flag I pledge algi to the flag of the United States of America to the stands one nation God indivisible withy and justice for all okay s organized here the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meeting of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the Cedar Grove board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be advertised by having the date time and place thereof posted on bulletin boards in the district published and or transmitted to the Verona Cedar Grove times and star lger newspapers tap into online news filed with the Township Clerk and posted on the district's website can I have a roll call please Mr grandi here Mr marzulo here Mr pic here Mrs Keegan here Mrs Dora here this time I open this portion of the meeting to public comment I see that we don't have uh there's nope nothing for agenda items only so I close that section and um we do have a presentation tonight but before we get to the presentation we're going to jump around and we're going to let our student representative uh Mr Kelly speak so that he doesn't have to say if he chooses not to thank you so much good evening yes please do uh good evening to everyone here and everyone watching at home uh just a few few quick little announcements from the high school you know monthly like we do um first and foremost uh we have the Matilda show coming up uh I know that the cast members are going to be coming to the middle school tomorrow to give like a little presentation to the middle schoolers about it get them excited so that'll be happening tomorrow I believe I think that field trip officially got approved um next thing we have coming up is of course lips sync uh March 7th that's scheduled for it um it might get pushed back a little bit uh a week or two there are current meetings going on with that to see if that'll happen um the sophomores may or may not be dropping out so we have to have a meeting with their class as a whole and tell them to like you know get on board it'll be fun so if anything it will'll be uh pushed back a week or two but right now uh it's going to be officially scheduled for March 7th and the tickets are online so you can buy that there uh same thing with the show Matilda you can go online and uh buy tickets there in advance and then the final thing going on at the high school is of course um we have the St Patrick's Day uh F uh little lunch in we're having so of course St Patrick's day is March 17th but uh actually 13th during lunch of March we will be having a lunch in so we're going to be bringing in traditional Irish food like corn beef and cabbage um Irish soda bread all that kind of stuff bring it in uh we're going to be selling tickets at lunch for fundraising about $5 a student we're going to come in eat as much as you want and um hopefully that'll be a good ways to raise some money for the school but that's about all that's going on at high school just you know want to keep everyone here updated and everyone at home watching updated that's about all on my end so thank you thank you very much thanks we appreciate the update and of course as always if there's anything we can do to support please don't hesitate to ask of course okay so feel free to stay are you certainly thank you get home safe stay drrive everybody have a nice time thank you okay so now we're gonna move on to um we have a presentation tonight and then we will return to our committee reports and our update so we have Mr Dort who will be presenting tonight on the Middle School uh goals update us on where we are with the building goals and uh for make sure you have a mic so the people at home there you go it's okay if I move around a little bit whatever you need to do just carry the mic with you so yes I'm Nick Dort the principal of the Middle School good evening uh I'd like to thank Mr Gro president Dora our Board of Education members for having me tonight to be able to provide an update um on our goals for the Middle School this year each year uh we set goals goals that are aligned with the district also to our personal needs uh based off our population um and challenges that we see at the Middle School uh so tonight is a good opportunity for us to provide an update so just to reacquaint ourselves with our goals we have to increase student achievement and proficiency based on each grade level's prior performance in mathematics was our uh first goal our second goal was to increase student achievement and proficiency based on each grade level's prior performance in English language arts and then our third goal was to decrease the number of harassment intimidation and bullying cases based on a proactive approach to bullying prevention how are we working towards moving the needle in a positive direction our teachers are utilizing data gathered through platforms like linkit to inform groupings in their classroom to drive instruction they're placing an emphasis uh an expectation of differentiated instruction to meet individual needs of our students and exposure to njsla style questioning I'll look into the approaches and strategies and feedback from our teachers up to this point because it truly is a snapshot in time on how we're doing up to this point so we'll start with math uh our first goal that was listed up there we have daily foundational skill problems uh provided in all math classes 5 days a week that's how we open our class with a foundational skill problem uh we transition to the enVision Math series thank you to our board of education for supporting that um in sixth and seventh grade we're looking forward to moving that into e8th grade uh for the upcoming year we have sample njs SLA problems infused through the edge elastic program which is another resource that we have here um to be able to prepare our students uh for njsla style questioning to be able to get them comfortable to actually take the test in the spring uh we have an Afterschool math strategies program and this year we changed the criteria to focus more on assisting students that were on the cusp of proficiency through a standards based Spectrum workbook series which is going to focus on on hopefully honing in on those foundational skills and getting those students to rise to the mark because they were right on the cusp of of getting there so that's what that program is focusing on after school this year um and then as we get a little bit closer to testing njsla prep work as we approach that time uh we have a math intervention class for the first year uh this year during the school day and that class is focusing on students that were identified to need more individualized Focus that had a little bit further of a way to grow but we were able to then meet that need during the school day some teacher feedback up to this point uh on how we've been doing within math with consistent practice students have gained confidence in mastering Concepts students are demonstrating growth Mastery and math specific skills formally identified as weaknesses sample njsla questioning are being incorporated into the daily do now and then right from uh a quote from our teachers we find that we haven't had to lose as much instructional time to reteach and/or review Concepts because students are demonstrating Mastery so they don't have to go back and retach them in class and then uh we have a breakdown by grade level from feedback from specific Al our fifth grade overall link it average scores have increased by approximately 25% at this point in the year sixth grade our linkit scores and you'll notice a theme with linkit obviously because we utilize that as our data warehousing and assessment tool but we I'm going to get later on in the presentation to some other assessment and diagnostic tools that we're utilizing but um you'll see a common theme with link it link it scores increased with a combination of the new Envision curriculum uh as well as daily foundational skill warm-ups very few students are not meeting expectations and many more are meeting seventh grade students have become stronger with foundational skills based on more accurate responses to the do now questioning we started this approach last year opening every single math class every day with a foundational skill because the feedback from the high school was that students were coming in without foundational skills so we figured we would take that more aggressive approach here to then hopefully prepare our kids as they transition up to the high school um The Envision program has dramatically increased link scores from form a to Form B in previous uh years compared to conquer math program there's a lot of positive feedback and you'll see a common theme also with the Envision program um there's much more uh of a supplemental approach and a ton a ton of practice and assistance and guidance for our teachers rather than just the invest ative approach with our other series that we no longer will be continuing in those grades um and eighth grade students have demonstrated an eagerness and enthusiasm to learn teachers are looking forward to implementing The Envision Series in the 2425 school year following the positive feedback that they've received from the sixth and seventh grade teachers as they articulate uh students are demonstrating Mastery with Concepts being taught so th this feedback came directly from our teachers and then just to provide a small snapshot on how we've grown we had a little bit more room to grow uh in math than language arts so you can see we're moving the needle in a positive direction in one of those it was uh over 25% it was in our fifth grade area but as you can see they are demonstrating growth and the needle is being moved so we are headed in a positive direction according to linkit according to the Mastery that's being demonstrated in the classroom so hopefully that'll then translate onto njsla in the you know in the future now we'll move over to sorry can I just ask a quick question on back on the math I see you have the the seventh and eighth grade accelerated can you talk very briefly just about some of the strategies that you Incorporated in the accelerated programs to move those students and we tend to focus on you know the students that are struggling and clearly we're doing a great job but can you talk a little bit about that uh the The Accelerated classes some of the strategies that teachers are using sure ABS absolutely so this is the first time they're implementing Invision right so as I go in there they're still working on foundational skills and the accelerated class is an accelerated pace and it's going at a deeper breath uh to the content so they're still covering the same content in seventh grade and then eighth grade but in the accelerated class they're going deeper and quicker of a a pace you you can definitely see the comfortability with the math series um I know that the seventh grade uh teachers have shared with the eighth grade teachers all of the positive feedback that's coming from this new series so we're truly hoping it's it's going to benefit you know the program as they matriculate through um does that answer is this inclusive of your eighth grade Algebra students y so we have so I broke it out between eth grade and then eth grade accelerated The Accelerated accelerated is algebra so seventh grade is seventh grade math seventh grade accelerated is pre-algebra has the e8th grade algebra curriculum now been moved into the direction where it runs concurrent with that at the high school because that's what it should be should be the exact same course they offer at the high school so we are headed in that direction and we're hoping that once we adopt The Envision series do you think we'll be there when do you think we'll be there if we adopt the series in 2425 that's when we'll be there not accept all right okay thank you yep now we'll move to language arts is that yep move off math to language arts thank you you're welcome so uh we have common lit so the I'm going to go through some of the platforms and strategies that the teachers are using using and then I'll go into their feedback so common lit is another platform that we're using student uh learning standards are emphasized and the evidence-based questions as well as constructive responses with the MLA citations so these are all the different strategies that we're implementing to hopefully prepare our students to be able to demonstrate Mastery so then it'll translate onto the njla and hopefully move the needle with our our scores uh no red ink is a diagnostic assessment tool targeted practice and quizzes on topics related to grammar sentence structure and writing and response to a variety of prompts and Edge elastic is what we adopted this past year um to mirror the njsla style questioning to get our students used to and comfortable taking those type of questions the drag and drops and the different uh means of taking that type of assessment because even if they know the the material and they're comfortable with the content they struggle sometimes with the actual means of taking the test so this is hopefully going to help them get a better uh comfortability with being able to take those style questions teacher feedback and Language Arts students are demonstrating growth via a combination of the below assessment tools that they're utilizing some of them are repeated linkit common lit student writing anthologies that's in seventh grade um Project based learning assignments close reading uh of literature and one of the biggest things that we see of as a challenge to us in language arts is citing textual evidence so there's an increased emphasis on citing textual evidence to prepare for njsla testing and then broken down by grade in our fifth grades some feedback from the teacher students continue to practice acquiring skills for reading comprehension and writing proficiency through weekly practice reading and writing stamina continue to grow in sixth grade we have seen growth in many of our students on linkit some have shown significant growth gr While others have demonstrated growth at a gradual pace which is okay that means we're still moving in a positive direction and that's where we want to move seventh grade students become better equipped to read and write through the use of the assessment tools and in-class strategies and in 8th grade students continuously practice standards based assessment questions on no red ink Edge elastic and Link it which is those Common Assessment diagnostic tools that we have students also work to improve their writing skills which will be the main focus on the njla and I think the common theme that I see going through the grad which a huge emphasis and focus is placed on is what I had said before with citing textual evidence and being able to comprehend what they're reading and then go back and find those details in the story and be able to then translate that back to answer the types of questions that are being asked um on the standardized Assessments in the spring and now once again we're moving in a positive direction it's a snapshot in time we had less uh of some room to grow in language arts however we are moving in a positive direction and uh going back to their past performances some of them were 6 to 8% to grow and we seem to be on track for that um but it just depends once they take the njsla and you know how they'll demonstrate the proficiency on that but we are moving in the right direction and I truly feel we're implementing the the right approaches to be able to get there um way back when when I was in the classroom I taught seventh grade math uh we were a school in need of improvement we needed to get to Safe Harbor at the time and a lot of these strategies now have evolved but are very similar to what we implemented in the classroom at that time to get to Safe Harbor and be able to get out of a School of need Improvement this was over 15 years ago so yes I'm hating myself and been here 14 years so once again we want to celebrate the small victories we want to keep moving in the right direction the goal is to to to show Mastery and understanding of the content and yes I know that the scores are supposed to mirror the standards and the Ste the standards are supposed to mirror the curriculum so that means it should all be working in tandem so if that truly is the case and we are moving in the right direction I am uh looking forward to seeing how they do uh in the spring and if we see the fruits of the labor that is being uh put in at this point Thank you should be commended on I don't I think some people underestimate the the true value and the necessity of having a test wiseness and test awareness of students and the strategies to to bring students familiar with questioning techniques that are used on standardized tests is is a huge promotional piece to allowing your students to do well a lot of times they'll understand material but the testing strategies they're not familiar with and thus you know in time assessments that becomes an issue so I really commend you know that is a great way to approach this no thank you um and this is not me it's our team it's you know all of the different uh aspects in planning that are being put in place on a daily basis in the classroom and the teachers are the ones that are seeing the challenges of the students being able to demonstrate Mastery on their assessment but then they go and give them an assessment such as something that mirrors the njsla and they struggle so that's what tells us that okay maybe they're not comfortable in taking those type of questions so that's why the edge elastic going back to that um platform that we have is so important because it truly mirrors those styles of questioning and it's going to hopefully get the kids comfortable uh in using it and then we want to find a fine balance between screen time and not also so you know we we're treading through those Waters uh right now um and now moving on to the the third goal is a reduction in harassment intimidation and bullying right so this is a very very difficult goal it's extremely difficult to quantify given it is a family's right many external factors play into these uh types of cases uh if someone feels the need to be able to contact the school and say we need to make a report we need to listen to them uh at the very least listen to what the problem is and potentially go through an investigation so that's why at times it could be very very difficult to reduce or quantify what we're actually doing with it so we figured let's take a proactive approach through programming and see if that may reduce the number of cases that we have by improving the culture in the school so what are some of the programs that we brought in this year already the lindsy Meer teen Institute uh they did a conflict resolution workshop with our e8th grade there were some struggles last year that we identified within uh that grade that we were able to that actually I think were corrected by the students themselves to begin with and we wanted to just keep that positive momentum so we still brought the Lindsey Meer Institute in and they worked for a two-hour workshop with the entire e8th grade on team building communication skills and uh conflict resolution and it was fantastic we did that uh about three to four months ago we brought in Ryan's story John halan he had spoke here maybe about six years ago he had lost his son tragically due to a bullying incident uh he tells a very very heartfelt trying story um and talks to our students about the importance of seeing something saying something understanding the uh the harm to your words and impact and hopefully some of these programs that we're bringing in they're definitely relevant but hopefully they resonate with our kids importance of positive behavior on social media we had retired detective Ed delente come back this year to talk about the importance of proper civility on social media anyone knows that has a phone and when kids have phones the different choices that they make sometimes are not the most appropriate they struggle with communication they struggle with making proper choices and not understanding the harmful impact that when they do something on social media that it never goes away or it is very very difficult to go away so by bringing in retired detective Ed Delonte and speaking to our our kids about that um hopefully that further affirms the importance of using social media because they're going to use it so we should embrace it and use it in a responsible manner so we're hoping that that was a a very good message and we've seemed to get positive feedback uh from the students I don't know when they go home if they talk to their parents about it or if they talk about what they've seen but hopefully even if one time not one student but one time they think before they're going to do something it might save them from a pretty uh harmful decision on on whatever it may be whether harming someone else or themselves so we're hoping once again through a proactive approach that they think about these programs and we've strategically placed them through the year we've been fortunate to be able to do that this year to be able to keep this positive momentum going and then hopefully shifting our culture a bit that was the purpose of this proactive approach and we're starting a school slogan contest to help students feel connected to our school we're hoping that if they can feel connected to the school they'll feel better about coming to school and they'll treat each other better and the culture will be be better and then hopefully it'll have a reduction in some of these incidents we hope um the school slogan contest is super important to me because I want the students to feel invested in it we tried we did a contest and some of the the entries that we got were not really in the direction that we were looking to move so we've placed it back out to the students and we're hoping to we've given them a little more Direction because I could just create the Logan but I would much prefer our students do that and then when we can start tailoring our programming in the future related to a proactive approach related to those that slogan whatever it may be so that hopefully we can keep a common theme and hopefully we can have a reduction in bullying incidents we are trying thank you thank you thank you you're welcome Mr Martinelli do yeah it's really not the time if you if you want to you know take it out in the h no disrespect me you know intended but oh thank you I appreciate that thank you Mr Dort you're welcome very much appreciated and just so everyone knows as we move on in the upcoming months of the Fall following board meetings um each building principal will be presenting on their uh building goals um I believe the next one is the high school and so we will hear from the high school principal no sorry for thank you very much thank you appreciate it okay so we are going to move on to um some committee reports um we had several meetings this last couple weeks it's been very busy so we're going to hear I'm going to let the rest of the board as always report on all the Committees um and then we'll Circle back so we will start with ke you're up you're to my right going to just pull your thing close so people can I'm actually going to pass the finance committee report to Mr Grande he does a good job with that so you want me to go now is there anything else you do your other ones are you doing um uh policy we have not meant to give anything to the public yet we have something that we're the updates from stra Esme that we just got we're going to look over them and we have a meeting scheduled for March that we'll have more updates and information on for March facil just anything no we have no update for facilties right now not at this point but again next month we should have more okay Mr marzulla uh I do not have anything to update on the FSA um or the Town Council Mr pal um as Mr dor had indicated I think very important in the area of curriculum instruction that the um principles will be presenting their building goals in the next several months and they will give you an indication of how we' coordinated them with our board goals and Mr Russell's District goals and and as we start to move forward I think that's a critical component in unifying the district and getting the district to move uh in a very positive direction also in the area of curriculum instruction which I hope will be forth coming next month that'll be a very important uh approval and Adoption of an elementary math series uh they've been working on that about selecting a series for for the primary grades and a textbook Series in all the uh residual components that work along with that curriculum software and so forth and we should have that shortly to to um bring forward the proof to the public uh last week on Wednesday we had a Personnel meeting and the Personnel meetings um Mr Gro myself Mr D attended uh that meeting was basically what you will be seeing on this evening's agenda it is the business at hand and moving forward with the um Personnel items that are there there are closed item sessions which we'll be discussing in at the close of the meeting in in closed session but thank you very much Mr Grande okay on finance uh just a couple of um just a couple points on quick points on finance and we had a meeting on February 15th it was a CM uh myself and Mr vaita um most of the items are already um going to be on tonight's agenda um but couple of things that we also did touch upon um at the meeting we discussed the annual audit process um and the issuance of the of the audit report the audit partner was actually supposed to be here tonight correct but had a a little bit of emergency so I think he'll be here next meeting to talk through the process you know the results you know how we uh you know arrived at the results and everything I think the uh you know not to not to spoil the the surprise but the uh we had a a clean opinion uh for the audit process I think there was maybe um a couple of small recommendations but nothing material a clean opinion means that there's no nothing material to report that came out of the uh out of the audits that's that's good news and then other thing we spent a little bit of time talking about was the uh the budget the budget is due I think at the end of March um you know it's going to it's always a challenging process to do the budget especially with you know Rising costs and and trying to balance everything but we're working through that and that's a uh you know that's a work in progress continues to be a work in progress those are the two things I want to touch upon for the finance okay all right thank you um we're going to move on to the next point I just want to do a quick uh update on um where we are with the um the superintendent search so I just want to put out to the community that on our website on the main page the opening page there is a uh um I want to call it a tab on the top that outlines the whole process of um how we will be moving forward with the superintendent search I will say that it do not access it from your phone because it changes the whole website and it's almost impossible to find which I learned so if you go on from a a desktop it is much easier to navigate but with that being said I just just want to kind of go through it because uh many people here and at home are aware but not everybody is um I'm just going to briefly go through the process and where we're at um so as you may know at the last board meeting that we did approve to work with New Jersey school boards to uh work with us during this process um we have then since then we have scheduled uh several information Focus sessions is what we're calling them and the whole idea behind that is really to access input from all the sh shareholders all the stakeholders everyone's involved and that Reigns from the parents in the community all the way to the students we have met with um and I'm not going to go through all the dates but all that it's already happened we've met with building administrators central office administrators support support staff we've met with students because student voice is really important to this whole process we've met with um the board as a whole has met we've met with the community an in-person session and a virtual session um we've met at each building so that staff felt comfortable in their own environment so we met with Northend staff then south end then the middle school then High School um and the whole idea is just to start to C input of what the um stakeholders feel are important and start to build a vision and a direction and um the the application process is is posted it's through an online service New Jersey school jobs.com I believe it is it's also on New Jersey school boards it's also on our website um and we are collecting applications through March 4th so as of this afternoon we currently have 22 applications that have already um applied from the guidance that we've been given through school boards the it's not uncommon in the last couple of days to see that number um increase so once the process the application process closes which I said was uh the 4th of March um the Board of Ed will meet with school boards to start to review those um applications and then interviews and then the process is going to start to move really fast so the week of the March 11th will be interviews for the first round the week of March 18th would be second round interviews and then the week of March 12 25th I'm sorry would be um final candidate interviews and then following that becomes the vetting process uh background checks all of that um with a hope to have uh you know somebody hired or to the board um sometime in early April um with a July one start so that's you know the perfect outcome um but I just felt that it was important to use this opportunity to kind of get it out to the community that this is what we've been doing in the process and we've gotten a lot of really good feedback um I've I know several of the board members MERS and myself have received emails from community members um you know we're trying to respond to them as quickly and um effectively as possible so just bear with us it's just a really busy time but um you know we are um open to hearing anybody's comments and and concerns so please feel free to reach out if uh you have any questions so we'll continue to update that at the community as this unfolds but this is um where we're at anything that I missed with that that anybody can I'd like to add no okay uh Mr Gro superintendent report I just want to um just do a quick advertisement for Matilda which will be on February 29th through the 2nd which is Thursday Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. and 1 p.m. Saturday matina uh this is a wonderful production based off of roal dolls um book and um this production has over a over a hundred people collaborating throughout the district which would involve teachers uh crew advisors um parent volunteers 30 plus student crew members and 50 plus cast members that also include students from uh north and south and in the Middle School and that's grades 3 through six so I encourage everybody to go out and take a look we we heard earlier um that tickets will be available at the door but you can also book them with reserve seating at cs. book ticks that's it is that on our website yes yes so they can go on and purchase tickets right through the website yes great thank you okay so at this point let's move on to some business uh can I have a motion for G1 through G9 please so move second any discussion roll call please Mr grandi yes Mr marzulo yes Mr pallic yes Mrs Keegan yes but abstain from G6 Mrs Dora yes under superintendent report can I have a motion for H1 through H2 so moved second any discussion roll Mr grandi yes Mr marzulo yes Mr pic yes Mrs Keegan yes but abstain from h2f J and M Mrs Dora yes under Human Resources a motion for i1 through I 9 some move second oh there is some clarification on i7 C the original date that says 415 I think it was 4:15 I crossed it out 4:15 should be 31 please note that change on i7c it should say 31 through 62024 please discussion roll call please Mr Grande yes Mr marzulo yes Mr pic yes Mr Keegan yes Mrs Dora yes sure yes and congratulations to Mr Walsh on his retirement and under special services a motion for J1 through J5 so Mo second discussion roll call Mr Grandy yes Mr marzulo yes Mr pet yes Mrs Keegan yes Mrs Dora yes this time I open the portion of the meeting to public comment on anything on or off the agenda we do have a couple people have signed up so I will go ahead ahead and read our disclaimer the Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on school matters of community interest public participation shall be governed by the following rules please preface your comments by stating your name address Municipality of residents and group affiliation please be mindful of your statement length and keep each statement to a three minute limit par participants may not speak more more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on the topic have been heard please direct all statements questions or inquiries to the presiding officer and the presiding officer May interrupt Warn and or terminate a participant statement question or inquiry if it is too lengthy or is abusive obscene or may be defamatory these rules may be waved if necessary to protect privacy or to maintain an orderly operation of the board meeting now that's a mouthful Mr Martinelli you are first on our list um do we have oh I'm sorry no Podium tonight I apologize John want Nelly 30 Hillside Avenue good evening everybody good evening um I want to first uh appreciate the uh board for making it more transparent as far as the hiring process for the new superintendent I just had a couple of questions that you could probably uh answer um with regards to the interview process right the state comes in right and has input do that how much input do they carry when in the final selection of superintendent I mean I'm just trying to educate myself yeah it's okay thank you youan mine uh the state has no input in the selection of a superintendent what the state does have input in is the superintendent's contract gotcha the uh uh County Superintendent who despite the name is actually an agent of the Department of Education has to review and approve the contract gotcha that's the only role they play in the process oh fair enough thank you thank you for that uh secondly so I guess you have input from the people of C Grove you know all the people have families or whatever kids that are in the school system um so I guess you guys are the actual will actually select the new superintendent correct correct okay that's good all right fair enough thank you thank you um Mrs hi Janine Patel 87 Stevens Avenue so I'd like to say thank you for allowing my child to be part of the process of hiring new super superintendent and having input um and thank you for keeping promises and also I'd like to say congratulations to the high school Esports team for making it to the state finals even though they couldn't compete so I'm kind of hoping that Mr dco sticks it out and stays with the Esports in the high school you know don't you know get disappointed now that you know we won we couldn't go to St finals but I hope he continues to do it next year right that's what I'd like to say thanks thank you thank you thank you appreciate that okay is there anybody else that would like to I got to two late to sign that's okay Greg alre to Elwood Road um I had a question I attended some of the input sessions for the superintendent selection and I wondered if I could turn that one of the questions to you guys it said what are some of the biggest challenges facing the Cedar Grove School District so I wondered since you guys are making that choice could you comment on some of the biggest challenges that you guys see facing in this this decision what you you're looking for right so um what Mr edstein is saying at because we're in the middle of the process right now that his um recommendation is that we not comment on that okay this is off the Record though right I appreciate you understanding that okay um at this point I'll close this portion of the public meeting announc of future meetings the next meeting will be uh March 19th and it will be at the high school again we will hear the uh goal updates from the high school principal so at the same time 7:30 will be the regular meeting the following meeting will be April 30th um and that will be at North End um to close yes at this time I'm going to will'll adjourn the meeting to the board will be returning to close session to discuss some contractual and Personnel issues thank you everyone for coming have a good evening