are doing towards Mastery of specific standards in each grade level additionally we um as it relates to professional development we did um several things one of the one of which being um we planned and provided targeted professional development centered on Guiding readers and we provided that professional development um based on best practices in a variety of small group structures so in other words what are teachers doing with children in those small groups and what are the focus of that so for example we worked through unwrapping specific standards and looking at what are those skills and those strategies and things that we need to put into place to help children achieve that particular standard or or whatever the focus is for that particular grade level or group the other thing um Mrs Mada was very good at as during that those trainings when we had those um consults with our um Representatives Mrs Mado was very good at um memorializing all of that PD she created folders in our Google classrooms and then videos and comprehensive notes for Teacher reference to go back to after those trainings um they also the CH or the teachers also received professional development in the use of edulastic for grades three and four um we also uh put into place a program referred to as critical friends where um teachers are able to go into and observe other classrooms with teachers um implementing certain things within their classroom to kind of get an idea of other ideas that they may learn from their teacher next door and then um also uh popup PD something else that Mrs Mado did with new teachers that hadn't gone through our um conquer Math training in the years past and so um it was voluntary teachers were able to sign up and go to those professional development opportunities based on best practices in mathematics I just want to go back to critical friends for a moment the joy that we find in it is we get to go in and cover the teachers so we get to spend some time with the kids working on you know whether it be seal or just sitting reading a book to them discussing the book and um it gets us back to Our Roots I guess you could say which is enjoyable for us exactly so I'm going to look at um our actions for community building which was our third goal and of course uh without even um hesitation the first thing that comes to mind is our fsas we know that they provide so many opportunities for for our children and also to bring families into the school through volunteering and I think that's a very important piece when we talk about engaging Community because we know that when kids see their parents or family members in school they know that it's important and so for little kids um you know they're always looking for their moms or dads to be there and to help out so our FSA activities it is family math night um they organize our Book Fairs twice a year um holiday um shop for the kids to to purchase things the plant sales and we can go on and on they provide assemblies for us that are sponsored by the parents as well um social media connections there is something um that every teacher uses um whether it be Class Dojo Facebook Instagram um to connect to the parents and to tell their story of what's happening in the classroom so when children come home and say what did you do in school today it's it's a point of discussion instead of hearing you know we didn't do anything in school today you know that that Facebook prompts or that Instagram prompts um a discussion on some of the great things happening in our classrooms so that connects the family to the school um our kindergarten as you know always has their academically based special days apple day pumpkin day turkey day um special kindergartner where a parent comes in and reads to the class um so that's important to make that connection with the with the community as well um all the parent visits and presentations regarding cultural heritage at any time a parent is welcome to come in to share their stories as well and our teachers invite them especially at different times during the year when it's appropriate and put it out there to them and say is there something that you would like to share and so they open up those opportunities often we have um different parent student um reading activities that went on this year of course read Across America we always open outd doors to the community to come in to parents to come in and read um we also had a readathon um read across the bases and a read bowl and just to let you know is the first year that some children took part in the read bowl at at South End and our fourth grade class Miss Reed's class were New Jersey Champions because they ran they read so many minutes over the course of the time so they were very very proud of that they even stayed in at recess time to read so you have to really give them a shout out because that's that's big for fourth graders to give up recess yeah to give up recess that KB game yeah um the school climate team engages all stakeholders there's teachers administrators parents on that team um that is a New Jersey state mandate they come um we we meet and discuss things that we um can do to promote in our buildings of positive School climate whether that's the week of respect um dress up spirit days kindness activities um you know one of the things that's important is to have parents involved in that so we have those different perspectives of what's Happening um we have ongoing communication between our classroom teachers and parents throughout the school year that never changes um our teachers and our parents are always in communication with each other for the good of the student um we have many resources available through our school website our interventionists have a website um with great resources for parents to tap into our counselor's Corner um is always publishing um different resources for parents as well the nurses page speech page um all these resources are accessible to parents um and special activities that are designed to engage students of course our open house that always is um the start of our year and that's how we in the beginning of every year engage parents to be part of our process and to be part of our community parent conferences um the concerts archo field day um Media Center activities this year Miss Fitzpatrick did a wonderful job with the kids are going home for winter break and she did a winter book Bingo to encourage reading we had the readathon um type of activities where they could enter a raffle if they read so many books or you know whatever to get them to read over that week so we didn't lose that time um and of course she had character pumpkin days where they dressed up the pumpkin like a book and it just gives kids that opportunity um to be motivated to learn and it brings the family into it questions questions I'm questions um first point I have is um and I'm asking both of you because there's nobody else here um I'm really concerned with math we're investing in a new math series it's going K and I can't understand why that's right education pedical everything in my mind tells me that that should go two and that you should be dropping two grades from the full right in the coming year because then that is in that group is going to beated to go M for the next three years all right until they get to the program in in sixth grade all right why we would leave them out in my mind there's three reasons that I'm not going to share right now but I'm wondering if you can share with me why we're not using the new math Series in great screen from my understanding um it was to kick it off in kindergarten so there was the consistency of language coming up the line the consistency of the way the skills were outlined and to bring it out I think when we did go math and I'm going back and Miss Dyer if you recall we had tossed that conversation around when we were looking at it and one of the things that we had hoped to do was to unroll it um in in you know in increments like that but we decided to go then with the whole K4 for and there seemed to be some some debate over it then too I think there's no debate on that well I think there I think the um part of the conversation too as Mrs deao started to say was the fact that you know there's language that is used within a program and if they're not exposed to that language it becomes confusing if you start in third grade and you don't have that basis for example from from those earlier grad started in third and fourth they got started in fifth so what I'm saying is there's a gap in the program the progression is not like a World Language where you're taking a child that's been in one one Series in levels one and two and taking them to three and four in the same level and starting a new level you're talking about a math program that's being implemented and you have it in between those grades right now that's my point you're not graduating into it all the way up the middle school has invested in that program already all right so what we've said they said all right you're not get this G will go M even though we know there problematic M series it's not challenging and it's not going to take those kids anywhere and I'm trying to understand the logic behind not going K to for I know I I have my ideas can I ask I'm not willing to stay public can I ask a question yes are there plans to switch over to the same program for grades three and four yes so the ones that are be coming up with each year being implemented so three and four I'll never get it get to the middle school well I think that's think they would get it in four right because two would have it they would bring it up the next year to three four so September 205 is the plan to implement it in 34 so that that my understanding my understand September of 24s who get it in two will have it for three three that's right so your your current second graders will not have it for third grade but they will have it for fourth current second grad correct okay that'll be the only Gap from there on out then you'll fill in those other gaps in progressively you're saying that that the the uh the new series will be introduced in grades three and four next year that's my understand 25 25 26 school year right the following correct so correct the first graders will never will continue it will continue yeah yes yes I'm not sure if there's a budgetary question too with that if if that was the reasoning I'm not sure that was one of the things I but I would say that the finance should never include moving the program forward when you know the existing program isn't doing what it needs to do for the kids you know that's one of those areas where just like you know something we talk about later you got to find the money you know I'm still not comfortable with that we're going K to2 on I think this needs to go k to four and everybody should be part of the program and then they will transition easier to the middle school we have a lot of people always talking to us about they're concerned about the transition from grades four to five and everything that goes along with that and now you're going to throw that fourth grade into a new master because they're never going to get it till they get to the middle school what you just told me what happen so let me ask a question question and I don't know if you have the answers but like Mr P said happen to be the only ones here right so um so I'm assuming there's going to be PD associated with the introduction of the K to2 and then we're going to repeat it the professional development for three for the following year has there been any discussion about that I'm not familiar with how they're unrolling the PD did you as principles make a recommendation to them about what we should do we had conversations about it and you know we also have been talking about conquer math because that professional development that comprehensive professional development was something that we did invest in and now we have several new teachers that also need to be a part of that as well so you know I think that was the other part of the focus that I know that that you know we did the popup PDS this year for those teachers that hadn't been exposed to it but that has been something that that has been something that's been budgeted for next year as it relates to um getting that professional development for all those new teachers that we saw in conquer math was that it was teaching teachers to teach math not to a particular series and I think that those teachers who have not benefited from that really would no matter what series we chose bringing them into a an environment of PD where they're looking at how do we teach math correctly is is is more valuable than just for that Year have a as the building as the educ lead you have a position on what may have program the third I've said it since I got here I'm going to say this what have I said all along I don't think it has anything to do with the program I think it has to do with the professional development as as it relates to teaching instruction for mathematics it's them as they go teachers so I think that is a resource whether it's Envision go maath investigations there's tons of uh options out there but I think the professional development is the most important part of it as it relates to teaching mathematics as opposed to just turning in a binder and turning to the next page we saw a huge difference when the teachers started even through the first year of conquer math and the way that math is being implemented in the classroom and taught in the classroom and we we notice that the teachers who have not benefited from that are are catching up they're playing catchup and so we have expressed that that is a need and more reliant on the manual as opposed to getting kids investigating and having them build and work through things and so instr practices they used are critical to teaching those subjects and I agree 100% with you you know as I said earlier I would be under statements but it's a major concern moving forward but the academic growth of this District not just in individual job but I think this is a really decision okay thank you for clarifying some of our uncertainties appreciate it does anybody else have any questions or have any questions for us good well thank you very much you appreciate okay all right so we're going to move into um some committee reports um Mr Gand I going to start on your end I don't okay Mr P uh there were no no committee reports instruction there was no read as there was no meeting with Personnel no information Mr marzulo uh the only thing I have to report on was the uh Middle School FSA which I attended last night uh you know Mr dor just basically you know gave us a synopsis of all the year end happenings which I don't have a list of and I you know um but and the promotions and and all going on uh but other aside from that no other committee reports Mrs Keegan sorry it's okay no um and then um well we we the F we uh attended the FSA the South and FSA was such a nice turnout it was it was a nice turn did the results they came in okay so they had the um the board uh voting and so we were able to address the sitting boards and the I'm assuming some of the coming board members were there too um and so Mrs Gigan and I had an opportunity to speak with them and kind of update them on uh some of the things that were going I know Mr pic attended the North End um and very similar yep very similar attend 37000 some of that money was mine yours yes I came home empty-handed but it was a lot of fun um so congratulations to the new boards coming in and thank you to the boards going out for all the fsas um as far as our leadership transition where we're at just a quick update I know I did gave an update at the last meeting um it's just a continuation and we shared this at the um FSA meetings that Dr T has been in the district on multiple uh days he's continuing to meet with all the administrators he's meeting with the um Department supervisors um directors I think he's met with pretty much all administration at this point no I said this the other night too you got because you the date got changed that's right yes so um and then he's touring all the buildings and having opportunities to meet one onone and really is build starting to build those relationships um I reported at the last meeting that he has met with our town manager he has met with our mayor um those Communications are continuing I know they have a couple other dates on the calendar um I shared with FS the FSA committees that the next step is U Mr pic is working with the president of the North End FSA to coordinate a time where he could meet with the boards of all the middle school the high school AP um North and South End FSA boards to build that relationship and then once all of those people have been and had been given an opportunity then in early June we will be setting up opportunity for the community members to be able to meet with him so um I'm excited about it it's been very positive um I've got a lot of positive feedback from a lot of the um staff that have already met with uh with him so uh I feel really good about it board is really excited about what lies ahead and we look forward to U moving into that next chapter uh for the district um so all I got at this point um we don't Mike do you have anything as the standin superintendent report tonight nope no report okay all right well then um we're going to move to our resolutions um under the business administrator's report can I have a motion for G1 through G18 please so move second any discussion can I have a roll call please Mr Grande yes Mr marzulo yes Mr Pac yes Mrs Keegan yes Mrs Dora yes all right moving to page 11 under uh superintendent report under General Administration can I have a motion for H1 through H4 second any discussion roll call please Mr grandi yes Mr marzulo yes Mr Pac yes Mr Keegan Yes except abstain from H3 A and B sorry Mrs Dora yes under human res sources under the superintendent's report can I have a motion for H1 through H17 have second second any discussion I would like to congratulate uh Alan Mills our middle school special education teacher on his retirement I wish him lots of luck thank him for his service and good luck and is in retirement any other discussion can I have a roll call please Mr grandi yes Mr marzulo yes Mr pic yes Mrs Keegan yes M Dora yes and so we are moving to page that was a big one 30 30 under special services a motion for K1 and K2 please oh did I I'm sorry I did under curriculum and instruction J1 to J2 so moved discussion roll call please Mr grandi yes Mr marzulo yes Mr pallet yes Mrs Keegan yes M Dora yes now under special services a motion for K1 and K2 second roll uh discussion roll call Mr grandi yes Mr marzulo yes Mr pic yes Mrs Keegan yes Mr Dora yes all right this time I'd like to open the portion of the me meeting for public comment any uh items any school related items we do have uh Christine palamara Christine palera I'm a staff member Cedar Grove High School could you just say your address I live at uh 22 Overlook Road thank you I'd like to take this opportunity to help each of you put a face to a name I've been a staff member since 2020 during the height of covid soon after my only living parents death and recovering from an illness that took me out of teaching into 2019 I was nervous masks remote instruction in a new school at the same time but I remembered something about this job my third day of setting foot in a classroom as a teacher was on September 11th 2001 I was right over the Hudson River the sounds and the sights the smells permeated my classroom Windows the chaos and the fear and the losses that my students endured that day were unimaginable but on September 13th school was in session and at 27 years old I knew my calling I clearly remember my interview with Mr Gro when discussing the challenges that lay ahead with Co I assured him that 9/11 taught me that my job was not only to teach my students but to keep them safe to lift them up to guide them and to simply just love them and that's what I do and that's what we all do without hesitation without reservation and unfortunately much of the time without recognition I stand here four years later and if anyone bother to take a look my track record speaks for itself the words non-tenured mean many things don't they for most it means novice young with nothing but an undergraduate degree in hand and the promise of a lifelong career that in the end we pray will offer us some Financial stability and personal satisfaction but for some of us non- tenure means starting over it means risk-taking and Blind Faith while being reminded constantly your job is not safe and yes that is the hard truth and I accept that I also accept the realities of this situation low enrollment financial crisis being one of the most seasoned teachers with Advanced degrees my non- 10year status makes me The Perfect Storm I was told a reduction in force prevents me from being moved forward through the cedaro school District however it is not documented as such I'm here to respectfully ask for the documentation to reflects to reflect a reduction in force I'm a teacher I will continue to teach with all of the passion that I know it takes to be excellent all I ask is that I not be a loophole or an easy out to avoid any backlash for things that go above and beyond my scope and my position thank you thank excuse me thank you Mrs uh Palomar um I can't answer your question because we're based on a recommendation from um our superintendent so he's not here to speak to that but I certainly will follow up with that okay um I do not have anyone else on the list so before I close that se this session of the meeting okay can I have a motion to close this session of uh public comment second all right announcement of uh future meetings our next meeting will be June 18th uh closed session will be at 6:30 regular session at 7:30 and it will be at Memorial Middle School and then again on July 30th uh same times and that will be at the high school auditorium um motion to close the meeting all in favor right meeting adjourned thank you everyone have a good evening