e e e e e e [Music] good afternoon welcome to the Board of Health meeting of 6 please note this meeting is being recorded and will be available shortly Hereafter for scheduled and On Demand viewing on any smartphone or tablet device anyone else is recording this meeting please notify the chairman pursuant to Governor H's March 29 2023 signing of the acts of 2023 extending certain covid-19 measures adopted during the state emergency suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law this meeting of the chadam Board of Health is being being conducted in person and via remote participation every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately ask access the proceedings as provided for in the order a reminder that persons who would like to listen to this meeting while in progress may do so by calling the phone number 1508 945 4410 the conference ID number 184 555 438 pound or join the meeting online via Microsoft through the link in the posted agenda while this is a live broadcast and simoc cast on Channel chadam TV channel 8 and 1072 despite our best efforts we may not be able to provide realtime access we will post a record of this meeting on the town's website as soon as possible now I'll turn the meeting over to our chairman Dr Noble Hansen thank you it shall be the policy of this board to conduct its meetings under the open meetings law so as to encourage public participation whenever time permits and as part of agenda item discussions so we have two U things on the uh agenda tonight but first we'll establish a quorum and when I call your name please say present uh Carol boy present John Beckley present dick Edwards pres Noble Hansen I am present so we have a quorum and first on the uh agenda is a variance hearing from Real Estate inspection regulation for David Parry Parish 82 Kent Road and I'm not sure who's presenting the case I don't believe anybody's going to be here for this one okay um this they called they were passing papers it's a cash deal or no there's no lawyers involved he's tearing down the house and rebuilding so he they just felt like they could just go through and and not have to have the very in writing from the board but I said well regulations say that you need a variance so I just included it on the agenda um it's pretty straightforward uh they're supposed to be put a new septic system within 90 days of transfer property but they are planning on demolishing this a fail this is a Cess pool so it's a Cess pool y um they're transferring the property um without that uh upgrade and they're going to demolish and rebuild the house and that will obviously include a new septic system so has this property already transferred I I'm not sure okay I think it probably has or it the the um real estate agent did call me uh and they had they did have uh um it may not have closed yet it may be this week but she said she didn't believe that the buyer was going to attend and and then part of the uh agreement would be that uh you get in writing a statement from the new owner that the property will remain vacant until a new system is installed this um letter that you have in your packet to whom it may concern it will purchas the property at 82 Kent will be demolishing right there so he's basically already agreed in writing David Parish the home will not be lived will not be lived at any point between my closing on the property and demolition okay so we have that in writing so um are questions on this um variance request from Real Estate inspection and then any um any input from the public I see none and does somebody want to make a motion uh it seems pretty straightforward it's going to be I move that we approve the variance with the provision that the house cannot that the new house cannot be occupied until it has an adequate septic system which is inspected and a second I'll second okay so we have that and then maybe Judy can read the the two the conditions the new septic system is to be installed within one year from the DAT of transfer or the owner must return to the board of health or an extension of the variants and the property is to remain vacant until a new system is installed and improved and approved right and we are approved then we have the letter from from the owner and installed okay I think we can probably take a Voice vote on this all in favor of granting the variance at 82 Kent Road say I I I I and all oppos say nay so no none oppos so that variance is granted to 82 Kent Road all right uh next uh uh on the agenda is a variance hearing and approval of IIA technology for Diane Kennedy revocable trust 88 Fox Hill Road Speakman Excavating LLC um and I believe I believe we have Dave Mason on the line Dave Mason I think is the engineer yeah yes that that is correct I am here well can you uh sort of present the case for us the request uh yeah yes sir the uh property is as as uh currently as a four bedroom and thus requiring the the uh per per the requirements and IIA system and uh due to the condition of the existing leeching uh a new uh leeching is proposed also for the property um okay so uh yeah we have the floor plans of the property and so there's no changes to the property this is a request simply to go from Title 5 to IIA technology to allow four bedrooms which that is correct and the which is only three official bedrooms right now with yeah I mean correct according to the record here yeah the fourth bedroom was illegal the basement was placed without without permits all right I I've got a question are there any penalties or fines for illegally finishing a basement bedroom the building department will and and one of my conditions would be that they get an after the fact building permit on this and they do charge them more money than a normal building permit but that they'll do is go in and make sure that um it meets all the fire safety and you know the requirements of the building code there is a little Financial disincentive I believe there is yeah but it's you know otherwise not too much we can do I have a question oh God it appears is um that on the first floor there's already four bedrooms there's a room that they've got labeled what a study room or sitting room sitting room yeah that room that meets the uh definition of a bedroom um it has pocket doors right so it is it does have privacy uh it it meets all the criteria for a bedroom and we would not allow this if it weren't before us looks like a swing so this is now they're asking for a five bedroom house exactly the way it's designed so they would have to remove those pocket doors and this these plans we have don't have any dimensions on them about the the size of that pocket door it would have to be at least a six-port cased opening with no uh provision for closing it off right uh in order that it not be considered a a bedroom yeah we could make them take the pocket doors off and then the second issue is a 30,300 ft lot which only allows three bedrooms so to add a fourth bedroom with IA technology would require to my knowledge a deed uh uh provision stating that this house cannot be used as a short-term rental and it appears the way this is designed it's designed to be a rental because there's no way to get to that basement uh bedroom without either walking through the cellar uh or coming in from the street I I think our regulations said um for the two bedrooms going to on a 10,000 less than 30,000 foot lot that we would require not be allowed to be a remember we had the whole disc any additional bedro any any I don't know if we went there I mean obviously if the board wants to do that they can but I don't think in our regulations we didn't specify that it was more for the two bedrooms on a 10,000 square foot or greater lot less than 30,000 well the whole idea was if people are adding additional bedrooms with IA technology they can't rent those bedrooms so I'm not sure what the we we have an absolute prohibition against going to four bedrooms uh uh if you've already already got three and we're so I mean I don't I think last week we allowed that and we didn't we didn't require a short it does say that any existing properties that already exceed the requirements right um will not be allowed an extra bedroom without an IA technology no with or without we're not adding an extra bed if if a house allow our for it they're asking us for that here right they don't it doesn't exceed it they're asking us to say okay since it's already there let's by let's bypass our rule that you can't have a four at a fourth bedroom and yeah you know if we are going to do that then the least we can do is say that they can't rent it is referring maybe to the two bedroom I think it does say May so it's it's sort of within our um discretion let me ask Mr Mason just some help here uh and you're the engineer but do do the would adding a restriction for as no short-term rentals would that be something that the own owners would be uh have a problem with I I would have to verify that uh with the owners um that's not something that was discussed I mean if we could put it on there as a requirement to go forward um if if it's if it's going in the direction of approving it uh and then we can have they can decide what to do with it after that um but I'm not in a position to uh provide an answer relative to some use that I'm unaware of whether they're using it or that way or not I have no understanding no knowledge of their intentions let's put it that way but how would that have any impact on our decisions well it dotion goes for all eternity for all future owners also of the property to say well you know if the owner doesn't want us to do it then we're not going to do it that that no I think it just weighs into our discretion and what we might want to do but the interpretation of it I'm not yeah no our reg say that um for residential application the board may allow by variance one additional bedroom over the number allowed with the use of an IA technology in in accordance with our rules um unless it's in a nitrogen sensitive area which it's not and then it says existing properties that already exceed the requirements which this is was it's technically well it's a technically a three-bedroom they're asking for the fourth bedroom they're they have an illegal bedroom they're not asking for a fifth bedroom they're asking for a fourth so it's a they have an apartment that's not just a bedroom that's an apartment but that's not we look at just bedrooms and we can't zoning zoning is a different thing they're the ones that look at apartments what single family residents in a sing single family neighborhood and they've got an apartment not just an illegal bedroom they have an illegal we're not looking at legal Apartments where is the where's the floor plan for the basement it came it was added on it wasn't included in the packet so it's can I borrow this one second piece there two pieces so we would be able to allow approve the fourth bedroom with IIA um and then and then it said goes on to say um notwithstanding that two bedroom properties great on Lots greater than 10,000 may be allowed a third bedroom upon review by the board in accordance with the variant section and may be required conditions as defined by the the board including deed restricting the use of the property to owner occupied what what section are you in the new code section 6.2 6.2 okay so this is the this we recently revised this is what you just approved to right two meetings ago so Technic you know officially this is only approved for three bedrooms they want to get the official fourth bedroom which is their illegally now technically so that's what they're asking for they're on a 30,000 foot lot with IIA our regulation say if the Board of Health approves they can have the fourth bedroom so if they did not have the fourth bedroom now forget that they have it if they just have three bedrooms on a 30,000 ft lot and they want a fourth bedroom we would give them that yes without a deed restriction no we would require well with no that's the question they don't get rewarded for having deed restrict the house to four bedrooms but they wouldn't we wouldn't we wouldn't require them short-term rental we have not in the P if it had four bedrooms on 30,300 and and they were requesting a fifth bedroom we can't give it we wouldn't right can't give anybody an extra bedroom if it were if it's if it's two bedrooms uh on a 20 thou on a on a 20,000 Square on a 18,000 foot lot and they want a third bedroom we would give it to them with a restriction regarding short-term correct as it stands right now we're not giving anybody an extra bedroom uh if they all already have uh more bedrooms than are allowed for the size that a lot right but but in this since they have 30,300 square ft with three bedrooms we would allow a fourth bedroom correct the so the point of contention is are they penalized for having cheated already have the fourth bed but but but we've done this in the past you know yeah but that the only way to correct the wrong is to make them put the IIA system in and upgrade the system as they are um the the only other option we have to deal with the sitting room and they would have to they would have to make engineering changes in the house such that that sitting room cannot be used as a as a bedroom right and that was the way the house approved moving the pocket doors and making sure the case opening is at least uh 6 ft 6 yeah yeah I I would say that would be added as a condition what about the short-term rental restriction I guess the short-term rental restriction only applies to add to adding a third bedroom to a two-bedroom house yeah that's the question anything requiring more than three bedrooms is across the board impossible because our rules don't allow it right so if you had four bedrooms you can't have a fifth even if you put in IA technology uh if you have five bedrooms you can't put in a sixth uh uh and so the the whole short-term rental Clause only applies to three to two bedrooms going to three bedrooms on a on a on a lot as it states it in the regulations correct not to say you could not add that as a condition but I think you should be consistent with that so if if it's something you're going to start doing we should discuss it and formalize it some way we have been make it a policy there are examples recently where we have um added a bedroom with IIA to a house that already has more than two you know and we haven't put the short-term rental in is that correct well we did on the one last week that we had originally denied and then came back to us that was a two-bedroom that was a two-bedroom yeah but if we had we have we done one we've already set the pr for that three or four we have I think so but to me it's it's not quite clear the way it's written it there's a sentence that says all such variances granted may require conditions um having to do with short-term rentals and and where what all such re variances what it refers back to isn't quite clear but I think the intent was we added it to the two bedrooms when we're adding the why don't we write something Cal clear a little more restrictive with that because it was sort of we were yeah backing from our original so well I guess it's clear enough now that that if if a if a house has more than two bedrooms today uh uh unless they have an A Lot large enough meaning at least 30,000 square feet they can't I mean if they have three bedrooms today unless they have at least 40,000 square F feet they can't get a fourth bedroom under any conditions so that's clear and if they have a four bedroom they can't get a fifth unless they have 50,000 Square ft right so the only time we need the short-term rental Clause is for people who want to go to three bedrooms on less than 30,000 square ft we you allow them to do that if they agree to no short-term rentals right because that was kind of the argument that families can't you know afford to get a three-bedroom house this allows people that are already in a two-bedroom growing families can add a third and and get what they want with a restriction right let me ask you Judy in the basement there's the fourth bedroom and then there's the room to the right of it that's the you have to walk through I believe you walk through that room to is there there's only one entrance to that oh the bedroom is the right room Y and the left room is a walk through yes so there's no there's no door there's no door that goes directly into that room to the right the room on the other than is the is the the bedroom that's the bedroom the room on the left I mean it really is the opposite in my it the whole because but is what is one room a pass through by the way the doors are constructed right that's my understanding the room that says family room you can't get into that room without walking through the other one you really just consider isn't that a door on the wall the left going out to the patio um yes there's a door there that's why I called that the fourth bedroom you have to walk through the other room to get to that it says family room but I would call that the fourth bedroom right and the one that says bedroom would be called the family room right because you can't that can't be a bedroom because you can't get into it without going but it looks like there's a glass no no no the the one that says bedroom on the inside of the house you see that never got that right here that's a door no I don't think going out to a patio here I've looked at it that's his family bed kitchen bathroom that's an apartment it's an apartment right but all right it's shut off from the rest of the basement and it meets all the other requirements with sunlight and it's got sliders all along the left on the left side onto the deck this is very confusing because if you look at the room on the right that says bedroom it looks like there's a closet there is a closet at the top mhm at the top with like a sliding door but then there's a door from that into the into the basement when I looked at this online you could see it was just one entry way cuz that little wet bar area is closed off um I'm not sure if the owner of the house is on the call here that's the bathroom um yeah my question is whether the room on the right whether there's a separate entrance to that room um besides the entrance through the room on the left and it looks like at the top there might be and then there's what does that say a door there's two doors at the top it looks like a CLA I didn't say that very well my my the way I interpret this is you have to walk through the the room on the right to get to the room that's called the family room right how do you get in bedroom through that the door on the back side of it you walk into a closet no no no this is really a one-bedroom apartment this is a one and the the end of the apartment the patio definitely you go into the living room which says family room right and then you go into the bedroom from the family room so the family room is not a bedro room it's the way you it's the it's the living room of this apartment and the entrance to the apartment is from the deck is from the deck the steps that come down yeah it looks like you probably can access the bedroom from the from the the the cellar you know where the where the heating equipment and everything is but that's not the way you would normally get in it looks like there's a closet looks like it looks like I it looks like it's probably sliding door and have like a washer and dryer in there or something a way just to pass through to get into the cellar but basically it's a one-bedroom apartment that you enter through the sliding doors from patio into a living room that has a little kitchen and a bathroom and then the bedroom is to the right looks like a perfect rental yeah that's what it is it's a rental okay so we so we've got a a 30,000 ft lot uh that's or it's a motherinlaw apartmentment free bedroom it's going to four bedrooms with the addition of IA technology um and then the sitting room would have to uh doors would need to be removed and the and the uh Archway would need to be six feet by our current rules so that it's not cleared a bedroom right and I think that covers it pretty much right jeez um is there other input from any other questions from the board um any input from the um online or from the audience and then I'd ask Mr uh I think there might be I don't know if Pam huffnagle wanted to say something you'd have to unmute yourself Pam her hands right right think I just did did I do that correctly you're good yeah um so I did join late so I apologize for that and I think I understood I'm a neighbor that I AB but um this residence and I had I talked to to Judy for a bit I don't really understand all the rules um but I just said you know I certainly didn't want to prevent Dian from you know going forward with this I was just concerned because I understand this is going to be a full-time rental um and to rentals frankly because if we if we approve the fourth bedroom um that will be two different rentals um one you know in that apartment that you were just talking about and then one in the main part of the house and I just wanted to make sure that that was you know um I guess uh allowable um you know given the amount of people and the resource that it will be used um you know in in the house it's no longer going to be residential I guess um as I understand it so if it's a short-term rental it has to register with us um and you know we we allow that so um I can say that as far as the basement apartment goes um it's not going to be allowed to have any cooking facilities because it's not illegal it's not an apartment it's not a Adu or anything like that um how do we how do we insist that that's the case well I can check with the building department I I did mention um that um they should apply for an after Thea permit building permit so they would that's a requirement but and they would make sure um that there is no at least when they leave there there's no cooking facilities in the unit we will have it listed if they which they they must um register it with us and we can do an inspection as well well does that apply for the whole kitchen setup could you have a refrigerator can have they can have a wet bar they can have yeah it's essentially a hotel room you know okay so they can do that but do I understand that I mean the bedroom in the basement is pre-existing not not legal they never had a permit but they haven't made any changes with this transfer that's staying the same that's my understanding a little the hot plate will sneak right in there um right so the area that says wet bar it looks like they've got a sink there uh they may have a refrigerator there but they cannot have a gas stove or an electric stove they could have a microwave a counter space all right I mean it's not I think it's not ideal but I guess uh with the understanding that the board that the uh Zone the uh building department can impose whatever penalties they want for the fact that this had been done illegally uh if we want we can make a motion that this be approved with the stipulation that the uh pocket doors be removed and the sitting room uh uh uh have at least a six foot cased opening and it cannot be used as a uh as a bedroom and since this would then be four bedrooms the entire how the entire residence would be limited to a maximum of 10 people including children if it is rented correct is a short-term ra yeah for the whole the whole house the first condition that Judy has here she'll read them in a second the applicant shall apply not may but shall apply for an after Thea building permit for the space in the basement and then the building permit will examine that yes do we should we add a statement and the basement space shall not provide cooking I mean I don't know how to how to word that that be is that under the building I can add that under the building permit um no cooking facilities allowed in right in basement apartment or something per building department but that's his call not our call yeah okay and instead of shall why not will apply they have to apply well I think shall is our a term that must shall means must yeah it it yeah it's shall or May the words shall means you must what is the what is I'm I'm what is the rule what is the rule that prevents a person from having an apartment in the basement of the house and having a full zoning zoning yeah okay it would have to be approved as an Adu all right and then then yeah well if it was an Adu then they can put in a stove but they can't rent it as short-term rental I don't think as an ad no it has to be building department that this is that they should at this yes they'll get a cop of this and I'll speak to um The Building Commissioner okay um so I think they've already been alerted on this one they've made the motion that we approve this with the stipulation that the room labeled as sitting room on the first floor uh be re-engineered with the removal of the pocket doors and the uh CED opening be at least six feet uh so that this room cannot be used as a bedroom and I can um do you want me to list the rest of the yeah little so as far as the IIA system goes um read the conditions the applicant shall apply for an after the fact building permit for the space in the basement the applicant should restrict this property to a maximum of four bedrooms and record the Restriction at the Barnsville County registry of deeds the applicant shall sign a covenant with the board agreeing to comply such time as the T and chadam through its Board of Health Andor Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners directs the connection of this property to the municipal sewer when becomes available the Covenant and four-bedroom deed restriction shall be recorded at the barnable registry of deeds throughout its life the system shall be under an operation and maintenance agreement the onm agreement shall be at least for one year and may be with any Mass certified operator of the appropriate grade that has received training by the company on the operation of the system affluent from the system shall be monitored at least twice per year for the first two years preferably May and October the effin shall be tested in accordance with mass D standards for second AR treatment units certified for General use revised March 20th 2015 in addition a lab test of the F1 for total nitrogen to meet the performance standards of 19 milligrams per leader shall be collected and analyzed by a certified lab water meter readings are to be provided with the semiannual report if any of the field tests or lab tests fail follow-up tests shall be conducted um by a certified lab and evaluation made by the operator within 30 days after the required two years of testing the application application can be made to the board or its agent for review and possible modification of the monitoring requirements the applicant agrees to apply to a minimum of 6 Ines of compact top soil to all Disturbed areas the engineer shall submitted engineered as built plan including as built elevations with written certification that the system has been installed in accordance with the approved plan no alteration of the floor plan of the dwelling will be allowed without further review by the board health or its agent uh this is granted pursuant to the town of chadam subsurface sewage regulations and nitrogen loading regulation is valid from one year from the date of the Board of Health approval permit shall be issued and work commence during that one-year period or the variance shall expire did we get a second for the motion I'll give a second okay and then um any more discussion uh the woman online did you have a follow-up question about I don't I don't have your name in front of me that's okay I did have one question you mentioned a limit of 10 people will there be a limit for each unit separately so for the basement unit is there a certain amount of people that can go in the basement versus up in the house it's a good question the way the the way the the the short-term rental regulation reads is the property is allowed to have two occupants per bedroom plus two and that includes children so this property would be allowed 10 uh rent 10 people uh and they can divvy them up any way they want I would assume they just make one application short term rental though they're renting it as two units it's but my understanding is it's one it's just four bedrooms it's one it's one unit one application they would be advertising it separately as two units well it depends on how they do it we'll have to look at that if they do it as two units then we may have to restrict the um entire property to 10 and they can split it up however they want but they still need two um separate applications so it's just kind of an interesting one we'll have to um look at and figure out it looks like they're going to rent say no more than 10 on the property and we we could actually say that right in our order letter too if you want me to add that I would total for the whole property right limits of 10 right yeah I think so Bo bedroom de restriction what we what we did y total 10 and then I I would say for including children of all ages for short-term rental so is it Kim sorim Kim yeah so there's the short-term rental regulation that went into effect last July ju Li it's a work in progress so it's it's coming it's building up but there's a whole set of uh rules there parking people um notification um and there's a system through the Board of Health to take complaints um and and to monitor it so I I would say as an abutter check out the short-term rental regulation for the town of chattam and the health department can um triage your call if there's a if there's a question or complaint at any time about what's going on there that's the intent of our yep okay um any other comments we ready to take a vote okay I think we can do a voice vote uh for the variance for um 88 Fox Hill Road with Judy's conditions and the changes to the um sitting room all in favor say I I I I all oppos say nay I passed you want ab ab abena okay so that variance is granted uh Mr Mason done thank you very much thanks Dave okay so Judy can you provide an update on where we stand with the uh implementation of the short-term rental regulations us right into that's that's our first topic um followup on the um short-term rental regulation the Town's been in the process of hiring somebody going back to July it's a long process this and that but Judy has an announcement it's already been made public actually but about a new patient being hard hard who will be a full-time inspector who basically will be monitoring and running this short-term rental regulation so this is a big step forward but Judy so we um we we hired someone and she started last week um uh Jill put this out that says that she's excited to announce that she's appointed Karen Chim waza as Chad's first housing inspector in the health division um she started April 29th which was last Monday so she's completed her first work her first week Karen comes to the team of chadam from the town of East Ham where she served as Health Department administrative assistant for the past seven years during that time she was responsible for the administration of their rental registration program addition to providing administrative support to the health agent and director of Health and environment in the Board of Health so she started a week ago she's been fantastic already has Dove right in um she's she's started approving registrations and um looking at uh properties that we have questions on doing file reviews so we're we're well you know we're on our way we're getting people in the system and we're going to continue to promote the program as we go along I've got a question why was she put administratively on under the director of um your division rather than you um well she's under she's under I mean I'm her direct supervisor you are yeah okay because I when I read something I thought it was Dr duncanson old so it's no different than Lucas yeah right it's the same as it's a it's a functionally she'll be under you right I'm her direct supervisor Greg is my direct supervisor he's the head of the department that's what I was hoping would be the key is person has worked in the town of East that has a short-term rental regulation she's already been doing this sort of hitting the ground running a little bit she brings something in she really has a big step forward yep she really has and these our regulations I know the answer to this I just wanted to hear myself say it they take effect this summer they're in effect yes they're in effect this summer this Summer's regulations went into effect uh March 1st March okay now there's been a lag because of the Personnel problem and so the registrations are catching up what's the this summer will be in transition but you know I want to make the point that there's no less effort to get this short-term rental regulation ruling yes and it's it's it's it's this and we're going to have a big backlog of submitted applications to work our way through we have a backlog we have a backlog she's been picking away at them um like I said some of them are ones that we've had issues with or we have notes and um complaint files that we've been kind of been collecting for the last year um so we're looking through those we're contacting owners of properties um we're looking at listings online which are proving to be very interesting and helpful as you can imagine um so she's working away you know she's probably approving 2530 a day on a good day so nice do you do you um look at finding application and you find old problems and decide that you need to inspect it right now most inspections are going to come later if they come but do you decide that some need at this point I mean we can um but we are right now we're just contacting the homeowner and seeing what they you know how they want to remedy it and if we need to go out we will do you have an idea how many applications have been submitted we were we were we were well over 500 um that's not that's low because I think there's probably 1200 or500 and that's based upon the state database mhm suggesting that at the end of the day we may be around 1,000 or 12200 right so I'm hoping that once we kind of get caught up with what's come in we can start doing some Outreach and there's a few companies that we know are not um doing what we like them to do remember we've spoken in the past about a plan to advertise or Market the existence of the new regulations right so that people in chadam homeowners and others over time we'll get a an appreciation and an understanding that in fact in our town we do have these regulations and what they require have we put out strategically any um uh accounts or leaflet or direct mail or no we have not done anything with like tax bills or anything that's what I'm I'm hoping we'll get to start doing you know once we get a little bit caught up okay but um we have put on the town's social media that the program is up and running is it featured on our health department website um a special little there is there is a a link to it um Karen is going to build a page so that there's a just a a set page for this um so that will I think will help a lot because it'll give a lot of information and links to where they can get more information and um but we haven't gotten to that yet so hopefully that's going to happen sooner rather than later but we are getting as we receive the applications the funding is coming in oh yeah online Diane takes them the money so most of it's all credit card so so we have uh companies in chadam that are managing multiple short-term rentals like Pine pineacre and delmare are are the uh registration applications for those properties coming in from the management company or coming in from the owners so like if you go to the delmare website they have 30 properties approximately in my understanding is that delmare is leaving it up to their owners so we do have some issues with their property so if I go to the delm website for them and I see a property on meow Brooker well they own that one but if if I see a property that's ad or that has a little sign out in front of it don't Mar and we look and we see that there is no registration for that property MH then we need to find out the owner of that property approach them delmare is washing their hands of that but how does delmare set the cost and enter into the contract they don't with the rent with the owners if they're not registered well if they're not on the same page in other words so we assume that Delmore knows the regulations and when they have a new owner come forward delmare is is setting up that contract with them because they pay the homeowner set price I don't I don't know I think the homeowner is the person that's really responsible to register the rental yeah right because their name goes on it there is a line do you have a professional uh okay management company that line goes there somewhere would and that could and that could be the the I think that could be the cont person but the responsibility for for the registration a lot of them are on different like we need a vacation.com that's that's a private I mean that's no agent that's so that's the homeowner doing so there's things like that too it's it's all over the place so we're figuring it out as we go along um I think the state has there was 12 I think the number was was 1,200 that had registered short-term rental that had registered with the state to pay the tax they're supposed to pay to the state we assume there were already there would be more rentals on that in chatam that we would capture with this new regulation but it's going to take a little do you have available to this new person the list of the people who have registered with the state so she can cross reference with who's applied and who is paying state taxes and whether everyone is well everybody's required to give us their state number their registration number does she have the can she use the list and then and then see if some some of those on the list haven't registered because that would be an easy the state has given us a list of the names and addresses of the people who are paying the state tax is a database so we need to Cross Match that with some confusion about that but that database can be used correct don't give us the exact addresses I don't think I have to look at the list again they do yeah but I think you can check on that because I think the answer is yes do they give the owner's name they give whatever name the it's registered under there sometimes it's an LLC or I have to look at it again we should have an application for shortterm rental certificate from that yeah and I person or company I mean I think the address is on that I think it is we can check Judy can check with the new person yeah there was so we have we have to cross check to make sure there was there was an issue about whether that was public or private or whatever but but she could even contact the State and tell what what we're doing and see if she can get the information because it would be as dick said good information yeah they'll release it to us but not to the public maybe that was not to the public maybe that was it was but everybody on that list should F should be uh filing an application and paying the fee and if they're not then we need to figure out some some way to enforce it uh and uh yeah well that's where that's you know that's the goal we just we just started so right I know it's only been a week we're trying to get everybody who's following the rules there through certificates as we get going and um questioning ones that we have issues with and keeping a list of problem properties so moving forward we'll get better at this as we go yes little by little y other comments on the on this okay and then um old new business the other thing is um a mhill uh situation um there's new information um there's new things happening significantly so it's going to be an agenda item at our next meeting which will probably be a fairly major discussion and we'll handle all that then other older new business or Judy be on the agenda huh y'll be on the for the next meeting there have been additional sightings yeah well what we'll do is we'll have that discussion when it's an agenda item it's it's it's a big topic okay um other old new business okay Judy I do I'm sorry I forgot my list um I talked to Noble we're doing a community health needs assessment um with our Public Health um Excellence grant money uh I'm I'm doing it with Orleans Brewster hartch chadam so it's just kind of a lower mid mid lower Cape um we we we felt we needed a little bit of information to see you know moving forward how to use the money which is significant amount that we're going to have every year that we can put into projects we wanted to see what the needs were um I think we kind of know but it's good to have a professional we've hired a company um to to do this needs assessment um on so one of the things that they want to do is do a um a round table um uh a focus group I guess is the term and we I thought the BET and they they limited space we're trying to get this done by the end of the summer so I what I asked Noble was if it'd be okay if our January our our June 6th meeting we could use the Board of Health as the basis for the round table I'm going to invite people from the community as well there'll be a facilitator from cresendo um and she'll just ask questions um you can Market you can add you can youze the it'll be a public meeting it'll be obviously on teams and live on on shadam TV um and I'm I'm hoping to get um the public and and some of the major players in town uh to to come to the focus group it really only needs 15 to 20 people and Which towns is it again well this would just be for chadam just ch the money comes just all the all the towns are going to do their own focus groups we're also we provided a list of um interviewees uh to that they're going to interview um you know including the police chief the fire chief the Housing Authority um our new recovery coach people like that the School nurses SCH things like that um and where does the money come from and how much is it the money is coming from the state it's our Public Health Excellence Grant and we have each Town had after we pay for our director and other things that that we're doing with the money we we ended up with I don't know seven or 8,000 each Town extra so um you know we're we're purchasing stuff this year and we're paying for this um needs assessment and we've bought you know in inspectional supplies for we we are we we've hired inspectors that can work across all towns um there's training involved so it's a really great program I think we did a presentation on it before and you you saw you you saw the mou back in the winter Judy is there a a standardized statistical Community Health profile document that lists the uh for each of the communities uh certain aggregate like uh like death death rate Census Data they'll use the what the information that's available the Census Data um they'll probably also look at other community health assessments that were done I know the County did one um they've done them in the past and um do we do we have aging did one a few years ago actually it's like four or five years ago now maybe eight so these things haven't been updated but yes there's there's information out there that's going to be part of what they put together the kind of the Census Data you know age uh occupation talking about things like isolation and depression and uh infant mortality rate uh cancer death rate rates I mean they'll look at that that's all most of that's available well I don't know about isolation but uh you know cancer death rates and all of that is available through the Department of Public Health these are the things that we want to get at at the at the um focus group so you know they're going to talk to people from the Council on Aging and the center for active living and see what their concerns are what the needs are I'm struck I read something recently about the former surgeon General Mera what was his yeah Mera yeah and and and he is at act activating or recommending that there be a lot more focus a as a public health issue for isolation on isolation yeah as a matter of the the senate for active living got a grant this year and they put together a group of um citizens that are at risk of isolation and they have monthly or you know it's a growing issue lunch and talks and they you know they ask they get them out and tyly for seniors that just or not it's definitely an issue and there grant money available so if that if that seems to be something that you know Rises to the surface in chatam certainly something we can put money towards in the future so okay so uh you know I just want to ask the public to to you know keep listening we're going to do it on June 6 we we really want you know active participants they can call in they don't have to come to the meeting although we'd welcome them here um so there'll be more information put out there on the next week or our next meeting the one in June June 3 is it June 3D yeah you're not okay yeah I'm giv the wrong date it's June 3D it's June 3r at 4 yeah I don't know why I have June 6th in my head but June 3D yes okay Ron did you have a question yeah they're going to also deal with drugs that'll certainly be yeah especially with the opioid and we also have opioid funds so this will be a good way for us to look at ways to use that moving forward um especially on a regional basis so thank you okay good great um other old business new business anything from the public all right uh then we have uh minutes from uh April 22nd meeting I have one change on the second page the last paragraph there says Noble Hans suggested that they submit an agreement that seller will be responsible but I think it should be that buyer will be responsible for sewer connection because we were granting a variance to let the transaction go through and then the buyer we made a point of making sure that the buyer had was notified in writing okay that's mine anything else um and can I get a motion to approve the minutes I'll make that motion and a second I'll second and uh we can take a voice vote all in favor say I I and oppos say no okay those minutes are approved and then we can get a motion to uh so move second okay and a Voice vote all in favor of adjourning uh say I I say uh are anyone opposed no okay with that we are adjourned so we'll look for that on air light [Music] for