[Music] [Music] da [Music] sh [Music] [Music] he [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] what go good evening everyone um Madam clerk could you please uh call the role Council misseri here councilwoman Miga here councilman zazali here Deputy Mayor scavage here mayor Peterson absent uh please rise everyone for the flag salute I pledge to flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all uh adequate notice of this meeting was duly provided provided to the Verona Cedar Ro times and the Star Ledger by email and published in an annual schedule of meetings on December 14th 2023 filed with the Township Clerk and posted on the public bulletin board in the municipal building Lobby in accordance with the open public meetings act I'm going to go um straight to item two um public hearing item 2A to consider adoption of pending ordinance number 24 4- 924 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and establish a cap bank is there anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance number 24- 924 no seeing none um may I have a motion mayor I move for the adoption of pending ordinance 24924 to be published in Verona Cedar Grove times as a passed ordinance to take effect as prescribed by law second please second Deputy Mayor can I just comment on this briefly please this is a ordinance in municipalities and counties are prohibited from increasing their final budget Appropriations by more than 2 and a half% in the subsequent fiscal year unless action is taken by the governing body to increase final appropriation subject to the cap by statut statutorily permitted 2 and a half% this ordinance allows for an increase in Appropriations by 3 and a half% $48,530 49 beyond the increase otherwise provided for by law most importantly this allows the township to establish a cap bank that is good for two years any increase in Appropriations authorized by this ordinance uh that's not appropriate as part of our Appropriations this year can be retained as an exception to the final budget appropriation in either of the next two uh budget years whatever we do not appropriate this year we can save as a form for Appropriations in the next two years in the event that we need to increase Appropriations even more I did U discuss this a little bit during our budget hearings of last week thank thank you Mr zelli uh roll call please Council misseri yes councilwoman M yes Council Bali yes Deputy Mayor scavage yes item 2B to consider adoption of pending ordinance number 23- 925 and ordinance amending chapter 23 of the code of the township of Cedar Gro entitled fire department is there anyone here wishing to be heard on ordinance number 24925 okay seeing none uh may I have a motion I move for the adoption of pending ordinance 24- 925 to be published in the Verona city of times as a pass ordinance to take effect as prescribed by law second please second Deputy Mayor briefly if I may this is expanding the fire department's membership uh Center company number one will now consist of 36 members North End company number two and South End company number three will each consist of 31 members as I said last meeting byting these spots it allows for the Department to actively Recruit new volunteers that's great thank you Mr um roll call please Council maseri yes councilwoman Miga yes councilman zazali yes Deputy May scavage yes item 3A to consider resolution awarding bid for water meter replacement to meter Tech utility Service uh Township manager do you have anything I do thank you Deputy Mayor through you uh this item is an award of contract to meter Tech Utility Services out of kennworth New Jersey for the replacement of water meters throughout the township metertech was the low bidder that Township attorney and our Consulting Engineers CP engineering recommended for this project as the council is aware uh the township is purchasing and installing these new water meters for residents uh with an intake line of one inch or less this is being paid for out of our pilot revenues pilot funds um this is a switch to Neptune 360 the new meters with digital read capabilities and early Leak Detection saving money and property in the process metertech will be communicating with the residents and and the township at the same time to arrange for a replacement on a schedule that's condu for our residents these Ms will be more accurate ensure the township is not losing gallons of water or dollars in providing water to our our residents I want to uh add and I want to make a special note that the township is paying for this uh similar towns are charging um their residents for the meter itself and the installation and anything any homeowner with a 1-in line which is 98% of our homes in Cedar Grove uh are covered by this uh new meter that the township has decided to pay for out of pilot funds separately uh we are purchasing the meters but the cost of installation alone shall not exceed $335,900 it's going to be a joint thing through the township and through the uh the company we also want to do it in a way that's organized so that um we can upload the new meter data to building software um but it it's really they get paid per meter so it's as slow or as p as we want them to okay to do it I don't anticipate it taking off too too soon you know there's some things we want to work out here in terms of the uh software and the meters themselves U but we do have 1500 MERS um stationed at DPW with more at the house and you know as we need them we'll grab them and install them okay thank you great thank you Mr zelli may have a motion please mayor I make a motion to approve second Ro Council misseri yes Council Miga yes counc zali yes Deputy Mayor SC yes item 3B to consider resolution awarding bid for Sledge removal to Spectra serve a uh Mr Zell do you have anything to add here yes thank you through you Deputy Mayor this items a contract for a 2-year term to Spectre serve Inc out of Irvington to handle sludge hauling services at a price not to exceed 4 cents per gallon uh the reason that we are doing this and I indicated in last week's budget hearings was because we do remove a lot of sludge from our sewage treatment plant something that the council should consider in the future is further refining the rbcs or rotating biological contactors which further reduce uh sewage into more refined sludge currently we're taking out um a lot more trips than other towns because the rbcs are of limited capabilities and we're hauling a lot more water um so something in the future we should look at is to uh refine the rbc's a little bit but nonetheless this was reviewed by the township attorney and our Consulting Engineers and Spectre serve was found to be the lowest responsive bidder okay great thank you U may I have a motion please so moved second uh roll call please Council misseri yes Council migga yes Alle yes Deputy May scav yes item 3 C to consider resolution awarding bid for the Reconstruction of Sweetwood drive and David road to km Construction Corporation Mr zelli thank you Deputy Mayor this item is awarding a contract to km Construction Corporation out of Irvington for the Reconstruction of Sweetwood Drive in David Road this bid was reviewed by Suburban Consulting Engineers in the township attorney it was found to be the lowest responsive bidder the contract to reconstruct Sweetwood and uh David is not to exceed 27 8,141 uh this was previously bonded for in capital two years ago but will be reimbursed by a New Jersey Department of Transportation road reconstruction Grant I anticipate beginning this work mid spring um there are some drainage issues we want to resolve over their first that are part of the contract that the contractor will be uh performing and once that's finished up we'll be Paving and reconstructing those streets great thank you so much um roll call please we need a motion oh I'm sorry may I make a motion to approve second roll call please counciler yes Council M yes Council zali yes Deputy Miss yes item four meeting is now open to residents of the township wishing to be heard on any item on the agenda okay um seeing no one I'm going to move on to item five uh reports of Township officials uh good evening Mr zel good evening Deputy Mayor three brief items just want to report that the Mobile DMV was in Cedar Grove from January 22nd to January 26 it was a really great success for our residents it was widely attended by many this is the third time that the Mobile DMV has been in Cedar broke and uh we're going to welcome them as many times as they want to come it's a great service to the residents I know many people were happy with that my second item is budget hearings were held on Monday January 29th and Tuesday January 30th this year as uh council is aware I presented a digital budget shaved a lot of paper uh no more budget pinders this was just the appropriation side of the budget uh Rebecca's working in the finance office to finalize the revenues our debt statement and our financial statement and our cap calculation once that's done we'll marry the two numbers to strike a tax rate which will be reviewed by the state this year because we have to review um the state budget every three years and then uh hopefully we can introduce the budget in April and adopt it by May and last uh information concerning this year's community garden will be going out over the next few weeks that'll be on Facebook and the town website of course anyone can call with questions but I do anticipate having the leases prepared with the next two or 3 weeks great thank you so much um Madam clerk do you have a report tonight oh thank you Deputy Mayor members of council no I do not have a report tonight okay perfect thank you hi Mr Jobe do you have anything to report to me the Giants aren't going to be in the Super Bowl yeah that we are aware painfully aware of that thank you um okay I'm going to start with um miss m councilman I do not have any report this evening no report okay councilman Miss thank you Deputy Mayor good evening I had uh more of a question for our Township manager in reviewing the um digital budget and thank you for that and uh thank you for the summaries uh one item that uh I wanted to uh ask a question about is The Debt Service last year when I was mayor we um we started to uh do some recasting of bond anticipation notes and I was just curious how you know that impacted from last year and and if you could give the public and the council um just some guidance on you know the comparisons to this year's budget what what we're doing regarding the recasting of the debt and payment for Debt Service Deputy Mayor three if you give me a second I'll get my service in front of me so as uh through deputy Mar as Council misser indicated we did successfully um cast uh new Bonds in July that refinanced a lot of our debt the big savings there was a reduction in interest rates when we converted from Bond anticipation notes to traditional municipal bonds or debt was restructured from 98% in bands to 50% bonds 50% bands uh for a comparison purpose in 2023 uh our total debt service from the general fund was $2,360 40 and of that amount 1, 595,000 was in principle and $765,000 was in interest because of our restructuring and our refinancing we're keeping the debt service number exactly the same this year except the big difference is we're increasing our principal payment because we're able to reduce our interest payment this year uh I'm estimating to make a principal payment of 1,937 57 and an interest payment of $422,400 for the same Debt Service total but the difference here is we're spending $342,500 in interest uh in the Aggregate and uh when we did the bond sale on that day in July we were about 200 basis points beneath where other Bond sales were that day so it's a pretty good win for the township to be taking this money making the same payment but putting it more towards our debt and not interest and what is the rates what does it look like for this year so because we did long-term financing on the bonds those are fixed at 3.4% right now um the banss the bond anticipation notes because of the credit upgrade um the market did drop a little bit the interest rate so I'm anticipating if we were to go cast again we'd probably get in around 3.5 3.6% on the bands um but because we shifted a lot of that debt from bands to bonds that's why the principal was able to go up a little bit higher mhm but we are paying our debt down much faster than yes that's great it's fantastic thank you for that I have other questions not for tonight but as we are in the budget season Mr zelli and I you've been really helpful and again it was extraordinarily uh organized and uh giving it to us in summary and also in digital form was very helpful so I'll bombard you with questions between now and April so we're here for thank you great thank you uh councilman zazali good evening mayor um I just want to report I attended the uh the ribbon cutting for uh dervish last weekend and it was uh it was a a very nice ceremony uh but it's also nice to see that we're getting new businesses in the vacant storefronts in the downtown yeah I agree um I was fortunate enough to be there as well um and it was really it's a lovely place um great thank you so much um I don't have a formal report tonight I just wanted to let you all know that on Saturday I attended a um New Year's ceremony at Sushi um Buddhist temple over in com on Commerce um I've never been there before uh they were really lovely and they're doing um not just great work with their food pantry in Cedar Grove that serves more than 500 people um in Cedar Grove and the surrounding communities but they have pretty massive um Global humanitarian effort underway helping um primarily With Disaster Recovery all over the world so I had no idea what they were doing there it was really um really cool to see um the impact that group is having here um in our little town and and abroad so that was great um and then I just wanted to uh commend Mr zelli uh after sitting through the budget hearing last week uh the time and care that goes into making sure that every penny is uh carefully accounted for um I know Mr Tui used to say I I spend Cedar Row's money like it's my own and and you have taken that baton and and really have gone with it and and extend even extended that um so we we really appreciate that I know our residents do too um everyone's hurting right now prices are going up everywhere uh we're all feeling the pinch so we appreciate you um doing what you can to to tighten up our budget um and uh we appreciate it so that's that's all I have tonight um moving on to item number six consent agenda I'm going to read all these together yes okay um item 6A to consider resolution concerning appointment of planning board 6B to consider resolution concerning appointment of appointments to the recreation board 6C to consider resolution concerning appointments to the municipal Alliance Commission 6D to consider resolution concerning appointments to the environmental commission uh may I have a motion please soone move second second roll call Council misseri yes Council Miga yes Council zali yes Deputy May SC yes item 7A uh new business to consider pending ordinance number 24- 926 an ordinance of the township of Cedar Grove County of Essex state of New Jersey amending chapter 246 of the code of the township concerning tree removal and protection um Mr zelli do you have anything this is a long one here Deputy Mayor bear with me uh this ordinance quite simple it provides much greater protection for our trees in Cedar Grove uh the tree ordinance was quite old and outdated and this update provides both D required language and new Township requirements uh that Aid in preserving protecting and replenishing trees throughout the township of CER Grove uh presently under the current ordinance a resident May remove two trees within a 2-year period without a permit this ordinance changes that to allowing a resident to remove the same two trees but within a 5year period now uh without a permit so it expands that timeline just a little bit this ordinance uh also says anything beyond the two years that would require a permit requires a scaling of what trees are being removed anyone removing more than five trees need to submit a permit application with ass signed uh and sealed plan by a licensed engineer that also accompanies a tree mitigation plan um which would be based off of the diameter of the trees that they removing when measured at breast height uh we also have a a fee schedule in here now for those seeking to remove the tree um they're required to replant between one and four trees depending on that diameter of breast height measurement or they must pay into the tree replenishment fund an amount between $350 and $1,400 per tree removed once again based off of the diameter there comes an application fee for $20 per tree that an applicant must pay before uh tree is removed and permits issued this fee is going into a tree fund that the township has which this ordinance requires be spent on the township uh replanting trees in any park right away or public Street um furthermore this establishes a cost sharing between a resident with a tree and a rideway that is not damaged or Hazard that requests its removal the resident would be uh required to pay one half the cost of removal if the tree is otherwise healthy and it needs to be cut as the council's aware we appropriate approximately $80,000 in the budget for planting trees and pruning and and properly maintaining trees uh as well as for our Arbor Day ceremony that we do every year um furthermore there's money in this year's capital budget to remediate the VFW property which the council has previously discussed by removing all impervious surfaces and planting between 120 and 130 trees on site uh to return the property to a natural condition so this ordinance is Beefy it's important but it protects our namesake of trees that's fantastic I know a lot of folks are really excited to see that VFW area become green so um that's great um can I have a roll call please no sorry can I have a motion I move for the introduction of pending ordinance 24- 926 to be published in full in the Veron of times as a pending ordinance with a public hearing scheduled for March 4th 2024 and a second please second roll call Council misseri yes councilwoman Miga yes Council Al yes Deputy Mayor scav yes item 7B to consider resolution concerning 2024 lowp for ambulance and rescue squad volunteers um Mr zelli briefly this is just a length of Service Awards program it's a program for our fire department and our Rescue Squad uh for those members who meet certain amount of calls they get uh the township pays into this contribution and this allows for the township to adjust that amount of the contribution uh within the municipal budget last year $72,000 uh was budgeted between the two the rescue squad and the fire department and that number stays the exact same this year at $72,000 again great thank you so much U may I have a motion please may I make a motion to approve second roll call please councilman masseri yes councilwoman Mika yes councilman zazali yes Deputy Mayor scage yes item 7 C to consider pending ordinance number 24- 927 an ordinance amending chapter 40 of the code of the township of Cedar Grove entitled Library board public by expanding membership of the library Board of Trustees by two members um Mr zelli can you tell us a little more about that yes Deputy Mayor thank you State Statute provides that a library board um can have up to nine members currently the township ordinance sets that number as seven and this ordinance uh if adopted would expand the membership from seven to nine by a total of two new members okay great thank you so much um I have a motion please I move for the introd I move for the introduction of pending ordinance 24-9 27 to be published in full on the Veron times as a pending ordinance with a public hearing scheduled for March 4th 2024 thank you uh second second uh roll call please Council misseri yes Council migga yes Council zazali yes Deputy Mayor scabby yes item eight approval of bills be resolved by the township of CED Grove County of Essex New Jersey that the summary of bills having been duly audited and found to be correct are hereby ordered paid in the aggregated amount of 3,764 7359 thank you madam clerk may have a motion please so second roll call Council maseri yes councilwoman MGA yes councilman zazali yes Deputy Mayor scabby yes item nine contracts and agreements 9 a to consider resolution conc rning Award of contract for special legal counsel for affordable housing to Michael zedak jiac thank you of the firm skinsky uh Hollenbeck um I'll make a motion to approve if you want I could comment that uh Mr jinc has been the Township's affordable housing Council for a number of years he recently switched firms and this is just continuing him in in his role great thank you so much um may I have a motion please I'll make a motion to approve second uh r call please councilman maseri yes councilwoman M councilman zali yes Deputy Mayor scavage yes item 9B to consider resolution concerning Award of contract for land surveying and engineering design to sub Suburban Consulting Engineers Mr zakel yes dep this is very exciting this is for the Reconstruction of Carlson Parkway and Smith place this is the design phase of that so the engineers can design it submit the plans to the dot have them approved and then we can go out to pave those streets as the council's aware we rewarded a $398,000 reimbursable grant from the NJ do to fund this project that's fantastic um may I have a motion please so second second roll call please councilman maseri yes councilwoman Miga yes councilman zazali yes Deputy Mayor scavage yes item 10 meeting is open to residents of the township wishing to be heard on any item on or off the agenda concerning Township business business Mr young Stephen young 18 young Avenue I congratulate the uh Council and its govering body on their foresight to purchase the VFW property my dad was a charter member there and that uh was post 6255 had over 1100 members to it at one time and I'd like to consider if the town would uh name that Veterans Park when it's finally done and let the residents enjoy it and remember the men and women gave their lives so we have our freedoms and it's never too early but the Memorial Day Parade uh last year I'm in that parade uh a long long time and uh when it went down B Road last year I drove one of the engines from Center company and the attendance was pitiful like to know if how we can get it back on a short section of Route 23 let's say from Bowen Road to Little Falls Road if we have to approach the state uh for the state police now that the do has realigned the Lanes on Route 23 so I think that could be a traffic safety issue but for the half hour that we honor our veterans I think it's well worth looking into that's all I have okay thank you so much Mr Young my name is Casmir Roosa I live at 94 West Lindley Road a county road so I'm here again basically to beat a dead horse um most of you are aware of the problems with the stream we did a lot of work on that stream thank you very much for the help some of that work has already been destroyed unfortunately now we can't do much about the water and the quantity of water I see but what's happening now is that uh Mr zakel if you remember when you saw what we call the Grand Canyon you should take a look at it now now what's happening is that all of that soil and rocks are coming down the stream and it's building up the stream to the point that the banks are becoming shallower and shallower now I just spent $5,000 two weeks ago to repair my site again Mr Lopez probably spent the same amount at the same time and previous to that when we were doing that major work Mr Lopez has also spent in order of s or $8,000 to repair the stream Banks now uh what's happening now here too is that and you'll see by the photos that I have here Mr Lopez has uh that pipe is going to get clocked uh it is here we had about 3 in of water two or 3 weeks ago once the water subsided that's the pipe on my side that's a 4ft diameter pipe it is half full and he built up the stream 2 feet in height now this is all coming from the other side and it's all coming from that area which is the Nunes property you you're going to see by the photos that we submitting that uh basically the trees are all being uprooted uh they're falling over another thing that's happening is uh you're probably aware that there was a problem with the property above the the wasel property that that gentleman decided to regrade uh and build the flat surface for his uh constru Machinery now it was stopped and supposedly it was restored to to the original status which it was not so now we we're having the effects of that now because now coming down the wasel property there are new streams forming from the runoff from that property above his so what's that doing now too is that that's putting all the debris from the wasel property on the road so every time you rain the storm gut is there they get clogged so Essex County is useless I'm there at 2 3:00 in the morning like in this night with my tractor and the plow clearing the clearing the storm so trying to find it because it was already blocked and I could see we had like 2 feet of water on the road already and it was about to come down my driveway into the house again Essex count supervisor comes in with the trucks with lights they don't even slow down and open the window and ask me how I'm doing they basically just drive by me creating a wave that actually went into the exhaust that the tractor installed so that that's a service that we get in there now this pipe that's coming under the road now is basically destroyed there's no bottom to that pipe I've crawled underneath that road with a flashlight which nobody from the county has done so naturally when you have all this water erods all the soil on the sides of the pipe and so now we have these sink holes coming up on the road again and on the sidewalk my sidewalk that uh Essex County built last time it's already Hollow underneath it twice in the last three weeks they went there to fill up that hole again I mean this hole was so large that if I fell into it you could see my head that's how deep it was they just keep putting Band-Aids on this thing and now in the front of my property I got rocks uh rocks mixed with cement uh which now it's coming to my side because now they're trying to fill the sidewalk under under the sidewalk on my side so we're at the end of our wits here because you're going to see by this I mean this is dangerous this is dangerous that whole mountain is getting excavated now I was told by uh Essex County that the property the stream IM my property or others property is my responsibility to maintain if that's so then the town needs to get involved because I'm spending money Mr Lopez is spending money the jannings down from y spending money but above from us it's not and the Grand Canyon is has doubled in size you you you you've been there you've been there you have to see the the enormous Boulders are about to be dis lodged from where they are now and that's going to come down the mountain the trees are toppling over I mean if I may capacities around th this was once the water subsided on my side and this is across where it goes into the covert and you can see by all of these the effects of some of some of them before this time but that was 3 weeks ago so while Essex he was there I showed them what was happening on my side they went to look at it did they follow up it no I I cleared all of that by hand myself and now we had about an inch and water after that and it's already a qu of an inch full again so the the problem just gets worse that area gets worse now it's coming down to wasel property because of what was done to change the grade up there I I just don't know what to do essentially Lindley Road is a mess if you if you drive down Lindley Road on the left side going towards Little Falls you you can see the effects of this water all down the road I mean it's a mess there's nothing but mud and debris I I can't be out there every night that rains over one inch of water physically clearing these storm sewers it's just not possible my wife has Parkinson's she's at she's at there at the window you know on pens and needles worried about me there's there's cars just zooming by me all the time but I have to do it because nobody you know Essex County what they do they they drive down in their trucks and they don't even stop and ask this hey guy are you okay no they don't so that's what's going on there now again I've been told that we are responsible for the streaming our property to maintain it so now the town needs to get involved with Mr nuna's property if in fact that's so and deal with that Deputy May would you like for me to please thank you so I did you know when I was on the council I was familiar with the the area um and I think many of the council members at the time were out there with us as was Senator curado um this is between two County Roads Mountain Avenue and and East Lindsley um I have your contact information I will call the county and try to uh get in touch with them and see if they would be collaborative with a solution um you know I think fixing the the Grand Canyon as you call it is it's not something that the township could even consider we we don't have the resources for that and it's not our Grand Canyon to fix but if we can work collaboratively with the county to at least facilitate a conversation and get the state um involved if need be then that's something that you know obviously I think we're we're all more than willing to do but I will say from our own struggles dealing with the D and dealing with the U the permitting process to deal with flood water and um Bank stabilization the D is not easy to deal with either so it's something that if this is you know something that's to be embarked on that it would be a great help to have the county and unfortunately Miss harwick's not here today um the county liais on but um you know I will be reaching out to her tomorrow and uh some of the other people to try to at least coordinate a meeting with all of us out there in the very least we have to stabilize the soil Mr nun's property but we're not going to f the the grand Canon is probably impossible to fix at this time but but we we have to stop it from getting deeper and wi and it prevent all of this all this debris from coming down the down the down the mountain so what's going to happen when this this pipe is going to get clocked because I didn't take photos down stream or there there's all half trees coming down this uh in this stream I mean one of these days it's going to get something's going to get wedged under the road and it's going to clog and then they got to dig up the whole Road I mean Deputy Mayor if I may continue we we've we've since the last time I've been out on your property we've established relationships with the um Sor as the contractor that that maintains the aqueduct or or that that portion of the uh downfall I guess it's called and you know I think between all three entities working together now hopefully we can get some Engineers out there to at least look and try to there had been some conversations and meetings with the Essex County and uh Mr Nunes regarding the the solution there where the problem is I think you just died I mean never heard anything else about it well we weren't privy to that right we weren't part of that um so I I couldn't comment on whether right they took place or didn't I wasn't there uh but you know what I could say is you brought this to our attention we can go to the county and see if they'd be want to have a conversation because you you can see the the problem that we have I mean it's it's a constant expense and worry all the time right thank you no thank you and thank you Mr zelli I know we were all out there everyone who's on the council a couple years ago we were out there and saw your property we know what you're dealing with and we're we're going to help however we can thank you hi araldo Lopez 85 question L wrot um our property is actually situated between Nunes and and Mr sza so what he saying I don't want to beat Dead Horse repeat everything he said however everything that's coming down from from Grand Canyon is building up on my property right it builds up to the point where the banks are full the water has nowhere to go except over when it starts to go over as you can see in one of the pictures the water's coming right over the grass right over the road and right down is the s's driveway very scary um I actually lived it with them when that was actually happening it's not easy water flood then you can't stop it he's trying to go out there and trying to clean up it's very dangerous you have Boulders you have rocks you hear them coming down that that hill and it's just crackling crack CRA crack crack crack one of those things fly up and hit you you pretty much there okay and we like he said we are responsible for maintaining these areas however in the past year and a half I spent over $112,000 out of pocket about a year and a half ago the town provided some aid for some of the residents in that area again unless that fum is fixed uphill it just keeps getting washed away so I'm pleading for some assistance we need help okay we need help this cannot continue we just we out of resources you know we asking for for help okay no thank you uh Mr Lopez I you know when when Mr zelli reaches out to the county we'll we'll be sure to share all of the information that you you've provided tonight and and we'll we'll do our best to to get you guys some help yeah we need we desperately need it I mean this this situation needs to be resolved somehow or at least you know some type of comfort we can't do that c says that I say every time it rains we're looking out the window right I'm wor about the banks filling up the water going over over to his property he's worried about the water flowing into his property and his wife and ride is right into it it's it's it's very scary right um I understand the resources we don't have the resources I mean it's a big problem okay but I don't know if there's funding Federal I don't know I don't know how how it all works and and we don't have those resources right or maybe you guys have better resources than we have and can reach out to the problem about yeah we'll be sure to reach out and U Mr zelli is great about following up this is something we're all we all take very seriously we've seen it firsthand we we've stood there with you guys we we know how bad it is over there um and we'll we we'll make the calls and keep calling until we get you guys some answers so that's that's the the least we can do we appreciate all the help we can get thank you no it's our pleasure thank you um any anyone else wishing to be heard tonight nope okay um do we have um executive session tonight okay so a motion to adjourn so second second uh roll call please Council misseri yes Council migga yes Council Z yes Deputy Mayor scage yesk you thank you everyone [Music] okay