I'd like to call the meeting to order please please stand for the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meeting of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the Cedar Grove board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be advertise by having the date time place thereof posted on the bulletin boards in the district published Andor transmitted to the Verona Cedar Grove times and the star Legend newspapers tap into online news filed with the Township Clerk and posted on the district website can I have a roll call please Mr grandi here Mr marzulo here Mr Pac here Mrs Keegan here Mrs Dora here good evening everybody it's so nice to have such a a huge crowd and most of the crowd being our our students so I'm excited about that okay so tonight we have um well we're going to start with public comment um nobody signed up for public com Mr deita no okay so we'll close that portion of the meeting and we're going to move into presentations we have several presentations tonight so I'm excited about that and so we will start with our high school principal Miss Jody englas I don't know if I need this but I'll use it good evening everybody thank you for coming out tonight I'm so excited to have you all here we're going to um recognize so many of our distinguished students our clubs our activities our advisers um we're going to start with our student of the month recipients uh just so you know the students we recognize each month are seniors and they're chosen by their teachers as students who exemplify the following traits so we're going to go back to December December's theme was live to give we looked for a student who shows a dedication to helping their community and Exhibits generosity and kindness towards others congratulations to our December student of the month Miss Valentina Bist come on up you're going to come up we're going to get a picture okay so just stand right here um January's theme is passion first we looked for a student who shows determination and always is challenging themselves uh our actually our January student of the month is not here because she's a D1 athlete and she is in competition passion first um so Ava Myers congratulations to her so if you see here and then February's theme was we are connected we looked for a student who is consistently a leader both in and out of the classroom student has been observed building relationships and working collaboratively with their peers congratulations to our February student of the month Miss Ava [Applause] jabloni picture I don't have a picture can you have that for a second here let me take the picture with you no you get in yes I know I'm sorry I make everybody turn green I get it conratulations [Music] congratulations okay so moving on this year for those of you who don't know our spring musical was Matilda um I was so excited when Miss Justin told me what the choice was because it's one of my children's favorite movie it was in the backdrop of my house when my kids were little so I was so excited uh as I sat and I watched the production I have to tell you I was captivated by our student performances um every detail was perfectly executed in a manner that was humorous intelligent tenderhearted I'm so proud to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of the cast and the crew tonight the production was filled with not only Cedar Grove High School students but Memorial Middle School Northend and South End students thank you to all who had a hand in making the play so successful especially Miss Jess miss lewitz Mr Remy Miss Barbosa Mr catalo Mr cootch and Miss vogle before I invite the entire casting crew to come on up and be recognize I first want to recognize our seniors individually so our senior members when I call your name please come up uh Emily Pier Adriana caceras Eric Silverman Sienna G odano Emma [Applause] milman Sarah [Applause] bores Gabriella Cara Ava jabloni Nancy Guan uh G deloro Nicole Pastula Jamie D Silva Philip Kaminsky Alexandra harnos Matias Santos Samantha Voss and Gabby [Applause] fiorentino Isabella CU H you're on my sheeld I'm so sorry I don't know how I skipped your name my apologies I'm so sorry thank you okay all right seniors can you get together please uh you might have to make two rows no I think we're good okay you're in the front I don't want to be all right I'm sorry ready one [Music] 2 why not okay wait I this time I where you going everybody else the cast and the crew come on up let's recognize you they're going to sing you a [Applause] song they out yeah that's a good idea I want to go there I don't know where she wants the little ones here guys come here and we have certificates for you guys too okay right here okay hi Carl how we doing here [Music] [Music] goare [Music] [Applause] [Music] rehearsal tracks [Music] all [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] rehearsal [Music] [Music] tracks appreciate that all right [Music] get [Music] who we at now [Music] [Music] [Music] good out are you she like 75 in [Music] okay okay at this time we're going to continue with our recognitions so continuing to break new ground in the realm of High School athletics the Cedar Grove Esports program is continuing to soar in just their second full year with the Garden State Esports league on their watch their OverWatch team to made it to the state finals and emerged victorious in a tough conference Street Fighter 6 winter team also found success and had some very dedicated players in the fall they had a great turnout for Super Smash BRS that they had to register two teams to accommodate the demand now we have a championship caliber Super Smash team in full swing for the spring season and setting their sights on the playoffs as they continue to grow and evolve we are excited about the potential to engage in even more students and expand to reach Competitive Gaming within our school Community I'd like to thank our advisers Mr Tesco Mr Potts and then I'd like to call our East Sports team's members up Matt quis okay uh Kiko Godfrey simonelli Philip Kaminsky Jack D Gio Patel and Arta uh Duru congratulations [Music] here we go picture up guys ready one two three thank you good job okay moving on to robotics first for a brief history of the program cghs robotics team was established in 2021 during that inaugural season the team designed built and entered one single robot into the vrx OR Vex robotics competitions last season due to popular demand the robotics team exp expanded by adding a second robot to their roster despite several members graduating last spring the team was able again to enter two rob robots this season the VRC does not separate schools into divisions by size as many other programs May instead all programs in New Jersey compete against one another in a single division we mentioned this to give a proper perspective to the following incredible accomplishment the Cedar Grove High School robotics team has qualified a robot for the New Jersey state VRC championship in all three years of their existence at the last tournament of the 2023 24 season the robot teams qualified uh for the elimination round earning a 12th seed and a fifth seed respectfully this accomplishment alone places Cedar grow robotics team amongst the elite programs throughout the state based on their performance at that competition and the scores they earned throughout the season the robot B Team qualified for New Jersey state VRC Championship which took place at NJIT on March 9th students on our B Squad ranked first for the majority of the tournament despite losing in the Elite 8 Round Cedar Grove High School was a Heartbeat Away from qualifying for the Vex worlds in Dallas Texas based on their incredible performance I'd like to recognize both robot teams for their incredible success this season our robot a team led by Captain Arta AR I'm gonna miss uh your name DSU um members include Jason mazinsky Philip Kaminsky buru Patel and Shalo Patel please come up robot a team congratulations if you could just stand right there we're going to get a picture of both teams congratulations Captain congratulations thank you our robot B team was led by Captain verage padal Daryl lesta and John M completed the drive team for robot B please come up I would also like to recognize Miss Mira Halawani and Mr Dave Coster who need to be commended for their time and effort so many nights I was leaving this building at 8 9:00 and they were still working in the lab so congratulations to our robotics team and their [Applause] advisors [Applause] okay here we go Deca Deca prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in making in marketing Finance hospitality and management some of this year's accomplishments from our Deca team include while it's only in its second year Mr Goodman and Miss McCarthy have doubled their students in size the team has doubled from 21 to 42 students this is a testament to the hard work and the advi of their advisers of the 39 students who attended districts four students qualified for States Tessa Anthony Jake saiva Adrien L and Jathan Papa in the team events and individual events the remaining 16 students attended States completed a 10-page paper for integrated marketing and one team completed a 20page paper for franchise service I'd like to recognize the students who participated in the state competition Tyler Alvarez come on up when I call your name please Tessa Anthony Alicia AAR cila Aiden Jasmine Jan Judith Daryl aquesta Adrien lji Callie Matthew Nyla Dina John M moli M Mong Mong mongodi AA a joker no not a joker how do you pronounce that verage pagal Jan Papa Shalo Patel Nicholas russamano Jake surara how do you proun that aan Nagano AA nagat I was like okay the three students uh that I haven't recognized yet they all qualified for decan Nationals and will be competing April 27th to May 1st in Anaheim California Monumental for our school first time sending students to Nationals to complete and it's only our second year please come up Max kof chrish Patel and Jonathan [Applause] Williams [Music] see you there you go Tyler thank you very nice [Applause] okay last one for me so this is a first for our district and it's really exciting exciting this year we are recognizing students who um achieved the New Jersey state seal of biliteracy this is given to students who have studied and attained Proficiency in at least one or more language it's designated on a high school TR on their High School transcript and allows employers and universities to identify bilingual candidates students with 21st century skills and those who have prioritized the study of other languages and cultures it shows and emphasizes The Importance of Being bilingual okay it facilitates improves Communications and boosts the local economy and cultural understanding which promotes social acceptance before I move on and acknowledge the students I want to acknowledge my vice principal Mr Stan who organized coordinate and facilitated all of the testing here at Cedar Grove High School Mr Stan why don't you do the honors there you go all right yep okay so our first senior class is going to receive the Seal of by literacy kolina janosik Philip Kaminsky Nicole Pastula Sarah bores Adriana caseres Jamie the Silva Julia pan and Matia [Applause] Santos is St get in there with that [Music] please [Applause] now we're GNA move on to Mr gogerty on good evening um first off I'm here to present and recognize two of our athletic championship teams from this past winter season um before I do that I just want to congratulate all of our student athletes coaches um winter teams for for another really really good winter athletic season just for a quick recap our boys basketball team um had had a full three levels of RC JV and freshman finished with a record of 16 and 11 and and reach the quarterfinals of our group one state sectional tournament losing to the eventual Champion nor Tech in a very close game the girls basketball team finished 8 and 17 um with a tough schedule um also won a state playoff game upsetting the number 12 seed and reached the quarterfinals of the group one state sectional title and our ice hockey team um triops with Clifton and PV finished 7 and 14 um but I'm going to be a little bit biased here our 11 Cedar Grove hockey players really dominate that team with the ice shift time um contributions goals assists defense um our rcg players really do do do a fantastic job on that ice hockey team and now for two championship winter athletic teams I would like to honor and acknowledge the first is our wrestling team they had an overall record of 15-9 they went and undefeated 6-0 in in the super ess6 conference Liberty division to win our fifth SEC division title the 2024 SEC Liberty division Champions are help Andrew Buckingham Giovani cassili Kenneth sento cow Jamie the Silva Nick j jario Bobby Kelly conat Greg Vitali Peter saner rescue Connor Kerney Pierce asol Michael canarelli Jerry delesio George the car Richie G galioto gerarda Mercy Jake surviva Tommy seika Nick [Applause] tester conratulations Nick constantini Bryce Kent Luke ool James picano niik zunic and our head coach coach Mike ramini coach congratulations to our 2024 SEC Liberty division [Applause] [Music] champions [Music] you come on Mom picture we tried your [Applause] little okay and last but not least is our competition cheer team this group has basically been going working out and practicing since early August coach McCarthy and coach jobi and their group work TIR tirelessly all year long they start this routine back in August and about October and November becomes five six days a week of tweaking changing and trying to perfect this routine um coach McCarthy approached me towards the end of last year about you know moving to more of a UCA type of competition and division um which just scoring is a little tougher the competitions are tougher um the teams we go against are a little tougher um they put in the work this past season they have performed all over the place from New Jersey to to Hershey Park to Orlando Florida through the ups and downs this season they finished on very high note saving their best for last and winning the 2024 NJ cdca cheer and dance division group one State title congratulations ladies I would like to recognize Emma Fusco Ava pataski Rachel Harmon congratulations Gabriella D Matia danela basil Elina cfone Diana darpino Angelina tangora Maggie Tumi Victoria Venta Kayla D MAA Adriana Lopez Ava mauchi Vanessa Robinson Ava [Music] Ros you took AIS stepped over mine I got you mine henan and our coach is Nicollet McCarthy and Julia giobi conratulations great job once again our 2024 njcdca cheer and dance division group one state champions [Applause] wooo take picture [Applause] thankk no [Applause] Jody you're up tonight say that that was my report I'll see you later honestly that kind of wrapped it [Music] up do it good night thank you for coming it's a lot to you want to go sit on the other side how are you good to see you how you doing we just have two two more to go a couple more almost there is uh feels like okay are we good can I start hey good to see you uh good evening um Steve Goodman adviser for Deca nicholet McCarthy is the other adviser for Deca uh last time we met we were talking about States and I said uh at the end of that presentation there the next step would be Nationals and I said well we'll cross that bridge when we get to it and we're crossing that bridge because of these three gentlemen who did a fantastic job in States they are our first representatives to go to Nationals for Cedar Grove so it's a a phenomenal step for us so uh let me it's the international uh conference out in Anaheim it is April 27th through May 1st there will be approximately 22,000 students from the United States and Canada uh there'll be students are competing against schools in the entire country under their competition assignment uh I will be going Jonathan William who's a junior Max kof and Chris Patel who are sophomores we will be the foregoing I will be the adviser and chaperon maybe put that n you broke it uh the accommodations we're going to be staying at the Sheridan Park which is across the street uh from the conference center it's $150 per attendee the approximate cost for the entire thing for the students will be between $800 and $900 for flights and for the hotel stay um we will be well this is the uh agenda April uh 26 27th 28th 29th and the 30th we'll be checking out on the 1 uh they'll have activities for the students every single day our events will be on Sunday and the finals will be on Monday um we plan on doing fundraising through um the can shakes t-shirt sales and we also have a letter that we've designed to go to the businesses in the area to ask for donations uh for the students and that's pretty much it so I just wanted to thank you for the time uh we're wishing these gentlemen lots of luck and thank you again for your time and we appreciate it nette you anything okay thank you so much luck thank [Music] you just leave [Music] here oh Mike's escaping huh Mike's escaping hello Michael okay so my name is Paul Lurch I'm from Lurch Vincy and Bliss um I'm here to present the audit results from the 2223 year uh I'll certainly be brief um I think that overall I want to start by saying that um that the board received uh on all of its three opinions an unmodified opinion clean opinions and that's really what you're striving for there are no uh issues um uh no significant deficiencies um nothing to report that would hinder those opinions um so that's really what you're striving for those three uh um I will also say that this year's audit report if you look at the management report itself there were no audit comments this year I know last year we had some issues we had some significant issues um those were rectified um and so that's that's positive news and I think you know the board is certainly in the business administration and that office is going in the right direction uh having seen that um just briefly um just quickly about um you were subject to a federal and state single audit and really what that means is that um even though you did receive a clean opinion on your financial statements themselves and then we have to do an opinion on governmental auditing standards then once you spend more than $750,000 in either federal or state programs it triggers another audit and that's identified as a single audit and simply means we need to go test specific Grant compliance um with those programs that we determined to be major programs uh for testing purposes so just to give everyone a little bit of a perspective um the district spent over $10 million in state programs um that were funded by the state we did test some of those programs again we had no issues with any of those compliance uh uh verification processes um in the federal side the district spent $1 million just over $1 million and that's still the residual effect of all the funding that came through through the federal government with the arpa money the car's money uh Corona virus funding um that is really on the wind down now I think if you look at last year's order report we spent over $2 million on those funds um so those numbers are certainly coming down but of course it exceeds the 750,000 so we did test some of the specific programs and those programs again dealt with the arpa programs because those are considered high-risk audit programs and so what we really do is we test to make sure that the district is in compliance with allowable costs and that's the most significant component when you're going through the audit of single audit uh components so having said all of that um this particular year it seems like every single year we come up and present we have a new governmental auditing standard um in the in World in art environment um last year was gasby 87 this year is gby 96 and 96 is really dealing with subscription-based um services so it's really like intellectual property if you will so what happens is is that now under the new pronouncements that if you enter into agreements that are Beyond one year and they're for subscription-based intellectual property that you have to then determine whether or not they're material to the financials if they are then we need to record a right to use that asset and the corresponding liability so things just seem to get more complicated each year uh we went through the evaluation with Michael uh we did not have anything here that was material or that extended beyond the 12 months so as long as you keep that within a one month cycle a one-ear cycle I'm sorry um then there's no need to go through that evaluation process um so that's new that was the 96 gasby um just some Activity The Food Service fund um you had a net profit of 86,000 this year fund Equity then is up to now 367,000 um that it's your major program um as is part of the Enterprise fund and then I'm just going to touch base here on the results of operations so exhibit C1 which is the general fund the schedule of revenues expenditures and budgetary uh fund balance it's really your budgetary statement so you're developing and I think you're actually voting on a budget tonight for for the upcoming school year so this exhibit actually cont tracks all your revenues and expenditures Compares them to what you originally budgeted plus any modifications so it's your p&l for your operating fund itself so the year ending June of 23 the district ended its total surplus of 8,449 th000 up from the previous year of roughly $1 million and we have various components that the money gets restricted in and some of it is unrestricted so I'm going to start from the bottom of the page and say that the unassigned fund balance now was $1,640 it dropped dramatically from last year because this is the first year in the past four that the excess balance calculation is now 2% of your expenditures because of covid the state of New Jersey decided they were unsure and they wanted to make sure the boards can retain a little bit more of their Surplus uh so then that calculation went from 2% to 4% so this year um the state now all the board of educations have a maximum of 2% um so that number is now 1, 164,000 and 2% is really somewhere about 775,000 but of course there are additions and exceptions to the rule as to why we can increase that number so that's your free balance then we have assigned fund balances we have incumbrances of 548 th000 and that just means reservation of equity a prime example would be the contract with lurt fum blis so you would contract with the auditing firm to come in and do the audit so we enter into a contract but yet the services are not performed until after the year begins year ends rather um so that's why it's a reservation of equity um $271,000 is established for the current school year to balance the budget as a designated subsequent expense um then you have some of your restricted funds you have maintenance reserves roughly $1 million in maintenance reserves that are restricted specifically to maintain the facilities um and then you're left with an unemployment which is relatively unchanged that Reserve as well and that's to be used for future unemployment expenses and then uh we have capital reserve that capital reserve balance is $3.2 million and that's used to be used for obviously facility improvements and then as I sat here last year we go through this progression and we determine is there any money left after we look at the total value and then we have all these various components anything left is going to be identified as excess Surplus so when I was here last year and we spoke we had an excess surplus of $81,000 um $81,000 so that means that this year that that money is being utilized to balance the budget in the 23 24 school year that and along with the 271,000 but this particular year at the end of June of 23 the excess balance going through that progression is 1,186 th000 that'll be budgeted in your budget when you do 2425 right 2425 yes um so um as I said I don't have any comments or recommendations to talk about um that kind of gives a little bit of a presentation as to where the financial uh state of the of the district I don't know if anyone has any questions for me I'm good no but overall I think listen District's in a much better spot than we were last year that was important we got through that without any really serious consequences we were able to get that penalty abated which I think is critical because that was going to be a substantial dollar value as well um and and and I'm confident because going through the audit process and and going through that with Mike that now the Control process is there double-checking that particular process to make sure that uh it should never happen again thank you all right thank Youk you thank you good night everyone bye bye thank you all [Music] right would you like to do your report before we have one more presentation I mean whatever you want yeah why don't you because I feel bad I don't want you to have to okay I don't really have that much we're gonna switch gears for one second yeah um I'll I'll be quick the first thing I just want to say is how hugely successful lip sync was as an event um the Juniors did win they were really they were really great um we're just really excited that we were able to get the tradition back up again especially because it's a lot of fun plus it's a good money maker so we're hoping it'll continue next year um in terms of upcoming events we have the spring pep rally which is going to be the day before we go on break um and then all school council is also in the process of planning a sort of like Earth Day walk which is basically when um students leave during lunch and walk on the trails and pick up trash we've done that in years prior but and then also peer leaders is planning a senior citizen dance so we have a lot of exciting things coming up which I'm excited about very nice that's awesome thank you thank you than you very have a good night you too thanks for staying okay last but certainly not least do you have a all right it's fine steps [Music] into the St [Music] okay grab a mic I the mic so um first I just want to thank everybody for allowing me the opportunity to speak tonight um this is a Showcase of some of our accomplishments and initiatives from over this course of the school year uh honestly the year is not over yet so we have a lot more coming um but I do know that we are on the right path to academic Su success for our students but before I even move into the goals I really need to take a moment to thank Mr pearon Miss Barbosa Mr Stan Mr for the unified vision and assistance with the development of programs in the building and to sure and to ensure that we are moving on the uh moving the pendulum in the right direction I have to also thank the teachers for their creativity flexibility and hard work you know we challenged them we said these are our goals and they have done everything we've asked them to do they've really taken own ERS ship um so I'm really excited to see uh you know what the years come what happens in the next couple years and they've really been rising to our challenges so couple things so you know we really looked at scores for the first two goals for the building um the first one is definitely rooted in math um and we looked at two parts of math we looked at our njsla scores um from eth grade math um and we want to compare them to what happens at the end of this school year so our njsla for those of you who don't know is a grades 3 through eight Statewide assessment I'm sorry grades 3 through n Statewide assessment um and that's mandatory for all students in the state of New Jersey the second part of the goal was to increase scores on our NJ GPA that's our graduation proficiency exam and that's a junior level test and I'm just going to put it out there we have already tested the state gives us one window and we tested for our NJ GPA last week for both Ela and math um but that does not mean we don't continue working towards these goals okay so we'll start with our math um we have taken over this year-long instructional focus on you know not only scores but other practices as well so we have challenged our teachers to really identify and isolate the standards to Target instruction um we've adopted a program called Edge elastic and that provides eest and standard-based instruction and helps our teachers tailor to the deficits and discrepancies in our classroom um we did weeks prior to NJ GPA uh test preparation so the thing about NJ GPA is that it's given in junior year when our students are taking Algebra 2 however the test is algebra 1 in Geometry so our teachers really went back to spiral reviews infusing old skills into the new skills to make sure that we are where we need to be so we can um you know bring up those scores um apply test taking strategies the taking certain variations or c skills and looking at how they can use that one skill in mathematics to answer and identify all different questions um test typing questions test type questions into daily warm-ups do Nows exit slips and then using all of those online tools and this is specific to math and specific to those njsla and NJ GPA scores however we also ask the teachers to dig deeper so we went into what we call a diagnose and prescribe model taking the data from these platforms Edge elastic link it peeron daily assessments pen and pencil or pen and paper um and really you know differentiate identify those discrepancy and tailor our instruction towards our students um we asked our teachers to have our students really understand the why in mathematics so they you look deeper so our students can explain not just come up with an answer uh we you know we identify this show what you know and really increase the ability to write about mathematics and that's that interdisciplinary approach where we're looking at math and our other core three subjects we also asked our teachers to get our students excited about math we know that kids do better when they're in a classroom where they feel passionate where they feel excited where they're moving where they're doing so there's this concept that we've been using movement in math uh Miss Barbosa was able to um put vertical whiteboards in all of our math rooms our students are up they're moving they're working collaboratively um our Algebra 1 teachers are working on gamification and competitive learning and then we have the math department loves their competitions so they have a lot of interde departmental departmental competitions including we had over 65 students compete in a Pi Day competition where they were identifying Pi around the school now you may say what's the big deal it was exciting they took their own lunch period to participate in a math competition and so when they're vested and they're excited they want to give back and they want to learn more so we're really happy and pleased where we are with our mathematics okay my second goal was primarily it was all about freshman um I will give credit our NJ GPA scores from last year were Ela were quite high and we're really excited to see where they are again this year so we looked at again njsla for freshman um from last year this year looking for growth for ELA as well as our linkit form c um these tests have not been given yet our linkit form C and our njsla will be given in May um so again the data is not not here yet we'll have to wait for the longitudinal data to come in at the end of the school year and into next year however we again focus on this year-long instructional focus on Ela standards skills question types integration of these daily into the daily classroom instruction we are using link it Edge elastic the njsla digital library practice tests we created folders for njsla and NJ GPA for our ELA teachers we also Mr Pearson created an interdisciplinary handbook that has State rubrics expectations ideas standards across the board for science social studies and Ela so everybody is using the same approach and that way our students know those expect ations when they go to each and every classroom and we're very excited about that um we used um increased usage of linkit they dove into the they analyze njsla scores um they're looking at form a to Form B and they're really focusing right now on the bubble and the approaching range of the ELA students we want to see everybody rise high level lowlevel but our biggest group of students are the bubble in the approaching so we want to see the biggest movement in that category um we have provided professional development I keep talking about Edge elastic it's a platform it's wonderful we actually have two Math teachers who are very well versed in it and they have turned Ked to our Ela and math departments um we have math teachers using what uh participating in webinars investigating Desmos uh we use building thinking classrooms it's a book um structured horizontal and vertical articulation led by our department supervisors and effective strategies for success on the NJ uh SLA was our Ela PD from last month supervisors principles we're doing check-ins we're doing department meetings we're having conversations how can we help how can we support we can give the expectations they're doing the work right they're in those classrooms so how can we Monitor and support and they're giving us feedback of what they need and how we can continue on this path for next year okay um my third goal was student involvement as you can see by tonight we are we we so I'm so proud I I can't even tell you that we recognized over um 150 students here tonight um but we want our students not only to participate in events but we want them to be active leaders active Learners and give back to their community so some things that we did um right at the beginning of the school year Mr gor and I set up a leadership Forum we identified student leaders by their coaches and their advisers there were over 60 students and we gave them their own professional development on what it means to be a leader they TurnKey that to other students in the building we provided an academic reflection where we provided students time in an extended Home Room to review their own data to make them really um owners of their their own information so they can identify what they need to do to be successful that was a voluntary survey or not a survey needs assessment we had over 360 responses there's only 460 students in the building okay so three quars of our students responded not only responded but provided feedback that we read Miss baros went through every spreadsheet and then we identified students who gave us really great information and we talked to them we grabbed them we said we read what you said and they went wow you actually read it yes we learned from you we learned from each other um at the end of marking period one and again at the end of marking period 3 we do uh core 4 feedback for the teachers where the students get to in those classes fill out a Google form and give the dire the teachers feedback on programs and strategies and their platforms that they're using if they're successful if they're helping them what they would what they would recommend in a very respectful way again giving our students a voice and helping them identify their goals for this year and the future um our AP students we heard them last year I know they came out so what we did was we had our Student Assistance counselor you know do we needs to on them creating focused groups to support them both academically and emotionally for their Stress and Anxiety we want to make sure that we're giving them every opportunity to be successful in their acade academics and we know if they're struggling with that that anxiety they can't quite get there so miss lefon is working with our students um Miss Barosa and I actually did another needs assessment on our students because we're looking at and I don't want to speak at a turn but we are really looking at Future programming for Pathways in science and medical interest so we are um you know we gauge the interest of our students who wants marine biology who wants more nursing programs PT how can we support that moving forward and more dual enrollment around the Sciences our steam pathway is so successful what can we do for those science programs and then good old fun right good old things that we brought back lip sync reemerged we sold out this Auditorium it was wonderful pep rallies Miss um Miss McCarthy and Mr Leonard have really taking ownership we have a pep rally for every season to celebrate every athletic team um we did an in-house wrestling match right before uh winter break where we had a a wrestling match and you know during the school day and it was great um the senior citizen dance is coming back CGA also had their uh senior citizens dinner where over a 100 community members came out with our student volunteers and the peer leaders are working on monthly meetings with the freshmen on mentorship and support and how they can get their voice out to the community okay I just spoke a lot and I'm sorry um this is not over this is really just the beginning every year is a new chance we're super excited um to see where the data takes us next year but also how we can better improve our students um you know their opportunities we want to give them everything they can in this building and I work with a really great team so any questions hey thank you thanks here you're a music person what does that mean you you do the microphone yes I do microphone thank you very much for that I'm really excited about to see what's to follow thank you everybody um really appreciate that the work and the effort okay go being ordered to go all right so we're GNA move right into business it's been a late night a long night so far so we'll move right into our business um Le I got to get myself organized here before we um get into our resolution I just want to remind everybody in the community that's listening um this Sunday is treps very excited about that on uh Sunday from 4: to 6:00 p.m. at the high school gym there's over 55 young entrepreneurs coming out and selling their products so if you have not ever attended uh you're missing something really special so I encourage everyone I did hear it's supposed to rain bring your umbrellas cuz you don't want to miss it it's really uh an incredible uh event and I thank all the parent volunteers who have dedicated hours and hours of time for this program it it's one of the best so Sunday 4: to 6:00 p.m. at the high school gym all right Mr Gro do you have anything to yeah really quick I wanted just share something um so Christ masado who is in our one of the supervisors in the uh curriculum and instruction Department was able to acquire um a very a grant that will will impact a a good large group of our students in January the the doe is reissued the New Jersey learning acceleration program high impact tutoring Grant so these monies are intended to assist a very targeted group of students in grades three and four through high impact tutoring this means that they will receive instruction with a qualified instructor instructor in group that is no larger than three students to one teacher and even smaller if possible once we move out of the pre-award process it is Our intention to identify qualified and interested teachers to work directly after school to help support our students gain the confidence in skills they need to achieve their full potential which I believe it's $58,000 $58,000 and so Kristen worked extremely hard I want to just give her a huge shout out because this her her she worked really hard on this and her work is really going to bring um some really great great tutoring to our students so let me ask you a question is it um both our our staff potentially could be the tutors as well as outside staff it will be it will be our staff okay yeah because I do believe you have the option to bring in you do um you know in addition that's fantastic that's really great to hear that thank you Miss masado if you are listening okay um all right under the business Min administrator's report can I please have a motion for G1 through G11 second roll uh discussion roll call please Mr grandi yes Mr marzulo yes Mr pic yes Mrs Keegan yes Mr Dora yes uh can I have a motion for H1 through H4 and H6 and I'm administratively um pulling H5 second discussion roll call please Mr grandi yes Mr marzulo yes Mr pic yes Mrs Keegan yes accepted abstain from h2c Mrs door yes can I have a motion for i1 through I6 Mo second discussion roll call Mr grandi yes Mr marzulo yes Mr Pac yes Mrs Keegan yes Mrs Dora yes under curriculum and instruction a motion for J1 and J2 so move second any discuss question roll call Mr grandi yes Mr marzulo yes Mr pic yes Mrs Keegan yes Mr Dora yes under special services can I have a motion for K1 and addendum A1 please second any discussion roll call Mr Grande yes Mr marzulo yes Mr pelic yes M Keegan yes M Dora yes okay at this point I open the meeting to public comment any items on or off I don't have the listbody S okay I close that portion uh announcement of future meetings our next meeting will be um actually it's tomorrow so to yes so tomorrow will be um our next board meeting will be moving right into closed session and it would it'll be round two of our superintendent interviews um the followed by Friday for a second meeting that will go we will move right into closed session for second round of superintendent interviews same thing for March 26 which would be the third round moving right into close session and so the next Open Session will be April 30th at 6:30 Clos 7:30 public uh portion and that is at North End all right at this point I uh motion to close everybody in agreement yes yes all right meeting adjourned thank you everyone have a great evening